Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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Spans the local Sky, Indicating That
Trade, Already Good, Will
Six Thousand Houses and 30,000 People
Added Within Three Years.
The spring season limbers the joints of
the granger and mates him think about
doing something. "Weary of thj winter
torpor, he surreys his well-filled barns, ex
amines his haymows, makes an estimate of
the daily egg product of his chickens, looks
over his apples, potatoes and cabbages, and
casts longing glances toward the city where
tuch things are wanted at good prices in
hard cash. This means a revival of the
country trade so soon as the roads get into
good condition, which, if the weather con
done as It has begun, will not be long. Bad
roads cut him off from the market nearly all
winter, and he has plerity of stuff to sell.
Engineer Davis says the worst roads in the
State are in Allegheny county, and he is about
right. A new deal in their management is one
of the necessities of the times.
That spring is opening is shown in the large
and rapid increase in the number of new
houses that are going up and in the large
number projected. Permits for 76 were issued
the past week, at an estimated cost of SS5.928.
It is safe to say that within tlie past three
years 6,000 nouses, mostly for residence pur
poses, have been built in Pittsburg and imme
diate vicinity. These are all occupied and the
demand is not satisfied. Allowing five persons
to each bouse, a moaerate estimate, we find an
increase of 30,000 inhabitants within the period
mentioned. The growth of the city will be
much greater this year. The syndicate, of
which Messrs. Flinn, Stewart and Magee are
members, will tart in the Nineteenth ward
this year with 50 houses. They will probably
erect 300 before they are done. Another enter
prise is by an Allegheny gentleman, who pro
poses to put up 100 houses on Fenu avenue,
near Winebiddle, during the season. These
will be cheap ana will rent at a low price. This
will materially reduce the pressure for small
Pittsburg women hold their own with the
sterner sex in business affairs. Scores of them
are engaged in mercantile pursuits, where, in
many cases, large interests are involved, and
are doing well. An enterprising, energetic
lady, who occupies an office on Fourth avenue,
is making money as a solicitor for an Eastern
stationery house. Several ladies support them
selves by speculating in oil and stocks, and are
often seen flitting around th Exchange build
ing. They are generally on the bear side.
There is a silly rumor afloat to the effect that
the Mutual Life Insurance Company is dicker
ing"f or the purchase of the postoffice corner.
This property cannot be sold until Congress
passes an enabling act, and then the sale mnst
be by public outcry. Its value as a business
site will insure a lively competition for its pos
session, in which the largest purse will obtain
the prize. The report that certain individuals
have an option on it, or that it has been offered
to them on any terms, is, therefore, without
foundation in fact.
The Clearing House figures for the past
week show a large gain over those for the same
time last year, which broke all previous
records. Should the present ratio of gain be
maintained, to say nothing of a probable in
crease, lbS9 will put Pittsburg fifth or sixth
among the great commercial centers. It has
already outstripped Cincinnati, and is crowd
ing Baltimore very closely.
One of the best moderate-sized houses iu
"Wilkinsburg was sold a day or two ago for
$4,700- Two weeks before it was offered at
4,200 and refused. This sale proves two things:
That Wilkinsburg property is bracing up and
that delays are dangerous.
A good evidence of the business growth of
the city is shown in the large increase in the
number of offices. Many of the best buildings
in the city are having additional stories put on
them to supply this demand. In some of these
from 75 to 100 firms will be represented, where
as before they did business wherever they
could find desk room. This consolidation of
interests cannot but be beneficial to the public
The Boss farm, near Sharpsburg, the sale of
which was noted in this department yesterday,
will be laid ont in 200 acre lots, and put on the
market in a short time. One of the principal
movers in this enterprise is a well-known coun
ty official, whose business qualifications were
w til known before he went into politics.
Westlnglionae Electric Crosse the Sixty
Line Gassers Strong and Higher.
The feature of the stock market yesterday
was a further advance in Westlnghonse Elec
tric It closed rather weak on Friday, and at a
slight recession, from the highest price of the
day, mainly for the reason that the price bad
passed the limit prescribed by the orders for
the stock, but yesterday the brokers seemed to
have practially unlimited power, and they
sailed.in with such vigor as to boom the stock
to an altitude that confounded all previous
calculations. The firs: sale was made at 59.
This set the ball rolling, and the quotation con
tinued to climb skyward until 60 was reached
a gain of a dollar a share. Over 700 shares
changed hands, the most going East where
electric plants are located. After call 75 was
freely talkedot AU the passers were strong
and not pressed for sale. Chartiers was wanted
50. "Wheeling at30Jand Philadelphia at 3
The rest of the list was dull and about steady.
Bank shares were in request, but held beyond
the limits of brokers' orders. Bids and offers:
Bid. Asked.
AlleghenvKstlonal Bank Gl ....
Bank of Pittsburg .74 ....
Omens' .National Bank 14 ....
Diamond .National Bank ICO ....
2uquesne National Bank 135 ....
Exchange isatloual Bank 81
Farmers' Deposit National Bank 400 ....
First Jstlonal Bank, Pittsburg 170
Fifth Avenue Bank 35 33
Freehold Bank - 52 ....
Fidelity Title and TrnstCo 115 ..,
dermia National Bank.. . .825 ....
Iron Citv National Bank 91 ....
Iron and Glass Dollar savings Bank ...130 135
Keystone Bank of Pittsburg 59 ....
Masonic Bank.. 3 ....
Mechanics' National Bank 105 ....
Metropolitan National Bank 92 ,.
Odd Irellows' Savings Bank 64 ....
Pitts&urgN'ationalBajik Commerce. ...SIS ....
Pittsburg Banc for Savings .210 ....
Third National Bank 162
Tradesmen's N. Bank. 2 ....
German National Bank, Allegheny.. ..140 ....
Second N atlonal Bank, Allegheny. ISO ....
Allegheny Gas Co. (Ilium.) st ....
Mtuborg was Co. (lllnm.) 61 ....
Ohartiers Valley Gas Co 50 ....
FennevlvanlaGasUo 15 ....
".rbtladelphla Co 353f 39.
Flneltun 85
Wheeling Gas Co 30X 31
Central Traction 13 zz
Citizens' Traction 68)2
Chartiers Railway. 40 ..."
Fltts., McK. longh. E. It. Co 05
Pitts.. Va. & Charleston K. K. Co 45
Pittsburg and Western Railroad Co. ... 8 ....
Mansfield Coal and Coke Company. 40
orthside Bridge Co 53
Union Bridge 13
"Westlughouse Klectric , S9J( 60
Granite Eouflnz Co....... 45
Union Switch and blgnalCo I33f J4
Pittsburg Plate Glass Company. aaa
Artisans' Insurance SO
Boatman's Insurance. 40
Cliv Insurance - 33 ....
Citizens Insurance Co 40
Humboldt Insurance...... - 40
Manufacturers' andMerchants'Ins Co 50
Pennsylvania Insurance 33
Peoples' Insurance..,-. 47
The sales were 50 shares Electric at 59K, 30C
at 60V. 100 at 6 125 at 69, 6 at 60K; 10 bwitO.
andfeignalat23andl8 23Jf. Before call 100
shares of La IJoria sold atl. After call 4
shares Electric went at 60 and 100 at 60.
The total sales of stocks at If ew York yes
terday were 87,267 shares, including: Atch
ison, 7.615: Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern, 4,126; Lake Shore. 1,885; Louisville and
Nashville. 3,300; Missouri Pacific, 2,408;
Northwestern. 4,600; Heading, 500; St Paul,
LSJ5: Union Pacific, 7,315.
Bunk Clearings Nearly Three Millions
Ahead of Same Week Last Tear.
.The bank clearings the 'past week show a
gam of about $2,500,000 over the same time in
1SSS, indicating a healthful and growing con
dition of business. There was only a moderato
borrowing demand yesterday, but counter
business was active. There was no change in
discount rates, and exchange passed evefi with
currency. A better demand for money in the
country has curtailed the flow cityward, and
funds are not accumulating so rapidly as
earlier in the month. The Ifew York bank
statement was bearish. The Clearing House
report was a trifle above the Saturday aver
age. Exchanges., 1 1,763,669 75
Balances , 801,857 42
Exchanges for the week 12,447,684 65
Balances Tor the week 2,017,448 12
Kxchanges, daily average 1,074,614 U
Exchanges week .or 1883 9,951,150 92
Balances week or 1SS3 1.76i,0!)SB7
Exchanges last week 11,373,343 63
Balances lasrweek 1.737,572 59
Exchanges, dally average 1.895,857
Money on call at New York yesterday ruled
easy, with no loans, and closed offered at 'Jbi
Prime mercantile paper, 4K6 Sterling ex
change dull but firm and unchanged.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued yesterday, shows the following
changes: Reserve, decrease, fl.371,950; loans
increase, $005,400; specie, decrease, 51,198.800,
legal tenders, decrease. $463,700; deposits de
crease, $1,182,200; circulation, decrease, $6,000.
The banks now hold $6,698,825 In excess of the
25 per cent rule.
Government and State bonds were dull and
unchanged. '
The exports of specie from the port of New
York last week amounted to $1,061,962, of
which $1,425,477 was gold and $556,465 silver. Of
the total exports $1,065,170 in gold and 5517,
400 in silver went to Europe, and $360,307 In
gold and $19,0S5 in silver to South America.
The imports of specie for the week amounted
to $213,216. of which $193,661 was gold and $16,
5S5 silver.
New York Clearings to-day. $596,097,726:
balances, $5,471,502. For the week Clearings,
$656,914,996; balances, $34,401,135.
Boston- Clearings to-day, $12,455,903; bal
ances $1,322,069. For the week Clearings,
SS9.b96,651; balances, $10,067,885.
Balttmoke Clearings, $1,819,181; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, $10,955,801: bal
ances, S1.4SS.193. For the week Clearings,
$6S,101,8G9; balances, $10,625,214.
Chicago Money 57 per cent. Bank clear
ings, $9,248,581.
St. Lotus Clearings, $2,874,296; balances,
$868,556. For thi week-Clearings, $18,504,254;
balances, $3,777,855.
Irrepressible Brokers Make the Most of a
Dnll Dny.
The oil market was rather tame yesterday,
business lacking animation, and prices moving
within very narrow limits. This gave the boys
opportunity to indulge their fun-loving pro
clivities, and they wound up the session with a
sort of song and dance that was an agreeable
diversion from the monotony of the regular
proceedings. The market opened at 91c hied
around that figure for some time, and then
gradually sold ud to 9IJia It then slumped
and closed at 91 c Oil was loaned at 15 cents
to flat, showing no particular scarcity. Puts
and calls traded on narrow margins, from c
to Jic The bearish character of the New York
bank statement had a more or less depressing
effect upon the market. Fifteen minutes after
the close 25 cents was bid to have oil carried.
While the situation at home and abroad is;un
deniably bullish, the action of the power be
hind the throno is too uncertain to justify the
prediction of an advance, and the result proba
bly will be that prices will hang around tho
present level for some time to come. A mate
rial slump under existing circumstances seems
to be the outcome of the question.
The following la Die, corrcciea Dy De TVltt Dll
worth. broker In petroleum, etc. corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Plitsbnrg, shows toe
order of fluctuations, etc:
Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened tl'4 Sales 11:15 P. M.... 81K 91V
10:15 A. M.... 91 91 11:30 r. M.... Slk 91
10.33 A.M.... 91S 91H 11:45 P. M.... 9lX 91)j
10:45 A. M.... S1H H !- 91ft ....
11:00 A.M.... 9ih 91H Closed. ......
Opened. siMc; highest, SlVc; lowest, slXc:
closed, 91K-
DcUy runs , 51,525
Average run 43,101
Daily snlomenu 103,322
Average shipments 75,169
Uallv charters - 56.984
Average charters m.w 40,8)
Clearances ,..,........1,152,000
Sew York closed al 814c
Oil City closed at 91Xc
Bradtara closed al 9140
Newlfork. renned. It.
London, renned, 044.
Antwerp, renned. 16C
Houses nnd Lots Continue to Chancre Hands
at Good Prices.
"W.W". McNeill t Bro No. 162 Fo urth avenue,
sold for James Nesbit the following properties:
A 5-room frame bouse with lot 16x9S feet, for
$1,600; also a lot 16x9S feet to Mrs. Mary Rich
ards for $300 cash; also a lot 16Kx93 feet to John
Adams for $300 cash all the above properties
being on Morrison avenue, Second ward, Alle
gheny. They also placed a mortgage of $4,800
for four years.at 5 per cent,on property in tho
East End. W. W. McNeill & Bro. will remove
to their new offices, at 105 Fourth avenue,
April L
Spencer & Glosser, 419 Smlthfleld street, sold
two frame houses with lot 2Sx60 feet, on Wayne
street, Allegheny, forCanneld fc Jones, to John
Mauz Cons lor $2,350 cash. They also sold a
6-room frame house with lot 21x80 feet, on
Swectbrier street, on the easy payment plan, to
W. H. Lagemann for $1,350.
John F. Baxter sold three lots in Villa place
plan, Brush ton station, Nos. 23, 24 and 27, tri
angular shaped, 300x740x700 feet, to J. O. Agnew
for $1,500.
S. J. Fleming, 147 Fourth avenue, sold a brick
house of eight rooms in Brushton for $4,750
cash. He also sold a frame bouse of three
rooms, on Josephine street, Soutbside, $1,800,
and placed a mortgage of $8,000 on property in
Allegheny for four years at 6 per cent. Hc-also
closed the sale of a property in Seventh ward
for $3,200.
Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenufe, sold to
George H. Blaxter. for the Joseph Hill estate,
a fine residence property at lulgewood station,
Pennsylvania Railroad, containing about two
acres of ground, with two residences thereon,
lor $15,050.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold to Curtis Heacord, for a price approxi
mating $1,000, a lot on the west side of becond
avenue. Twenty-third ward, size 25 feet front,
running back to a 20-foot alley.
L. O. Frazier sold for the Gross estate a large
lot situate on the west side of Rebecca street,
near Harriet street. Twentieth ward, to Charles
Hook. Esq., for $5,000, and placed a mortgage
of $2,500 on Seventeenth ward property, for
three years, at 6 pef cent.
Mellon Brothers sold to William Thaw, of
Fifth avenue. Twenty-second ward, two lots on
Elyslan avenue, Nos. 2 and 22 in Mellon's plan
ot McClintock Place, 21x109 feet eacn, for
$1,400. This sale almost closes out the plan, as
there are only six lots left.
The Baildinc Industry Rapidly Assuming lis
Old-Time Proportions.
The building trade was quite active last
week. Seventy-six permits were issued by In
spector Frank, mostly for small houses, the
estimated cost being $85,928. The following is
Mrs. Anna Risenmyer, frame, one and a
halt-story stable, 12x15 feet, on John street,
near Soho street.
David Murphy, frame two-story dwelling, 17
xl6 feet, Hancock street, near Thirty-third
Coyle & Stephenson, two brick two-sloryand
mansard, 20x34 feet, on corner of Atwood and
Bates street.
William Bigge, two brick two-story and
mansard dwellings, 20x34 feet, on Meyran
street, near Bates street.
Nessenthaler & Manson. frame one-story
shop, 20x30 feet, on corner of Liberty and Main
Wm. Velte, four frame two-story dwellings,
17x82 feet, on Liberty avenue, between
Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets.
Mr. Harry Huber, frame two-story addition
kitchen, 12x15 feet, on Frankstown, near Jack
son street.
Geo. B. Wagner, frame one-story dwelling,
28x14 feet, on Lyrick street, corner Lincoln
Simucl F. Kelly, frame one-story dwelling,
12x24 feet, on Lyrick street, on Briggs' p'an.
Mr. Sebeck, frame addition two-story dwell
ing and kitchen, lbxlo.9 feet, on corner of Dike
and Rcviera streets.
Carl Hellman, frame one-story stable, 14x24
feet, on Railroad street and Southern avenue.
Geo. Weiss, brick two-story stable, 19.5x32
feet, on Twenty-first street, between Harcums
alley and Jane street.
Lorenz Wagner, frame addition two-story
cabinet maker shop and storerooms, 28x27 feet,
on rear of 67 Washington avenue, between
Maple and Allen avennes.
Miss S. W. Brown, frame two-story dwelling,
17x16 feet, on Rosetta street, between Conrad
and Atlantic
MlssS. W. Brown, frame two-story dwelling:
20x32 feet, on Rosetta street, between Wine
biddle and Eveline.
Miss S. W. Brown, frame two-story dwelling,
16x32 teet, on Kiucaid street, between Conrad
and Eveline.
V. Candini, fame two-story and basement
dwelling, 20x34 feet, on River avenue, between
Arran and Bayne. ,
A. Swartzwelder, frame two-story dwelling,
18x32 feet, on Kelly street, between Murtltmd
and Dallas streets.
Wad Stuchell, frame two-story dwelling, 18x
24 feet, on Murtland street, corner Grazier.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, frame one
story office, 10x30 feet, in yard at Seventeenth
Jacob Fqx. frame two-story dwelling, 22x32
f eet. No. lb Brerton street, between Hill and
Francis A, Langan,frame two-story dwelling,
16x18 feet,on Mohawk street,Fourteenth ward.
Moorhead-McClean Co., bnck one-story en
gine rootn,25.7x42 feet,on rear of Second avenue.
F. E. Schpeck, brick two-story and mansard,
20x34feet, onNiagara street near Craft avenue.
Thomas M. Scott, two-storv and mansard,
20x23 feet,on Fifth avenuo between Seneca and
Samuel Martin, frame two-story dwelling,
25xS0 feet, on Neville street between Fifth ave
nue and Henry street.
M. Spence, frame one-story stable. 12x16 feet,
on Harrison street, Seventeenth ward.
James D. Gould, frame two-story dwelling,
14x30 feet, on Aurelia street, between Dennl
son and Penn avenue.
Mrs. L, D. Schoyer. frame 1-story stable,
32x16 feet, on Dallas .avenue, near Penn ave
nue. Adam Kauffman, frame IK-story dwelling,
18x2$ feet, on Orphan street.
Henry Rlefer. frame one-story dwelling,
17x32 feet, on Hackstown street, near Mon
astery. John Reitz, frame two-story dwelling, 16x37
feet, on Plymouth street, between Grandview
avenuo and Well street.
August Holz, two frame two-storv dwellings;
16x30 feet, on lot 9 Harmar street, Denny plan,
Thirteenth ward.
William Kainer, frame two-story dwelling,
20x30 feet, on corner of Webster and Porjry
John Messer, frame one-storv stable, 21x12
feet, on Forbes street, between Van Braani and
Marion streets.
W. S. Douthett, brick two-story dwelling,
15x25 feet, on No. 46 Gibbon street.
Peter Verncr, frame two-story dwelling 17x32
feet, on Clemmens street, between Thirty
eighth and Thirty-ninth.
O, Strahley. frame two-story stable, 15x32
feet, on rear of 6311 Penn avenue.
C. Htrahley, t a bnck two-story and mansard
dwellings, 20x25 feet, on 6307 and 6309 Penn ave
nue. George R. West, two frame two-story dwell
ines, 22x32 feet, on St. Clair Btrcet, between
Rural and Rippcy streets.
R. J. McMiIlcn, frame one-story office and
shed, 14x40-feet, on Penn avenue, between Den
nison and Penn avenue.
Lucy Puder. frame one-story kitchen 12x12
feet, on Cedar street, between Laurel and Lib
erty streets.
Mrs. Mary Wilson, brick two-story store and
dwelling 22x40 feet, on Liberty street, between
Main and Ella.
S. A. Doglass, frame one-story dwelling 14x18
feet, on Orwell street, between Isabua and
John R. Gibson, frame one and a half story
stable 16x14 feet, on Stobs street. Fourteenth
ward- . ...
Clarence Phlllls, frame two-story dwelling
20x20 feet, on Meyran street, between Bates
and Louise. t
Thomas A. Jones, frame two-story dwelling
16x36 feet, on Griffith street, near Frazier street.
Samuel Wade, frame one-story dwelling 16.10
X25.6 feet, on 181 Albany avenue, between
Springfield and Syracuse streets.
James Hester, name lK-story stable, 18x16
feet, on rear of Syrick street, between Lincoln
and Montezuma streets.
Michael Conway, frame two-story dwelling,
20x4S feet, on St Andrews, between Carver and
Omega streets.
Wilhelmina Dorfshaffer, brick two-story
dwelling, 20x32 feet, on Liberty street, near
Matilda street.
George V. Mllliken, frame two-story dwell
ing, 6xi5 feet, on Negley .street, between Cath
arine and Margaretta streets.
Ernest Tilka, frame two-story dwelling, 16x16
feet, on Rosetta street, near Conrad street.
Daniel Sweeney, frame two-story dwelling,
17x30 feet, on rear of Butler street, between
Fittv-third and Fifty-fourth.
Hauston Bros, bnck two-story stable, 23x50
feet, on Block way, between Forty-eighth and
Forty-ninth streets.
Jas. Ashwell, frame one-story dwelling, 12x20
feet, on Stabo street. Fourteenth ward.
Ph. Metschen, frame one-story kitchen, 8x10
feet, on Wngley's alley, between Erin and
Kircpatriek streets.
Union Planing Mill, frame one additional
story to storeroom, 26x63 feet, on Fox alley and
Wharton street. Twenty-sixth ward.
Robert Jackson, brick addition Xa second
story dwelling, 21x51 feet, on 1710 Carey alley.
A. G. Oakley, frame two-story dwelling, 20x
32 feet, on Bingham street, near Piermont
H. Briggs, frame one-story dwelling, 21x2S
feet, on rear of Rowan street, between Lincoln
and Montezuma streets.
James Reddv, brick two-story and attic,
dnellinir, 176x32 feet, on Harrison street, be
tween Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets.
J. Thomas Bates, frame two-story dwelling,
16x16 feet, on Amelia street, near Stanton ave
nue. John Matthes, frame IK story stable, 12x16
feet, on Washington Pike, Thirty-fifth
John Frey, brick one-story dwelling, 24x28
feet, on corner Lombard street and Davis al
ley. Flora Marshall, frame one-story dwelling. 16x
25 feet, on Bingham street, between Virginia
and Omaha.
Pat Herbert, frame two-story dwelling, 12x12
feet, on Elyslan street, near corner of Hastings
Henry Eichenberg, frame one-story dwelling,
32x32 feet, on alley rear of Dickson street, near
Hancock street
f-harles Blackmore, brick two-story and
mansard dwelling, 20x30 feet, on Lytle street,
near Hazelwood avenue.
William Forsney, frame two-story dwelling,
16x16 feet, on Greenfield avenue, between
Second avenue and Sylvan avenue.
Michael Lydcn, frame two-story dwelling, 16x
18 feet on Greenfield avenue, between Second
and Sylvan avenues.
L. Honlnger, frame two-story dwelling, 28x38
feet, on Millvale avenue. Twentieth ward, near
Ben Venue.
James Vevers, frame two-story dwelling, 18x
20 feet, on Webster avenue, near Chancey
James Bauer, frame addition, one-story
kitchen, 12x12 feet, on Craig street, Thirteenth
Mathias Keck, frame one-story dwelling, 16x
30 feet on Craig street, Thirteenth ward.
H. M. Martin, frame two-story addition, 12x
14 feet on Brin street, between Webster and
Wylie avenues.
The Bolls Capture Wall Street and De
moralize the Stock Market Recent
Gains Partly Lost Rnilroad
Bonds Dall and Lower.
New Yobk, March 23. The stock market to
day was an extremely limited affair, and out
side of the movements in three or four stocks
the dealings were entirely devoid of interest
The trading, as usual of late, was confined for
the most part to the scalping operations of the
traders, and as the dullness invited a turn upon
the short side prices v, ere sagged off slowly,
with insignificant fluctuations in all except
Chicago Gas, Burlington, Chesapeake and Ohio
first and Pullman, the range of prices in no
other stock reaching as much as J per cent.
Chicago had some selling orders in the market
and London bought a few of its specialties, but
the operations of the traders kept the market
in a feverish state throughout. The general
expectation of an unfavorable bank statement
aided in depreciating prices, and the announce
ment of a loss in reserve of over a million and
a quarter proved to have been fully discounted.
First prices were fairly steady as compared
with those of last evening, and some strength
was shown for a short time in the early trading,
when everything but Burlington was carried up
above tbo opening figures. The decline soon
began, however, and Chicago Gas and Burling
ton took the lead, each losing a point Full
man was the only strong feature of the list
There was a better tone toward the end of the
session, but the market closed dull and heavy
generally at slight fractional losses. Closing
prices are Irregular bnt generally lower, and
while Pullman rose TM, Chesapeake and Ohio
first preferred lost 1 and Chicago Gas and
Burlington IK Per cent each.
Tho dealings in railroad bonds were on a
parallel with those in shares, being small and
devoid of feature for most of tho issues dealt
in. The sales reached only $459,000. Tho issues
of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company were
the weak spot in the list but although the gen
eral tone of the market was firm, tho majority
of the important chances are in the direction
of lower prices. The losses include Tennessee
Coal, Tennessee division 63 2, at 96. The sales
for the week were 57,403,000, against $8,507,000
for last week.
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
' Open- High- Low- lnr
tng. esk est Bids.
Am. Cotton Oil. ..... 66U 55
AtCh.. Top. & 9. F.... 46 4S 48 46)4
&nadlan Pacific 4$ 4$ 49 4$
Canada Southern 62H it t:H 52Si
Central of New.Jersey. S4l 95 94f 95
CentralPaclilc... .... 34
Che&aneakeAOhio ... 1 J 17 16 J7J
C. Bur. Qtilncy. .... 93 934f 923, 92S
C, Mil. 8. Bt Paul... tlH ezH ezx en
c, Mti.& st p., pr....ioo 100 100 m
C. KockL&P 81 1X 80X 90S
a. stL. & Pitts leu
a, BtL. Pitts, pt. 37 27 87 37
C, M. P..4U AO...... JOJf
c.!st.p.,M. &o., pr. 91"
a 4 Nortbwestern....lMW 1WH 104 104
C& Northwestern, pr.l-T7i l,7H JSJH mii
Col. Coal & Iron 31 31 31 CO
Col. & Uocklng Val IV
Dei., h. ftV 1H VWM I3a 138M
Denyer&KloB 15M
Denver 4KI6G., pf 42X
E.T., Va.Ua 9 9 9
E.T..Va. &Oa.. lstpf 67
E. T., V-&G. 2dpf. 21
llllnolsCentraU. 10SX
Lake Erie Western.. 17X 17H 1754 17tf
Lake Erie & West pt. 6514 65X V
Lake Bhore & M. b 101H .10IH 1
Louisville & Nashville. GO), 61 GO
Michigan Central.) ,
Mobile & Ohio
Jlo., &. ATex&s ....
Missouri Paciflo 67 68X 7
Mcwork Contral .
h. 1.. h. K.W...... 27 27 57K
U.Y., L.K.&W.pref 67i 67M 67X
x. y., c. a stL
x. it., a st l. pr.. ... i .. ....
S.yAk, E 433 44 43X
A. "., O. W
Norfolk Western
Norfolk & Western, nf 495f 49H 49V
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific prcf. MK SO MSS
Ohio Mississippi..... 20H 203 VH
Oregon Improvement 50 50 43
Oregon Transcon 32S 3H KM
PacifleMall 25if S5S 5M
Peo. Dec & Evans 23g 23 23
Phlladel. & Beading.. 45 45 44
Pullman Palace Car...l77 179 1774
Richmond & W. P. T
Klchmond A W.P.T.pf
bt. Faul Dnluth
at. Fanl Dnluth pr.
bt P., Minn. & Man
bt. L. t San Fran ,
bt L. & San Fran pr S4J 55 W
bt. L. & Ban K.lst pf.
Texas Pacific 13 18 1SU
UnlonPaclllc a SS! 62W
Wabash 13Jf IJ& ,134
Wabash preferred.,
Western Union........ S4K MM S44
Wheeling 4 L, E CSX 66J 65
Atch.&TOD..lt7s. 117K
Wls.Central.com... 17
Wis. Contral pt... 3?
VlloueiAI'gCo.(new) 1
Calumet 4 Hec!a..237
Cataina ,
Pranxlln 1JH
Huron .?.,
Osceola I'Jf
Pewable (new) H
Quincy "" Ji
Hell Telephone 228
Boston Land JH
Waver Power f6
Tamarack... L
Ban Diego UX
AtCU. STOP. K. K... 43)4
Boston Albany., .215
.Boston 4 Maine.. ...163
C B. & :. 9-'5
Ciun. Ban. & Cleve. 24K
Eastern R. Jt S2-
Eastern R. It ds 125
Kllnt.t 1'ereM 27
Little It & Ft. S. 7s.l0iii
nicxicauuen. com.. 1334
M. C. IstMort. bds. 4.1U
N. y. ANewEng..,126)f
uin uikidt. 11(1
Rutland preferred.. 37
A Bulge in Wheat, Accompanied by Great
Excitement nnd Henvy Trodlns HsT
Products Active and Higher A
Spirited UlnrketlnOats.
Chicago Tho operations in wheat to-day
would have been regarded as wonderful but for
the fact that for range of prices and intensity
of feeling it fell far below yesterday. The mar
ket opened excited, with May Belling at SI 04
to $1 05 the tlrst few minutes, after which that
future was neglected, and the tip was out to
take Jnly. While the deferred futures were be
ing picked up freely, the shorts' scare again
broke out in May. The price had eased off to
$1 04, and started up with a rush which ended
at $107. June sold at 9bJic to $100, and July
at SSJe to 90c. Following the bulge there was
big selling of May.
The clique houses are closely watched, and
no heavy selling was traced directly, but there
seemed no doubt that Falrbank wheat went
out above 107 quite freely. At the same time
reports of rain where most needed were wired
from the Bouthwest, and the fever to buy July
was quickly over, and the price went off from
before 1 P. M. June dropped back from $1 to
99c During the last hour of the session May
wheat held around $1 05 until just before the
close, when it went down to $1 04, closing at
$1 04. June closed at 8Sc
Corn was fairly active and firm early and
quiet and easier later. The market opened at
about the closing prices of yesterday, was firm
and advanced He on covering by shorts. Influ
enced some by the strength ot wheat Offerings
became larger at the advance, the agcregate
:ame larger at me ouvanue, iuo asKicjiw
ng sufficient to more than satisfy tbo de
nd, and the market reacted, declining c.
clesinp same as vesterdav.
The market for hog products exhibited con
siderable strength during the greater part of
the day, and prices ruled higher on all the
leading speculative articles. When the ex
treme figures were reached the offerinrs were
enlarged somewhat and prices receded.
Toward the close the feeling was stronger, and
prices were again forced to outside figures.
Prices receded slightly, but the market closed
Oats took a slight bulge early to-day in sym
pathy with wheat May opened at 25Kp and
closed at 25c. June sold at 25c and 25c.
Thfl le&riinc rurnres r&n?ea as rollows:
Wheat-No. 2 May, SI OJVQl 07K1 tW
$1 045: June.
98c; July, S9ia
2 March. 2454c: Mar. 25V026fl!
25Ji25ie' June, 25Jg25o; July. 2525
Mess Tori, per bbl. April, $12 S012 40
12 SO; May, $12 55012 65, June, $12 6512 W
12 4512 60; July, $12 62Q12 70312 62
12 65.
Labd, per 100 &s March, $7 02; May,
$7 057 12K7 027 12K: June, $7 ll)7 17
7 107 15; July. 87 167 227 127 17!
SHORT BIBS, per 100 Bs. May, $8 82; June.
$6 356 406 356 40; July, $6.42Q6 456 87
6 45.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
quiet and firm; No. 2 spring wheat $1 02
1 02?; No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2
red, l ml 02. No. 2 corn. 34c No. 2
oats, 24c No. 2 rye. 43c. No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 511 52. Prime tim
othy seed, $1 3S1 40. Mess pork, per barrel,
$12 50012 65. Lard, per 100 lbs. $7 05.
Short ribs sides (loose). $6 256 30. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $5 505 75. Short clear
sides (boxed), $6 60 62. Receipts Flour,
5,000 barrels; wheat, 21.000 bushels: corn, 175,
000 bushels: oats. 131,000 bushels; rye, none;
barley, 20,000 bushels. Shipments Flour,
6,000 barrels; wheat 8,000 bushels; corn, 75,000
bushels: oats, 76,000 bushels; rye, 4,000 bushels;
barley. 28,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was slow; cream err, 1824c; dairy, 1S
21c. Eggs weak; fresh, 10llc.
Condition of the Market at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office of PiTTSBtma Dispatch,!
Saturday, March 23, 1889. J
CATTLE Receipts, 6C0 head: shipments, 520
head. Market, nothing doing; all through con
signments. One car of -cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 2,200 head: shipments. 2,200
head. Market fair; medium Philadelphia!.
$5 00: heavy hogs, $4 90: pigs and Yorkers,
$4 955 05. Nine cars of hogs shipped to New
York to-dav. ,
Sheep Receipts, 800 head: shipments, 800
head. Market dull at yesterday's prices.
Two Fine New Steamships.
The Hamburg-American Steamship Company
are looking forward to increased traffic this
summer when the two new steamships of the
line, the Augusta. Victoria and the Columbia,
will be in service. Both of these vessels have a
length of 463 feet a width of 56 feet a depth of
33 feet are of 10,000 tons displacement and 12,
500 horse power. It is claimed for them that
they are practically unsinkable, their great
feature being a longitudinal bulkhead, run.
nlng from stem to stern, which divides the
ship, each side being provided with a separate
set of machinery, boilers, shafts and screws.
An accident to one side of the ship, therefore,
would not in any way affect tho other. The
speed of thee steamers is guaranteed to ex
ceed 10 knots, or 21 miles, per hour. The
staterooms aro all of large size. The best
cooks have been engaged. The conveniences
offered in the second cabin are unsurpassed.
The Tlrst trip of the Aususta.Vlctoria will be
made from Hamburg May 2, and from New
York to Southampton and Hamburg on May
1B,Ej89. .
A multitudinous array of patterns and
colorings in fine French challis, beautiful
styles, dark and light colors, large and
small figures, 50c a yard.
mwpsu Huoua & Hacke.
Yon Will Want New Lace Curtains
This spring.' We have the Ittrgest stock of
lace jmrtains ever opened in Pittsburg.
Fifty cents to $50 a. pair. Turcoman cur
tains in hundreds of new patterns.
Edward Groetzingeb,
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Very Low Prices This Week
At Hanch's jewelry store, No. 295 Tilth
ave. Fine watches a specialty. Extra
bargains in silverware. It will pay you to
call this week. wFsn.
New Spring Goods.
Onr new stock of choice spring goods of
the latest and most fashionable patterns for
gentlemen's wear has jnst been received,
and is now ready for inspection. For a
good-fitting suit or overcoat go toPiteairn's,
No. 434 Wood street
Oar New Kid Gloves,
Choice shades, 75c, 89e, 51 00, 1 25. Best
for the monev. Bosbkbaum & Co.
Look at our line of 60c dress goods, latest
spring colorings in variegated stripes and
plaids, with plains to natch.
mwpsu Hugus & Hacke.
ACaso In Which Two Men of That Name,
One Mr. Gollshtly and One Ananias Are
Alleged to Have Been Counted.
J. S. Power, Justice or the Peace of
Tnrtle Creek, Patton township, yesterday
filed his answer to the allegations of Will
iam Haymaker, his opponent for the posi
tion. At the last election Power received
154 votes and Haymaker, 152, and Power
was declared elected. Haymaker presented
a petition in court, alleging that by rights, he
was elected, a nnmber of illegal votes having
been cast for Power, which, would give Hay
maker, the majority.
Power, in his answer, asserts that the rotes
cast for him alleged to have been illegal were
not so, but tho persons were qualified voters.,
Instead.be claims the following named persons
voted fraudulently and illegally for Hay
maker: Robert Wilson, Joseph CaBhdollar.
William" J. Sang. J. S. Glllbrook. George
Drake, Daniel Oashdollar, August Krep, J. B.
Mclntyre, John Golightly, James Baugbman,
Anauias Wilson, E. Craig, James Graham,
William McCully and others. Heasks that
Haymaker's petition be dismissed.
Power has been Justice of tho Peace for 15
Alleged Conspiracy to Bankrnpt and Beat
tbo Pmiutlffin Business.
John N.McFall yesterday entered suit against
John N. Garrison, implicated with W. W.
Barr, John A. HetzeL William A.
Hetzel aud G. B. Garrison, for' $10,000
damages. McFall alleges that in 1887
John N. Garrison, with W.A-Hetiel andG.
B. Garrison.consplred to defraud and bankrupt
him and gain possession of his property.
He was then engaged in the business of man
ufacturing boxes, doors, sashes, etc., with Het
zel and G. B. Garrison lor partners, and John
N. Garrison persuaded Hetzcl and Garrison to
confess judgments of the firm to him. No
money was due him.but executions were issued
and a levy made on McFall's property by the
Sheriff. At the sale it was bought By John N.
Garrison for the purpose of dissolving tho part
nership and ousting McFall, that Garrison and
the others might take charge of the coneem.
Monday' Trial Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 Carroll vs McCand
less; Getty & Co. vs Zcigler; Whitfield vs
Moss; Peoples vsBruggeman; Meyers et alvs
Cupps; Boyd vs Oil Well Supply Company;
Franz vs Seiger; Westkamp vs Levin; Kevens
& Co. vs Badenschneider; Wingenroth vs Lued
quist; Battler vs Koefnet; Howlev vs Schlitz
Brewing Company; Clark et al vs McCutcheon;
McBride et al vs WalKer Brewing Company;
Kunkle vs Gilllg, administrator.
Common Pleas No. 2 Miller et al vs School
District of Homestead; Weiterhouser et al
vs Jones et al; Hauloy vs Schlitz Brewing
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Birt
Campbell et al. Thomas Harrington, Joseph
Goldberg. Isaac Bolcs,Henry Brown et al, John
Kemp, Joseph Kirsch, Gust Hoover et al,
Frank McCann et al.
Monday's Andlt List.
Estate of Accountant
Gottfried Grimm Bertha L. Grimm.
Lawrenco Reese Christian Dietz.
Daniel JSeeley W. B. Negley.
Mary Llnch Thomas 1). Llnch.
Jane Christy H. Al. Clements.
Aug aiman .Thomas Patterson.
Joshua liluuier Charles l Ulumer.
MaryMcElheny James Grubbs.
Robert J. Connell M. W. Rankin.
David Boden J, W. McUreedy.
Lines From Lesal Quarters.
L. H. Smith, the Sixth street mantel dealer,
whose store was closed by the Sheriff, on Fri
day, yesterday confessed judgments in favor of
William Thaw for $7,350,
A motion was made yesterday for a new
trial in the case of Elizabeth Kerr against
Joseph Elborne, the Allegheny saloonkeeper,
for damages for the death of her husband.
J. D. Watsos filed with JugeSlagle yester
day, an amendment writ in the suit of S. M.
Decker against the National Baseball League,
The League in this writ is treated as a partner
ship. Service may be secured on W. A.
Nimick as one of the partners of the organiza
tion. Christine Hobnbebgeb, the bewitched
Southside girl who imagines that Peter Kleist
has her under a spell, was before Judge Magee
yesterday and, in default of $500 bail to keep
the peace, she was committed to jail. Warden
Berlin will have an examination made as to her
sanity, And she may be sent to Dixmont
Subpcgkas in divorce "were issued yesterday
in the following cases! Nora Heckel vs. Charles
C. Heckel, for indignities to her person; Kate
Little vs Walter Little, desertion; Jacob Retter
vs Clara Retter, desertion. Decrees were
granted in the caso of Annie Ferguson against
William Ferguson, and Peter M. Kolllng
against Catherine KoUing.
Judge Magee yesterday made an order ad
mitting to bail In the sum of $500 each two
boys named William Sloan and Doo Boden,
who are in jail on five charges of larceny. The
boys were committed by Alderman M ullin, of
Mansfield, on the suit of J. W. Love, detective
of the Panhandle Railroad, who charged them
with breaking into cars and stealing goods.
United States District Attorney Ai
xen presented a petition in Common Pleas
Court, No. 2, yesterday, asking that a commit
tee of three disinterested persons be appointed
to place a value on the land of Jacob J. Van
dergrift located near Heir's Island, which is
wanted by the Government for a dam at that
point and for which an appropriation of $35,000
has been made.
lit the Criminal Court yesterday, Judge
Magee sentenced Perry Bailey, the Lawrence
ville detective, two months to jail for criminal
assault Samuel Brady and Edward Courtney,
who were found guilty of robbing the store of
8. Cohen & Co., were sentenced respectively
one year to the workhouse and six months to
jaiL John Schwab pleaded guilty to larceny
and was sentenced 30 days to the workhouse.
Judge Magee yesterday filed an opinion on
the motion to quash the indictment against
Colonel George S. Griscom for voluntary and
involuntary manslaughter, which grew out of
the killing of two boys on a fire escape at the
Mononganela House. The motion to quash
was granted on the grounds that the verdict of
the Coroner's jury, upon which the indictment
was fonnd, would not support a charge of man
slaughter. This docs not affect tho indictment
against H. Wilson, the owner of the fire escape
upon which tho boys were killed.
A decree was made in the Orphans' Court
yesterday ordering the partition of the estate
of Mrs. Elizabeth Agerman, of the Twenty,
eighth ward. Mrs. Agerman died in 1SS0, leav
ing her property to her children. A petition
was presented in court by them, stating that
her husband, John Agerman, had deserted her,
and nothing has been heard of him for three
years past It was ordered that be be declarea
to have forfeited all right and title in hia wife's
estate by reason of his conduct and the parti
tion of it among the children was ordered.
Two Men Injured at tho Trial Test of the
New Amoskcaff Engine.
The new Amoskeag engine No. 2 was
tested yesterday afternoon on the Hbnonga
hela wharf. It took, eight minutes with
cold water to raise SO pounds of steam. An
inch and three-quarter nozzle was used. In
addition to an 140-pound water pressure the
firemen claim the engine threw the water
351 feet but the bulk fell at 300 feet
The spark from the engine ignited natural
gas in a manhole under the engine. The
men at the nozzle hearing the explosion
dropped it, when it was thrown around and
struck Captain Mike Hennigan and Hose
man Charles Hart. They were taken to
the Homeopathic Hospital. Neither of were,
seriously hurt.
Park Painter's Son Badlr Hon.
Kenneth G. Painter, a young son of Park
Painter, of Kidge avenne, Allegheny, was
seriously injured on Friday evening. Young
Painter, Jay PhipjJs and Charles Scaife
were riding on their ponies in Woods' Run
when some boys threw stones at them. The
pony young Painter was riding became
frightened and threw him off. He fell,
striking his head on a piece of iron, causing
concussion of the brain. The attending
physicians have bnt slight hopes of his re
covery. Its Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Philadelphia
Gas Company will be held in the new build
ing on May 6. Some interesting business
will be transacted.
Attracting Much Attention.
George Harper, the Allentown man who'
sent a bullet through his head, is still alive
and may recover. His case is attracting
much attention among physicians.
C. Of. B. A.
Brother Daniel McCarthoy will visit Blairs
ville to start a branch.
Branch No. 45 has changed Its place of
meeting to O'Donnell's Hall, on Second avenue.
To-day Brother Gardner and Kelly, of
Branch No. 38, will visit New Castle to start a
Branch No. 38, of LawrenceviUe, at their
meeting on Thursday evening initiated seven
On Thursday evening Grand First Vice
President J. W. Sullivan and Chancellor M.J.
Clark will pay an official visit to branch No. 36.
Persons desitousof forming branches of the
C. M. B.A. should address the Grand Deputy
of Pennsylvania, 305 Main street, Pittsburg.
He will send a deputy to their place at any
time and explain the object and system of our
The Advisory Council, ai the meeting on
last Sunday, decided to change the timeof
meeting. Hereafter they will meet on the third
Sunday of each month at 7:30 v. II., at Imperial
Hall, on new Grant street, between Liberty
and Seventh avenue.
On Saturday evening; March MrBranch No
66 was instituted at Butler. The following is
the list of officers: President, Joseph Rocken
steln; Vice Presidents, Bernard Kemper, Jr.,
Anthony -Rockenstein; R. 8. Harry Grelb: A.
R. a, Norbert T. Weser; F. a, Edward A. Mc
Sbane; T.. Joseph Niggel: uiarshal. Albert
Frank; Gnard, Andrew Llebler; Trustees,
Henry C. Plohr, Thomas H. Gallagher, John
Garber, CasperEytb, John Keppler.
S. K. or A. O. V. w.
The board of officers of the First regiment
will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday,
March 27. As business of importance in regard
to the parade on April SO will be brought up,
every officer is requested to bo present
The Grand' Central Rink, on Penn avenue,
has been secured for two battalion drills for
the First regiment. These will take place on
tne first and fourth Wednesday of April, and
will get the boys in shape for tho April parade.
' The third of a series of visits now being
made by the officers of the First Regiment was
Eaid on last Friday night to General Mead
egion No. 19 at their hall in Boyle's block,
Federal street Allegheny. The officers turned
out iu full force, and were accompanied by a
number of comrades, evory legion being repre
sented. Mead Legion was found to be In good
condition, new members being taken in at
nearlv every meeting. Addresses were made
by S.V. Commander BabstGrand Commander
Patterson, Colonel Rowan, P. C. Kirker. of No.
31; Commander McKee, and other comrades.
During the evening refreshments were served
and the visitors lett with the impression that
their visit to No. 19 had been a very pleasant
Heptaiopb Notes.
A conclave of 50 charter applicants is soon
to be instituted in Baltimore.
Indications are that every conclave- In
Western Pennsylvania will have its representa
tive at the next Supreme Conclave.
Charles C. Cornelius, Esq., will represent
the Supreme Archon at the public meeting
held by Scottdale Conclave on to-morroweven-ing.
James A Halght, Supreme Sentinel, died
during the past w eek at Glassboro, N. J. This
leaves a vacancy for Brother Will to fill by ap
pointment Supreme Organizer S. L Osmond will insti
tute a gllt-edjed conclave in Lincoln Post G.
A. R. room, in Newark, N. J., on Friday even
ing next with 40 members.
A conclave is being organized in Brooklyn,
N. Y. John H. Mowen, formerly of this city,
but now of the New York and Brooklyn coffin
works, will likely represent the new conclave
at Richmond.
Grand Regent Joseph A Langfitt and Su
preme Representative S. IT. Trent of the Royal
Arcanum, are members of Friendship Con
clave No. 3. Both will also go to Richmond as
Heptasoph representatives,
Next Thursday night Pittsburg Conclave
No. 89 will meet for the last time in the Lodge
room, No. 102 Fourth avenue, where it was or
ganized, and where it has enjoyed such won
derful prosperity. Quite a number of appli
cants will be Initiated. After April 1 the meet
ings will be held in the new hall of
the Union Veteran Lesion, on Sixth ave
nue, over the Pittsburg Gas Office. The
last meeting of this conclave was a
memorable one in many respects. The full
seating capacityof the hall was occupied by
representative Heptasophs and representative
business men of the two cities. Nineteen ap
plications for membership were received, and
the following 15 applicants were duly initiated
by Archon J ohn L Shaw, assisted by Lester K.
Logue and H. J. Lawrence: C. S. Bailey, C. B.
Rosenberger, W. A. South, J. McM. Porter; J."
N. Cooke, Prof. Chas. J. Smith, of Iron City
College: A.C. Knox, Cashier Fifth National
Bank; 8. U. Applegate. Prof. Ksrl F. Guen
ther, E. S. Day, John Meikle, Stewart
Munn, George F. Williams, Samuel Garri
son and J. L. Rhoades. Considerable dis
cussion was created by a paragraph
in an Eastern paper reflecting unjustly upon
one of the most prominent and worthy mem
bers of the conclave. Strong remarks depre
cating the article and its author were made by
Samuel A. Duncanf S. McElroy, Prof. A. B.
Morton. Golonel Hugh Morrison and others,
and a series of resolutions were unanimously
passed bearIngupon the item, and ordered for
warded to the editor of the secret society pa
per which gave publicity to the paragraph.
After the initiatory services a very handsome
reclining couch, easy chair and cushioned
rocker were suddenly wheeled into the
room, and Past Archon Captain Charles M.
Fairman was summoned to the front to be the
recipient of the same from his associate
brothers. The presentation speech was made
by Past Archon Samuel A. Duncan, who stated
that the tokens were given for the long and
faithful services of the recipient When Cap
tain Fairman attempted to respond to the elo
quent and touching language of the speaker.his
voice became Jiusky and he was unable to jro
ceed from emotion, and called upon Past
Archon Sidney Omobnndro4 to reply for him,
which was done feelingly.
Royal Arcnnum.
The representatives to the Grand Council,
held in this city last week, were enthusiastic
in their praise of the arrangements made for
their reception and entertainment by the com
mittee representing the local councils. 3 he
entertainment on Tuesday evening was one of
the finest and most successful affairs ever
given in this city.
Darling Council No. 888 entertained tho
visiting grand officers on last Monday evening
at their regular meeting. Addresses were
made by Grand Regent Lathy, Vice Grand
Langfltt Supreme Representative Miller and
others from Philadelphia, Oil City, Ridgway
and Greensbnrg. Six applicants were initiated.
This council has, since January 1, 1889, had 55
applicants for membership.
I. O. O. F. s
Henry Lambert Lodge No. 475, L O. of O.
F., held a very interesting, meeting on last Fri
day evening, that being tbe occasion for the
nomination of officers for tho ensnlng term.
The following were nominated: For N. G.,
John Enrich; V. G., W. M. Nesbit; Secretary,
b. F. Turner; A. S William Snowden, C. R.
Presser and C. H. Hall; Treasurer, C. 'Seitz;
Trustees, T. C. Seitz, James Chochran and
George Heaps.
Jr. O. C. A. M.
Benjamin Franklin Council will be insti
tuted April 9 at Post No. 3 G. A. R. Hall, on
Fourth avenue. Tho application contains 120
names, 9 of which are for honorary member
Ship, being 45 years of age.
Daughters of bt. George.
The mite social of Lady Gladstone Lodge
No. 20 was held on Monday, March 18, at Mrs.
William Ponting's home, on Eureka street
Thirty-first ward. Financially the social was a
Order of Chosen Friends.
Good- Will Council No. 12 will visit Brad
dock Council Monday night to take measures
in regard to organizing the new benefit sick
relief league.
F. G. Reineman-, manufacturer of re
alia and lodge supplies for all societie
'lags and banners a specialty, at low rates,
su 54 Sixth Street..
Health and Strength
Soon replace weakness and languor, if that re
liable medicine, Hood's SarsaparUla, is fairly
and faithfully tried. It is the best medicine to
keep the blood pure and to expel tbe germs of
scrofula, salt rheum, and other poisons which
causes so much suffering, and sooner orlaternn
dermine the general health. By its peculiar
curative power, Hood's Sarsaparilla strength
ens the system while it eradicates disease. It
is tbe people's favorite spring medicine.
"I know that Hood's Sarsaparilla has restored
my health, and prolonged my days. I was feel
ing badly for a long time, my trouble being a
general nervous prostration accompanied with
chills and fever.. After taking fire bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla I felt so well as to be able
to do my housework. lam as well now as any
one ot my age, 82 years." Mrs. M. E. Thoep,
St Albans, Vt
"I think Hood's Sarsaparilla just tbe medi
cine for women or any on 0 who has bad blood."
Jennie E. Smith, East Broad Top, Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbyall druggists. Sl;slxfor So. Preparedonly
by C. L HOOD &CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Jobs LlBBcrt YTon the Herse.
The Grand Army fair vikiefe has eea in
progress at the Coliseam. for the past rix
weeks, closed last night. The leadiDff atti
cles were raffled oft Meat and Milt In
spector John Iiinpert won tho fine $280
horse, donated. hy Major Max Klein
Boy Mather, smco Ihare been Bs"ngTToW.ai
faccMj ny shoes; wear longsrthaa ever befareLaad.
as fanoat& is when I first nsedtt
less. Yon forgot thai ovea a eocdthi fa ciolTgood
when propedy used. "Son have not even looted at
tho directions, for they are jet amosd f4 nee ef
tho bottle. How you most read than, md they -i
estyoaontotyosxtrooble. Yosz father and I keep,
rea shoes In degsnt ordor t Its og. Ins it -boot
once a month and papa abosfc esse s veelw
Is wonderful; preserving a4 Waterproofing
any leather; gir&sfta deep, ricn btacic
I'jstro wudi lasts a week. -Dait u otkxcr.
Do not confound ACME B&ctiesw&t any otbes
Sold by Shoe Stares, Gtoeem, DmgB&tsv Jci
' irwTSu
Capital, $100,000, with privilege of SH)0,0.
Surplus and undivided profits, (23.600,
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits:
JAS. CALLERY .President
W.J.BTJRNS Vice President
Oil bought and sola on margin. -deJ7-21-Bsa
BaUroad Mining fill I "1 5
Stocks. Stocks. I wii- f
ban Francisco, Philade
For cash or on margin,
either on New York.
co. Pniladelnhia. or .Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at low rates of interest;
Established 1S7B. JSW Weekly Circular FREE,
A. R. CHISHOLM iCO., 61 Broadway, M. Y-
Riga, Mich.
Gests I now write
to let yon know that
I have been using your
Burdock Blood Bit-
txbs, and also to tell
you what they have
done for me. I have been troubled with dys
pepsia for years. I commenced the use of
your BrEDocKBiXo Bitters and they have
brought me out all right. The use of three
bottles conferred the great benefit for which I
feel profoundly grateful. I will never be
without it. I
mm to lake
In need of Household Furnishing Goods of any description that he is in a posi
tion to save them money. How so? Because we sell goods at a lower price than
same quality of goods can be bought elsewhere for. You must not forget that
where the would-be large houses pay anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 rent, we
pay but a moderate 51,600, although out store is as large (if not larger) as the
largest, while we know that onr goods are the best oar prices the lowest. It is s
great deal easier to save money by judicious buying than it is to save it out of
your weekly or monthly wages.
That is needed to completely furnish a house from top to bottom. It makes no
difference what yon want, come to us and bay it at a much lower figure than any
other house in the country will sell it for. Ton may see large, flaring adver
tisements, but don't be caught by them. Bemembertbatadvertisementshave to be
paid for, and, to use a vulgar but very expressive expression, you can bet your
sweet life that it isn't the advertiser who pays the piper, but the people who
swallow the bait so artfully offered. "
Then you've missed one of the sights of the city. As we said last week, we're not
great on marble fronts and encaustic tile floors, hut we "git that" in lower prices
than others even dare same. Whatever you want, corns to us and see if we can't
furnish it you.
Parlor Sets in Satin. Parlor Sets in Brocatelle. Parlor Sets iif
All the Different Kinds of Plushes.
A great variety of Odd Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Sofa Beds, Chairs, Beckers,
Beed and Battan Goods, Etc.
AH and Every Kind of
An elegant assortment. Every grade w&jell will, we guarantee, give good
hard wear for a very small outlay of cash. This department of oars is complete
in every detail. No matter what yon want, yon can get, and whatever yon want
in the way of House Burnishing Goods, please remember t8
r for Cash or
Come and see us. Toull find our prices below all other dealers; You'll find
onr terms the easiest; You'll find our treatment the best. For the accommodation
of oar customers we- keep open every evening until 8 o'clock Saturday evenings
until 11.
7. a "We give away 60,000 yard sticks
t&e store this wees ana get one.
As. old. residents know and back files ot Pittsw
barg papers prove, ia the oldest estabUsbed asa
most prominent physician In the city, devottnz
special attention to all efcronlcldiwaaes. From
urnKfll lev ana. mental diseases, nhvsical
i1unVUUadecay,neTroTOdebdtyvlacko J
energy, uuutuuii wu uvvc uuwaw .u.
ory, disordered sight; self-distrnst, bashfolnesa,
dizziness, sleeplesraess, pimples, empties. isb
poverished blood, fallingpowers. organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting taepersoo fox business-society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately curecL
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glaiulular
swdUngs, ulcerations of tongUe.mouth, tSroat,
ulcezsvotd, sores, are cured for life, and blood
miinm tTinrnnrb tv eradicated from the system.
TlDtRIADV kidneyani bladder derange.
U Kl IN nil I t meats, weak: back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation ana other
pahif nl symptoms receive searching treataeati
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttler's life-long; exteastro experience
icsm-es scientific and reliable treatment os
eonrmoa-sense- princrplea. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if.
hurt. Office Hours 9 A. X. to 8 P. JC Sunday,
10A.JCtolr.ar.only. DR. WHITTIER. 9
Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. feS-g-panW
A Scientific and Standard Popular HacHC-UTreatissoa
laeiinuiaex iuuu, imwuipwut. ... ,vu
gaol fnysicai xreuuuj, imuiiuo w. ucoww,
Rcsnltmglrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Overtaxation. Enervating and tmfittlna; the victim,
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal Svo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gin. Price, only $L0O by
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Dlus
trative Prospectus Free, If yon apply now. The
dlsttneulsbed author, Wm. H. Parker; M. D re
from tne National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICALDEB1LITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, eonfi.
dentlany, by mail or in person, at the efflee of
No. 4 Bolflnch St., Boston. Mas., to whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should be
directed as above.
ERGV and strength secured by using. Am
oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only reil
able safe remedy for tbe permanent cure of lm
potency, no matter how long standingeperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75s per box or six boxes for $
six boxes is the complete treatment, and with
every nurchase of six boxes at one time we will
give a'written guarantee to refund the money
if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. SI Market street, Pitts,
burg; Pa P. O. box 37 apl0-k5SofWTSu
For men! Checks the worst cases In three l,
days, and cures in five days. Price $1 00. at
ja5-29-TTS3a 412 Market street.
snfTerbist from tho e&
fects ox youthful er
" IW ifcn al row, e-urlr decay, lost V
tttaahocd,etc. I will wnd a TalaabU treallie ggaled fj.
contaialM' full parncoiors xor name core, uw as ,
ehnr: X&lreM, -
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Mootius, Conn. i
l-uo3-8kD3uwk . i
it Plain to Era
Carpet Manufactured.!
Easiest Terms of Payment!
yesterday. Sid you get eat? If m oH M
' msUK-w?
Alit .