Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 17, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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Prot X S. Shaler Keviews Becent
Important Discoveries.
Arguments for and Against tho Adoption
of Cremation.
EG EXT experi
ments in Leeds,
England, appa
rently give some
new and important
information con
cerning the treat
ment of sewage.
The plan of the
treatment is to car-
KonlTA Iit firi nil
riS 'le animal and
vegetable matter in pits, using the material
so treated to filter and purify the fluid ele
ments in the waste. The advantages of this
treatment consist ia-the following features:
The process of burning rids the solid part
of the fluid of its noxious quality, and
affords at the same time in the burnt waste
an admirable substance through which to
filter the contaminated waters. Further
more, the ashy material becomes an excel
lent manure through the materials which it
takes up in the filtering process, and can be
delivered to the farmer in shape fit for use
in his fields, the water of the waste going
forth, it is thought, in a condition free from
all poisonous properties.
The comparative purity of the water is
shown by the fact that fishes will live in it
for weeks. It is mnch to be hoped that this
treatment of the sewage waste of cities may
prove as successful in a large way as it has
claimed to have been in the preliminary
experiments. Although the modern system
of domestic water supply diminishes the
dangers which beset towns,'its effect is to
contaminate the river system whence the
water of other places must be drawn. Even
in the case of seaboard towns which dis
charge their efflux directly into the sea, it
is not easy to escape the evils which the
sewage matter brings to the neighboring
shores. Thus, in the case of the London
system, which 20 years ago was deemed one
of the greatest triumphs of ecginecriiig skill,
the best authorities now condemn it, for the
reason that it is bringing great and
apparently irremediable evil upon the coast
line district ot the lower Thames.
The problem of sewage treatment is more
serious in the valley of the Mississippi sys
tem of waters than elsewhere in this coun
try, for the reason that, during the summer
season, even, great streams like the Ohio
frequently have but little moTement or vol
ume. The towns built about their banks
will, as they grow larger and have a better
water supply, pour a great tide of filth into
the main channels. The effect of this poi
soning is already marked in certain seasons
of drought throughout the length of the
Ohio river, and in anothergeneration it will
be necessary to deal with the problem in an
effective manner.
The great advantage of the system now on
trial in Leeds is to be found in the fact that
it gives promise of retaining for use on the
soil the invaluable elements of fertility
which are now poured forth by sewage
channels to the rivera and the sea. Refer
ence has alreadv been made to the fact that
the search for phosphates and other mineral
manures has become necessary through the
exhaustion of our soils. The reason for this
exhaustion is found in the loss of the ex
creta of man and domesticated animals. If
in the treatment ot the sewage this material
can be returned to the agriculturist, we may
to a great extent stop the waste which now
bids lair in another thousand years to ruin
a large part of the tilled fields of the earth.
Great as is the store of our mineral manures,
that supply probably cannot stand the grow
ing Wi upon it for many centuries to come.
Tnerefore we see that the sewage problem is
not a matter of convenience or of health
alone, but one which touches the most per
manent interests of man.
Cremation's Claims.
A recent treatise by Dr. Hugo Erichsen
on the cremation of the dead has once again
brought the matter under debate, and this
time as a serious inquiry. So far,the principal
claim which has been made for this sum
mary method of disposing of bodies has
rested mainly upon sanitary considerations.
A few years ago, when it was still common
to have cemeteries within the walls of cities,
or even to bury the dead beneath floors ot
churches, the argument for cremation was
stronger than it is at present, when, save in
a few European towns and one or two in
this country, the burial places have been re
moved to sites remote from large centers of
population. At present the evils arising
from, the decomposition which takes place
in our cemeteries are among the least of
those which afflict men. J?rom a sanitary
point of view it seems hardly worth while
to debate the question; at least, until we
have remedied the other far greater ills.
"Where bodies are placed under five or six
feet of earth, there can be little doubt that
the surface of our burial places would be,
upon the whole, more salubrious for dwell
ings than the soil of our cities where the
earth is poisoned by sewage waste. .
There Is another "aspect of the problem,
however. The burial of the dead leads to
the construction of costly monuments and
to the long continued care of their resting
places. The expenditure of money in many
of our great cemeteries is mostunreason
able, and constitutes a serious tax on the
resources ot the people. The capital in-
vested in ML Auburn cemetery, near Bos
ton, amounts to many million dollars. In
the several cemeteries about that city this
expenditure has probably exceeded all
which has been given to the plant of educa
tional and charitable establishments. In
the country, as a whole, it is probable that
the decoration and care of the burial places
exceed in cost the expenditures made for
the schools and other public care for the
moral and intellectual development of the
It s, of course, not to be denied that this
love for the memory of the dead has a
beautiful side. It is linked with all which
is best in human kind. Respectable and,
indeed, noble as is this sentiment, its com
mon method of expression in our burial
places is far from being satisfactory. This
clinging to the bit of earth which once held
the soul of man in a way denies our belief
in immortality, and in a measure shuts the
way to our better hope. If the process of
cremation would serve in any way to
separate the love of the living from the mere
dust of the dead, it would do a great work
for humanity.
A Commercial Discovery.
Another very human interest is afforded
by the recent discovery of a new fiber-giving
plant, which promises to be of great com
mercial Jmportan6e. The discovery was
made upon the shores ot the Caspian se4.
The plant is known by the native name of
kanatt It is said to grow to the height of
ten feet in a summer. A certain Blasken
bourg is authority for the statement that the
plant yields to a simple treatment a large
quantity of silky fiber that can readily be
pun into a strong thread, which can be
-Meached without lots of strength.
The weight of the material to a given
. ttrength of fibre is considerablv less than
that of hemp. It dyes,resdily, tattnzti
wide range of colors. As yet, nothing sat
isfactory is .known concerning the yield of
fibre per acre, or the cost of it production.
From the scanty information now at hand
it appears, however, to be a sufficiently
promising plant to warrant experiment
with in this country. The climate of the
Caspian is such that, if the plant is of real
value, one may expect it to succeed in the
inland parts of the "United States, ewn in
northern stations.
Figbling Jcc.
A large part of the navigable waters of
the United States, the great lakes, the
northern tributaries of the Mississippi,
much of the basin of the St. Lawrence, the
bay of St. Lawrence and the northern ports
of the United States, suffer great loss from
ice obstruction in the winter season. Many
efforts have been made to keep the waters
open to a later time in the winter, and to
open them at an earlier season in the spring
by means of extemporized iceboats designed
to rend the ice into fragments, and so per
mit it to float away by the tide or currents,
or at least afford an apportunity for tow
boats to drag their barges to their destina
tion. Ho thorough-goine experiment in
the construction of an ice-breaking ship
appears to haTe been made until the
steamer known as the St. Ignace was con
structed in order to keep open the way be
tween the railway system of Northern
Michigan and that in the lower psninsula
of that State. An earlier experiment for
this same purpose was unsuccessful, but the
SL Ignace seems to meet the needs. This
vessel built, of course, of unusual strength
has n well defended propeller worked by ft
separate engine in the bow, acting to re
inforce the work of the usual propeller in
the stern. The statement of the work done
by this wonderfnl craft is surprising.
"On hpfway to the Straits of Mackinaw,
she traversed 250 miles of ice, on the average
two feet in depth, but occasionally packed to
the depth often feet. Through this a pass
age was made without difficulty. A more
serious task was encountered in approach
ing the wharf at Mackinaw City. Here the
ice for a width of 1,000 feet was" packed to a
depth ol 20 feet. In the apparently im
possible undertaking of breaking through
this mass, the vessel appears to have suc
ceeded beyond expectation. The front screw
broke up the ice, permitting it to be sucked
away by the strong current produced by two
propellers. The essential novelty ot the
ship appears to consist of this double system
of propellers, which not only much increases
the ramming power of the craft, but serves
through the action of the forward screw to
break up the ice in a very advantageous
manner. There seems reason to hope that
navigation may be general in these North
ern waters through the use of snch ships for
a considerably longer period than hitherto.
Tclcernpblne Fhotocrnplif.
There have been projects for transmitting
photographs by telegraphic methods. If
one may trust recent reports, this scheme
has attained success and been brought into'
practical operation by the French police.
Photographs, though of small size and in
outline only, appear to serve the purpose for
which they are intended, aud fleeing; male
factors have been identified by these
electrically transmitted photographs.
Some years ago plans for a tunnel under
the British Channel were put before the
public and the vast project would doubtless
hare been executed but for tho caution of
the Government authorities, who leared the
dangers of an invasion through such a road
war. Now comes a project, which seems to
be well reckoned, for a bridge about 23
miles long from Cape Grisnez to Folkstone.
The estimated, cost for a bridge 100 feet
wide, with four lines of rails and a carriage
way, is 572,000,000. Even if the cost should
be several times this amount, it is likely
that the traffic would justify the expendi
ture. Pkof. N. S. Siialer.
Company A, of the Fourteenth, turned out
fn full uniform last Sunday afternoon to at
tend the funeral of Contain Hill.
PBrVATE HOBGAirr of Company A, Four
tcentu, was presented with a medal, Ian week,
by Captain Schmidt, for his ability in hustling
for the company.
The attendance at company drills during the
past ten days lias been rather slim, as the boys
are staying at homo at night and trying to coax
the rheumatism out of their bones.
TrtK much-postponed election fer Second
Lieutenant in Company H will be held at the
barracks on Per.n avenue next Tuesday even
ins. The successful candidate will probably
be Private Lindsay,
The Board of Control of the Eighteenth
Regiment met last night and audited and paid
several bills that were presented. It was more
of an experience meeting than anything rise,
and talcs of the late unpleasantness were
passed around the board.
If all the pieces of flag brought back to this
city from Washington are parts of the flag
President Harrison rested his hand on while
taking tho oath of office, as claimed, then the
President not only has a remarkably able fist,
bnt reclined it on a drygoods store during the
Tee latest advices from Washington state
that the local regiments were encamped at Ben
nings' station for two days, and that everything
in the vicinity suffered accordingly. At the
present rate of increase the future historian
will chronicle the fact that tho inauguration of
President Harrison was followed by a civil war
which lasted for several years.
Two weeks ago every guardsman in the city
was eager to take in the New York trip next
month, but about every second man you meet
now is a little dubious on the subject, and
thinks private business would prevent nisleav
inc just at that time. There is no use talking,
the Washington layout was a, soaker, especial
ly for the enlisted man, and rather placed a
damper on a great deal of military enthusiasm.
First Sergeakt James Big gee, of Com
pany G, of the Eighteenth, made a heroic dis
play of himself by offering Governor Beaver
875 men for the purpose of defending the Stars
and Stripes in case of any trouble over Bamoa.
The Governor was no donbt highly gratified at
the patriotism of Sergeant Blgjrer. but tho lat
ter should not have forgotten the fact that
in enlisting in the National Guard, he had
f nlly covered that point.
The Washington Infantry resumed drill
last Friday night, with a large attendance
present. Captaiu Shannon is going to drill the -men
pretty hara this spring, and will then tike
a back seat for no company in the State.
There 18 some talk of the Washies being the
tenth company for the Eighteenth Begiment,
but it is mora probable, however, that an en
tirely new company will bo recruited, should
the reciincnt receive permission.
l!f The Washington Centennial Celebration
next month, in New York City, the autnonties
do not propose to allow the State troops any
latitude whatever, but merely want to show
the people how the men can conduct them
selves as soldiers. They will be brought into
tbe city the morning of the parade and Im
mediately after it is over will be hustled back
to resuective homes. They are to receive the
regulation pay allowed for their servioes, and
will not be pven anv opportunity to see the
elephant that night. It is intended to prevent
any shirking by having a strong provost guard
patrol the city and any stragglers in uniform
will be placed under arrest at once.
The subjeot of permanent encampments
was pretty thoroughly discussed during the
past year by prominent members of tho Na
tional Guards in tbe different States. In this
line, the report of Inspector General Brandt,
of Minnesota, is interesting, Irom the fact that
be states: "Our Guard has never had any field
practice, and would bo found unprepared
should any emenrcpey unexpectedly call it
Into active service. The supposed blessing of
a permanent camp is our greatest curse. The
soldier of luxury is not the soldier for war.
Abandon tho permanent camp and put the
troops in tho field In tho proper manner."
The commissions of three commandants in
Second Brigade will expire this year. Colonel
Kreps ol the Fifteenth Begiment in August,
Colonel Smith of tbe Eighteenth in September,
and Captain Hunt of Battery B in May. Colonel
Kreps will hare strong opposition for re-election
in bis Lieutenant Colonel. William A. Ru
pert, ot C onneautvilie- The fight bctwem the
two has been growing for some time, and lines
have already been drawn, with the chances
slicbtly In favor of Rupert, who Is pretty gen.
erally liked by tbe officers. In the Eighteenth,
Colonel Smith will have everything hta own
wav. as his officers would elect him President,
if their votes settled tbe matter. Affairs in the
Battery will probably be decidedly interesting
when tbe proper Time cornea, for while the
members of tbe organization are non-committal
on tbe subject, It is pretty gcneeally understood
that Lieutenant Lew Brown will give Captain
Hunt a tussle for tbe two bars. Lieutenant
Sheppard has also announced his intention of
stepping down and out, ashUT commission ex.
plres at the same time.
That Palls the Price pown' a Cool
Fivo Dollars a Share.
A Countryman Learns the Difference Be
tween Houses and Farms.
The sensation of the week in business cir
cles was a break of ?5 a share in Wfesting
house Electric stock. Several reasons were
offered in explanation .of the depression, tbe
most plausible ef which was that the phe-
rnomenal advance of the stock induced heavy
realizing, with a view of loading up again
at the decline. The raid was well organized,
made at the right time, and did its work
effectively. Friends of the company, how-
erer, hare as strong faith as ever in the
stock, and say the check it has received is
only temporary. Oil closed dull and weak.
Iron was firmer, with more inquiry and some
good sales. Honey was in better demand
and discount rates were firm at 56 per
cent. Real estate was active. Forty-nine
building permits were Issued, the estimated
cost being JOG.OZ. All branches of the retail
trade were active.
Capitalists are generally safe leadors in busi
ness affairs, but tbey sometimes make mis
takes. In proof of this a few instances may be
given. Eight or nine years ago the English
block, on Fourth avenue,the lot having a front
ago of 100 feet, was offered at 870,000. Several
wealthy gentlemen critically examined tho
property and became interested in it, but they
lacked the nerve to take it at the price. A
-short time afterward tbe figures were raised to
$75,000, The same people who had refused to
purchase tho property at $70,000 then changed
their minds and offered to take it at that price,
but the owners stood out for $75,000, and tho
deal was broken off. Again' the price was
raised, this time to SSO.000, at which tbe
property was purchased by the late Thomas
Donnelly, of the Fourth National Bank. To
day it is valued at 5150,000 to $175,000. Tho
property adjoining the English block went
a-begging in 1877, at 520,000, but it Anally
changed bands at that price. Six years later it
was sold for 32,000. Now it is worth every
cent of 80,000. It has a frontage of 40 feet.
These values were looked upon by
capitalists ot that day as exorbitant,
but now they are considered to have
been very reasonable. Tho properties
in question are not in the market, but they
wonld readily bring the prices at which they
are held. There is moro reason now for ad
vances in real estate in the location cited than
there was six or eight years ago, when moneyed
men were in doubt whether real estate values
would go up or down. They haye gone up, not
only in tbe old city, but in the newer parts and
in the suburbs, and display staying qualities
that will keep them, up. Capitalists have
learned something in the past few years. They
bare a better opinion of real estate, 2nd are
putting large amounts of money in It. This
makes good, stable values and an active mar
ket. A countryman entered the office of a Fourth
street real estate agent yesterday afternoon to
place a mortgage of $2,000 on his farm in tho
upper part ot the county. He expected to get
tbe money at 4 or 5 per cent and all expenses
paid, but he had to pay 6 in addition to the legal
fees. He couldn't understand it. He pointed
to an advertisement ot money to loan at 4 per
cent. In his explanation the agent said: "That
refers to city property, and not to farm land.
Capitalists consider city property a gilt-edged
investment. It is worth from 53,000 to $5,000 a
foot, according to location, is right under their
noses, as it were, where it can be examined
without trouble and-looked after If necessary,
without loss of time or expense. Its value is
fixed. It Is always in demand aud can be sold
at any time. This gives it a great advantage
over conn try property, and is the reason for the
difference in rates. Your farm Is worth the
money, of course, and more, too, but its dis
tance from the city puts the capitalists to con
siderable trouble to look after it And then, If
the necessity should arise, it could not be
turned into cash so readily as city property, as
there aro comparatively few who want farms.
This is the view capitalists take of the matter,
and, of course, we must follow their instruc
tions." The nickel industry of the world is a most pe
culiar one. It has only been about 60 years
since it first camo Into use as a mineral, though
it has been known toJapan and the Eastern na
tions for centuries. There are nickel mines in
France, Germany and Wales, in Pennsylvania,
Nevada and Oregon. Nickel is not, as is gen
erally supposed, a mineral that is mined like
silver and then smelted and reduced from an
ore. It is a chemical element which is extract
ed from arsenides, cobalt and sulphides. Tbe
yield from these substances as found in France
and Wales is only about 2 per cent nickel, but
the yield of some mines in Nevada, not yet de
veloped, is fully SO per cent of pure nickel.
. About 80 years ago there wag discovered in
New Caledonia, a French penal colony, a won
derfully rich deposit of nickel. A French com
pany was immediately formed, and this
company to-day almost controls tbe trade in
this country. It also almost controls tbe nickel
trade of the world, and it has frequently de
clared its intention to ruin every other nickel
manufacturer and run them perpetually out of
the business. -
Several patents covering devices of more or
less Importance to the public expire this week,
and may bo appropriated by any one so dis
posed. The following is tbe list:
Steam ngine, C. M. Fanar; registering steam
gauge. T. C. Hargravc; hydraulic motor, M,
Millard; manufacture of drain pipes, J. W,
Stockwcll; steam pump, L. Grlscom; safety
valve, J. R. Cazler.
It Declines Fire Dollars a Shore Under
Heavy Pressure.
A raid was made on Westingbouse Electric
stock yesterday, and the pj-ice broke from 87K
on Tuesday to 52K, a decline of $5 a share. The
raid is supposed to bare been the outcome of a
well-organized plot on tbe part of its enemies,
presumably the Edison clique, to break the
stock. A short time ago the public was selling
Philadelphia Gas and buyinc Electric. Now
tbe situation Is reversed, and Philadelphia has
the call. Tbo recent advance in Electric was
too great it was phenomenal and, of eourse,
it brougbt out the holders of tbe stock to
realize. Friends of the company have no fears
for the future of the stock. Its reeoTerjr,tney
say. is only a question of a little time. Phila-
delnhla nas strouc and active. advancinC from
36 to 88 Central Traction was firmer but
dull. The remainder of the list was about
steady. Bids and offers:
Bid. Asked.
AllcghenyNattonal Bint aX
Hint uf Pittsburg 74 ' ....
Citizens1 Rational Hank 61 ei
Diamond National Bank ....109
Kiclianjre National Baals t. 61
Farmers' Deposit National Bank 400 ....
First National liant, Plttklrarp; ,.11,-9
Fourth National Hank 13
Fifth Avenue liant si 40
Freehold Bant......... 53
Fidelity Title and Trust Co. lto
German National Bank. 525
Iron City National Bank ill
Iron and Glass UoUar Savings Bank ...ISO 135
Mechanics1 National Bank 103
Metropolitan National Bank.., 02
Odd tallows' Savings Bank 01 ....
rittsburg National Bank Commerce. ...215 ....
l'lttsburfr Bans rorBaTinjts...,,... 210
VeoplD's National Bant , 14$ ....
Third National Bank..-. 1(52
Tradesmen' N. Bank. A j K .....
Herman National Bank, Allegheny. ...140 ....
becoud National Bant, Allegheny ISO ....
Artisans1 Insurance..., ,..,"...,., .,., 60
Boatman's Insurance. , 40
Citizens1 Insurance Co 40
ManTrs and Merchants1 Insurance.... ,.., so
People's Insurance. , , , 43
leuionla Insurance u ....
Western Insurance ,. .... eg
Allegheny (ias Co. (Ilium.) .... 34
l'Ktsburg uas Co. (Ilium.) 61
boutbslde Oas Co ,..., . .... 28
Chartltrs Valley Gas Co , .... to
Ohio Valley Uas Co , 2S
Pennsylvania Gas Co 15 . ..
Philadelphia Co asji Js
liccllntr Ua ..,. 2SM 2
HazcUood oil Co 4i3 ..
Central Traction ,, ,., 2314 S4Ss
Citizens1 Traction .,.... ..?. 70
Pittsburg Traction ,. ...
N. Y. AC. Gat Coal Co 1 38V ?.
l..NorlaMlntuCo..., , ju
Wcitlnrhouse Klfctrlo.. a., aaj
.LiunutiuB nuuxQu...., t tll go
Granite Hoofing Co 45
lillltll A'tBMlllr lllUUJtftUU XCi. liO,
Union Switch and Sinai Co M SX
Westlnrliouse Air Brake Co .....?21 ....
Westinghouse Brake Co.. Lhn..i. .;... Si 64
The sales were 40 shares of Philadelphia Gas
at S7& 60 at SS. 100 at 35 ISO atSS8tf Electric
at-5S, 110atK10Chartiers Qas at 60, and
S3 Citizens' National Bank at 02K.
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 170.B33 shares, Including: Atchison,
8,300; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
7,h00; Eric, 5,100; Lako Shore, 7.S00; Louisville
and Nashville, 3,400: Missouri Pacific 8,600;
Northwestern. 8,400; Norfolk and West Point
preferred. 2,300: Northern Pacific preferred,
3.500: Oregon Transcontinental, 7,600; Kcadine,
29.800; Richmond and West Point, 6,500: St.
Paul, 3.850; Union Pacific,8,000; Western Union,
Bankers Report a Radical Improvement in
tbo Borrowing Demand.
The banks are beginning to .find employment
for their money. The fine weather for tho past
few days has infused new life into the business
world. Considerable paper was disconntedyes
terday. Rates were steady at C6 on call and
time. Counter business was fairly active,
checking being tbe feature. That business
was active is shown by the Clearing House re
port. Exchanges
Exchanges for the week....
Balances for the week.,...,
Exchanges, dally average.,
Exchanges week of 1883....
2,023,755 63
11,372.343 63
... 1.695,557 23
0,2i!,177 44
1,443,164 27
Balances week of 1SS3
Exchanges last week ir,Sll,&39 52
Balances last week 2,391,33192
Exchanges, dally average 1,973,693 26
Money on call at New York yesterday ruled
easy with no loans, closed offered at 2 per cent.
Prime mercantilo paper, 40i. Sterling ex
change dull but steady at $i 65J for 60-days,
and S4 8S for demand.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued yesterday, shows the following
.linnffnt TTnaa.vn 1anvAftA C1T? '?. 14Tit
increase, $3,335,700; specie, increase, $141,400,
legal tenders, increase, 503,700; deposits, in
crease, $3,914,100; circulation, decrease, $70,000.
The banks now hold $8,070,873 in excess of the
.AJlier cent rule.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
Tub Dispatch by Robinson Bros- Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth bn small lots:
U.S.44s. reg KTO310SM
U. S. 4HS, coups .-. lOTKtSWSjJ
U.S. 4s. rep 23312
U. S. 43, 1907, coups 12313)100
Currency, 6 per cent 183S rez 120
Currency, 6 per cent, xsoereg. 123
Jurrency, Spercent, 1837 reg 128
Currency, (percent, lsssreg 129
Currency, Spercent, 1899 reg WLi
New Yobk Bank clearings to-day. $125,
131,933: balances, $5,693,232. For the week,
clearings, $689,914,547; balances, $33,235,256.
Boston Bank clearings to-dav, $10,084,703;
balances. $2,163,814. For tbe week, clearings,
$85,701,436: balances, $10,C31,(i86.
Bai.timobe Bank clearings to-day, $1,972,
989; balances, $290,653.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,503,152;
balances, $l,bo7,447. For the week, clearings,
SuG.812,826; balances, $8,894,939.
St. Louis Bank clearings, $3,022,927; bal
ances, $536,375.
Chicago Money firm and unchanged. Bank
clearings, $9,7il,000.
Petroleum Continues to Recedo From tho
Dollar Line Two Theories.
There was a bullish feeling at tbe opening of
oil market yesterday, but heavy selling quickly
turned the tables. Hilton is reported to have
dumped 100.000 barrels. In the last four hours
the market was both weak and dull. Tbe in
itial quotation SSJi was the top price of the
day.- The lowest was 89. The range being
of a cent. Various opinions were expressed
as to tbe course of the market this week. Some
dealers claimed that it was firm at tbe core
and would open up on Monday at an advance.
Its weakness being attributed to sympathy
with the depression in Btocks. Others main
tained that it was being manipulated by tbo
Standard and was more likely to recede than
advance. The evident scarcity of certificates
was pointed to as proof of the correctness of
the former theory, while the lack of outside
support was urged in support of the position of
the bears. From the standpoint of an outsider
litis as likely to go one way as tho other. As
the Indian said to tbe white man the future of
the market is very uncertain.
Concerning the depression StowelVs Reporter
says: The failure of the market to advance, in
view of the constant reduction in stocks, is
probably due to two causes one. the great
production in the Lima field: though this oil is
at present comparatively valueless for illumi
nating purposes, there Is no doubt that were
tho market to advance materially some way
would bo found to refine Lima oil so that it
could be used for illuminating purposes. The
second cause that operates to prevent, ano
yance is the holding of the 5,000,000 barrels of
oil. It is true that there is an engagement that
this shall not be sold at less than SI a barrel,
but that means that the market cannot reach
$1 without the danger of tho unloading of this
oil, and unless some agreement is reached to
advance the minimum price at which this oil is
to Be sold, some fieure above $1 it is probable
that "dollar oil" will not be reached until these
5,000,000 barrels are sold.
A B. McGrew quotes puts 8S8S: calls,
aba roUowlng taMe, corrected by lie Witt 1)11
worth, broker In petroleum, etc. corner 1'irtu
avenue and Wood street, I'Ktsbarg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc.:
Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened & Sales 11:15 p. IX.... 69ML 89
10:15 A.M.... S0.H 89 11:30 T. M.. S9M ' 89
10:3) A. It.... esi S9V 11:45 p. 11..,. mv &h
10:43 A. jr.... 89X 89-5j axiD 89U ....
11:00 A. M.... sax 9 Closed
Opened. 8c; algneat, 80;o; lowest, 8c;
elosea, ttJc
DtUy runs d 62.07
Average runs 44,570
Daily shipments - l,Mtt
Average shipments...... 70,203
Bail charters...... 90.S65
Average charters ,....,., 64, SIS
Clearances , ,..,...,.... 1,407,000
Hew York closed at gStfc
Oil City elosea ai 89c.
Bradlora elosea at ttOic
New Von. renned. Ic
London, renncd. t ll-isd,
Antwerp, resneu, lOftf
Tbe Cadiz Oil Field.
Cadiz, O., March 16. The well brought in
this, week by the Berea Grit Oil and Gas Com
pany, of this place, promises to be abont a ten
barrel well. Tbe drill was stopped in top of the
sand, and the well was closed in for a few days,
awaiting tbe arrival of a tank, consequently
wben first opened it made a big showing.whlch
accounts for the extravagant telpgrams sent to
the daily papers. The tubing is now on the
ground and the well will bo finished and put in
shape to flow in a few days. In tbe meantimo
the company is building a rig for another well
a short distance from this one. Up to this date
there have been six wells put down In this vi
cinity by tbe two home companies. Nos. 1 and
2 were dry. No. 3 showed a little gas. No. 4
proved to be quite a gasser,and has been flowing
steadily for nearly a year. Some oil was also
found in this well; considerable oil was found
in No. 5. Above is tbe account of No. 6. The
oil is of an excellent quality, 43 gravity. '
Real Estate Continue to 'Go Off Like Hot
John F. Baxter sold to Win, Sanderson lots
Nos. 8 and 9 Bank of Commerce addition,
Brusbton station, situate on tbe northwest cor
ner of Bennett and Park streets; frontage of 80
feet on Bennett street by 135 to a 24 foot alley,
for $1,400.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
3. M. Morris a lot, being No. 34 in the Walter
Hay plan of Jots on Rebecca street, near
Penn avenne, being in size 20x100 feet, for $300,
payable $15 cash and the balance on easy pay
ments. Tbey also sold to Charles Wilson for
J. H. Meyer a two-story and attic frame dwell
ing of 'seven rooms on Cypress, near Baum
street, Soadyside, with lot 31x100 feet, for
SAaoOcasb. ,
Ewjnc & Byers, No. 107 Federal street, sold
for G. Powell a two-story brick house contain
ing seven rooms, hall, etc., on Poplar street.
Third ward, Allegheny, for $4,225, Tbey also
placed a mortgage of 600 on Coraopolis
property for three years at 6 per cent,
.Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, re
ports the following sales: Sold for W. W.
Yonng to Noble Bros, for stablo on Fortieth
street, near Butler, lot 0x167, with one-story
frame building ami four frame dwellings in
rcar.sfor $7,000; sold to John Schmitt. brick
store and dwelling, lot 20x100, for $3,220; sold
for Fred Rellly to G. Bockerman, vacant
lot 20x100, located on Butler street, near
Thirty-second street, for 2,250; sold for Fred
Rilleyto A. Zinsser lot 22x110 on Butler street,
near Fifty-second, with frame store and dwell
ing, for $2,600; Bold for N. W. Young to H. W.
Stemmericb, loOJxIOO feet, with a frame house,
No. 4058 Howley avenue, for $LS50; sold for
George Stewart lot 32x140. with new frame
honseof five rooms, on Inwood street, .near
Frankstnwn nvenuo. Twenty-first ward, for
$1,000. He. also place J mnrurage for $3,000 at C
per cent for tbreo years ou Twelfth ward prop.
S.J. Fleming, 147 Fonith avenne, sold brick
hopse of five rooms, with modern improve
ments, nn Washington street, Southside, for
JUOO, He also placed a mortgage on property
in the Second ward,Alleghenyt of $5,000. at 6 per
cent, and closed sale of property on Broad
street. East End. for $2,300.
McllonJBros. sold to J. R, Marthles, of the
Seventeenth ward, a new Queen Anne resi
dence ot teii rooms, with lot 54x120, on Negley
avenue, near cable line, for $3,500.
Building Opcrnllont Coralnc to tbe Front as
a Leading Industry,
Porty-nino permits for new tulltfkgs were
issued by Inspector Frank last week. Their
total cost Is estimated at $68,022. 'The list is as
Evermann, brick two-story dwelling,
16x33 feet. 181 Webster avenue, between Logan
and Fulton streets.
Jos. Battmgard, frame one-story kitchen,
12x13 feet, on Fox alley, between Nineteenth
and Twentieth streets.
Frank W. Immekus, frame two-tory addi
tion to dwelling, 12x12 feet, on Bradford street,
between Eleventh and Twelfth streets."
Frank Williams, frame two-story dwelling,
16x16 feet, on, Wadsworth street. Thirteenth
Michael Leydon, frame two-story dwelling,
18x18 feot, on Greenfield avenue, between
Second avenue and Sylvan avenue.
H. R, Barnes, brick IK story stable, 45x27
feet, on Neville street; between Center avenue
and Bayard 6treet. . ... , ,
H. R. Barnes, brick two-story dwelling, S9x46
feet, on Neville street, between Center avenue
and Bayard street. V
Henry Markle, frame two-story store and
dwelling, 16x32 feet, on Boggs avenue, between
Soffel street aud Carson alley. .
H. Swoger, frame two-story dwelling, 30x15
feet, on Penn avenue, near Shakespeare
John W. King, five brick two-story and base
ment dwellings, 62.5x33.6 foot, on Trent street,
between Wjlio and Webster.
Thoo. Doerfllnger, brick two-story and Man-
1 sura uweumg,dixuiecr.oniim aireui, uei,i.eeu
T Bedford street and Poplar alley.
oonn w arnraucu, iraine iiTiHsurjr uwewng,
16x30 feet, on Dolphin street, between Eveline
and Gross.
W. Btfefller, frame two-story dwelling. 20x00
feet, on corner of Hastings and Reynolds ave
nues. H. C. Waddell. frame two-story dwelling, 16x
16 feet, on Walnutstrcet. corner Filbert street.
James Altenbraugli, frame two-story addi
tion to dn elling. 14x14 feet, on Thomas street,
near Monastery.
Charles Stewart, frame two-story dwelling,
16x13 feet, on Center avenue, between Aiken
avenue and the bridge.
M. A. Strother, frame one and one-half-story
stable, 12x12 feet, on Einmett street, Hear Soho
Pier & Bannals, frame one-story bottling
house, 18x25 feet, on Forbes stieet, between
Stephenson and Magee streets.
Calvin & Maxwell, four brick three-story
dwellings, 50x31 feet, on Poplar, between Wash
ington nnil T?im Ktmttta
,--.,-"-. ..U. U-.U.d.
ilizabeth Betto, frame one-story dwelling 30
.0 feet, on Fingle street, Thirty-nfth ward.
M. F.. Wlllett, frame two-story dwelling, 20x
32 feet, on Eureka street, Tbirty-flrst ward.
Leo Unnkle, frame two-story dwelling, 17x36
feet, on Welsh way, above Manor street.
John Roersler, frame two-Btory dwelling,
20x18 feet, on Greenfield avenue, Twenty-third
2L Hcminil, frame one-story kitchen, 16x16
feet, on Dauphin street, between Eveline and
Conrad streets.
'Mrs. Martha Williams, frame two-story
dwelling, 18x30 feet, on Auburn street, corner
Park avenue.
'J. B. Hiller. brick three-story planing mill.
82x67 feet, on Penn avenue, corner of Twenty
sixth street.
F. Cartwrlght, framo ono-story shop, 18x34
feet, on Louisa street, between Meyran and
J. G. Connell, frame one-story office, 16x21
feet, 3519 Fifth avenue.
Dennis McGlmchey, brick two-story and
mansard dwelling on Bedford avenue, be
tween Washington and Seventh avenue.
William McAllister, frame one-story kitchen,
10x11 feet, on Forty-fifth street, between Law
rence and Butler streets.
Mrs. J, Sullivan, frame two-story stable, 18x
26 feet, on rear of Penn avenue, between Fortjp
fouith and Forty-fifth streets.
Adolph Leopold, frame one-story dwelling,
18x32 feet, on Rosette street, Nineteenth ward.
Wm. 8chleicher, framo two-story dwelling,
19x36 feet, on Roso street, between Charles and
Jajnes McKevensay. brick two-story dwell
ings, 127x33 feet 0 inches, on Washington, be
tH een Fountain and Webster streets.
James McKay, three brick two-story dwell
ings, 48x30 feet, on rear of Washington street,
between Fountain and Webster streets.
Adolpn Nenhansler, framo one-sfory slaugh
terhouse, 40x40 leet, ou Twenty-fourth street.
Twenty-seventh ward.
B. Henry, frame one-story kitchen, 12x12
feet, on corner Arch and Shaler streets.
James Noonan, brick two-story dwelling, 20x
S2 feet, on Main street, one square below Penn
avenue. Seventeenth ward.
Barncv Esterborg, frame one-story kitchen,
14x18 feet, on -Southern avenue, Thirty-second
John Arnold, ferine one-story dwelling, 17x31
feet, on Erie street, between Huron and Maple
A- W. Bnrk, frame two-story dwelling. 28x35
feet, on Independence street, near Hamburg
Street, Thlrty-flfth ward.
Daniel Meifc, two frame two-story dwellings,
32x32 feet, on Winslow street, Twenty-first
George Klnc, frame one-story wasbhouse,
12x20 feet, on Reynolds avenue, Twenty-second
Thomas Parcel!, frame addition one-story
dwelling, 12x22 feet, on Berg street, Twenty
seventh ward.
O. F. Alter. IK-story stable. 12x21 feet, on
Butler street, corner of Homo street. Seven
teenth ward.
Makes a Gain of Three Per Cent In Wall
Street The' Rest or tbo List
Active and Higher
Bonds Qalet.
New York; .March 16. During the short
session to-day tho market was again active, but
a better toco prevailed than yesterday, and
some stocks closed higher. London brokers
bere bad large selling orders, aud from Chicago
there were also heavy orders In the
Granger stocks, while tho regular com
mission people wore doing almost
nothing. The transactions throughout had a
most decided professional aspect and the tem
per ol the room especially in the early trading
was "bearish to a high degree. The opening
transactions were mado on a very active mar
ket with first prices down all over the list from
X to per cent, but while tbe offeiings were
large tho local bears and traders took tbe op
portunity afforded by the selling by London
and Chicago to get in a long line of shorts put
out In tbo past few days and the offerings were
absorbed sending prices up slightly.
When the first demand slacked off, however,
there was a decline to fractions below tbe open
ing figures, and Cotton Oil and Tennessee Coal
displaced marked weakness, the former yield
in? 1 per cent. Tho buying began again
shortly, however, and was especially noticeable
In the Urapgers, all of which mide material
advances over their lowest, figures. Rock
Island. St. Paul, Atchison and Northwestern
were most promlnept, whilo the remainder of
the list moved over a fractional range. Phila
delphia Gas, however, recorded again of 3 per
cent on light trading.
The news of the day was not of special im
portance and bad little effect upon prices one
way or the other. Tbe market finally closed
aotive and strong at the best prices of tbo day,
after having been onco started. Tbe final
changes aro about equally divided between
gains and lasses, but are for fractional amounts
only except to Pullman, which rose 1 per rent.
The railroad bond market was very quiet, the
sales of all issues aggrecatlng only $622,000, and
the trading was absolutely devoid of feature of
Importance. The tone was generally steady,
although a few marked chances itere made.
Among those which are higher thlsevenlpgJ
bonds for thetweek were only $6,519,000, as com
pared with 9.273,000 for last week.
The following table snows the prices ot active
stocks on tho New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for Tits Dispatch by Whit,
ncy & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
- -Open- High- Low- Inc
lng. est. est: Bids.
Am. Cotton Oil 6.1k 54W
Atch.. Top. ft S. P.... 4S 43K 43 48'8
Canadian l'aciflc r472 4351 47M 405,
Canada southern. 51 6i 6H mi
Central or hew Jersey, S2K 82 KU 03
Centratl'aclnc... 34 21 34 31
Chesapeake Jt Ohio ... 16 J0U 15 JGU
C, llur. & Qulncy it W 97H IM
C, Mil. & at. l'anl... 61 63 coy 6lii
C, ilU.i St, J., pi.... B7 tei KhK C8
C, Bock 1. A V... XH 83J? IK 92H
C, St. L. ABItts ,, 17
C, bt. U Al'llts. pf.. 37Ji 87)4 37K 37
C M.VXM. AO 31 31 3CS 31
C, St,B.,M.AO..pr. 81 mi 81r 91
O. A Northwestern.. ..104 105 10414. 104
C.& northwestern, pClSOV 13754 - W6 l3GSf
o.c.c.41 ea co ra com
Col. Coal & Iron .. i
Col. & Hocking Yal ...S3H 14 2SS 24
Bei.,L.W 7iT,ti 138 137)4 1375f
lel. & Hudson 180 Uat VOU 130j
IienverAKloO .. .... ia
JJenver&lUoU., pr... 43 43 42 41
E.T.,Va,&Ua.. lstpf 67
Illinois Central iro
Late Erie ,t Western 17
Lako trie West. pr.. 43V 64 Ki4 S4
LafceSnore&M.is Wkf i. 98 KW,
Louisville Jk Nashville, 4S "M ton. tai
Mlculcan Central , ... silJ
Mobile A Ohio OH 8 9 9),
Jlo.. K. ATexas I25t t 1VA u4
MlssnurtBaciae........ C3 w 6S esh
a. y., c. &st. L,.... ., .... it
"J'-.O. ASt.L. pf.r I , ....
a.Y C.4Bt.L.2a:pf .... .... .;.. K
H.Y&K. W..(. r.
.N. Y.. O. A W
44X H
MX -.Wi
JiOrrorts Western....
Norfolk Western, pf
Northern Baclnc
Northern Pacific pref.
OMoS, Mississippi... ,
Oregon Improvement.
Orcaon Trnnscon
l'aciflc Mall.....
Pen. Dec. & Kvans. ....
Fhlladel. & Itrtdtui.',.
Richmond A W. P. T..
Ktclimond A W.B.T.pf
bt. BanlAJJulnth
bt. Paul A Dnlutb pr..
bt. P., Minn. A Man...
St.Ii. A San Fran
St. L. A San Fran pf..
St. L. A Saul'.lst pL.
Texas Pacific...
Union Pacific
Wabash. ,Z..
Wabash preferred.,,..
Western Onion
Wheeling & L. K
435s 48rB
28 175
sV itli
20)4 ZDH
si .;."
W 44
24iJ 'AH
78i 79,
U'h Uiit tin
M5. sin w
A Weak Opening, Wilb a Speedy Recovery
nud n Steady Close.
Boston, March 10. Money was steady to-day
at 3 to 5 per cent on gj,) and 4 to 6 per cent
for time paper. The stock market showed
considerable weakness at tbe opening, prices
declining sharply during tho first bour. Tbe
next bour, however, showed a recovery equally
rapid. The more active stocks closed about
th6 same as last night, and the general tone of
tho market was steady. Bonds continued
neglected, and copper stocks wero duller than
usual of late, with ilight changes.
A.AT. LandGr1t7.109IKnUand preferred.. 37
WIs.Centrnt.com... 15Jf
Boston A Albany. ..214
Boston A Maine i3
C. B. &. f85
Clnn. ban. A Cleve. 24.4
Kastern It. K 81
Eastern It. It. ns is
Mexican Cen. com.. I3
J. 1'. Aew JSnsr... 44
N. Y.Aenit7s.l27
om Colony mil
Kutlandcommon.... 4
VllouezMCo.inewi l
Calumet A Heda....213
Catalna 17
rranElln.... 12
Heron 244
Osceola 12JJ
Bell Telephone Z2J
Boston Land 64
Winer Power 61
Tamarack ,. 127
San Diego ZSK
Chi en co Grain 9Inrhet.
Chicago A very fair business was trans
acted in wheat to-day, and the feoling'was
firmer with prices ruling above the closing
figures of yesterday. The opening was just a
shade easier, but from the start showed firm
ness, and with some fluctuations prices for
May wero advanced 2c, receded Jc, fluct
uated slightly, and closed about lc higher
than yesterday. June also showed considerable
strength, advancing lc, and closed about ljvc
higher. July ruled steady, advancing lc, clos
ing aboutc higher than yesterday.
Local influences again controlled the market,
and tho firmness was attributed mainly to the
free buying of a prominent local trader, though
at the advance operators found the speculative
offerines quite large, whichTcsulted in develop
ing a weaker feeling.
A fair trade was reported in corn early in tho
day, after which the pit became very quiet and
inactive. The feeling developed was generally
weaker and transactions were at a lower rango
of prices. Tbe easier tone was attributed
largely to tbe receipts being considerably m
excess of expectations. Tbe market opened a
shade lower than the closing price of yester
day for a time, then declined c, reacted H
I4fi and closed c lower than yestorday.
Condition of the Mnrhct at tho East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Saturday, March 10, 18SD. J
Cattle Receipts, 600 head: shipments,
480 head. Nothing doing; all through -consignments.
One car of cattle shipped to New
York to-day. 4
Hogs Receipts, 2,500 head; shipments, 2.CC0
head. Market slow; medium FhiladelphLtsT
S4 80; heavy bogs, i 80; pigs and Yorkers, $5 00.
Six cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipt?, 1,400 bead; shipments,
1,800 head. Market slow and a shade lower
than yesterday's prices.
Cash, paid for old gold and silver, at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu
Wben baby was slcK, we gave her Castorla
When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria,
Wben she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
18i 19
CI 63!i
nii a
2 w
S SS54
csx an
Among the Pittsburg Carpet and Furniture Dealers
With His Spacious Penn Avenue Establishment, His Gigantic Stock, His Superior Goods,
His Matchlessly Low Prices.
THIS is no wild claim, no
Keech more than to have people call and convince themselves of his ability to serve them better ;
than any other house in both cities. Right now, while this great establishment, with its six spacious
floors, is brim full with the latest, best aud most popular styles and makes of Furniture, Carpets and
House Furnishing Goods, a call is most interesting.
COMPRISES anything and everything that should be found in a Leading Furniture Store:
Parlor Suits, Odd Chairs, Center Tables and Sofas in an endless variety of new and unique, styles.
Chamber Suits in Oak, Solid Mahogan'y, Walnut 'and Cherry. Choice patterns in Sideboards and
Dining Room Furniture of all descriptions. Cabinets, Cheffoniers, Book Cases in a complete assort
ment. A saving of not less that 25 per cent is guaranteed to all purchasers of Furniture.
EMBRACES all the New Spring Patterns and Designs in Body and Tapestry Brussels, Wiltons,
Moquettes, Ingrains, etc It should be remembered that we buy and import our Carpets direct from
the largest mills of America.and Europe, and thus save our customers the middleman's profit they,
invariably pay in other stores. We would also call your attention to our beautiful variety of Turkish
and Oriental Rugs, as well as our large stock of Chinese and Japanese Mattings, Oil Cloths and
Linoleums. If you purchase now, we will measure your rooms without delay and have your Carpets
fitted on or before moving day.
OTJTRTAliTS AU the latest designs in Lace and Colored Plush, Chenille
and Turcoman Curtains Window Shades of every kind and description.
INCLUDES a complete line of Queensware and Crockery; a full assortment of Tinware and Wooden
ware, and all the best and most celebrated makes of Stoves and Ranges. You will also find an ele
gant variety of Silverware, Cutlery, Pictures, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, etc.
JST A handsome array of Ladies' Beaded Spring Wraps, Dry Goods and Men's Clothing. ,
9Q3 925.
Penn Aye,
iteJajk. osrinsTTs: steeet.
Store Open-Saturday Nights Till 10 O'clock'
I won't miss it, fori have long
since adopted an easier and
cleanlier way. A bottle of
and' a sponge to keep my shoes,
washed clean, save a deal of
labor and shoe leather.
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, DTCgziits, As.
The best Harness Dressing
in the world.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, fhiusoelphi!
Railroad 1 Mining f II I tT'S
Stoclcs. I Stories. Ul.XO
ban trancisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans mado at low rates of interest
Established lb7G. JS"Weekly Circular FRE&
f. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y.
Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-iisu
Gray's Specific Medicine. '
EDY.An unfail
ing euro for
Seminal MTealc
nes. (sperma
torrhea, linpo
tency. and alt
diseases that
follow as a se
quence of Self
Abuse: as loss
sltnde. Pain in the llact. Dimness of Vision, Pre
mature Old Ace and many other dlseaes that leatf
to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature
0"Pull particulars In our pamphlet, which we
desire to send free by mall to every one. JJSThe
bpcclficledlcfneissold by all druggists at ?1 per
gackasre, or six packages for S3, or wilt be sent free
ymnll on the receipt or the money, by addressing
On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the
Tellow Wrapper: the only genuine.
Sold In Pittsburg by S. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthflcld and Liberty streets. mhM-1.43
223 CZ3S3 ZWiilSU IZiSS,
OrirfuL bet t. oalr retrain an!
reliable dIU fbriale. AererF&U.
Ak for Ckichwttr'm Znaiuhi
) Diamond Brand, la red n
J ullio boxev, ieaic4 ltU blue rib
(ton. At DTUffsUU. Accept
no dither. All Dills In nst6-
boani boxes, pink wrappers, tie a danger
cms counterfeit Send 4- (stamp) for
particulars aQd'KelIefferIdlisMifi
lffiw hv htfnti mail. 1AllOf) tntt.
BtOBl3lsfroaILAD1ES1,'lotUTBJnltbeQU Puna Taper.
Cliichestcr Chemical Co.jHa&sonSq.jPIiilaPa.
WoIfTsAG m tBIacklng
c p
noisy assertion, but a straight, downright fact, and nothing pleases
doctor :
As old residents know and back riles of Pitas,
burg; papers prove, is the oldest established aad
most prominent physician in tbe city, devoting
special attention to all chronic dlsoaie Vtem
rponnblopersons NQ pr J
MCDnilQ'and mental diseases. pfcj4ca4
itnVUUo decay, nervous defiuifj tools
ct energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, seU-distrnst.baghf olnasa;
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, ia
pOveriahed. blood, falling powers, organio wes
ncss, dyspepsia, 'constipation, consumption, na-
poisons tnorougnij
kidney and bladder derange
ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
paininl symptoms receive gearcoinc; treaaaeu
prompt relief and res.1 cores.
Dr. Wbittier's life-long; extensive) exporlonca
Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation Xrea.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it
hero. Offleo horns 9 a.m. to 8 p. Jr. Sunday,
10JUJS. to 1P.M. only. DB. WHIXXIEB. t
Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. leJUj-psttff
mi i s-s scxmci: oj XaJ-b'jti
AScientifteand Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous
aad Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
R3sultms irom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Ex cesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the vlctlsa
lor Work, Business, tho llarr'ed or Social Belation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only LC0 by
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now- Tho
distinguished author, "Wm. II. Parker. IT. D., re
from tho National Medical Association,
for trie PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may bo consulted, eonfl
denUally, by mall or In person, at the office of
No. 4 Bnlflnch St., Boston, ainw., to whom all
orders for books or letters for advieo should be
directed as above.
ialo-Tnjsnwk . "
ERGY and strength secured by using Am
oranda Wafers, Theso wafers aro tbo only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent euro of lm
potency, no matter how Inns standing,seperma
torrhoea, overwork of, tho brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complain:, and wastin(
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for $1;
six boxes Is the complete treatment, and with'
every purchase of six boxes at one timo- wo will
give a written guarantee to refund the money
if tho wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by tho BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. SI Market street, Pitt,
burg. Pa.. P. O. box S7 aplO-kiJ-HWFSa
For men! Checks tbo wort cases in tbreo
days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at
ja5-29-TTS3u 412 Market street
sofferlnt; from tbo efr
fects ot youthful r-
raaniood . eta: I wuT uena a TaluaBIo treatlso (waled)
contalnla? full particulars for home cure, Ire of
A . eta: I wuT genu a vali
niUllltuU VMJ auti
tnanr. duress,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, hloodus, Conn.
, r
utung mo persuii wr iuiueacieiy ana mar-
blotches, falling hair, bona pains, ghwdnlai
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat,
ulcers, old sores, aro cured for life, and blood
r eiauicaieu lxom uin itvkzair-
El jsPJ
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