Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 17, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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l Discussion as to "What is An
Amateur Athlete,
Some Opinions, Becaraing the Home
Coming of J. M. Ward.
Prospects of the Tear for Banning and
Trotting Eaces.
Two or three days ago I had handed to
me a copy of the Allegheny County Base
ball Xieagne constitution. It is gotten up
in a way that reflects credit on Mr. "W. J.
Barr, who had the work of printing it in
charge. There is, however, an exceedingly
interesting statement or declaration in the
constitution certainly of sufficient public in
terest to -demand attention. The declara
tion referred to is article 2, section 1, and
reads as follows: "Professionals are not
excluded from the ranks of the Allegheny
County League as the qualities which go to
make cp a crofessional have never been
clearly defined." This is an indirect way
of saying that an amateur has not
been defined sufficiently clear to give
us a correct idea as to what an amateur is. If
we know what constitutes an amateur then
we'll certainly know what a professional is. It
may .surprise the many writers and authorities
both in this conntry and in Europe to know
that after all their efforts to define an amateur
the Allegheny County League is still unable to
distinguish that object or individual from a
professional. Because of this, and apparently
this only, the County League will draw no line
between the two classes. This reason, if it has
any force in it, is a sad reflection on the dozens
of deflners who have labored to show us how to
draw the distinguishing line. But the
question has many interesting features beside
the main one. It is true that there is and has
been lor a long time some very erroneous no
tions regarding what is and what is not an
amateur. Day after day we hear baseball
dubs, many of the players of v bich are paid
for their services, called amateurs, and fre
"quently we hear footrunners who are not first
class, spoken of as amateurs. These mistaken
ideas are caused by the thought that an "ama
teur'' Is a person who is not among the first
class people in anything that he undertakes to
do, Kotbing could be more misleading, be
cause there are amateurs in almostall branches
of sport who can bold their own with the best
of professionals. I could run a long list of
names would space permit, relating to pedes
triansblcyclists and athletes generally. This
then conclusively prove that the term ama
teurs cannot mean one that is inferior. In this
respect the term novice is correct.
What nn Amateur Is.
In a word an amateur is one who participates
in any sport for the love of it only. He is not
to receive any recompense, because as soon as
be does that be becomes a professional. I am
aware that on this point there have been vol
umes of controversy regarding the most prom
inent athletes, but the matter is now defined
so clearly that anybody wbo can read can un
derstand it. Technically there are very lew
amateur baseball players if the definition of
that term by the National Amateur Associa
tion is accepted. Amateurs cannot compete
with or against professionals. An amateur
cannot cither directly or indirectly receive pay
for coacblngor training, nor for teaching any
athletic exercise; nor shall an amateur run,
manage or direct, for prospective profit, any
professional exhibition or contest. This we
will all conclude,, draws the line pretty fine
and certainly ought tobe explicit enough.
Johnny Ward's Home Comlnc
The question that is now interesting base
ball people most is: "Why is John M. Ward re
turning home so suddenly?" Already there
have been numerous answers given to this
query and probably many more will be given
before Mr.. John M. lands. Of course he is on
the sea now and will be here before next Sun
day comes If all goes well and when he does
come, doubtless, those of us who do not hear
bis voice will bear its echoes. John will have
something to say. He is a talker and a willing
one. However, to a great extent his coming
will be awaited with much anxiety. He is
president of the Ball Players' Brotherhood,
over the the entire organization tor that mat
ter, because it has not even opened its eyes
during iris-absence. Sot be is also the husband
of Mrs.-Helen-Dauvray Ward, wbo threatens
to eo on the stage, and be also writes books.
Each of these facts has been put forth as
furnishing the reason of his sudden home com
ing. It has been said that he must come here as
soon as possible to attend to the Brotherhood
affairs. It has also been said that be is anxious
to try and prevent his wife from going on to
the stage again; and it has further been said
that he is writing a book regarding the ball play
ers' trip, and wants .to have it on the market
first. Any of these reasons are plausible, but
he says that domestic affairs only arc forcing
him borne so soon. His colleagues whom be
has left behind say that it is the affairs of the
Brotherhood that are causing his action. At
any rate the author of "How to Become a Ball
Player" is a very important personage in the
baseball world, and the matter may be worth a
few remarks.
One Important Fentre. .
of the three conjectures above named there is
only one that concerns baseball people in any
thing 'like a vital way, viz, that relating to the
Players' Brotherhood. The others may be in
teresting, but it is not likely that the status or
institution of the national game will
e affected by any theatrical re
ive of Mrs. "Ward .or any literary,
iture or effort of her husband. The import
feature is: Is President Ward coming here
in . ihalf of the Brotherhood? to declare hostil
ities against the National League? Now, allow
me to . assume that be is and prob
ably the most important grievance he'll
find Is the 'classification scheme, which
has been established in bis absence. He
and bis colleagues now in England condemn
the new plan, and there is an excel
lent case by which the entirn matter can
be tested. 1 refer to the case of Jim
"Whitney, the Washington pitcher. He
has been placed in Class B, much to the
surprise of many baseball patrons. Well, cer
tainly, this will be a case for President Ward
and the Brotherhood, if they want any' case at
all. Through it-they can assail the entire classi
fication scheme in all its crudity. But,- if they
do so; what then? There's the rub. To tackle
the League is one thing and to make a success
of it Is another. I confess that I have little faith,
indeed, in the Brotherhood coming out victori
ousin any contest thatmay take place between
It and Jthe League. I'm a thorough going trade
unionist at that, bnt the truth is we have yet to
discover whether or not tbe Brotherhood has
attained the dignity of a solid and wisely con
ducted union. But supposing it has so far de
veloped there are facts which would go to
show that no matter bow the players objector
declare war they are too late now. The ma
jority of tbe good men have signed for tha
season, so that whoever of the small balance
holds out those wbo are signed must by con
tract oppose them by playing. In my humble
opinion, then, I cannot' see bow Mr. Ward is
going to improve matters even If be tries. If
he does not try it is fair to say that the Brother
hood is even more of a "myth" than is tbe
League. The events of tbe outgoing winter
have proven that the players have considerably
gotten the. worst of legislation without an of
ficial voice being raised opportunely against it.
This certainly shows that if the Brotherhood is
anything than a name it bad duties to fulfill
this win ter;but just when its influence andpower
was most needed its leader was deliberately
absent. I cannot imagine any other union in
the conntry whose leaders, would be absent
wtien the employers were arranging the annual
scale of wages for the workmen. If such stupid
conduct was indnlged in then by all means lt
.the consequences be suffered by those who
acted so foolishly. ,
Manager Phillip' Opinion.
I had a conversation with Manager Phillips a
fewdays ago on the foregoing subject. He is
very positive on the matter and unhesitatingly
declares that whatever Ward's mission home
. aiy be will have no effect on the League. Mr.
Phillips saia: "Ward cannot get any changes
Biade in anything that baa been agreed upon
and the Brotherhood will never make a fight.
The players' will not hold together, even if they
resolved to take a stand on anything. We
must bear in mind that tberr are now more
ball players in America than there ever were.
Hundreds of voung men of piomisn are enter
ing the ranks every year, and there must be
many good ones among them. This great sup
ply of players would be fatal to any attempt on
tbe part of the Brotherhood to fight the
Baseball in Enslnnd.
The appearance of Spalding's baseball teams
in England has revived the old question: "Will
the game become popular among the English
Deoplef" When the teams first set out I dealt
with this question and ventured the opinion in
these columns that it would not. I did not ar
gue that this would be because of any inferior
ity of tbe game. I advanced other reasons,
and one was to the effect that when the English
people saw baseball they would say: Why, it
is all rounders in another fashion. This has
been verified to the letter, because a few days
ago the London Daily Telegraph with the
biggest circulation in England, says exactly
what was said in this paper long ago.
In clinging to old customs, institutions, etc.,
the English people are probably the most con
servative in the world and none of us need ever
expect during this century to see baseball even
threaten to supplant cricket in England. True
the games in England have been well attended,
but besides the novelty of the contests there
have been extraordinary inducements to at
tract audiences. Royalty and aristocracy bave
lent their influences in this respect, but tbis
was because the occasion was rare and excep
tional. The game left entirely on its own at
tractiveness to the English people even with
such great exponents as are there now, would
fare badly. It is not easy to knock out cradled
convictions when it comes down to a love of
sports. In the early part of last season Anson,
when in this city unfolded a scheme to me
which would make baseball "go" in England if
anything would. His idea was to invest a
large amount of money ana form a
pool. Cut of this syndicate establish
a club in six or eight of the principal cities of
the United Kingdom and send good American
instructors to teach tbe players; When this
was done a league could be organized and a
schedule for the season arranged. This is a
capital idea, and its stronj point is that each
city would become interes ted in the fortunes
of its team. Tbis interest would prompt large
audiences, and surely if anything would de
velop the good points of t le game in the esti
mation of the people this would. Tbe ques
tion, however, is who will try it.
A Boom la Trotting-.
While so much has been said lately about
baseball and the extraordinary success it is
making, it would seem that many of us are
overlooking the fact that trotting races and the
breeding of trotting horses are becoming even
more popular than the national game. We
have reallv come to a remarkable period as far
as trotting horses are concerned; a period at
which natives of every country and every
clime don't for a moment hesitate to emulate
the American in matters relating to tbe rearing
and utilizing of the trotting horse. Europeans
are in every part of the conntry purchasing
tbe best blood and speed, and are willing to put
up the price. While our conservative cousins,
the Britishers, pause considerably before they
copy the oxample of anybody in matters of
sport, they ureetger to lay hold of America's
trotters almost at any cost. Undoubtedly there
Is a boom in the trotting horse business jnst
now. A few years ago a 10,000 horse was
something of a curiosity, but now we have
them knocked down at public auction at the
extraordinary figure of $51,000. Mr. Hobart,
the California horseman, says that be
has refused an offer of 75,000 for StambouL
Of course many people give little or no cred
ence to statements of this kind, but the ex
tremely large attendance of very wealthy gen
tlemen at public horse sales will go a long way
toward proving that there is probably ten times
more money in tbe trotting business now than
there ever was. Quantity and quality are
simply phenomenal compared to 10,15 or 20
years ago. These facts assuredly indicate that
all those people who are from day to day talk
ing about the runners "chasing tbe trotters
away" are a little astray in their calculations.
Abont the County League.
Representatives of the ten clubs composing
tbe Allegheny County Baseball League will
hold their adjourned meeting to-morrow
evening and renew their ef
forts to formulate a schedule. There
is really a danger that a little misunderstand
ing among those representatives will cause
grave troubles ere a schedule is arranged. It
seems that each club wants Its own way, and if
a spirit of this kind Is persisted in the whole
business is killed at the very threshold. A
spirit of give and take must-operate or it is
useless to attempt any schedule making at all,
and those who attempt it under such circum
stances will simply bring themselves and
the League into ridicule. However, there
seems to have been one mistake, and a grave
one. Ten men should, never have been agreed
upon to fix the schedule. If three cannot ar
range one, I venture to say 23 -cannot. No
schedule will be absolutely satisfactory: the
great object is to get as near that point as pos
sible. Oomlnlck McCnffrcy's Retirement.
Pittsburg is now witnont a first-class repre
sentative in pugilistic circles. Dominick Mc
Caffrey, wbo for many years has been known
as tbe "Pittsburger," has retired from the fistic
art and re-entered the saloon business. This
is, indeed, a very wise resolve on the part of
McCaffrey, particularly at a time sneb as this.
Whether or not his retirement will be perma
nent, I don't know. Doubtless he means It to
be, but somehow or other all professionals talk
about retiring years before they really do it.
However, whether McCaffrey ever appears in
tbe ring again or not, be has made a creditable
record. I say this in all fairness to tbe man,
and despite the efforts of anybody to rob him
of any merit honestly won. lam ready to say
that McCaffrey, while not a polished
boxer, was as deceiving and as quick as any
body I have seen. His style was his own, and
evidently learned without the aid of an accom
plished master. Boxing was his great forte,
but he also proved himself a fighter. He
tackled such a game and good man as "Spar
row" Golden when tho latter was "King" of
Philadelphia, and there were good men in
Philadelphia then. McCaffrey also displayed
nerve and judgment against Sullivan at Cin
cinnati, and really was fresher than the big
man at tbe end of the contest. Bnt there was
one thing connected with McCaffrey's career
as a pugilist that has always reflected credit
on Pittsburg: He was always a gentleman in
appearance, conversation and actions.
The Season's Canning- Prospects.
It is some time since there were such good
prospects for tbe running turf as there is for
the approaching season. It would appear that
all the efforts of legislation to fetter the free
dom of the race track, horse racing seems to
become more popular and consequently more
general. Certainly there are more runners and
more valuable stakes ready for the coming
season than we have known in America. One
can form an opinion of what is in store because
all the stakes for the Eastern spring and sum
mer meetings bave closed. The entries in each
are big, indeed, and Monmouth leads with
a list of no less than 2,929 entries. There is a
large increase among 2-year-olds, which goes to
show that the breeders are busier than they
have been. The Dwyer Bros, have 212 nomina
tions in the various events. This is the largest
entry of any one stable. There is a slight fall
ing off in the Saratoga stakes, compared with
last year. Satisfactory reports come from Bal
timore and Washington. It is safe to say that
the South and West will be just as prosperous
as tbe East. At any rate turf speculators can
rest assured that there are lively times ahead,
it may be interesting to note that Hanover
seems to be strongly fancied lor the Brook
lyn handicap; as H. T. Norcross it Co. send
word to this office to the effect that they are
"full" on him. They state the same about
Anrella for the Suburban.
BIcAnllfTc and Myer Again.
The pugilists still maintain a quietude that
indicates a dullness in their business. The one
sided battle between that over-estimated
fighter. Sailor Brown, and "Young Mitchell"
has been the only event of the week deserving
of mention, and it is unworthy of comment.
Jack McAuliffe, however, has reappeared on
the surface, and has in very broad and compre
hensive language dared Myer to another battle,
either public or private. There is a business
ring about talk of this kind, and if Myer does
not heartily respond fie cannot possibly be
credited with pluck and gameness. Of course
I am still of the opinion that McAuliffe is the
better man, but I contend that if Myer and his
friends think he Is at least the equal of Mc
Auliffe they should not hesitate to make a
match according to the terms offered by tbe
Eastern man. The latter wIH fight either
in tbe East or in San Francisco. He won't
fight again in Myer's own territory. This is de
cidedly fair, ike Weir and Frank Murphy are
training hard for their proposed battle. Their
backers expect them to get into excellent con
dition, and if they do, the battle will be a merry
one. Weir will certainly take a deal of beat
ing, and 1 will be somewhat disappointed if he
is defeated by Murphy, that is, if they are both
in good condition. JoeLannonand Jack Ash
ton will box 18 rounds on Tuesday night with
gloves. There are so many uncertainties about
these public glove contests that even when
they are over it is often bard to tell who really
is the better man. Prinqle.
They Fancy Smith.
LoKBOjr, March 18. In the Pelican, Albert
and Fictoria clubs Jem Smith is a favorite in
betting at 6 to 4 1 or his encounter with Charley
,& fv;i'
Mitchell. These odds bave been accepted by
Captain Jenks, Pony Moore. Mr. Razar, Char
ley Rowell and other followers of Mitchell.
The match takes place on the 23d. Both
Mitchell and Smith are trying toseenretbe
servicestof JackBaldock. .Mitchell Is anxious
that Kilralc will arrive to' assist in condition
ing him.
Manager Phillip Mokes an Important
Statement About the Players.
Manager Phillips expects that 15 playersof
the local club will report for duty to-morrow
week. There are 18 men under contract and
Hani on, who Is considered as good as signed
makes 19. Mr. Phillips thinks that all of bis
men except Hanlon, Carroll, Garfield and
Sunday will be here on the 25th Inst. He has
offered inducements for them to 'do so. Yester
day be wrote each one, except the four
named, to the effect that If they re
port for duty on March 25, they,
will be released from duty on October 25, or. In
other words, if they start work six days sooner
than their contracts demand they wilt finish six
days sooner. This is a fair proposition, and it is
likely to be accepted.
Manager Phillips, however. Is determined
that tbe rules governing the club shall go into
effect'on March 25, and he says that they are
"What are the important features of tbe new
club rules?" was asked.
"Well, we have not gotten them all fixed yet,
but there is one that absolutely prohibits
drinking of any intoxicating liquors. The rule
simply means prohibition to the ball players.
ivery player caught taking even a glass of
beer must suffer the consequences. We will
fine every violator, and tbe name of every man
fined will be forwarded to President Young, so
that the fines may have some effect as to the
classification of the offenders. President Nim
ick has made up his mind definitely on this
point, and if any player objects to being fined
for taking a drink of beer we are prepared to
contest tbe case. The contract of each player
binds him to abide by the club rules, and we
are determined that the rules shall be lived up
to this year."
The statement of Mr. Phillips Is, doubtless,
significant, becanse it indicates that all players
who in any way violate club rules will be re
ported to President Young: In this way the
latter will be enabled to collect his facts as to
the moral qualifications of the players. This
farther means that the effect of each violation
will not end in a local fine, bnt may cause the
violator to drop into a lower class, and conse
quently be reduced in salary. If all these In
tentions are declared in good faith, most
certainly the ball players must needs lead a
circumspect life.
An Antboritv Points Oat How It Might.
Have Beea Higher.
It Is safe to state that If tbe entire sum paid
for Bell Boy has been placed in the bank to tho
credit of Mr. Seaman, that Messrs. Clark and
Hopper have been secured for the mares
booked to the stallion. They are prudent
business men, and Mr. Clark said to us in ad
vance of the sale that he should ask for some
thing tangible to cover the guarantee. If Mr.
Seaman wished to protect the syndicate, it
would be an easy matter to pay over to it the
difference between $48,500 and $40,000. Messrs.
Clark and Hopper have made, with their guar
antee, a very good thing out of tbe purchase of
Bell Boy.
Mr. Thompson, of the Hermitage Stud, we
are assured, was offered security that the guar
antee would be carried out, and on thestrength
of this be was willing to bid 350.000. He is an
honorable gentleman, having no sympathy
with questionable methods of booming, and is
financially strong. He does not wish to have
his name mixed up with the boomers, and we
do not "blame him. When Mr Clark made a
bid of $51,000, Mr. Thompson considered that
he was released from his bid o?-$60,000 and he
did not care to renew it after Mr. Clark had
withdrawn his bid. The simple fact that Mr.
Clark was guaranteed $2,500 to renew his bid of
$51,000 shows bow eager the boomers were to
unload. Had there not been so much suspi
cion, Bell Boy would, with a secured guaran
tee, bave brought a great deal more money
than he did. Turf, Field and Farm.
A Challenge From Reagan to Fight Jack
New York. March 18. Jack "McAuliffe, of
Brooklyn, and a representative of Mike Daly,
of Bangor, Me., met to-day, and agreed that
tbe fight should take place early in Angust
wlthlu'100 miles of New York. Tbe fight will
be for 2,500 under Q,ueensbnry rules, the men
to weigh no more tbau 133 pounds. William E.
Harding will be stakeholder.
Billy Held, backer of Johnny Reagan, to-day
posted 200, and issued a challenge to fight
Jack Dempsey for 1,009 a side fbr'tBe middle
weight championship. Reagan will meet
Dempsey March 20 to make the match.
Baseball People Alarmed.
St. Louis, March 16. Great .excitement has
been caused among tho baseball" men of St.
Louis, Kansas City and St. Joe oyer the action
of criminal jurisprudence at Jefferson City
which reported favorably the bill prohibiting
baseball playing on the Sabbath within the
corporate limits of Missouri. It is well known
that if such a law were passed and enforced it
would put an end to professional ball in Mis
souri. It is doubtful whether a professional
club could exist in this State witnont the
patronage derived from the Sunday games.
President Von def Abe, of St Louis, President
Speas and Manager Watkins, of Kansas City
and Manager Lord, of St.. Joe. bave all been in
terviewed on the subject,' and all are a unit in
expressing themselves as ready to go out of the
business as soon as such a measure is enforced.
The Oakland In Line,
A meeting of the Oakland club, of the Coun
ty League, was held last night. There was a
good attendance and tbe following officers
were elected: Manager, A. W. Rhinebart;
Secretary, J. M. Knight; Treasurer, Charles
Young. The prospects of the club are excel
lent, and tbe nine will be as follows: Batteries,
Neves and Lavelle, Anderson and Shaffer IS.
Rinehart and Hardie. Tbe field will be: First
base, F. Barr, of last year's BlalrvjUes; second
base. Bray, third base, McKnight; shortstop,
Speer; left field, W. Rinehart; center, Har
die: right, C. Rinehart; subs,' Young and
Ferguson. Manager Rhinebart will endeavor
to secure another good battery.
The Duquenei Are Ready.
The Dcquesne Greys, of tbe County League,
are now thoronghly organized. At a recent
meeting of the club John White' was' elected
President; Charles Sweeny, Secretary, and
John Sweeny, Manager. The club has, signed
the well-known local battery, Sharnhs and
O'Donnell, of last year's Newsboys. They are
an excellent pair. The members of the team
are: James O Donnell, catcher; James Shamus,
pitcher; Sam Gilland. short; Daniel Cahill,
first; William Martin, second:. William Dona
ghy. third; Frank Shoemaker, left; Frank
McKin, center: B. Grove, right. E. Newhall
will be the other pitcher, and efforts are being
made to secure another good catcher. -
Hanlon'a Qood Opinion.
President Nimick received an interesting
letter from Fred Carroll yesterday. On the
day that the letter was written Hanlon had
just received a letter from this country stating
definitely the circums'tances of Ills transfer
from Detroit to Pittsburg. Carroll quotes
Hanlon as saying that he is glad to come to
Pittsburg, as he believes it is a better, team
than Boston. Hanlon thinks that, the local
team will be a strong one and hard to beat if
all goes well. Carroll adds that .the boys are
having a good time of it.
Tbe Smith-Mitchell Mill Falling Flat.
London, March 16. Jem Smith is training
at Hastings for his box with Charlie Mite1) ell,
and tbe latter is also getting himself in condi
tion. It is pretty well understood, however,
that some arrangement has already been ar
rived at, and no doubt the umpire's decision
will be one which will not lower tbe prestige of
either boxer. There isn't much talk about the
coming mill over here.
Some Good Advice. '
Mr.W. J. Barr, Secretary or the Allegheny
County League, has issued an order for tbe
meeting of tbe League Schedule Committee to
beheld to-morrow evening. Mr. Barr wisely
points out that while every representative is
expected to attend the meeting with an idea of
what he wants, all must be prepared to make
reasonable concessions.
Thinks Well of Proctor Knott.
Captain Sam Brown is at Louisville, and ac
companied by Sam Bryant, took a look at
Proctor Knott, the famous race horse. Captain
Brown thinks that tbe colt is one of tbe finest
looking in the world. He does not say he is
the greatest 3-year-old in the world, as he
caims to have some good ones himself. Tbe
Captain is not buying horses at present.
Tbe Wanderers Organize.
The Wanderers' Baseball Clnb, ofSccond
avenue, has reorganized. It is a good organiza
tion and this season promises to .be a strong
young team. The members are: Thomas
Sbaner, President; Dan Harman, Captain;
John Connor, J. Cobli, Harry Rubems. Herman
Leech, Pat Cobil and Charles Richardson. .
How the Eastern Dudes Chase and
Kill the Foxes. '
A Maine Han Killed 25 Foxes by a Novel
Device. v
A form of winter sport that is little heard
of but immensely popular with those who
know about it, is fox hunting on the snow.
It is generally in vogue in the-north'ern part
of Maine irom Thanksgiving day" until
April, or even later. The natives, of course,
indulge in it with a somewhat prosaic
spirit looking more to ridding themselves of
reynard's depredations than to gratifying a
love for sport. The fttn comes when tbe swell
young men- of New York or Boston, or more
distant cities, take a run down East for a fort
night's shooting. They may be ever so good
marksmen, and may krrbw all abont killing
deer, but if they have not studied the fox they
are liable to get more amusement out of the
experience than pelts. One of a party of three
young men wbo bave just retnrned
from the vicinity of Bangor, gave, the
writer an acconnt of the trip that was
at once instructive and comical. He Is back
ward about allowing his name to be nsed, but
that need not matter. The hunters may as well
be called Smith, Brown and Jones. They were
all well-to-do .and stirred with a high ideal of
the noble sport, and to make everything au
fait, tbey rigged themselves in the nobbiest of
hunting suits, and procured the best outfit of
arms that could be obtained in the city. It
seems that their appearance when ready for
tbe fox was quite enough to startle tbe Maine
men. Smith and Brown are nearsighted, and
their eyeglasses topped off their picturesque
outfit with a suggestion, of anything bnt skill in
shooting. Tbey are good fellows, though, and
when they accidentally killed their guides'
dogs they paid a good price to recompense the
owners for their losses.
"The fox," he said, "is reputed to be a very
clever animal, but nobody has yet given him
ZZ &-?
Proves Bis Marksmanship by Killing theDog.'i
all the credit he deserves. In fables he is,
made to do things that are impossible in order
to demonstrate his cunning, whereas the things
he actually does make his shrewdness more
strikingly apparent than anything that JEsop
ever Invented. I'll tell yon some of them pres
ently, but I begin, without conclusions as to tho
fox's character, in order to explain that any
body wbo really wants to catch a Maine fox
had better employ a native guide, someone who
not only knows tbe territory but whobasstudied
reynard for years. Even then you will have to
work pretty bard to secure tbe pelt, granting
that tbe dog gets a trail. The first time we
went out af ter'reachmg Maine we started at
6 in the morning from a small village which we
made our headquarters. We walked several
miles across tbe snow, some times along rude
roads, more often straight through the woods.
The dog struck trail at just abont sunrise. Off
he went, and our guide hurried us up to the
place where the dog first discovered bis vic
tim's tracks. Then be knelt down in tbe snow
and examined the tracks with great care.
After a minute he said:
" 'That fox, gentlemen, is 3 years'old, and he
passed tbis point just an hour and 20 minutes
"I confess that I do not know to tbis day
whether an experienced hunter can tell any
thing about a fox from tbe impression of his
feet on the snow, but this man's calm assur
anceandhis re markableaccuracy so astonished
us that we believed him implicitly. We looked
at him admiringly and waited while he sur
veyed the surrounding country. Finally he
' The best place to get that fox'll be on top
of the knoll yonder,' and off he set with us at
bis beels to climb a bill a half mile away. You
may know that a fox goes in a circle, and if
yon strike tbe trail at almost any point and
wait yon are likely to get
unless tbe dogs should happen to run the
animal down before the circuit is completed.
So we went to the top of the knoll and shivered
He Thought it Was a Squirrel.
for an hour or so watting for tbe fox to come
up and be'shot, Fromtlme to time we heard
the baying of tbe dog, and at last it was evident
that tbe chase was approaching. We had
beguiled part of the time by casting lots' to
determine who should bave the first shot, and
wben the critical moment came the guide pre
pared to correct any error that might be made
by tbe dude sportsmen. He really had no Idea
that we could shoot at all, and expected to kill
the fox himself. Well, as events subsequently
proved, we didn't know all about fox hunting,
but in this case tbe guide was astonished. Tbe
man wbo drew first shot actually killed tbe
animal. It , was like the proverbial first
play of the amateur gambler. We were excited
beyond measure. All that day we tramped
about the country and secured tbree pelts.
Toward tbe close of the afternoon, when we
were jnst about to intercept our fourth victim,
the excitement overcame us, or at least one
Be Takes to a Fence.
of us, for when a commotion occurred in tbe
bush in front of us one of tbe fellows raised his
gun and before the guide could warn him he
shot the faithful dog dead as a nail. After that
the native cast no more doubts upon our abili
ties as marksmen, but be never got over his
grief at the loss of bis dog. He admitted that
we paid him more than the 'darned beast' was
worth, but the manner of his death was some
thing that added a sentimental interest to him.
"welljafterthat-day. we went out mostly
alone. We felt pretty big about our success.
The first day, when we were about a mile from
tbe village, one of tbe party exclaimed:
"'Walt till I shoot that dandy little squirrel
on the wall thereC '
"Up went his gun, bang! and down fell tbe
squirrel." Two of us ran away, bnt tbe slayer
went up to get his game only to discover that
he bad dangerously wounded a polecat. He
then went borne to change bis clothes and the
other two of us continued the bunt alone. We
didn't get anything. We started two foxes and
bow thoy got away I am not certain, but one of
them probably took to a rail fence. It is '
"Abound, you know, never sees anything
but the ground beneath bis nose. He
just scoots along nose down, and when he
loses the scent he doesn't look around to see
where tbe fox has gone, bnt bays dismally, and
runs around tbe spot scenting at the ground,
and getting confused at every moment, and
allowing tbe fox to get a long start of him.
Now the fox.apparently knows all about that
and if he is pressed he makes for a fence, and
runs along the top of it for some distance.
After a time be goes to the ground again, and
almost invariably makes bis escape. Another
"In the Slush."
remarkably clever trick a fox may play when
'he gets a chance is to take a railroad track,
especially it a train is coming: He runs along
tbe track ahead of an. approaching train, bnt
not as fast as he can. He tries to let the dog
overtake blm. As in other cases the dog sees
nothing. When the fox has come within a few
rods of tbe train he sits down, and lets tho dog
come up. Just as they are abont to be struck
down the fox jumps to one side, and the dog
gets killed. We lost one dog that way, and
saw the whole operation from a distance."
"Does a dog ever overtake a fox?"
'Oh, yes; especially, if there is thawing
weather. In that case the fox will qnite likely
get into slusb or water somewhere and wet his
bushy tall. After that he cannot run nearly as
fast as before, and is very sure .to be caught.
A fox caught that way is said to be In the
"Is it always safe to wait for a fox to com
plete its circuit?"
"I should say not. Oftentimes ft is advisable
to cut across country to a spot where it seems
likely that the fox will pass. One time we tbree
waited patiently for halt an bonr beside a trail,
expecting the fox to come along and be killed.
Sure enough, the baying of tbe dogs became
louder, and we made ready' to fire. Somehow
the fox did not come along, and when the dogs
came into view we saw them taking a very dif
ferent course from what we had expected. By
examining the trail we found that the fox bad
seen us and quietly scooted atound behind us.
He got away that time.
"I cannot stop without a word about fox
baiting. Tbis consists in putting the carcass?of
a horse or cow in' some convenient field and
then waiting at night for the foxes to come up
to it. There is not much fun in it usually, but
one is pretty certain to secure a good deal of
27ie Fox Went Behind' Them.
game. One man we met in-Maine, however,
got fun out of it. He placed a carcass near
is barn and then connected it by a wire under
the snow with a bell in his bedroom. A fox
could not do vigorous work on that piece of
meat without ringing tbe bell, whereat the
schemer wonld wake up and go forth to tbe
slaughter. When we lelt be had killed 23
foxes by that device duringthe winter."
Arrangements for tbe Big Canine Exhibition
of tbe West.
Chicago, March 16. The Massoulah Kennel
Clnb has issued the premium lists for the first
annual bench show of dogs. Tbe entries close
on March 25 and the show, which is to be held
in Battery D Armory, "April 9 to 12, inclu
sive, promises to be by far the largest and most
.important event of tbe kind ever held in the
west, ine juoges lor tne snow are as iouows:
Non-sporting dogs and all others not otherwise
provided for, James Mortimer; setters, poin
ters, beagles, fox-bounds and Chesapeake Bay
dogs, Major J. M. Taylor: retrievers and span
iels, J. H. Westman.
Tbe inquiries for entry lists and other infor
mation coming from all parts of the conntry,
indicate that the number of dogs in the show
will be verylarge. They will include the chief
prize winners In the various class at the bench
shows, among them the prize fox terriers of
August Belmont of New .York. The first and
second prizes for challenge'and open animals
in most of tbe various classes are $20 and $10
respectively, ranging downward to JlOandSo for
the less Important elates. In addition to
money prizes tbe clnb offers a large number of
silver medals and a number of special prizes.
He Is In Town and Ready to Tackle
Jacob Scbaefer, the champion billiard player
of America, was in the city yesterday. During
a conversation the "Wizard" stated that be
meansito force Slosson to a match if it is pos
sible to do so. He said:
"I am willing to play either Slosson or any
body else on reasonable terms for as much
money as may be required, . So far my offers
bave conceded a few points. Most certainly I
am always ready to defend the title which I
have won."
The champion went on to say that he has a
backer in New York at present ready to put up
all the money necessary for a) fair match. He1
also stated that billiard playing is becoming
more popular than ever. It is claimed tbat
Slosson and others always take advantage of
Schaefer's domestic troubles and issue chal
lenges. Recently,Schaefer's wife has been ill,
but she is now recovering.
The Arantehr Rowers.
CH1CAOO, March 16. The- Execntive Com
mittee of the Missouri Valley Amateur Rowing
Association held a meeting in this city this
afternoon. There were present H. C. Avery of
this city; Vice President. C, M. Scbenck, of
Ottumwa; Secretary F.C.Brown, of this city,
and Directors F. a Parsons, of St. Louis; W.
R. Moore, of Moline, UL; J. O. Brown, of
Pullman, 111.; W. J. Moore, of Pullman, Bl ,
and L. B. Glover, of this city. The Salt Lake
Rowing Club, of Salt-Lake City, Utah, was ad
mitted to the association. Messrs, V. M.
Scbenck, W. R. Moore.and L. B. Glover were
made a committee to arrange for the next
annual regatta and to notify the 42 clubs of the
association of tbe time and place. Tbe visitors
were the guests this evening of tbe Farragut
Boat Club at their club house on Lake Park
Local Wrestling Hatch.
Final arrangements bave been made for a
catch-as-catch-cn wrestling match between'
John Thompson and Mike Macdonno, of Mc
Kee's Rocks. The contest will take place at
McKee's Rocks next Saturday evening and.will
be for $100 a side.
For tbe Championship.
An Interesting roller skating contest will take
place at the Union Rink, Allegheny, on Thurs
day night Morrison, Guy and Davison will
take part in tbe final heat. The contest is for
the local championship, ' . .
fUH z- m
MoreNThan 12,000 Witness the Boys
Play in London.
Hanlon Befnses to be Captain Because of.
Pitcher Crane.
Spalding's baseball teams played to 12,
000 people in London yesterday. The Chi
cago won easily. Captain Hanlon, of the
All Americas, refuses to act as captain any
longer because Crane won't do his best in
the'box. Crane does hot want to over-exert
himself. Bonner did not show up to com
pete against Crane in throwing the cricket
ball, and the latter made an exhibition
London, March 16. Copyright The
last London game this afternoon proved in
point of attendance the greatest success of
the English trip. No less than 12,000
people crowded into the Leyton grounds.
Tbey were of a rather jollier and more in
discriminate sort than the attendance at the
previous English games. Not a few 'Arrys
were among them, as the region about the.
grounds is not of a distinctly fashionable
character. -
The players reached the grounds at. 5
o'clock under the cover of a tolerably
robust fog. They were met by a committee
and entertained with tbe usual ceremonies of
welcome in a pavilion. High Sheriff Buxton,
of Surrey, presented an address, to which
There were present Lord Carlingford. Sir
Selwin Ibbetson, Bart.; Mr. Theobald, M. P..
the directors of the clnb and a considerable
number of prominent cricketers.
The game held the crowd together until the
close, though it "was not a specially brilliant ex
hibition. The foggy air made it difficult for the
fielders to judge the balls, and as Crane per
mitted himself to be pounded freely there was
much fielding to do. Baldwin bad better luck,
but bis support was not of the best. As usual,
the Enellsh spectators appreciated most the
long hits and catches and tbe sliding to bases.
The score was:
All Americas 3 0010100 16
Cblcairos 0 2 0 6 0 12 1' 12
At the close of the game Crane was to bave
thrown the cricket ball against Bonner, the
Australian, but wben the latter sent word at
the last moment tbat be was sick, Crane
volunteered to make an exhibition throw. He
failed, however, to equal his Australian record,
reaching only 124 yards 9 inches.
Captain Ed Hanlon declared to-day that he
wonld no longer captain the All-Americas. He
objects to what be considers Crane's too con-,
scientlous regard for himself in refusing to'
pitch harder and oftener. The outcome may
give Brown a chance to get back his old prestlce
in the box. Canon Farrar bas issued a special
invitation to tbe party to attend services at St.
Paul's to-morrow morning.
He Defeats Bandle In an Excitlns Shoot
Ins Match.
Cincinnati. March 16. The shooting match
between William F.Carver.the world renowned
all-around shot, and Albert Bandle, of Cincin
nati, took place at the old Mill Creek avenue'
baseball grounds this afternoon before an im
mense concourse of spectators within -the
grounds and a greater nnmber percbed on
eminences, housetops, cartops and in trees
outside tbe grounds. . - -
The match was for $250 a side under Hurllng
hame rnles at 100 lite birds from fire ground
traps. Several times during the match the
shooters were tied, aad the interest was in
tense. Carver shot his last 18 birds straight
kills, while Bandle missed two in his last 18,
making the score: Bandle, 99; Carver, 91.
New Orleans Winners.
New Oblkans, March 16. To-dav's races
were run over a fast track. The weather was
beautiful and there was a large attendance.
Following is a summary of the events:
First race, one-half mile, selling Consignee
won in 50!4 seconds, Cora L second, Jim Have
Second race, four and ahalf farlongs Catharine
B won in 51 'A seconds, Lucy Howard second, Or
ange Girl third.
Third race, three-eighths of a mile Barney Lee
won in 1:04, Henry Hardy second, Alacaulay
Fourth race, seven and ahalf furlongs Count
ess won in l:38Mi Sllleck second. Event third.
Two Battles Pending.
Wheeling, March 16. About 100 Pittsburg
sports arrived on the evening train from Pitts
burg to witness tbe dog fight between Pat
Kirley's famous Jack Napoleon and an un
named dog, believed to be Nip. The battle is
scheduled to come oft at daylight to-morrow
morning at a point not far from tbis city.
A pugilistic contest between two Pittsburg
ers Is also to take place as soon as the dog
tleht bas been settled. Tbe dog fight is for
500 a side.
Sporting Note. '
Daily has signed with tbe Hooslers.
Wise and Morrill have signed with Boston.
Tm Keefe says he will sign with New
J. L. Sullivan is now at Worcester as sober
as a judge.
Jack Ashton .and Joe Lannon will fight on
Tuesday evening next.
Anson's grand batting average for 13 years
is 367 and tbat of Brouthers Is 351.
M. J. Slinoebland, of Albany, has sold
Beauty Bright to a party in Germany for (7,000.
Pete Browning has gone back on bis
pledges. He is on a roaring drunk at Louis
ville. Members of the Allegheny Gun Club had
an interesting shoot at Exposition Park yester
day. Pbesident Hewitt, of the Washington
club, thinks that Boston will not let Sam
Wise go. ,
The East End Athletics will play at Wheel
ing on April 8 if the former team can be gotten
together. .
George Covington, the light weight
jockey, is still without an engagement for
next season. ,
The Chicago Cricket Clnb is making ar
rangements to play the local club at Brushton
on June IS.
John L. 'Sullivan says that James IG.
Blaine is President and that Harrison is only
the figure-head.
Pitcher SheeVe, of the Indianapolis Clnb,
says tbat Chicago has made him no offer. He
is at Indianapolis ready to sign.
Muldoon defeated Tom Cannon in their
wrestling match at Cincinnati on Wednesday
night. The former won the first two falls.
The players in the All America team say
that Ward is coming home to look after tbe
Brotherhood affairs. He is opposed to tbe
classification scheme.
In a letter'to Noremac, Frank Hart, the pe
destrian, says tbat his share of the receipts of
the 'Frisco race was $3,700. Moore's 200, and
Hall, the manager, netted 110,000.
An athletic combination under the manage
ment of Jack Dempsey and Jim Daly will give
an entertainment in the Opera House at Hoatz
dale, tbis State, on Monday evening.
The Paradise Club of Anglers, New York,
of which Judge Gildersleeve is President, bave
jusVconcluded tbe pnrchase.of 70,000' acres of
forest and SO trout lakes in various parts of tbe
Pbesident Davidson, of tbe Lonlsvilles,
bas refused the terms of Pitcher Stntton.
The latter does not want to play on Sundays,
but objects to a reduction of salary on tbat ac
count. Ed Flahebtt, of the St, Pauls, requests
managers .of local clubs, whose members are
Under 14 years of age, to communicate with
him regarding the formation of a league of
such clnbs. His address Is 84 Ann street.
Maxageb Hobace Phillips, of Pittsburg,
will uniform his team tbis year in orange and
black. .Horace says his uniforms will paralyze
Mutrie. Tbe Plttsburgs are scheduled to play
in Boston July 12. Look out for the South
Boston contingent on that day, Horace. Hew
York World.
IF the nawnoolWll mates both Houses of
ins xiegisiature at xiarnsDurg, as seems
'aadf Is signed by'.tbe Governor;-there will be
lively times this season on t5e tracks of Pennsylvania.-
A series of spring meetings will be
beldatPWJadelphia. Turner. Phillips, Scat
tergood and Irwin, are getting their stables
ready to do battle for the nurses. Tlr. Field
and Farm. "
Mb. C. J. Hamlet paid a visit a few days
ago toaud 8 and critically examined the legs
of the trotting queen. He had not seen the
mare forthree years, and was simply astonished
at tbe improvement made in her by Mr Bon
ner. Maud S is m far better condition to trot
a fast mile than sbewf"wben Mr. Vanderbilt
parted with her. Turf; Field and Farm.
Hebe 'is what Mrs. K. C. Nessel's 8-year-old
boy Karl, of Newark; writes to John L. Sulli
van: "He is a man you can't defy.
And he will whip Kilraln by and by.
Hush! Big Babyt don't you cry.
You'll know wbo Is champion hvand by."
Sew York World.
For Western Penn
sylvania, West Vir
ginia and Ohio, fair,
followed on Lake Erien
by light rain; sta
tionary temperature,
followed in Ohio by
cooler,variable winds.
PmsBtnto. March 16. vsso.
The United States Signal Service officer in
tnis city lurmsnes tne loiiowing.
Time. Tner.
7:00 A. it ."..38
10:00 a. M ,...47
1:00 P. M S3
30 P. H
50 P. 11 61
8:00 P. X 67
Mean temp 43
Maxlmnm temp.... 6.1
Minimum temp. .... 37
Kanre .... 23
Precipitation 00
KlveratSr. M., 9.3 feat, aiise of L'lfeet In the
last 21 hours. .
New York Grocery.
MOST FOB 51 00.
14 cans Standard Tomatoes $1 CO
14cansSugaY Corn. 1 00
20 cans Blackberries (for' pies) 1 00
14 cans Cherries (for pies) 1 00
15 cans Choice Peas , 1 00
14 cans String Beans. 1 00
5 cans California-Apricots... 1 00
5 cans California Egg Plums 1 00
5 cans California Greengage Plums.. 1 00
24 lbs Turkey Prune 1 00
20 lbs French Prunes 1 00
20 lbs Evaporated: Peaches 1 00
10 lbs California Egg Plums 1 00
18 lbs Evaporated 'Apples 1 00
25 lbs Dried Corn (Sweet) 1 00
4 lbs Evaporated Raspberries 1 00
16 quarts Navy Beans 1 00
25 lbs Boiled Oats" 1 00
4 lbs Pipe Cut and Dry Tobacco 1DO
5 lbs Navy Chewing Tobacco. 1 00
4 lbs Choice Boasted Coffee 1 00
20 lbs Boneless Codfish 1 00
20 tans Sardines (in oil) 100
1 keg Imported' Holland Herring. ... 80
1 keg Imported Holland Herring (all
Milehners) 1 00
IkegBussian Sardines 60
1 gallon Pure Maple Syrup 80
Goods delivered to all parts of both cities.
To those living out of the city will pre
pay freight ou all orders of $10, $15, $20 and
upward. Send for catalosue. Opposite
Gusky. M. B. Thompson,
301 Market st.
doling Ont Salo
At and below cost. Lace curtains, poles
portiers, upholstery goods, etc., to quit this,
branch of our business. Secure genuine
bargains at H. Holtzman & Sons, 35 Sixth
-.-- AnQdd Caj udjSancer
Makes a pretty souvenir and is appropriate
for a cabinet or parlor tea table. See E. P.
Boberts & Sons' collection. wsu
To Name the Low Prices
Gives on All Kinds of Household Goods !
With the result that ignominious failure greets' their every effort
to compete with the man who has ever proved himself the friend"
of all classes of people in this community.
Common Sense Tells You Plainly
That no. matter how good the intention may be, the very fact of
a man paying an enormous rent, to say nothing of enormous
running expenses, prevents him from naming the low prices to
be found here. True it is that we have no marble fronts or en
caustic tile floors, but still this doesn't prevent this from being
the economical store of the people. Ours is an old-fashioned-store,
has the old-fashioned and ever-popular way of doing
business, but the goods to be found herein are such as cannot
be excelled for beauty, style and durability. No matter how
other dealers seek to turn your attention from us by spurious
promises, artful reasoning, etc., the' fact remains that we have
the largest and best variety of
Furniture, Carpets, Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Etc.,in this Citj,
We can safely say that in no other establishment of this kind
in the country can you find all grades of goods selling at such
low prices as here.
We Sell Either for Cash or on Credit,
And in fact name as low prices ON TIME as most houses do
for cash. .
You now have choice from an enormous stock, and we will put
goods selected aside until you want them delivered, charging
you nothing for the accommodation. Come and see us whether
you want to buy or not. We're open for the convenience of the
public until 8 o'clock every evening; Saturdays until 10.
Hotel keepers and country dealers can buy here at factory,
46-4850-52 TENTH ST.,
" Teeth BxH-acted " tTTsffl
xae oaueu iroum ,,.m. .-.---.-
the gums previous to extracting teeth is ab
solutely safe. The daw-erj of ether jnd .
other anassthetics is so well known that the
Bonell process must at once command the
support of all. intelligent people. The only
apparatus of the kind in the city is at Dr.
F. H. Smith's Dental Offices, 504 Pena.
Ave. Office hours, 9 a. M. to 5 P. M.
Don't Pay Blar Prior.
"When the aristocratic people or the citiea
want fine photograi hs ot themselves or lit
tle ones they patronize the Elite Gallery,
516 Market street Pittsburg, where low ,
rates and fine work prevail. Cabinets 51
per dozen until May 1, 1889, so come now.
TJse the elevator. t v. ... ,
-foe- , ,4i
of Pure Wines and Liquors-for medicinal par-?
poses, emDraclng full lines of both Foreigaj. '
and Domestic, at prices for the ageanaquaP;
ity of the goods that is not, and cannot be met; -some
of which we qnote: ,-,- -
Pure eight-year-old export Guckenbelmer -Whlsky,
full quarts, Jl 00. or S10 per dozen.
Overbolt Pure Bye, nveyearsold, full quart;
$100, or J10 per dozen. ' " ....
Finch's Golden Wedding, ten years old, full i
quarts. SI 25, or SI2 per dozen. "i
Gin. Pure Holland, onr own importation, fnlt'
quarts, $1 25, or $12 per dozen. .-. '
Danville's Old Irish Whisky, quarts, SI 50, or . ,
S15 per dozen. "
Bamsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery atJ1
Islay, SI SO per bottle, f nil quart.
Wise's Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North .
Mall, Cork. SI 50 per bottle, f nil quart. ''
Kentucky Bourbon, ten years old, full quarts, '
SI 25. t
Cork Distilleries Co. Old Irish Whisky, SI 50
per bottle: S15 00 per dozen.
James Watson & Co.'s Dundee Fine Glenliva
Scotcb. Whisky, SI 50 per bottle; S15 per dozen.-
Pare Jamaica Bum, $125 per quart.
Old Tom Gin, $1 00 per quart.
Gold Seal Champagne, pints, 75 cents; quarts,
All of the different varieties of California
Wines you purchase from us are the very best,
and only 50 eta. f or(full quarts, or $5 00 per doi.
Send for complete Price List, mailed free to
any address. -
JQS. FLEMING & SON, Druggists.,
412 Market street, Pitt3buxg,'P.,
Corner of the Diamond. -
Just opened, an importation of
Superior Flower Seeds,
ONE DOLLAR per package, of 100 varieties, at
Atlantic City.
Always open. Appointments first-class:
steam heat, sun galleries, etc.
fe22-30 W. H. REYNOLD8.
JTJ N.J. Located nearbeacb. Perfect san
itation. Steam heat. ELIZABETH HART.
LEY, Prop. f e25-12-TTT7"
Ou tbe bcacb, sea end of Virginia avenue.
Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febnn
100 yards from FortMonroe; open all tbe year,
accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location;
delightful climate; thrilling historic surround
ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and
HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneflcia!
in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous -Artillery
School Band. Glass-Inclosed verandas.
Average temperature for winter 48. Absolutely
free from malaria. All things considered, tho"
most-comforatabla and delightful resort at
which to spend the winter months in the United
States. Send for descriptive -pamphlet.
no27-y40-Tuysu F. N. PIKE. Manager.
44 m.ia