ir t . j -oat HVZ i. -. ' - j? jc r f?S THE PITTSBUKG' DISPATCH? MONDAY,'' MARGH-V18; 1889?- 1?1( I ft -I T - THE" :SPRIfG PAKADE - In Memory of St. Patrick is Favored With the Brightest Day. AN EXCEPTIONALLY NICE TDBKOUT Though Its Kumbers Are Depleted by Sea son of a Large Funeral. WHO WERE IN THE LIKE OF MARCHERS The green badges, sashes, .ribbons, flags and tassels incidental to the customary par ade on St Patrick's Day, never looked brighter orpleasanter than they did yester day in the reflections from a clear, blue sky and the glare of the warm sun. The traditional rain of the day was con spicuous only by its absence, and if the par ade on that account was of more than an or dinarily fine success, it is not to be won dered at. In spite of the beautiful weather, how ever, the number of people in the procession was not so large as it was in former years. One of the reasons was the fact that the an niversary fell on Sunday, and another that a large division from the Amalgamated As sociation of Iron and Steel Workers and Lodge 111, of tbe Ancient Order of Hibernians, from Homestead, were not In tbe procession. Tbe reason for this was that John Havicken. a member of both of these organizations and a worker at the Edgar Thompson Steel Works, bad died on Friday and was buried jesterday. He was taken to his resting place in St. Mary's cemetery, and a procession of over 1,000 people followed his remains thither. CREDITABLE IfEYXRTHELESS. But. apart from this absent contingent, the St. Patrick's procession presented a very fine and impressive appearance as the different divisions marched down Fifth avenue. It was frequently remarked that the men seemed to have a more clastic and even step than iiMial a fact which is easilv explained. when it is considered that streets covered with rain and slush, as they were last year, are not well adapted for marching purposes. There was an jinusually largo number of spectators stationed around tbe comers of Smithfield street and Fifth avenue. But every thing passed of very quietly. Outward demon stration by the lookers-on was scarcely in dulged in, except when a body of the proces sionists distinguished itself especially by a show of pleasinc and attractive appearance. The Hibernian Rifles, represented by Com panies A, B, C and D, headed the parade, led by tbe Chief Marshal and his staff. 'The different bands of music and drum corps heading the various divisions, all played very well, and their excellent music added consider ably to the general success of the inarching. After the line had been formed on Grant street the command to march was given at 11:30 o'clock to pass down Fifth avenue in the fol lowing order: ORDER OF PROCESSION. Chief Marshal, William Kochrord; Adjutant Gen eral, Thomas Burke; Chief of blafi, "William McFarland. Union Cornet Band, S6 Fleets. Battalion of Hibernian Rifles, Major Tellx Mc Knight Commanding. Company A, Captain Crowley, 40 Men. Company B, Captain Daly, 42 lien Company C, Captain Bellly, 34 Men. Company D, Captain McGirr 40 Men. Little bhamrock Drum Corps 12 Pieces. McDonald Division A. O. H.. r. Doran, Com mander, 36 Men Irwin Division, illiam Kelly, Commander, IS Men. Division 2o. SAO. H.. P. McMurrah, Com mander, SO Men. Division 'o. 3, James Fcely, Commander, 100 Men. Division No. 5, John Doyle Commander, 2 Men. Division o. 6, James ltellly Commander, 100 Men. K. of L. Drum Corps. 12 Tieces. I Division Jo. 7, Edward Griffin, Commander, S4 Men. Division No. 8, I'at Fleming Commander, SO Men. Division No. 9, Thomas Reynolds, Commander, 150 Men. St. John's Drum Corps, 12 Pieces. DMslon&o. 10, Michael McMahon, Commander, 176 Men. Division Xo. 12, Thomas McCune, Commander, 40 Men. Division No. 13, S. Moran, Jr., Commander. SO Men St. Teter's Band, McKcesporttS Pieces. Division o. 16, Thomas t arnan," Commander, 75 Men K. J. Mathews Drum CorpSJTI Pieces. ' "" Division 3s o. 18, J Clancy, Commander, 95 Men. DlvlslonNo. 19, P. Coleman, Commander, 85Men. Seven carriages containing prominent members of the order. Tbe parade moved down Fifth avenue to Market street and passed out Penn avenue to Seventeenth street, returning to the city via Liberty street. Come to Dinner, The vigor of conviction Is the proof its need exacts; For dainties it likes fiction. Bat for dinner must have facts. So we invite tbe cynic to digest the following facts: DBS. Starkey & Palen "Your Com pound Oxygen Treatment has given me new life." Kev. John C. Breaker, Oswego, N. Y. I am fully satisfied that your Com pound oxygen Treatment is an excellent rem edy.' IJE. O. A. Dabby, President of Colum bia (S. C.) Female College. "I shall be glad to have you use me as a reference at anv time." Geo. W. Bartlett, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Drs. Starkey fc Palen's office records show over 45,000 cases in which their Compound Oxygen Treatment has been used by pbjsicians In their practice, and by invalids independent ly. In cases of consumption, bronchitis, asth ma, catarrh, dyspepsia, ncrvqus prostration, rheumatism, neuralgia, and all other com plaints of a chronic nature. Their free bro chure of 200 pages will be forwarded to any one addressing Drs. Stakket & Palen, No. 153 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa. n The People's Store. We are still doing business at onr tempo rary quarters, 531 and 533 Wood st On and after Thursday, March 21, come to the new store on the old stand, 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave That we shall show you a stock worth looking at goes without say ing. Campbell & Dick, d 66-nrCH cream table damask, best yalne in either city and worth 48c; our price, 35c, Daxzigek & Shoenbebg, Sixth st. and Fenn ave. 600 pieces of fine French challis to select from; the largest and handsomest line in the city; small and large designs; light, me dium and dark colorings. mwfsu Hughs & Hacke. 5,000 yds. ginghams on sale Monday morning at 5c per yard, worth 10c Daxzigeb & Shoenbeeg, Sixth st. and Fenn ave. Bead Onr Spring Advertisement To-Dny In this paper we are ready for all spring buyers, and offer them great inducements in all departments. JOS. HOBITE & CO.'S Fenn Avenue Stores. Special line damask linen towels, extra siie, good, value at 30c; our price, 19c. DAXZIGEB.& SHOENBEEG, Sixth st. and Fenn ave. See our immense assortment of fine French sateens, Anderson's French and American Zephyrs; many styles that are not obtainable elsewhere. arwrsu Htjgtjs & Hacke. Read Onr Sprint; Advertisement To-Day In this papeir we are ready for all spring buyers, .and offer them great inducements in all departments. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Fenn Avenue Stores. 106 pieces of American challis, beauti ful stvles, fast colors, at 5c and 8c a yard, siwrsu Htjgtjs & Hacke. . ' Axotheb lot French figured satines; elegant designs; you should see them; 9Jc. Dauzigeb & Shoenbeeg, Sixth st and"Fenn ave. Read Onr Spring Advertisement To-Dny In this paper we are- ready for all spring buyers, and offer them great inducements ,m all departments. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Fenn Avenue Stores. Tbe People's Store. iGrand re-opening, Thursday, March 21, 18S9.r d ks'uusa. gMiL tfWfl ana j-tifrMyir tiiiiiflrif -ji f iUM,mrr wf(VAtAttMawMiiyttTtffiM Tf' rlmfriinFriPft- - r..;Wlw:n'ift''Wate wf'tt hritaliliifiiriwMilii ,it jlm iJbdiakcJ'- hart viriffifMft.l Si ft rftf1mV riNHaTRmi rid ftttf MffiT-ft.Ttf h ; -.wa. --MS-Hi-ndJ. -. .- . . . ., .J. 4. ... 4 .-i. A , .- . k . - . J v Atf-M- i . I u.r. - -V i ju- - i. f, -t . J-j x. f r j . ..BE . it . ... . I M rlk I JS3-Displaj advertisements one dollar per sgvare or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Gale, To Let, e le, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch. Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SM ButleT street EMIL G. STUCKET, nth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY 4 CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. 2J. STOKKLY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST E.M. J. TV. WALLACE. 6111 Penn,avenue. X1AKXAND. MCALLISTEK & bHElBLER,5th av. & Atwood St. SOUTnSIDE. ' JACOB SPOHN, ho. 2 Carson street. CUAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. I ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEB,' 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBBIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EUGElto AbOS, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVESO, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Westernand Irwlnaves. G. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aveS. PERRY 31. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. WANTED. Blale ITeln. w ANTED EXPERIENCED SHOE SALES- A1E.JN. lll3Ult.L.muil'3, uu ana 1JO aiar - YnlilK.3 ket street. mhlS-2 -m-ANTED DBUG CLERK QUALIFIED assistant: a good position to ripbtman. Address MFTHA, Dispatch office. mhlS-19 WANTED-A GOOD DKUG CLERK; 31UST be a graduate, registered and well recom menued. Address W. P., Dispatch office. mhl7-135 T7"ANTED-A BARBER A 'iOUNG 31AN: V one that has had about a vear experience at the trade prefered. 502 LIBEBl Y ST., city. mhl8-30 WASTED-BRIGHT AND ACTIVE YOUNG man. IS to SO rears, as clerk; must speak German. W. T. WEIiS, 165 Ohio street. Alle gheny. mhli-4 -rrTANTED-TWO TcOUNG SIEN, AGE 18, OF Y good address to distribute samples from house-to house; salary S4 to S3 per week. Call 534 GRANT bT. mh!8-7 WANTED A GOOD GARDENER FOB OUT DOOR w6rk, vegetable gardening, prun ing, etc Inquire after 6 P. M. at 24 SHERIDAN AVE., East Liberty. rnblM WANTED-A GOOD COATMAKEBTO GOTO a neighboring town. Inquire, between 9 and 10 A.M. to-day, at JOHN KAISER & CO.'S, 618 Smithfield street. mhlS-13 WANTED-BOY WHO CAN RUN A JOB press, and Is willing to make himself useful about a printing office. Apply at the BUILDERS' GAZETTE, 553 Grant street, city. mhl8-6 WANTED-LOCAL 31ANAGER. S1.000 A vear: permanent position; no soliciting or peddling. Apply bv letter to J. STEPHENS, Gen'l 3l'g'r. 27 Main St., Cincinnati, O. I mh3-95-MWT -TTfANTED-TWO SALESMEN OF GOOD AD TT DRESS, with references, fornew.plcasant, lucrative and permanent employment. Call at No. 12 FEDERAL bT., Allegheny, room 21. mhl7-109 WANTED DKUG CLERK REGISTERED pharmacist or qualified assistant; must speak German and be well recommended. Ad dress THE OLD RELIABLE, Dispatch office. mhl7-H2 WANTED-A 31IDDLE-AGED MAN, LOCA TED outside large cities, to represent. In his locality, a responsible house; jnonthly salary SO to MOO at start: references. SCPT. 31FG. Oust Lock box 1810, N. Y. OC7-4S-H WANTED-AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND outside towns to sell Dr. O'Krefe's pills and hitters; 6teady work: can make (12 to 18 per week. DR. O'KEEFE & CO.. Homeopathic Chemists, 34 Fifth aTenue, Pittsburg, Pa. mblS-26 -Trr-ANTED-A SOBER. INTELLIGENT MAN V to superintend sheet rolling mill: tin plate mau preferred: must Invest small amount to In sure faltttful service. Address, with references and salary expected, JESSE LARltABEE. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. mbl7-79-MWF WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; 75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Just what we say. Address STANDARD SILVEBWARE CO.. Boston, Mass. felS-3-D Temnle HelD. WANTED-KXPERIENCED SHOE SALES LADIES. HIMMELBICH'S, 430 and 436 Market street. mhlS-2 WANTED-3 GIRLS AT 3IAMAUX &. SON'S, 537 and 539 Penn ave. : none but experienced operators on Davis machlueneedapply. mhls-15 WANTED A 3IIDDLE-AG ED WHITE LADY to take charge of children In a private fam ily: reference required. Inquire 35 CENTEB AVE., city. mhl7-45 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN AS WAITER: one who speaks German and English pre ferred, and has had some experience. Apply at 49 and 51 DIAMOND ST., Pittsburg. mhl8-9 WANTED-GOOD PROTESTANT GIRL TO nurse one child and help with washing and ironing: citv reference required. Apply for two days, 344 RIDGE AVE., Allegheny. mhl8-22 -TTT-ANTED-A WAITBES3 IN A SMALL V family; must come with good cltv reference; best wages paid. Applyat NO. 86 WATER ST., second floor front, Monday morning at 10 o'clock, mhl7-S4 ' Stale and Female Help. -TTTANTED-MAN AND WIFE-FOB FARM TV house, farm hands and gardeners, man to work lu hotel, cook $6 per week, second cook and dishwasher, 200 house girls, rooks, and chamber maids, 4 colored girls. MEEHAN'S AGKNCY, 545 Grant st. mbl8-D Situations. WANTED SITUATION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper, from April 1: will furnish good reference. Address M. .. Dispatch office, tnh 17-16 Fnrtnera. -m-ANTED-A PARTNER FOB A SUBSTAN V TIAL manufacturing concern In tbe city, well established anddolng a Ane business; this is a rare opening; we are personally acquainted with the patties and the business, and have pleasure In lnvftlngtorrespondence and Iheclosest investiga tion: tbe Arm stands high financially and other wise In everv sense: amount or capital required, 1 15, COO: the party who may be accepted would re quire to take charge of the finances and the office or one of the departments. Particulars confident ially from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhl6-l-D Financial. WANTED BENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK t, BAIKD, 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-n -TT7-ANTED MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN V In sums to snit,.at 4X, 5 and 6 per cent. GBAEBING & LYON. 135 Fourth aye. ap6-el-D WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY- PBOP EBTY. over $4,000; 4M ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. B2Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TjrTANTED-HENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-81 WANTED-MORTGAGES-SUMS FB031 S300 to SoOCOOOtoloan at 4M, 6 and 6 per cent. J AS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. mhl6-l-D -tTT- ANTED MORTGAGES IN ANY TV amounts: 4 to 6 per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK &. CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. Ja20-55-MThs WANTED MORTGAGES, LAEGE OB small, at 4H to 6per cent- according to kind and size of mortgage. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-38-1, 4, 6, 8. 11, IX, 15, IS,,29 -rrTANTED-MOBTGAGES ON ITTTSBUBG, V Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate In large or small amounts, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. mhl6-77-MWS VrTANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS Y of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4) percent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at 5 andc per cent. BLACK & BA1BD. S3 Fourth avenue. se2l-d2S-D w ANTED-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MOBT- uau-uj; iiuu ana upwara at 6 per cent; tax), 000 at V4 per cent on residences or business property: aiso in aajoimns FRENCH, 13 Fourth avenue. so in adjoining counties. S. H. oo31-eS4-D cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loauod ont of Pennsylvania. -1. M. PEN NOCK ft bON, 105 Fonrth avenue. I ap7-f41 Itliaccllnneoua. WANTED - BUYERS FOB GOLD AND silver watches, chains, clocks, diamonds, silverware, etc.. at fl per week; Rogers' knives and forks $1 75 per set for cash. JOHN 3IITSCH, 130 Federal st,, Allegheny. fel7-18-MWFSu -T7-ANTEO-EVEBYBODY TO KNOW THAT V H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of .American watches, gold and sliver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember tbe place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 530 bmlthfield St. noU-MWFSu -r7T-ANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO W TOGRAPHEB, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making line cabinets at fl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promlred: lnstan taneotU crocest, sihu-tB FOR SAIiB-HIPBOVED REAL ESTATE. .----. . I, Cltv Residences. f-pOBSALE CBEAP-IF BOLD AT ONCE, NO. JP 302 Locust st.i Sixth ward, near tbe Court House, new pressed brick house 8 rooms: latest conveniences. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. mhl7-70 East End Residences. F0..81-"" 700 roE -N OAKLAND BESI DENCEonMeyran avenue, near Forbes St., good bouse 6 rooms; lot 22x100 ft, : sable on alley; jrmseasy. W. A.HKBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl7-70 OB SALE-KQUP STREET, DWELLING OF 8 rooms, eastern exposure; bath, w. c, laundry and late Improvements, porches on front, side and back, large lot; good stable; near steam and cable oars. ,W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhlO-93-Mwr FOR SALE-S4.00O-S500 CASH, BALANCE IN ren t, will buy a 2-story frame, slate-roof dwell ing, etc.. in East End, near station: city waterand gas, bath and-all conveniences: tile hearth In parlor-natural gas. Inquire MOBRIS ft FLEMIN G, 166 Fourth avenue. mh6-20-nvp FOB BALE-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS a new house, with good lot, in the East End. near railroad station: 6 rooms, hall, natural gas. marble mantels, porches, etc; price only $3,000; possession given at once. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl5-7-D FOB SALE OB TO LET-NEAT NEW EAST END house, late style. 9 rooms, well finished, hard wood cabinet mantels, large closetsi bath, 2 w. c,- laundry, large porches; lot 40x121 ft.: near steam and cable cars; location first-class. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mbls-92-MWs FOBSALE-HOUSEANDLOT, N0.5871ELLS WOBTH avenue, near Roup station. East End. to be sold by order of the Orphan's Court at public sale on Tuesday, March 26,'at 2 o'clock P. ji.,tn the premises. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mblB-100-MWS FOR SALE A NEW EAST END RESIDENCE: Queen Anne; 6 minutes from B. It. station, near inland avenue: 7 rooms, batn, w. c, natural gas, etc., etc.; everything In pice ordeT; quite new; will be sold cheap on moderate payments: Sossesslon given Immediately. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh!6-97-D TTiOR SALE-A GOOD HOUSE WITH CORNEB X: lot. In the East bud, Shetland avenue and Wilson street, near Lincoln avenue and conven ient to the fine property or 3Ir, Thos. Armstrong: 6 rooms In house, with receptlou hall, attle and cellar, etc, etc : fine corner lot, fruit and shade trees, etc. etc; to be sold at public sale on Mon day, March 25, at 2 o'clock p. it., on the premises; positive sale; owner going to Europe; terms to suit; immediate possession: title perfect. Partic ulars from JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ' mhl6-99-MWThs Suburban Residences. T7IOB BALE ON REBECCA ST., WILKINS X? BURG, new frame house 6 rooms and fin ished attic front and back porches, side entrance, sliding doors, slate mantels, gas, etc.: lot 25x100: price $3,100; terms easy. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-76-MWFSu FOB SALE ON WALLACE ST., WILKINS BUBG, brick house 8 rooms, front and back porches: lot 52x149; price $3,800; also on Water st,, Wilklnsburg, lot 98x16a, frame house of 5 rooms; theseoroperties can be purchased on your own terms. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh!7-76-MWTSu FOB SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND fine large lot, 125x200 feet; 9 rooms In resi dence; natural gas; beautiful chandeliers; rooms elegantly papered and decorated throughout, and everything In nice order; fruit trees, grapevines and shrubbery In abundance: copious now of pure crystal water; property only 10 minutes' walk from railroad station; price S5.500; a rare bargain, Immediate possession. JAS. W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhl5-7- FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE 3IOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny countv; the house U large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide terandas; It is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas, there Is a good stable and bandsomefowl house: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; tbe whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOXVIXLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borongb. jal9-9 FOR SALE-A FINE SUBURBAN RESI DENCE and grounds on Pettn avenue, near K. B. station: 10 commodious rooms, bath, lava tory, cedar closet, laundry, furnace, natural gas, drv cellar with concrete floor, vegetable niches, porch in front and on either side, etc., etc ; a beautiful residence and In elegant order through out; spacious grounds, great abundance and va riety of fruit trees, grapevines and ancestral oaks, copious flow of pure crystal water, purling brook, emerald mead, etc.. etc.; onlv 3 minutes' from K. R. station and on line of new cable road extension; price moderate: (1,000 to J3, 000 down, balance in 10 years. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 1? ourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhlS-lOO-MWS FOR SALE L.OTS. CltT liOtk FORSALE NO INCREASE OF PRICE OVER a year ago, if sold quick, although tbe price of property has steadily advanced in the same time all over the city, cheap anddesirable build ing lots in tbe Ruch plan. Thirteenth ward, con tiguous to two lines of cable cars; call or send for plans. W. A, HEBEON ft bONS, 80 Fourth ave nne. mb7-42-S.ll,13,15,18,20,22,25t27 Eaat End Lots. "TJIOB S ALE-NO WIS THE TIME TO SECURE A I choice building site for a home; 60-foot streets: no city taxes; Bank of Commerce addition Slan, Brushton station. Secure colored plan from OUN F. BAXTER, Agt., 512 bmlthfield St. mhl7-62-MTh FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. B. B.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from $406 to $600. Inquire ofD. C. NEGLEY 6106 Penn ave., East End. no28-y78 Alleahenv Lou. EOB SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH 31CNAUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-93-D FUR SALE A 12-ACBE PIECE OF LAND, head of Federal St., Allegheny, near to elec tric cars: would suit well for laying out in build ing lots, which all can be sold readily; there Is a fine speculation in this for a company. Particu lars from JAMES W. DBA PEA CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl5-7-D FOB SALE-CHEAP LOTS IN SECOND WABD, Allegheny, at auction; the following lots will be sold at auction on tbe premises, beginning at the Incline plane, on Irwin avenue, at .4 o'clock Tuesday. 19th Inst., viz: 4 lots. 20x90, on Irwin -avenue, adjacent to incline plane; 2 lots' 25x75 on Irwin ave., between Incline plane and scboolhouse: 2 lots 20x124, on Gallagher street, op posite the brick row; 2 lots 25x70, on Bldge wood avenue, adjoining head of incline: all to be sold for what they will bring. A.LEGGATEft bON. Auctioneers. mhl6-28 Suburban Lots. FOB SALE-LOT 511138, FRONTING ON DI VISION st., Bellevue; price only $700. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh!7-76-MWFSu Miscellaneous. FOB BALE-BY W. W. MCNEILL ft BRO. SI, KO Brushton, new 5-room frame dwelling. $2,500 Fifth are., frame house 7' rooms, laige lot; cable cars pass the door. $6,250 Ward st,, Oakland, fine brick house, 8 rooms, bath, laundry, both gases, electric bells-Jot 40x120 to an alley. $9,000 Ben Venue, elegant residence property, with all modern conveniences; lot SO 1 50. $10,500 Shadyslde' on Atlantic ave., large hand some residence; call at office and see pho tograph and plans. W. W. MCNEILL ft BRO., 162 Fourth ave. mhl6-67-MTTFS l'OR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. FOB SALEALLEGHENY BUSINESS PBOP EBTY: see auction sale column. BLACK ft BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. mhl2-4-MTuwTh TJIOR SALE SMALL MANUFACTURING J? property In Allegheny, near Ohio st., fronting on two streets, large building, with engine boiler, shafting, etc., all In good order: excellent place for a laundry or light manufacturing business. Terms, etc, from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 -Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. mhl5-7-D FOB SALE THE CHAUTAUQUA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and entire f urnisbment, heaa of Lake Chautauqua, Mayvllle N. Y., at railroad station: 55 bedrooms, , parlors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables; commodious kitchen; clothes rooms, barbershop, office and barroom; also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms adioinlng hotel, ice house and cooling room; large barn for livery purposes, and all necessary outblldiugs; over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid out with orna mental aud shade trees, spacious lawn, etc., etc; everything in perfect order and in condition to continue the business in its usual prosperous state: tbe most profitable hotel stand on the lake; a rare chance for tbe rigbt man; can be bought at an Immense bargain; satisfactory reasons for selling. Fuller particulars, from JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenue Pittsburg. mhl5-7-D Badness Chnnces. FOB BALE-GENERAL bTOBE IN PBOSPEE OUS town or 5.000 population, on line or P. K. B.: good reasons for selling. Address JOHN 31CGAUGHEY, Indiana, Pa. mbl6-H-MThs POB SALE NEAT CIGAR STORE: GOOD paying small-dry goods and notion store, either would suit ladv; stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding honses,hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, cOal works, etc; 100 business chances. SUEPABD ft CO.. 54 Fifth ave. mh8 -TTIOB SXLE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GBO J CEKY business tn the city, with a trade of about $30,000 to jj.uw annuiiy: stock in good con dition; value about ft 000; will sell on. an appraise ment: a good stand and fine opening. JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mhltt-37-D . FOR SALE-A DRUGSTORE, WITH SODA fountain and small stock, paints, oils, cigars and tobacco, in a thriving manufacturing town on line of railroad, near to city :a corner store and snlenrtfil hrmlness stand. Partlrnlara from JAR. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. miijj.D FOB SALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LAEGE ' general store lu an active manufacturing town on line of railroad, near tbe city; business about $90, ooo -annually and paying well; tbe pro nrletnr npAila assistance for office work, and will ;seU a half Interest on reasonable terms to a com- petcm man, sou uu viuci uewt mviji; ibuis la a arc opening; none better In the county in this line of business. Particulars given confidentially by JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO.. UD Fourth avenue Pitts Jmrs;. , mhlW7- FOR SAXE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOE8ALE-IN A COUNTRY PLACE-STOCK general merchandise ; well established trade: sales last year $40,000; profits 25 per cent; expenses light. Address Z. A. D-.TVllkesbarre, Pa: . mhi7-60 FOR SALE-FDJST-CLASS HOTEL AND KES TAUBANT. also large poolroom attached. In FOB SALE A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; one of tbe best thoroughfares In Allegheny; stock and fixtures worth about $3,000; business about $30,000. JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. mhl6-97-D TTOB BALE-AN EXTENSIVE RETAIL DBY-X- GOODS business on tbe best thoroughfare in Allegheny: stock all new and well-selected from the best markets; this is a very fine opening. Particulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mh!6-97-D FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Mnchlnerv nnd Metals. FOB SALE-PULLEY WHEEL, CHEAP 8-lnch face, 4)s Inch boreCO-lnbh diameter; sold for want or use. Apply to BUSINESS MANA GER, Dispatch office Fifth ave. mh!7-U3 FOR BALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. WSParfcway. J.S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-JdWT FOB SALE 23x48 COBL1SS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine all complete: capacity 10.000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 lrirst ave. aul-p32-Mwr FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7Xxl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wlreand manllarope centrifugal pumps, etc; two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CABLIN'S SONS. cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-IWf Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR SALE GOOD FAMILY HORSE, doctor's buggy and harness: almost new; will sell cheap for want of use or would exchange for pony and cart. Address HORSE, Dispatch office. mhis-16 FOR SALE A PROMISING YOUNG STAL LION, 2K years old. color bay, black points, ood mane and tall, very kind disposition, sired y Colonel Sanford, dam a full bred Kentucky mare: broke to harness: will be sold cheap as owner Is going away. For further particulars address GEORGE. Box 5, Harrison City, Westmoreland countv. Pa. mh!7-41 TO LEU Cltv Residences. TO LET-NO. 160 THDID AVE. ;COB, HOUSE, 10 rooms, late improvements. W. A. HER RON ft SONS, 80-Fourthave mhl7-7011 TOLET-HOUSEOF12 ROOMS, 502PENN AVE NUE, with stable: first-class location for physician or dentist. Inquire 508 PENN AVE. mhl6-42 , v TO LET-1701 PENN AVE. DWELLING 8 rooms; $37K per mo., which includes use of nat. gas and water. W. A. HERBON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mhl6-91-c TO LET-NEARLY NEW-2-STOEY B1AN BARD roof dwelling of 8 rooms, No. 84 Locust, city; both gases, bath, modern improve ments, etc Apply to WM. L. SMITH, 93a Penn ave mhl7-9 East End Residences. T 10 LET ON ELLSWORTH AVENUE, Shadvslde. neat honse of fi larira rooms in good order. W. A. HERRON ft SON S, 80 Fonrth avenue. mhl7-71-MTT TO LET-I22PEB MONTH, 7 BOOMS. LAEGE yard. Filbert, near Walnut St., Shadvslde: Sosscsslon free to April 1, 1889. W. A. HEBEON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mbl7-71-MTT TO LET-201 PLYMOUTH ST,,TH1BTY-FIPTH ward; 6 rooms, bath, range nat. gas fixtures; $14 per month: possession can be had at once. W. A. XIEltllUN ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mlU7-71-MTT TO LET OR FOB SALE A RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms, stabling, etc., and i acres; abund ance of fruit and shade: one of tbe most delightful locations in E. E M. P. HO YVLEY, 6326 Station st., E. E., or 127 Fourth ave mbl7-59 TO LET IRVING PLACE, ELLSWOETH ave, bhadyslde several beautiful brick resi dences, containing ten rooms, bath, laundry, pantry, etc.; large lawns to each honse; honse new; never occupied. W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80Fourth ave. mb!7-10 Apartments. TO LET ONE FLOOR OF FOUR NICE rooms, suitable for light bousekeeplngjwater, gas and bath. Apply to J. G. MORROW, shoe store 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. mhl7-43 TO LET I BOOMS, SECOND FLOOR, WITH natural gas and water, for dwelling or offices. 3 minutes' walk from the postoffice Inquire ot W. H. DEVORE, 512 Grant at. mW-M TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room flats, two six and eight-room dwelling bouses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mhl7-U5-uwTSu Zrorms. TO LET-50-ACRE DAIBY FARM AT FAIR OAKS station, P., Ft. W. ft C. B. R.;rcnt low. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. . mhl6-97-D TO LET-A GOOD FARM-ABOUT 60 ACBES. near tbe city, 1 mile from K. B. station; large dwelling, orchard, etc.; flue dairy or market gar den farm ; will rent low to a good tenant. JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mhl6-97-D TO LET OB FOB BALE-150-ACBE FARM, S minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. It, It,, Westmoreland co.; 15 acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McOUTCHEON, 104 Fourth ave. jalJ-SO-uwr Offices. Dcnk Room, 3kc TO LET-FOUE BOOMS ON SECOND KLOOB, No. 57 Federal St., Allegheny: suitable for offices or light manufacturing. Apply to J. C THOMPSON, 715 Liberty ave., Pittsburg. mhl6-3J T IO LET-FOUBTH AVENUE OFFICES, chean. as low as 110 ner mo., heat, lanltnr and elevator service Included. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl7-69-MTuWThs TO LET -OPPOSITE COUBT HOUSE, 3 OF FICE rooms, second floor, both gases and w. c, or wonld rent for light housekeeping; rent low to good party. 3. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. mh!6-10 TO LET-OFFICES IN THE NEW BLAIR building, cor. Federal and Isabella sts., Allegheny: tbe offices are very desirable and rent low. W. A. HEBEON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. mbl-42-1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22 TO LET IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Bmlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32-D TO LET-LABGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and third floors ol Mellon's build ing, opposite City Hall, Smlthleld street: good light: reasonable rent.. Inquire at T. MELLON ft SON 's BANK, 512 and 514 Smithfield street. mhUHH-HWT T O LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood sL. having changed tbe Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., oner the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fino location should applyat once at the BANK. de21-75-D Bnslness Stands. TO LET-LABGE STOBEBOOM ON FIEST floor, near Smithfield St.; rent very low. BLACK ft BAIED, 95 Fourth ave. mhl5-29-D TO LET STOBEBOOM. NO. U CABSON street, togetber wltb small room over same B. S. KIEHL, room No. 2, 77 Fourth avenue. mhlO-35-JTW TO LET-1703 PENN AVENUE-STOEE AND 7 dwelling rooms; cheap to a good tenant. W. A. HERBON &SONS, 80 Fonrth ave. mhls-91-MTT TO XET-FIEST-CLASS PRODUCE STAND, eqr. of Llberryand Diamond sts.: will be gut in first-class condition. W. A. HEREON ft ONS, 80 Fourth ave mb!6-91-D TO LET LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED SEC OND floor; elevator, both gases, 2 offices; suitable for lobbing or light manufacturing. 204 AND 206 WOOD ST. mhl7-U TO LET-THE LARGE ROOM IN THE MO NONGAHELA HOUSE now used for tbe barroom; possession May J. E. D. WINGEN BOTH, Agent, 100 Fourth ave. . mlI17-99 TO LET-NO. 93,WATR ST., 160 FEET DEEP to First ave.: 3 stories: elevator; In flrst class condition; will divide and rent in two parts. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave mhl0-94-MWP TO LET-GBOCEBY STAND-LONG ESTAB LISHED: large store and 7 dwelling rooms. Fifth and Wllklns avenues, Sbadyslde; only 835 per mo. W. A. HERBON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. inh.6-91-D TO LET-ELEGANT STOREROOM WITH plate-glass front; fine opening for bakery and confectionery, China and glass orlewelry busi ness: first-class retail location. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, lt Fifth avenue. mhS-35-D TO LET-TWO LAEGE FLOORS. SECOND and third stories, on Diamond st., near Smithfield st,, suitable for furniture storage or light manufactory: large hand elevator; rent low. BLACK ft BAIED, 95 Fourth ave. mhI5-29-r TO LET-FOUK DUfeGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8.000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of Ma FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-2S-MWS TO LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARBANGED rooms for general business purposes, with or without power, to rent In the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be had in the city; electric lighting free: passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service In cluded. Rents $300, $400 and $1,000 per annum: situation tbe most central, wltttin a few hundred feet of all tbe public buildings and of the leading business squares. Apply between 11 a. it. and 4 P.M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75, 77 and 71 Diamond street. mhl4-74 . , . .. . I - .. TO XET. i Aneaheny Residences. TO LET-BRICK HOUSE, EIGHT BOOMS, situated 182 Juniata street, Allegheny. In quire GBAFF, HUUUS ft CO., 632 and 634 Lib erty it, mhl7-92 TO LET-AT128PERMONTH, 7-ROOMBRICK house bath, both gases, Klrkpatrlck ave.. Second ward. Allegheny. V. W. MCNEILL ft BBO 162 Fourth ave. mhl6-66 mO LET-A LARGE DWELLING ON 8TOCK X. ION avenue, Allegheny: 14 rooms, natural gas, etc, etc. JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mhl7-74 TO LET-ELEGANTLY FUBN1SHEO HOUSE 11 rooms: latest improvements; location first class, on Bldge avenue, Allegheny. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl7-68-MWP TO LET-NEW ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS, Just finished; 9 rooms; well finished: late Im provements: on Locust St.; location good. W. A. HEBRON ft SON'S, 80 Fourth avenue- mhl7-71-MTT O LET IN ALLEGHENY, NEAR THE parks and street cars, new modern brick dwelling of 9 rooms, batb-room, gas,w.c. , natural Sag, stationary wasbsunds, etc ALEXANDER LEE, 313 Wood St. mhlB-75-D T IO LET-ON KIRKPATBICK AVE., ALLE GHENY. 2 brick houses of 6 rooms each. finished attles bath. s-as. natural e-as. halls, etc.. at $26 penmontb, water rent paid; possession April I. ALEXANDER. ALEE, 313 Woodst. mhl6-75-P rpo LET ALLEGHENY HOUSES-74 SARAH J. St.. 6 rooms, $17; 3 Frazler St., 6 rooms, $25: 48 Besaca St., 6 rooms, $28: 31cDonald way. New Brighton soad, 6 rooms, $18; 100 White Oak alley, 4 rooms, $17; 66 Hamlin St., 2 rooms, $9 50. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. mhl7-144 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT EVEBGBEEN, TWO HOUSES OF 10 and 12 rooms, with large grounds: three and four acres; possession at once A LEX AN DEB 4 LEE, S13 Wood st. mhl5-75-D TV LET A SUBUBBAN BES1DENCE JL Brick honse of 9 rooms and 2 finished attic rooms, bath-room, natural gas, etc.; 1H acres land, shade and fruit trees, etc. ALEXANDER ft -LEE, 313 Wood St. mhl6-75-D TO LET-J1Y iHOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. W 31. T. DUNN. mh9-63 Special. TO LET-DWELLINGSLAEGEAND8MALL, in both cities and suburbs; call or send for printed list free. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-3S-srwF mO LET-OUR 'TO LET" LIST, AS HEBETO JL FORE Issued from our office Is now pub lished every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) In Tbe Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhSS-8-MTTF PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one boot: worth 10 cents, or a library worth $1,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK .STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PEBSONAL-WHY TBOUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean lug your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st,. second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits madeto order; spring styles now ready, lelophone 1558. mh3 LOST. LOST-ON BATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, either on Monterey, North avenue or Fed eral street, a poor girl's pocketbook, containing memorandum, money and jewelry. Finder re warded at No. 31 FREMONT ST. mhlS-1 LOST-BETWEEN FOBTY-FIFTH STBEET and Butler Street M. E. Church, or between the church and Larimer avenue by way of Main street and cable care a cameo breastpin; prized on account of being a girt. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to JOHN B. STEWABT. 179 Forty-fifth street. mh!8-2l FOUND. FOUND-SPBING THE BEST TIME TO CUBE all aliments. Dr. Griffith's Great Ta-va-zon! Tbe people's fafortte remedies; makes pure blood, stomach, lungs, liver and kidneys healthy, tbe weak strong: thousands bnytbem. GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY, cor. Third ave. and Grant st., PIttsbnrg, Pa. mh!8-23 NOTICES. County Commissioneks' Office, j Pittsbubo. March 11, 1S89. t THE COTJNTT COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: MONDAY, MARCH 25, Twentv-afth ward, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL MOWILLIAM& P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. mh!2-15 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the under signed, under the firm name of C. A, Kennedy & Co., has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by S. Fleishman. C. A. KENNEDY, S. FLEISH MAN. PITTSBURG, March 16, 1889. mhl6-47-16,18,25 -PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE BUSI- L NESS of commission brokers in stocks, bonds and petrolenm as'heretoforo conducted byStetthelmer&Bettman, will be carried on by the subscribers nnder the same firm name DAVID BETTMAN, MRS. JOS. STETTHEIMER. New York. March 14,1889. mh!5-76 ELECTIONS. Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis i Railway Co.. Pittsbubo, March 5.1SS9. ( ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of. the stockholders of the Pittsburg. Cin cinnati and St Louis Railway Company will be held at tbe principal office of the company, in the city of Columbus, O., on TUESDAY, March 19, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. v., for the pur pose .of receiving tbe annual report for 1888, tbe election of 13 directors to serve for the ensuing year and tbe transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Tbe transfer books will be closed on Saturday, March 9ITand reopened on Friday, March 22, 1889. a B. LIGGETT, Secretary. mb5-53-D LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE-IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on April 1, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M., an application will be made by A. W. McDonald, Alfred McCabe, Thomas McFadden, Jr., Will lam Neely, James P. Bonbam and Frank G. Schlotter et al.. to the Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, under the act of Assembly of said Commonwealth entitled "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation and Reg ulation' of Certain Corporations." approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called tbe "Cdraopolis Bnilding and Loan As sociation." the character and object whereof is the trirnsacting of such business as Building and Loan Associations may lawfully do, and for these purposes to .have possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly and its supplements. CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st,. Pittsburg, and W. T. TREDWAY. 96 Diamond st, Pitttsbnrg. -mhlO-70-H Solicitors. AMUSEMENTS. TJ.LIOU THEATER EMMA ABBOTT GRAND ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY TO-NIGHT "THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD," Gilbert & Sullivan's Latest Opera. Next Week-'THE STOWAWAY-" mhlMl H ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening, "KEEP IT DARK." March 25 "Beacon Lights." mhl7-95 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every Evening, Matinee Saturday Only. ,MR. AND MRS. W. JV FLORENCE. To-night "THE MIGHTY DOLLAR." Week March 25 Rosina Vokes. inhl7-2 SARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY light Matinees,' Tuesday Thursday and 1 Saturday. THE IRWIN BROS.' BIG SPECIALTY SHOW. ra.hl7.13-D OaklandjSquare. For Sale (99)-5tf,5TO-"OakIand Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, 'balance SoOOper annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, batb. laundry, inside shut ters, stationary tubsfeta mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear porches, ete, large lot facing a beautiful pub lic square, around which a street has been laid out, sewered, and is being paved with asphal turn; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; oniyo minutes from Fifth ave cable line SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fonrth ve mhl3-18- ii EO. H. BARBOUR. VT . CIVIL- ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Milt Buildings, Boom 63 Eisner Building del2-V.66-D tM FIFTH AVENUE, Pttttlrarg. .AUCTION SALES. BULLETIN -OF AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM. TUESDAY, MARCH 19, at 10 o'clock, house hold furniture carpets, ete, 311 Market street WEDNESDAY, MARCH '20, at 10 o'clock, piano, furniture, carpets, ete, 329 Shetland ave, E. E. A FRIDAY. MARCH. 22 at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street MONDAY, MARCH 25, at 10 o'clock, furni ture carpets and household goods, 202 Franks town ave, E. E. TUESDAY. MARCH 26. at 10 o'clook,.furni ture, carpets and household goods, 23 Union ave., Allegheny. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. at 10 o'clock, furniture, carpets and household goods, 188 Second avenue. FRIDAY, MARCH 2s,at' 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street TUESDAY. APRIL 2, at the rooms. 311 Mar ket st, at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, ' FRIDAY. APRIL 6, at 10 o'clock, large con signment honsehold goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY. APRIL 9, fine furniture and general muse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Market st THURSDAY, APRIL 11, unclaimed freight at the auction rooms, commencing at 10 o'clock, 311 Market st HENRY AUCTION CO. mhl7-105 PERRYHVILLE AVE., TENTH WARD, ALLEGHENY, PUBLIC SALE ! TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, On SATURDAY, MARCH 30, at 2 O'Clock .p. m., on the Premises, On the Portman Property, at the terminus of the new Electric Railway, Terrysville avenue. Cars leave Allegheny postoffice every thirty minutes. 90 Beautiful Building Lots. To persons of moderate means this will be a chance to secure a home on easy terms. $25 cash at time of sale, balance S10 per month. Terms are about being made with the railway company to procure cheap fare. To worklngmen and persons of moderate means this will be a grand chance to secure a bargain. Flans and particulars from A. J. PEHTECOST, Real Estate Agt. and Auctioneer, 3 GRANT STREET. " mhl5-S7-arwT UCTION SALE- On account of the death of Mr. Mitchell, the entire stock of the well-known livery and sale stables, Nos. 1143 and 1145 Liberty st, opp. Union depot, Pittsburg, Pa., will be offered at Enblic auction, on tbe premises, on WEDNES DAY, March 20. at 10 o'clock A. H.. the follow ing described personal property, to wit: 30 head of horses, 1 large hearse, 1 infant hearse, 2 barouches, 1 undertaker's wagon, 10 1-horse sleighs. 1 double sleigh. 13 sets coach harness, 25 sets buggy harness, 4 6-passenger coaches, 6 Berlin coaches, lObuggies. square bed, 6 doctor's buggies. 1 platform spring wagon (large), 1 set double wagon harness, 2 sets donble buggy har ness, 1 set baronche harness, 2 set double barouche harness, robes, blankets, summer sheets, halters, sleigh bells, saddles and bridles, etc., also 2 cutting machines, forks, brushes, combs, sponges, chamois skins, office furniture, and many other articles too numerous to men tion, such as are necessary in a first-class stable. A complete outfit for undertakers, such as cooling boards, chairs, pedestals, coffins, stools, etc. All tbe above can be seen on the premises before day of sale. All carriages, hearses and bnggfes will be sold on a credit of 6 months, on approved secnrltv without interest Nothing reserved, as the ouslness must be closed our, the premises being leased for other purposes. Anybody In need of above articles will do well to attend this sale. No postponement on ac count of the weather. H. A. MITCHELL. J. A. M'KELVY. Auctioneer. mhll-99-irru3 HANDSOME PARLOR AND CHAMBER suites, upright piano, fine curtains, brns sels and Ingrain, hall room and stair carpets, 'all kinds of honse furnishing goods, etc., at auction, TUESDAY MORNING. 10 o'clock, at the rooms No. 311 Market st Silk and satin brocatelle, plushes, tapestries and haircloth parlor furniture, fancy rockers, couches, lounges, easy chairs and sofas, upright piano in good condition, ornaments, pictures, cab inets, bookcases, fine center tables, clocks, curtains, brass piano lamp, rugs, mats, dec orated toilet tea and dinner sets, glassware, silverware, solid walnut, oak. mahogany and cherry chamber snites. wardrobes, hall racks, china closets, sideboards, extension tables, chiffoniers, secretaries, desks, folding beds, stoves, bedding, spnngs, mattresses, brnssels and ingrain-carpets, etc., etc, etc f HENRY AUCTION Cp., LIM., HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM.. Auctioneers. mhl7-97 Auctioneers. AT AUCTION 1 FURNITURE. Piano forte, carpets, mirrors, delfware, sil verware, etc., at the residence, 329 Shetland ave., E. E. WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 20, at 10 o'clock prompt. Entire fnrnisbments, embracing handsome parlor snit, upholstered in silk; carved ebony frames, fine walnut chamber suits, bureaus and washstands, fine rosewood Decker Bro.'s piano forte, hall rack, book case, pier mirror, fine ex tension table, hair and hnsk mattresses, ward robe, feather beds, bedding, china dinner and tea 'sets, refrigerator, kitchen range and fur nishmentsf brass fender and fire irons. Wilton body brnssels and ingrain carpets on rooms, ball and stairs, three fino heating stoves, laun dry furnishments. These goods are in good condition and must be sold as the owner is leaving the city. Honse open to buyers at 8 o'clock on morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., LTM., mhl7-9S Auctioneers. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.-EXECUTORS sale of fine furniture, carpetB, bookcase, piano, etc, etc, at the late residence of Chas. F. Herrosee, deceased. 249 Atwood st, near Forbes st, Oakland, WEDNESDAY. March 20, at 10 o'clock. There is a fine Stelnway piano, parlor furniture, easy chairs, lonnge, book case, writing desk, dressing bureaus, wash stands, bedsteads and mattresses, exten sion table and chairs, hall rack, stoves, refrigerator, -laundry outfit kitchen ta Dle. chairs and utensils, china, glass and tinware, lawn mower, pictures, brnssels and ingrain carpets, stair carpet and rods, etc, etc House open at 8 o'clock on morning of sale; every thing to be sold. Terms cash. By order of executors. JA8. W. DRAPE fe CO., Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. mbl6-96-D JOHN G. MacCONNELL, Attorney, No. 91 Diamond street ORPHANS' COURT SALE-ESTATE OF James E. Kelso, deceased. No. 10 of Sep tember term, 1887. In pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, as Trustee, 1 will on TUESDAY, March 28, A. D. 1889. at 11. o'clock A. M expose to public sale on the premises, in Robinson township, Alle gheny county, purpart No. 2 of the real estate of James E. Kelso, deceased, containing 52 acres and 47 perches. Terms, one-eighth part at death of Win. M. Harbison: one-half upon delivery of deed, and balance in one year. Purchaser may pay tbo seven-eighths in cash upon delivery of deed, if he or they so elect Three hundred dollars to be paid when sale is made. A. J. PENTECOST, WM. E. KELSO. Auctioneer. Trustee. mb3-97-K i OCTION SALEl- On TUESDAY MORNING, March 19. at 10 A. Jr., handsome parlor and chamber suits, lounges, bookcases and desks, sideboards, car- Jiots, curtains, stoves, bedding, rugs, library amps, drygoods, millinery, etc: also a lot of kitchen and laundry furnishments. Terms cash. " PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., mb.17-130 93 Third avenue. AUCTION SALE ALLEGHENY BUSI NESS property and dwellings. Nos. 257 and 259 Ohio street TUESDAY, March 19, 18S9, at 3 o'clock P. if., on the premises, two three story bricks, with store and dwelling rooms; Iot28x90 feet to alley: a good invest ment BLACK & BAIED, 95 Fourth ave. mhi2-5-jrraffTh AUCTION SALES. BY JAS. W. DRAPE fe CO, HOUSE AND LOT IN THE EAST END, AT AUCTION, Corner Shetland avenue and Wilson street, near Lincoln avenue, and convenient to the luxurious property of Mr. Thos. Armstrong. A new honse with reception hall, 6 rooms, attic and cellar-; corner lot; fruit and shade trees thereon; everything in nice order. To be sold at public sale -on MONDAY AFTERNOON, March 23, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect; Immediate possession. Terms to suit Positive sale, owner going to Europe JAS. W. DRAPE fc CO., Agents and Auctioneers, mhl6-2-D 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. TY JAMES W. DRAPE fe CO. FURNI D TURE, carpets, etc, at auction, No. 82 Sheffield st, Allegheny, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 21. at lOo'clock. compnsingflnehall table and wall rack, with plate-glass mirror; side-board, with marble top and mirror back; square extension table and chairs; lonnge. rocker and easy chairs; wash stands, dressing bureaus, bed steads and mattresses; single bedstead and bed ding: tables, chairs, stands; dining room and kitchen fnrnishment; china and glassware, laundry ware and woodenware; hearth rugs, mats, Brussel and Ingrain carpets, hall and stair carpets and stair rods, etc Everything to be sold. Family declining housekeeping. House open at 8 o'clock on morning of sale. .Terms cash. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. mblS-95-D A UCTION SALE. OLD ESTABLISHED JEWELRY STORE Commencing MONDAY MORNING, March 18, 10 o'clock.and continuing every day and evening until sold. The entire stock and fixtures of jewelry store 150 Fifth avenue, corner of Script alley, opposite Cathedral, consisting of gold and silver watches, silver and plated ware and Jewelry of every description, also counters, show cases, etc Sale positive, owner qultlng business. SM1THSON & MOORE, mh!8-5 Auctioneers, Eisner Bnilding. UFFICIAL-PITTSBURG. 01TY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the duplicates for Marsh and September installments of City, Special and Sub-District School Taxes for the year 1889 have been placed in my bands for collection by me .uoara oi .assessors auinorizeq to assess wo same. First Installment of City Taxes payable In March or April, second installment payable in April or September. Five per cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with nrst; installment in month of March, out no discount is allowed on first installment Business Tax and Water Rents payable in month of Jnne. Five ner cent added on all delinquent taxes on May 1, on July 1 for Busi ness Tax and Water Rents, and October 1 for second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you intend paving your taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in March and April, until S o'clock p. Jt. J. F. DENNISTON, mhl4-100-D City Treasurer. fNo. 255.1 A N ORDINANCE-RELOCATING LAND- XX. v .trill street irom penn avenue to Shakespeare street Section 1 Be it ordained ana enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Landwehr street, from Penn avenue to Shakespeare street be and the same shall be re located as follows, to-wit: The center line shall begin on tbe north 5-foot line of Penn avenue at a distance of 789.27 feet west of a stone mon ument at the intersecting of the north 5-foot line of Penn avenue and tbe west 10-foot line of Denniston street; thence deflecting to the left 93 33' for a distance of 260.51 feet to the north 5-foot line of Shakespeare street, intersecting the said line at an angle of 86 25 and the said Landwehr street shall be of a width of 40 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th day of February, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD,Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, February 27, 1889. Approved: WILLIAM McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 599, 12th day of March, A. D. 1889. mhl6D- N 0.253. AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING ROSETTA street, from Fairmount street 'to Rebecca street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That Ro setta, from Fairmount street to Rebecca street be and tbe same shall be located as follows, to wit: The north 5-foot line of Rosetta street shall begin at a stone monument situated at the intersection of the north 5-foot line of Rosetta street and the 'east Moot line of Fairmount street and at a distance northerly of 213.20 feet from a stone monument situated at the Intersection of the north 5-foot line of Kincaid street and at the east 5-foot line of Fairmount street; thence deflecting to the left 88 01' 40" for a distance of 1,088.75 feet to a pin situated at the Intersection of the north 5-foot line of Rosetta street and the west Moot line of Rebecca street and at a distance of 44.13 feet northerly from a stone monument situated at the inter section of the west 5-foot line of Rosetta street and intersecting saldllne at an angle of 101 17' 40", and saidstreet shall be of a width ot 40 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th day of February, A. D. 1889. H.P.FO&D, President of Select Council. Attest: OTSO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office, February 27, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL. 6, page 598, llthdayofMarcli, A.D.1SX9. mbl6 Department op Public Works.! Pittsbubo, March 12, 1889. i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals will be received at tbe office of City Controller until Friday, the 22d day of March, A. D. 1889, at 2 o'clock p. St., for the following, vit.: l SEWERS. Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to Stanton avenue; 15-inch pipe. Fifth avenue, from west line of Amberson avenne to connection with culvert under Fifth avenue, west of Morehead's lane; 15andl8-inch pine Fifth avenue, from crown east of Wilkins street to Amberson avenue; 18-Inch pipe. Ellsworth avenue and private property, from Leetonia street to Amberson avenue; 15 and 20 inch pipe Liberty and Center avenues and Graham street from Winebiddle street to Two-Mile Rnn sewer; 18 and 24-inch pipe and three feet brick ana stone. Center avenue, from Liberty avenne west waraly to Two-Mile Run sewer, near Pennsyl vania Railroad; 15 and 18-inch pipe. Atwood street from Bates street to Louisa street; 15-Inch pipe. nowe street irom ivy street to Aicen ave nue; 15-inch pipe. Euclid street from Penn avenue to Baum's northern property line; lS-lnch pipe GOADING, PAVING AND CTTBBING. Carnegie street, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street Sapphire alley, from Isabella street to Lib erty avenne; erading and paving only. Plans and specifications can be seen, and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. - Chief of Department of Public Works. mhl2-H-D No. 261.1 AN ORDINANCE VACATING CRAFT avenue, from a noint 180 feet east of Niagara street to Ward street, in tbe Fourteenth ward. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted lay the city of Pittsburg, ih Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tho same. That Craft avenue from a point 180 feet east of Niagara street to Ward street in the Four teenth ward, be and the same is hereby vacated as tbe same was located by an ordinance ap proved February 6, 1885, but not opened, the same now being rendered unnecesssary by reason of the location and opening of other streets. Section 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th day ot February, A. D. ISS9. H.P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk ot Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayors Office, March 7, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. . Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 606. 15th. day of Maich, A, D. 188B. mhllT OFFICIAL PITTSBUBG AN ORDINANCREPEALING AN OK . DINANCE entitled "An ordinance) au thorizing tbe opening of Boquet street from Fifth avenne to AUlqnippa street," approve March 1, 1888. .-, Section 1 Be it ordained" and enacted by tn city of PIttsbnrg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That an ordinance entitled "An ordinance authpra- " ing the opening of Boquet street from Fifth, avenue to Alliquippa street" approved March J, 1888. be and tho same is hereby repealed. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Council j thls25th day of February, A. D. 1889. i H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office. February 27, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. HI MCCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 6, page 602, 12-Ji day of March. A. D. 1889. mh!6 Department or Pubt.10 Works, . I Pittsburg, PA.. March 15. 1889. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on the opening of Chestnut street from Locust street to Bluff street, and McCandless street from Butler street to the Allegheny river, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within tea (10) days trom date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. mhl5-25 Ott Treasurer's Oftice, I Municipal Hall, Smithfield street ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALT. owners (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts', wagons, carriages, buggies, etc, must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, 1888, will be placed in the bands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of SO ' cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1889- will bo sub- . iect to a penalty double the amonnt of t he icense, to be recovered before tne proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken ont or 25 cents additional will bo charged on the license. Rates of license: Each ' one-horse vehicle, J6 00: each two-horse vehicle, S10 00; each four-horse vehicle, 112 00: each four horse, hack, 915 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, S10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, , fel4-70-D City Treasurer. ' ' t No.267.1 AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING CHRIST. MAS street from Blgelow street to Tread eger street Section L Be it Ordained and enacted by the city of PIttsbnrg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same That Christmas street, from Blgelow street to Tread eger street be and the same shall be located as follows, to wit: The center line shall begin at tbe center line of Blgelow street at a distance of 34L76 feet sontheaatwardly from the center line of Bristol street, thence deflecting to the left 55 50" for a distance of 208.99 feet to a point thence deflecting to the right 34 3ty for a distance of abont 497.67 feet to a point, and said portion of Christmas street shall be of a uniform width of 40 feet; thence deflecting to the right 46 35 for a distance of abont 153.30 feet to the center line of Treadeger street said portion of Christmas street shall be a uniform width of iO feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be, and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th dav of February, A. D.T889. H. P. FORD, President ot Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President ot Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. March 7, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. g, page 60S, 15th day of March. A. D. 1889. mhlS Department op Public Works. Pittsburg, March 12. 18S9. C SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE TtE CElVEDatthe office of City Controller until Friday, March 22, A. D. 1889, at 2 o'clock, p. 31., for furnishing and delivering f. o. b.i cars, Pittsburg. f Weight Tons. Class, Size. Water pipe, per length. 250 B. 4-inch water pipe. 247 lbs. 60 C. 4-inch water pipe 264 lbs. 750 B. 6-inch water pipe 413 lbs. 370 C. 6-Thch, water pipe 4711bsi 100 C. 8-inch water pipe 685bsv 130 B. 12-inch water pipe 1,003 lbs. 2o0 B. 16-inch water pipe 1,550 lbs, 2.100 B. 30-inch water pipe 4,280 lbs. 4,010 tons. Also 300 tons special castings. Bidders must fix a date limiting the time of ' delivery ana completion of contract The Chief of Department of Public Works reserves the right to increase or decrease tha above quantity twenty (20) per cent AH pipes to be cast vertically, and to be made of soft gray iron, and to be tested to a pressure of three hundred (300) pounds to the square inch, under the supervision of some person design nated by the Superintendent of Water Supply; and Distribution. All pipes must be 12 feet long in the clear,, not including bowl. ' Abondot thirty thousand ($30,000) dollars must accompany each bid for pipe, and a five) thousand (S5,000) dollar bond for special cast ings. No bid will be considered unless accompanied, by bonds in the above amounts probated be-l fore the Mayor, or City Clerk, and the bonds men must be property holders residing in Alle-' gheny Connty. For specifications, blanks on which bids mnst be made, and all other information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Sup ply and Distribution. i All bids mnst be indorsed on the back of tha envelope with name of bidder and article bid. on. Envelopes for inclosing bids will be fur nished at the office of Superintendent of Water Snpnly and Distribution, fourth floor Munici-' pafHalL t The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. mhl2-61-D I No. 257.1 AN ORDINANCE WIDENING OAK AL. LEY, from Liberty avenne to Grant street' Section 1 Beit ordained and enacted by thai city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn-, cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same That. Oak alley, from Libertyavenne to Grant street, shall be and is hereby widened and established' at a width of twenty-four (24) feet and tha four feet of ground necessary to be taken to make said alley of said width shall be taken, from the property on the south side of said' alley. Section 2 That any qrdinance or part ot' ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of. this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.! Ordalnedand enacted into a law in Councils, this 2ith dav of February, A. D. 1889. ' H. P. FORD. President of Select CounciL, Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select' CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH,' Clerk of Common Council. , Mavor's office. February 27.1SS9. Approvedr WM.MCCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W.H. Mc CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 6. OIL aui uav ui. .aiuruu a. u. uxa. xnnio ' A No. 255. I N ORDINANCE RELOCATING, Forbes avenue, from Shady avenue to sv point near Homewood Cemetery gate. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tha city of PIttsbnrg. in Select and Common Conn-' cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Forbes avenue from Shady avenue to a point near the Hometrood Cemetery gate be. and tha same shall be relocated as follows, to-wit: Tbo center line shall begin at a stone monument in tbe center of Shady avenne, at a distance of 540.17 feet east of a stone monument situated at the first angle in Shady avenue, east of Irwin avenne; thence deflecting to the left Si? 03' 35" for a distance of 2.154.92 feettoastona monument near tbe Homewooa Cemetery gate, and the said Forbes avenue shall be of a width of sixty (60) feet Section 2 That any ordinance 'or part 'of ordinance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be, and the same Is hereby, re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi- nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th dav of February. A. .D. 1839; H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of 8elecf CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. Presidentof Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, ' Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, February 27,1889. Approve'd: . WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W-itrMo-CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 6, page 688. ' 12th day of March, A. D. 1889. mhlSc Continued on Fifth and Sixth Pages. ' " E. L1NKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT, 545 Smithfield street Pittsburg, Pa. Frefteitsi Freund Building, second floor. fe284Sl.D j -ryuNCAN a white, , , Building Contractor. 71 Diamond street. $ 4 Second door above SaitfefleUL 7- pitttbBiSr,,uB1s:T.Jc-- i j