v THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH; THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1889. i but found there was more mosey in whisky. He thought the millmen should have liquor accommodations. John Thier claimed he was the only man in the Sixth ward who had a $300 license in '85 aud '66. B. "Weiss, of the Great "Western Band, wants to keep a restaurant, if he gets a license. This settled the Sixth ward, and August Brockman came up to the counter as the first applicant from the Seventh. Be has been on Fifth avenue for 22 years. He had been so well coached that he answered half of the questions before the Court was half through asking them. "Marks Brcwarsky, of "Wylie avenue, said there was not another decent place in his neighborhood. Cyrus Crowley, of Washington street, is not in Chief Brown's prohibitory district, and had a good record. Patrick Devlin is in the prohibitory district on the same street. OLD MEN TVOX'T DO. John F. Ditler thought he ought to have a license on account ot his age. The Court, how ever, did not appiove of old men in the saloon business. P. J. Foley, who was held over last year until he pnt in a first-class restaurant at the corner of Wyhe avenue and Elm street, thinks he will get his license for the Hotel Brunswick fcncwcCL The first feminine applicant of the day to be heard was Eleanor Mugele, a poor woman at tbe corner of Fifth avenue and Federal street. She has a family of nine children and lias to do something to support them. She was refused last ear. however. M. Sax. of Fifth avenue, wants to keep a saloon for the reason that there is none within eicht blocks of his house. The first case from the Eighth ward was that of C Angloch, who has a license now. He is a white-haired old man, and got throngh without trouble. Mrs. Mary Breen, of Tannehill street, was told that if she promised she would keep a rood house the wouid probably get a license. John faantz, of fifth avenue, who now has a license, had not much difficulty under the cross fire of questions V. Gamer, of 101 Fulton street, said he was formerly In the shoe business, but ants to con tinue to sell liquor. John Glockntr, of Wvlie avenue, said he could not make a living at his trade as a barber. He -wanted to no Into the saloon business, and promised to keep a respectable house. (jeorjre Jacob 6ald he had a pood trade in buck ets to men and women He also sold in bottles, Kohert Lemon said he had an average sale of $40 worth ofliquor every dav. Barbara ilarcls, of Center avenue, has eight children, and wants a license to be able to support them John Meier, of the same thoroughfare, said he was Betting too old to do hard work. He could not get a bondsman last year, because "all of them were engaged " H. Eobblnowhi was refused last rear, and he has done nothing 6lnce. Max Welsberger, of W vile avenue, is now In tbe China business, but wants a license to dispose of his stock ot "hardware." OTHER TRUSTS ALL BIGHT. 'When the Ninth ward was called Lee Beohm said he wanted to get out of the milk business. He was probably afraid ot the milk trust ruining his trade, but apparently not fearful of the beer trust and whisky tru6t C B. Deshon. of Liberty avenue, averages 100 per dav In his barroom receipts. This settled tbe morning session Everybodv was on hand early in tbe afternoon. The proceedings were more lively than at the morning hearing. A factjdeviloped In the afternoon Is that Judge "W bite will make It hot for the brewers who have been selling beer to unlicensed houses, lie Is keeping a memorandum of tbe names of the firms, and. when they apply for a license, they will hear from him It was a question of discussion among lawyers vesterdav wnether this matter would not prevent some of the brewers from se curing license. The first case called after dinner was that of Thomas Donahue, of Liberty avenue. He said he had nine rooms in his house and furnished sleep ing accommodations The receipts from his bar were 0 daily. There Is no restaurant, but a counter where lunches can be had Is attached to tbe place. , Judge While Have you not sold liquor at other places tban at your licensed saloon on Liberty avenue r Only at the Homcwood Driving Park," Dona hue replied. "I had charge of the clnb house there, out did not receive anv of the profits or any other remuneration. Only members of the club could obtain drinks." "Didn't vou. In fact, sell to everybody that asked for them " "W ell, yes," Donahue admitted. "Or course," said the Court "If you didn't know that von were doing what was illegal you don't know enough to be In tbe saloon business. If Tour attornev advised you to do as you did, he needs to studv the law." Charles J. Flnkleburg said the pnddlers who had signed a remonstrance against granting him a license were men who had tried to run things In his saloon. Tills he would not allow. He said the reton he did not get a license last year was his close proximity to the Fifteenth Street Fire Com pany. He has since removed two squares from there. THE SIERCtJBT WEST DOW2T. John J. . Farmarie wanted to reopen his old sa loon at 1328 Venn avenue. Attornev Christy made the chills rnn up and down his back bv announc ing to the Court that this man had testified to vio lating the law every Sunday, with the exception of one, during the 12 months prior to May L 1888. John Gul said he had served beer in buckets to men only. Judge White asked: "Is it not a fact that the bartender has carried buckets or beer to the door and given them to children?" "No, sir. Ihave no knowledge that this was ever done" Frank Klein, of Eleventh street, who made a record for truthfulness, was asked: "Did you ever know a saloonkeeper who wouldn't sell to anybody that came along?" "I never did," was the reply. To the question of whether he sold cider or not, be said he bad not sold any hard elder. Judge White queried: "W ho Is to determine whether the elder is hard or not? W ould It not get stronger the longer you kept It, and make men drunk?" I would never keep It long enough." 'William H. Leahv, of 127 Penn avenue, has a license, and said he observed the law in every par ticular. He said he could not keep men from swearing In his house. His receipts for liquor were K7 dally. J. X- Lanahan, proprietor of the St. James Hotck saidhis receipts wereSSOdally on the bar, and he does a hotel business of between $10. 000 and 30.003 per year. He observed the law to the very letter and spirit. He said he had refused liquor to his guests on Sunday U. . Mabanev, of the hotel by that name which was formerly the old Rush House, said there was not a drop of liquor sold In tbe bouse after 12 o'clock at night. He has a patrol box outside the door, and. If any drunken men lounge abonttbe place, he has the wagon called to take them away. His liquor sales amount to $35 dailv. P. B Mohan, of Penn avenue, has a license, his onlv boarder Is his father-in-law. but he some times serves 20 to 35 meals in a single day. He did not put up any free lunch to his patrons. He did not furnish any drink to intemperate men. Judge White asked: SORT OF HALF NEGATIVES. ' 'Are not a great many of your customers what are commonly called 'hard cases!' " "o, sir, 1 do not think they arc." He said he did not sell in buckets or pitchers to any women but those whom he had known for years. He never sold to children at all. "Have you not seen yonr barkeeper give buckets of beer to children at your side door? Can you swear to it?" "I cannot (wear to it; but do not think that be ever did." His receipts were S35 dally. At this point VT. J. Florence, the actor, came In, and all the Interest seemed to be centered on him. He took a scat beside the lawyers, when A. I Murphy, of the Hotel Albion, was called. He said there were drunken men in his house every day. but they were nut out. iJibt Saturday a Hungarian tried to take possession or the place. Out was "fired" out. This was the only trouble be ever had. His receipts at the bar were 835 dally. William Motts, of Penn avenue, bobbed up with a far-away look in his eyes. He said 6lnce last April he had been put to the expense of putting an addition to his house. There were only two saloons in his block, and he thought he should have a license. Judge W hlte asked him It he had not sold moxle, and he replied. "No, sir." Mr. Christy I desire to call tbe attention of tbe Court to the fact that this man testified to havlng sold liquor within three weeks or the time the li cense court met last year. Applicant-I admit that, but Judge White-Call tbe next! James MulvebUL. of 61 Eleventh street, was asked: "Why were you refused a license last year?" "I do not know that I was refused." Judge V hite (sternly) Did you get a license? "oslr." The applicant stated that be did not have a pint or liquor lu his house for three months beiore Tuesday night. He made reply to a question that he had no women Vsltlng the house, and had had no trouble within the past year. Attorney Christy I wish to state to the 'Court that this man was convicted five different times prior to February, 1888, of violating the liquor laws. FIRST OF US KIND. Charles Manning, or the old Manning House at the corner of Penn aveqne and Eleventh street, said he sold 80 meals a day and the receipts from his bar were 40. He said the receipts of his hotel were fti. This was tin- first case of the day where tbe restaurant receipts exceeded those or the bar room. Chris. Mklaus, or Penn avenue, said his reason for wanting a license was that he owned the prop erty where he wanted to open a tavern. Judge -White asked: "V hy were you refused a license last year?" "Iwastoldthataneighborofmlnc, who wanted my house, wrote a letter to the Judges against nc." Judge White (with an angry frown) Do you mean to say. sir, that we. as a Court, did not grant you a license because somebody that wanted your house wrote a letter to us advising; us not to give the license11 llit applicant stammered and replied: -"Yet. sir; I can prove that he said he wrote the letter." "ir you believe that, I can tell you that It Is not true. Have you any other reasons for wanting a license"" I think my place Is a necessity for tbe accom modation of French-Swiss Immigrants who arrive In the city. There is only one licensed house in Allegheny county for their accommodation." His attorney, Mr. Cohen, produced a letter from the Immigrant agent of the Pennsylvania Rail road, stating that tbe man's house had for the jut 17 yean bees a place of accommodation tor all the French-Swiss immigrants arriving In the city Mr. Cohen-May it please the Court, I think the reason be was refused last year was because be had no counsel and he was unable to present nit case clearly to toe Court. i Si . Judge Whitc-ir he falls this year It won't be for want of able counsel. At this there was a general titter. Louis Fasctti. of Penn avenue, said he kept open until 12 o'clock at night to accommodate travelers coming In on the Pennsylvania Rail road. He said his boarders generally drank wine and very little whisky. They never got any on Snnday. and be declared he never drank any hlm sclfoj that day. AN AMERICAN CITIZEN'S REPLY. John Schwelnhartsald he had been refused last year, bnt thought his p!ace was necessary. He spoke very decisively, and startled the Court by saying that one or the reasons was that he was an American citizen. He owned his property and has been driving a wagon-since May L He frankly admitted that he would not go Into tbe restaurant business nnless there was a saloon attached. To this Judge White remarked: "That speaks badiv for the lestaurant. The theory or the law is that the restaurant should not be a tail for a saloon, but that tbe saloon be an appendage for tbe restaurant. After the prohi bition amendment passes, we will have a few de cent restaurants." , , Attorney Breck There were ten saloons In the block wbere this man was, prior to last year: but your Honor did not renew the license or one or them. Mv client's father was in the business at the place lor 30 years, and his son, being brought up in It, does not know anything else." The gen eral opinion was that bchwienhart is "all right." Martin Shaughessy, or Penn avenue, who was refused last year, safd his lease ran lor two more years, and that he had to make a living at some thing. Attorney Christy said: "This man had a SIW license and. was sued by Agent McCall. Ho then took out a S300 license and ran an all-night bouse." John Stewart, or Penn avenue, said: "I am ow keeping teams, and had been running that In connection 'with the liquor business prior to last year." Judge White (drylv) I have noticed that the liquor business sometimes is a highly teeming The applicant stated that he had sold the fur niture in his hotel for $100. The man who bought It had been refused a license. This caused Judge White to remark: "You were not doing much lu the hotel business or J on would not have sold out forswo." By way of breaking tbe news gently. His Honor remarked: "-There are a great many applica tions In from Penn avenue, and I will have to re fuse some of them." David Thomas corner Liberty and Twelfth street, said he had been requested to apply for li cense by the Pennsylvania Railroad depot ofacfcls. He exhibited a letter from H. M. Butler, the sta tion agent, recommending that he be given a license. IN JUST THE SAME FIX. Daniel Voltr wanted to reopen bis place, op posite the old Fifth ward market house on Penn avenue. He claimed It was a great accommoda tion to the fanners and butchers. He said to Judge White: "I found out from my lawyer last year that the reason I did not get a license was be cause vou did not know my place." Judge W hite Well, Ido not know It now. Attorney Christy said the man had bejn con victed of selling on the Sunday prior to the sit ting of tbe last License Court, and he had his two small daughters tending the barroom. To the Court's query if he had not sampled the whisky he had on hand, he said: "Ob, yes: I got some f;ood nine-year-old, and could not let a good thing ike that go." Denftls Murphv was cut short by Els Honor saying "that will do." An attornev remarked that Dennis would not have to change his Chris tian name. Henry Ommert was one of the two men that got a license in the Tenth ward last year. Hemade out the best case he could, and then called Dr. Rad cllfie, a former druggist, to the stand In his be half. The physician got excited before he was asked a word. Attornev Cotton asked htm how often he had been in the applicant's saloon, andhe replied: "About half a dozen times." "Did you ei er see anybody drunk in thehouse?" "Yes, I may have seen hair a dozen people In front of the house; I couldn't say positively about that, though." John J. O'Brien said he did not know why he had been refused a license: but His Honor made him say: "W ell, maybe it was because I had been violating the law." Frank shire, of Pennsylvania avenue, said he could not say whether the ward had been more orderly the past year tban it was prior to that. He said he was in the cigar business. Judge White said: "That's right; whisky seems to be the first crop and tobacco the seeona." Cllmentena Schleber was the last applicant. Judge White remarked that she ought to give a better reason than that she merely wanted to make a living. The applicants from the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fif teenth wards will be heard to-day. ME. AKD MRS. KEENS, Ben Harrison's Friends, Take a Jaunt to Washington to See Him. Mr. Kerns and wife, of St. Louis, a friend to Benjamin Harrison, and one of the own ers of the "West "Virginia Central Railroad, passed through the city yesterday, bound for Washington. Mr. Kerns did yeoman service in tbe late campaign, and his boodle made In diana ring with Republican oratory. Mr. Kerns was going down to Washington to see Ben for a purpose. He has a friend in St. Louis he is booming for a place, and as Mr. Kems can have almost anything he wants, his friend is snre to bo favored. "Now, I am. out of politics altogether," he said to a reporter. "Yes," spoke np Mrs. Kerns, a pleasant lady, but an intense partisan, "he will be in the field again when there is another Beoublican Presi dent to elect." "I am well pleased with the administration," continued Mr. Kerns. "Missouri is represented in the Cabinet, and we are guaranteed our share in the patronage. There is a big bus iness boom ahead. The Virginia Central Bail road will be built, and it will enter Pittsburg, too. I have been traveling in Mexico and Call forma, and am not very well posted on national affairs." HE WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE. A Sinn Who Hns Not Committed Murder for Two Tears it In Town. A young man about 27 years of age, who says his name is David Jones, and that he is a resident of Louisville, Ky., is now in the Twelfth ward station bouse, charged with disorderly conduct. He visited tbe house No. 1219 Penn avenno early yesterday morning, and, it is alleged, stated that he had not killed anyone for two years, and wanted a drink, when be proposed to do business again. One of the girls promptly left the room to get tbe desired drink, bnt did not return. Jones fol lowed her, and went ont on tbe street, when the door was locked on him. He fired six shots at the house, and was arrested. He will have a hearing to-day. 1 DESIRABLE CHANGE, The Pennsey Will Choree Two Cents Per mile for 10 or More In a Party. The Pennsylvania, Railroad Company yesterday gave notice of an important change in its ticket selling arrangements. On and after Monday next special tickets will be placed on sale for the use of parties. Ten or more persons in a party will be carried on one ticket at 2 cents per mile per capita. The present rate is 3 cents per mile without regard to tbe number of persons carried. The privilege is extended over the entire system of the road east of Pittsburg and Erie. The rate is tbe same as that allowed theatrical parties and has heretofore Deen restricted to this class of passengers. THB0UGH THE COKE REGIONS. A Party of Rnllroad OfBcInU on a Jannt Over tbe Pemlclty. General Freight Agent F. A. Dean, Purchasing Agent Boddy Evans, Local Freigrt Agent Frederick Kennedy, of the Lake Erie roadtesamnel P. Woodside, general agent of tbe Erie in this city: J. M. Booth, agent of the "Nypano" at Cleveland, and a 5 arty of about a dozen other railroad officials ave just taken an inspection trip over tbe "Pemicky" road and through the coke regions. MES. DIAMOND WORSE. Pat Christy Will Have to Answer Again for Dentins' His bister. The husband of Mrs. Diamond.ofShonse town, who was beaten by her brother last Saturday, Patrick Christy, yesterday entered a charge of felonious assault and battery against Pat. Christy is in jail for ten days, but will be rearrested wben released. Mrs. Diamond was worse lastnlghk TWO FEIENDS FALL OUT, And Drepler Claims Almond Went at Him With a Pocket Knife. John Almond and Frank Drepler board together on Mission street. Last Sunday in a dispute Drepler claims Almond cut him three times with a pocket knite. He charged him with felonious assault and battery, and Almond was sent to jail. Electricity for tbe Fidelity Building. The Keystone Construction Company yester day received tbi contract for lighting the new building of tb Fidelity Title and Trust Com pany on Fourth avenue. There will be 600 in candescent lights put in the building. DAYTIME ABDUCTM Startling Story of an 1L-Year-Old lad in Lawrenceville. A STRANGE MAN KIDNAPS HIM. And the Boy Says He was Taken, to Sharps bars and Imprisoned. A TALE OF ESCAPE BELIEYED AT HOME A mysterious case of kidnaping out Lawrenceville way leaked out ye'sterday. The victim is a little school boy, about 11 years of age, and, as the parents are-"out for blood," it will be bad for the abductor if he is caught. Although the affair hap pened a week ago, it has been studiously kept quiet, in order to give the police an opportunity to get in their work. The lat ter have worked hard, but the person wanted is still at large. Mr. K. B. Noon is the name of the father, and he is an engineer in the Keystone Bridge Works, living on Fifty-second, near Home, street His small boy set out for school, as usual, on Thursday morning. The boy did not come home at noon for dinner, but the mother merely thought that something had detained him, or that he had gone home with a schoolmate. As the after noon wore away, however, and the husband came home from work, and still no boy, the anxiety of the parents may be more easily imagined than described. NOTIFYING THE POLICE. The police were notified, messengers were sent to the schoolhouse; but all to no avail. Expectant hope kept tbe parents astir until late at night, when they were joylully aroused by the reappearance of their boy. He came running into the house, panting and almost crying. After resting and re freshing himself, the boy related the following startling tale: He had started ont to school that morning, and had almost reached the schoolhouse when he was accosted by a tall and thick-set man, whom he described as wearing a stiff gondola hat and a sack coat, and sporting a full set of black whiskers. The boy asked wbatswas wanted, when the man said that he bad some thing for him, and wanted him to come along. After some hesitation tbe innocent child com plied, and, walking a short distance, be was persuaded to board a Sharpsburg street car with his abdnctor. By means of the car they got to Bharpsburg. and when tbe frightened boy wanted to go back be was told to keep qniet on pain of receiving a beating. They walked up the main street of Sharps burg a short distance, wben they turned up a side street and entered a house and went up tbe stairs. The lad was roughly taken into a back room on the second floor and locked np. His cries and moans had no effect, as they were proba bly not heard beyond the four walls of the house. The day passed slowly to the poor Doy, and when evening came someone entered tbe room from a side door, bearing a tray of food of meager quantity and quality. LEFT THE KEY IN THE DOOB." After devouring this the boy perceived that bis late visitor had left abe key sticking in the door, and with joy realized that it was not turned. Opening the door and passing through be softly stole down the stairs, opening upon an alley, and being favoted by the increasing darkness, succeeded in getting away unob served by the inmates of thehouse. No grass grew under his feet, and after finding the car tracks he followed the latter all tbe way to his home, arriving there a little after 11 o'clock. Mr. Noon, after hearing the story, decided to clear np the mysterious kidnaper, and with this end in view hunted up an old friend of his, an ex-detective. The latter set to work on the case, but has not been able to find a clew as to tbe whereabouts of the man. 'The boy is not able to locate his prison, as he was only too glad to get away, without taking observations. There is no donbt in the minds of tbe parents as to the veracity of the story, nor In the mind of anyone acquainted with the lad, as be is known by all as a truthful and conscientious little fellow, rjpt having missed a school day for years, except oft account of sickness. VIEWING LOCK NO 7. Coal Operators Rccret the Lower Dims WereNot Condemned First The Tiewers Start for tbe Scene. The Board of Viewers appointed by Judge Acheson to estimate the value of Lock No. 7 left on the Adam Jacobs last evening for Greensboro. The viewers are John Dowlin, George A. Kelly, J. M. Sullivan, James M. Bailey, S. S. Graham, James N. Clark and Alexander Clark. Thev were accom panied by CoL T. P. Boherts, a director of the Monongabela Navigation Company, J. J, Donald, R. B. Carnahan, W. B. Bakewell, M. K. Moorhead and Mr. Cushing. This is an important move looking to the free navigation of the river. The rivermen are very much interested in tbe subject. The Navigation Company have given notice that nnless the f nil value of the dam is paid they will make a big fight against the award. Captain Bodgers said yesterday: "Tbe river men are anxious to seenre free navigation as soon as possible. Lock No. 7 is the only one Congress has orttcred to be purchased so far. "Little Coal is mined above the dam, so that the coal men will not receive mnch benefit. A great mistake was made by not beginning with the lower locks. The rivermen don't want these dams for nothing. They expect a reason able price to be paid for them. "Congress moves so slowly that I may never live to see a free river." M0EE BOATS GO OUT. Rlyermea Mnrvel That Coalboat Water Continues so Long. The fine stage of water in the rivers con tinues to be the marvel of the rivermen. It has been a long time since coalboat water has lasted as long as during tbe present rise. Yesterday the water registered over 10 feet. There lias been no rain of any account for sometime, but the snows on the mountains have been contributing their watery stores to swell the flood. The operatorsare working. though not to their full capacity. Everyday some- coal is taken out, yesterday the Alex. Swift, Alarm, Sam Clark, Lud Keefer, Clifton, William Boner and Dick Fulton started for Cincinnati with good tows. The Jim Gilmore got in with a tow of empties. Tbe packet Hndson was late arriving, and when comirg in ran into the Alex Swift going out. breaking the swinging fenders of the latter boat. The Abram Jacobs left last night having on board 28 head of horses and mules to be used by Contractor Drake to push the construction of the Bellevernon road. CAEOLINA'S E0D OF EMPIEE. Mr. II. P. Dliworth Describes Haughty Poor Whites Dowa There. Mr. H. F. Dilworth has been spending some time among the North Carolina tar hoels, and has come home with mixed impres sions. He has been studying tbe stern pride of the Impoverished people of certain sections of that State. He says they are just as haughty as though they could sway tbe rod of empire, though they may be so poor that they can make no pretense to even comfort in life. He says he never saw tbe inflexible, ruling, masterful spirit of the Anglo-Saxon so devel oped in any other part of this country. Though they may tolerate a Northern man, and use him. if be have money, they take no pains to conceal from htm that, socially, they feel them- aIvab ftnnprfnr. N As to their attitude regarding the African in their miast, .air. uuworth thinks the negro would fare much the same in contact with Northern whites, were the situation tbe same. There, as everywhere else. Intelligence directs, and tbe largest pole knocks the choice persim mons. Vaccination Is Demanded. Tbe Central Board of Education is sending circulars to the principals of all the public schools requesting them to. see that no child enters the school unless he or she has a physi cian's certificate of vaccination. NOTES AND NOTIONS. Many Blatters of Slack and Little Moment Tersely Treated. Peob's frowns. Pauxliab landmaiks Those .on tbo news boys' faces. - ' j Kx-Sexator Samuel McCltjee, of Sharon, is at the Monongabela. Pact. Hacke. H. C. Frick and Jos. Speer went to New Ysrk last night Delikquknt Tax Collector Foed reports a total of $s2,236 42 collected in February. Prof. Duulino, of Indiana Normal School, was in Allegheny yesterday visiting the High School Chicago politicians are becoming sensitive. They draw the line at calling the Mayor a horsethief. As Elsinere clerical collar is now advertised. The clerical caller will blush to And himself so conspicuous. . Mabtin Heiser, the insane man arrestee in Allegheny, on Tuesday night, will he sent to the City Home. James E. Morrow and family lert yester day for Slippery Bock, to the regret of a large circle of friends. i The French mission is promised to a Cincin nati man now. He will learn to speak tbe language in time. ASukhah missionary converted a heathen, and then married him. It's a good thing she converted him first. Those Western clergymen who declared Shakespeare died of a drunken debauch forget to first prove that he ever lived. A critic says "Amelie," the front name of Rives, should be pronounced as rbjmiugwith family, but Araily says it's too soon. As otheb old fable fails A "crooked stick" in the Eastern firm of Greenbough has fled to Canada, and down comes the bouse. A heavy landslideoccurred at Shousetown, on the Lake Erie road, on Tuesday. It took tho men five hours to clear tho tracks. A gritty country girl has horsewhipped a forward gallant. She doen't know that she has scared away just H.Stn.TOO others. The man Harper, who attempted suicide, lost bis temper at the doctors and will probably win his life, unless hemorrhage sets in. And now Mrs. Potter is said to be breaking down. If this thing keeps up theater-goers will be obliged to fall back on actresses. The fact that Congressmen now ask twice as mnch salary as before is explained by tbe fact that they are doing one-balf as much work. Mrs. Marion McBride. of New York, is to establish a Press association for women at Paris. Wonder what Mr. Mc thinks of it. Those applicants for the Pittsburg Postofflce are not trying so bard to get in themselves, as they are trying to keep the other fellows out. Jot Howard, who sues Mrs. Lncy WUbert for giving him a slap in the face, need not be surprised if she gives him a slap behind his back. Agent Dean has taken the 6-months-old child of Mrs. Jennie Camp from her husband's custody and sued him for neglect and non support. Mr. Charles Arbuckle, of "Baby Bunt ing" fame, bas bought Dieters Hotel in Brook lyn, for $450,000, and will convert it into an office building. ' The fact that it is easier to say a mean thing and a bright thing, than a good-natured thing and a bright thing, augurs something wrong in human nature. The Restaurant Protective Association seems to favor individual protection. A scant half dozen appeared at the meeting yesterday, and there was no meet. Low, vulgar( senseless, degrading, impious, street swearing is a constant shock to ladles and the bundreds of innocent school girls now crowding tbe avenues. A CAR crashed through tbe heavy blocks at the Union depot last night and tore np tbe platform for qnite a distance. Everyboay ex cited, but nobody hurt. Dr. O. W. Sadler, of Penn avenue, writes from Florida that his wife has so mnch recov ered that he feels safe in leaving ber, so will reach home about tbe 23d inst. Yesterday's session closed the meeting of the Royal Arcanum in this city. Only routine business was transacted, and the next gather ing will be in Cbambersburg May 12. Joe Henry and Mollie West are in Central station and will have a hearing before Gripp this morning. A cabman who thought he was worthy of his hire made the complaint. Rev. Charles Hudson Smith, of Boston, who is insane, escaped from his borne Several, dajs ago. and Is believed to be in Allegheny. A reward of $100 is offered for his capture. an echo of the late election war comes from the First ward in the shape of a suit in court by Matthew Golden against Officer Manlon and James Fallon, fpr assanlt and battery. Vice President Thomson and General Superintendent Pettit, of the P. B. R, are on a tour of inspection. Passenger Agent Thos, E. Watt returned Irom New York yesterday. It certainly is a pity that young bicycle riders are too modest to wear knee breeches. If they continue wearing flabby trousers much longer people will think they have two reasons for so doing. , The capote, with low trimming, and the tocque will be the rival bonnets for ladles' favor this spring. This is given on the author ity of a fashion journal, but it is supposed the man in a back seat in the theater prompted the item, THAT SI 00 donated to the prohibition cause by the Queen of Madagascar has found its way Into the hands of the W. C. T. IT., and will now go toward tbe purchase of red shirts for tbe Queen's subjects. Fire escapes for the Monongahela House, for tbe building of T. C. Jenkins and for the Bijou have been approved. The Board of Fire Escapes bas ruled that people refused permits to erect wooden buildings can appeal to them, A MAN in Philadelphia says be sees every thing as if looking throngh the reverse end of a telescope. It is supposed to be a stranger from Pittsburg who will be all debt as soon as be gets used to the one-story houses and small people. What's in a name is shown in the case of Joban Anton Breiler, who served a year in the penitentiary under another man's name, with an alias just as ridiculous. He has become an imbecile, and Chief Elliott furnished him with a ticket to New York. Rev. Charles Edward Locke will deliver a lecture this evening at the bmithfield Street Methodist Church under the auspices of the Ladies' Missionary Society. The subject of the lecture is. "The Parson and the People," and treats of the curious and amusing obser vations and experiences of a minister. This life, so fiat, stale and unprofitable, is sometimes brightened by a spark of bnman nature, or divine love, no matter which. A clumsy, awkward workman shambled along Smithfield street yesterday. His face, of wearied melancholy, was in keeping with his coarse dress, and showed a losing struggle against merciless odds. In one knotted, gnarled hand was clenched a baby doll, a trifling 5-cent affair that tbe careless shop girl bad not thought worth the wrapping up, A STAETLING STATEMENT. Indicted Liquor Sellers Can't Be Published, n 40 Have Skipped. Judge Magee yesterday ordered that here after the returns of the grand jury in cases of illegal selling are not to be published. Much trouble has been occasioned by vio lators ot the liquor laws, who have been re turned by constables, reading of their Indict ment and getting away before they could be put under bonds. During the last term of court at least 10 escaped in that manner. Yesterday the grand jury spent the entire day in considering cases returned by con stables. UNDKB THE WHEELS. A Tonne Boy Killed by a Locomotive In Lawrenceville. John Lebinxky, an' 11-year-old boy, was killed yesterday afternoon on the P. B. B. track, near Twenty-fourth street A loco motiveliad just left the ronndhouse and was proceeding toward the Union depot when the engineer noticed the boy on the track. He re versed the engine, but could not stop in time and tbe boy was run over. Both legs were crushed, and the boy was injured internally He was removed to the West Penn Hospital, where he died an hour later. The boy's parents live on Twenty-fourth street Cononer McDowell will hold an In quest this morning. - Some Shingles Scorched. An alarm was turned In from box 23 in Alle gheny bout 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, caused by a fire on tbe roof of a house at No. 1H Market street Borne of the neighbors had been burning straw in the yard and some sparks flew to the roof, setting fire to the shingles. The damage will amount to about 960. , , h ABANQUE1.WITHTO The Supreme Conncil of the. Eoyal Arcanum. Well "Entertained. AGEAND FINALE TO TflEBIENNIAL. Members and Their Ladie3, Numbering 300, Sat Down to Dinner. JDDGE COLLIER'S SPAEKLING SEEECH The biennial convention of the Boyal Ar canum was ended last evening by a banquet, given in hrAor of the Grand Council of the Order, at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Plates were set for 300 people in the large dining hall 6f the hotel. At one end of the room on a raised platform was seated Toerge's orchestra. In the window case ments, in all the rooms and cornices, were banked choice cut flowers and pots of rare exotics. Grand Kccent Joseph A. Langfitt, of this city, presided, seated in the center of one of the large tables. On his right sat J. J. Miller, Esq., who was Toast Master. After the viands were discussed, and the gentlemen were unconsciously wishing for the cigars, but not unmindful of the presence of the fair ladies, the toast master called for the first speech of the evening. It was by S. M. Lindsay, Supreme "Regent, of Utica, N. Y. A COSMOPOLITAN BODY. It was on the "Supreme Conncil," -and Mr. Lindsay said that they had in the Supreme Council 3 bank presidents, 6 physicians, S editors, 2 clergymen, 3 extensive jobbers and importers of goods, 4 brokers, lbook publisher, 2 officers of land companies, 6 manufacturers, 2 professors, 1 Lieutenant Governor, 2 ex judges, 1 acting judge and lawyers, goodness knows how many. The Supreme Council is made np of intelli gent men. Your interests are zealously and faithfully guarded. The great progress of our organization shows that wise men were the representatives and officers of the council. A man who had been in Congress 20 years told me that be had never seen a more conscientious body ot men tban tbe Supreme Council of the Boyal Arcanum. PaSt Grand Regent H. K. Lathy, of Phila delphia, responded to tho toast 'The Grand Council." He said: "I would like to say some thing of the members of the Grand Council, but I am afraid those present here would nut stand the test. True merit is always modest. If I would say anything of their makeup I would bring the blush to their cheek. JUDGE COLLIER'S SPEECH. Hon. F. H. Collier, Judge of Common Pleas Court, responded to the toast "Fra ternity:" "I am not one of those royal mystery fellows, nor of the secret mystery fellows either. I am too young to belong to the show. But if the Royal Arcanum or the Mystery Ar cannm means the fraternal beating of hearts, then I am not too young nor too old to be a member of such an organization. "If, as my predecessor has said, that you bad lawyers in tbe organization, then you have a lot of good fellows in it They always pay their dues, too, but wbere they get the money the Lord only knows. 'Why should it be a mysteryf Why should anything be a mystery that is founded on fra ternity, on benevolence and brotherly love? There is no reason why it should be a mystery. If you get all the judges and lawyers in the or ganization; if you get the poor men in also then you will have an Organization that is founded on tbe love of Christ. "How about the sisters? I heard a story about a man who went to a banquet and was given the toast "Women." He had just bad a spat with hi wife abont a little matter. He got np and said: 'Gentleman: Woman There's no living with her or withont her, eitberr If the Royal Arcanum does not at its next convention pass a law that all thebachelor members in it get married. If they refuse to do it, then they should be forever expelled from the organization." AWAY DOWN IN DIXIE. Colonel A. C. Tnppe, Past Grand Regent responded to "Our Southern Brother." He said: "While coming up to your city I met a man in the cars who was talking about your city. He said that the natural ga was playing out, and the first thing tbe people here would know the earth would just collapse and you would sink into the bowels of tbe earth. I am glad that I got bete on time and have the op portunity to speak to you before you go down with the collapse." , O. J. Kinzer, of Philadelphia, responded to tbe toast, "The Working Members." Major Chill W.'Hazzard, of Monongahela City, a member of the Grand Conncil of the order, responded to tbe toast, "The Press." He was presented with a gold-headed cane before beeinnine his speech. He said: "Sometimes a man is caught in a fix like that, but he feels a little gratification away down in his toes wben he is thus honored. I wish that somebody else who did not get a cane could respond to tbe toast better tban I can. Tbe press needs all the praise it can get and I can hardly doit justice. "Look what the first printing press has done. Why every family in Pittsburg can have a-Bible now. Yon may possibly find them in Utica, N. Y and Baltimore. They have also been cheap ened so mnch in cost that even every Jndge can have one. Wbata factor the press is! Look what an important part it plays in the history of the country's affairs. For instances tbe great war at Samoa. The newspapers fought the bat tles. There was nobody hurt, and everything passed of pleasantly. Everybody was satisfied. If every war could be fought by the press would it not be a grand thing for civilization? "Tbe press has also settled the matter 'Is mar riage atailure ?' I can Imagine how Adam sat down in the Garden of Eden and said: 'If I had been a single man, this would never have occurred!' " OFF FOE OKLAHOMA. Young Allcghenlans Lay Ont a Raro Trip of Adventure Down the Uiver, Armed to " Teeth and Toes. An exceedingly novel touring party will start out from Allegheny in about two weeks. It will consist of some half a dozen enterprising young Alleghenians, whose objective point is the Oklahoma reservation in Indian Territory. The leader is "William Winn, Jr., son of tho Allegheny City Hall elec trician. Although hardly of age, the young man has had more than an ordinary share of adventure, having spent a great portion of bis life In tbe West and on the Mississippi. Henry Crane, Charles Harman, Sam Fairlcy and William Rooney are the names of his com panions. Tbe party intends to go in a very peculiar and bold manner, namely, in a large open boat wltb a canvas canoe as tender, from here to Cairo, at the confluence ot tbe Ohio with the "Father of the Waters." camping out on the way down for the sake of the excitement of such a course. Accordlngto their calculations, they will arrive at Cairo near the end of May. They will then either tramp the remaining 400 miles to Oklahoma or continue down tbe river to Memphis and start out from there. If tbey like the surroundings, they will prob ably attempt to settle on the ground, expecting to arrive about tbe beginning of July. The entire party will eo well armed with Winchester rifles, revolvers and hunting knives, and will be equipped thoroughly otherwise, as tbey may winter on the plains, subsisting on the products of the chase as far as possible. SALVATIONISTS CALLED DOWN. The Citizens of the Twenty-fifth Ward Want to Get Rid of Them. The residents'of the Twenty-fifth ward are up in arms against the Salvation Army, and a petition is being gotten up by them which will be presented to Chief Brown in a day or two to suppress the army altogether, or else afford such police protection for the Jieoplo of the ward that they will not be mo. ested by the carryings on abont Salvation Army Hall. One of the citizens ot the ward, who lives on Sarah street in the Immediate neighborhood of tbe hall, said to a Dispatch reporter last night that the goings on In and around that place were simply disgraceful to a decent com munity of people. "Tbe youngpeople, and prldcipally those of the lower element of our ward," he said, "are attracten to abe place by the noise and music, and during the time the meetings are going on the orgies are perfectly horrible." Most of the respectable citizens have already signed tbe petition, and great hope was ex pressed last night that the alleged nnisance would be stopped. "What every wpmau wants at this time is a magazine that gives tbe latest fashion news, first-class fiction, and fine engravings. This is exactly what can be said for "Peter son" for April, , , . THE MINEES ENTER PB0TEST ' Against a "((III to Impose Anti-Flre-Bamp Machines on Them. A meeting of the Sawmill Rnn district coal miners was held in the public hailr3anks ville, on Tuesday, for the discussion Of the bill known as No. 212 in the Legislature. Hngh Leonard presided and George Bell acted as secretary. After a i nU discussion the following was nnammously adopted: Wrersas, There is a hill now before the Legis lature or Pennsylvania known as House bill No. 2tt the object of which la to Introduce a certain patented machine into all the coal mines of tbe State, ostensibly for the safety of the miners, but actually to enrich the patentee and tbe syndicate which Is backing him at the expense of the coal business; and as It is proposed to place it in mines where "Are damp" has never been known, and without the faintest shadow of an exense (as It certalulv cannot secure safety where there Is no danger); and as it cannot In practical operation relieve the TIre boss" from tbe duty of personal Inspection, and there are so many liabilities to accident to long lines of pipe In the mines that tbe miners could .never feel secureof their lives where Are damp," exists, except under the surety of personal examination and report by the "fire bojs." and it's use as pro- Eosed would Impose a heavy burden on tbe coal uslness, part or all of which we would htve to bear, with nothing to be gained, but with rather the liability to accident Increased; be it therefore Resolved, That we earnestly protest against the passage of mid bill, for the reason that no benefit can be derived irom It to the miners, either in safety or otherwise; and we retard It as an un warrantable tax imposed upon the coal trade to the benefit or those principally Interested in the passage of the blU; and it certainly is too auda cious an attempt at fleecing the operators and miners under the thin but specious guise of aid ing the miner: and we ask our representatives In the Legislature to do all they can, to prevent its passage. IT IS ENDED. Painters' Troubles Settled Withont a Fight Association In Dancer. The attempt of the Master Painters' As sociation to enforce the grading system or lock out their men has proven a failure. Treachery on the part of somo of the members s charged, and it can be definitely stated that tho organization will either be disbanded at the next meeting or lose a number of their members. Mr, L. E. Haid, a prominent painter of this city, and Secretary of the master painters' or ganization, is verv indignant He says the other members of tbe association did not respect their obligation. "When we organ ized," be said, "we all took an obligation to protect each other in wage troubles. I was autborized to issue the circulars on the grad ing system and notify the men that there wonld he no work for them if tbey did not accept it. Our proposition was rejected, and all shops should have closed on Monday, but tbey didn't. My men were not given employment because I thought tbe other members of the organiza tion would obey the order. A. member of the association, instead of closing his shop em ployed three of my best journeymen at the old wages. At the next meeting of tbe association I will tender my resignation, and I believe others will do tbe same?' The strike, or lockout, or whatever it may be called, is therefore ended, and the same wages as were paid last year, 35 cents per honr for nine hours' work, and full pay for eight hours' work on Saturday, will be continued. AN ODD 0DTIKG FOE IB0X, Tbe Central Traction Spends 883,000 of Its S90.000 for Castings Elsewhere. Some people feel that this thing of vast contracts for iron work leaving this city is as bad as seething a kid in its mother's milk; but there is one thing tolerably well demon strated and that is that local pride will rarely be f onnd strong enough to extract money from tho pocket in favor of home industry. The last contract to eo abroad is that for castings for tbe coke ovens of the great Hostetter plant. The price is just 1 cent a ponnd. Tbe castings for the Central Traction Railway cost $29 60 per ton, and this was thougbt to be very low; con siderably lower than they conld be had here, but bere is a case where the price is still 33 per cent lower. In this connection it mav be apropos to state that of the $90,000 worth of iron work in the Central Traction Railway's plant $83,000 is placed away from this city. Comment is su perfluous. - A EIDICULOUS EEP0ST. They Can't Make Steel Ont of a Bar of Pis Iron in a Puddling Furnace. The report that a bar of pig iron had been placed in a furnace at Muncie, Ind., and was converted into hard steel, caused a great deal of comment among iron and sCeel manufac turers here. The fuel used was natural gas. When Chairman Abbott of Carnegie, Pbipps & Co., heard of it he laughed and laughed very hard. He finally volunteered the information that snch a thing was absurd. Tbe report traveled all over the country, but Mr, Abbott said tbey had been using natural, gas In their furnaces for years and nothing of tbe kind ever occurred, and be does not believe it is possible. His opinion is worth something, and it is not likely that other mills can do what bas not been done at the greatest iron works in the country, the Union Iron and Steel plant. Wattes Advanced. Tbe stone masons of the two cities have re- ycelvcdan advance in wages and there will be no strike in that trade this year. They have been receiving 36 cents an hour and demanded 40 cents. Their employers promptly granted tbe advance demanded and there will not be any trouble. Boiler Sinkers Will Meet. The boiler manufacturers of Pennsylvania and Eastern and Western States will hold a meeting at the Hotel Anderson on April 16, to organize an advisory board of boiler manu facturers and establish a minimum price for steam boilers. Labor Notes. George Shaw, formerly of Zng & Co., will be the chief engineer at tbe Edith Fur naces. The crucible steel melting department at the Black Diamond Steel Works is closed, owing, it is said, to a lack of orders. The Hungarian wire drawers at Oliver & Roberts' mill, on the Southside, struck for an advance in waces, but all returned at the old wages yesterday. The coko trade is not good at present and operators are cutting prices. It is stated that furnace coke is selling at $1 10 a ton, which is 15 cents a ton less than the regular rate. HIS LATEST EEF0R1T. Ur. Ford Is Determined nis Men Shall Have No Privileges. A number of the "Western roads extend courtesies to the passenger agents of other lines. Tbis year they followed their usual custom.1 General Passenger Agent E. A. Ford, of tbe Pennsylvania Company, the chronic reformer and watch dog of the company's treasury, with characteristic vigor in such matters, has de termined to break up the practice. Not long ago he sent out a circular to his sub-agents, ordering them to send to him any such passes received and to report the names of the rail roads Issuing them. The agents, of conrse, had to obey. It is well known among railroad men that there is not a roan In tbe business who likes to travel better than Mr. Ford. He Is accused of taking a number of useless trips, and not" long ago he found It necessary to go to San Fran cisco to appoint a sub-agent there. SCALPERS TO BE FOILED. Hereafter the Roads Will Pay a Rebate on 1,000-Mllo Tickets. Very little scalping has been done in Pittsburg during the past year. The only ticket the scalpers can' make anything on nnder present regulations is the 1,000-mile tickets. The drummers who buy these tickets fre quently place them in the hands of scalpers wben they become bard up. To prevent this evil the railroads have decided that after the present supply of 1.000-mlle tickets Is used up they will Sell them for $30 instead of $2u. The name of the purchaser is recorded, and when tbe ticket bas rnn out he can seenre a rebate of $10 by presenting tbe cover of tbe book to any passenger agent. This rule, it is thought, will prevent tbe festive buyers of 1,000-mile tickets from placing them in the hands ot tbe scalpers. When a $40 ticket Is bought, a pho tograph of the bnver will be required for pur poses of identification. A EIGHT N0TEL TESTAMENT. Will of a Pauper Filed for Probate, With an Almshouse Heading. The will of Conrad Schlnrbach, written on a letter head of the Allegheny City Poor Farm, where Schlnrbach died, was filed' for probate yesterday. His estate, a small one, was left to his children. Henry Shellberwas appointed his executor and also nis undertaker. K0T A H0MI6IDE. Charles Monroe Shoots Belle Jones, a Former Lover, la the Back Tbe Girl U Not Dangerously Hart. Belle Jones, a temporary resident of the Yellow Row, oa Second avenue, was shot yesterday afternoon, about 1 o'clock, Ty Charles H. Monroe, one of her former lovers. Both persons are colored. Monroe was ar rested immedlatelyaftertheshootingby Officer Shaul, and taken to the Central station. He made no resistance, and did not seem to care whether he bad killed tbe girl or not. She was taken to the Homeopathic Hospital. Monroe talked to Inspector McAleese after his arrest He said ha bad fired three shots at the girl, bnt did not know how many had taken effect His story of tbe trouble was tbat Belle Jones had come to this city from Cleveland about two weeks ago. Monroe at tbat time was living with a woman named Alice Palmer, keeping bouse on Poplar alley. When Belie Jones came she was taken in charge by Will iam Christy, a friend of Monroe's, who brought her to Monroe's hovel. She began at once to ingratiate herself into Monroe's favor, and caused trouble be tween Monroo and Alice Palmer. About a week ago Monroe says he went home one night, and lonnd his clothes and those o,f Alice Palmer thrown ont into the street. He foresaw trouble, and thonght tbe best way out of it was to give the Cleveland girt money enough to take her back to ber former home. This he did the next day, and supposed she had gone, until yesterday he was told that she was still in town, and living at the house of Madame Brown, in the Yellow Row. Upon going there he met the girl on tbe sidewalk in front of the house. He asked her why she had not gone back to Cleveland as she had agreed, and he says she gave him a very exasperating reply. He drew a 22-caliber revolver and she turned and ran, be following and firing three shots at ber retreating figure as she turned into an al ley where she fell. The shots took effect in her back. Monroe is a dudlsh appearing young fellow, and when arrested woreahigh silk bat and fine clothes. He is 29 years ot age, and bas been employed as a waiter at a well-known boarding bouse in Allegheny. When tbe woman was examined at the Homeopathic Hospital it was found that each of the bullets had struck her, one on the left shoulder, one on the back between ber shoul ders, and tbe other just above tbe waist, near tbe middle of the back. Not one of them had penetrated tbo skin, and ber only injury is a slight soreness caused by the force of the bul lets, two of which were found inside her cor set. Tbe girl is an octoroon, and abont 20 years of age. Monroe is still in Central station and will have a bearing to-day. Belle Jones was not hurt very badly. Late last night she was resting without any pain, and she expects to be ont of the hospital to-day. WHEEL MEN MEET. They Had a Social Time In the Mononga bela House Parlors. The American Wheel Manufacturers Association met in the Monongahela House yesterday. About 14 delegates were present. Mr. Addison Bybee, of Indiana, is the Presi dent Secretary Knhn stated that the price list made at tbe Colnmbus meeting in January will bold for tbe year. They meeting yester day was more for social purposes than anything else. Trade was reported to be picking up all over the country. IIERY BEKGEK, Furniture and Carpet House, Liberty Stret, Corner Sixth Avenue. Contemplating buyers of reliable furni ture and carpets of the newest and most approved designs and patterns are cordially invited to look through our mammoth estab lishment "We are positive we can save buyers fully 20 per cent on an average in their purchases this spring, both in lurni ture and cai pets. H.ENKY Bergek, 642 and 644 Liberty St., cor. Sixth ave. Now Is Yonr Chance. Big chance for money. This is the week, to make money, for this is the last week of our clean-ont sale of clothing for men and boys. Big bargains this week in men's suits, pants, and in spring overcoats. Big bargains in children's suits and special bargains in suits for boys, in ages 14 to 18 years. If you want to make money bring your boys to the Hub this week. One price jind square dealing at the Bos ton Clothing House, 439 Smithfield street Tho Embroidered Robe Patterns at $3 And $2 SO are going with a rush come quick to get any of these extra bargains gingham counter. JOS. HOBNE & CO. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, Also gold-filled cases, nickel watches, etc., fine jewelry, chains, charms, secret society pins and charms, K. T. and 32 charms. AH at reduced prices. "Will re move April 1 to 420 Smithfield st its Jas. McKee, Jeweler. All Are Splendid. Try Marvin's royal fruit biscuit, ring snaps, Mrs. Harrison's inauguration cookies, and above all, don't forget orange blossom soda crackers. Tour grocer keeps them. TTS The Embroidered Robe Patterns at 82 And $2 50 are going with a rush come quick to get any of these extra bargains gingham counter. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. millinery Opening, Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22. E. S. Giles, 94 and 96 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. Ko well regulated household should be without Angostura Bitters, the celebrated appetizer. Latest Novelty Accordion Skirts Made to order at Parcels & Jones', 29 Fifth avenue. BIBER & EASTON. NEW SPRING COSTUMINGS. 40-inch French Side Band Suitings, self trimmings, only SOc a yard. 45-Inch Pure Mohair Suitings. 40-inch Henriettas at 63c Extra Satin Finish, 46-inch widths, 85c and $100. Silk Warp Henriettas, spring shades. Black Henriettas in all the numbers, from 85c to $2, the most perfect finished grades im ported. The most complete line of novelties and FANCY DRESS GOODS, All at attractive prices. Second shipment in Silks brings to us a spe cial bargain in a colored Satin Luxor, all the prevailintr shades, at 85c regular $1 goods. Fancy Stripe Surahs, for trimmings, at 85c Novel and stylish designs in India Silks. WRAPS, Cloaks and Suits. New and handsome effects for Ladies, Misses and Children. JACKETS. Stockinette, fair grade, for S3. High grade Jackets, $5 5JV $7. $9, S10. Bound Corkscrews and Wale Cloths, lined and unllned,with or without vests, $5, $7, $9, $12 to $16. Colored French. Cloth, Loose or Directolre Fronts, 19, $12, $16. Bead Wraps, all grades, from $3 to $40. Braided Silk and Cloth Mantles, $3 to $40. ' Nottingham. Swiss and Irish Point Curtains. Curtain Nets and Sash Draperies, neat and effective patterns, low range of cost. House Famishing Linens, Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels and Qnllts, tbe best values shown; underground prices. BIBER 2LEABTDN, AK ATOTIKnT.VritJTrjTT B"P n" " - 7 -v sihl9-Trsea I NEW IELIIF BEPAlTMESTrrr ' The Baltimore and OWo KaHroad Insurant Scheme Has Not Bees Killed by tho Maryland LlsiiitBre. ,. . A circular was received ia this city yes terday from Charles F. "Mayer, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, abont the new Belief Department of the road. The Officials here would not give a copy of the circular to anybody, but a Dispatch re porter succeeded in getting one. Iftfc head ed "Circular No. V and is addressed to tba members of the Baltimore and 'Ohio Employes Relief Association. It cites the fact of tho abolition of tbe association by the Maryland Legislature, which takes effect April L In order that the purposes of the associa tion may be carried ont, the Board of Directors have established a relief department which ia practically tbe same, as far asTurposes go, aa tbe present association. A great many of tho employes of tho company said they were) com pelled to join the association again their will, and succeeded In having the JLeglslaturo abolish it. The new association, the President claims, is not compulsory upon any of tba employes to join, but they will probably be told that it will be to their interest to do so. The object of the association is to provide a f and for the family of any employe who may Be dis abled or killed by accident. Wben an em ploye became a member of tbe association ha signed an agreement not to enter Suit against the company In case he was injured or allied, If he was killed his family could not sue & company on this account. Among the changes in the new association 1 the natural death benefit guaranteed members, which has been raised from $100 to $250. Tbo payment will be made only to the member's widow, children or nearest kin. Members who have received sick benefits for 12 weeks ot longer are permitted to resume work without a medical examination. None of the benefits can be attached for the navmpnt nf m.mSn'f debts. The limit of ten miles for free trans- jrviA mmvu vi t,ujucii hfcieutung aaiiy scnooi is removed. All other members of the family de pending upon the member for support can travel all over the lines at one-halt the regular rate. Any member of the association who be comes disabled by accident will be given a po sition he can acceptanly fill. No benefits will be paid for the first six working days of a mem ber's disablement by sickness. Of the $300; the natural death DeneQt, only $100 is guaranteed by the company. A Lectors on Goth and Hloslem. The Young People's Association of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church, will give a social and entertainment Friday evening. There will be a lecture by Rev. George Hodges, rec tor of the Calvary Church; subject "Tbe Goth and the Moslem as Concerned in the Over throw of the Roman Empire." JOB. HDRNE k ED.'B i . PENN AVENUE STORES. 2 SPRING NOVELTIES. SPRING NOVELTIES, "t ..: . -. Tfcr, ;T j iil ' --- t SPRING NOVELTIES. In our Cloak Room, this week, latest whims in imported Wraps, Mantles and ' Jackets, including many exclusive f styles. Misses', Children's and Infants' Out-. ' fits, the largest assortment we hava V " :j ever shown, medium to finest qualities. - ? More Paris Robe Dress Patterns the i' finest and most elegant we have ever imported. KID GLOVES. 3 , Spring shades, in both Suede and Kid Gloves, Jouvin, Alexandra and other best makes. Elegant novelties in Beaded and Metal Galloons now ready; fine black Crochet Trimmings; striking novelties in the large Directolre Buttons. HOSIERY. First of our spring importations . "cabla dye" fast black, fancy v striped . .- .1 Cotton and Lysle Hose; black and' colors In fine quality pure Silk Hosiery OUR NEW MILLINERY Show room and 100 Patters Spring Bonnets and Hats this week. 15 JOB. HDRNE i El U PENN AVENUE STORESS mm ,i-dt 1& Ti ji Eiiua-i-w k- " , V- . ui&ti tmski i:3..WEl. ' M-P-W!r"-l-n"s