Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 24, 1889, Image 1
"4 FORTY-FOTJKTH YEAR UNIT! AT M PRICE, The Salisbury Cabinet Putting . on a Bold Face and Declaring That NAUGHT SHALL PART THEM. 'An Alleged American Startling Lon don With Hypnotic Tests. THE FEIXCE OF WALES TUTS SOLDIER A Week of Turmoil, Storm nod Stress in Parliament Gladstone Misses All the l'nn Tlie Tories Swallow a Drastic Dose for the Sake of Appearing Ilar monions Why the BUI to Purify tho Iloase of Lords Had No Show What ever 31. Antolne Not Exactly the Man to Bent Bonlangtr Picon's Nome Be coming Tiresome to the British Public Tbe Heir to the Throne Sharply Criti cised In Several London Newspapers. Despite tbe nausea which the Salisbury Cabinet must feel, a pretense of unity and harmony is kept up in their organs. This provokes the statement that their fall, when it does come, will be bnt the harder. A week of terrible turmoil and trouble has just closed in Parliament The Grand Old Man missed the fun, through enforced ab sence, but proposes to get even -this week. A wonderful exhibition of hypnotism is being given in London by a man supposed to be an American. The capers of the Prince of "Wales at York provoke severe criticism at the hands ot those who love temperance and virtue. TBY CABLE TO TOE DISrATCH.1 London, March 23. Copyright. "Never," says a newspaper to-day, "since the Salisbury Cabinet was formed has there been such perfect unanimity as prevails to day. Kennmgton has knitted them more closely together, and it has made them more determined than ever to fighfthis home rule monster which is sapping the sinews of John Bull and making his life a misery." The Kenniugton gam has just been fol lowed by Gorton glue, and it the Tory Min isters like such drastic means of unity, there is plenty more on hand. The closer they stick together the more solid will be tbe fall when it comes. The doubling of the Liberal majority at Gorton is as im portant in its way as the winning of the Tory seat at Kennington, lor it proves that even in Lancashire, the greatest Tory stronghold out of London, the reaction in favor of home rule is beginning to be felt. A Week of Terrible Turmoil. , In Parliament the week-has been one of turmoil, storm and stress from which the Liberal leaders and their Irish friends have emerged smillnc refreshed, .pugnacious and . hopeful. Unfortunately, tbe grand old nan, who is in mourning for his dead brother, has missed all the fnn, but he will take a hand in'-the glorious game next Thursday. The Tory leaders, discredited and disheartened, doubled up in, debate, beaten in argument and bewildered by the merciless fire of questions to which they have been daily subjected, take comfort in the fact that their majorities have not been materially lessened, but in the most critical of three divisions taken this week the Tory Unionist majority was reduced to 61, and last night it would not have exceeded half that total had not 23 Liberal lawyers, some of them engaged in the Parnell case, walked out of the House without voting because the proposed censure of the Attorney General involved matters of professional etiquette. The Whole Conntry Looking On. Bui as the Tories well know the Liberals are forcing the fighting, with the whole country looking on. The people are noting the shameful admissions of duplicity and tyranny wrung from the Government, and at every election the ballot has shown what they think of it all. The poor, blundering, good-hearted, soft headed old gentleman who is supposed to be leader of the House of Commons, is daily proving his eligibility for elevation to the House of Lords. This week he has done little except to sit on the treasury bench and rub his bald head. Mr. Smith has had the wisdom to recognize that he is not a match for oratorical giants and debat ing gladiators like Morley, Harcourt, Bradlaugh and Healy, and he has left most of the fighting on his side to Balfour and Goschen. It is, therefore, comical to learn that Mr. Smith is To be Honored With a. Banquet and to receive addresses of confidence and sympathy as a protest against the inconsid erate manner in which he has been treated in Parliament Hartington yesterday addressed about 60 men, who styled themselves the executive council of the Xiberal-Unionist Associa tion. His speech contained nothing new or worth remembering, and his hearers, by way of compensation, were taken to Baron Rothschild's, where they were treated to a feast worthy of Lucullus. Lord Bandolph Churchill is still sulk ing, and has rendered no assistance to his Quondam friends in their dire distress. Only once this week has his voice been heard in the House of Commons. He put a question relating to naval affairs,deliberate ly designed to prove the first lord of the admiralty an ass, and his scheme succeeded completely. Churchill's brooding bodes no bliss to the Government, who are already trembling for the safety of their big naval scheme. Gladstone Actnally Impressed. The large smile and friendly eye which Chamberlain turned on Gladstone last week, and whicli I'noted in this column, have been backed up by a display of geniality and affection on the part of Joseph which has really impressed the mind of the Grand Old Han. Exactly what the impression is, is open to question. Chamberlain seems to be trimming his sails in a most pronounced manner. He has this week announced that the time has come when the Government should propound a scheme for Ireland's benefit, in place of the one proposed by Mr. Gladstone. This would make a delicious puzzle for any nineteenth century legislator. Chamberlain has even had several quiet conferences with Mr. Gladstone, and the ground is being cleared for Joseph to return to the fold with his majestic party of six members, all of whom, by the way, are his blood relations. Wouldn't Empty the House of Lords. The House of Lords have had a debate this week upon Lord Carnavron's bill to preserve their lordships from the presence of improper peers. When the bill was formally introduced last week, Viscount Mandeville was good enough to prove by his shameful confessions in the bankruptcy court that there was some need for the meas ure. The debate this week has been em phasized by the appearance of the most "noble, the Marquis of Donegal, in the divorce court. The Marquis, whose coat of arms bears the singularly inappropriate motto: "Honor Follows Though Unsought For," was charged by his wife with brutal ly ill-treating her. Some of the specific charges of cruelty, which included acts of incredible baseness, were not denied, but as the Marchioness took to drink after her de sertion years ago by her noble husband, and has been since neither more nor less than a drunken drab, she did not succeed in ob taining the judicial separation and conse quent alimony lor which she craved. All Personalities Carefully Avoided. The debate contained no reference to the Marquis. Their lordships, in truth, avoid personalities with scrupulous care, and mostly made believe that a reform of pro cedure rather than an improvement in indi vidual morals was the one thing needful for the purification of the House of Peers. Lord Boseberry alone had the brains to realize and the courage to express the wholesome truth that the real difficulty was the hereditary constitution of the House. It seems a pity that the Marquis of Ailes bury did not put in an appearance, clothed in his favorite costermonger's habit and with his favorite pipe in his mouth; but this particular noble Marquis is just now enjoying himself in Paris with his wife, errtwhile Dolly Tester, who, with the money earned in a questionable way, is giv ing her reconciled lord and master a lordly holiday. There was no one then, in the gilded chamber, to serve as an object lesson to the assembled peers, and the bill was thrown out by 73 votes to 14. Suggestions Oat of tbe Difficulty. The newspapers are now busily engaged iu making suggestions for dealing with dis reputable peers. The one which finds most favor, becanse it is easily carried out and is based upon historical precedent, isthatupon the appearance of say a bold, bad baron, their lordships would solemnly rise in their places and turn their baronial backs upon the disreputable one; but, alas, men like Ailesbury and Donegal have long since lost all sense of shame, and it is certain that the Marquis of Ailesbury, far from being im pressed with the proposed display, would scoff at it, and perhaps make rude remarks in the peculiarly breezy style ,tbat he has made his own. A WONDERFUL GIFT. Startling Experiments in Hypnotism An American 'Astonishing the Fnslilon nble World of London Feats That Seem Almost In credible. rBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, March 23. A gentleman named Fletcher invited about 30 people to his house last night, to observe and question Mr. Garmean, a hypnotist who is'justnow the particular and -cxelusivn fad. .among people in search of entertainment after din ner. The guests wereelected with a great deaof care, and it seemed like a thorough ly honest effort to get at the bottom ot Gar mean's extraordinary power. The hypnotist claims to be a German, though his name, manner and appearance are thoroughly French. The idea is prevalent, by ihe way, that he is an American with polygloltic ac complishments. Some of his feats were extraordinary. It should be borne iu mind that the guests were invited, and there was no attempt at an exhibition for money. During the even ing, Garmean, in illustrating the effect of his will, even from a distance, asked some members of the party who could play the piano. To see what effect his will would have combatting that of the specialist, an Ameri can named Boss, who was formerly of the governing board of a New York club, sat down and began to nlay carelessly on the piano. A Very Difficult Test. Garmean announced that he would go downstairs and stop the playing in a certain number of minutes. He scribbled a nnmber on a piece of paper, doubled it up and placed it in the hands of one of the guests, and descended two flights of stairs, while every man in the party held his watch in his hand and kept a vigilant watch upon the Hew York club man. Mr. Boss wore a smile of singular and beautiful superiority. He driited casually from one air into another and kept up steadily for four minutes. Then the smile faded away like a flash, and the pianist, with hands over the keyboard sat utterly unable to move a finger.' Beads of perspiration rolled down his face. He announced after ward that he was perfectly aware of everv thing that was going on and felt an abiding sense of shame at his own impotence, but he was utterly unable to m,ove " a finger. He remained In this state until Garmean ap peared in the room and released him with a nod of his head. The folded paper was then opened and it was found that the figure four had been marked on it Four minutes was the limit which Garmean had set Able to Do About as He Pleased. He seemed able to exert his power indis criminately and upon any subject Some hot-headed members of the party would announce now and then that the whole thing was gammon, and then .Garmean would turn to him with an air of grave politeness and say: "You don't believe in me." The answer would invariably be "No." Garmean would then ask the man. to rise, and that always ended the contro versy. In no instance was he able to rise from bis cnair, tnongn bis struggles in some cases were profound and pugnacions. I cannot see exactly where Garmean makes his income, for he refused absolutely to accept ajfc after his exhibition last night Itw probable, however, that he is building a reputation now which will be taken advantage of later on. I have seen mind readers, spiritualists, and people of that ilk, but I have not yet encountered anything more startling than this exhibition of hypnotism. NOT THE MAN TO SEAT BOULANGER. M. Antoine) In His Wisdom, Prelers a Life of Quietness. 1BT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, March 23. General Boulanger, 'ike Mr. W. H. Smith, has been keeping qniet this week, but his friends have been making the fur fly with astonishing vigor. The Government are beginning to realize that in taking action against the Patriotic League they are playing straight into Boulanger's hands, and they would now gladly wash their hands of tbe whole busi ness. It was honed that M, Antoine, the famous Deputy for' Metz in the German Beichstag, who has resumed his French citizenship, would consent to. run against Boulanger in the race for popular favor, but Antoine declares he wants nothing but a quiet life, and he is wise, for he has none of the qualities which the man who shall undertake to fight Boulanger must possess. Boulanger, therefore, smiles serenely, while his lieutenants, driven by persecution into active warlare, made things warm for the Government and turned the Chamber into a bear garden. FOIBLES OF EOYALTY. The Prince of Wales Crowding the Limit Several English Newspapers Scan daiized by His Son's Abuse of the Wine Cup. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, March 23. The Prince of Wales has been having great fun at York, playing at soldier. His eldest son is a cap tain in the Tenth Hussars, of which his father is honorary colonel, and the portly Prince of "Wales resolved to go into barracks for a couple of 'days. The officers did their best to let the world see how proud and pleased they were to entertain the princely colonel, but as a matter of fact they would much rather he had remained at home. It costs money to entertain the Prince of Wnles, who does not relish Spartan sim plicity, even in a military mess. It was necessary also to invite an adequate assort ment of noble lords " to meet the royal colonel and help to entertain him, so that the bill which the officers will have to pay among them will be of portentious length. The most striking feature in connection with the many newspaper columns poured forth about the visit to York has been the unanimity and enthusiasm with which the reporters have dwelt upon the fact that the Colonel, the Prince of Wales and Captain Prince Albert Victor, are actually able to ride. "Why," joyously exclaims one news paper man, "Prince Albert seerds to be quite at home on horseback." Simultane ously with this loyal tribute comes the ir reverent announcement, printed in a Tory newspaper, too, that when at Oxford Uni versity, Prince Albert Victor was a guy as an athlete, and rowed with a phenomenally round back and short swing. It is possible, Dy ine way, tnat tne loiiowmg mysterious paragraph", evidently penned in the deepest anguish and with the death-daring deter mination to tell the truth .though the heavens fall, refers to Prince Albert Victor. It is taken from the St. Stephen's Review, a society weekly, beloved of the Primrose League games and antique. Tories, and it runs as follows: Very ugly rumors are running the rounds just now concerning a distinguished person age, associating his name with disorderly scenes attributable to intemperance. Since some months back these reports have been afloat, and week by week, I regret to say, they are increasing. Within the last few days, in deed, certain things have occurred though I will not do more than vaguely hint at them that have lent added force to. tbe current gossip, and it is to be hoped that before it is too late something will be done to Anally put a stop to what may otherwise prove eventually a very serious scandal. Following this comes that sober sheet, The Sock, the pious organ of the Tory church party, the embodiment of all that is respectable in the middle classes, and the personification of .unreasoning loyalty to the crown and everything connected" with it, as symbolized by the open Bible and the crown which it bears upon its title page. It is sorry to have to reflect upon the conduct ot the Prince of Wales, but there are obli gations which ought not to be shirked. Some of the newspapers insinuated that the Prince's continental amusements were not as stated therein. Tbe Prince and the Princess and their daughters dined on last Sunday at the Knights Bridge barracks of the First Life Guards, and after dinner ihero were various petiterfjeaxv and a lively evening was spent Grave people shake their heads and con sider the whole transaction rather undig nified, as well as unsuitable to the decorum of the .English Sunday. The press feel that it was more sad than a violation of good taste, for it was a violation of the Sabbath of God. TIME TO LET PIG0TT DEOP. The J British Getting Very Tired of Too Much of a Good Thing. TBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.j London, March 23. The combination of Joseph Biggar, the 510,000-beauty 0f the Home Bule party, and George Lewis, the smart lawer of the Parnellites, has been suc cessful. It had been known for some time that the two men had been in close negotia tion, and the fact has been developed that they were on a still hunt for the late and lamented Pigott's diary. They have got it. and it will be added to the mass of informa tion concerning the position which the Times took in the recent controversy. More sober judges of things political are of the opinion that Pigott and everything apper taining to him had better be dropped. There has been more Pigott to the square inch in British politics and the press of late than the publio cares to accept. But if the Lewis-Biggar combination shows nothing else it proves that the Times will be pur sued relentlessly now that the men it has so criminally maligned.have secured the whip hand. It is common talk in newspaper circles here that the Times has lost-greatly in cir culation and business patronage by the fail ure of its attempt to malign Mr. Parnell. The facts of the case are exceedingly hard to get at, on account of the mystery which attaches to everything in the Times office. The whole establishment is run precisely like a great Government department, and access to the press rooms is more difficult than to the sanctum of the Prime Minister. The method of getting at the Times' loss of circulation was rather round about. Whole sale and retail dealers were questioned about the number of copies that they sold, and from the general falling off in every case it is concluded that the paper has suf fered severely. DAN LAMONT A PRESIDENT. The ex-Presldent'a ex-Secretary Bom of a New York Street Car Line. rSFECIAX TELSQItAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New- Yobk, March 23. From a Presi dent's Secretary, Dan Lamont has. become a President. He tvas to-day elected to the Presidency of a cross-town horse cat line, entitled the Houston, West Street andPa vonia Ferry Railroad Company, but more familiarly known on the East Side as the Avenue C line. Under whatever name it is called, the road is managed by the Seventh Avenue and Broaflway line, of boodle aldermen notoriety, which, with the Cham bers street and Grand street ferry line, is now owned by the Metropolitan Traction Company, composed principally of Phila delphia's. Ex-Secretary Whitney is largely inter ested in tbe traction company, which ac counts for Mr. Lament's 'elevation to the Presidency of the "Avenue C" line. Among the improvements which the new President contemplates is the substitution of cars with two horses and a conductor for the present "jigger" cars. Pittsbargers Leasing Oil Lhnds. (SPECIAL TILJEOUAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Pabkebsbubg, W. Va., March 23. A number of Pittsburg gentlemen lave been leasing many thousands of acres of Jand in Harrison and other counties in'this State for oil purposes. A test is to be put down on every tract of 2,000 acres. Th.e In dications for oil are reported excellent. PITTSBURG, SUNDAY ABIGCAILJORGTOS. The People of- Fayette, Boused by Additional Humors of Outrages, AEMNG AGAINST THE OUTLAWS. Officers-Tell How the Robbers' Managed $j Elude Their Vigilance WHEN ALMOST "WITHIN THEIE GRASP. The History of a Gas; of Toughs That Has Terrorized a Whole.Cennti. Another outrage is reported in the Fayette county district, where robberies have been so numerous lately. The Sheriff of the, county explains why the late attempt to capture the gang was unsuccessful. Unionf town and McClellandtown are in terror vigilance committees are forming and the sale of. revolvers and other weapons is tin precedented in the history of the' place. XrnOM A STAFF COBEBSPQNDXXTJ i ; UsiosTOWir. March 23. To nav thai Uniontown is excited would be putting.!! 1 very mimiy. ojnee tne return oi tne oneria and his posse of policemen from Markleys burg an expedition which proved, to bftij grand fiasco the people on the street ara not only down upon the gang of robbers, but they also make the police of Union to wa. the target of their sarcasm and laughter. "So the Cool Spring gang did not happen to keep you when you were near them?' was the usual greeting addressed to-the officers of the law as they passed along the streets. But the policeman answered the remark with a grim smile, and, shrugging his shoulders, he passed along. To get a statement from a p rspa in authority regarding the McClellandtown robbers, I made it my business to see Sheriff Joseph Miller, of Fayette county, imaedU ately after my arrival, and during the con; versation I had with him, he said: . "The'whore expedition was nothing but a .hoax practiced upon the Penn Detective Agency. Had I known yesterdav what I have learned since I would certainly not have made the trip, It has been an ex pense of some 20 to me that no one will re fund." "Well, what is your opinion about the the whole affair? Bo you really think that these robbers were out in Markleysburg?'' HOW THE BOBBERS ESCAPE!). "Oh, yes. They were there; I am sure of that. Immediately after they had completed their operations in McClellandtown they went out there and arrived at -the house of the man Hill last Friday week.- As I have learned since, they ill left last Wednesday morning." "But how could the detective telegraph you that they had surrounded them if 'that was the case?" "Why those fellows only imagined that they had them surrounded. . They were about a half mile away from the bonse which was supposed to 'contain the gang, and as for watching them at such a distance I do not see how they could doit When. I got to the house last night I immediately; demanded admission. The door was ODeaed: ' and I then searched the house from the'cel- -lar to the garret. I went through the yard, the 'outhouses and all 'around the dace. That they had been there I am. certain,' buV they had skipped. 'Xfoflffd a rifle belong ing to Charles Lewis, one of the men, and I brought it along wittae to Uniontowri." This statement of" the Sheriff, however, was frequently called into question by a number of people who had also been out there. A man named Moore, who belonged to the vigilantes that rode to Markleysburg on Thursday night, said-to mer "The gang went away while the detectives went into a neighboring farm house to have something to eat." Another man who went with the Sheriff's posse said: ALL SORTS OF RUMORS CURRENT. "It is a shame to underrate and ridicule the work these detectives did. They de serve great credit. They watched the house carefully, and were pretty certain that the men, were there, becanse Mrs. Hill told them that they had breakfast with her on Friday morning. This is how they escaped: On Friday evening after the two detectives had been watching the house for a long time, they told their men to keep guard while they went to procure something to eat. During that time, aided by the existing darkness, the gang got off." These, and numerous other stories, were floating around, but one thing is certain, there is a gang of outlaws existing in Fay ette county that is so well organized and the character of the members so well known, that they can follow their course without the fear of beinginterfered with. The chief of police of Uniontown is responsible for the statement that all the men who talk so big abont the gang, and aver that their capture would be only a little recreative exercise for them, are afraid to go within 1,000 yards ot tnem. xo prove now terrorized union town and McClellandtown have become since tbe gang have come out and shown snch a bold front, it need only be said that Mr. Malcolm, the chief hardware man in Uniontown, has sold his entire stock of weapons, revolvers, guns and everything that will shoot. I am told that, the de mand for revolvers is so large that a new supply has been ordered. JL TERROR STBIKENTO'WN. In McClellandtown tbe people are in a perfect fever of excitement Every stranger is looked upon with suspicion and revolvers are shown at the least sign of belligerent in tentions. All the farm-houses are guarded day and night Vigilance committees have been appointed and a constant watch for the robbers is kept up. Meantime, the members of the gang are, nobody knows where. A rumor reached Uniontown last night in the shape of a newspaper wrapper which gave a few par ticulars regardipg a story that a man and woman had been robbed at Elliottsville, about six miles from Markleysburg, where the gang stayed last -week. The story went that a man named Elias Hatfield had secured a newspaper wrapper on which it was stated that Elliottsville had been attacked, late Friday night, by a gang of robbers. They were bound and tied to the joists of their house and then tbe place had been ransacked and, so it is alleged, $213 stolen from them. This tale could not be .substantiated, although it seems possi ble for the gang to have been there if they left Markleysburg soon after dark. While walking along Main street Mr., Adolph Johns, the Uniontown Court crier, was pointed out to me as the man who knew the full record of the chief members of the "Cool Springs gang," and the information he gave regarding them is about as follows: A TOUGH QUABTET. "The four sf them who are best known are Charles Lewis, Decatur Tasker, Jack Sullivan and John Ramsey; Most ot them live at Cool Springs, about two miles from here, hence the name. Charles Lewis is un doubtedly the ringleader the Dick Turpin of the whole gang. He is a tall, handsome man shrewd and clever in his un dertakings. He has"" been in the pen itentiary several times, the last time inr kit TMn for ntfarlrinf MV Tatce- ley, Paymaster and Superintendents oi tne utewart iron uompany, and robbing him of several hundred dollars. Decatur Tasker is said to be a little man and a regu lar tough in the fullest sense of the" word J MARCH 24, 1889. who will shoot and stab on the least provo cation. John Ramsey and Sullivan are stanch pals and the righthand men of Lewis." What will be done to catch the men can hardly be told. Tho Uniontown police will not be anxious to make another trip to the mountains on a wild-goose chase, and the reward of $200 offered by the Fayette County Commissioners nobody seems anx ious to earn. "The amount is too large for so small a job,'" somebody sarcastically said to-night, and it would 'be a pity to have, the county treasury lose so large a sum." The mem bers of the detective agency ore still in the mountains and their plans are unknown. Heinbichs. AMERICA AIL EIGHT. Oar Policy In Besard to Ramon Just the Proper Thing The Ex-Governor of New Zealand Says Austra lia Is Looking to the United States. San Fbancisco, March 23. In the White Book published at Berlin respecting Samoan matters, Prince Bismaick refers to the arrest of Gallien, the Englishman, by the German Consul at Apia, for suggesting ibat Mataafa should write to Sir George (Gray, ex-Governor of New .Zealand, as to ,ifie course. Samoans should pursue. 'Ex Governor Gray, who is held in great esteem lu the colonies, when asked respecting his' vies by the Auckland Herald as to. Samoa, aid It would be far preferable to leave each of these island groups with independent govern ments, settling all disputes among themselves by arbitration, and culded. if possible, by a commission of foreign powers. It is clear that America is aiming at this line of policy, annex ins none ot the Islands herself, and doing her utmost to preserve the peace of the Pacific. This is also certain to be the policy of all the English possessions in this part of the world. America will eventually become leader of the Anglo-Saxon race and will displace England from the position she now holds. Many eyes in this part of tbe world are al ready toward America as the power that is likely to preserve the interests of the Anglo Saxon race in the Pacific without herself an nexing anything or allowing; foreigners to do so. It Is clear that the center of power among the Anglo-Saxon race is snif tins to America, as the center of population has already done. It is therefore unwise of England to neglect her interests In such a time ot emergency. The United States does not require a standing army, and consequently tbe whole resources of 4 people so circumstanced could be devoted solely to tbe maintenance of a navy which would make the Anglo-Saxon race absolute masters of the world. SUSPICIONS OF MURDEB Aroused by tbe Deatbof aHnngarian Work man at HarrUbarg. (SPECIAL telegeam' to the DISPATCH. 3 HaIjbisbubg, March 23. Marco Her wit, a Hungarian employed at the Penn sylvania Steel works, who died on Thurs day, is suspected of having been murdered. Herwit and his wife came to this country three years ago and settled in Steelton. There was. much domestic jarring, and he separated from her, A short time since he returned to her house. He died soon after, and her prompt appearance at the bank to receive about 51,800 which he had on de posit and other singular actions of the woman raised the suspicion that his death might have been caused by foul means. - It was at firstsupposed that he was pois oned, but while a post mortem examination was being-made for the detection of poison, blqod was noticed oozing from his mouth. This was found to have been caused by a bruise. The wife's attention having been called to the. wound., she stated that a friend of the deceased' had struck him on the Dreasu xne post mortem examination is to be continuedon Monday. HEW 10RK TO BE STORMED, A Big Salvation Army Band Abont to At- tack the Metropolis. IFPICIAI, TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yobk, March 23. The Household Troop's band of the Salvation Army which has been waging war against the world, the flesh and the devil in Maine, proposes to take New York and Brooklyn by storm next week. The band consists of 28 musi cians, all of whom are considered artists, and the leader, Bandmaster Appleby, was formerly cornetist in the Life Guards. He is said to be second to but one or two in the world. Before the band arrives the two cities are to be billed with dodgers and posters announcing its coming on a scale to make Barnum hide his -diminished head. April 1 and 2 are to be devoted to Brooklyn and the two following days to this city. The band performances in the hall of the Y. M. C. A. and the Salvation Army bar racks in Seventh avenue are to be preceded by a street parade, in which 500 Salvation ists will participate, The band plays "the devil's music," as secular airs are termed, to which religious words are added. THE SCHEME CONSUMMATED. AU'tho Rochester Breweries Are Now In the Syndicate. Kochesteb, N. Y., March 23. It was given out to-night that the sale of the Bartholomay, Rochester and Genesee Brewing Companies plants to the great En glish syndicate was completed early this evening. The three companies will be con solidated, and be known as the '"Bartholo may Brewing Company, Limited' The capital stock will be 620,000, and there will be 350,000 in debenture bonds. The property transferred to the new com pany includes three breweries and all the real and personal property owned by the breweries. Parsons malt house is in cluded at (100,000. The Bartholomay Cot tage Hotel, at Charlotte, and stocks in sev eral corporations, also, go to the new com pany. The sum of S2.250.000 is said to haye been paid to the Bartholomay Brew THE WABASH WAR OYER. An End Beached In the Long Litigations Over This System. Chicago, March 23. Tlra great Wabash case came to an end this afternoon in the United States Circuit Court by the entry of a decree offering the great railway plant for sale in this city. The question of an upset price that is, a price that must.reach the amount of indebtedness for the first mort gage bonds of the Ohio and Indiana di visions, and 5147,000 of the second mortgage bonds of the Ohio division, the first mort gage of the Great Western division and the Decatur and East St. Louis division was argued during yesterday and taken under advisement, and a decree to that effect was issued by Judge Gresham. THE COMPANIES KICK Against tbe Taxation Ordinance of a West Virginia Town. ISPICIAL TXLXQBAUTO THE DISPATCH. Pabkebsbubg, March 23. The case of the local agents who were arrested by the city authorities a few days ago ibr refusing to make returns of their business and pay the 2i per cent on their gross receipts as demanded by 'the city ordinance, came up before Judge Snodgrass for trial to-day. The Becorder fined the Western Union Telegraph, tbe Adams Express and the United States Express Companies' agents 20 and costs." Each one of the companies took anappeal from the decisional the Becorder .and wjU carry tne case to a higher court. a 1 HOW)FJiAffiIE LIYES. . Her Private Career Kot a Bit Quieter Than it Was- When She Was TBE FiEST LADY OP THE LAND. Bhe Gets No More Rest in New York Than ' She Had in Washington. HOW .SHE DAILY PASSES THE TIME. An Early Elser, Foni of Pictures, Eides, Walks, Thf ater and Optra. the Just how Mrs. Cleveland passes her life in New York City is a matter of interest to many. Her hours have not been changed since the ex-President left for Cuba. She rises early, receives her friends as usual, takes long drives, frequently' attends ther theater, and hasn't missed an opera since her arrival in New York City. The ex President's fair young wife is yet tho object of much vulgar curiosity. , rSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCBM New York, March 23. Mrs. Grover Cleveland has not as yet found private life one whit quieter than her life in Washing ton. She is no longer compelled to meet people in whom she has not and cannot have &.. slightest interest, but she has an aver age of 150 calls every day, and has been forced to spend the greater part of every pleasant day away from home to avoid be ing talked sick. The Cleveland suite at the Victoria has been much brightened since the arrival of the family by the addition to its already handsome furnishings of quantities of bric-a-brac. Mrs. Cleveland's piano stands in the parlor and gets much of her attention, and a pet canary sings in a front window. As soon as,Mr, Cleveland felt himself at home in his new office the breakfast honr was set permanently at 8:30. This has not been modified since his departure for Cuba. AN EARLY BISEB. Mrs. Cleveland is fond of early hours. Besides, the callers begin to come at 10:30 o'clock. So an early morning drive or a shopping tour or a visit to an art gallery or a call on an intimate friend generally is an excuse for her and Mrs. Eolsom to go out very soon after breakfast. I Mrs. Cleveland is very fond of pictures,' and spends as much time in their study as possible. She has naturally a delicate artistic sense, her friends say, which make her observations and criticisms often valua ble and always interesting. As frequently as she can spare the time . she goes where good pictures can oe seen, chopping ana drives with friends occupy many of her mornings. There has not been a day since her coming to the citv when she has not been in receipt of invitations to breakfast A number of these she has accepted. Luncheon time in Mrs. Cleveland's apart ments is at 1 o'clock. She is not there at the- meal, however, more than half the time. She and Mrs. Folsom are fond of lunching quietly with friends. HOW THE AFTERNOONS GO. Afternoons are spent in much the same manner as mornings. On Wednesdays and Saturdays hKcvrequently attends a matinee. Long drives tb'Kiverside and elsewhere occupy some afternoons, and others are spent in the reception rooms of friends. If the day is fine she Tind Mrs. Folsom more often walk than not. A part of nearly every afternoon Is spent at home some times whole afternoons. Then she reads or plays the piano in the brief intervals be tween calls. It is Mrs. Cleveland's custom to receive nearly all who call when she is at home. She never sends down word that she is out when she is not; she prefers to go out and make the statement true. Occasionally she declines to receive on the grounds of weari ness, or because ihe is preparing to go out. Thus she personally receives not more than eight or ten calls a day. A very few have access to her parlors without the formality of cards. Among .these favored ones are Dr. Learning, ex-Secretary, and Mrs.. Whit ney. Mrs. Woodward and Mr. and Mrs. Eichard Watson Gilder. NO OCCASION TO HIBE CABBIAGES. For the afternoon drives Mrs. Cleveland seldom orders a carriage from the hotel. She goes almost invariably in the private car riages of friends, either in company with them or alone with her mother. If she chose to accept all the offers of carriages made her by her friends, it is said that she could have a different carriage at her door each hour of tbe daylight. Dinner hour is at 6:30. Mr. Cleveland likes to dine at home, and so all but aiew of the many invitations to dinner have been declined. Since Mr. Cleveland's departure south Mrs. 'Cleveland has declined all invi tations to dine, with friends. . The evening honrs are generally spent at home or at the opera. Music is Mrs. Cleveland's greatest delight. She is a cred itable performer on the piano. Her tastes are for classic music. She went from board ing school to Washington, and now finds herself for tbe first time on the threshold of the musical world. , HEB DEEIGHT IS UNBOUNDED. She has attended every performance at the Metropolitan Opera House and a num ber of the best concerts. Her opportunities for reveling in music, more than any other cfae thing, make the prospect of living in New York delightful to her. A few even ings have been divided between the homes of friends and theaters. She is very fond of the theater. Mrs. Cleveland's love of exercise has long been known. She does as much walking as possible, but not half enough to suit her, as Mrs. Folsom does not care to walk much, and she will not walk alone. The subject of riding has been discussed at the Vic toria, and Mrs. Cleveland expressed herself wild to gallop in the park, but Mr. Cleve land drew the, line here. He was willing for her to exercise any other way she wished even, under protest, to driving her self but he would not allow her to risk her neck on horseback. ONE OF THE ANNOYANCES. Mrs. Cleveland has not yet ceased to be a subject of vulgar curiosity. In the hotel, in spite of all precautions possible, she is sometimes mucn annoyea. women have gone to the length of engaging rooms at the Victoria for a day for no other purpose than to gain the right to traverse the corridors, sit in the reception rooms near the Cleve land apartments, and" watch her every ap pearance outside of her rooms. In one case a well-dressed woman openly declared, as she left the hotel after a brief stay there, that she had come solely to see Mrs. Cleye land, and she saw her pass in and out sev eral times and was apparently satisfied. Even the regular guests at the hotel loiter aUimes abont the corridors near her door, ana if she ariDears. follow her rlnurntniri Sometimes they see her return and follow her in and upstairs. Women also make pre texts for visiting friends of theirs at the Victoria and watch for Mrs. Cleveland's appearance in the corridors. THE AUTOGBAPH NUISANCE. Another nuisance to which she is sub jected is the demand for autographs. Some times as many as 20 will call in a day and send up a card for her to write her name upon. She invariably refuses the request Several days -ago a woman called with a handsome wooden cabinet for Mrs. Cleve land. It -was found to contain several hun dred blank cards of various colors, a bottle of ink, blotter and pen. A note requested her to write her autograph on the cards and they would be called for. JJNDEB FALSE COLOES. The Alleged Connt DI aiontercole Sails for Europe Be intimates That He Has Been bettted With by His WIfe's'Follu. ISPKCIALTILEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New Yobk, March 23. Under the nama ''Ernesto de Meyers," Count Giovanni Di Montercole sailed for Europe, to-day, on the Netherlands steamship Botterdam. Attire'd in a new spring suit, with a bunch of violets ip the lapel of his coat, he hur riedly entered the office of the steamship company, on lower Broadway, early this morning, and bought a ticket only an hour before the ship sailed. He had intended to sail on the steamship La Champagne, but changed his plans to escape the reporters who were waiting for him on the Frerfch Line pier. The Count is reported to have told an in timate friend in New York before his de parture that the tronble with his wife, who was formerly Miss Knox, of Pittsburg, had been satisfactorily settled through his wife's mother and brothers. The Count has declared his intention of spending the next two or three years travel ing in Europe, so that if she feels so dis posed, the Countess may proceed against him for 'divorce on the ground of desertion. SHE HAD A HI8T0RY. Death of an Aged Southern Woman Who Once Wns Romantic. tSPXCIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! Columbia, S. C, March 23. The death of Mrs. Morris H. Floyd is reported from Clarendon county. This old lady had an eventful history. About 60 years ago she was engaged to be married to "Mr: Floyd, but the match was opposed by her parents, who about this time moved from this State to Alabama, taking their 18-year,-old daughter with them. She never resigned her sweet heart, and shortly after reaching her new home she secretly left her parents and started on foot to come back to her lover. While on her way through the.wilderness and was held a prisoner until released by United States troops six months later. She continued her journey on foot and in a year after leaving Alabama she reached her old home and married her lover. She claimed to have learned from the Indians their art of compounding herbs and practiced it among her neighbors. She was an oracle on dreams, charms and witchcraft. A NEW POSTMASTER WANTED. Harrlsbnrg Veterans Want a Vacancy Blade for an Old Soldier to Fill. f SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l .Habbisbubg, March 23. A large nnm ber of old soldiers met in this city to-night for the purpose of uniting on a soldier can didate for Postmaster in this city. The Republicans were in a decided majority at the meeting, but the Democrats .expressed their sentiments with great freedom, and advocated .the appointment oi one of their political faith iirthe event of the change of the present Postmaster. Several candidates were named rb'rthe placer bat Captain Jacob Meese, who was in command or the Harrison veterans in the last campaign, dis tanced all the competitors. A resolution was adopted at the meeting favoring the removal of the incumbent of the office as soon as possible. A committee was appointed to visit Washington and re quest Senators Cameron and Quay to in tercede for Captain Meese with the Presi dent. OFF FOR THE PARIS EXPO. Bessie Kockefeller-Stropg nod a Lot ot 'Pntntings on the Same Steamer. fSPICIAI. TXLEOBASI TO THE DISPATCH.l New York, Marsh 23. Among the passengers on tbe Havre steamship Cham pagne to-day were Charles A. Strong and his wife, who, until yesterday, was Bessie Rockefeller. Their suit of rooms consisted of a bridal chamber, a reception room and a bathroom on the xtarboard side, near the gangway to the main saloon. In the cargo of the Champagne were con tributions orresident artists to the American art exhibit at the Paris Exposition. The cargo also embraced Munkaczy's "Christ Belore Pilate," which Postmaster General Wanamaker has loaned to tbe Exposition. It was insured for 540,000 before being placed on board. The entire collection of paintings carried by the Champagne is valued at'?200,000. EX-PRESIDENT CLEVELAND IN CUBA. Heartily Welcomed as an Honored Gnest of tbe Governor General. Havana, Cuba, March 23. Ex-President Cleveland and-party, which includes ex-Secretaries Bayard, Vilas and Dickin son, arrived here at 7:30 o'clock. Crowds of people thronged the wharf since early morning, and gave the distinguished trav elers an enthusiastic welcome. Mr. Cleveland and his companions were weicomea on xne wnan Dy tne Ameri can Consul and Vice Consul and a large number of other gentlemen. The party took carriages, and were driven to the Hotel. Pasaje, where an aid' in the name of the Governor General, welcomed them to the island. Ex President Cleveland de clined the invitation of Governor General Salamanca to make the Governor General's mansion his home during his stay in' Havana. GDESSERS GITE IT Tjp. Hnrd to Tell When the Legislature Will Ad- jonrn Bcpnbllcans Happy. I FROM A STAFF COBBESPOXnBST.l Habbisbubg, March 23. Members of the Legislature who are in town to-day are of the opinion that the Legislature will ad journ sometime between the 1st and 10th of May, but do not hazard a closer guess. The impression seems to prevail that the work cannot be pushed ahead fast enough to ad journ at the time fixed by Chairraan Andrews' resolution. The expose of the alleged bad manage ment of the sinking fund does not worry the Republicans, and Governor Beaver's state ment of tbe matter gives them great pleas ure. FORAfiER WILL NOT RUN. The Buckeya Governor Does Not Want a Third Term. rSPXCIAt. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH! Columbus, March 23. Governor Foraker has positively refused to allow tbe use of his name 89 a candidate for a third term. Gen eral Asa A. Bushnell has withdrawn from the contest.. Congressman H. L. Jlorley has been forced to refuse tbe use of his name as a candidate on account of Congressional con tingencies. As a result Lieutenant Gov ernor Lyon has annonncedhiauelf a candidate. ITVE CENTS EEID GETS A EAHN&. Dei Senators Hnrl a Good' tarcasm. and Abuse : ' AT THE. IRK EDITOR'S HEAD. S Onlj a BingleV&acfeino to PreTent :aHwi. P- SHERMAN PROYESP'PRIENDDf NEED. Fred Grant, Corporal Tanner and Others Step lata Very Tat Offices. Whitelaw Beid has a few friends in the Senate, but not many of them are Demo crats. His nomination as Minister to France was confirmed,but with not a single vote to spare. His political and business record was bitterly attacked. A large batch of nominations were made by the President Pittsburg office seekers axe still looking after their interests at Washington. ISPXCtAI. TELIOItAX TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 u Washington, March 23. Mr. White law Beid afforded the Senate a topic for discussion to-day that occupied most of the afternoon. The discussion resulted in his 'favor by a vote of 23 to 3, the total vote of 33 being precisely a quorum; one less would have been a failure to confirm. All the negative votes were cast by Demo crats, but all the Republicans and several Democrats voted for confirmation. The op position to Mr. Beed did not take a politi cal turn, and a promised attack from New York, based on allegations of Mr. Keid's subserviency to Jay Gould, did not amount to anything. All the trouble appeared io have been stirred up 'by a dissatisfied stockholder in the Morgenthaler Printing Company, the concern that is handling a machine for let ting type. A man named Fnllerton, who held 20 shares of the stock, addressed a memorial to the Senate protesting against Mr Beid, on the ground that he has mis managed the affairs of the company, be trayed the trust reposed in him and frozen stockholders out, to their great pecuniary loss and grievous annoyance. The general sentiment on the Republican side oftha Senate was that if any dissatisfied stock holder felt that he had b.een wronged by Mr. Reid he ought to take his complaint into a court of law or equity and not into the executive session of the United Sta(es Senate, and that Mr. Beid only executed the commands of the corporation. DEFENDED BY MB. SHEBMAN. The opposition to Mr. Reid was led by Mr. Vest, supported by several Democrats, but principally by Senators George and Berry. Mr. Vest disclaimed any political motive for his opposition, but insisted that the representations of Fullerton were so se rious that Reid ought not to be appointed to represent the Government abroad. The Democratic arguments were technical, re lating to the precise relations of Mr. Beid to the corporation and the results to the stockholders of his acts. Letters from the holders of a large majority of the stock were submitted in indorsement of Reid, the sign ers expressing themselves as entirely satis- , fied with the way he had performed his duty. The strongest defense made for Mr. Beid was offered by Senator Sherman, who might have some personal reason for feeling un friendly to the candidate, but as chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, he made an effective argument in his favor. Senators Spooner and Hiscock also spoke in favor of Mr. Reid. Mr. Evarts was absent. Most of the Senators. took part in the free running debate that occupied two or three hours, and Mr. Reid came in for A GOOD DEAL OF SABCASM and lampooning from both sides of the chamber. Although Mr. Plumb did not vote against confirmation, he made a speech against it. He carefully disclaimed all personal feeling against Mr. Beid; on the contrary, he said he had known him SO " years and esteemed him highly. He had no doubt of his integrity as well as- his ability, bnt he complained that, Reid did not represent the Ameri can people during the civil war when we wanted to reach English sentiment and. make the people friendly to ns. We did not send over a society swell, a rich man ' who would give good dinners; we sent over two commoners, Henry Ward Beecher and. Archbishop Hughes. Those men accom plished what men like Whitelaw Beid couldn't accomplish, and it was men of that type that we ought to send abroad if we are to keep up a diplomatic service at.alL Mr. Plumb amused the Senate with a good many bits of facetiousness at the ex pense of the candidate, his social ambitions, his cultivation of the swell and very rich men, and the contrast between the Tribune of to-day and the Tribune of Horace Greeley's day. Pretty much everybody chipped in a lew remarks, and when the vote was to be taken a roll call was de manded and Mr. Beid got through with only 13 Democratic votes against him. Nobody hada word to say about Fred Grant's nomination, in spite of General Adam Badeau's efforts to stir up opposition to him, and he was confirmed Minister 'to Austria without a roll call, and with few dissenting votes. DANCING WITHOUT LEG3. Corporal Tanner Highly Elated Over His Appointment to Office. rSPXCIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.I Washington, March 23. Corporal Tanner was probably the happiest man 'in, Washington to-day. He literally danced about all day without legs. He was at the Capitol, at the White House, and at every other place, to thank his friends, and took a survey of the vast Pension Office which will be under his control within a few" days. Commissioner Black spent little time at the Tension Office to-day. He looked sad. and lonely, and kept away from the public;" and took a long drive with his family. A CHAT WITH HARRISON. - I Mr. Joseph R. Speer Has a Pleasant Talk With the President. rSPECIALTILEaKAM TO THE DISrATCH.t Washington, March 23. Mr. Josephs B. Speer called on President Harrison and Secretary Blaine, by appointment, had. a pleasant chat with them, and left for home soon after by way Tjf Philadelphia. He has filed no end of complimentary letters from personal friends of the Secretary and Presi dent, urging his appointment as consul to Munich. Bepresentative Dalzell left for home this evening, as he was informed by Chief Jus tice Fuller to-dav that it would be imnossi. ble for the Supreme Court to transact busi-, . ; ness Deiore next Wednesday or Thursday, . The Williamson Trades School Located. Philadelphia. March 23. The 'loca tion of the Williamson Free School of Me chanical Trades, which the late Millionaire I. V. Williamson endowed with $2,500,000 -'' was formally selected to-day upon, a tract. of ground comprising about 150 acres near'' Media, Delaware county, abont dl.ailef from this city. " -j I i- A, 3LlL kilt,l "?3i: &sJfea