Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 17, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Makes His First rnblic Speech Since
He Was President, and
In Eloquent and Kin?io? Utterances at the
Banquet of
Colombia Beady to Assist Weaker Rations In tie
Strure'e r Fretdom.
Ex-President Cleveland last evening at
tended the banquet of the Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick. He responded to the toast,
"The United States," and earned for him
self a reputation as a good, sensible and
patriotic after-dinner speaker. He declared
that the national and State life is insepar
able, and that this country is always ready
to aid weaker nations in their struggles for
New Yobk, March 16. Ex-President
Grover Cleveland made his first public ap
pearance as a private citizen in New York
and his initial speech since leaving the
"White House at the one hundred and fifth
anniversary dinner of the Friendly Sons of
St Patrick at Delmonico's to-night.
He appeared to be in excellent health and
spirits, and received an ovation which could
not be excelled in point of warmth and so
ciability. He was attired in a dress suit,
and entered the banquet hall on the arm of
Joseph J. O'Donoghue. He took the seat
on the right ofthe presiding officers, while
Mayor Grant was given the corresponding
seat on the other side.
A life-sized picture of St Patrick hung
on the wall flanked on either side by an
American and an Irish flag. The dining
room was appropriately draped with the
international colors. At the speaker's
table besides the ex-President of the United
States and Mayor Grant were Hon. Everett
P. "Wheeler, Hon. John S. Wise, of Vir
ginia; ex-Judge Charles P. Daly, Eldridge
T. Gerry, Delancey Nicholl, Hon. Boswell
P. Flower, District Attorney Fellows, Col
onel W. L. Brown and the respective repre
sentatives of the St Nicholas, Holland,
St David's, St Andrew's and St George's
Joseph J. O'Donoghueas President of the
organization presided at the central table
and when the banquet had ended first in
troduced ex-Chief Justice Daly, of this
city, who spoke to the toast "The Day we
Celebrate," after which a murmur of an
ticipation filled the hall for each of the
several hundreds at the tables, knew that
the ex-President was- next on the list, and
that to him had been assigned the
duty of responding to the senti
ment to "The United States" and
when the President's brief introduction was
concluded with Mr. Cleveland's name, the
diners leaped from their chairs and cheered
lustily; and while the din was at its height
Mr. Cleveland, his lace a trifle pale with in
terest in the scene, slowly arose and stood
motionless, save for bows of acknowledg
ment at the earnestness of the reception
given him. The cheering, having finally
subsided, Mr. Cleveland pushed baok his
chair, and speaking clearly and easily, he
The words to which I respond give rise to
such virions and Impressive reflections that I
find it difficult to determine the line of thought
which should be followed.
"What is naturally and obviously suggested
by the sentiment proposed is a country marvel
ous in its crowth and development, creat in its
power and wealth and tree in the character of
its institutions and in the spirit of its zeaL
There is also suggested a broad and hospitable
country which opens its rates to tbe people of
all nations Who are willing to assume the
duties of American citizenship in exchange for
a snare in tne messings wmcn uoa cas in store
for the American people. Nor can it be said
that in national selfishness and sordid com
placency onr country is blind to the welfare
of others. "Wherever there exists a struggle
for freer Government and for man's enfran
chisement, there will be found tbe aid and
ETmpathy of the people of the United States.
In this we but follow the promptings which
onr free condition inspire and acknowledge the
contribution we have received lrom the stnrdy
men of other lands, to onr population, and to
every element of our greatness.
In this reunion of your ancient and honorable
society reminding us of such contributions and
where the value of American citizenship is
lolly acknowledged, it is in every way fitting
and proper that we should mentioti with love
and with loyalty "The United States" I have
referred to the obvious significance of these
words as they are related toja great,
prosperous and free nation. But other
nations, too, are great, they are
prosperous and rich, and m a measure they are
free. "States" may be any organized govern
menttyrannical, monarchial or free. It is
therefore most important that we do not miss
the reflection that "tbe United States" alone
stand for the one government, always free and
founded upon human rights and equality
before tbe law. Tbns is presented tbe unity of
our States and tbe fundamental importance of
that unity, to all we are and all we hope to be.
Our national life is inseparable from this
union of the States. Thns it was launched upon
its career among the nations of tue earth. Its
machinery is suited to no other condition, and
its success depends upon it. Whatever might
be the achievements f separate and disjointed
States, no thins bnt tbe triumph of 'The United
States' can fully demonstrate in the ej es of the
world the success of the American experiment
of self-government
To the end that our nation might be called
The United States" the fathers who forged so
well tbe bonds of our Union, yielded to each
other their opinions and discarded their pre
judices. In later years in order that "the
United States" might be saved as a precious
heritage, lives were sacrificed and blood was
shed on many a hard fought battle field.
We should not be content with veneration
lor thoe who made ns a nation, nor with the
sacred and grateful remembrance of those
who shed"their blood and gave their lives for
its perpetuation.
We, too, owe a duty to "The United States."
We can at least teach fraternity and tolera
tion, the sure foundations of our unity and of
our country's life. If these lessons are firmly
established in tbe hearts of our countrymen we
shall to the extent that we aid in this con
summation perform the doty required of u in
our day and generation. Let us then
cultivate real and genuine gener
osity and fraternal kindness among all
our people. Xet us resolve that no partisan
exigencies shall excuse the creation or keeping
alive of irritation and jealousy among people
ail charged with the safety, tbe development
and the triumph of American institutions. Our
destiny is before us. It can only be reached bv
union and harmony. We are not called upon
to surrender or jeopardize any results in favor
of our Union we may uave gaiueu in lis armea
defense, but rather to foster and secure those
results through tbe patriotism of magnanimity.
In the presence of tbe duty God has laid upon
us as a nation it should never be forgotten that
failure waits on dissension and division, and
that a grudging acknowledgment of a common
brotherhood, of a hearty co-operation in a com
mon patriotic purpose will surely check our
national progress. In this assemblage, where
so large a representation is found of tbe raw
which; in all stages of our national life, has
done so much to make our country great, and
whose hearts at this time turn lovingly
to their brethren who strangle for tbe bles
mes which are here enjoyed. 1 know that ref
erence to any element of our freedom and hap
piness wai meet with a heartfelt response.
Here, regardless of place, of birth, or of for
mer allegiance, we meet as American citizens,
proud of our country, devoted to her interests
and prosperity, and wishing with enthusiasm
for those less favored, the haopiness, the free
dom, the strength and the peace which are
found in "The United States."
Yollowing Mr. CleTeland'a speech, which
wad ABAm)r1 liKprflllv finrlnff ?xh ntlawinAK
and at the close, came these speakers to the.
toasts namea:
"Ireland" John S. Wise, of Virginia.
"The State of New York" "Rwtl "P ,
"The City of New York" Mayor Grant
"The Bench and the Bar" Elbridge
Gerry. ,
"The Armv nnd VTr" T;.t.;nt a.
ney John B. Fellows.
women" De Lancey NicolL
some of the societies who were among the
luviieu guests.
Knnacjers Say the Combination. Is Neces
sary la Order to Compete With Pitts
burg The Basil of the Fro.
posed Consolidation.
Chicago, March 16. In regard to the
proposed consolidation of the North Chi
cago Boiling Mill Company, the Joliet
Steel Company and the Union Steel Com
pany, with a view to steadying the iron and
steel rail markets, President O. W. Potter,
of the first named company, says:
It is not a trust nor exactlv a consolidation.
The charter of the North Chicago Boiling Mill
Company is a special charter, and permits an
increase of the capital stock. It also permits a
change of name. It is probable that the cap
ital stock of this concern will "be Increased and
the whole plant and business of the Joliet Steel
Comoacv will be boucht. the two combined be
ing called, probably, the Illinois Steel Com- I
with tbe Union Steel Company. This is as
much as can be said at present.
Mr. T. C. Sterling, Secretary of the Joliet
Steel Company, said:
It is premature to say that anything defi
nitely has been decided, but the principal stock
holders in tbe companies named having con
cluded that snch an alliance would enable
economies to be introduced in the manufacture
of steel of various descriptions, including rails,
as to probably permit of tbe continuous manu
facture of steel in Illinois, in competition
with Pittsburg and other favorable locali
ties, it is probable that tbe proposed
deal will be consummated. It is no part of the
design of the managers of the various compa
nies to in anyway advance ths selling price of
their product, but rather, by combining the
experience and ability of all connected with
tbe various organizations, to produce finished
materials on the most scientific and economical
basis, so as to permit of the product being sold,
if necessary, at lower figures in the future than
in the past insuring thereby the permanent ex
istence of these industries more particularly
in Chicago and its neighborhood.
In order to allow for sufficient extension and
improvement of tbe existing plants tbe capital
stock of tbe new organization will probably be
S25.00u.000, including an ample cash capital to
meet all contingencies.
A Ullner Who Was Rescued After Being
Bnrled 50 Hours.
Mount Cabmel, March 16. Peter
Nearshalsky, after 50 hours of imprison
ment in the Black Diamond Col
liery, was hoisted to the sur
face at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
His appearance was the signal for cheers
from hundreds of throats, which-were heard
for miles. He had been half buried and
had given up all hope when his rescuers
reached the "breast" in which he was im
prisoned. Strange to say his injuries, aside from his
nervous prostration, are not serious. After
the five men were taken out alive last night
it was supposed that Nearshalsky was dead,
but the search was continued with the re
sult stated above.
The story of Nearshalsky's escape from
death is a most remarkable one. When the
roof of the mine began to cave, Nearshalsky,
while attempting to escape, was struck by a
piece of coal and fell into a hole in which
he was buried to his neck. A great mass of
rock fell immediately after and one large
piece, hollow in the middle, imprisoned the
miner in a nearly air-tight enclosure. The
man would soon have been suffocated had
not the hollow lump been broken by a fall
ing piece of coal. During his long impris
onment Nearshalsky swooned many times.
All that he had to' sustain life during his
long imprisonment was the oil in his lamp,
not a drop of which remained when he was
taken out
They Are Leaving North Carolina In a Body
for Arkansas.
Baleigh, N. C, March 16. The negro
exodus from this State is about to take the
lorm of colonization of negroes in Arkan
sas. Negroes are holding mass meetings
almost nightly, and negro orators and
preachers are urging them to colonize.
A circular was issued to-day calling a
meeting to organize the "North Carolina
Emigration Association," for the purpose
of securing organized action toward coloniz
ing all he negroes in the State in Arkansas,
where they are offered lands for a trifle.
The circulars say that white people don't
want them here and they have determined
to go.
Ho Killed Himself by Starvation No twit h
tandlngAU Efforts.
Sacbamkkto, March 16. Harry
Holmes, who had been held to answer a
criminal assault, was found dead in his cell
this morning. He 'had starved himself
to death, having refused food for two
weeks. On Thursday and Friday physi
cians pumped nourishment into Holmes'
stomach, but it failed to give him any
strength and he wasted away to a skeleton.
Your Attention! Please.
Saturday was a very busy day at ourstore.
We sold men's fine tailor-made suits and
spring overcoats at 610 which could not be
manufactured lor that figure. We believe
in advertising our business by means of
popular sales. Give the public the benefit
of bargains. Call at our store on Monday
you'll get an excellent selection pf suits and
spring overcoats at $10 and $12, some high
grade ones at 15 Our latest me'n's suit is
the Gienmore. Don't fail to see it.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
The Ttunh for Carpets and Curtains
Begins with the ides of March, and there
was a time when it was a difficult matter to
get -waited on in our store at this season.
We have outgrown that, and can attend to
all that come. Clerks enough here to police
a city like Pittsburg.
Edwabd Gboetziugeb,
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Dabbs, our well-known photographer,
says every person has one point of view.
That is not only the best, but is always the
most powerful and speaking likeness. To
secure such in a photograph it is necessary
a photographer should not only have good
judgment, but he must be intuitively an
artist by nature. Then the greater the ex
perience the better the result
Doe Your Boy
Need a new spring suit for school or dress
wear? We can sell you a good bovs suit
at $1.50, a better one at $2.50 and a very
dressy suit at 3.50. You get vour entire
money's worth in good, honest clothintr
and no kites or other trash thrown in,
J which you pay for in the end. P. C. C. C,
i cor. Grant and Diamond sts.. onn. the new
Court House.
Royal Worcester and Doalton.
E. P. Boberts &-Sons have just opened
the first importation of the season. It is
said to be the largest and handsomest stock
ever brought to the citv, and is now on free
exhibition in their show rooms, corner of
Fifth ave. and Market st -wsu
Silk Department.
Ask to see our combination silks in surah
and armure effects, stripes and plaids, the
cheapest and best wearing fancy silks ever
shown. HUGCS & Hacke.
85, $6 and 88 Pants
Made to order fat Pitcairn's1' 434 Wood
street. wsu
A Thousand Unemployed Workmen
Parade Unmolested in London.
Meet in .Whitecliapel, listen to Several
Revolutionary Speeches,
and Gulp Down Great Draughts of Sedition Without
Being Arrested.
The presence of a large body of well
drilled police alone prevented a repetition
of the scenes of the Paris commune on the
streets of London, yesterday. There was a
parade of unemployed workmen and
sweaters' victims, followed by revolutionary
harangues by Socialist leaders. As it was,
the events were exciting and the touch of a
match alone was lacking to create a great
Los-don, March 16. Copyright
There has been this afternoon an interesting
parade of revolutionists, at which your
correspondent was the only newspaper man
present, and he did not go by invitation.
The demonstration was described as a syna
gogue parade of unemployed Hebrew work
men and sweaters' victims, and the bills,
with a confidence which events have not
justified, announced that the chief rabbi
would deliver a sermon to the victims afore
said. The people met in Beraer street,
where the Whitechapel fiend butchered his
fourth victim, and the synagogue to which
they afterward marched abuts on Mitre
Square, in which Jack the Bipper cut up
his fifth woman.
Prom the doorstep and a window of the
frowsy little tenement which is dignified
with the name of a club, and in which last
autumn men and women were carousing
within a few feet of the yard in which the
murderer was actually and vigorously at
work, the revolutionary orators to-day
poured forth volumes of seditious eloquence,
the speaking of which in any other country
in Europe would have landed them quickly
in jail.
The street was blocked up with the dirty,
unwholesome-looking men, and a few score
slatternly women and girls, who swallowed
the sedition with almost as much palpable
pleasure as they would have gulped down
their gin or beer. The day being the He
brew Sabbath, the majority of the people
were Hebrews, from Moscow, Posen, War
saw, Odessa, Vienna, Beilin and elsewhere,
with a leaven of German workmen and the
merest sprinkling of Englishmen.
During the whole of the afternoon your
correspondent heard scarcely a word of En
glish outside the speech of one Lewis
Lyons, a professional agitator, who has be
come comparatively prosperous since he
first came into notoriety in connection with
the Trafalgar Square troubles. Lyons has
evidently been gotten hold of by persons
who have money, for he is able now to wear
good clothes, pay for printing and the hire
of halls, and for bands and banners.
Next to Lyons the big man to-day was
Philip Krantz, a German Socialist of the
most advanced type, of whom it is probable
we shall hear much when, as some observers
predict, the ferment now going on in the
East End shall find vent in a riot, perhaps
in a revolution. The most violent speeches
were made in German, and in a barbarous
Hebrew jargon in very general use in the
East End.
The police, of whom there were plenty
about, were therefore able to preserve their
stolidity, even when ihey were being de
nounced to their faces as murderers who
must be done away with upon the eve ofthe
social revolution. They gazed somewhat
suspiciously at a number of busy propa
gandists, men and women, who were doing
a good business in the sale of a penny news
paper printed jn Hebrew and entitled the
IToriers Friend. In honor of the anni
versary of the Paris commune, which to
day's demonstrators will celebrate on Mon
day,the Workers' Friend was red-edged and
bore upon its front page
To the policeman's eye, therefore, there
was something wrong about the Workers'
Friend, the sanguinary standard being to
the casual observer singularly out of place
on such a modest sheet But had the police
only known it, the letter-press savored
more of blood than the banner and the
borders. They did not know it. however,
and if they cherisheebsuspicion they did not
give them aggressive expression.
The full-bodied oratory lasted one hour,
and then, headed and heralded by a blatant,
bellowing brass band, the procc.--sion started
for the synagogue. Your correspondent
recognized two of the bandsmen as old ac
quaintances, whom he last saw upon the
memorable November Sunday the police
and people fought for the possession of
Trafalgar. The big-drum man, upon -that
occasion, had bis skull and his instrnment
craoked in a wild baton charge down the
Strand, near Wellington, the trombone
which would have done credit to Field
Marshal "Von Moltke, made his way by a
side street and alleys into the square, and
was carried back and deposited in the Char
ing Cross Hospital, all within half an hour
of the Wellington street scrimmage.
it seemed quite like old times, but the
completeness of the resemblance was spoiled
by the strangely altered behavior of the
police, who instead of clubbing the Social
ists, marched in front and bv their side all
the way to tfce synagogue, clearing the way
and protecting them from aggrieved carmen
and cab drivers, with anxious solicitude.
Their forbearance even wet the length of
permitting a black flag to be carried. Proba
bly they would have winked at Phrygian
caps, and possibly at the red flag itself--
From start to finish the band wailed forth
what was understood to be the "Marseil
laise," and no one objected except the
drivers of nervous horses who, exasperated
at being sent at short notice into the circus
business, said many unkind things.
gbew'mke a snowball.
In the procession proper there were, per
haps, 1,000 men, and the number had in
creased five or six-fold by the time Duke
street, Miter square, had been reached.
The synagogue is a big, dingy building,
in which the Bothschilds used to worship
until an English Earl married a daughter
ot the house. Then, of course, they trans
ferred their pious persons to a West End
synagogue, but they are still office-bearers
in the old house of prayer and occasional
worshipers. The managers at the Duke
street synagogue are pre-eminently and in
tensely respectable, and the congregation
includes a considerable number of the ab
horred sweaters.
Lewis Lyons' choice of a rendezvous was
therefore an unhappy one. The respectable
office-bearers were convinced that the se
lection was made with malice aforethought,
and forthwith communicated with the city
of London police, who, less considerate than
their confreres of the Metropolitan torce,
took possession of the synagogue and the
approaches thereto, and nelu them against
all comers.
The big crowd surged and enrsed In vain.
The policemen were long-limbed and broad
of chest and their clubs were distressingly
convenient to hand. Had they been smaller
men and fewer In number, the Socialist
would have attacked them, for the revolu
tionary blood was up to the boiling point
It had perforce to cool down, and Lewis
Lyons and Philip Krantz, making a virtue
of" necessity, humbly accepted the offer of
the police to allow a small deputation to
enter the synagogue and lay their griev
ances before the chief rabbi.
Thus ended a demonstration as distinctly
revolutionary as was the Paris Commune,
and wanting only a few daring and capable
leaders, better organization and weak-kneed
men in authority, to make it as dangerous.
miss Mary Anderson's Nearest Friends
Have Fears Tlint Her Reason Is
Shattered Nervous Prostra
tion, Only Temporary,
It Is Hoped.
New Yobk, March 16. There has come
to The Dispatch from a source near to
Miss Mary Anderson definite informatiqn
that tends to throw new light on her recent
physical collapse, and to explain, in a large
measure, the secret -of her sudden pros
tration. It is believed, according to these
authorities, that Miss Anderson's nervous
system has partly given way under the con
stant strain involved by her later work on
the stage, and that her present ill health is
the result of this trouble. For a number of
weeks Miss Anderson has given evidence of
a disturbed nervous system, no less painful
to her friends than mortifying to herself.
Miss Anderson is said to have of late
developed a strange and unreasonable habit
of quarreling with her manager over mat
ters of trivial import. These outbreaks
have frequently" occurred in the pres
ence of the entire company, on the stage
and at rehearsals. At 'first regarded
merely with surprise for the actress has
hitherto been conspicuously affable and
diplomatic in her business dealings they
had recently become more serious, in that
they plainly suggested a lack of control on
Miss Anderson's part that first gave rise to
her friends' fears.
Mr. Abbev went to Baltimore, early last
week, to look over the ground preparatory
to his star's expected resumption of her pro
fessional labors in that city. It is learned
on the highest authority that though
Miss Anderson was at the depot on
his arrival, she didn't recognize him, and
that when he accosted her she stoutly de
murred, maintaining in all sincerity that
he had no right to speak to her. She
didn't know him,she said, and she seemed to
be outraged by his presumption. It re
quired some moments to calm her, and a
considerable period elapsed before she
finally recognized Mr. Abbey. The im
pression left upon him by this painful scene
is said to have been a discouraging one in
every respect.
A Clond Bunt Descends on the Town of
Ventura Even Ios Angeles In Dan
cer of Inundation Damage
to Railroad.
Los Angeles, Cal., March 16. There
has been a steady rain throughout Southern
California for four days. It is the most
serious storm known in many years. Few
trains are running and whole divisions are
tied up. Beports of washouts, landslides,
and wrecks are coming in to-night from all
directions. Two fishermen were drowned at
San Pedro last night
This morning a cloud hurst, descended
upon the village of Ventura with terrific
violence. The whole town was flooded.
The water rnshed down a canyon, sweeping
away two houses and landing the dead bodies
of two Chinese on the sidewalk in the busi
ness center of the town. The two houses
belonging to Miss King were carried away
and completely wrecked. S. N. Sheridan's
house was badly damaged. The Southern
Pacific Bailroad track was washed away on
Front street
The damage in Ventura alone will amount
to 550,000. A( big land slide is reported in
the Cajon Pass, on 'the Santa Fe Bailfoad,
and eight carloads of Boston excursionists
are delayed in the mountains. Two culverts
and a bridge were washed away between
here and Yuma. The San Gabriel river is
rising rapidly to-night and the levees are
overflowing. At this writing it looks as if
the entire lower half of Los Angeles would
be inundated before morning.
Two Men Are Fatally Injured bv an Ex
plosion Near Grcrnsbnrtr.
A telegraphic dispatch from Manor, Pa.,
gives the following account of a terrible gas
explosion near that place yesterday after
noon. There was a terrible accident this after
noon on the Carnegie pipe line, at Harri
son City, a small town two miles north of
this place, which resulted in the killing of
a man named Magee, of Pittsburg, and the
fatal injuring of William Bogan. Mr.
James Irwin, of East Liberty, superintend
ent of the gas line,wished to test a part of
the line and sent a man to notify th
workmen to vacate the premises, as it was
his intention to turn on the gas. He then
waited till the appointed time and turned
on the gas, but for some unaccountable
reason the men were still at work, some
corking and others making connections.
The other workmen and the citizens
of the village became an infuriated
mob and threatened to kill Irwin
but through the efforts of B. B. Kiseller,
constable, they were restrained from doing
him any injury. A. Mr. Smith, employed
on the line, made information against
Irwin. Justice Shearer issued a warrant
indicting him for murder. Constable
Kiseller has taken him to Greensburg, and
no doubt the Judge will change the indict
ment to criminal carelessness.
Bogan was brought to the West Penn Hos
pital and died at 1 o'clock this morning.
He was 27 years old.
Irwin's friends are making a great effort
to have Justice of the Peace Shearer with
draw the charge of murder and substitute
one of manslaughter.
View of George H. Bates, One of the Com
missioners on Samoa.
Wilmington, Del., March 16. Mr.
George H. Bates returned from Washington
to-day, whither he had gone yesterday
morning in response to an invitation from
the State Department, received before he
knew of his appointment as Commissioner
to the Berlin conference on Samoan affairs.
To a reporter he said:
I had an Interview with Secretary Blaine,
and I learned that the appointments had been
made without any previons consultation with
anv of the gentlemen named. In advance of
action by the Senate of mv appointment, I am
unable to say anything more abont it. I do
not know when tbe conference will meet but
when it does meet no matter who the American
Commissioners may be, I have no donbt the
subject will be approached In a spirit which
will lead to a settlement of all the questions at
Issue. Of coarse, everybody who Is concerned
in it will have the strongest motive to bring
about a conclusion satisfactory to all. As to
the scope of the conference, of course nothing
can be known until the commission is accepted
aDd qualified, and receives the instructions of
the Secretary of State.
Some Election Officers Acquitted.
Wheeling, March 16. In the United
States Court to-day, in the cases of William
Morrell and Frank Baldwin, election
officers of Cameron district, Marshall
county, indicted for violating the election
laws in refusing a proper vote, there was a
verdict of not guilty.
Raided a Poker Room.
Assistant Superintendent 0,'Mara, In
spector McAleese and Detectives Coulson
and Fitzgeralds raided a poker room at 135
Fifth avenue about midnight. Six colored
men were' captured and brought to tbe Cen
tral station. Chas. Boyd, the alleged pro
prietor, was among them. .
Polish Tailors Forced to Change Thier
Peculiar Family Handles.
Too Many Yery Mysterious Fires Occur in
Their Neighborhood,
As They Must Keep Their Employer From loss, They
Are In a Bad Box.
Polish tailors in New York City find it
impossible to obtain any chattel fire in
surance. As they can obtain no work from
the merchant tailors withont turning -over1
an insurance policy for security, they are
deprived of the means of earning a liveli
hood. The reason for it all is found in the
fact that the risk is too great, experience
having proved that too many fires occur in
the district where these Poles live and
New' Yobk, March 16. Mark Schlofsky,
of 205 Broome street, has applied to the
courts to change his name to a name that
does not end in "sky." Mr. Schlofsky is
an undersized man, and wears his reddish
brown whiskers long and fan-shaped, sel
dom trimming them. He is a native of Po
land. Talking with a reporter o f The Dis
patch to-day, Mr. Schlofsky said:
"I'll take any name, Jones, Brown cr
Smith, because it is of necessity that I shall
change my name. I am a tailor, and it is a
rule of the houses for which we tailors work
that we shall be insured for some small
amount, say $500 or $1,000, the merchant
tailor holding the policy to secure him
self in case the goods we take from them are
destroyed by fire. .Last week my policy of
insurance ran ont, and I sent $3 to the
broker, to have it renewed. It was returned
to me with the information that the com
pany with which I was insured did not de
sire to reinsure me. I sent word that I was
not particularly anxious to be insured in
that company any one would 'do. The
broker sent back word that he was sorry,
but that it was impossible for the firm to get
insurance for me in any company.
"I accidentally learned on Thursday why
it was that my offer of insurance was re
fused. It is because my name ends in 'sky.'
I went to the insurance broker and asked
him flatly if that was not the reason. He
said it was, and that the fire insurance com
panies would not touch with a ten-foot pole
a man whose name ended in 'sky.' I must
have insurance or I won't get any work,
and off goes my 'sky.' "
The reporter went to the office of the German-American
Insurance Compauy, in the
first floor of the Boreel building, and was
referred to Mr., Thorburn. The reporter
told tbe story of Mark Schlofsky, and 'asked
whether it was true that there was a combi
nation among the companies to refuse to re
ceive such business. "Perhaps it would be
just as well for me not to submit to be in
terviewed npon this subject," Mr. Thor
burn replied. "I will say this, anyway,
that if you will refer to the fire record you
will there find the reasons for our refusing
business of persons whose names end in
The superintendent of the fire patrol has
sent to him every day a list of all fires of
the day before. A copy of this is sent that
day to every fire insurance office. It shows
that a great number ot fires occur down
town, on the Eastside, in the houses of the
Inquiry at the office ofthe superintendent
of the fire patrol, 115 Broadway, confirmed
this statement. It was also said that since
the insurance companies refused to accept
insurance on such Eastside property it is
principally chattel insurance the number
of fires had diminished considerably. The
reporter asked Mr. Dame, risk clerk, of the
Niagara Insurance Company, why it was
that insurance companies refused to insure
persons whose names end in "sky."
" 'Sky,' you mean," Mr. Dame replied.
"The insurance companies have suffered se
uere losses on tenement property on the
Eastside. When I was surveyor of this
company I had a great deal to do with this
kind of property. I found that the compa
ny had accepted dead loads of risks from
outside agents, and that we were paying out
losses at a rate that would paralyze ns in a
little while. I went out with the detectives
of an attempt to swindle us, but when we
went to the District Attorney he said that
we had not enough evidence to convict.
Next time we made sure and caught the fire
bugs at work. Every one of them was sent fo
State prison. It was my experience then that
fires would occur in the most unaccountable
way, in tenements, when the family were
all out. It was discovered when we cap
tured the firebugs that some of them bar
gained to set the fires in the absence of the
family. All the insurance companies have
a tacit understanding that they will no
longer accept this class of Eastside tene
ment risks. It is a fact that these fires have
diminished in number since."
Gustavo Frank & Co. are insurance
agents at Bowery and Grand street, the
edge ofthe district thought to be objection
able by tbe insurance companies. When
asked whether they had placed any Eastside
tenement chattle insurance lately, tbey re
plied: "We have had offered to us piles of
risks, but we could not accept them, for the
companies would not accept them from us.
The applicants are of careless habits, and
the risks are not considered good business."
"What is this about relusing applicants
because their names end in 'sky?'
"Oh, the companies will not accept them
if thev live down town on the Eastside, and
they look up a man pretty carefully if his
name ends in 'sky' and he lives in another
part of the town. "In fact,the fire insurance
business has been entirely changed within
the last two or three years. It has taken 50
years to learn many things that are now
known. For instance, it was thought a fine
risk to have a fireproof building nicely lo
cated. Nowadays it is thought a proper
caper to find out the history of the owners
or occupants of buildings. The companies
are very cautious about persons whose
names end in 'sky,' although there is plenty
of insurance, and risks, too, held by such
It was learned by the reporter that a
milliner whose place of business is in Grand
street had a name ending in "sky," turned
the business over to his wife and adopted
her maiden name because of the difficulty
in getting insurance. Another story
told him was that a big firm on
Broadway, which found it hard sledding to
get $100,000 of insurance on its stock of
goods. One of the firm told the insurance
man that he had been told that the diffi
culty was due to the fact that the name of
one member of the firm ended in "sky."
The insurance man laughed, and said he
had got it straight.
Does Tonr Boy
Need a new spring suit for school or dress
wear? We can sell yon a good bovs' suit
at $1.50, a better one at $2.50 and a very
dressy suit at $3.50. You get your entire
money's worth in good, honest clothing and
no kites or other trash thrown in which
yon pay for in the end. P. C. C. C, cor.
Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Oreia Salts.
For a good fitting dress suit , or J overcoat
go to Pitcairn's, 43 Wood street. I "wsa
The Horrible Discovery Made In a Green
County Orchard A Ulan With His
Face and Head Beaten Be
yond Recognition.
Wheelino, March 16. A most horrible
and mysterious discovery was made to-day
upon the farm of Samuel Hewitt, in Bich
Hill township, Greene county, Pa., a few
miles from Byerson's station. While a
neighbor of Mr. Hewitt was passing through
a small piece of woods, he saw the body of
a man swinging to a limb a short distance
Making a closer examination he was hor
rified at finding that the face and skull of
the jjan had been mashed out of all human
semblance, as though beaten with a heavy
hammer, making the remains nnrecogniza
able. There were no evidences of violence
npon other portions of the bodr. Blood
and brains, however, had ran down over
the clothing and dripped upon the ground
in a great clot, making the whole appear
ance of the swaying corpse a most horrible
Tied to a small limb close to the corpse
was an old-fashioned horse-pistol empty.
The alarm was at once given and Justice J.
C. Barker summoned. He impanelled a
jury and the body was cnt down. In the
pockets were found six half onnce bullets,
several old musket cartridges, som percus
sion caps and a small paper of powder, but
nothing by means of which identification
could be established. The man was appar
ently young, was well dressed and abont
5 feet 6 inches in height. The body had re
mained in the tree at least 24 hours. It will
be interred to-morrow.
Incidents of a Day la Two Cities Condensed
for Beady Reading.
Conbad ScniJEKBACH, aged 75 years, died
at the Allegheny City Home yesterday.
E. K. SIetEoz fell from tbe Thirty-third
street bridge yesterday and broke his legs. ,
A sfectaIi meeting of City Councils will be
held on Monday afternoon to clear off the
John Bowman fell off a Fifth avenue cable
car last night, cutting a deep gash in bis head
and injuring his right leg.
Sewer gas exploded on Twentieth street,
Sonthside, yesterday, and slightly burned two
city employes named Emery and Hughes.
Mary Jane Loeh was sent to the Alio
gheny pesthonse yesterday. She was suffering
with the mumps and has no home in the city.
There has-been 5208, Ml pledged so tar to the
Exposition Loan Fund. A half million of dol
lars Is required. The managers say the out
look is encouraging.
John Wade, employed In tbe tool shop of
Oliver Bros. & Phillips' mill, Woods Bun, had
his arm nearly severed yesterday by falling
against a circular saw.
The survivors of the Sixty-second Begiment
met last night and appointed a committee to
make arrangements for the dedication of their
monument at Gettysburg.
George Crone, of Sharpsburg, a lad of 11
years, with light hair and sallow complexion,
is missing from the home of his father, princi
pal of thebarpsburg public school.
HtlCKXNSTEiN & Co. say they do not sue the
Kelly & Jones Company for $16,212 17 for ex
tras, but for the Dalance certified in the
plaintiffs' favor by the defendants' architect.
.The old parish residence attached toSt.
Michael's Church on Plus street, Sonthside, Is
being torn down and a new bftildingwill be
erected on the site that will cost about $35,000.
Henry Thompson claimed that David
Iiarkln threw stones and mud against his
house. He sued Larkin for malicious mischief,
and the latter was sent to- jail in default of
W. S. Bennett, of Tarentnm, In this coun
ty,, was one of eight young men who were
graduated last week at Bellevue Medical Col
lege, in New York, and came out full-fledged
Thomas Gokxan, of Sonth Fourth street,
was arrested last night and placed in the
Twenty-eighth ward station house. He is
charged with stealing a llnkpln from Dilworth,
Porter & CoVs Works.
1 1 There will be a temperanco meeting this
afternoon in the Moorhead bnildlng, corner of
Second avenue and Grant street, at 3.30 o'clock,
under the auspices of the Golden Circle Di
vision, Sons of Temperance. B. C. Christy.
Esq., will address the meeting in the interest
of the Constitutional amendment.
Two union temperance meetings will be held
in the Butler street, M.'E. church to-day, one
at 4.30 p. M.. and the other at 7.30, under the
auspices of Arsenal Lodge, L O. G. T. The
meetings will be addressed by Hon. John
Sobleski and Colonel Cole, both of Wisconsin.
Tbe music will be in charge of Mrs. Dr. B. M.
Sands. Mrs. Dr. Fife. Mrs. B. C. Hart and
Messrs. Jones, Johnston, Fisher and others.
Condensed Dlipalcbes From Towns Tribu
tary to Pittsburg The Neighborhood at
n Glance.
A gang of 12 tramps were arrested yesterday
at Altoona on a variety of charges.
Eepresentattve Tatlok, of Ohio, has
just 15 applicants for each postofflce in his dis
trict. Mrs. NichoIiAS Ktefer, of Tiffin, aged 20,
and married a year, is the proud motherof
triplets all healthy boys.
Salem is proud of the success attained by
her free postal delivery. Tbe town has larger
postofflce receipts than any other ot its size in
Cyrus Lumen, a farmer living near Cham
bersburg, was held up by highwaymen and
forced to part wltn his spare cash at the point
of a pistol.
Bold masked robbers bound tbe watchman,
H. J. Brown, of the Pittsburg 8ewer Pipe
Works, near New Brighton, blew open the safe
and secured 50.
Htjckenstein, the Pittsburg contractor,,
has sued tbe Kelly it Jones Brass Company, of
Greensburg; for 20,000 for breach of contract
and balance due.
L. G. HtJTCHjNSON and George Barnes, of
Morrison, were fooling with a revolver, when
the weapon accidentally discharged, and
Hutchinson was fatally shot.
Anti-Prohibitionists at Alliance claim
that the town Is going to ruin under local op
tion. Temperance people assert that it was
never so prosperous. Somebody is evidently
The Lehigh and- Eastern railroad and Its
rolling stock, was sold at Wilkesbarre,-yesterday,
by the Sheriff. The purchaser was Silas
W. NeuberRer, of New York. The amount
paid was 190,000.
Miss Mabel Tuttel, a school teacher of
White Haven, wlille walking on the Central
Bailroad tracks', near Rita station, stepped out
of the way of a coal train and in front of a
passenger train, and was instantly killed.
The jury In tbe case of Engineer Cook
charged with criminal negligence which re
sulted In the collision at Mud Bun in October
last, by which 60 persons wete killed, returned
a verdict of not guilty, after a deliberation of
21 hours. , '
Sceno on Fifth Ave. After the Matinee.
Hobson Ah, old boy, another new suit?
Mr. Always Lookwell Why, no; haven't
had anew suit for two years, and it's the old
one cleaned, repaired and put in good shape
by Dickson, the Taylor, 65 Fifth ave., cor.
Wood St., second floor; telephone 1558.
Carpets Were Never So Cheap.
The above applies to the stock of Edward
Groetziuger, 627 and 629 only. Instead of
taking advantage ofthe manufacturers' ad
vance this spring he is selling cheaper than
ever before.
Lace Department.
A choice assortment of chantilly and
Spanish guipure lace Bouncings, Bussian
and fish drapery, nets, etc.
mwrsu Hugtjs & Hacke.
Carpets Were Never Ho Cheap.
The above applies to tbe stock of Edward
Groetzinger, 627 and 629 only. Instead of
taking advantage ofthe manufacturers' ad
vance this spring he is selling cheaper than
ever before. v
Have your photographs made by Dabbs,
and when he fails to make yon a satisfactory
picture yon can give up spending money in
that way. - '" -
A Critical Reyiew of tbe Artists at
the Campanini Concert.
An Object lesson in Indiscreet and Fal
soms Puffery.
The Campanini concert at Old City Hall
last Tuesday evening is the only matter for
critical consideratibn this week. It was
heavily handicapped by the fact that the
advance agent of the troupe, through de
tentions in the South, did not get to Pitts
burg until the preceding Saturday evening;
and had to leave the next morning. The lack
of preliminary work was seen In the exceeding
smallness ofthe audience and tbe receipts; In
fact, the latter fell a few dollars short of pay
ing for the hall, advertising and a few other
local incidents, leaving the personal and gen
eral expenses ot tbe company ont of the ques
tion. Among various points of detail which
good management would have properly cared
for. may be noted the remarkable spelling
shown in the programme, which was as follows:
Piano Solo-Crescendo Grost
Slgnor Ferrari.
Arioso, "H Monaco,' Meyerbeer
Sienor Jjolojrna.
Caratlna, "OMlo Fernando, " Donizetti
Miss Kossell.
Cavatlns, "Salve Dlmora" (Kanst) Gounod
Sljrnor Campanini.
Aria, "Ostrahlammante" (Flonto Alaglco'.Mozart
Slgnorina De Vere.
First appearance of the celebrated prima donna.
Duetto, "Ia Favorita." Donizetti
Slgnor Bologna and Miss Knssell.
Grand Ferozetto, "Roberto, UDIavolo,'
SUnorlnaDeYere, Slgnors Bologna and Campa
Flano Solo Folacea Ferrari
Duetto, "SoloFrohTj-o,"" (Mam) Flowtow
Slgnors Bologna and Campanini.
Waltzer, 'Umbra Leggiera," (Dinorah)
Slgnorina De Vere.
Grand Aria, Simon.' (Boccanegra) -Verdi
Slgnor Bologna.
Komanza, "Fonra Ideal Curlsalma" .Verdi
Slgnor Campanini.
Arioso, "OMloFiglio," (Proleta) Meyerbeer
Miss Russell.
Quartet, Maria" Fiotow
bignors Campanini, Bologna, Miss Russell and
. Slgnorina De vere.
Ample time was given for everyone to count
the house and make a mental inventory of all
the women's dresses before the piano began to
awake the echoes through the big, empty hall.
With tbe long programme commencing at 820,
and the encore fiend very soon settling down
to steady work, the concert threatened for
awhile to be dismally drawn out. But the
singers courageously refused to respond after
each had sung one encore1; so the fiend was
balked and honest folk let out at a respectable
Sign irina De Vere had no difficulty in carry
int. u-i the artistic honors of the evening. Her
voice proved to be a soprano of exceptionally
high range and of fine quality and
great flexibility In that high range;
the lower and medium registers
were deficient In power and sympathetic
quality, as is so frequently the case with sing
ers of her school, A highly developed vocal
technique was manifested In her facile and
correct execution of the brilliant ornamental
passages that abound in both of her programme
numbers and also In her' encore piece, the
"Indian Bell Song." from "Lakme." The great
Mozart aria was furthermore delivered with a
dramatic force and breadth beyond the power
of a mere coloratur singer.
Slgnor Campamni's voice has reached a
point where, out ot respect for his well-earn ed
fame, he should retire from the concert room.
In lyric opera, stase experience and dramatic
attainment can do more to offset tbe waning
voice: In concert singing there Is greater temp
tation to cover defects by mere tricks of style
and by resorting to exaggerated, sensational
effects. Campanini yielded to this temptation
often enough to outweigh the really artistic
points that his singing now and then pre
sented. .
Miss Bnssell displayed a mezzo-soprano voice
of pleasant quality throogbout and of unusual
p iwer In Its higher tones, but which was seri
ously marred by an injudicious nse of the
vibrato. Her style throughout was engaging.
If not masterful; and she sang the familiar
"Prophet" piece with sufficient feeling and
force to win some of the heartiest applause of
tbe evening.
Signor Bologna's rather harsh but resonant
baritone was used with considerable discretion
and some dramatic strength in the aria from
Verdi's early opera; his former renditions were
rather commonplace. The concerted numbers
were. In general, very well given, though the
'Robert" trio was sung without enough regard
to pitch as well as without accompaniment.
"Sforzanda" In double cap's should have re
placed "Crescendo" as the title of Signor Fer
rari's opening attack upon the defenseless pi
ano. Both of tbe piano solos were mere trash
and the accompaniments were mostly played
with more energy than discretion, though oc
casionally the player proved that he possessed
both delicacy and skill, If he thought, it worth
while to dlslay them. '
A fair sample of the indiscreet puffery that
often does harm to really deserving artists, while
it betrays the writer to sneers of the knowing,
was sent to this office tbe other day, with the
usual request for publication. It is here
printed (with change of names) as an object
lesson In support's! the lntimatlon,made in this
column some weeks since, that the personal
opinions of well-meaning friends do not consti
tute criticism that is reliable and proper for
publication. The article purports to comprise
extracts from the papers of a neighboring
town, as follows: "Among the many pleasant
and enjoyable events of the Squashtown
season, none will linger longer in the memory
of our people than a series of entertainments
and concerts given during February. The
honors of tiie former were lavishly bestowed
upon Miss X., of Pittsburg. Pa.
"Miss X. In previons visits succeeded in win
ning the tastes and admiration of the Squash
town public, and a warm welcome aiways
awaits ber coming. Upon these occasions,
however, STie deepened the feeling already
strong, and her friends qnickly recognized the
vast Improvement in her method of singing
since her last visit. Miss X.'s rich, sympa
thetic voice, characterized by brilliancy, pas
sion and sonlf nlness, wins its way at once to
tbe hearts of her hearers. Her conception
portrays intelligence, her style is graceful and
refined. The purity, modulation and develop
ment of her tones, her phrasing and
articulation makes her execution artistic in
the highest sense of tbe term. One of the de
lightful features of Miss XVs singing is tbe
presence of that peculiar and Indescribable
something called 'music' often conspicuous
for Its absence in artists of wide reputation.
A word of praise should be said of tbe stand
ard Miss X. maintains In the selection of choice
compositions of quality and musical value.
We predict still greater things for Miss X to
which her ambition will doubtless lead her to
aspire. Squashtown makes Its best bow to
Pittsburg, and returns the fair loan with many
thanks and congratulations."
'How' seldom do we meet with a proper
amount of sympathy and knowledge, honesty
and courage. In a eritic four qualities which
tbev ought to possess. It is, therefore, very
sad for the realm of music that criticism. In so
many respects so useful, should often be the
occupation of hearts by no means gifted with
these qnalitles."-C. P. E. Bach.
Crotchets and Qaavers.
MB.TH0KA8 F. Kirk, the energetic and
efficient band leader, Is confined to his bed by
nervous prostration.
Miss Habmsg, of Liberty street, gave a
charming mnsicale on. Friday evening, with
Miss Mamie Benck and Mr. Carl Better among
the performers.
The special music of this evening's Lenten
service at St. Andrews' P. E. Church, Ninth
street, deserves to be borne in mind; part of
Sir John Stainer's "Crucifixion" Is to be given.
It is to be hoped that the illness from which
Mr. 8. S. Amberson. the bass signer of the
qnartet, has been suffering during the week,
will not prevent his taking part to-night.
Thk new two-manual organ (14 speaking
stops) built by tbe Wlrsching Organ Company
for the Christian Church of Hazelwood, will
be opened next Thursday evening by Mr.
Charles C. Mellor. The programme will also
enlist the aid of Mrs. Birdie Lucas-Tener, Mrs;
J. Howard Sneer, Messrs, Harrv Bickel, D. M.
Bullock and J. N. Bebout and.Drs. C. C Bine
hart and J. W. Bobson.
Siqkor Gli.u is out betimes with announce,
meats of "two grand operatic concerts In fall
costume and f nil dress," to be given April 28
and 30, at the Pittsburg Club Theater, by him
self and pupils. Scenes from "Trovatore."
"Norma" and "Lucia" compose the first pro
gramme; the second is miscellaneous but not
as much so as might be, for all but two of the
composers' names end with the letter L
Is there any likelihood that either Papier or
Materna can at this late day be enticed from
VIenua to sing at Pittsburg's May.FestivalT It
looks very dubious unless Locke Intends to
add them to his already brilliant company for
the spring tour, and that Is scarcely probable.
The festival really does not need another
soprano so nearly ox tne Mae style ana caliber
as Lebman-Kahscb. Anyhow, it is chorus andT
-mVuIm !...- ... ,. -l. ..IU.-M f..tt1.1
don't magnify the solo -element too mach.r
The New American Open Company seems
to have been appreciated In Boston during Us
recent engagement there as fully as it was la
Pittsburg early In the fait Mr. Wilson. And
Mr. Elson. two of the best critics, credit this
troupe with thebest performance of opera in the)
vernacular given in the Hnb this season. The
success of the engagement has led Proprietor
and Director Hinrfcks to arrange for spend
ing the entire summer season in Boston upon
a plan of continuous activity like that he pur
sued in Philadelphia last summer with such
good results. A troupe completely controlled
by a man of high artistic aims, like Mr. Hin
ricks, is pretty sure to win its way in Intelligent,
communities, however handicapped by the bus
iness reputation of its,predecessors. '-
The smallness of the hole through ''which
some people can crawfish out of a predicament
is illustrated In tbe case ot a local scribe who
hypercritically found fault with a correspond
ent's definition of the term "syncopation;" and!
proceeded himself to give what by con
text and sense must have been intended
for the correct definition. This being shown.
to be wrong by another cotemporary, the orig
inal scribe tries to let himself out In this fash
ion: "We never defined syncopation, we merely
said what its effect was, but, doubtless, the
Pittsburg paper read hastily, and so fell In a
trap." He only Impales himself .upon the other
horn of the dilemma: that he misled bis read
ers under the false pretense of correcting a,'
definition which, though not technically ex
pressed, was already substantially correct. The
matter would not be alluded to In this column,
except to point ont Its obvious moral, thas
openness and good faith pay better in the long;
rnn than "traps" and verbal quibbles.
The Ingenious Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
throws a halo about his coming spring tour by
announcing it as "a series of gigantic jubilees"
jn commemoration of thetwentleth anniversary
of the Boston PeaceJJubilee, which event he re.
callsas "the most stupendous musical undertak
lng.ever conceived by the mind of man." There
is no undue bashfulness abont Patrick. It is
pleasant to remark upon this, the day
of his patronymic saint that the irre
pressible son of Ertn intends . to in
clude Pittsburg In his jubilant tour,
having fixed Mayl and 2 as the dates, and the
Fifth Avenue "Music Hall" as the place for
bis appearance here. His famous band will be
assisted on this special trip by Slgnor Cam
panini, Slgnorina De Vere, Mrs. Blache Btone
Barton, Miss Helen Dudley Campbell, Signor
Del Fuente and Mr. Myron W. Whitney. "with
possibly some others, in sooth the enterprise
promises well; but would it not be wise, in a
city like Pittsburg, to abandon the cross-roads
kind of advance notes. Neither the band nor
the soloists stand in need of grandiloquent,
The Contest for tbe Municipal OSccs la
Chicago- - .
Chicago, March 16. -The Republican
City Convention held to-day was unusually
harmonious, Mayor John A. Boche being .
renominated by acclamation. Other nomi
nees are: City Treasurer, Samuel B. Ray
mond, wholesale grocer; City Attorney,
Theodore Brentano, present Assistant At
torney; City Clerk, Franz Amberg, ex-'
Commissioner of Joliet prison.
A lively contest marked the proceedings
of the Democratic City Convention. De Witt
C. Cregler, who was Commissioner of Pub
lic Works under Carter H. Harrison, and
later the Superintendent of the West Pi
vision Street Car Company, was nominated
for Mayor. Bernard Boesing, a wealthy ,
brewer, was named for City Treasurer. The
nominees lor uity Attorney and City Clerk:
are respectively W. G. Sugg and Michael1
uransneid. ' ,
Another Man Who I Nat Guilty.
Matjch Chunk. March 16. The testi
mony in the trial of flagman Hannigan,
who was charged with being responsible
for the collision of the excursion trains' at
Mud Bun station, was concluded and the
case given to the jury this afternoon. After
being in session only half an hour they re
turned a verdict of not guilty.
An Entire Family Cremated.
Hol-low Bock, Tex., March 16. The
house of William Flowers was burned last
night, and Flowers, his wife and two1
children perished in the flames. Neighbors'
saw the fire, but arrived too late to be of
any assistance. Not a single occupant of
the house was left to tell how the fire oc
Erected During Last Tear Than fa Any
Previous Tear of Oar History.
The builders report that last year was aa
exceptionally good one for their business,
hut say that the coming season bids fair to'
exceed it.
We are very glad to hear this, because the
more hcuses that are erected the more car
pets and curtains will be required to furnish;
them. Anticipating a largely increased de
mand this spring. Edward Groetzinger
brought on the largest stock of goods ever
opened in this city. His immense building,
lately erected on Penn avenue, would be
taxed for storage room were it not that trade'
keeps lively there. There is room for thou
sands of customers, and yon need have no
fear of being inconvenienced while trading
Your Attention I Please.
Saturday was a verbusy day at onr store.
We sold men's fine tailor-made suits and,
spring overcoats at $10 which could not be)
manufactured for that figure. We believef
in advertising our business by means of.
popular sales? Give the public the benefit;
of bargains. Call at our store on Mondays
yon'll get an excellent selection of suits and
spring overcoats at $10 and $12, some
high grade ones at $15. Onr latest men's'
suit is the Gienmore. Don't fail to see it.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
' Does Your Boy
Need a nw spring suit for school or dress
wear? We can sell you a good boys suit!
at $1.50, a better one at $2.60 and a very'
dressy suit at $3.50. Yon get your entire,
money's worth in good, honest clothing and'
no kites or other trash thrown in which you
pay for in the end. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant
and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court
Knights Templar and 32-Degree Charms.
Diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc, secret)
society goods of all kinds at reduced prices,
until April 1. Jas. McKee, Jeweler, 13
Fifth avenue; will remove to 420 Smithfield
Lace Cnrtnlos.
Visit our curtain department for all the
newest spring novelties; prices from 65 cents
to $75 per pair. Huous & HACKS.
Carpets Were Never So Cheap.
The above applies to the stock of Edward
Groetzinger, 627 and 629 only. Instead of
taking advantage ofthe manufacturers' ad
vance this spring he is selling cheaper thaa
ever before-
Novelties in Cat Glass.
An elegant assortment of new shapes ami
sizs, ranging in price from $3 to $20, at E.
P. Boberts & Sobs'j corner Fifth aver and
Market st. wsa''-
Dre Salts. '
For a good fitting dress suit or overcoat
go to Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street. W3u
"" -t j
Dabbs' portraits in pastel. and crayon aW -not
excelled anywhere. - 'S
. , , .ii j
nsssr xjieheides, tne manaiacmnnjc z
jeweler, No. 530 Smithfield street, basoa"4
the way from .Europe a large importation ox
the finest jewelry and novelties knowno
the trade. It will create a sensation upoa.
arrival. Watch for the announcement,
DIED. '9
BAIBBOn Saturday, March 18, at 8:10 K. Jtl J
Cobaxxz, daughter ot W. A. and Eva.B.' jj
uaira, sgea i year uu moauis. y
Funeral services at residence, 846 Fifth
avenue, on Moxday at 1 r. st. Interment""
private at a later tour, ?