HtBO FLfSMMH whu :5?Swzw- "TWyH T5 TTl c :? THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1889.- FEATURES OF TRADE. Harness Leather Produced Beyond the Demand of .Trade. MARGINS tf ARROWED TO NOTHING. All Grades of Leather Cheaper Because of Cheap Bides. THE TVHEAT AAD FLOUE SITUATION office of fittsbueo Dispatch, 1 TUESDAY. M.rch 19, 1SS9. J A leadine harness maker of the city who has been familiar frith the trade for a half century furnishes some facts pertaining to this Important industry which it is believed will be of interest to the reader of The Dis patch. His view of the situation is substan tially as follows: - Harness leather tanners of Allegheny hare been increasing their capacity for the past year or two, until they are now able to turn out an amount of stock fully double their capacity fire j ears ago. It appears that they bare cone somen hat beyond the demands of trade and find themselves overstocked this spring. We are now passing throuch what might be called an interregnum, in other words the surplus stock must be worked off before trade comes to a satisfactory basis. The harness leather trade has been develop ing year by year, until this city has become one of the recognized centers in this line through out the world of commerce. Manufacturers, having now reached out a little too far, must wait until trade catches up, which it is fast doing. February w as a very quiet month with our harness makers. Since the beginning of March there has been a decided improvement, and all signs now point to a good spring trade. Certain it is that Pittsburg will feel the beneSt of a revival in harness as soon as any other point, as her goods in this line are at a pre mium everywhere. The products of the Alle gheny harness leather tanneries have an ad vantage of fully J c per pound in the world's markets, and will, as a matter of course, be the first to enjoy the benefit of a trade revival. Lower Prices Expected. For cheaper grades of harness prospects are that this season's prices will be below anything for a score of years. Hides have not been so low since before the war as they have been in recent weeks. Price of hides now is not above one-half what it was a decade ago. The depre ciation has affected most low grade harness leather. The manufacturer who furnishes these facts deals mainly in the high grade ar ticle, his customers in the main demanding the best in this line. In this line of harness prices will touch a lower level this season than for many years past. Tanners complain that not withstanding the low price of hides competi tion is now so sharp that margins are well nigh wiped out. A representative of one of the leading tanneries of Allegheny whose trade is In soecial lines says: "Our margin of profit is almost gone. How our competitors in New England can keep their business going at pres ent prices is a mystery to me. In the amount of leather we are turning out we have an ad vantage of 510,000 a year over those New En gland tanneries in the matter of .hark alone. Ana still we have all we can do at present prices to come out even." This statement was referred to an old-time leathermannfacturer, who said that tanners in the East have an advantage in the lower price of labor which offsets the higher price of bark. Wheat and Floor. The current number of the Minneapolis JUiller finds it difficult to decide between the arguments of bulls and bears in the wheat and flour situation. Bulls say there is no move ment of wheat because there is none to move. Bears say that fine seeding prospects and breaking up of country roads are good reasons for the light movement. Very little wheat has been coming in from farmers' bins this month. The JfiWer' estimate of the amount ot visible supply of wheat east of the Rocky Mountains is 50,000,000 bushels less than at this time last year. Notwithstanding this shortage, demand con tinues very light, and unfavorable news comes from every quarter of the globe as to flour prospects. At Minneapolis there was a decline of 20c per barrel last week and 40c in the past month. Pittsburg jobbers report that markets have been cut here for a week or two past. The drift of flour has been toward a lower level of prices the world oyer the past month or two. The unfortunates who stocked up at old rates have in vain tried to stem the downward drift, and even lower prices are not,improbable. IJT STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, i Tuesday. March 19, 18S9. J CATTLE Receipts, 30 head: shipments, 210 head. Market firm and a shade stronger than yesterday's prices. No cattle shipped to New York to-dav. Hogs Receipts. 2,300 head: shipments, 1,400 head. Market firm: medium Fhiladelphias. $4 905 00 heavy hogs, bo5 00; pigs and Yorkers, S4 95g5 00. Six cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 4,200 head: shipments, 2,200 head. Market slow and ic lower than yester day. By Telegraph. New York Beeves No arrivals except 12 carloads for city slaughterers direci;no market: very dull for dressed beef at 5J6c for sides. Private cable advices from Liverpool quote American refrigerator beef extremely dull and weak at 8c per pound; exports to-day, 3,060 quarters of beef. Sheep KeceiDts. 500 head, and 2,000 were carried over yesterday; no de mand to speak of. and barely two carloads were sold a carload of good sheep at $5 25 per 100 founds, and a carload of fair yearling lamDs at G 90; nominal quotations $5 007 25 per 100 pounds for yearlincs, and 4 005 50 for sheep. Hogs Receipts, 5,900 head; none offered alive; market nominally steady at S3 005 4a Kassas Citt Cattle Receipts. 3,826 head: shipments, 652 head; market active: all classes except half fat dressed beer strong and a shade higher; choice shipping steers 510c higher; cows strong and 5lCc higher; stockers and feeding steers firm and active; good to choice cornied, H 001 20: common to medium. S2 T5 S 60: stockers and feeding steers, $1 603 20; cows, S160Q2 70. Hogs Receipts, 3.581 head; shipments, none: opening and closing slow; good to choice. SI 60i 65:common to medium. $4 254 5a Sheep KeceiDts, 94 head; ship ments none: steady; good to choice muttons, H 254 50: common to medium. 12 503 90. Chicago Cattle KeceiDts. 5.000 head: ship ments, 3,000 head; market steady to strong; beeves, H 0034 20; steers, S3 00(33 85; stockers and feeders. S2 103 30; cows, bnlls and mixed, S150300; Texas cittle, S1853 30. Hogs Receipts. 15,000 head; shipments, 3,000 head; market slow, closing 5 10c lower: mixed. $4 60 4 90; heavv. U 554 7 light, S4 G54 95; skips. S350g4 4a Sheen Receipts. 5,500 head; shipments, 2,000 head; market steadv: natives, 53 000535; cornfed westerns, S4 2504 70: lambs. 54 505 75. St-Locis Cattle Receipts. 1,300 head: ship ments, 100 head; market higher; choice heavy native steers, S3 904 50; fair to good do, S3 0023 4 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 10 3 30: rangers, corn-fed. $2 8303 60: grass-fed. SI 902 85. Hogs Receipts. 3,500 head; ship ments, none; market easier; choice heavy, S4 70 64 80: packing, 84 551 70: light erades. ordi nary to best," SI 60g4 7i Sheep Receipts. 900 head; shipments, none; market steadv; fair to choice, S4 355 00. CnrcnrsATi Bogs in fair demand, steady: common and light. S3 754 70: packing and butchers'. S4 504 80; receipts, 1,670 head; ship ments. 875 bead. BUFFALO Live stock sold out, except a few bnnctiesof odds and ends in cattle, sheep and bogs. No change m prices. Wool Markets. Phu.atjEI.phia Wool quiet and prices un changed. St. Louis "Wool easy and very quiet; prices unchanged. NEW YORK Wool quiet and easy; domestic fleece, 323Scj pulled, 2339c; Texas,15Z7c. Boston. There is not much change to note in the wool situation. Manufacturers continue to pick up small lots at slight concessions, but holders of fine washed fleeces are firm, be cause the supply is very small .and the market is tame. We continue to quote Ohio X at 32 Rle. and XX and above, at 34635c; No. 1 and XXX grades are nominally at 303Sc; Michi can X rules at 31c and shadc nnder: un veashed fleeces are clearing up at easy prices; Califor nia. Texas and Territory wools are nearly out: pulled wools are in liberal supply and are offered at easier rates. Foreign ool is steadv. Alcargo of 3,462 bales has arrived from Austria, lia, but a large portion is engaged. Stocks of all kinds are small. Dryjcoods Market. New York. March 19. There was a fair trade in drygoods, activity with jobbers show ing signs of exhaustion, and business with agents increasing, though in woolen goods it is Quiet. Johrtf.r am cHl! rfftinirn. rfiod bnsinrss. ?.i demand at first hands continues irregular wngoams attract attention by being thrown overboard at the hands ot jobbers, agents and auctioneers, but be movement has ceased to influence the general market. The Fall River strike is felt in its uncertainty, but the effect is in the direction of firmness, though no new changes hare occurred In consequence. MAEKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Drops Under the Influence of Re ported Continental Selling Orders Corn Lower Oats Barely Steady Hob Products Weak and Un settled. Chicago. There was a fair trading in wheat to-day, and the feeling consider ably unsettled within a lower range of .prices. Influences coreming the market were' again mostly local. May opened a 6hade under yes terday's closing, but advanced Jic, then de clined 2c nnder rather free o'fferings, recov ered lie, and closed about 1c lower than yes terday. June closed c lower; July declined lc, and closed c lower than yesterday. The market started out easy, Influenced by the continued favorable weather here and dull and heavy cable advices. It was noticed that there was considerable wheat on sale at the advance, and the impression was that a prominent local trader was the principal seller. This, together with a denial of the rumor alluded to about the California ship ments to Australia and reports that there were a good many continental selling orders on the seaboard, caused a steady decline. Corn ruled active, and though fluctuations kept within a narrow range, the volume of business in the aggregate was larger than for several days past. The temper of the crowd was decidedly bearish, and repeated efforts were made to break the market Trading was confined to the May-future largely, while the nearer deliveries were -quite neglected at times. The easier feeling was attributed chiefly to large receipts, both present and prospective. The market opened at yester day's closing, fluctuated within a Jic range, closing KKC lower than yesterday. Oats were fairly active and unsettled. A feature of the trading was the strength and ac tivity in May and the weakness and decline in June and July. The firmness in the former was due to purchases by a local operator who caused an advance of Hc, an attempt to un load, however, resulting in a reaction and a de cline of He followed. The latter part of the session was marked by quietness and steadi ness and the last sales were at nearly inside prices. Only a moderate trade was done in hog products, and a weak feeling prevailed during the greater portion of the session. Speculative offerings were rather free early, and prices declined materially on all the leading articles. Later the demand improved somewhat and prices rallied again, but settled back to about medium figures. Near the close the feeling was firmer, and prices advanced to outside figures, closing steady. The leading futures ranged as follows Wheat No. 2 May. 96376&4Js'85Kc; June. 92K692X91KWc; July, fe&S S5S5JJc; year, S0k80c Corn No. 2 April, 31Kc: May. 35?$35 35Kffi35Jc: June. 35&335K35jc. OATS No. 2 May, 25M25J625K25c; June.2525i2525ic; July, 2526K 24K25Mc. Mess Pork, per bbl. Mav, til "92KU STMf mi 8011 87K: June, ill 87M12 00011 8 12 00; July, $12 00 12 12$11 o12 10. Lars, per 100 fts. May. S6 156 90; June, S6 906 956 906 95; July, 16 956 9 Short Rms,per 100 fts. May,S6 12K 12K; June. S6 206 20g6 176 17K;, July, $6 20 6 22K6 176 22K- Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat 93J493Kc: No. 3 spring wheat, 83K85c: No. 2 red, 93m93Kc No. '2 corn. 34c: No. 2 oats, 24c No. 2 rye. 43c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 50. Prime tim othy seed. SI 421 44. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 90U 95. Lard, per 100 lbs. SS 85. Short ribs sides (loose). SS 056 10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). So 505 75. Short clear sides (boxed),S6 256 37. Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour. 11,000 bar rels; wheat. 16,000 bushels: corn, 219,000 bushels: oats. 125,000 bushels; rye, none: barley, 21,000 bushels. Shipments Flonr. 6,000 barrels; wheat. 13.000 bushels: com, 116,000 bushels; oats, 93.000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley, 22,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was easy and unchanged. Eggs weak at 15c New York Flour dulL heavy and unset tled. Cornmeal easier: vellow western, S2 50 2 85. Wheat Spot llc lower: options de clined Klc Barley dull. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot weaker and quiet: options &c lower. Oats Spot steady and quiet: options dun ana unchanged, nay in fair de mand and firm; shipping, 65c; good to choice. 85 95c Hops steady and quiet; State. 1722c Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 15 points down; closed steady 5 points down to 5 points np; sales. 53,250 bags, including March, 16.75c; April'l6.7016.75c; May, 16.700 latOc: June, 16.8516.90c: Julv, lti9016.95c; August, 16.9517.0Jc; September, 17.1017.20c; October, 17.15c; November, 17.2517.S0c: De cember, 17JH17.35c: January, 17.25c; Febru ary, 17.40c: spot Rio barely steady and quiet; lair cargoes. lSc Sugar Raw strong; cen trifugals, 96 test, 6c; refined, quiet and easy. Molasses Foreign firm, 60 test, 24c; New Or leans quiet; open kettle, good to fancy, 2S42c. Rice in fair demand and steady. Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow steady. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine easier and quiet at 52: asked. Eggs dull and easier; Western,12i13c. receipts, 5.893 packages. Fork steady. Cut meats in better demand; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; 9 pounds, 6c; pickled shoulders, oc; pickled hams, 9?410c. Middles quiet. Lard steadier and quiet; sales 'Western steam, S7 22. closing at $7 25; citv, $6 80; March, $7 22; April, S7 22 bid; May, J7 217 24. closine at S7 23: June. S7 257 26. closine at $7 25 asked: July, S7 25; Augnst. S7 257 27, closing atS7 27; September, 87 297 30, closing at $730 asked. Butter easy and dull; Western dairy, 1320c: do creamerv, 18(ffi26c; Elgins, 2727c Cheese quiet and firm; Western, 8nc. St. Louis Flour quiet and easy: demand and business light Wheat Cash demoralized; op tions lower; there was a weak opening, a partial recovery was followed by another relapse and then the lharket vias very weak, vita all Eressure on the selling side and only shorts ujlng; the close was ljc lower for May, ljc for June, IK c for July and lc for Angnst: No. 2 red, cash, 90Jc asked; Mav. 90290Kc, closed at SOKc asked : June, 86S9c. closed at 87c Did: Julv. S0HSlc. closed at 80Vc bid; Angnst, 79X79Jsc. closed at 79c asked; December. 82c; year. 78c closed at 78c bid. Corn lower and quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash, 285ic: April. 29e, closed at 29c asked; May. SQk3030c closed at 3(c bid; June, 30X31c, closed at SOJJc: Jnlv, 52KS2Jc closed at 32c bid; August, S3Kc closed at 33Jc asked. Oats quiet and steady; No. 2 cash, 2Jc; Mav, 2G2c Rye dull and lower to sell; No. 2, 42kc asked, 41c bid. Flaxseed quotable at tl 45. Provisions dull and weak. Cincinnati Flour dull. Wheat easy; No. 2 red. 8586c; receipts, 2,500 bushels; shipments, 2,500 bushels. Corn firmer; No. 2 mixed, 3i35c Oats stronger and higher; No. 2 mixed, 2829c Rve dull and lower; No. 2, 47c Pork firm at 512 50. lard in light demand at $6 87 Bulk meats in fair demand and unchanged. Bacon steady and unchanged. Butter easier. Sugar in fair demand and higher; hard re fined, 7KSKc: New Orleans, 5KE6C. Eggs weak. Cheese quiet Philadelphia Flonr quiet Wheat, op tions opened Iclower, butalterward recovered and closed firm at about yesterday's final prices. Corn steady, but demand light Oats Car lots steady but quiet; futures quiet but steadyl Butter weak bnt very dull; Pennysylvania creamery, extra, 26c; do prints, extra, 27c Eggs weak; Pennsylvania firsts, 1213c Milwaukee Flour dull. Wheat steady; cash, 85?ic: May, 87c; July. 87Hc Corn easy; No. 3, 3031c Oats steady; No. 2 white, 27U28c Rye dull; No. L 41$45&c Barley steadv; Nc 2. 5758c Provisions steady. Pork, $11 8a "Lard. $6 S2K. Cheese firm hut quiet; Cheddars, 11 12c Baltimore Provisions firm and unchanged. Butter quiet and steady: western packed, 18fJ 23c: roll. 1520c; creamery 272Sc Eggs steady at 1212c Coffee steady; Rio, fair, 1S 18Kc Toledo Cloverseed active and higher; cash and March, (5 22; April, $5 10: shipments, 2,131 bags. Babrt's Teicopherous, pleasant .to use, gives the hair a peculiarly rich gloss, preventing baldness. Sprinsr Overcoats Have the Coll. For men spring overcoats seem to be most in demand at present, so we have marked a line ot men's silk-lined spring ovefcoatsat $10 (for to-dav only), feeling sure that it will crowd this department alP day long. They are manufactured from a light colored imported cheviot, silk lined throughout, satin sleeve lining, and really are worth 522, our price $10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. 150 ladies' walking jackets in black cork screw, worsted, very neat and stylishly made, at H 99. Daxzigeb & Shoesbeeo, Sixth st. and Penn ave. B.&B. Lace curtains (Irish point) at $5 a pair np to 525. Boqgs & Buhl, Allegheny. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. mhll-ti65-irwrsu DBILLIN& FOB GAS. The Turtle Creek Company Well Down 1,400 Feet. REAL ESTATE STILL VERY LIVELY. One of the Sharpest Swindles of the Age Just Come to light. ELECTIC STOCK FLIES TEEI HIGH The Turtle Creek Oil and Gas Company is pushing the work on its well on the Montgomery farm. The well has been drilled to a depth of 1,400 feet, with good indications of gas, but it will be sunk 200 feet deeper. It is -in the same belt as the Wilklnsburgwell. The company is sanguine of developing a regular roarer. . The real estate market continues to show great activity. Private sales occur dally. They include many important pieces of property both in the city and suburbs, ana represent large values. Sales by agents and dealers are numerous. Auction aales are also frequent, some very fine properties changing hands in this wy. Values are steady, with a hardening tendency. Fears have been expressed of a collapse, but jt is hard to conceive of a tumble in anything with a good cash demand to bold it up. Beside, most of the unimproved ground that has been sold within the past year or two has been utilized for residence purposes, thus practically taking it out of the market and lessening the chances of a squeeze, of which there is no sign on the business horizon. There are said to be tricks in all trades. The latest verification of the saying comes from London. The ' fraud is very ingenious, and shows that our English cousins can hold their own in more ways than one with the Yankees or any other people So tar as known the swin dle has not been imported to this country. A short time ago John Matthews was arraigned before a police magistrate in London for dye ing cloverseed. The prosecuting attorney, In opening the case said: "The prosecution is taken up by some of the largest seed merchants in Mark Lane, and the reason for its being taken up is that for many years past very great frauds have been going on in reference more particularly to cloverseed. If it is mixed with old seed there is a very large diminution ot the germinating power. Therefore it is not only a question of defrauding the seed merchant, (be cause of course if they could dye old cloverseed to give it the appearance of new, they are en abled to undersell the bona fide merchants dealing In that article), but it is also defraud ing the farmers who purchase from the merchant, because when they have sown their seed instead of coming up in the proper way it does not come np at all. The process which lias been adopted for a long time has been to buy up old worn out cloverseed, and submit it to a certain process of dyeing. This having gone on for some time, the large merchants in the trade made up theirfminds to pnt a stop to it." The defendant was fined $50 and costs. The full name of the bank, the failure of which, in 1873, was noted in this department a few days ago, was the Nation's Trust Company. This statement is made to remove the impres sion that has grown up in certain quarters since the publication of the item that it was in some way connected with the Nation's Bank for Savings, Allegheny City, of which John A. Myler is President. It was a totally different concern as well in its business methods as in its name. The Allegheny institntion is con trolled by gentlemen of high character and responsibility. STILL ON THE JUMP. Electric and Switch and Signal Move Up to n Higher Level. The stock market yesterday was strong and active tor some shares and dull and weak for others. Westinghouse Electric made a spurt and shot beyond the highest point reached be fore Saturday's break. The first sale was at 57. From that point it advanced to 58. In the afternoon it sold at 5 bnt was a trifle weaker at the close. Union Switch and Signal was also stronger, selling up to 22. It was reported that all the preferred stock had been sold. Philadelphia Gas was down 50c a share, and was freely offered at the decline. Tractions were weaker and comparatively neglected. La Nona was in a comatose condition. Bids and offers: MOKNIKO. AFTERNOON. stocks. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Pitts. 1'et.S.iM. Ex.. S50 S70 Citltens' Xat. Banc... 62 .... 62 .... Kld.Title& Trust Co... 12 .... 121K .... Philadelphia Co STtf 33 37M 38 Wheellnr Gas Co .. 29 30 M 30 Central Traction 34 U 23 .... Citizens' Traction 68 70 683? .... LaNolraMlnlcRCo.... IK IX IX IX bllrerton Mining Co... 1 i Westinghouse Electric. 57H M 53S' iSU V. Switch & Signal Co. 22 3 22, 22Ji Westlng'se AlrB. Co.. Ill 113 The morning sales were 10 shares Philadel- Shla Gas at 38, 135 Electric at 57. 100 at 57if, ), s. o. 30 days, at 57. 200 at 58, 50 Switch and Signal at 22i, and 14 shares Citizens' Bank at 62. After call 400 shares Philadelphia Oas sold at 33. In the afternoon 235 Electric sold at 58K, 14 at 5SVf.25 Switch and Signal at 22. 200 Cen tral Traction at 2 and 25 Philadelphia Gas at 37. The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 253,119 shares, inclnding: Atchison, 30,960; Delaware Lackawanna and Western, 11,900: Erie, 4,300: Lake Shore, r,250; Louisville and Nashville. 4.700; Missouri Pacific, 13,308; Northwestern, 23,580; Oregon Transcontinental, 6.485; Beading, 21.650; Richmond and West Point, 4,275: St. Paul, 16.145; Texas Pacific, 4,020; Union Pacific, 13,755; Western Union, 10, 067. NO SQUEEZE. The French Copper Flurry Making Finan ciers Move More Cantioosly. Several pf the banks visited yesterday re ported a fair borrowing demand for money and an average counter business. Money was in good supply at 66 per cent, according to the collateral. The only effect of the French flurry here is to make financiers more cautious. There are no fears of a pinch. General business was good, as is shown by the Clearine House report, exchanges footing up S2,14S,W0 66 and the bal ances 8377,427 00. Money on can at new iorn yesterday was for 60-day bills, and S4 88 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Bobinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U.S.i'is. reg lmJaOlOSK U. B. 4H&. coups I0;fai0Sf U.S. 4s. re 13H013 U. B. 4s, 1907, coups 119i130 Currency, Spercent. 1895 reg. .-...1M Currency, 6 per cent. ISDGrcg. 123 Currency, 6percent, 1397rcg 126 Currency, Sperccnt, 1898 reg i2Sjj Currency, 6 per cent, 1S99 reg 131 Sales of S6.000 4', registered, at Jl OS. New York Bank clearings. J15L006.811; bal ances, $3,459,311. Boston Bank clearings, $11892,611; balances, 81,bS2,000. Money 22 per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,216,438; bal ances. $392,036. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,338,157: balances, $1,8S5,67L Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $9,803,000. ST. Louis Bank clearings, $3,441,723; bal ances, $879,812. LIKE A NIMBLE SHILLING. No Abatement In the Demand for Keal Estate Latest Transactions. Graebmg t Lyon, No. 135 Fourth avenue, sold five two-story frame houses, lots 100x200 feet, in the borough of Mansfield, for $5,500. They also placed a mortgage for $5 000, at 4 percent, free of State tax, for five years, on property in the Sixth ward, city of Allegheny; also a mortgage for $4,000. at 6 per cent, for three years, on property in McKeesport. Ewing t Byers. No. 107 Federal street, placed a mortgage of $1,000, for three years, at 6 ner cent, on property in the Sixth ward, Alle gheny. Black fc Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Thomas H. Adams for W. W. McBride, a new three-story brick residence on Niagara street, near Craft avenue, Oakland, with lit 82x95 feet, for $7,500 cash. W. A. Herron & Sons sold a house of six rooms, with lot 60x100 feer, on Copeland street, Twentieth ward, near Walnut street, - for $3,200, on the easy payment plan. Mellon Bros, sold to James Koran, of Con- nellsviUe, lot No. 15 in Mellon's Copeland place plan for $675; also sold to Mr. Edgar L. Hlett, of Turtle Creek, lot No. 94 in Mellon's plan of Upper Turtle Creek lots, for 1130. John F.Baxter sold lot No. 60 Bink of Com merce addition Extended, Brusbton station, frontage of 50 feet on Baxter street by 250 in depth, to T. H. Tyson for $700. James W. Drape fc Co. placed a mortgage of $15,000 on a manufacturing property In the city at 6 per cent. . Mellon Brothers sold to W. E. Wilson, of Shadvside lot No. 4, InMellon's plan of O'Hara lots, Ellsworth avenue. Twentieth Ward, for $I;100l Mr. Wilson proposes to build a resR dence for himself. A EALLT IN OIL. The Scarcity of Certificates Proves a God send to tho Bnlls. The oil market was a little stronger yester day, caused by a scarcity of certificates. An Oil City dispatch read: "Certificates here are as scarce as hens' teeth." The price at the opening was 89v From this point the market gradually worked up to 90Jc and then slumped, with sales at 90c This was followed by a rally to 90c. from which it broke back to 90c and closed at 90c. But for fear of a squeeze the market would have closed lower. Futures were offered the same as regular. The higher opening of stocks in New York and more favorable news from Europe doubtless had the Effect to sustain prices. A. B. McGrewfcCo. quote pots, 89c; calls, 9191Kc ahe lollowlng tawe, corrected oy De "Witt Dil worth, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner rltth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc Ttmo. Bid. Ask. TJmc -Bid. Ask. Opened 89X Sa's 12i4SP. M.... WH KX 10:15 A. U.... 89 SSi 1:00 p. v... 90X 94 10-.30A. M.... 89X 89)i 1:1SP. M.... 0H &X 10:45A. Jt.... 83M 89 1:30 P. M.... SO! Wi 11:00a. St.... 89M K)H 1:45 F. II,... 90)i BOX 11:15 a. M.... 89M 89H 2:00 P. lc.... SO VOX 11:30A. M.... 89i BUH tllSP. M.... 90)i KH 11 :45A. X.... 88 89X 2:30 P. It.... BOM &H 12:00M 89 90 2:45 r. It.... S0H BOH 12:15 r. M.... 90 9014 Closed KH 12:80 P. M.. 90!4 DOfr Opened. 89c; hlgheat, OO.'c; lowest, 89e; closed, SOlfc . Barrels. DiUy runs 67.551 Average runs 43,730 Dally sbloments 79,852 Averare'shlpmenu 72,633 Dailv cnarters - 40,000 Average charters . 53,701 Clearances J. -....,... 1,424,000 New York closed st SOJic Oil City closed at 90c. Bradrora closed at 90c New York, refined. Jc London, renned, 5H-1- Antwerp, renned, 16XC Other Oil Markets. Orxi Crrr. March 19. National transit cer tificates opened at89c; highest, 90c; lowest, 89e; closed, 90c t Bradford. March 19. National transit cer tificates opened atS9c; closed at90c; highest, 90c: lowest, 89c TrrusTOXE. March 19. National transit cer tificates opened at S9c: highest, 90c; lowest, 89c: closed, 90c New York. March 18. Petroleum opened steady at 89Wc and after the first hour moved up gradually to 90 and'closed strong at 90Jc Sales, 914,000 barrels. THE S0AKE OYEE. Stocks Rally from the Depression Caused by Copper Flurry and Advance All Along the Line Railroad Bonds Qnlet. New York, March 19. There was a very marked change in the temper of the stock speculation to-day, and.the entire list, with the exception of the Grangers and the Southwest ern stocks, advanced materially, the upward movement being steady and meeting with hardly a check throughout the day. This was on the revulsion of feeling from the scare of yesterday, and although the situation abroad may be bad enough, it Is evidently not so bad as was reported yesterday, and the fact begins to be apparent that there is little to be feared from the collapse in this country. The buying to-day was of the best character, London leading off with liberal purchases of all of its favorites, while Chicago did not send the batch of disquieting reports which has been the usual thing to do, and the shorts also cov ered heavily in, the general list, although in the Grangers and Southwesterns it is doubtful if the short Interest has been reduced at all by the transactions of the day. The only piece of news calculated to affect the market unfavorably was the report of the Burlington and Quincy, which was something worse than had been expected, and the issue was the signal for another drive at the stocks mentioned, although Bock Island was the principal sufferer. Missouri Pacific was the only strong spot among Ibe roads in that region, and it is one of'tbe leaders in showing a marked advance this evdning, on the report that Mr. Gould's visit to the Southwest was, in part, in regard to a movement to bring about better relations among the roads in that sec tion. The improvement among the other stocks was very uniform and steady, although in many cases the losses of yesterday were not f nlly recovered. The most pronounced gains, as usual, were among the specialties and Manhattan, Full man and some others, especially in the last hour became very strong. In the last hour sev eral specialties came to the front and the high est prices of the day were reached in all de partments of the list, and the market closed active and strong at the top Azures. Every thing on the list is higher, however, and Man hattan rose 2; Missouri Pacific, 2; Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis, 1: New England, 1: Burlington and Quincv, 1; Atchison, 1; Chicago Gas, Canada Southern, Louisville and Nashville, and Texas Pacific, 1 each; Pacific Mail, 1; Northwestern, 1; St. Paul, Union Pacific, and Norfolk and West ern preferred, 1 each; Rock Island, Pullman, and Western Union, 1 percent each, and the others fractional amounts. The railroad bond market was again qnlet and failed to respond to the strength or anima tion m the share list. Tho sales of all issues were only $1,235,000, but out of that amount Denver and Bio Grande Western Assented bonds contributed $130,000, and the Texas Pacific second incomes $111,000. There was no decided tone to the dealings, but fluctuations were small, except in a few issues, and the im portant changes are few in number and fairly divided between gains and losses. The following table snows the prices or active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney fc Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Cios-Open- High- Low- Ihe In?. est. est. Bids. Am. Cotton Oil 54 55 Atch.. Top. & S. F.... 46i 4fU H 46 H Canadian Pacific 4K 47 fH Canada Southern 514 62H 51H i-'4 Central orNew Jersey. 83H 94 3M 94 Central Pacific 34 Chesapeake & Ohio ... 16 J6J 16 16U C. Hur.i Quincy..... 95Jf So BiK 96d C, Mil. St. Paul.... 81)3 SIX 614 Sl'i C, MlI.ASt. P.. pr..., 98 99 9S'4 88S C, KockL&P 81 '. 91H 89V 91 ; C, St. L. A Pitts ..UH mi 16 VH C.,bt.L.& Pitts, pf. 37 C, St. P..M.40 31 31 30K 31 C St. P..M. ft O.. pf. 90K 9UH 90 90 C Northwestern. .-..'1P3 101X 103U 104t, C.& Northwestern, pf.l36 136 I36M J36; C. C. C.41 68 895i 68M 69 Col. Coal &Iron 20 31 29$ 31 Col. & Hooking Yal .. 24 24 24 24 Dei., L. &W 137J 138 137)5 13SH Del. & Hudson 130S 13"M 130t 130 Denver&KloO 15 15 157i 15 '4 Denver &KI0G., pr. ATH E.T., Va. &Ua S 9A 9 E.T.,Va. &Ga lstpl'Bo 63 65 66 B. T.. Va. & Ga. 2d pf. 20, 3i 20 V) Illinois Central 10Si 103 lCSM 108 Lake Erie Western.. MH .16 I6.S 16 LakuErleA West. pr,. 53K 4)$ 53 54 Lake Shore AM. S 99 JOOJs V9h 100 Louisville ft Nashville. 69J 80 98 59 Michigan Central 854 Mobile 4 Ohio 10 10 SV 9J4 Mo K.&Texas 12K KH 12M 12X Missouri Pacific G6K bS 66 67 New York Central,. ...wj 106)$ 1065C lOSlf N. .. L. E. ft W 27H 27 27X 27H N. ., L.. . ft W.nref 68)4 XH 66 68 N. Y., C. ftSUL J7 17.4 17 17 N. C. ft St. L. pf. 69 N.Y., a&St.L.2dnf 40 N. YftN. E 4t 44 42V 4' N. Y., O. ft W 15 1H 15 36 Norfolk ft Western .... 14 Norfolk ft Western, pf 48)4 Wr 48X 49 Northern Pacific 25 -254 25 25 Northern Pacific prcf. SUM MK 58V sah Ohio ft Mississippi..... 19J( 20H 19V 20 Oregon Improvement. .. . 52 Oregon Transcon 31tt 31 lift i'H PacificMall il 35 st S5jJ l'co. Dec ft Evans 23 Wk 23 23 Philadel. ft Beading.. 441 44 H 44 44 Pullman Palace Car.. .191)4 193 191 193 Klchmond ft W. P. T.. 24 24 24 24K iachmondW.P.T.pf78 78 78 7&K St. Paul ft Dututh ioH 35$ 34 344 St. Paul ft Dulnthpf., 87 St. P., Minn. ftMan... 96 98 98 97 bt. L. ft San Fran 214 224 21 il St. L. ft San Fran pf.. 58 8J (i 55V St. L. ft San P.lst pr. 1064 Texas Pacific 17 19 17 !8fc Union Pacific 62 R3J 62 63K Wabash 12 13 12 13 Wabash preferred 24 25 25 25 Western Union 84 85 84 85 Wheeling 4 L. Z 63 64 63 63 BOSTON STOCKS, A Firmer Tone Slakes Its Appearance on the Street. Bostojt, March 19. The few 'stocks that suffered most in the slump of the last few days were strong and higher this morning, but bonds and quite a number of stocks showed no im provement. On the contrary, they took even a lower range of prices than those reached yes terday. In the afternoon the market developed additional strength, with West End the special feature in addition to the morning's favorite. The tone at the close was quite firm, an excel lent recovery from yesterday's decline has been made, due in the most part, however, to the covering by the shorts, as no Increase in me investment aemauo. maae its appearance Atch.ftToo..lst7s. 117 A.&T. LandOr't7s.U0 Atch. ft Top. K. K.... 4SH Boston ft Albany. ..212 Boston ft Maine.... .167 C, B. ftU. 96 Clnn. sxn. ft Cleve. 24 Eastern K. K 82 Eastern B. IE. 6s SO Flint ft PereM. nfd. 96 K.C..S;.J.AC.fl.7s.l22 Little K. ft Ft. S. 7s. 108 Mexican Cen. com.. 13 N. Y. ft New Ens... 43 N. Y.&NewEng 7S.126X Old Colony. 170 Kntland preferred.. 37 15 AllouerM'gCo.(new) 1 Calumet ft Hecla....214 Cataloa 17 Franklin 11 Huron "M Osceola 12 Pewabic (new) 3 Quincy ' Iiell Telephone 225 Boston Land 6 Water Power 614 Tamarack 125 San Diego 25 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth arenne. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad M! M Reading Railroad 22!j 23.5-16 Buflalo, Pittsburg and Western 12 12M Lehigh Valley..." 53M 53$ Lehigh Navigation 51 Allegheny Valley bonds 113K U. do. s New Jersey 227 Northern Paciflo 25M 25 Northern Pacific preferred 59 .:.. IHInlnr Stocks. New Yobe. March 19. Mining shares closed: Amador. 100: Caledonia B H, 300; Con solidated California and Virginia, 812; Deadwood T, 160; El Cristo, 115; Hale &Nor cross, 360; Homestake, 103; Horn Silver, 105; Iron Silver. 335: Mutual, 110; Navajo, 100; Ontario, 3,400; Opbir, 537; Plvmouth, L250; Sav age,265: Sierra Nevada, 290; Standard. 125: Silver Cord, 105: Sullivan, 135; Union Consol idated, 350; Yellow Jacket. 370. Metal Market. New Yoek Pig iron quiet and firm. Copper firmer, yet nominal: lake, March, $15 30. Lead dull; domestic $3 72. Tinirregular; free sell ers; straits, $21 05. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges- tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively oared by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not" gripe, and their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no equal. Small dose: Dig results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Sena for testimonials. 25c. at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary, Five bottles SL The HOP PILL CO., New London, Ct. Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped, rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 50c nol-irwp WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rat-D THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPPTAI . . - . $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. 8PEEB. Vice Prest sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. OFFICIAL-PITTSnUKG. No. 265. AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING BRISTOL street, from Bigelow street to Ilion street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same That Bristol street, from Bigelow street to Ilion street, be and the same shall be located as fol lows, to-wit: The center -line shall begin at the center line of Bigelow .street, at a distance of S4L76 feet northwestwardly from the center line of Christmas street: thence deflecting to the right 31 10' for a distance of about 810.27 feet to the center line of Ilion street, and said Bristol street shall be a uniform width of 40 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th day of February, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, March 7, 1SS9. Approved: WM. McCALLTN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book vol. 6, page 607, 15thdayofMarch.A.D.18S9. mhl8 1263.1 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN OR DINANCE entitled, "An ordinance au thorizing the opening of Carey allev, from South Thirty-second street to South Thirty third street," approved October 2, 1888. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance authoriz ing the opening of Carey alley, from South Thirty-second street to South Thirty-third street," approved October 2, 1888, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2 That ajiy ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils thi 27th day of February, A. Jl. 18S9. H. P. FORD, President ot Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. March 7, 1883. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6,' page 605, 15th day of March. A. D. 18S9. mb!8 No. 26J. AN ORDINANCE-VACATING CRAFT avenue, from a noint 180 feet east of Niagara street to "Ward street, in the Fourteenth ward. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Craft avenue, from a point 180 feet east of Niagara street to Ward street, in the Four teenth ward, be and the same is hereby vacated as the same was located by an ordinance ap proved February 6, 1885, bnt not opened, the same now being rendered nnnecesssary by reason of the location and opening of other streets. Section 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same is hereby re pealed so far as tbe same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th day of February, A. D. 18S9. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Conncil. Mayor's Office, March 7, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 606, 15th day of March. A. D. 1889. mh!8 No. 262J AN ORDINANCE-CHANGING THE name of Forbes avenue to Forbes street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That tbe name of Forbes avenue be and the same is hereby changed to Forbes street. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of -this ordinance be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this brdlnance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this. 27th dav of February. A. D. 1889. H..P. FORD. President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY.Presldent of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office, March 7, 1869. Approved: WM. -MOCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: OBT. OSTERMAIER. Asst. Mayor's Clerk.- Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 6, page 605, 15th day of March, A. D. 1889. mhl8 DOMESTIC MARKETS. Butter and Eggs Still Keep Drifting to Lower Levels. NEW PE0DUCE SHOVING OUT OLD. Heayy Grain and Hay Eeceipts No Sales at the Exchange. FLOOR IS Q0IET AT THE DECLINE Office of THEPrrrsBtrRO Dispatch, TrESDAT, March 19. 1889. $ Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Creamery butter shows drooping tendencies under the Influence of late balmy weather. The same is true of eggs. Spring has made such an early start that hens already begin to get in their work. Dairy butter usually begins to show up about April L As the season for the new approaches old stock is moro and more depressed. Eggs are now little above midsum mer prices. Demand is light by reason of de clining markets. Stock comes in more freely than it goes out. The band to mouth policy is pursued by dealers in the, present condition of markets, when the drift is downward. Cus tomers pursue this policy in the faith they will be able to buy lower in a few days. Produce men find little comfort in the situation. As new stuff is coming in from tbe South, the old grows weaker every day. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 30c; Ohio do, 2627c: fresh dairy packed, 2021c; country rolls. 2023c: Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 23030c. Beaks Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice peas, 12 052 15. Beeswax 2325c f) lb for choice; low grade, 618c. Cider Sand refined, S6 607 50;. common, $3 504 00; crab cider. 8 008 50 ? barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c $) gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1213c: Limburger, HKc; domestic Sweitzer cheese, HK12Kc Dried Peas $1 451 0 3 bushel; split do, 23c B ft. Eogs 13Hc dozen for strictly fresh. Farms Apples, tl 602 00 ty barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c ft A; cranberries, 8 00 $1 barrel; S2 402 50 per busbeL Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do., 40?4oc; mixed lots, 3035c ft. Homing $2 652 75 W barrel. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c a bushel; $2 60 2 75 for Southern sweets; $3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. dressed chickens, 1315c pound; turkeys, 13 pair; dressed, 13llc f? pound; geese, Seeds Clover, choice. 62 fts to bushel. S6 TR busnel; clover, large English. 62 fts, $6 25; clover, Alsike, S3 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, SI 00; bine grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, S2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00: millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet, 60 fts, S2 00; Hungarian grass. 48 fts, 82 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 55$c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00 3 50 t box; common lemons, $2 75 W box; Mes sina oranges, S2 503 60 box; Florida orauges. S3 504 50 fl box; Valencia oranges, f ancv. S6 60 7 60 f? case: Malaga grapes, 9 0010 00 $ per keg; bananas, S2 00 firsts: SI 60, good seconds. 9 bunch: cocoanuts, $4 004 60 fl hundred: new figs, 1214c f) pound; dates, 5 6Kc 9 pound. Vegetables Celery. 4050c doz. bunches: cabbages, S3 tt)i 00 ft 100; onions, 60c $ bushel; Spanish onions, 7590c f) crate; turnips, 30 40c ? husheL ' Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio,'20c; fair Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha. 3031Kc; Santos.'.1922c; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c; La guayra, 2122c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 32K33Kc; Maracaibo, 2728Ke; Santos, 2324c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2221c; choice Rio, 25c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 225c: allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum Cobbers prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. 150, 8Kc: water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, Uc; royaline, 14c. Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, o0ig33c;stnct ly prime, 3335c; now maple syrup, SI. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48c; me dium, 45c: mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb In kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in JJs, 6c: bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c. Caudles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine, per set, 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6J 7c: prime, &K6Vc; Louisiana, b6Kc. Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5J7c; gloss starch. 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, $2 60; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels; 51 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7J7c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4?85c; Turkey prunes, new, 4J5c; French prunes, 813c: Salonlca prunes, in 2 ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, 6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12Ji915c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 lt)c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nnts. 10c; pecans, ll15r: citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, per ft, SI314c; orange peel, 12&C Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated. &A6c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated. 15lsc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 22Q236; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424c; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012c Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7Jc; granu lated, 7j7J$c; confectioners' A, TWc: standard A.6JJc: solt whites, 696Kc: yellow, choice, 6Xbc; yellow, good, bj6e; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, ojje. Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), $1 75; me diums, half bbls (COO), S2 85. Salt-No. 1 j? bol, 95c; No. 1 ex, f! bbl, SI 05; dairy, W bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, W bbl, SI 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, S2 SO; Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard pearnes, SI 30 1 90;2ds, SI 30 1 35: extra peaches, SI 601 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. $1 OOigl 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 60; Bahama do, 52 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, S2 50: do greengages, i2 00: do egg plums. S2 00: extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 15SJ1 40; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes. 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, 51 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-J& cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans,' broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic Vf. S4 154 50; sardines, domestic Ks, S8 258 50: sardines, imported, ts, Sll 5012 50; sardines, imported, Hs. S18 00; sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, Jl 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ?t bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S2L Codfish Whole Sollock, 4c f) ft.; do medlnm George's cod, c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring Jtounif shore, S.i 00 W bbl.; split, 87 00; lake 82 50 ? 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, $7 fl 100-&. half bbl. Lake trout, So 50 1 half bbl. Finnan hadders, 10c ) &i Iceland halibut. 13c 1 ft. Buckwheat Flour 2;2fi ft. OATJIEAL $C 306 60 fl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grnln, Flonr and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the'Grain Ex change, 48 cars, half of which was hay. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 8 cars of oats. 17 of hay, 3 of flour, 2 of bran, 4 of com. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 5 cars of hav, 2 ot oats, 4 of com, 1 of feed, 1 of malt, 1 of flonr. 'By Pittsburg and Western, 2 cars of bay. Another day has passed without a sale on call. Cereal markets give little signs of life. The situation is in the buyers' favor all along the line. Wheat Is a few cents above the lowest point reached last week, but flour con tinues easy and demand light. Jobbers who laid in heavy stocks ot flour a month ago will find it difficult to come out whole. In that time there has been a drop of almost 60c per barrel at Minneapolis. The drift is toward lower levels in all cereal lines. Wheat Jobbingnrices No. 2 red, SI 03 1 04; No. 3 red. 9195c. Corn No. 2 vflllow,ear,39B39Koi high mixed ear, S637c; No. 1 yellow, shelled,, 3939c; -No. 2 jellow, shelled, 37K38c; high mixed, shelled. 3637c: mixed, shelled, 3536c Oats No.2white,2K33c; extra, No, 3,31 31Kc;No.3 white, SO30Kc: No. 2 mixed, 28 29c Rye No. 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2, 5556c BARLEY No. 1 Canada, 9598c: No. 2 Cana da, 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore, 7830c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents. S3 25 6 50; spring patents,S6&06 75: fancy straight, winter and sptihgr So 605 75; clear winter. S5 005 25; straight XSXX bakers', S4 75g 00. Rye flour. $4 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, SI8 00 20 00 ft ton; brown middlings. S14 6015 00; winter wheat bran, S14 7515 25; chop feed, S15 00018 Q0. . ' . HAY-Baled timothy, choice, 15 0015 25; No.1 do, 114 25014 60: No. 2 do, S13 00813 00; loose from wagon. 118 0020 00: No. 1 upadnl prairie. S10 OOQ10 25; No. 2, S3 0088,60; packing do. S3 607 00. ' Straw Oats. J8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, S7 007 25 Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, lojc; sugar-enred hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small. He; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, Sc: sugar-Cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c;sngar-cnred dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, TJic .Mess pork, heavy, $14 00: mess pork, family, S14 60. Lard Refined In tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7Kc; 5c. Fresh pork links. 9c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 75; quarter barrel. 31-75. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts, 5c;550to650Us, 6c; 650 to 760 fts,6Kc Sheep, 7c fl ft. Lambs, 8c fl ft. Hogs. 6c -DEHISTEB'S NOTICE. .Notice Is hereby given that the following ac counts of executors, administrators, guardians and trustees have been 'duly examined and passed in the Kegister's office, and will bepresented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation and allowance on .Monday, April J, 1839. No. 1. Final account of Caroline Schwab, ad ministratrix of the estate of ,Peter Schwab, de ceased. Filed February Z, 1S89. No. 2. Final account ot the Safe Deposit Com- Sany of Pittsburg, administrator of the estate of arahE. tioldthorp, deceased. Filed Februarys, 1889. .No. 3. Final account of the Safe Deposit Com pany of Plttsburr, administrator or the estate of Samuel H. Goldthorp, deceased. Filed February 2. 1889 No. 4. Final account or Jacob B. Hubley. ex ecutor of will of Mary A. Hubley, deceased. Filed February 2. 1883. No. 5. Final account of Andrew BretSawer, guardian of William M. Boggs. Filed February 2, 18S9. No. 6. Final account of M. K. Alexander, ad ministratrix or the estate or Ella A. Irwin, de ceased. Filed Februarys; im No. 7. Final account of John westbead, ex ecutor of the will of Albert Maltby, deceased. Filed February 4, 1889. No. 8. Final account of Louisa Simpson, ad ministratrix of estate of Sarah Simpson, deceased. Filed February 4, 1889. No. 9. Second partial account of Otto Krebs and John N. Neeb, executors of the will or John Voegtly, Sr., deceased. Filed February 4, 1889. No. 10. Final account or John H. Meyer, guar dian or Amelia Beisner. Filed Februarys. 1889. No. IL Final account or John Moody, adminis trator of the estate of Alfred P. Turner, deceased. Flli-d Fe.tarnarvX. 18S9. No. 12. Account or John Murphy, guardian or ( 1 I, 7.1... M Ua-n Vita. V.K. ruaryS, 1889. No. 13. Finalaccount or W.J. Canning and Ad dison Canning, executors or the will or Kebecca K. Canning, deceased. Filed February 6, 1888. No. 14. Account of B. H. Lafferty, administrator or the estate of William Lafferty, deceased. Filed February 6, 1889. No. IS. Account orwmiam Slater, administrator or the estate or Dorothea Miller, decased. Filed February II, 1889. No. 16. Final account of Mary A. Hunter, ad ministratrix of the estate or Mary A. Sununerwell, deceased. Filed February 11, 18S9. No. 17. Final account of T. JlcK. Cook, admin istrator or the estate or George A. Cook, deceased. Filed February 11, 1889. No. 18. Final account or James H. Davis, ad minlstrator of the estate of Joseph K. Hughes, de ceased. Filed February 7, 1889. No. 19. Final account or David H. Chambers, administrator of tbe estate or John Chambers, de ceased. .Filed Februarys. 1889. No. 3). Partial account or William- Alderson and Matthew Thrower, executors or the will of Thomas Alderson, deceased. Filed February 7. 18S9. Mm 41 ITlnat mniitit nf "Hnhprt Mf.'MtlHn HTIli l. F. Ulffenbacher, executors or the will of James McMlIUn, deceased. Filed tenruary 7, issu. So.a Final account or llarbara Dochart, ad ministratrix or the estate or Martin Dochart, de ceased. Filed Februarys, 1889. No. 23. Final account of Joseph J. Bender, ex ecutor of the will of Mary M. 'Wllllson, deceased. Filed February IL 1889. No. 24. Final account or J. H. Sorg. guardian of Elizabeth Becker. Filed February 12, 188B. No. 25. Final account of J. M. Parkinson, guar dian or Charles C, Frank F. and Nellie A. Under wood. Filed February 12. 1889. No. 26. Final account of John Payton. executor of the will of Mary Welsh, deceased.. Filed Feb ruary lz. 1889. No. 27. Final acAunt or J. P. 31c Williams, guardian or Nancy Hough. Filed February 13, 1889. No. 22. Final account or John Breltenbach, ex ecutor or tbe will or Frederick EeitzeL deceased. Filed February 13, 1889. No. 29. Partial account or Francis Allen and Jane Beatty. executors of the will of John Beatty, deceased. Filed Febnary 13, 1889. No. 30. Final acconut ot William Hartman, guardian or Andrew McB. Campbell. Filed Feb ruary 14, 1889. N 0. 31. Partial account or William J. Botbrum, guardian or William C, Albert R. and Jobn C. Bothram. Filed February 15, 1889. No. 32. Final account or Charles F. Schwarz, guardian of Willie Wlnterhalter. Filed February 15,1889. No. 33. Account or Joseph C. Ditto sr. admin istrator d. b. n. c. t. s. of Thomas D. Powell, de ceased. Filed February 16. 1889. No. 34. Final account of Annie W. Henderson, administratrix c. t. a. of Maria K. Henderson, de ceased. Filed February IS, 1889. No. 35. Final account of William Yung, execu tor or the will or Elizabeth Yung, deceased. Filed February 19, 1889. No. 36. Account or John R. McCune, deceased, late guardian or Flnley Hall Lloyd, stated by Mary H. McCune. administratrix or his estate. Filed February 20, 1389- No. 37. Account or John K. McCune, deceased, late guardian or Davison Lloyd, stated by Mary H. ilcCufie, administratrix of his estate. Filed Feb ruary 2C. 1889. No. 33. Account of Jobn B. McCune. deceased, administrator of estate of Martha Hanna- de ceased, stated by Mary H. McCune, administra trix or his estate. Filed February 20, 1889. No. 39. Account or John O. Bryant, adminis trator d. b. n. or estate or Martha Hanna, de ceased. Filed Februarv 2a 1839. No. 40. Final account oTGeorge Lang, executor or the will of Dorothea Fisher, deceased. Filed February 20, 1889. No. 41. Final account of Albert P. McKenery, administrator or the estate or John Warensford, deceased. Filed February 20. 18S9. No. 42. Final account or Fred Colwer, guardian or David Koester. Filed February 2a 1889. No. 43. Final account or James P. Qulnn, guar dian of George H. Ede Filed February 21, 1889. No. 44. Final account or Thomas M. HcCor mlck and James E. Wilson, administrators or estate or James K. McCormlck, deceased. Filed February 2L 1889. No. 45. Final acrount or Thomas A. Noble, executor of the will of John Burns, deceased. Filed February S3, 1S89. No. 46. Final account of George Schwan. ex ecutor of the will of Henry Schwan, deceased. Filed February 23, 1889. No. 47. First account of Anna Mary Auday and Nancy Metzgar, executrixes or the will of Louisa C. Auday, deceased. Filed February 23, 1889. No. 48. Final account or Charles a. Crawford, administrator of the estate of John B. E. Richard son, deceased. Filed Febrnary 23, 18S9. No. 49. Final account or Frank WUbert, ex ecutor or the will or Jacob Wllbert, deceased. Filed February 25, 1889. No. SO. Final account or Joseph Ford, guar dian or Henry A. Daewerttz. Filed February 25, No. 51. Final account or Clara Fromme, admin istratrix or the estate or Bernbard Fromme, de ceased. Filed Febrnary 25. 1889. No. 52. Final account or George Esbman. trus tee in partition of estate of Mary Nino, deceased. Filed February 25, 1889. No. 53. llnal account of Charles G. Mtlner, ad ministrator of the estate of I). C. Holmes, de ceased. Filed February 25, 1889. No. 54. Account or Anns Keis, administratrix or the estate of Jonn Kels, deceased. Filed Feb ruary 25, 1889. No. 55. Account of George Hotmelster, guardian of Anna E. Hotmelster Filed February!?. 1889. No. 56. Final acconnt of F. H. Ezgers and John H. Mueller, executors or the will or John C. Flelner. deceased. Filed February 23. 1889. No. 57. Partial account or James Godirey, co executor or tbe will of J. P. Smith, deceased. Filed February 78, 1389. No. 58. Final account of Ida McGeary, adminis tratrix or estate or Marshall H. McGeary, de ceased. Filed February 28. 1S89. No. 59. Second account ofB. F. Jones, guardian of Thomas C. Jonea. Filed March 1, 1889. No. 60. Final account of B. F. Jones, guardian or George W. Jones, minor, now deceased. Filed March C 1889. No. 61. Final account or James A. Johnston, administrator of estate of Strickler Dcmuth, de ceased. Filed March 1. 18S9. No. 62. Account of II, C Sloe am, administrator or estate or George E. blocuin, deceased. Filed March 1, 1889. No. 63. Final acconnt or Mary Ann Abbott, ad ministratrix or estate or John Abbott, deceased. Filed March 1. 18S9. No. 64. Second account or James C. Pierce, ex ecutor of the will of Mary V. Power, deceased. Filed March U 1889. No. 65. Final account of S.E. Stewart, trustee In partition or tbe estate or Sarah Klrby, deceased. Filed March L 1859. No. 66- Final account or J. C Deer, guardian of Charles Gallagher. Filed March L 1839. No. 67. Account or K. M. Holland, administra tor or estate or EilzaV. Dlller, deceased. Filed March 1, 1839. S. P. CON N EK. Pittsburg, March 1, 1889. Register. OFFICE Or THE CLERK OF OBFIIAirS' COUBT. Notice Is hereby given that the following ac counts of trustees have been duly examined and passed in tbe Clerk's office and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation and allow ance on MONDAY, April L 1889. No. 63. Account of George W. Lyon, trustee under tbe will of John Lyon, deceased. Filed Februarys. 1839. No. C9. Sixth account of James Dickson, sur viving executor aud trustee under will of James FInlay, deceased. Filed February 9, 18S9. No. 70. Seventh account or H.ud J. P. Hanna, trustees Under -will of Thomas Hanna, deceased. Filed February 21, 1889. No. 71. Elzbtli account or J. P.Qneen, trustee of thaestate of Benjamin Trimble, deceased. Filed February 21. 1889. No. 72. Final account or H. Sellers McKee, trus tee under tbe will of Frederick McKee, deceased. Filed March 1. 1889. PlTTSBtmo, March 1, 1889. SAMUEL P. CONNEK, Clerk of Orphans Court. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT. AUDIT NOTICE. Creditors, heirs and all other persons Interested are hereby notified that an audit list will'be made up of above mentioned accounts (except guar dians) which shall show balances for distribution and all accounts to which exceptions shall be filed, and tbat such audit list will be taken up on Mon day, April 15. 1889, and continue thereafter each day (Saturday and Sunday excepted) until the whole list shall have been disposed or. 8. P. CONNER. Beglster and Ex-Offlcio Clerk of Orphans Court. .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4. ,. ,4 ( a S-fm fit - '?- BUTTER, ::, BUTTER, ::: BUTTER? EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE ' Chart! ers Creamery Go Warehouse and General Offices, : 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1428. Sissell Block. nTTSBTJRG, Vu Factories throughout "Wesierir Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations Wholesale exclusively. mhlS-arvrr. m ARMOUR 8c CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest' quality, at very moderate prices, received dally from their immense cooling rooms at Chicago WHOLESALE ONLY. del&58-MWF M ONEY TO LOAU On mortfaces on Improved real estate in sum of 51,000 and upward. Applv at DOLLAB SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-p No. 121 Fourth avenue. BROKERS FINANCIAL. De tylTT DILWORTH, ' BROKER IN IFIETIROLIETTiyi: Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsu , WHITiYEY & STEPHEXSOfl, 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS CREDITS ' THBOUOH MESSRS. DREXEL, MORGAN & CO, NEWYORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. tf8-l4 rf MEDICAl. DOCTOR WHITTJER 930 PENN AVUNUE. PlTTSBUUU. PA, Aa old residents know and back nles of Pits, burg papers prove, is the oldest established am) most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From grponbleparsona NQ pr;r; UNTIL Kirninllf? and mental diseases. physical' liltriVUUO decay, nervotu debility, laclc of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, Eelf-di3trust,bashfulnes3, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weato. ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, tro- ,soeiy ana mar in vateiy cured, leases in all Staea. erantion.. blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular nnivms tnoronzn TlDIMAPV kidney and bladder derange U fl I YinlX I 1 menta, weak back; gravel, ca-. tarrbal aiscnarges, miiammauon ana otase painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and re J cores. Dr. whltUer's life-long, extensive expert eno insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as l here. Office hours 9 a. k. to 8 p.m. Sunday, MaTx. to IF. m. only. DR. WHITTIER, a Pennavenne. Pittsburg, Pa. leS-6-DSuw A CURE GUARANTEED HEALTH.ES' ERGY and strength secured by using Am oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rell able safe remedy for the permanent core of im potency, no matter bow long standing.seperma torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital, power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; Too per box or six boxes for S4: six boxes is the complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give a written guarantee to refund the money if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. 84 Market street, Pitts, burg, Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k55-MwTSa DOCTORS-LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSAB T OFFICES, S06 PENS AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. All forms of Delicate and Cos. plicated Diseases reanirinr Cox. PIDEvnALnnd SciESTiFin Men cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Lake is a member of tho Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most experienced SPECL-L-Jsr In the city. Special attention given to Keif. ous Debility from excessive r mtal exertion, la discretions of yonth, &c, causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc ; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Crln-'-ary Organs, tc Consultation free anil strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. CallatoQlceoraadieegi- KLake.M.D.,M.R .C.P.&. or E.J.Lake.M.D-' sel-i31-in?Twk CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SS) C23Z3 SLUIRT3 BJiSS. Ortcf ail bL sbIt matna a4 reliable pUl for tale. Xerw Fall, j ask ior vAUMsters jcnguMi Diamond Brand, la Td im- hum wtn, acaaeu nua bihv na boa- At Drorrlita. Awnfc no other. An Dllla bx caste- board boxM, pink wrappers, art a dancer out eonnterfelt. Send 4c (stamp; for etter. br retnvn mall. lO.OOO testU a LADIES vbouTflQsedUiem. Kama Paper. Chichester Chemical Co.,)f idbon Sq.,PhlUP de2S-Zl-wrsuwk Gray's Specific Medicine. TRADE MARK Thi gkiat TRADE MARC UllibUU AUl iDT.Annnrail In? cure for Seminal Weak ness. Sperma torrhea, impo tencv. and all diseases that follow as a te-' quenee or Mir-4 Abuse; as loss BEFORE TAIIBB-trnlveVsal & " 7'?!'. sltude. Pain In the Bact, Dimness of Vision. Pre mature Old Aire and many othr dlseaes that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Urave. WFull particulars In our pamphlet, whlchwe desire to send free by mall to every one. .3Th aesire 10 sena me oy rami w ccj vi Specific Medicine Is sold byall drurirU Sackasre, or six packages for tx or will I y mail on the receipt of the money, by; 11 uuiKu.Tipw ui or sentirco br address In Til IT 111! a v MKmiTiNiaco.. HnJfclo. N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the oulv genuine. Sold in Plitsburg by S. S. JiULLAXD. corner Smithfield and Liberty streets. mhU-kO Tft WEAK! IrefferlsjrfroTatie & fects of youthful exv I M HI k II ror. eartr decay, lost muSocd, tta. lwifferiaiMbf treatise feetled ' (oaSdnlnf fall partjeulari for homo eon, frw o' . PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodut, Conn.; l-nc&SlCDSuwfc nttms; tne peraun lur Luauie riage, permanently, saieiy ana t m 1 ji 11 j rtivu cirviiM CaSKjifi SPSS A V jBonHnfroE s A. yl&zjiifclArs.e;. m M fTOTnnrffB " . i -, i ' V .. r .. .. i if. . . ... , - ?.j?i ., 1 . 1. . 1 - ., - . , . T i 14 - . iA & LXUia V. C V Am . f-. ... j ". nv . j ..'tia. Wih ..SXMJLlf rj .. Jt V ! . tic-'-Sia -- lKBis3ESimKBB!&KMniBiBfF&&&KK&&BSK&: