flj PPtfcttt ANY ONE CAN HAKE HONEY -- Who has a good article to sell, and who adver tises vigorously and liberally. Advertising is truly the life of trade. All enterprising and judicious advertisers succeed. rrs a. SPLENDID MEDIUM, "WANTS Of any kind can best be satisfied by advertising is tha coltrauft of The Dis PATCH. FORTY-FOURTH TEAR. CHGESJO MEET, An Explosion in the Legislature Caused by Most Serious -1 Accusations BY AN UNNAMED LAWYER. Embezzlement and Misappropriation of Funds Alleged AGAINST THE PENITENTIARI OFFICIALS Chairman Dearden, or the Appropriations Committee. Says They Are Specific nnd lhi be Denied He Declines to Give the Accuser's Nome-The Senate Ready to Act if the House Delays Too Long Mr. Denrden on Admirer of the Warden nnd Take no Stock In the Charges Ho Hopes the Whole Matter WillheClenred Up Satisfactorily The Entire Affair a Surprise to Those Most Directly Inter ested. Serious charges have been made against the management of the 'Western Peniten tiary. Chairman Dearden, of the House Appropriations Committee, who reports them, says they were made some days ago. They consist of alleged misappropriation of funds, or embezzlement The Pittsburg lawyer who made the accusation has been requested to put it in writing, that action maybe taken upon it by the Legislature. To those most directly interested the charges are a surprise, and Mr. Dearden, who says he highly esteems the officers of the penitentiary, adds that the allegations are specific and must be met. Ee hopes the charges will all be dissipated. rFBOM A STAFF C0BBESP0VDEVT.3 Habrisbubg, March 19. Misappropria tion of funds or embezzlement has been charged against the management of the "Western Penitentiary. The charges were made ten days ago to Chairman Dearden, of the House Appropriations Committee, by a Pittsburg lawyer. As the charges or alle gations were verbal, and as the gentleman desired that they be made the basis for a Legislative investigation, he was asked by Mr. Dearden to put them in writing. He has not done so yet. Mr. Dearden declined to give the lawyer's name. Chairman Dearden Defines His Position. The allegations were brought forward in debate just before 6 o'clock this evening, and Mr. Dearden, in answer to indignant protests from ex-Speaker Graham, of Alle gheny, Captain Billingsley, of "Washington, and others, declared emphatically that he is not their author, is not in sympathy with them, and has the highest regard and ad miration for "Warden "Wright and other officials of the "Western Penitentiary, with whom he is personally acquainted. In the midst of the debate the House ad journed, leaving the Chairman of the Ap propriations Committee and the western members very much wrought up. It was after the House had passed 29 ap propriation bills on second reading, and postponed one, that the explosion occurred. Mr. Graham asked that the postponed ap propriation bill for the "Western Peniten tiary be taken up. Mr. Dearden imme diately opposed the proposition in general terms, but left the impression that there were charges to be met. Fow Thinks the BUI Shonld Pass. Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia, who has been on the sub-committee that considered the seeds of the penitentiary in connection with the bill just called up by Mr. Graham, ex plained that there had been charges at that time that a certain official of the institu tion had received money from prisoners. The charges had been investigated and the official discharged. There were no charges now affecting any officials, he declared, and therefore there was no reason why the bill should not pass. Mr. Graham expressed his surprise at the stand taken by Mr. Dearden. He admitted that Mr. Dearden had intimated that there might be objections if the bill was called up, bnt had not expected opposition to come from that quarter. Mr. Graham referred to the recent investigation at the peniten tiary and its result as removing any objec tions that could exist to the passage of the bill, and paid a high compliment to the ability and integrity of the management The Charges Long and Serious. Mr. Dearden then, in defense of his posi tion, became more specific and declared that there were "long and serious charges of misappropriation of funds." He then said: "I know what I am talking abont, and there are gentlemen in the Legislature de termined to probe the matter to the bottom.. The institution is a noble affair as it stands, and a credit to the State; $1,000,000 had been expended in its construction, and more was asked in this "bill. The bill for main tenance was still in committee. The matter is too serious to take it up without knowing more of the charges. I understand that the Senate Committee has contemplated taking the matter up because of our slowness to Graham expressed himself 'as much surprised hat the bill under consideration had been reported from committee if there was anything wrong. He referred to the fact that the State Board of Charilies had recommended $140,000 double the amonnt asked by the appropriation bill as amended in committee aa a sufficient justification of the need for it The Allegations Must be Denied. "I make no charges myself," said Mr. Dearden, in reply. "I simply repeat the charges made. I am not in sympathy with the charges. I doubt their strength. I know "Warden "Wright and other officers of the penitentiary, and highly esteem them, bnt these charges are specific, and must he denied from a responsible source. Knowing "Warden"Wright as I do, I would like to say all 1 could in exoneration of him, but I think it improper to take the bill up, under the circumstances." Captain Billingsley expressed his sur prise at what he heard from Chairman Dearden. As a member of the sub-committee that had gone to the penitentiary to especially inquire into the need for the building appropriation, he declared it the best conducted institution of its kind in Pennsylvania. "So it is," exclaimed Mr. Graham. Cnptaln Billingsley Struck With Surprise, "The Appropriations Committee," con tinued Captain Billingsley, "will bear me out in what I say. I am surprised to hear the Chairman of the Appropriations Com mittee talk as he does to-day." Dr.-Walk, of Philadelphia, in defense of Chairman Dearden, said the bill that had brought on the discussion had been intro duced on January 14, and reported from committee January 24. The charges had been made known since that date. He was not surprised that the gentleman from "Washington didn't know of it, as he had been absent so much, and he intimated also that the gentleman bothered himself too much about "Washington county politics to attend to appropriation bills, save and ex cept some particular measures he appeared before the committee to advocate. Captain Billingsley also smiled at these thrusts, and Dr. "Walk said charges had been made in Pittsburg papers, and marked copies were received by members. Mr. Fow again declared that these charges had been disposed of. The sub-committee of the Appropriations Committee had been over the books ot the institution and found everything all right Mr. Dearden then said: The Whole Matter Shonld be Cleared Up. "A prominent Pittsburgattorneycamehere ten days ago to confer with me in my official capacity. He made serious and direct charges. I asked him many questions, and after he had answered them I requested that when he go home he put those charges in writing and send them to me. I assured him if he would do so 'we would make a thorough investigation, to establish the truth or falsity of the charges. In doing so we would simply discharge onr duty. I don't want the House to regulate its action by what is stated, only so far as it accords with its sense of duty. I hope, if investi gated, the whole matter will be cleared up." Chairman Graham, in reply, rehearsed the recent trouble over Dr. Maharneke's case, and said that because of it he had had the bill postponed from time to time. That investigation had been over for some time, and the talk of a Legislative investigation had seemed to die out It was now late in the session, and he had called np the bill after the consultation with Mr. Dearden, to which he had referred. No Unkind Feeling In the Matter. "I am sorry," said Mr. Graham, "that he has any unkind feeling." "I disclaim any unkind feeling," inter rupted Mr. Dearden. Mr. Thompson,, of "Warren, who was Chairman of the sub-committee that inves tigated the needs of the "Western Peniten tiary, explained that the sub-committee had investigated nothing at the penitentiary ex cept the matter that came immediately be fore it "We were not instructed" to inves tigate any charges then made," he said. "That's right," exclaimed Chairman Dearden. "We investigated honestly and fairly," said Mr. Thompson, "the only subject that was before us. I see no reason why the matter should be .forced on the House now. It should be postponed until some future time. Bad feeling is being brought about. An investigation was properly conducted, and we found the 'penitentiary conducted in an excellent manner in fact, we fell in love with the management and the way of doing buisness. At this point Mr. Kratz made a motion to adjourn, which was carried amid great confusion. Simpson. IT IS ALL NEWS TO HIM. Neither Hon. B. C. Christy Nor Warden Wright Can Explain. B. C. Christy, Esq., the lawyer who was prominently identified with the recent in vestigation at the penitentiary, was seen last night regarding the charges of embez zlement, or rather, misappropriation of funds and mismanagement at the prison. It was believed he might be able to tell something as to the identity or information of the lawyer who had made the matter public; but this Mr. Christy said he could not do, as he knew nothing about any such charges whatever. In speaking of the matter, he said: "I was in Harrisburg about a week ago, but did not hear anything about the charges. If they were brought, it was not done by any informant of mine, and I know nothing about them." Warden Wright, when spoken to on the subject, seemed surprised, as there are no grounds for any such accusations as far as he is concerned, or any person connected with the institution, so far as he knows or believes. SHE STOOPED TO CONQUER. A Wealthy Louisville Girl Elopes With and Marries a Dissipated Character. SFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Louisville, March 19. The 14-year-old daughter of Mr. William Ashby, of the firm of Miller & Ashby.the largest and most fash ionable merchant tailoring establishment in this city, has been abducted and married by Joe Stultz, one of the lowest and most dissi pated characters of " Louisville. The marriage occurred last Wednesday, but the facts were not made public until to-day when the news created a great sensation. The girl became infatuated with Stultz and was coaxed over into Indiana,and there went through a marriage ceremony. Upon her return she told her parents, and a war rant was soon out for Stultz's arrest on a charge of abduction. He has not been found. HE WILL OBEY THE LAW. The New Postmaster at Indianapolis Clearly " Not a Mugwump. tSFECIAI. TELEGBAV TO THE DISPATCH. Indianapolis, March 19. Indiana Civil Service reformers have begun a war fare on the new Postmaster Wallace, much like that against Mr. Jones. Wallace said he would give Republicans preference in making appointments. William Dudley Fonlke wrote him, taking issue and object ing to the policy. Wallace says in reply to-day: "Mr. Fonlke is not pleased with what he supposes ore my intentions in the making of appointments. He protests because he thinks lam not going to follow the civil service law as he interprets it It is im possible to please these people. I shall answer Mr. Foulke and tell him I am a law-abiding citizen, and that I will observe the civil service law as far as possible." Wants to Be an Inter-State 'Commissioner. MoNiaoiTEfir, Ala., March 19. Theo dore Welch, of Montgomery, General Freight Agent of the Louisville and Nash ville Bailroad, is being urged forthevacancy on the Board of Inter State Commerce Com missioners, caused by the resignation of Commissioner Walker. Mr. "Welch is a Republican. W0MENAT WOEK. First Day's Session of the Soroils Letter of Regret Kecelved From Mrs. Har rison Ten-Minute Reports Read Social Pleasures. tSFXCIAI. TXLXGBAX TO THE DISFATCH.1 New Yoek, March 19. Members of the Sorosis and their friends and delegates from half a hundred women's clubs in all parts of the country filled the parquet of the Madison Square Theater this morning and overflowed into the balcony. It was the first day's session of the convention of women's clubs arranged by,the Sorosis, the elder sister of them all. "At 1050 o'clock the curtain was rung up on the setting of the first scene in "Captain Swift" On the stage sat the officers of Sorosis and a few of their most honored guests. Mrs. Clymer rapped on the table before her with her gavel in a business-like way, and called the meeting to order. After the Secretary, Miss Allen, had called the roll and read a note from Mrs. President Har rison, telling how sorry she was she conld not attend the convention, Mrs. Clymer made, a brief address of welcome. Mrs. Jennie Croly, Chairman of the Correspond ence Committee, read a number of letters from well-wishers all over the country. Miss Frances Wiilard hoped the clubs would form a strong organization and prove to the men that women can seta higher standard of club life than they. Ten-minute reports from delegates followed. At 1 o'clock Mrs. Clymer announced that the convention was adjourned until to morrow morning, when a permanent organi zation would be effected and more reports will be heard To-morrow evening Sorosis will give an entertainment at Hard man Hall in honor of their guests. Recitations and instrumental and vocal mnsio make up the programme. The delegates and members of Sorosis, to the number of ISO, lunched to-night with Mrs. William Todd Helmuth at her apart ments in the Madrid, in Fifty-ninth street. After the luncheon many of them visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and later took a dpve in the park iu carriages pro vided by Mrs. Anna Dormitzer. A FIGHT IN SIGHT. Collision Between the Oklnhomn Boomers and the Soldiers Firearms Flour ished nnd Clubs and Stones Freely Used. Wichita, Kan., March 19. The Okla homa boomers having fled to the woods upon the appearance of Lieutenant Carson and his soldiers, scouts were sent out to hunt them down, but instructed not to re sort to violence. In what is known as the Crutchee country, northeast of Oklahoma sta tion, quite a large number of boomers had gathered around William Bock. Among the number were his daughter, a relative, Samuel Anderson, and an old man named William Adams. Their property had been destroyed in a former raid, and they cherished bitter ani-' mosity against the troops. Their hiding place was discovered by an Indian scout and reported to Lientenant Carson, -who sent a detachment after them. As soon as the boomers saw the troops coming they made preparations to stand their ground and protect themselves. When surrounded and called upon to surrender they began parleying and made threats, which exasper ated the soldiers, who charged the party, but seeing the boomer; were armed, and having orders to avoid a conflict, they dis mounted and, by an adroit movement, part of the boomers were relieved of their arms. Anderson and Adams, however, h61d out, and made a desperate resistance with their guns. The former received a terrible blow from the butt of a revolver, and the latter was struck in the mouth. After being dis armed the boomers fought with clubs and stones, but were soon compelled to sur--render. Several soldiers received slight wounds, but none -serious. There has been great excitement among the boomers since the conflict, and while all express a deter mination to make similar resistance they are seeking safer hiding places. SLATTERLI'S CASE NOT EE4CHED. The Mother of theApplIcant too 111 toAppenr Before the Board. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Habeisbubo, March 19. The Board of Pardons was engaged nearly all day in hearing arguments in the case of Samuel Johnson, ot Delaware county, the murderer ot John Sbarpless. Johnson wants his death sentence commuted to imprisonment for life. Among those who spoke for execu tive clemency was Senator Cooper. The case of Edward Slattery, convicted of murder iu the second degree, Allegheny, was not heard, Mrs. Slattery wrote a letter to the board, in which she said she was pre vented from being at the meeting by illness in her family, and that she expected to have the evidence to show her son's innocence ready for submission to the board at the April meeting. The Governor to-day respited Peter Baron oski, of Schuylkill county, who was to be hanged next Tuesday, until May 1 next WHITELAW REID SUEPEISED, But He Will Endeavor to Find Time to Go to Paris. New York, March 19. A reporter this evening succeeded in getting a brief inter view with Mr. Reid on the subject of his nomination as Minister to France. The following is the substance of the informa tion elicited: "I first learned of the nomination on return ing to town this evening from Ophir farm. The nomination came without any solicitation or effort on my part I had not been a candidate for this or any office and had made no effort for any. I am greatly honored by tb e distinction, and hope also it may be thought a compliment to .the profession, whose good opinion and honor I value more than any office. The natural pre sumption is that in case of confirmation by the Senate a nominee for such an office will accept. I shall certainly try to arrange my business so as to do so. If I conld not it would certainly be discourteous in me tp announce this to anybody "else before I said it to the President, who did me the honor to make the nomination." NOT QUITE A PAUPER. A Poor Relation, After Wandering 30 Years, Brings Back a Fortune. rsnCIAL TSLXGBAM TO THE DlSrATCH.1 Easton, March 19. Daniel Murray, a brother-in-law of John W. Sayres, the school-slate manufacturer at Bangor, put in an appearance to-day, after an absence of 30 years, in the garb of a tramp. He intro duced himself to Mr. Sayres, stated that he was without a dollar, and supposed he would have to go to the poorhouee. Mr. Sayers told him he could remain with them, when Murray stated that he had money, and to Mr. Sayres' astonishment produced a wallet containing $10,500. JEFF DAVIS WRITES A LETTEE, Denying That the South Ever Contemplated a Church Establishment. tSFECIAL TELEQBAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Atlanta, March 19 Did the Southern Confederacy ever contemplate, or was there any danger of a church establishment, if the Confederacy had succeeded?. The Phil adelphia Prefbyteriana few weeks ago, published an article claiming that it did. At the request 61 a Southern clergyman, Jeff Davis is just out in a letter denying thestory as untrue and absurd. PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1889. HE WAS TO W AMD. Eugene Schuyler's Appointment Withdrawn Before 'Twas Rejected. HE COULD KEVER BE CONFIRMED, His Attack on E. 6. Washburne Hone Being Enough to Prevent That. MANY OTHER THINGS AGAINST HIM. His Way of Saying- Jest What Ho Thought Hade Him Tery Many Enemies. Mr. Eugene Schuyler's name was yester day withdrawn from the consideration of the Senate for First Assistant Secretary of State. The excuse was given that Mr. Schuyler didn't want the place. Mr. Schuyler couldn't get it The Senate wouldn't confirm him, and Mr. Blaine was so informed. Mr. Schuyler's faculty for making enemies by being too outspoken on various occasions killed his chances of as sisting Mr. Blaine in the duties of his office. rSFECIAL TILiqnAMTO THE DISFATCH.l Washington, March 19. The with drawal, of the name of Mr. Eugene Schuyler, with the explanation that he had declined to be First Assistant Secretary of State, means simply that Mr. Blaine has been in formed that his friend could not be con firmed, and he has in this way been saved the mortification of rejection. Mr. Wash burne, of Minnesota, was, t naturally enough, determined to revenge an offensive remark Mr. Schuyler made about Mr. E. B. Washburne, and the two Senators from Illinois, Mr. E. B. Washburne's State, could not refuse to oppose Schuyler under the circumstances, even if nnder some other circumstances they would have been quite ready to confirm him. The late E. B. Washburne was so in censed at the offensive paragraph in "American Diplomacy" that he made at the time some very vicious attacks upon Schuyler's character, but as the latter does not play cards, some of these charges were unfounded and probably none had much foundation. E. B. Washburne was at times vindictive. ( OTHEE ENEMIES TO CONTEND WITH. Mr. Schuyler had other enemies to con tend against. Mr. Evarts is not friendlv to him. During the period Of the Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria, Mr. Schuyler was Consul General at Constantinople, and made a trip through Bulgaria to see what the Turks were doing. Some letters from him giving the awfnl details of what he saw were published in the London Tele graph. His friends say that he wrote his observations in confidence, to Mr. Glad stone, and the latter being engaged in a political quarrel with the Tories, on the Turkish question, seized the opportunity to fortify himself by publishing the confirma tory letters from the American Consul Gen eral, but others say that Mr. Schuyler sent a series of letters to the Telegraph. In view of Mr. Schuyler's official rela tioris with the Turkish Government this was not discreet. The State Department there upon punished Mr. Schuyler by publishing his confidential dispatches to his own Government regarding Bulgarian 'affairs, in which he handled the Turks more frankly than he did inJ bis "London letters. The Turkish Government was, of course, very angry, but not a word was said at the time. After awhile Mr. Schnylercame to the United States on a visit, and then the Turkish Government refused to allow his return. A FALLING POT WITH BUSSIA. Earlier than this he had had some strained relations with the Russian Government. When he'was Secretary of Legation at St Petersburg he was a young fellow and very chummy with the Grand Duke Constantino, the imperial scapegrace. When the Grand Duke stole his mother's, diamonds and the police were after him Mr. Schuvler gave him shelter. Later than this, in his book entitled "Turkestan,'' he discussed the operations of the Russian officers about as frankly as he afterward discussed the Turk ish barbarities in Bulgaria and the Rus sian Government did not fancy it Four y ears ago Mr. Schuyler hoped on the strength o'f bis special knowledge of the foreign service to be appointed First As sistant Secretary of State or Minister to Italy, and.it was while he was in Washing ton on that errand that he and Walker Blaine became fastfriends, and this had a very direct connection with his selection as First Assistant Secretary of State. That Mr. Schuyler suffered somewhat from the unfriendly attitude of Republican members of the Foreign Affairs Committee toward Mr. Blaine is more than a proba bility. Mr. Schuyler and M. Waddington, French Minister to England, married sis ters, daughters of the late Charles Kingwof New York. THE NAVY AGAINST HIM. Mr. Schuyler has suffered from the hos tility of certain naval officers unjustly. While he was at Constantinople the Turk ish Government refused a permit to the Trenton to pass through the Dardanelles, and the disappointed officers always held the Consul General and Secretary of Lega tion responsible for this, though he had nothing in the world to do with it, and some naval officers on a dispatch boat attached for a time to the American Legation in Constantinople were offended because he got them ordered down the Sea of Marmora one time, when they preferred to stay at Con stautinonle, and wherever these disgruntled naval officers have gone they have circulated stories to Schuyler's discredit Naval officers are numerous in Washington. SENATOR SHERMAN SODEED. He Isn't Malting Any Recommendations to the President Just Now. I SPECIAL TXLEQEAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Washington, March 19. John Sher man is not a frequent visitor at the White House just now, and he talks as if he had good reasons for staying away. -JJurmg his service in the Senate General Harrison and Mr. Sherman were the warmest of friends, and their former Intimacy, as well as Mr. Sherman's prominence as a leader of the party, justified the expectation after the election that he would be called to the Cab inet; but he was not, and he was not in vited to Indianapolis, and he has not been called into consultation by the President at any time. Mr. Sherman paid his.respects to General Harrison immediately after the lat ter's arrival at the Arlington Hotel, aud the first day he was in the White House he went up with other members of the Ohio delegation to make'a formal call. Mr. Alli son comes and goes at will, Is admitted be hind the closed doors that divide the public from the private portion of the White House at any time, and Mr. Butterworth and others come and go as they like; but Mr. Sherman will not go again till he is invited. When Mr. Sherman was asked the other day to sign a letter recommending a friend to office he said: "I am not making any recommendations to office just .now. If the the President should honor me with his confi dence, I would very gladly give him my ad vice, but I shall not volunteer it" Mr. Sherman earnestly urged the appoint ment of General J. .8. -Robinson, Secretary of State of Ohio, for Assistant Postmaster General, but he was set aside and Mr. Whitfield, of the same State, who was recommended by Mr. Rutterwortb, got the appointment. THE LIST LENGTHENS. Another Batch of Appointments Made Ed itor Whitelaw Reid Gets the French Mission, the Most Important Vacancy Filled. Washington, March 19. The follow ing appointments were sent to the Senate to-day by the President: "Whitelaw Reid, of Now York, to baMinlster to France. Julius Goldschmidt, of Wisconsin, Consul General at Vienna, Andrew C. Bradley, of the District of Colum bia,tobe Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. John R, McFie, of ftew Mexico, to be As sociate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territiry of New Mexico. Frank R. Aikens, of Dakota, to bo Associate Justice of the Supreme Court ot the Territory of Dakota. 'Postmasters: Massachusetts C. L. Mer rlam, at Shelburne Falls; W. F. Fitcb, Win Chester; G. A. Draper, Hopedale; E. E. Fuller, Taunton. Rhode Island J. E. Bowen, Central Falls. Connecticut J. W. Hague, Torring ton. New York-J. "W. Corning. Palmyra: J. M. Field, Rye; J. Bnckley, Cape Vincent New Jersey O. Van.Wyckle, Matawan. Ohio J. S. Bralley, Wauzon; C. S. McCoy, Cadiz: H. R. Snyder. lillnois-J. A. Fellows, Pontiac Iowa Sirs. Lncy Bowers, Tipton; C. H. Ever itt, Atlantic; W. F. Carpenter. Manning; Mrs. Sarah H. Earthman, Gnswold; F, T. Piper, Sheldon. Michigan B. O. Shaw, Newaygo. Wisconsin E. McGlachin. Stephens . Point Colorado W. E. Culver, Las Animas. Da kotaA. M. Andrews, Plankinton. The nomination of Eugene Schuyler, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of State, is withdrawn, ho having declined ihe appoint ment. Mr. J. Lowrle Bell, who was yesterday ap pointed General Superintendent of the Rail way Mail Service, is 60 years of age, and was born in Reading, Pa., where he received his education. In his 23th year be entered the service of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, as a clerk in the Irelght de partment. A few years later he was promoted to be assistant general freight agent at Phila delphia. After several years of efficient service he was again advanced to the position of General Freicht Agent He served In that capacity until 1880, when he was made the General Traffic Manager of the Phil adelphia and Reading system, and served until March 1, 1S88, when, at the expiration of the Receivership of the road, he withdrew from its service and has since been engaged in looking after the railroad and coal interests of other parties. He has always been a staunch Re publican in politics, and enters the Postal Serv ice at the urgent personal solicitation of Post master General Wanamaker,, who has known him for many years, and who admired him for his high personal character and ability. He took the oath late this afternoon, and will enter upon his new duties to-morrow. Julius Goldschmidt. Consul General at Vi enna, is a resident of Milwaukee,about 40 years of age, and married. He Is a gentleman of wealth, culture and pleasing address, one whose nomination, in the language of a Wis consin Senator, is eminently fit to be made. He succeeds Edmund Jussen. brother-in-law of fCarl Schurz. William Wallace, whose nomination to be Postmaster at IndIanapolls,and who was to-day confirmed, is a brother ot General Lew Wal lace, and was at one time associated in busi ness with General Harrison. With the excep tion of his present appointment he has held bnt one public office, that of clerk of Marion county, Indiana, from 1861 to 1865. HAEEISON A HOME RULER. An Intimation That District of Colombia Men Will Have District Offices. rSFECIAL TELSGEAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Washington, March 19. District of Columbia citizens are overjoyed, especially 1 the office-seeking portion of them, at the nomination of Mr. Andrew O. Bradley, a prominent member of the District Bar. to 'bean Associate Justice of tie Supreme Court of the District, to succeed the late Judge Merrick. They rejoice because this is a peculiar recognition of the principle of home rule, for the reason that Mr. Bradley is District born and bred. His grandfather came to this city when the seat of Govern ment was removed from Philadelphia and was Assistant Postmaster General under President Washington. Since this appointment was anpounced to-day, the strife for District offices to be filled by Presidental aopointment has he come tremendous, especially for the office of Recorder of Deeds, now held by the colored man, Trotter. The only prominent Dis trict colored man seeking this office is Mr. Perry Carson, the most noted local, boss among the colored men, who keeps a hotel on the avenne, but would not object to the $12,000 or $15,000 annual fees of the Record ership. It is assumed now that District men will fill all the District offices. NOT A CAUSE FOR EEM0TAL. Political Activity Not a Crlmo In the Eye of the Cabinet. Washington, March 19. One of the matters considered at thd Cabinet meeting to-day was the case of an Illinois post master whose removal was asked by one of the Illinois Congressmen on account of the postmaster's political activity. It was ad mitted by the Congressman that the office was well managed, and the matter was called to the attention of the Cabinet for the reason that action taken in the case might constitute a precedent hereafter. Postmaster General Wanamaker said to night that he did not feel at liberty to talk about what took place at the Cabinet meet ing. .There is reason to believe, however, that the result of this meeting was adverse to the wishes of the Illinois Congressman, but it is not known whether or not any fixed line of action in cases of this kind was de termined upon. EYARTS YET UNDISTURBED, He Hasn't Been Asked to Resign In Order to Go to England. Washington, March 19. The atten tion of Senator Evarts was drawn this' af ternoon to published reports from Albany, N. Y., that he was considering the question of resigning his seat in the Senate, and that he had been offered the mission to England, but had declined it. The Senator said: "Nothing hat; been said by me respecting a retirement from the position I now hold. As to the English mission, a man cannot well refuse what his not been offered him. There is no authority from me for the publi cation of any of these stories." .ELEGANT INAUGURAL SOUVENIRS. Five Solid Gold Bndges Made and Given to Honored Guests. Washington, March 19. Five solid gold badges of a design identical with that adopted by the Inaugural Committee have been made as souvenirs of the event. The badges have been presented to President Harrison, Vice President Morton, Mr. A. T. Britton, Chairman of the Inaugural Committee; Mr. Simon Wolf, Chairman of the Badge Committee, and Congressman Dudley Coleman, of Louisiana. FOUR RAILROADERS KILLED By a Collision on a Canadian Railway No Passengers Injured. Riviebe du Loup, Quebec, March 19. The Halifax express, on the Intercolonial Railway, came into a collision to-day with a special freight train near Rimouski sta tion. Whitney, driver of the express, and Foley, his fireman; Michaud, conductor of the special, and Foley, fireman of the spe cial, were killed. Two other train hands were injured, but not fatally. Both ot the engines, the bag gage car and two freight cars were wrecked. None of the passengers were injured. A BEAUTIFUL GHOST. The Residents of a. Select Section of Brooklyn Much Mystified. STRAHGE SIGHTS AKD SOUNDS In a Large House Leased to the Alleged Widow of Admiral Pitcher. A TALL, SLIM, HANDSOME W0MAK Bends the Air With Screams and Touching Appeals for Liberty. Brooklyn has a haunted house. The screams of a tall, slim, beautiful woman, begging for mercy and liberty, have fright ened the residents of a select district of the city. One rumored cause of the noises is that a fair bride is imprisoned in the house. Another is that the captive is a victim of the morphine habit who is under going a cure. The mystery is to be fathomed by the police, if possible. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Beooklyn, N. T., March 19. The fine three-story-and-basement brown-stone house at 158JBerkley Place, in the center of one of the most select districts on Prospect Heights, Was a special object of .interest to a good many people to-night According to the story told, the house possesses a mystery which neighbors and detectives have been nnable to solve. ' Since June, 1888, Mrs, Pitcher, who, it is said, represented herself as the widow of the late Admiral Pitcher, has been the respon sible occupant of the house. She leased the house for two years from the owner, Henry L. Fessler, an im porter, who lives at 135 Berkley Place, but who is at present in Europe. The only other occupants of the house, in addi tion to Mrs. Pitcher, are a man, supposed to be her brother, and a young woman, de scribed as tall, slim and beautiful. It is around the latter that all the alleged mystery is concentrated. ONE BOMANTIO HUMOR. One of the rumors circulating in the neighborhood represents her as a married woman who was forcibly separated from her husband, and who has been virtually kept a close prisoner in the house. The frantic screams of the fair prisoner are said to have been heard at all hours of the day and night by Mrs. McLaughlin, the wife of Jockey McLaughlin, and the other occupants of 156, the house adjoining, and to have reached the ears of people living even at 164. Such moaning complaints as these are also reported to have heen over heard: "Oh, my God, let me out of this placel" "Let me go in peacel" "You're no mother of mine!" "You're a fiendl" "Oh, why do you do this?" "Let me got" and in an other, voice: "I'll fix youl" "I'll cut your heart out!" A butcher boy is represented to have been so startled once by what he heard after de livering some meat in the basement hallway that he believed there were ghosts in the house. A man who carried wood Into the cellar also said that he heard loud moans and groans as he was going down the cellar stairs. BEFOBTED TO THIS POLICE. As far back as'December the gossip of the mystified neighbors became orystalized into a complaint against the house, which was for warded to police headquarters and referred to Police Captain Kenny, of the Bergen street station, for investigation. Captain Kenny sent a detective to the house to make inquiries, and en trance was obtained on his represen tation that he was anxious to purchase the house. Mrs.. Pitcher, it is said, showed him and his companion through the house with the exception of the rooms on the sec ond floor, wbich-she refused to exhibit, her objection being that her brother was lying sice in one of the rooms, in no condition to be disturbed. From time to time since December other complaints have been made about the house to Captain Kenny, but they wen so indefinite that he did not act on them. Al though Mr. Pitcher's lease does not termi nate until June next, the house has been sold within a few weeks. A reporter of The Dispatch called at the house last night, after making his way to the stoop through a crowd ot people who had read the story in an evening paper, and were gazing at the house, apparently in ex pectation that the tall, slim, and beautiful captive bbxde might possibly make her appearance at one of the windows, all the blinds of which were drawn down. The basement, hall and top floor were lighted. Mrs. Pitcher her self answered the bell and admitted the re porter. She is a middle-aged woman with flaxen hair and a firm but rather pleasant face. When the reporter explained the ob ject of his visit she said: "I have seen the awful story published about this house and its occupants. It is false. There is no person, man or woman, here deprived of his or her liberty. All I wish to .say at present is that this is an at tempt at blackmail." On leaving the house the reporter found Detective Reynolds, of the Bergen street station, mingling with the curious crowd on the sidewalk. Detective Reynolds said: "I think there is certainly some mystery about this house and its occupants. From various sources I have learned that there have been some strange transactions going on in the house. THE ALABMING SCBEAMS have been heard by at least a score of peo ple. Once or twice a week an old-fashioned coach has been driven to the house, con taining a man and a woman. The former would remain in the coach while the woman went into the house. One day, while the coach stood in front of the house, a man passing heard a woman scream and cry out: -'No, no; I won't sign it. The explanation given to me was to the effect that the captive woman was a victim of the morphine habit, and that Mrs. Pitcher and her male companion were trying to cure her of it I am not satisfied, however, that this is the true explanation of the story, and I will not rest until I get to the bottom of the mystery." Inspector Reilly said last night that the matter would be thoroughly sifted. MARRIED LATE IN LIFE. A Couplo of Elderly Conples Joined for the Rest of Their Lives. rSFECIAL TELEG11A1I TO THE DISFATCn.l Ansonia, Conn., March 19. Last week, in Waterbury, the Rev. Dr. Davenport's study was invaded by a happy-looking cou ple, and in a- few minutes Mrs. Harriet B.' Hills, aged 73, had become Mrs. Jeremiah Johnson, the groom being 76 years old. Both bride and groom had been married twice before. In Bridgeport the. Rev: Joljn I. Lindsay married Frederick M.Perry and Miss Mary Kate Borrougles, after 30 years of courtship, The groom had reached 58 and the bride 48. When the two were young the bride's fath er, then a prominent citizen and bank presi dent, objected to the match and strove in every way he could to break It off. When he died other obstacles prevented their mar' riage until now. oL v AJLEBICAtfS ABROAD. The Catholic Pilgrims Warmly' Welcomed at Rome The Pope's- Sympathy WHh Our Institutions a Feast v of Reason. Rome, March 19. The American College gave a grand dinner this evening In -honor of the leaders of the American Pilgrimi. Many prelates were present Bishop Keane, the President of the new Catholic university at Washington, spoke in English, Latin and Frencn. His remarks were much ap plauded. The Pope's vicar. Cardinal Pa rocchi, delivered a powerful Latin oration on behalf of the Pope. He expressed the Pope's admiration for American institutions, and spoke of the deep interest taken by His Holiness in tbe birth 01 the Washington University, which he regarded as one of the chief glories ot his pontificate. Cardinal Schiaffino spoke in Italian. He sketched the work of the Cath olic Church in establishing universities in J all ages and In all countries, and eulogized the Washington TJuIversity as the crowning work of Christian education a work that was destined to display America to tbe world as a living exemplification of perfect accord between the highest learning and science and the Catholic faith. Mgr. Jacobin! traced America's wonder ful progress, and paid a tribute to the priests who planted the seeds of the Catholic religion there and fostered its advancement He referred to the treasures of faith poured forth by Catholic Ireland, and contrasted the strong and vigorous life of America's institutions and people and of the Catholic Church in America with the sadly painful situation of the people and church iu ihe 01dWorld. COMMEBGIAL TIMON. Another Warm Debate In the Canadian Parliament A Government Member Strongly Attncks tho Policy of the United States. Ottawa, Ont., March 19. It is thought Sir Richard Cartwright's resolution in favor of closer trade relations with the United States will undoubtedly be voted down by the Government supporters, but such action will hardly indicate the feeling of the peo ple. The Government side has the best speakers, but the opposition' corrflnd that if they do not possess the same eloquence they have submitted better logic. ' The debate was resumed this afternoon by Mr. Cockburn, of Toronto, who delivered an ultra-loyal speech, which rnet with applause from the Government benches, but was greeted with derisive cheers from the other side of the House. Mr. Cockburn is a firm believer in a national policy "of protection and is opposed to schemes for unrestricted reciprocity or commercial union. He insti tuted comparisons to show that the various provinces of Canada are enjoying greater prosperity than the various States of the Union. He said the decline in land values in New York State from 1870 to 1880 was $270,000, 000, while Ontario, in the same period, ex perienced an increase of $66,250,000. He asserted that threerauarters of the number 'of farms in New York State were mort gaged. America's alleged aristocracy, he said, lived only for boodle, and he had noth ing kind to say about the plutocracy. All the Americans wanted was to get the trade of Canada and to give nothing in return. CINCINNATI POLITICS. A Bolt Agnlnst the Regular Republican , Municipal Ticket. Cincinnati, March 19. The Repub lican city convention met to-day, with Smith A. Whitfield recently appointed Second Postmaster General, as chairman. Much interest was felt in its work, owing to a recent exposure in the newspapers of a secret organization which, it is charged, undertook to control, all nominations. The testwasonthe nomination for Controller. The members of this organization- were op posed to the renomination of Eshelby, the present incumbent John B. Mosby was nominated for mayor; General E. F. Noves, Judge Superior Court; Henry Ziegler, City Treasurer; Daniel Brown, Controller, and Amos Dye, Jndge Police Court The Times-Star, Republican, announces .that it will not support the ticket nominated by the convention to-day, and calls for a mass convention of Republicans to nomi nate a ticket. It says the men who have sought to rule the Republican party by means of an oath-bound organization con trolled this 'convention and nominated the ticket It says the honest, self-respecting Republicans have rights, and that it is time they asserted their independence of gutter politicians within the party. NEW JERSEI WET ONCE MORE. The Legislature Repeals tbe Present Local Optlbn Law. (SrrCIAL TZLXGSA1I TO THE DISFATCH.l' Tbenton, N. J., March 19. The Wertz bill passed the House to-day, and it is as good as a law of the State as Governor Green will sign it at once. The bill ren ders null the local option election ordered to be held in the - near future. Be side repealing the local option law, it takes from the Republican measure of last year some of the arbitrariness of the legal processes for pun ishing illegal liquor selling. It in effect does not so much do away with local option as transfer it from the county to the township-, since 'it gives the residents of each township power to fix by vote in a town election the amount of the license fee, and temperance townships may vote a practi cally prohibitory fee. It is said, however, that township rivalries will operate to keep licenses down. Voters may say to themselves that if a neighboring township is going to have hotels with bars, they may as well have them also, since undoubtedly such hotels tend to draw trade and various sorts of patronage to places where they exist COPPER NOT ANI CHEAPER. The Price to be Mnlntaloed as Par the Agreement Signed March IS. ISF2CUL TXLEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH". 1 New Yobk, March 19. Nearly all Of the copper companies received to-day in quiries by mail and telegraph from brass goods manufacturers about the price of copper. There was, apparently, a prevail ing opinion that the troubles of the syndi cate incident to the entanglements of the Comptoir d'Escompte would tnmble a good deal of copper on the market at lower prices. The companies replied that the price was 16centsa pound, and would remain at that price certainly until May 15, when the two months' curtailment of production, ac cording to agreement between the syndicate and the companies, would be at an "end. A representative of one of thebiggest cop per companies in the country, and one hav ing close relations with the syndicate, said that the companies having contracts with the syndicate felt in honor bound to main tain the price at the figures current before the agreement to shutdown for two months, signed March 15. England In Trouble Again. London, March 19. In the House jf Commons to-day the Right Hon. Sir Jam Js Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for tMe VForeign Office, announced that certain se Vious questions between England and the Sultan of Morocco had not been settled, and , that a portion of the British Channel squad son had consequently gone to Tangier. THREE CENTS CLOWN'S HAND o t .i ,. V- tO- Gomes DoTi 'Jn a Crash Upon All Safoons in the Owl Gang's District. HIS PROHIBITORY PLAN Meets with Approval and Opposition in. the License Court. POLICE ATTACKA WELL-KJJOWN HOTEL Jndge White Intimates by a Threat that Bbj Sewickley Home la Not Opes to License Applicants as Visitors Tho Coart Sur prised at the Big Receipts of Some of the Downtown Saloons Bigger Crowds at the Hearings Yesterday Rapid Progress Will Bring Dp the Twelfth Ward To-Day. In the License Court yesterday a major ity of the applicants were from the business part of the city, and .included the propri etors of some of the best known saloons in the city. The hotel proprietors applied, and with one or two exceptions fared easily. The sensation of the day was the remon strances presented by the Department of Public Safety. In one of these Chief Browa . lays ont a prohibitory district which the Judges seem inclined to observe, although an attorney threatens to contest the legality of such an idea. The object of the police authorities evidently is to thoroughly break up tho "Owl Gang" by removing all their roosts. The Twelfth ward will probably be, reached to-day. The second day's session of the License Court was a repetition of the first The ex. amination of applicants was, however, more searching than on Monday. The. crowds in the lobby and in the Court House corridors were larger, and the interest in the proceed ings seems to be deepening. When the hotel proprietors all put in their applica tions, the Albemarle and the Hamilton had a hard time of it, from the evidence and re marks appended, and their cases will in all probability prove hopeless. Captain Wishart, Hon. B. C. Christy and the ladies of the W. C.'T. TJ., were in at tendance to look after their intrenchments in the battle. A. BIG DAY'S WOBK. The cases heard during the day were: Third ward Mrs. Margaretta Becker, 27 and 29 Diamond street; Joseph Carrand George Carr, 814 and 81S Liberty street; Charles Cap pell. 142 Fifth avenue; George Dlmling, 17 Dia mond sqnare;Harry Davis, S3 Diamond street; John Kichley, 2 Masters alley; Charles Frie bertthanser.Mfl Smithfleldstreet; J. C. GIW-, nan, 972 liberty street; Charles F. HDper. 513 Smithfleldstreet; John Hohmann, 638 Bmith fleld street; John Hermann, 617 Smithfield street: Henry Herzberger. 971 Liberty ave nue; Joseph A. Hoeveler,4 Sixth street; Plnsp. Keller.Si Fifth avenue;Cbarles Klttner.608 Lib erty avenue; John Kessler,6378mifhneld street; Jacob Keller, 612 Smlthfleld street; William Lenz and M. Kleinschmldt, &i$ Wood street; David Lanber, 101 Fifth avenue; G. N. Mashey, 82 and 83 Fifth avenne; Gustar B. Mlhm, 641 Smlthfleld street; Oscar Mihm, 645 Smlthfleld street; Jacob Nolte, Jr., 610 Liberty avenue; James W. Piatt 428 Smlthfleld street; Eckard Reineman, 505 Wood street; Jacob Schumacher, 964 Liberty street; C. M. Spencer, 50 and 52J Fifth avenue; William Sprlesterbach, Jr., 6 Sixth avenue; Henry Schmidt 32 and 31 Sev enth avenue; Alex. 8. Schrlbner, 1002, 1004 1006 Liberty avenue: Peter Schuman, corner Seventh avenue and Grant street; Christ Sauereisen, 603 Grant street: The Hotel Duquesne Co., 520 to tm Smlthfleld street; Pauline Vowinkie (Tr.), 634 Smlthfleld street; Mathias 'Weiss, 432 Smlthfleld street; W.J. Wright, 2 and 4 Masters alley; Frank Woog, 1012 Liberty avenue; James P. Withe row, William Witherow and Thomas Deegan. 620, 622 and 524 Smlthfleld street: Barker C. Wilson, corner Seventh avenue and Liberty street GETTING INTO THE TOUBTH. Fourth Ward Charles Brosky, 12 Sixth street; J. B. Boyer. corner Dnquesne way and Seventh street; John Bosh, 17 Sixth street; Samuel Blng, 32 Sixth street; Fabian Boehm, 823 Perm avenue; Thomas Brown and Frank Taylor. 625 Penn avenue; Henry McKinnie and Edward L. Bean, corner Sixth and Penn avenue; George McCandless, 7 Ninth street; Owen McCarthy, 15 Sixth street; William Rueckeisen, 34 Sixth street; Edward Redenbach, 14 Seventh street; R.A. Scott, corner Penn avenue and Sixth street: George Tann, 61 Tenth street; Stephen Thompson and Charles E. Booth, 7 Sixth street. Fifth ward P. C. Duffy. 510 Grant street; Patrick Fallon, 606 Grant street; Cornelius Horgan, 17WyIIe avenue, Michael J. Hlnes, 121 Wylle avenue; Peter Lohnes, 245 Fifth avenue: Henry Levenson, 43 Webster avenue; Joshua H. Mast; 30 Wylle avenue; Frank Mc Langhlln, corner Wylie avenue and Tunnel street; Peter McGee, corner Washington street and Webster avenue, Dennis McGlinchey, cor ner Bedford and Washington street; Daniel C. Neary, 5 Wylie avenue; John O'Nefl, 600 Grant street; James Powers, 35 Sixth avenue; George C. Pitfleld, 69 Wylis avenne; John Russell. 7 Wylie avenue; Jacob Rinn, 109 Seventh ave nue;M orris Rosanthal, 33 Wylie avenue; James ' Stafford, 42 Webster avenue; Tobia Stof enella. 3 Wylie avenue; Philip Tress, 608 Grant street. PLACES -WITH BIO RECEIPTS. Court was opened at 9 o'clock. The case of Richard R. Bennett was continued. He said his receipts last year were $83,067. Oi this amount $25,384 was from bottles and $37,719 from the bar. The Court expressed surprise at the amount received from- sales over the bar, and said it was the strongest argument against a license he had yet heard. The law did not contemplate a men drink ing place. David Lauber, of No. 101 Fifth avenne. (Tony Newell' j old place) was put through a severe course. He said that John Newell had nothing to do with the saloon or restaurant His receipts were $320 a day, $110 of which were from the bar. Owen MeGarvey was called and his ap plication was withdrawn. This is tbe first withdrawal. ' Christ Sauereisen; 603 Grant street, said he was in the commission business, and sold butter and eggs. "Porter and ale2" said the Court This caused a general laugh. William Witherow, of the Hotel Du quesne, was the first applicant at the after noon session. He had bnt little trouble, al though Judge White expressed as his opin ion that a hotel should have a charter. N. S. Snyder, of the Second ward, was re called. Mrs. Mitchell said he had fur nished drinks to her son. who was only 30 years, when she had told him not to do so. Mr. Snyder admitted to her thaWio had furnished- rtL - T a - ( n ,.&So.K .