Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 21, 1889, Image 1

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Who has a good article tQ sell, and who adver
tises vigorously and liberally. Advertising is
truly the life of trade. AU.enterprising and
judicious advertisers succeed.
Is the Height of Colonel New's
Ambition, and He is Soon
The Ford Delegation Presents Its
Claims to the Pittsburg P. 0.
Yesterday Was tbe Busiest Dav Yet nt tbe
White House Fred Grant Doesn't Get
tbe Chinese mission Blaine Accused of
Snubbing tbe Reporters singular Dif
ference of Opinion Between the Presi
dent and All of Those lie Appoints to
Office Bin. Cleveland's Omaha Prop
erty Not as Valuable ns It Was Vice
President DIorton makes His First
Parliamentary Break.
President Harrison insisted on Colonel
John C. Hew accepting an office. Mr. 2Tew
declared he didn't want one, but the Presi
dent again insisted, and 2ew was over
persuaded. He declared he wanted none
with frills, though, and he was accommo
dated with the Consul Generalship to Lon
don. Pittsburg friends of Mr. Ford are in
"Washington, urging that gentleman's claims
for the postmastership. He hasn't got it
yet, though. The rnsh for office yesterday
was the biggest of the season or of any
season. Mr. Blaine is accused of snubbing
"Washixgtok, March 20. When John
C.lfew came to "Washington last Friday
night the President had not offered him any
office, aud Mr. Xew of course had not asked
for one. On Saturday afternoon they went
out to ride together, and after they had
passed out of town into the country, the
President said:
"John, I want to give you an appoint
ment in the diplomatic service, something
first class. "What do you want?"
"I don't want anything," replied Mr.
2Jew. "I am not an aspirant for any office,
and I did not come here for that purpose.
All I have to ask of you is that you will
take care of some of our friends who have
been working in your interest under my
direction and expect to be paid for it now
that you are President. I feel rather re
sponsible for them myself, and if they don't
get something they will blame me."
Everybody to be Taken Care Of.
"They will be taken care of," answered the
President, "but I must do something for
you. I know that yott are not-after an
office, but you must accept one, for if you
do not your friends will believe me guilty
of the grossest ingratitude. I want to send
you abroad."
"Well, if I am to be exiled," replied Col
onel 2few, good-naturedly, "may I select
the prison I am to occupy?"
"You may have anything you want," was
the answer.
If I go abroad, I would prefer a place
where there is a little business, just enough
to occupy my time, and no frills. I don't
want you to put me where I will have many
social obligations, where I will have to
spend all my money in entertaining. I
don't want to live in a swallow-tail coat"
After a little more talk it was determined
that Mr. Xew should be made Consul Gen
eral to Iondon, where there is much money
and no frills, and his nomination was sent
to the Senate to-day. He will be promptly
confirmed, and without objection.
The Plttabnrg Postmastership.
It is probable that some understanding
will soon be reached in regard to the office
of postmaster of Pittsburg, as the friends
of the two gentlemen who are recognized as
the leading candidates are pressing for some
answer which will set the matter at rest.
Senator Quay makes no secret of the fact
that he and his friends in Pittsburg desire
the appointment of Mr. James S. McKean.
Of course, Mr. Quay, having been con
stantly on the ground, has not failed to pre
sent good arguments to the President and
Postmaster General in support of Mr. Mc
Kean. This morning a strong delegation arrived
in the city representing the interests of Mr.
Ford. It was composed of Hon. John Dal
zell and Messrs. Harry W. Oliver, "William.
Flinn and George Ton Bonnhorst They
were accompanied by Mr. Ford.
Quay Seen, but the President Missed.
During the 'morning they called upon
Senator Quay and had a chat with him in
regard to the situation. Then they called
on the First Assistant Postmaster General,
Mr. Clarkson, Mr. Wanamaker having gone
to Philadelphia on account of the death of
a relative. After that they called at the
"White House, but the lateness of the hour
prevented their seeing the President, and
that pleasure was deferred until to-morrow.
It is their purpose to present the whole
matter to the President, laying special
stress upon the action of Pittsburg Coun
cils in- support of Mr. Ford. It is inferred
from this that the visits to Senator Quay
and Mr. Clarkson did not result in any ar
rangement of the nomination satisfactory to
the visiting delegation. In so far as Mr.
Clarkson is concerned, that gentleman
would express no opinion touching the con
troversy In the absence of Mr. "Wanamaker.
An Unusually Brlak Day.
Business was unusually brisk at the
"White House to-day. There were more
visitors there to-day on business than on
any previous day of the-present administra
tion. Delegations from "Washington formed
the major portion of the crowd. One of
these, composed of colored men ana Headed
by Mr. Fred Douglas, recommended the ap
pointment of ex-BepresentativeHazelton as
a Commissioner of the District of Columbia.
Another colored delegation secured an
audience with the President and asked for
the appointment of Mr. Perry Carson as
Becorder of Deeds in "Washington.
Secretaries Blaine and "Windom were
among the President's earliest callers.
Among those who called with friends were
Senator Piatt, Representative "Wade, .Sena
tors Stewart and Jones, Senators Mitchell
and Dolph, Senator Farwell and Bepresen
itiTe Peters, other callers-were Senators
ssMssi- . . .. jj, .AW-qAr. i. "jirjja 'Ar.fa.. J'it iif' i wL.,t JjsAwjfilsffi3cf r r"lrff i' Tfsfe&' -Vr :'-sa!itiMsBiJihi iiBilafesfrssasssMSBasis
Evartj, Hale, Hansom, Spooner, Plumb,
Sawyer, Representatives Cannon, Grosvenor,
Herman, Bayne and Kelley, Mr. Justice
Miller and Private Dalzell. . Senator His
cock, accompanied by Mr. Hamilton. Har
ris and Judge Drap'er, of Albany, had an
interview with the President about noon.
A public .reception was held in the East
room at 1 o'clock.
The New Secretary ofState Not at All Ac
cesslblo or Democratic.
"Washington, Marsh 20. Some parti
san 'newspapers have evolved from their
own imaginations the interesting discovery
that snobbery prevailed around the Depart
ments during the late administration, and
has now entirely disappeared, being re
placed by Republican simplicity of the most
marked character.all the Cabinet officers be
ing as approachable as country postmasters.
Most of the members of the Cleveland Cab
inet could not well have made themselves
more accessible than they did, unless they
had taken their places on street corners.
How free the present heads of Departments
are from officailism mayJeinferredfrom)the
fact this afternoon a newspaper correspon
dent went to the State Department a little
alter 3 o'clock, and was stopped in the base
ment corridor and required to wait while
his card was sent up stairs. The card was
for Mr. "Walker Blaine, and in due time
the reply came down that Mr. Blaine was
engaged and would remain engaged for some
Dunne the nearly eight years since Mr.
Blaine was last Secretary of State, no news
paper correspondent has been compelled to
wait in the basement while his card was
taken up stairs, and no newspaper corres
pondent has been denied a prompt inter
view with the First Assistant Secretary of
State. Of course the Secretary himself was
often busy and excused himself, but Mr.
Davis, Mr. Porter, and Mr. Hives never re
fused to see a newspaper correspondent
within five minutes.
A few days ago a correspondent person
ally acquainted with Secretary Blaine, and
representing here one of the most important
Republican papers, found very great dif
ficulty in getting the Secretary's messenger
to take his card in, and when he did so re
turned with the answer that the Secretary
was very much engaged. He had carelessly
left the door open so wide that the owner of
the card could see that the Secretary was
entirely alone and was not engaged with the
papers on his desk.
A Glance nt One of the Perverse Features
"of a Political Life.
Washington, March 20. The perverse
ness of things political is forcibly illustrated
by some of President Harrison's appoint
ments to important offices. The subjoined
schedule shows the wide difference of opin
ion existing between the President and the
illustrious gentlemen named as to the needs
of the public service or the general fitness of
things. The name of each applicant is fol
lowed first by the office to which he aspired,
and then by that which the President con
cluded was about his size:
Jere Rusk Secretary of War Secretary of
Thomas W. Palmer Secretary of Agricul
tureMinister to Spain.
Benjamin F. Tracy Attorney General Sec
retary of thD Navy,
James S. Clarkson Secretary of the Interior
First Assistant Postmaster General.
S, A, Whitfield First Assistant Postmaster
General Second-Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral General George S. Batchellor Minister to
Turker Assistant Secretary General of the
Whitelaw Beid Minister to England Minis
ter to France.
John C. New Secretary of the Treasury
Consul General to London.
William Walter Phelps Minister to France
Samoan Commissioner.
Fred D. Grant Minister to China Minister
to Austria.
Cyrus Bussey Consul General to Liverpool
Assistant Secretary of the Interior.
J. Granville Leach Minister to Sweden
Appraiser at Philadelphia.
Eucene Schuyler Minister to Italy First
Assistant Secretary of State.
Walker Blaine First Assistant Secretary of
State Examiner of Claims.
Joseph N. Tyner First Assistant Postmaster
General Assistant Attorney General for the
Postoffice Department.
Mrs. Cleveland's Omaha Property Worth
$100,000 Less Than It Wns.
"Washington, March 20. Secretary
"Windom has been asked to withhold his
approval of the report of an agent of the
Treasury Department sent to Omaha some
time ago to select a site for the Government
building in that city. It appears that this
gentleman has reported in favor of the pur
chase of a plot of ground a part of which
belongs to tbe estate of Grandpa Folsom,
and of which Mrs. Cleveland is one of the
principal heirs. The property is valuable,
but not so valuable, according to the opin
ion of the Omaha objectors, as to warrant
the price asked for it, nor is it considered
tbe best site for the building, but at least
two others, more advantageously located,
have been offered for less money.
Mr. "Windom will not approve the pur
chase until he has made a further investi
gation. The Omaha people aver that the
price agreed upon by the Treasury agent is
at least $100,000 more than the property is
He is Guilty of a blip of the Tongue, bnt
"Tls a Little One.
"Washington, March 20. Vice Presi
dent Morton made his first break as presid
ing officer to-day. It was v mere slip of the
tongue, however, and will hardly be counted
against him. "When Captain Bassett, in his
ventriloquist voice announced, "A message
from the President," and Ihe bearer of the
package bowed and said, 'Mr. President,"
the new presiding officer was confused for a
moment and replied, '"Mr. Pruden."
Quickly recovering himself, he added,
"Jilr. Secretary," and only two or three
Senators noticed the occurrence.
Internal Revenue Commissioner miller Bids
His Old Employes Goodby.
"Washington, March 20. Mr. Joseph
S. Miller, Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, to-day took a formal leave of the
employes of his bureau, with whom he is
very popular. All the clerks in the bureau
called upon him and paid their respects,
and he was the recipient of a number of
floral tributes.
His successor in office, Mr. John "W.
Mason, has received 'his commission, and
will to-morrow enter upon tbe discharge of
his official duties
Another Victim of tbe Inauguration.
"Washington, March 20. Ex-Congressman
Peter Paul Mahoney, of the Fourth
Congressional district, Brooklyn, is lying
dangerously ill at the Arlington Hotel in
this city. Mr. Mahoney is another sufferer
from "Washington inauguration weather.
Two Important Political Obligations Can
celedThe Son of Ills Father Goes
to Austria, and Hie Son's
Father to London.
"Washington, March 20. Among the
appointments sent to the Senate to-day the
following were the most important:
Frederick D. Grant, of New York, to be En
voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten
tiary of tho United States to Austria-Hungary;
John C.Uew, of Indiana, to be Consul General
of the United States at London; Paul Frlcke,
of Texas, to be Marshal for the Western .dis
trict of Texas; Seligman Brothers, of London.
England, to be special fiscal agents of the
Navy Department at London. .
Frederick D. Grant, who was to-day nomin
ated to be Minister to Austria-Hungary, is the
eldest son of General Grant. He 6 39 j ears of
age. Jle accompanied his father during the
war, and was In five battles before he was 13
years old. He entered the military academy in
1SG7, and was at one time Lieutenant Colonel on
Lieutenant General Sheridan's staff. He was
a Lientenantof the Fourth Cavalry, when he
resigned from tho army In 1S76, having seen
much active service in Indian campaigns.
While in tho servico he married Miss IdaHo
nore, daughter of an old citizen of Chicago, and
has two children, a boy and a girL Colonel
Grant accompanied his father on a part of bis
tonr aronnd tho world, and assisted in the
S reparation of his "Personal Memoirs." Since
leneral Grant's death, Colonel Grant has re
sided with his mother and cared for her es
tate. John Chalfant New, of Indiana, who was
nominated to be Consul General to London, is
53 years of age. He is a native Hoosier and a
graduate of Bethany College, Virginia. He
served during the war as Quartermaster Gen
eral for the State of Indiana, and before that
time had been clerk of Marion county. His
financial record includes service as Financial
Secretary to Governor Morton, of Indiana,
Cashier and President of the First National
Bank of Indianapolis, United States Treasurer,
and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Since
his resignation of the last named office, in 1884,
he has been actively engaged in politics, being
at present a member of the Republican Na
tional Committee and ex Chairman of the Rc
Eubllcan State Committee of Indiana. In 1S79
e became proprietor of the Indianapolis
Journal, and has conducted tbe affairs of that
newspaper with marked ability up to tbe
E resent time. Colonel New's family consists of
is wife, son Harry S. New and two young
Plates Made for Vessels Four Feet Too
Short for a Flu
"Washington, March 20. It has been
discovered that the large 16-foot bending
rolls supplied to the Norfolk Navy Yard for
use in the construction of the Texas do not
meet the requirements of the contract, in
that the rolls are made to be adjusted by
hand instead of by steam power. The con
tractors are now altering the rolls, to make
them conform to the terms of the contract.
After the rolls were purchased it was found
their capacity was limited to 16-foot plates,
while the bottom plates of the Texas are 20
feet in length.
This mistake was made in the Norfolk
Navy Yard, but it will not materially delay
the construction of the Texas, as the rolls
can be used for a large range of work, and
20-foot rolls can be procured by the time
they are needed, which will be at least six
months hence.
The Position Ho Is to Have Will Not be Va
cant for Awhile. .
"Washington, March 20. Secretary
"Windom is said to be authority for the
statement that there will he no change in
the office of United States Treasurer, now
held by Mr. J. W. Hyatt, before the end of
the present fiscal year, June 30.
It is understood that Mr. Joseph N.
(.Huston, of Indiana, has been.promised the-
uuicc wuea n uecomes vacant.
Falls to Secure the Intervention of the
Pardoa Board Tbe Cases of Ed
ward Slattery and Edward
Coyle Not Acted Upon.
Habbisbubg, March 20. The Board of
Pardons to-night sealed the fate of Mrs.
Sarah Jane Whiteling, of Philadelphia,
who murdered her husband and two chil
dren within three months by means of
poison for the purpose of obtaining the in
surance on their lives, by passing unfavor
ably on her application for the commuta
tion of the death penalty to imprisonment
for life. The action of the board
was largely due to the letters
of Judge Allison, who tried the
case, and District Attorney Graham, of
Philadelphia, setting forth that the woman
was fairly convicted, and that there was
nothing in her plea of insanity, District
Attorney Graham referred to her as a
Lucretia Borgia. The murderess will be
hanged on Thursday of next week, unless
the Governor should interrupt the execu
tion by granting her a respite, which is
highly probable in view of the nearness of
the time for the hanging.
The board held the caseNif Samuel John
son, the murderer of John Sharpless, under
Pardons were recommended in the follow
ing" cases: John B. Hughes, aggravated
assault and battery, Clearfield county, sen
tenced May 9, 1888, to two years in the
"Western Penitentiary. John Powell,
felonious assault and battery, sentenced
May 10, 1883t to nine years in the peniten
tiary. Beading B. Burns, attempting to
blow up a building, Crawford, sentenced
Februarp 28, 1887, lo three years in the
The case of Edward Slattery. sentenced
March 27, 1886j to six years in the peniten
tiary, was continued until the April meet
ing. ,
No action was taken in the case of Ed
ward Coyle, murder in the second degree,
and "William Cook, burglary, Allegheny.
Terrible Season of Famine Among the In
habitants of Northern China.
Washington, March 20. The United
States Consul General at Shanghai has in
formed the State Department, at the re
quest of the Shanghai committee of the North
China Belief Fund, of the distresses exist
ing over a large area of China. Thousands
are starving and dying from 'exposure in
Northern China. Belief has already been
received from America and England, but
more is needed.
Until the spring crops are gathered the
famine will continue, and to insure the
spring planting money is required from
abroad, as in the famine districts there is
neither seed nor money to purchase it. It
is stated that the relief, to be effective, must
continue -until next June, carrying a limited
number quite through the season of want,
Sliners Returning- From the Santa Clare
Fields Greatly Disgusted.
Denvee, Col., March 20. There passed
through Denver last evening a, party of re
turned Californians who have had an expe
rience with the boom in the southern partof
the State, and who have been boomed 'in
stead of being boomers.
There were over 125 of them, all of whom
were loud in their denunciation of the im
position that had been practiced upon them
regarding the alleged find of gold. Others
are expeetedtc- pan through here-to-morrow.
Has a Will of Her Own and Knew
"Who She Wanted to Marry.
The Senatlonal Elopement of the Chief
Justice's Daughter.
Tbe Fair Girl's Elder Bister Eefnscs to Believe Any
t Each Thin?.
The elopement of Pauline, the youngest
daughter of Chief Justice Fnller, with
a dashing Chicago young man, has .caused
a social sensation. The bride's family were
very much opposed to the match, and her
sister declined to believe the story. The
groom's father objects only to the manner
oi the proceedings. The young couple are
confident that they will eventually receive
the parental blessing.
Chicago, March 20. Pauline Fuller,
the 19-year-old daughter 'of the Chief Justice
of the United States Supreme Court, was
married in Milwaukee last night to J. Matt
Aubrey, Jr., the 21-year-old son of the gen
eral western agent of the Merchants'
Dispatch fast freight line of this city. Con
siderable romance attaches to the courtship
and marriage.
Three years ago young Aubrey met Miss
Fuller at one of the receptions of the Carle
ton Club. From that time Aubrey was a
devoted lover of the dashing brunette. He
called regularly at her pretty home in the
south division and took heron long evening
walks along the lake shore and into the
south parks.
Chief Justice Fuller, who was then a
prominent member of the bar of this city,
didn't look upon young Aubrey with much
favor, and it is said even went so far as to
attempt to discourage the courtship. Aub
rey, however, was persistent in his atten
tions. He won the big lawyer over to his
side, but he had .'no sooner accomplished
this great piece of diplomacy than he found
a violent and uncompromising opponent in
Mrs. Fuller.
The lovers met just the same, however,
and when theFullers moved to Washington J
Aubrey was in constant correspondence
with Pauline. The girl evidently" cared
little for the society of high official life, for
on January 1 she papked her trunks and
came to Chicago for a visit. She went first
to the home of William L. Ogden, in
Thirty-fifth street, where she remained a
month. Then she went to visit pretty
Mamie Cozzens, where she .remained until
March 1, when she went to visit Hattie
Smith, on Grand Boulevard,
On Sunday last Pauline announced that
she intended to return to Washington and
should leave Wednesday afternoon on the
Fort Wayne road, and asked several of her
young friends to be at the station to bid her
good-by. Yesterday morning Pauline told
the Smiths that she would spend the after
noon with a Miss May, who lives on the
northside and.tbat she expected to return to
supper. If BheJio'n't,howeTer,''therSmiths
were not toA be alarmed, as she would have
an escort home in tbe evening. She left at
1 o'clock and when Miss Smith awoke this
morning, Pauline was still absent
The story of the elopement of the young
pair is an interesting one, and demonstrates
that young Aubrey has cut his eye teeth.
To begin with, he hired two detectives to
shadow him and his affianced until they left
Chicago. His object was to learn if anyone
was following them and to prevent the
young lady being rescued. It was early
yesterday afternoon when he met Miss
Fuller, and a Chicago candy store was the
tiysting place. They boarded a Milwaukee
and St. Paul train at the Union depot at
3:30 o'clock, and went direct to Milwaukee,
where they were married by a Justice of the
A dispatch from Milwaukee gives addi
tional particulars concerning the eloping
couple, as follows:
The marriage last night of Miss Paulina
Fuller, fifth daughter of Chief Justice
Fuller, and J. M. Aubrey. Jr., both of Chi
cago, at the Kirby House, in this city, by a
Justice of the Peace, has been the subject of
much gossip here to-day. Young Aubrey
formerly lived in Milwaukee, and has many
friends here who called to extend congratu
lations, and before noon he had received at
least 30 telegrams of congratulations from
friends in Chicago and elsewhere.
Mrs. Aubrey remained quietly in the
hotel all day, and her husband says they
may remain here for a few days, until he
can arrange a house for his bride in Chi
cago, where he has a position in the office of
his father, a freight line agent.
"No, I haven't heard from Washington
yet," he said to-night, "In fact there has
hardly been time. Oh, I think the matter
will be settled all right, for I think my
wife's father will look at it in a sensible
way. He is a sensible man, very."
"How lone do you expect to remain in
"A couple of days, at least. I had en
gaged no house before we came away, and I
really don't know where we shall live
further than that it will be in Chicago. I
have a great many friends here in Mil
waukee, as I lived on Mason street for a
lone time, but my wife has no Milwaukee
acquaintances." '
Mr, Aubrey interrupted his chat with a
gleeful laugh, and referring to the story
that he had employed Pinkerton detectives
to assist in tbe escape of himself and his
bride from Chicago, said: "I had protec
tion, but it was not furnished by Pinkerton
men. You see I knew well enough that we
were old enough not to require anybody's
consent to our marriage, but I was closely
watched, and took every precaution. You
know, when a detective wants to hold a
man, he can easily trump up something
that will delay him long enough to spoil all
his plans."
Mr. Aubrey, armed with a big cane, went
out to see some of his acquaintances and was
pointed out to an admiring crowd of
loungers about the hotel corriders as the
man who ran away with the Chief Justice's
daughter. Frank Cole, the clerk at the
hotel, said: "I have assisted in marrying
a great number of couples, many of them
verv fashionable people, since I have been
in the hotel business, but this one beats
them all. Yes sirrec, this is a corker."
Mr. Cole could not have looked happier
had he been the bridegroom himself.
Mrs. Aubrey preferred not to be inter
viewed, but a glimpse was caught of her as
she passed along the corridor to her room.
She is precisely five feet five inches in
height, and has a great abundance of chest
nut brown hair, which, curling around her
face and neck, makes a very pretty frame
for a very pretty face. Her eyes are gray
anda thoughtful and her nose decidedly
Her lips are inclined to Jie full, and the
general character expressed by her face is of
resolute firmness, which would countenance
but little opposition to any plan which she
has made up her mind to. Her figure is
excellent, her hands and feet albeit she is
from Chicago are small, and, her tailor
made traveling suit unexceptionable in -fit
and style.
An amusing feature of the interview was
the fact that Mr. Aubrey almost invariably
spoke of his wife as "Miss Fuller," and
would then look a little confused at not
having become quite accustomed to his new
relation to her, and correct himself by say
ing "Airs. Aubrey"
Young Aubrey's parents, have not been
opposed to to the match, he says, and he an
ticipates no trouble from them. He is also
sanguine that his wife's parents will be re
conciled to the marriage now that it has
taken place.
J. Ml Aubrey, Sr., father of the young
man who eloped with the daughter of Chief
Justice Fuller, was found this afternoon at
Ihe headquarters of the Merchants' Dispatch
Transportation Company and asked what
he had to say in relation to the escapade.
He replied: "I do not know that I desire to
say anything. It kind of took the breath
out of me. We did not know anything
about it until we received a telegram from
our son this morning notifying us that he
was married. The telegram arrived before
we were out of bed this morning. That was
the first intimation we had of the affair. Of
.course we knew that he was paying attention
to Miss Fuller, and has been for the last
two years, but we object to this way of doing
"Had you any objections to the marriage
in itself?"
I do not knnxr whv we should have. As
far as Miss Fuller is concerned she is
a beautiful girl, and of course everybody
knows the family, but we did object to the
way in wnich it was done. I know of no
other reason why we should object, except
that he is my only son, and we have objec
tion also on the ground that they are so
young. "We have got but one boy. and we
felt we could not part with 'our boy as well
as the Chief Justice could with his daugh
ter. He has so many left,"
A dispatch from Washington says: The
,Chief Justice occupied his seat as usual on
the bench to-day, and Mrs. Fuller was out
shorjDlnrv llnrintr ihf fnrpnnon. Tt is f said
that they received a telegram this morning
;from friends in Chicago announcing their
aaugnter s elopement, but it seems proDaDie
',that their first intimation of the marriage
jCame from newspaper sources, asMissMaud
Fuller, one of the Chief Justice's older
daughters, when seen by a reporter, ex
pressed surprise at what she was told, and
-said she did not believe Pauline had
' The family are evidently very much an-
jnoyea at Miss famine's action. Jtntnew-
f'eryiew referred to above, Miss Maud Ful
er said:
I don't believe It I don't believe Pauline
would do anything like that. Anyway, if she
intended to get married she would have told us
so. is o, we haven't received any word from ner
- J' SorBc2?!SK
.would let us know if she had "been married.
nd I don't believe it at alL Perhaps Pauline
used to be a little fond of Mr. Aubrey, but
that was all over.I think, long ago. I never
knew ot their being engaged, and Pauline and
Mr. Aubrey were just frienos and have been
'for years. I shall not believe that Pauline Is
married until I shall hear it from herself.
Miss Pauline is not well known in Wash
ington. She came here last October and
only stayed i about two and a half months,
making but few acquaintances. She is only
19 years old, and left the city before the
social season had fairly pommenced, it be
ing her intention not to make her debnt un
til next winter. She was fond of thetheater
and could frequently be seen at the two
leading play houses.
Her most intimate friend in Washington
I was Miss Eleanor Breckinridce. daughter
yTofr-rthegentucky.- Congressman. She did
not seem to like Washington and frequently
expressed her desire to be back in Chicago.
The elopement overshadowed all other
topics of conversation in social circles here
and much sympathy was expressed for Mrs.
West Virginia Republicans Will Not Obey
Governor Wilson's Call for an Extra
SessIon-'-Tbere Slay be Some
Lively Times In tbe Future.
Chableston, W. Va., March 20. It is
reported here to-day that tbe Bepublican
members of the Legislature have entered
into an agreement, after a thorough canvass
of the political situation, to refuse to obey
the call of Governor "Wilson for an extra
session of tbe Legislature, on the grounds
that he is not the lawful Governor of the
State, and is therefore without authority to
issue such a call. This determination has
reached the ears of the Democrats and
kicked up a immense hubbub.
While the Democrats have one majority
in the House, they are two in the minority
in the Senate, and they are busy to-night
arranging to combat this new move of the
opposition. It is likely, shonld the Re
publicans refuse to respond to the call, that
the Sergeant at Arms will be sent to arrest
them at their homes, and this might easily
precipitate trouble.
The Btronsest Term In tbe Charges Against
the Penitentiary Management.
rrnou a staff coheispondent.
, Habbisburg, March 20. The charges
made against the management of the West
ern Penitentiary do not amount to embezzle
ment. Misappropriation of funds is the
strongest term used, and perhaps the
charge will dwindle to extravagance in ex
penditure. Unless the charges alleged to
have been made are formulated between now
and Monday next, the bill for the appropri
ation of 570,000 tor the work of construction
at the penitentiary will, Mr. Graham says,
pass, and with Chairman Dearden's consent.
The friends of Mr. Dearden claim he was
justified in taking the position he did, if
charges were pending, and say if every
thing is known no one will be disposed to
blame him for his careful guard ot the State
The Colonics If ivo tbe Warmest Regard for
tho United States.
San Fbancisco, March 20. Among the
passengers on the last steamer from Austra
lia was W...G. Griffin, American Consul at
Sydney. Speaking' particularly of New
South Wales, he says the colonists there
now have the warmest feelings for Ameri
cans, and desire to form closer trade rela
tions with thiscountry.
They are more Americans than English
in business, matters, and in fact have
adopted as nearly as possible American sys
tem of conducting their public institu
A Kentuckion's Desperate Attempt to. Es
enpo Being Arrested.
Louisville, March 20. Near Beatty
ville, Leo county, Saturday, Bob Powell
shot and killed Ueputy Sheriff Albert Mc
Clancy. A warrant had been placed in the
hands of Sheriff Walker Jamison for Pow
ell's arrest, and with McClancy, he wentto
Powell's house to serve it After McClancy
was shot, Jamison got the drop on Powell
and captured him. Powell is in jail at
Beattvville. Powell hatf long been known
as a uesperaao.
Legislators, Having Settled the VexeS
Question of Adjournment,
Senator Delamater, as Well as Everybody
" Else, Wins a Tietory, and
That the lavmaiers Will Quit HarrMrar? About April
25 is How a Settled Fact
A truce has been effected and the rival
factions atHarrisburg are once more at
tending to business, instead of, fighting
each other. Senator Delamater is likely to
have his way, and the date of final adjourn
ment will not be much, if any, later
than April 25. Ihe proposition to tax
alien laborers was fruitlessly discussed in
the House. Important amendments were
added to the bill for the equalization of
taxes. Representative Bobison introduced
bills regulating the assessment and collec
tion of taxes in third-class cities.
Habbisbtbg, March 20. Peace has
spread itself over things, political and leg
islative ,at the State Capitol, and rival
chieftains drink from the same canteen in
the fashion of comrades. The battle ax will
not be dng up as was threatened, the slogan
is hushed before it had welt sounded. Yale,
discordjhail, harmony. Senator Beyburn
stood his ground stubbornly. Senator Del
amater could not move him, and a telegram
he is said to have received from under the
shadow of the dome of the Capitol at Wash
ington was equally fruitless. He had taken
the position that it was impossible to ad
journ at the time specified in the resolu
tion. Having secured the reference of that im
portant piece of legislation to his commit
tee, he was prepared to fight in the open
Senate to retain it, on the ground that the
discharge of his committee from further
consideration of it would be equivalent to a
direct vote of want of confidence. Senator
Beyburn felt strongly on the subject Sen
ator Delamater went quietly to work yester
day, and this morning he knew that he
could take the resolution out oi the commit
tee and pass it by a handsome majority.
But he didn't
With victory in his grasp, he exercised
his power with wise magnanimity. The
resolution to adjourn on April 23 is yet in
the hands of the Appropriation Committee
of the Senate. By mutual agreement that
committee will give it fair and honest con
sideration, and will report it back to the
Senate within a reasonable time. It seems
to be generally agreed that, when the com
mittee returns the resolution, the date it
fixes for adjournment will not be much
later than the time desired by Senator Dela
mater. There is an easier feeling all around
because of -the settlement Had the matter
been fought to a finish, party success in
November' would have been jeopardized.
The loregoing- -is jhe nappy view taken
Senator Beyburn. was asked if he considered
himself a victor.
it's evebybody's vtctoby.
"I wouldn't say that," he said. "I have
won my point, and the committee will give
the matter proper consideration. It we find
we can dispose of the business Defore us and
go home we will report the resolution un
amended. If not, we will make the date
just as early as we can, consistent with the
proper discharge of our duties. "We don't
want to repeat the farce-of two years ago."
One phase of the large amount of "har
mony that has so suddenly developed in an
official form, is the positive declaration of
each side that whatever honors nave been
carried off have been won by it With each
thoroughly convinced that it is victorious,
there can be no reason for either side to fall
out with the other. Senator Upperman said
to-night that it was doubtful whether Sen
ator Delamater could have carried his point
if he had pressed it
"A man does not usually yield a point he
can win," he said.
"Unless," it was suggested, "a victory
might be more costly than concession."
rtI think," responded Senator Upperman,
"that he wanted to win."
Senator McLain would have voted to-day
against Senator Delamater, because of the
defeat of his bill to tax oil and gas leases.
Senator Allen, who voted with Senator
Delamater before, admits' he would have
voted with Senator Beyburn to-day. This,
though, is in some measure independent of
the merits ofadjonrnment The Senate
having referred the, question to the Appro
priations Committee, Senator Alien felt
bound to stand by that action, especially as
he is a member of the committee. Senator
Lines would also have deserted, and Senator
Grady had made it convenient to have leave
of absence for the day. Notwithstanding
these defections, it is claimed Senator Dela
mater could have mustered a majority of
respectable proportions.
A Pension Fund tor Firemen Wanted, Alio
a Hospltnl Appropriation. '
Habbisbubg, March 20. Delegates of
the State Firemen's Association were here
to-day to press in the Senate the passage of
the bill giving 1 per cent of the State tax
onfire insurance premiums to cities and
boroughs. The intent Is not stated in the
bill, but the tax is to form a basis for a pen
sion fund for disabled firemen.
Joseph B. Scott and Joseph Albree were
before the Appropriations Committee to-day
to urge an appropriation for the indebted
ness of the West Penn Hospital.
Railroad Stock Limited.
Habbisbubg, March 20. Senator
Cooper's bill prescribing the amount of
stock and bonds which may be issued by
railroad companies hertofore or hereafter
consolidated, was amended to-day to exclude
such railroads as are not parallel or corn
net in cr lines. It will pass in that shape.
The limit is $150,000 of stock and J150.000 of
bonds per mile.
Miners' Hospital Commission.
Habbisbubg, March 20. The following
nominations by the Governor were con
firmed to-day: David Cameron, of Wells
boro; H. D Tate, of Bedford: John J.
Spearman, of Sharon; J. M. Beed, of,
Fayette; James P. Coburn, Center, and
Samuel H French, of Pittsburg, to locate
the bituminous coal miners' hospital.
The Arbitration Bill Is Favored.
Habbisbubg, March 20. The Commit
tee on Labor and Industry favorably recom
mends the bill to establish a State Board of
Arbitration. The bill provides that one
member be appointed by employers, one by
employes anatue tnira pytnose two.
t,MMn3lSSai1itaueii to-day-that on Friday
Bills Providing for Assessors and School
Controllers In Third-Class Cities.
TTABBTSBUBG.March 20. Bepresentative
Bobison to-day introduced a bill providing
for a collector of delinquent taxes in cities
of the third-class, and also & bill providing
for a Board of Assessors in cities of tbe
third-class; the board to consist of three
persons, who shall make all valuations for.
city and school -purposes, and equalize the
same from time to time. Their terms and
compensation snail be fixed by ordinance.
They shall divide property into three classes
agricultural, suburban and city agricul
tural being property devoted to agricultu
ral purposes: suburban bein? property de
voted to gardening purposes ox situated in
tne rural districts and used tor any otner pur
pose than agriculture; city property, that in
me omit up portion ox tne city, ana not in
cluded in the terms agricultural or subur
ban as above. City property shall be as
sessed at full rates, suburban, iwc-thirds,
and agricultural, one-half. '
Another till of interest to Allegheny was
one introduced by Bepresentative Brown, of
Lawrence, providing that in cities of the
third-class, two school controllers shall be
elected from each ward for a term of four
years', except that in cities having 15 wards
or more, but one shall be elected from each
ward. The bill provides in the usual way
for the retirement of one-half the board
every two years, and that vacancies shall be
filled by the board pending the next elec
tion. The first election under the act shall
beheld in February, 1892.
The matter Discussed in the House Visitors
oa Political Millions.
Habbisbubg, March 20. When the
House adjourned at 6:20T'clock this even
ing, Bepresentative Campbell's bill to place
a tax pf 15 cents a day on alien labor to be
paid by employers, was under discussion.
Three sections had passed with some amend
ments and the fourth was up. An amend
ment, made in committee, provides that the
measure shall not apply to those who have
declared their intentions of becoming
citizens. When the House finally made up
its mind that it wanted its supper the
author of the bill was trying to have that
part of it amended to make it apply only to
those who "have now declared their inten
tions." Colonel J. M. Beid, of Dunbar, who is
here to attend a' meeting of the Miners'
Hospital Commission, was an interested
listener. The Colonel is also here in the
interest of General S. M. Bailey, who wants
to be Collector ot Internal Bevenue, at
Pittsburg, and he has a petition with him
which members of the Legislature are sign
ing, Ex-Sheriff Brace, of "Warren, who
wants to be Marshal of the Western dis
trict, is also here and has been paying num
erous visits to-Horrisburg lately. Ex-Supervising
Architect Maloue, of Pittsburg, is
also here. Harrisburg, as visiting Penn
sylvania politicians are aware, is the pres
ent headquarters of Messrs. Andrews and
Mr. Capp Speaks His Mind Regarding the
Fate of His BUI.
Habbisbubg, March 20. An exciting
feature of yesterday was the attempt of Mr.
Capp, of Lebanon, to have his street rail
way bill placed on the calendar. Mr. Capp
and he asked no favors. If his effort was
opposed he was" prepared to state freely aud
fully the reason of it "If this bill," he
said, "is to be killed because of a political
grudge against one or two men, I intend
that the public shall know all that I know
about it"
Mr. Capp's bill, however, is not likely to
succeed, but a street railway incorporation
bill will nevertheless go through. A bill
introduced by Senator Hines has passed the
Senate, but was negatived by the House
Committee on Street Passenger Ballways.
This bill will be recommitted, and the com
mittee will make another report on it, which
will be favorable. Then it will pass the
House. If Mr. Capp's bill were taken up
it would have to pass both House and
Senate, while Mr. Hines' bill has already
passed the ordeal of the latter.
Representative Wherry's Somewhat Orlg.
Inal Antl-Dlserlmlnatlon BUI.
"Habbisbubg, March 20. Bepresenta
tive Wherry has introduced a bill in the
House to enforce Article 17 of the State
Constitution to prevent discrimination by
transportation companies. The bill recites
the third and seventh sections of Article 17
of the State Constitution, and prohibits its
violation; provides for the publication ot
rates and the posting of the names of rail
road officials who are responsible for the
preparation of schedules, with the charging
and receiving compensation from transpor
tation, and of the officials responsible for
the furnishing of cars to shippers. Section
4 provides for damages and for fines and im
prisonment for discrimination.
Favorably Reported to the Senate Some
of Its Provisions.
Habbisbubg, March 20. The factory
Insurance bill scored a winning in the Sen
ate 'to-day. It removes the penalties im
posed on a. manufacturer for insuring in a
mntual factory insurance corporation char
tered ontside the State. Some objection
was raised that the premiums of such insti
tutions were not taxable under the bill and
the State would, therefore, lose money by
the operation.
A bill was reported favorably from the
Senate Judiciary Local Committee this
evening to give the Department of Internal
Affairs two more clerks.
A Measure Which Makes Liberal Provision
for the Judiciary of tbo State.
Babbisbubg, March 20. Senator Mc
Aleer to-day introduced a bill fixing the
salary ot Justices or tbe Supreme Court
It provides that the Chief Justice shall re
ceive $13,000; the Justices $12,000 each;
Philadelphia Common Pleas Judges $10,000
each; Judges of Allegheny Common Pleas.
$3,000 each; of Dauphin and Lebanon dfs
tnct, $3,000 each; all other Common Pleas
Judges $6,000 each.
Orphans' Court Judges are to receive the
same as Common PleaS Judges, and in ad
dition, when they travel, they are to receive
15 cents mileage. -
The Bill to Prevent Their Issue Killed la
the Senate.
Habbisbubg, March 20. In the Senate
to-day a large number of bills were re
ported from committees, the Committee on
the General Judiciary handing in 22, of
which 17 were with a negative recosuncm-
Continued on Sixth Ah
01 any Had caa""bet be
satisfied by advertWac a)
8. columns of The D3
. . .,.-. A" v nit n J
Judge wucaj's wnen rro.
hibition Passes We'll Have. '
Decent Restaurants, x
They, and Wholesalers Who Abettet
Violations, Hay Beware - - -
Day Which Brought Forth Meer Wh
Wasted to Quit SelUag Milk and Be
gin Selling Something Stronger Oao
American Citizen Brought Up With a
Sharp Turn Billy Florence, tho Cobs
edlon, Watches tho Applicants for
Funny Pointers One Case Where Meals
Yielded Better Money Than Beer A
Few Pointers Officially Given.
Tbe license racket grows significant One
man, in the name of "an American citi
zen," demands license. He boldly tells
Judge White why: A restaurant without
drinks won't pay. Judge White very
pointedly replies: "When the prohibition
amendment passes we will have a few
decent restaurants." Five wards west
through the mill yesterday. The Court
clearly indicated that it had brewers and
wholesalers on its list Those who have
knowingly sold to unlicensed retailers bet
ter beware. W. J. Florence watched things
for fun awhile. There were situations worth
watching for other pointers.
There were many significant little inci
dents to vary the routine of the grinding
machinery of the License Court yesterday.
At a minute before 9 o'clock Judge White
came into the court room, and the sunshine
in the hearts of the applicants, caused by .
the merry smile and good nature of the
Court was in striking contrast to the cold,
raw air without When Judge White
greeted the spectators with a cheery "good
morning," the hopes of the applicants who
came first rose like a buoyant bubble, just
before its wonted burst
As on the first two days, the seats near
the jurors' box were occupied by the ladies
of the W. C. T. TJ., Captain Wbhart and
several of hb assistants, and Attorney B.
C. Christy. The spectators back of the rail
were mostly of the residents of Fifth ave
nue extension and a great many Hill citi
zens, who have never been known to do Any
work except engage in the time-honored oc
cupation of unloading schooners.
The cases heard during the day embraced
all the applicants ,in the Sixth, Seventh,
'Eighth, Ninth and Tenth'wkrds. "Th'er
were 84 of them, and their names are as fol
Sixth ward Edwin C. Bauman, corner Ann
and VanBraam streets; P. F. Dunn, No. 331
Fifth avenue: James Diven. 33 Bluff street;
Adam Erleweine, corner Magee and Forbes
streets; Julius Freudenberg, 420 Fifth avenue;
Patrick Gilleece. 317 Second avenue; George
Kramer, 361 Fifth avenue; Thomas Kearns.
315 Second avenue: John Powers, 36S Fifth
avenue; Philip Ran, 398 Fifth avenue; J. V.
Stoer. 336 Fifth avenue; Jacob Samolsky, 63
Gibbon street; John Thier, Magee and Forbes
streets; Balthazar Weis, corner Marion and
Forbes streets.
Seventh ward August Brockman, 331 Fifth
avenue; Marks Bro warsky,92 Wylie avenue; Cy
rus Crowley. 100 Washington street; Patrick
Devlin, 39, 41 and 43 Washington street; John
F. Ditler, 323 Fifth avenne;P. J. Foley, corner
Wylie avenue and Elm street; William Kalssr,
321 Fifth avenue; Eleanor Mngele, corner Filth
avenue and Federal street: Isaac Samuels,cor
ner Webster avenue and Logan street: Mark
Sax, 261 Fifth avenue.
Eighth ward Charles Anglocb, 67 Fulton
street; Mary Breen.1 and 2 Tannehill street;
John Gantz, Jr., 437 Fifth avenue; Valentine
Ganter, 101 Fulton street; John Glockner, 221
Wylie avenue: George Jacob, 91 Fulton street; .
Frederick Kannaka, 837 Fifth avenue; Robert
Lemon, 223 Webster; Barbara Manges, 1 Center
avenue; John Meir. 13 Center avenue; Herman
Bobbinowitz. Logan and Caldwell streets; Max
Welsberger, 198 Wylie avenue.
Ninth ward Leo Breobm, 1407 Penn avenue;
George Brehler, 1401 Penn avenue; Thomas
Dugan. 1223 Lloerty street; C. B. Deshon, 1117
and 1119 Liberty street: Thomas Donahue. 1121
Liberty street; Charles J. Flnkelbnrg. 1248 Penn
avenue: John S. Farmaire. 1326 Penn avenue;
John Gill, 1306 Penn avenue; Frank Kline, 49
Eleventh street; William H. Leahy, 1237 Penn
avenue; J. K. Lanahan, 1111 Penn avenue;
George W. Mahapey. 1103 and 1105 Liberty
avenue; William FJkln. 1240 Penn avenue;
Andrew Gangwish, 1223 Penn avenue; Edward
Haney, 1103 and 1105 Penn avenue; George
Herron. 1441 Penn avenue; Samuel Kelser, 1109
Penn avenue; P. B. Moban, 1213 Penn ave
nue; A. L. Murphy, 1107 and 1109 Liberty
avenue; William Motts, 1140 Penn ave
nue; James MulvehiH, 51 Eleventh street;
Charles Manning, 1100 Penn avenue; Christ G.
Niklans. 1203 and 1204 Penn avenue: Louis Pas
etti, 1132 Penn avenue; Fred Schmidt 112S Lib
erty avenue; John A- Schwemhart, 1427 Penn
avenue; Martin Shaugbessy, 1110 Penn avenue;
John Stewart 1145 Penn avenue; Annie
Tschudy, 1143 Penn avenue; David Thomas.
1201 Liberty avenue: Daniel Voltz, 1319
Penn avenue; Thomas Welthaus, 1137 and 1139
Liberty avenue; Jacob Wunstel, 1417 Fean
Tenth ward George J. Baker, 1503 Penn ave
nue: Frank Delaney. 1300 Penn avenue; Hugh
Foster; 1603 Penn avenue; Emil Gaugler, 1S69
Penn avenue; Felix Henle, 1521 Penn avenue;
Daniel Haggerty, 1601 Penn avenue; Daniel
Kelly, 1803 Penn avenue; Frank lank. 1644
Penn avenue; Paul Martz,1641 Penn avenue;
Dennis Murphy, 1645 Penn avenue; Henry Om
mert, 1614 Penn avenue; John J. O'Brien. 1901
Penn avenue; Frank Shine, 1712 Penn avenue;
Clementena Schriber, 1504 Penn avenue.
The first case called was that of Edwin C.
Bauman, of the Sixth ward. His receipts
are from the bar $25 to $30 per day, from
the restaurant $7 per day. He said he never
saw a drunken man in his house, and there
are no drunken men in the neighborhood. "-
James Diven, better known as "Coddy,"
would not answer the question as to whether
he had sold liquor or not since May L,
Adam Frelwein said he was in poor
health, and thought he should get a IK
Julius Freudenburg has an application
in for a wholesale and retail Jicense. Has
a good bottle trade; $17,000per. year.
P. Gilleece, of Second avenue, wasrei
fused a license last year, but aay yesv
-Thomas Kearns, of Seecmd avMaessys
he tried to make a living Selllsg groee i
- t