LjgU I -? ta'Ditpla advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise tnentfon this page such as Wanted, lor Sale, 2b. Iet, ria, ten cents, per line or each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements "will bo received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion net morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already hare accounts wlthTnEDlS TXTCB. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, S5u8 Bnflcr street. E.MIL o. 8TUCKET. 2tth street and Fenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fnlton St. N. STOKIXY. 111th Avenue Market House. XJLET EKD. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER A SHE1BLER, 5 th av. A Atwood St. EOUTH6ISZ. JACOBSPOHN. No. S Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 rederal street. H.'J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Heln. TTTASTED-DRUG CLERK: GERMAN PRE V FERRED. Address SENNA, Dljatch office. mtal, -KB WANTED-COOK FOR RESTAURANT; ONE Is willing to wait ona limited number. Ap ply 1S BUTLER STREET. mhI7-101 WANTED-A GOOD DRUG CLERK; MUST be a graduate, registered and well recom mended Address W. P., Dispatch-office. mhl-135 WANTED-A WHITE BARBER IMMEDI ATELY; single: state wages wanted with board. Address J. P. McOAMANT, Mies. O. mh!7-151 -rVTAIsTED-DRUG CLERK, QUALIFIED AS- V S1STANT. for city store. Address, with age, experience, reference, etc., SALOL, Dispatch or nee. mhl7-27 WANTED UNION MAN TO LATH AND plaster house In Allegheny Immediately. Call at 1 r. M. to-day at 414 smlthneld st. 8. A. SMITH. mhl7-90 ANTED A FEW IRON WORKERS AC CUbTOMiCD to east Iron fitting. Apply Monday morning to PHILADELPHIA CO.. West lnghouse, Graff. mhl7-140 -VT7"ANTE1)-MEN OK GOOD CHARACTER TO f V sell our new household necessities and novelties on weekly payments. GATELYACO., 10 and 12 Sixth St. mhl!-9 -TTTANTED A GOOD GARDENER FOR OUT 1T DOOR work, vegetable gardening, prun ing, etc Inquire alter 6 F. II. at 4 SHERIDAN AVE., East Liberty. mhl6-S TTTANTED DKYGOODS SALESMAN-AN V experienced dress goods man aud window trimmer. Address, with reference, WALN UT KTMcK'eespon. Pa. mhl-51 WANTED-A MAN CAPABLE OF TAKING care.of horses, cow and small garden In East End. Inquire, with reference, THOS. GILES, Seventeenth and Pike sts. in h 17-57 WANTED-AGENTS-AGRICULTUKE IM PLEMENTS and lightning rod salesmen preferred; larre commissions paid to good men only. D. M. RHODES, Cumberland, Md. mhl7-66 WANTED DRUG CLERK REGISTERED pharmacist or qualified assistant: must speak German and he well recommended. Ad dress THE OLD RELIABLE, Dispatch office. mhl7-lC -TTANTF.D-ATONCE-2 OR 3 LIVE MEN AT r S3 to )10 per dav; a new patented article that sells like wlldSre. -Call on R. TYLER. JR., office of Gately A Co., 10 and 12 Sixth, between 8 and 9 TTJANTED-A NO. I BLACKSMITH, CAPA V RLE of making locomotive frames, rndder frames and all kinds of lieavv blacksmith work. CaHatDUQUESNEFOKGECO., Rankin station, II. A O. K K. mhl7-55 WAN'iED-AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND ontslde towns to sell Dr.O'Keefc's pills and bitters: Mead v work: can make S12 to 18 per week. D1C U'KEEtfEACO.. Homeopathic Chemists. 34 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. mhl7-133 WANTED-AGENTS SJTO 57 A DAY' MADE selling my goods: agents wanted tor Pitts burg, Allegheny and surrounding towns, articles needed In every ramilv. Address W. B. ALLI SON, Wilmington. Delaware. mhl7-143 -TTTANTED -0E FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN V In every gas burning city to Introduce auto matic device attachable to each gas fixture: a startling noveltv; attractive, high class and very profitable. ELECTRIC MFG CO., 51 Keekman st.. New York. inlil7-81-sn WANTED-AGESTS.- ACTIVE CANVASS ERS to sell on commission. In Pittsburg and surrounding towns, La-Va-Tor, a laundry ar ticle rcadilv sold, with good profits: wagon fur nished lor delivery. H. HOLTZMAN A SONS, 35 Sixth St.. Pittsburg. mhI4-33 -rrr anted a first-class man to V travel and appoint agents In Pennsylvania. Liberal salary to the right man. Also local agents wanted In every county. Write for particulars. WM HIMROD. Gen. AgL, Lake Shore Masonic Relief Ass'n, Erie, Pa. leH-I12-sn WANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE; a good handwiitlug taughtln a few easy lessons: private Instructions for both rexes: college open dally from 9 A. M. to 9 p. si., 13 Sixth street, Pittsburg. nihl2-30-TTSSu -VTTANTED-AGENTS TO SELL OUR PATENT T $3 pants to measure fit better, wear longer, can be worn with or without suspenders. Not liable to bag at knee: made In all grades and pat terns. Big money to live men with small capital. Send stamp for circulars and confidential terras. M patent pants: fl5 suits. HUNTER MFG. CO., Sixth ail d sycamore, Cincinnati, O. mhl7-86-TTSSu Female BelD. YXTANTED-FIRST-CLASS SEWING GIRLS v to work on custom pants. Call at 525 SMITHFIELD ST.; upstairs. mhI7-lu3 WANTED-GIKL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK; German Protestant preferred. Ap ply at once No. 30 BUD WELL ST., Allegheny. mhl7-114 -rTT-ANTED-GOOD EXPERIENCED GIRL T for general housework: references required. Apply at 174 WASHINGTON AVE., Allegheny. mh!7-50 WANTED SIX EXPERIENCED SHOE salesladies and four shoe salesmen at KACFMANNS'; good salaries to the right parties. mhI7-149 WANTED-A MIDDLE-AGED WHITELADY to take charge of children ina private fam ily; relcrence required. Inquire Xt CENTER AVE., city. mh 17-45 -VTTANTED-GIRLS TO SEW ON CLOAKS; TV also experienced operator on Bonnaz braiding machine. SAMPLINER RICH. 819 Liberty street. mhl7-6S -TTrANTED-A WAITRESS IN A SMALL V family: must come with good cltv reference; best wages paid. Apply at NO. 86 WATER ST., second floor front, Monday morning at 10 o'clock. mh!7-54 WANTED-ABOUT APRIL L TWO (2) GOOD servants; one as cook and laundress, and the other as chambermaid, etc; sisters preferred; In small family of four adults. Mention refer ences and where interview can be had. Address. MANDEVILLE, Dispatch Office. mh!7-24 -TTTANTED-LADY AGENTS. TWO NEW TT Inventions for ladles1 spring, summer wear. Outsell ever thing. Pay poo monthly. These, with our bustle-skirts, rubber goods, hose supporters, etc make best business known. Ad dress with stamp. E. H. CAMPBELL & CO., 484 Randolph St.. Chicago. mhlO-112-TTSu aiole and female Heln, "TTTAJiTED-AT ONCE, MAN FOR HOTEL, V man ana wire Tor farm, 20 farm hands, male help supplied on shortest notice to employ ers free of charge: large numbers are emploved dallv. MEEHAN'S EMPLOIMENT AGENC. M5 Grant St. inh!7-147 VTTANTED-MORE LADIES AND GENTLE Y MEN for clean, light and respectable busi ness; will pay from J3 to $5 a day: no books, no trash: article or merit: sells at sight. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY CO., box 76, Manorvllle, Armstrong eonnty. Pa, mhl7-H0 TTTANTED AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, TO W sell Missouri steam Washer to families: ar guments in its favor numerous and convincing; sales made without difficulty; profits large: sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense lr not satisfactory: write ror Illustrated circular and terms. J. "H ORTH, 54 Beekman, N. Y. no25-w8Q.su Booms, Houses, Etc "TTTANTED THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT V housekeeping. In subnrbs'or central part of cltv. Address, L.L.," Dispatch Office. UJUU' TTTANTED-IN EAST END. FURNISHED V room, with or without board; privilege of bath. Address, stating terms, H. A. D Dis patch office. mbl7-l04 -TirANTED-Br SINGLE GENT, BY APRIL T 1 well furnished room In good neighbor hood, Pittsburg or Allegheny. Address F. D. IL, Dispatch officeT mhl7-U9 yirrANTED-TWO connecting OR AD T V JOI.MNGronina In Allegheny, near parks, Tor lady and gentleman, with board, best of ref erence given and reoulred. Address BOX 472. Pittsburg, Pa, mhI7-61 TITANTED-BY A "WIDOW LADY A FUR- V 1SHED front room, second floor. In a prl--rateamlly, located on any of the avenues facing the parks in the cltv of Allegheny, or-else near '.nf .w Prks. please state the rent per month. ddreu LOCK BOX ISO, PltUburgP. 6. mhl7-4S BK"i" tf$ J WANTEB. Situations. WANTED SITUATION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper, from April 1; will furnish good reference. Address M. ., Dispatch office. mhl7-l6 -TTTANTED -SITUATION AS GARDENER; V married: understands greenhouse, fruits, vegetables, and care cows; can give reference. Address GARDENER, Dispatch office. mh!7-30 -TTTANTED-SITUATION BY BOOKKEEPER: V 20 years' experience. 15 In anthracite coal business of Pennsylvania. Sin hardware; city or country. Address T. P. H., Dispatch office. mhl6-40 -TTTANTED-FOSITION-SALESMAN, AGE 25, W . at present calling on the drygoods and gen eral store trade through Northern and Western Pennsylvania, wishes to make achange; first-class reference. 8. A., Dispatch office mnlj-43 Partners. W ANTE D-PAKTNEK TO ENGAGE IN IT good Business, man uii-fcu,,K oivv...j, no competition; rTOO required. Address MA- CHIN1ST. Dispatch office. mbl7-S7 -TTTANTED-PAKTNERWITH fl.000; SILENT W or otherwise: manufacturing: monopolr realizing large profits: 'nTestigatlon solicited; correspondence confidential. "COLrAN.'' Dls-t,-h mhl-47 w ANTKU-ACTIVK BUSINESSMAN WANT- established shoe manufacturing buslnes! i lij . Phll- adtlpnla. Address 5m,t,jLn ut w.ui-. N. Fourth st., Philadelphia. mhl7-o3 Boarders and Lodgers. WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR SECOND-STORY front room with alcove. MRS. J. A. STEWART, 160 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. mh!7-52 TV ANT E D BOARDERS-SHADYSDJE-V room with board, suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. Apply on premises, AMBER SON AVE., third door irom church. mhl7-21-wsu WANTED-BOARDERS-TWO GENTS CAN be accommodated with board for the summer at a farm-house, 20 minutes walk from Mansfield Station, location high, beautiful view: terms mod erate. Address, P.O. BOX 4S7, Pittsburg, Pa. mhl7-22 Boarding. -TTTANTED-BYLADY EMPLOTED DURING V day, room with breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner, or room near good boarding house. Ad dress R. A., Box 87S, Pittsburg P. O. mhl7-49 WANTED FURNISHED ROOM AND board for a gentleman and wife; family where there are no other boarders preferred: in direction of Oakland, and convenient to Fifth ave. cable: references. Address, with terms and description of accommodations offered, HOME, Dispatch office rahl7-93 Financial. TTTA.NTED-KENTSTO COLLECT. SPENCER Y &GLOSSER,419Smlthfleldst. mul7-54 WANTED-MOETGAGES-MONEr TO LOAN In sums to suit. EW1NG BYERS, 107 Federal street. mhl2-13-12,14,16,17,20 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 4K 5 AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; HI Fourth a e. Ja20-2-sc WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY at H. 5 AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 WANTED MORTGAGES ON IMPHOVED property. SPENCER & GLOSSER. 419 Smlthfield st. mhl7-84 -TTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. U19-S1 WANTED OWNERS OF PROPERTY TO know that we give our personal attention to the collection or rents and management of property. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlth lleldst. mhl7-84 -TTTANTED MOKTGAGES-ll. 000, fOOTO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4), Sand 6 per cent, and on I arms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PEN NOCK SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4 per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on Improved farms in Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette, Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK & B AIRD. 95 Fourth ave. je3-a9-su HHneellnneoo. WANTED STENOGRAPHER, TO EX CHANGE dictations with stenographer; ob ject, speed. Address, CHARLES B., Dispatch office fc mhl-23 TITAN-ID-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT Y H.-Terbeyden has laid lna large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, SJ0 Smlthfield st. noll-HWFSU WANTED-CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA TION questions and full information of how, when and where to apply for a government Bosltlon sent on receipt 10c. Address NATION AL LLUS1RATED MAGAZINE, Washington. D.C. mnl7-58-su WAN1 ED BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER 95 Fifth avenue, PltUbwg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, erervbodyto know that he Is making tine cabinets at ?1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nroccsju mh!3-63 FOR SALE IMPHOVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. F IOR SALE-FULTON ST.-3-STORY BRICK: good lot; price 2,200. S. J. FLEMING, 147 Fourth ave mni7-7s FOR SALE-A FRAME HOUSE. 9 ROOMS; lot, 20x64; Stenben St., West End, LAS 11 El, L, 4 RANKIN. 67 Fourth ave. mhl7-17 FOR SALE-tLBOO, ON DUQUESNE HEIGHTS, small house with lot 72x125 ft. SPENCEK& GLOSSER. 419 Smlthfield St. mhl7-84 FOR SALK-SIXTH AVENUE PROPERTY, above Smlthfield street; lot 24x90. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mh!7-84 FOR SALE-?13 50 A MONTH WILL BUY nice little houses on Sweetbrier st. SPENCER & GLOSeSEK, 419 Smlthfield St. mhl7-84 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-HOUSE OF 6 rooms and lot 60x140 on WeDster ave SPEN CER GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mhl7-84 TTHIR SALE-loQ,00O-ON DIAMOND SI-., COR J: NERloteOxlOOlL, with 4 thtee-storv brick b'ld'gs. SPENCERS GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mbl7-84 FOR SALE CLARK ST.-BRICK HOUSE 6 rooms; price J2, 200; property rents for ?25 per mo.; apply at once. S. J. FLEMING, 147 lourth ave mhl7-78 FOR SALE-FOUR NEW BKICK HOUSES ON Wylle avenue 10 rooms and all modern Im Srovcments. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smith eld st. mhl7-84 IpOK SALE-HOUSE AND LOT; DESIKABLE ? location In city: bouse 6 rooms and attic: nat ural gas andsewering; terms, cash down. Inquire 74 PRIDE. mh6-45 FOR SALE-MANSARD DWELLING, NINE rooms, etc, with lot 25x120 ft., on Main St.. Lawrencevllle SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. nhl6-S4 FOR SALE TWO FIVE - ROOM FRAME houses on Somers st. : lot 50x120 ft. to an alley ; price, 13,200 for both. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. . rahl7-S4 OK SALE-f700 CASH WILL BUY A NEAT1, nearly new 4-roora frame cottage house ou r rancls St., near W vile ave: level lot 30x75 to alley. J. C RE1LLY, 77 Diamond.st. mhlS-9 FORSALE -NO.400PENNAVENUE, CORNER Fourth st. 3-story brick dwelling, 12 rooms, bath, laundrv and 3 basement rooms; lot 24x110 to alley. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond St. mbl7-100-TTSSu T7H1RSALE-?1.()CASH FOR AN ELEGANT JO two-story frame house 4 rooms and good cis tern: stable on rear of lot: Grace street, Mt. Washington: lot 25x100. I. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. mnl6-9 FOR 8 ALE I. OS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST., N EW double frame dwelling or 6 rooms in each: lot 26x85 It.; rents for f348; only C, 850: tgoocasb; bal ance to suit: positive bargain. THUS. MCCAF FREY. 3309 Butler St. fe24-97-wssu T7OE SALE-FIFTH AVE., NEAR CHESTNUT JD st., 2-sty. br. dwelling and mansard, 12 rooms and laundry, artificial and natural gas. house nearly new; lot 22x114 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. mhl6-9 FOR SALE-COALSTREET,THIRTIETHWARD 2-story frame house In first-class condition; 9 rooms; now renting at 130 month; price for a short time only, (2,600; terms easy; lot 74x220. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond St. mblC-9 FOR SALE BEDFORD AVENUE. THIS SIDE Fnlton street, bnck dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, art. gas, sewered; splendid condition, desirable and treasonable In price; price M, 000. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue Telephone 167. inhl5-KJ "ITOR SALE-BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL JL? LEGE, new brick houses rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house, all late Improvements: lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 reet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. inhlo-2S-TT6Su -TTIOR SALE-;10,000-MODERN AND COM JJ PORTABLE brick residence or nine nx-ms onMatnst., Lawreuceville: lot 50x110 feet; stable In rear: now occupied as physician's residence STRAUK & MORRIS, corner AVood St. and Third avenue Pittsburg. mbl7-C7 17K1R SALE H500-COMFORTABLE BRICK .' house or six rooms. In good condition, situ ated within S minutes' walk of postuffice and 3 doors from Wylle avenue: will pav as an invest ment 6 per cent to rent. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner wood st. and Third avenue Pittsburg. , mhl7-67 TTOR SALE NO. 393S HOWLEY AVE., LOT 20 JJ 1100: new frame dwelling; hall, vestibule 8 rooms, bath, cemented laundry. Inside w. c, folding parlor doors, slate mantels. Inside shut ters, etc: nat. and art. gas, newly patnted and panered, 2-storv frame stable In rear; will be sold at a big sacrifice; possession April 1: 51,500 cash: balance to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3XS But ler st. fe2l-97-WESa East End Reslaeuces. FOR SALE..AT BELLEFIELD, OAKLAND. fronting on Fifth avenue t 8-room brick houses and one frame house; one frame house on Meyran avenue: two frame houses on Dlttlndge street: one brick house on Henry street; two brick houses on-Fillmorc street; one frame house on Neville street; Ave lots on Craig street, vary ing In price from 3,S00npt3 (8.000. For further Information call on C H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue, mhlS-5 liir:t?rVi:ji 'iR - -w t - 'THE - FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. T70E SALE-ELEGANT MANSION HOUSE. II X rooms, with lot 215x200 ft. on Center ave. SPENCER GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st mbl7-M ' FOR SALE-P8.SO0-BR1CK DWELLING AT "GSjn'."?5."1 modern conveniences; lotl50x soo. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. mhl7-67 F IOR SALE THE MOST COMPLETE HOME In the BUbUrbS Of the rltv fnrthftmnnpv- ji.500. near testation, good neighbors, churches, schools, etc V, H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue mbl6-86 FORSALE-I6.000-ON YOUR OWN TERMS, new and substantial brick, containing rooms and all conveniences: desirably located In Oakland. TV. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 T7OKSALK-f5,800-NEW RRICK OF 7ROOMS; J has all conveniences; side entrance: lot24x into paved alley: Penn ave.. near Fortieth St.: terms easy. V. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mh!7-32 FOR SALE-P.50O-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK of 8 rooms; nicely papered: In good repair; has all conveniences; finest neighborhood on Cen ter ave; terms easy. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-S2 "EMIR SALE-P.500-A NEWAND SUBSTAN JL' HAL frame dwelling, containing 8 rooms, bath and all conveniences; outside laundry with rooms for help: located In East Llbertv. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mh!7-32 -T7IOR SALE-S1.500-SUBSTANT1AL FRAME 1 house containing 5 rooms and Improvements, nicely papered; lot aixiooreet, located ina good nelghborhood.near Center ave: worth IL800. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 FOR SALE-S5.80O-MODERN BRICK RESI DENCE at corner or Ward and Wllmot streets Oakland; everything In good order. STRACB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. mhl7-67 FOR SALE A NUMBER OF HOUSES LO CATED in all parts of the East End, rang ing in prices from t 000 to SOO, 000. Parties who in tend purchasing will find It to their interest to see W. C STEWART. 114 Fourth ave.. before buy ing. mhl7-32 FOR SALE A' PROPERTY AT EAST END for (2.200. that Is a decided bargain; a good 6-room bouse, new and quite stylish, only about 5 minutes' walk from East Llbertv station; now rented lor (21 a month. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth avenne mhl6-86 F OR SALE WHY RENT WHEN MElXON BROTHERS will sell von a new 7-roomed house with porches, pantry and cemented cellar, trees, vines, etc: lot 39x100. Hays street, near North Hlland avenue; price, (3,800. 6349 STA TION ST., E. E. mhl6-68-wsu 17)R SALE-(8,0C0-TERMS TO SUIT PUR 1? CHASEK, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms aud batu on second, 3 attic rooms and all conveniences: well finished throughout; desirably located In Oakland. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 FOR SALE-(7,500-TERMS (1.000 CASH, BAL ANCE 25 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelllngv contain ing 9 rooms, batb and all conveniences: Is ele gantly finished and located In one of the most de sirable neighborhoods. In the East End. W. C. STEWART, 111 Fourth ave. mM7-32 FOR SALE-(10,000-TERMS TO SUIT PUR CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second and 3 attic rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has fine gas fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot; located on a paved avenne In a well-Improved and desirable neighborhood. W. C. STEWAR1, 114 Fourth ave mhl7-32 OK SALE A SMALL CASH PAYMENT and annual payments will buy a fine new pressed brick dwelling. East End, reception hall and 4 rooms first floor, 5 rooms on second and 5 rooms In attic: hard wood stairway; slate mantels, with Improved fireplaces: laundry, with cemented floor; lot 75x140 feet to a 25-foot alley; with perfect sewerage; house now open for Inspection: excep tionally low price and terras to suit. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smlthfield St. mbl7-64-WSSn FORSALE EAST END -RESIDENCE. NEG LKY ave, near Penn, elegant new brick resi dence 11 rooms, bath room, spacious and well lighted laundry, large closets, closets with draw ers and shelves, slate mantels, tiled hearths and vestibule speaking tubes, electric bells and lights, flagstone pavements: a very desirable and xon venlent house; grading, paving and sewering of Negley avenue paid without extra cost: key can be found at residence of H. P. Sloterbeck, corner Penn and Negley aves. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. mhlO-S9-TuSSu Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE RARE BARGAIN-BRICK, 8 rooms; lot, 18x45; botli gases; Bldwell St.. Allegheny; price only (3,350. LAbHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. mhl7-17 FORSALE-(16,000. MODERN EIGHT-ROOMED brlrk house, corner lot. and facing the parks. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. mh 17-67 FOR SALE 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT Two four-room houses on Wayne street, Allegheny; rent (288 a year. SPENCER 4 GLOSSER. 419 Smlthfield St. mh!7-84 FOR SALE NORTH AVESUE, FRONTING parks an elegant 2-story brick dwelling. 7 rooms and bath, hot and cold water; price low; lot 19x110 to alley, J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. mhl7-100-TTSSu FOR SALE BUENA VISTA STREET. ALLE GHENY, new mansard dwelling, containing 9 rooms, bath, and all modern Improvements; lot 20x110. SPENCER 4 GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mhl7-84 FOR SALE-SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY PreSBed brick dwelling of 6 rooms, modern Improvements; price (3,510; terms reasonable: call or send for new for sale list, Just Issued. S.J. FLEMING, 147 Fourth ave mhl7-78 FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF DWELLINGS located on Ridge ave, Lincoln ave. North ave., and other good streets in Allegheny. Parties desiring to purchase will find It to their Interest to see W. C-STEWARr, 114 Fourth ave., befote buying. mhl7-32 FOR SALE-(6,000-EASY TERMS, NEW, SUB STAN1IAL, attractive Queen Anne dwell ing, containing 11 rooms and all conveniences: lot 50x160 feet,located lna desirable neighborhood In lower part of Allegheny. W. C, STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. mh 17-32 F ORSALE-AN INVESTMENT ON FULTON St.. Allegheny, double brick. 2-storv. with 6 rooms and attic in each; bath, li, aad c. water. Inside w. e., nat. and art. gas; grained ail through; rents for (600 per yr.: price (8, 500. THOMAS LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave inhl7-77-TTSSu FOR SALE -(8, 000 THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms, bath, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all lm- Srovements, located on Ackley st., head of lonterey St. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 FOR SALE (400 CASH, BALANCE IN monthly payments, amounting to a fair rent. a new frame dwelling containing six rooms, hall, I finished attic pantry, etc.; supplied with natural I fas; two minutes' walk from station at Ingram. Third ave, Pittsburg. mhl7-67 TTHIR SALE-(S,500, (4,600. TWO VEKY DE- C SIRABLE pressed brick dwellings on Klrk patrlck street, Second ward, .Allegheny, one square from Pleasant Valley street cars: each house contains eight rooms, and are both thor oughly modern. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mhl7-67 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE (3.0O0 HANDSOME DOUBLE frame residence of 10 rooms, on "the ridge" at Ingram: large lot. S1RAUB 4 MORRIS, cor ner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mhl7-G7 FOR SALE AT COHAOPOLIS-LARGE 12 roomed residence one-halfacre ground, sta ble etc ; a decided bargain if sold at once; also several small properties and building sites. LA SHELL 4 RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave mhl7-17 FOK SALE WEST BELLEVUE-TWO VERY desirable dwelling house properties at (3,20c and (3,500, respectively: near station: supplied with natural gas, etc. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, cor ner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. nlul7-67 17OR SALE-AT INGRAM, CRAFTON AND 1 Idlewood. several fine residences at prices ranging from (2, COO to (12,000; we have bargains to offer parties who mean business. 8TKA.CB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. mbl7-67 FOR SALE ON REBECCA ST., WILKINS BURG, new frame house 6 rooms and fin ished attic front and back porches, side entrance, sliding doors, slate mantels, gas, etc.: lot 25x100: price, (3,100; terms easy. THOS. L1GGE1T, 114 Jt-ounnave iuuij-'o-siwfbu FOR SALK-P.-W-SUIISTANTIAL BRICK residence containing 7 rooms, hath and all conveniences; lot 80x360, Kith outside laundry with rooms for help: terms, (1.500 cash, balance eas rent; located at IMgewood. W. C. STEW- 11 111 LVnrrh vn nti17.M ART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 FORSALE ON WALLACE ST., WILKINS BUKG. brlck'house 8rooms, front and back porcnes: lot 52x149; price (3.800; also on Water st., Wllklnsburg, lot 98x165. frame house or 5 roomst these properties can be purchased onyonr own terms. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. nhI7-76-MWTSU F OR SALE-AT INGRAM STATION, P. C. 4 sr. l IL It.. 2-storr frame, a rooms and 4 attic rooms, all fiuished in the finest style: slate mantels In every room: tile hearth: porches In front and rear: a modern home In every particu lar; price low; lot 63x268. J. C. REILLY, 77 Dia mond st. mhlC-9 FOR SALE-A SPLENDID NEW FRAME house in Hoboken, 9 miles from city, on line of West Penn R. R.: good water and natural gas; 8 large rooms: lot 40x160, on the main St., near school house and churches; 6 minutes' walk from station; will be sold cheap on easv terms. Ad dress or call on J. HETZELL, Hoboken. Pa. mhl7-89-ITSu FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny countv; the bouse Is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted np with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there is a good stable and handsomefowl house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 8 acres orgronnd, at a rerv moderate price. KNOXVILLETjAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue Knoxvllle borough. jalQ-9 FOR SALE LOTS. Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-AT A GREAT BARGAIN-AT Sheridan station. P., C. 4 St. L. R. R.. 11 acres ofland.snltable for building or manufactur ing sites. LASHELL 4 RANKIN, 67 Fourth Ave mhl7-17 K &??- X : "Tr' ts' .r.t-s P1TTSBTJKG; iDISPATOHf FOR SALE LOTS. City Lot F OR SALE-LOT 180x75 ON BEDFORD AVE. BPENCCK uliUssi, 411 Bmuuneiu i. mh!7-84 TTIOR SALE TWO LOTS 20x100 FT. EACH ON Jj Reed st. SPENCER 4 GLOSSER, 419 Smith field St. mhl7-84 FOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE. lot23 ft. 9 In. bT 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff St. . mhlO-28-TTS8U FOR SALE LOT 48x79lCOR. WEBSTER AND Klrkpatrlck streets. 8PENCER 4 GLOSSEB, 419 Smlthfield st. tnhl7-84 FOR SALE -COR. WYL1E AVE. AND Trent st., lot 66x110 ft, to an alley. SPENCEB 4 GL083KR. 419 Smlthfield St. mh!7-84 T7OR SALE-LOTS ON ONEIDA, HALLOCK T and Meridian streets. Duqnesne Heights. SPENCER 4 GLOSSER, 419 SmltnSeld St. inhl7-81 FOR SALE-80 ACRES JOINING CITY LIMITS, foot of Boggs and Southern ave.. Thirty second ward: here is a chance; finest Investment In the city: look after this at nce; coal underly ing: Uoggsave. paved nearly to land. GRABBING 4 LYON. 135 Fourth ave. mhl2-76-TTrBU East End Lots. Fc IOR SALE-A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST lots In the East End: will nav vou to see us before buying. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth mhl7-32 FOR SALE-3 LARGE LOTS 2K SQUARES from Penn cable line 31x187 feet. Rebecca street: price (300 each. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st.. E. E. mh6-69-TUSU Y RSALE-(80t-LOT 25X124 FEET, SITUATED near corner of Ward and Wllmot streets. Oakland; lays well. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner w oou si. ana intra avenue Jrittsourg. mnif-o- FOR SALE-(33 PER FOOT FORTWOFINE building lots, 30x120, corner St. Clair and Jackson streets, near North Hlland avenue Nine teenth ward. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. " mhl6-69-Tu8u FOR SALE-A LOT THAT MUST BE SOLD AT once 89 feet front; Hastings St., 2 squares from Fifth avenue, near railroad station and ca ble line: price only 1450. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E. E. - mhl6-70 FOR SALE-(5,500-LOT 82x175 FEET, LOCAT ED in one of the finest avenues In Shadyslde, southern exposure; adjoining property is held at ilOOn front foot: this Is certainly a bargain. W. :. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 FOR SAL S3.250-LOT 50xl50 FEET, ON Center avenue near Roup street: terms (750 cash, balance can remain five years if desired, or part or all paid anytime; choicest lot on the ave nue W. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth avenue mhl7-32 FOR SALE-(3,000-ON YOUR OWN TERMS: lot 50x115 feet, located on one of the finest ave nues In the East End; neighborhood strictly first class; within five mlnutesrw"Jk of station or cable cars. W. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth avenue. mhl7-33 FORSALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. K. K.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from (406 to (600. Inquire ofl5. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. . no2S-y7s FOR SALE-A HANDSOME BUILDING LOT, SO feet front, 140 feet deep, on Liberty ave., close to Wlneblddlo ave, 5 minutes tcrcable cars, or steam cars. The best property for the money In East End. Inquire C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave mhl7-is FOR SALE SEVERAL OF THE MOST DESD ABLE building sites In the East End; people of good taste will serve their own Interests by eee lngwhatwebave to offer before purjhaslngelse where. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner TVood street and Third ayenue, Pittsburg. mh!7-67 FOR SALE-ONLY (6 A FRONT FOOT; LOTS 39x173 or 58x173 feet, located In Shadyslde on ltcDecca St., adjoining nanasome residence oi Mr. Samuel Hamilton; well elevated eastern exposure convenient to cable cars and station; this neigh borhood will undoubtedly be strictly first class and this property Is bound to be worth, In a short time, double the money. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave mhl7-32 Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE IN SECOND WARD, ALLE GHENY, lot 25x100 fronting on Ackley st.; Sricc (1.800; also, two fine lots on Irwin ave., near orth ave., 25x110. and one 20x110 for (109 per ft. front. THOMAS LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. mhl7-77-TTSSU F IOR SALE-A BLOCK OF LOTS, SITUATED at corner of two excellent streets and running back to an alley; price (14,600 cash; this Is an ex cellent chance for parties with money to erect a row of houses thatwlll make large and safe return on investment. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave, Pittsburg. mbl7-67 FOR SALE-CHEAP LOTS IN SECOND WARD, Allegheny, at auction; the following lots will be sold at auction on the premises, beginning at the incline plane on Irwin avenue at 4 o'clock Tuesday. 19th Inst., viz: 4 lots, 20x90, on Irwin avenne adjacent to incline plane; 2 lots' 25X75 on Irwin ave., between incline plane and scboolbouse: 2 lots 20x124, on Gallagher street, op posite the brick row; 2 lots 25x70, on Ridge wood avenne, adjoining head oflncllne; all to be sold for what they wUl bring. A. LEGGATE4 SON. Auctioneers. mhl6-28 , Suburban Lots. FOR SALE LOT 81X138, FRONTING ON DI VISION st.j Bellevue; price only (700. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-'6-UwTSa FOR SALE-LOTS ATEMSWORTH, CONVEN IENT to station ;one of the finest locations on the Fort Wayne road: large, beautiful lots at low prices: call and see plan. JR. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. mbl6-3 Farms. FOR 8ALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOB CITY property In Allegheny county. Pa., a good farm or 240 seres on B. 4 O. K.lMn Wood county, W. Va. For particulars address JAS. F. HAYS, Carrick, Allegheny CO., Pa. mhlO-34-wsu FOR SALE-CHOICE FARM OF 80 ACRES, with southerrtvand eastern exposures: three miles from Warren: price (6,000, on terms to suit, or will trade for desirable city property. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third avenue PlttSbnrg. mhl7-67 FOR SALE 200 ACRES AT ARDARA STA TION, Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from Pittsburg (as a whole or to suit purcbaser). has a large sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bank and aoout 100 acres of level land suitable for man ufacturing purposes; adjoins Carnegie Bros. 4 Co.. and only flvemiles from the new Westing house Works at Wllmerdlng. W. a STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. mhl7-32 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE FIHST-CLASS BOARDING house centrally located, good business: bar gain if sold at once, immediate possession. SHEP ARD 4 CO., 54 Fifth ave. mhl7-122 FOR SALE-DRUG STORE. IN THRIVING town on P. R, R.; clean stock; only store; good established trade: splendid chance for phvsl clan. Address RHEL Dispatch office. mhl7-42 FOR SALE CHEAP, ONLY (400-A NEAT little cigar and confectionery store right near the Court House; rent low, and doing a good busi ness. J.C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. mht7-10O-TT8Sn FOR SALE IN A COUNTRY PLACE-STOCK general merchandise ; well established trade: sales last year (40, 0G0; profits 25 per cent; expenses light. Address Z. A. D., Wilkesbarre, Va. mhl7-60 F( IOR SALE-DRUG STORE: DOING CASH business of(io to (is per day; no o; population of town 1,500; good prescription trade; will sell cheap before April 1. Address IPECAC, Dispatch office. mhl7-42 FOR SALE-A GOOD CHANCE FOR A LIVE man that wants to engage in a good paying businesses. M.SHANEB'S. restaurant, 42 Diamond Market House Pittsburg: doing good business and good reasons for wanting to sell. mbl7-94 TTtOR BALE-BEST PRODUCE COMMISSION J house In the city; centrally located; doing big business; rare chance for wideawake party: reasons for selling, owner has other business to attend to. Address BUSINESS, Dispatch office. mhl7-128 TT'OB SALE-NEAT CIGAR STORE! GOOD X' paying small drygoods and notion store either would suit lady: stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding bouses, hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works, etc; 100 business chances, SUEPARD 4 CO.. 54 Filth ave. mhS Business Stands. FOR'SALE-A THREE-STORY BRICK BUILD ING, .stable, etc., on Southslde; occupied the last 25 years as a grocery, doing a good grocery business: good reasons for selling. G. J. BLE1CH N ER, 2208 Carson st. mhll-l F lORSALE-(30,000-SUBSTANTIAL PIECE OF nronertv located corner of an allev on one of the best business streets In Pittsburg; will rent for (2,250; lot 24x160 reet: particulars to principals only? W. C. SrEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 FOR 8ALE-(10ft,000-THE LARGEST AND best located piece of property suitable for retail trade in Pittsburg; owner has been holding for (140,000, but win take the above price if sold at once: particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhl7-32 TTIOR SALE SEVERAL PIECES OF FROP X? EltT Y on Fourth ave : also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Smlthfield st. and other good streets: will take pleasure in giving full par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave mhl7-32 FOR SALE-J3.500-LOT 2SKX80 feet, WITH frame dwelling on same, now renting for (25 per month: property can be remodeled for busi ness purposes and made to pay a large return, as It is sltnated on a good business street. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third aveuue, Pittsburg. mh!7-67 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery and Metals. F OR SALE-PULLEY WHEiIL, CHEAP slnch face4K Inch bore 60-lnchdlanieter. sold for want of use. Apply to BUSINESS MANA GER, mspaicnomce xjimave. mni7-113 FORSALE-8X12 ENGINE, LARGE UPRIGHT boiler, some wood-woiklng machinery, one 48 Inch pony planer, large band saw and a shaper, 25 ft. 2-ln. shafting, bangers and some pulleys; this machinery all new 2 months ago. Can be seen at 16 WEBSTER AVE., city. mhl6-55 -ITIOB SALE WE HAVE FOK BALE A LARGE J? lot of No. 1 second-hand engines and boilers, all sizes, from 2 h. p. up, taken In exchange for new; we got incm cneap ana ineywui go cneap: UVW, BOJUHUWWVHMU.UU .MCJ IfUl KU lUpi also new engines ana boilers, every size and styjeatrock bottom prices. HARME'BMACHINE DEPOT, 97 First are feS-y77Su ' ir-jBws ssrJn,-t --STTNTjVV'. w TVTATJ.nR"'"'! .,---, . FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. . Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dsc TTWR SLE SECOND-HAND LIGHT AND A7 heavy spring wagons, also top wagons, at HAZELWO0D COACH AND WAGON WORKS, Hazelwood Station, R. 4 O. R. R. mh!7-83 "ITiOR SALE-A PROMISING YOUNG STAL--D LION, 2X years old. color bay. black points, good mane aud tall, very kind disposition, sired y Colonel Sanford, dam a full bred Kentucky mare: broke to harness: will be sold cheap as owner Is going away. For rurther particulars address GEORGE. Box 5, Harrison City. Westmoreland county, Fa. mhl7-41 Miscellaneous. FOK 8ALE-GENTLEMAN'S DRESSING- CASE solid cherry, with French plate mlr- pnii Vik mo HfiiitLVtUili a TTT mlt17'ft I ror. NO. 258 BEDFORD AVE. mnl7-28 FOR SALE - SAFES TWO FIRE-PROOF safes, combination locks: bargain. Address OUT-OF-BUSINESS, Dispatch office. mhl7-40 pOK SALE -2 BILLIARD AND 2 POOL A? tahlK. ftnrt rninnlptp outfit of room. AttDlT atMONONGAHELA HOUSE BUiLIABD RODMV mhl7-118 FOR SALE-A HANDSOME MOUNTED, finest make "Benary" banjo; cost (41; as good as new; narty in need of money, otherwise would not sell It: willing to sell at the small price of (10. Address BANJO, Dispatch office. mhl7-19 FOP. SALE-SAFES-A LARGE NUMBER OF second-hand safes of small and medium sizes which we have received in exchange We will sell them at low prices, ranging from (25 upward, delivered at your nearest railroad depot. Send for particulars. STANDARD MFG. CO.. Sixth andBaymlllerst., Cincinnati. O. mhl7-80-su TO LET. Cltv Residences. - TO LET-HOUSEOF 12 ROOMS, 502PENN AVE NUE, with stable: first-class location for physician or dentist. Inquire 508 PENN AVE. mnio-cfi TO LET-NEARLY NEW-2-STORY MAN SARD roof dwelling of 8 rooms. No. 84 Locust, city; both gases, bath, modern improve ments, etc Apply to WM. S. SMITH, toJPenn ave. mbl7-9 TO LET-244 FORTY-FIFTH STREET TWO story brick .house, 6 rooms, large finished attic hall, vestibule, good cellar, large yard; no water tax; (25 per month. J, R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth avenue. mhl6-3 TO LET URICK HOUSE 7 ROOMS, HALL. bathroom, both gases, 20 minutes' walk from postoffice and near street cars: rent (28 per month. GEO. W. HACKETT, 334 Webster ave. or 1009 Liberty st. mhl-29 TO LET-LARGE 10-HOOM HOUSE LO CATED at No. 30 Townsend St.: 10 minutes from postoffice; hot and cold water: both kinds of pas; oam. w. c. ; rem ?s per raonin; no water rent. Address P. O. BOX 768, Pittsburg, Pa. mbl7-20 TO LET-BRICK DWELLING OF SIX ROOMS and finished mansard; supplied with range, hot and cold water, w. c. and natural gas; rent, (22permonth;waterfree; on line of cable road now building. Inquire on premises, WYLIE AVE., ONE SQUARE BEYOND KUtKPATRICK ST. x mbl7-131 mo LET-TWO HOUSES OF 7 ROOMS ON ..'Frances st,, near Center ave., with hotand cold water, bath, inside w. c, front and back porch, fitted for n. gas; rent (20 per month. Also stone dwelling of 6 rooms on Duquesne Heights, corner of Grandvlcw ave. and Plymouth St., Thirty-fifth ward.. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5-roomed apart ments. WM.M. JOHNSTON. 101 Wylle ave. mhI7-2S-TUSU East End Residences. TO LET-A NEW FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE, Bond street. Nineteenth ward, with bath, Sood. cellar, natural gas; rent (20 per month. ELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mhlS-72 TO-LET OR FOK SALE AJIESIDENCE OF 10 3 rooms, stabling, cto., and i acres: abund ance of fruit and shade: one or the most delightful locations in E. E. M. P. HOWLEY, 6326 Station St., E. E., or 1Z7 Fourth ave m h 17-50 " TO LET-(75. BKICK OF 14 ROOMS. MODERN Improvements, stable, large lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery, Lincoln ave., E. E., near cable cars; (24, brick of 6 rooms, halls, bath, natural gas, near station and cable cars; (20, brick of 7 rooms, stable, grapery, two acres ground, fruit all kinds, delightful country place ,25 minutes' to cable cars: (33 33, brick of 6 rooms, attic hot and cold water, w. c. natural gas, Sheridan ave.; (25, storeroom, Penn ave; (25, storeroom and dwelling, FrankBtown ave: (17, frame of 5 rooms, natural gas. River ave. Tele phone 5188. JOHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave mbl6-20 Alleslieny Residences. TO LET-AT(26FERMONTH, 7-ROOMBRICK house, bath, both gases, Klrkpatrlck ave., Second ward. Allegheny. W. W. MCNEILL 4 BRO 162 Fourth ave. mhl6-66 TO LET-NO. 30 FEDERAL STREET, ALLE GHENY Brick house 10 rooms, with all the conveniences. For further Information apply to A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st., Allegheny. mhlfl-59-TTSu TO LET-ALLEGHENY HOUSES-74 SARAH St.. 6 rooms, (17; 3 Frailer at., 6 rooms, (25: 4( Resaca St., 6 rooms, (28: McDonald way. New Brighton road, 6 rooms, (18; 100 White Oak alley. rooms, cw;oo xiamiin St., 2 rooms, pi ou. jl. LEG U ATE 4 SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. I ' - mhlT- 144 Suburban Residences. T ,0 LET AT INGRAM, PA., HOUSE OF 8 rooms, with 2)4 acres of ground. 5 minutes from station. Inquire or T. A. INGRAM. In gram, Pa., P. C. 4 St. L. R. R. ,mhl7-7 TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage bouse, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh-63 TO LET-HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, FURNISHED or nnfurnlsbed; 6 acres of ground, mstly in fruit, situated 30 minutes from city, on P. 4 L. E. It. R.; station on rear of property, 3mlnutes' walk from house. For further Information ad dress JOHN RUSSELL, ShousetownP. O.. Pa. mhl7-12 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE. TWO-STOKY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; 3 acres or ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, stables, etc. ; will be rented low to good party; Shadvave., opposite Wllklns ave. Inquire of N. S. SNYDER, St. .Nicholas Hotel, orJ.R.HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave., East End. mb5-3-TWESu Farms. TO LET-THEBEST GARDEN FARM ATMO KEE'S Rocks. Inquire No. 638 LIBERTY ST., Pittsburg. mb7-84-EOD Apartmems. TO LET-PARLORS AND BEDROOM IN BEST location, facing parks. 23 MONTGOMERY AVE. mhl7-lll TO LET NICELY JURNISHED FRONT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 140 BIDWELL ST., Allegheny, Pa. . mhl7-l38 TO LET FURNISHED ROOM WITH kitchen, tableware sewing machine natnral gas, etc. 41 LOGAN ST. mh!7-128 TO LET-NICELY FURNISHED 2-STORY front room suitable for one or two gentle men. Apply 429 LIBERTY ST., city. ml7-127 TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM ON FULTON street, convenient to Uebecca st. cars. SPENCEB 4 GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. ' mhl7-84 TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH room, hot and cold water, both gases and everything first-class; also offices for rent. 420 PENN AVE. mhl7-124 TO LET J ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, WITH natural gas and water, for dwelling or offices. 3 minutes' walk from the postoffice. Inquire ol W. H. DEVORE, 512 Grant at. mh 13-55 TO LET-S051E UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room flats, two six and eight-room dwelling houses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mhl7-115-MWFSa O LET-TWO COZY WELL-FURNISHED rooms on the park: every modern convenience; private family: suitable for one or two gentlemen; only first-c!as3 persons need reply. Address HOME, Dispatch office. mhl7-30 TO LET-SPLENDID LARGE FRONT ROOM, second floor, on Fifth avenne; 8 minutes from gostoffice by cable cars: excellently furnished; oth gases; use of bath if wanted: suitable for one or two gentlemen: a rare opportunity. Address K. J. D., Dispatch office. mnl5-15-F8u Business Stands. TO LET-BUSINESS STAND; BEST LOCA. TION In the city. Inquire at 619 SMITH FIELD SI'. mh!3-32 TO LET-SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF 8V6 Liberty street;' excellent location. In quire WALKER DUNLEVY 4 BRO. mhl7-31 TO LET-LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED SEC OND floor: elevator, both gases, 2 offices; suitable fof Jobbing or light manufacturing. 204 AND 206 WOOD ST. mhl7-U T O L E r HANDSOMELY FURNISHED lodge room on Fourth avenue: easv flleht of stairs: electric light. Apply to G1LREKT A, HAYS, 62 Fourth ave. mhl7-8 TO LET-THE LARGE ROOSI IN THE MO NONGAHELA HOUSE now used for the barroom; possession May 1. E. D. WINGEN ROTH, Agent, 100 Fourth ave. mh!7-99 TO LET-GOOD BKICK STOKE AND DWELL ING on Main street, Mansfield: the best lo cation in the town, and a good opening for a dry Soods. notlonand trimming store C. H. LOVE. io. 93 Fourth avenue. mni6-32 T 10 LET-A BUSINESS SITE THAT frlLL J pay, opposite railroad depot, and within 2 miles or the city, a store; wonld have large trade In grocery, candles and news, etc.; low rent. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mhl6-72 TO LET-ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND. NO. 173 Firth ave, opp. Court House, running through to Wylle ave. ; new plale glass fronts on both streets; Immediate possession. J. C. REIL LY, 77 Diamond st., or on premises. rahl6-65 TO LET-THKEE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms ror general business purposes, with or without power, to rent In the n Uisfatch building. Diamond street: arran-e, r work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be had In the city: electric lighting free: passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Rents (800. (400 and (1,000 per annum: situation the most central, within a few hundred reet of all the public buildings and of the leading business squares. Apply between 11 A. M. and 4 P. jr. at the NEW DISPAXCU BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. . mhM-74 1889.T " 1TO LET. Offices. Dek Room, dsc TO LET DESKROOM IN OUR MAIN OFFICE, with use of tlesk, etc C. H. LOVE, Fourth avenue. " mnio-w TO LET-FOURROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR, No. 57 Federal st., Allegheny; suitable for offices or light manufacturing. Apply to J. L. THOMPSON, 715 Liberty ave., Pittsburg. mhl8-33 TO LET-OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, OF FICE rooms, second floor, both gases and w. c, orwouldrentfor light housekeeping; rent low to good party. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond St. mhlB-10 Special. TO LET-HOUSES TO LET IN ALL PARTS or Allegheny: call and see bulletin. EWING 4 BYERS, 107 Feoeral street. mhl2-13-12.14.18.r7.20 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-THE MANY FRIENDS OF B. E. ARONS will find him at 63 Fifth ave. with a large stock of diamonds, watches and Jewelry of every description. mh!7-152 PERSONAL-J. THOMPSON HARE BELA-TIVES-and friends of J. Thompson Hare will please address F. C. VALENTINE, 347 Pro dnce Exchange, New iprk. mh3-87-sn ERSON A L BOOKS WANTED-1F y'oU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth (1,000. let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel bnlidlng. fe20 LOST. 1- OST-A LARGE LOT OF ' SOLID GOLD J band rings at (1 each. B. E. ARONS, 65 Fifth avenne. mhl7-152 L OST-A BRINDLED BULL TERRIER DOG, with white breast, nose and feet: answers to the name or Jim. A liberal reward lfrctnrned to 44 NINTH ST.. Allegheny. mhuV3a LOST OR 8TOLEN-ON MARCH 7. FROil 109 Fremont street, Allegheny, a black and tan collio bitch; short tall: a liberal reward will be paid for Its return. W. E. KIMBEBLIN. mhI7-33 FOUND. FOUND--ARON8" THE JEWELER WILL repalryour watches and Jewelry at one-half the prices charged by others. B. E. ARONS, 65 Fifth are mhl7-153 FOUND-THETRUTHI WE SUFFERED UN TOLD agonlesl Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon nn cdles cured us when all other means bad failed. Mrs. Rev.Lot Lake, Mrs. Wm. O. Cover. Youngs town, O.: Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes street, JohnS. Fahev, Tallapoosa, Ga.; Thomas Brown, 8. 8.; Michael Hlncs, 121 Wylle ave, and thou sands of others. We Invite the worst cases from whatever cause bee testimonials at GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY, Third and Grant. PItttburg. Pa. mbl7.U8 MEETINGS. NOTJCE-JR. 0. V. A. M.-THE MEM BERS of Allegheny Council No. 112, Jr. O. IT. A. M will meet at the council chamber on SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock, sharp, to attend the'luneral of our late brother, August Linjrelbach. Members of sister coun cils are respect! ally requested to attend. G. H. ROSENFKLDER. C. mhie-15 H. P. STAVING, B. S. AliiOHENY. Pa., March 17, 1S89. NOTICE THE MEMBERS OP TWIN City Council No. 121. Jr. O. U. A. M., are requested to meet at their ball on Son day, March 17, at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our' late brother. August Lingle bacgb, of Allegheny Council No. 112. J. G. MEISTER, Councillor. Attest: RUSSELDTJNCAN. Bee Secretary. mhlT-lOT NOTICES. County Commissioners' Office, 1 . Pittsburg, March II, 1889. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: MONDAY, MARCH 2a, Twenty-fifth ward, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners. B.E. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. mhl2-15 BUSINESS CHANGES. "PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE sBUSI JL NESS of commission brokers in stocks, bonds and petroleum as heretofore conducted by Stettheimer di Bettman, will be carried on by the subscribers under the same firm name DAVID BETTMAN, MRS. JOS. STETTHEIMER. - New York. March 14, 1S89. mhl5-78 AUCTION SALES. BULLETIN OF AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM. TUESDAYMARCH 19, at 10 o'clock, house hold furniture, carpets, etc, 311 Market street. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2a at 10 o'clock, piano, furniture,- 'carpets, etc, 329 Shetland are, E.E. FRIDAY, MARCH. 22, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street. MONDAY, MARCH 25, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets andbousehold goods, 202 Franks town ave., E. E. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 23 Union ave, Allegheny.- TUESDAY. MARCH 28, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. at 10 o'clock, furniture, carpets' and household goods, 188 Second avenue FRIDAY. MARCH 2D, at 10 o'clock, fu'rni ture. carpets and household goods, 311 Market street. TUESDAY, APRIL 2, at the rooms, 311 Mar ket St., at 10 0 clock, fine carpets and furniture, FRIDAY. APRIL 5, at 10 o'clock, large con signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9. fine furniture and general mdse., -at 10 o'clock, 311 Market St. THURSDAY. APRIL 11, unclaimed freight at the auction rooib.vcommencingat 10 o'clock, 3U Market st. HENRY AUCTION CO. mhl7.105 HANDSOME PARLOR AND CHAMBER suites, upright piano, fine curtains, brus sels and ingrain, hall room and stair carpets, all kinds nf bnnse furnishing goods, etc., at auction, TUESDAY MORNING. 10 o'clock, at the rooms No. 311 Market st Silk and satin brocatelle, plnshes, tapestries and haircloth parlor farnitnre, fancy rockers, couches, lounges, easy chairs and sofas, upright piano in good condition, ornaments, pictures, cab inets, bookcases, fine center tables, clocks, curtains, brass piano lamp, rngs, mats, dec orated toilet tea and dinner sets, glassware, silverware, solid walnut, oak, mahogany and cherry chamber suites, wardrobes, hall racks, china closets, sideboards, extension tables, chiffoniers, secretaries,' desks, folding beds, stoves, bedding,' spnngs, mattresses, Brussels and ingrain carpets, etc, etc, etc JHENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., zuuMxvx'AUVyXxyi ju., urn.. Auctioneers. mhl7-97 'Auctioneers. AT AUCTION ! , FURNITURE. Piano forte, carpets, mirrors, d elf ware, sil verware etc., at the residence, 329 Shetland aTe'' WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 20, at 10 o'clock prompt. Entire fumishments, embracing handsome parlor suit, upholstered in silk; carved ebony frames, fine walnut chamber suits, bureans and washstand, fine rosewood Decker Bro.'s piano forte, hall rack, book ease, pier mirror, fine ex tension table, hair anu husk mattresses, ward robe, feather beds, bedding, china dinner and tea 'sets, refrigerator, kitchen range and fur nishments, brass fender and fire irons. Wilton body brussels and ingrain carpets on rooms, ball and stair9, three 'fine heating stoves, laun dry fumishments. These goods, arc in good condition and mnst be sold as the owner is leaving the city. Honse open to buyers at 8 o'clock on morning of sale HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., mbl7-9S Auctioneers. 300 Tons of Ice at Auction. Thursday, March 21, at 2;o'clock p. jl. on the premises of Adam .Scbauer, at the forks of East street extension and Evergreen plank road. Allegheny City, will be sold 300 tons of ice and all the necessary implements to carry on the ico business; 2 building lotsinLighthill's plan of lots. 21x123; also one pair match horses, one Alderney cow, covered and spring wagons, harness, etc. Parties desiring to attend sale take blue line cars at Pittsburg P. O. Terms: 9 months credit with approved se curity. Balepositlve. No reserve. SMITH80N & MOORE Auctioneers. Eisner building, cor. Fifth ave and Wood street. mhl7-37-WTSa A OCTION SAL&- JX T. . on TUisa.UA iauxux.uy.0, march 18. at 10 a.m., handsome parlor and chamber suits, lounges, bookcases and desks, sideboards, ear. pets, curtains, stoves; bedding, rugs, library lamp, drygoods, millinery. etc; also alotof kitchen and laundry fumishments. Terms cash. , PmSBUBG AUCTION CO., mhl7-130 96 Third atenue . KEW ABYERTISSMESTS. A TRUTHFUL TALE. A Long Way After' U6ngTell6vV: Asby 'To ' "Beware Gtf5?YS "Who 1 t G ,WtMP mm Kp-W JL. It x rAvtel WW 4p The People's Favorite Cloth ie. nd ' a Hatters, Furnishers and Shoe Dealers, , 300 to 400 Market Street r8! -i - The Monday suri was sinking fast;" the city's stores there passed 1 A youth who carried in his hand A business card Thereon the T)fariH- TTOixr-crtr-N v . -is i j 4 " I -4'i'X , c In windows bright he saw the glow Of countless treasures'set for-show,- 4 Within, the shoppers priced and bought But in his mind abode one thought GU8KYS! - A Furnisher cried "turn and see My show of haberdasherie. Who's stock with this can e'er compete? The youth replied far down the street "Try not to pass," a clothier cried, ". vr "The lowest prices are just inside." i The youth replied, "It may be so . But just the same I'll always go v ghjsk:y's?i of cheap machine made shoes Give industry and skill its dues." This was the cobbler's.last suggest The youth replied, "They keep the best- " A GUSKY'S? t? His brow was stern, his eye so keen .r - ni Was blue, without a shade of green;,-?' - His mind was clear, his judgment sound; He'd looked for "business" and he found GHDBKIY'S! ',- Toward eventide, as down the street -;!-A pious "copper" paced his beat, . -.-? He saw this youth in raiment grand; ' That card still in his well-gloved hand- .GrTTSKIYS! . His stylish hat, his shapely suit, His natty cane and faultless boot, His snowy shirt and tasteful tie, Had every one been sold him by GTJSKIY'S ! That "copper" stood amazed to see Such wondrous styles. and dignity. made this dude?' he loudly cried. j Anrl. nronrllv crav. nur irmirri roo1to4- tJ' - 7-- .w.w ,J - XJSKIY'S ! maiT-nwrn r ti . J & sA . wta HT; tA -- tj -rA - Vi ri '$A ,.:' I7r , ; ' . :.,; , ;