Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 18, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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.MONDAY, -3IAEOH; 18, 1889.
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Charles S. Clampitt Gives
, Some History Afiout
Efforts to Organize a Beal Amateur
Boat Club.
The Dojj Fight at Wheeling Does Not
Take Place.
To those people interested in the national
game there is always something exceeding
ly interesting in a conversation with one of
the baseball pioneers. "Old timers" inva
riably have lots of entertaining recollec
tionsHo talk about, and they usually take
great delight in telling of the "good old
times." This certainly is the case with Mr.
Charles S. Clampitt of this city. He is
now 61 years old, and was playing baseball
nearly 40 years ago. He was a member of
the historic Olympic Ball Clnb of Philadel
phia, and has in his possession a little book
containing a list of members of that club
and a brief sketch of Its early history. It was
organized in 1S33 to play townball, from which
Mr. Clampitt states baseball developed.
The little history of the club goes on to say :
"The Olympic Ball Club was established by the
union of two associations of townball players
in the year 1S33. One of these associations be
gan playing at Camden, H. J., on Market
street, near or upon the ground where the
Episcopal church stands, in the spring of 1S3L
On the first day there were but four of us and
the game was called 'catball,' or what is
called in some parts of New England, two
old cat."
"The players, who were then over 25 years
old, told some of their younger friends of the
pleasure and advantage they found in re
luming their boyish sport, and invitdd them to
join and make up a number large enough for a
game of townball. This was soon done and a
party of from 35 to 20 regularly went over to
Camden on Saturday afternoons in a horse
ferry boat and played the game of townball."
Public opinion was strong against such
"childish amusement," and this feeling retard
ed the development of the game considerably.
During a conversation last evening Mr. Clam
pitt said that this public sentiment against the
game continued for a long time. He contin
ued: "There were many prominent business
men in the club, however, and they stuck to
gether until the public feeling underwent a
change. Games were played on Wednesdays
and Saturdays, and Degan to attract considera
ble attention. New York people began to no
tice them, and, as a result, the New Yorkers
improved on our game, organized the Knicker
bocker club and played baseball. This was, I
think, in 1846. and two or three years later we
followed the example of the New York people.
Townball was in many respects similar to base
ball; hut in the former game if a pitcher hit
the runner with the call between the bases the
runner was out However, the Olympic I
think, was the first organized club, and doubt
less its existence prompted the formation of
the first baseball club.
"There were soon many clubs formed and we
all played baseball, and the game became more
popular than the old game. We played for
honor, the only trophy being a ball. In our
club we made our own balls. Every six months
a committee was appointed for this purpose,
and the balls were made of a piece of India
mkB. v ri vHtt twine wnrsTprl anil tnf
skin. The contests became exciting because.
of the intense rivalry there existed between
Philadelphia and New York. The Athletics
were organized in the former city and the At
lantics in New York, and they had lively times.
Al Reach, Sisler and McBride were in the Ath
letic team, and I remember vividly a game be
tween the two clubs when the fences were all
broken down. The Athletics won, and it was,
indeed, a great time.
"In the early history of these clubs nobody
was paid for his services, but the clubs gradu
ally drifted into professionalism, and I'll tell
you how that took place. It was soon dis
covered that tbegreatstrength of ateam rested
in the pitcher and catcher. There was such a
strong desire to win on the part of each clnb
that it became the custom to pay for a good
battery. But this couldn't be contmued with
out charging an admlssian fee, which was done
eventually. Then clubs began to
In. aU positions from the money realized at the
gate. From this the custom developed into
bona fide professionalism and has continued
ever since.
"Of course the rules of those early games
were extremely different from the rules of to
day. I used to be a strong enthusiast in the
olden time, hut really the game is so different
now in almost all respects that I don't feel at
home when watching a game nowadays. 1 took
part In a game last season and found that the
methods are entirely different. I was a left
fielder in my day, and at that time fielders had
plenty of work, I assure you. Then the pitcher
tried to pnt the ball where the batter could hit
it, but now the extreme opposite is the case.
Certainly In my young baseball days nobody
ever thought that the game would ever develop
to such extraordinary dimensions as it has
done. Its advancement, in the eyes of those
of . us who helped to inaugurate it. has
really been wonderful, and goodness knows
where it will stop. Onetbing connected with
modern baseball I note with pride and that is
its honesty. I can remember when players
would accept bribes and lose a game with com
parative impunity. Now a player cannot dojso
without ruining his professional prospects for
ever. However, I still admire the good old
methods which enabled us to make 20 or 30
runs. That kept the crowds shouting and
everybody busy."
His Gun Attached and Suit Entered
Against Ilira.
There was a lively scene at the Avenue Base
ball Park yesterday at the close of the Carver
Bandle shooting match. It was caused by three
ro:n makingji break for Dr. Carver's gun. The
affair created a lot of fun, and resulted in the
gun being divided between two of the consta
bles. "Yesterday George M. Allen, of Terre Haute,
Ind., entered suit before 'Squire Bright to re
cover 597 from Dr. Carver, clue on a promissory
note. A writ of attachment was issued to
Constable Frank Johnson.
The attorney of Conrad Berens, the Phila
delphia occulist, entered suit before 'Squire
Hornbcrger to recover $140 from Carver for
online the latter's eyes. A writ was issued to
Constables Jimmy Meyers and John Rebold.
While the match was in progress the three offi
cers were on the scene waiting for a chance to
seize Carver's gun.
It came, at last. Just as the match closed
Carver took his gun apart and laid it down.
Just-as he dl. thecmen rushed for it. Tbey
were the constables. Notwithstanding Johnson
weighs nearly 300 pounds, be got there firstand
attached the barrels of the gun.- Before be
cbuld seize anything else Constables Rebold
and Meyers attached the stock of the gun and
all of the doctor's cartridges. The gun is
valued at tX Cincinnati Enquirer.
Umpire Barnnm Aska to be Kept Amur
From the Players.
In the Washington correspondence of the
New York Sim is the following: Umpire Bar
sum, in a lengthy communication to President
Young, reiterates his views regarding the sep
aration of umpires from playing as much as
possible, and bis suggestions are worthy of
consideration. Oneptiliit that be brings out
strongly is to the effect t;.at after a game, and
especially one that has been close and exciting,
the umpire should not be compelled to come in
contact with tbe players in the clubhouse.
Very frequently remarks are made that have a
tendency to create ill feeling betweeu players
who think tbey have been discriminated
against by the umpire, and this could be ob
viated by the umpire keeping away from the
men. He renews bis suggestion that tbe um
pire should be furnished with a conveyance of
Ills own to and from tbe grounds, and should
not be compelled to ride in the coach alloted
to one of the teams. His idea is to do away
with fraternization 6etween nmpires and play
ers, as it will have a tendency to make the
former the impartial Judge of the contest that
it is Intended an umpire shall be.
The Wheeling Doe Fight Did Net Take
Place Lively Scenes. .
The big croud of Pittsburg sports who went
to Wheeling on Saturday to witness the dog
fight between Napoleon Jack and an imported
dog owned by J. Pembleton, of tbe Southslde,
were sadly disappointed. The battle did not
take place, and, as a result, there was a lively
time among the patrons of the pit. The Pitts
burgers went to Wheeling expecting to witness
a chicken main, a dog fight and a prize fight.
Only tbe first named took place.
The chicken main turned out to be much
smaller than anticipated, as there were only
six battles between Wheeling and Phillipsburg
birds. Four of tho battles were "won by the
Phillipsburg party, and each contest was for
125 a side. The main took place in a rink at
Fulton, near Wheeling.
It was intended to have the dogfight in the
rink when the main finished, but the crowd,
made up of Wheeling, Steubenville, East Liv
erpool and Pittsburg sports, was so rough and
demonstrative that the owner of the building
refused its use and demanded everybody to
leave. A number of free fights ensued and one
man received a severe cut m the bead with a
bottle. The dog fighters then proceeded to a
barn a mile and a half away from Wheeling.
The promoters of the fight began to charge S2
per head admission to see the battle. After
about 50 persons had been admitted at this rate
tbe Wheeling sports broke into the barn in
wholesale fashion. It was then deemed unsafe
to have the fight take place, and the owners
and their dogs disappeared with a bowling mob
after them.
Ihev returned to Wheeling when a stable
was offered tbem to fight in private. Klrly, tho
owner of Napoleon Jack, declined the offer,
though Pembleton was willing to accept it.
After considerable wrangling Pembleton and
his dog left for home on the 5 o'clock train.
Klrly took his dog to Martin's Ferry, wherelhe
spent yesterday. It is likely that the battle
will take place this week. The prize fight was
lost sight of owing to the trouble concerning
the dog fight.
Efforts Being Made to Organize a Real
Amateur Boat Clnb.
Efforts are being made to organize a bona fide
amateur boat club in this vicinity. Mr. J. J.
Sweeny, who is connected with the Duquesne
ball club, stated yesterday that several gentle
men interested in aquatics have commenced a
movement to accomplish the object named.
The great object is to have an amateur club
that can, without question, put forth the best
local amateur rowers in the national contests.
Several patrons of the scull are eager to have
John Martin and McCnesney take part in the
national amateur regatta, and to do this effec
tively an amateur boat club of influence is
At present it is bard to find a local boat club
that can technically be called amateurs. The
want of such an organization has been ex
tremely felt for some time. If an organization
of the kind named were established such prom
ising scullers as John Martin would probably
get a chance to measure sculls with.the cham
pions of other clubs in the country. It is also
probable that other good scullers would be de
veloped here, as there are lots of powerful
young men in tbe neighborhood who desire to
become bona fide amateur scullers.
Tbe idea as expressed by Mr. Sweeney is to
have all those interested in such an organiz
ation meet and form a club independent of and
entirely distinct from any other club in the
city. The proposed club could be formed on
purely amateur principles. A step of this kind
would certainly do much toward redeeming the
prestige of acquatics here. At present that ex
cellent branch of sport is under a ban, but it is
possible to return it to public favor by the
method mentioned above.
He Explains Matters Aboat the Players in
Spalding's Team.
Washington, March 17. "None of the
players who have been making tbe tour of the
world under the supervision of Mr. Spalding
have been assigned to classes," said President
Young, of the League, "and they will be ex
empt from classification for 15 days after their
return to the United States. This rule applies
to John Ward as well as bis companions, and
tbe reason for it lies in the fact that it was
adopted after tbe tourists left this country en
route to Australia. I have been authorized by
Mr. Day to release Ward to the Washington
management upon his signing a contract and
the payment to me of the sum promised by Mr.
Hewitt to the New York's President.
"Should the 512,000 for the consummation of
the deal be paid over to me, it will make up
ward of 50,000 that have passed through my
hands in tbe past few years for ball players. Of
course this arrangement between Messrs. Day
and Hewitt renders it illegal for any further
attempts by theBostonians to secure Ward,and
that seems to be pretty well understood by
Messrs. Billings, Conantand Sodcn. Upon the
arrival of Ward in tnis country, he will be met
at New York by Mr. Hewitt; who considers
that the wisest course for him to pursue is to
have a personal consultation with John, and
not conduct negotiations at long range through
the medium of the mails. More business can
be transacted in a 15 minutes' talk than can be
accomplished by written communications in as
many days. Naturally, everything is in abey
ance pending a decision by Ward of this mat
ter, but the indications point very strongly to
his donning a Washington uniform for the
baseball season of 1SS9."
What Sllnson Soys.
Regarding tbe challenge of E. N. Guckert,
which appeared in this paper the other day,
Mr. Stinson sends the following reply:
"In reply to the challenge of E. N. Guckert
to play me on tbe guitar, banjo and mandolin.
I am free to admit that he is far above me
as a guitar player. I will, however, play Mr.
Guckert on tbe banjo and mandolin, and will
meet him any day next week to make a match
for 5100 or $300 aside. I have no 51,000 friends.
The contest must be decided by qualified
musicians mutually agreed upon.
C. P. Sttnson."
Off to the Sales.
Billy Fisher, the young horseman of Alle
gheny, left the city for Indiana last evening to
attend tbe horse sales at Cambridge. Raven
Boy, Gray Davy and other good ones are to be
sold. Mr. Fisher desires to buy a good horse.
Hart's Business Yentare.
In a letter to a friend in this city, Frank H.
Hart, the pedestrian, states that he has
entered the saloon business at San Francisco.
He won nearly $4,000 in the recent six-day con
test at that city, and ne means to try and make
another business start in life by it
Sporting Notes.
Wise is to play short or tbo Bostons.
The Phillies defeated the Jacksonville club
on Saturday by 8 to 4.
A picked nine defeated the Cleveland team
by 12 to 9 at Hot Springs on Saturday.
Maktlew failed to show up to wrestle Jesse
Clark at Steubenville on Saturday night. Tho
contest will take place to-night.
Manages Phillips and President Nimick
visited the ball grounds yesterday. Some al
teration in the entrance gates were decided on.
If the Pittsburgs does not make some of the
Association clubs hunt leather this spring then
there is no balm in Gilead. Philadelphia
There is nothing definitely settled as yet re
garding the Polo grounds. Another meeting
of the Aldermanic Committee having tbe mat
ter in charge will be held this week; and both
sides will fight hard to win. TheNewYorks
will strain every muscle to bold the grounds
this season, and the property owners are using
their influence to have One Hundred and Elev
enth street cut through.
Of Unskilled Glass Workers to be Formed
In May.
A. meeting of committees from the various
glass packers and mixers and teasers' local
assemblies of the Knights of Labor was held
yesterday at 1505 Carson street. The object of
the gathering was to draw up a proposition for
the formation of theTJlasshousenien's National
Trades District of the K. of L.
These men are employed in different branches
ot the trade and have repeatedly tried to gain
admission to the American Flint Glass Work
ers' Union, the Window Glass Workers' Asso
ciation and tbe different organizations of green
glass and prescription workers, but without
success. The cause of their rejection was that
they were not 'classed as skilled workmen. It
was decided yesterday to send the proposition
to all the local assemblies in the country, and a
convention will be held in this city some time
in May, when the organization will be formed.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate,
Useful in all forms of dyspepsia.
The People's Store.
We are still doing business at our tempo
rary quarters, 531 and 533 Wood St.
On and after Thursday, March 21, come
to the new store on the old stand, 83, 85, 87
and 89 Fifth' ave. That we shall show yon
a stock worth looking at goes without .say
ing. I Campbell & Dick, d
General Boulanger Outlines His Flans
and Declares That He is
Measures Taken to Avert the Threatened
Financial Crisis.
Pabis, March 17. General Boulanger
went to-day to Tours. The train which
conveyed him stopped at Bloisand St Pierre
des Corps, at both of which towns enthusi
astic demonstrations were made in his
honor. At Tours a crowd of 3,000 persons
gathered at his hotel to -welcome him. In
response to vociferous cheering the Gen
eral appeared upon a balcony and expressed
his thanks for the reception accorded him.
In the evening a banquet was given, at
which Senator Naqnet and several members
of the Chamber of Deputies were present.
In a speech M. Naquet pointed out the fa
cility with which the adhesion of the Con
servatives to a moderate republic might be
obtained. He referred to General Bou
langer's intention to restore religious peace
to the country by stopping the policy of
persecution. Boulanger would appeal to
the country, and if the nation voted to
maintain the concordat the question should
be allowed to rest for 40 years.
General Boulanger followed with a speech
of the usual kind. He said: "The Con
servatives who follow me understand that
the restoration of the monarchy is impossi
ble without a violent upheaval, and they
adhere to the Bepublic on condition that it
be made habitable and be sanctioned by the
people directly consulted."
In concluding he 'repudiated, on behalf
of the national party, the idea of either a
monarchical conspiracy or demagoguery,de
claring that the goal toward which they
were marching was a republic, hut a non
parliamentary republic, which would be
the protectress of the weak and lowly, and
be passionatelv preoccupied with the inter
ests of the people, respecting tbe liberty of
tbe individual and, above all the liberty of con
science. Deroulede and the other accused members ot
the Patriotic League have been summoned to
appear before the court on Tuesday next The
Clarion, the organ of the Patriotic League, de
nies the existence of a plan for a descent by
the League upon the Elysee and the Palais
At the financiers' meeting this morning, M.
Rouvier appealed to the bankers to unite on
both moral and patriotic grounds. He ex
pressed the hope that the 40,000,000 francs of
fresh capital necessary to uphold the Comptoire
d'Escompte would be Immediately subscribed.
At a meeting of the Directors of the Bank of
France, it was decided to make an additional
advance of 20,000,000 francs on condition that a
similar sum be subscribed elsewhere, in order
to avert a judicial liquidation of the Comptoire
d'Escompte's affairs.
The Rothschilds subscribed 3.000,000 francs
and the Credit Foncier 2,000.000. and thesub
scriptlonsof otberhouses brought theaggregate
up to 36,000,000 francs. In response to M. Rou
vfer's appeal the Syndicate Chamber of Stock
Brokers has agreed to advance 3.000,000 francs
to tho Comptoir d'Escompte. The necessary
amount 40,000.000 francs is now subscribed.
Tavande & Cie. bankers of Lemans, have sus
pended. Their liabilities amount to several
million francs.
Another Tory Writer Thinks He Has the
Right Solntien.
London, March 18. Clifford Lloyd writes to
the Timet in advocacy of the abolition of the
Irish Lord-Lieutenancy and Dublin Bureau
cracy, and the granting to Ireland of a large
measure of county government retaining the
police as an Imperial organization and read
justing taxation. He says that if both parties in
England could agree to give such a plan a fair
trial there need be no misgiving as to the
If home rule is desirable and possible the
scheme will-grow of Its accord, and this is pref
erable to forcing It upon tbe people at the risk
of civil war. To settle tbe Irish question will
need 111 the talent in both parties, and they
must act together in the matter. Any attempt
bv one party to face thejopposition offtbe other
w'lil end In failure and perhaps in national dis
The Thunderer Reads a Lesson to Members
of Parliament.
London, March 18. The Times attacks
Messrs. Cremer and Clark, Radical members
of Parliament, for joining with tbo Radical
clubs in the welcome to Henry George on
Saturday. The Times says:
"Mr. George's doctrines corneas near spolia
tion as anything that has been proposed by a
man with a character to lose since the French
revolution. Men like Mr. Cremer wish to apply
the operations of the Irish Leaguers to Ireland,
Scotland and Wales."
The Servians Off With the Old and On With
the New.
Belgrade, March 17. An imposing service
was held in the Cathedral to-day in honor of
the accession of King Alexander. Tbe King,
the ex-King, the Regents, the Cabinet ministers
and all the diplomatic representatives were
present The city was decorated with flags,
and tbe celebration closed with illuminations
and a torchlight procession. In the course ot
the day the officials were received in farewell
audience by ex-King Milan.
The Cossacks of AchlnofTs Expedition Be
come Rebellions.
Constantinople, March 17. A mutiny
broke out to-day among a portion of the Cos
sacks attached to Acbinoff s expedition. The
Russian Consul tried to pacify tbe mutineers,
but they refused to listen to him. and finally
drove him away with threats of violence. Sub
sequently the unruly Cossacks were removed
from the Russian man-of-war and placed on
board another vessel bound for Odessa.
Honoring the Baseball Players.
.LONDON, March 17. Mr. Hollingshead, the
theatrical manager, gave a supper in the "Ni
agara" exhibition building this evening in
honor of the visiting American baseball.teams.
The Duke of Beaufort and other prominent
persons were present
Germany's Samoan Commissioners.
Berlin, March 17. It Is expected that
Count Herbert Bismarck and Councillor
Crauel will represent Germany in the Samoan
Bow to Travel Cheaply In China.
From the Mew York Sun.:
Foreign residents of China apparently
have one valuable resource when they are
threatened with the abuse of a hostile mob.
They may sew pigtails in their hats, don
the dress of the country and become Chinese
themselves to some extent, and the result
will have a tendency to mollify the passions
of the crowd. Mr. Horsburg, describing
his recent journey 1,500 miles up the Yang
tze river, put on Chinese attire, including
the pigtail, and not the least advantage of
his new costume was the fact that it enabled
him to travel the first 1,000 miles for $17,
while the fare for foreigners on the same
boat was $70. Nobody mistook him for a
Chinese, but he seemed to be regarded as an
adopted fellow citizen, entitled to ,all tbe
rights and privileges, including cheap liv
ing of a glorious country. "We have no
reason to know in our own land that John is
deeply prejudiced in favor of the light and
airy attire he brings over with him.
A Chicago Cariosity.
.From the Chicago Xtm.i
There Is said to be a saloon keeper In Chicago
who is not running for alderman. It this be
true the dime museums could, well afford to
engage Jilni as a curiosity at $1,000 a'week,
Rev. Pother Murphy Preaches toParnders
at the Cathedral.
Eev. John T. Murphy, President of the
Holy Ghost College, of this city, delivered
the sermon at St. Paul's Cathedral last
evening. His text was: "This is the victory
that overcome th the world, your faith.'
Father Murphy's sermon was delivered par
ticularly to the members of the Catholic organ
izations who paraded in honor of St Patrick
yesterday. In the first part of his discourse he
reviewed Irish history, -and spoke of good deeds
done by Ireland's patron saint He said that
St Patrick's Day puts before tbe minds of
Irishmen the fact that faith was tbe instru
ment be bestowed on (heir fathers as tbe most
precious of gifts, 1,400 years ago. It Is faith
that gave alumlnary to their lives, and a true
value to their works. It raises them up above
the littleness and misery of their life and files
tbem in God. It reveals to them the greatness
of their destiny. Tells tbem that they have
been created, not for this world but for the
next, not for themselves, but for God. With
out faith a man's life, be he ever so talented,
ever so great ever so pbweful, is wasted.
Without faith a man is a victim to tbe vice
and corruption and consequent delay of fallen
human nature.
Tbe enemy of their faith he claimed came to
them with gloves on his hands, rings on his
fingers, wearing pure linen and broadcloth,
with a smile on bis lips. He does not openly
attack tbe faith, but gives it a passing nod of
respect. He finds his way into the sanctuary
of the home. His work becomes easy when he
find the coast clear. He eats h's way through
their whole family system, until he has re
duced it to one rotten mass of corruption.
"Hand down your faith to your children in
tact and unsullied. Whatever else you do tor
them, instill tbe faith with all its teachings and
practices into their every fiber. Teach them to
love it, to stand up for it, and to fight for it. if
need be; yea, to die torit May God and St
Patrick bless you and yours in this your grave
mission to preserve and propagate our holy
olden faith"
A good many of the reverend gentleman's
hearers construed some of his remarks about
"the enemy" to mean the American Mechanics'
The Master Painters to Enforce Their
- Grading Proposition To-Day.
Last Saturday was the last day given by
the master painters to the journeymen to
accept the grading proposition. The men
had previously and emphatically declined. to
accept tbe terms offered, and the result of the
master painters' action will not be .known until
to-day, when the men present themselves for
work. The men do not believe their em
ployers are in shape to stand a strike, and think
that a better arrangement may be made this
week. n.
As has been stated, the master painters pro
pose to divide the workers into three classes
and grado , them according .to their ability
the first class to receive S3K cents an hour, the
second .27 cents and the third 20 cents. The
journeymen painters claim that they cannot be
graded properly and only 20-cent-an-hour men
will be employed.
The master painters state that under the
present system, an inferior workman receives
as much pay as one who is skilled in his calling,
which is a loss to themselves, an Injustice to
their customers and an injury to competent
An Allegheny Raid That was Not Accom
panied by Good Results.
Chief of Police'Kirschler, of Alleghehy,
learned that a number of mill men had en
gaged a room at No. 32 Beaver'avenue, and
stocked ft with liquors, intending to enjoy
themselves on Sunday. He decided to break
up the party and yesterday afternoon, accom
panied by a posse of 13 officers in citizens
clothes, swooped down on the place. .
The house was surrounded and tbe room was
entered, but it was only occupied qy air,
nothing more. Someone had given the men a
"tip," which they did not hesitate in nsing.The
officers then returned and reported a '-water
Pittsburg Members of the Protestant Asso
ciation Visit Johnstown.
Some of the members of the American
Protestant Association have just returned
from Johnstown, where they installed
Western Star Lodge No. 53. Tbe Grand Lodge
officers present were TJ. G. M. John Wilson, TJ.
V. G. M John Wj Moreland, and TJ. 'G. a
Robert G. Paden. The following named' of
ficers were Installed: '
W. M., William Gibson; W. D.-M., John K.
Bowser; Recording Secretary, Thomas P..Keedy;
Financial Secretary, Dr. E. L. Miller: Assistant
Secretary, "William L. Keedy; Treasurer, lrvln
Butledge: Trustees, J. P. Layton, W. C. Slen
aneher, John B. Wlsslnger.
The Gymnasium at St. Paal's Cathedral
Has Been Fitted Up.
The Young Hen's Catholic Clnb, con
nected with ,St. Paul's Cathedral, held a
meeting yesterday afternoon. Fifteen new
members were elected and several dropped for
non-attendance. The club Is flourishing. It
has 60 members in good standing and the gym
nasium is bringing more in each week.
The gymnasium has been fitted up in tbe old
Episcopal residence. The clnb has furnished
two rooms with all manual training appli
ances, to which the clergy nave taken a great
Reading Men Pay tho City a Visit and
Hold a Meeting.
James Kick, Jacob Hall, A. A. Heiz
mann, P. J. Foley, John Meharg and F. S.
Jacobs, of Beading, registered at tbe Ander
son yesteraay morning, ana held some kind of
meeting there. They left before any of tbem
could be seen, and it could not be learned what
was the Import of their gathering.
Some of the men are members of the City
Water Board, and it is supposed they visited
Pittsbuig to receive pointers on the water
He Paid for Beating His Wife.
George Nan, of Buente street; Allegheny,
was fighting his wife about I o'clock yesterday
morning, when Officer Roth came along and
took him into custody. On the way to 'tho
patrol box Edward Nau, a brother of the
prisoner, 'interfered, and was also arrested.
Mayor Pearson fined tbe former $10 and costs
and the latter 23 and costs.
No Friends In the City.
George W. Gilfillan, aged 24, a conductor on
the Panhandle Railroad, fell from a train at
Bergettstown Saturday night and was killed.
The remains were brought to this city and
taken to Devore's undertaking rooms on
Sixth avenue. Tbe defeased is a Canadian and
has been boarding on Elm steeet, but Doner of
his friends can be found.
Tbe Marchers Stopped the Car.
The gripman of car No. 116, on the Citizens'
Traction line.'attempted to run his car through
the ranks of the parade at Seventeenth street
yesterday afternoon. It was immediately sur
rounded by a crowd of Irate marchers, who
threatened to teir it to pieces. Officer Roach,
interfered and prevented trouble, but the car
did not go through the line.
The celebrated electric fast black hose'
warranted once worn always worn a good
pair for 25c.
Danziger & Shoenbeeo,
Sixth st. and Penn ave.
Read Oar Spring Advertisement To-Day
In this paper we are ready for all spring
buyers and offer them great inducements
in all-departments.
Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Perslust bands the latest dress trimming
out, all the new combinations, at 25c perydt
Sixth st and Penn ave.
Ladies' kid driving gloves new colors
just in worth $2 our price $1 49.
Danzigeb & Shoenbero,
Sixth st and Penn ave.
Black Goods Department.
An elegant assortment of all the latest
spring novelties, both all wool and silk and
wool. Exclusive styles in combination pat
terns, boidure etainnes, grenadines,, etc.
LADIES'"muslin and lawn aprons over
40 different patterns worth 60c, our price
39c Danzigeb & Shoenbero,
Sixth st and Penn are.
They Strenuously Object to the Pass
age of the Shaw Bill, ancL,
At Least One Man Found Who Does Hot
Want to be Ohio's Governor.
Philipsbubq, March 17. The Shaw
bill, now before the Legislature, which
proposes to mate it compulsory on the part
of coal operators to adopt for use in their
mines a recently contrived apparatus in
tended to detect explosive gases in mines,
has aroused intense indignation among the
coal operators and mine laborers through
ont the entire Clearfield bituminous coal re
gion. Petitions remonstrating against the
passage of the bill are being extensively circu
lated and freely signed, and local meetings at
many of the collieries are held nightly to de
vise means of defeating the measure.
At a largely attended meeting held yester
day by the operators and miners a formal peti
tion was adopted to be presented to the Legis
lature by a committee of operators and mlno
laborers. It is vigorously set forth in this re
monstrance that no mechanical contrivance for.
the detection of explosive gases in mines can
take the place of constant vigilant personal in
spection, without which such a device would
be useless and unnecessary.
It is estimated that the cost of putting in the
apparatus, its maintenance and the extra ex
tra expense of a royalty of 2 cents per ton on
all coal mined would aggregate $1,600,000 an
nually, and as these heavy charges cannot be
bome by the mine owners it is claimed that
tbey must either come out of the miners'
wages or out of the pockets of the consumers.
The remonstrance lurther declares that the
real object of tbe bill is to foist upon the
mining industries of the State a useless, dan
gerous and most expensive patent for the
profit of outside, interested parties.
Or Something Else Bothering an Eccentric
Ohio Capitalist.
YotJNGSTOWN.March 17. Alexander Lemon,
a wealthy and eccentric old man residing south
of the city, to-day caused, the arrest of lames
Bundle and Martin Stapleton, both young
men, charging them with robbery. Lemon re
lated a slartling story, asserting that they had
called at his house wearing masks, and after
striking him a blow sending two teeth down
his throat had then gagged and bouudbim
and carried away a small amount of moneyand
some provisions, and that on the next night
tbey repeated the performance.
On the accused being brought into his pres
ence to-day, the old man weakened, and said it
was a case of mistaken identity, and they were
discharged. The officers are inclined to believe
the old man had a bad case of nightmare
Mr. Carnegie Promises to be Present at
Its Dedication.
Bbaddocte, March 17. The Carnegie Free
Library will be opened to-morrow morning at
10 o'clock. There will be no ceremonies inci
dent to the opening. Up to 9 o'clock Saturday
night there had been 350 applications for mem
bership, and tbe Board of Managers are pre
paring for a rush to-morrow. This library is
the pride and boast of every citizen and it
gives the people of Braddock access to some
thing that but few cities of tbe first class can
boast of.
Captain W. R. Jones received a dispatch
from Mr. Carnegie, last night stating that he
would be In Braddock next Saturday. It is the
intention to hold a formal dedication then.
Channcey Andrews Will Not be the Next
Governor of Ohio.
Yotjnqstown, March 17. Among those
mentioned in connection with; the Republican
nomination for Governor of Ohio this year is
the name of C. H. Andrews, the successful
coal, iron and railroad magnate of this city.
Mr. Andrews was asked to-day If he was in the
race for Governor, and answered:
"No, sir, I am not a candidate, and would
not go into the fight for' that or any other
office. I would much rather have the reputa
tion of being a successfnl business man than
to be Governor of Ohio, What I have under-,
taken in life has been a success and I am con
tent I am a good Republican, but I don't
want to be bothered with any office."
Youngstown Gentlemen Will Embark Ex
tensively In tbe Business.
Yottnostown, March 17. Capitalists in this
city have practically concluded arrangements
for the building of an extensive bridge works
in tbe suburbs of Haselton, on or near the site
occupied by the Morse Bridge Works, which
were destroyed by Ore. Tho organization will
be known as the Youngstown Bridge Company,
with a capital stock of 100,000, all of which has
been subscribed.
Application has been made for a charter, the
incorporators being B. F. Boyd, Hamilton Har
ris, Robert Hunter, L. E. Cochran and Jobn
Neilsou. The company expects to be In opera
tion in three months and employ 100 men.
Why a Buckeye Yonng Lady Will Not Get
tbe Postoalcp.
"Wooster. March 17. J. W. Hostetter, the
present incumbent was the lucky candidate at
the election fo Postmaster at Orrville. The
contest was spirited, as there were ten candi
dates, one of them being a young lady whose
chances were crippled by a report circulated by
the opposition that she was engaged to a Dem
ocrat, and was to be married soon, and that the
office would then be under his control.
Fell Down the Elevntor.
Lima, March 17. John L. Yonker, the clerk
of the Hotel Marsh, met with a serious acci
dent He was on the third floor of the building
assisting in getting some baggage to the ele
vator when he reached for the ropes which
control the elevator, but missed tbem and lost
bis balance, falling through the elevator way
to the basement below, a distance of 60 feet.
Both ot his legs were broken and he was other
wise injured. It Is feared his spine is fractured,
which will cause bis death.
Fatally Injured by a Tramp.
LIMA, O., March 17. John McCarty, a freight
brakemanon the Dayton and Michigan Rail
road, put several tramps off the train near
Anna station last night Afterward he discov
ered one on tbe caboose with a club in his
band. McCarty grappled with him, but be
was a powerful fellow, and in tbe tussle he
threw McCarty from tbe top of the train to
tbe ground. He was brought here for treat
ment but the doctors Say be Is fatally injured.
An Independent OH Refinery.
LljXA.March 17. The flnnof Spear.Mehafley'
s noover xros., me largest oil producing nrm
in the field outside of the Ohio Oil Company,
will begin the erection of a refinery immedi
ately. They have 30 acres of land a few miles
south of the city which will be utilized. The
capacity will be 2,000 barrels per day.
A Large Woolen 3IUI Burned.
New Bremen, O., March 17. Tbe large
woolen mill of Backbaus & Klnsell was de
stroyed by fire last night. Loss estimated at
$30,000; insurance 20,000. Fifty men are
thrown out ot employment
Tbe People's Store.
Grand re-opening Thursday, March 21,
1889. " D
India Silks.
See the line ot 27-inch India silks we are
now showing at 75c per yard, equal in qual
ity and designs to any $1 26" goods in the
market Hugus & Hacke.
Ladies' four-button colored and black
kid gloves warranted not to rip or tear, at
99c Daxzioeb & Shoenbebg,
Sixth st and Penn ave.
Read Our Spring Advertisement To-Dnv
In this paper we are ready for all spring
buyers and oner them great inducements
in.all departments.
- Jos.Hoene & Co.'s
Tenn lAyenue Stores.
Tor Western Penn
sylvania, West Vir
ginia and Ohio, fair,
followed in Ohio
bji light rain; sta
tionary temperature,
followed Monday
afternoonby warmer
variable winds.
PrrrSBURO, March 17. 18S9.
The United States Signal Service officer in
this city furnishes the following.
Time. Ther.l
Mean temp....; 90
Maximum Mud.... 69
7:oo A. v.
100 A. II 51
lioor. u 64
3:00 r.M
5:00 P. M 67
8:00 P. M 59
Minlmnm temp... 33
Ranze 31
Precipitation 00
Elver at 5 r. if., 9.3 ftwt, a chanze of 0.0 feet In
tas lastZi boors.
River Telegrams.
Brownsville River 6 feet i inches and
falling. Weather clear. Thermometer 68 at
4 P. M.
Moboantown River 4 feet 6 inches and
stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 69"
at 4r.li.
Waeben River 3 9-10 feet and stationary.
Weather clear and warm.
Cincinnati Manages' to Jast Crawl a Little
Above Pittsburg.
BOSTON, March 17. The following
table, compiled from dispatches to the Post
from the managers of the Clearing Houses in
the cities named, shows the gross exchanges
iorthe week ended March 16 1889, with rates
per cent of increase or decrease, as com
pared with the amounts for the correspond
ing week in 1888:
Inc. Dec.
MewYork (689.914,547 75.6
JiOSton 85.761.436 33.1 ....
Philadelphia C5.812.K8 46.4
Chicago 62.936,000 12.1 ....
St. LoulS '. 18,694.682 4.7
San Francisco 14.632,231 .... S.5
Baltimore 11.969,767 23.4
Mew Orleans 11,645.562 33.1
Cincinnati 11,381,800 22.7
Plttsbare 11.373,314 23.3 ....
Kansas CUT. 8,015,001 13.5 ....
Louisville 6,692.493 27.9
Milwaukee 5,066.000 50.8
Providence 4,957,600 32.5
Detroit 4,137,000 2.0 ....
Denver .-... 3,633,672 58.9 ....
Minneapolis 3.617,294 20.5
St. Paul 3,433,687 8.9....
Omaha 3.883.297 25.3
Cleveland 3,613,794 23.9 ....
Memphis 2,595,935 ...'. 1.5
Columbus.... 2,536,000 16.4
Klchmond 2,148,800 37.1
Hartford 1.744,450 77.1
Indianapolis 1,691.110 12.1
St. Joseph 1.26.1,753 .... 2.7
Peoria 1,472,129 " 22.9 ....
Dnluth 1.829.371 49.3
NcwHaven.- 1,067,291 66.6 ....
Spnngfleld 1.107,283 21.8 ....
Worcester. 1,020,769 21.8
Portland 1,028,211 36.1
Galveston 1,261,997 72.4. ....
Los Angeles 852,000 .... 36.1
.Norfolk 795,041 0.8 ....
Wichita 693.942 49.8
Grand Kaplds 766.119 S.5 ....
Syracuse ..-. 669,223 41.2
Lowell 702,223 35.3
Topeka 386,790 39.6
Sioux City 469.420
Tacoma" ". 287,940
Montreal. 8.069,246
Total Sl,r56,524,425 544
Outside New York 366,609,875 23.6 ....
Not included in totals.
Alleged Against a Ulan for Hitting a Boy
Playing at Marbles.
John Haplein will have a hearing before
Alderman Finch to-day. on a charge of
assault and battery, preferred against him by
Mrs. Mary Ann Berry.
The woman claims that while her son, a
boy 10 years of age, was playing marbles-yesterday,
he got into a quarrel with Hapletn's
son, when the father came and kicked and
abused tbe child in a terrible manner. He had
a cut on his forehead, a piece off his ear, bis
legs were badly hurt and the little fellow was
generally battered up in a terrible manner.
Ladles in Diamonds' snd Ball Dresses. La
borers with Dinner-Pails and Blouses now tes
tify everywhere to the practical results of the
n beauty, cleanliness and preservation of the
teetb, its use can alone impart "The Ideal
Lustre," at tbe same time avoiding the well
known irritation and annoyances of bristles.
One of the Consulting Physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute
at 22 Ninth street
Mr. James Crltchlow. residing on Carnegie
street this citv, has for 15 years undergone ter
rible suffering from bis stomach. At times it
would give him such pain that he could only live
on lime water and milk. He bad great distress
and bloating after eating, with belching of gas.
His liver also gave him much pain, ana his
tongue had a yellow coating. He had a pressure
and pain over the eyes. He lost all ambition
and kept getting worse until he was unable to
do any work One doctor said he had cancer of
the stomach. After trying 11 doctor all to no
purpose, he began treatment with the physi
cians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute,
and although 67 years old, he now works every
day and feels well and hearty. He says: "That
I am cured of the above conditions I hereby
sign my name.
"James Cbitchiow."
The above lady physician can be consulted
by ladles suffering from diseases peculiar to
their sex. The medicines used are positively
curative, and are so prepared as to allow the
patient to use the treatment herself. They
treat successfully catarrh, rheumatism, dys
pepsia, bronchitis, asthma, blood, kidney and
female diseases.
Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4 P. IT., and 6 to 8 P.
M. Sundays, 12 to 4 P. K. Consultation free
to all. Treatment also by correspondence.
mh63.D .
Halford .
G0L ttEDAL, PABIS, 1873.
Warranted absolutely pure
Cocoa . from which the excess of
Oil has been removed. Itha&mors
than three timet the ttrenjth of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrow
root or Sugar, and is therefore far
more economical, coittng leu than
one cent a cup. it is- aeucioos,
nourishinjr, strengthening-, eaiUy
digested,' and admirably adapted
for invalids as wen as lor persons
In health. '
Sol by Grocers everywhere.
II 1 I nl H
K t.l II Hit
I won't niiss. it. fori have Ion?
since, adopted an easier and
cleanlier way. A bottle of
and a sponge to keep my shoes
washed clean, save a deal of(
labor and shoe leather.
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Druggists, ia.
The best Harness Dressing
in the world.
What is a cough ? It is an irritation of tbe
throat and lungs. What cause3 it? Conges
tion. Stop the congestion, the irritation ceases
and the cough is cured. But how to stbp the
congestion ! Ah.there.is just where physicians
have always been puzzled. But it must be
checked, or pneumonia, quick consumption or
some terrible pulmonary disease will follow.
Some doctors give cod liver oil, others cough
syrups, but the most advanced prescribe stim
ulants. Nature must be assisted. Pure whis
key will do it See what physicians say:
Prof. Austin Flint of Bellevue (New York)
College, says: "Tho judicious use of alcoholic
stimulants is one of the striking characteristics
of progress in the practice of medicine during
the last half century."
Professor Henry A. MoK, of New York, says:
"The purity or Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey (as
simple analytical tests will readily convince a
physician or an expert) should certainly recom
mend it to tbe highest public favor."
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a certain cure
and preventive of congestion and should be
kept in every family. It is sold by all druggists
and dealers. Be sure and secure the genuine.
Dr. Hark RWoodbury's
An Effective Name. An Effective Remedy.
Perfect in combination, convenient in form.
Based upon long professional experience, it is
prepared by the originator, and never known to
fail as a cure for DYSPEPSIA and SICK
HEADACHE, or to instantly relieve INDI
GESTION or HEARTBURN. In tablet form,
put up in 25 and 60 cent boxes. Sold every
where. Mailed anywhere for the price.
DOOLITTLE& SMITH, Selling Agents, 24 and
26 Tremont St.. Boston, Mass.
For Sale by Geo. A. Kelly & Co., Pittsburg.
No. 285.
street, from Bigelow street to Dion street
Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority ot the same. That
Bristol street from Bigelow street to Bion
street be and the same shall be located as fol
lows, to-wit: The center line shall begin at tbe
center line of Bigelow street at a distance of
3U.7S feet northwestwardly from the center
line of Christmas street: thence deflecting to
the right 34 107 for a distance of about 810.27
feet to the center line of Dion street and said
Bristol street shall be a uniform width of 40
Section 2 That anv ordinance or tart of or
dinance Conflicting with the provisions of this-
orainanse do ana tne same is nereoy repeated
so far as the same affects' this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 27th day of February, A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk oft Select
Council. GEO..L. HOLLID AY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, March 7, 1859. Approved:
WM. McCALLTN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 607.
15th day of March. A. D. 1889. mbIS
A DIN ANCE entitled, "An ordinance au
thorizing tbe opening of Carey allev, from
South Thirty-second street to South Thlrty
third'street" approved October 2, 18S8.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the anthorlty of the same. That
an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance authoriz
ing the opening of Carey alley, from South
Thirty-second street to South Thlrty-thiril
street" approved October 2, 1888, be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed,
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
thii 27th day of February, A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD. President ot Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest:. GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's 'office. Mareb 7, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
-Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 605,
15th day of March. A. D. 1SS9. mh!8
Schedule in eflect November 29, 1839. For
Washington, D. C Baltimore and Philadelphia,
11:30 a.m.and'10:-jo p.m. For Washington. D.U.,
and Baltimore, t7:03a.m, ForCum'-erland, t7:0Q,
"11:30 a. m., and 10:33 p. m. For Connellsvllle.
17:00 and "il:30 a. m fl:00, t4:00and I0.-20n. nu
For Unlontown, 170. tll:30a.m., tl:00 and '4:00 p.
p. For Mt. .Pleasant f7:00 and tll:30am :00
and 14:00 p. m. For Washington, Fa.. "7:30,
i a. in., 3:33, t5:30 and 3:30 p. m. For Wheel
lnj?, 7ia. t9:30a.m.. '3:33, '8:5a p. m. ForCln
clnnatl and St. Louis, "7:30a. m., 3:?Op. m. For
Columbus, "7:30 a. in., "8:30 p.m. For Newark,
7:30, 19:30 a. m., '3-.S, S:30p. m. For Chicago,
7:30, t9:8)s. m.. 3:33and "8:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Vi ajhlnjr
ton, "7:10 a. m. and "6:50 p. m. From Colnmbns,
Cincinnati and Chicago, 7:45 a. m. and 9:10 p. m.
From Wheeling, "7: '10:50 a. m.. t5:0O. :10 p,
m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington andcinclnnail.
For Wheeling, Colnmbns and Cincinnati. 11:53
p m (Saturday only. Connellsvllle ac at 53;30
Daily. tDally except Sunday. JSunday only.
The Pittsburg Transier Company will call for
and check baggage trom hotels and residences
upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street.
General Manacer. (Jen. Pass. Ast
PrrrsBUKi and lake ekie kailkoad
COMPANY-Schedule lh effect February 21,
1&S9, Central time:
P. L. JJ. K. R. DEPART For Cleveland, 523,
7:40 a. m '1:20, 4:15. "9:30 p. jr. For Cincinnati.
Chicago and St. Louis, 5:25 A. r.. "1:31, 9:30P. H.
For Bnffalo, 10:20 A. 51.. 4:15 J-.io r. M. For Sala
manca, 7:40 a. v.. 'liJOL 9:30 r. it. For Beaver
Falls, 5:25, 7:40, 10:20 A. M., '1:20, 3:30, 4:15, 5:20.
.9:30 P. M. For Chanters, 5:25, '5:35, 6:50, 170,
7:15, 8:40, ., 9:25, 10:3) A. it.. 12:05, 12:45, 11:23,
1:45, 3:30, 4:45, '5:1ft 520, 'S:, 10:30 P. M.
Abrive From Cleveland, 530 A. M.. 1M,
5:40, 8:00 P. jr.i From Cincinnati, Chicago and
St Louis, 'l:0tx, 3rt P. M. From Buffalo, 5:30 a.
Jr., 1:00, 5:40 r. Jr. From Salamanca, 1:00, "SSJO
P. Jl. FronTXonnestowii, 5:30, 6:50, 9:20 A. Jl.,
1:00, 5:40, 8:O0 p. jr. From Beaver Falls, S:A
8:50. 7:20, 9:20 A. Jr.. 'lrfXt 1SS5: 5:40," "8:00. T. K.
From Chartlers, 5:10, 5:22, 5:30. 16:42, "B-.X, 7:0s.
7:30, 8:30, 9:20. 10:10 A. Jr., 12:00 noon.-12:30. "l:li
1:35, "3:42. 4:CC, 4:35, 5:00. 5:10. 5:40, 9:12P. Jl.
P., ilcK. & V. 1C K.DEPAKT-ForNew Haven,
5:30 A. JI'3:30 p. jr. For West Newton. 5:30 A. Jr.,
3:30 and 5:25 p. jl. For New Haven, 7:10 A. jr.,
Sundays, only. .
AnntVE From New Haven. 10:00 a.m.. 'Sp.
M. From West Newton, 0:13, '10:00 a. M.,'5:03r.jr.
For McKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. 3:30,
4:05, 5:25 Pj jr.. 17:10 A. Jr.
From Elizabeth and McKeesport, 6:15 A. jr.,
7:30. 10:0OA. jr.. 5:05p.m.
Dally, isnndays only.
E. HOLBKOOK, Uenersl Superintendent
A. E. CLAKK, General Passenger Agent
City ticket office. 401Smlthfield street.
station. Central Standard Tin . Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., (18:00 and
d 11:13 p. m, Dennlson, 2:45 p. m. Chicago,
12:05, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., 12:05,
6:10 p.m. Steubenville, 5:55 a. m. Washing-ton.
5:55, 8:33 a. in., 1:5!, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:19
a. to. Rurgettstown, Sli :35 a. in .-.5:25 p. m. Alans
field, 7:15, 11:00 a. m.. 6:30. d 8:35: 10:40, p. la. Mc
Donalds, d 4:15, d 10:00 p. m.
From tbe West dl:5u, U6:00, a. ra., 3:03. dJ5:55
p.m. DennlsoL, 9:35 a.m. Steubenville, 5:05 p. m.
Wheeling, 1:50, 8:45 a.m.. 3:05, 5:55 p.m. Bnrgetts
town, 7:15a. m.,S9:05a.m. Washington, 6:55,7:50,
9:55 a., m 2:35, 6:3) p. m. Mansfield, 5:35,, 940
a. m.. 2:45d 6:20 and 10:00 pi m. Bulger. 1:40p.m.
McDonalds, d 6:39 a. m., do KB p. m.
d dally; S Sunday only; other trains, except
!A -"r "R-TtiP
after November 20, 1888. trains leave. Union
station TElttobM. as follows. EaaUrn Standard
New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ves
tlbnle dally at 7:15 a. m.
Atlantic Eipress dally for the East, 3K a.m.
Mail train, dally, except Sunday. 6:55 a.m. Sua
day. malt, 8:40 a. m.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. m.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m.
Eastern express dallyat 7:13 p. m.
Fast Line dally at 9:00 p. m.
Grcensburjr expresso:10p. m. weeXUiys.
Dcrry express 11:00 a. m. week.days. - .
All through trains connect at Jersey Cnvwtai
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. S. . Yj
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through JU
Y- City-
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows
Mall Train, dally 8:20 p. m.
Western Express, dally .I14?""
Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally........ 8:30p. m.
Fast Line, dally llSj.m.
For Unlontown, o: and ess a. m. anil 4:23 p.
m.. without change of cars? 1.00 p. m connect
Ing at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:45 aTn.. 12:20. 6:15 and 8:20 p. m.
Mall train, connecting for Blatrsvllle... 6:45 a. m.
Express, for Blalrsvlile, connecting' for
Butler. . Ids p.m.
Butler Accom 8:20 a.m., 2:25 and 5:45 p.m.
Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 6:20 p.m.
J reeport Accom .....4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m,
OnSnnday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p. sb
Allegheny Junction Accommodation.
connecting lor Butler 820 a. m.
Blalrsvllla Accommodation ll:30p. m.t
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m.
Mall Train 2:35 p.m.
Butler Accom 9:25 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blalrsvlile Accommodation 9:52p. m.
Freeport Accom. 7:40a.m.. 1:32, 7:20andll:00p. m.
On Sunday , 10:10a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Sprlngdale Accom. 6:37a. m., and 3:02 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5:40 p. m,
Trains leave Union station. Plttsourg. as follows:
For Monongahela City. West Brownsville and
Unlontown. Ha. m. i or Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City. 6:49
p. m., week days.
Dravosbnrg Ac, week days, 3:3) p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:50a. m., 1:0a,
6:20 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40p.m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try
street and Union station.
Ueneral Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent.
February 10. 18S9. Central Standard Tune.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7:2S
a. in., d 1220, d 1:00. d7:45. except Saturday, 11:20
p. m.: Toledo. 7:25a. m., d 1220, d 1:00 and except
Saturday. 1120 p.m.; Crestline. 5:45 a. m-: Cleve
Lind,6:10,725 a.m., 12:35 and d 11:05 p.m.: New Cas
tle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. 1220, 3:45pvm.;
Youngstown and N ilea, d 1220 p. m. ; MeadrUle,
Erie and Ashtabula, 7:05a. m.. 1220 p. m.; Miles
and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.; Massillon, 4:10p.m.;
Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10a. m 12:45, 3:30 p ml;
Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m., S820 a. m.; Leet.
dale. 5:30 a. m.
ALLEGUENY-Bochester. 6:30 a. m.t Beaver
Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.;-Leets-dale,
10:00, 11:45 a. m., 2.-C0, 4:30, 4:15, 5:30, 7:00. 9:Q0
p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p.m.: Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m.t Leetsdale, 38:30 p. m.
TKAINSAP.K1VE Union station from Chicago,
except MnnMay 1:50, d 6:00; d 6:35 a. m., d 7:35 p.
m. ; Toledo, excent Monday 1:50, d 6:35 a.m., 7:33
S, m. . Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and
ew Castle, 9:10 a. m., 125, 7:33. 10:15 p. m.;Nlle3
and Youngstown, d 7:35 p. m.;Cleveland, d 5:50a.
n:.. 2:25, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:03
a. m 225, 7:t p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula, 125.
10:15 p. m.t Massillon. 10:00 a. ni.;.NUes and
Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m.,
1:10 n. m.. s 825 p. m.: Leetsdale. 10: K) p. m.
AKRIVE ALLEGHENY -From Enon, 8.-0U a.
xn.; Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.t Beaver
Fills. 7:10a. m.. 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 550, 6:15;
7:45 a. m 12:00, 1:45, 4:30. 6:30, 9:00 p. m.: Fall
OaKs. S 8:55 a. m. ; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. m.; Beaver
Falls. S 3:25 p.m.
S, Sunday only: d, dally; other trains, except
Sunday. , fell
rrrsBURQ and western railway'
Trains (Cet'l Stan'dtlme)! Leave. I Arrive.
lintler Accommodation
Day Ex.Ak'n,Tol.,Cl'n. Kane
Bntler Accommodation.......
Chicago Express (dally)
New Castle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople and Foxburg Ac.
6:00 am
720 am
7:10 am
723 pm
40 Dm
920 am
12:30 pm
1:50 Dm
11:05 am
9:36 am
5:30 am
2:10 pm
4:40 pm
5:40 pm
Duuer ivccommouaiion.
Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally,
Co. WlnterTlme Table. On and after October
14, 1888, until further notice, trains will run ar
follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern
standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:15 a. m.,
7:13 a.m., 9:30a. m., 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m.. 3:40p.m..
5:10 p. m. 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. tn., 11:30 p. m. Ar
lington 5:45a. m., 6:30 a. m., 8:00 a.m., 1020 a.
m.. 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m., 420 p. m., 5:50 p. m..
7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving
Pittsburg 10 a. m.. 12:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. m.. sue
f.m., 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m 12 m
SO p.m., 420 p. m., 6:30 m.
dOHN JAHN. Snpt,
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time): Klttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.; Niagara Ex..
daily. 8:45 a. is.. Hulton Ac. 10:10 a. m.:. Valley
Camp Ac, 72:05 p. m.; Oil City and DuBois Ext
press,2:00p.m. ;Hultn Ac.,3.-C0p.m. : Klttannlng
Ac, 4:03p.m.; Braeburn Ex.,5ax)p.m.; Klttaun
lng Acr.tfUJOp. m.; Braeburn Ac, 6:3)p.m.:Hul
ton Ac, 7:50 p. .Jin,:. Buffalo Ex.. ' dally;
8:50p. m.: Hulton. Ac. 9:45 p. m.: Braeburn Ac.
11:30 p. m. hurch trains Braeburn. 12:40 p. m. .
and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between.
Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY. U. F. M
P. A.: DAVID MCOAKUO. Gen. Snot.
As old residents know ana back files of. Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and .
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
rjponbgp,rsons NQ pr;r; UNTIL
MCDA1IQ nd mental diseases, physical
IvtnVUUO decay, nervous debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mera--cry,
disordered sight, self-distruat,bashf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im-'
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for husiness,society and mar
riage, permanently, saieiy aaiu privately cured.
Dl nnn AMn QUf M diseases la. all
ULUuu nnu uiiii stages, eruptions,
blotches, falling hair, bono pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDiMARv khtoer and bladder derange
Unlnnn I i menta,weakback. gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other,
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
nrompt relief and resJ cures. .
Dr. Whittler'sUfe-long, extensive experience)'
Insures scientific and reliable treatment 0B
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated aa It
here. Office hours 9 a. k. to 8 p.m. Sunday,
10A.3CtolP.lt. only. DR. WHITTIER, Kg
Penn avenue. Pittsburg; Pa. Ieb8-psnW
EKOY and strength secured by using Am
oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of 1m
potency, no matter bow long standing,seperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes fortt;
six boxes is the complete treatment and with,
every purchase of six boxes at one time we will
give a written guarantee to refund the money
if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON"
MEDICAL- INSTITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. 81 Market street, Pitt
burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 aplO-kse-uwrsn
All forms of Delicate and Coca-
vauuu are ncaieu at snis Dispensary -witn a suc
cess rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Lake U a member
of tho Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons,
and is tha oldest and most experienced SpecCl.
JST in the city. Special attention given to Nei
Otis Debility from excessive r mtal exertion, la
dicrction8 of youth, Ac., causing physical and
mental decay, lack of energy, despondency; etc. ;
also Cancers, Old Sores, Flu. Piles, Rheumatism
and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Luntrj, Urin
ary Organs, 4c Consultation free ami strictly
confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. I
Sundays a to K p.m. only. Call at office or address
ICLakk.JI.D.,M.R .C.P.S.. or E.J.Lake.M.It
Gray's Specific Medicine.
xiulisu ium
XDY. An avail
ing enre for
Seminal Weak
ness. Sperma
torrhea, lm po
tency, and all
diseases that
follow as a se
quence of Self- 4
Abuse; as loss
sltude. Pain In tbe Back, Dimness of Vision, Pre
matura Old Age and many other dlseaes that lead
to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura
W"Kull particulars in our pamphlet, which ira
desire to send free by mall to every one. S-Th
Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at 1 per
package, or six packages for S3, or will be sent free,
by man on the receipt of tbe money, by addressing
On account of counterfeits, we have adopted th
Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine.
Sold In Pittsburg by S. S. HOLLAND, cornel
Smlthfleld and Liberty streets. rnhlJ-ke
I HUffAftnfl. fi.ni, 4a
Ifects of vonthfnl .
I rors, early decay, losjK-..
suable treatise (aealer
v. ,
i...).mI -fj IwlIT flend & Talnahu
containing' fan parUcnlan for tome cure, frea-ac-t
charge Address, ,j -
u rnur. r. v. runmni muuwii, verm j
l-nc&skssuwlc : ;
M tfc
, s
. 3&23?i,-ii. .
3.2:i 4i
m.ma.ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMBKmm&p , '