?sr rVww' lf"5 w?& Kr re ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1848. Vol.44, &o S8. Entered at Pittsburg rostofflce, November H. W. as second-class matter. Business O See 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Room and Publishing- House 75, 77 id 79 DiamondStreet Average circulation of the dally edition of The Dispatch for alx months ending March 1, 1SS9, 27,988 Copies per Issue. Average circulation of the Sunday edition of The Dlspntch for February, 1SS9, 45,144 Copies per Itsne. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTAGE rKEE U THE UXTTID STATES, DATLVDisrATCH. One Year S 8 00 Dailt Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 'Dailt Dispatch, One Month 70 "Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one year WOO Dailt Dispatch, including Sunday, per quarter 2 50 Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, one month 90 "Elxdai Dispatch, oneyear 2 50 Weekly Dispatch, one year 125 The Daily dispatch is delivered by carriers at 15 cents per week, orlncludlng the Sunday edition. - at 20 cents per week. Voluntary contributors should Keep copies of articles. If compensation is desired thepnee expected must be named. The courtesy of re turning rejected manuscripts mil be extended when stamps for that purpose are enclosed, but the Editor of Tan Dispatch vnll under no circumstances be responsible for the care of un solicited manuscripts. PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, MAR. 17, 1SS9. AUDACIOUS RASCALS. The audacity of robbers in Beaver and Fayette counties Drill make people rub their eyes to see if they are awake, and whether this be really Pennsylvania and the year 1889. "When, in the neighborhood of TJniontown, burglars toast the feet of farmers to make I mem yieia up tneir treasure, sou, usar 2few Brighton, in masked gangs overpower watchmen and blow safes open, it is time to talk of Vigilance Committees. A few wholesome examples will put a quick end to this business. The county authorities should at once bend all their en ergies to discovering the criminals. Hardly too high a price can be paid for their cap ture. To let them escape by negligence or inefficiency on the part of the jolice will surely encourage them to bolder outrages. THE LAW AND THE C0BP0BATI0N. The action of the Pennsylvania Company in issuing a circular embodying the require ments of the inter-State commerce law, and notifying agents everywhere that -the law .must be strictly obeyed, is a very conimend ' able position. It is a pledge as regards the pnblic attitude of that great corporation 'that respect lor the law is to be the basis of its operations. "With that pledge lully ad hered to, there is reason to hope for a gen eral mitigation of the evils which the law was intended to remedy. ' It is only fair to recognize that the Penn sylvania lines have generally shown a dis position to respect the law as construed by their officers. Nevertheless, the present warning would be more effective if the idea had not been prevalent in railway circles during the past year, thatthe enactment de signed to restrain the exercise of illegal powers by railway officials could be violated with impunity. That the Pennsylvania management on the Eastern or Western lines was in accord with that idea, is not charged; but if the influence of such cor porations had been thrown in favor of in flicting the penalties already prescribed by the law, for the violations which are ad mitted to have taken place, the present cir cular would have carried to every recipient ' the conviction that it means what it says. Nevertheless it is pleasant to observe this assurance of respect for the law, from the ..management of the Pennsylvania lines west of this city. It is to be hoped that the same spirit in the management of the Eastern lines, may lead to the instruction of the agents" of the corporation at Harrisburg and its representatives in inter-corporate deal ings that the Constitution of the State of , Pennsylvania must be respected and en forced. INTERNATIONAL R0BBEEY. The rumor tint the Samoan difficulty ' may be compromised by permitting Ger many to annex those islands while the United States takes possession of the Sand wich Islands, is entirely in accordance with European methods; but it is entirely too much on the iree-booting order to find favor with a nation that regards the consent of the governed as necessary for the just right of any government. If a man should interfere with a foot pad robbing a child or woman, it would hardly commend itself as a just com promise to tell him how he could go and commit a similar robbery on his own account. Yet that is exactly the logic of this idea. Because Germany may commit international highway robbery on the weak Samoans, the United States is to set itself Tight by garrotinc the Sandwich Islanders of their realm, as a richer prize! If there are any other unconsidered trifles in the way of territory this theory of gov ernment would set us on the search for them (Tor fear some other thief of small national Sties would get hold of the plunder before we did. Thtre may not be too much conscience in our dealings with the matters of patronage and corporate privileges; but it is to be hoped that we have still enough respect in this country for the rights of weak nations, to prevent us from entering upon a career of world-wide land robbery. A SHORT STOCK OF LOYALTY. "We have been deeply interested, although somewhat pained, to observe that the es teemed Chicago Herald quotes approvingly from the equally esteemed Boston Globe, an article lauding in jerky paragraphs the character of ex-President Cleveland. The pain lies in finding these esteemed Demo cratic organs presenting as a claim upon pnblic admiration the assertion that Presi dent Cleveland "was the firsts President since the war who was President of the whole country, and realized that there were thirty-thVee loyal States in this Union." We desire to recognize the possibility that the esteemed Herald has not correctly quoted the esteemed Globe' in this para graph; but although it is sometimes wilaly haphazard in its assertions of fact, its gen eral typographical accuracy points to the conclusion that "they both agree upon the view set forth in the sentence quoted above. On this basis it is with regret that we no tice the Democratic authority that there were but thirty-three loyal States in the . .Union during President Cleveland's aflrnln- lstrafton. The disappointing nature of this revelation impels the inquiry which, in Mr. Cleveland's opinion, as expressed by our esteemed cotemporaries, were the five disloyal States? KEEPERS OF THE CONSCIENCE. Ontside of the personally disappointed few who have not got what they wanled, nobody will feel sore, even if the stories be true that President Harrison is alienating some distinguished politicians by not ap pointing their friends to office, or by choos ing men whom they antagonize. No con viction would grow more gratefully on the public mind than one to the effect that the President means to follow his own lights in place of being led hither and thither to suit the caprices of every party manager who has an inordinate opinion of his own import ance. Even if it be true that John C. New, of Indianapolis, is mad because a man whom he dislikes, viz., Governor Porter, of Indi ana goes as Minister to Borne, this country may hope that the administration will sur vive his anger. Nor will there be a popu lar or even a party uprising against Presi dent Harrison should the facts prove strictly in accord with the tale that the President has not been hunting around for opportuni ties to "recognize" Colonel Dudley. As far as President Harrison was known there was, before the election, a widespread impression that he was capable to adminis ter affairs at the White House. His inau gural address had the tone of quiet firmness which heightened this belief. Nothing will -delight the public more than to see the President act with reference to his own in telligence in place of essaying the useless task of trying to please all the self-appointed custodians of his will and conscience. Quite -naturally at the start of the admin istration, disappointed individuals will be numerous. The disappointed ones will be more or less loud or freezing, indignant,sar castic, or perhaps even openly abusive, in their expressions. This was the" experience of Hayes and Garfield, and President Har rison will have to expect the like, only in lesser degree. But such, ebullitions, when met with cold indifference, produce no effect; and from what is known of President Har rison's disposition, that is about the sort of reception they are likely to get. THE SEAL VS. THE SPURIOUS. The interesting little individual with the long title who came to the United States upon the extraordinary business of peddling a history of his domestic difficulties, returns witHot 5 finding a purchaser for his precious wares. Thus the information which the noble Count claimed to have received across the ocean, that any sort of scandal had a ready market in the press of the United States, was falsified. Nor is the report that he has found a publisher who will put his Countship's story in book form, any more likely to be correct. The whole episode was a curious one. If the aristocracy of Europe is to be judged by Di Mcntercole, who claims to be a genuine, simon-pure article, and by Lord Talbot, who is now known to have been spurious, we are afraid that the average American citizen will feel inclined to conclude that even the spurious aristocrat is a few degrees less rep rehensible than the real. The departing Connt was ill-pleased that base rumor had described him as a garden er's son in place of a nobleman. It is, how ever, the gardeners' sons of fair Italy who would have just cause to complain on that score; for it is to be hoped that, among all those who follow that simple and' worthy calling, not one would be found to exchange the homely spade for a pen put to such ig nominious use as Di Mcntercole found for his ignoble stylus. THE PLACE TOO LAEGE FOR THE MAN. There is certainly ground for the an nouncement that the leading minds of the administration are of the opinion that a more trained diplomatist than Colonel P. D. Grant is needed lor the Chinese mis sion. Unless the idea is that the shape in which our Chi nese relations were left by the passage of the Chinese exclusion bill, as the pet cam paign measure of the last administration, rendered further diplomacy unnecessary, if not impossible, it is hard to see how any other opinion could be entertained with re gard to Colonel Grant's candidacy. If it we e decided to let Chinese relations go to the dogs, where they were sent last fall, Colonel Grant would, perhaps, beas capable of drawing the salary of Minister to China as any other man. But if it is de sired to cultivate tfe magnificent commer cial field that was open to us in China, a man of first-class talent and extraordinary diplomatic ability is necessary to re trieve the colossal blunders which were made for the purpose of catching the hoodlum vote. Exactly the amount of pnblic support which the Government is re quired to furnish the son of General Grant may be a topic for future discussion; but it is hardly requisite to give him the one position in the diplomatic service where first-class abilities are needed to gain for the indus tries and commerce of this country the best foreign market in the world. This is the only conclusion, if such offices are to be administered for the benefit oi the nation; but is it not a rather strong as sumption on the part of the New York Sun to say that the appointment will not be made if Mr. Blaine informs himself of the connection of Colonel Grant with a certain stock-watering operation, pointed out by the Sun? Do we understand our esteemed cotemporary to assert that Mr. Blaine re gards transactions in watered stocks as a disqualification for position in the State Department? Thatsnch a severe standard has been set up in regard to appointments in the diplomatic service is rather hard to believe. PITTSBURG GROWING BETTER, The Independent has printed a number of replies from moral, religions and charitable experts to the question: Is New York City growing better? There is a very encourag ing significance in the almost unanimous reply in the affirmative. Only one of those asked thought New York was growing worse instead of better, and he was the pro fessional pessimist, Anthony Comstock. It is gratifying to know that some of the most prominent divines and other persons of' recognized authority think that the moral to'ne of the metropolis is improving. New York has grown so rapidly that moral im provement could not be expected as a mat ter of course. While New Yorkers are rejoicing over the enlargement of their city's righteous ness, Pittsburgers can likewise with confi dence take stock of their circumstances in this regard. Pittsburg, like New York, has grown apace, her borders have been ex tended, her people multiplied, and her wealth enormously increased. Is she grow ing better? Although we have no statistics arranged at hand, there can be no doubt that the answer must be yes. Perhaps her moral improvement has not been equal to her material betterment, but there is abund ance of evidence on all sides that Pittsburg is steadily growing better. But a few years ago several forms of vice the' were not afraid to show themselves plainly in the sight of all men here. These vices hare not been extirpated, hut they have been driven into hiding. The growth in public virtue is demonstrated by the retire ment of vice. Taking the city as a whole, temperance, decency and morality in gen eral are daily taking a stronger hold, and all that is criminal and vicious is being beaten down. The movement of Austrian troops' toward the Servian frontier indicates the disap proval of that power over the retirement of Milan. Probably the Austrian Court feels that to force a disreputable monarch to re sign is an offensive slur at the Hapsburgs. It would be interesting if the long smol dering "Eastern Question' should break ont into flame over this lame duck of royalty. v The report that the Lincoln monument at Springfield, 111., is falling into decay, fills the heart of the patriotic New Yorkers with a swelling local pride. They are tak ing great care that no damage of that sort shall affect the Grant monument. All things considered, the appointment of Mr. Walker Blaine to succeed Francis Wharton was not one of the most discreet acts possible. Of course it would be hard to declare that a great American statesman shall not provide for his own family; hut it is hardly wise to do it in such a way as to provoke remark by the contrast between the appointee and his predecessor. When will a syndicate of railroads de velop the grand stroke of policy of hiring the President of the United States to resign for the purpose of taking a bigger salary iom the combined corporations? Arabian immigrants are reported to be arriving at Castle Garden at the rate of about 150 per week. They must be sent here to report on the condition of the American almshouses, as a preliminary, to a general immigration in retaliation for the Caucasian irruption into the Arabian preserves of Northern Africa. The Indiana Legislature seems to have adopted the prevalent idea that it can shut out the products of other States, the Con stitution of the United States, to the con trary notwithstanding. By the time that the Government has paid indemnity for a few more anti-Chinese riots like that in Milwaukee, it may dawn upon the minds of the public that the best way of treating this non-assimilation of the Mongolians is not in the direction of assim ilating their property by mob law. The report that the son of the Prince of Wales will visit the United States and Canada next summer, puts Anglomaniao society in a flutter from Boston to the Gol den Gate. ' Despite the efforts of the fake manu facturers, both German and American, the sitnation at Samoa remains particularly peacefnl. This being the case, it is possible that Messrs. Kasson, Bates and Willie Walter Phelps will succeed in preserving the peace at Berlin. Colonel Fellows seems to have been highly successful in his efforts to prosecute the New York boodlers so as to guard against the possibility of conviction. The scarcity of farm hands in the pro vince of West Prussia has led its Governor to propose the introduction of Chinese la bor. If Germany wants a coolie agricultu ral population this country will take the German bone and sinewand make American citizens of them. St. Patbick's Day will have a very quiet and orderly celebration if the Sunday liquor law is enforced to-day. The announcement by a railroad official, in an interview published yesterday, that the railroads will not be the first to violate the inter-State commerce law," is very re assuring from the fact that if the railroads do not violate the law, no one else can. PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIES. Sir Richard Webster, the British Attor torney General, Is noted for the beauty of his singing voice, and is in great requestnt all so cial entertainments. President Harbison and his Cabinet are great smokers. The President and Secretary Tracy are the most inveterate smokers in the crowd, though Windom Is not far behind them. am Julias' PAUNCEroTE, the newly ap pointed British Minister to this country, will leave England for Washington abont the end of March. He will come over alone. Lady Pauncefote and the family will not come over until fall. Archdeacon Collet, preaching on Satan recently at St James' Church, Marylebone, London, replying to an imaginary remonstrance from those who believe in giving the devil his due, exclaimed: "Ah, my friends, if we gave the devil his due many of us would be miss ing." The awkwardness of the use of "us" in such a case occurred to him afterward, and he seemed seriously embarrassed, while- the con gregation smiled. M. Resier Chalon, who has just died, wag the originator of one of the greatest hoaxes of the nineteenth century. About 60 years ago, biblio-maniacs were set crazy by the Issuing of catalogues announcing the sale of the library of the Connt de Fortsas. Nearly every book named in the catalogue was a rare and valuable one, and some of them would have been almost priceless. It was not until the day named for the sale had nearly arrived that it was discov ered that the "Whole thing was a sell devised by Chalon. There was no Count da Fortsas, nor enr library to be sold. The New York World says: William D. Howells is living quietly in this city and Is at work on a New York novel. It is said that Howells read in the newspapers that Robert Louis Stevenson intended to settle here soon and become the novelist of the metropolis. To forestall this design the exponent of realism in American fiction hastened to New York and is now studying the varied phases of life which make this the most cosmopolitan city in the world. But there need be no rivalry between Howells and Stevenson in this matter. There is sufficient unused material for fiction in 2 ew York to give occupation to a dozen men of real ab'lity. The London Timet was hoaxed a century-ago nearly as badly as in the present instance by a clever gang of forgers, who got up a bogus edition of the French paper L' Eclair, at the time rec ognized as an authority on matters of interna tional news. The paper contained what pur ported to be the text of a treaty of peace be tween the French Republic and the Emperor of Austria. A copy was got into tho hands of the correspondent of the Times at Dover, and from him went to London, where the alleged treaty was published in the Times, and was such good and unexpected news that the stock market went up with a rush. It was several days before It was discovered that the paper was a forged edition, and had been gotten up by London speculators to bring about a boom in stocks. The Desire of Kicking. From Detroit Free Pres.l The American baseDall players are having some remafrkabfe experiences in England, They will attend services at Westminster Abbey on Sunday. When during their visit the Speaker of the House of Commons over ruled a point of order made by one .of the members Anson shouted: "Kick, you bloom ing chump, kick! Don't let the umpire dq you upl" prrrsBtmG dispXtoh, THE TOPICAL TALKEfi. Solid Silver Sore The Spring's First Bow- Living Up High A Bnrbnrous Story- 'Have you seen the solid silver tea service Mrs. Brownest gave to Mabel?" asked one wise young woman of another, In my hearing yester day. "I saw the service, but I didn't think it was solid silver," was the reply. "Oh, jesrl know it is solid silver, because I could hardly lift it, it was so heavy," the learned young woman responded confidently. Blizzards, rainstorms and heaven knows what awful atmospheric disturbances hare been promised us every day during the week now past, but spring, all the same, has certain ly given us her first bow, and the week ended yesterday with glorious blue sky, warm cheer ful air and all the birds singing their heart ont. The buds on the trees are swelling fast, and Ismail patches of vivid green in the fields declare that the tender grass is beginning its long decoration day for nature. .But the pessimists won't let us forget that there is yet time for another touch of winter before the spring settles down to stay. There is nothing like taking a cheerful view of things. Somebody was condoling with a friend of mine because the latter was about to occupy a house at the summit of a very lofty hill. It would be such a terrible climb, and so emi nently disagreeable in winter to reach the bouse. Butmyfrjendrepliedbuoyantly: "Not at all you don't look at the advantages. See what a superb view we shall have of all the country around, and then you know in winter I mean to buy a large package of shingles and give one to my huinand every day to slide do wn the hill upon. There's nothing liko living on the top of the hill. V The cool manner in whlcll half the store keepers in jown take possession of the side walk, often to the entire exclusion of pedes trians, is one of the eccentric delights that are singularly prevalent In Pittsburg. If it is not the duty of the police to keep storekeepers from making the sidewalks im passable, it would be instructive to know who is? The nnisance is growing with the city or a little ahead of it, and a remedy quick and sure is being demanded by the public at large. . A babreb complained to me the other day that he had noticed that it is every day be coming more the correct thing for men to shave themselves, and that barbers generally were suffering a diminution of their customers. Perhaps one of tbe reasons for the growing popularity of shaving oneself is to be found in an experience a friend of mine had last week in a barber shop. He went Into the shop In a great hurry 'and told the barber he had to make a train. The barber said he would make the best time ho could. Although my friend has not a strong beard, that barber sawed away, stopping to strop his instrument of torture every ten seconds, for no less than 33 minutes. By that time the shavee, if I may use the word, was nearly crazy, having missed his train and been cut In several places, but only half his faoe was shaved. Well, to end the story, my friend-had to take the razor from the barber and did then and there finish shav ing himself. TAB! WILL BE TUBNED OUT. The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Says That Democrat Must Go, Special Telegram to The Dlsoatcb. Saratoga, March 16. The Hon. George S. Batcheller, recently appointed Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury, has spent the day here and received many congratulations. He is looked upon as the central local figure of po litical influence and official patronage. It might be too much to say that every Repub lican voter In Saratoga Borings expects an ap pointment from General Batcheller, but it Is safe to say that before he leaves here he will have received applications enough from his fellow citizens to pretty nearly fill all the offices at the disposal of the Treasury Depart ment, and yet be gives no encouragement to tbe hope that Saratogians will receive special favors. To The Dispatch reporter General Batcheller said: "There is no political significance in my ap pointment. I aid not ask for the place. It came to me unsolicited. I was recommended to the position by General Tracy and Benator Hiscock and others. It 14 neither a Miller ap pointment nor a Plitt appointment. I am no body's man. I am a Republican. My depart ment of the Treasury is tbe one to which ap plications for appointments are made, and it must be that everybody knows this, for the mail brings me daily from 75 to 100 letters, ask ing for positions:, besides, the personal applica tions are constant and innumerable. There are a great many places to be filled. Civil service rules will be respected, but I cannot say how fully they will control. My opinion is that there will be numerous changes. Under a Re publican administration official positions be long to and should be filled by Republicans." BUSSELL AS A JOURNALIST. He Will Embark. In tho Samo Boat With W. J. Arkell. Canajoharie, N. Y., March IS. Russell B. Harrison, son of the President, arrived here to-day from Washington, and is the guest of Senator Arkell. It was learned that he had purchased an Interest in Frank Leslie's Weekly fromW. .J. Arkell, of the Judge. Mr. Hani son saia to a reporter that he would return to Montana early in April and take charge of Frank Leslie's Weekly, from Chicago to the Pacific coast. "Tbe first issueunderthe now management," Mr. Harrison said, will appear on May 7- It will be a double number and will be devoted largely to scenes connected with the ceremo nies of the Centennial celebration of Washing ton's inauguration." Mr. Harrison also said that arrangements had been made to illustrate tbe towns and scenery of tbe West by a new process. In an swer to an Inquiry as to what part of the work he would manage, Mr. Harrison said: "That can be described properly by a remark made by Senator Arkell." The West is so much broader than tbe East that to run a great pa per like Frank Leslie's Weekly the labor should be divided. The work will be so ar ranged as to give me the progressive Wesfaqd W. J. Arkell the enterprising East. My head quarters will be at Helena, Grasping Hooslerdom. From the New York World. 1 Indianapolis has doubled her police force. The grasping tendencies now dominating) Hoo sierdom are well illustrated by the determina tion of her capital to keep tbe peace. A New Anlmnl Discovered. From the Chicago Times. Jngwnmpsls whatfhe Prohibitionists down East call the high license party. DEATHS OP A DAI. James J. Fentan. James J. Fenton, of the firm of Abell & Co., in surance agents of this city, died yesterday after noon at the borne on Liberty street, near Fourth avenue. For several years he. had been suffering with that oread disease, consumption, and on a half dozen different occasions his lamlly expected him to receive the last summons which comes to everybody. His tenacity to lire was re markable, ana each time be rallied to go back to bis business. About a year ago be took a trip to the South, but It did not do him much good. Several weeks ago he again took to his bed, and at last gave himself up to tbe grim conqueror, death. About 4 o'clock yesterday he breathed his last, conscious to the end He was surrounded bv his mother and family at the time. Mr. Fenton was for many years connected with the firm of Albrce Co., on Wood street. 'He was offered and accepted a position with the Me chanics' National Bank about two years ago, but his tailing health., compelled him to give it up. HJs I antral wilt take place from Bt. Paul's Ca thedral to-morrow morning. Sirs, James A, floras. Tbe many friends of Mrs. James A. Burns were hocked to hear of her deatb, from typhoid fever, last Friday at 3P.M. She was the wife of the well known young business man. J. A. Burns, of this city, living at 109 Page street, Allegheny, and ber parents' home is In Wilmington,. Del. Bho had been married scarcely two years, and her friends. in Wilmington, and the many sho mado In this' eltv. will be grieved to hear or tbe cbarmlngladv's sudden death, hue leaves oue child, a beautiful .little babe, and If honest sympathy can assuage a young husband's grief over the loss or a beautiful and accomplished wife, Mr. Burns will not find himself without friends on this sad occasion. Prof, A, 8. Welsh. Das MOINES, IOWA, March 14. -A. S. Welsh died at Pasadena, Cat., yesterday. He was once President of the Iowa Agricultural College at Ames, was a United Btates Senator from Florida soon after the war and had since been promi nently engaged in educational work. He was at one time President of the Michigan Normal bcbooL went from there to Iowa and was Presi dent of tho Agricultural College for H years, and after resigning remained as Professor of Psy. chology. Morton Clieeaman. Baj? Francisco, March is Morton Cheesman, an old resident and prominent capitalist, died here yesterday of laryngitis. He was about do years old, and was a native of Mew York. He leaves a lortune of 600,000. SundIx K0HT-i7, BAHR0ADS ON, THE.'BAOK. Forced to Explain Their Rates Before tbe Inter-State Commission; Washisotos, March it Inresponse to the request of the Inter-State Commerce Commis sion contained in the circular letter of March 8, the representatives of the railway-carriers comprising the trunk line association, ap peared before the commission to-day for the purpose of showing what their respective ex port rates are, and explaining tbe manner of making tbem. The evidence given by the roads was generally satisfactory until the Wa bash and Western road was reached. Mr. Sumner Hopkins, of this road, said that tbe rates are made for export by adding the in land and ocean rates. Theyhad quoted through rates only since the rule of the commission was Issued requiring the Inland rate to be stated separately. They had done this to meet .rates made by other companies. He would bave no knowledge of his company receiving less than the seaboard rates, as such bills weie settled by the1 General Freight Department. He knew of no reason why the rules made J)J the com mission in regard to tho tariff should not be carried out. Ho claimed that his road always received the inland rate, but be did not know when a reduction was mado whether the ocean rate bore the loss or nbt. The General Freight Agent might have assignments with the steam ship companies whicb lie knew nothing abont. Under the questioning of Jndge Pond, of the Lake Shore, the witness said be did not know what tbe ocean rate was, and when asked how be could make a through rate when be did not know the ocean rate, be did not answer. When asked about recent bills of lading signed by his name which stated tbe through rate at 67 when tbe ocean rate was 30, he said he had no per sonal knowledge of those bills, as they were maao ont by his chief clerk. Tbe General Freight Department made all divisions of rates Mr. C. M. Hayes, tho General Manager of tbe Wabash, protested against the representative of his company being examined by the counsel of tte competing road. - If roads vere to be represented by connsel they would come pre pared. Chairman Cooley said tbe examination could not be considered to-day, and that tbe examin ation should be continued -to some otber day. when the roads could be represented by their counsel. After a brief discussion relative to the best time for continuing tbe conference, it was decided to meet again on Monday morning. The conference then adjourned. PAID TO BE TREASURER. Charges -of Bribery Against nn Eager - Municipal Candidate. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Syracuse, March 16. The charter election in this city in February resulted In putting six Republicans and fire Democrats in Common Council. The chief office to be filled by tbe Council was that of City Treasurer, which pays a salary of $4,700, beside a considerable sum in percentageslind perquisites. Alderman Beager, Republican, representing tbe Eighth ward. Im mediately claimed this appointment as belong ing within bis district, and presented as bis candidate "Yoke" Doollttie. a well-known politician. Seager wont into the Republican caucus, but, falling to carry his point, joined with tbe five Democrats and secured tbe ap pointment of Benjamin W. Roscoe, a Demo crat. Seager has declared that there was money in the deal, and that Roscoe bad offered him 53,000 to vote for him. Tbe pullsbed stories and the inflamed state of public opinion caused tbe District Attorney to bring the case to the attentioa of the grand jury. Evidence was se cured showing that Roscoe had drawn 33,000 from the bank, tbe afternoon of his election, and otherwise making out a strong prima facie case. The grand jury to-day reported an in dictment for bribery against Roscoe. He was arrested this afternoon, and admitted to 5,000 ball. The defendant is the senior member of the firm of Roscoe Brothers. Bis bond of $500,000 as Treasurer has not been accepted by tbe Common Council, on account of the charges against him, and tbe old Treasurer is holding over. THE WOBLD'S BIG BIX New York Will be the Second City if Its Boundaries Are Enlarged, If the plan to enlarge the boundaries of New York City Is sanctioned by the Legislature, says tbe New York Sun, the city would rank second in size and population among the cities of the world. First, of course. Is London. But there are four Londons, just as there are four Pekings There Is the old "city" of London, still dis tinct In theory, which covers only a few square miles Then there Is another political London that occupies 122 square miles. Next is postal London, which extends over 250 square miles, and, finally, police London, which spreads out to the enormous area of 687 miles, with a popu lation of 4,000,000. Next would come the proposed New York, covering 820 squaro miles, with a population of 3,000,000. As It Is now It covers 42 square miles, population 1,000,000. Third is Paris In its larger scope as a political division, tbe department of the Seine, which extends over 184 square miles, having a population of 2,250,000. Sprawling Philadelphia is a good fourth, having 130 sanare miles and anonnlatlon of 850.000. Tokio. or "Yeddo," used to be put down jn tbe geogra phies as tbe largest city in the world. But that was Decanse we naa to taise tne native accounts of it. When foreigners were allowed to visit the county the size of the metropolis shrank very fast. There Is enough left, however, to maKeltone of the largest cities. It cover 60 square miles and has a population of 800.000. Berlin comes next with 8 square miles and a population of 1,000,000. CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS' HOME, General Badeaa Doubles Sirs. Grant's Un pretentious Donation. New York, March 16. The Citizens Com mittee to aid tho Confederate Soldiers' Home at Austin, Tex., to-day received a letter from Admiral Porter, in which he says: "The Con federate Veterans are, as of yore, our fellow countrymen; and, In regard to the hostile feel ing between the northern and Southern sol diers the latter bave long since forgotten it. Out of the conflict sprung many good qualities which we might hive not otherwise possessed humanity, sympathy and magnanimous feel ings against those who warred against tbe Union. The North Is f nil of prosperity and tne South, under the new order of things, is rapid ly following her footsteps. The stars shine brightly for us alLand having secured tbe per petuation of tbe Union it behooves us of the North to assist those who are overwhelmed with adversity. This is the best way to make a united country. There should be no North; no South, but ono nation over which the stars and stripes should wave forever." General Adam Badeau sends a letter in which he acknowledges tender care Tecelved by him in a Southern hospital during the war, and de clares that tbe project is not one ofcharity, bnt of patriotism. He incloses a check for 50. Colonel Robert lngersoll will deliver a lecture in aid of the fund at the Acadamy of Music March 24. ECONOMICAL PEOPLE.' . gome Residents of New York Who Live at a Smnll Cost. Hew York, March 16. The Chinese of this city, who number over 8,000, live more cheaply than the people of any otber race to be found here. The Italians come next to the Chinese In tbe cheapness of their living, and the Bohe mians stand next to the Italians In this respect. Tbe mortality of the Chinese residing In Mew York is greater, in proportion to their number, than that of any other race, though most of tbem cat American food. They are apt to find our climate hard on them. A well-Informed Italian resident of this city recently said that most of hIslaboring country men here live at an expense of not more than 40 cents a day, and hoard what they may earn beyond that sum. The Bohemian cigarmakcrs. who number thousands, are compelled by necessity to liye as cheaply as possible. JEAN INGELOW'S HOME. Despite London Fogs It Is a Bower of Benntlful Flowers. The London home of Jean Ingelow is fn Kensington. The houso Is built of light-colored brick, and Is surrounded by a pretty garden, in whicb flowers are Kept blooming in the winter. Inside the house tbere are more flowers in pots and in vases. Miss Ingelow is so fond of flowers that sho writes of tencr in her conservatory than anywhere else. All her writing is done before gaslight, or ratber before night, for London fogs render gaslight often necessary at very early hours in the day. HOW THE BONDS COME IB. Many Millions Purchased Since the Circular of April 17 Was Issued. Washington, March 16. Tbe total amount of bonds purchased to date, under tho circular ofAprlll7.isS125.21!l,&J0. of which $5LS37,300 were 4 per cents and 573,882,650 were 4 per cents. Tbe total cot of these bonds were $14o.913,V00, of which 885,923,899 was paid for the 4 per cents and 580,020,001 were 4 per cents. The total amount of bonds purchased to date during the present administration la (2,261,850, all of which were 4 per cents. 'issa w- THE AGE OP BUS DIALS. Curious Loro Regarding the Timepieces of a. Primitive Race A Strange Icelandic Dial IlIeientoei of an Ease-Loving People Countries Without Clocks. From the London Standard.! . Sun dials, like clepsydras and candle-clocks, nave so long been superseded as time-measurers that the extraordinary collection of lit erary lore relating to them, embodied in tbe late Mrs. Gatty's work on the Subject, is likely to prove a sort of revelation to most of its readers. Until well into this century very few people in Iceland owned a clock, tho only dial in use being the natural horizon of each, own ship, divided Into eight equal parts by moun tain peaks, where such 'were situated conven iently, and by pyramids of stone when natural marks were wanting. In the district of Bond fjord, in Norway, a "town clock" of a like construction was in use, and, to the end of the last century, a device of the same kind existed at Settle, in Yorkshire. A pile of rocks on a hill behind the town casta shadow upon large slabs of stone placed at regular Intervals, and marked Vtth numbers corresponding to tbe hour of the day. Even yet country folk will set their clocks by noting the moment when the sun strikes along a groove in the floor just within tho house door, and at an angleTrith the threshold, and to this day the Greenland ers at a dreary post In the Walgatz Strait watch for the sunbeams on a particular ebink in the mountain opposite, In order to regulate their timepieces.af ter the long night of four months. Of coarse tho wealthy Eskimo may no w acquire some kind of watch, and the progress of Eu ropean ways Is fast rendering the pocket dials, once so common in Japan, as obsolete a fashion as the Dalmios and their two-sworded retainers. Time Was Not Always Money. From the time when Ahaz, of Jndah, reared his famons gnomon, to the hour when the Eng lish parson set up one on tbe gable end of the vicarage, these measures of time were well fitted for a leisurely nge. In which a few mlnntes more or less were of no earthly ac count whatever. Babylonians and Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, Peruvians and Mexicans, were energetic, bnt not- breatbless, peoples. Knowing that time and they were match for any other two, they did not work at high pressure. The hanging gardens were not, we take it, offered to open tender, and judging from the nay pyramids have lasted, these structures were not built by contractors under heavy penalties to hand tbem over by a stipu lated date. A people in no great hurry could afford to Indulge In easy ways of noting the lapse of time. They bad floral clocks, like that which Llnntens set up In tbe Garden of Upsala, In which the hours were rudely noted by flow ers which opened and shut at fixed periods. Then there was a still quainter dial In the grounds of Wentwortb Castle, the numerals being cut in box edgings, while a clipped yew tree In the center acted as the gnomon. Tbe Eloquence of Shadows. The people who made and used sun dials were a leisurely race of men. in nobaste, they liked to be sure, and this requirement their timekeepers possessed in an eminent degree. For if tbey failed to tell the tale of the pass ing hours for days and weeks at a time, when tbey did undertake to play clerk to the sun, their word might be accepted with the utmost confidence. . Dials never got out of order. They required no regulating or cleaning. Hav ing no escapement, it was hopeless for tbe most knavish artizans to affect the necessity of put ting In a new one. Day in and day out, the shadow of the gnomon moved, telling silently the hours of toil and the hours of play, tbe time when the dinner horn was to be sounded and the tolling horses unyoked from tbe plow. Then, when the sun set and tbe dial was shadowless, the village thought of sleep, and certainly not of work, A Slow Going Race. These old dials are thus th6 voiceless chroni clers of a peaceful world, in which days apd years passed without leaving any mark behind them of a tlmo when therewero no trains to catch, when the 'Squire rode to Quarter Ses sions at his own pace, and when country folk who got a lift by tbe wagon were ready long before the driver bad finished his last mug of ale. They tell of a slow-paced folk, who did not reckon by minutes, or dream of such neces sities as watches with second hands, who slept much on benches at noon, and to most of wbom it was, as Prince Hal told Falstaff, "superfluous to know tbe time of day." By them the farmer set bis laborers to work, and the village Muezzin called tbe faithful to prayer, just as they do in these more driving times of Yankee clocks at seven-and slxpence.and watches which keep time with pleasing variety and cost less than many a self-respecting farmer would have spent In a steady bout of October ale. A Buslness-Llko Blottu. The mottoes inscribed on sun dials are, as might bave been expected, in keeping with the character of the people who engraved tbem. They are never long, for, as Jo Gargery re marked to Pip, "poetry costs money, cut it how you will;" and they are always moral. The dignity of dialing would not brook tbe vulgar tongue, except, perhaps. In Italy, where In spite of Petrarch's contempt for bis native Tuscan, tbere are a good many mottoes in words understood of the people. That popu lar instruction was not the intention of tbe majority of those who Inscribed grave senti ments on their dials may, however, be inferred from the fact that the few which are in any way humorous are in English. "Be gone about your business" was inscribed on a dial of the old brick house which stood at the east end of the Inner Temple terrace ratber more than 60 years ago. The legend Is that the dialist, pest ering the benchers for a motto, was testily told to "go about his business," and being a dull man, took this for the required Inscription. ' Curious Church Inscriptions. The most terse and, from a business point of view, not the least witty motto is the one which appears over the door of a public house near Grenoble. "Hora blbendi," the suggestion being that any hour is good enough for trying the landlord's wine. Yet we imagine that even this bit of Latmity, which might bare been written by the scholastic landlord with whom Strap and Roderick Random disputed over the bill in Horatian verse, is plagiarized. For, curiously enough, "N unc hora blbendi" ap pears on nearly every .church-clock in the country about Abries (near Monte Viso), a mistake, one might fancy, for "Hora est benefaclendi," which Is to be seen at Hyeres. Shakespearian mottoes are few. As for the poets generally, they seem never to have been drawn upon. DOST PAY FOR H0NESTI. The Small Salaries Paid Men Who Hold Responsible Positions. From tbe New York San. J "It Isrremarkable," said a welt-known bank official the other day, "what small salaries are' paid to men who are entrusted with the dally handling of vast sums of money. Take the cashiers, the tellers and the bookkeepers In our large financial institutions. Their salaries are comparatively small, while their responsi bilities are immense. I know a President of a bank note company In this city who receives 510,000 a year. He handles at least one thou sand times that amount of securities every year, and his opportunities for theft are tre mendous. His position compels him to live hlgb, and yet be has little income outside of his salary. A casbler of one of our banks testified at theKerr trial tbe otbtr day to handling un limited $1,000 bills, and yet bis salary is less than $7,600. It is a wonder to me that tbere are not more defalcations." CAUGHT ON THE GRIP LINE. The moon that eve was usually bright. And it turned the darkness Into light. And o'er the hills In my buggy I flew, "Wlillc scaled beside was a girl In blue; And tho man In the moon looked on and said: "My boy and girl you should not wed, Por marriage Is a failure." We beeded not the green cheese man. And faster and faster the old horse ran, Until themlnUter's bouse we reached. And he tied the knot and then he preacb ed In direct opposition to the man in the moon, Por Instead of failure he declared it a boon, And I am sure we have found It that. Sixes of the times Barefeet and sodawater. Cashier You will have to be identified be fore I can cash this check. Dainty maiden I thought I would. So I just brought my photograph along. Ain't that me, and ain't me that r Husband My dear, I am afraid this cake will start to weep. Wife-Why f Husband It's so very sad. BtuttY Barkeeper, there is nothing in this lemonade but seeds and sugar. MiiSsecper-Well, my friend, If you stay with thai free lunch much longer those seeds will be lemons. 'Give me a paper that has all the news, With editorials to match." Tbe newsboy put bis band In bis pile And pulled out aPrnsuUKa Dispatch, i a s. a ' l - HEW YORK AT A GLAKCE. k Co-Operutlve Clubhouse. fltXW TOKK BCBXAU SrXCIAM.1 New York, March 16. The Authors' Club proposes to build a big combination clubhouse eight or ten stories hlgb, in which the uozen or more clerks' clubs in the city which, like Itself, have no need of an entire building, may have their headquarters. The lower half of the building will be devoted to such clubs and the upper half to studios and apartments for those club menwho will want to lire under the same roof with their clubs. The building will be provided with elevators, and probably with a restaurant, which would serve the other ten ants as well as the clubs. It win also have a common ball, which' each club may use for banquets, receptions and other occasions re quiring plenty of room. Not Frightened OS by Carnegie. The directors of the proposed building to take tbe place of tbe Madison Square Garden deny that they have abandoned their under taking because of Andrew Carnegie's Intention to build a big music hall at Seventh avenue and Fifty-seventh street. They say that the company is In good shape and that there Is every reason for predicting tbe success of the undertaking. Tbe reason It has not begun to build Is because all the money necessary to complete tbe structure hasn't been paid in and the directors did not want to stop for want of funds after they have once started. Paid for Their Happiness The three men wbo applauded when Thomas B. Kerr was acquitted of bribing the boodle Aldermen, last night, were arraigned before Judge Daniels, in the Supreme Court, this morning. They were Chauncey F. Kerr, brother of the alleged boodler; Hugh J. Connell, who married his cousin, and Lawrence H. Irwin, bis bookkeeper. Tbey all acknowledged their offense, bnt declared they were so overjoyed at tbe verdict tbat tbey didn't know what they were doing; they certainly intended no disre spect to the Court. They were all three fined $23 each, in spite of Colonel Bob Ingersoll's plea that ho has seen tbe lawyers engaged in a successful suit get on the table and give three cheers. In answer to the plea. Judge Danjels said: "It's lucky the counsel in this case did not imitate them." Mr. Bird, Kerr's other lawyer, paid the fines. Bob lngersoll ought to have done so, as he received $25,000 as his fee for defending the alleged boodler 110,000 as a re tainer and the remainder on getting the ver dict. Mrs, Langtrr Recovering. Mrs. Langtry is better to-day, and even her physicians now think she can fulfill her Phila delphia engagement. The tonsllltls has disap peared, and with it the weakness that is its ac companiment. The operation on her nose has been so successful that she says she has not been able to articulate so clearly for a year as she can now. A Missing man Heard From. Andrew Van Buskirk, of Brooklyn, a grocer who disappeared on January 22, has written to his wife from Denver that he went away be cause he could not make any money In Brook lyn. He Instructed ber to sell out his business and pay his debts, and ends by bidding her goodby. Beyond announcing that he will not return to Brooklyn, he says nothing as to the future. Two More Centenarians Gone. The deaths of two centenartans were re ported to-day. One was Emily Tracy, an in mate of the M.E.Church Home, who was bom in Norwich, Conn., 102 years and 7 months ago. She was a widow. Her room was decorated with flags and flowers on her 102d birthday. She didn't understand what the bunting was for. and asked if the Americans had won a victory over the English. The Home seems to be a breeding place for centenarians. One of its Inmates Is said to hare died at the age of 117. Phillls Nad. a colored woman, wbo was born in New Jersey, and had formerly been a slave, died at 212 East Ninety-seventh street at the age of almost exactly 100 years. HE WAS ACQUAINTED. Mr. Cleveland's Last Formal Interview With the Supreme Coart. Prom the Baltimore guml When the Justices of the Supreme Court made their first formal call upon Mr. Cleve land, four years ago, the interview was rather stiff, because the President was not personally acquainted with any of the members. It was entirely different the other day, when the first call was made upon the present Executive. During his service in the Senate Mr. Harrison made tbe personal acquaintance of all the members of the court, and he knew Chief Jus tice Fuller before the latter was called to the bench. After shaking bands with the Justices, the President Inquired after the health of Mr. Justice Matthews, and expressed his wish for his speedy return to health. He then, bowing to all of tbem, said pleasantly he hoped they would all live long and prosper. "For," said he, "I do not want to be called upon to make any appointments upon your bench durfug my term." "Well, you will not be troubled In that way, if we can help it," said one of the justices. "Here is our boy member," said another, as he turned to Mr. Justlco Bradley, who wears his 76 years with a sprlghtliness and activity of mind Which are remarkable. The President and the judge smiled at each other, and there was a merry twinkle in the eye of the latter as he acknowledged the com pliment. ANOTHER GEORGIA WONDER, A Living Man Whose Legs Have Turned to Wood or fetone. Alb ANT, GA., March IB. Guy Jones, col ored, works with Mr. F. A. Clegg; of Lea county, and is unlike any other man only in that his legs and hands are petrified. These members are as hard as ordinary wood, and the pressure which one could Impose with a finger nail failed to. mako any Indentation in the flesh. The negro says that he bas no feeling in them whatever, but that If they are cut the blood will flow as from the person of an or dinary man. Gny is free to talk abont his oddity, and says tbat it commenced on him nine years ago. "Tbe doctor told me then that It would kill me in four years," said tbe man, "but," with a grin, "I am here yet," Convenient for High Odditis. From tba Boston Herald.! The Governor of Pennsylvania uses s graph ophone. It enables blm to talk to office seekers and go visiting at tbe same time. It fills a want long felt by high officials. ART NOTES. Reversible sunset scenes are those which look the same no matter which side is up. It is not necessary to call every painting of a blind girl "Nydia," but, nevertheless, It is done. Whenever a piece of Roman statuary a couple of thousand years old is found the scien tists call It "naw." The prices which are attached to 4x6 pict ures with frames six Inches wide refer to the paintings, as.a rule, not to tbe frames. A portrait painter makes himself popular with girls wbo possess hair bordering on tbe tinge of sunset by doing their pictnres in black and white. JlR. De WAOI.KWER, tho great impression ist, gave a "private view" last week, and after ward yielded to bis friends' wishes and gave up the public exhibition. A CEUTAIX artist is so fond of detail that If he paints a profile on one side of tbe canvas bo always turns it over and paints the other side of tho face on the back. The young artist wbo went from Ohio to Paris last summer to study Is hard at work. He hopes to know enough French shortly to understand his teacher. Sojtb portraits which appear In newspapers are pretty bad, but the victims should be glad tbat they didn't live when the portrait would have been worked In tapestry. Emperor Wiiaiam Is going to send busts of himself to some European sovereigns. Per haps Germany would like the busts and let William distribute himself around. AWfA Tadema Is" so very correct that he went to an old ruin in Rome and got down on his bands and knees to count the number of different shades, in .the tiler of tbe marble floor. ' New York Evening Bun. CDIIODS CpHDJESAlieBSi v A 40-pound lake trout waa eaagM aft Stlgnace a few days ago. It was eabalfiMd In ice and sent to New York, The curfew horn & still Mown every night at 9 o'clock byamantounUonnattho market cross In the old Yorkshire town of Ripon. The principal instructor is s'Baltiaiara commercial school bas committed suicide be cause his recently published hook was not a success. Jackson, Mich., PresbyteriftBS held a church banquet a few nights ago, 6 'M men cooks, waiters, dishwashers, etft, old. all tbe work. The remains of an unknown preTiistorio monster hajre been dug up near Livingstoa, Neb., by well-diggers. Xlneof the teeth of tha animal measured U inches long by 4 in breadta. Testimony in a recent suit brought by Harris, of Philadelphia, to obtain wages dua him, revealed tbe fact that he had been em Ployed to make trousers for 90 cent! a doaen, or 7 cents a pair. The lising generation in- Austtalia is developing a peculiar nasal twang in the voice that promises to become as distinctive as is the Yankee twang in this country. The school teachers of the country have been exhorted to suppress the twang. A duck was killed In Spottslyvania county, Virginia, which had a nail two inchea long protruding through the gizzard Into tho entrails. It seemed to cause the duck no in convenience, as It was as lively as a cricketbe f ore it was killed. A Canadian paper wants to know why 6,000,000 Canadians should pay more to be gov erned than 60,000,000 Americans pay. The IS Cabinet officers of Ottawa receive 1105 000 a year, while the eight Cabinet officers of tha United States receive 64,000. Thirteen miles from Cheyenne is what is said to be the largest horse farm in tbe world. There are 120,000 acres of land, where roam 5,000 horses, which require the constant attention of 68 men. One hundred miles of wire fence keeps the animals in bounds. In Connecticut last -week a man who pleaded guilty to killing another man was sen tenced to three months to jail and fined 51. la Boston last week a man who was convicted of mutilating a book belonging to the public library was sentenced to five months in jail. A young woman, of Bidgeway, Canada, has had the banns of matrimony between her self and two of her lovers read in the parish church, tbe clergyman having decided that sha is free to choose between them at the altar. This is anew and startling departure in wed dings. A mineral that resembles coal has been found on a farm at Southwest Harbor, Me. It burns briskly till nearly half reduced, and when burning is as soit and ductile as putty. When burned put the substance is black as jet and as hard as flint. Robbed with a woolen cloth it will give a brilliant polish. Mrs. Frank O'Grady, while playing ia "Eviction" In a theater at Macclesfield. En gland, as she waited in tbe wings, stooped to let another actor pass upon tbe stage, and in so doing ran into ber chest a knitting needle tbat she was holding in her hand. She died from tbe wound a few hours later. A man astonished the Circuit Court at Marshall, Mich., the other day by heatedly ex claiming that he'd be hanged if he'd have any case of his tried before such a tough-looking jury as that. But when he was Informed that the men be kicked on were a lot of prisoners awaiting sentence tbe kicker cooled off and the Court smiled. The Eev. Q. A. Tewkshury, pastor of tbe Pilgrim Church at Cambridgeport, Mass., fell In love with a young woman in his choir, and tbey became engaged. The trouble In tin church that followed has resulted in the resig nation of Mr. Tewksbury. A church council has commended him to tbe consideration of other churches as a faithful minister. There has been a revival of religion at Moberly, Mo., and among the conversions wis tbat of a man who had been a very hard case. When he went forward in the church'to make a profession of his faith be surprised the par son and people by handing to tho former a bottle half full of whisky and a slung shot. He said that he proposed to renounce all his evils. Proceedings have been begun, before the Ohio Supreme Court to set aside the verdict by which one William Gaines was sentenced to life imprisonment for tbe murder of one Pat rick Hughes. Tbe claim upon which the pro ceedings are Based is that the jury which con victed Gaines, being equally divided as to his guilt or innocence, settled tbe question by flip ping up a coin. It is said that love for pets and love of traveling are tbe two ruling passions of the Princess Maria Theresa, of Bavaria. Sho is unmarried, and in ber many jonrneyings is at tended by a maid and a chamberlain. She always takes ber pets with her, and tbe cham berlain has to look after them. His place Is no sinecure, for she has 14 animals of one sort and other. Including several dogs, two magpies, an enormous rat, and a diminutive bear. A resident of Martin's Perry, O., has two small boys and one big dog, a Newfound land, their constant companion. The other day the boys got to fighting, and the smaller was getting the worst of it. when the dog. who had been an uneasy observer ot the proceed ings, rushed between the lads, separated them by main force, and then dragged the larger boy away, without hurting him in the least or showing a particle of ill temper. A speaker before a farmers' institute in Massachusetts the other day argued that farm ing had more bright sides than any any other business if tbe farmer only knew it. Unfor tunately, tbe farmer didn't always know it. Then he used this illustration: "Do you hear that delightful music?" said a traveler to his comrade, as he heard the soft baying of a bound. "No," was the reply; "that devilish dog makes such a racket I can't hear any thing." In regard to the recent discovery that the glass bottles in which wine is kept some times affect its quality, M. Pelligot, the chem ist, says that such changes are due to the ac tion of the ingredients employed in tbe pre paration of the glass; thus an undue admixture of lime and magnesia, which are often substi tuted for soda and potash, being cheaper, acts Injuriously upon wine, while it improves when the proportion of lime does not exceed 13 or 30 per cent. FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. MY CHARMER. She keeps a pug she dearly loves; I do not eare I am not Jealous. . Tbe only pug I have to fear Her father keeps beneath ber trellis. Sea York Evening Sim. Cue-rious. Racing man (meeting sport lng prophet) I say, old man. you'd make a fine prize cue for a billiard handicap. Sporting Prophet (rather pleased) How so? Baclng Man Because your tip nexer comes oS. Funny Folks. Too Ethereal for Exposure. Tramp Madame, haven't you anything to give a poor, hungry, freezing gentleman? Woman-Oh, yes; I' 11 give you 'good morning." Tramp Thank you, madame. Now couldn't you give me something to wrap It np In? Xante aiade. A miser died a few days ago. After care ful investigation bis trustees And he once gave something away. In tbe giddy frivolity of his early youth he gave the measles to bis yonnger brother. This fact Is to be banded down to pos terity la brass letters oa his tombstone. Tid irtsf. Very Unkind. Scene: A new volunteer corps shooting range. Infuriated commanding odccr-Hl, tbere. get away, you madman get away from tbe target! Easy Minded Lunatic Hold on guv'nor, I ain't , as mad as I look! I was here all day yesterday, and found It much tbe safest place In the field. London. Exchange. Schoolmaster's Wife-rlf your sister cornea to-morrow with her children and remains with us a few days we shaft bave to fry lots of pan cakes, and we bave neither eggs nor butter in the bouse. Schoolmaster And we are short of money be sides. But patience, I bave an idea. (Atscbool) Children, to-morrow I will tell you the beau tiful story of Columbus, who discovered America, so each ot yon will bave to bring an egg with yon to school. If you don't happen to bave any eggs In the house, a little butter will aa.-liu. genii Blatter. The Eules Didn't Work. "Oh, deail Til never believe a word these horrid newspapers say again." Mother Why. what's the matter? "l'esterday I read an article about how to keep a husband Just as devoted as he was when a lover. It said you must keep your temper, attend con scientiously to the kitchen and pantry, see that bis clothing Is In good order, have plenty of sun light la the house and la tho heart, don't bother blm about going to plaees of amusement whea be Is tired, keep the hair cunningly axed and never let blm seel: In curl papers, avoid frlends,who would only bore Mm and dress weU." "Very good advice." "Oood! Why, as aulek.as I'got home I told him I wanted a lot of sew dresses, and he got mad right oaV'-Jftts Xork-WetUji .. 1i'