tf 14 ERIN'S PATRON SAINT. Interesting Facts, About the Birth, Conversion and Death of KOBLE AKD PIOUS ST. PATRICK. Teaching Christianity and Introducing Civilization. THE SHAMEOCE SI1IB0L OF THE TEIMTI S W FOB TBI DISPATCH.l F all the saints in the calendar, there is probably none other whose natal day is go generally known and observed in this coun try as is that of St Patrick. Tct it is also probable that there is none other of whose personal his tory we have less knowledge. Many writers have even denied that such a man as St Patrick ever existed. They claim that the origin of such a character was due to the proneness to hero worship possessed by the masses of all lands, and that the virtues and deeds ascribed to St Patrick are either purely imaginary or else those ofa number of individuals finally attributed to one and greatly magnified by popular imagination. This view is not the correct one. Both traditionary and written history prove con clusively that such a man as St. Patrick livedanddied. There are almost innumerable traditions concerning his birthplace and early youth, and he has been variously claimed by the English, Scotch, Welsh and French as a native of their respective coun tries. It will perhaps be a surprise to many Irishmen to learn that Ireland has never claimed the honor of having given birth to St Patrick. OF XOBLE BIKT1T. Though Patrick is generally regarded as a very plebeian name, it is in reality a most patrician pne. It is derived from the Soman appellative Patricius, which indicated that the youth who has since become so famous as St Patrick came of a patrician family. His surname was Succat or Succath. Of the various places in England, Scotland, "Wales and France to which has been ascribed the honor of giving birth to St Patrick, Boulogne, in France, and Dum barton then a Boman province called Kemthur in Scotland, seem to have the strongest claims, with the preponderance of traditionary evidence in favor of the latter. The dateof his birth is ascribed to widely different years by different writers. Some say that he was born AD. 3T2, while others state that he did not come into the world until A. D. 395. As to the day of the month, there is no reliable evidence to sub stantiate the claim of March 17, and it is wholly a matter of conjecture that the great saint was born upon that day. Perhaps the following poetical account of the birth of St Patrick, from the pen of a witty Catholic clergyman, is as accurate as any other information we possess concerning him: A COMBIXATIOlf. ''On the eighth day of March it was, some peonle sav. That St Patrick at midnight be first saw the daw. While others declared 'twas the ninth he was born. And 'twas all a mistake between midnight and morn: For mistakes will occnr In a hurry and shock. And some blamed the baby, while some blamed the clock. Till with all their cross question, sure no one could know If the child was too fast or the clock was too slow. Bnt both of these factions so positive crew That each kept a birthday and Pat then had two, " v Till Father Mulcahey, who showed them their sins. Said "2?o one could have two bnt a fine pair of twins. Don't always be fighting for eight or for nine; Don't alwajs be fighting, but. sometimes com bine. Eight and nine add together seventeen is the mark. So let that be his birthday." "Amen," said the clerk. During Patrick's childhood, while play ing upon the seashore with his two sisters one day, he was seized by Irish pirates, taken to Ireland and sold to the petty chief tain of a pagan clan in that country. Like the prodigal son, he was sent into the fields to feed swine. While thus engaged, the religious instruction received from his pious mother came fresh to his mind and touched his heart Bowing before God he sought and obtained pardon ior his sins. St. Patrick has left a vivid account of his being thus converted. It is contained in a Latin manuscript which he calls his ''Con fession," and which, with a letter also in Latin addressed to Coroticus, a Welch chieftain, who had seized several of Pat rick's Irish converts, is the only literary relic that has been preserved. ST. Patrick's coitvebsicw. "I was 16 years old," he says, "and knew not the true God; but in that strange land, the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes, and, although late, I called my sins to mind. and was converted with my whole heart to the Lord ray God, who regarded my low estate, had pity on my youth and ignorance, and consoled me as a father consoles his children.' Thus it was that this young swineherd was born again by the truth and spirit of God, while wandering solitary and alone over the green pastures of Ireland. Of the power and genuineness of his sub sequent religious experience he writes as follows: "The, love of God increased more and more in me, with faith and the fearot His name. The spirit urged me to such a de gree that I poured forth as many as a hun dred prayers in one day. And even (luring the rJight, in the forest and on the mount ains, where I fed my flock, the rain, snow and frost, and sufferings which I endured, excited me to look after God. The spirit fermented in my heart" Securing his freedom soon afterward. Snccat returned to bis father's house, and immediately entered upon the wort ot pre paring himselt for the priesthood. Paean Ireland was constantly before him in all 1 her moral darkness and degradation. The love ot Christ constrained him to return thither, that he might publish the Gospel to the people of that land where the blessed light of Christianity had first dawned upon his own heart Having been admitted to the priesthood ie returned to the Emerald Isle, where he preached to the Pagan tribes with great and saving effect. , THE SHA3IB0CK PAKABLE. The Irish were then a barbarous nation. Even the wealthiest classes herded in rude huts and subsisted largely upon the roots, herbs and grasses of the field. Of the arts and refinements of civilization they knew absolutely nothing. It was only through their emotional nature that they could be approached, aud to that alone St Patrick appealed in his efforts to win them from their heathen practices to Christianity. In trying to explain to them the doctrine ot the Trinity, be employed the shamrock as a symbol or illustration of that mystery, and it is said that to this fact is largely due the -esteem and veneration in which that plant is held by the Irish people to-dav. The date of St Patrick's death, like that of his birth, is wrapped in uncertainty. Some writers assign it to the year 458, and others to 493. During his career ot evangel ization in Ireland he is said to have founded 865 churches, or one lor every day in the year, and to have personally baptized 12,000 converts. There has been much controversy concern ing the place of his interment In the works of one of the early fathers of the church are found these lines: "On the bill of Down, burled in one tomb, Were Bridget and Patriclns, With Columba the pions." EABLT MISSIONABIES. , "From the above statement it has been con cluded that he lies buried at Downpatrick. i&MMlm If the lines be true it is certainly very ap propriate that the three worthies "named should be interred together in one common grave, for the names of St Bridget and Columba are as dear to the Irish people as St Patrick. St Bridget, whose father was a Prince of Ulster, was the first Irish sun, taking the required vows soon after her con version through the instrumentality of St Patrick. Under a great oak, which had served the heathen Druids as a temple, she built her first cell and called it Kil-Dara. Around this urinative nunnery the town of Kildare gradually sprang up. Columba was an Irish missionary priest to whom be longs the honor of introducing Christianity into Scotland. The miracles legends, traditions, super stitions and quaint folk-customs and observ ances associated with the name of St Pat rick would fill many large Tolumes. One of the moat familiar of these is his expulsion of snakes, toads and other reptiles from Ire land by beating a drum and driving them before him into the sea. This exploit and the general fame of St. Patrick have been commemorated in countless quaint folk songs, from one of the most characteristic of which I make the following extract: St Patrick was a gentleman, ho came of decent people. He built a church in Dublin town and put on it a steeple. Success attend St Patrick's fist for he's the decent saint 01 He gave the snakes and toads a twist he's a beauty without paint 01" WONDROUS MIRACLES. In his efforts to convert the Irish pagans, St Patrick met with much opposition from their heathen priests, the Druids, who em ployed every possible trick and deception to retain their hold upon the people. It was to expose these impostors that many of St Patrick's most remarkable miracles were performed. He cursed the kettles, which the Drnids employed in the performance of their mysteries, so that nothing conld be boiled in them. He transformed the fertile lands into bogs and banished the fish from the waters to show the miraculous power he derived from God. But the Druids still remaining obstinate, he caused the earth to swallow them up, and so put an end to Druids in Ireland forever. Another ot St Patrick's miracles is thus described in the old Irish ballad of "Polly Koe:" "St Patrick as in legends told, Tie morning being very cold. In order to assuage the weather. Collected bits of ice together; Then gently breathed upon the pyre. When every fragment blazed on fire.' There are at least three physical relics of St Patrick now in this country. They are three teeth taken from his "jawbone, in possession of a Bellast family, and given to three of its members on immigrating to America. Though St Patrick taught the Irish to distill whisky, which they called poteen in his honor, he became an "advocate of tem- fierance when he saw the evil effects of that iquor. Considering St. Patrick's virtues and the good work he did, we must agree with the old folk song that "For saints and for men you may search the globe round Yon may go from the East to the West But all the world over there's none to be found That can equal St Patrick, the best" FRAITK FEB!. THE PROMISE OF SCIENCE. How tho Earth lit Gradually Bcinc 'Used Up by Slanklnd. Chicago News. 1 Everybody knows that the world is wear ing out that the time is coming when we will have no coal to burn in our grates, and no iron to make our grates out of, even had we the coal. A close record of the output of the oil field discovers the fact that the petroleum reservoirs are running dry and investors have not the faith in the inexhaus tible flow of natural gas that the selle'rsof wells could wish. We know that precious metals are dug out in less quantities than formerlv; that the diamond market, in spite of Kimberly, is cornering itself; that maho gany and pine will some day be things of the past, like the buffalo robe and dodo. We are confronted with the fact that the guano deposits will notlastforever,thatthere is a human limit to the production of elec tricity, and that our children several times removed will'have neither quinine, chloro form nor aniline dyes. Of course this eeneral exhaustion"" of old earth's treasure house is some time ahead of us. It will not happen iu our day nor in the next century. We can eo on burning the candle at both cuds for a few hundred years before humanity has to adjust itself to the newer or more economical conditions. Bnt, despite the fact that the time of stress is so far ahead of us that we can look on to it jokingly, it is pleasant to learn that science is getting ready for the rainy day. We aie on the eve of a new age and on the thresh old of anew civilization. Aluminium ac cording to nature, is making ready to take the place of steel, and it will be cheaper, lighter, stronger and 1,000 fold more plenti ful and cheap. Its price now puts the new elements in the debatable land between pure chemistry and practical commerce, and, it is a question of time merely when we shall build our houses, our telephones, and our air ships out of the silvery core of our common clay, instead of heavy" and refractory iron. Heat and food, according to science, we are to gather from the sea in proper fish culture and wise electrical work. .The eco nomist brightly believes that we will solve the labor problem before the middle of the twentieth century, and solve it to the satis faction of both parties. t HUMAN BLOOD AS CEHEKT. How the Coal Miners Mend Their Fines Down in the Gloomy Depths. Philadelphia Press. "Kext to his wife and babies the coal miner loves his pipe," said a former worker in the anthracite mines, but now a well known politician. "He loves it so well that he never hesitates to shed his blood to save it It is 'his one great comfort and solace down in the gloomy depths, and if he was as careful of himself as he is of his pipe there would be less of fatality in the mines. "If by some hard luck his pipe is broken for the miner's pipe is in nine cases out of ten a clay one Tie has a way of mending it that no other smoker would resort to. He takes the needle he carries for picking up the wick of his lamp and jabs it deep in his hand or arm. The blood flows quickly from the wound. The miner rubs the edge's of the fractured pipe on the blood until tbey are coated with it and then fits them together. The blood quickly dries and no cement could give greater adhesion. I have known a miner's pipe to be mended in half a dozen different places with his blood cement So why shouldn't the miner love his pipe? Isn't he bound to it by peculiar ties of consanguinity?" A Nntnral Mistake. Mrs. Jar's Pendelum Law takes I Jar's, what monght that, thing be? Mr. Jar's Pendelum Wal, Maria, I should say that's one of the monkeys been out for a walkp Tezat Stftings. j T-? CLARA BELLE'S CHAT. Lenten Diversions Among New York's Exclusive Four Hundred. MBS. GEN. BOOTH'S PfiETTY STAFF. An Incident in the life of -the Hew Presi dent of Sorosis. A BAD CA8E OP 100 MUCH GOOD FOBM tCOEEESPOXDEXCEOFTIIE DISFATCR.1 EW TOBK, March 16. Two .curious things are to be seen in New York as a consequence of Lent among fashion able women. There is a groggery within sight of my windows. II is a quiet enough place so far as outside observation reveals, and its mahogany blinds and screens hide from feminine eyes, ordinarily, whatever goes on within. Bnt yesterday afternoon I saw two swell ladies and a gentleman, members of one of our proudest families, alight from a carriage at the side door of this saloon. That portal is labeled "Family Entrance," and into it I see many children go with pails and pitchers, and subsequently emerge with the froth of beer visible above the edge of those receptacles. I believe the common people call this "working the growler." r My exquisite acquaintances from Filth" avenue gave quick glances "up and down the street, and then stepped in a little hnrridly,as though just a hit afraid of being seen. I was astonished at theight With in a few minutes another carriage load of modest belles and beaux did the same thing and within an hour a scora of that sort of folks had entered the drinking place. All this was on account of Lent. A LESTEK DIVERSION. I speedily found out the explanation. They had rented the bowling alley in the basement under the saloon for the evening, and therein played a series of games with the balls and pins. Bowling is regarded, for some inscrutable reason, as a permissible diversion during the Lenten season, and Fifth avenue people are not only using the alleys connected with the big athletic clubs. but are fashionably sanctifying the alleys connected with the beer saloons by occasional use. Of course, these particular occupantsare guarded against the intrusion of the ordinary customers of these places, and are quite as exclusive as though gathered in their own homes. The other singular sight is that of fhe Salvation Army lassies entering the resi dences of the rich and grand. Young Mrs. Booth, wife of the army's General in Ameri ca, is a pretty woman, with nice manners, excellent education, and what is more to the purpose of a New York fad she speaks with the right London accent not the broad cockney dialect of Whitechapel, of course, but exactly the speech of West End drawing rooms. She has undertaken to in terest swelldom in Salvation Army revival ism, and has lectured several times infor mally to assemblages of women of wealth. How deep an impression she has made on them is a question for surmise, but she has at least got their passing attention. SWEET-FACED SALVATIONIST. On her staff are a dozen very agreeable young ladies, who wear the quaint costume of the army, but are not of the vociferous, rough-and-ready type of evangelists usually found in that garb. On the contrary, they are gentle-mannered, sweet-faced creatures who wear their uniform without being ridiculous, and even with coquetish touches of stylishness abont it. They are sent by Mrs. Booth to residences ot influential ma trons, whenever requested, there to talk to a few invited guests, to explain to them the purposes of the movement, to make as good an impression as pos sible and to collect money contribu tions. That is why you nowadays see Sal vation Army lassies wending their ways among the stylishly dressed ladies of the avenue ahd entering or departing from the mansions of that thoroughfare. It is the transitory whim to regard these evangelists as almost saints, and photographs of Mrs. Booth have largely displaced those of the professional stage beauties in the boudoirs of our girls. An attempt at modesty of raiment com bined with expressions of captivating piety is noticeable in the fashionable observers of this season, called Lent Churches are now being made visually interesting by the pres ence of beauty holding player books and curving-its eyelashes to heaven. IX IS A FAD and there is no religious disrespect in saying so. Society demands one at every season. The opera gets to be a bore, cotillions danbe themselves dizzy, and late suppers fail to" digest If it were fashionable to keep it up it would be done until death ensued. Bat fashion steps in and institutes a relief for herself by observing Lent. This acts like n Turkish bath upon the jaded constitution, and the fatigued angels told their wings to rest, so they may be able to come up smiling and rosy at the mountains and seashore next summer ready for anything, even to con templating matrimony. Like cure like, but excitement doesn't cure shattered nerves. These demand sleep, fresh air, and whole some food, articles that cannot be got iu so ciety until Lent lends its aid. Bnt when I look at our girls here in New York I am bound to admit that, in spite of their feverish manner of living, they are remarkably bright and healthy. Drivine through the park of an afternoon the spark ling panorama of fresh-raced young women perched high ofl the seats of T carts and Stanhopes, or more often on the back of a galloping horsc,is invigorating to the mind, and a guarantee for a good future race. I know several girls who have been dashing in the surf of the season's pleasure regard less of everything but the delights of the moment, and now that the storm has spent itself, bless me if those girls aren't as radi so many peonies, and so full of life that electricity fairly crackles in them as they move. DASHING SEW TOEK GIRLS. JThere appears to be a sustaining energy in the air of New York, and I" am being constantly assured by men and women who have lived in various parts of the world that, taken all in all, New York is the healthiest spot they ever found.. Be this as it may, I feel sure that the London girls, the Paris girls, or the Boston girls, never came out of the maelstrom of a "season" in better form than our athletic daises now show as they course round the park drive on their thoroughbreds, or foot it off to church in the dust and cold of these blus tering March mornings. The new President of Sorosis, Ella Dietz Clymer, once had her spell on the stage. Bier career as an actress was brief and inglo rious. Although she is prettier than her sister Linda, who has continued acting, she did not prove valuable on the stage. She was a stepdaughter ot Dr. Hallock, a very bland and genial physician, now dead anS gone. She moved in a literary circle, wrote pleasing p. etry, had considerable skill as an elocntionist, and indulged in a dramatio ambition. In those days Augustin Daly was tempting fortune in all sorts of ways, and was the lessee of three Hew; York thea ters. His operations soon afterward made him a bankrupt, but just at that juncture he had many projects on hand. WOULD AN ACTBESS BE. Dr. Hallock took Ella to Daly and ex plained that she would like to go on the stage. What he meant was that she should be engaged to appear in dramas at the Fifth Avenue Theater, which was Daly's chief establishment Daly hired the handsome young lady, and the contract required her to take whatever roles he might assign to 15 .? pittsburg -' DISPATCH, her. What was her dismay a week later to be ordered to assume a role in "King Car rot," a spectacular extravaganza to be brought ont at the Grand Opera House. The manuscript of the part sent to her con tained about a hundred, words, and it was quite unintelligible. She went to Daly for instruction, and there learned that she was to drive a chariot into one of the gorgeous scenes. "But I amva little afraid, Mr. Daly," she said, in mild protest, "that I am hardly suited to that I prided myself especially upon my elocution, and I hoped to make a debut in an emotional character." She was told that no first appearance could well1 be more striking than to drive two leal horses into public view. She as sented, partly because she was very anxious to appear anvhow, and partly because she had to, according to the terms of the con tract Then she experienced a second and worse shock upon seeing a sketch of the character. The polite belle of a literary coterie, the authoress of sweet verses, the dainty recitationist, as a chariot driverl But she did it. I remember the picture vividly, and I shall recall it when I'seethe lady, graceful, suave and dignified; presid ing at a Sorosis dinner. BOUCICATLT'S LATEST BRIDE. The other afternoon I met a little round shouldered old man in a yellow ulster. His thin hair was white as new snow; his face pale and old looking. He might pass un noticed to the casual stranger,saveasasome what eccentric gentleman over whose head aboutTO years had journeyed. He was leaning on the arm of a semi-young woman with blonde hair and pleasing countenance. She was Louise Thorndyke. He, her husband, Dion Boucicault, the actor and dramatist. They had been married the day before as a "clincher" to a cercmonv performed some four years ago in Australia. Boucicault has exhibited throughout his life the peculiarities and frailties of genius He won his first wife. Agnes liobertson. away from dukes and all sorts of royal things. His fluent lave making conquered her. He stuck to her with commendable tenacity for a period,' but the time came when his inconstant temperament demanded a change. He took several. But "here is Mr. Boucicault, remarried, teaching youngsters how to act, retouching other people's plays, writing a new one him self, and forming altogether an emphatic refutation of the threescore-years-and-ten theory. In his own words, "there is plenty of blood in the old man yet" But he has. let us hope, got to the last of matrimonial ventures. GOOD FOBM. There is one thing that has destroyed the first charm of the girl in New'York the charm of simplicity and that is her educa tion up to a routine observance of what she terms "good lorm." There is scarcely any thing more disagreeable than a young wom an who is constantly guarding every move ment she makes, and by no accident ever evincing the naturalness of youth. This geometric propriety of living has be come mania with many girls. No matter what their moral disposition may be or their mental caliber they dare to base their claims for attention, and even love, on the crounds of their absolute knowledge of "good form." They know just the proper clothes to wear on all occasions, they know about the applicability of every item of ap parel, of household furniture, of the use of words, of methods of hair dressing, of walk ing, of eating they know it all. And of course they.are to be admired foreknowing it all; but the fact that they want to im press on yonr mind Jroni morning till night that they know it all is what makes them nnpleasant companions. Etiquette and form are their gods, and they worship at those shrines to the exclusion of everything that we love in girlhood. Their precise gestures, their conscious attitudes, their as surances to you that So and So (whom you ate especially tond of) is such "awfully bad form," makes you hate them. VERY TIKESOJIE. 5Tou get so you delight in the company of a girl who is bad form, and almost long ior one who will wear cameo bracelets and say "darn it," and walk like a baseball player. While the refining influence of modern so ciety in this city has undoubtedly reared for us some of the most delightfully sweet and magnificent girls on the face ot the earth, nevertheless there js among them a very large contingent who couldn't stand the strain, who were, in fact, of a quality not fine enough to absorb gentility and have it an unconscious part of themselves. So this class goes abont making an exhibi tion of good manners. They are what used to "be termed in old times "nasty nice." They serve "good form" up with soup, with the coffee, with their songs, with their dogs and with their men. They indeed fall in love with a man because he knows all the niceties of elegant life, and if a man gets a reputation for leading cotillons and driving a ttfndem, never forgetting all the while to wear exactly the tint of gloves requisite for each exercise, he is a hero fit to rave about, because he is "such awfully good form, don't you know." All of which, as any sensible person will admit, is very, very tiresome. Clara Belle. HOVEL DUCK HUNTING. A Massachusetts SporismaiTTollows the Gams' on nn Ice Tricycle. Two duck hunters who have just returned from a season of shooting at Montauk Point, L. L, report the novel methods of duck hunt ing resorted to by a Massachusetts sports man named Chad wick, who has been spend ing much of the winter about Fort Pond Bay and Napeague Harbor. Cbadwick has an ice tricycle which travels on runners, upon which they say he is able to cruise over many miles of inshore ponds and land-locked bays daily without fatigue. The " machine is fitted with two steel runners forward like an ice boat and steers with a, movable runner aft Between the two forward runners, and sliehtlv in their rear, a steel-calked. . wrought-iron wheel travels on the ice. This is the propelling power. Jt is about three feet in diameter, and can be geared so as to make three revolutions to one of the foot pedals, or less than halt a revolution to each turn of the cranks, according to the speed required. Under favorable conditions a re markably high rate of speed may be main tained, and in scudding before the wind, or in'running with abeam wind, the propelling wheel is lifted up and. a little canoe mast and sails are rigged and made to do good service. Mr. Chadwicklwas easily able to out shoot his fellow-sportsmen on Long Inland, as with the aid of his .machine he could follow the game for any distance in an incredibly short space of time. In approaching an opening in the ice filled with ducks, he is enabled to get verv near to it Deiore snooting Dy dec orating his tricycle with brush and trees, and in this way disarming the birds of all suspicion as to his real character. By moving head on to the quarry from the lee ward with the machine disguised in this manner the ducks would frequently sit in tho water until within easy range. The Wrong Door, Mr. de Spare You have spurned me with contempt, and wben I close this portal be hind me, I shall be lost to the world for-r-r- everl Miss Cooldorf (quietly) I think you will, jur. ue opart;, u you go out mat way. wolf hasnt had any breakfast to-day. Puc. "2i ""tf -MAOHfir: TOPEE THE PYRAMIDS Experiences of the Baseball Aggre gation in the Land of Egypt. AHSOS'S THEATRICAL ADVENTURE. The Donkey Eide From Cairo to the Vicinity of the Sphinx. , A GAME WITHOUT AN GATE EECEIPTS tWEITTEH TOU TUB DISPA1C1I.1 CAIRO, Egypt, February 11. The visit of the ball players to Egypt has been more like a jaunt of ordinary sight-seeing, Cairo hunting tourists than the trip of a combination of pro fessional athletes. During their four days' visit they roamed about at pleasure among the - historical relics of old Egypt and gave an exhibition of the American national game purely for the jlove of poetic association, untarnished by any thought of vulgar gate receipts. A dozen or more camels and donkeys had been edgaged to take the players ont to the .Pyramids and they arrived at an early hour. It is a usual thing to find a half 'dozen or more saddled donkeys in front of the hotel entrances ready to carry travelers on their sight-seeing trips around tho city. The large party at the Orient had naturally attracted a regular retinue of donkey keep ers and they were already on hand when those for the Pyramid trip arrived. As the players came out in their uniforms those who were to stride the donkeys made a break forthe nearest animal. A LITTLE CONFUSION. The result was a scene of almost hopeless confusion and the din was frightful even for bedlamic Cairo. The donkeykeepers quar reled and swore at each other, and Leigh Lynch's hair could be seen turning graver as he tried to straighten things out. The dragomen had drawn their camels up to the curb and were belaboring them to an accom paniment of frantic yells to get them down on their knees, regardless of the fate of the boy donkey-tenders, as they jabbered with equal vehemence in the crusn between the ponderous Sahara roadsters. The hotel porters swore alternately in French, Greek and Arabic; hackmen forced their way through the throng, slashing their whips right and left; the crowd laughed dis cordantly at the fun and didn't help matters by offering an unceasing stream of advice; little bootblacks crawled upon the sidewalk and endeavqred to blacken the shoes of the ball players by main force; the policemen whacked innocent and unfortunate pedes trians who got inside " the circle; Spalding yelled pigeon-Egyptian at the chief drago man at the rate of 100 words a minnte, and the players used vigorous and emphatic lan guage to the crowd of beggars as they forced their way to the animals, unheedful of the cries for "backsheesh." It was another confusion of tonirues. and if it was a sample of what a pandemonium 300 Catrenes can make it will be difficult for them to obtain umpires to face the racket of several thousand should baseball ever become popular in their, country. It was a great circus, and if the players can have it duplicated in an American city they can easily draw an audience of 20,000 people. One of the most interesting features of the ride was the animated panorama of Egyp tian life that passed the baseball procession on the way. The road, at first, was through the main streets, but singular as it may seem, the strangely uniformed caravan seemed to excite but little surprise or com ment from the natives. Off from the prin cipal thoroughfares an unending line of camels was met on their way to the city markets with their loads of merchandise. Soirie were burdened with great stacks of long grass; one hanging on each side; others' carried big baskets of vegetables, huge bundles of sugar cane, and heavy loads of lumber. Atone place a funeral passed by, the mourners all males, walking'several abreast, chanting a monotonous dirge. In the rear four men bore the coffin, a plain pine box covered with a red cloth, on their shoulders, while two little boys immediately in front carried a bird-like" reed cage, its contents hidden by a red cloth. As the ball players passed the mourners ceased their chant for a moment and grinned amusedly at the queex camel-riders. They were not, appar ently, overwhelmed with grief. Perhaps they even felt happy. Departure from the squalor and wretchedness of a poor man's lite in Cairo, even by death, might, yery consistently, be made an occasion for rejoic ing by his friends. Further on tho procession crossed the great Kasr-el-Nil bride across the Nile. A sharp turn in the road at the opposite side brought it in front of a broad, open space bordering on the river which was used as a market. The sandy soil was crowded with poorly dressed natives whose wares con sisted mostly of fruits and other edibles. The merchandise was spread out upon the ground or rested on the backs of kneeling camels. Everybody appeared to be selling and no one buying. A HISTORIC CONTEST. The scene of the historic contest even space ot sand in a little valley about uvu joo iiuu vuc upuiuju xuc Kruuuu was soft and sandy, but had sufficient hardness to give. a holdon the shoe spikes. Just be yond the infield the ground began to rise, and a short cropping of grass appeared above the surface. It seemed to be on the line which marks with marvelous abrupt ness the end ot the rich, green grass of the Valley of the Nile and the beginning of the Great Desert To the rear of the home plate the head of the Sphinx and the towering string of Pyramids could just be seen. On the extreme left were the mnd houses of the Bedouin village, and beyond them ap peared the hazy ontlines of a line of tall palm trees. On the left a wide-spreading sycamore and a single date palm looked lonely but refreshing against a high hill of sand that hid the desert beyond; back of center field the land rolled away drearily in a vast waste of sand that seemed to end nowhere. The gathering of spectators was small but picturesque. The ladies and other mem bers of the party sat in the sand in a gronp near third basewhile about 100 children of the desert, ranging in years from the "back sheesh" hunting bovs, to venerable bearded patriarchs, squatted" on their haunches aud lonned a semi-circle around the backstop nigh on to first base. They were clothed in loose fitting gowns, that once were white, with the exception of one or two sons of the sheiks who lent a bit of color to the scene in garments of purple velvet fringed with tarnished gold. ' HUNTING A THEATEE. Many amusing incidents ocaurred during the sight-seeing about the old city. One that happened to Anson on the evening pre vious to the ball game is worth mentioning. The Chicago captain wanted to visit tho theater, and in company with his wife started out in a carriage with his pet drago man, Billy Jphnson", on the front seat. After driving through several of the main streets Anson noticed a large" building illu minated and made up his mind it was the theater. He ordered the driver to stop in front of it A number of soldiers in red coats were drawn up in front of the brightly lit entrance, but the "old .man" thought this was only a custom of the country. He assisted his wife out of th carriage and to- getner tney entered tne spacious vestibule, A handsome military looking gentleman 'SUNDAY; r & -.-"titrA,fcrc. "trt A & x5 1 1 jwl 1880? Vi met them, and the old ball tosser askea: "Where do you buy the tickets?" " "Tickets?" echoed the stranger. "Yes, tickets for the show," persisted Anse. ( A smile spread over the gentleman's face as he answered; "This is a private party, sir." Anse wanted to fall down as he made his apologies and hasty exit from the residence of one of the most distinguished military officers in the city. ingebsqll's image. Among the antiquities in the Bolauk Museum that interested the Chicago people particularly, is a small wooden image about three feet h'igh. A kind of gown covers the figure leaving exposed the ankles and feet In one hand is a thin staff, and he has one foot forward as if in the act of walking. It looks as if it might be the image of a her mit. The face is full, round and smooth, there is a semblance of baldness above the foreheadand the general- air is soft and sleek. The wood is of a mahogany color and the catalogue says it is a relic of the fourth dynasty and has been found to be an exact image of Sheik El Beled, one of theMayors of Saqqurah. However true this may be there wasn't a Chicagoan who visited . the museum who did not find in it'the exact image of their former distinguished towns man, Bob Ingersoll. There was only one trifling difference; the right cheek of the image was not entirely smooth, having a long crock in it. The catalogue number is 3962. S. GOODFBIEND. TEITIAL INCIDENTS. Not Easy to Drave the 1.1 no Between Them nnd Important Occurrences. London Spectator.! What may be deemed a trivial incident? What is an occurrence of serious import ance ? Those who have observed life most closely will probably be the least able to furnish to these queries replies altogether satisfactory. Thechoice of a boy's school, a young man's start in a profession, marriage, serious injuries, illness, sudden wealth or poverty, would probably be included in the latter; while meeting an acquaintance in the street, forgetting to post a letter, ac cepting an invitation to a particular party, the expression ofa random opinion, missing a railway train, are likely to be relegated to the former category. Yet an unbiased an alysis of the experiences of the majority of mankind would, in our opinion, show that what is variously termed by different orders of persons "providence," "chance," or the "chapter of accidents," acting extremely often through the agency of the slightest imaginable cirenmstances, plays a most im portant, not unfrequently an overwhelming part, in the drama of human affairs. The arising of a certain idea at a given propitious moment is another most weighty factor in life. It may be replied that New ton's apple or Watt's tea kettle only brought to a definite expression reflections which had long been working in the philosopher's brain; but there can be no question that many thoughts productive ot momentous consequences flash on the mind suddenly by what can only be termed an inspiration. Then, again, as to a particular line of con duct and its results. The novice is taught, and rightly taught, that the good apprentice succeeds, and comes in his special sphere to honor and credit. But we could name an eminent public character who owes his brilliant career entirely to crass neglect of his duty as a railway booking clerk; and also an idle dunce at 'school, held pre destined to the workhouse, who retired from business about the time his cotemporaries were taking their degrees, on a fortune ac quired through a timely developed genius tor blending and tasting tea. We know of a young Austrian to whom vast wealth was bequeathed by an aged gentleman whom the lucky youngster met in a railway train returning from his only sou's funeral because the bereaved parent was touched by the close resemblance of the stranger's features to those of his departed boy. Similarly, we are acquainted with a person who distinctly traces his entry on a distinguished professional life to the selec tion one day of a certain thoroughfare in a large city, where seve'ral ways met. Above all, to mention the most critical of steps, the origin of very many marriages would dis close this woof of destiny crossing, modify ing and not seldom canceling the operation of the warp of law generally controlling events. THE WITCH OP BERKELEY. The blnaular War In Which Sho Directed Her Body to be Burled. Newcastle (England) Chronlcle.i Old ' William, of Malmesbury tells us that the famous witch of Berkeley "put no moderation to her sins," because she was as yet on this side of old age, although beating on the door of it with a near foot Trouble coming to her as it does to all mor tals, her son dying and his family being ruined, she fell ill and summoned her sur viving children, ,a monk and a nun, to come to her. She confessed herself to have been a great sinner, but relied pretty comfortably upon their piety to make things better for her. What her occult knowledge taught her might be the ultimate fate of her body, after the soul had gone to its just reward, she knew best, but her instructions for its preservation were singular. She directed that it besewninastag'shide, and afterward placed in a stone sarcopha gus, the cover of which was to be fastened with lead and iron. In addition, three iron chains of great weight w'ere to fasten the stone, and there wJs to be psalm-singing for 50 nights, and the same number of masses in the days. If for three nights these pre cautions could keep the body at rest, on the fourth night, it was to be buried in the ground. But jt was no use; vows, prayers, and tears were equally of no avail, while the strongly bolted door gave way easily to the hievils, who broke through .the band of sing- ing choirs and tore asunder the two chains at the extremities of the stone, the middle one resisting their iorce. This was on the first two nights; on the third the whole monastery seemed shaken to its foundation, and a tall, terrible man dashed the doors in pieces, advanced to the coffin, and calling to the woman by name com manded her to arise. TJnon her answering she could not on account of her chains, "You shall be loose," said he. "and to your evil;" and immediately she broke the chain with as much ease as pack-thread. He also kicked off the lid of the coffin, and, having taken her by the hand, drew her out of the churph in sight of them all. "Before the door stood a 'proud black horse neighing, with iron hooks projecting over his whole back. The woman was put upon the beast, and soon disappeared from the eyes of the spectators. Her supplicating cries for help were heard for nearlv four miles." A Friendly Catalan. Mr. Weepleigh (who has come around the corner unexpectedly) Good morning, Uncle Phllipl TJncle Philip Good mornin', 'squire; good mornin', sahl I war jista-comin' up to yo' house fer ter warn yer dat dey's A new fambly ob coons moVeu in ober on d' hill, an' dey's li'ble ter be fond ob chick'ns. How's yo' Leghorns a-gittin' 'long, sab.? Judge. SSu." Jr -Sr: VfsUNDJW THOUGHTS " -OS- BY A CLEBGYMAN. OTJ cannot judge of the height ofa mountain when right under it you need an offing of 20 miles. Neither can the magni tude of an event be justly estimated when too near. We are now far enough removed from the still recent change in the National Government to measure one phast of it Nothing more humanly sublime can be conceived than the peaceful transfer of this mighfy nation's destinies -from the hands and hearts of one set of patriotic men to the .hearts and hands, of another set with different ideas and vpolitics. The scene in Washington on inauguration day was more dramatic than any conp de theater. The streets were full of soldiers, but they were only figures in a pageant The boom of cannon was beard, but it was the thunder of salutation of the outgoing to the incoming tenants of the Wbite House. Tha excitement was frantic but it was the frenzy of peace, not war. Conflicts they were, but they wera con flicts of good-natured chaff and badinage. The finest procession' that day was not the Presidental one it was the inexhaustible pro cession along the sidewalk, in tho misty per spective ever lost, ever renewed, sweeping on ward between its architectural tunka under the ceaseless drip of rain, but all aflame witb rainbow colors, pushing, laughing, the strife of sight-seers, not of lighters, with plumes and velveU and silks and tatters commingled in one indescribable confusion of democratic order. What could be finer than tbe interchange of courtesies between President Cleveland and President Harrison? than the active super vision of Mrs. Cleveland at tbe White House in preparing the Presilental lunch? than tbe delicate surrender of place and power on the one hand, and tbe graceful acceptance of it on the other? When we remember what a change of ad ministration means (especially a radical change. Involving tbe displacement and re placement of great parties); when we recall the fierceness of the preceding national can vass; when we reflect upon what all this would mean anywhere else in France,barricades and the Marseillaiserjn Mexico, civil'war; in the South American Republics, anarchy it is im possible not to feel proud of our dear America, and to exult over its self-control and patriotic behavior.. . This is Sunday, and the writer of these lines has nothing to do on this day and in these columns with politics. But it is Impossible. even in a ouiet ministerial corner, to look ont over that scene of tumultuous concord, witbout congratulating Democrats and Republicans alike upon their equality to tbe situation. The English poet Coleridge, says be once met in Frankfort, a German who always took off his bat with profound respect wben be spoke of himself. In view of its behavior on tbe 4th, of March, tbe American peoplo is entitled to tike off its hat to itself. A Religions War in Canada. There is grave talk of religious war In Can ada. In Pnnco Edward's Island, in New Brunswick, in Quebec, where the balance between Protest ants and Ro man Catholics is so even that it 13 easily disturbed, the f eelins- is angry aud bellig erent It is race acainst race, creed against creed, church against church, bouse against house. Charges of had faith, and no laith at all, are 1 freely bandied. Rusty old swords are being rough ground, and firearms are kept cocked and primed. The Canadian Confederation bids fair to blow up with an explosion that will shake tbe continent See here, friends across tbe line, what is the matter with you? Don't jou remember that this is the afternoon of tbe nineteenth century? Haven't religious wars bled out? What do you expect to gain by cuttingone another's throats? Is this the way to illustrate and commend tha gospel of the Prince of Peace? Are you "liv ing epistles" written in. the ink of. tbe New Testament? Come now, have done with your squabbling. Take tbe advice of Brother Jonathan, and let your only rivalry be the rivalry of goodwill and good works. Isn't the Canadian weather cold enough this year to keep you cool? Go into the ice palace at Montreal, then, and cool off there in summer attire. One thing is certain; you Canadians can't come into this glorions union until you Christ ianize yonr morals and your manners. Always Be Dolnff. To one of a nervous, sanguine temperament, patient waiting is the most difficult of attain ments. Quicksilver people must be in motion. "Very well, then. While waiting for the special tbing for which yon are called upon to exercise patience, grapple the nearest thing. Discbarge tbe obvious task. This will at once profitably ocenpy the time, and be likeliest to lead out to the object waited for. In the many days gone by Simon Peter was obliged, on one occasion, to wait for the prom ised vision of the risen Christ. Meantime, what to do? He was not a natnral waiter; so he said: "I go a fishing." And, oh joy! right there in his boat, as it rose and fell with the breathing of the water, he gained the longed for sight, and beheld Jesus. Snppose be had stayed moping in Jerusalem. What if be had dawdled up and down Galilee? Why, then bis waiting might have been eternal. If you cannot do the tbing you want to ont of hand, do the thing you can tbe tbing in band. Often tbe path to the desired object lies straight through what Is less desirable, on tbe principle of the provero, "The longest way 'round is the nearest way home." But for those who ara sequestered from active life by age or infirmity, and who rest under the weight of years or beneath God's band, waiting is serving. Milton, old, blind, in poverty, felt and expressed this in bis famous sonnet on blindness: God doth not need Either man's works or bi3 own gifts: who best jiearuisnumyoKe, tney serve mm Desi;nissia to Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed. And post o'er land and ocean without rest; Tbey also serve who only stand agd watt Denth Will Always Prevail. Our mutual friend. Mr. Smith, (a very numerous man) is projected into the year 2SS9 Iby tbe wizard pen of Jules Verne-. The im aginative Frenchman's latest night of fancy Is his highest He gives a prophecy and a history a prophecy of 1,000 years hence, and a history of, an editor in that millenium. Well, Mr. Smith (anybody familiar with the directory wonld know that the Smiths were in no danger of petering ont, bnt migbt expect, like Tennyson's brook, to "go on forever"). Is no paltry millionaire like bis brother of to day. Ho; a billionaire is he. An air coach (borrowed from Elijah, 1,000 years and more ago) conveys him in flashes which annihilate time and distance. He chats with his wife in Paris through the telephone. Nay, he sees her as she sits at Supper, through tne telepbote (notyet invented), just yonder on the boule vard dee Itallens. Ho receives her promise to be back, and home in America by II o'clock that night (a disreputable hour for a woman to be scurrying through the air. But perhaps woman will then be thoroughly "emancipated." and singing bass in tbo rboir). Mr. Smith's reporters gather tbe newt by pneumatic con trfrauces. His journal blazons its advertise ments on clouds but is careful to exact pay ment therefor in more substantial form. Two things, however, are disappointing to our hopeful anticipations of the "good time coming." Mr. Smith, with all bis getttngs, has not cot rid of care and worry. These tin. demons torment him precisely as they do his namesake of to-day. His brow 1 as drawn, bis manner is as restless, his increasing business anxieties are as burdensome as are those of the editor of this Journal. Moreover, "in Mr. Smith's presence, a much-heralded experiment was tried of bringing back to life one whose animation bad been suspended for a bnndred years. But it failed then, just as disastrously as it would fait now." So, then, wrinkles ana death reign down there, just as tbey do up here. Try again, Jules Verne. Temperate Temperance. It is a pity that the temperance question should not be discussed more calmly and rationally. The problem is so utterly perplexed and difficult the interests concerned, tha in dividual habits affected, the social customs at stake are so manifold, that it is hopeless to think of solving it out of hand. Unfortunately, one or two panaceas ara widely advertised and trumpeted. And worst of all, those wbo question tbe efficacy of these cure-alls are fiercely denounced as enemies of God and man. Instead of welcoming tbe con tribution of any thonchf nl student of a social question of such magnitude; instead of looking at the queatfonall'round.andllkoljord Bacon. I rjSTrt, I formulating a philosophy from toetfact,th$ self-elected champions of- temperancajneyer meet without reading out of theranks anybody, and everybody who cannot adopt thelr.remedy and swallow tbeir nostrum. All agree as'Jo the evil; the disagreement is only in tho ways and means of betterment No matter If you are not in favor of prohibition you are tha friend of the dive and tho brothel-such is tho Theetruthi3 that intemperance ought to bat treated in a dozen different .ways. The ,trea ment should bo conditioned by tbe culture, tha way. Yet in tbe four States or Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Nebraska and Penwlyanl a vote is to be polled this spring on the ques tion of incorporating in their constitutions clause prohibiting the manufacture and sale or alcoholic liquors as a beverage. That Js, km gravelv proposed while debate is. going on, while methods are still under consideration, while nothing is settled save the character or. the gigantic evil, to force a questionable rem edy into the fundamental law of tha State. "Prohibition as an effective measure of tem perance," remarks the Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, In the Christian Union, 'Is still an experiment, and a somewhat doubtful experiment whose general results thus far justify the conclusion that it succeeds in a rural community where Protestant and Puritan elements are in the as cendency, and fail in commercial and.tuanu--facturing communities where the population M heterogeneous." . .' - " Belnro adopting this experiment as a'flnal measure, it were wiser to wait and watch.v - Sw Wisdom of Aces. s 7 Control yonr temper, for if it does not obey jj you it will govern you. Horace. If you wish to marry suitably, marry jour & equal. Ovid. God is ever drawing like toward lfka and if. making them acquainted. J'lato. "; J Remember the judgment of God that thou mayest justly fear; and never forget Hiss? mercy that thou mayest never be led to despair. '. Fetrareh. Some are honest and pious as long a3they, tbrive upon it; bnt if tbe devil himself gives better wages they soon change their party.-" . Seneca. r Chide a friend In private and praise nun, la , public Sol on. Never confide in a young person new pails leak. Never tell yonr secret to the aged old doors seldom shut closely. Selected. How soon passlns events become tbe subject of painting, poetry and history. We move and act among them, and are a part of them to-day. To-morrow (like iEnas, who saw bis own do ings on the brazen gates of the Tynan Queen)., we have the whole hang up in galleries or de scribed In books, and moving us again to indig nation, to merriment or to tears. W. P. Tbe famous Dr. Fuller having requested a bright friend to make an epitaph for him, re ceived this: "Here Lies Fuller's Earth." MATERIAL. FOE A MOEAk The Interesting Story of the Evolution of be Corbalt Very Prettily Told. New York Sun J In the streams of the Bocky Mountains the fishermen use a bait that is not general ly known in the United States. It is called -corbait. It is a kind of water grub, and in natural history it furnishes, like the butter fly, some interesting evidence in favor ofthe doctrine ot evolution, while the close of its existence might point a moral for preachers and philosophers of opposite turns of mind. At the sandy bottom of a clear and slug gish stream it first appears as a little mag got rolling along with the current. As it rolls, portions of the finest sand and atoms of wood stick to it, until it acquires a com plete overcoat. With the gluey substance which it has acquired in nature's store, it cements the sand and little particles of wood around its body with marvelous skilL Its head and front part3 are somewhat like a fly or little beetle, and it has strong claws. When its overcoat or house is finished,. with all the modern improvements, it stops roll ing and begins to crawl on the bottom against the current until it Teaches a rock, under which it takes refuge from trout and other enemies. There it remains in peace and security all through the summer. In winter it closes np the front and only door of its cabin and doubtless sleeps tha sleep of tl.e just. When spring returns, and the water begins to get warm, it man ages to thin down tbe walls of its habita tion, from which, of course, tbe water is alreadyexpelled. until it becomes sufficiently buoyant to bear the tenant to the surface. Then it floats along, looking like an insig nificant fragment of a rotten twig. Sud denly under the rays of the sun the upper portion ot this affair bursts open. It is a boat now, with one little passenger aboard a beautiful green fly, known by trout fishers as the "green drake." Perfectly sale in bis little vessel, this green drake enjoys the sunshine. He scratches his wings with his toes, combs his hair with his fingers, and. takes some long and lazy stretches. Then, as if struck with a new idea, he raises his wings, hesitates a moment to consider his future career, and at last flies off to make -new acquaintances in another sphere of life. Unfortunately his want of experience on wings is too often fatal to him. His ability and propensity to walk upon the water seem to be of questionable utility; but he gets there as if to look down upon tbe miserable world from which he came. Lost in reverie and serene happiness, he 'floats along care lessly and then disappears in the jaws of a hungry trout, where his variegated career, ends. CAS'T TAKE THE CENSUS. Some of the Ludicrous Experiences tha French Are Having; In Tonquln. New York Sun.I The French are having some ludicrous experiences in Tonquin,a land that seems to be a good deal of a white elephant in their hands. They have, for the present, given up their efforts to take the census of the capital, Hanoi, which is supposed to contain about 100,000 persons. Every time the census agents started on their rounds they created a small panic. The natives were certain some deep-laid deviltry was at the bottom of this unheard of and incompre- nensioie anair. jlc was evident their taxes were to be increased, or they were to be vic timized in some manner. The result was that o n each occasion there was a great ex odus of townspeople to visit their country cousins, and those who remained imparted the wildest misinformation. Little matrons declared by all that was sacred thaNthey were childless widows, though their half . dozen young hopefuls were at that time tumbling about in the gutters. The French have grown weary of pursuing knowledge under such trying circumstances. OBSEETISG THELETTEE OF THE IAW. A Chicago Man's Method oTKeepIns a Cleaa Conscience During Lent. Chicago Mall. We are now launched upon the lenten season, and many a poor fellow while trying to do his duty has found temptation too strong and broken his vows. Sitting in a restaurant to-day a gentleman overheard the following conversation "between the man sitting opposite and the waiter: !'.Bnz me some baked white fish." "All out, sir." "Out? Then I'll take some pork and cabbage. This is lent, but the Lord knows ., I called for fish." . The Latest in Directory Costumes. , f I: If fyJfl'MaM -ft! i Lv . .. .! iti -