Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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The Author or Don't Explains Many Inter
x mine Point f Etiquette and TJaaa-e
) Tlstts of Condolence Thankinc Ser
vants Catling on Ladle.
"Will yon please state through the columns
of your paper -whether it is proper or not for
a voung gentlemon to fan a young lady at
the theater, and oblige?
It would be considered indecorous, unless
the lady is ill, or is overcome by the heat.
1). Ou which side of a lady should a
gentleman walk in the street? (2).
Should a gentleman in making a brief call
leave his overshoes at the door if they are
not muddy?
(1). On the side of the curbstone. (2). He
should leave bis overshoes in the hall under all
In making a sliort call should the overcoat be
left in the hall and the hat kept in the handT
What is proper in this case? Simplex.
The overcoat should be left in the ball; the
bat may be kept in the hand.
Please tell the writer through the Sunday
paper it, in paying a visit, of condolence, it is
the correct thine to speak of the dead first, or
wait until the lady who is bereaved shall do so.
In making such calls I have sometimes passed
a pleasant half honr chatting upon ordinary
subjects, and upon leaving have expressed my
sympathy, when tne lady would Durst into
tears, placing me in a very awkward position.
Visits of condolence are proper only when
there exists a genuine intimacy between the
visitor and the bereaved, but cards with words
of sympathy may be sent. When a visit is
made after a death the name of the deceased
should sot be mentioned first by the visitor.
(1). What book is best to instruct as to the
correct way to arrange the table, and serve
dinner, luncheon, tea, etc.; also arrangement of
sideboard, sidetable and the duties of a wait
ress? I want such a book but have never seen
one. (2). Is it correct to have claret only,
I mean no other kind of wine, for linner, and
should it be served with every course and for
dessert also? Should the waitress pour It in the
f lasses, or should each guest or person pour it
or himself ?
(3.) How should peas, tomatoes and other
vegetables that cannot well be put on the plate
be served? (4.) How should chicken salad
be served, and in what kind of dish should it
be pot on the table? Is it eaten with a spoon?
(5.) In sending a card by post should the
small envelope containing the card be placed in
a large one? Ignorant.
(L) If we are not in error, the "Bazar Book
of Decorum" gives information of this nature.
(2.) It is the usual way to'bave more than
one kind of wine, but at a less formal dinner
one kind only is often served. It Is usual for
the waiter to fill the glasses. (3.) Passed
around by the waiter, (t ) Lettuce salad only
should be served at dinner, and eaten n ith a
fork. Chicken salad is only for suppers or col
lations. (5.) A second envelope is not neces
sary. Is it in accordance with table etiquette rules
to say 'thank you" when you ask for and one
passes you a dish or asks you to replenish your
plate? Is ow I maintain it is improper that one
u4':-hm IfV
Loanss always, except at taoie, oi course, x
know we do not thank the servants, but ought
one guest thank another attable?
Every service of the kind should bo acknowl
edged by thanus In some way. either with
"thanks" expressed or by an inclination of the
bead. According to English rule you say
"thank you" to servants and "thinks" to
If a lady or gentleman are introduced in com
pany and afterward meet on the street, which
is proper, for the lady to bow to a gentleman
first or the gentleman bow to the lady?
The lady mnst salute the gentleman first. A
gentleman is not expected to recognize a lady
in public until she has recognized him.
(L) I live in a small quiet city, where though
we have many parties and balls yet we do not
use such strict formality as people do m larger
cities; as for example, in a ball given recently
in a small hall, although no gentleman escorted
a lady hither, yet each one Desired to walk
borne alone with some young lady. (2.) At the
close of the walk should the lady necessarily
thank the gentleman for his escort? (3. ) Should
a lady after being asked by a gentleman
to dance during the evening (to whom she has
not been introduced) speak to him when after
ward they meet? (4.) Is it proper for a lady to
ask to be Introduced to a gentleman by
another? (5.) Could a pretty, comparatively
cheap, fancy ball dress be suggested to a
wondering ignorant? Perplexity.
(I.) A lady should return .from a party or
ball with the same escort that took her there.
It is not uncommon for gentlemen to escort
ladies home in the manner mentioned, but it
is not in accordance with the rules or customs
of the best society. () Certainly. (3.) In In
troductions the gentleman is introduced to the
lady; when there has been no introduction no
acquaintance can be assumed to exist. (4.)
No: gentlemen seek introductions to ladies.
(5.) A dress made ot white tarleton with silver
paper at intervals in the form of icicles for the
character of Winter is an effective and inex
pensive costume. The hair should be powder
ed. A dress of cream colored cheese cloth
with a silver fillet for the hair is suitable for
any classical figure
At an informal evening party given in honor
of a gentleman and his wife, should both as
sist the host and hostess in receiving the
guests, or should the ladies only receive ?
On ordinary occasions ladies only receive,
but when a party is given in honor of any per
son or persons they should stand by the Hostess
in order that the guests may be presented to
S. K. wishes to know if it is not very bad
etiquette for two persons to converse with
each other in French, in the same room, or at
the dining table, in the presence of a person or
Sersons, who -do not understand the French
inguage, when they, at the same time, are
able to converse in English?
S. K. is right. It is exceedingly bad taste for
persons in company to converse in language or
to use terms which others are not acquainted.
If, at an informal party, a gentleman who is
acquainted with most of the other guests, but
who Is introduced to a young lady for the first
time, should ask her to dance four or five times
In succession, would it be proper for the lady
to excuse herself at the end of that time, or
must she wait for the gentleman to do so?
It is not proper, under any circumstances, for
a lady and gentleman to dance together four or
five times in succession. The lady should ex
cuse herself in dancing even twice in succes
sion with the same gentleman.
(L) When ices are served at the table
shonld the dish be placed in the plate and the
cake to one side, or the dish placed to one side
and plate used for cake? (2.) I am in a
university town and the society somewhat
formal. I met some young ladies at an enter
tainment. I desire to call. What shall I do?
(L) Either method is proper. (2.) You
cannot call on ladies, under these circum
stances without being invited to do so. Some
person acquainted with the family must ask
permission to introduce you.
(L) I have a lady friend who Is visitinr in
the city. I am not acquainted with the fai Jly
whom she visits. In calling on her, should I
ask for her friend? If so, when should I ask?
(2.) In using finger bowls should you wipe
your fingers on the napkin you have been
using, or if a napkin is placed under the bowls
instead of a doyley, are yoa supposed to use it?
(3.) Should bananas, pears, and like fruit
be eaten with knife and fork? (4.) What
is the proper way to eat an orange? (5.)
Conld yoa give me the name of a first-class
etiquette book? A Reader.
(1.) Yes; you should send two cards up
when you call. (2.) You are to use the
i napkin sent with the finger bowL (3.) Fruit
" Is served with a silver fruit-knife. (.)
Oranges may be served partly pealed and quar-
j tered, each guest taking a portion when passed
around; or cut the. orange crosswise and eat
the piece with a spoon. The latter is the South
ern method. (5.) Mrs. Sherwood's "Man
ners and Social Usages,,lThe Bazar Book of
Decorum," and Mr&. Ward's "Sensible Eti.
quette" may all be commended.
(L) What style of cards, engraved or other
wise, finely engraved or not, is the "best form?
(2.) Which is proper (I being an M. D. and
a practicing physician), to have mv cards read
Dr. Charles H. Smith or Charles H. Smith. M.
D. (3.) How should my wife's cards read?
Would the fact that I am a doctor chance hers?
(1) Is it good style to have the name in
full on a card when the first name is a common
one and you would prefer not to make it as
Erominent? As, for instance, Charles Herbert
mith, M. D.T Medico.
(1.) A card engraved in an elegant script.
(2.) Either is proper, but the preference is
for the latter form. (8.) The wife's card
should in no way indicate the profession of the
husband. (I) In this country the usage
Is to give the initial of the middle name only,
but It Is coming to be considered in better form
to give either the name in full or initials only,
as, for Instance, Charles H. Smith, or C. H.
(L) What kind of stationery should a gen
tleman use in writing to a lady accepting invi
tations to dinner, supper, etc., and in extending
invitations to theater, etc.. ordinary note paper
or such paper as is fashionable for ladies to
use? (2.) If I have met a lady at the house
of a mutual friend for the first time and she in
vites me to call to see her, I suppose I can do so
with propriety. (3.) If I hae made the ac
quaintance of a lady at the house of a friend
and she always speaks to me ou the street, is it
in bad form for lue to join her when she is
promenading aiobe or with lady friends?
(4.) If I join ladies on the street while
they are' out for a walk or shopping, am I at
liberty to excubo myself and leave her or tnem
after walking a short distance with them?
(&) Can one join ladies who are promenad
ing or returning home after matinees; under
such circumstances is it proper to invite them
to take a lunch or refreshments, etc?
A. B. G.
(1.) A plain white note paper of choice
quality with envelopes to match. (2.) A
gentleman can always respond to a lady's invi
tations, but a young lady who asked a gentle
man to call upon her at their first meeting
would be guilty of an "impropriety. (3.) No,
provided it is agreeable to the lady. (4.)
Yes. (5.) It would not be improper under
such circumstances to invite the ladies to take
an ice or some other light refection.
The Author of "Don't."
Soclnl Events.
To-morrow evening the Imperial Club will
bold a reception at new Imperial Hall on Grant
At the last meeting of the Twenty-fifth ward
Debating Society the subject discussed was
"Woman's Bight."
The Dean Literary Society will hold their
annual entertainment on Friday evening,
March 29, at 8 o'clock.
There will be a fair and concert given at the
Warren M. E. Church on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings of this week.
On Tuesday evening Sunday School No. 2, of
the First M. P. Church, Fifth avenue, held an
entertainment and social. It was a success in
every sense of the word.
A fine musical programme will be rendered
at the Band all Club Social on Thursday even
ing next. The reception and banquet of the
club, to be held April 23, promises to be a
brilliant social event.
Master W. Badger, of Robinson court, Alle
gheny, was tendered a surprise party Wednes
day eveninc. Among those present were Twila
Badger, Kate Heron, Jennie Stewart, Bessie
Badger and Daisy McDonald.
Miss Amanda Baer had a pleasant surprise
party at the residence of her parents on Col
well street last week. Among those present
were: Misses Minnie and Venie Asher, Stella
Rosenthal, Alice McShane; Messrs. Alex.
Silverman, Joe Simon and Miss Betty Silver
man. Ou Friday evening Abbott's "Norma" was
very much appreciated by a theatre party con
sisting of George Joffers, Katie House, Will
Boone, Millie Hayes, Harry Ausburn, Carrie
Leach, John Porter and Nan Hunt. After the
opera a delightful supper was served at the
Hotel Duquesne.
A pleasant surprise party was given at the
home of Miss Fanny Kendig, at Oakland, by
Mi3 Heed, of Mt. Washington. Among those
present were the Misses Crissie and Mamie
Robinson, Elma Homer, Mamie and Georgie
Reed; Messrs. George Price, D. Langdon,
Barns, Beckert, and many others.
A delightful donkey party was given at the
residence of Miss Ida Belt, of Allegheny.
Among those present were: Misses Sadie
Heron, Barbla Stewart, Mary Lamb, Maggie
HodDohl,Annie Power.Hannah Cohen; Messrs.
J. H. Barnes, Charles Taylor, Walter Krepps,
Frederick Klmberland, Harry Ewing and Jos.
P. Hage.
Miss Mamie Byrne, of Manhattan street,
Allegheny, entertained anumberof her friends
Thursday evening. Among those present were:
Misses Maggie Hendinson, Jessie Jenkins,
Emma Wilson,Sadie Wall, Bert Gibson, Ethel
Davis: Messrs. Miller, Lebzelter, Latimer, S.
W. Conners, Will Till, Jim Hood, Jess Hill,
Ed Byrne and many others.
Master Earle Anderson entertained a num
ber of his friends at his home, on Irwin ave
nue, Friday evening. There were present Misses
Mary Lindsay, Leila Colvin, Jean Newell,
Jennie Cartnght, Lulu Cartrigbt, Emma
Kamm, Mary Brobst, Bessie Kerr, Gertrude
Groetsinger, Julia Alexander; Masters Fred
Lindsay, Hay Urilng, Walter Boswell, Alfred
Boswell, Herbert Holloway, Edwin Cartnght
and Walter McFalL
An enjoyable surprise party waS given to Mr.
Walter Nixon at his parents' residence, ohady
avenue, Thursday evening. Among those pres
ent were: Misses Emma Sprague, Clara Keil,
Bertha Sieffert, Alice Nixon, Carrie Scott,
Bertha Baker, Lisa King. Carrie Taggart, Jane
iiunter, Lorena Nixon; and Messrs. Jim Pen
well, Nolt Nixon, Joe Sprague, William Ango,
Theo. Keil, Lee Gould, Oscar Sieffert, Milton
Henricks, Prof. Albert Christy, and many
On Friday evening the fourth Demorest sil
ver medal contest and musicale was held in the
parlors of Miss Milly Tutell, of Buena Vista
street. The elocutionary efforts of the several
contestants were creditable to themselves and
their teacher. Miss TutelLand were highly ap
preciated by the guests. The judges awarded
the beautiful medal to Mr. Mcllljar Lichliter,
son of Bev. M. L. Lichliter. Honorable men
tion was made of Miss Mary McCausland.
Thus passed another instructive and pleasant
One of the enjoyable events of the week was
a reception held Tuesday evening by Miss
Mabel Lang, of the East End. The large and
beautiful parlors were artistically decorated
with the choicest of flowers. Among those
piesent were: Misses Carrie Johnston, Katie
House, M. Libbey, Nell Scully. Jennie Lawton,
Tillie Whitting. Grace Myer and Blanche
Nixion: Messrs. Harry Connolly. George Jef
fers, John Crumwelh James Nixion, G. Dun
lap, Chas. Boun, E. Graham, T. Harter, S.
Gleason and Ed Butter.
On Wednesday evening the young ladies and
gentlemen of the Eighth Presbyterian Church,
West End, surprised Miss Eva Mertz
at the residence of her parents.
Those present were: Misses Nannie Nay,
May Murray, Annie Graham, Annie Bul
lock. Eva Bathen, Mena Lober, Jennie
Dorrington. Mary Reed, Jose Dougherty, Eva
Mertz, Lilly Swearer, Freelove Mertz, Kmma
Shelter, Messrs. John Doneboo, Austin Woos
ter. John Byers, James Gibson, Samuel Truly,
Alva Graham, Sidney Mertz, Bert Donehoo,
Charles Dorrington and Frank Graham.
A merrier crowd than that which left Belle
field Thursday evening would have been hard
to find. After a delightful drive of about 30
minutes they arrived at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Ha8iey, Forward avenue, East End,
and tendered the young couple a genuine sur
prise. Among those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. H. Hasley, Mr. and Mrs. Bitter, Mr. and
Mrs. Mertz, Misses Emma Hasley, Annie
Bcboenberger, Hannah Jenkins, Phoebe Logie,
Lizzie and May Schaddock, Tillie Best, Annie
Bitter and Lillian Buch; Messrs. Hasley, Bigh
enbnngh, Craig. Schoenberger, Best, Ffaar,
Frew, Osten and others.
MissMame Butter cave a large evening party
to a number of friends at her home. North
Highland avenue, Thursday evening. Among
those present were: Misses Bessie Bell, Agauas
Watson, Cora Hedges, Ida Gumbert, Kste
Borland, Emma Fnndas, Ida Scott, Clara
Davies, Lillie Scott, Emma Bowers, Edna
Beams, Maggie Frasier, Lizzie Morton and
Lyda Sims: Messrs. Ad Gumbest, W. Frank
Stewart, Milton Richards, Bobert Frasier.
W. H. Stewart, Coyle McCullough, John
Davies, Uriah Tinker, Frank Bay, John Wil
son, Samuel Shaw, J. Walter Byland, Charles
Bier, Al. Borland, Baa Stahl, George Douthett,
H. McCullough and O. G. Elwood.
Miss MannleS wight, of Chartiers street.Jgavo
a progressive euchre party Friday evening.
Miss Nan Cauly and James F. Bailey took first
honors. The following were present: Mrs.
Simon Kirschlcr, Misses Nan Cauly, Sadie
Cauly, Annie M. Bailey, Jennie McVicker,
Birdie McVicker, Myrtle Mathews; Ella Pease,
Lily Courtney, Betta Courtney, Idella Walker,
Tillie Walker, Miss Dunlap; Messrs. J. W. Dow,
of Homestead; Simon Kirscbler, James F.
Bailey, V. G. Purviance, Lee Cauly, T. B.
Metheny. Mr. McVicker, George Becker, 8. L.
Dunlap, Lawrence Warner, George Conner, S.
W. Conner, Frank Walker, Will Walker and
Joe Walker. .,
. An informal surprise party, chaperoned by
Misses PcarlNatcber and Sallio Buch, invaded
the home of Miss Eleanor Baldwin, Filmore
street, Bellefield, Friday evening, and, taking
possession ot the place, did not hesitate in bav
ing a good time. A luncheon was served dur
ing the evening and dancing and games helped
to bring the happy hours to an end. Among
those present were: Misses Annio Johnston,
Clara Owens, Marv Wacner, Bessie and Masgio
Biggs. Bessie Miller. Belle Wightman. Rose
Natcher. Sallio Gray, Tracy Hatch, Messrs.
Willie Bced, Wilbert Jack, Frank Johnston,
Albert Schmertz, Carl Davis, Bussel Wight
man, Joe Gray, Oscar Wilson, Eugene Valiant,
John Wilson and others.
There was a pleasant surprise party given In
honor of Mr. Charles Beatttc, at his residence,
No. 45 Kirkpatrlck avenue, Allegheny, on
Thursday evening. Among those present were:
Misses Minnie Mooney, Lizzie Small, Lizzie
Davis, Carrie Swoger, Mollie McKay, Nannie
McKay, Laura Evans, Ella Mooney. Bella
Clark, Lucy Fonner, Maud Beattie,Bertre Ack
ley, Florence Ackley, Annie Stcrm. Sadie Wall,
Lizzie Hood, Mary Fonner. the Misses Boyd,
Nettie Jackson: Messrs. Weslcv Burns, George
Irwin. Frank Kuhns, James Bothcrmal, Wal
ter Thompson, Olivor Hezlln. Joe Abbott, Ed
Rothermal. Samuel Orr, Thomas M. Boyd,
Robert McKav, Will Davis, A, N. Swoger, John
Ellis. Martin Zitnmer, Mr. Bnyder, Fred Mln
inger, Lann Caruthcrs, Breading Cameron and
many others.
Last Thursday evening the home of Police
Captain Richard Wilson, on Wostern avenue,
was the scene of an informal and dolightf ul re
ception, the occasion being Miss Lizzie J. Wil
son's ISth birthday. Many beautiful and ap
propriate gifts were sent, among tbem a very
handsome upright piano from her father, and
many fanry articles from dear friends. The
Brilliant Orchestra entertained the guests with
a large and well-selected programme. Among
those present were the Misses Palmer, of Cleve
land; Miss Lewis, of Sharon: tho Misses Mitch
ell and Hamilton, of Avalon: Misses Martin,
Orr, Graebing, Hook, Bash, Love. Allen, Con
roy, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Curtis;
Messrs. Steward, Ehrhardt, Butler, Kublnian,
Orr, Bash, Prof, Liefeld, Maurer, Sheppard,
Graebing, Ford, Allen, Porter, Curtis and W.
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Charles Ahlers and Miss Katie Buege
were united in the holy bonds of matrimony
Thursday evening last, at the residence of the
bride's parents. No. 131 East street, Allegheny,
by Bev. W. Schaeffer. Mr. Harry Ruege.
brother of the bride, acted as groomsman and
Miss Annie E. Milleras bridesmaid. None but
a few intimate friends and relatives of the con
tracting parties were present.
Personal Gossip,
Mr. W. DeWolf.and his sister, Miss Jennie
DeWolf, arrived in the city yesterday morning.
Miss Emma Slinonton, of Butler street, has
returned home from a four weeks' vacation in
the East.
Mrs. Morgan E. Yeatman has left the city to
join her husband at their new home m
Roanoke, Va.
Miss Edna Bridge will hold her fifth recep
tion to her pupils on Monday, March 25, at Cy
clorama Parlors, Allegheny.
Miss Mary Freas, of Wylie avenue, has re
turned home after a brief visit to her friend,
Mrs. George Wilson, of Haysville.
George A. Lashell bavins sold bis Allegheny
residence, will remove with his family to his
suburban residence at Coraopolis, on April 1.
Miss Minnie Morrison, of Wurtemburg, Pa.,
returned borne after a brief visit to her cousin,
Miss Minnie Maxwell, of Evergreen Hamlet.
Mr. Will Maxwell and his cousin Minnie Mor
rison, of Wurtemburg, visited Miss Olvira
Temme. of Bayard street, Allegheny, Monday.
Misses Sadie Herron and Barbia Stewart, of
Robinson street, Allegheny, have returned
home after a two weeks' visit to Miss Mamie
Fish, of Kittanning, Pa.
Mrs. Wm. Semple, Jr., and Master E. C.
Semple, of Allegheny, after a three weeks
visit to friends and relatives In Philadelphia,
returned home on Friday.
Among the recent arrivals at Hotel Royal,
Atlantic City, are Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sutphin.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. R. Barnhurst, Miss Dalzell,
J. K. Freeman and family, Dr. Jos. K. Smith
and Miss Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart,
Bobert Stewart, Jr.; Mrs. M. E. Mayer and
Miss Mayer. J. B. Trainer, B. a Biggs, Jr., a
N. Grover, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Everett, Miss
Clara McKee, Mr. anil Mr.. J. F. Halstead, A.
K. Stafford and family, Wm. M. Fitler, Mrs.
Chas. Parnsh. Jr- E. J. Fairchild, Miss Fair
child and B. Fairchild. Jr.
Chas. Beattto Sc Co.'s Dress Goods, Etc
On Tuesday, March 26, our house will be
in gala array to receive our friends, and in
order that none shall be disappointed the
opening will be continued 'Wednesday and
Thursday, 27 and 28. During these days
we propose to exhibit in our various depart
ments everything new and fresh in novel
ties, which have been drawn from the chief
markets at home and abroad, the cream of
whichwe have selected with utmost consid
eration for the wants of our patrons. The
second floor has been entirely carpeted, in
which for halt its space the millinery
line will be displayed. Our French
pattern bonnets are marvels of loveliness
and can be relied upon as the leading
ideas ot Parisian conceit and handicraft.
Our American hats are not a whit behind
in attractiveness and will prove a feature of
the display. Everything in ribbons, feath
ers, flowers, ornaments and materials for
making bonnets and hats to order will be
in stock. Our milliners are noted for their
deftness in producing nice effects and we
will show our friends some marvelous
things in this line. Everybody must have
a new bonnet lor Easter and we are pre
pared to do ample justice to all whofavor
us with their orders.
While on this floor look into the subject
of beaded wraps especially imported for this
opening. There are 100 choice specimens of
the mantua makers' art, ranging from S3 50
to $35, to suit all purses. On this floor you
will notice our lace curtains and portieres
in brnssels, French and fine Nottinghams.
Also the new spriug jackets, in black and
all the latest seasonable shades. The jersey
and stockinette stock should not be passed
without due examination. When you come
down stairs we desire to call your attention
to a special line of black silks (only 25
pieces), comprising five nunibers in gros
grains and merveilleux, on which we will
put special prices for these three opening
days; but we positively refuse to duplicate
this offer for a longer term.
Don't overlook the wash goods, especially
the imported and domestic ginghams,as
well as'the French and American satines.
These are chances made on purpose to lend
attractiveness to our opening. One thing
further, we will show a special purchase we
have made of chnllisjust to heighten the
effect of this opening and astonish you with
the prices they are reduced to.
we also carry a fine assortment of ladies'
muslin underwear, spring weights in bal
briggans, laces, embroideries, corsets and
hosiery, all needful things, which it will
pay you to look at. For this opening we
have employed special people, adepts in the
art of ornamentation and decoration of win
dows and stores, and we are fully of the
mind that the show itself will pay one for
the trouble of their visit, to say nothing of
the inducements in the way of nice goods at
the most moderate prices in Allegheny.
We are not talking at random, but will
stand over every statement we make. The
goods themselves are the strongest evidence
we offer in verification of our talk.
We have employed a number of extra
clerks in order that our customers can all be
properly waited, upon, not disappointed, as
at our last opening, when the crowd was so
great, we were obliged to close our doors.
Spring Wraps.
An unrivaled assortment of new spring
and summer long and short wraps, many
exclusive novelties, lace circulars and
wraps, beaded aud braided wraps, lace
trimmed silk and camels' hair wraps, and
a special line of light and dark colored
cloth wraps in plain and brocade fabrics,
the handsomest and most stylish garment
shown this season.
arwrsu Hughs & Hacke.
No Advance In Carpets
At Edward Groetzinger's. We paid more
for the spring stock than the goods sold at
last season, but will sell all grades at old
prices. Mammoth carpet and curtain
house, 627 and G29 Penn avenue.
Exteaoedinaey kid glove bargains
this week atBoseubaum & Co.'s.
Fine watch repairing, lowest prices, at
Hauch's,, No. 295 Fifth ave. -wrsu
The Stowaway"
Hassis' Thjutib..
"Ueacou Lights'1
Gbakd Oceba Housb..
Boilna Voices
Academy op Mrsw..
The Big four
Curiosities' etc
The above are the theatrical attractions for
this week.
The week of opera at the Bijou hag been
hugely enjoyed, if one may judge by the im
menso audiences which greeted Miss Abbott
and her company every night. Manager Gulick
says that it is the best week Miss Abbott has
ever played to in Pittsburg.
The second rendering of the "Yeomen of the
Guard" at the matinee yesterday was very
much better than the first on Monday night.
Miss Abbott herself was in better spirits and
voice, and the chorus was infinitely smoother
in its work. The opera improves upon rehear
ing, and one is impressed particularly with its
musical merits. It must be said, however, that
the subject is too gloomy and the humor too
dry and too trim to allow of "The Yeomen of
the Guard" ever becoming popular.
Mr Gilbert seems to have got it into his head
that it is about time for him to set un as a de
clared rival of Shakespeare, and he has delib
erately chosen to kilfa clever plot by dialogue
smelling of the Elizabethan time and sug
gestive of the antique jests of Touchstone or
some other Shakespearean fool but too musty
and local in its spirit to be harnessed to a
comic opera. The music of Sir Arthur Sulli
van is excellent, though hardly of the light and
popular order which gave him fame and for
tune in "Pinafore" and earlier works.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence have given us a
dellghtfnl series of comedies, which Pittsburg
ers hardly seem to appreciate as they ought
Still the audiences toward the end of the week
were of a fair size
Mr. Florence will be seen here with Mr. Jef
ferson next season, for three nights only, in
"The Heir at Law" and "TheBivahr" It is a
great event to look forward to.
Hefbubk Johns.
This Week's Attractions.
Ton Cba yen's powerful melodrama, "The
Stowaway," will be made known to the Pitts
burg public for the first time to-morrow even
ing at the Bijou Theater, where it will continue
for one week, with Wednesday and Saturday
matinees. For a period ot four years It has
held the boards In England, and it is said to be
still drawing large audiences there, proof suf
ficient that it has both pronounced merit and
intense interest. The production Is said to be
an elaborate one, and -the scenery, painted by
Maeder and Schaefer, of Nlblo's Garden, and
Joseph Marston, of Palmer's Theater, New
York, is said to be remarkably beautiful and
realistic One of the scenes reveals a view of
old London, in which several striking novelties
in the way of effects are introduced. A full
rigged yacht at sea is shown in one set. The
vessel is prononnced by New York yachting
experts to be a marvel of completeness and ac
curacy. The play Is described as mingling
pathos with humor in the mostflnlshed fashion,
while it is said to possess many absorbing cli
maxes finely worked up. The caste is notably
brilliant and well chosen, and includes a num
ber of players .well-known to Pittsburg theater
goers, among them being Marlon Elmore-Helen
Weathersby, Leonora Bradley, Harry Hawk,
Joseph Slaytor, Mark Lynch. Lewis Baker,
William Lee and Fenwick Armstrong. Asa
sort of supplementary attraction the manage
ment presents the triumph of stage realism in
the shape of genuine burglary. The "job" Is
said to be done In the most scientific manner
by two expert cracksmen, 'Spike" Hennessey
aud "Kid' McCoy, both Of whom recently
graduated from a kleptomaniac institution on
the Hudson. These worthies are said to be
much enamored with tbeir new profession, and
vow that they will never again resort to unlaw
ful means to make a living. The play, the com
pany, the scenery and the safe-blowers unite in
forming a combination that will draw large
crowds to the Bijou Theater this week.
At Harris' Theater this week will be seen
"Beacon Lights," of which the New York
World recently said: It Is a new drama, which
has successfully weathered Western criticism.
The play was brought out last night at the
Grand to a particularly crowded and enthusi
astic house. The story of the play caught the
fancy at once, and held it to the final scene at
the close of the play, while the climax at the
close of each act prompted thunders of ap
plause. Calmly considered, there was good
f round for the generous advances, as "Beacon
dghts" IS a play that possesses those elements
which are bound to win. The story is deftly
told, the characters so well chosen, and the ar
rangement so complete, that it must take its
place in the front rank of dramas of its class.
The play deals with life in the mines, the scene
being laid in the Southwest. The plot lies in
the trials of the heroine, Myra Haynes, whose
husband eeoks the gold fields and dies there.
Efforts are made to swindle her out of a claim
which her husband has left her, all of which
are defeated through the good work of the
hero. J'hil Gordon. On this thread are hung
several stirring scenes and incidents of a thrill
ing nature. Miss Neva Wharton, in the role of
Myra Haynes, showed to creat advantage in
the scene in which she confronts the kidnaper
of her child, and it may be said of her that she
sustained her part throughout with creditable
At the Grand OperaHouse next Monday
evening, March 25, the theater-goers of Pitts
burg will have an opportunity of welcoming
that charming comedienne. Miss Rosina Vokes,
who appears here with her own company for
the first time From an extensive repertoire
of delightful comedies Miss Vokes has selected
two of her best bills, and as is her custom, will
present three separate and distinct pieces at
each performance. The programme for the
week has been arranged as follows: Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings
the performance will commence with "A Game
of Cards." a petite comedy adapted from the
French, to be followed by G. W. Godfrey's
charming comedietta, entitled "My Milliner's
Bill." in which Miss Vokes will sing her famous
song "His 'art was true to Poll" and conclude
with "The Rough Diamond," from the pen of
the veteran actor and author, J. B. Buckstone.
Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday
matinee the bill will consist of "In Honor
Bound." a drama by Sidney Gtundy. "The
Circus Rider." written specially for Miss Vokes
by Mrs. Charles Doremu of New York, and
"A Pantomime Rehearsal," a laughable bur
lesque on the fashionable craze of amateur the
atricals. At the Academy ot Music this week will be
seen "The Big Four's New Departure." Here
is their list of performers: Harry Watson,
Alice Hutcbings, the Big Four, Flora Moore,
Horseshoe Four, Frank Lester, Maud Bever
ley, Nelsonia and Rouclere, Bobby Daily, Lot
tie Roy, Smith & Lord, E. G. Johnson and the
Peruvian Dog Circus. What more could
be desired. They represent all branches
of the vaudeville profession, from bal
lad singing to trapeze acts, and all are good
in their respective lines.
The sea serpent Trill unwind Its wonderful
tale at thoCasinoMuseum this week, and there
will be many other attractions of an equally
stunning sort.
Xchoes of the Stage.
'"OstxebJoe" has been dramatized at last,
and by a New England woman, too.
Maey Awdeesos will start for the South of
France In two weeks. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell
feeling confident she will be able to travel by
that time. ' She Is at the "Stratford," In Phila
delphia. ,
BEOKSON Howabd has returned to New
York from Washington, where he has been
studying military details for Introduction into
his play "Shftnandoab." HewillrcmalrfinNew
York to arrange with Phil Goatcher about the
scenery for the play.
Miknie Maddebk, who spent last week in
New York enjoying an Unexpected rest
through the failure of the Star Theater at
Buffalo, was to have gone to Rochester on Bun
day night to resume her tour. Owing to an at
tack of acute tonsllitis she was prostrated and
r - s 1
I mmm PWffi ft
-V i -S-nZr-'-Z '
unable to leave the city. The .Rochester date
was canceled in consequence. Miss Maddern
has recovered sufficiently to begin-agaln on
"Spike" Hesnesset and "Kid" McCoy,
the two burglars in "The Stowaway" Company,
are preparing to do the European capitals next
summer non-professionally. It Is inferred that
they will follow in the practice of all illustrious
travelers and journey incog.
Buek MclNTosn assumed the part of Jtfed
Alcott In "A Midnight Ball" at the Bijou
Opera House, New York, on Monday night,
and made a decided hit. If Mr- Mcintosh will
drop pool playing and study in bis prolession
he will make his mark as an actor yet.
A close friend of Mrs. Langtry says she Is
worth 8700,000 in money, bonds and real estate.
When'sho started on her tour of the English
provinces she hadnothlng. She cleared 10,003,
however, in that tour, and take my word for it,
a pretty good slice has to be given up before
she again marries.
"Hands Across the Sea," by Henry Pettitt,
Esq., which had such a long successful run at
the Princess Theater, and now playing to
crowded houses at the Grand, in London, has
been secured by Gustave Kahn for tho United
States and Canada, and will be produced early
in the fall with a strong cast and elaborate
scenic effects.
The recent Invention of an "opera hat" for
ladies, which is destined to revolutionize the
millinery business, is patented by an English
lady, and consists of a hat made on a wire
frame, trimmed with lace and flowers. It will
close similar to a gentleman's evening bat, and
can be sat upon without Injury. It is also con
vertible into a fan.
A notable engagement will probably be
played at the Bijou Theater by "The Crystal
Slipper; or, Prince Prettievitz and Little Cin
derella," which opens at that house a week
from'Monday. The piece has bad a most re
markable success in Chicago. New York, Phila
delphia and Boston. In the company there are
nearly 150 people, which includes a ballet of 60
and a large chorus.
With the introduction of real burglars and
a fac-simile of a genuine yacht in "The Stow
away," it might be supposed that realism had
reached its limit, at least as far as that play
was concerned. But Manager Thomas H.
Davis seems to be possessed of a feverish de
sire for even more realism. He will soon intro
duce two prize fighters,o appear in actual
combat In tho first act of the play a street
scene in a London slnm.
Joseph Jefferson bas been writing his
autobiography at odd times for several years
past. It tells of his travels as a boy In his
father's company in the primitive towns of the
West, aud then gives a complete account of
bis work, the principal happenings of his ca
reer and the interesting people be has met to
the present time. Tho autobiography will be
published in installments by the Century, be
ginning early next autumn.
A new craze now seems to have sprung up in
London, says the Mirror, namely, the frequent
rechristeping ot advertised new productions.
The chief example this week in this connection
comprise the changing of the name of Henry
Arthur Jones' new comedy for tho Haymarket
from tho "Pauper" to "Matthew Ruddocke"
and from that to "Mat Ruddocke" and the re
naming of the Cellier-Stcphenien new opera
now in rehearsal at the Lyric This was first
to be called "Dorcas." then "Barbara;" then
"Dorcas" again, and now hey, prestol (up to the
time of mailing) "Winifred.''
Miss Eosina Vokes, who occupies the
Grand Opera House next week, possesses many
striking traits of character. Among these is
her remarkable fondness for athletics and out
door sports of all kinds. Of course, every one
who has seen her on the stage has been more
or less impressed with the nimbleness of her
heels and her general quickness of action.
Miss Vokes tells a story herself of an eventful
foot race she ran some years ago at her home
in England. The course lay over a long stretch
of smooth lawn, and when the contest nearcd
the finish the actress, u ho was running with
the swiftness of the wind, tripped in some un
accountable manner, fell and broke her collar
bone. But she won the race just the same.
Philivpoteaux, the painter of "Niagara in
London" (out of which John Hollingshead
for the ten months from Match, 1888, to De
cember, inclusive, c1 eared over 22,000 net
profit), has painted a more complete painting
of Niagara for this company, and is bound by
contract not to paint for anyone else for four
years. A movable Iron building is to be con
structed wherein to take the panorama around
withal. The promoters seem to attach consid
erable importance to the fact that they will be
able to take the building about with them, for
the word movable is printed in italics, and
otherwise made much of wherever it appears
In their prospectus. They have arranged to
open In Paris on the site near the Champs Ely
sees, bv tbe end of May. The price to be paid
for the" painting and the movable building is
The comedy which is known in its English
form as "Featherbrain" has not been produced
in this city. It has several times been submit
ted to Minnie Maddern, in the belief that at
her hands the somewhat difficult role in ques
tion would receive full justice. Last week Miss
Maddern decided to take the piece. Arrange
ments were then speedily effected whereby the
brilliant young actress will produce "Feather
brain at tbe Lyceum Theater during the month
of May. A company of special fitness will be
engaged and the scenery built for the piece will
be used. Miss Maddern says that the young
woman from whose sobriquet the title is de
rived possesses peculiar characteristics tnat
afford novelty of interpretation. Featherbrain
is a sort of female Lord Dundreary. The piece
has many amusing situations and is said to run
along the line of genuine comedy from first to
last. Afiuicai Mirror.
B. P. O. EsNotcs.
Me. J. Horner took his first at the last
Brother Qtjinct Bobinson has been on
the sick list the past ten days.
Cleveland Lodge is making preparations
to attend the reuuion on June 19. 20 and 2L
There will be close on to 150 lodges in the
United States by the time the reunion takes
Boston Lodge had a benefit last week as
was a benefit. The receipts were close on to
Brother Smith, of St. Louis Lodge, of the
original Big Four, will be in the city next week
at the Academy.
Brother Feed Carroll, in his last letter
received here, says that he would like to be
back among the boys of No. 1L
Brother W. F. Monboe, of Erie Lodge,
No. 67, was in tho city all last week and will be
with us at this communication.
Brother Archibald Cowpeb, of New
York Lodgo No. L was in the city last week
with the Florence Opera Company.
Brother George Beltzhoover. of Pitts
burg Lodge, who has been in Chicago the past
year, is home on a visit to his mother.
Brother D. H. Wilson, of Youngstown
Lodge No. 53, business manager of the Flor
ence Opera Company, was in tbe city all last
Franklin Lodge was instituted last
Wednesday by District Deputy Wallace and
members of New Castle and Youngstown
Brother Sam Freeman, of No. 11, who
has been absent for a year, ls'spendlng two
weeks with us and also looking after Paul
Bsyton's sea lions.
Brother Nick Engel, of New York Lodge,
No. L. sang one of bis melodious songs in a
phonograph in New York recently, a copy of
which was brought here last week and has
been repeated several times in a phonograph
in this city. It is highly appreciated by all who
have heard it.
The Benefit Committee yesterday concluded
their arrangements for the annual benefit ot
Cincinnati Lodge No. 5, B. P. O. Elks. It will
take place at the Grand Opera House the even
ing of Monday, April 8. with the favorite Carl
ton Opera Company as the attraction. As the
attraction offered is one ot tbe strongest on the
road, and tbe benefit is for the purpose of re
plenishing the charitable treasury of the order,
the Grand should be packed as it was never
packed before.
Beading Lodge of Elks, No. 115, was inau
gurated on tho 10th by E. G. B. Dr. Hamilton
Leach under most favorable circumstances.
He was assisted by Thad K. Sailer, N. B.,
Washington Lodge, No. 15; E. C. Stahl, H. A.
Donnelly, of Trenton Lodge, No. 105; Harry
Bernard, No. 53; Joseph H. Hugg, No. 34. and
George W. King,.No. 74. The new lodge Is
composed of representative citizens, tho . R.
being the Hon. James B. Kenney. Mayor, who
will be assisted by what promises to be an able
and efficient corps of officers. The prospects for
the future of "the Infant" are most promising.
At midnight the members, visiting officers and
guests repaired to the Grand Central Hotel
and ample justice was rendered to the banquet
which bad been prepared in honor of the event.
Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune
Produce a shocking disturbance. So do nerves
unstrung. Their weakness, originating with
the stomach's inaction usually, is reflected by
a perturbation of the organ ot thought and by
general organic disharmony. They may be
strengthened and quieted by restoring vigorous
digestion with Hostetters .Stomach Bitters,
also a leading preventive and remedyfor ma
larial disorders, billons and kidney ailments,
constipation and a rheumatic tendency. It Is a
prime appetizer also.
A. Great Time Expected at Milwaukee Next
Augnut Extensive Preparation The
Campflre nt the Inauguration Centen
nial G. A. R. News.
Preparations on a grand and extensive
scale are in progress for the Twenty-third
National Encampment of the Grand Army
of the Bepublic, which will be held at Mil
waukee, Wis., next August. Features will
be presented entirely different from any pre
ceding ones. In addition to the naval battle
at night, which will be conducted with all
the appliances of electric lights, pyrotech
nics along miles of piers and breakwater,
shore batteries, floating batteries, magazine
explosions and sinking ships, arrangements are
being made to build barracks for the accommo
dation of visitors right in the heart of the city
in the middle of the avenues, having a drive
way on either side. This arrangement will se
cure water, sewerage and gas at small expense
to the general fund, and will give the mass of
veterans who intend to "camp out" just as good
locations as are enjoyed by those who patronize
the best hotels. The worry and bother of going
to aud returning from camp several miles dis
tant from the heart of the city will be elimin
ated, and every comrade will have an equal
chance to be present at parade, campflre, re
union and ail other attractions presented.
One great feature of every encampment, as
all veterans well know, is the reunion of mem
bers of the same regiment, and still another
prominent feature is the campflre. Both of
these will be available by everyone in attend
ance under the plan of barracks in the center
of tbe city. Pennsylvania, for instance, will be
in camp in one or two of the cross streets,
Ohio next, followed by Illinois, Kansas and
other States. Each street will be conspicuous
ly marked with the name of the department, so
everyone can find tbe several headquarters,
and in case of rain the barracks can be used
for general gatherings. Before the encamp
ment was located at Milwaukee every hotel
proprietor of that city entered into an agree
ment as sacred as any contract can be made to
charge no more during the encampment than
tbe usual rates of accommodations. The citi
zens are preparing to open their houses on the
occasion. A committee is now canvassing in
that direction, and Gratifying results on every
side are reported. There will be no lack of ac
commodations, and a warm-hearted hospitality
will await the representatives of the Grand
Army of tho Bepublic at Milwaukee in August,
Tbe New York Campflre.
Quite a number of Pittsburg G. A. B. men
expect to be iu New York at the celebration of
the Inauguration of Washington as President
of the United States, which will be held April 80.
Commander-in-Chief Warner will be present,
and it is expected that every department com
mander, with his staff, will ,be in attendance.
Tho campfire at night will probably be the
largest and most enthusiastic ever held on the
continent. The General Committee of Ar
rangements, representing the citizens and va
rious orders, have decided to have a parade,
which will be one of the principal features of
the anniversary, and the Grand Army has been
assigned to a very Important position in line.
The veterans will constitute a division, and
will comprise the left wingof the military pro
cession. Colonel Wm. D. Waltonis the Grand
Marshal of this division, and he has appointed
Captain E.T. Goodrich his Chief of Staff.
Headquarters have been established at the
Union Square Hotel, where Comrade John J.
Symes, Secretary of the Committee of Ar
rangements, is daily iu attendance. To defray
tbe expenses of the Grand Army $20,000 have
been appropriated by the New York Legis
lature. This sum has been lodged with the
Council of Administration of the Grand Army
of the Bepublic, which will pass upon and pay
all bills certified as legitimate expenses in con
nection with the parade and campflre. Of the
G. A. B. posts in New York and Brooklyn it is
expected that between 60 and 70 will parade
with full ranks. These, with the out-of-town-posts
which have already signified their inten
tion of participating in the celebration, will
probably aggregate between 8,000 and 10,000
veterans alone in line.
First Echo of memorial Day.
Comrade Henry A. Breed, Secretary of the
Memorial Day Committee of last year, in ac
cordance with instructions of that committee,
has issued the following Information to the city
Posts: "I hereby call the joint committee,
composed of representatives of the Posts be
tween tbe rivers, viz: Nos 3, 41, 157, 206, 230 and
250, to meet at City Hall, aturday even
ing, April 27, at 8 o'clock. Please ap
point from your Post five comrades
to represent you and instruct them to meet as
above, and also have tbem prepared to act, as
your post may decide, as to the manner of pet
forming the duty of the day."
There will probably be some radical changes
in the manner of observing Memorial Day this
year. It is quite probablo that a general parade
will be dispensed with and that certain posts
will be assigned to go direct from their balls to
some particular cemetery and decorate the
graves, independent of other posts.
Grand Army Whispering's.
Post 2S7, of Waynesburg, is arranging for a
trip to Gettysburg on May 21.
Application blanks for admission to the
State Soldiers' Home, at Erie, can be secured
at Department headquarters, Philadelphia.
Captain Judson Brenner, a prominent
member of the Sons of Veterans, was in tbe
city yeiterday. He is now located at Beaver
Falls. Pa.
Comrade William W. Cole, M. D., Sur
geon of Abe Patterson Post No. 83, of Alle
gheny, is a prominent candidate for Medical
Pension Examiner of the Allegheny district.
Whitakeb Post, No. 75i and George H.
Holmes Post, both of Louisville, Ky., bavo al
ready secured quarters at Milwaukee for the
time the National Encaampment will be In ses
sion in that city.
At the last regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Society, No. L anxlliary to Davis Camp,
Sons of Veterans, Mrs. Bosena Seifertb was
elected Vice President and Miss Adaline
Thomas, Trustee.
Camp No. 71, Sons of Veterans, Beaver Falls,
Pa., is rapidly coming to the front as one of
the most active camps in the Division of Penn
sylvania. It is making special preparations for
the observance ot approaching Memorial Day.
A monument to the memory of "Little
Mac" will be located In Philadelphia and dedi
cated this year, on the decasion of the anniver
sary of the battle of Antietam. Tbe McClellan
Memorial Association of that city has the mat
ter in hand.
The following named comrades have been
appointed a Committee on Invitation for tbe
reception to be held by Davis Camp, Sons of
Veterans," on April 30 1 Gilbert A. Hays, A. L.
Pearson. Jr.. H. A. Davis, B. R. F. Foulk and
Judson Brenner.
The journal in printed form ot the twenty,
second annual session of the National Encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Bepublic at
Columbus, Ohio, September 12. 13, and 14, 1883,
is now being distributed. It is a valuable publi
cation for Grand Army men.
The members of Post 88, of Allegheny, are
busily engaged making preparations for the
production of the "Fall of Atlanta," at the
Opera House, week commencing April 15. The
cast of characters include tho best local talent.
The demand for tickets at present is unusually
large, and tho prospects for full houses are
very enconraging.
The members of General Chas. Griffin Circle,
No. 41, Ladies of the G. A B., located at Home
stead, Allegheny county, Pa., forwarded last
week a large box of chair cushions and head
rests to the Soldiers and Sailors' Home at
Erie, Pa. This Circle is rapidly increasing in
membership and is aspiring to tbe distinction
of being the "Banner Circle" of tbe State of
Tuesday evening next Duquesne Post No.
259, will meet for the last time in the hall of
Posts. Four recruits are to be mustered and
throe applications' are to be acted upon. On
thft flwt Tnmdfiff AvmtliK In Anril tnln Pm
1 will meet In their new hall, Union Veteran
legion, on aixtn avenue, it win do an open
meeting, and an exoellent programme ot exer
cises is being prepared.
The officers of Ransom Post No. I3L of St
Louis, publish In a very neat and attractive
manner, the minutes in circular form, of meet-
f A wMeZz' !sJl"
Ings, and ateo announcements of meetings and
iVr:. i" """y-eiecteo memoers aaoap- i
ing the applicants. Bmith V Gait Is Com
mander ot the Post, and s! DfwIostertAdju-
Comrade Wiixxax Jones, Quartermaster
of Gregg Post, No. 83, of Bellefonte. Center
county. Pa., wants-information of the where
abouts of Comrade John Thompson, who came
from Derbyshire, Enzland. in 1800 or '8L He
entered the service of the United States as
clerk or waiter for some army officer His
friends think he enlisted from the oil rezions
of Pennsylvania. He had but one arm. Any
information of Comrade Thompson, dead or
alive, will be thankfully received by Comrade
At 3 p. M. to-day Post 157 will hold memorial
services at Asbury Chapel, Fifth avenue and
Magee street in memory ot the following com
rades, who died during the year: John Wise
man, John G. Berlnger, Eli Powell. Jacob
Shook, James E. Watt and William Hunter.
The exercises will be very Interesting and im
pressive, ana win do open KiuepHuiic xne
Suartet of Post 157, consisting of Miss Mollie
wens. Miss Levie Owens, George H. Brown,
E. D. Fuller, with organist Prof. B. M. Repp,
and drummer. James Brown, will render music
especially prepared for the occasion.
The Washington Infantry are taking steps
toward an encampment next summer.
Lieutenant Charles E. Brown, of Alle
gheny, has been In Washington during the
week, on business from a political standpoint
Several of the local companies are being
exercised pretty thoroughly in skirmish drill
and guard mount with an eye to being pre
pared for the spring inspections.
Lieutenant W. T. English has regained
the use of his. voice, after a hard struggle ot
three weeks with the "Capital grip," and is
once more charming his friends by his vocal
ALL of the regiments of the First Brigade
made arrangements to go to New York next
month. From the outlook at present, they will
be the only representatives of the National
Guard from this State present
Assistant Surgeon S. O. Brumbaugh de
livered a very able lecture yesterday afternoon
at the Institute Hall, Sixth street, entitled
"Alcohol and Tobacco." The doctor handled
the subject in a most familiar manner.
Ordnance Sergeant J. B. Johnston, of
the battery, distributed 22 marksmen's badges
at tbe last meeting, as a result of last season's
practice. Two of the number were sharp
shooters, Private Lydic and Sergeant Miller.
Four members of local companies are re
ported seriously 111 with pneumonia, resulting
from the exposure at Washington, and there
are probably many others who have had at
tacks of the same kind. A number ot sick men
are also reported in the other two brigades.
Special orders No. 8, from the Adjutant
General's office, grants leave of absence to
Lieutenant Colonel Hale, of the Fifth Regi
ment for 60 days, and honorably discharges
Lieutenant F. A, Lee, of Company D, Second
Regiment and Lieutenant John 8. Rhodes, of
Company E, Ninth Regiment
Ex-Mayor Joseph T. Sfeeb, of this city, is
in Washington at present hustling for the ap
pointment as Consul to Antwerp. He leaves
lor Enrope on the 1st of May, with the inten
tion of remaining there for several years, and
has concluded that the Consulship to Antwerp
will be right in his line. His chances for the
appointment are good.
It is suggested that as the local regiments
will probably not be able to attend tbe big
parade in New York on April 30, in honor of
the one hundredth anniversary of the inaugu
ration of Washington as President they
should have a turnout in the city and let tbe
people see what kind ot material they are made
of. Tbe suggestion is a good one and should
be carried out
AT the meeting of Battery B last Monday
night a set of resolutions were unanimously
adopted tendering a vote of thanks to W. H.
Yerkes, of Washington, D. C, for his kind at
tentions to the battery while attending the in
auguration. A gold-headed cane was also for
warded to him as a token of the feelings of the
boys on tbe subject Mr. Yerkes is the super
intendent of the Independent Ice Company,
whose buildings were- used as a barracks by
tbe battery.
The question has been asked several times
as to different names under which the militia
is known in the different States. The term
National Guard is now used in most of the
States and territories, tbe exceptions being
in Georgia. Maine. Massachusetts Rhode
Island, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia as
"Volunteer Militia;" in Florida they are known
as "Special Militia Force;" in South Carolina
as "Volunteer State Troops;" in New Mexico
as "Militia;" in Alabama, Michigan and Ken
tucky as "State Guards," and in Indiana as
"Indiana Legion."
Since the appearance in this column two
weeks ago of an article about the probability
of the Eighteenth Regiment being allowed a
tenth company, numerous applications have
been made to Colonel Smith for the vacancy.
Among the number is one from a prominent
Grand Army man of Verona, who has raised a
squad of 45 men for that purpose and can fill
out the number to 60 should tne vacancy be
given him. He has also gone so far as to lay
tbe matter beforo Adjutant General Hastings
through Reftresoniativo StewartatHarrisburg.
It is safe to say, however.that if tbe Eighteenth
does get a Company "K," it will be recruited
in the city proper or Allegheny, as there is any
amount of available material.
The election for Second Lieutenant in Com
pany H of tho Eighteenth, which was to have
been held last Tuesday evening, was postponed
'again on account of a majority of members not
being present This makes the second time thi3
election has been adjourned for various causes,
and Captain Penny, tbe election officer, is of
the impression that tbe Governor of the State
now has the privilege of making an appoint
ment to fill the vacancy. While the new mili
tary code is somewhat vague on the subject
the old law very distinctly states that an elec
tion shall not bo postponed more than twice.
There is a slight lack ot harmony between tbe
present officers of the company, which certain
ly does Dot tend toward keeping the standing
of the organization at the level it occupied.
Adjutant General Drum, in a letter to
tbe Secretary ot War, makes a point that will
be of interest to guardsmen alt over the
country. He says: "As an encouragement to
young men of character and capacity to enter
the militia of the States, I beg to recommend
that appointments in the regular army from
civil life be exclusively reserved to the officers
of the National Guard of the States, who can
successfully pass the prescribed mental and
physical examination, this examination to be
confined in each case to tne officers for any one
State. In my first report I bad the honor to
point out briefly the many advantages that
would necessarily flow from perfect uniformity
in the rules and forms governing both the
regular army and militia, and the steadily in
creasing advance that militias, with the active
encouragement of the War Department have
made in military knowledge aud efficiency. I
cannot; therofore, resist the conviction that
the measure I propose will prove of great
benefit to both services."
Beacon Lights.
The first production of this beautiful
drama, with its wealth of magnificent scen
ery, beautiful costumes and elaborate ap
pointments will take place at Harris' Thea
ter, commencing March 25. Mr. Harris
has been to considerable expense in procur
ing this successful play lor his theater,
especially this being the first appearance of
the company in Pittsburg. The cast is one
of the most expensive of any company
traveling this season. No less than five
members of this comniny have been feat
ured and starred on the road. Bee tbe fol
lowing great cast: Air. Frank Evans, Odell
Williams, Mr. J. HavCossar, Mr. Ralph
Darman, Mr. W. T. Aubry, Mr. H. S. For
inger, Mr. Harry Sinclair, Miss Neva
Wharton, Miss Grade Emmett, Miss Jennie
Ward and Miss Josle Williams.
Dres Goods.
Elegant novelties in black. and white
effects, entire new designs in stripes, plaids
and checks.
No Advance In Carpets
At Edward Groeizinger's. We paid more
for the spring stock than the goods sold at
last'season,.but will sell all grades at old
E rices. Mammoth carpet and curtain
ouse, 627 and 629 Penn avenue.
One hundked pieces black cashmere,
4G inches wide; the value is 75c. While
they last will sell at 50e per yard.
HWFSa HUGUS & Hacke.
Tailor-made stockinette and corkscrew
jackets; over 100 styles; cheapest at Eosen
baum & Co.'s.
Fine watch repairing, lowest prices', at
Hauch's, No 295 Eifth ave. tttsh
fil in pahs HEosmof
PabHo School PBlta Coawleto the Bpeel.
raeoi of Their Work for tho ComparUos
ether Biacatfoaal Matters.
The ward principals of such schools aa
will contribute to the Paris Exposition yes.
terday turned over to Superintendent
tucker the production of the pupils. These
schools aro the South, Grant Hancock,
Forbes, Franklin, Balston, Moorhead, O'Hara,
Soho, Bellfleld, Howard. Hiland, Lincoln,
Homewood, Colfax, Peebles; Wickersham,
Morse. H.umboldt St Clair, BirmUgham,
Bedford, Knox, Luckey and Stevens. The
High and normal schools will contribute sepa
rate volumes.
All the above named ward schools have coa
trlbuted manuscript work of the arithmetic and
language of the primary grades, but the gram
mar work is confined to a few schools. All the
collection will be sent to the binders to-mor
row and will be sent to Troy, If. neioro
JrherewillbeH volumes. The school work
of two consecutive years will be exhibited In
one volume. A boy from the Thad Stevens
school wilt show the Parisians that be knows
French, all his manuscript being in that lan
guage. He came from Paris recently, though
he is a native of America. In this pupil's man
uscript are the names of Harrison's Cabinet
The entire exhibit will undoubtedly reflect
great credit on tho Pittsburg schools. Mr.
Luckey is very much pleased over the result
It is much ahead of the exhibit prepared to
theCentennial In 1876.
The Permanent Certificate Committee me
yesterday afternoon to hear the returns from
tbe various members as to the standing ot the
applicants who were on the late examination,
and the following were recommended for per
manent certificates:
S. A. Snowdon, Anna P. Bostwlck, Agnes D.
Thompson. Lou G. Taylor, Sadie P. Dunn,
Lilian F. Hoag, Mayme L. Taylor, Mary E.
Holman, Mary Stein, Grace B. McMasters,
Clara E. Riddle, Mary Rosser. Annie Dickson,
Katie A. Barry. Kate E. Baursmith. Rebecca
L. Torrence, Bertha M. Werner and Lizzie Mo
Cabe. The Thad Stevens School will give an elabo
rate public reception next Tuesday, Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday afternoons. All
the rooms will be open to visitors on Thursday
People in educational circles had very little
to say about the defeat of the compulsory edu
cational Dills. Apropos ot this question. Prin
cipal Bane recently received a letter from Mr.
T. W. Bean, Chairman of the Committee on
Education, saying that he did not think that
there could be a general State law for compul
sory education, but tbat a compulsory educa
tional law for the principal cities and towns
would meet with favor. For that reason, he
thought that tbe special bill providing for
compulsory education in Philadelphia would
Mr. Luckey received a letter from Mr.
Skelly, Superintendent of the York. Pa,,
schools, in which be saidhe had made arrange
ments for a party of teachers and their friends
to start for the Paris Exposition on July a The
expenses of the trip are not to exceed $250.
The party can travel to Germany or wherever
they wish to on the continent. Any Pittsburg
teachers who wished to go were invited to join
the party.
Educational Echoes.
Pat-day for the city teachers will not occur
till April 5.
The general meeting of the Teachers' Insti
tute has been postponed till the latter part of
The flag presented by the Jr. O. TJ. A. M. to
the Soho school was captured last week by Miss
M. J. Polley's room.
The High School Committee met yesterday
and decided to locate the janitor's new build
ing on Fulton street
Next Wednesday will be reception day at
tbe Liberty school, Twentieth ward. A similar
event wilt occur at the Osceola school, of the
same ward, next Friday.
Next Saturday the third graduating class of
the Public Cooking School, for this year, will
give an exhibition of their work at the Grant
school, from the hours 2 to 4. The event will
bo known as the "blue reception." Dr. A. E.
McCandless bav offered a prize for the best
loaf of bread. Three hundred and seventy-five
pupils have graduated from this branch ot the
public school since its inception.
Milton Weston Has Been III.
Milton Weston stopped over in the "city
yesterday on his way east. He left for
NewTork last night Mr. Weston has
been laid op for seven weeks with the
rheumatism, but is rapidly recovering from
his affliction. He hadn't any news for the
reporters this time.
A Sharpabursr Sapper.
A suppecf and musicale will be given at
the First Congregational Church, Sharps
burg, Thursday evening next, March 28.
Supper from 5 to 10 o'clock. The musical
programme has been carefully prepared, and
a pleasant evening may be expected.
Stock is filling up rapidly, and it will pay
you to see this line of black goods. JM
1 f 1 . Ill llf. rS
winter wraps ana JacKets-
Has been unprecedented. Such bargaina'--are
rare. S
Mi s System
Of the many different systems now being
taught, "Newton's" is tbe simplest, least
complicated and easiest tolearn. A waist
cut with the tailor shoulder,bias under arm,
dart and curved bust not only gives a per
fect fit, but grace and beauty to the form.
Pupils can begin at any time. Test waists
cut for those desirous of learning. I draft
directly upon the cloth. Terms reasonable.
Perfect-Fitting Patterns Cut to
We are now prepared to cut patterns to
measure, either on paper or lining, guaran
teed to fit in every particular, as we take 15-
different measnrpnipntft and mnVp tTiA darts
and curvatures to suit the figure. Full in-"
ttractions In basting given with earh pat
tern. Call and secure a pattern. System
taught and patterns cut at tbe WHITE
This is a permanent branch of our busi
ness. -
J. KEVAN & .
mh2JJ!2 - -?
Dries quickly: Is not sticky
nor greasy; makes rough skin
soft, smooth and velvety; and
does not smart the skin.
makes face powder adhere to
the skin and renders it in
visible. Sold by all druggists.
Price 25 cents.
Refuse all substitutes.
-. oc27-clMn
Trade Mart.
4 -