i. BUSINESS IS BETTER. Bradstreet's Reports Show a Slight bat General Improvement PBEVAILING IN ALL SECTIONS, Dan's EeTiew, HoweTer, Says a Eeactlon Is Affectinff Pittsbnrg. NO LIGHT OK THE IBOff SITUATION lerxciAi. TiLraRAnK) tot cisrATcn. i New York, March 22. The moderate gains in the movement of general mer chandise throughout the country reported in special telegrams to Bradstreet's last week still continue more conspicuously at Chicago, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Burlington, Louisville and Cincinnati. All through the "West, too, pleasant -weather is having an effect upon trade, northern Mis souri and Iowa centers report improving mercantile collections, bnt Sonthern and some central Western cities note no special change. Farm work is progressing at the Sonth. Florida is shipping fewer vegetables, owing to loss from rain. Groceries, boots and shoes and hardware are relatively in most active request throughout the country. Bain in Kansas and California has greatly improved the crop prospects. The subsidence of unfavorable foreign in fluences lead to covering of shorts and strengthens the New York stock market, though the absence of publie support oc casions dullness and a liability to a sagging tendency. Bonds are dull though some what stronger. M02TEY EAST. Money at New York is easy on call, but in banking circles the impression is that a firmer market Will be seen about April 1. Call loans are 2 to 2 per cent. On time, 4 to i per cent are demanded for all dates. Foreign exchanges firm. Demand sterling $1 64 to f4 89; $1,000,000 gold -was or dered from export on Fridays. No general improvement has set in in the iron trade. Quite a number of crnde iron makers in both Northern and Southern markets, have recently -accepted contracts for iron for future delivery at the lowest prices ruling the season, while many others, who have more or less confidence in, an im proving demand and better prices, are de clining to sell for the more than current re quirements. As announced last week, further cuts in anthracite coal have followed the formal reduction in price. A new agreement, in volving an allotment of production (with out penalties for infraction is being dis cussed. Petroleum is fractionally higher. . There is no improvement in the general in dustrial situation except that the strike at Fall Biver does not promise to last long. DEMAKD FOB DBYGOODS. Drygoods are more active at Boston, bnt less so at New York, with aggregate sales, owing to bad weather, less than last week at the the latter market. Agents report a moderate spot business with re-orders of fair volume. "Woolen goods are quiet. Prices of print cloths are nearly 1-16 cents higher owing to the. Fall Biver strike. Prices of several makes of staple ginghams have been reduced. The output ot print cloth at Fall Biver is only 40,000 pieces per week,against 175,000 pieces before the strike. Interest has centered in the auction sale of 1,500 cases of ginghams at New York. Prices were satisfactory. Baw wool is in hand-to-mouth demand and last week's prices. Baw cotton is o lower; very heavy crop movement discourages specula tion. There has been a reaction in the breadstuff markets, the lowest prices being made Tuesday on heavy realizing or liqui dating sales, when over 15,000,000 bushels were traded at New York alone. "Wheat went down to 91J" a loss of over 6 per cent per bushel -within a fortnight. A few export orders, notably from the United Kingdom arrived, bnt prices were speedily pushed np again, closing ljc above Tues day's level. Flour has declined 1525c per barrel on -weaker demand and full output Indian corn is heavy and c lower, not withstanding the government report of ex ceptionally snail stocks remaining March 1. A GAIN IN EXPOBTS. Exports of wheat, both coasts, this week are 528,366 bushels, 109,000 bushels more than last week, and of flour 162,552 barrels, a gain of 48,000 barrels. New York's wheat exports are heavily increased, over 210,000 bushels, but San Francisco shipments de clined 135,000 bushels on the week. Exports of corn aggregate over 2,000,000 bushels, 100,000 bushels more than last week, 725, 000 bushels going from New Orleans. One year ago the week's shipments of -wheat )and flour) were over 2,000,000 bushels, and of com 329,000 bushels. Our advices are that Australia will have less than 3,000,000 bushels for export, as compared -with 10, 500,000 bushels last year. San Francisco has contracted to ship 220,000 bushels of wheat to Sydney. A free and confident movement'in raw sugars, in the face of relatively light stocks, advanced prices 3-16ic. Refined ad vanced on Friday c on scarcity of raw. At San Francisco refined has advanced c to 7'c At New Orleans raw has advanced ic Coffee has receded about c on de pressing influences, chiefly better crop -weather and receipts in Brazil and inter ruption to speculation in France duo to financial trouble there. Business failures reported to Bradstreet's number 242 in the "United States this week against 195 last week, and 197 this week last year. Canada had 33 this week against 42 last week. The total of failures in the United States January 1 to date is 3,385 against 2,823 in 188S. DUN'S WEEKLY EEVIEW. B. Q. Dun & Co.'s weekly review says: The signs of recovery in legitimate trade increase, and though in important branches the season has been exceptionally unfavora ble, there is less dullness or depression than, under the circumstances, might have been expected. Prices settle downward steadily, the decline for the week, in the average for all commodities, having been about three quarters of 1 per cent, which tries specula tive holders, nut facilitates distribution. . From three-quarters of the interior cities reporting there come signs of some improve ment in trade, thongh it is nowhere great, but moderate and gradual. The outlook is generally thought favorable, and at New Orleans it is reported that planting is under good headway, while in Dakota and Minne sota preparation for seeding is a full month ahead of last year. A BEACTION AT PITT3BUBG. At Cleveland and some other points busi ness is considered better than last year, but there is marked reaction at Pittsburg from the favorable tone of the past few weeks; iron is lower, coke in less demand and com plaints of the delay of spring trade are gen eral. At Philadelphia some improvement is seen in the boot and shoe and the wool trades, but drygoods are in ordinary con dition, and collections are slow, as also at Milwaukee. The Government report as to wheat in farmers' hands has helped a decline of 2 cents, from which there was a recovery of about i cents Thursday, on .the covering of shorts. Exports continue insignificant, and good prospects for the coming crop tend -weaken holders. Corn has declined 1J cents in spite of large exports, while pork products and oats are substantially un changed. Cotton receipts and exports both continue much beyond last year's, and the price of raw cotton has yielded an eighth. A light demand for coffee, and belief of buyers that 'present prices are unwarranted, caused a de 'elineof onlva. Quarter off the week, while f'-staw sugar is strong, and has advanced to SO..U on considerable purchases by refiners.; Leather Is still weak. Bubherii pressed for sale at 64Jf cents for parafino. MO.IBOir output. . The disclosure of an increase in weekly output of pig iron causes weakness. It is believed that stocks of unsold pig must be rapidly accumulating. Small sales of steel rails are reported or $27 at the mill. The price of copper is but nominal, while lead is -weak at 3.70 and tin at 20.90 cents. No disturbance hasoccurred'in the money market, and rates are Ha lower, the Treas ury having paid out $2,600,000 more than it has taken in for the past week. ' The business failures number 249, as com pared with a total of 261 last week and 281 the week previous. For the corresponding week of last year the figures were 243. BEVERLY CRUMP JSK &S3& the first of a series of letters describing a cruise among the West India Islands and along the Spanish Main. Female Complaint. How little the average man knows and appreciates the suffering entailed on woman. She may look the picture of health; fine complexion and in full flesh. In no dis ease, uncomplicated, are appearances to de ceptive and it is lor this reason her suffer ings are underrated. It is eminently a de ceptive disease. The chief agent and author of this deception is the great sympathetic; nerve. Pains, as a rule, are felt at the ex tremity or nerve terminations. The result is burning on back and top of the head; a feeling of weight or pressure, and throb bing; a sensation as though the back would break in two; dragging sensations on stand ing or exertion; pain over heart; palpita tions: limbs feel like lead, and at times nam in the knee and instep; flushing, easily startled, and most excessively nervous; sinking or falling away called fainting spells and finally, in aggravated cases, confined to bed. And in other cases, sleep lessness. Thousands of women are con stantly being treated for neuralgia, nervous prostration, spinal disease and paralysis, vainly, because the true seat of the trouble has been overlooked. Few women suffer from these troubles but that experience one or more of the above sensations. In appearance then such a case may be the picture or health, but in extent of suffering, language could not depict it too strongly. Is such a disease common? I said in a former Dispatch article that 20 per cent of adults suffer from dyspepsia. In this plague to the sex three-fourths or four fifths arc doomed to its tortures. - It is alarmingly common. Imagine then the amount of suffering entailed on women. Man's suffering as compared to hers is as one to one hundred, a fact, however, to which he is oblivious. Much of this suffer ing is avoidable, and, next in importance it is susceptible of relief, by a course of mild, systematic (treatment, : and it's the treatment that gives permanent good re sults. Dr. S. G. Moore, the specialist, 34 Arch street, Allegheny, Pa., has treated many such cases with success, and several cases who were bedfast from one to seven years, are now able to be up and about the house. By permission, Dr. Moore submits two cases in point: NEBTOUS DISEASE AND -WEAKNESS. Dr. S. Q. Moore, 34 Arch St., Allegheny, Pa.: Deab Sib I shall ever hold you in grate ful remembrance for what yon have done for me. To the public I would add. that I was confined to my bed for over one year, and now I am able to be up and around. I had lot-the use of my lett side, including my arm and limb, and I never thought I would be able to walk again. I suffered with the top and back of my head, and before I be came bedfast I could not walk without feel ing as thfiugh my back would break in two, and would be entirely exhausted on the least little exertion. Pain in the left side and shoulder, hot flashes and frequent fainting spells, hands and arms numb, so nervous that when a strange person came into the room it would set me all of a tremble. Added to these troubles I was a confirmed dyspeptic and suffered untold misery. Un der your systematic treatment I began grad ually to improve, and I can now be aronnd the house. Hoping this will indnce others suffering as I waste go to you, I remain your well-wisher. Mbs. J. M. Hem.ee, Aug., 1887. Petrolia, Pa. NEBYOUS DISEASE. From Mrs. E. H. Collins, Eapyville, Pa. Db. S. G. Moobe, Deab Sib "When I began to doctor with you I had tried many other doctors for nervous trouble and had never received any help. I had doctored with you but a short time till I could rest well at night and in every way improving, and to-day I do believe you saved my life, as I am well and strong and have bad no re turn of the nervons trouble. Thanking you, I remain your obliged friend. Formerly Miss Bertha Postlethwait, Petrolia, Pa. Oct. 9, 1887. Visits made at a distance when desired for a first examination. Charges moderate. The Doctor's specialty comprises all forms of Chronic and nervous diseases. De. S. G. Moobe, 34 Arch street, Allegheny, Pa. BEAUTIFUL H0MES-HSS&& an authority on Decorative Art in America, will write in to-morrow's Dispatch about the prevailing styles of furniture and describe the drawing rooms of the Vandcrbilts. B. it B. Unlanndricd shirts the best are here, shape, fit and quality; special at 75c and $l each; guarantee them to fit or you return them. Boggs & Bum., Allegheny. English KeekwcnrDUplnv In our men's department all day till 9 p. M. You are invited. Jos. Hobse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. A Very Large Stock ot Lndies' Watches $15 00 to 585 00, reduced 20 per cent until April 1. Jas. McKee, jeweler. 13 Fifth avenue. "Will remove April 1 to 420 Smith field St. TTS B. & B.. Elegant assortment of new directoire ruchlngs, 25c, 35c, 60c to $1 25 a yard. Stylish. Boggs & Buhl. Oar New Kid Gloves, Choice shades, 75c, 89c, $1 00, $1 25. Best for the money. Bosenbauji & Co. B. A; B. For the little ones 100 styles new white mull caps, 25c to $2 each. "Very elegant goods, very large assortment and very low prices. Boggs & Buhl. Welch, Slargetson & Co.'a London Cravats. Spring display to-day in our men's fur nishing department all day and till 9 o'clock this evening. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Don't Fall, Bain or Shine. If von want fine photographs of yourself or little ones, cabinets $1 00 per doz. at "Elite Gallery." 516 Market st, Pittsburg, until May 1, 1889. . ' ' JONES' MAGIC ROACH POW- ur-tu itoaencs tianisned tiy con tract. Satisfaction guaranteed or Tittsliurg Pa. Price SI 50 per pouna. jaz-60-s BON1STALLI 4 BIS1. IMPORTERS AND dealers In wines, liquors and French cor dials for family use. Bole agents for Ban Gab riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a speo alty se22-bl3K-TTS Steam Dyeingand Scouring. SADIES' MORNING AND TEA GOWNS DRY CLEANED WITH OUT BEING RIPPED APART. Sixth Avenue Dve Works, . MfMAY SONS &Cd. mbl&-TTS .;, o.MSIXTH'AVE. -sm. Hamilton' Show Window, At 91 and 93 Fifth ave. There are some rareuriosities there from Alaska and Cali fornia. And another or those fine little upright pianos with stool, scarf and book at $190; it Is full size, being 7Ji octavos. He has a number of them In stock and will be glad to show them to you and let you see and hear them. Hamilton's is the place to get a piano at the very lowest price and on the easiest terms. If you are going to move and wish to ex change your organ or piano, go in and make a bargain with Hamilton. He will take the old instrument off your hands now, and then when you are moved and ready for it, will deliver you the new one. He has ar ranged for a number this way and will give every attention to those who call, feeling sure that he can give them the very best value for their money. S. Hamilton-, 91 and 93 Fifth ave. Little Mary Cecilia Brimold His Just Betn Cured of the Worst Eczema Ever Seen by the Doctors Who Treated Her. From Head to Feet Mats of D!. eated Skin. Several Physicians, Medleal College, and All Remedies Fill. Cured by Cutieura Remedies. My little daughter. Mary Cecilia BrunoldVwas afflicted with the worst case of eczema ever seen by the doctors who treated her. She was literally covered from head to foot with scabs. These physicians tried their best to cure her, but I believe they were only experimenting. They kept on experimenting for over ten months, but, instead of getting better, the child got worse, and I did not know what coarse to pursue. My wife took her. after we had paid all we conld afford for medical treatment, to a medical col lege where then were some twentv or thirty doctors assembled, but the case baffled them all. My wife had to go every day, and some times twice a day. In fact the medicine they gave my child did not have time to act, even if there was any virtue in it, it was changed so often by orders of the doctors. The latter part of January, after everything had failed, and patience and money were both exhausted, I made up my mind to quit all doctoring and try the Cuticuba Remedies. I did so, and now I can say that my daughter is cured, sound in health and well, to the surprise of hundreds.' The druggist! Mr. H. M. Krueger, corner Chauteau and Ewing avenues, who sold us the Uuticxtea Remedies, is as much astonished as any of us. The Cuticuba Remedies have worked a complete cure, and we have used but a little more than three-fourths of a bottle of Cuticuba Resolvent, and a proportionate amount of Cuticuba and Cuticuba Soap. 1 am ready at any time to make affidavit that my daughter had the worst case of eczema, as the doctors all admit, ever seen in this city, and that she bad been cured solely by the Cuticuba Remedies after the best physicians and reme- dies failed. 1 shall be glad to have any one call upon or write me who has a child similarly afflicted, or any person who Is troubled with a skin disease, that he may see for himself what yonr Cuti cuba Remedies have done. I do this In grati tude for the cure that has been effected in my child's case. CHAS. B. BRUNOLD, . 2905 Gratroit street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuba, 50c; Soap, 23c; Resolvent. $1. Prepared by the Potter Dbug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. 43-Send f or "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. I f1PLIEST Whitest. Clearest Skin and i-u c. softest Hands produced by Cuti cuba Soap. KIDNEY PAINS mf With their weary, dull, aching, llfe- B less, all-gone sensation, relieved In l one minute by the Coticnrn. Anti 1 JLPain Plaster. The first and only pain subduing Plaster. All druggists, 25 cents. SAT. tOlbs. dr. orosslby, One of the Consulting Physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute at 22 Ninth street. Mr. James Crltchlow, residing on Carnegie street, this city, has for 15 years undergone ter rible suffering from his stomach. At times it wonid give him such pain that he could only live on lime water and milk. He bad great distress and bloating after eating, with belching of gas. His liver also gave him much pain, ana his tongue had a yellow coating. He had a pressure and pain over the eyes. He lost all ambition and kept getting worse until he was unable to do any work. One doctorsaid he had cancer of the stomach. After trying 11 doctors all to no purpose, he began treatment with the physi cians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, and although 67 years old, he now works every day and feels well and hearty. He says: "That I am cured of the above conditions I hereby sign my name. "James Cbitchxow." The above lady physician can be consulted by ladles suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. The medicines used are positively curative, and are so prepared as to allow the patient to use the treatment herself. They treat successfully catarrh, rheumatism, dys pepsia, bronchitis, asthma, blood, kidney and female diseases. Office hours. 10 A. K. to 4 P. M., and 6 to 8 p. M. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. M. Consultation free to all. Treatment also by correspondence. mh6-S3-D mHE PITTSBURG CLASSICAL AND I MATHEMATICALINSTITUTE,rooml3, Jackson building. Sixth and Penn ave. Latin, German, Shorthand, Memory Training, Mathematics, etc, eta Classes now being en rolled. mh9-75-TTS WW bem:3Mbee, -WE ARfe- SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES OF REAL KID GLOVES WITH FOSTER'S IMPROVED HOOKS. PREMIERE QUALITY: Five Hooks, $i. Seven Hooks, $i 25.' SUPERIOR QUALITY: Five Hooks, $r 50. -5 Seven Hooks, $i 75. -.' SUBLIME QUALITY: '"'., Seven Hooks, $2 25. ( These come in choice shades of browns, tans, slates and black. We believe these Real Kid Gloves are the best'for the money ever offered in the city. peibavm 510 TO 514 MARKET ars.i.jji.-!. ,J!i-iiyaja!BSBBffiii'r.jii:uj.-.-.-:iTx, EXTRA FINE lis leroar! II We hare recently added to our already large, fine and well-made line of Ladies' Muslin Undergarments Another make, as we believe, the finest most perf eotly made and finished underclothing in every particular tnat has ever been shown in this city. Those of our lady customers who have inspected the goods agree in saying, as we do, that the garments are simply perfect. Special attention is called to the beautiful line of Corset Covers, Cut square back and front, cutV shape back and front, cut round neck back and front, cut V shape front and square back, cut low neck pompadour front, all In both Lace and Embroidery-trimmed, in only the finest qualities. Fine Cambric Skirts, with hemstitched block Flouncing and fine Embroidered Flouncing, with block or square tucking front. A fine line of LACE AND EMBROIDERY TRIMMED NIGHT GOWNS. In fine Convent Embroidered Goods we have the newest things out. A large assortment and at popular prices. Our own make Striped Seersucker and Cal ico Skirts, small, medium and extrajsizes. Also J "With wide yoke band. The most popular skirt we have ever handled. Small Children and Misses' Drawers, Skirts. Gowns, in Muslin and Cambric Muslin Night Drawers for Children. See our three new lines fine French O. P. Corsets; same as the Fasso, only at lower prices than the regular Fasso. Children and Ladles' Waists, most approved makes. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. mh22-D OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODS, bneclalty Correct fitting of lenses and frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own factory and workmen are our inducements. WM.E.STJERM, Optician, 644SMITHFIELD ST..PITTSBURG, PA. fe2i27-TTS PURE AMERICAN WINES I-CALIFOR-N1A Sonoma dry port, SI 20 per gal.; Cali fornia Sonoma dry sherry 11 20 per gL; Cali fornia Sonoma Angelica, 120 per gal.; Cali fornia Sonoma muscatel, $1 20 per gal.; Erie Island AAA Dry Catawba, SI 20 per gaL: Erie Island ADrv Catawba.Sl OOner iraL: Erie Island Sweet Catawba,?! 00 pergaL; Sonoma Brandies, irom 2 w to 9 w per gai., uucKenneimer Are Whisky, $2 00 to S6 00 per gaL; Boonekamp Bit ter Liaueur.Sl 00 per quart. F. ANDRIESSEN, 40 and 12 Ohio street. Allegheny City. mhlO-TTS J. J)IA.MONHt Optician, S3 SUctlt Street, :Pittstrargr. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correotly adjusted to every defect of sight. Field and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc. ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order, and warranted. Alwavs on hand a large and complete stock. ja6-Tissu POTTSTOWN, PA. MESSRS. ASHENFELTER & SHULER, Druggists. Gentlemen After using one bottle of Pratt's Aromatic Geneva Gin, find that I have derived more benefit from its use for kid ney affections than any other remedy that I ever have used. Very truly yours, WM. P. BUCKLEY. JOS. FLEMING. Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent In Pittsburg jy9-a85-TTS 84 MARKET STREET. Established 1819. Telephone Call 1072k. FRA2JK J. GUOkBRT, Contractor and Manufacturer of BANK, OFFICE. STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES, Doors, Wainscoating, Ceilings and Hard Wood Work of every description, for building and decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and Furniture of Special Designs. Drawings and Estimates furnished on application. Office and factory, Nos. 68 and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts burg, Pa. Hard wood lumber. n27-hlOO-TTS P ATE1TTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avenue, above bmithfleld, next Leader omce. (no ueiay.j jsiaDiisneu. zu years. se29-hM STRAND 27 FIFTH AVE. A FINE PIECE OF Chewing ' Tobacco IS INDEED A LUXURY. FINZER'S Old Honesty Comes as near being a fine piece of PLUG TOBACCO as it Is possible to make It, and is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DEALERS. We are sure that ONE TBIAL will convince you of its merits. JO-Look for the red H tin tag on each plug. JNO. FINZER & BROS., LOTJISVTLLE, KY. mh2-35-ssu GRAND DISPLAY -or- Cloaks, Jackets -AND- Reefers For Young Ladies, Misses and Children, foe,' sirpiRiisra- A most complete line of the above from the leading foreign and home manufacturers. Many styles wholly confined to us. All erades from cheapest to most expensive; ages 2 to 18 years. Boys' Kilt Suits and Overcoats. Many new and pretty styles, made to our special order. A, G, CAMPBELL & SONS, 710 PENN AVENUE, .IS-Open until 9 r. M. Saturdays. mhl9-TUFSu Spring Overcoats. Get Wanamaker's for toni ness! We're not exaggerating the necessity of style in these: nor luxury. Style first They're in the eyes of the public as much as the wearer's Face! Isn't it essential, then, to have the Spring Overcoat made to order? Essential? Far from it. t Shapeliness is dependent, not on having it made to fit tightly, but to look graceful. That shows at the shoulders in the long, soft roll of the front, in the length of the Coat. These all mke style secure. What more could you get than silk linings throughout! or silk facings! You may want neither of these, and yet be particular about style! You're sure of it in any Wanamaker Oversack. Nearly 1,000 styles. That tells our readiness in goods for making Spring Suits to measure. So great a variety of materials gives you a key, too, to the sort of tailoring you may expect. Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. mh22-n SPENGERIAN TEEL PENS Are the Best, IN THE ESSENTIAL aUALtTlE3 OP Durability, Evenness of Point, and Workmanship. Bennies fortrlal of 12 different style by mjU. on receipt of 10 cent! lnitamps. AaklorcardNaS 'IYlS0IIIBliKEMAlI&C0.IT'tfeoffil3r- apH-m25-a JAS. fflMi & BRO., B01LEK3, PLATE AND SHEKT-IBON WORK. PATENT SHEET- IRON ANNEALING BOXES. With an increased capacity and hydraulic machiaery we are prepared to furnish all worlc in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and .general macfeiae worK. - x weniy-nintn street ana AuegnBtij tm ley xuuiroau. kjv - if. - j iwwin , 33adly Mistaken Thinks That Any Concern in Ms City Can Even Begin to Duplicate KAUFM ANNS' Grand New Spring Stock of Fine Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods and Ladies' Cloaks, Wraps and' Jackets. Dispel all doubts you may have best by an early call ana examination or our goods and prices. . - Spring Styles in Beautiful Styles of Our Own Make! jy Exquisite Designs from the East and Dainty Novelties from Paris! ". Mothers will be both pleased and surprised with any of these, ahd the lads delighted. The shapes of the Suits the "Little Lord Faunt-,"' leroy" and other pretty styles and Spring Top Coats, leading off with . g the strikingly handsome "Lord Chumley" are different, the fit nearer.? perfect, and many of the patterns are unknown among the stores here- ' abouts, they being confined to us. Confirmation Outfits for Easter! A superior line of Confirmation Suits, Confirmation Hats, Confirma , tion Shirts, Waists, Shoes, etc. As in previous years, we will take the address of every candidate for confirmation, our object being to send a costly and beautiful confirmation present to every one the week before . Easter. A CALLIOPE, MUSICAL' INSTRUMENT, Q-rsrHnsr gkra.tts with every Boy's or Child's Suit bought this week. Men's Fine Spring Clothing, Ready-Made, Fine, form-fitting garments: Suits in sack, frock and Prince Albert stylesj Overcoats in fly-front and Englisli box styles in the greatest possible variety, in the latest possi ble patterns, at the lowest possible prices. It's a cold day in July when we can't do any better for you than other Clothing Houses. See us. Shirts That Fit! Shirts That Wear! Buy a trial Shirt from us, and you'll come back and get a dozen. This has been the experience of thousands. For this week we have pre par ed some extraordinarily good bargains that you shouldn't faitto see. At $1 24 we will offer our superior, custom-made White Dress Shirts, pleated and plain bosoms, or $7 for a half dozen. No finer Shirts than these are to be found in this city. We will further offer 90 dozen Men's fancy Shirts, made from fine, light and dark French Percales, collars attached, worth $1 50, at only 75c. At this same price of 75c we also will sell about 40 dozen fancy, pleated French Percale Dress Shirts, in dark and light patterns. Out Big Shoe Department is Alive With Bargains KAU.FMANN.R Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street The finest Meat-Flavoring Stock LIEBIG COMPANY'S Fxtract of Meat. USE IT FOB SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Hade Dishes. Genuine only with fac-simile of Justus von Liebig's SIGNATURE IN BLUE INK Across label. Bold by Storekeepers, Grocers and Druggists. UEBrG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO. Xlm- lted London. Jy31-o6G-W3 Almeria and Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Florida Oranges ana all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, JOHN IEBE ATCO., 608 IJBEBTY STBEET. noS-TTS A TABLE OF DAILY SAYINGS At 4 per cent Compound Interest, expressed In Round numbers, as issued by He Mi Bat ft Sails, OF PITTSBURG, PA. Per Day. For 6 Years. 1 For 10 Years. I .01 .03 .03 .05 .10 .23 .60 LOO 20 40 GO 100 200 GOO 1,000 2.0U) 43 90 140 230 460 1.140 2,280 4.640 The above table shows what can be accomplished by anyone disposed to lay aside a small ' portion of their weekly receipts, and depositing the same in some well-managed Barings Bank. Everyman who is obliged to work for his living should make a point to lay np money for that "rainy day" -which we are aU likely to encounter when least expected. UnquestionablyttOrf best way to provide for this emergency is to open an account with a good, live Bavings Bank, Accumulated money, thus cared for, is safe, is rapidly increasing, is always ready to ma when needed, and is free from the many uncertainties and fatalities of life. " Strive at once to get together five dollars, or even one dollar, and make your first deposit.',. Then resolve to add to it as often as yon can, even though the amount be small. ' You will be surprised with the magic comfort and strength of this course. Nobody knows, , without having tried It, how easy a thing it is, without being miserly or stingy, to sate money, when once as account with a bank bas been opened. A man then feels a new ambition and a constant desire to enlarge his deposit. It gives him pleasant lessons in frugality and economy, weans him from the habits of extravagance,-and is the very best guard in the world against intemperance, dissipation and vice. If you are not already a depositor, and have no special bank in view, permit ustosuajest that yon at once try a deposit with , . THE PITYSBURQ BANK FOR SAVINGS, Ne. 80 Fourth Ave., PIHsbarg, Pa. To all who may thus favor us. we promise a courteous and accommodating treatment, and it shall be oar eadeavor to -make our business relations, when oneo formed. p!Mt aa4 ot long coatt&Mfiee. GEO. A. BERRY, PTeMec.ikk tors Geo. A. Berry, Alex. Bradie&H. C.' Bsfthman, J. K. Dorrintfw, J. Lr.C elly.Jas. Laathlln. Jr.. Chas. F. WeHs, T.'C. Lawar, J. Piter, Jr-i,Si.'j 51 to,A.aJITO'1WBWB)wrRCl.0.'MlIfiof. V. " ;' --.'1rt Geo. FraakRa, is the Man Who iMr concerning our ability to serve .yoffaH Boys' Clothing!,! THE MOST AMUSING AND ENTERTAINING Made to Order. We do the finest Merchant Tai loring in Pittsburg, and at much under regular prices. We want to make your Spring Suit, and, if you'd only examine our rich and fashionable patterns (which con sist of the very newest and best styles in Irish, Scotch, English, German and French Suitings), and learn Our Prices, we'll have the. pleasure of taking your measure. mh21-D -EP -nri""? BdENTIFIO -Cj- -C? VJ&, opnciAK. Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nosa blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind of lenses ground and spectacles made on tha premises. 908 PENIT AVENUE, PITTS. Berenteenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. del-b53-TTS ERNST AXTHEliM, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St.. Telephone 851. PITTSBURG, PA, au25-e76-WS For 20 Years.) For25 Years. I For 40 Ye?rs. 1' I 115 230 340 570 3,130 2.830 6,650 11.300 t 160 330 470 780 1.560 &S90 7,780 15.550 CHAS. G.MXLMOR,' XasjjTSXV;.': ISMSSsss-a; I 365 Jfc 730 .'tji i 3,630 -BP 9,000 (WBB 18,120 3&240- g " s .IS .-& Sa-l,iL4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers