wrzstim dliMmBffl iamr twPt ?r it n - BOILERS MADE SAFE By Using Wlckerabam'a Electric Water , Level Indicator. ' The explosion of a steam boiler last week at R. Monroe & Son's buildings, on Twenty fifth street, with its terrible loss of lile, has aroused factory and mill owners to s sense of duty. Such explosions are so frequent in Pittsburg, that every man who fails to sur round his battery of boilers with the pre cautions that science has furnished is put down by mankind as guilty of criminal neglect. "Low water" is the most popular theory of the cause of these explosions. Therefore, it is most reasonable to do something to pre rent the water in a belter from becoming low. How can this be done? The safest and most simple device yet patented for that purpose was shown to a Dispatch reporter yesterday. It is absolutely the only sure protection against explosions. Here is a picture of it: By means of a float an electric circuit is closed when the index needle on the slate indicates low or high water and the bell rings an alarm. It may be adjusted as de sired, so that the alarm may be given at any height of water in the boiler. The advan tages of this invention are that it indicates danger of explosions or the burning of flues, flooding of boilers; it detects carelessness on the part of firemen, and it enables the firemen to keep the water at a uniform level, thereby securing dry steam and sav ing fuel. This indicator is manufactured and sold by Janney & TVickershara, Potts town, Pa. "Their postoffice box is No. 442. Pittsburg manufacturers should take ad vantage of this opportunity for making boilers safe. See our immense assortment of fine French sateens, Anderson's French and American Zephyrs; many styles that are not obtainable elsewhere. mwfsu Hugus & Hacke. Millinery Opening, Thursday and Friday. Match 21 and 22. E. S. Giles, 94 and 96 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. We have increased facilities for the dis play of our millinery, on second floor; take elevator. Dauzigee & Shoexbeeg, Sixth st and Penn ave. At the Last moment Contingencies arose which compel us to postpone our general opening' till Saturday, March 30. The carpet department will, however, open as announced, on Thursday, March 21, at the new store on Fifth avenue. For drygoods, wraps, suits, etc., come to 531 and 533 Wood street for a few days longer. Campbell '& Dice. Spring; Overcoats Have toe Cnll. For men spring overcoats seem to be most in demand at present, so we have marked a line of men's silk-lined spring overcoats at $10 (for to-day only), feeling sure that it will crowd this department all day long. They are manufactured from a light colored imported cheviot, silk lined throughout, , satin sleeve lining, and really are worth $22, our price 510. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. " 500 pieces of fine French challis to select from; the largest and handsomest-line in the city; small and large designs; light, me dium and dark colorings. jiwfsu Hugus & Hacke. Come for Carpets On Thursday morning, March 21, to the new store on Fifth avenue drygoods will continue for sale at 531 and 533 Wood street for a few days longer. Campbell, & Dioe. 200 Embroidered Robes nt a Great Bar gain. $2 00 and 2 50 for your choice in center of store to-day. Jos. Hokxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Pntx watches a specialty; low prices a certainty. atHauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. WPSU Take a look at our Easter novelties in bonnets and round hats. No charge for trimming. Millinerv second floor; elevator. Danzigee & Shoenbeeg, Sixth st. and Penn ave. B.&B. Misses and children's coats, newmarkets, jackets and dresses. Nicest quality, design and largest variety, and prices will suityou. Boggs & Buhl. $5, $6 and SS Pants Made to order at Pitcairn's, 434 "Wood 6treet. wsu Fcte watch repairing, lowest prices, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wfsu The Great Sale of Embroidered Cob eg To-Daj- In our wash goods department colors 52 and 52 50 each for choice. Best value ever offered. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. . 100 pieces of American challis, beauti ful styles, fast colors, at 5c and 8c a yard, "aiwrsu Hugus & Hacke. Italian Marble and Real Bronze And some new subjects in French bronze are among the many attractions to be seen at E. P. Boberts & Sons, Bric-a-Brac Im porters, wsu : B. fc B. Lace curtains bargains and values that talk at 51 50, 52, 52 50, S3, S3 50 and 55 a pair. See them. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. New and gorgeous effects in our new rib bons over one hundred different combina tions of colorings; elevator; second floor. Danzigee & Shoenbeeg, . Sixth st. and Penn aye. The Great Snle of Embroidered Robes To Doy In our wash goods department colors 52 00 and 52 50 each for choice. Best Talue ever offered. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Department of Public Safety, i Pittsburg. March 19. JSS9.J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CrlVED at the office of the CityCon-'- trailer until SATURDAY. March 30, 1689, at 2 o'clock p. ji. for the finishing of Nos.5and6 v Police suttnns, and for the erection of a stable i at Ko. 6 police station. Plans and specifications can be seen on appli cation to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in doable the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mavpr or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety, mhl9-16 Ctmltnuea on the Sixth and Seventh Paget. X3Display advertisements one dollar per square "for one insertion. Classified advertise menls on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let etc, ten -cents per line for each inser tionand nonejaken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the .accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning:: . Advertisements are to bo prepaid except -where advertisers already bare accounts -with The DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEV. Z4th street and 1'cnn are. E. G.STUCKEYACO., Wylle ave and Fulton st. K. STOK.EL1'. Filth ATenne Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 61 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & S.HE1BLEI'., 5th av. Alwood st. BOCTHSIDE. JACOB SrOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CliAS. bCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McliltlDE; Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M.GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male HcIb. WANTED GOOD BARBER., S302 PENN AVE. rohaws -TTTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. V W. C. BALDWIN, Washington. mh20-36 WANTEDHOY TO HELP CAKE BAKF.K, at WARD 4 NEFF'S, 33 Kesaca St., Alle gheny. inhSO-3 WANTED-A BOY FOR OFFICE WOKK. MATCHETT PAPER BOX CO., 23 Seventh aTe., city. mh20-12 -TTTANTED TWO BELL BOYS AT. ST. V CHARLES HOTEL, corner Third avenue and Wood st. " mh20-18 WANTED-YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE art orventriloqulsm. Address VENTR1LO QU1ST, Dispatch office. mh20-4 WANTED CANVASSER FIRST-CLASS man: best salary paid. Inquire for O. MULLER. 433 Liberty st. ' mb20-40 "VTTANTED-A MAN TO WORK ON A DAIRY V farm. Apply from 12 to 6 at W. SHAW'S, Butler St., Eighteenth -ward. mhl9-71 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER to pro to the country. Inquire at P. J. LOUGHNEV, No. 832 Liberty st. mh20-83 WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER-CANVASSER for outside -work: best salary paid. In quire for O. MULLER, 433 Liberty st. mh20-39 WAJsTED-BLACKSMlTH It) BUY TOOLS and rent shop at reasonable terms. Ad dress H. RICHTEK, Hope Church P. O. mb20-86 -rrTANTED-A SMART. ACTIVE MAN AS V salesman, etc.: one acquainted with plumb ing and gas fitting preferred, at 527 WOOD ST. mh0-2 WANTED CO ATMAKER3 NONE BUT good workmen need apply: wages good and board low. Address J. L. LOCK.HART. Wash ington, Pa. mh20-70 T7-ATED--s. COLLECTOR-MUST HAVE V experience In the sewing machine bnslness. Apply to WHLELEK & WILSON MFG CO.. 6 Sixth street. mh20-8 -VTTANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SEWING V machine man to take branch office: must have horse and wagon. WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., 6 Sixth street. mh2u-62 -VTTANTED PIANO TUNER AND RE- V PAIRER: a competent man will find steady employment and good wages by addressing J. G. Y., Lock box 423, Pittsburg. xnh2-57 WANTED-BRIGHT, ENERGETIC MAN AS outside salesman In the tea business; state ace and what experience bad. Address TEA, Dispatch office, Pittsburg, Pa, mh20-S7 WANTED A CLOTHING SALESMAN Must be a single man. with experience, and come willing to work. Apply MODEL CLOTHING HOUSE, Braddock, Pa. mh20-26 -VTTANTED-A SITUATION BY A PRACTICAL Y mechanical engineer and draftsman: ex perience In rolling mills and steel works' draw ings. Address B. A., Dispatch office. mh20-98 -VTJANTED-LOCAL MANAGER. (1.000 A V rear: permanent position; no soliciting or peddling. Apply by letter to J. STEPHENS, Gen'liPgT. 227 Main St., Cincinnati, O. mh3-95-irwr J R.. offices of Gately & Co.. iO and 12 Sixth st. mh20-72 TTJANTED-BOOKKEEPER-Br A WHOLE V SALE house: must be experienced and a good penman: reference required. Address, stat ing salary expected, B. PACKER, Dispatch of fice. mh20-U -TTJAXTED-TWO TOUNG MEN OF SOME V experience In paper hanging or kalsomlning. Apply at 186 Fifth avenue, four doors from Court House, at 7 A. 11. or 6 P. M. JOHN B. BLACK & BKO. mh20-3S TTTANTED-A GAHDENER-MUST UNDER V STAND taking care of borses and cows; German preferred. Apply to THOS. H. PHELPS, 4l2Sinlthfleld st., or Forward aTe., Twenty-second ward, city. mhl9-47 WANTED-GAKDENEK:YOUNGMAN PRE FERRED; must have bad ome experience Jn pmnlng and line gardening; steady work. OTTO MINER. Landscape Gardener, 73 Sheffield st-, Allegheny. mh20-8 WANTED ACTIVE, INTELLIGENT MAN oTgood address with ability as a salesman; city acquaintance and knowledge of retail gas fix ture and plumbing trade preferred; state expe rience, reference and salary. CHANDELILlt, Dispatch office. mhaws -TTTANrED-A SOBER, INTELLIGENT SIA'N V to superintend sheet rolling mill; tin plate man preferred: must invest small amount to In sure faithful service. Address, with references and salary expected, JESSE LARRAUEE, 55 Liberty St., N. Y. mhl7-79-3invT TrTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS TEAMEK ON V. night turn to take charge of 30-pot gas furnace; reference required: must be steadT, sober, reliable man; none other need applv. Ad dress TEAMER, Dispatch office. Reference re quired from last place. mh20-7 -rXTANTED-3 OR 4 GOOD PULLERS-OUT V wanted Immediately on a 30-pot gas fur nace: steady work and 'good wages given to steady,sober,lndustriousmen. None other need apply.glTlng reference and where emploj ed last. Address PULLEROUT.Dlspatch office. mha-7 TTTANTED AGENTS ON SALARY: S75 PER V month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and lire at home: salary paid promptly and expenses In ad Tance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Inst what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. felS-3-D FemnJo ITeltH -YTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL THAT UNDER- V STAN DS housework. Apply Immediate ly at 197 FOURTH AVE. mh20-85 -TTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL VV housework: references required. NO. 161 THIRD ST., Allegheny. mh20-58 -TTTANTED-AT ONCE-A GOOD TAILORESS V for pants and vests. W. Y. WEST. Mer chant Tailor, Homestead. mhl9-53 -TTTANTED-GIRL FOE GENERAL HOUSE V WORK: must come recommended. Apply 566WYLIEAVENUEEXTENS10N. mhXMO WANTED-A PROTESTANT GIRL FOR UP STAIRS WOKK: must bavo good recom mendation. Calls BIDWELL ST., Allegheny. rohI9-46 WANTKD-A RELIABLE GIRL (PKOTEST iNT preferrea) for general housework: references required. Call or address SS16 PENN AVENUE, East End. mh20-33 -TTTANTED-LADY OF PUSH, ENERGY AND YY education, not under 20; one having had experience as teacher preferred; SlOwceklv: call after 10 A. M., Wednesday. H. A. SCHBOEDER, 54 Sixth st. mh20-66 Male nnd Peinnle (Teln. -TTTANTED-MAN AND WIFE-FOR FARM YY house, farm bands and gardeners, man to work In hotel, cook $S per week, second cook and dishwasher, SOU bouse girls, cooks, and chamber maids, 4 colored girls. MKEHAN'S AGfcNOY, 515 Grant st. mhl8-D Situations. WANTED-POSITION BY EXPERIENCED shipping clerk: best of reference given. Address SHI f PIN O, Dispatch office. mh JM1 -TTTANTED-A POSITION AS TRAVELING YV salesman by a man well acquainted with trade In W. Penna and Eastern Ohio. Address TRADE, Dispatch office. mh-JM'J WANTED-BY PARTY WITH CAPITAL AN D experience to engage la some profitable business; manufacturing preferred. Address P. O. BOX 819. Baltimore, Md. Inhl9-H -VTTANTED-POSITION BY YOUNG MAN YV having experience as bookkeeper and salesman: any honorablecmployment: good refer ence. Address M, Dispatch office. 1DU3M7 WANTED SITUATION AS GARDENER, married, understands care of flowers, fruits, vegetables and cows; can give good refer ence. Address GARDENER, Dispatch office. mh20-34 WANTED-SITUATION AS COACHMAN BT man with wife Dut no children; first-class recommendations bv former and present employ ers. Address PBE&"ENT EMPLOYER: Dispatch office. mb20-32 Bnslness Chances. WA N T ED MANUFACTURERS 110.(100 subsidy, free land and natural gas will be given for a substantial factory. Address LOCK Box G Marlon, Ind. mhl9-49 y.e A' WANTED. Rooms, Houses, Etc -rrTANTED-FURNISHKD HOUSE; ALLE YY GHENY preferred; family of four; no smaii tuHuim, Aumni a. . sx.. Afispaicu office. mhU-55 -CTTANTED-A FURNISHED HOUSE IN THE YV country, with stabling, for tbe summer: convenient to city on line of a railroad. Address bUBURBAN, Dispatch office, stating rental, location and description or house, with furnlsb ment. mh20-25 Boarders nnd Lodgers. -TTTANTEO-OCCUPANTS FOR PARLORS, furlntr na.rt rtrnatu m MnritaxKi ahi .Apply 23. lllhiO-22 dy 23 MONTGOMERY AVE.. Alleehenv. -TTT ANTE D BOARDERS-SHAD YSIDE Y V room with board, suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. Apply on premises, AMBER SON AVE., third door irom church. mhl7-21-W6u Boarding. -TTTANTKD-BY A YOUNG LADY. WHO IS Y V employed during the day, room and board, In a private family; terms must be reasonable. Address for three days, E. M. M., Dispatch office. mh29-71 Flnnnclal. -TTANTED-MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED YV property. SPENCER A GLOSSEK, 419 Smlthfield st. mhl9-60 WANTED-MOKTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit. EW1NG & BYEHS, 107 Federal street. tnhl2-13-12, It, 16, 17, 20 WANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BkACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a23-a29-D -TTTANTED-MOKTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN YY In sums to suit, at , i and 6 per cent. GBAEBING'& LYON, 135 Fourth aTe. ap6-el-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY. OTCr M.000; H tier cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., KFourth avenue. inh2-a22-D TTTANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. laW-81 WANTED MO RTG AGES, LARGE OR small, at 4,S to 6 per cent, according to kind and slie of mortgage. W. A. HERRON S SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mhl-38-1, 4, 6, S, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20,22, 25.27,29 -TT7ANTED-MORTGAGES ON enTSBUKG, YV Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate In large or smill amounts, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. mhI6-77-JTWS -TTTANTED GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY YV amount: lowest rates or Interest and com mission. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. fe7-87-vs -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-WE HAVE MONEY YY to loan on desirable property; rates and expenses reasonable. STRAUB & MORRIS, cor ner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mb20-S6 -TTTA-NTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS Y V of (3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4 per cent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per na a per ceuu dl.a.,h. a daiui so rourtn avenue. se2l-d26-D w ANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MORT- UAlfc3; 1100 and npwara at o per cent; 1500, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also in aujoimui FRENCH. 125 Foutth avenue, so In adjoining counties. S. H. OCOl-CO-ll WANTED HOUSES TO KENT AND RENTS to collect; we give special attention to man agement of properties; Itemized accounts, month ly settlements. PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM.; Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth ave. fe7-87-ws -TTTANTED-MOKTGAGES-l,0tl0,000TOLOAN Y V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on farms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK Si bON, 105 Fourth avenne. ap7-f41 WANTED OWNERS OF PROPERTY TO know that we give onr personal attention to the collection of rents and management of property: Itemized statements monthly or quar terly, as desired. SPENCER 4 GLOSSEK, 419 Smlthfield St. mhl9-60 Miscellaneous. -TTTAN TED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND YV general merchandise for storage at lowest rate. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 93 Third avenue. mhlJ-1 WAN TED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO SELL at onr salesrooms, or on the premises. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 93 Third avenue. mhl9-l WANTED BUYERS FOB GOLD AND silver watches, chains, clocks, diamonds, silverware, etc.. at l per week; Rogers' knives and forks (1 75 per set for cash. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Alleghenv. fel7-18-UWPSu -TTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT YV H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and ellver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 5J0 Smlthfield St. noll-irwFSu WANTED BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenne, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous Drocess. mhl3-63 FOB. SALE I3IPBOVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR 8ALE-AT S,50i)-NO. 27 ROSS ST., brick house 8 rooms: lot 20x69 ft. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, W Fourth ave. v imhiO-91-20,23,28,29 FOR SALE ELEGANT MANSION HOUSE 11 rooms, with lot 245X200 ft., on Center ave. SPENCER & GLOSSEK, 419 Smlthfield St. mhl9-60 FOR SALE WYLIE AVE,, 7-KOOMED BRICK house: hall; good lot. etc.: a bargain: only fATOO. LASHELL RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. mh!9-43 FOR SALEp.200 A BARGAIN-FRAME dwelling of five rooms, hall, vestibule, laun dry, gas, water, etc.. on Bedford ave.. near Erin St.. BALTENSPEKGEK & WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. mhI9-98 FOR SALE CHEAP-IF SOLD AT ONCE, NO. 302 Locust St., Sixth ward, near the Court House, new pressed brick house 8 rooms: latest conveniences. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. mhl7-70 FOR SALE-NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST., NEW double frame dwelling of 6 rooms In each: lot 2lx35rt.: rents for $343; only K, 850: ssOOcash; bal ance to, suit: positive bargain. THOS. MCCAF FREY. 3509 Butler st. fe24-97-W6Su FOR SALE ONLY fl.OOO CASH, BAL. TO suit buyer, fine two-story pressed brick dwelling, cor. of Chestnut and Watson sts., city; but 5 mfn. from Court House; possession April 1. BALTENSPEKGEK & WILLIAMS, 151 Fourth ave. rahl9-9S TJIOR SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND X? Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story- brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic: lot 20x80 feet; low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. de6-198-ws East End Residences. TTIOE SALE-84, 000-f 300 CASH, BALANCE IN A1 rent, will buy a 2-story frame, slate-roof dwell ing, etc.. In East End, near station; city water and gas, bath and all conveniences: tile hearth In par lor; natural gas. Inquire MORRIS 4 FLEMING, 166 Fourth avenue. mh6-20-MVF FOR SALE-A NEW BRICK HOUSE WITH 6 large rooms, bath, attic and dry cellar: lot 46x120; Blppey street, near Negley avenue, 3 squares from Penn avenue cable: sewerage and pavlngall paldror;prlce6,700. MELLON BROS.. 6349 SUtlon St., E. E. mh20-25--KT FOR SALE OR TO LET-NEAT NEW EAST END house, late style, 9 rooms, well finished, hard wood cabinet mantels, large closets, bath, 2 w. c, laundry, large porches: Iot40xl21ft.: near ttetm and cable cars; location first-class. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. mhl-92-MWS FOR SALE NEW FRAME DWELLING 7 rooms and large attic bay window, inside shutters, china closet, large pantries, corner fire places with slate mantels and tile hearths; lot40x 137 to aSO-foot alley: 5 minutes from station; Im mediate possession. JNO. F.. BACTElt, Ag't, 512 Smlthfield St. n.h3)-64-'Wl FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, NO.SS71 ELLS WORTH avenue, near Roup station. East End. to be sold by order of the Orphan's Court at public sale on Tuesday, March 26, at 2 o'clock P. u.. on tbe premises. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. mbl6-100-jtW8 FOR SALE-J5.000-OAKLAND-BEAUTIFUL location, new 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath. Inside w. c, range, pantry, Iront and back stairs, sliding doors. Inside shutters, hardwood mantels, tile hearths, front and back porches. A good bargain for buyer acting promptly. BLACK 4 BA1KD, 95 Fourth avenue. mhl9-13-20,2I,22,25.27,29 FOK SALE A SMALL CASH PAYMENT and annual payments will buy a fine new pressed brick dwelling. East End, reception hall and 4 rooms first floor, 5 rooms on second and 5 rooms In altlc: hard wood stairway; slate mantels, with Improved fireplaces: laundry, with cemented floor; lot 75x140 feci to a 25-foot alley; with perfect sewerage; bonse now open for Inspection: excep tionally low price and terms to suit. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield st. mhl7-64-weBU 1710R SALE-A GOOD HOUSE WITH CORNER ! lot. In the East End, Shetland avenue and Wilson street, near Lincoln avenue and conven ient to the fine property of Mr. Thos. Armstrong: 6 rooms In house, with reception hall, attic and cellar, etc., etc.: fine corner lot, fruit and shade trees, etc. etc;-4o be sold at public sale ou Mon day, March 25. at 2 o'clock r. M., ou the premises; positive sale; owner going to Europe; terms to snlt: immediate possession: tltlo perfect. Partic ulars from JAS. W. DEAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhl6-99-MWTbs TJWR 8ALB-t6,230A CHOICE OAKLAND X1 property, near cable road; handsome modern style brick dwelling or 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, laundry, etc.: latest Improved natural gas range; stationary tubs In laundry; patent sani tary w. c: large bath tub; marble-top stationary washstand: an abundance of good large closets, also china and fruit closets: sliding doors. Inside shatters, polished plate glass windows; tile vesti bule, tlje hearths, natural gas grates, elegant slate mantels' and hardwood cabinets; stained glass of very pretty design In vestibule door; chandeUers and gas fixtures: the walls and ceil ings are elaborately decorated with most beautiful designs of modern art; nice large front and rear porches and bay window balcony; flagstones and cement walks; nice lawn; large lot; iron fence; paved street; both natural and artificial gas. BLACK 4 BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. jnuUMO-HTYm THE PITTSBUKQ---: DISPATCH, FOE SALE IMPROVED H.EAL ESTATE. East End Residence. FOR 8ALE-t2.700 FOR a'4-ROOM HOUSE, cemented ceilar, porches, etc., with lot 24x145, B road street, one-half square from cable line. MELLON BROS., 6313 Station St., K.E. mh20-a FOR ALE-3,700 FOR AN OAKLAND RESI DENCE on Meyrairavenne, near Forbes su, food house 6 rooms; lot 22x100 ft.: stable on alley; erms easy. W. A. HKRRON 4 SONS, SO Fourth avenue. mhl7-70 FOR SALE-ON FABRAGUT ST., A VERY desirable property, bouse with 8 rooms, hav ing all modern Improvements and good location, adjoining the residence of C. B. Seely: price rea sonable. Inquire of O. Be SEELY, 6017 Penn ave. auiaKS-uwr FOR SALE ONE AND A HALF ACRES ON Rebecca street, near cable line, Nineteenth ward, with 4-roomed house, good well, etc. : easy terms: price H.000: can be laid out In 20 building lots of good size. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st., E. K. mhg)-27-wr F IOR SALE-WHY BENT WHEN MEL.LON RKOTHF.HS will sell von & new 7-roomed nouse witn porencs, pantry ana cememeu ccuai, trees, vines, etc.: lot 36x100. Hays street, near North Hlland avenue; price, 13,800. 6349 STA TION ST., E. E. mhl6-63-WSU A11ssTflsTlV TFIrilnf4ta- FOR SALE S, 000 WILL "BUY BRICK HOUSE, Slrooms, bath, range, etc., on Locust st.. illDnh.n. lnt ?1t129 fp-t. A -IV WTI.SON. 52 D. WILSON. 55 Federal st.', Allegheny. mDSO-51-wrs TTOB SALE-ON LOCUST ST., ALLEGHENY, P hrirlr honitp- Brooms. bath, ranrf, etc.: stable. lot 42x129 feet: price, fiOOO, A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mb20-5l-wrs Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-NEW .HOUSE. 6 ROOMS, ATTIC, hall, beating and Illuminating gas. water In kitchen, slate mantels, tile hearths, large porch, river view. SAMUEL SLE1CI1I. Forest street. Avalon station. Ft. Wayne Railway. mh20-42 , FOR SALE-TWO-STORY FRAME DWELL ING of 5 rooms, near Glcnlleld Station, with large lot 90xlS0 feet: price, only (3,000. Also a number of others at same place from 82, 500 to $3,000. C. BER1NGER4SON..103 Fourth ave. mh20-60-WFS FOR SALE-ON REBECCA ST., WILKINS BURG, new. frame house 6 rooms and fin ished attic, front and back porches, side entrance, sliding doors, slate mantels, gas, etc. : lot 25x100: price, 83il00; terms easy. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-76-MWFSu F OK SALE-ON WALLACE ST WILKINS BUltG. brlckbonseSrooms. front and back porches: lot 52x149; price, $3,800; also on Water St., WUklnsburg. lot 98x165. frame, house of 5 rooms; thesenropertles can be purchased on your own terms. THUS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-76-MwTSU FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny county: the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a will be sold, with from l to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVUiLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., S5 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE-A FINE SUBURBAN RESI DENCE and grounds on Penn avenne, near It. R. station: 10 commodious rooms, bath, lava tory, cedar closet, lanndry. furnace, natural gas, dry cellar with concrete floor, vegetable niches, Sorch in front and on either side, etc., etc; a eautlful residence and In elegant order through out; spacious grounds, great abundance and va riety or fruit trees, grapevines and ancestral oaks, copious flow of pure crystal water, purling brook, emerald mead. etc.. etc.: onlv 3 minutes' from R. K. station and on line of new cable road extension; price moderate: (1,090 to 83,000 down, balance in 10 years. JAS. W.DRAPEA CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhl6-100-MWS FOR SALE LOTS. city i,ot FdBSALE NO INCREASE OF PRICE OVER a year ago, If sold quick, although the price of property has steadily advanced in the same time all over the city, cheap and desirable build ing lots In the Ruch plan. Thirteenth ward, con tiguous to two lines of cable cars; call or send for plans. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. mb7-42-8.1l,13,15,18,20,22,25,27 East End Lots. FOR SALE-BEAU11FUL LOTS AT SHADY SIDE on Atlantic 'ave., near Liberty ave.; convenient to station and cable cars. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. . mhl9-12-19,20,21, 22, 25. 26.27,28, 29 "TrtOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA X? TION, P. K, R., convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from (406 to (600. Inquire of 1). C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no2S-y78 Alleghenv Lota. FOR SALE-TWO VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ING lots on Sheffield St., Allegheny, running back to a paved street. C. BEKINGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh20-60-WFS FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avennes and Lombard street, Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D JpiOR 3ALE-A FEW OF THOSE FIN E BU1LD ! IN G-lots: cheap If sold at once: located on unnery JiUI: very, easily reached from the center of Allegheny by Federal st. incline; price as low as (400; easy terms. W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mb7-43-7,9,12,14,16.2.22,27 29 Suburban Lots. FOR SALE-LOT 51X138, FRONTING ON DI VISION st., Bellevue; price only (700. XHOS.;LIGGETT, 114 J-ourth ave. mhl7-76-MwTSu FOK SALE-LOTS-THE tTTTSBURG NAT'L Bank of Commerce has a very few lots left at WUklnsburg, all well sltnated and very desirable; also at Edgewood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have quite a number pleas antly situated on tbe hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the whole valley: thev will be sold free of taxes for 1689 on very eaBy terms. Apply at the BANK. fe27-II-ws Farms. FOR SALE-A SMALL FARM OF 48 ACRES In Sewlckley township, only 1 mile from P., Ft. W. 4 O. K. W. ; about 15 acres rich creek bot tom land, seven-roomed house, barn, etc. C. BERINGER4SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh20-60-wrs FOR SALE A GOOD FARM OF 130 ACRES, 110 acres cleared, balance In good timber; lays almost level, water In every field: near lllalrsvllle, on West Penn R. It. Also others from SO to 100 acres, a BEKINGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth avenue. mh20-60-wrs uTiscellaneoni. FOK SALE TO MANUFACTURERS, SPECU LATORS or any who may want for 60 days at (600 per acre, from 16 to 20 acres'of land lying In the borough of Parnassus, fronting both the Alle gheny Valley Railroad and the river; also from 10 to 12 acres fronting the river for (WO per acre; gas main within 30 feet of thlsproperty. Inquire of or address STEPHEN YOUNG, Parnassus post office: fel3-ll-w. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnslness Chances. FOB SALE AS boOD A PAYINGARBER shop as there Is in tbe city: ill health the reason for selling. Address Y., Dispatch office. mh20-13 F IOR SALE GENT'S' FURNISHING AND hitKtnn" irood location: rent low; fneland light free. Address H UHMER 4 CO., Allegbcn y. mhl9-u-rvvr FOR SALE-MERCHANT TAILOR STORE IN good location: new stock, good business; satisfactory reasons for selling. Address TAILOR, Dispatch office. mh!9-41-MWF FOR SALE-OR TO LET A BAKERY DOING a good business: rare chance to a man of small capital. Call or address J. P. HALL. No. 403 Grant st., clfy. mb.20-81 FOK 8ALE-DKYGOODS AND NOTION STORE In city: stock clean and saleable; 6 living rooms; rent low. BALTENSPEKGEK 4 WILL IAMS, 154 Fourth ave. - mh20-94 T7IOR SALE FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND KES JD TAUKANT. also large poolroom attached. In Baltimore cltv; fine business: good reason given for selling. AnnlytoS. BAKTH 4 CO., No. 212 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md, mhl4-16-D FOR SALE A GOOD CHANCE FOR A LIVE man tha,t wants to engage In a gsod paying business: S. M. SHANER'Srestanrant,42Dlamond Market House, Pittsburg: doing good business and good reasons for wanting to sell. mh20-96 FOE SALE-A FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH gallery, located in a town of 20,000; doing the best business there: only two other galleries: 111 health Is the only reason for selling. Vor particn larsapplytoK.BKOUDE4CO., 242 Fifth ave. mhl9-62 TPOR SALE-NEAT CIGAK STORE: GOOD . P navinir small drvgoods and notion store, either would suit ladv; stores of all kinds and prices. bakeries, boarding houses, hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works, etc. : 100 business chances. SHEPAKD 4 CO.,. 54 Filth ave. mh8 TCWR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS OPPORTUNITY JU for a man of limited means to purchase a light manufacturing business; product simple In maaufacture and would have ready sale this sea sou: owner being obliged to leave the city, will otter for a few days at a sacrifice Call or address FRANK O. VAN GOBDER, 5816 Penn avenue. mh20-38 Bnslness Stands. FOR SALE-315 FIFTH .AVENUE AT AUC TION ; this property will be sold by order of Orphans' Court on Saturday, March 30, at 2 o'clock: lot 25 feet wide In front, 34 feet wide in rear, by average depth of 100 feet, with brick dwell ing and store, good business stand. A. LEG GATE 4 SON. Auctioneers. mh20-ll FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Dorses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Arc. TTiOK SALE-A 1 FAMILY HORSE, WITH JJ first-class barouche and harness, nearly new, all In excellent order: owner moving onto cable line. Address OWNER, Dispatch office. mh20-29 FOR SALE A VERY TINE 80RREL MARE, 7 years old, suitable for buggy or light deliv ery purposes, will sell cheap; Call t STOKE, cor. Klrkpatrlck and West End ave., Allegheny. FOB SALE FOK WANT OF DSE-1 GOOD drlvlng-borse; bay in color: sound and gen tle; will not scare at anything; will stand with out hitching. Price, (160. Apply at TBEMONT STOV& WORKS, Preble ave., Allegheny, mh20-66 WEDNESDAY, - MARCH FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. , Machinery and Metals. T?OK BALE FABER BTEAMBOAT ENGINE J? Cylinder 30x48: one large flywheel: one6-ln. shaft and two cranks. Inquire of H. C. FRICK COKE" CO., 104 Fifth aye- city. mh!9-6l TT'OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND A? boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest Srlcei: mounted portable engines, 8 to 2Sh. j. t-25P4rfcway. JtS. YOONU, Allegheny, Pa. JsO-m-xwr FOR SALE 28X48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation) price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 in in hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 154 First ave. aul-p32-HWF FOR BALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7jxl2-lncb double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manllarope, centrifugal pumps, etc; two 26x4$-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMASCAKLIN'SSONS, cor. LacockandSanduskysts., Allegheny. Jal7-MWT Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-COUNTER 20 FEET LONG, BINS and shelving; suitable for grocery: must be sold before April. Apply at 235 FKANKSTOWN AVE., El E. mh20-37 FOK 8ALE-THE ENTIKE FUKNISHMENT of a house In the best location In tbe city; furniture all new last spring: lease will be trans ferred to purchaser of furniture. Address FUK NITURE, Dispatch office. mh20-l TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE; MAT URAL gas. J. W. LOWRY, Ridge street. near Thirty-third street, city. mh20-43 TO LET-NO. 160 THIRD AVE.;COK. HOUSE, 10 rooms, late Improvements. W. A. HER- RON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh!7-70 TO LET A VERY DESIRABLE BRICK KES DENCE of 10 rooms. No. 411 Wylle ave. C. BERINGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh20-60-WTS TO LET-BLUFF ST., NEAR MARION. 8 rooms, range, bath, gas and all conveni ences. HENRY A. BKfcED, 516 Market st, , , r mh20-52 OLET-HOUSEOF 12EOOMS.502PENN AVE NUE, with stable: first-class location for physician or dentist. Inquire 508 PENN AVE. mhl6-42 TO LET-NEARLY NEW-2-STOBY MAN SARD roof dwelling of 8 rooms. No. 84 Locust, city; both gases, bath, modern improve ments, etc. Apply to WM.L. SMITH, 935 Penn ave. mhl7-9 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, HALL, bathroom, both gases, 20 minutes' walk from postoffice and near street cars: rent (26 per month. GEO. W. HACKETT, 334 Webster ave. or 1009 Liberty st. . mh20-59 TO LET BRICK DWELLING 6 ROOMS, BOTH gases, marble mantels, vestibule. Inside shutters, etc., etc.; a desirable neighborhood: 10 mln. walk from postoffice: on line of cable cars; (25 per mo. N O. o MILLER ST., near Center ave. mh20-100 East End Residences. TO LET-SOUTH HILAND AVE. HOUSE 8 rooms, nice yard, bath, gas, etc.: stable. HEN KY A. BREED, 516 Market st. mb.20-52 TO LET OR FOK SALE-A RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms, stabling, etc.. and IM acres; abund ance offrnltand shade: oneof the most delightful locations la E. E. M. P. HOWLEY, 6326 Station St., E. E., or 127 Fourth ave. mhl7-59 TO LET-IRVING PLACE, ELLSWORTH ave., Shadyslde, several beantlful brick resi dences, containing -ten rooms, bath, lanndry, pantry, etc.; large lawns to each house; house new; never occupied. W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh!7-10 mo LET ON COLLINS AVE. BRICK JL bouse of 9 rooms, bath, w.c, natural gas. city sewer, good paved street, within 3 minutes of cable and steam cars: rent. (35 per month, water rent paid. Inquire of KUHN 4 BRO., 6117 Penn ave. ; telephone 5018. mh20-69 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE. TWO-STORY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic, cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; 3 acres of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, stables, etc.; win be rented low to good party; Shady ave., opposite Wilklns ave. Inquire of N. 8. SNYDER. St. Nicholas Hotel, or J.ll. HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave.. East End. mb5-3-TW8Su Apartments. TO LET I ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR WITH natural gasand water, for dwelllngor offices. 3 minutes' walk from the postoffice. Inquire ol W. H. DEVORE, 512 Grant St. mhl3-55 TO LET ELEGANT DOUBLE PARLORS: best location on Arch St., Allegheny, for physician or dentist; both gases; 10 minutes' walk from Pittsburg P. O. Address Z. A.. Dis patch office. mh20-41 Farms. TO LET OR FOR SALE-150-ACEE FARM, 5 minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. K. K., Westmoreland CO.; 15acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON, 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-Mwr Business Stands. TO LET-639 SM1THFIELD ST.-EENT LOW to a good tenant. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth are. mhCO-cs TO1 LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement, 138 First ave. Inquire of HUNT 4 CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave. mhl9-44 TO LET-LARGE STOREROOM ON FIRST floor, near Smlthfield st.; rent very low. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mh!5-29-D TO LET THE LARGE AND DESIRABLE warehouse. No. 1038 Penn avenne; at present occupied by Wm. Charles 4 Co. Apply tp THOS. K. KERR, Room 4, 1036 Penn ave. mli20-75-WF TO LET-NO. 93 WATER ST., 160 FEET DEEP to First ave.: 3 stories: elevator; In first class condition; will divide and rent In two parts. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mbl0-94-MWP TO LET-ONE HALF OF STORE ON SIXTH street: best location on tbe street; rent ex ceedingly low It taken by April 1; also large room for storing purposes. Address M. D., Dispatch office. mh20-63 TO LET-ELEGANT STOREROOM WITH plate-glass front; fine opening for bakery and confectionery, China and glass orlewelry busi ness: first-class retail location. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth avenue. mh5-35-D TO LET-ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND-NO. 173 Fifth ave., opp. Court House, running through to Wylle ave. ; new plate glass fronts on both streets; Immediate possession; rent low. J. C. KE1LLY, or ON PREMISES. mhl9-45 TO LET-TWO LARGE FLOORS, SECOND and third stories, on Diamond St., near Smltbfield St., suitable for furniture storage or llgbt manufactory: large hand elevator: rent low. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 fourth ave. mh!5-29-D TO LET-FOUK LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as tbe Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue, Alleghenv. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-MW8 TO LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms Tor general business purposes, with or without power, to rent In the new DISPATCH building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices: llgbt the best to be had In the city: electric lighting free; passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service In cluded. Rents (3U0, (400 and (1,000 per annumf situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all tbe public buildings and of the leading business squares. Anply between 11 A. M. and 4 p. M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Offices, Dcik Room, tfcc TO LET-FOURTH AVENUE OFFICES, cheap, as low as (10 per mo., heat,1anltor and elevator service Included. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl7-69-irruWThs T 10 LET-OFFICES IN THE NEW. BLAIR building, cor. Federal and Isabella su.. Allegheny: the offices are very deslrable.and rent low. W. A. HEKKON 4 SONS, 80 Fourtrf avenue. mhl-42-1, 4, 6, 8, 1 L 13, 15, 18, 20, 22 TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32-D TO LET-LAKGE AND SS1ALL OFFICES ON the second and third floors ol Mellon's build ing, opposite City Hall, Smlthfield street: good light: reasonable rent. Inquire at T. MELLON 4 SON'S BANK, 612 and 514 Smlthfield street. mhIO-64-MWr T 10 LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanta Savings Bank. 423 Wood St.. having changed the Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., oner tbe same jur rent at reasonauic terms, x'anies acsir lngafine location should apply at once at the BANK. de2I-75-D Special. TO LET-HOUSES TO LET IN ALL PARTS orAllepheny: call and see bulletin. EWING 4 BYERS, 107 Feaeral street. mbl2-13-12,14,t6,I7,20 TO LET-DWELLINGSLARGE AND SMALL, In both cities and suburbs; call or send for printed list free. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. . mhl-3S-MWP TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room fiats, two six and eight-room dwelling bouses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mhl7-115-MWT8u TO LET-BY BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 FOURTH avenue, dwellings, stores andofflces In Pitts burg, Allegheny, Oakland, East End, Southslde and in all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are issued every Wednesday and Saturday of each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon any of the followlngnamed: C. F. Nourse, No. 190 Center ave. J. M. Blackburn, No. 388 Fl th ave. J. P. Urben, .Franklin and Fulton sts. Emll G. stucky 4 Co, Wylle ave. and Ful ton st. A. H. Wilson, Penn and Frankstown ave. George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont St. Jacob Spohn. No. 2 Carson St. M. Blaclsburn, No. 3313 Penn are. Peter Walter. Jr., No. 64 Chestnut st. Charies Schwann, No. 1707 Carson st, E. Holden 4 Co.. 63 Federal St. J. F. CaldwelL Manhattan and Rebecca its. Louis H. Vogel, Webster ave. cor. Boberts st. Ja26-64-WS Miscellaneous. TO LET - FIEST-CLA8S STABLE AND 7rd, at 319 Penn avenne; front and rear en trance. W. A. HEREON 4 BONS, 80 Fourth ve. mh20-8 20, 1889.; TO LET. Allechcnr Residences. TO LET-ON BUENA VISTA ST., HOUSE, 8 rooms, modern Improvements: rent (400. A. D. WILSON, 5S Federal street. , mh20-Sl-WTB mh20-51-WFS TO LET 101 FAYETTE ST., ALLEGHENY good bouse 8 rooms; late Improvements: (425 per year. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth aye. mb20-89 TO LET-M20; NO WATER KENT-BRICK house, S rooms modern Improvements, on Page St., Allegheny, A. D. WILSON. 55 rederal street. mhawi-wrs TO LET GOOD 7-EOOM BRICK HOUSE: bath: art. and uat. gas: large yard; In Second ward. Allegheny? (25. W. W. MqNEILL 4 KKO., 162 Fourth ave, mhl9-82 O LET -ON PAGE ST.. BRICK HOUSED rooms, bath, range, laundry, etc" etc. ; nice fmn, v.4. von. UVI k II WItllM SA FmI. .(W,l I.M. -A.y. Wi AT. ,,A..bJU-., " era! St., Allegheny. mh20-51-wTS TO LET-NORTH AVENUE DWELLING 10 rooms, modern Improvements, with Im mediate possession; rent (720. SAMUEL DYER, 48 Park way, Allegheny. mh20-38 TO LET-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE 11 rooms: latest Improvements; location first class, on Ridge avenue, Allegheny. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. inhl7-68-MWT TO LET-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING ON Sheffield street, Allegheny: 9 rooms, with bath.-lnvatorr. natural gas, and all modern con veniences: bouse almost new and. In elegant order. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. mh20-97 Snbnrbou Residences. TO LET-SlY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage bouse, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire onprem lses. or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 PERSONAL. PERSONA L BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU 'have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 91,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. , fe20 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUB WIFE, mother or daughters In reoalrlng and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits made to order: spring styles now ready, telephone 1558. mh3 FOUND. FOUND SPRING THE BEST TIME TO CURE all ailments. Dr. Griffith's Great Ta-va-zonl The people's favorite remedies; makespure blood, stomacb, lungs, liver and kidneys healthy, the weak strong: thousands bnythem. GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY. Third and Grant, Pittsburg, Pa. mb20-l9 LOST. LOST-ON PANHANDLERAILROAD TRAIN, leaving Pittsburg Saturday last at 5:15 P.M., a ladles pocket book containing between (16 and (17. -Finder will please return to STRAUB-4 MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenne, Pittsburg, and receive thanks and reward. mh20-M PROPOSALS. Office of Crrr Contbollee, PlfTSBlTRG. March 18, 1889. t PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT this office nntil 3 p.m., March 30 next, for printing 100 copies of controller's annual report, to be completed in three weeks' time, and bond furnished in snm of $200. Specifica tions furnished on application and right re served to reject any bids. E. S. MORROW. mh20-74-D City Controller. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 48-INCH CAST-IRON "WATER-PIPE AND CAST INGS Office of Washington Aqueduct, Wash ington, D. C, March 20, 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, -will be received at this office until noon. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1889. for furnishing and delivering in the city of Wash ington, 22,700 lineal feet, more or less, of 48-inch cast-iron water-pipe and such special castings as may be required for increasing the water supply of the .city. Forms and specifications can be obtained at this office. Tbe United States reserves the right to reject any And all pro posals. Tbe attention of bidders is invited to the Acts of Congress approved February 26, j&so,anu feoruary -a, ico7, vol. zj, page mz. and Vol. 24, page 414, Statutes at Large, I. JUiUN ai. WILSON, colonel, u. 8. Army. mh20-77-20,21,22,23,ap5,6 Office of fl CONTROILER OF AXLEOHZITY CO., PA. PiTTSBUBa, pa., March is, itssa. MCE TO PM AND BINDERS. Sealed proposals will be received atthis office until Saturday, March 23, 1889, at 3 o'clock P. K.. for furnishing the office of tbe Treasurer of Allegheny county with the following:.. 158 Receipt books, i binding, containing 60,023 receipts. 115 Receipt boofcs,- binding, containing 28,450 receipts. 89 Collectors' books, bound in sheep, contain ing 5.0&0 leaves. 238 Collectors' books, bound in paper, M. bind ing, containing 6,730 leaves. 49 Collectors' books, i binding, bound in mus lin, containing 5,210 leaves. 20 Extra receipt books, i binding, containing 2,000 receipts. 5 Extra books in sheep. 5 Extra books in paper. 30,000 Statements. Samples can be seen at the office of County Treasurer. JOSIAH SPEER, mh20-24 County Controller. AMUSEMENTS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE TOLLY'S MAG NIFICENT ILLUSTRATION OF Camaiiiis and Battles of tbe far! Given under the auspices of John B. Clark Post 162.- In addition to the views shown a Musical Entertainment will be given by eminent vocal and Instrumental talent of the two cities. Old City Hall, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, 21, 22 and 23. Matinee, Saturday 23, 3 P. 3f. Popu lar prices of admission. mh20-76 BIJOU THEATER THIS WEEK. EMMA ABBOTT GRAND OPERA CO. Wednesday Matinee CHIMES OF NOR MANDY. Wednesday-LUCIA. "BRIDE OF LAM MERMOOR." Thursday IL TROVATORE. Friday NORMA. Sat. Matinee YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. Sat. NlgbS-BOHEMIAN GIRL. Next week "The Stowaway." mh20 TT ARRIS' THEATER- Every afternoon and evening, "KEEP IT DARK." March 25 "Beacon Lights." mhl7-95 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every Evening. Matinee Saturday Only. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE. Tc-night-DOMBEY AXD SON. Week March 25 Rosina Yokes. mhl9-2 CASINO MUSEUM-WEEK OF MARCH 18 Great and grand double show. Cant. Paul Boyton and his Educated Seals and Trained Monkeys: Wilson,the Balloon Man; Fiji Jim and. Annie Rosa, the bearded lady; Smith & Carrol, Geo. Callahan. Next week, March 2,5. Sea Serpent. mbl9-81 aARRY WILLIAMS' A'CADEMY light Matinees, Tuesday Thursday and baturday. THE IRWIN BROS.' BIG SPECIALTY SHOW. rnhl7-13-D NOTICES. County Commission-BBS' office, i Pittsburg. March lL 1889. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: MONDAY, MARCH 25, Twenty-flftb ward, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMa P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. mlil2-15 QaBand Square. For Sale (99) W,500 "Oakland Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, balance $500 per annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, bath, la,undry, inside shut ters, stationary tubs. slatemantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear porches, etc., large lot facing a beautiful pub lic square, aronnd which a street has been laid out, sewered, and is being paved with aspbal tum; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mbl3-48-D WANTED-AGENTS FOR THE SALE of tbe American Improved Anti-Friction Metal, who will be given certain territory. Lib eral terms. Address E. WOLTMANN. Sole Agent Middle and Eastern States, 811120-83-17 II Wall street, New York. E. L1NKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT,. 545 Smithfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelta Freund Building, second floor. f e20-81-D AUCTION SALES. B ULLETIN OF AUCTION SALES fi? HENRY AUUX1U.N CO., .UUU. WEDNESDAY, MARCH' 20, at.10 o'clock, piano, furniture, carpets, eta, 329 Shetland ave., E. E. FRIDAY. MARCH. 22, at 10 o'clock, furni tnte, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street. TUESDAY. MARCH 26, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 23 Union ave., Allegheny. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27, at 10 o'clock, furniture, carpets and household goods, 183 Second avenue. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, at 10 0'clock.f urnl ture. carpets and household goods, 202 Franks town ave., E. E. FRIDAY, MARCH 2,at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street. TUESDAY. APRIL 2, at the rooms. 311 Mar ket St., at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, at 10 o'clock large con signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, .APRIL 9. fine furniture and general mdse., at 10 o'clock; 311 Market st THURSDAY, APRIL 11, unclaimed freight at the auction rooms, commencing at 10 o'clock, 3U Market st. HENRY AUCTION CO. mhl7-105 PERRYSVILLE AVE., TENTH WARD, ALLEGHENY, PUBLIC BALE ! TO THE HIGHEST "BIDDER, Oa SATURDAY, MARCH 30, at 2 O'CIock p. m., on the Premises, On the Portman Property, at the terminus of the new Electric Railway, Perrysville avenue. Cars leave Allegheny postoffice every thirty minutes. x 90 Beautiful Building Lots. To persons of moderate means this will be a chance to secure a home on easy. terms. 25 cash at time of sale, balance $10 Jier month. Terms are about being made with the railway company to procure cheap fare. To workingmen and persons' of moderate means this will be a grand chance to secure a bargain. Plans and particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Real Estate Agt. and Auctioneer, 413 GRANT STREET. mhlSS7-irwT ORPHANS' COURT SALE-ESTATE OF Elizabeth Roup, deceased By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, there will be exposed to public sale, on the premises. No. 5871 Ellsworth avenue, on TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 18S9. at 2 o'clock r.M.,all that certain lot orparcel of land situate. mine xwenuew waraoi tnecityoi -ittsourg. in the county of Allegheny and State of Penn sylvania, being all of lot number seven and part of lot number eight in the plan of Joseph Graham and William S. McKee, and bounded and described as follows: Containing irr front on the northwesterly side of Ellsworth avenne, forty-six (46) feet, and extending back between lots number six and the other part of lot number eight in said plan, preserving the same width one hundred (100) feet to an alley twelve (12) feet wide. Being part of tbe same property conveyed to Joseph Graham by John R. Baum, attorney in fact for Kitty Roup, by deed dated December 9. 1870. as recorded in tbe Recorder's office of Allegheny-county, in deed book, vol. 298, page 18, and afterward laidrbut in lots as per plan recorded In plan book, vol. 5. page 262, whereon i3 erected a two-storv frame dwelling house, nearly new. Terms, cash on delivery of deed. W. W. FULLERTON, Executor of Elizabeth Roup, deceased, 966 Liberty avenne, Pittsburg. JAS. G. HAYS, Attorney, 110 Diamond street, Pittsburg. mh6-27--w AT AUCTION I FURNITURE. Piano forte, carpets, mirrors, delfware, sil verware, eta, at the residence, 329 Shetland ave., E. E. WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 20, at 10 o'clock prompt. Entire furnisbments, embracing handsome parlor snlt, upholstered in silk; carved ebony frames, fine walnut chamber suits, bureaus and washstands, fine rosewood Decker Bro.'s piano forte, hall Tack, book case, pier mirror, line ex tension table, hair and hnsk mattresses, ward robe, f eatber beds, bedding, china dinner and tea :sets. refrigerator, kitchen range and fur nishments, brass fender and fire irons. Wilton body brussels and ingrain carpets on rooms, ball and stairs, three fine heating stoves, laun dry furnishments. These goods are In good condition and must be sold as the owner is leaving the city. House open to buyers at 8 o'clock on morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM.. mhl7-93 Auctioneers. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. EXECUTOR'S sale of fine furniture, carpets, bookcase, piano, etc, etc, at the late residence of Chas. F. Herrosee, deceased, 249 Atwood St., near Forbes St., Oakland, WEDNESDAY. March 20, at 10 o'clock. There is a fine Stemway piano, parlor furniture, easy chairs, lounge, book case, writing desk, dressing bureaus, wash stands, bedsteads and mattresses, exten sion table and chairs, ball rack, stoves, refrigerator, laundry outfit, kitchen ta ble, chairs and utensils, china, glass and tinware, lawn mower, pictures, brussels and ingrain carpets, stair carpet and rods, etc, etc House open at 8 o'clock on morning of sale; every thing to be sold. Terms cash. By order of executors. JAS. W. DRAPE fc CO., Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl6-96-s BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. PIANO. FURNITURE. MOQUETTE CAR PETS, etc, etc, at auction, in residence. 6027 Broad street, near Hiland avenue; East End. FRIDAY AFTERNOON,March 22. at 2 o'clock, consisting of fine parlor suite, plash-covered chairs and sofa, chamber furniture, wasb-i stands, dressing bureaus, bedsteads, hair-cloth covered chairs and sofa, sideboard, extension table, 1 doz. dining room chairs, walnut sec retary, easel, lambrequins, fire irons, hall rack, fine piano, patent portable range, mo qnette and Brussel carpets, stair carpets and rods, etc, etc Positive sale. Terms cash. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, mh20-95 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. QPECIAL AOCTION SALE On WEDNESDAY. March 2a at 10 A. 3f., handsome parlor and bedroom suits, carpets, oilcloths, linoleum, curtains, shades, rugs, dry goods, millinery, bedding, stoves, desks, side bfjards: also a lot of laundry ana kitchen furnishments. Terms cash. Sale positive. No postponement on account of weather. PITTSBURG AUCTION t STORAGE CO., mh20-&l 93 Third avenue. 300 Tons of Ic at Auction Thursday, March 21, at 2?o'elock P. 3i on the premises of Adam Spbauer, at the forks of East street extension and Evergreen plank road. Allegheny City, will be sold 30Qtonsof ice and all the necessary implements to carry on tbe Ice business; 2 building lots in Ligbthill's plan of lots. 21x125; also one pair match horses, one Aldernoy cow, covered and spring wagons, harness, etc Parties desiring to attend sale take blue line cars at Pittsburg P. O. Terms: 9 months credit with approved se curity. Sale positive. No reserve. SMITHSON & MOORE. Auctioneers. Eisner building, cor. Fifth ave and Wood street. mhl7-37-su'WTh BUSINESS CHANGES. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE - THE BUSI NESS of commission brokers In stocks, bonds and petroleum as heretofore conducted byStettheimer&Bettman, will be carried on by the subscribers under the same firm name. . DAVID BETTMAN. MRS. JOS. STETTHEIMER. New York, March 14, 1889. mbl5-7G Brownsville, Pa., March 9. 1889. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLl partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, partners in tbe coal business under tbe name and style of tbe Climax Coal Company, in the Fourth Pool of the Mononga hela river, in Fayette county, Penna., was this day dissolved by the purchase by Thomas Neel of the entire Interest of J. S. Neel in the same. AU debts of the said partnership will be paid by Thomas NeeL who has authority to collect ill outstanding Indebtedness due and to be come due to the Climax Coal Company. Thomas Neel and Sons will continue tbe coal business at the same place. J. aNEEL, ui-wjf xauwAii Hf.f.ii, NEW ADVERTISEMENT. - (99) TO LET. This "Rent List" is published only in the "Pittsburg Dispatch" Wednesday and. Saturday, without expanse to landlords; . . ."' SAMUEL W.- BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth Avenue, Real Estate Agents. Established 1873. -Renting and Collecting a Specialty, STOKE BOOMS, ETC. Liberty St., 947, S-sty. brick warehouse. 2,S00yr. Third Ave, 143, opp. U. S. P. O. store K.' S0X4. plate glass windows, cellar. 850 mo. Water St., 89, first floor and cellar, pyr. Sixth St, 24. elegant large store room, on 2d floor. ky light In center, large windows front ana rear, giving abnndance or light, Tiandsoma stairway from the front: fSOO jr. Liberty ave., near 8th, 2nd floor,. 20x110, elevator, si,00Oyr. Grant St, 113, 2 sty, store, $20. West Carson St.. S. S.. 7k store, S K., pS raov Lowryand Clark. A.C. store, aw 40. 7 K.. fEMyr. Lowry St., A. C store, 20x40, 7 R., S380 yr. . Western Ave, 287 rear, 2R.. 18x20 es,. llOOyr. Eagle and Cooper sts, store, 4 K-cellar. (22 mo. Second ave., near Soho, 3 acres; K. B. siding; river front: i heds. offices, etc 1.200 yr. Wood St.. 204 and 206, 2d floor wareroom. 30x90, with 2 offices and elevator, moderate rent to good tenant. Carson St., 1304, store 15x50 and 5 dwelling rooms, OFFICES. Fourth ave., v3, 2d floor front, 2 elegant large 0 flees, modern front windows, both gases, ms ble mantels, folding doors; excellent place for Insurance office. 600 yr. Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water, nit. and art. gas. Inside w. c. FBO per year. 160'Fourth ave..- Desk Boom, 1st floor office, nicely carpeted, $80 yr. Fourth ave.. 101, 2d floor front, two large con neetlng offies, nat. gas, fOTmo. Fifth ave. & Mr ood st. ; offices, single and In snita in the new 6 story "Eisner Building;" Flftt) ave. entrance; Crane elevator, steam heat, janitor services, etc. ; floor plans can be seen at this office. Kent free to April 1. "Penn Bnlldlng." Penn ave., near Seventh tUr- offices, slnile or In suite in the elegant new S story bnlldlng, 2 Crane elevators, beat ind Janitor services; rents exceptionally low. Floor plans can be seen at this office. Penn ave., 5C6, 1st floor, 2 K. S300 yr. Fonrth ave.. 152. 2 K. 1st floor. SftOyr. Wood St., 204-206, 1st floor, IK, .Moderate rent to good tenant. Water St.. Its, front office. 2d floor. 13x20. fl7S yr. Water St., 143, front office, 2d floor, IS ft. q. JlSdyr. Fifth ave., 153, opp. Court House, 2 offices on 24. floor, nat. gas and water, ssoo yr. Penn ave., 811, two connecting parlors, furnished, both gases, 2d floor, S550 yr. Cor. Wood and Third, office. 2d floor front, $20 mo. Western ave.. Allegheny, large parlor, good light, 8300 yr. ' P1TT3BUKG DWELLINGS. Fifth ave., 633, 2-sty. 9 K., mod. Imp., bath, range, etc., etc.. SiSmo. Boquet, near Wllinot, 2-sty, mansard, 12 B.. IK acre ground, carriage house, etc, mod. imp., S600yr. Bluff St., 23, 2-sty, 10R., mod. Imp., foO-mo. Forbes St., 84,2-sty. 7.B., mod. Imp.. $400 yr. -Ward st., near Balket. 14th ward. 2-sty, 8 R., 00- cnpledby Mr. Copeland, mod. Imp.. $300 yr 621 Fifth ave., cor. Wyandotte St., 2-sty, 8 R.r hall In center, front balcony and bay window, mod. con., (45 mo. Fa tb ave. 3606, 10 K. fine residence, mod. imp., finely finished, large yard. $700 yr. Center ave.. 95, 2-sty. 7 it. side yard, mod. con., $33 per mo. Lot 44 feet front on Center ave. Forbes, 393, 2-sty, 8 K.. mod. Imp- Sod mo. Townsend,30, 2-sty.. 10 K., near cable, all modern imp. nice yard. $38 mo. Center ave.. 216. 2-sty., 8 B., $26 33 mo., mod. Imp. front and rear yards. Wylle Ave., 123, 1st floor, 5 large E.. bath, w. c, h. and c. w $33 per mo. Wylle Ave., lis, 2d floor, S large rooms, wash.' honse and two attics. $23 per mo. Thirty-third st. near Web9ter ave., 2-sty, 5B-, nat. gas and water. $13 mo. Liberty ave. 4749. 2-sty, S IS., mod. Imp., $20 mo, Liberty ave., 4747, 2-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., $20 mo. Liberty ave., 4743. 2-stv, g K., mod. Imp.. 20 mo. Liberty ave,, 474, $2-sty, 8 It., mod. imp., $20 mo. Decatur St., 1st floor, 2K., nat. gas ana w. free, $15 mo. Lawn at. near Forbes, 2-sty, 5 R., $13 mo. 4742 Corday St.. Bloomfleld, 4 K., $11 mo. Foward ave, 22d wd, 2-sty.. 3 K.. $ mo. Cassett St., Murphy's court, 3d house, 2-sty, 2 B., $7.50 mo. Grant St., 113. 2 sty. 6 R., $30 mo. Herron ave.,- rear 98, 2-sty. 4 K., cellar. $12 mo. Thlrtirthlrd, near Wylle, 2-sty, 4 B., basement, $8 mo. Eagle and Cooper sts., 2-stv, store and 4 R., $22 mo Coleman sts. , A. Y. it. B., 2-sty, 6 B., $10 mp. ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. Liberty St., 112, 2-sty and man., 8 11., mod. Imp., $550 yr. Irwin ave., 89, 3-gty.. 9 K.. $33 mo. Gallagher, 59, 2-sty, 6 K-, mod. Imp.. $13 mo. Gallagher St., 61. 2-sty, 6 B., hall, both gases, water and w. c, $13. Gallagher, 55, 2-sty., 6K., mod. lmn., $15 mo. Gallagher. 57, 2-sty.. 6B mod. imp., $13 mo. Lowry and Clark., store K.. cellar. 1 K., $384 yr. Lowry, TrovHUl, store. 7K., $360 yr. Spring Hill, 10 acres vineyard and 4 R., $600 yr. Snperiorsta., 1 acre ground. 10R. house. (323 yr.' Madison ave., 243. second floor. 2 R,, $9 mo. Gerst alley. 102. 2R. first floor, $7 mo. Madison ave.. 243, 2 1 first floor. $9 mo. Gerst alley, 100, 2 K. 2d floor, $7 mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. Boquet, near Wllmot, 2-sty, mansard. 12 R.. 1U acres ground, carriage house, mod. imp., $609 yr. Filth ave.. 3606. 10 K.. mod. imp., fine residence largo yard. 1700 yr.; on cable line. Fifth ave.. cor. Emerson, 2-sty., 10 R., mod. imp., delightful home. $750 yr. : on cable line. Frankstown aye., 413. 2-sty.' 6 K., $400 yr. Neville St.. 1st from Fifth ave., 8 K., large lot, fruit and shade trees. (300 yr. Grazier st.. 7006, near Dallas sta., 5 B., $20 mo. Race st. Edgewood, near station, 5R.r $13 mo. 5633 Mignonette, 2-sty,-4 R.. $13 mo. Ellsworth ave.. 5724 near Roup sta.. 2-sty, 8 R., $88 mo., mod. imp. St. Andrews St., 3 R-. Geo. Hardin, ten., $6 50 mo Greensbnrg Pike, 4 R., IK acres ground, orchard, etc, $6 mo. SOUTHSIDE DWELLINGS., McLean ave., Mt, Oliver Incline. new,8K., $13 mo, West Carson St., 716, store R.and 5 K., $33 mo. Beltzhoover boro.. Washington ave., 2-sty. 4 B. and finished attic $12 mo. A. Holtz. tenant. Carson St., 1804, store 16x50, 5 E., $420 year. P. B. B. DWELLINGS. Greensbnrg pike, 2-sty, .4; R., 1& acre orchard, etc., $6 mo. A. V. R. B. DWELLINGS. Coleman sta., 2-sty, 6 K., $10 mo. B. ft O. R. R. DWELLIN GS. Hazelwood, near Drown sta. Saline ave-, near Hazelwood ave.. 22d ward. 2-itr. I K-. stable on lot, and 3 acres of ground, with fruit trees, etc. mod. imp., $360 yr. Hazelwood, Lytle St., near Tecumseh, 23d ward, 2-sty Queen Anne. 7 K.. $300 yr. Hazelwood. near sta., 2-sty, 7 R.. hall, cellar, mod. Imp., $360 yr. Glenwood, 2nd av., 2-story mansion 15 R., 4 acres of gronnd, city water, etc, IU0OU. Glenwood, Renova St., 2-sty., S R-. $21. Glenwood. Blair st-.. 2-sty., 5 K.. $16. Forward av., 22 wd., 2-sty., 3K., $6 mo. P.. FT. W. & C. B. B. DWELLINGS Sewlckley, cor. Thorn and Little sts., 2-sty, 5 R., occupied by W. B. Treadwell, $20 mo. Sewlckley, Centennial, near Nevln, 2-sty, 8 R., H acre lot, $240 yr. Superior Sta.. 10 R., fruit, etc.,ecs"yr. Sewlckley, Thorn St., 8 K., formerly occupied br A. Baldwin. $35 mo. Same, with carpets, bltnds now in house, $45. STABLES. Bear Penn ave.. 410, stable. 5 stalls, $20 mo. South 'Diamond, near Unloa ave., A. C, stable, 4 stalls, $240 yr. Immediate possession. LAHDLORDS! In order to secure the benefits of this method of reaching tenants, without ex pense to you, please have a memoran dum of your houses at our office by 4 P. M. each Taesday and Friday. 5AMUELW.BLACOCD. 99 FOURTH AVENUE. Established 1878. mh20-78-w 1 1 2 1 i 1 m ' -.. 1 '-, -