Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 23, 1889, FIRST PART, Image 1

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    IM FIRST PART. I ' " - Wg WUibUm $K$iftXrf)t PAGES ij,r ' ;' 'ffi
Justice Stanley Matthews, of the
-" U. S. Supreme Court,
Breathes His Last
Fa great jurist is gone.
CAfleran Illness of Oyer a Year fio
GiTes Up Life's Battle.
A Cincinnati Boy Who Bote to a Height
Attained by Few From the Teacher's
Fernle to the Xewspaper's Helm, Then
From War to Peace and the Legal Pro
fession His Appointment to the Su
preme Bench by Two Presidents A Man
of Varying Political Sentiment but
Honest in All Sketch of Hie Lire
Funeral Arrangements Gossip Already
as to Hla Sncceor.
Associate Justice Matthews it dead. The
sorrowful event occurred at 10:05 o'clock
yesterday morning. Although his friends'
hopes of his recovery had been stimulated
by more cheering reports, of late, the news
of his demise was by no means unexpected.
The Supreme Court and the United States
Senate adjourned immediately upon the
receipt of the sad intelligence. The inter
ment of the jurist will take place at Cincin
nati, next Tuesday, after appropriate cere
monies at "Washington on Monday and at
Glendale, O., the day following. "
Washe? gtojt, March 22. Shortly after
10 o'clock this morning the news of the
death of Justice Stanley Matthews, of the
Justice Stanley Matthews.
United States Supreme Court, was rapidly
spread through the capital. The Senate
was informed of the sad though not en
tirely unlooked for event, and at once ad
journed, as the Supreme Court had already
done. When Messenger Pruden, from the
White House, reached the Senate with an
envelope containing four nominations, that
body had already adjourned, and the mes
sage was returned to the Executive Mansion
The death of Justice Matthews occurred
at 10:05 o'clock this norning. For a num
ber of hours previous to death he was prac
tically unconscious. In his last hours the
dying Justice was
Surrounded by Member of His Family
who have been with him throughout his ill
ness. Mrs. Matthews, his daughters, Miss
Matthews and Miss Eva Matthews, and his
son, Paul Matthews, and Mr. C. B.
Matthews, his brother, of Cincinnati, who
came to Washington a week or ten days ago.
Dr. Johnston and the faithful colored ser
vant, who only a few days ago announced to
callers with great satisfaction that "Justice
Matthews is ever so much better," were also
The chamber in which Justice Matthews
breathed his last, and which has been his
world since last September, is on the east
side of the second story of the elegant man
sion, occupied by him for several years, on
the corner of Connecticut avenue and IT
street. The tightly-drawn blinds along the
entire avenue front this morning, afforded
the first indication to neighbors and passers
by that all was not as usual within.
Cheering Reports Had Quieted Fears.
The reports of Justice Matthews' condi
tion during the past week had been of such
a cheering nature that apprehension was in
JT.Q. Graham, Indiana, Who May Succeed
Justice Matthews.
a great measure subdued, and the news of
his death came with a shock, even to many
who had been prepared for the announce
ment at any time during the winter.
The Justice was eTer a cheerful and hope
ful patient, and naturally the members of
his family endeavored to be as cheerful and
hopeful as he, and it was owing to his own
belief that the favorable reports of the past
week were given to those who inquired after
his health. Only yesteraay morning ous
,tice Matthews was discussing with his fam
ily various plaDS for the future, when he
should be able, as in the past, to taw part
in their execution. "But at no time since
his return to Washington," said one of tbe
family this morning, "have we really felt
that there was hope of his recovery.
A Sufferer for Over a Tear.
Justice Matthews had been an invalid for
u year or more. During the winter of
S1887-S8 he frequently complained of indi-
jfgestion and muscular rheumatism, and as
I the spring wore on, began to suffer from ob-
pUwite diarrhoea, from which helett a great
XmCH strength and flesh.- At ahto tkae it
BBBBSBSBBSaKf .,BTiT. iT.-AJ-. Vi ft I
was thought that his great devotion to work
Vas, to a large degree, responsible for his
illness, as, no doubt, it was, and acting
Upon the advice of his physicians and
friends, who had great hopes that a change
of air might prove a lasting benefit, he went
to Massachusetts, stopping for some time
at Lenox and then at Nantucket, but he
Continued to lose ground.
During the summer he had several attacks
of muscular rheumatism, associated with
high fever, which would confine him to his
bed for several days at a time.
Impossible to Fight tho Attacks.
On his return home he began to improve
somewhat, but he continued to suffer from
the intercurrent attacks, which always re
duced his strength and flesh. These came
on at intervals of three or four weeks. Be
tween them he would have periods of
marked improvement, and several times
when Dr. Johnston was confidently hoping
to be able to get him out another attack
would prostrate him and leave him weaker
than ever.
During list February he suffered greatly
with a complication of cystitis and iritis.
About this time an ulcer of the cornea ap
peared, with an effusion into the pleural
cavity, which were attributable to his rheu
matic condition. He recovered, however,
from both of these latter complications.
For about eight weeks previous to the final
Illness he had been absolutely free from
pain, and his physician and family had
great hopes of his final recovery. That
hope was modified, however, by the fact
that while he had a good appetite and good
digestion, he did not gain in flesh, although
his strength improved daily.
The Last Assault of Disease.
At this time he sat up during a part of
each day and walked about his room and
into the other rooms on the same floor, but
about the 4th of March he had an acute
attack of high fever, which lasted several
days and which very much exhausted him.
After this passed off he seemed to be im
proving, with a return of appetite, but a re
currence of the chills and fever, associated
with cystitis, still further added to his ex
haustion and debility. During all of this
time his pulse was exceedingly feeble, and
the action of the heart was sustained only
by remedies administered for the purpose.
Yesterday afternoon he had a prolonged
chill and high fever, which brought on in
tense local suffering. This was followed in
a few hours by another chill, from which
he could not rally. He continued to lose
strength, and died, as already stated, a few
minutes after 10 o'clock this morning. The
immediate cause of death was exhaustion of
the heart and congestion of the kidneys and
kindred troubles. Beside his regular at
tendant, Dr. William W. Johnston, other
eminent physicians, including Dr. William
Pepper, of Philadelphia, and Dr. N. S.
Lincoln, of Washington, were called in
consultation from lime to time.
Some of the Funeral Arrangements.
The arrangements for the funeral were
practically completed this evening. Re
ligious services will be held at his late
residence on Connecticut avenue Monday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. They will be brief
and simple, and will be conducted,by Bev.
Dr. Hamlin, pastor of the Church of the
Covenant, At their conclusion the remains
will be removed to the Baltimore and Ohio
station for transportation to Glendale, O.,
Jbyjway of Cincinnati. Religious services
will be held there at Christ Episcopal
Church, under the conduct of Bev. Dr.
Price, the rector, Thursday afternoon, and
the remains will then be removed to Spring
Grove Cemetery for interment.
Members of the Supreme Court will ac
company the remains as honorary pall
bearers, and the messengers of the Court
will be the active pall-bearers. A meeting
of the United States Supreme Court will be
held to-morrow morning at" 11 o'clock to
take action in regard to the late Justice
Comprehensive Biography of Stanley Mat
thews A Native or Cincinnati. Demo
crat, Free Sollcr. Anti-Slavery
Cbnmplon, Grceleylte and
Republican, in Suc
cession. Washington, March 22. Stanley Mat
thews, was a native of Cincinnati, his birth
having occurred July 21, 1824. He was the
oldest child of his father's second marriage.
Until he was eight years of age, the family
resided the greater part of the time in Ken
tucky, where his father, Thos. J. Matthews,
was a professor in mathematics in tbe Tran
sylvania University. In 1832, having been
elected President of Woodward High
School, Cincinnati, Prof. Matthews returned
to that city, and for the next seven years
took charge of the education of his son, pre
paring him for the junior class in Kenyon
College, Ohio, where he graduated in the
fall of 1840. Among his fellow' students
was Eutherford B. Hayes, afterward presi
dent After devoting two years to the study of
law, Stanley Matthews removed to Maury
county, Tennessee, where he obtained a
position as an assistant in a school. Hav
ing been admitted to the bar he commenced
his practice at Columbia, devoting his
leisure to editing a paper called the Ten
nessee Democrat. After his return to Cin
cinnati, in 1S44, a vacancy occurring, he
was appointed assistant prosecuting at
torney during a term of court, discharging
his duties with such efficiency as to attract
attention. He subsequently formed the
acquaintance of Dr. Gamaliel Bailey, who
was then publishing tbe Cincinnati Herald,
an anti-slavery paper. He ibecame a con
tributor to this newspaper, subsequently
succeeding Dr. Bailey in conducting its
now He Helped to Elect Chase.
At that time tbe anti-slavery feeling was
running high in Ohio, involving both
parties, and the prominence into which Mr.
Matthews' name had been "brought, as pub
lisher of this paper, made him a party to
the combination which elected Mr. Chase
United States Senator from that State and
resulted in Mr. Matthews' election, as a
'Free Soiler." clerk of the Ohio House of
In 1849, upon the adjournment of the
Legislature, Mr. Matthews returned to the
practice of his profession: and upon the
adoption of tbe State Constitution, in the
following year, he was elected by the Dem
ocrats one of the three Judges of the Court
of Common Pleas of Hamilton county He
resigned this position in January, 1853,
finding the salary insufficient, and became
a member of the law firm of Worthington
& Matthews. He subsequently served one
full term in the Senate of Ohio. President
Buchanan appointed him United States
District Attorney In 1858. For two years
he discharged the duties of this office with
great credit, at the end of which time he
tendered his 'resignation, to relieve Presi
dent Lincoln of any embarrassment in pro.
Tiding an occupant for tbe office.
Upon a tender of his services to Governor
Dennisoo, at the commencement of hos
tilities, after Mr. Lincoln became President,
he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the
Twenty-third , Ohio Infantry. Eutherford
IC&nUnvedon Seventh J'gge.li
Will Not be Effected by Engaging in
Speculative Schemes,
Wherry's Plan-for Investing Btate
Funds Appears to Him like
The Legislature Again Discusses license, but Without
Important Emits.
Governor Beaver does not favor the policy
advocated by Bepresentative Wherry in
reference to the sinking fund. He thinks
it would be a step backward to adopt it.
The present policy of the commission seems
to be satisfactory to the Executive, and he
points out reasons why it would be to the
.best interests of the State to have it con
tinued. In the House Mr. Wherry's reso
lution on the subject was referred to the
"Ways and Means Committee.
Habbistjbo, March 22. Governor Beaver
was asked to-day for an opinion on the subject
raised by Mr. Wherry, of Cumberland. The
Governor prepared and gave out the follow
ing in answer thereto. As the policy of the
Sinking Fund Commissioners is weirkuown
to be controlled by the Governor, who is
deeply interested in the payment on the
State debt, the opinion is rendered doubly
"I have no knowledge of the resolution to
which you refer, buvfrom, what you say as
to its contents it would seem to be a return
to the policy which was pursued by the Sink
ing Fund Commissioners for several years,
and which has only been abandoned, is im
politic and detrimental to the interests, of
the Commonwealth. At the time when
Government 4s were selling upon 'the mar
ket for less than our State 5s, which mature
in 1892, the Sinking Fnnd Commissioners,
as I understand their policy, purchased the
Government 4s and continued to do so until
several millions of them accumulated in the
sinking fund. I am not a member of the
Sinking Fund Commission, nor am I in any
way responsible for its management, but a
year or more ago at least one of the Com
missioners inquired of me as to my views in
regard to the general policy to be adopted
by the Commissioners.
"Some of the most astute financiers of
the State believed that Government 4s were
not likely to advance beyond the price
which then ruled, and that, inasmuch as
the State 5s would fall due in 1892,'they
could be purchased for considerably less
than the. United States Government securi
ties. The proposition, therefore, was to sell
he Government bonds, upon which we
were receiving but 4 per cent interest, and
purchase the State bonds due in 1892, upon
which we were paying per cent. There
was a difference of at least 10 per cent in
the price of the bonds at that time the
Government bonds -selling at126 and the
State bonds being-purchasable at about 115.
"I had no hesitation at the time in join
ing in the opinion expressed by some of our
distinguished bank officers, that it would be,
jrery much better for the State to sell securi
ties upon which they are getting but -4 per
cent, and buy their own securities upon
which they were paying 5, particularly
when the difference in "price of the several
securities was largely in favor of purchasing
our own. That policy has been pursued, as
I understand it, by the Sinking Fund Com
missioners ever since. They have been pur
chasing our own bonds, which will mature
in 1892, at prices ranging from 115, at
which they started, down to 107, at which
a considerable .portion has been purchased
during the last week. .
"There is no doubt that the Commission
ers could purchase the entire loan maturing
in 1892, which bears 5 per cent interest, at
very much less than they can purchase
Government 4s. The only question be
tween the Commissioners and the holders of
the State 5s has been the price to be paid.
I doubt the propriety of the Commissioners,
at this time, speculating in United States
Government bonds. This would be the
plain English to the proposition to which
you refer, requiring them to invest the sink
ing fund at the end of each quarter in Gov
ernment 4s, which would in all probability
fall rather than rise in price. The present
policy of the Commissioners to purchase -our
own bonds, upon which we payjj per cent,
is in my judgment very much Better, and
one which, it seems to me, they ought to
continue until our entire loan, which is pay
able in 1893, is redeemed.
"I can only speak of this subject from what
I gather in casual conversation with the
different members of the Sinking Fnnd
Commission. They are at present negotiat
ing for considerable blocks in this loan at
what would be a fair market price. If they
can purchase them it stops the payment of
a'5 per cent interest-bearing security, which
would be very much better than the pur
chase of a 4 per cent security, which is
likely to fall rather than to rise in price.
"As the matter-now stands, the simple
proposition which presents itself would
seem to be this: At the rate at which the
Commission sold their Government 4,
59,000 of that security, which brought them
only 4 per cent, win pay $w,uui ot a secur
ity upon which they are paying 5 per cent.
They not only have the advantage of the
saving in interest, but they have the addi
tional advantage of purchasing the actual
subsisting indebtedness with the difference
in premium, which is a verv considerable
item. These figures may not be exactly
correct, but they illustrate the principle,
which I think is a sound one, upon which
the commission has bared its operations.
"I am opposed, as I understand the com
missioners to be, to having any surplus or
idle funds in the sinking fund. Every dol
lar at present in the fund would have been
expended in the purchase of our loan ma
turing in 1892, were it not for the fact that
the commissioners are unwilling to pay the
price at which it is held by the present
holders; and negotiations are, and have
been, in progress for securing the bonds re
ferred to at what the commissioners believe
to be a fair market price. This is the pol
icy pursued by the Government of the
United States, and which, must, it seems to
me, meet the commendation of all level
headed business men." Simpson.
His Besolntlon Laid Over and Ills Eloquence
Rendered Useless.
Habbisbubo, March 22. Mr. Wherry'a
first gun of the campaign merely fizzed a
little this morning. The Bepublicans were
ready for it, and his concurrent resolution
was referred by the Speaker to the Commit
tee on "Ways and Means. His joint resolu
tion, calling for information from the Sink
ing Fond Commissioners as to the present
shape of "the fnnd was laid oyer by tbe
Speaker, who ruled that that was "the proper
disposal of aeftlloa a depwtmeat fcrinfer-
mioE.V.-It,willeefl .m ' Maaaay nat,
when the dlsoussi6n wHl take place that
was expected to warm tilings up this morn-
in p. -
This disposal of the resolutions gives the I
.KepuDllcans plenty oi time to coniiuer u
proper course of, action. Mr. Wherry will
probably do the most of the talking. His
speech was ready for use this morning, but
the Speaker was too fast for him. Chair
man Dearden, the wat'ch-dOff of the State
Treasury, who is always all attention when
financial topics are mentioned, almost gave
Mr. Wherry an opening by requesting the
privilege of interrogating: him, but the
Speaker made his ruling just as Mr. Dear
den rose, and ilr- "Wherry's unuttered el5
qnence was returned to his inside pocket.,
Mr. Fow's Bill PermltthiB; Their Transfer
Pat on the Calendar.
traou x stait cocnsroxDxxT.i
Habeisbueo," March 22. After dis
posing of Mr. Whqrry's resolution the
House agitated itself' with liquor license
matters for the most part untiladjournment,
reaching no bills on first reading except the
G. A. B. soldiers' orphans bill, which had
been made a special order .for 10:30. The
greater part of tbe liquor talk was on li
cense transfers. Mr. Fow had, a bill before
the Ways and Means Committee which was
pigeon-holed for a long- time by its sub
committee on liquor legislation, and finally
was negatived. The bill provided that the
license of a deceased person be transferred
to his legal heirs.
Mr. Brooks, who bangs away right and
left at all license legislation, opposed a
motion made by Mr. Fow to have the bill
placed on the calendar. He-said the pres
ent law permitted transfers. Mr. Fow ad
mitted that, but wantW'-the law made man
datory. Much injnsticc'had been done in
Philadelphia because it wasn't One case
he cited was that o(a man who died after
paying his license fjae and beore opening
his saloon. His wife didn't get a cent back.
Mr. Brooks continued his opposition, but
Mr. Fow's bill was placed on" the calendar
by a vote of 113 to 33. Mr. MacDonald, of
Lackawanna, then made another attempt to
get his license fee bill made a speoial order.
The majority was with him, and he had the
vote by which the special order had been
refused reconsidered. But he needed a two
thirds vote to secure the special order, and
a two-thirds vote was not to be secured.
The vote was 74 yeas to 49"nays.
Mr. Smiley's bill to widen .the territorial
limit within which a liquor dealer may se
cure a bondsman may be brought before
tbe House by an attempt to place it on the
calendar. It has many friends. Bepre
sentative Lemon would like to have the
House' vote on his bill to transfer the grant
ing of licenses from the Court of Quarter
Sessions to the Common Pleas, but has not
decided to take any action.
. Bills bv the Honored.
mtOM x BTi.iv coiutzsroDurr.
Habbisbubo, March 22. This was the
last day for the introduction of bills with
out leave from the House. Seven hundred
and thirty bills have thus far been intro
duced in the House against 733 during the
whole session in 1887, Thus far 210 bills
have been negatived against 140 at the last
The Conduct of White Regulators Alarms
tho Virginia Authorities.
Peteesbueo, Ya., March 22 Intelli
gence received here this afternoon is to the
effect that trouble isJearuPat StOney Creek,
in. Sussex county, between the whites and
the negroes of that place. Stoney Creek is
a village on the-Petersburg and Weldon
Railroad, about 20 miles from Petersburg,
and has a population of about 600. The
trouble had its origin in a White Cap
notice sent to a negro who keeps a barroom
in the village, notifying him unless he kept
a more orderly place he would be severely
dealt with. On receipt of the notice the
negro became very indignant, and, in com
pany with a number of other negroes, pro
ceeded to the residence of Mr. Geonre
Eppes, whom they charged with being the
auinor ot it.
It is alleged that, despite Eppes' denial,
they abused him and defied him to come out
of his house. They also threatened to burn
the village if tbe threats in the' notice were
carried out The whites, and negroes are
strongly armed, and information is received
to-night that trouble is feared to-morrow.
The State authorities of Richmond havo
been notified of tho condition of affairs.
Tonne Kemplnskl Not Liberated Yet, but
Sir. Blaine Says Ho Will be Soon.
Bbidgepobt, Conn., March 22. Attor
ney Jacob Klein returned to-day from
Washington, where he has been for a'week
.interceding with the Department of State
in the interest of Hermann Kempinski, the
young Bridgeport citizen who is now con
fined in a Russian prison in Poland because
he left Bussia for the purpose, it is alleged,
of avoiding military duty.
"The report is not true," said Mr. Klein
to-night, "that Kempinski has been liber
ated. Secretary Blaine is cabled, however,
that the sentence of banishment to Siberia,
which was to go 'into effect, has been re
called, and that the officials will carefully
examine the evidence sent by mail as soon
as it arrives there, and also the demand for
the prisoner's release. Mr. Blaine as
sured me that in his opinion we had a sure
case and that the liberation would come
Senator Piatt has been very active in his
assistance to Mr. Klein and did all he
could to rush the case through. Secretary
Blaine, although surrounded 'with office
seekers, devoted his whole time to the mat
ter until he got it off his hands.
It is Claimed That He is Surely Fhelps'
New Yobk, March 23. From the World
of this (Saturday) morning:
It can be stated on the highest authority that
Mr. Chauncoy M. Depew has been offered the
English mission within the last two days', and
after giving the matterserious consideration,
he ''has signified his willingness to ac
cept It Tbe nomination of Mr.
Depew for this important position
will not be deferred later than Slon
diy. It has been known for some time that
President Harrison regarded Mr. Depew as his
ideal for the English mission, and the only ob
stacle to the appointment was tbe doubt about
Mr. Depew's acceptance of it. This seems to
have been overcome, and the World's in
formant makes tbe positive announcement that
Mr. Depew will be Mr. Phelps' successor In
One of Her Husband's Lawyers Considers
Her Not Altogether Right.
Columbus, O., March 22. The court
room was crowded to-day to hear the argu
ments in the Church divorce case. The
speeches were completed this evening, and
the Judge will give a decision one week
from to-morrow.
It may be, however, owing to the lan
guage used by one of the lawyers in his
argument, that the Judge may conclude to
reopen the case and hear evidence as to tUe
sanity ot Mrs. Church.
thejlrst of a series ej letters, describing a cruise
among sae n m unaia immas ana along the
&?"''': rrsnALSsBfeSSa!
The President Insists That Applicants
Shall be. Worthy Men.
He Talks Exactly Like Wharton Barker
Might be Expected to Do.
Applicants for Local Offices Beginning te Assert
Men must have merit to be reasonably
sure of receiving anything at President
Harrison's hands. He says he wants, his
appointees to fill their places with honor to
him and themselves. A fat man in a street
car talks very like Wharton Barker. He
wants the " Belgnim mission. The Thetis
has been ordered to Alaska. The surplus
is now growing at the rate of $500,000 a
day, Local offices begin to assume shape.
Washington, March 22. The Presi
dent has given members of Congress very
plainly to understand that he does not pro
pose to make appointments of unfit men
simply because they are strongly recom
mended, a. certain State delegation went
to him to-day to recommend for ap
pointment to a foreign mission
an ex-member of Congress "who is
one of the most entertaining and forcible
stump speakers in the country. His repu
tation as a humorist is national, but he is
not a man of culture or fine manners. Gen
eral Harrison knows him very well, and
when his name was mentioned and the in
dorsements, which are remarkably strong,
were presented, General Harrison said: ,
"Why do you recommend such a man for
this place? You know he is not fit for it:
While he is a worthy and useful man, and
while I have the highest respect for him, he
is no more fit for a diplomatic position than
he is to occupy the pulpit. 'He has not the
slightest taste or talent for diplomacy, and
he is not the proper man to send to a foreign
mission. If yon will find something he is
fit for I will be glad to consider his claims,
but it is useless for you to press him for this
He was a fat man, in a loquacious mood,
and he hung to a strap in an F street car go
ing toward the P. O. D. "Didn't I see you
at the White House this morning?" he said,
addressing a modest-looking gentleman who
had been fortunate enough to get a seat.
"I was there."
"After an office?" .
"Not for myself, but I was seeking the
appointment of a friend,"
"Well, I went up and shook hands with
Harrison. I know him well. I have known
every President since Lincoln's time, and I
know Harrison just as well as I knew Lin
coln or Grant." I went out to Indianapolis
last December, and spent three or four days
with him, add he invited me io come and
see him when he got to the White House,
so I came. I raised $47,000 in Philadelphia
for the campaign fnnd this year. In 1881 X
raised $15,000 for Blaine, in 1880 I raised
$10,658 for Garfield, and I have never asked
a thing in my life.
"Governor" Beaver wrote to General Har
rison that I ought to have anything I want,
but I told the President this morning that
there was'only one place I would under any
circumstances accept, and that is the mis
sion to Belgium. I don't suppose I will
get it, though, because there are so many
people after these things who have to be
taken care of, and the President knows I
will be just as good a Bepublican and just
as strong a supporter of his administration
as now."
The Thetis Sent to Watch American Whal
ers' Interests in Behrlncs Straits.
Washington, March 22. Sailing or
tfers have been sent to the United States
steamship Thetis, at the Mare Island Navy
Yard, to proceed to Sitka, touching en route
at such places as her commanding officer
may deem necessary. When she arrives at
Sitka and communicates with the civil
authorities, she will, if the situation is
quiet and her presence there is not required,
continue on northward and devote atten
tion particularly to the whaling fleet and to
other commercial interests of the United
States in the waters about Behrings Straits
and the Arctic Ocean.
As the whaling vessels usually leave the
Arctic in the latter part of September, the
presence of the Thetis until then will add
security to those engaged in that important
industry, and the vessel will remain until
they have taken their departure southward,
taking care not to be caught in the ice. She
will return to Sitka and await further in
General Wade Hampton Returns Some
Captured Flags to Senator Quay.
Washington, March 22. The follow
ing correspondence explains itself:
United States Senate, )
Washington, March 19, 1889. j
Eon. M. S. Quay:
Mr Deab Sib Tbe fortunes of war gave
into my possession a couple of flags which had
been borne by one of the Pennsylvania regi
ments, and as I know old soldiers value the
colors under which they fought, I take pleas
ure in asking you to transmit these flags to any
members of the Sixty-fifth Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, Fifth Cavalry, now surviving. Tbe
country has but one flag, but tbe men who
bore those whicb I now send to you will be
glad to see again banners which they bore In
the Civil War.
With very kind regards, lam verytruly yours,
Wade Hampton.
1618K Stbeet, N. W.. J
Washington, March 20, 1SS9. J
MyDear General The nagand guidon of
tbe Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry, captured by
your command, with accompanying note, were
handed me to-day. I undertake with much sat
isfaction to transmit tbe colors to the former
proprietors, and assure yon they will be re
ceived by the survivors of tbe regiment in tbe
kindly spirit in which you deliver thorn, and
will be tenderly treasured for tbe sake of old
associations, and as one of the multiplying evi
dences that the issues and animosities of tbe
Civil War are faded.
I am, General, with much esteem, yours
truly, M. S. Quay.
General Wade Hampton, United Staes Sena
tor. In accordance with the above, the flags
were to-day sent to the proper parties in
Pennsylvania, to be restored to their former
Gettinc Even With Only Evaders.
Washington, March 22. The Treasury
Department to-day decided that importa
tions of broken wool-tops are dutiable at 60
cents per pound as "tops," and not at 10
cents a pound as "waste." It is suspected
that -the tops are broken to resemble waste,
in order to evade the higher rate of duty im
posed upon "tops."
A Prcsldental Proclamation.
Washington March 22. The Presi
dent to-day issued his proclamation, as di
rected 'by Congress, forbidding the killing
of seals, BMJteas and -minks in Alaska,' un-
ISf ? Jx ' "-? K:rr "" 'rf? "iJi-'!
Satisfactory Intimations of Col. Stewart's
Promotion MnJ. Spetr's Consulship.
Washington, March 22. One of the
strongest recommendations so far made to
the StateDepartment is on behalf of Colonel
John Stewart, a former Pittsburger, for the
mission to the Sandwich Islands. Colonel
Stewart has been for 18 years Consul at
Antwerp. He is a linguist, scholar and
man of affairs. He has always been recog
nized at Washington by the successive ad
ministrations as a model of what the con
sular or diplomatic service should .be.
Besides Showing remarkable intelligence in
the commercial duties of the Antwerp po
sition, his courtesies and-kindlinesstomany
Americans yearly visiting Europe have
made him influential and urgent friends in
all parts of the country.
It is altogether likely tha't Colonel Stew
art's application will be successful. He is
powerfully backed br letters and personal
.recommendations from intimate and earnest
friends of the administration, and among
others from the most influential Bepubli
cans of Western Pennsylvania. His reason
for wishing the change from Antwerp is on
account of tbe climate and advancing years.
Either the Sandwich Island mission or the
Consulship at Cairo, Egypt, is pretty sure
to be tendered him. His friends were to-day
given official intimations of this.
Another Pittsburger who has a fair show
ing, though for a less important Consulate,
is Major Joseph T. Speer, whose applica
tion was this week filed for Munich. It is not
the salary which attracts Mr. Speer, but the
attractiveness of official residence in the
Bavarian capital.
Uncle Sam's Hoarded Wealth Increasing;
at tho Rate of $300,000 a' Day.
Washington, March 22. The Treasury
surplus has been steadily increasing for
several days past. It sow amounts to
$50,200,000," or $5,000,000 more than it was
ten days ago. This increase is due to the
great excess of receipts over disbursements
since the first of the month. The receipts to
date aggregate $23,200,000, while the ex
penditures during the same period amount
to a little over $12,000,000, including about
$2,000,000 paid out on account of pensions.
Until recently the receipts and expendi
tures have been pretty well balanced by tbe
purchase of bonds; but this method of ap
plying the surplus has been considerably
hampered of late by light offerings. The
purchases have been confined to l per
cent bonds, but this is partly due to the
high price asked for the 1 per cents.
Secretary Windom has announced his
purpose of continuing, for the present at
least, the system of purchases adopted by
his predecessor and that he would willingly
increase the purchases if the offers' permit
ted it. He has been urged to resume the
purchase of 4 per .cents as a more profitable
use of the surplus than the purchase of 4J
per cents. He declines, however, to make
known his views on this subject beyond the
statement, that his policy as to the 1's mnst
be determined by his treatment of the
A Scheme Whereby Applicants for Pensions
Are Systematically Bled.
Washington, March 22. If Corporal
Tanner takes hold of the Pension Bureau
he may possibly have to deal with a scandal
in.the first days of "his incumbency. Facts
are cropping out which indicate the exist
ence of a lltlle",r!hg of clerks inside the
Pension office and pension attorneys in the
outside to secure fees from applicants. A
vast number of would-be pensioners who
are so verdant as to believe that they can
secure their dues "without the employment
of an attorney apply direct to the Pension
Bureau. The clerks who are in the ring
secure the name of these applicants and
pass-them over to the attorneys in the ring.
The latter send circulars or letters to the
applicant, depicting in disheartening lan
guage the impossibility of securing a pen
sion except through an attorney.
If the applicant bites and sends the fee
suggested, tbe attorneys and the clerks
divide, and everything is lovely, except
with the poor veteran.
John Gillcland Slated for the Allegheny
Fostmastcrshlp WIthont a Straggle,
rsrxciAX. teliqbam to TnimspATcn.i
Washington, March 22. At the Post
office Department, late this, afternoon an
official gave to the correspondent of The
Dispatch the Interesting information that
it had been decided to give the plum of the
Allegheny Postmastership to Mr. John
Gilleland, the Beaver avenue merchant, and
the Inspectorship of Postoffices of the Alle
gheny district, to Mr. James Bradley, the
almost lifelong political lieutenant of
Bepresentative Bayne.
The official stated gravely that there had
been no disagreement between Colonel Quay
and Colonel Bayne in regard to the Alle
gheny appointments.
Frank Case Does a Good Day's Work.
Washington, March 22. Mr. Frank
Case, of Pittsburg, arrived last night,
busied himself to-day with his candidacy
for his old place of Collector, and went
home satisfied that he had done a good
day's work.
Serions Trouble Likely to Dreak Oat at
Any Moment.
tsrxciAi. TELianAn to tuxdisfatcb.
Wichita, March 22. The news from
Oklahoma City to-night is that the boomers
who run off their claims have returned on
the withdrawal of the soldiers. Bach train
bripgs in hundreds that have been hovering
along the border. The excitement at Pur
cell and along the border, is intense, and the
people have left their business to hang
around the telegraph stations. They are
anxiously awaiting the President's procla
mation. There is great disappointment
over the inactivity of the President
Colonel Crocker, who has worked hard to
hold back the boomers, says:
"Should the President delay much longer
there will be bloodshed. There are 30,000
white men in the Chickasaw nation alone,
ready to take up claims, and disappointment
has followed disappointment until they are
becoming desperate. The boomers are
greatly excited over the order to bar them
out by reporting them for violating the law.
Prospectors and speculators are taking the
names of those who have violated the laws
by entering the Territory, and will appear
against them in order to defeat them. An
old man, who-had watched a piece of laud
for six years, says a band of 1,000 old
boomers had recently formed, and an efiort
to fight any of them would result in the
death of the'informer."
The Mexican Government Will Prohibit the
American Product.
City op Mexico,. March 22. The Gov
ernment has taken steps .to prevent the in
troduction into Mexico of American lard,
owing to the official announcement that it is
deleterious to health.
revs, anavlhorityonDecorativejirtin America,
will write in to-morrow's Dispatch about the
prevailing style of furniture'-and .describe
the arguing rooms of the Van&troiUt, ..--.
Odd Predicaments of Men Whom,
the Court Gets to Admit " '
That They Erred .
Jndgo WMte Says Tfiere Will Barely
lie a Decrease Soon.
Remarkable Increase la Saloonlsts' Ba
eelpts on Saturdays, When Men Are
Paid The Judge Intimates That Many
IHill Men Want to Go Dry GHtterina
Gold and Diamonds Don't Attract His
Honor So Mnch as Poverty The Maa
With a Billiard Table Has No Hope for
a Bar.
Beferring to the possibility of prohibition
passing, Judge "White yesterday said, in
open court: "As I hope it will." That
ended the hopes of the applicant before him.
His Honor found several applicants ready
to admit, when cornered, that they had lied
a little, hoping to get license. He said
that there was to be no increase in saloons,
but a decrease; that many mill men had pe
titioned for a local drought, and that ap
piicants who owned or operated billiard
tables might a3 well quit. He told the fel
low with a nice chain and pin that glitter
ing diamonds and gold didn't catch onin
that court. Many mill men, His Honor
said, wanted to be left high and dry.
It is astonishing the amount of falsa
swearing that is done before the License
Court. Applicants will gravely inform
Judge White they have lived up to every
requirement of the law. He will ask a
simple question, and their carefully
erected castle of misstatements will tumble
down about their ears with a result that is
'apt to be fatal to their own hopes, and is
disgusting io any lover of truth, and honor
It is also amusing, though, to witness the
mistakes they make when not telling the
truth. Applicants have heard volumes of
questions and answers. They appear before
His Honor, however, and seem to forget
everything that they proposed to say,
making the most foolish blunders. Judge
White has observed the behavior of the
applicants, and during the examination of
one of the applicants yesterday remarked:
"Xsee the witnesses are getting on io the
questions, and I shall have to vary them."
This- was called out by the fact tnat the last
few witnesses had said their receipts on Sat
urday are no bigger than on any other day.
One thing is settled; there will be no re
hearings, Judge White has said so. "I
will not hold Court to-morrow," said he,
"but will take the day to examine papers in
the cases already heard. I can hardly say
about when the licenses will be granted.
Most probably none will be granted till
after we get entirely through the list."
Bx-Councilman McKee was in court
yesterday and gave some damaging testi
mony against three of the applicants. The
examinations included the Fifteenth, Six
teenth and Seventeenth wards. The list is
as follows:
Fifteenth ward Albin Farley, 3627 Butler
street; Albert Gamier, 3101 Smallman street
James H. Gillespie, 3233 Penn avenue; George
Grnbcr, 3322 Smallman street; William Grosse,
3333 Penn avenue; John House, 3101 Butler
street; Henry Hammerly, 3617 Penn avenue;
George Kretzler.3626 Butler street; Kate Louis,
3513 and 3550 Butler street; George Morris, 3351
Penn avenue; Joseph Muench, 3600 Butler
street; Mrs. Mary Messner, 3825 Penn
avenue; Patrick H. Moran, 3590 Char
lotte street; Martin Neckermann, corner
Thirty-fourth and Smallman streets:
Owen McCuster, 3223 Penn avenue; John Mc
Carthy, 3237 Penn avenue; August Pieper, 3321
Butler street; Ignatius Plum, 3501 Penn avenue:
Gotleib Pfell, 3815 Penn avenue; August Kuh,
3315 Penn avenue; Mathias Schenot, 3324 Small,
man street JCharles Supert, 3518 Butler street;
M. A. Snyder, 3523 Penn avenue; Andrew
Sen olm, 3549 Butler street; Chris Schenot, 3i29
Butler street: Jacob Stein, 3519 Butler street;
Chris Stubinger, 3329 Penn avenue; Henry
Wirth, 3525 Butler .street; Ellas H. Waldler,
3720 Butler street; James Ward, 3321 Penn
avenue; E. Waldler, 3S08 Butler street; Albert
Zacharlas and B. J. Blchardson, 3229 Penn
Sixteenth ward-Phillip Adler, 4408 Liberty
street; G. H. Blum, 4760 and 1762 Liberty ave
nue; Margaret Clinton, 4552 Penn avenue; John
Conway, 8351 Ligonier street; Charles Coll, 4616
Penn avenue;Patrick Flood, 3315 Liberty street;
Mrs. Barbara Frauenholz, 3824 Penn avenue;
Lorenze Hoffmann, 4734 Laurel avenue; James
S. Jiles, 4502 Penn avenue; Leo Joss, 4624 Penn
avenue; John Kleist, 4050 Penn avenue; Joseph
W. Kennedy, 347 Cedar avenue; Joseph Litcbge,
4C01 Friendship avenue; Henry Mayer, 4723
Liberty street; August F. Smeller, 4116 Penn
avenne; J. J. McCabe, 3309 Liberty street; Thos.
McCabe, 361 Cedar street; James Slattery, 3106
Penn avenue: Valentine Schafer, corner Main
ana Liberty avenue; Edward Scanlin, 3307 Lib
erty avenue; Frederick Scbaal, 3440 Penn ave
nue; John Thoma, 4500 Liberty avenue.
Seventeenth ward Patrick Allen, 4207 Butler
street; Erwin J. Beminger, 4741 Butler street;
K. Brannon, corner Fiftieth and Harrison
streets; Bernard Campbell, 4920 Hatfield street;
Joseph A, Carlln, 73 Forty-thlrd street; Will-"
iam Clifferty, 4753 Butler street; John Dunn,
corner Forty-eighth and Carlton streets;Henry
Fucbs, 4635 and 4637 Butler street; John D.
Hughes comer Forty-fifth and Butler streets;
Joseph Hufn&gBl, 4517 Butler street: Joseph H.
Jackson, corner Forty-eighth and Harrison
streets; HenrickP. Jung. 43 Forty-ninth street;
Gottlleben Koehler, 186 Forty-third street;
John Lanahan, 4313 and 4315 Butler street; P.
F. Maher, comer Forty-ninth and Harrison
streets; Charles P. Naser, Butler and Forty
first streets: Patrich O'Maher, 4601 Butler
street; Thomas Perry, corner Forty-fifth street
and Penn avenue; Daniel Reardon, 121 Forty
sixth street; Samuel V. Reynolds, 4329 Butler
street; Kllian Soell, 123 Forty-fifth street; Mrs.
Kate Sohl, 158 Forty-eighth street: Charles E.
Bmlth, 4018 Butler street; Joseph Walters, 4709
Butler street.
Albert Gamier was the first applicant at
the morning session who came In for a lec
ture from the Court. He got a severe one
for selling-liquor to mill men. His Honor
is looking after their interests, and is re
moving temptations.
George Morris invited Judge White to
come out to Lawrenceville to. show him how
much liquor he had remaining from last
year's stock. It was only aquart. 5
"Well, did you sell aaysoR driaka?
assea duage vniie., -,..
"Tee, yes,-I confess I. did,", said MerriM
f i
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