i y k Tree's 16 ! HOW PAPER IS MADE. Processes by Wlych Various Crude Materials Are Converted Into AN ARTICLE OP UNIVERSAL USE. Glimpses of a Factory Where Wonder Working Machinery Abounds, PACTS ABOUT THE PAFEE BAG INDUSTET fWElTTEX FOE TUE DISPATCn.3 HEEE is probably no manufactured ar ticle more nselul to the world than paper, nor any substance that is capable of be ing utilized in a greater variety of ways. Aside from its common ucs in vrrit- icg and printing, which alone render it in dispensable to civilized man, it is found to be of the highst utility and value for hundreds of other prac tical purposes. It is made into carwheels, cars, boats and scores ot other serviceable articles. The house builder finds it useful in the walls, roofs and interiors of dwell ings; boxes, barrels, bags and similar re ceptacles are made from it in almost limit less sizes, styles and rarities; in the form of papier mache it is made serve as material for molds and for architectural ornaments; while as a substitute for heavy and ex pensive metals, it enters into the construc tion of many different kinds of machinery. Tt is lighter than the lightest wood and as durable as the hardest of metallic com pounds in many of the forms in which it is employed. A long essay might be written on the serviceableness of this material alone, but as the well-informed reader is doubtless already familiar with this subject it is quite seedless to pursue it further. The materials from which paper are made are almost as numerous and as various as the articles manufactured from the paper itself. The most common of these are rags, waste paper and wood pulp. But straw, a variety of African grass known as esparto, cane, jute and manilla are also used ex tensively. Paper has been made from the barks ot several kinds of trees, from corn stalks, potato vines, rice straw, hop vines, reeds, bulrushes, cattails, palms and a great number of other vegetable products. As an industry, paper-making is over 1,000 ears old. Yet it is still making rapid progress, and perhaps no oiherjine of manufacture affords a better example of constan and The Beating Engine. steady improvement in the machinery used, which is now very intricate and very costly. Making paper by hand is now wholly out of date in this country. It is a lact worthy of note that the first paper mill in America was established in Pennsylvania nearly 200 vcars ago. It was managed by "William Bittenhouse and located near Philadelphia. Paper making was also amonsthe earliest manufacturing enterprises of " etern Pennsylvania, where it still continues to flourish. ' Having a curiosity to learn something about the process by which the raw material is transformed into the finished article, I visited the paper mill of Godfrer & Clark", at Tarentum, a few days ago. This estab lishment is devoted to the manufacture of express wrapping paper and the stock irom which paper bags and flour sacks are made. As the method of manufacturing paper s tearly the same, in its principal features, in every paper mill, a descri tion ot this one may enable those to whom the interior of such a place is a mystery, to understand some thing of the means and machinery cm ployed in producing an article of such uni versal utility and value. The materials used in the manufacture of the kinds of paper mentioned are hempen rope, jute bagging and wood pulp. The rope and the bagging, either old or so worn and broken that they are no longer lit for their original uses, are largely imported. Thev . are brought to tlit"mill by the -carload, tied in packages and bundles of convenient size for handling. The wood pulp, of which the quantity used is comparatively small, is ground and prepared in a part of the mill especially devoted to that kind of Work. .a. visit to the half subterranean apart ments whence motive power is furnished to tlie mill gives an idea of the immense force required to drive the machinery. Steam, and a good supply of it, too, is an indispen sable requisite in a paper mill. There are 16 huge boilers, heated by strong fires of 37e Tubing Machine. natural gas; mammoth engines, working noiselessly, swiftly, majestically; in fact, every evidence of" tbe vast energy required to move the cumbrous machinery of the mill. In another part of the establishment a workman is engaged in feeding chunks of wood and pieces of board and slabs to a bis; machine, in which the wood is held by springs against a largo re volving grindstone. The action of water flowing through the machine helps to reduce the material to a fine pulp. It is ( then carried down into a tank where chem icals are added and afterward brought up up and carried through a macbine which shapes the pulp into small soft rolls, when it is ready to be mixed with other stock for the manufacture of express paper. Bight thousand pounds of pulp are thus prepared in a day. The rope and bagging arc each passed through machines which cuts and teirs them apart and separates the fibers. The material is then ready for the process tech nically Known as "cooking." After being chemically tnated it is placed in a huge rotary boiler, IS feet or more in length and perhaps G feet in diameter, which Blowly re volves, and there cooked from 12 to 20 hours, the time varying according to the kind of paper to be made. On being taken from the boiler or rotary it is removed by a chain carrier to the floor above and sub jected to the action of the beaters or engines employed in reducinc it to pulp. These beaters p'ay tUch an important part in the manufacture f paper that a description of one is necessary. Auoblonc orator trunk inlo which a stream of fresh water pours constantly, is divided into corn apartments by a partition, on one side of which is a solid cylinder armed with strips ) S t fit llltF-HH 4 -Kill 'V& of steel. The cylinder is turned by a shaft resting upon journals at the side. Beneath the cylinders is a block armed with blunt knives similar to those of the cylinder, and the action of the two is to tear and separate the fibre. On the other side ot the vat is a hollow drum, or many-sided prism, cov ered with wire gauze at the end, for the purpose of removing the water from the machine. The prism slowly revolves, rais ing the water into the hollow shaft, and dlsy charging it This is the usual construction of the machine, which is used in nearly the samejbrm for three distinct purposes of washing, bleaching and reducing the hemp and jute to pulp. The material is first subjected to the action of the washing engine or neater, and after ward to that of the second beater which reduces it ctill finer. An engine has a capacity of receiving 1,200 pounds of stock. "When the material goes into the first set of beaters it colon the water with its dirt, but .when it has been washed, and bleatfhed by the action of chemicals, it is of a delicate creamy shade. The stock Irom which bag paper 'is made is about 24 hours in passing through the two sets of beaters. It is carried by a system of pipes from one beater to another, and finally from tbe engines to the tanks or stuff chests below, whence it is pumped up as required for making into paper. Pure water and a generous supply of it being a necessity, an ingenious method has been taken to secure it. Cisterns, located in the middle of the Allegheny, below the bed of the river, first receive the water alter it has been filtered through the sand and gravel. Thence it is pumped into the re ceiving tanks at the mill and filtered again, alter which it is supplied to the various de partments. Standing at the side of the mill where the washing and beating engines are located I had an excellent view of the entire estab lishment Flaring jets of natural gas, a. dozen or more in number, light no Printing Department. the interior, otherwise made dim by the escaping steam. The rumble of the heavy machineryis incessant it never stops nigh't or diy. A peculiar but not unpleasant odor pervades the entire place. Near me arc the vats containing the raw and un washed material; on the other side of the room, emerging from a long train of ma chines, the finished paper is being raceived by the workmen and put in form for use or shipment Bet us go ocr and see how this wondrous transformation is wrought for it is indeed a wonderful triumph of man's ingenuity and mechanical skill. The pulp, thinned by water until it af fords no more evidence of the presence of solid substance than simple soap suds, is re ceived into a chest where it is set in motion bjr the action of machinery which is too in tricate to be minutely described. It is de livered by means of stirrers upon a cylinder covered with wire cloth. The water being meantime drawn off by suction pumps, and the fiber evenly distributed over the-surfacej Thence the fiber is carried upon a broad band of felt, which takes it over a series of three cylinders, whence it passes through we nrst press roil ana on to the second felt From this it passes to what is called the "drier felt" By this time the paper is strong enough to hold to gether unaided, but the felt is used to keep the air Irom it and subject it more thor oughly to the action of. the drying apparatus. On goes the paper, leaving the last felt, over roll after roll, passing' over steam heated cylinders to dry it, and squeezed be tween heavy chilled "rolls to press it and give it gloss. Following the strip that started, held to its place by the band of felt, from one end of the long train of machinerv to the other a distance of more than 100 feet we find that the weak has become strong; that the delicate, pulpy substance has become firm, hard, heavy paper. The last of the series of machinery is an apparatus for cutting up the paper. The heaviest wrapping paper, CC inches in width, is cut into sheets 72 inches long, and a ream of it weighs 2,000 pounds. The daily capacity of the mill is 12 tons of paper. The consumption of material is 20 tons of rope and SO tons of bagging, paper and pulp. Nearby is the paper sack factory, where all the bag and sack paper produced in the mill is worked up into millers sacks and sacks for holding cement and similar arti cles of coiamer;e. Thousands of the sacks manufactured and printed here go to the great milling cities of the "West, and after being filled with flour return to Pittsburg to be sold to grocers and- their customers. This factory is no less interesting than the other. Its machinery is of a lizhter sort. but it is equally ingeniously contrived and admirable in its working. The paper comes from the mill in rolls and is first subjected to the action of the "tuber," or machine for making tubes, as paper sacks are termed before the bottoms are made. The tuber is a wonderful contrivance.- It unwinds the paper from the roll, applies the paste to the edge, folds it down and presses the edges to gether, fastening one securely over the other, cuts the bottom ready to be folded, creases the top and finally cuts the tube to the desired size, deposits it in a small car and counts it Could human hands do more? And, most renrarkable of all is the rapidity with which the work is performed 120 tubes for 'quarter barrelsacks being made in a minute, or two every second! From the tuberthe bags, after being ar ranged ih bnndles, go to the printing de partment Here are- eight presses and a complete printing office, supplied with wood and celluloid type, wood cuts, electro plates, etc., for printing designs in colored ink. The sacks are printed according to the buy er's order, some on one side, some on both and some on both sides and bottom. Where several colors of ink are used the bags have to be run Ihrough the press once for each kind of ink used. The average number of impressions made is 120,000 for a day of ten hours, or about 40,100 completely printed bags. Elsewhere are machines for finishing the bottoms of the bags, which fold and paste them with great rapidity, each bottom ing 30,000 sacks a day. A hundred thou sand finished sacks a day is the capacity of the works. E. "W. Babtlett. Beautiful Encravlns Free. "Will They Consent?" is a magnifi cent engraving, 19x2 inches. It is an exact copy of an original painting by Kwall, which was sold for 5,000. This elegant engraving represents a young lady standing in a beautiful room, sur rounded by all that is luxurious, near a half-open door, while the young man, her lover, is seen in an adjoining room asking the consent of her parents for their daughter In marriage. It must be seen to be appre ciated. This costly engraving will be civen awav free, to every person pnrchasins a small box of "Wax Starch. This starch is something entirely new.and is without a doubt the creatcst "starch in vention of ihp nineteenth century (at least everybody says so that has Ufed it). It supersedes everything heretofore used or known to science in the laundry art Un like any other starch, as it is made with pure white wax. It is the first and only starch in the "world that makes ironing easy and restores old summer dresses and skirts to their natural whiteness, and im parts to linen a beautiful and lasting finish as when new. Try it and be convinced of the whole truth. Ask for "Wax Starch and obtain this engrfivirg free. The Wax Staisph Co., Keokuk, Iowa. Fine watch repairing, lowest prices, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. "HTSu THE NEW ELDORADO, A Glance at the". Geography and Re sources of Lower California, I THE SCENE OP THE EXCITEMENT. A Territory Eich With Mineral and Agri cultural Wealth. FUTOBE PKOSPHCTS OP THE REGION HE accompanying map shows the loca tion of the recent gold placer discoveries in Bower California, east of Ensenada, in the region which is row know,n as the Santa Clara district The territory, or so much of it as is not in private ownership and oc cupation, of the peninsula of Bower Cali fornia, extending from the boundary line two-thirds the length of the peninsula, has been granted, under certain conditions, by the Bepublic of "Mexico to the International Company of Mexico, a company incor porated in Connecticut and with headquar ters in New York. The bay of San Diego is almost adjacent to the boundary line, which is about 16 miles to the south of the city of San Diego, situated at the Northern end of the bay, San Diego, being the only port of conse quence south of San Francisco, ha's served, and must in the future serve, as the base of supplies for Bower California. Ensenada is the Bower California headquarters of the International Company, and is situated on a small open bay, in which a pier has been constructed. This bay affords access for vessels of light draught, Dut offers little pro tection from stress of weather, and any con siderable shipping for the district of Bower California must find at San Diego its near est harbor of safety and importance.. HOW TO GE THEEE. "What is known as the mining district of Santa Clara lies some 60 miles to the east of Ensenada, and, beginning at the foot of the great mountain range which forms the back bone of the peninsula, runs back 60 or 60 miles to the east and north and about 100 miles to the south, comprising four or more. canons in the lower levels of which placer deposits havo been found. It is also re ported that quartz leads have been located at the upper end of the canors. Feed and water are said to be ample at the present time, although it is probable that the Q&tSIM LOCATION OF THE EECEKX streams in the lower canons will cease run ning about July 1, but water can be brought by flumes from the perennial supplies iu the upper canons, if the extent and permanence ot the working shall be assured. The approach to these mines is overland from Ensenada, a distance of about GO miles, or from San" Diego overland. From San Diego the National City and Otay railway runs a distance of about 20 miles to the boundary line at Tia Juana, where is lo cated a small town on each side of the line, including both nationalities. From the terminus of the National City and Otay at Tia Juana the mining district can be reached over roads which are said to afford easier travel than the roads from the shore at Ensenada. The Custom House facilities at Tia Juana are also snch that this method of approach seems to be preferred by the parties going into the mines. Ensenada is a place of a few hundred in habitants, ana has no extensive supplies, everything hitherto having been sent from San Diego, which must, for some time at least, be regarded as the base of operations. THE PRESENCE OF COED in this district has long been known, and it has in times past been extensively worked. Even previous to the present development, Mexicans havo found steady employment in pan washingi on a small scale, and it has been regarded as a legitimate industry. An other thing concerning the recent develop ments worth noting is that all reports agree in observing that, in addition to the gold, there are considerable deposits of silver and copper, which are not unlikely to prove even more valuable and of greater import ance than the most precious metal. Seduc tion facilities for milling ore are already provided at National City on the bay of San Diego. The reduction works established some little time ago have recently, be fore this cold discovery of the Santa Clara valley, more than doubled their working capacity, making these extensions upon the strength of other ores found both in Bower California and in San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California. It is ex pected by those familiar with this territory that the present gold fever will undoubtedly "lead to a good deal of prospecting work, not only soRth of the Mexican line, but also in Southern California, the mountain districts of which are similar to those of the penin sula. Tho climate of Ensenada, on the coast, is very similar to that of some portions of Florida, being somewhat warmer than that at San Diego. Back in the country, how ever, where tbe mining operations are con ducted, the land reaches so much greater elevation that asomcwhatcolder temperature obtains, the nights icing cold, and irost and snow being the usual accompaniments of tbe winter season. AGBICULTUItAIi "WEALTH. Bower California has been reputed a desert on account of the character of the southern half of the peninsula, and the laiiure oi attempts to piant colonies in tint sterile portion. 'The mountauous character I ! .- e . i . I - . . I of the northern district concealed its agricultural-wealth from mere speculators, and it required the actual explorations and sur veys made by the International Company to reveal the extent and value of this sec tion. Its character is totally different from that farther south. It is more mountainous than Upper California, apd therefore has a less proportion of arable lands, but it has numerous valleys as rich as' the best in. Upper Califorui.1, with as large au average rainfall as Sin Diego or San Bernardino county, and 6s large n number, in propor tion, ol streams available for irrigation. Grain crops are grown as successfully without irri cation in the vailev of Northern 'Bower California as in those counties. This JIftB'SafrBreca N V - .-4 - Traluna"""s IT TVT V. sLs '"Vsnectto Table -.. s. )f BCHO LAND8 -.w Ny IJBmobf'- e W"fi7 --... Jsw fc2h&?W&& ABUxaut 1 -Mi Cf;'A N v-u--&rV p. ! -iit & a c W i t" v( 9rt"v s t?. v-' .Sa , BuBC"1. Mi. N. X S.Ctcir O VO Tiia.i'rtr'jJ-Ji'W'oy GP"' w ml is due mainly to the high mountain Granges, which affect the climate favorably, and also gather and store water for the streams. There is a great mountain region about 100 miles south of Ensenada; a rasge 1C0 miles long, rising from 11.000 to 13,600 feet above the sea level, furnishing an abundance of water, and with extensive forests of pine, cedar and firs, said to be worth many mill ions of dollars. The climate of the north ern part of the peninsula varies, of course, with the. altitude, but, altogether, it is de scribed as one of tho most delightful, salubrious and equable in the world, adapted to most of the fruits and other products of both the tropical and temperate regions, ROTHSCHILDS INTERESTED. The Mexican" laws, which formerly for bade foreigners to own real estate within 60 miles' of the boundary, or three leagues of the seashore, kept the country closed until their modification a few year ago, since which the region is rapidly opening up to settlement Eich deposits of mineral in various parts of the peninsula have long been known, and in the southern portion various mining en terprises have been successfully worked for many years. Among these are the Triunfo silver mines, operated by an English com pany, southwest ot Ba'P at, the Capital of the territory of Bower California, and on the gulf si do are also the Santa Rosalia and Poleo copper mines, worked by a French company, controlled by the Rothschilds, of Pans, the mines being so ricn that several million dollars have been expended on them, including the building of a town and a railway. As attention is called to the agricultural resources of the country by the flocking of large numbers of people there in search of gold, it seems likely that Bower California will in this respect have an experience sim ilar to that oi Upper California, where min ing has become a small interest in com parison to that of agriculture. rUTUEE PEOSPECTS. Many statements have been made to the effect thatthestories concerning therichfinds were untrue, having been started by the In ternatlonal Company for the safio ot getting a large number of men into Bower Califor nia, in order to save its concession from the Mexican Government Another report was jto the effect that the International Company is endeavoring to gain control of the mines for itself. Parties hero who are familiar with Southern California, say that, while very likely there may be much exaggera tion concerning the fabulous amounts of treasure to be found, as is usually the case during snch excitements, they believe there is undoubtedly a vast mineral wealth" in that and adjoining regions, for the amounts of gold actually brought In from there by various parties prove this. They point to the fact that the report of there being no gold there comes from Bos Angeles, a city which is a rival of Sau Diego, and very jealous of the latter place, which, is profit ing by the excitement. There may be much truth in the reports about the extortions of Mexican officials. The Mexioan mining laws are very lib eral, and enable the discoverer to take up 3 claim on private land on paying for the sur face value of his claim, nud giving security GOLD PLACES DISCOVERIES. not to disturb growing crops or interfere with tbe dttncr'fi rightful use of the surface, and also not to imperil the surface by his underground work, or interfere in any other way with the peaceable enjoyment of all his lands by the owner. If the mineral dis covered should be coal, marble or valuable stone, it belongs to the owner of tbe land, the claim applying only to the metals. THET ALL FAVOR IT. Compulsory fdncntion Takes Well With ritisbnrc rrlaelphts Grammar Fnpila AVrlllne for n World's Prl2c. The compulsory education Bill introduced into the Begislaturex by Representative Marland, of Pittsburg, is causing consider able talk in educational circles. Yesterday Principal Bane, of the St. Clair schools, re ceived a letter from Mr. Marland, in which he stated that the chances for bis bill were favorable; that many of the members think It Is a step In the right direction, and that he would like the indorsement of the Pittsburg principals, if the bill be found to meet Chelr views. Principal Fisher, when asked for his views on compulsory education, said: ''I am de cidedly for It If the State has Hhe power to levy taxes to educate children, this implies the right to see that all children receive tho benefit equally." Principal Bane Is strongly in favor of the bill. He does not think it -interferes with any parental rights, believme; that a child should, during Its minority, receive an education which it cannot under ordinary circumstances receive uunngus majority. Principal Burgoyce thinks the compulsory law IB legitimate. It has been tried in the New England States with beneficial result. He however, thinks the bill Is somewhat obscure' He does not see bow a child can work one-half a day and go to school the other half. PnnclpalProadnt Is also in favor ot the bill. Ho believes that parents who are derelict in their duty of sending children to school should be looked after by the law. Seventeen Pittsburg schools will bo very busy next week preparing manuscript work for primary and jrramruar erades for the Paris Ex position. The paper on which tbo handiwork oFthe nnnils Is to be exhibited was rt!&t-tK... J roster ".ay, and on account of this feature tbe I Central Board rooms presented a busier an. pearanco than they have had for a lone time. It was only yesterday that Superin tendent Luckcy decided to have tho grammar jrraacs participate. The work I' to be all sent in by next Siturday, when the work ot iach step will be bound In books and sent to Troy N. Y. The manuscript work of the pupils o tbe Hteh School, elegantly bound, was received yesterday. William J. Diehl.tuo representative of the Central Board of Education for tho Washinc ton Inauguration Centennial Celebration in a tape yesterday explained what part the Pitts burg school children will play in the cere monies. He said: "We have two programmes in view. One is that a selected class of 800 or 1,000 will sig patriotic sones in the parks of Allegheny, hut if the weather be unfavorable for ontdoor singlnfr, a choral exercUeswlll take 5iacq in tne uentrai rank nn Penn are 'he park authorities, when questioned a l aco on this nnestion. eaii th ntte. month "u"'" , ,",'""' " " iwm ior !lc.?,Ja," L'0I.H?1 ''SSft.jmwn nr.kiltil psii-v ir"nf t-irrt rvitfA 1ia .--.- - wnnld be in such a sadden condition that thov might affect tho health of the children. How ever, the beautiful weather of the past few days gives riso to the hope that the grounds will be in good condition. One feature ot this celebration will be the disposal and dress of the children that jhoy may represent the American flag. They will be arranged in rows of red. white and bine, according to their dress. The proper number of States will be repre sented by girls dressed In white." Eilucnlionnl Kcliors. Mt8S BnKTilA E. MOOSE, a graduate of the' Htgh School Normal, was elected an additional teacher in the Luekoy school at tho last meet ing of the school board. ' Tftficotamltte appointed at the last meet ing of tho' Teachers' Academy to revise the constitution of that body will Beet again on the secend Saturday in April. tub night school of the Eleventh wartf. Al legheny closed on Friday evening. M. Mozer sky will present to tho pupils making a good record fn attendance a number of silver watches. The award Is to be made on Monday evening. The Thad Stevens school wilt Hold a "public reception on the 28th, 27tn, 28th and 28th lusts. There will be class drills, recitations, music and an exhibit of School work. Booms 1 and 2 will be open to the public on the 28th, 3 and 4 on the 27th, 5 and Bon the 28th, and 7, 8 and 9 on the 29th Inst Tun No. 3 school, St Clair aufilct, was treated to a sensation last Saturday, when a demented man entered the building In some way, rang the boll and wrote on tho blackboard. All his writings were directed to the glorifica tion of Rosetta Davis, whoever she may be; The patrol wagon finally took blm'away, AT the Homewood school last week ainill tary company of 100 boys was formed. Their ages range from 10 to 18 years. Prof.W. B. McKee, the principal, beingan old soldier him self, will drill them In all the niceties of mili tary tactics and precisian. The company will meet once a week for drill. The professor wants tbe boys to get a military as well as a scbolary education. THE Thad Stevens School Board will meet to-morrow night to elect an assistant principal in place of Miss Anna Adams, who resigned on account of ill health. It is Miss Adams' in tention to discontinue teaching for this year and next, when again she expects to resume her profession, which she has filled with much credit Yesterday there were not many appli cations yet in for the position. Next Frfday and Saturday evenings there will be an entertainment at the Ninth ward school, Allegheny, which marks the close of the night school session. Tableaux and a drama entitled "Physicians' Troubles," will constitute mainly tbe programme. Six silver watches, donated by a Preble avenue Jeweler, will be given to the pupils whojrere best in at tendance and conduct for the term. All the Allegheny night schools will be closed by the end of this week. Investlffntinc tho Explosion. Coroner MoDowell is having a test made with several pieces of B. Monroe & Son's boiler. The result will be stated at the in quest See our immense assortment of fine French sateens, Anderson's French and American Zephyrs; many styles that are not obtainable elsewhere. stwrsu Hogus & Hacks. Novelties In Silverware, Barge stock to select irom; very low prices, at Hauch's Jewelry Store, No, 295 Filth ave. "wtsu COO pieces of fine French challis to select from; the largest and handsomest line in tbe city; small and large designs; light, me dium and dark colorings. Mwrsr; Hughs & Hack e. Take the baby to Pearson's gallery for.a fine cabinet photograph'of it. Galleries 96 Fifth avenue and 43 Federal st, Allegheny. Fine parlor clocks very cheap at Stein mann's, the jeweler, 107 federal st Kobe Department. "We are showing the handsomest lino of combination pattern dresses ever brought to this city; newest spring colorings, and all prices Irom 7 50 to 100 each. MWFSU HtTGTJS & HACKE. Your Blood Needs a good cleansing this spring, in order to overcome tho impurities which have accumu lated during the winter, orwhlch maybe hered itary, and cause you much suffering. Wo con fidently recammend Hood's Sarsaparilla as the very best spring medicine. By Jts use the blood 1 purified, enriched and vitalized, that tired feeling is entirety overcome and the whole body given strength and vigor. The app'etite Is re stored and sharpened, the digestive organs are toned, and the kidneys and liver invigorated. "I was feeling very much worn out ana found nothing to Denefit me till I. took Hood's Sarsa parilla. I have now taken several bottles and It has made me feel perfectly well. I was also troubled with sores breaking out in my mouth, but since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla have had no further trouble from them. I have recom mended it to others, who have been very much benefited by using It" Mrs. Maey Addeeiy, 627 North Water street, Decatur, III. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. SI: six for So. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO., Bowell, Mass. ' 100 Doses One Dollar Monday Evening, March 18, Matinees: M&Biiirsilay & Sainriay. THE ' IRWIN BROS. BIG SPECIALTY SHOW. Mr, James Irwin. Miss Alice Raymond. Richmond & Olenroy. The American Macs. The Wesley Bros. Gordon & Lift. Mr. George Nash. Miss Ada B. Bnrnett Edwards fi Gregory. Miss Bottie Gllson. Charles G. Seymour. 3 Bros. May 3. And the Laughable Comedy called MoNUBTY'S MISFORTUNE. March 25 Tho Big 4's New Departure. mhl7-H 6, A, I ENTERTAINMENTS, Post 162, Old City Hall, THREE NIGHTS. SATURDAY MATtNEE, MARCH 21, 22 ASD 23. TULLY'S BATTLE SCENES, WITH GRAND CONCERT BY BEST MUSICAL TALENT, For programme and particulars see G. A R. Bulletin. Secure seats after Monday. 0 A. Jr., atMEB. BOB & HOENE'S, 77 Fifth ave., and ABEX. BOSS'. 137 Federal street, Allegheny. mhl7-SS Imperial Club Reception BUPKRIAB TTAT.r-, Corner Seventh.avenue and new Grant street, Monday Night, March IS. Mozart Orchestra Col. Christy. Dancing from 8 to 2. Admission, 60 cents. Largest and best hall in the city. mhl7-39 Academy MT. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va.t (SISTERS OP THE VISITATION.) A school of more than national reputation, offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed ucation of young ladles In all departments. Li brary of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical, chemical and astronomical apparatus. Musical department specially noted. Oorps of piano teachers trained byaleadlnsprofessor from Conservatory of StntRart. Vocil culture according to tho method of the old Italian mas tors. . Location unsurpassed for beauty and health. Ten acres ot pleasure grounds. Hoard excel lent. ForcatalojrnesandTeferences to patrons la all the principal cities, address eee-g.78-su THE DHiECTEESS. l-fOOnT- TJ.UUU,f, .jaM', - BsmaSmS: qt .tm wi v . NEW ADVZkTISEMEXTS. "iK BIJOU theate Under the Direction of...R. M. GUBICK & CO Business Manager A. J.SHEDDEN COMMENCING MARCH 18. Matinees WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Engagement of the FAMOUS EMMA iuiliniiiire. ABBOTT nm.j! iu.u. GRAND ENGBB3H OPERA COMPANY. Largest strongest and only successful English Opera Company in America. With the follow ing popular artists: Abbott, Annandale, Bertlnl, Frlcke. Monte gjltfo, Michelena, Pruette, Brodericfc, Allen, Karl, Martens. GRAND CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA, In this brilliant and varied repertoire: MONDAY NIGHT and 8ATURDAY MATI NEE. First Time In Pittsburg, Gilbert and SjUi van's latest and great est success, THE "ZSOMEN OF THE GTJABD, Or the Merryman and His Maid. The sensation of two continents! Humorous, unique, melodious. Emr A Abbott and Entire Company. TUESDAY, only time: nrst time In Pittsburg, Balfes Sparkling Opera, ROSE OF CASTILE, Emma Abbott.. .....as Queen of Spain. Entire company, enchanting music, gorgeous costumes and scenic effects. WEDNESDAY! Prices. 73c, EOc and 25c. MATBMEE, Two PrimsB Donnse and Entire Company. Revival of the Charming Opera, CHIMES OF NORMAND, WEDNESDAY Donizetti's most brilliant creation, LTJOIA, BREDE of TiATrTMERMOOR Emma Abbott and Entire Company In cast; THURSDAY-EMMA ABBOTT as "Leonora" in Verdi's Grand Opera, ILr TROVATORE. , FRIDAY Bellini's masterwork, NORMA. NORMA. Emma Abbott and Entire Company, SATTJRDAYMATINEE EMHA ABBOTT will sing at the Matinee, THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. SATURDAY NIGHT Abbott as "Arllne," Farewell; Balfe's melodious opera, BOHEMIAN GIRL, Emma Abbott and Entire Company in Cast. Next-week A Magnificent Production, THE STOWAWAY." mhl7 frTE-f Ttyywwr--ii WE REVOLUTIONIZE THE TRADE! Our Popular Ways of Doing Business Paralyze Competition! Outdistance Competitors! We Are Organized as the Most Reliable Firm in the City. FURNITURE! A bewildering assortment of styles and woods is offered for the consideration of a discriminating public We have the largest and best variety of Parlor, Dinino- and Chamber Furniture to b found in the United States, and can safely say that in no other establishment of the kind in this country can you find all grades of . goods selling at such low prices as "here. ' We have the largest -and most varied assortment of floor covers to be found in this city and are making prices that will astonish you when you take into con sideration the quality and patterns. We carry the largest line of any retail house in this county,and when you buy anything from us you can depend on its being the? best offered. We will sell you anything in our entire store either for CASH or ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. OTTJEl STOOEI OF Baby Carriages, Refrigerators and Ice . Chests Cannot be equaled by any nouse in the city. Call and see them. Oar prices defy competition. 1 1 5fi! ft Lilifii'iil iBJnlffi . . T . T)MtM name we rawest i"i " mc jjcsi. uuuus. jtivc you me prettiest assortment to choose from. Guarantee you the Lowest Prices. Treat our Customers "E"airly. What more can we do. What more can you desire. ? OTTIR HOPPER BROS. & COt RC)7 WOOD STREET Qfl7 KJXJ I BETWEEN THIRD ANn FnTTRTTT AVPc V-V- I "Sole Agents for the New Higli-Aim" Davis Sewing Machine. VSSSJS vpu uu ooiuuiujo uuun j.u w -wuuuii jr. xu, .,, wwtsmw! P" J f. "r NEW ASTSXnmximsi ? " T 7fi HARRIS' WEEK COMMENCING MARCH 18. EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. , EETDBN OF LAST SEASON'S GEEAT SUCCESS. A TRULY great Company, headed by ' w. t. bryant, SUPPORTED BY . LIZZIE RICHMOND, JULIA-WILSON AND ' JAMES BEVINS. KEEP IT DARK. ,f , J Matinee, ioc; 1 Night, joc; March 25 BEACON LIGHTSvCOMPANY. 0PM HOUSE. E.D.WIBT. Lessee and Manager. MONDAY, MAKrT8.saSda?M?tTnee FarewellJoint Appearance of 2kK, AJSX HUS. W. J. FLORENCE, Accompanied by a Strong Dramatic Company in tho f ellowing popular plays: Monday & Tlnrrsday Eve'gs, The Most Successful Comedy ever written, THE MIGHTY DOLLAR Mr. Florence as Hon. Bardwell Slots Mrs. Florence as Mrs. General Gdflory Tuesday Eve. fc Sat. Mat. First time here of their latest success, .HEART OF HEARTS. Mr. Florence Mrs. Florence...., ....in two characters as Wilhelmina Fitzrapn T5rednesday& Sat. Eve'gs. Brougham's dramatization of Dickens' DOlftBEY & SON. Florence as Cap'n Cuttle "Friday Evening, OUR GOVERNOR; OR, HIS BITTBE HATCHET. ' Mr. Florence as Pinto Perkins Mrs, Florence as .....MatlTda Starr J9-REGUBAR PRICES. Week March 25 Rosina Vokes. mh!7-83 OCrAa'UM T. i""-.J. "? .- j.1 SOLS .A-IDIDIRIEiSS ZS BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH AVES. f A PLAY FULL- OF FUN. Bubbling Over With Songs, Laughter and Delight; NEW SPECIALTIES! NEW SONG'S! EVERYTHING NEW!a. Reserved Seats, 15c and 20c "5 Reserved Seats, 15c and 25c mhl4 CASINOMUSEUM. ' WEEK OF MARCH 18. Great and Grand Double Show I CAPT. PAUL BOYTON, With his educatedSeals and Trained Monkeys. .Wilson, th6 balloon man; Fiji Jim and Annie; Rosa, the bearded lady; 'Smith and Carroll; George Cal lahan. Next vreek, March 25Soa Ser pent mhl87 F. G.REINEMAN 82 AND 61 SIXTH STRET7T. Headquarters for Costumes of all descriptions, for hire at reasonable prices. mhl7-8C-sa F. G. BEKiEMAN. -v . 1 JW f -vV4ar! Tff v of Fran. BZi. ifc... a . i T ? K