JTtlD&Y, T MAKCH ' 22, 188ft MTETTE IN TERROB. The Farmers Are in Constant Dread of tlie Bold Outlaw Gang, Who " DEFY AIL ATTEMPTS AT CAPTURE. A Father's Eescue of His Bale From the Deronrin;; Flames. ALL TOE KEN'S FROM XEAR-BI TOWKS IsrHCUL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCII.1 Uxioxtowit, March 21. Fayette county is awaiting. in terror the next move of the band of outlaws who have for a year preyed upon her rural population 'with impunity, and the timidity of the officers in not at tempting an arrest can only add to the bold ness and the cruelty of the gang. Their camp at Markleysburg has not yet been disturbed, and, hey are safe from fear. Bill Hill, in whose mountain home they are entrenched, is a relative of Sullivan, one of the gang. Hill and his wife were away when the outlaws,took possession, and they have been cooking for themselves, and living on the daintiest the country will at ford, none having the hardihood to refuse their requests. BEADY TOE A FIGHT. They are armed with "Winchester rifles and revolvers, and they do not leave the house without their arms. Their hiding place is in a lonely spot in the mountains, the house standing back in a deep gully, approachable but from one di rection, and anyone approaching the house must be exposed to the gaze and aim of its in mates. The little boy whom they have secured to get provisions for them declares that there is no wounded man in 'the house. Lewis and Sul livan are old penitentiary birds, having served eight years each for robbing Superlctendent Paisley in 1861 o S3.000. as he was drivimr through a gnlly on the road from here to the Stewart Coke Works with money for paying off the hands, which money they secreted before they were captured and upon their return from prison divided and spent. The other two of the six who were recoc nized, Ramsey and Tasker, are both bard cus tomers, and anyone attempting to arrest such a crowd, with the assurance the long respite they have bad has given them, will surely have a difficult and dangerous task. A EEWARD NEEDED. The gang are said to be constantly on the lookout for surprises, day and night. They need have no fears, however, as no attempt will be made to capture them unless the reward is greatly increased. The indignation of the taxpayers is divided between tbe daring band for its cruelty, and tbe County Commissioners for their refusal to offer any reward until the gang had gotten safely away, and then offering S200 for their cspture. People living witnin a radius of 15 miles from tbe gang's headquarters are preparing a plan of alarming tbe neighbors in case of an attack, reasoning that the band has now grown so bold that they will resume their operations shortly, and the alarm continues to increase through out the country. BABY'S NARROW ESCAPE. A Father Rescues Ills Child From the Fierce Flames. BURGETTSTOWif. March 21. The house of Frank Ferguson, near Florence, four miles north of here, was burned to the ground this morning, together with all the household ef fects. Mr. Ferguson awoke abont 5 o'clock and discovered the room in which he and his wife and child were sleeping to be filled with smoke. He immediately awakened his wife, and, after hurriedly dressing, they made their way out of the burning building. Not until they bad reached tbe outside did they think of the child, which bad been left in tbe hoascand Mr. Ferguson hurried back to rescue it. As h neared the room wherein the baby lay he found tie partitions had burned away and the roof was tailing in. He fought his way to the cradle and snatched the child from its bed, and, nearly suffocated with fire and smoke, he reached tbe outside. The" little one was un banned. The origin of the lire is unknown. A NEW COKE PLANT. 'The Extensive L.nnd Purchase Made In Fayette County. TJinoxTOWX, March 2L W. J. Rainey, of Cleveland, to-day purchased the Alexander works in Dnnbar township, this county, under laid with coking coal, containing 260 acres, at $450 per acre, or $117,(100. This property ad joins the Hair farm, on which Mr. Rainey has in operation 160 coke ovens, and where the grading for a new block of ovens has been made. The coal is now used through a slope, bnt tbe purpose Is to sink a shaft and operate the whole body of coal through the one opening. The plant will be greatly increased upon a re sumption of activity in the coke business. POL1CT PLAYED OUT. Tho Sadden Stopping of the Festive Game at Wheeling. Wheeldjo, March 2L For four months Wheeling has been crazy on the subject of pol icy, and numbers were being written in a half a dozen localities, while almost every saloon had facilities for accommodating the disciples of the 1-11-M game of chance. The male popula tion, from newsboys to business men, were blowing their silver in against the game, and a score or so of gamblers who were at the head of the thing were rapidly getting rich. This evening Chief of Police Delbrugge is sued orders to put a summary stop to the whole arrangement, and to-night tbe sound of the wheel is no longer to be heard. TRAIN WEECEEKS AT W0EK. A Diabolical Attempt Discovered In the Kick of Time. Newahk, March 2L A diabolical attempt towreckatrainon tbe Lake Erie division of the Baltimore and Ohio road yesterday, by placing a tie across tbe track, so as to derail passenger train No. 47, was discovered in time to avert the accident, and removed, by Mr. George Ficklcr. The miscreants are un known. Prohibitionist Organize la Fayette. TJxio-TOW--, March 21 The delegates to the County Convention to organize Fayette county for the fight on the prohibitory amend ment assembled in the Grand Opera Honse this morning. Most of the townships were represented, tbe complexion of the delegation being about equally divided between Repub licans and Democrats. A Stolen Mall Bng Found. PlEDMOJfT, W. Va., March 21. A United States mail bag, stolen from tbe Baltimore and Ohio depot on February 29, was found to-day about one-half mile from town undera culvert. It was not known to be lost, as tbe postal agent did not report it missing. The bag was torn open and all tbe valuables found to have been taken out. An Innocent Engineer. MATJCH CHUNK, March 2L The jury In En-' gineer Major's trial, the last of tbe Lehigh Valley Railroad employes, indicteS for having caused tbe Mud Run disaster, this afternoon rendered a verdict of not guilty. The verdict was received with vociferous applause. He Woe Coupling Cars. New Casixx, March 2L Nathan Weir, a brakeman in the Lawrence Junction yards, on the trie and Pittsburg road, two miles south of here, while coupling cars this morning, was run over and killed. He leaves a wife and one child. Bitten by n Hoe. Wooster, 0 March 2L Some days ago Miss Eiefien, of Smithville, this county, had one of her fingers bitten by a hog. The injury refused to heal, and has resulted in blood poisoning, which will necessitate tbe amputation of a por tion of the young lady's hand. License Applicants on the Ragged Edge. New Castle, March 21 Tbe hearing of the evidence on the applications for licenses was , - f concluded here to-dav, and the Judges will give their decisions to-morrow mornina It is j. thought that 25 out of the 29 applicants will re- lHceive license. It '.. Practical Prohibition. - - MABTnfa Feubt, March 2L James Long- street got 80 days and a One 'of 300 for violat ing the local option Jaw iu Mt, Pleasant town ship. ALMOST MIRACULOUS. The Successful Surgical Operation Per formrd at Wooster. "Woostms, March 2L Last December Arthur Tawney, a- school teacher of Reedsburg, this county, was playfully pushed off the school steps by one of bis pupils. In falling Tawney struck a step, and his spinal column was fractured at the base. He suffered great pain, and during tbe past three months resorted to large doses of morphine for relief. His, left leg became partially paralyzed, and his re covery was doubtful. . ,. , As a last resort an operation was decided upon, and to-day the four lower segments, or coccyx, of bis spinal column, where the fract ure was located, were taken out. Tbe bones were found to be decaying. The operation, although a dangerous one, and very rarely per formed, was successful, and the patient is re covering and is free from pain. A QUESTION FOR LAWYERS. The Knotty Point to be Decided by the Bed ford Court. Bedfobd, March 21.-William Hartley, of this place, has brought suit against John and E. H. Anderson, former owners of tbe famous Bedford Mineral Springs, to recover $5,000, which he alleges was to be paid for making sale of the properties for the sum of 1250,000. The contract was the sale was to be made on or be fore August 15. 18S7, Mr. Hartley succeeded in finding a purchaser at the figures named, but Messrs. Andersons refused to allow the personal properties to be lncluded,.Consequent ly the sale was off. Soon afterward, the present owners, a syndi cate from Pittsburg, bought tho springs and included the personal property. This, Mr. Hartley claims, was an injustice, and brings suit to recover the amount of tbe original con tract. The best of legal talent will bo retained by both sides. WJLL GET THEIR MONEY, ' The Allegheny Appropriation Ordinance Is Passed and the City Employes Will All be Paid. Allegheny Common Council held a special meeting last evening, the object being to approve the appropriation ordinance and transact other business. Many of the city employes have been without money for some time, because they could not draw their pay until the measure passed. There was great difficulty in securing a quorum, and the meeting was not called to order until nearly 9 o'clock, when 30 members answered to roll call, 20 being absent. Several ordinances appointing viewers on the cbango of grades of a number of thoroughfares were approved. Resolutions were adopted awarding the con tract for supplying water pipe and special castings for tbe water department to tbe Na tional Foundry and Pipe Works, iron stop gates to tho Union Foundry and Machine Works, 43 fire plugs to Nuttall Brothers, brass ferrules to Bauev, Farrall & Co., 10 tons of pig lead to Bailey, Farrell fc Co., miscellaneous castings to tbe Union Foundry and Machine Company, wooden boxes to Samuel Hastings, and the hauling far the department to William H. Megraw. The resolution authorizing tho construction of boardwalks In the city was passed as it bad been amended. Tbe words "in tbe rural dis tricts" had been struck out and tbe words added "when within the appropriation of the Committee on Roads." Messrs. Bctteridge, Ingbam. Patterson, Staving and Watson voted against the resolution. The report of the Water Committee on the bids of the Allegheny Heating Company and Charles Jutte 4 Co. for supplying respectively gas and coal for the pumping stations was re ceived and filed, and the action of Select Coun cil concurred In as to sending the resolution presented back to the committee. Chairman Hunter presided, and smiled sev eral times during the evening when reference was made to the charge that be was furnished with natural gas free of charge. He stated at the close of tlie meeting that be paid bis gas bills and the report was only a scheme on the part of the friends of his opponent for the chairmanship to defeat him. but this is impos sible as be has pledges from enough members to elect him. A STEIKG OF WHITE H0ESES. An Old Legend Revived by a Funny Adver tisement Trouble lor the Male. The golden haired beauties of this city, to whom life has not been the burden it was prior to the death of the white-horse chest nut, had now better emigrate to some foreign dime. For the next week a string of white horses will be paraded through tbe streets, and the para grapher of the city press will be en abled to hatch out a sjock of new jokes. Yesterday Manager T. H. Davis, of tho Stoway" Company, which will appear at the Bijou next week, advertised for 500 white horses. Simultaneously with the appearance of the spotless flecked steeds there gathered at the stage entrance quite a number of red headed girls. Whether they came with the horses or not nobody knows, but Manager Davis wanted to hire them to ride the horses through the streets. At last accounts they are etf 11 figuring on his magnificent offer. JVmong the equines that were gathered yes terday was one old mule that had been white some time before the war. Like Jimmy Sully's famous charger, "he was a good mool, but, my! she was slow." His tall was gone, and, metaphorically speaking, tbe gentle zephyr that blew up Cecil alley from the river ca ressed the substance on bis chin. He came from the Southside, and one leg was shorter tban the others. Mr. Davis promised the old darkey that owned him that if he whitewashed the mule with some of Barnum's white ele phant wash he would buy tbe whole outfit Tbe horses will be paraded through the streets next week with advertisements sten ciled on their sides. The Ink to be used is In dellible, and will not come off. Old Porcelain, Rosewood Apple Green Old Rose And other lovely new shades for spring gowns, arc to be found in the medium to finest qualities of plain and fancy weave woolens from France, Germany and En gland in one grand and immense and ex clusive collection in our dress goods de partment. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. India Silks. See the line of 27-inch India silks we are now showing at 75c per yard, equal in qual ity and designs to any 1 25 goods in the market. - HrGUS & Hacke. itwtsu An Coder-Price Lot Ladles' All-Silk Glores. 50 Cents, In black and gray, fourchette style, $1 25 .quality for 50c. Jos. Hokke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Silk Deportment. Ask to see our combination silks in surah and armure effects, stripes and plaids, the cheapest and best wearing fancy silks ever shown. Hugus & Hacke. stwtsu: Choking Catarrh. Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep with all the horrible sensations of an assassin clutching your throat and pressing the life breath from your tightened chestT Have you noticed tbe languor and debility that succeed the effortto clear your throat and head of this catarrhal matter? What a depreslng influence it exerts upon the mind, clouding the memory and filling the bead with pains and strange noises!. How difficult it is to rid tbe nasal passages, throat and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can testify who are afflicted with ca tarrh. How difficult to protect the system against its further progress towards the lungs, liver and kidneys all physicians will admit, it is a terrible disease and cries out for relief and cure. The remarkable curative powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of Sanford's Rad ical Cure are attested by thousands who gratefully recommend it to fellow sufferers. No statement is made regarding it that cannot Ue substantiated by tbe most respectable and re liable references. Each packet contains one bottle of the Radical cuke, one box Catarrhal Sol vent, and an Improved Inhaler, with treatise and airections, and is sold by all drug gists for SX Potter Dbuo Chemical Co., Boston. Strains, Sprains, Pains Relieved in one minute by that new, elegant, instantaneous and infallible Antidote to Pain. Inflammation H 3?WSL Weakness, tho Cuticnra. Antl-Paln Plaster. The first and only pain-subduing plaster. Tho most efficacious, tho most agree able, and the mostspeedv of all external xrenn for tho relief of Pain and Weakness. At all druggists, 25 cents; five for ?1; or. postage free, of Potter Dbuo and Chemical Co.. Boston. Mass. hf A Saving Clause. "Lord, I believer1 the worldling cries. Then adds in cautious stage aside "what I can witness with my eyes. And know that other men have ttfed." This may not be orthodox, but it keeps a man out of heaps of trouble: Drs. Starket & Palen "My wife has taken your Compound Oxygen Treatment for consumption, t believe she would have died but for its valuable assistance." H. D. James, Portage. Wis. Dili. Sta-httrv Pn.us-"It is about three years now since I used yourN cured meand ha not lost its virtues in the least." Henry O. McLallen, Columbia City, Ind, Drs. Starkey A Paten's office records show over -15,000 different cases in which their Com pound Oxygen Treatment has been used by Shysicians in their practice, and by invalids in ependently. Their free brochure of 200 pages will he forwarded to any one addressing Drs. Starket & Palen, No. 1329 Aroh street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rapid Sales. The immense quantity of clothing we handle makes it necessary for us to sell our goods quickly, that is, have rapid sales. To day and to-morrow we are going to Indulge in one of these rapid sales, and have marked a special lot of men's fine suits and spring overcoats at $10 and $12. Suits which you would pay 518 for elsewhere, and overcoats well, we needn't use arguments to sell them. We-point to the garments, frame the price, and the trade is made. Call to-day at the P. 0. O. ,0., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Dlilllncry Opening, Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22. E. s. Giles, 94 and DGTederal st., Allegheny, Pa. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday. Name. Ketldence. 5 Nicholas 'Wetzel Butler county I Mary A.Sharrab Hraddocfc J Charles Espe , llcCandlcss township ) Susie Brandt Franklin township I George B.C, Johnson Allegheny 1 Emma J, Donaldson ,.......,... Allegheny I David T. lieese Braddock (Annie St. Clair Port Perry (Charles J. Adams ,.,..'. Allegheny Mary . Bradley Allegheny Cnarles Hunkcle MeKccsport Kosezalla Eanzler. McKeespart lEslk J. Anderson MoKeesport J Emilia u. Johnson McKeeiport J Grant Anderson Allegheny (Marie Simpson Allegheny ( Charles F.Ahlers .. Allegheny ) Catharine E-Uucge Allegheny (Johns. StHU Beaver Falls 1 Jennie F.Morledge Wllklnibnrg- ( James P. Craighead '.,,... Allegheny Jennie Womersly .. Allegheny MARRIED. MILLIGAN-MILUGAN At the' East End R. P. Church, at 7 P. m. Thursday, E. Mc Clxod Millioan, of New York, and A Rachel Millioan, of Allegheny. MORGAN MILES March 19, at Tbomas rille, Ga., by the Rev. C. I. La Roche, Colonel A. S. M. Morgan, U, S. A. to Eliza R., daughter of the late Judge Miles, of Miles Grove, Erie county, Pa. DIED. ADLER On Thursday, March 21,1889, at 7 A. m., Barbara Adlkr, nee Schmacker. wife of J. G. Adler, at the- age of 67 years and 16 days. Funeral will take place at her late residence, Rhine street. Spring Hill. Allegheny, on Satur DATatap. m. Friends of tbe family are re spectfully invited to attend. BROWN On Wednesday afternoon, March 20, 1889, at 8.15 o'clock, Anna Smiley, young est daughter of T. West and Maria R. Brown, aged 8 years and i months. Funeral services on Friday afternoon, March 22, from the residence of her parents, 4103 North street, at 2 o'clock. Interment pri vate at a later hour. CURRY On Thursday. March 21, 1889, at 8:15 p. m., John J. Curry, aged 25 yearr, brother-in-law of Patrick Brenuan, horse shoer. Funeral ftom his late residence, rear 200 Western avenue, on Saturday mornino at 830. Services at St. Peter's Church at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. DAVIES On Thursday morning, March 2L 1889, at 11 o'clock, WILLIAM C. Davies, aged 39 years 2 months 19 days. Funeral from tbe residence of his brother, J. C Davies, Fifth avenue, near Hiland, on Fri day afternoon, March 22, at 2 o'clock. In terment private. HENDERSON On Thursday, March 21, 1689, at 10 A. M., MARY, wife of the late Arm strong Henderson, at her late residence, 3013 Penn avenue. Notice of funeral hereafter. 2 HARTJE Suddenly, of apoplexy, on Thurs day morning, March 21, 1889, at 1:30 o'clock, at his late residence, 41 Liberty street, Allegheny City, Pa., Augustus Hartje, aged 7S. Funeral services on Saturday at 2 p. m. in terment private at a later hour. 2 HARPER On Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. Ella J., daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Harper. Friends of tbe family are "respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services at the resi dence of her parents, Canonsburg, Pa., at 4 o'clock Saturday, March 23. Interment pri vate Sabbath morning. LAPPE On Tuesday, March 19, 18S9, at 730 v. m., Caiulin, wife of J. C. Lappe in ber G9ih year. Funeral service at tbe family residence No. 8 North Canal street, Allegheny, on Friday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Interment, private at a later hour. 3 LUTZ In Mansfield. Pa., on Wednesday morning, March 20, at 11:10. Mathilda, daugh ter of Joseph and Mary Lutz, aged 17 years 5 months and 13 days. Funeral from parents' residence. East Mans field, on Saturday, March 28, 1889, at 8 o'clock. Services at St. Joseph's Church, in Mansfield, at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. MURREY On Wednesday, March 20. 1889, at 2:40 A. M., DANIEL Murrey, in his 53d year. Funeral from bis late residence, Jones ave nue, Twelfth ward, on Saturday, March 23, at 8 A. Ji. Friend! of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. Members of Branch 43, E. B. A., are requested to attend. OBERHELMAN On Wednesday. March 20, 18S9, at 10:40 r. it., Adolph Oberhelman, in his 81st year. Funeral from bis late residence, Greentree borough, on Friday, March 22, at 2 o'clock P. m. Friends of the family arc respectfully in vited to attend. STROOP On Thursday. March 2Lat 11 A.M., Ella, adopted daughter of Adam and Scyn thta Stroop, aged 29 years. Funeral from tbe residence, Hazelwood ave nue, on Saturday- at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 WAGNER Wednesday morning, March 20, at 1 o'clock, ADAM Wagner, In the 58th year of his age. Tuneral services will be held at his late resi dence. No. 894 West Carson street, by the Rev. E.R. Donehoo, on FRIDAY, at 1:30 P. M., to proceed to tho German Lutheran Church, on Steuben street, Southside, at 2 p. m., after which Solomon Lodge No. 231, F. 4 A. M., will take charge of the remains. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. ANTHONY MEYER, (Successors to Meyer, Arnold & Co., LIro-,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenue, Tel ephone connection. mylO-i53-MWF JAMES M. FULLERTON. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. oclS-wrsu FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMHJAX A. M. c0 J. B. MUMDOCH, 510 SMITHFIELD ST. Telephono deO-f4-MWT SEEDSISEEDSISEEDS! Get our illustrated 66-page spring catalogue of Seeds, Trees, Plants, Flowers and Garden requisites. JOHN B. & A. MUBDOOH, Telephone 239. COS Bmxthfteld St. felS-JTWT pEPRESENTED TN PITTSBURGI IN 1SCI ASSET? - . 191)71,69883. Insurance Co. of North America. Looses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES, 84 Fourth avenue. U20-S2-D MLLE. E. DREYER. NO. 644 PENN AVENUE. IMPORTER OF FRENCH MILLINERY, Trimmed Bonnets and round Hats. Mourning a Specialty. , mhl9-78-TUF NBtV ADVERTISEMENTS. WE HAVE REMOVED. WATTLES & SHIAEER, THE JEWELERS, HAVE : REMOVED : TO 37 FIFTH AVENUE. We will occupy the entire building, and will carry as nice a stock of goods as can bo found anywhere. Pon't forget our new number, ' 37 FIFTH AVENUE. Formerly occupied by Komblum, the Optician, XelS-mvr CARPETS! BARGAIN ANNEX, In Basement Just Inside Our Fifth Avenue Entrance, Our closing out sale in February disposed of a large quantity of last season's patterns. Many remain, however, which have been crowded out by the unusually large number of new patterns, and are now placed in our Bargain Annex. A few samples of the remarkable bargains to be found there may be seen in our window display on Fifth avenue, For in stance ; Cotton Ingrains - -Heayy Cotton Inirains Extra Super Unions -Sxtra Super. Besl -Tapestry Brnssels -Body Brussels - - 18 to 20c 25 to 35c 40 to 50c 55 to 650 45c - 85c Velvets - - - - 85c CMna Mattings,from$4 50 rer Roll up. 0. McCOTTOCK & CO., 33F"TH AYENUE33 mhlM-MWi" EXTRA FINE 1 We have recently added to our already large, fine and weUmade line of Another make, as we believe, the finest most perfectly made and finished underclothing in every particular that has ever been shown in this city. Those of our lady customers who hare inspected the cooda aree in sayinc. as we do, that the garments are simply perfect. Special attention Is called to the beautiful line of Corset Covers, Cut square back and front, cut V shape back. and front, cut round neck back and frout, cut V shape front and square back, cut low neck pompadour front, all in both Lace and Embroidery-trimmed, in only tbe finest qualities. Fine Cambric Skirts, with hemstitched block Flouncing and fine Embroidered Flouncing, with block or. square tucking front. A fine line of LACE AND EMBROIDERY TRIMHED NIGHT GOWNS. In fine Convent Embroidered Goods we have the newest things out. A large assortment and at popular prices. Our own make Striped Seersucker and Cal ico Skirts, small, medium and extra sizes. Also ) With wide yoke band. The most popular skirt wo have ever handled. Small Children and Misses' Drawers, Skirts, Gowns, in Muslin and Cambric. Mnslin Night Drawers for Children. Bee our three new lines fine French C. F. Corsets; same as the Fasso, only at lower prices tban the regular Fasso. Children and Ladies' Waists, most approved makes. i HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. mh22-D ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY. 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURG, PA,- ABOUT CATARRH. 1 J. M. JewelL Asst. Sunt. Boys' Industrial School, Lancaster, O., says: I have no hesitation in rec ommendiug your catarrh remedy. It is by far superior to an v other preparation x nave ever useu. lis curauTe ei rect is marvelous. Mrs. M. J Hatton, 72 Forty-third street, says: Tho Anchor Catarrh Remedy cured me -of an aggravated case of catarrh of Jong standing, wmch 1 considered hopeless, as Ihad used many other preparations without relief. We would be glad to have you give our ca tarrh remedy a trial. You -will never regret it PHOTOGRAPHER, M BTXTH STREET. A fine, laree cravon portrait ta 80s see them before ordnrteg eteewhjjre. Cabteett, SB and . 18 SO per dozen. P. rauaurx DELryiBx,f' AAfl.tVm'MWTOn ' 7'?V"V1 Is marl Undergarments NSV ADVERTISEMENTS. wttTJDJirz: HAS COME AGAIN. With it our list of new books received. Sinee our announcement our Book Department has been visited by many on Friday. It's the best day of the week for books. Wehaye proved Jt A nice line received this week. Many have bean called for before they arrived. Read thelist. SeeiustwhatonesyouwanLThey don't stop long. Come first, then you art sure of them. The following copies, all at 18c each. In paper of course: .,.,. Brownie's Triumph, by Mrs.Georgie Sheldon. Two popular novels, by May Agnes Floming, viz.: A. Wife's Tragedy and a Wonderful Wo man. Two by Frank Lee Benedict, Her Friend and Madam; both are welt known. .,.., Two of Mansfield Tracy Walworth's best Works, Warwick and Hotspur. Two by Marion Harland. Alone and True as Steel. Copies of the following works by an author ess every one Js familiar with and admires none other tban Mary J. Holmes: Lena Rivers. Enellah Orphans. Tempest and Sunshine. Considered three of her best We have her 6ompIete works in cloth at 08o a copy. Well worth tbe price, and people willingly pay It Heart Hungry, by Mrs. M. J. Westmoreland, among tho new books at 18c, also. Doctor Antonio, by Rufflnl. Amber The Adopted, by Harriet Lewis. Hammer and Rapier; by John Esten Cooke. Have you read any of Captam Uayne Reid's worksf Wo received copies of his books, Scalp Hunters and The White Chief. Copies from the French of Michelet's of Love I' Amour, autbor of Woman La Femme. Allan. Pinkerton's interesting books, tbe Ex pressman and Detectives. Tbe Somnambulists and the Detectives. Artemus Ward, four volumes in one. with a biographical sketch of Eli Perkins. How I Made Millions. The Life of P. T. Barnnm, written by himself, to which is added The Art of Money Getting, or Golden Rules for Money Making. Nearly 100 Illustrations. Pole on Wblst with the Portland rules. The only complete edition. Two different copies of books, in paper, at 38o each. Constance and Calbot's Rival, by Julian Hawthorne. Fenny Lancaster Farmer, by Mrs, Bellamy. Wood's Natural History, in cloth, at SSc Fleishman & Go's. NEW DEPARTMENT STORES 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBTJBa, PA. JS-Send for our Rlustrated Book Catalogue. Mailed free of charge. mh22-D This Trade Mark Is on Our "Windows." DoTou Use an Umbrella? If so. It is to your interest to note the fol lowing: Being manufacturers, we will sell you a good "American Gloria" Umbrella, war ranted fast dye, for $1. with gold head SI 23. Prices at a regular retailer's. SI 50 and J2. If we have nothing to suit you made up, you can select your own bead and' material and we will make you an umbrella throughout in ohe hour. Remember, we are still re-covering old um brellas In one dat, from 75c up. We can do all repair work, such as putting in ribs, ferrules, etc., vims you wait. PAULSON BROS., UMBRELLA MAKERS, 441 WOOD STREET; mhSO-Jiwr GEO. H. BARBOUR. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof Bridges Rdofs and Mill Buildings, Koom 62 Eisner Bulldinc, de!2-kK-D FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. WM, 6EMPU&U Elegant Display of Mil I IUITDV nCDflDTMCNT"--"6 arerl0'"'PrePare stow you all the new spring styles and colors in Straw Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and nntrimmed; grand IlllLLIIlUnl UHl Afl I IllUll I display of Bibbonsin all widths and newest colors, for hats and dress trimmings and fancy work; wealth of Flowers, Roses, Featn ers, Gauzes, Laces and Ornaments. As usual, you will find our prices the lowest and stock the largest. No charge for trimming hats or bonnets bought irom us. PI HAIf QnnH'?.-:ew Spring Jackets and "Wraps now on exhibition for Ladies and Hisses. Latest styles received daily by express. Large lines Jersey Jackets ia uLUHll nUU III "black and colored, plain and braided; we can suit the most fastidious. New Spring Suits for Ladies and Misses in newest spring materials and silks, 'at very low prices. We have a few heavier-weight Jackets and Newmarkets, in cloth and seal plush. . Jackets, Mantles and Coats, as well as Misses' Long Garments, which you caa buy now almost at your own price. N. B. One lot of beautiful Spring Jackets, nobby styles, at fl SO, well worth $3. Large lines Stockinette Jackets at low prices. I IPC P 1 1 DT A I H Caar own importation. We buy direct from the manufacturers, and can show you handiome new designs; many of them confined to us. Prices from LHuu uUnlnlllU 50c up. 5.000 pairs grand values, $1 25 to $10 a pair. Heavy Curtains and Portieres, Curtain Laces, Scrims and Madras, by the yard. Window. Shades, plain, dado and side bands. Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain Poles in walnut, cherry, ebony and ash, at low prices. pifjnPT nnnUBaaaSeveralhundredrollsof Carpetopen this week, entirely new designs and colorings. Come early for choice from new stock. Prices and patterns will uHnr L I fiUUIFl please you. Choice line Tapestry Brussels from 50c up. New patterns in Ingrains, Body Brussels. Hall and Stair Carpets to match. Druggets, Smyrna Bugs and Mats, all sizes. Oil Cloths, all widths, at low prices. npCCC PnnnC--.P"ns clra n Cashmeres and Henriettas; 46-inch at 50c, 65c, 75c and 90c Silk Warps, $1. High art novelties in Imported Fabrics; handsomeTstyles, Uncn ill II 1 1 1.1 and colorinirs in Plaids arid Strices for combinations. 500 nieces new Snrint? Saitimrs. 25c 37 Ue and 50c Lata rTtnnt servSnMihlR fabrics from lOs'ta 20c. Call in from day to day and see the fresh openings. Bargains in-black All-wool Cashmeres, 40c and 45c. 46-inch Cashmeres aud Wool Henriettas, 50c, 60c, 75c, 85o andf 1 1 ia perfect dyes. Silk Warp Henriettas, Kuns Veilings, Armures, Serges and fancy weaves and novelties at correct prices. Q U nrnjS QTlrtlTll-Wecallspeclalattentiontoanew black Gros Grain Silk, 24 inches -wide, at 81, ?1 12$ and$l 25, certainly the best goods for the saoaey ever J I LTV UurMll I IflHil I shown. Superior finish at 5150 up to $2 50 a yard. Bhadames, Double-twilled Surahs, Armures and -other fancy weaves at low prises. Plushes and Velvets, 50c up, in all colors. UJACU PnnnC.JHu department TIHOII UUUUO Satmes, 10c, l2Jc, BARGAINS IK UMBRELLAS, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Embroideries, tW Write for samples. Mail orders promptly attended WILLIAM -' ?;& NEW ADYERTISEMENT0. $$ If you buy your Clothing from us. You can purchase MEN'S SUITS, sack or cuta way coat, equal in make as well as in looks to custom work, and strictly all wool, for $ io, intrinsically worth $14. BOYS' SUITS, sizes from 13 to 19 years, stylish patterns, reliably made, and all wool; for $8, real value n. BOYS' SHORT PANTS SUITS, sizes from 4 to 14 years, I3 25, usually sold at $4 50 and tS' KILT SUITS in two-piece styles jacket and skirt guar anteed all wool, for $4, worth every cent of $7. MEN'S PANTS in new pat ferns, and all wool goods, for The new venture our HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT IS fast becoming established on account of low prices and com plete assortment of choice goods. Be sure to look it through. -- STRASSBUR6ER & JOSEPH, . Tailor Holers and Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St,, Allegheny. Confirmation suits either ready-made or made to order, are a specialty with us. sfrOfoO&QOfoftfrftfrfrfr mhl7-WTSu Spring Overcoats. Get Wanamaker's for toni ness! "We're not exaggerating the necessity of style in these: nor luxury. Style first They're in the eyes of the public as much as the wearer's face! Isn't it essential, then, to have the Spring Overcoat made to order? Essential? Far from it. Shapeliness is dependent, not on having it made to fit tightly, but to look graceful. That shows at the shoulders in the long, soft roll of the front, in the length of the Coat. These all make style secure. What more could you get than silk linings throughout! or silk facings! You may want neither of these, and yet be particular about style! You're sure of it in any Wanamaker Oversack. Nearly 1,000 styles. That tells our readiness in goods for making Spring Suits to measure. So great a variety of materials gives you a key, too, to the sort of tailoring you may expect. s Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Fenn avenue. mhzJ-D MARCH la YonCanDo repltte with new American Dress Ginghams, equal in styles to imported goods, at lOo l5o and up to the best French productions, . . 165,C167 aiidn69FM)ERAIi SXW ADVERTIHEMKHTSf DON'T DO NOT BUY YOTJB SPRING HATS UNTIL YOU 8KB OUR EXTENSIVE LINE. OHITiPHEN'S NOVELTIES AT POPULAR PRICEa ABBAMS -:- THE HATTEB .434 MARKET STREET. REMOV-AiL SALE Entire Stock Must be Closed Out by - April I, Regardless of Cost. JAbrary, Sail, Vase, Flano and Banquet Lamps. Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sets, Vases, JBrlc-a-Brac, Mich Cut and Pressed Glassware. Opposite Smithfield street. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Intrinsic values this week. Bargains to be found nowhere else. Our assortment is unsurpassed. Cash only as the basis of our business enables us at all times to reap the advantages offered by manufacturers and importers. The following partial list only gives a faint idea of what we offer: Double fold English Suitings at 19c. All-wool Homespuns at 43c. 6-4 Cashmeres, all colors, at 25c. Guinet Silks at 74c worth $1 25. Black Satin Marveillaux, 98c, worth $1 50. Changeable Moire Silky at 37jc, worth 65c. And an elegant assortment of fancy robes, borders and combina tions, all at our well known popular prices. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. An opportunity is now offered to all purchasers of Crockery, Glass, Tin, Iron and Woodenware. Our assortment is complete in every re spect No old goods. Everything new, and a perfect stock for the practical housewife to select from. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT BASEMENT WHEN YOU ARE IN. DANZIGER & SHOENBEEG, -SUCCESSORS TO- MORRIS H. DANZIGER. Nos. 42,44,46,48,50,52 Sixth St. 538,540,542 Penn ave. mhlS-arwrgq BE CAREFUL When Making Your Purchases, and by Doing So You Will Save Money. ' This can Only be done by purchasing o a good, reliable firm, and we hare that reputation. Having it, we are bound to keep it. Our prices are the lowest and all our goods are recommended. So it will pay you well to deal with us. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY, As there is but very little tlma now left before the busy season starts. Come now and make your selections. By paying a small amount down, you know that 'we will pack the goods and store them for you without it costing you a cent. Besides that; you now hare the choice of all the newest and best patterns and designs in tho house, and it is full of them. Hurry, now, and get the attention paid you that caa not be given when we hare become busy. Lovely New Parlor Suits. Elegant New Bedroom Suits. New Carpets. New Bugs. New Druggets. New Goods. Everything new, from the highest to the lowest, and don't forget that anything In our house can be bought either for CASH OR VERY EASY PAYMENTS. HOPPER BR0S.'& CO., 307 WOOD STREET, BET. THIRD AND FOURTH AYE& SOLE AGENTS FOR THE "NEW HIGH AM" DAVIS SEWING MACHINE. rassonjjror Elevator. Open. Saturdays TJntU IO o'clock. , mblO-wrsu Special Sale -FOR THIS WEEK OF- GAS FIXTURES, GAS GLOBES, GAS SHADES. 04 THE J. P. SMITH, Lamp,GIass & China Co,, 935 Penn Avenue. mM7-wyan 16, 1889. Newest Novelties. at 25c, 30o and 35c Etoile da Nords, Challu, Dress Findings and Men's Furnishings. to. SIEMIPILiIETS. . STREET, ALLTOHBNY, i ' DO IT! rahlS-MWI" 947 LIBERTY STREET. mh22.7I.W7Su THE MERCANTILE AGENCY R. G. Bun & Co., Germania Bank Baildinfr. 423 Wood street, cor ner of Diamond, Pittsburg. Pa. This establishment supplies all necessary information as to the standing; responsibility, eta, of business men throughout North Amer ica. It is the oldest and by far the most com plete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Banking and Mercantile interests and the General Promotion and Pro tection of Trade. Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended to throughout the North American Continent. jSLa H I NT A INSURANCE CO, JUl A. LN Ci Hartford. Conn. Assets, January 1, 1SST jy,S68,K3 8 EDWARDS & KENNBY." Agents, OO iourth avenue Plttsburz, laU-aO-MI- a wm, 9m?we. and 12Uc. Scotch Zephyrs, 20c, 25s and 49e. etc Exi Exquisite styles la White Good. -?' PA. - ".t-r ' ' m M & r jfUi .. . 4V ' j ?,,. h