MvB I i i teii t T2. A- CRYSTAL - PALACE,, To Be Almost Entirely of Glass on the Fifth lvenue Front, Hi GOING UP ON A FAMOUS TEIANGLK Anlhcient Laaujnark Back of the Court House, to Be .Displaced. EOW THAT JAG CAME TO BE LAID OUT. ' A famous old landmark on Fifth avenue extension is about to be displaced. The 'little square,'' 'or triangular piece of prop erty at the intersection of Fifth and Old avenues, "right under the shadow of the aplendid Court House, is about to be razed, and in its steada magnificent business block will be erected. The property is owned by K. T. McGeagh, a business man who occupies one of the stores in the block. The latter runs from 228 to 236 Fifth avenue, and on account of its odd appearance is a familiar place to nearly every resident of that upper portion of the city. Four of the buildings in the block are only one-storied structures. In one of the latter there lived since the square was put up, a familiar figure, known as "The Little 'Woman." She was only about four and one-half feet in height and was , A TEBKOE TO THE BOYS who bought things in her store. She died several years ago, leaving behind her a great amount of money. The square was built when Fifth avenue n-ac nnt tli frnm thft Court House to 9P" where Old avenue ran into Chatham- street. where that part or i xlta avenue now is was then a vacant lot, where some of the present county and city officials built bonfires of stolen barrels and wagon wheels. Before the avenue was cut through all travel went out via Old avenue, from Dia mond street. Old avenue was then known as Pennsylvania avenue and the "Fourth street road." Forbes street was not then cut through to Boyd street, and all the traffic to East Liberty went via Fifth or Penn avenues. A CELEBBATED EVENT. After Fifth avenue had been cut through from Old avenue to the Court House, the. avenue cars were put on, and the event was made a celebration by the people . of the neighborhood. The car line then only ran to Soho hill, and the few crippled horses the company owned were stabled back of the Belief Engine House, near Van Braam street. The new structure to be erected on the side of the triangle will be a four-storied, brick and glass business block. The first floor will be used for stores and the upper portion for offices and dwellings. The three storied brick house at the comer of Tunnel street will be remodeled to suit the other buildings. The top floor of the wholesquare will probably be ocqupied by a photographer. The fronts of the build ings on Fifth avenue, will be almost en tirely of glass. LONE STAE MATHEMATICS. lde Cheaney, of Texas, Tells How 3,000 Majority Grew to 90,000. Elder Josephus Cheaney, the little Texan with red beard and large persuasive pow ers, who has been lecturing for prohibition in this section, and who speaks at the Opera House to-night, is a man of more than Lone Star experience. He has been inthe temperance i work for 35 years, hail been to Europe twice, and, in the "West, has been interviewed with eggs, by people who liked personal liberty better than cold water. He is called the "Little Giant of Texas." In several Southern States, Elder Cheaney says, a majority of the people in a given community can remonstrate away all licenses and all saloons, the women's voices counting for just as much as the men's. In Texas.- he- adds, prohibition was recently defeated by about 3,000 majority; but its opponents, with their hands on the whisky beating pulse in other States, figured it up to only 90,000. THE OIL GAUGER'S BILL. Pittsburg Is, the Only City Where a Ganger w Is Employed. fif.. CnniM. Rtovana fTiitiVw !, W11 , aj Vuww . . -u.UA vuw ..... j abolish iis office will not pass in the Legist) lature. He says the oil men who do not wjsh to have their oil gauged are back of the measure. Joseph W. Craig, in speaking of the bill yesterday, said that Pittsburg is the only city in "the State where a ganger is em ployed. J-Ihey can do business in any other city in Pennsylvania without hoving to pay a tax on it, and the oil men of Pittsburg are discriminated against. A FEEE FIGHT. Plucky OBleer Gray Dispersed the Crowd and Secured Two Men. John Nolan and William Campbell got into a fight last night on Penn avenue, de laying the cable cars. Sergeant Gray was passing, and arrested both men after an ex citing struggle. On the way to the station house John Williams struck the officer on the back of the head. Gray grabbed Williams, but three men were too many for one to handle, and Campbell managed to escape. TIEED.OF HIS OLD JOB. 'Depot Master Johnston Has Decided to Become c Conductor. . Joe Johnston, who for a number of years has been the night depot master at the Union station, has decided to give up his old position and .become a passenger con ductor. He will leave for Philadelphia this morning to attend the ticket punchers' school for a week or so preparatory to pass ing his examination. He is a valuable man in any position, and whether master or con ductor he will always do efficient work." A Terrible Tnmble. Willie Carnahan, the 3-year-old son of Mr. Carnahan, who resides on Ann street near Seneca, fell from the roof of the house to the pavement yesterday morning, a distance of about 30 feet. No bones were broken.but it is feared the child has suffered internal injuries. The little boy had opened the window and climbed out on the roof. Badly Used Up. Martin Stark, while stealing a cide on a West End car yesterday afternoon, fell off at Penn avenue and Fourth street and was run over. His right leg was broken in two places and the knee cap of the left leg was knocked ont of place. He is only 8 rears old. Mr. Westlnshonse Denies It. As conjectured in yesterday morning's Dispatch, Mr. George Westinghouse, Jr., emphatically denies the rumor that he has sold the right of all his patents in Great Britain for 52,000,000. B. & O. Offices to be Moved. The Baltimore and Ohio freight offices will be removed shortly to the new depot, jwhere they will be located temporarily. rThe company has made arrangements to I open a general freight office on Fifth avenue. BAfil TOLD THEM. How a Sick and Unknown Woman's Home Was Located Thronjth Her Utile (Daughter's Childish Prattle. "Yesterday afternoon a lady passenger on a Birmingham car fell to the floor from a stroke of epilepsy. She had in her lap a little girl, so much of a baby yet that she could not talk plainly. The child rolled across the aisle, bumping her head violent ly against the seat. The car was stopped and both mother and child taken into a store near the corner of Twentieth street A little soothing soon quieted the child. The mother was uncon scious, and a doctor arriving presently was keptbusv half1 an hour before he could bring her back to consciousness. In the meantime efforts were heing made to get at the identity of the woman. She was rather elegantly dressed, but had no purse or anything in her pocket which gave the slightest clew. There was some loose change there, and that was all. Then re sort was had to the baby, although her childish 'prattle was -scarcely intelligible language. She was asked if she wanted to go home. A quick nod oT the head followed in the affirmative. Did the big horses take littl "Froosie" home? Anothernod in the negative. Then to the door she was taken and shown the,river. "Was papa's house right beside the water? That seemed to brighten up "Froosie." She studied deeply for a moment and then pointed slyly up toward the hill, took her other hand away from her mouth, and said, in the drollest kind of a way. "Papa,timbs tup steps. Froosie meets him at top." Then they got her to describe her play ground. She did it so accurately that those present located the house on a certain street on the hillside at the head of Twenty-third street. A school girl, dropping in that mo ment, corroborated this, .and said the woman's name was Mrs. Slocum, and that she lived up on the hill near Twenty-third street. A QUICK GRIPMAN Saves the Llfis of a Little Girl Oat Peon ATenne Yesterday. About 3:30 yesterday afternoon a 2-year-old girl crossing Penn avenue at Twenty sixth street, in order to escape from being run over by a wagon, stepped on the other track immediately In front of cable car No. 204. She had evidently not seen the car, which was "going at full speed. The child was not visible a moment be fore her sudden appearance on the track. The gripman, the very instant he saw the situation, reversed his lever, but too late to stop the car before the misnamed ''cow catcher" had thrown the child down. She was dragged violently a foot or two, but the car was at last stopped. The conductor ran forward and extricated the child, hav ing to use some force in drawing her out from the position into which her little body was jammed. Great was the delight of the passengers to see the child able to stand up on the sidewalk and begin to cry. The gripman particularly deserves the greatest credit for his quickness and presence" of mind. THE TEXAN WILL TALK. Programme of This Evening's Mass Meeting at the Grand Opera House. The third union gospel temperance meet ing of the Gospel Temperance Union No. 1, Order of Good Templars, Murphy Associa tion and Sons of Temperance will be held in the Grand Opera Honse this evening, commencing at7:30 o'clock. Captain Barbour will conduct the meeting. Bev. Josephus Cheaney, of Pallas, Tex., highly commended as an eloquent, enthu siastic orator, will address the people. A choice choir, under the leadership of John Shook, Esq., and'Hrs. William Stuckroth, will furnish the music. The audience is ex pected to assist in the singing. Pledge signing'' is he object of all these meetings. Eloquent speakers may be ex pected every Sunday night during the next three months. Admission free. MEN OP METE. The Many Narrow Escapes of the Cable Road Track Walkers. The men who are employed as track walkers on the cable roads have a tough time of it. They have to be so constantly on the lookout for cars and vehicles that their lives and limbs are , always in jeopardy. , "I had just six narrow escapes to-day," said one of them to the reporter yesterday. "Twice I fell just as a cable car came down the hill. My paid here pulled me put within an inch of the car guards. The other times I was hemmed in between wagons and kicking horses. Xou see, our orders prevent us from leaving the car tracks.' BEAT HIS SISTER. The Woman's Recovery From Injuries a Blatter of Doubt. '" While maddened with liquor Patrick Christy gave his sister, Mrs. P. Diamond, a terrible beating at her home, in Shousetown, day before yesterday. She was rendered unconscious. The physicians say her re coveryis a matter of doubt. Her brother-in-law, while trying to rescue her, was also assaulted by Christy, but not seriously hurt. Mrs. Diamond's injuries are internal. Christy was followed to the Sonthside by a constable, who had Policeman Murphy ar rest him. He is now in jail and Mr. Dia mond has lodged an information before Al derman Succop against him for aggravated assault and battery. BALE OF THE FINEST T0WB0AT. The Joe B. Williams Bought by J. D. Either Yesterday, for 329,150. The towboat Joe B. Williams was sold by United States Marshal Cross, in Louis ville, yesterday afternoon to J. D. Bisher, of Pittsburg, for 29.150. This sale was made to satisfy an attachment for 516,709 80, taken out by M. Nippert & Co. against the Grand Lake Coal Company, ot Pittsburg, the vessel's o'wners. Other claims were filed against her, amounting in all, with fees and costs, to 24,870. The boat was the finest of the kind on the river. KING IS NON-COMMITTAL. Thomas SI. Has Nothing; to Say Abont His Old B. fc O. Position. Thomas M. King was in the city yester day looking alter the affairs of the Junc tion road, of which he is President. When asked if he would return to the B. & O. management he had nothing to say, neither affirming or denying the fact. It is the general opinion of local railroad men that he could have his old position if he wanted it, and the chances are that later on he will be one of the B. & O. managers. and Order Cases. Alderman Carlisle" yesterday held Paul Lochner in $1,000 for court to answer the charge of selling liquor to minors. Decision was reserved in the case of John Benkart, charged with selling liquor to minors and without a license. Young Men on Prohibition. A regular meeting of St. Augustine's young Men's Literary Society will be held to-morrow night, when there will be a dis cussion of the question, ".Resolved, That prohibition is good for the people." Dr. B. M. Hakka. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Pens street, Pittsburg, Pa, s&su INQUISITION POINTS. How and Where the License Tribunal Will Begin To-Morrow. JUDGE WHITE MAY GO IT ALONE. Many Attorneys of Opinion That There Will he Fewer Grants. A F0ETDNE TELLEE BEATS A LAWIEE The all-important question about the Court House yesterday was, "Where, will the License Court be held, and what Judges are to sit in it?" The first part of the ques tion was answered late in the afternoon. The court will be held, opening at 9:30 A. M., in the extra court room, corner of Grant and Diamond streets, second floor. This only made matters worse, and the speculation as to what Judges would sit grew more earnest That Judge White will be there, is set down as a certainty, but whether he will be assisted oy Judge Magee is a matter of conjecture. Some attorneys are of the opinion that Judge White will handle tie matter alone. Criminal Court is to be kept going, but whether it will be presided ova by Judge Magee or one of the Judges fronr Common Pleas N6. 1, is a thing that cannot yet be told. Judge Ewing will take charge of Common Pleas Ko. 2. THE COURT IS CONFAB. Judges Ewing and Magee had a confer ence yesterday morning, and the inference was drawn that they were discussing the License Court matter. Some of the leading attorneys at the bar are open in their opinion that the list of licenses granted last year will not be en larged upon, bnt will, if anything, be cut down. The opinion seems to be general that a number of last year's successful ap plicants will fail to pass muster this year, as the Judges have been "keeping a sharp eye upon them and know where the law has been abused. The plan of action of the Law and Order League has not yet been made public; but it is thought that they will make eeneral objections to every applicant, and will par ticularly oppose such brewers as are known to have sold to disorderly houses and places that were running without license. The Law Students' Association seems to have caught tbe License Court fever, and at their meeting on Saturday next will hold a License Court, with W. D. Moore, Esq., acting as Judge. SALOON AND SEEBESS. , In connection with Judge White's, sen tence of Mr. McMinneman and ielease of Mrs. McMinneman, as fortune tellers the other day, a good story is told that is apropos, now that License Court is impend ing. Mrs. McMinneman, as is now as serted,stated to tha Conrt her implicit belief in her powers, and said that her predictions had been frequently verified; in fact, more often came true than failed. She also stated that last year she told manyliauor dealers what the fate of their applications for license would be, and that her prognostica tions had been verified. She also stated that she had cast the horoscope in the pres ent case, and knew (or some time what her sentence would be. It seems the lawyers harbor no ill feeling for her efforts in taking away their clients. One would scarce suppossvthat an applicant for license to sell liquor would fee both a fortune teller and a lawyer, for what would be the use of a lawyer if you knew the re sult beforehand. ONE TVAS OVEELOOKED. A. J. -Burbank, of the Eighteenth ward, called at this office yesterday to say that the newspapers had made a mistake. when they said there were remonstrances filed in court against only one applicant for liquor license in that ward. Remonstrances were pnt in against two applicants, one of whom is Councilman N. C. Dwyer. . .He wasre fused a license last year, and the scorching investigation Judge White subjected him to at that time is posted on the face of the remonstrance against him now. This docu ment is signed by 83 persons, and says: The applicant is not a good citizen, in that he has been a violator of the license law, and is delinquent in the payment of proper license fees. The house has been closed for a year. The house has not the requisite number of rooms for hotel accommodations. Since it has been closed there has been less drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the neighborhood. BRANCHING OUT. The United States Sends Its Through Bnsl. ness Over the P. fc W. Yesterday Collectors Barr and Bigelow received notice from the Government that after April 1 all moneys will be shipped by way of the United States Express. Mr. J. D. Zimmerman, the agent of the company, said yesterday that the United States would still continue to carry their through business over the Pittsburg and Western road. The Wells-Fargo merely absorbed the Pittsburg . and Western local business, which was formerly handled by the United States for the latter company on a terminal basis. General Superintendent Snyder, of Newark; was in the city yesterday. Mr. Snyder said that the United States has been extending its Western territory. Becently they entered Denver, Colorado Springs and other Western points. The company also operates over the Northern Pacific and Denver and Bio Grande railroads. FATHEE WARD COMING BACK. The Sllrer-Tongned Catholic Orator May "bent Si. Paul's Again. It is rumored in Catholic circles that Bev. Francis P. Ward, who was formerly one of the priests at St Paul's Cathedral, but who is now professpr of Greek and Latin at Mount St Mary's Seminary, atEmmetts burg, Md., is to be sent back, "to the Cath edral to take the place made vacant by the transfer of Father Graham to Latrobe. This is good news to Father Ward's many friends in the city who would be glad to see him come back. HS is expected at the Cathedral about the time of the mission, in April, and will probably receive orders to stay there. He was considered the silver tongued Catholic orator of the city when he went away. Beady for Business. The Councils of Knoxville and Beltz hoover boroughs have met during the past week and organized for the year. W. J. Hunter will officiate as Burgess in Knox ville and James Barr will, fill that office in Beltzhoover. The Council in Knoxville has decided to make some improvements on their streets, and have made arrangements 'for better light in the borough. One of tbe Itlonon's Lessees. Mr. W. S. Anderson, of the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, one of the new lessees of the Monongahela House, was in the city yesterdav and left for the Easi again last night He will return to Pittsburg in the latter part of the week to remain Here per manently. Food Commissioner' Report, The report by Dr. Kewlon, Food Commis sioner of New Jersey, assisted by Prof. Cornwall, of Princeton College, shows that the acid phosphate powder so well known in this section (Bumford Yeast Powder), is stronger than the best of the high-priced cream tartar powders; Regarding the healthfulness of the acid phosphate, the conclusions are, that it is perfectly health ful., and well adapted for a 'baking powder. This corroborates the opinions heretofore expressed by other prominent physicians and chemists throughout this country and Europe. t j mmwmBusTmmf LIEUT. BOOKER'S JACKPOT- Two Poker Rooms Raided and the Proprle. tors Arrested. Lieutenant Booker, last night about 10 o'clock, with a squad of men raided a poker room in the West End. The place was the house of Louis Gimble, at No. 178 Wabash avenue, near the West End car stables. A number of players were engaged in the game of poker, but they were allowed to go, 'Gimble being the only one arrested. The tables and the paraphernalia of the game wece taken to the Thirty-sixth ward station, where Gimble was locked up for a hearing to-day. A poker room on Edwards alley, South side, was raided last night, and the proprie tor. Andrew Krepps, and six players were locked up in the Twenty-eighth ward sta tion house. About 10 o'clock Inspector McKelvy, Captain Stewart and Special Of ficers Kelly and Coslett went to the house on Edwards alley, between South Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, and entered the room. The'tnen were playing poker at a table. The officers gave the men an oppor tunity to "cash in" and then placed them under arrest. -' ' All the paraphernalia tras' taken to the station house. The men. gave the names of Peter Felix, Johnston' Jones, George Page, John Blacken, Jacob Diehl and Joseph jSchotts. Tbe plavers complained when they were not released on their own recognizance, as they claimed is the custom in the city. Captain Stewart cave orders that they could be released on $30 forfeits. At 11 o'clock they were still in the station house. WELSH CHUECH DEDICATION. The Event to be Commemorated In Three Services To-Day. The new Welsh Presbyterian Church, corne? Second avenue and Cherry alley, will be dedicated to-day with three solemn and interesting ceremonies, at 10, 2 and 6.30 o'clock The church is built of brick, with stone trimmings. Its interior is handsomely finished in oak, with stained glass windows, and has a seating capacity of 350. Its dimensions are 37x72 feet The cost was 512,500. The congregation was organized in 1833, and. after first undergoing a severe strug gle for existence, it has, after many trials, attained its present prosperity. It now has 350 members. Bev. T. C. Davis is its pastor, and will conduct the first services this morning. There will be three services to-day. All the sermons but one will berfo. the Welsh language. Bev. F. B. Farrard's afternoon discourse will be in English. The other speakers, besides the pastor, will be Bev. Hugh Davis, of Wilkesbarre, and Bev. H. P. .Howells, D. D., of Columbus. FELL IN A FIT. An Allegheny Man Has a Narrow Escape From Death. William H. Yeagle, a young salesman employed at George W. Hubley's store on" Ohio street, Allegheny, had a narrow escape from death last evening. He entered A. B. Hughes' barber shop about 7 o'clock and passed to the rear to take a bath. About an hour later it was announced in the shop that the man had taken a fit The persons in the shop at once went to his assistance and fonnd him lying on the floor in an un conscious condition. The patrol wagon was called and Dr. Cole was summoned. All efforts to restore him to consciousness were fruitless and he was taken to the Allegheny General Hospital. About 10 o'clock he recovered sufficiently to tell his name and residence. He will be removed to his home on Perrysville avenue this morning. ' CAPTURED THE B0T. A Iiad Who Is Alleged to Have Bobbed Bis Father Is Arrested. Officer Hugh Madison last night arrested Daniel Shaughnesss, a boy about 18 years of age, on the chargeof stealing money from his father. Mr. Shaughnessy; who lives at No. 265 Webster avenue, reported to the police yesterday that his son had stolen $160 from him. A description of the boy was given and resulted in his arrest last night at the corner of Eighteenth street and Spring alley. The boy was taken to. -Central station and locked np. In his "pockets were found $142 60 ot the alleged stolen money. He Will be j-iven a hearing to-day. COAL BOAT, WATEE. Coal Operators Trying; to Retrieve Some of Their Losses. Fine weather and'plenty of water is keep in tr the river men in a trood humor. As fast as the boats come in with tows of empties,. they are ready to go out with new shipments of coal. Yesteiday there was over nine feet of water, and the Percy Kelsy.Enterprise with 12 barees, Diamond, Charley Brown, Coal City, Fred Wilson, Hornet, and Pacific started for Cincinnati, Louisville and other Southern ports. The packetstup and down the river are doing a good business. BOBBED OF 200. A Pittsburg Commercial Traveler Subdued Up In Clearfield County. J. B. Miller, traveling salesman for John Fuller-ton & Son, wholesale tobacco and cigars, Pittsburg, was assaulted and robbed by three higwaymen Friday evening, mid waybetween Punxsutawney and Bochester Mills, Clearfield county. He. was on horse back, and it was in a lonely field. The robbers took $200 of tbe firm's money from Miller. He is the second drummer robbed at that place. HOMELESS TO-NIGHT. Little Maggie Melville Has No One to Claim Her ns a Relative. Little Maggie Melville is still homeless. The police cannot find her relatives here. The aunt who sent her from Cleveland yes terday sent to the police this letter: I have shared my home and earnings with my niece since the death of her mother, which was caused by tbe desertion of her husband, and who in turn left his little daughter alone to the cold charties of the world. But X am no longer able to provide for her. MOEE TE0CBLE AHEAD. The Appellants In the Oleo Cases to be XSund Again. Attorney Yost says he proposes to prose cute all the restaurant keepers who have appealed from the Alderman's decision in the oleo cases, and who are still using the bogus butter. He does not believe they have any right to continue the sale of the article. Disappeared From Home. Laura Paulsen, a domestic employed by Mr. N. E. Megraw, on Twenty-sixth street, has disappeared from her home. She was ill and without money at the time of her disappearance. The girl was from Taren turn and has no friends in this city. He Got a Thrashing, Too. Contractor Scanlon, of Shadyside, is charged with assault and battery. Joseph Freil worked a week, for him, and last Sat urday went to Scanlon's house to get his pay. Tbe contractor paid the money and thrashed Freil in the bargain, so the latter claims. Tho C. fc A. Ahead. As usual the Pennsylvania road is out with a circular of instructions to its agents concerning the new inter-State amend, ments. They claim it is the first of the kind, and it wonld be if the Chicago and Alton was not ahead of them by a few days. . . A , '- r- . v .5" rfk&k . a . HEAVENLY PICTUBES Or a Glance at the Progress of Astro nomical Photography. PROP. BEASHEAE'S REVELATION Of the Wonders Worked With thefJamera Since Art Began. AN INCIDENTAL GLIMPSE AT BOTANT University Hall was crowded yesterday afternoon with learned men and women on Pittsburg and Allegheny, to hear the lecture on "Astronomy, or Celestial Pho tography," by Prof. J. A. Brashear the well-known student of the stars and manu, facturer of astronomical instruments. In beginning his lecture Prof. Brashear gave an outline of the discovery of pho tography, especially that part relating to celestial objects. He exhibited photographs and drawings of the sun', stars, moon, eclipses, etc., and as usual, indulged in but very few technical phrases. Among many other good things, he said these: Adam was tbe first man ever photographed. You may not believe it; but I have reasoned it out and see a great similarity between our piesent photographic process and his being. His skin was tanned brown by the sun, like the action of light on the film 'ot photograph plates of ourselves. If you pour a. solution of nitrate of silver on a piece of paper, you will turn it a light brown. Then it assum'esa darker brown, and gradually changes to black. In the early days of photography it required an exposure of about eight hours to take a landscape. The discovery of Iodine ot bromide hastened tbe matter so that a good picture could be taken in 20 minutes. At that time, when takiag pictures of people, they had to 'keep the eyes closed, as they could not keep thenfopen and look so steadily for that length of time. Dr. John Draper took the first picture of a human face. The first picture of the moon was not like the pictures of to-day. In his report to tbe New York Academy of Sciences he said that, after an hour's exposure, he had a good picture of tbe outlines of the moon, and could define the plains on its surface. I think Dr. tiearle and Prof. Wendell took the first picture of the stars. It was d on e at Cambridge with a 15-inch aperture telescope. To take np celestial photography in a scienti fic way, 1 may start out,by saying that Mr. Butherford, who was an authority on stellar spectum photography, found it impossible to take a pood picture with the ordinary tele scope. The latter was not at that time adapted to taking views of the heavens on account of Its construction. The focus was not in the proper position; but this has since been remedied. In the great telescope at tbe Lick Observatory, instead of having the focus at the eye-piece another lens has been inserted, which does the work required. Instead of having an exposure of eight hours, we now can take a photograph in one two-hundred-and-fiftieth part, of a second, and it is as good a picture as any one could want. In one second we can get a good picture of the moon, and it would be a better Yiew than you could see with the nnaided eye. MAPS OP THE TJNSEEir. At the congress recently held at Paris ar rangements were made to go at the work sys tematically, and in a short time we will have a systematic research of the heavens that no human eye could see. , The difference between the view with the naked eye and the photograph is that the latter is cumulative. If we look at the stars with the naked eye, the longer we look the less we see. Tbe eye crows weary and the objects we look at become dimmer and dimmer, until we losehem altogether. The light of a star is so faint that it cannot always fall steadily on the eye. but It can fall and be readily seen on the photographer's plate. Each little ray of light that falls on tbe plate stays there. The human eye could never see them; but the photographer with a telescope could. In photographing stars it is absolutely nec essary to fix the telescope on one particular star in order to get a good picture of the others. It is very likely that in a very short time we will get the whole heavens charted. Prof, dickering expects to have it done in four years. -We then .expect ,to be able to accurately measure the distance of stars. The records will be preserved, and f uture astrono mers may know where to find them. This is tbe reason why so many men are devoting their time and attention to the study of astronomy. We are able to photograph, by the sun, the sun Itself, and whatever substances are burn ing on it. We are trying to find out the com position of the sun, stars, etx, and can only do it by comparison. The professor continued his lecture by ex hibiting a number of photographs and sketches, taken and made by himself, of the last solar eclipse. A CHAT OK BOTANY. . Dr. Adolph Koenig, Professor of Botany of the Pittsburg School of Pharmacy, next lectured on, "Botany." His talk was in structive and pleasing, and was listened to very attentively by the audience. He said: The term biology is applied to the science of life. This comes under two heads botany and zoology. Botany, as you all know, treats of the natural history of the vegetable kingdom. Zoology treats of the natural history of the animal kingdom. It is very difficult to distinguish between them in some of their forms. It is impossible in such cases to decide which organism is a plant and which is an animal. The lowest form of animals and plants consists only of a cell. The vegetable kingdom in general stands be tween the mineral and animal kingdoms. Some plants of each nourish from organize! matter. Most them produce organized matter for others to subsist upon. They produce not only nourishing food, but plants for medicinal purposes. They also produce oxygen, without wuiuu nu iiuuaii uerag can exist. SADLI IN NEED OP A JUDGE. Tbe Moot Conrt, After Due Preparation, Sailers on a 'Phone's Account. The young men belonging to the Moot Court Association were unfortunate yester day. The case of a man who fell into a ditch out at Millvale was set for trial, and, after all the witnesses, doctors, etc., were on hand, it was found that the case could not go on for want of the Judge. It was un fortunate in many ways, as, among other things, the court had been put to the ex pense of getting a diagram made of the ditch into which the 'unfortunate man fell. Of course the witnesses are all right, as the cotfnty must pay their fees in any event,1" but all are not so fortunate. Walter Lyon, Esq.. was the Judce wlio failed to come to time, and some of his po litical opponents were ungenerous enough to insinuate that the cause of his non-ap- nearance was that his ear was clued to a telephone" receiver, and- that at the other end of the line the junior Senator of Penn sylvania was discoursing in dulcet tones. THROUGH A GLASS WINDOW. A Fight In a Fifth Avenue House Tbnt Was Closed br Chief Brown. About 13:15 o'clock last night a row oc curred in the honse of Susie Parker, at the corner of Fifth avenue and Tunnel street. One of the combatants was thrown against a glass window in the front of the house and was badly cut. His hand went through the glass and the man was severely injured. Thejproprietress closed the place and when the police arrived everything was quiet. Chief Brown ordered this house closed nn about a month ago. Since theri the inmates. nave uccu tutc. Lack of Appreciation. The Commercial Department Alumni As sociation of the Pittsburg Central High School Is trying to get into shape to hold a reunion at the end of the present school year. The affair is progressing but slowly, owing to the indifference of graduates of the school. FoundDead In His Cell. James McOarrigle, who was found drunk on Smithfield street, about one o'clock yes terday morning, was found dead in his cell In the morning. He was 35 years of age, single and lived with his mother in Cherry alley.- He was not a habitual drunkard. .. . - i. "..J . - - . f'rj4B9K3V atf. -.. . ..?. .jd&& MVL'Acmr 'iLlMV-u' 'Atth. a Vsui-':. ? &&y. , -. . -, 'i&Wm&L . : THE STEEL COMBINATION, "f Pittsburg- Firms Will Not Do Business With iho Western Manufacturers Soma Interviews In Odd Contrast. The indications are that Carnegie Bros. & Co. will not enter into any combination with Western steel rail manufacturers for the formation of a trust or syndi cate. .One of the leading members of the firm was seen yesterday and said "we ' are perfectly satisfied with our business and do not care to enter into any combination; in fact, there is no neces sity for it I have seen Messrs. Smith and Forsyth. They are here on a visit and I do not know their object. Mr. Smith repre sents the Joliet steel mill, and Mr. Forsyth the Union Steel Company, of Chicago. Both of these mills are idle now, and these gentlemen have nothing else to do. They probably came here to see what business the Edgar Thomson works had, and are merely looking around. They might want the Carnegie firm in the proposed combina tion, but they will not get us in." A Dispatch reporter saw Messrs. Smith and Forsyth at the Hotel Duquesne last evening. They were in consultation with Mr. Hemphill, of the Allegheny Bessemer Steel Company, and others, but had very little to say when asked the purpose of tbe meeting. Mr. Smith said: "Ihave told you all I know. Ask Mr. Forsyth for any further information." .Mr. Forsyth said: "I have nothing to say. Ask Mr. HemphilL" Mr. Hemphill said: "We have just com pleted the work of putting down the machinery at the Allegheny Bessemer Com pany's Works at Duquesne, and that is all I can tell you." All the gentlemen then smiled and when asked whether they wanted to bring in all steel rail concerns into the organization re cently formeoVby Western manufacturers, said they had nothing to say. Mr. Hemp hill was asked whether his company would enter the combination, and he replied that he did not know. When the Western steel rail men were asked how long they would remain in the city, they gave the stereotyped answer, "Don't know." The reporter then retired and spoke to several men indirectly connected with the steel rail business, and they stated that the only object the Western men could have in visiting the city was to bring the Pittsburg steel rail concerns into the combination, lUif trinmphant. "We have accordingly felt possible. THE MABBLE CUTTERS' DEMANDS. One Firm In Allegheny Concedes Them and Others Mar Follow. The Marble, Slate and Tile "Workers' As sociation, which was recently organized, will likely succeed. -They have made a de mand for a continuance of the present wages paid, but want a reduction in hours. They have asked for nine hours ddring the week and eight hours on Saturdays, The first firm to grant the demand was Samuel Young, of Jackson street, Allegheny. The change in hours will not take effect until ApriflO, by which time, it is ex pected, all firms in this section will grant the demand made. John Beck has been ap pointed walking delegate for the organiza tion, aand will see that the new rules are enforced at all shops. Wright May Not be Removed. Robert D. Layton, of the Legislative Committee of the Knights of Labor.returned yesterday from Washington. In speaking of tho contest for the position of Com missioner of Labor he said he believed that Carroll D. Wright would be retained and that it would be useless for any other person to make a fight for the position. His IiODg Tramp. A boy 17 years old applied at the Central station last night for a place to sleep. He said he ran away from the New York Catholic Protectory, where he had been for 9J years. He had tramped the entire 'distance-to Pittsburg. The protectory authori ties were notified. Labor Notes. Qenebal Mastkb Wobkhan Powdeblt, of tbe Knights of Labor, has written an article for the official organ of the order indorsing the eight-hour movement. Presided tCampbetx, of. the Window Class Workers' Association, Is in town and says he has not been to Washington lately, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. The wages of the drivers employed at the. mines on the Castle Shannon Bailroad were re duced from SI 0 to $1 per day yesterday. The men will likely go out on a strike. IF THAT WAS MY WINDOW, I'd Spend Several Hundred Dollars CalliDg the Attention of People to It. A reporter overheard the above remark made by a prominent business man who was walking along Penn avenue .yesterday. It occurred just in front of Edward Groetz inger's store, and the reporter turned to take a glance, and is ready to bear testi mony to the fact that the window in ques. tion is the most artistically arranged one he ever saw. Some of our business men rush into print to call attention to windows which look very crude compared with Groetzinger's. If the same master hand that designed the windows is brought into requisition when artistic effect is required in furnishing rooms, it is no wonder that Oroetzinger is called upon to fit the finest houses with carpets and curtains. EDWARD L. DEVOEE, FnnernI Dlrectos) IS Sixth Avenue, Opens a East End Office, cob. Penn and Shady Avenues. A good move in the right direction, which brings the subject of this sketch within immediate call of his East End patrons. Mr. Devore may be said to represent the new school of sanitary undertaking, which, in this age, takes rank with scientific pro fessions. By giving his undivided atten tion to funeral directing, he brings it to a point of excellence unattainable through any other means. Call telephone 943 for city office and 5088 for East End. arar Yonr Attention! Flease. JiWe sold men's fine tailor-made suits and spring overcoats at $10 which could not be manufactured for that figure. We believe in advertising our business by means .of popular sales. Give the public the benefit of bargains. Call at our store on Monday you'll gc t an excellent selection of suits and spring overcoats at $10 and $12, some, high grade ones at $15. Our latest men's suit is the Glenmore. Don't fail to see it P. C. jC. C. cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. t The Rush for Carpets and Curtains . Begins with the ides of March, and there was a time when it was a difficult matter to get waited on in our store at this season. We have outgrown that, and can attend to all that come. Clerks enough here to police a city like Pittsburg. Edwabd Gboetzinoee, 637 and 629 Penn avenue. Italian Marble and Real Bronze And some new subjects in French bronze are among the many attractions to tie seen at E. P. Roberts & Sons, Bric-a-Brac Im porters, vrsu Angostuba Bitters are the most effi cacious stimulant to excite the1 appetite. Try it. . ' J 85. SO and 88 Pants Made to order atPitcairn'g, 434 Wood street. tvsu Dabbs thinks with good reason that he is making the finest photographs and portraits ot nisme. f It -kStcR w i Communicated. " CONSHTDTIONAlfAMJJNDMBNT. The eojtkreg-atlonallit Astonishes Many People br Questioning Its Advantage. The Congregationalfst, one of the leading religions papers of New England, and mouthpiece of a denomination which has been supposed to be stronely in favor of. the Constitutional , amendment, astonished many people the past week by a long edi torial, which we reprint, and which, in a general way, indicative of a strong opposi tion to the amendment. Coming from the source that it does, the article will provoke still further attention. It bears evidence of careful preparation. The editorial may therefore be assumed to represent the matured judgment of the paper. -Such a stand, taken by so prominent a member of tbe religious press, will give aid to the op ponents of tbe amendment from an unex pected quarter. This is the editorial: "Our constant, careful and candid readers do not need to be told that, from the begin ning of what is known as the temperance reformation, this journal has firmly and steadily advocated the duty of total ab stinence from all beverages that canintoxi cate, except when taken; under medical ad vice. This, not because it has been clear that moderate indulgence in them always and necessarily is in itself a sin, but on the far higher ground of the great apostle that, were such indulgence innocent, it would be come the duty of the philanthropist, and pre-eminently of the Christian, to abstain, because 'none of us liveth to himself,' and it is, therefore, 'good not to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor to do anything, whereby thv brother stnmbleth.' We have also ha bitually and earnestly insisted upon the duty of employing every wisely effectual measure to diminish and pnt a stop to the sale of intoxicants, and particularly to cleanse our streets from the manifold and intolerable temptations of the saloon. "For many years we had great faith that the most stringest possible prohibitory law would prove, for these purposes, absolutely effective. And we still believe that in ho mogeneous population, well leavened with morality, and where a decided majority heartily favor it, such a law must prove sufficient. But experience has constrained us reluctantly to doubt whether in old es tablished communities, made up largely of persons of foreign birth, training and taste, and wherein great vested interests already exist to be disturbed and overthrown by ab solute prohibition, such a policy can at present maze liseu auequate ana prove it- willing to have the experiment ot what is called high license thoroughly tried; the more that, if it failed, that failure, it would seem, must react to cause all who sincerely desire the abolition of the liquor traffic to revert to prohibition as the only remaining alternative; thus, perhaps, seenring to it that decided preponderance of public senti ment, in the absence of which it cannot be depended upon to drive the drink curse from among us. "We have, ever, moreover, held that the education of young and old, through school instruction as aided by the admirable text book movement of the W. C. T. U. pulpit persuasion, and perhaps, above all, social example and endeavor, to regard the use of intoxicants as- a beverage by persons in health as being in all cases to the last de gree unwise, if not positively sinful, and so, for individual safety and the general good, to be always and everywhere frowned upon, must be our main and ultimate reli ance since in that blessed moment when nobody wants to buy, nobody will be able to self. "We make conscience of all this. And were we convinced that prohibition is, for us here in Massachusetts at present, the best remedy for those ills of intemperance which all deplore, we should be still further em barrassed by the fact which may be the result of an understanding that we cannot regard it as the safest and surest way to serve the cause of prohibition to make it exceptionally a part of our fundamental and organic law. It is easy to anticipate con tingencies in which harm might result from a prohibitory clause added to the Constitu tion, while a prudent and practically ef ficient law, not based upon Constitutional provision, would be at least equally useful. Were 'the Legislature to neglect to enact the statutes requisite to carry out such a provision if adopted as might be the case if the popular majority did not heartily side with the law our last state,surely must be worse than the first. The experience of Bhode Island with its social conditions more nearly like our own than those of some interior commonwealths which have tried the experiment with success which is reputed to be already moving for the repeal' of such an amendment, is not reassuring. "We frankly recall these considerations here, because we are anxious to use the ut most good faith with our readers in regard to this proposed amendment. With our present light, and with the eager desire to see the demoralizing curse of the saloon banished forever from our streets, we are not able to share that confidence which so many, whose public spirit and enlightened philanthropy we profoundly respect, feel in the salutary results of the adoption of such an addition to our 'Constitution. We shall not oppose it. "We most highly regard the purity ot motive,' and the general wisdom of many of our good friends who are as sure that the sun will rise to-morrow, that it contains in it the strength and salvation of the State. Almost they persuade us against our better judgment." Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices. We shall put on sale Monday a full line of infants' and child's embroidered mull and cashmere bonnets from 5c to $2; white embroidered dresses, 15c to $3; calico dresses, 15c up; cashmere dresses, 5c to f5; Gretchen coats, $2 up; ladies' calico wrap pers, 50c to $1; cashmere wrappers and tea gowns, $2 to $10; jerseys, COo to $3. Corsets We have every desirable-make from 25c to $3; stitched back kid gloves, 50c; sun bonnets, 25c' dusting caps, 12c; mull em broidered ties, 10c up; ladies' chemise, plain, 17c; with lace and inserting, 25c; torchon bosom chemise,' 45c; Hamburg drawers, 25c: ruffled skirts, 25c; Hamburg skirts, 49c; long Hubbard gowns, 39c; ruf fled skirt chemise, 65c up; girls' tucked drawers. 10c; infants' long and short Mother Hubbard cloaks; at lowest price in town, from 99c to $10; slips, 15c up; robes, 75c to $5; flannel and cambric skirts, 50c to $2; bootees, 10c; sacques, 25c. Special low prices for lambrequins, table scarfs and tidies; the best men's unlaundried shirt in the country for 49c. Closing out at your own price blankets, comforts and winter underwear, ladies newmarkets and girls' coats. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. Dr. Smith's Free Lecture to Ladles at Imperial Halt. Dr. Smith, the magnetic physician, at the Seventh Avenue Hotel, will deliver a lecture to ladies this (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Imperial Hall, corner Seventh avenue and new Grant street. Every lady in the city should go. At the close of the lecture the Doctor will publicly heal the sick free of charge for a short time. The lecture will be exceedingly interesting as well as instructive. 27o gentlemen admitted, as the lecture is exclusively for ladies. Ladies, if yon want to know how to avoid a lifetime of suffering, go; if you want to learn how to save your health and vigor, go; or, if you are sick and suffering, go. Yon will all be well rewarded. Admission. to the hall free. Does Tour Boy a new spring suit for school or dress Need wear We can sell you a good bovs snit at r? $1.50, a better one at $2.60 and a very dressy suit at $3.50. You get your entire money's worth in good, honest clothing and no kites or other trash thrown in which you pay for in tne end. if. u. u. u., cor. urant ana Diamond sts., opp. the new Conrt House. Worcester and Donlton Plates, Cups and Saucers, salad and ice cream sets are a specialty witn Xj. r. xtooerts os sons, whe import them direct. wsu Great Sacrifice Sale. Lace, curtains, poles, portiers, upholstery goods, etc., regardless of cost. Secure gen uine bargains at H. Holtzman & Sons, 35 Sixth street. ItfASSBELL, THS CASH aS0CXsV WW Bars To Money. No matter how old or feeble a Baa mrr get, he will always be entitled to his board and lodging in the poorhouse. The averse" man is not very Much struck on the poor house, though. When he gets old he wonld rather sit down in his own Bouse, or put his feet on the rail of the porch and smoke his pipe, comforted by the thought that he was "independent as a hog on ice," and owed his ease to no man's charity. Houses won't grow of themselves. Yon must sow the seed. The best seed for a house is a weekly saving from yonr wages. How much do yon spend for your groceries? Not less than one-third of your wages pos sibly one-half. Figure it out and see. I will save yon 20 per cent on this amount or one-fifth at least Don't take my word for it. Send for my weekly price list, and compare my prices with the prices yon are paying. I have teen able to satisfy thousands of people, and there is no reason why I should not satisfy you. I have walked right away from all competition. In fact I have no competition. I have 23 clerks, twice as many as any other grocer in the two cities, and turn out twice as many goods. This speaks for itselC The Eeople would not come if they were not sat ined. Send for weekly price list and order by mail. Orders amounting to $10 00, without counting sugar, packed and shipped free of -charge to any point within 200 miles. Give me atrial. I will save you money. Mass hell, 79 and 81 Ohio st., cor. Sandusky, ATle- , gheny. ' ,5 India Silks. See the line of 27-inch India silks we are now showing at 75c per yard, equal in qnal- , ' ity and designs to any $125 goods in tha., market Htjgus & Hacxz. ' - Mwrstt Twenty per cent saved on diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, etc., until April 1; will remove to 420 Smithfield street, one door below Diamond street Jas. MclvEE. Jeweler, 13 Fifth avenue. BIBER & EASTON. NEW MPOBTATIONS NOW OPEN. French Novelty Bobes. Very stylish, com. plete without other trimming. Take an early choice, $10, $12 50, 515. $13, $20 and $23 a pattern. Spring Wool Fabrics. Special attention in vited to our 60c range of wide all-wool goods; Diversity of styles in rays, stripes, checks, blocks and solid colors. Bpring Cashmeres in all the lata shades. Quality L 36-incb, 37Kc Quality 2, 36-inch, 50c. Quality 3, 38-inch. 65c Silk stock complete with the best attainable values. March prices will save yon money. Never such qualities in Cashmere finish Gros Grain Silks as are now offering. Gros Grain at $1, $1 23. $1 50 and $2. Armnre Silks at $U Si 25. $1 50 and SO. Satin Luxors, SI 25, SI 50, $1 75 and $2. Double Twill Surahs, 75c, 80c and SL Drap de Sole, Brocade and other fancy weaves on the same close scale of prices. ' Cotton Dress Goods will meet your wants in a large line of novelty and staple materials fa ' Ginghams. Satlnes and Etoile dn Nords, Chambrugs and Cretonnes. SPRING MANTLES, JACKETS and LONG WBAPS Now open In Suit Boom. ' BIBER mSTOp"'! 505 AND 507 MARKET ST. mh5-TTSSn GLASS FACTORY FOR SALE. The undersigned, assignees of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, will offer for sale at' public auction on WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A, M., tbe glasshouse with 8- ot f arnace, known as the Independent Glass ompany's plant at the head of South Four teenth street. Twenty-eighth ward. Pittsburg, together with the warehouse, cntting shop, in cluding engine, boiler, shafting, etc; also one frame dwelling house and frame offlce,stabllnz, etc, and other buildings pertaining thereto, and the parcels of ground fronting on Four teenth and Fifteenth streets and Union alley, comprising 12 bulldint; lots in Maria Dennj's plan. See Sheriff's deed book, vol. , pace . Terms of sale Ten per cent of the purchase money in cash on day of sale: one-third ot the purchase money on delivery of tbe deed, and the other two-thirds in two equal annnal pay ments, with interest from delivery of the deed. Deferred payments to be seenred by bond and tight mortgage containing the usual scire facias clause on the premises sold. The above will be offered as a whole first and subsequently in lots. 3. H. SORG, H.J.BERG,JR L. 8. CUNNINGHAM. Assignees Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. mh640-6.10,17,24,31,ap7 I'LL MOVE INTO .' MYOWHHOMF IN KNOXVILLE. We have yet a few of those beautiful homes as follows: First A very beautiful 5-room house, with natural gas, water, etc, for $201) cash and $19 S3 per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, $200 cash and $18 S3 per month. Third A beautiful S-room cottage, $200 cash; $15 33 per month. Fourth We have also a number of other handsome properties on equally reasonable terms. -OS-Take Sontbslde cars to Twelfth street and ML Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street and the Electric Railway. MOmLELMMPROYEMMTCO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX 'AVENUE, mh3-TTSSu KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. BELMONT PLACE, , INGRAM STATipN. GO fine building sites in Belmont place at Ingram station. P., C. fc St. L. R. R, in the beautiful Chartlers Valley. 5 minutes' walk from station; 19 minutes ride to Union depot: nO lot less than 50x160 feet; no city taxes and no East End prices; prices, $400 and upward; terms very easy. mGRAMLANDANDmPROVEMENTCa - 60 Fourth avenue (second floor) or A mh!74 85 Water street: 1 A LIQUTPPAGROVE.P.&L.E.R.R. -U ranies aesinng to lease nauunui oaB amusement privileges at this grove should sends In their propositions by T MARCH 50. TTi P. Jtr T. TT t? "R TArT the riffht ta ro iect any and all bids. "- a-E. CLARK, mhlS.48 Gen. Pass,Agtf fpRAVEL TO EUROPE T JL WILL BE UNUSUALLY HEAVYjJsV this season. Secnre berths early. We repre sent most popular lines, sell drafts, foreign coins, etc., at New York rates and, secnre paas POrtS" MAX SHAMBERG A CO "f 527 Smithfield St. -. -mhl7-wsu Pittsburg. Pa. TVTOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS JPSr JN DUFFY & CLARK. , s-Ja Will keep their tlnstore open every alihttitH 10 p. x. for stoves, stovepipe, ttawreaa4 hoaseiurnlshisg goods. ' v mU7-U0 OBGKlfngx .;' !,5?-S"5 waissBBBMBsBHisBCTBWBB8