Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 22, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Jr (i-'m
j Full Beturns of Week's Transactions
'? at Liberty Yards.
licked Staying Qualities, and Price Back
to Old Figure.
THURSDAY. Mrch21, 1SS9. j
Through receipts of cattle last week were
the largest for six months past. As will be
seen by the accompanying report through
receipts this week were little above one
half of last week. It appears that there is
aKo a decline in local receipts of 240 head, as
compared with last week. The light run and a
special order ironi Baltimore for export cattle
served to stimulate markets on Monday, and
Drices advanced 10 per cent oh export grades.
Tie advance did not hold after the special
oraer was filled. Markets drifted back to last
week's figures and remain there up to date.
Outside of the sales referred to there has been
no impi ovement in prices. For good butcher
and shipping cattle, weighing MOO pounds and
upward the highest price paid was S4 20. This
price was paid for a few bunches of export cat
tle on special order. As good cattle were sold
on Tuesday a shade below Si 00. The revival
reported on Monday was lacking in staying
qualities. As the season advances Teal calves
come in more freely and prices are tending
toward a lower level.
In last eek's report the range of prices was
56Ja There has. been a drop of lc from these
figures, and slow markets at reduction. A
leading live stock firm tends out the following
statement of the cattle situation to customers;
"Receipts, 20 carloads less than last week: mar
ket stroncer at about 10c advance on nice light
butcher stock."
Full returns show that nearly 2,000 more hogs
were received this week than last. Demand
has been fully np to supply. Receipts to-day
were only four or five loads. A leading dealer
reports that five times as many wouig nave
found ready sale. Yorkers sold to-day at S3 00
5 05. The same grade at Chicago were quoted
at $4 To. At these hgures our packers are able
to do better at Chicago than at Liberty. This
lias been the complaint all this season, that
Drices here have been held up too high.
The difference between here and Chicago
should not be more than 15 to 20c per cwt. One
of our packers said: "The East LiDerty dealers
have been standing in their own light this
season. We have procured most of our sup
plies from the West, but would have been glad
to buv at home if we could have done as well
The drift of hog products is upward. Mess
pork is 15c higher than closing prices of yester
day. Lard too has advanced slightly and is
The signs are that hog products have touched
bottom and that from now on better prices will
be realized.
There is nothing bright in the sheep situa
tion. Receipts this week vary scarcely any from
. Markets Sluggish.
Markets have been sluggish all the week, and
prices are off 25c per hundred. The outside
figure for choice wethers is SI 90 and it is likely
that a cash customer would do even better.
The stock firm quoted above sent out the
following statement to customers yesterday:
'Supply of sheen liberal and market very bad.
Buyers are holding off owing to unfavorable
sews from the East. From all indications we
do not look for any good in the sheep market
for the balance of the week."
Following are the full returns of transactions
at Central stockyards for the week:
iThro'. I Local.
Thursday 4Wi 40 4,125 440
Fridav 1,500 .... S.S05 3,190
batonlay 3X 510 I,7n 1,100
fcunday 510 920 5,775 4,100
Monday 30 1,100 2,750
Tuesday 140 SO S,K5 3,740
Wednesday 403 SO 1,875 1,100
Total 3,360 1,300 23,330 16,610
Last-week 6.100 1.SJ0 a,SS 16,390
Thursday ....
Last veek. .
" -s
588 '
Br Telegraph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 31 carloads
for city slaughterers direct. 22 carloads for ex
portation alive aud 1 carload for the market;
no trading in beeves; exports dull for dressed
beef at 56Jc for sides: exports, 700 quarters
of beef; to-day's Liverpool cable quotes Amer
ican refrigerator beef dull and Jc per pound
lower, at 7c per pound. Sheep Receipts,
2,900 head, and 1,200 head were carried over
yesterday; a shade weaker for sheep and a
trifle firmer for yearling lambs; sheep sold at
S4 215 C5 per 100 pounds: vearhngs at S5 25
5 5a Hogs Receipts, 2.080 head: no sales of
the live weight; steady, at the nominal rane
ofS5 005 40.
Kaksas City Cattle Receipts. 2.591 head
shipments, 1,US5 head; market slow and weak
for all classes except good cows, which are
steady to 510c higher; good to choice cornred,
$3 54 10: common to medium. S2 703 50:
stockers and feeding steers, SI 603 20; cows,
SI 602 85. Hogs Receipts, 7.26G head; ship
ments, 650 head; market active and 5c higher;
good to choice. SI 504 55; common to medium,
S4 254 45. Sheep Receipts, 1.156 head; ship
ments, S64 head: market active and fair; good
to choice muttons, S4 254 50: common to
medium. S3 503 85.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 1L000 head: ship
ment. 6.000 head: market steady; choice beeves,
S4 10S4 60; steers, S3 004 00; stockers and feed
ers. S2 2O330; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 503 10;
Texas cittle, S2 003 25. Hoes Receipts. 16,
XX) head; shipments, 7,500 head: market strong
and 5c higher: mixed. S4 554 75; heaw. 84 55
4 70: light, S4 604 80; skips. S350S4 45; pigs,
S4 854 95. Sheep Receipts, 4,000 head; ship
ments, 1,500 head; market steady: natives, S3 50
05 00; westerns, comfed, J4 204 70: lambs, $4 50
4f4 90.
CDrcnrjTATl Hogs in good demand and
firm: common and light; $4 C5l 75: packing
and butchers'. S4 604 85; receipts, 2,300 head;
shipments, 1,570 bead
Whisky Market.
Finished goods are quoted at SI 03, with a
good demand.
'Wool Market.
St. Louis Wool dull and unchanged.
The failure of the New York feather work
ers' .strike is complete.
The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday
afternoon accepted the following'bonds: 4Kb.
registered. S80.000 at 108.
K. B. Gardner's Eagle Bottling Works, in
Elmira, N. Y., was burned at 130 o'clock this
moraine the three-story building being com
pletely gutted. Loss about S25.000: insurance
The team of Hon. Henry Mott, of Alburgh
Springs, VL, went through the ice on Lake
Cnamplain at Rouse Point, N. Y., yesterday.
His wife was drowned, and also the team. Mr.
Mott was badly cut by the struggling horsse
bnt physicians have hopes of his recovery.
Mr Jay Gould's Rapid Transit Committee
called on Mayor Grant yesterday to receive his
sanction for increasing the elevated road's ter
minal facilities, and to get permission to build
a loop of the elevated system of roads in the
Battery Park. Mayor Grant refused to accede
to the committee's requests, and said that
hereafter whatever property the elevated road
should get must be paid for.
Do not waste money upon "sure cures"
when Dr. Bull's CoughSyrup can be bought.
Fixe parlor clocks and mantel orna
ments; large stock; lowest prices, at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth are. Established
1833. TVFSa
Rapid Sales.
The immense- quantity of clothing we
handle makes it necessary for us to sell our
goods quickly, that is, have rapifl sales. To
day and to-morrow we are going to indulge
in one of these rapid sales, and have marked
a special lot of men' fine suits and spring
overcoats at $10 and $12. Suite which yon
would pay $18 for elsewhere, and overcoats
well, we needn't nse arguments to sell
them. We point to the garments, name the
price, and the trade is made. Call to-day at
the P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond
tts, opp. the new Court House.
maeketsjy toe.
A Sharp Knlly In meat. May Option
Leading the Procession Corn Easy
and Oats Stronger Hog
Prodncts Still Unsettled.
Chicago The wheat market developed
more life and animation to-day and trading
was active, centuring principally In May. The
ieeling was nervous and unsettled, and for
May delivery prices scored a sharp advance,
while the more deterred futures followed only
to a slight extent. May opened lHc higher
and advanced, with some fluctuations, 2f c, de
clined ljgc. ruled firm, and closed about So
higher than yesterday. June advanced 2c and
closed 2c higher. July advanced lc, declined
recovered some and closed about c higher
than yesterday.
The feeling has been bearish of late, and the ,
market, no doubt, was an oversold one. Yes
terday there were symptoms of a tightening of
the market, and to-day when the shorts under
took to cover they found but little wheat for
sale. Active covering caused the advance, but
at the top there was more disposition to realize,
and the offerings became heavy enough to cause
tbo reaction noted.
Corn ruled comparatively quiet most of the
session, though at times It exhinited moderate
activity. The prevailing feeling was one of
steadiness, with occasional periods of tern-
Eorary firmness. The market opened a shade
igher than the closing prices of yesterday,
fluctuated within Je)c range and closed about
the same as yesterday.
In oats a stronger feeling developed, due to
the sharp advance in wheat. Offerings at the
start were small, and prices easily advanced
Kc The appreciation brought out a liberal
number of sellers, but as the eager buyers had
been filled up and no new orders arrived, a
weaker feeling developed and all of the ad
vance was lost.
Rather an active business was transacted in
pork early in the day and prices ruled some
what irregular. Prices were 1215c higher
than the closing figures of yesterday. Later
the market ruled easier, and prices receded
22f25a and the market closed rather tame at
about medium figures. Lard and short ribs
followed the same general course.
The leading futures rangea as follows:
Wheat No. 2 May.97VSl 0097K99Kc;
June. 9394X92V54Kc: Juiy, bo$S7
8bJiSBKc: year, o6&6SftfeS0ffi50c
Corn No. 2 April, 34Kc; Mav. 35V35
35M35Jo: June. 8535K35V35&c.
Oats-No. 2 May, 252c;Jnne.25K
625K25625ic; July, 2525K2525c.
Mess Pork, per bbl. May, S12 3012 40
12 12012 20: June,. S12 42$12 42k12 20
iz .; .j uiy, 3U &JWM owffiz mhuia -W2t
Labd. per 100 Bis. May, $6 97K6 97K6 00
6 91Y.X June, S7 006 9 July, 7 07K7 07
7 0207 D2&.
Snoar Rnss,per 100 tts. May,S8 S06 306 17
6 20; J une. S6 356 356 256 25; July. $6 3?K
6 406 3066 30.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull and unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat,
97K97?ic: No. 3 spring wheat nominal: No. 2
red, 97K97c No. 2 corn. 31c: No. 2
oats, 24c No. 2 rye. 43c No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 50. Prime tim
othy seed. SI 451 46. Mess pork, per barrel,
S12 15012 2a Lard, per 100 lbs. S6 90.
Short ribs sides (loose). S6 156 20. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). S5 505 75. Short clear
sides (boxed), S6 506 62JJ. Sugars Cut loaf,
unchanged. Receipts Flour. 11.000 bar
rels; wheat, 23.000 bushels: com. 167,000 bushels;
oats. 110,000 bnshels: rye, 3,000 bushels; barley,
32,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7,000 barrels;
weat. 1L000 bushels; com. 64,000 bnshels;
oats. 54.000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; barley,
20,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was easy and unchanged. Eggs weak
at HK12c
New Yoke Flour steady at the decline.
Wheat Spot dull and lQl&c higher; options
J ljc higher and strong. Kve dull. Barley
dull. Barley malt quiet Cora Spot li
ic lower; options quiet and firm. Oats
Spot firm and quiet: options more active and
y.c higher. Hay in fair demand and firm.
Hops steady and quiet. Coffee Options opened
barely steady, 1225 pointsdown: closed steady,
1015 points down; sales. 27,000 baes, including
April, 16.90; May, 16.9517.05c: June, 17.05c;
July, 17.1017.25c: August, 17.2o17.35c; Sep
tember, I7.3u17.45c; October, I7.40c; Novem
ber, 17.4517.50c; December, 17.5017.55c: spot
Rio easier; lair cargoes, 18?c Sugar Raw
higher: fair refining, 5 5-16c: centrifugals, 96
test, 6c; refined quiet and easy. Molasses
Foreign firm: 50 test. 24c; sales 190 bhds.
Trinidad at 27c: New Orleans quiet. Rice in
fair demand and steady. Fetrolenm steady
and quiet: United closed at 91c Cottonseed
oil firm; crude. 42c: yellow, 49c Tallow firm;
city, 47-16c Rosin quiet and steady;
strained common to good U5120. Turpen
tine quiet at 52c Eggs dull and lower:
Western 12123c; receipts, 7,842 packages.
Pork strong. Cut meats slow; pickled bellies,
12 pounds average. 7c; pickled shoulders, 5c;
pickled hams, 910c Lard easier and quiet;
sales Western steam, $7 25; citv, $6 85; March,
$7 23; April, S7 25, closing at S7 24; May. S7 28,
closing at S7 25; June. S7 27; July, $7 31. clos.
inz at 57 29; August, J7 32; September, $7 33 bid.
Butter quiet and weaker: Western dairy, 13
19c; do creamery, 1825Uc; Elgins, 2627c
Cheese quiet; Western, 93llc
St. Lotjis Flour firm but unchanged. Wheat
higher. The opening was strong and rather ex
cited on stimulatiug advices arid May sold c
highrr, bnt soon fell back and finally lost all
the early advance. It again rallied and sold up
1'gC only to drop back once more, though re
acting late. The close was firm, with May lc,
June c July Jc and August c above yester
day; No. 2 red, cash, 91H91Jfc: May. 90
92c. closing 91c hid: June, 87ffi87C closing
87c bid; Julv. 80e8O5c clo-ing 80cbtd;
August, 78K7B5c closing 78Jc bid; year,
TSc Com firm and MWic higher, bnt slow;
No. 2 mixed, cash, 292c; April. 29Jc; May,
30430J;; July, '32c: August, 33Jc Oats
very quiet; No. 2 cash nominally 24c; May, 26c
Rye quiet: No. 2, 42c Barley Some inqnirv;
all sales on private terms. Flax qniet at SI 45.
Bagging firm at SK10Kc Iron cotton ties,
SI 10. Provisions very quiet.
Philadelphia Flour Demand light and
prices weasr. wneat entirely neglected by
local speculators, but prices of eptions ad-
quiet but firm; No. 2 yellow afloat. 40Jc:No. 2
mixed, March. 40V40Kc: April.4041Kc; May.
41642; June. 4242. Oats Carlots generally
held iic higher, bnt advance checked business;
No.S hite quoted at 3232c;No.2 white regular
at34Kc Futures firm but quiet: No. 2 white.
Marcn. 33K335ie: April. 33KHc; Mav, 34V
34JJc; June. 34K635C Butter dull and weak;
Pennysvlvania creamery, extra, 25c; do prints.
extra, 25c Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 12
CcfciNKATi Flour freely offered, drooping.
Wheat quiet; No. 2 red, 95c; receipts. 1.500
bushels; shipments, 500 bushels. Cora in mod
crate demand, easy; No. 2 mixed, 34K35c
Oats firm; No. 2 mixed, 28K29c Rve dull;
No. 2, 47c Pork barely steady at S12 50. Lard
quiet at S6 80. Bulkmeats and bacon steady
and unchanged. Butter lower; fancy ilgin,
2Sc; choice dairy roll, 1718c Sugar stronger;
hard refined, 7H8c: New Orleans, 56Jic
Eggs dull. Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm;
cash, 8c; May87c; July, 86c Com lower;
No. 3, 3031c Oats dull; No. 2 white.27K
2SKc Rye dull; No. L 43c Barley quiet: No.
2. 59c Provisions easier. Pork, $12 02J. Larit
S6 85. Cheese unchanged: Cheddars. U12c
Baltimore Provisions firm and unchanged.
Butter steady for choice: western packed, 18
21c: roll. 15lBc; creamery 2627c Eggs easy
at ll12c Coffee steady; Rio, fair. 18K19c
Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash. S5 30;
March, S5 25; receipts, none; shipments, none.
Pipe Manufacturers In Session in New York
to Put Up Prices.
The only change in the iron market since the
former report has been in the direction of
greater firmness, as a result of a'better inquiry.
Pipe manufacturers are m session in New
York for tbo purpose of advancing prices
which, it is thought, will amount to 2 per
Pig Trox Neutral Gray forge, S14 75.
cash; -utile and mottled, J14 0014 5a cash;
all ore mill. S15 7516 00, cash; No. 1 foundry,
$17 2517 50, cash; No. 2 foundry. SiB 00, cash;
No. 2 charcoal foundry. $21 0021 50, cash:
cold blast charcoal, $25 0028TJO, cash; Bessemer
iron. $16 75Q17 00. cash.
Ferro-Makgakese Eightv per cent, 855 00
30.00: speigel-eisen, S2S 0028 60 f or20per cent
MAirUFACTTTRED Iron Bars, SI 751 80, 60
days, 2 per cent off: skelp, grooved, $1 8061 85:
sheared. $1 95g2 00.
MUCK BAR S27 75 is the extreme.
Billets Bessemer steel, $28 50 cash: nail
slabs, S27 7528 00; domestic bloom and rail
ends. $19 0019 5a
Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, $1 90, 60 days; 2
per cent off for cash.
Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam,
gas and water pipe: Mack, 14 to 1-Inch, 65 per
cent, IK to 12 inches. 65; galvanized, to
IK-inch, 47K per cent; 1 to 12 inches, 55 per
cent: oil well casing, 60 per cent: 6-inch cas
ing, SiH Per net foot; 2-inch tubing, 13c: boiler
tubes, 6 and oil well casing, 60 per cent off
large lots.
Merchant Steel Tool, 83$c; crucible
spring, 4c: crucible machinery, 6c; open
hearth machinery, 2c
Rail Fastenings Spikes, 2.20c per pound,
SO davs; splice bars. !.80LS5c per pound; square
nut track bolts, 2.752.85c and hexagon nut.2.90
2.95c f. a I). Pittsburg.
Old Rails American tees, $24 00824 60;
steel do, $18 50 for short, $19 50 for long.
Steel Rails Heavy sections, $2829 cash,
at works.
. Scrap 1bps No.l wrought, $2121 25 pernet
ton; cast scrap, $15 S0 16: wrought turnings, $18
14. net: cast borings, $1213, gross: car axles.
$25 0025 60, net; old car wheels, $19 00019 60,
gross; rail ends, $19 6020 00; bloom do, $19 60,
Skelp Iron Grooved size, $1 65; cash;
sheered, $1 90.
An Order for Several Thousand Just
Received From Mexico.
Revival of the Sorghum Industry That
JTaj Help Western Pennsylvania.,
The fragrant and economical toby, so dear
to the heart of the Pittsburg smoker, is to
be given a trial in Mexica, an Allegheny
City manufacturer having received an order
from Tampic for several thousand, as an
experiment. This is the beginning of what
may develope into a large trade in this
luxury. Who" kuows but' the toby may
take the place of the cigarette in the affec
tions of the fair senoritas of the land of the
Unless signs go for naught, something un
usual transpired in the real estate market yes
terday. Persistent pumping failed to elicit
any information as to the significance of the
movement, but nobody denied that something
big was in the air. One delegation of dealers
took observations on Diamond street and held
mysterious consultations afterward. A prom
inent capitalist was one of the party, and was
very eloquent in stating or explaining some
thing. One of the oldest dealers on Fourth
avenue paid a hurried visit to the East End,
accompanied by a stranger, and another went
over to the Southside, where he was closeted
for some time with an iron manufacturer.
That something was up was certain, but what
it was, and is, is as much of a puzzle as the
authorship of the letters of Junius.
The new stories added to the Lewis block
contain 1U0 rooms. Although not completed,
it is said that all of them have been engaged
for offices at good prices. Property in that lo
cality is in demand at $3,500 afoot, and one or
two deals at those figures are in progress. Tbe
average price for property on Fifth avenue,
between Grant and Market, is about $5,000
There are 110 Iron bridges in the county
making (excluding half lengths of three Inter
county bridges) 6,554.3 lineal feet, or one and
twenty-two hundredths miles of iron super
structures. These bridges were erected at a
cost of, in round numbers, $280,000. If the
county roads were in as good shape as the
bridges, it would be better for the business of
Pittsburg. As it is, it is impossible at certain
seasons of the year to haul farm products to
the city. Farmers have good cause to kick
against this neglect of their interests.
A Butler county farmer, just from Kansas,
said yesterday, that the manufacture of sugar
from sorghum cane is becoming an important
industry in that State. The production last
year was 800,000 pounds of sugar and 300.000
gallons of molasses both of superior1 quality.
Before the war sorghum was extensively culti
vated in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and was a
profitable crop. Why it was abandoned has
not been satisfactorily accounted for. The But
ler county granger thinks so highly of sorghum
that he proposes to devote several acres to its
cultivation this season. Sorghum has been
grown to some extent in Western Pennsylva
nia, but seems to have been given up. It is too
valuable a crop to be ignored.
According to a correspondent of the Phila
delphia Record, oil land in thistate is becom
ing very scarce, and territory which is at all
promising is being steadily bought up. The
great oil fields of Butler, Clarion. Venango,
Warren and McKean counties are now worked
exclusively for "second crop wells," that is to
say, small wells In old territory that a few years
ago would hardly be accepted as wells at all.
Washington connty continues to be tho richest
picking for the oil hunter, and the deep and
expensive drilling is no discouragement to
him. The most activity In the matter of work
ing over an old field is in Venango county,
where the drill is bobbing in almost every
Ho Transactions In Electric A Boom in
Wheeling and Chanters Gas.
Westinghouse Electric was dull and weaker
yesterday, it being almost impossible to get a
bid on it. Someone finally picked up courage
to offer 5, but it was declined with thanks.
There were no, transactions fn this stock on
'Change, but Henry M. Long" disposed of 25
shares at private sale at the price quoted
above Both ins and outs seem to be waiting to
see if it possesses staying qualities, and can be
maintained at its present altitude. The feature
of the day was the strength and activity of
Wheeling and Chartiers Gas, both scoring
handsome advances. It is expected that the
former will pay dividends pretty soon, while
the latter is said to be getting in good shape.
Philadelphia was down, the last sale being
made at 36. Switch and Signal was higher
and strong, while tractions were weaker.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Bid. AslCed.
Fld.TitleATrnst Co... 124
1'ennsTlvanU Ins 30
Chsrtlers Val. Gas Co. .KM .... 50 ....
rhlUdelphlaCo 36 37 363X 36
Wheeling Uss Co .. 31 305 31
CentralTractlon V3H 23JS S3 24
Omens' Traction 67i eS)i .... OS
1'lttsburg Traction 49)$ J9J(
Fltts. & Western K. B. 8 8H
P. & W. K. K. pref. lbX
LaNolraMlnrcfirCo.... 1H .... 1 ....
Westlnghonse Electric. S7l4 51 5 57
U. Switch & Signal Co. TSh, S4 stii 24J,
Westlng'seAlrB. Co.. 121Ji 122 121,4 122
Sales at tbe first call were 50 shares of Char
tiers Gas at 60,200 Philadelphia at S7.100Wheel
ingat30.20at30K.25 at 30, 5 at 30, and 100
Central Traction at2
In the af ternoSn there were sales of 10 Char
tiers Gas at 6 63 Philadelphia at 3 100
Pittsburg Traction at 4 293 Switch and Sig
nal at 24, and 37 at 24
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 215.4S8 shares, including: Atch
ison, " 15,330; Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western, 10,425; Lake Shore, 9,060; Louisville
and Nashville. 3,'JOQ; Missouri Pacific, 3,650;
Northwestern. 15,000; Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 4,519; Reading, 17.950; Richmond and
West Point, 3,500: St. Paul, 13.868; Union
Pacific, 9,650; Western Union, 3,815.
Their Theory That Bnslness Lacks Tim
Disproved by Reliable Flcnres.
The Clearing House report yesterday Indi
cated a largo volume of business, sufficient to
refute the opinion entertained by a few croak
ers that trade grows worse instead of better,
and showing a material advance over the same
period last year, which was considered the best
in tliehistory of tbe city. The exchanges were
$2,271,696 3L and the balances $356,073 16. Dis
counting was rather light, but counter business
was up to the average. Small notes, which
were scarce a few days ago, were in sufficient
supply for current demands. Currency and ex
change were about even.
Monev on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4J
6Vi. Sterling exchange dnll but steady at
$4 SoJi for 60-day bills. and$4 88 for demand.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U.S. 4s. reg lWraiuSX
U. 8. 4!S. coups 107&O103H
U.8.4s.rcg 128H(ai28
U. . 4S. coups .K9J1293
Currency, Spercenu 1833 rejr 120
Currency, 6pcrcent. IS96 reic. 123
Currency, 6 per cent, 1897 rcg 126
Currency, Spercent, lW8reg 129
Currency, Spercent, 181)9 rex. mjf
Government and State bonds were dull and
New York Bank clearings. $110,137,169; bal
ances, $5,153,640.
BosTON-Bank .clearings, $14,885,958; balances,
$1,682,895. Money 2 per cent.
PHn-ADELPHTA Bank clearings, $11,481,118:
balances, $1,818,028.
Baltimore Bank clearings, $1,863,235; bal
ances. $241,720.
Chicago Money firm and unchanged. Bank
clearings, 59,312,000.
St. Loursr-Bank clearings, $2,912,747; bal
ances, $415,031.
Mlnlne Stocks.
New York. March 21. Mining shares
closed: Amador. 130; Caledonia B. H.,300; Con
solidated California and Virginia, 812; Com
monwealth, 600: Deadwood T, 160; Eu
reka Consolidated, 140; El Cristo, 110; Gould &
Cnrry, 250; Hale & Norcross, 370; Homestake,
95h Horn Silver, 115: Mutual, 140; Navajo, 105;
Ontario, 3100; Plymouth. 1200; Sierra Nevada,
290; Standard, 125.
The Longs In OH Suffer From Bclne Too
Those who had been on the long side of the
oil market for several days, being charmed
with the idea of getting their stuff carried flat
or with a premium, and "being confident that
the market would not sell down, failed to take
advantage of a spurt f 92Jc yesterday and
still have It on their hands, besides paying 25c
to SOe to get it carried. The conrse of the
market demonstrated that although the situa
tion may look bullish, the time has not arrived
when the price can be permanently advanced
to a higher level.
The market opened at 91c, soon advanced c,
and then declined to 90c It then sold up
gradually to 92Kc, for no particular reason,
and held at about that figure until near the
close, when it weakened and sold down at
90Jc soon rallying a trifle, however, clos
ing at 91c, tbe same as the opening. Au in
cident that occurred during tho afternoon
aptly illustrates the uncertainty of the trade
and the liability of the shrewdest operators to
make mistakes. One of them bought 5,000
barrels at 92c. He refused to unload it at the
advance of He feeling confident of doing
better. In a few minutes the break came, and
he sold out at a loss of $12.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quota 'puts at 89
89c: calls, 91Jc
The rollowing table, corrected ny l)e Witt Dll
worth. broker in petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc :
Time. . Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened 91 8a's 12:43 p. x.... Wi '1H
10:15A. M.... HI 91X 1:00P. Jt... 914 MM
10:30A. M..., 907i 91 1:15 P. M.... Si's 92
10:45a. M.... Wi 90 1:30P. M.... Wi H
11:00a. M.... 905, 907 l:4SP. M.... 91X 92
11 :15A. U.... OOli 907 2:00 P. M.... Wi 91H
11:30A, M.... SOX mh, MSP. X.... 91 N 1
1I:45A. 2C.... 905 90 2:30 P. It.,.. 91 91
12:00 M 90 91 2:45F. X.... 91M 91H
12:15 P. x.. V0 91 Closed...... iSOJi ....
12:30 P. M.... 91 91&
Opened. 91c; algheit, 92Kc; lowest, OOMc;
closed, 90ftc
Dsfiy rnni 5.f9J
Average rnns i?.59'
Dally sninments 79.157
Average shipments 74.379
Average cnarters - 47,919
Clearances ,.... ..2, 557,000
New York closed t tic
Oil CUT closed at 91c.
Bnuliora dosed at 90Jic
Mew YorK. renned. Ic
London, renned, SK'l.
Antwerp, renned, lt)C. '
Other Oil Markets.
On, ClTT. March 2L National transit cer
tificates opened at 91c; highest, 92c; lowest,
90c; closed, 90a
Bradford. March 21. National transit cer
tificates opened at .91c; closed at 91c; highest,
92c: lowest. 90Jc
TmJSVTLl.E. March 21. National transit cer
tificates opened at 91c: highest, 92c: lowest,
S0ic: closed, 90Jgc
New York. March.21. Petroleum opened
firm at 91Kc, bnt after the first sales became
heavy and declined to 90c; the market then
turned sharply and advanced to 92Hc, bnt re
acted and closed weak at 91c. Sales, 1,412,000
Latest Transactions In Improved and Unim
proved Real Estate.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
James A. Smeigh, for Mellon Bros., lots Nos.
193 an d 191 in the Baum Grove plan of lots at
Roup station, Pennsylvania Railroad, having a
total frontage of 80 feet on Amber street and
being 103 feet in depth to a 20-foot alley, for
$4,000. These lots are sold under the usual re
strictions of this plan. Mr. Smefgh expects to
erect two fine dwellings durlngf the coming
W. A Hereon b Sons sold a vacant piece of
property on the west side of Bond street, near
North Hiland avenue, having a frontage on
Bond street of 190 feet, running back about 130
feet Tbe price approximates $6,000.
Lashell & Rankin, No. 67 Fourth avenue,
sold for Mrs. Susan J. McPherson, bonse and
lot corner Fonrth avenne and Ferree street,
Coraopolis, to John R. Lashell, for 51,600.
L. O. Frazier sold for Matthias Weiss five
lots, each 20x100 feet, situate on the northwest
corner of Gross and Sciota streets. Twentieth
ward, to William Velto et al, for $2,750 cash.
Mellon Bros, sold to John AUebrand lot No.
25, 25x108. In Mellon's plan of Walls station
lots for $300. This plan is fast improving on
account of Westinghouse improvements.
Stocks Making Good Progress Toward Ec
coverinsr Their Lost Ground Every
thing Scores Fractional Gains
Railroad Bonds Again
Fairly Active.
New York, March 2L The stock market
"was quiet to-day. hut there was further progress
made in the improvement started day before
yesterday, and while the fluctuations and final
changes in most of the list are not large, al
most everything shows a gain to-night. The
foreigners were not a factor in the, market
to-day, the margin of profit between the two
markets precluding any extended operations,
but Chicago was a conspicuous purchaser, and
the local traders furnished the remainder of
the business done. The Gould following were
confident that their chief wonld return to New
York a bull, and Missouri Pacific and Manhat
tan were again on tbe upward track, and in
the general list it early became evident that
there was no lack of support for the leading
There was an attempt to break the Grangers
again in the early trading, and Burlington did
display considerable weakness, being, in fact,
the weak spot in the list, but the others were
firmly held and tbe attempt was given up. Tbe
purchasing for the long account later became
more pronounced, prices beginning to creep up
under the increased demancLearly sellers began
to cover and the movement became strong and
reached to all portions of the list. The trading
In Chicago Gas was again on a large scale, but
it failed to reach the volume of business done
in the stock yesterday. The strength, how
ever, continued undiminished, and a material
advance was scored over the high figures of
The opening figures wero steady, but the at
tack upon the list was begun immediately, and
everything but Chicago Gas sagged off, with
Rock Island and Atchison in the lead, but they
were soon followed and overtaken byBurling
tou, which droobed over a point The strength
of the decline was broken before noon, how
ever, and while there was not so much trading,
prices began to improve, but it was not until
well Into the afternoon that the demand be
came titrable, and before 2 p. ir.,when the best
flgureSrgenerally were reached. Everything
Was fractionally better than the opening, and
Manhattan, Oregon Navigation and Chicago
Gas were materially higher.
Realizations sagged tbe list off in the last
hour, but no marked impression was made
upon the gains of the previous two hours, and
the close was firm though quiet, generally at
fractional advances for the day. The declines
were very few and unimportant but Naviga
tion rose 1; Chicago Gas, 1, and Manhat
tan. 1.
Railroad bonds were again fairlv active, and
the sales of all issnes aggregated $1,600,000, out
of which the Chicago Gas and Coke firsts,
which were the special feature of the day, con
tributed $281,000, aud after opening up 2 at 95,
declined to 93J. and afterward fluctuated rap
idly between the two extremes, finally closing
at 9 a net gain of IJi percent The other
active issues were Denver and Rio Grande,
Western assented, with $158,000: Reading 6s,
$133,000, and the first incomes, $101,000. The
general list showed the usual lack of feature
or marked movements, and while there was
still a firm tone the changes are generally for
fractional amounts only. Utah Southern gen
erals rose 2, to 112.
The following table shows the prices or active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected uailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney fc Stephenson, members of "New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
High- Low- ire
in?. est est Bids.
Am. Cotton Oil SoH 36
Atoh.. Top. 8. F.... 4SH 47 46)4
Canada southern SS'i U Sift S2tt
Central of Nev Jersey. SIX 95
Chesapeake & Ohio ... 11 17S 16 V,
C. Bur. & Qulncy 95H 95 93X S4tt
C, Mil. St. Paul... MX 62ft 615 , CM
c, mu. & st. p.. pr.... w ioo wi mu
C, Kockl. AP 90X gift 00 9I!4
C, St. L. A Pitts 17
a, St L. & Pitt, pt 37
C, St. P.. M. A 0 31)4 3)i JIM 31
C, St. P..M. A O.. pf. 91 91 91 91
a A Northwestern... .1MU 105 1U3V VHH
C.A northwestern, pf. 137J4
C. C.C. AI 70M J1J -TOM 7UH
Col. Coal A Iron 31.4 3U
Col. A Hocking Val .. 24H 25 24K '"
Dei.. L. AW 13SX 139K 13S 139M
Del. A Hudson 132 VSOi 131 111
Denver A KloO 15M 15V 155 15.W
E.T., Va.AUa 9M 9M M a
E. T.,Vs, A Us., lit pr 67
K.T., Va. A6s.2dpf. ,. 21
Illinois Central.. 10SX 108V losg 10S?
Lake Erie A Western.. 17 17H 17 17M
Lake Erie A West pr.. MV . MK 64V 55
Lake Shore & M. S... ,.1003 101 IOOjj 101M
Louisville A Nashville. 60X BOX 60 eOH
Michigan Central , gH
Mobile Ohio 10
Mo.. K. ATeias Hit
Missouri Pacific 6SM 683( 67M est?
New York Central 103V 107 106V 107
ti. Y.. L. E. A W 27X Z7V 27J . 27J4
H.Y., L.E. AW.nref .. 65
a.'Y., C. &tL.... 17K 17K '.MKj MX
N. X., a A St. h. pf.
N.Y., C. AStL.Zdpf
N. YAM. B Uii 44H
. Y., O. A W.t 16W 16W
Norfolk A Western, pf 49X 49jJ
Northern Pacific 25tf 26
Northern Pacific prer. 59s H
Ohio A Mississippi..... 20 20
Oregon Improvement 53 53
Oregon Transcon...... 3t 32V
PaciflcMail 36 S6
Peo. Dec. A Evans...., 23), 23)2
Phllade; A Heading.. 44H 43
Pullman Palace Car...l76M 177
Richmond A W. P. T.. 25 25H
K!chmondAW.P.T.pf793s 79
St Paul A Dnluth
Ut Paul A Duluth pt. ....
St P., Minn. AMan... 94 88
StUASanFrsn Wi 22
St. L. A San Fran pr.. 554 65
St. L. A San P.lst pf.
Texas Pacific 18V 185f
UnlonPaclfic 63H M
Wabash 13J 13X
Wabash preferred
Western Union 844 S4
Wheeling A L. K 64 65H
25 S?
84 S
The I.onn Market Steadier, but Stocks Are
Still Weak.
Boston; March 21. The general loan market
was steadier to-day. with a fair inquiry for ac
commodation. Call money was easy at 24,
while time do was steady at46. Sterling ex
change was steady at $1 89 for sight, $4 86 for
60 day bills and $4 83 for commercial do.
While the stock market as a whole developed
some irregularity this morning, weak stocks
were in the majority with Chicago, Burlington
and Qulncy the leader in that direction. Calu
met and Hecla and Lamson Store Service were
the best of the strong stocks.
A.AT. Land Gr't7s. 110
A ten. A Top. K. B... 46
Boston A Albany.. .212
Boston A Maine.. ...M8M
C. B. AU 94 H
Clnn. san. A Cleve. 24
Eastern R. K 82
Eastern R. It 6s 125
Flint A Peresi 27
FIlntAPereM. prd. 05
MeilcanCen. com.. 13)4
M. v., IstMort. bds. 70
N. Y. ANewEnr... 44
N. Y.ANevEne 7s.l26)
Ocd.tL. Cham, com. 5
Old Colony. 171
Rutland common.... 5
Rutland preferred.. 37
Wls.Uentral.com... 1JM
AllouezM'xCo.(new) 1
Calumet A Hecla.... 220
Catalna 17
FranKlln 11
Osceola 12V
Pewablc (new) 3)4
Qnlncy 50
Bell Telephone 228)
Boston Land 6,H
Water Power 6
Tamarack 127)
SanDlcgo Z4H
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad 64X 54)4
Reading Railroad 22)1 22 9-13
Bnflalo, Pittsburg and Western n'i 12
Lehigh Valley S3H 54
Lehigh Navigation , 52
Philadelphia and Erie 125
Allegheny Valley bonds 113)5
V. Co. 's New Jersey 228
Northern Pacific 25 28
Northern Pacific preferred &?h 60
Atlnntli City.
Now open under old management
f e22-31-MWF J. A. REID.
Ou the beach, sea end of Virginia avenne.
Steam heat electric bells. Will open Febru
ary 9, 1889.
Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath
houses to let or tor sale by L G. ADAMS & CO.,
Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law
Building, Atlantic City, N. X fell-6-D
Salt water baths in the house. Elevator.
mhl9-32-D E. ROBERTS & SON&
100 yards from FortMonrfle; open all the year,
accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location;
delightful climate; thrilling historic surround
ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and
HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial
in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous
Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas.
Average temperature for winter48. Absolutely
free from malaria. All things considered, the
most comforatable and delightful resort at
which to spend the winter mouths in the United
States. Send for descriptive pamphlet
no27-v40-TnFSn F. N. PIKE. Manager.
service between New York. South
ampton and Hamburg by tbe new twin-screw-steamers
of 10,000 tons and 12,500 horse power.
Fast time to London and the Continent. Steam
ers unexcelled for sarety.speed and comfort.
Regular service: Everv Thursday from New
York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris)
and Hamburg. Through tickets to London and
Paris. Excellent fare. Rates ' extremely low.
Apply to General office. No. 37 Broadwav. New
York. R. J. CORT1S. Manager: C. B. RICHARD
A CO., General Passenger Agents, 61 Broadwav,
New York: MAX SCHAMBERG A CO., 527Smlth
lleld St., Pittsburg. fc27-27-wp
route to London and the Continent
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
Ss.Werra.Mb23,10AM I Ss.Trave. Apr. 3, 8 A. H.
Ss.Saale.Mch.27,2p.3l I Ss.Fulda. Apr. 6, 10 A.M.
Ss.Ems.Mb.30,5:30Alt Ss.Labm . Apr.10, 1 P.M.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from $75 upward.
MAX SCHAMBERG & CO., Agents, Pitts
burg, Pa.
OELRICHS A CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. ja29-71-D
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage J35 and $50. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion $65 to S90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., General Agents,
53 Broadway, New York.
X X McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa.
Atlaniio Express Service.
Steamship "CITY OF ROME," from New York,
WEDNESDAY, May), May 29, June 26. July 24.
Largest and finest passenger steamer afloat.
Saloon passage, (SO to S10O; second-class, S30.
Glasgow service.
Steamers every Saturday from New Yorkto
Cabin passageto Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver
pool (oO and SS0. Second-class, 30.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers1 circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount Issued at lowest current rates.
For books of tours, tickets or farther Informa
tion Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS.,N. Y., or
X J. McCORMICK, Fourth ana Smltlifleld; A. D.
SCORER je SON, 415 Smithfleld St. Pittsburg; W.
SEMPLE, Jr., 165 Kederalst, Allegheny.
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate, 83a Steerage, J19.
Passengers by this route ire saved tbe x
pense and inconvenience attending transfer to
Liverpool or from New York.
x x Mccormick, or a d. scorer t son,
Pittsburg. mhl5-99-MWF
Only Gcnulno System of Memory Training.
Four Books Learned in one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adnlt creatly benefitted.
Great Inducements to Correspondence Classes.
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Bam
Tnnnd. tha vorid-fAmml HnnefaJlitt In Mind Dlft&ue
Daniel Greenlenf Thompson, the great Psychol
ogist, J. M. BnckleT, D.Dm editorof the Chmtian
Advocate, JV. T., Richard Proctor, the Scientist
Hons. Jndgo Gibson, Judah P. Benjamin, and
others, sent post fie. br
23T Fifth Ave., N.Y.
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Fifth avenue, abqve Smithileld,"next Leader
office. (No delay.) --Established 20 years.
scie-juu; 'i
Country Produce Seems Fated to Do
Fo Good This Season.
General Depression in Cereals Millfeed
Drifts Down. -
O jtice of tue Pittsburg Dispatch, t
Thursday, March 21, 1889. (
Country I'rodoce Jobbing Prices.
Bottom is clear out of egg market Not for
many a year have prices been as low this early
in the season. Job-lots were sold yesterday at
12c, and there are produce men to-day who
would be glad to unload at 12c At the Pan
handle freight depot there were in the neigh
borhood of 3.000 cases yesterday from Tennes
see on which there will be a loss to Pittsburg
dealers of not less than 2c per dozen at present
prices. The trouble with the trade is that
home hens have been doing such good work In
the past few weeks of balmy weather. Produce
men seem fated this season to be losers to the
last. Old vegetable stock is being displaced by
new. The garbage pile is absorbing the ex
pected profits ou onions and apples. And now
the early spring weather comes In to blast
hopes of profit on hen fruit and dairy products.
Verily, the winter and spring of.l8S9 have been
thoroughly disappointing to produce men,
whether on the farm or in the warehouse.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2Sc; Ohio do,
2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021cj conntry
rolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. bntter,
Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice
peas, t2 052 15.
Beeswax 2325c & forchoice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined. $6 S07 50; common,
S3 504 00; crab cider. S3 008 50 '$ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ft gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall'make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 1213c: Llmburger,
HKc; domestic Sweitzer cheese, UK12Kc
' dried Peas SI 451 50 $1 bushel; split do,
25i3J4c V i&-
EGG! 1212Kc ? dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, $1 502 00 ) barrel; evap
orated raspberries. 25c 7 ft; cranberries, 8 00
barrel; 82 4002 50 per bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do., 40i45c; mixed lots, 3035c ? S.
HtfJllNY S2 652 75 fl barrel.
Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, S540c J3 bushel; S2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c ?1 pair;
dressed chickens, 1315c fl pound; tnrkeys, 13
15c, dressed, fl bound; ducks, live, 8085e jfl
pair; dressed, 1314c fl pound; geese, 10 15c
per ponnd.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bis to bushel. S6 If)
bushel; clover, large English. 62 tts, S6 25;
clover, Alsike, $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice. 45 &s, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 lbs, $1 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 As, SI 20:
orchard grass, 14 lbs, $2 00; red top, 14 lbs, SI 00:
millet, 60 lbs, $1 25; German millet, 50 lbs, S2 00;
Hungarian grass. 48 lbs, S2 00: lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per B.
Tallow Country, 4j5c; city Tendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00
3 50 fl box; common lemons, S2 75 fl box; Mes
sina oranges, S2 503 60 ft box; Florida oranges
S3 504 50 ft box: Valencia oranges, fancy, S6 50
7 50 ft case: Malaga grapes, 9 00 10 00 ft
per keg; bananas, $2 00 firsts: Si 60, good
seconds, ft bnnch; cocoannts, S4 O04 50 fj
hundred: new hgs, 1214c ft pound; dates, 5
6Kc fl pound.
vegetables Celery. 4050c doz. bunches:
cabbages, $3 0U4 00 ft 100; onions, 50c ft bushel;
Spanish onions. 7590c ft crate; turnips, 30
40c ft bushel.
Groceries. ,
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c;'choIce
Rio, 20021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha. 80K31c; Santos,:i922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c: La
guayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers Standard brands, 24c;
high grades, 2623c; old Government Java,
bulk, 3233Jicj Maracaibo, 2728Jc;Santos,
2324c; peaberry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2221c;
choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22c; ordinary, 21$c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89c; pepper. 19c; nutmeg. 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. 150, 8Jc: water
white, l(c; globe, lZo; elaine, loc; carnadine,
llc; royallne, 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, S338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strict
ly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, SI.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 4Sc;mo
dinm, 45c: mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in JiCs,
5c: bi-carb, assorted' packages, 56c: sal
soda in kegs, 12c; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 10Kc; stearine,
per set, oc; paramne, iitgizc.
starch. 534 07c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels;
SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7K7c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4$25c;
Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes,
813c: Salonlca prunes, in i lb packages, 8c;
cocoanuts, per 100, 56 00; almonds, Lan., per lb,
20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnnts, napr,
1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna Hgs, 12
lbc; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c;
pecans, ll15c: citron, per lb, 2122c: lemon
peel, per ft, 513 He; orange peel, 12c
Dried FRtriTS-iApples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 66c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15ltic; peaches, evaporated,
pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 21022c;
cherries, unpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424c; blabKberries, 78c; huckle
berries, 1012c
sugars uuDes, lfi powdered, Tp; granu-
w, eiiuw, uarjt, uGlu.
Pickles Medium, bbls. (L2001. S4 75: me
diums, half bbls (600), S2 85.
Salt No. 1 f bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 05:
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20;
Higgles Eureka, 4 bu sacks, S2 80; Higgin's
Eureka, 16-14 2b pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard pearnes. Si 30
1 90; 2ds, SI 301 35: extra peaches, SI 501 90;
pie peaches, 00c: finest corn, SI O0l 50; Hfd.
Co. com, 7090c; red cherries, .90cSl 00; lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do75
85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do,
S2 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, 52 00; California pears, 52 50: do
greengages, 42 00: do egg plums. 52 OU: extra
white cherries, 12 90; red cherries, 2&s, 90c;
raspberries. Si 152)1 40; strawberries, SI 10;
gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c;
salmon, 1-&, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc
cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts,
SI 251 60; corn beef , 2-lb cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans,
S13 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 lb,
SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60;
sardines, domestic Kp. S4 154 60; sardines,,
domestic K. S3 258 -CO: sardines, imported,
Ks, Sll 5012 50; sardines; imported, s, $1S 00;
sardines, mnstard, 54 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 532; extra No. 1 do. messed, 30;
No. 2 shore mackerel, S2L Codfish Whole
pollock; 4c ft &.; do medium George's cod,
6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67Kc, Herring
Hound shore, $5 00 ft bbl.; split, S7 00: lake $250
ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, S7 ft 100-ft. half
bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 ft half bbl. Finnan
hadders, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut. 13c ft lb.
Buckwheat Flour 22 fl lb.
Oatmeai-$C 306 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, E860c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at tbe Grain Ex
change, 42 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 1 car of oats, 1 of bran, 2 of flour,
9 of bay, 1 of middlings, 3 of barley. By Pitts
burg. Cincinnati and St, Louis, 15 cars of hay, 5
pf oats, 3 of corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1
car of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3
cars of hay. Another day passed without a
sale on calL Transactions outside of the Ex
change must be large or tbere are .large ac
cumulations of stock. These outside deals are
made by concessions on the part of sellers.
The buyer has things very much in his favor.
Stnff is in mncb larger supply than money.
Millfeed is particularly weak, and, as will be
seen, onr quotations are reduced. Oats, too,
show drooping tendencies. Flonr jobbers re
port a slight Improvement. There are more in
anities of late, and once tbe bull and bear tus
sle is over, and prices settle to a permanent
level, an active movement will undoubtedly be
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, SI 03
1 01: No. 3 red. 9195c
Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,89s39Kc; high mixed
ear, 3637cr No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3i3Dc;
No. 2 yellow, shelled, 87K33c: high mixed,
shelled. 3637c: mixed, shelled, 3536c
OATS-No. 2 white, 8232Kc; extra. No, 8, 81
f31KctNo.3 white, 30S0kc: No. amlxed. 28
29c '
RYE-No. 1 Western, 7075c;No. 2, 5556c
Barley No. 1 Canada. 9598c: No. 2 Cana
da, 858Sc; No. 3 Canada, 70872c; Lake Shore,
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, S3 26
atea, v'svc; conicctioncrs- a., lyc; sianaara
A,6c: solt whites, 6JJ6Kc: yellow, choice,
GrXbl4c; yellow, good, 6Ji6c; yellow, fair,
6 60; spring patents,S6606 75: fancy straight,
winter and spring, $5 505 75; clear winter.
So 005 25: straight XXXX bakers', 81 755 00.
Rye flour. S4 00.
.mu.ir.EED aiiaoungs, nne wane, jio ws
17 00 ft ton; brown middlings. S13 0013 50:
winter wheat bran, $13 5014 00; chop feed.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. S14 25014 60;
No. 1 do, S13 5013 75: No. 2 do, Sll 60812 00;
loose from wagon. J18 O020 00; No. 1 npadnl
prairie. S10 0010 25; No. 2, 58 0008.50; packing
do. $6 757 00,
Straw Oats. S8 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, 7 007 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cared hams, smalL.
lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-enred boneless
shoulders, 9Jc; sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c:sngar-cnred dried beef
rounds, lie; bacon shoulders, 7$c; bacon clear
sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies. 8c: dry salt
shoulders, 6Jc; dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess
pork, heavy, $14 00: mess pork, family, $14 50.
Lard Refined in tierces. 7c: hilf barrels. 7Jc;
5c Fresh pork links. 9c. Pigs feet, half barrel,
S3 75; quarter barrel. $1 75.
Dressed Meat.
Armour Sr Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs,
5c; 550 to 650 lbs, 6c: 650 to 750 As, 6Kc Sheep,
7c fl ft. Lambs, 8J$c ft ft. Hogs, 6&C
Drycoods Market.
New York. March 2L Trade was moder
ate in drygoods, largely on acconnt of at
tractions in the auction rooms. The sale of
1,500 cases of Westbrook dressing ginghams,
8c goods, occurred. Prices ranged from 6c
to6c There was no other new feature of
tbe market, which continues without change
in the general character of demand or tone.
Metal Marker.
New York Pig iron firm. Copper much
higher and more active: lake, March. $16 10.
Lead dull and easier; domestic S3 67k. Tin
quiet and a shade easier: straits, $21 Oo
It Made
Mother Strong
"My mother has been
rising- Padte's Celery
Compound for nervous
prostration, accompan
ied by melancholia,
eta, and it has dona
a world of good.
that strength
ens the nerves.'
G.H. Beers,
"Iamlnmy64thyear. Have been afflicted lr
several ways could not sleep, had no appetite,
no courage, low spirits. I commenced using
Palnet's Celery Compound, and felt relief from
the third day after using it. I now have a good
appetite and can sleep well My spirits and
courage are almost like those of a young man."
S. C. Kinkatd, D. D., Gonzales, La.
Celery Compound
Strengthens and builds up the old, and cures
their infirmities. Rheumatism, Indigestion and
nervousness yield quickly to the curative power
ot Paine's Celery Compound.
A Perfect Tonlo and Invlgorator, It
"I am now 69 years old and have tried several
remedies, but none had any effect until I used
Paine's Celery Compound. I feel entirely dif
ferent for the short time I have used It. I can
walk nearly straight, sleep sound and well, and
feel as though there was new life and energy
coming Into my whole system."
H. Myltcs, Cleveland, Tenn.
Paine's Celery Compound' 13 of nnequaled
value to women. It strengthens the nerves,
regulates the kidneys, and has wonderful power
In curing the painful diseases with which, wo
men so often silently suffer.
$1 per bottle. Six for S5. At Druggists.
Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington Vt, ,
nunmnun nveo ime to name ana uocor.
DIRmOHO OltS A'otMng con Equal them.
vnilD BRQV V& oe ""V. plump and merrt
This is now considered to he the best in the
market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have
iust secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
jENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1428.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
xnnrTTtP . .W. her
VrSSK 11
Bilious Headache!
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges- -
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively eared by -
Th People's Favorits Liver Pills.
They act slowly, bnt surely, do not gripe, and
their effect is lasting: the fact is .they have no
equal. Bmall dose: big results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c.
at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared -
by an old apothecary. Five bottles $L --
Tha HOP PILL CO., New London, Ci.
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped,
rcragn, rea s,
, red skin soft and cleat 25 and 50a
No. 410 Smithfield St. 4
CAPITAL. . . - . 8200,000 08.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest.
sel-k33.D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sum
of $1,000 and upward. AppI v at
mh4-34-i No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-DSU
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician In the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From,-.
M iTDXfi 1 10 and mental diseases, physical
IN Ln V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrnst,bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumptioncun
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. ,
blotches, falling bair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and bloody
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system,
1 1 Pi M A R V Sidney and bladder derange.
U M I IsAn I , ments. weak back, gravel, ca-'
tarrhal dischaiges, inflammation- and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and real cures. ". .
Dr. Wbittier's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free-,
Patients at a distance as carefnlly-treated'as'tf'
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. at. Sund-y.-10
A.M. to IP. IT. only. DR. WHITTIER, 93
Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. f e8-6-Dsuw-
ASdentlflc and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa,
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and nnfittlng the victim
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1X0 by,
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, If you apply now. The
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker. II. D.. re
from trie National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mail or in person, at the office of
No. 4 Bui finch St,, Boston. Sfass., to whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should bo
directed as above.
ERGY and strength secured by using Am
oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of im
potency, no matter how long standing,seperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting;
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for $4;
six boxes is the complete treatment, and with
everv nurcbase of six boxes at one time we will
gve'a 'written guarantee to refund the money
the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. 81 Market street, Pitts,
burg; Pa.. P. O. box 37 aplO-kaS-xwrsa
Original, best, eaTr mv! tni
relUbla ciu for iile. .Nero-7IL
jk wr VAtcJMtterm jcnaiu&i
Diamond Brand, in red in o
uiUio boxeei. ealedwltiiblae rib
bon. At DrnirsTlvtiu Aeecnft
no othF. All Bill in Dice
board boxes, pink wrappers, are a dancer
on counterfeit. Send 4e. (stamp tor
f anlcaltn ul "HtUtttar Ladlea," '
SromLt.QlE$w4AaTeiue)ltbem. SunaFaper.
WHr. ot rn.n Diaii. ikuiium
Chichester Chemical Co., JJsdbon Sq.hlhu,Pi.
Gray's Specific Medicirye.
lng cure for
bemlnal Weak
ness. Sperma
torrhea, lmpa
tencv. and alt
diseases that
follow as a se-
auence or Self-
Abuse; as loss
BEFDHE TAKIHB.Universai Las! rrro TAII".
sltnde. Pain ln the Back. Dimness of Vision, Pre-. -mature
Old Age and many other dlseaea that lead
to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura
45Kull particulars ln our pamphlet, which ws"
desire to send free by mall to every one. 45TTha
Specific Medicine Is sold by sll druiczlstsattlper-
packare. or8lxpaccaKesiorSj,ocwuIbesent f re .
UT man oa wic rrcvipt 01 fcita muuer. ut auurc3Sl
Onaccount of counterfeits, we have adopted tha
Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine.
Sold ln Pittsburg by 3. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smithfleld and Liberty streets. mhl3-ka
All forms of Delicate and Cos.
plicated Diseases reauiriac Can. ..
FIDEXTTlT.and Rt 'l Kji'riprn Vwlfc.
cation are treated at this Dispensary with a su " '.
of the Roval College of Physicians and Surgeoni -and
is tha oldest and most experienced SraXlL. ' '
1st ln the city. Special attention given to Nel t
ous Debility from excessive r aital exertion, la
discretions ot youth, AC, causing physical and
mental decay, lackof energy, despondency, etct
also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits,Plles, Rheumatis t
and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin
ary Organs, 4c Consultation free and strictly '
confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.s.Vti
Sundays U to 4 p.m. only. r,-"-tTTflTrr rr in ilmj
KLake.M.D.,M.R .C.P.S. or EJ.iake,M.XK
manhood. etc. IwUl senaaTalnabTeteeatJaecgtaltd) .
contalalt fun partlculara for home enra, tre ot. -ebanra-
address, - i
PRUft r. w. rwrtham, snoagMs, efttw JU
A'augLWisR p