Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 17, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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Captain King Relates Interesting and
Thrillinsj Incidents of
Chasing Indian Cattle ThiCTes Through
rfBtmx toe the DisrATcn.2
was completing in
1874 the task of
subjugating a hith
e r t o intractable
tribe and no mau
erer commanded in
Arizona who better
knew the Apaches,
treated them better
when they would
behave or thrashed
them better when
thev wouldn't. All
his predecessors had found their methods
too slow for so nimble an enemy. Precipi-J
tons mountains, jagged and impassable can
yons and scorching deserts all aided the In
dians and hampered the troops. Finally
the Government selected Crook, despite the
fact that he was then only a Lieutenant
Colonel, and gave him command of that
dismal department on his brevet rank of
General; sent him a regiment of cavalry to
replace one that had had some years of un
lucky experiences in the territory, and the
General himself took the field and prac
tically taught the new troopers how to
tackle mountain Indians. He had learned
the trick years before the "War of the Rebel
lion. Tribe after tribe and band alter
band did he whip into submission and
finally in '74 they were nearly all gathered
into great reservations and there remained
out in the mountains of Northeastern
Arizona only a few scattered par
ties, prominent among them being
the adherents of two bull-headed
chiefs known as Eskiminzin and Eskeltet
see. These "hostiles" were nearly all of
the Tosto and Sierra Blanco tribes.
All the spring and summer of '74 the Gen
eral had scouting parties of cavalry, each
with its complement fit Indian allies for
trailers, and its little train of pack mules
hunting through the mountains for these re
calcitrants, and the orders were, wh-n we
found them, to fight it out then and there.
The two northeastcrnmost stations ot the
troops were at that time Camp Verde some
0 miles, by road, east of Prescott, and
Camp Apache, down among the foothills of
the Mogollon range of mountains, and it
was from these points that the detachments
sallied forth on their raids. Thev also
served as guards lor the great Verde' and
San Carlos reservations, where thousands of
the once fierce and untamable Apaches were
now living in apparent peace and content
ment. The oldei officers remained in gar
rison with the infantry and the "young
sters" were kept at the tireless work.
I was then First Lieutenant of K troop
of the Filth Cavalry and stationed at
Verde. We had had some hvelyfights with
the Apaches along the Black Mesa and
down in the Tonto Basin in May and June,
and then came a summer's rest during
which we hardly had a scout. Early in the
autumn, however, it was demonstrated that
the renegades, re-inforced by some young
men from the reservations, were again show
ing in the mountains to the southeast of us,
and once more the cavalry were called on to
find and fight them.
I had been making a survey of the mili
tary reservation at Camp Vtrde and was
busy with my maps one warm October atter
noon when come herders came riding in to
the post and reported to the commanding
officer that a war party of Apaches had
swooped down from the "Bed Bock" coun
try northeast of us two days before and had
run off a lot of their cattle. They had
trailed them, supposing at first the cattle
had merely stampeded and strayed; but
Tonto moccasin prints soon told the story,
and they came back to give the alarm and
beg that their beef might be recaptured.
The marauders had a big start, of course,
but could not go very fast. They had taken
a course indicating that they were making
for the neighborhood of Snow Lake, over
towards the Colorado Chiqnito, and in half
an nour j. was in tue saouie ana galloping
up the Verde Valley to the Indian reserva
tion 20 miles away. My orders were to
find my comrade, Lieutenant Schuyler, who
was there in command, get 15 or 20 Indian
scouts, and return to the post as soon as
possible. Meantime Colonel Mason and
Lieutenant Eaton would organize a party
to be ready to start at day break on the
Unluckily, the scouts I wanted were gone
and instead of the Apache-Mohaves, who
had been my trailers earlier in the season
and good ones too Schuyler had nothing
to offer but some Apache-Yumas whom I
did not know at all and whom he could not
especially recommend. Even thev were out
hunting soniewhcre,bnt he could have them
sent lor, armed and equipped and hurried
down to the garrison tbat evening. Ye
turned about, therefore, ray horse and I,
and trotted back to the post, arriving there
soon after sunset with appetites for supper,
you may be sure, after our 40 mile Jaunt.
Meantime 20 men from A and K troops
had been selected, and with Lieutenant
Eaton for second in command, old Harrv
Hawes for packmaster, and the Apache Yu
mas for scouts and trailers I was ordered to
start at dawn and recapture the cattle and
"larrup" the cattle thieves. Late that night
hile Eaton and I were writing our home
letters (sometimes our officers and men
never wrote again after these affairs) we
heard a clatter ot hoofs coming up the hill
behind our adobe quarters, and the Apache
Tumas arrived. They were given some
thing to eat and a place to camp for the
night and then we, too, turned in lor a
At 3:30 in the morning we were up again,
dressed in our rough and serviceable mount
ain rig, and at 5 just as the trumpets were
rounding first call for reveille, we filed out
from the corrals, forded the Verde river
i nd rode swiftly away northeastward. My
purpose was to go as far as Arnold's ranch;
bivouac there untildusk; then begin the as
cent of the mountains when the sharpest
eyed lookouts of the Indians could not see
Us. Of course all the reservations knew by
this time that a party was going out, and
before nightfall Eaton and I were convinced
that our scouts were most reluctant to go
With us.
"Winding up the valley of Beaver creek in
the early morning, we had reached the
ranch ot 8 o'clock and unsaddled in tus
prove at the edge of the stream. Here we
hid all day long while Eaton and I had a
talk witn "Wales Arqold.the owner, about
the trail over the mountains. There was a
lair road, but a very roundabout one, leav
ing the'valley some miles to tbe north and
making a wide circuit, sweeping around
east of us to Stoneman's Lake,some 40 miles
Just at dusk -we saddled, mounted and
with a "good.luck to you" from Arnold and
his ranch people, away we went There
was no moon, and, though a crisp starlit
night, it was very dark when we began our
climb up the rocky sides of the first canyon
and the ascent of the range. Biding in
Arizona, for mountain scouting purposes,
differed from any riding I had ever done
beforeor have done since in that pardon
the Hibernianism it was mostly walking.
The mountains are so precipitous that one
has to dismount and lead or follow his horse.
The whole command, moves in single file
with the Apache scoutvgenerally in front;
then the commanding officers, then the
troopers, and finally the pack train. This
march of ours the night ot October 28 was
no exception to the rule. Hour after hour
we slipped, slid, fugged and climbed over
loose, flinty rocks and jagged stones, up, up,
tip, twisting, turning, panting and towing
our unlucky steeds by the bridal rein and
at last, about 10 o'clock, found ourselves on
the crest of the westermost spur of the
range, and one after another of the men
silently clambered to the point; the pack
mules followed the tinkling bell of their
lead horse and finally the whole command
was grouped along a little mesa unaer me
cloudless and starry heavens all but the
scouts. Long before they had begun to mur
mur and protest "Soldiers go too fast!"
a preposterous statement as we could hardly
make two miles an hour.
One after another they had slipped back
to the rear of the column, and when, pres
sentlv, thev came wearily dragging up the
cliff and siientlv grouped themselves at the
brink, it was noticed that their "sergeant"
was not there to answer questions. He had
"gone home," one of them explained. Two
others were "hc3p sick" and could go no
farther. More than ever was it evident that
for some reason they were mortally afraid
to go with this detachment 2f ever before
had I encountered any shirks or cowards
among our scouts when we knew the hostile
Apaches were all around us. "What then
could account lor the utter "weakening" of
these fellows?
An hour later a partial reason was mani
fest Turning a high, rocky spur we came
upon a point from which we could see the
sky line to the northern horizon; and there
perhaps 20 miles away at the eastern edge
of the Indian reservation, glowed against a
rocky wall, that hid it from all eyes in the
valley, a huge signal fire throwing its glare
far across the Bed Bock country and the
pine covered crests of the Black Mesa be
yond. Later stil that night, slipping and slid
ing down the jagged sides ot a dark canyon,
Indians again hopelessly behind, we reached
a sheltered spot where there was water and
grass for our stock, and here Me rolled our
selves in our blankets and slept till dawn
and then had a good look about ns. Nine
of our "scouts" had managed to crawl in,
the rest are gone.
Here we breakfasted, inspected our horses',
feet and found that, although every horse
aud mule had been carefully attended to by
the blacksmiths and paniers before we start
ed, four had cast shoes in the scramble up
and down the rocks and 20 more had
loosened theirs.
The next night, crossing in its course
three deep and rock-ribbed canyons we
struggled along. Three times the Indians
were ordered up to the front, but each time
they managed to slip back in the darkness.
"Tonto" signs had been discovered soon
before sunset Fresh signal fires blazed
against the northern sky and these poor
devils were evidently convinced that we
were tramping straight into the jaws of de
struction. I say "tramping" advisedly be
cause not until late at night did we mount
at all. It was all climb or scramble, but
about 10 o'clock Sergeant Taylor and
Trooper Frank Biffar, who were foremost
"feeling the way" halted, and when, I
joined them, pointed to what appeared to
be a broad dark patch against the low east
ern sky and said, "There are the woods,
sir, we must he nearing the road." At mid
night we found the trail of the cattle: had
locked upon the star-decked , surface of
btoneman s late; bad Inst our scouts en
tirely and halt the shoes in the? command.
"When we left Verde our comrades were
wearing light summer clothing all day long
and no fires were in except for cooking pur
poses. Here we had climbed so high that
the water froze solid in our canteens. At
8:30 in the morning seven of our hapless
scouts came limping into the bivonac. All
"heap sick" yet able to eat like hounds.
"We pointed out the cattle tracks, told them
they could sleep and rest until 4 in the af
ternoon, then we would push ahead through
the woods nntil we reached their eastern
verge and wait there until dark before rid
ing out across the open mesa.
The next day, October 31, we were close at
the heels of our quarry and still keeping
under cover. "We waited not only to get the
cattle but to include the Apaches.
Late that afternoon, just as the sun be
gan to throw long shadows across the hol
lows in the Mesa we peered over the crest
ot a low range, and there, two" miles in
front and just entering .a defile known as
the Iarvis' Pass, we caught sight of our
missing steers. Two or three men and the
Indian scouts were left with Harry Hawes
to look after the pack train; the rest of us
reset pur saddles, took an extra loup on the
cinchas, looked to the breech blocks of our
carbines and the chambers of the revolvers
(officers and men went armed, dressed and
equipped alike in Arizona. "We had no
more use for swords than we had for
shoulder knobs.) Then "mount" was the
word and, moving slowly and cantiously at
first, we rode to the crest, formed line, and
then there was no help for it since the
country was an open, undulating surface,
destitute of shelter for over two miles,struck
into a rapid tropj next, as we reached the
level below, without a word of command,
bugle call or any of the stirring accompani
ments of other warfare, the riders simply
conforming to the gait of their leader, away
we went at a gallop.
Ours were the short coupled, stocky Cali
fornia horses, not very fast, but very useful
for mountain climbing; it seemed to me an
unconsionable time before we were half
across the plain and then the men began to
open out a little so as to surround the cattle
as we neared them and at the same time te
less "bunched" in case the Apaches were
lurking in ambuscade m the rocks beyond.
Eagerly as I looked, not a hostile Indian
could I sec, nor, indeed, did I expect to
see until we hustled them out of their holes.
Alarmed by the thunder of advancing
hoofs and tbe irrepressible cheering of some
of the men, the cattle were beginning to
trot wildly about with tails and heads alike
in air, but all sight of their captors was de
nied us. As we rode around the herd, some
north, some south of and some in their
eagerness, through them we closed in a trifle
confidently expecting to be greeted by shots
from the rocky entrance to the pass. Even
at the gallop quick eyes could detect the
print of Tonton moccasins in the solt earth
of the roadway, but not a shot nor a sound
was there. Warned bv the signal fires they
had kept sharp lookout to the crest and so
soon as our coming was detected, they had
scattered for the nearest height, shrewdly
arguing that so long as we had got the
cattle we could afford te let the captors go.
But that wasn't General Crook's idea of
dealing with these renegades at all. As
soon as it was dnsk, leaving four men and
the used up Indian to drive the herd back
by slow and easy stages to the valley we
pushed ahead that night through larris'
Pass, forcing our few Apache-Yumas to
keep alongside, and at 1 o'clock in the
morning we found ourselves in the heart of
the "Sunset Pass," only 18 miles from the
Colorado Chiquito. Here in the wild
haunts of the mountains was the likeliest
place for the renegades to rest, believing
themselves safe from further pursuit, and
here we hid in a deep canyon until dawn;
and here again our scouts protested, "No
Tonto! No Tonto! No Injun," until we
showed them the prints of the moccasins
under their verynoses and here on Sunday
the 1st of November climbing the high
mountain to the south we caught the scamps
and carried out our orders. Our Httle squad
of allies turned tail and ran at the very first
fire and, sure enough, their views were just
ifieJ;the hostiles were many and the tight
was lively for a while. I wrote no letters
lor many a week thereafter, nor fired an
other shot from the right shoulder from that
day fo this, but, there was no more cattle
thieving in the upper Verde.
Charles Kino, TJ. S. A.
Ilow They Catch Lunntlci.
Boston Gazette.
Son Papa, how do they catch lunatics?
Cynical Father "With large straw hats and
feathers and white dresses, jewelry and neat
gloves, my boy. Mamma (musingly) Yes,
I remember that's how I dressed before we
were married. "
Edgar L. Wakeman Unearths a Num
ber of Very Interesting
A Fortress Built 1,500 Tears Before the
Christian Era.
Arran Islands, Ireland, March 4, '89.
rHE Arran Islands on
the west coast of Ire
land possess deep in
terest to the traveler,
chiefly for three rea
sons. They are very
wild and picturesque
in physical formation,
in scenery, and as the
resort of millions of
sea-fowl, as with the
,Skelligs off the south
west coast Their archaeological remains are
the most fascinating and impressive to the
student of remotest history to be found in
western Europe. And they are inhabited
by a race of people whose stubborn clinging
to the bleak spot, whose patience in human
misery, whose vocations and character and
whose garb and home life, are beyond or
dinary explanation, conjecture, or descrip
tion. From the moment Conn, the boatman, set
me ashore at Killaney from his oldcurragh,
it has seemed to me that any one in search
of desolation to depict in mau or nature,
could find it wholly typified here. "The
habitable islands of Arran are three in
number, setting across the entrance of the
great Bay of Galway which should be the
European entrepot for swift-going American
steamers to the northwest,from the mighty
headlands of Clare; and they show the same
limestone formation. Next to Clare is
South Sound, four miles in width. Then
comes Inisheer, the smallest of the group,
but 1,400 acres in area. Foul Sound, but
half a mile wide, separates Inisheer from
Inishmaan, the next larger and central
island, with an area of possibly 2,500 acres.
Gregory Sound, tne same width as Foul, in
turn separates Inishmaan from Arranmore,
Great Arrah, whose confines comprise
nearly 8,000 acres. At some remote time,
no doubt they were a part of a continuous
ocean-barring range or band of heights,
locking in a great inland lake now outlined
by Galway Bay.
I have stood at their peaks, almost at the
edge of precipices whose sides fell straight
as a plummet -to tbe ocean, when it seemed
tbat the whole Atlantic was rising to engulf
them. As far as the eye could reach at sea
the ocean was as a boiling cauldron; and to
the right and leit to the island's ends a
fierce and furious line of spray spumed and
seethed between heights and ocean. The
onslaughts of the sea, the thunderings
within the caverns beneath, the weird whis
tling of the blast, the gurgling and roaring
of tremendous volumes of water tossed into
cleits and moving back upon on-coming
waves, the concussion bttween falling tor
rents and up-hurled stas, and above all the
wild shrieking of millions ot gannets, sea
eagles and puffins, plunging deliriously
' about their threatened homes, fill one with
an awful fascination and dread.
Perhaps at no spot upon the earth's sur
face, save possibly where the Atlantic cur
rents meet and battle with the Arctic cur
rents" along the extreme northwest Irish
coast, is there such illimitable fury between
sea and land. At the height of one of these
furious struggles, a puffin dropped dead
where I stood. In its crazy flight among
the myriad fowl above, it had possibly been
lucklessly struck by another crazed bird;
for I could find no wound upon it. It was
quite warm; and in the thought that came
of these unrecorded tragedies of things in
nature, I telt an interest in the puffin which
I found warranted by its relation to
these islands and the islanders themselves.
The puffin is the Fratercula arctica of
natural history, and belongs to the auk? or
Alca, family of web-footed oceanic birds.
It displays more activity on the wing and
in the water than others of the same family.
The bill is enormously developed, is larger
tha the remainder of the head, and has the
appearance of a great helmet, corrugated in
angles from the front and back rim, to side
seams, into which the puffin has somehow
got its real bill and head wedged, and from
which it cannot become disengaged. This
grotesque seeming is made more apparent
by the form and situation of the puffin's
legs, which compel it when on land to sit
ridiculously upright. But it moves under
water with marvelous rapidity. The sea
lowl is also known upon the west coast as
the sea parrot; but, from its sedate appear
ance and wise, fussy ways, the Arran
islanders call it "ccJliaheen" old woman;
and it is known by no other name among
these people.
The most ancient manuscripts of Ireland
are authority for the revelation, that the
first conquering, or possessing, occupants of
Erinn, were Parthalon, Lady Cesair, and
Nenideh; all of these far in advance of the
semi-mythical Firbolgs and Tuatha De
Dannan. Both of the latter races were de
scended from two Nemedian chiefs who sur
vived the destruction of Couaing's tower on
lorry Island, off the Irish northwest coast.
One, lobath, passed into Northern Europe.
The other, Simeon Breack, went to Thrace.
Their descendants 237 years thereafter, in
the year of the world 2266, retuned simul
taneously, by different routes and unknown
to each other, and took possession of Ire
land. The Tuatha De Dannan occupied
Northern Irelandjthe Firbolgs, the central
and southern portion. Their discovery of
each other led to an attempt at satisfactory
division of the island. This failing, a great
battle was fought between the rival races at
Hf...!. ntiM.ailli rw ArY.t.ttu, tl.a .!..!. l
AU.UU J.1414SW", w . tutu, mc piaiu VI
Nia, near the old town of Cong in county
The Firbolgs were defeated with great
slaughter, their King, Eophaidh, killed
alter pursuit into the present county of
SIigo,-at a place near the village of Ballysa
dare; but a remnant of the Firblog forces,
under their warrior chief, Sreng, whose un
exampled bravery secured the magnanimity
of the enemy, were given the present
province of Connaught, which to as late a
date as 1650, was recognized under no other
title than Cuigead Sreing, or Sreng's
Province. All this, having been well es
tablished by archaeological and antiquarian
research and comparison as the affairs of
ancient Greece, is interesting and valuable
in making clear the otherwise mystery of
the extraordinary remains, both of a pagan
and Christian character, to be found upon
the Arran Islands.
The remnant of these Firbolgs made their
last stand and built mighty duns or fort
resses on these then remote and almost in
accessible islands. Their very magnificence
and strength seem to"fnrnish the prompting
to the subsequent erection here ot churches
and cloisters by Christian recluses; as was
also illustrated in the tremendous monu
ments to the zeal of this class at Iona, "that
illustrious island, which was once the lu
minary of the Caledonian, religions" so
astounding to the phlegmatic and cynical
Dr. Johnson. Of the Arran pagan remains,
Dubh Cathair, or Black Fort, Dun Aengus
or -the Fort of Aengus, Dun' Conchofar,
Dun Onaght, and Dun Oghil, on Arran
more, and a great Firbolgian dun on Ini
sheer, the eastern island, are remarkable
It is well established that Black Fort was
built 1,600 yean preceding the Christian
era, and the dun upon Inisheer not more
than 600 years later. The, former rises from
one ol the southwestern cliffs of Arranmore.
A Cyclopedan wall stretches across a noble
C " i-
-v 5
promontory quite similar in form to that on
which stands the ruins ot the lainous jjuu
luce, Castle, near the Giant's Causeway.
The natural formation of the rock upon this
cliff gives a natural defense in its elevated
sides. "Within this great inclqsure over
hanging the sea are the remains, in some in
stances well preserved, of many claughawns,
or beehive structures, in the well authenti
cated form of the remotest pagan Irish places
of retreat in times of danger. The ablest
archaeologists of Ireland pronounced these
as old as the fort itself. A little distance
from this, at Mainister, will be found Dun
The height and thickness of the ramparts
of this relic of pagan times are, simply in
conceivable to one who has not stood within
them. In this respect Dun Oghil is far
more impressive than Black Fort, although
its site is less picturesque and its antiquity
is not so great Dun Onaght is remarkable
for its similarity to the great Grianan of
Aileach, near Londonderry, in the north of
Ireland, recently restored "by Dr. Bernard,
the antiquarian of that city. Its form is
circular; it is 92 feet in diameter; three
consecutive ramparts inclose it, and series
of steps lead along the inner wall to the top
of tbe grim structure, as in the Grianan.,
But of the Arran Island pagan remains,
Dun Aengus is the greatest and most stu
pendous. Dr. Petrie, the profoundest arch
aeologist Ireland ever produced, pronounced
it "the most magnificent barbaric monu
ment now extant in Europe." It owes its
origin to Scottish adventurers. Three
brothers, Aengus, Conchovar and Mil, came
to Arranmore from Caledonia in the first
century. They were men and warriors of
great note, and the monuments to their
power and.prowess were three great cash els,
raths, duns or forts Dun Aengus, Dun
Conchovar or Connor and another, now ob
literated, at Port Murvey, formerly cilled
Murveagh Mily or the seaside stronghold of
To many the ecclesiastical remains of the
Arran Islands possesses still greater inter
est Their origin here is due to Aine, Aen
deus, or Enda, son of Natfraich, King of
Munster, in the latter part of the fifth cen
tury. He was a "spear-hurling, ax-wielding"
chieftain; a pagan or pagans. Con
verted to Christianity by his sister, Fan
chea, who is said to have taken the veil
from St. Patrick himself at Eossory, near
Enniskillen, and further crushed and hum
bled by the death of a noble maiden under
his sister's care to whom he was betrothed,
his life thereafter became that of a religious
recluse at Arran. Here he built a church
which ever after bore his name, a portion of
the original structure being still in exist
ence. The sixth, seventh and eighth centuries
witnessed in -Ireland unparalleled zeal for
the monkish profession; and in this period a
wonderful number of oratories, monasteries
and sacred edifices were built The fame of
the then pagan rums of Arran, and of St.
Edna's establishment, drew other religious
zealots to this, desolate spot, until at one
time the little island of Arranmore, which,
is still called by the peasantry of the west
of Ireland, "Arran of the Saints, or
Blessed," was dotted with no less than 12
monasteries and 13 churches. Of the
churches the oldest to be found in a good
state of preservation on Arran is that ot St
Benan. It is but 15 feet long and 11 feet
wide, but it was built over 1,200 years ago.
Edgab L. "Wakeiian.
Tbe Damaging Effect of tlio Cigarette Upon
the Rising Generation.
Mew York Sun.i
The cigarette habit appears to be grow
ing among the boys of this city, and there
are physicians who tell of its evil effects
upon the constitution and health of those
who indulge 'in it It promotes nervous
affections, interferes with the digestion, in
duces insomnia, leads to muscular debilitv,
causes diseases of the mouth and eyes, and
blunts the mental powers. It befouls -the
air, leaves its taint "upon garments, and is
apt to create a liking for liquor. It is in
jurious in every way and advantageous in
no respect.
Several State Legislatures, including
those of New Jersey and Michigan, have
bills under consideration for the prohibi
tion of the sale of cigarettes to minors, and
a large amount of testimony favorable to
such action has been presented to them. In
Michigan the testimony of 300 teachers of
boys has been taken on the subject, and
many of the facts given are of a kind that
might well alarm parents! In this city, es
pecially at night on the east side", one may
often see groups of sallow-faced urchins in
dulging in the baneful habit.
Tbe Iititcst New York Game, Jnst Imported
From Bermuda.
New York Graphic
The latest new game about town is onion
billiards, so called because it came up from
Bermuda. It is played with two balls, and
the game consists in hitting the object ball
after sending the other to the cushion three
or four times. The skill consists in select'
ing angles when shooting,and in leaving the
object ball in the center of the table for
your opponent, it being more difficult to hit
there. John Adams, of Denver and Charles
Bonner, of Butte City, cave an exhibition
of the new game in the Fifth Avenue bil
liard rooms last night. Mr. Adams is just
back from Bermuda, and -won the game by
seven points.
A Distressing Mistake.
""What's de matter wid me 'r jumpin' in
dis hamper and taking a free ride ter dc
QuakerCity ?"
"Be th' powers!, I must be rattled this
mornin'; put the tag on the trunk that be
longs on the hamper, and forgot to lock the
hamper. Well, it's all right now. "
The Traveler (in a hoarse whisper) Ex
cuse me, gents, but will yer please ring fer
a nambulance ter carry me to 'r bakery?
! SUNDAY, . M ATICEU ,17,,
Bessie Bramble1 Writes About the
Pnblic School System.
Colleges and Institutes for Southern Col
ored People.
I K E N, S. O.,
March 10. While
the North is all
broken up on the
school question, as
,between the pa
rochial and the
public schools, the
South is equally in
a muddle on the
subject of educa
tion. On the one
"hand, it is con
tended that the stability and prosperity or
the Bepublic depends upon the maintenance
ofthenublic schools, in which children
shall be grounded in the principles and
duties of good citizenship without sectarian
bias. On the other, it is maintained that
such schools are immoral, godless and de
structive of the highest and best interests
of humanity, the church and the State.
On one side it is claimed that the State
must educate its children, without regard
to religion, to be moral and upright citi
zens; on the other, it is asserted that with
out religions instruction in the schools that
they fall short of their highest calling and
noblest end. Joseph Cook affirms that if
Americans are loyal to their grand com
mon school system they are unmistakably
at war with the papacy. But while this is
perhaps the great matter in controversy at I
tne .worth, the question south, is largely as
to whether common schools shall be estab
lished for the benefit of all its citizens or
whether education shall be left to parents
and individual option or not Many
thoughtful men in the South claim and
back their views up with statistics and the
opinions of philosophers that a free State
should neither 'administer religion, educa
tion nor charity.
, Others base their objections to the educa
tion of the massis by the State on the ground
that it promotes rascality aud does not in
crease morality. This is the view of
Cardinal Manning, who has no hesitation
in saying that much of the growth of crime
in the United States is due to the secular
teaching of the public schools, and who
strongly maintains that the system of com
mon schools tends inevitably to the extinc
tion of religion. It is somewhat staggering
to the enthusiastic advocate of free educa
tion for the masses to have the fact thrust
into his face that the Government reports in
England show that the number of criminals
has been steadily increasing since the insti
tution of free schools; that the districts of
England where the status ol the population
is very low as to education, they constitute
nevertheless the least criminal sections of
the country, and that as regards the women
of the mining regions of the North, who
work in coal pits and iron works, and
whose ignorance is absolutely appalling,
yet among none of the population of Great
Britain is there shown less of wickedness
and crime. And to come to our own coun
try, says this disciple of Herbert Spencer,
it can be shown that there is less crime in
the southern part of the United States,
where illiteracy so largely prevails, than in
the North, where education has produced
such wide-awake discontent and dissatisfac
tion among the laboring classes, and the re
sult of which is the inflaming of class
hatred that will end in revolution, and may
hap anarchy.
But the sympathies and affection of the
American people in the North are too closely
connected with the common schools to have
much attention paid to the hard philosophy
or to the specious talk of those whose preju
dices fall into consonance with it Free
education for the masses is what the South
needs, says the North, and to this end money
is poured out like water by Northern re
formers and philanthropists. More money
has been given by the North for the collegi
ate edncation for negroes in Alabama alone
than any six States of the South together
have given to the edncation of white boys.
The Northern Methodist Church alone, it
is said, is spending more money in "the
South for the higher education of the col
ored race than is given by all the Southern
States combined to their own colleges. The
Baptist and Presbyterian Churches are in
no way behind with their benefactions, so
that as far as education goes the negroes of
the Sonth have not only more than half a
chance, but ha've the best of it all around as
far as education is concerned.
In this State of South Carolina the law
provides for three months free schooling in
the year. This is not so bad, considering the
poverty of the people engendered by the
war. The term is supplemented by the
teachers carrying on the schools for pay,as is
done in Pennsylvania in the country districts
where the term is short. But the best schools
are those established and supported from
large contributions of money from the
North by societies, churches and individ
uals. In this little town of Aiken two
such schools are carried on successfully.
One of these is nnder control of the Pre's
bvterian church in the North, and the
other, more famous, was established son
after the wir by Miss Martha Schoficld,
under the anspices of the Germantown
branch of the Freedman's Commission.
Since the Freedman's Aid Bnreau was
abolished this school has been largely sup
ported by voluntary contributions from its
friends, and by some aid from the State.
Pennsylvania has given during the past
year 1,902 toward its support tbe larger
part being from the Philadelphia Associa
tion of Friends. New York comes next
with $1,228, other States North and "West
are set down for smaller sums, while dona
tions of books, clothing, barrels and boxes
of everything useful seem to be endless in
quantity and variety.
This institution is known as the Schofield
Normal and Industrial School and is largely
visited by the winter guests of the town.
Miss Schofield, the principal, is an ener
getic business woman, who superintends
and manages .the school in a most imposing
manner. She came here, as we are, told,
about 21 years ago, and by
and good management has built up a suc
cessful school and her owp fortunes as well.
By a singular want of tact, and by manners
that are aggressive and dictatorial, she
stirred up the prejudices of the white people
in such wise, and rubbed them so decidedly
the wrong way, that she is completely os
tracised by society in the town and has
found opposition and resistance even among
the colored folks themselves, many
ot whom hesitate not to say that
they greatlv prefer the Presbyter
ian school. 'Still the Schofield school
has heldyts own these many years, and has
done much good work in the way of enlight
enmentamong the colored race." It is quite
pretentious in.its showing forth as compris
ing a normal aud industrial school. In the
last, it has reached the long-debated point
in Pittsburg, as combining manual labor
with the- training of the mind. Sewing,
gardening, carpenter work and print
ing constitute the prominent feat
ures in this line. A large frame
building nearby is dignified- in
college lashion by the name of Carter Hall.
Here the Northern teachers and the girls
are domiciled, and here the kitchen and the
dining-room for all the students from a dis
tancenre, presided over by Mauma Gloveiy
a typical Southern cook, to whom as a re
cent writer delicately says of Mrs. Harrison
nature has been liberal in the way of
flesh, and genial good humor. Her hoe-
cakes and bread are said to besuperlatlvely
good by-vliiung magnates front .New xorK
and Philadelphia.
On the occasion of our visit we went a lit
tle beyond the usnal .order or things by ex
pressing a desire to visit the school-rooms
and inspect the work of Ihe pupils. "Where
upon Miss Schofield slipped out of the room
and we could not restrain the inference that
she was notifying the teachers to get ready
for inspection and have things put Into apple-pie
order and visiting trim.
The show time for visitors is during
chapel exercises, when the entire school is
assembled for a Bible reading and prayer
and singing. This last is the most attractive
feature for visitors, who listen to "Swing
Low," "Steal Away," "The Gospel Train,"
"One More Eiver to Cross," "Mary and
Martha," and other religious songs sung
with the melody and abandon only to be
found among the colored folks. It is in the
chapel that Miss Schofield shines as the
patron saint; the devoted missionary, tbe
majestic principal. "Under her eagle eye
and firm month the silence and setness of
those' 350 children were so intense as
to almost chill the blood of those
upon the platform. The smallest
child was as dead quiet as a tombstone, and
the older ones were as grave and solemnas
it love and laughter had never been in
vented. To one who has been behind the
scenes, this -spectacle was not so imposipg
as those who "in the'North" live in palaces
and know nothing of the schools of the com
mon people.
It was quite rich to hear their wonder
and surprise over the attainments and per
formnnces.of the pupils that were far, far
behind those of the common schools of the
North. They were so gushing and full of
praise thatit seemed plain tbat only a black
skin had power to reach their sympathies
and find the key to their emotions. Kind
ness, charity and benevolence are always to
be admired and appreciated, but wben it
comes to simply "coddling" 'the colored
folks, only because they are black, while
the little white pagans in the slums are
wholly ignored, it is too much like the mis
sionary work of sending flannel shirts to
the Hottentots, while the denizens of the
back alleys at home are left to freeze. It is
really astonishing what affection and con
cern are manifested by good people for the
heathen and the Indian and the African,
who are far away, while the poor in their
midst are ignored as uninteresting' and in
tolerably disagreeable.
But to get back to the Schofield school,
where the sweet singing and beautiful be
havior of tbe bright young darkies took
hold of the sentimental side of the visitors,
and it is to be hoped reached for their cash
as well. Four or five of tlje teachers in the
schools are colored, while two are white.
The head instructor is Miss Criley, of East
ern Pennsylvania, who struck us as a very
able teacher. In tbe highest, or normal
department, there were 11 bright young
girls and young men preparing to become'
teachers. The oldest pupil in the school is
60 years of age. Several grown young men
were in one of the lower departments, an.d
were struggling in their arithmetic lesson
with the deep mystery of cancellation. Some
mafried men attend the school whose wives go
out to work and cook in the meantime. Miss
Schofield was heard to say that young love's
dream was the wort thing she had to con
tend with in the way of government The
young folks thought little of playing
'hoo" in the woods near by to dally with
the divine passion, even though tbe charms
of spelling, the allurements of arithmetic,
aud the delights of the higher branches
beckoned them within the classic walls.
Great masses of clothing, books, papers,
and of every conceivable thing, even to old
nails and rag-bags, are sent by friends in
the North to the school. The available
clothing and supplies thus donated are sold
to the colored people of the town. The fees
for tuition are from 20 to SO cents a month
for each pupil. The religious services are
Objections are made by some that the
school produces the disease so well known
among statesmen as the "big head?" and
makes the young colored men disinclined to
do anything but sit on the fence and wish
they had an office while in the girls it cre
ates a soul above housework and buttons.
Others contend that the school does evil by
fostering hostility between the races, who
have to live together. "Whether these criti
cisms have any basis of fact, we, an out
sider, do not pretend to say, but to us it
seems clear that much more is being done
for the colored race in the way of education
than for the whites. The former have the
better schools, the greater advantages as to
colleges, and will ere long become a power
that can neither, be ignored nor despised In
the line of politics.
Moreover the doctrine of equal
rights for men and , women alike
is being strongly inculcated by
Miss Schofield and the other teachers and
this in a State where nobody's rights are
respected under the law, save those of the
white man in a State where women are
subjected to, and dominated by the worst
features of the old common law. It is rather
unfortunate for the cause that Miss Scho
field boars a strong resemblance to the
strong-minded woman,Jas pictured by the
fiends of the opposition. She is not bright
and affable and smart and tactful and ge
nial as Snsan B. Anthony, who has the
happy faculty of getting on the warm side
otwise men, still less has she the sweet, at
tractive manners of Lucy Stone, or the
warm"" motherly, delightful ways of Mrs.
Livermore or Mrs. Stanton. She has
rather the aggressive, independent, push
ing style of the spinster who "is sot
in her way," and bound to have it if
the world should turn upside down. One
of the positive characters who, when not
endowed with consummate tact, give point
to prejudice and ground to opposition. But
with the benign countenances ot the sweet
Quaker, Lucretia Mott, and John G. "Whit
tier, and Abraham. Lincoln, and "William
Lloyd Garrison and others upon the walls,
and the story o their lives related for ex
ample and precept, the cause of equal rights
can hardly fail to grow and prosper. And
talking ot education it may be said that the
election laws of this State, which have been
devised to defraud the illiterate negroes of
their votes, are proving to be the strongest
incentive to their acquirement of the ability"
to read and write, thus proving that
Except wind stands as never it stood,
it is an ill wind turns none to good.
Bessie Bramble.
A Slight Error.
Sleeping-car Conductor That's too big a
bundle to take in here you ought to "send
it by express.
Passenger My friend, It'll be a cold day
in de museum biz when de Ossified Man
can't travel in de same car wid his man
ager I See? Puck,
A CoMoii of EiiaMMs for
Home CracMi.
Address communications for this department
to E. R. CltAiB0UBN,trf3fon, Maine.
In a quiet nook and shady.
Once I watched a little lady
Work away with lingers nimble.
Plying needle, thread and thimble.
Long with interest undiminished
Gazed I On ber; wben she finished
I took up ber dainty task (It
Neatly rested in her basket;
And a portion amputated,
"When, though strange to be related,
This last process made it larger.
Then she smiled and said, "How arch you're?"
But I knew what the wag meant
"When she told me throw the fragment
Not upon her needle cushion.
For she dreaded its pollution.
And were 1 to be so needless
It would leave her needles needless.
Wm. Wilson.
617 transposition.
The tun first high in heaven, and two
The grass Iroin walk preventing dew;
Then let us roam tbe vales together.
This bright and beautiful spring weather.
Enjoy the present and be gay,
"Whene'er there comes a perfect day.
For storms will come, and clotidswiil lower,
And frosts will blight eaeh perfect flower.
Bitter Sweet.
518 a biographical narrative.
The names are given In Webster's Un
abridged Dictionary.
A small boy visiting his grandpa at the
Thanksgiving season, went to the barn soon
after bis arrival to find what ho could with
which to amuse himself. He turned tbe Amer
ican poet who died in ISiS in the American to
urist, to prevent interruption, and then pro
ceeded; to ransack. In one corner were two
American general(s) of the present century,
with handles of an English physician who
died m 1819. The English admiral of the nth
century was lying with the American inventor
on the .floor of the barn. A(n) French novelist
of the present day was on the carpenter's
bench with a bit of a German theologian who
died in 16Se, and a piece ol paper
covered with a German student and political
fanatic, who came to his death in 1820. Our
boy found a French philosopher of recent time
andi(n) American sculptor, and began to ulay
with th'ero. but, spying a long English cardinal,
who died in 1558, he thought he would rather
jump with ic He next tried to light a Are
with an American physician and medical
writer and an English essayist who died in
1720, but fortunately could get no American
historian who died 1866. So he turned his at
tention to a In mp of an American statesman
who died about the middle of the present cen
tury, which was jnst inside the door on aflat
adiocate of woman's rights, and essayed to
make a Governor General of Canada, who
died in 1868. But he made such a mess of this
tbat he was about to make a Dean of St. Fat
ticKs retreat, wben bis grandfather appeared at
the English Arctic navigator di'd 1878 of the
bam, and made bis strong Swedish Lieutenant
General who died in 1S1L while he wielded the
English Egyptologist of the present day.
Howttt T.
We journeyed while we slumbered,
And came one morn at length
Where mighty hills, nnnnnibered,
Uprose In peaceful strength.
It was a glorious waking.
As we through grandeur sped,
Our lifted souls partaking.
With awe, the pageant spread.
But pausing in a canon,
Our steaming steed gavo time,
To hear the hill's companion
Sing forth a silvery chime.
The song it was so cheery.
The singer was so meek.
That travelers aweary
Aroused to hear it speak.
"What though I journey single,"
'Twas thus It seemed to say
"I greet each rocky dingle
In lightsome, merry way."
"Each mountain is a brother,
I love to feel their might.
And kindly they bend over
And hail me irom their height"
Thus sang this winsome rover
To us at break of day
Of mighty hills above her.
Now, name this mo antain fay. S.
A scribe who drove a martial pen
Thonghtit a due of partial men,
Each like an imp alert.
To play a menial part.
While each leader fain
For bis ample tram
Would the palm retain.
If houses disunited tall,
I wonder this one stands at all.
W3I. Wilson.
Nothincjoinedtoa treasury of knowledge
forms an .article which a drummer must use; is
a sonrce of profit to publishers; indispensable
to bankers; contains officers of courts and legis
lative assemblies, and brings to mind forests In
summer. Carl Obey.
522 CHARADE. u
ThaflrsCs a creature fleet of limb.
The monarch of his tribe;
Infantile Skin and. Scalp Diseases.
Boy one year and ahalf old. Face and body in
a terrible condition, being covered with
sores. Sulphur Springs fail. Cured by
Cuticura Remedies.
I have used your Cuticuka Kemftjies In
two cases where it proved to be successful.
Tho first was in the case of a boy a year and a
half old. His face and body were in a terrible
condition, the former being completely covered
with sores. I took him to the Massena Sul
phur Springs, but he did not improve any. I
was then advised to try the Cuticura Rem
edies, which I did. He took one and one
half bottles of CuncruEA Besolvest, when
hia.sklnwas as smooth as could be, and Is to
day. I used tbe Cuticura on his sores and
tbe Cuticura Soap in washing him. He is
now 5 years of age, and all right. Tbe other
case was a disease of the scalp, which was
enred by washing with tbe Cuticura Soap
and rubbing in the Cuticura, one bottle of
Cuticura Resolvent being used. They
have proved successful in every cas9 where I
have advised the U3e of them. It Is surprlsinghow
rapidly a child will improve under their treat
ment. 1 recommend them for anv disease of
tbe skin as being the best in the world. This Is
my experience, and I am ready to stand-by my
statement. . JOHN R. BERO,
American House. Hogansburg, N. Y.
We have used your Cuticura Remedies,
and find them worthy the claim you make for
them. In fact, they cannot be too hignly rec
ommended. Our little girl had the eczema,
and suffered intensely for one winter, and, al
though nnder the care of a skilled physician,
he could aiford heV no relief, bat by the use of
your Cuticura Remedies she was speedily
cared. We will not be without your Cuticura
Bejiedies. B. A. M ANLEY, Mllo, la.
I have used the Cuticura Bejiedies suc
cessfully for my baby, who was offlicted with
eczema, and had such Intense itching that he
got no rest day or night. The itching Is gone,
and my baby is cored, and is now a healthy,
rosy-cheeked boy.
For cleansing, purifying' and beautifying the
skin and scalp and restoring the hair of chil
dren and Infants and destroying tbe germs o.f
scrofula and all hereditary humors, the CUTI
CURA Remedies are simply infallible.
Cuticura, the great skin cure. Instantly
allays the most agonizing Itching, burning and
inflammation, clears the skin and scalp of
crusts and scales, and restores the hair, cuti
cura Soap, the greatest of skin beautiflers,
is indispensable in treating skin diseases and
baby humors. It produces the whitest, clear
est skin and softest bands, freo from pimple,
spot or blemish. Cuticura Resolvent the
new blood partner, cleans the blood of to-
PLES, black-heads, red. rough, chapped
iuiuuujr vjuu yfovcubeu oj vuxiuuba
-And he it tost can last orswla, lt '
And ot the cut Imbibe
( i ' '
In all& first is sometimes seen, t"
Bat not as monarch grand;
A captive, marching, void of spleea,
Behind the "circus' band. ,
3. B.M.
1. What Is short when It is lorgT
z. What gives weakness when Ttia strong!
3. What painful loss can make U3 glad? ' .'
4. What risks more heights than any ladt
5. What Is It that is always tired
When there is strength for work reanlredT
6. What thing to live must lose its head? -
7. And what Irom too much breath lies dead?
8. What while running always HesT
9. What Is a disregarded vice?
10. What book still lives when robbed of leavest
11. And can you name the unseen thieves?
All Dispatch Headers Should Join the Party.
In tbe letter below are hidden a number of
well-known mammals, for which all are In
vited to seek. To tbe most successful hunter
that is, to the person giving tbe largest list ot
the concealed or expressed names a large and
beautiful quarto volume of illustrations and
descriptions of prominent features of America
will be presented. Tbe names mast be formed
by taking consecutive letters as indicated by
the italics in this sentencef "Do go and fetch
me the catalogue, friend Scoteler." They must
be given In the order in which they are hidden
in P. U. Mason's letter, and mast be sent In
within ten days after the date of this Issue ot
The Dispatch. In case of a tie. preferenca
will be given for the list containing fewest un
allowable names, Webster's Unabridged Dic
tionary being the authority to decide whether
the words given are the names of mammals or
not Send on thellsts.1
Yakima. Wash. T., January 10. 18S9.
Friend Grnu: Having often received aa
invitation to go on a bear hunt, a3 Scott, Jack,
Mart and Dolph are all here I announced my
intention of going this morning. The first
day's bunt being numbered with tbe things of
tbe past I will tell yon about it. Of course all
were eager to join the party.. We boarded tbe
cars at Snetman and ran down to Starbuck.
where we got horses for the chase. We landed
all safe, and as they stopped the car I bounced
out, followed by the others, all amazed at tha
wild scenery. Dolpb, in his harry (now bale
and eager for tbe hunt near at hand), catching
the excitement, ran over Jack, almost crippling
him. Now. friend Gibb, only picture to yourself
fifteen greenhorns (there were no old hunters
with us) debating what to du and how to do it,
and you may imagine that the hurry and clangor
111 allayed tbe excitement. Mart engaged
rooms for a week, assuring us plenty of sport.
Jack came limping along, leading a wild mus
tang which he mounted, urging us to go at
once, and, giving bis steed a tap, irritated him
so that he ran into a thicket: bnt getting con
trol of him as soon as he was able, he emerged
from the maze, bravely determined to ride him.
We rambled about all day, and still I only got
near enough to fee Scott shoot once, the only
shot made by the party. We had succeeded In
driving one close to where some of our party
were stationed, bat Scott erred in shooting too
hastily and only wounded the grizzly, which
staggered, but escaped in the jangle, and wo
did not see it again. Satisfied that thick brush
is not conducive to success, and having no dogs
to trail, we returned, bat hope bad luck will
not attend ns all the week. Jack never ate
less in bis life than be did at sapper, and says
we molested his appetite more than tbe game.
Tours truly, P. U. Mason.
607 L Switch. 2. Tow (toe). 3. Caps. 4.
Soul (sole). 5. Bole (bowl). 6. Heal (heel).
7. Ayes and noes (eyes and nose). 8. Seam.
9. Browse (brows). 10. Wheel. U. Hare
(hair). 12. Hob.
508 One is a cat in a rage; the other a rat in
a cage.
00 Tbe min'strv of love. X
510 Tombigbee, Defiance. Shawl, The WasHJ
Worms, Man. Baldhead, Ta"ule, Orange',Candy,
Charles and Henry, Powder, Surgeon, YelL
Indian, Guns, Home, Scilly.
511 A tire. y
513 Rehash
A d 31 i R E
Tar s i A
Ii A V N C E
514 Fogy, fog, If o, f.
515 A-corn.
Kooirledffo is Power bat It's Not BIonry
Miss Penelope PeachHow "Who is that?
Mr. Jonathan Trump Oh, that's Pro
Digby, who knows everything. He's con
sidered one-of the most profound scholars in,
Miss Penelope Peachblow "Well, why
doesn't he have his hair cut?
Mr. Jonathan Trump He cant afford it.
Boy nine years old. Bad humor all his life.
Small, red blotches, with dry, white seab,
from head to feet. Two physicians fail.
Cured by Cuticura.
My boy, aged 9 years, has been troubled all
his life with a very bad humor, which appeared
'all over his body in small red blotches, with a
dry white scab on them. last jear he was
worse than ever, being covered with scabs
from the top of his bead to his feet, and con
tinually growing worse, although he had Been
treated by two physicians. As a last resort, I
determined to try the Cdticuea Remedies,
and am happy to say tbey,d!d all that! could
wish. Using them according to directions, tha
humor rapidly disappeared, leaving the skin
fair and smooth, and performing a thorough,
cure. Tbe Cuticura Remedies are all you
claim for them. They are worth their weighs
In gold to anyone troubled as my boy was.
North Andover, Mass,
I can pralso the Cuticura Remedies very
highly, for they have cured my baby of a very
bad case of eczema, and my boy of soto dyes and
breaking out on bis face. They are both well,
and have nicer skin than ever. I think it is a
wonderful cure, and have recommended tha
Cuticura Remedies to a great many.
359 West Thirty-ninth st, New York.
The Cuticura. Cuticura Resoltest and
Cuticura Soap have brought about a mar
velous care in the case of a skin disease on my
little son 8 years old. I have tried almost all
remedies, and also the most eminent doctors,
all alike failing, except the wonderful dm.
CUBA Remedies; .ED. K". BROWN,
720 North Sixteenth st Omaha, Neb.
The Curt cura Remedies are la great de
mand. The Cuticura Resolvent sells bet
ter than any other blood purifier. The Cuti
cura Soap Is praised by my customers,
especially mothers, who say it Is the best for
babie, preventing and caring scald heads and
similar diseases.
GEORGE HOBBS, P. M., Collins, Tex;
purities and poisonous elements, and thns re.
moves the Cause. Hence the Cuticura,
Remedies cure every species of torturing,
humiliating, itching, burning, scaly and pimply
diseases of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss
of hair, and all humors, blotches, eruptions, .
sores, scales and crusts, when physicians and
all other remedies fail.
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, EOci
Soap, 25c; Resolvent, SL Prepared by tha
Potter Drug and chemical Corporation,
49Send for "How to Cure Skin Bis
eases," U pages, 60 Illustrations, asd 100 tetfc
DIDV'Q Skin and Scalp preserved aad
DMD I O beautified by Cuthjuxa 8oap
Absolutely pure. wsawk ,
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