& W, t sy it s -r T-4 12 NlN THE SOCIAL SWIM. Topics of interest to society people are in telligently discussed in the following para graphs. The writer also answers many qnesiions on points of etiquette raised by correspondents. The average man or woman, whether in society or out, will find the replies both interesting and instruc tive: First At an afternoon card party, where ladies only are present, am I, as hostess, to go to the dining room first, or to follow the guests, directed by a servant? Second And on returning to the drawing room, do I go first? Third In taking callers into the parlor, should I lead the way, or step back and tay, "Please step into, etc.?" Hiss Igxobjutce. First Tes, go first. Second Yes. Third Lead the way to the door, open it and invite the guests to precede you. Should a lady and gentleman attend a church wedding in full dress? "Would it be proper for lady to wear light dress, opera cloak and to remove her bonnet? In the evening yes, if preferred. In the afternoon it is not customary, but in some Instances fall dress Is worn by ladies who con template attending a reception afterward. Gentlemen wear fall dress at evening weddings, but not at other times. BIRTHDAY COXGKATGI.ATIOXS. . 'Will you please write me a letter of congratu lations for a lady friend's birthday? M. H. E. Any simple form suffices for a purpose ol this kind, much, however, depending upon your de cree of intimacy withVour friend. If only an acquaintance, your visiting card with the word "Congratulations" written upon it will do. from this point yon can elaborate as taste or Inclinations prompt. You can say, "With sin cere congratulations," or, "With sincere con gratulations, and wishine you many returns of the day," or, "1 congratulate you upon yonr birthday, and wish for yon every possible hap piness," and so on. These may be written on yonr card or sent in form of a note. It is not in good taste to send elaborate congratulations or to be in any way effusive. WHEN VEILS ABE WORIT. I it customary for ladies to wear veils to the theater? Iokokaxce. . A veil is for the street, and not for the thea ter, or concert or other public entertainments. WEDDINGS AT IIOJIE. First At an "at home" wedding that is at the bride's house, who receives the invited guests? Second Are they introduced to each other and by whom? Third When the reception follows the wed ding are cards inclosed to the invitation to that effect, or is it necessary when all the guests are to remain to the recepttion? First Some relative or friend selected for the purpose. Second No. Third Yes. It is customary to engrave on the cards "Reception from ," here giving the hours. CONDUCT OF ENGAGED COUI-LES. First I am a young ladv engaged to a manI truly love. We are of opposite religions he devoted to his, and with a resolution of iron; I, the same. Ee absolutely refuses to have the ceremony performed in any other than his own "church. I desire and demand that the cere mony should bo in my church. I told him I have the right, and thlnk.the etiquette should be shown to ma .Am I right or wrong? Second The man to whom I'm engaged also says I must, as a young lady, love, honor and obey, etc I say not, until Im Airs. Blank. Again, am I right or wrong? A. First It is customary to yield this matter to the decision of the bride, but circumstances make differences In cases where one is a Romanist and the other a Protestant two cere monies take place, the Catholic Church not considering a Protestant marriage valid. Some such feeling may animate a High Churchman, who cannot consider a marriage in an Evan gelical church as admissable. In snch a case It would be proper for the bride to yield to the wishes of the groom. In fact, too much stub bornesson her part does not promise well for the future happiness of the couple. Second The obligation to "love, honor and obey" begins with the marriage ceremony. WEDDING CARDS. First "Which is the proper way for a young couple in moderate circumstances to send out marriage cards, before or after marriage, or both? Second Would it be the proper thing to give a breakfast, or supper if later in the day, where only the immediate families are to be present, and that in a private honse? Third Is it customaj-y to send out wedding cake or cards, or both, or bow? H. J,F. First The cards are usually sent before marriage. But sometimes announcement cards merely are sent after marriage. Second Yes. Third Wedding cake is not now sent out Gnests at the reception after the ceremony are handed a small box containing a pieced the wedding cake. INTBODUCTIOXS AT TABLE. "When seated at the dinner table a gentleman comes in. On being introduced to him by the hostess I find that he is back of me. Should I . put myself in an awkward position by twisting my head around to speak to him or should I leave my seat at the table ? A. J. An introduction should not be given when persons are seated at table. If an introduction is forced upon one an inclination of the head and a word are all that is necessary. One should not rise from the table, or twist around, or attempt to shake hands, as anything of the kind is very disturbing to other people at table. A VABIETT OP TOPICS. First "Vivian" wishes to know If a yonng lady should invite a gentleman, or should he ask permission to call. Second In Introducing a minister should he be addressed as Mr. or Rev.? Third Would it be consiaered bad form fnr a couple not engaged to attend church to gether? First The invitation to call should be ex tended by the mother. If the gentleman asks permission to call the yonng lady can assent by her mother's permission. Second In introducing a clereyman his title, reverend or doctor, should be mentioned, but while, if a doctor, he may be addressed as such, as a reverend merely he should be addressed as mister. Third No. DINNERS AT HOME. If one has no servants and wishes to give a dinner to one's relations and intimate friends how should it be served? Should all the dishes and desserts be placed on the table and should the hostess assist the host in serving them? What would be suitable and dainty for such a dinner? Bessie. First If there are no servants a dinner in courses is impossible. The dessert, excepting the fruit, should stand on a side table. The fruit may be placed in the middle of the table as a decoration. The host should carve the meat, the hostess serving the vegetables and the dessert, and bv necessity she must remove the dishes for the dessert. Second The principal dish might be of roast or boiled fowl, and served with Italian maca roni and mashed potatoes, baked, followed by a salad. For dessert a Roman punch, a biscuit glace or ice cream with cake, followed by fruit, nuts and raisins. ESCORTS AT THEATERS. "Dick," Martin's Ferry, O., writes: When I accompany my "girl" and her sister or chum to church or a playhouse, where should I sit be tween them or next to tho aisle? In church it Is customary for the escort to sit next to the aisle; at the theater or concert an outside scat is commonly chosen by thfr .man. Take that seat which would enable you s .to aid tbem best In case of danger or an emer- ' gency, ana recollect mat two young laaies at ; an entertainment love dearly to chat together, III Hi'v""1 WWW yfw jS '. 'a. .K .. . 1 - s ;.f which they cannot do if youare between them. ASSISTING wini OVERCOATS. First Is it proper for a young lady to assist a gentleman on with his overcoat when leaving after a call? ' Second Is it proper for a young lady to at tend the theater with a gentleman without a chaperon? H. N. 3. First No Second It IS not considered proper -among fastidious pedple. but is often done. Certalii classes do not think it objectionable. In En rope it is practically never done. gentlemen's calls. It is expected that a gentleman should call on a young lady after having taken her out to an entertainment, a party or a ball? G. A Rose. Yes. 3IAKING STRANGERS' ACQUAINTANCE. If you admire an actor or actress, and wish to meet him or her, as the case may be, simply to exchange a few words and express your ad miration to tho object of it, what means should ypn employ, and is such a favor usually ac corded anyone who may ask it? Edwin. Emphatically do not employ any means to bring such an end about It would be vulgar and pert If you chance to meet an actor or actress in society,, express the pleasure ybu have felt in seeing them act but do not seek them; do not deviso means to meet them, for this would"be lacking iu .self respecr and the reticence that becomes a yonng woman. The author op "Don't." Socinl Events. " Tho Shadysido Cotillon Club will give its first cotillon on Friday, March 22. at the Ster ritt school, East End. Miss Butler, of. Collins avenue, East End, en tertained a number of lady friends on Friday afternoon from 3 to C Mr-'and Mrs. E. DeRoy will celebrate their silver wedding next Wednesday at their resi dence, on Sheffield street A reception was held by Miss Manna Wise man, of the East End, from 6 to 9p.il, in honor of her eleventh birthday. Miss Birdie Reed, of Shadyside, gave a birth day party to a number of her friends Friday evening. She was assisted by theMisscsReed, G. Webb and D. Schmidt Miss Mame L. Lindsay gave a reception to her friends at her residence on Rebecca street, Allegheny, Thursday evening, Dancing was indulged in until a late hour, after which a luuch was served. At the Carroll Club,or the East End, literary meetings have become quite a feature. The last ono was on Thursday evening, at which a mock trial was held, and served to bring out' some very respectable legal talent The Misfes Dnnn, of Fulton street enter tained a number of their friends on Friday evening. Songs, music and recitations helped to while away earlier portion of the night when cards occupied the attention of the guests. This was followed by lunch, after which the party reluctantly said good night The following programme has been arranged for the Y. M. H. A entertainment, to be held shortly at Cyclorama Hall: Orator of the evening, Mr. Marcus Aarons; reading, Harry Levy; declamations, Messrs. Adolph and Flocrsbeim; journalist of the occasion, Mr. Joseph Feldenheimcr. Miss Jean Jordon was married Wednesday evening to Andrew Herron at her home on Herron Hill, by the Rev. Charles Herron, of Curwensville. The house was tastily orna mented with ferns, palms and flowers. The young bride, was assisted in receiving by Thomas Herron and wife, of Bismarck,Dakota, who arc East on their bridal tour. Andrew and his bride went south to spend their honey moon, and the Western couple continued east One of the pleasant social events of the week was the surprise party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of Congress street, Thurs day evening. Among those present were Mr, and; Mrs. McCrickait, Mr.-and Mrs. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. A. Letche, Misses Lillie, Keidel, Lillie Lotche, Annie Weber, Dittlcr. Wilson and Gill more; Messrs. Geo. Letche, F. Miller, L. Keidel. F. Schaffcr, W. Letscbe, W. Simp son, II. Henninghuse. H. Stone, Sheriff Mc Candless and many others. Mr. C. W. Smitfi gave a delightful surprise party Wcunesd to his daughter Sadie. Among those present were Misses Carrie Gcisler, Mary Jones. AnnieJWilson, Maggie Smith, Winnie Gould, Annie Wasraan, Sadie Smith, Jean Golf. Annie Smith, Liz zie Smith, Lizzie Dalzell, Bertha Smith, Josie Schannon, Lizzie Vogal, Mollie Price, Mrs. Ray McLain; Messrs. Will iam Doran, Samuel Brooks, John Jones, Frank Smith, Homer Romic, James Stephens. John Smith, Harley Milllgan, Louis Jones, D. R. Hughes, Edward Hughes, George Hughes, Charles A Hutchinson, and others. A delightful party was given by Mr. Samuel Truby, at the residence of his aunt Mrs. Joseph Smith, Zicn and Western street, West End, on Tuesday evening, in honor of Miss Blanch Hughes, of Bronkville, Pa. Among those pres ent were Misses May Wilson, of Fairview, W. Va.; Ettle Harper, Lulu Miller, Laura and Emma French, Annie M. Smith, Bella Esnlen, Blanch Hughes. Sadie Auth, Mary Gray, Mag gie and Lizzie Hains, Emma and Amanda Wet tengel; Messrs. John Donehoo, Jim Graham, Harry Wettengel, Sam Trubv, Al .Easton. Charlie Sprung, Con Wells, Monroe Smith, George Auth, Charlie Dorington, Charlie Ped der and Tom Hawkins. One of the pleasant events of the season took place near Nickleville, Tenango county, Penn sylvania, on Tuesday ot last week, it being the fiftieth anniversary of tho marriage of Mr. and Mrs. A G. Downing. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Is eithercoat, of Bakerstown, Pa,; Mr. H. E. Lynn, New Castle, Pa.; Mrs. F. Lynn and her daughter. Miss Jennie, of Allegheny City: Miss H. Nickle. Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. D. D. Moriarty and her daughter. Miss Nellie,of Em lenton. Sir. Gilgcr, of Oil City; ..lr. and Mrs. J. M. Cribbs, Findlay. O.: Mr. J. D. Downing, Eldred, Pa.: Mr. and Mrs. George Downing, Rockland; Mr. and Mrs. Gilger, Mariasvillc' and Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon, also of Rockland. Among the pleasant events of the. past week was the reception given by Mr. Samuel Harper and his wife at their residence, Wabash ave nue. West End, Monday evening, to the mem bers of bis Sunday school class, numbering some 20 young ladies and their gentlemen friends. It was'the occasion of his birthday anuivcrsarv. Mr. John Weaver, Superintend ent of the Main Street M. E. Sunday School, m behalf of the class, presented Mr. Harper with an elegant large steel engraving, after which Mr.. Harper thanked the young ladies. Amongthe many present were: Misses Emma and Amanda Wettengel, Eva Beacom, Ida Hcrshliergor, Laura and Emma French, Annie M. Smith, Mary Grey, Lulu Miller, Bella Esplen, Mollie Powelson, Annie Craft Lizzie and Kate Cron iller, Annie Roberts, Mrs. Annie Allen, Mrs. Mollie Edwards, Mrs. Ed Allen, Mrs. H. Briggs.Mrs. J. Weaver, Misses Ettie, Ida and Ethel Harper, and Blanch Hughes, of Brookville, Pa.. Messrs. J. D. Buckley, Ed Jack, Frank Kay, Jim Graham, David Moore, Harry Wettengel, Con Wells, .John Phillips. Monroe Smith, Al Wensell, Ed Jennings, Ed Hays, Sam Truby, Dan Buckley, Joe Allen, Charlie Edwards, Masters Arthur and Willie Harper, and Mr. Samuel Wood. Weddinc Bells. The marriage of Mr. Alex Gordon Paden and Miss Edna Paul Keslar will take place at the residence of the bride's mother, corner Arch and Montgomerya venue, Allegheny, Thursday evening, Marcu ze, at t ociock. Personal Gossip. W. N. Gordon left for Cincinnati last night on a short trip. Miss Sadie Herron, of Allegheny, is Visiting friends in Kittanning. Miss Grace O'Neil, of Elizabeth, is visiting in Baltimore and Philadelphia. Miss Bianca DeRoy returned home from an exteuded visit to her sister in New York. Mrs. John Gallagher, of Chicago, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Henderson, of Herron HilL MissB. Creese, of Leetsdale. Pa., is spending a couple of weeks with her brother, of Alle gheny, Pa. Mrs. W. S. Cunningham, of Congress street, citv, returned homo on Friday, after a brief visit to her mother, out the P&qhandle road. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Koch, nee Sadie DeRoy, have arrived from New York to attend the sil ver wedding of their parents. The Misses Jennie and Nellie McGlynmof Philadelphia, after a pleasant visit of four weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hazlett, of Oakland, returned home yesterday. Mrs. Charles Conavah, of Dickson. Dak., re turned home yesterday after spending two or three weeks very pleasantly with Mr. A. Cy phers ana xamuy anu mi, aua .airs, -ram naio. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. McClinton. of Allegheny, left for Carlisle, 111., last week, which is to be their future home. Word has been received from the young people that they are very well pleased with the country. Thomas Chalfaut and wife, of the East End, and Miss Lizzie Carr, of the Southside, re turned yesterday from a two weeks' tour through the East where they have been vislt ing Washington, Philadelphia and Harrisburg. Among the recent arrivals at the Hotel Royal, Atlantic City are: Mr. and Mrs. J.E.Thorupsnn, Miss Thompson, Miss Finze, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Porter, G. G. Berry and family, J. P. Barbonr. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mendenhall, Miss Hennebery, Joseph Dalzell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Ralston. Mrs. Robert Stuart, of Pitts burg; Mrs. A A. Moore, Miss Moore, of Allegheny; J. G. Reading and family, of Wheeling. tvjt k.rnt t-'V Br f THE? : :. NEWS DP THE DRAMA. BlJOD THE ITER.... . Emma Abbott Harris' Theater.. "Keep It Dark" Grand opera House ,. , The Florences Academy op Music. Irwin Brothers Co. Casino museum.... Curiosities, etc The above are the theatrical attractions for this week. That Messrs. Robson and Crane will never be seen together upon the same stage is a matter of great Tegret "The Henrietta" will be seen hero again no doubt, with Stuart Rob son as Bertie the lamb, but there will bo no Mr. Crane' to make Old Nick of Wall street such a truthful picture of an American type. The loss will not bo to tho public alone. It is very unlikely that Mr.' Robson will bo abloto fill Sir. Crane'rplace, and there will be a gap in "The Henrietta" which will be painfully apparent It would be much easier, to my thinking, for Mr. Crane to obtain a substitute for Mr. Rob son, clever as that actor is. - "The Henrietta, however, in anything like competent hands will be a popular and artistic success for a very long while to come. It is the best work of the best dramatist America boasts. The rare union ihlt of witty modern dialogue, with an intelligible and sharply dramatic plot equipped with unforced yet for cible situations, is the source of "Tho Henri etta's" strength. There have been immense audiences in the Grand Opera House at every performance. V One of the reports concerning the Abbott company, which will be at tho Bijou this week, is that it will shortly bo joined by a young tenor, who comes from Southern Kentucky and has already astonished everybody who has heard him sing with the beauty and nower of his voice. " So enthusiastic are his friends that one of tbem has written to Mr. Pratt manager of Em ma Abbott, asking that the youth be heard and given a trial of his powers. Mr. Pratt has reDlled, saying to send the youth at once to Philadelphia and he will pay all expenses and have a trial by the most prollcient masters to be found in that city and New York, Emma Abbott to bo one of the examiners. Tho Phil adelphia correspondent of The Dispatch fonnd Mr. Pratt at the Continental Hotel on Thursday last and asked to be put m posses sion of tho facts. The latter was loth to say much about the matter, but finally admitted that such an examination was to take place if the young man arrives in time, otherwise in Cincinnati. Thcro really Is such a person, then?" the correspondent asked. "Ves," replied Mr. Pratt, "but I know noth ing of his wonderf nl voice further than what has been written to me. If all is true as has been written to mc, a tenor of the first mag nltude may have been found, but until his voice has been thoroughly tested, tried and re tried and we know exactly what it is, its com pass, quality, strength and range, I do not care to givo an opinion." If his voice is found to be as represented, what then?" "Why, I shall most assuredly engage him for a term of years, fend him abroad for study and in due time possibly introduce the great Amer ican tenor that the critics have been clamoring for so long." "Will you give his name?" "Not until after the trial. It would be hardly fair to him, and would be distaste! nl to me." Possibly the great American tenor has been born at last v Referring to the clamor wbioh has been cleverly created about Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., the Dramatic Mirror asks: "And in the name of all that is sound, and sensible, upon what basis of promise or of pert ormrnce has she a pretty, but utterly untried, untrained and inexperienced person found herself sought and secured as a "star" by a manager to whom we have been taught to loot as a sturdy maintainor of the dignity of the stage and supporter of the worthier professional ele ment?" Upon a basis neither weaker nor stronger than that upon which Mrs. Langtry or Mrs. Potter obtained backing. The basis is usually called notoriety. It is a phase of human nature to underesti mate the real worth of familiar things and per sons. "A prophet is not without honor save in his owp country." The schoolmate of an early day can scarcely credit the rumored, eminence of some former companion, and people are apt to accept as a matter of course the excellence ofa public entertainment or a favorite newspa per without giving proper credit to the ability and effort of those whojirovido tho enjoyment William J. Florence is one of the manv who have suffered from this bane of familiarity. He is popular, everybody likes him, but he is known as "Billy" and has been for many years "one of us." The result is that bis eminent merits as an actor do not commonly receive the recognition to which they are fairly entitled. In the range ot characters which Mr. Florence has essayed during his career and the individ ual strength he has given to each type, he is to day, and has been for many years, a comedian of whom the American people may be as proud as the English are of Toole, and as the French are of Coquclln. V Some years ago the Florences were among the principal theatrical attractions in their specialities Mr. Florence in tho portraiture of the Irish character and Mrs. Florence as the Yankee girt Since then Mr. Florence has run the entire" gamut of character and comedy acting. Obbnrteizer, in Dicken's "No Thorough fare," was conceded to be. one of the strongest impersonations of its time. Bob Brierly, in "The Ticket of Leave Man," enabled him to show his capacity for romantic character. BardwcllSlote, in "The Mighty Dollar," is an original creation, Riving dramatic form to a type of American character which is as dis tinct as tho old-time Yankee. His Captain Cuttle is a picture, and ho invests it with a heartiness and humor that is simply irresisti ble. Tbere is not snace to recall all his suc cesses, but enough has been written to suggest that Mr. Florence has probably covered a wider range of comedy character than any other American actor. HEPBURN JOHNS. This Week's Attractions. The repertoire of the Emma Abbott com pany is arranged as follows; Monday, "The Yeomen of the Guard;" Tuesday, "Rose of Castile;" Wednesday matinee, "Chimes of Nor mandy;'' Wednesday evening, "Lucia, Bride of Lammermoor;" Thursday, "II Trovatore:" Friday, "Norma:" Saturday, Abbott matinee, "The Yeomen of the Guard;" Saturday evon--ing, "Bohemian Girl." 'The Yeomen of the Guard," Gilbert and Sullivan's new op era, naturally excites most curiosity. The plot is a very humorous one. Jack Point, "a fellow of Infinite jest" like Yorrick, sup pHesniost of the fun, but there is hardly a situation that is devoid of it EUieMaynard and Colonel Fairfax, the dashing officer doomed to lose his head, are the romantic figures of the plot But through the strategy of Sergeant ileryU Fairfax is saved, in the disguise of Leonard, the Sergeant's son, who must then take himself off to be out of the wav, and matters become shockingly mixed, and poor Elsie is in despair. So is Foint, and Shaibalt, wild everybody. The yeomen do an abundanco of the heroic, as usual, and in conjunction with citi zens engage in some tremendous chorus singing at opportune periods. The plot unfolds with constantly increasing Interest to the climax, the songs, duos, trios and part pieces being in splendid accord with the con fluting and rapidly changeful succession of events., Shadbalt is desperately enamored of Phoebe, and she as desperately repulses him. Fairfax grows tender toward the f air.EZie, and makes love to her with' the ardor of Romeo, all the while she is his wife, yet he is Leonard and must love Fairfax only, having wed him for an hour, but alasl he was not executed and she is bound to him. though to all intents" he is a f ngitive and lost, no one knons where. Some of the oncemble parts craw more and more ex citing. Dame Carnilhcrs counters everything and everybody and keeps affairs in desperate confusion. At last Fairfax Is reprieved, and lot there ho is, emerges from the semblance pf Leonard and assumes hLi own personality and claims his wife Elite. Leonard returns, shad' bait succeeds in winning our Fhoebe, Sergeant Meryll woos aud weds Dame Carruther,-aai. all- ,13,:115 tjiiV ..PITTSBURG DISPAf 0H? , ends gloriously. The orchestration ottqe opera is its strongest point; There are few in Pittsburg who hive not Been Mr. and Mrs; W. J. Florenoe, and ie fact that they will be at the Grand OperaHause for six nights and a Saturday matinee lsj-hailed with delight by their friends and admirers. Their engagement opens to-morrow evf nlng in their well-known comedy, "Tke- Mighty Dol lar." It is their intention to present; four of their most popular plays, and their repertoire for the week runs thus: Monday and Thurs day, "Tho Mighty Dollar:" Tuesday evening and -Saturday matinee, their latest success, "Heart of Hearts " will receive its first reprei sentations here. It is a comedy by tho author of "The Silver King." It ran 150 nights at tho Madison Square Theater, New York, last season, and its success upon the road has been remarkable. Though billed as a comedy, it is really a drama of domestic -life, taking its name from a valuabla ruby, bracelet which the heroine is suspected of stealing. There are several strong dramatic situations in it which admit of fine acting, and its' comedy is said to be delightfully original. Mr. Florence assumes two distinct and strongly contrasted parts an English butler with rare, comedy proclivities, and a melodramatic rolo full of pathos and sentimont Mrs. Florence impersonates the butler's bride, a titled lady, "married low; but looking high." Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Brougham's dramati zation of Charles Dickens' "Dombey and Son," will be given, with Florence as the quaint old English mariner. Captain Cuttle. Friday, the only performance of "Our Governor, or His LUtlaHatchct" will be given. The company supporting tho Florences this season is said to be the-strongest they have ever. had. Mrs. Florence's wardrobe is more elaborate than ever. Of "Keep It Dark," the comedy by George Hocy, which will be seen at Harris' Theater this week, the Detroit Free Frets recently said: "Keep It Dark" is clean, amusing, well acted, and a noteworthy popular success. Its musical moments are exceptionally agreeable, inasmuch as there are several good voices in the com pany and the selections of thekind totickle the general ear. Julia, "Tot" Wilson, one of the "Joshua Whftcomb contingent," sings prettily and displays a good measure of cultivation. She is decidedly an acquisition to the present company. Her personal attractiveness quite equals her musical talent She is of the "cute" order of little women, and all Xio ladies in front delight in her. W. T. Bryant's happiest hit in the character of tho Liver Fad inventor is a grotesque and highly original dance at the end of act second. He is a clever fun maker. Miss Lizzie Richmond occupies no inconsider able space in the representation; she fills her role with much acceptability, James Bevins, a comedian, compels much laughter by his antics. John C. Harrington sings capitally and plays two characters with genuine humor and discre tion. A neat and clever impersonation is the Mothering of Edward S. Halstead, and creditable work is done in various ways byW. W. Black, Louis Tneil, Miss Lena W. Cole, Miss Lillian Lawrence and Miss Alice Green, At Harry Williams' Academy the attraction for this week is Irwin Brothers' big specialty show. It will bring to the Academy a host of particular stars in the variety firmament James Irwin docs balancing, juggling, etc, Alice Raymond is a fine cornet player, and Richmond and Glenroy are capital sketch artists. McNeil and McCale are full of Irish fun, and a number of clever people are In the company, wbich.will wind up the performance with an amusing comedy called. "McNulty's Misfortune." There will be a series of very attractive en tertainments at Old City Hall oh Thursday, Friday and Saturday next, under the manage ment and for the benefit of the Grand Army of the Republic There is no charge' for booking reserved seats, and, as a great crowd is ex pected, people should get their seats early. The Casino Museum comes out heavily with Samson, the strongest man on earth, as its greatest star. A new variety bill is offered also. Echoes of the State. Jjotta goes directly to her hotel af ter'a play, eats a bowl of bread and milk, and retires. "The Stowaway" will bo revealed nightly at the Bijou during week of March 25. It will also be seen at the customary matinees. Helen Barrt will open the next season of tho Union Square Theater in a new play by Malcolm Watson, an English playwright en titled "Love and Liberty." The play has proved successful m London. If Mary Anderson ever returns to St Louis she should tako a "tank" along for the Perdita scene in "The Winter's Talo" and dive off tho rock in a rubber suit, so as to show the critics out there that she can really acta little if she is given the opportunity, says Le Chat iV'ot'r. Kate Lester, of "The Cavalier" Company, displayed nerve and judgment at the matinee at Palmer's New York Theater on last Satur day afternoon. A pile ot floor cloth caught fire and burned rapidly. Miss Lester saw the blaze, and instead of screaming quietly told a stagehand, who put the fire out before it was seen by the audience. The latter was slightly burned about the bands and arms. Preparations for the production of "The Oolab," by Fracis Wilson and his company, at the Broadway Theater, on Ma; 13, are going actively forward. On Monday Phil Goatcher and four assistants began work on the scenery, 50 girls were put to work at Dazlan's on the wardrobe, and Richard Barker has begun work on the manuscript Orders for seats to tho number of 240 odd have already been received for the opening night' The London correspondent of the Dramatic Mirror writes: Mr. W. Shakespeare's fine Roman tragedy, "Julius Cajsar," has been played this week at Oxford University by the 'Varsity Dramatic Cluli, usually a good set of players. Among the representee of the minor characters is Henry Irvings eldest son, Henry B. B stands for Brodribb, yon know, which is our leauing actors very own name. Irving ills, who gels himself up in exact imitation of Irving pere, is not altogether devoid of self assurance, and he has this week received so many puffs preliminary that I shrewdly suspect that he has been compelled to order a larger sized hat The custom of maklng-up to resemble prominent personages of marked individual ity is a favorite ono with some actors. Man ager Palmer has been used as a model for benevolent fathers, retired merchants and family doctors time and again. In "A Midnight Bell," Mr. Humphreys, as the bank oashier, builds up his countenance on the J. M. Hill plan very successfully. The bland forehead, the placid mouth, tbe proverbial whiskers and the familiar soft felt hat are shown with startling fidelity, and when ho speaks we in stinctively lean forward to hear all about the latest banner week of Murray and3Iurphy,and to catch on to the prodigious number of oyster stews sold -during tho "month at Boston's bivalvnlar palace. Of course wo are dissap pointed tbe cashier talks abont the robbery of his bank and we settle back with a sigh of regret Here is a chunk of sense from Le Chat Noir: There was an intense power of acting that died with Charles R. Thorne, Jr, It wot ono of the most thoroughly American excel lences in our' drama that I ever saw. It had tho tried gleam of perfect steel in it It was manhood pure and simple. Lord, what a splendid thing is manhoodl We are only pre tending to he satisfied with the sweet-fern stace heroes of now. They are as urettv n clean babies and as kissablc, but we would every one of us like to see them snap with the true passion bf powerful maturity. While they nicker against a5 background of fine scen ery, like sprays ot mignonette against a sap phire sky, wo ore listening for the cTack of a thong whip, and looking for tho oak to. be splintered by tempestuous lightning. Consider Herbert Kelcey's mustache, how it grows, and then try to imagine a tempest near. Regard tho curling breaker of Kyrle Bellow's bang, and then try to hear the mutterings of tho storm and the boom of the great mad sea. Examine tbe cameo precision of Frank Car lyle's profile, the languorous wreath of Maurice Barrvmore's upper lip, and the very proper in tonation of Henry Miller's lovely declamation," and then try to call up to your drowsy mind the whlrpool and avalanche of masculine grandeur. B. P. O. E. Xotes. ' How about a social session before leaving the old ball. Mb, George Hrtnes took his first degree at tho last meeting. Augusta, Ga., and Fort Wayne, lad., both want Elk lodges. Cincinnati Lodge No. 6 will be here 100 strong at tbe reunion. Brother Lewis, of No. 1, was here all last week with Robson and Crane The Benefit Committee made their report at the last communication, and it was very satis factory. It is now Brother Altmeyer andBrother Gra bing, Jr., as they both received their second at tbe last communication. Quite a number ot members of Pittsburg Lodge attended tho Grand Opera House in a body on Wednesday evening. Brothers Robson and Crane, of St Louis Lodge, played a very successful week at tho Grand Opera House last week. Mb. Van CSsten, of the LJlly Clay Company, received his first apd second pndar dispensa tion af the hist communication. Brother John D, Thompson, of Provi denceLodge, returned from Europe on last MondSV. and spent all tho woekin Pittsburg. Brother Lew Moore, ot New York Lodge, left on Friday evening to travel through the j-S mSmrwm SUHDMS? States of Ohio .and Michigan, and will riot " turn until the reunion in June. Brother Jakes Orb, of Lima, O., Lodge, spent a few days in tbe city last week on bis way borne, after spending a couple ol weeks at his former home, Bradford, Pa. Brother Fred. Breuhinq, of Pittsburg Lodge No. 11, will be joined in the holy bonds on April U. Here's hoping that his future days may be as pleasant as the past The printing committee should also meet on' the same evening. They are as follows: George A Madden, John N. Hazlett Stepen Hornett, James F. Moore. W. H. Watson and Sheldon C. Freeman. Annie Peclet received as a present from New York Lodge, B. P. O. E., an Elk's badge beautifully set with diamonds. The presenta tion was made on the stage during the per formance of "No. -.Secund Floor." in New York. The executive committee met on last Satur day evening, and have finally arranged a date for the reunion. Jane 1920 and 21 are tbe days set Now that the dates are mado tbe different committees should, meet to organize at once and elect their chairman and secretary. Tbe finance committee will meet on Thursday evening in' Brother J. J. O'Reilly's office. Smith & Friday building, at 7:30 o'clock. They are as follows; Levi DeWolf, John Wamsar, Matthias AVelss,J. W.Piatt, George Reino man, Quincy A Robinson, J. J. O'Reilly, C. E. Swartwood, Thomas McElwaine, Joseph Ellen berger, A ABeiner, E. Z. "Vyalnwrlght, W, H. Porter, Joseph Beihlnian. F. J. Breunlng, James F. Galvin. George J. Scbmldt Charles Brouning, George Mclntyre, Harry Alden, F. H. Carle. J. P. McCord and H. B. Orr. The dallipolis Journal says of tbe B. P. O. Elks: This is an order the coming of which our city may well be proud. Thcnoble and grand principles of the order make it wclcomo in every community. It Is a friend to the widow and orpbanftbe needy and distressed, carrying out the tenets of Christianity. Its social char acteristics essentially distinguish it Its members believe in making life pleasant and agreeable to all, and for that purpose bold their "social sessions" for both jjeutlBmeu and ladies, to which all are compelled to contribute their part lit the way of speech.-song, dance or whatever they may be called upon to perform. Tho groundwork of the order is the "Golden Rule." with its motto as follows: "The faults of our brothers we will write on the sand; their virtues on the tables of love and memory." 1KT NOTES AND G0SBIP. The Pittsburg Art Society held a meeting last Tuesday morning at which a committee on membership was appointed, and matters per taining to the welfare of tbe society and artln general were freely discussed. Tbe outcome of the discussion will probably be that a more active part will be taken by the society in furth ering the art interests of this city. An effort will be made to secure centrally located rooms for the society's meetings, and some action will probably be taken looking to tho establishment of a permanent art gallery, most likely in con nection with the new Exposition building. The three old pictures brought from Mexico by Mr. James A McCormlck, Which have been shown in Boyd's window for several days, ex hibit some of tbe effects of time upon work executed in unreliable colors by a painter who was probably ignorantof the nature of the pig ments bo was using. It is not likely that they ever possessed any great merit as to color, but it can readily be seen that they have changed from what must have been their original con dition. Bad drawing shows itself, whatever the age of the picture, and a line that is drawn will remain unchanged when tho hand which traced it has long been dust but in looking at very old pictures it is extremely difficult to say what its color may or may not have been. A bright and attractive woodland picture, -easily recognizable as the work of Mr. Georga Hetzel, was shown in Gillespie's window dur ing the past week. Tall and stately forest trees rear their lofty crests toward the sky, while through their gracefully intertwined branches the sunlight streams with a golden radiance, falling cpon the earth in scattered ravs of glowing splendor and producing three brilliant tints of liquid grass only to be seen in midsummer woods. Tho light in this picture falls broadly upon the background, giving to. the whole work an appearance of richness and warmth very often absent in paintings of woodland soenery, and serving to enhanco tbe really delicate beauty of the half toned greens which form the major portion of the work. For the simple and straightforward rendering of nature's truths, and careful and conscientious finish of detail, particularly in the foliage and the character of the ground, this is a picture which is not often excelled. The total value of the property of tho Met ropolitan Museum of Art in New York is at present not less than $3,000,000, and it is con stantly being increased by gifts frompublic Epirited citizens. As this institution has grown to its present importance from a coni paratlvely small beginning, it may serve as an Instance illustrating tbe rapidly increasing in terest taken in art matters, in this country, and it may also be taken as fairly good evidence that a similar institution would attain a proportionate success in this city if sufficient energy were once manifested by those inter ested to bring such a project to the front aud place it fairly under way, In regard to volun tary subscriptions ot money for public or be nevolent purposes our citizens are not behind those of any city in the country, not excepting tbe metropolis, and there is little donbt that if such an institution were once established that it would be from time to time enriched with costly gifts" and liberal contributions, which would soon render it one of the features of our 'city that the people might be justly proud of. In some of our modern homes the desire for decoration and ornament is indulged in to such an excess as to become positively objection ablei and In nothing Is this fact more evident than in the custom which now obtains so gen erally of tying or otherwise affixing scarfs of various materials upon almost every piece of furniture in tbe room, and from which not even chairs in constant use are permitted to escape. It is often- difficult to make use of chairs so decorated without spoil ing or disarranging these delicate pieces of fancy work, and it is embarrassing to find, upon arising from a chair, that one of them has attached itself to the back of your coat But aside from the question of utility, in the ex tent to which the custom is followed at pres ent it is not in pursuance' of any well-defined ideas or laws of art Where mantelpieces, lounges, chairs, tables, cabinets, screens, etc, are all adorned with samples of various tex tile manufactures the effect produced is rather that of a shop where every available place is made use of for tbe display of goods for sale than of a tastefully furnished apartment. In the furnishing of a room with a view to artistic effect there should be nothing admitted save only what serves some clearly defined purpose of use or ornament, and where objects in themselves devoid of utility are too often re peated, especially where tbey obtrude them selves and get In tbe way, they hecomo not onlv useless, but offensive, and may profitably be dispensed with. Water colors, and autotypes have been tbe attraction during the past week at the Gilles pie gallery, where they will remain for a few days longer. The autotypes are from master pieces of art, while the water colors are original works, many of them of a high standard of ex cellence. Tho collection belongs to Mr. Henry B. Pottes, of Philadelphia, who is here in per son with it, and it embraces a great variety of works by different well known artists. Without referring to particu lar works It may fairly bo said that the general standard of merit in tbe pictures shown is very good, but a mention of a few of the most important may nevertheless bo of interest A marine view by Charles S. Mottram is a very strong work, both in concep tion and vigorously handled. Another marnle. "Off Ramsgate," by John Sclmon, is also a good picture, in which the water is well painted, but showing some faults In tbe work on tbe sky and clouds. A rural scene by. Frod Davis, and a landscape by A. C, Fox are both excellent works: the latter is very pleasing in coIo( aud original In com position, Two large works byW. H. Vernon, both scenes in Florence, are complete pictures, carefully but freely handled, and very effect ive. A strong' and pleasing work by Charles Collins, showing sheep in the midst of a winter landscape, is an example of free and uncon ventional composition, and is treated with a warmth of color that is very agreeable, without detracting in the least from tbe appearance of coldness and bleakness characteristic of the season. The works above enumerated are mentioned as indicating tbs character of the exhibition. There are many others of equal merit and interest, aud the collection as a wbolo will amply repay the trouble of a visit Special Harealn In Black Cashmeres. 100 pieces 46-inch width at SOc a yard; ac tual worth 75c a yard. 50 pieces 45-inch width at 75c a yard; ac tual worth $1 a yard. 40 pieces 46-inch width at 85c a yard; ac tual worth $1 25 a yard. 35 pieces 45-inch width at 1 a yard; ac tual worth ?I 35 a yard. arwFsu Hugos & Hacks. Carpet, Laco fcnrtnlns. New styles and colors inmoquette, wilton, velvet, body Brussels, tape3tfy, ingrain and low-priced carpets. The Chelsea carpet at L12J4c per yard, sold usually "at 20c; but'a Yew pieces left. Our lace curtains nt SI a pair are worth examining, as they Will com pare with 51 'CO quality sold elsewhere. George W. Snamax, Thssu 136 Federal street, Allegheny. MEN WfJD ' FDUEHTf Shall the invitation be given ? 3Tor a number of years it has been the de sire of the Grand Army veterans of Pitts burg to have -the gratification of having the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Eepublic meet in this city. Many ot of the boys aro getting old and rapidly are they going off duty, and if many are to re alizs'on their hopes the realization must conu quickly. Nothing but a strong local pride has prompted this suggestion. The uoys want their native city to stand as well in peace as she did in war. Sha was foremost then, why backward now? Other cities are immensely profited by hav ing this great and grand body assemble in their midst, and it Is difficult to understand why Pittshnrg would not be equally bene fitted. The Grand Army men of tbe county have agreed to give the invitation, provided the necessary funds for the entertainment of the encampment will be guaranteed by tbe business men of the two cities. The Cham ber' of Commerce wonld perhaps reconsider their recent action in this matter if good rea sons were advanced for a reconsideration. Good reasons do exist and it would bo well for tho Executive Committee of tbe G.A.R. of tho connty to call a meeting and disjuss the ques- This year the encampment will be held at Milwaukee, Wis., and the manner in which the invitation was brought about and the funds secured may possibly contain a valuable "pointer" for the Pittsburg veterans. Tbe fol lowing extract will show how it was accom plished: "The smoke of the great political battle, of last year bad hardly cleared aivay when the new Common Conncil, composed of all political parties, unanimously directed tho Mayor to call a mass meeting of the citizens to make neces sary arrangements to receive and entertain 'The Grand Army and its Friends,' May or Brown's call filled the Acadfmy of Music from stage- to gallery with a patriotic multitude of ladies and gentlemen, including State and county officials, many prominent business men and large representa tions from the country. The meeting was opened by Mayor Brown, presided over by Hon. Jnhn'Johnston, cashier of the lato Alexander Mitchell's bank, and addressed by a number of eloquent civic and soldier speakers, including Governor Rusk. The enthusiastic applause f roni tho audience showed hearty approval of the several speakers' sentiments of welcome to the Grand Army. Tho address of- C. E. An drews, President of tho Merchants' Associa tion, voiced the sentiment of Milwaukee." Ho said, among other eloquent and strong sen ten ees:J "Now, Mr. Chairman, shall we, the able bodied members of'the grand armv of the lookers-on, but full sharers and participants in the benefits derived from the risks and work of others, hesitate a moment at the cost for tbe entertainment of those who never stopped to count the cost even to the sacrifice of life, when they fought for us and ours? Should we fail, on this occasion, to contribute with a la--ish hand, out of our abundance? Why. the very stones in our streets would cry outacainst us, for shame! shame! shame! But I firmly believe, nay, I know, that we of tho grand army of beneficiaries, who sometimes may have "jested at scars vtho never felt a wound,' will rise to the sublime heights of patriotism, loyalty and generosity, and will throw wide open the portals of our hearts and homes, unloose the strings of our purses and extend an imperial welcome to tho 'boys in Dlue' that shall prove worthy of the occasion, worthy of our city and worthy of ourselves. We shall thus evidence our gratitude and ap preciation for the manifold national blessings we now enjoy, preserved and sacred for all time bv the efforts of tho defenders of tho nation." Union Veteran Lesion. General A. L. Pearson, National Commander of the Union Veteran Legion, has issued gen eral orders No. L which contains some very in teresting information. Tho Advisory Commit tee on State of the Legion is announced. The list includes 37 names, among which are the following: George S. Gallupe, Pittsburg; W. H. Graham, Alleeheny; M. W. Johnson, Youngstown, O.; N.' H. Pangburn, Beaver Falls, Pa.; Dr. J. L. Crawford, Greensbnrg, Pa.; Samuel Hodkinson. Steubenville. O.; J. H. Cooper, New Castle, Pa., George A. Frazier, Wellsburg, W. Va. Since last general orders tho following new encampments have been mustered: No. 83, Dennlson. O., Colonel Com mander, Jas. W. McCurdy; No.81, Wilmington, Del., Colonel Commander, William S. McNalr; No. 35, Mt. Vernon, O., Colonel Commander, M. M. Murphy; No. SG. Tyrone. Pa., Colonel Commander, T. S. McCahan; No. 37, MifUin town, Pa., Colonel Commander. John K. Rob inson. General A L. Pearsou says: 'The National Commander desires to express his thanks for tho hieh honor conferred by again unanimously electing him to the com mand of tbe Legion. The success of tbe past year has been all that could be expected. A year ago 19 encampments appeared upon, tho rolls, to-day 37 are prospering, and a number of new ones almost ready for muster. Does this not indicate that tho veterans of the late war have not forgotten tho long and arduous service tbey experienced in tbepastT While they extend fraternal greetings to all who wore the blue, yet to those who entered the service alone through patriotism a feeling of brother hood exists that can only he severed bydeatb. The TJ, V. L, is established. Its foundation is secure. It has come to stay. While there may be some who question the propriety of onr or ganization, yet, npon examination it will be fonnd they are not eligible to membership." Off Duty Forever. Comrade Charles A Schmitz, of Po3t 117 while engaged in painting bis house last Sat urday afternoon fell fromthe roof and sus tained such severe injuries that be died on Sunday, March 10, at 9:50 P. 31. Comrade Schmitz was a veteran, and enlisted April 15, 1881; mustered into the service for three ' years, under President Lincoln's first call, Mny'21, 1861, into Company A, Fifth West Virginia Cavalry Volunteers, known as General McCIellan's Body Guard. He was mustered out at Wheeling, W. Va., a une 14, 1801, and at once re-enlisted in a (Pennsylvania regiment and served to the end (of the war. He was a brave and true soldier! and in civil life an hon est and mdustrions citizen, well known in the live stock trade. Posh 117, into which ho had but recently been mistered, accompanied by the Amotions Brass Sand, attended his funeral from bis late residen.c. 111 Julius street East End, on WcdncsdayjMarrh 13, at " o'clock p. M. Commander Grrrge H. Laatey, Vice Com mander James Hrfnt and Chaplain Chalfaut recited the beautify 1 burial rites of the order in a very impressive manner at his grave in the German Lutheran) Cemetery, East End. The following pall-bearers officiated, and were se lected by the deceased comrade before death: L. H. Houahton. Fletcher Hedires. Fred Beck- ert, T. P. Hood, yf- Hazelwood and Dr. F. L. uraun. Grand Army Whisperings. The Stars and Stripes have supplanted the Stars and Bars in the Cabinet positions. Communications intended for this column must be in not later than Friday noon of each week to receive attention. Rev. Jsham LAJrATETTE, of Post 206 (col ored), of this city.'isj scekinga position of Chap lain of a colored Vreglment in the frontier service. The total membership ot the New York De partment of the Grand, Army of the Republic is 39,SG9 comrades, a gain of 1,617 during the past year. COIIRADE W. B. E. Miller, of Post No. 37, located at Camden, has been 'elected com mander of the New Jersey Dcpartmentf or the current term. j The Naval Post and Several other G. A. R. posts in Philadelphia aee arranging to be pres ent at the monster camrlfire to be beld in New x ork City, on April 30. The survivors of tha Fifth Ohio Cavalry Regiment will hold a repnion at Dayton, O., on April 25, next All mewbers of tbe regiment are requesteu to make f- special enort.to'De in aiteuaance. j Comrade Chas. F McKenna, the welf- known attorney, hasthe walls of bis office adorned with many wattle scenes of the late war, which are at once attractive, interesting ana instructive. Commander John M. Roberts, of Post 3, who has-been seriously ill, is happily much im proved. Comradi Roberts since his election to the CommandersBip of Post 3 has been Indus- .-?.ba. witit- x . itriously working to add to tbe membership of inepowr' 'r Grafton, "W.-Va., has been selected as the place for holding the second reunion of Com pany B, Fltth West Virginia Cavalryr and May 23 and SO are tho dates. Fall information can be obtained of C. E. Ringler, Secretary. Fettennan, W. Va. ,It Is thought that the appointment of Com rade Governor Rusk, of Wisconsin, as Secre tary of Agriculture, has disposed of Comrade General Lucius Fairchild's chances of ap pointment as Commissioner ot Pensions, and that he will be given a valuable consulate. One of the events of inauguration week was tbe presentation of a painted dress, with slip pers to match, to Mrs. Harrison by General Lyon W. R. C. No. 48, auxiliary to Lyon Post No. 2, of St Louis, Mo. Mrs. Harrison ex pressed ureas pleasure at 'the receipt ot the gift and promised to wear it at her first re ception. The Coramandery in Chief of the Military Order of tbe Loyal Legion will publish a mem orial volume to General Sheridan, embracing the memorial resolutions of tlfe commanderies of the order, prefaced by a portrait made especially for the book. An effort will be made to make it worthy of tbe deceased Commander in Chief. 'Governor Jeremiah M. Rusk. Secretary of Agriculture, was Commander ot the De partment of Wisconsin, G. A. R., In 1868, ana a well-known member of every National En campment At several of the public gatherings be attended he was accompanied by bis staff, composed wholly of either one-legged or one armed veterans. J. N". Harrison, of Company E, Eighty seventh Illinois, found on the street in St Louis. Mo.. la3t fall, one year aeo. at the Na tional Encampment, a silver badge marked "om i-a." x ne owner is requesteu to uencnuo the same and give his postuffico address and tho badge will be gladly returned. Comrade Harrison's address is Flint, 111- CommenCinq with tbe last meeting, Davis Camp, Sons of Veterans and Ladies' Aid So ciety No. 1, auxilliary to tbe camp, started the collection of contributions to what is known as tbe Flower Fund, tbe entire amount contrib uted up to May 29 to be used in the buying of plants and flowers, to be used in decorating tbe graves of soldiers on Memorial Day. Wednesday. April 3, Davis Camp, Sons ot Vetrans, will hold their first meeting in their new quarters, in the New tTnion Veteran Legion's Hall on Sixth avenue. The members of the camp will be pleased to receive a friend ly call from all comrades of tbe order and ex tend a cordial invitation to members of the G. A. R. to visitthem in their new home. Two thousand veterans attended the annual Encampment of the Department of Indiana, held at Indianapolis last week. Commander-in-Chief Warner was present and there was immense enthusiasm. There are 439 G. A. R. posts in tbe State, with a membership of 20,722. a gain of 4.6C0 comrades in the year. Tbe death list reached 400 during the same time. x The Ladles' Auxiliary tj Abe Patterson Post No. 88. of Allegheny, will hold a "flag social" in the old hall. No. 101 Federal street Allegheny, on Thursday evening. March 23, for the benefit of the Soldiers' Monument fund. In connection there will be a musical and literary entertain ment, and tbe drawing for the small cannon. Refreshments will be served by the ladies. A general invitation to be present is extended. J. M. Bryant, Superintendent of tbe Na tional Cemetery at Andersonville, Ga., desires attention called to the necessity of giving company, regiment and State, as well as full name, when writing for information. Recently he received a letter askins: if John Smith was burled there, and could Lis grave be identified. A reference to the register revealed no less than 32 John Smiths, causing much delay in furnishing the desired information.. The first flag ever presented to a public school by a post of the Grand Army of the Re public was given to the High School at Mt Pleasant, Iowa, the other day by McFarland Post No. 20, of the Iowa Department This Is an original and appropriate method of reach ing and arousing tbe children and yoajth of the country to a sense of loyalty, love and venera tion for the flag and respect for tbe men who lost or risked their lives in its defense. General orders No. 14, issued by Comrade O. A Reynolds, Commander of tbe Depart ment of Kentucky, contains the following: It has been deemed advisable by tbe Council of Administration to change tbe place of meeting from Ashland to Covington, and the next an nual encampment will therefore meet in the city of Covington on Wednesday, April 24,1889. The hotels of Covington and Cincinnati (across the river) will afford ample accommodations for all delegates and visiting comrades and friends. Post 157, with its usual enterprise, has or ganlzedjas an adjunct a firing squad which will prove of great benefit to tbe Post on many occasions. Comrade F. C. Calhoun, one of the best drilled Grand Armv men in the city, has been elected Capiain. Tbe other members are Joseph Lancstaif. John Brown, George L. Slaysman, W. H. H. Chester, Henry Cochran, Henry Pryor, James Cannan, Samuel Hill, John P. McHendrj-, W. P. Delaney, John Toner, Martin Kuper, Gust A Bcheuster and W. E. Long. The squad has a bright future before it What promises to be another pleasant event is tbe full dres3 reception io be given by Davis Camp, Sons of Veterans, they having de cided in this way to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of Washington's inauguration as President, April SO. The camp will be assisted by the Ladies' Aid Society No. 1, auxiliary to this camp. whom, it will be remembered enter tained their frientU so handsomely last Wash ington's birthday. Cyclorama Hall, Alle gheny, has been secured for" the- occasion, and the following committee of gentlemen assisted by the ladies is an assurance of its success: L. H. R. Fonlk, Chairman;. J. W. C3rson, C. H. Babst, Theodore Miller and J. H.Seiferh. SECRET SOCIETIES. S. K. of A, O. V. W. At a meeting- of the Board of Officers ot the First Regiment, beld at Old City Hall on Wednesday evening last, it was deoided to in vite all the orders in the two cities ot the uni form rank, to join tbe-Select Kmzhts in their parade on April 30. the ono hundredth anni versary of the inauguration of George Wash ington as President ot the United States. Ar rangements were also nartially completed for a grand reunion at Rockv Point on tbe Fourth or July. , ' Pittsburg Legion No. 1 beld their first of a series of musical and literary entertainments on Monday evening last at their hall on Fifth avosue, near Market street, Tbe audience was large and select Tbe ptogratnmo consisted of mnsic by the Midget Cornet Band and Concert Orchestra, vocal music by tho Alpha and Lewis Quartet, and recitations by MUsKittie Fnllerton, one of tho most promising elocu tionists in the two cities, and last, but not least, the Commander of tho Legion, Charles W. Lewis, attempted to say a few words in Eng lish, which pleased tbo audience very much, after which refreshments were served in regn lar Delmonieonlan style, and all departed well pleased with the evening's pastime. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the Midget Cornet Band for the manner in which they ac quitted themselves, by playing some very diffi cult music, which was worthy of older musi cians. c. ir. n. a. Lawrcuceville now has four branches', and expects to'organize another shortly. Branch No, 84 recently beld an entertain ment which yielded, clear ot expense, J140. Past Chancellor P. G. Nash is now the Re cording Secrotasy of Branch No. 34, vice H. E. Charles, resigned. J. Poland was elected As sistant Secretary, The Grand Deputv, J.W.SulIivan.last night instituted Branch No. 56. at Butler. Pa.- A number of members of Branches Nos. 38 and 47, of this citv, assisted at the installation. At the meeting of the German congregation at McKcesnort on last Sunday 21 names were signed to the application fnr a charter.. They meet again this afternoon to complete the list A meetinc was held last Sunday at St Joseph's school hall. Sixteenth ward, to start a German band. Twenty-eight persons signed the application for a charter. They meet next Tnesday evening at 8 o'clock attho same place, when the list for charter members will be closed. F. G. Beineman, . manufacturer of re galia and lodge supplies for all societies. Flags aud banners a specialty, at low rates. su 54 Sixth Sibeet. 100 pieces of American chnllis, besnti iul styles, fast colors, nt 5c and 8c a yard, MWTSU HUOTJS & HACKE. HONEY DEW! FOB CHAPPED HANDS. UPS w If t vw AJSU FAVU. Dries quickly; is not sticky nor greasy; makes rough skin soft, xmooth and velvety, and does not smart the skin, N. B. HONEY- DEW makes face powder adhere to the skin and renders it in visible. Sold by alLdrnggista. Price 25 cents. . . ,.. Refuse all substitutes. I oc7-clO-sa . Trade Mark. WSSHWGIQF Great Interest Attached Just at Pres eat to Auytfoiig That THE IMMORTAL GEORGE' 0WJSEW Large Photojrraplis of Many Things Beiagr Taken to Send is April to THE CENTE5SIAL IN KBW I0BE CITXr israelii. TXLZGBJJC TO THR DlSf AICH.l WASHisciToir, March 18. Photographs ara being taken of the Washington relicsjlnitha National Museum to send to tbo inaugural centennial celebration in New York, April 30. They are of immense size. some, of them being six feet In height One will show the tenta which Washington used in the Revolutionary War, set up on the lawn outside of the sauseum building, with their flaps carelessly .thrown aside, as if Washington had jnst left them. Their time-stained, weather-beaten leather cases still bear the letters ofwhito print which tell of the heights of Dorchester in 1773 and the surrender of Yorktown In 178L In another picture is grouped the Ian tern which once illuminated the darfenessof the balls at Mt Vernon, Martha Washington iron-treasurer chest and the General's ancient camp chest, knife boxes, andirons and bellows. Still another photograph shows the pottery presented to Washington by the Society of tha Cfnclnnatus and the set of china given to Mrt. Washington by General Lafayette, eaclf piece decorated with a chain, the links of which represent the 13 original States. In another group is tbe old furniture, including the chairs . and bedsteads, which Washington once owned. Mr. A Clarke, who has charge of these relic, said to-day; LIFE ET CAMP AKD AT HOME. "Most of the relics are associated with Wash ington's military career and his home life at Mount Vernon. We have a certificate signed by him while President It grants a patent to to Thomas' Passmore. of Pennsylvania, and Is signed by the Secretary of State and the At torney General o December 23, 1796. Grant ing a patent was evidently a very important thingln those days and had to be formally at tested by the President and two Cabinet officers." "How did these relics come Into tho posses sion of tbe Government?" The nucleus of tbe collection was formed in 1852 by the purchase of a few articles, which were placed in the Patent office and whieh re mained there until they were transferred to tbe Smithonian Institution, and finally were sent here. The bulk of the relics were pur chased when Carl Schurz was Secretary of the Interior from G. W. Lewis forSlCCO. A great many of the separate pieces are of course gifts to the Governnienttbe latestbelng Washington's shaving table, presented by Mrs. Thomas C, Cox, of this city. This table, with its brass key holes and glass knobs, was men tioned In Washington's will, and only passed through two or three bands before it came Into Mrs. Cox's possession. We have not as you well Know, all of the Washington relics here. The State Department has his sword, bis ledger, tbe cane which Franklin gave him, and, I believe, his original commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Armies. Tbe Treasury Department has his orisinal accounts, while Mt Vernon is full of articles either owned di rectly by him or associated with his name. Be side these, a few of bis descendants treasure relics whieh belonged to their great ancestor, and I have no doubt that pieces of the Sevres ware owned by the Washingtons can be found in many households. Indeed, nowadays we have to be pretty careful of the relics which are offered to us. We could fill a hotel with stuff that is brought here as genuine relics of Washington. Everything that we exhibit is authenticated, and we shall accept nothing un less it is demonstrated to be genuine." "Have any of these relics ever been stolen!" PKECATJTI0K3 AGAINST THIEVES. "I believe not, but we have guarded against such a contingency by having each article mi nutely described. Each scratch and breaS in a chair is recorded, and every crack in a piece of furniture has been carefully noted. Te identiflcatlon of -every article conld be mads so completely that no doubt at all would ex ist." The relics of which Mr. Clarke spoke thus interestingly occupy half a dozen casesi placed immediately to the left of the entrance to tha museum. Nothing less than an act of Congress could secure their removal, and it is very doubtful whether the museum authorities would recommend their shipment under any circumstances. They are guarded with especial care, and just at present Thomas Donaldson, of Philadelphia, whom everybody hi Pennsyl vania knows, and whose house on North Forty eighth street is a museum in itself, is writing a history of each relic. These reports see the light of aay very slowly, however, and it may be two or three years before tbe little pamphlet is published. In the meantime quite a lot of information is being gathered which has not been hitherto printeiU It is very detailed, a number of letters, for instance, being devoted exclusively to the history and authenticity of. the compass which Washington used in laying out tbefcrounds at Mount Vernon. Among the relics, the suit which Washing ton wore when he resigned his commission at Annapolis always attracts a large share of at tention. It consists of moth-eaten blue flannel coat and pants, with vest and facings of light yellow chamois skin and several rows of big brass buttons, perfect flat and plain, and now tarnished with ase. His old dress suit is in the same case. Equally interesting is the gTeat easy chair, the last one in which be sat before he died. Tbe tall brass candletick which held tbe candles by which, as Mr. G. W. Lewis says, "my grandmother actually saw him write his farewell address," is JH OLD-TIJIB AJTFAIB, with dingy holders for candles and a bit ot brass for a reflector. In the same case are a couple of portraits of General and Mrs. Wash ington on wood, -painted by Trumbull, whioh aro of priceless value and which still retain their brightness and coloring. Nearby is the long, twine-wrapped spyglass which Washing ton used when at Mount Vernon. "It was his favorite amusement," says the label, "to sit out on the porch and lbok up and down the river with it." A tiny chrlstenlngrobe Is another object of interest In it George's baby form was wrapped when be received tbe name which was to be come famous. It looks like an ordinary robe, with all the frills and fancies with which baby hood Is encumbered, and has its history. Some years ago, when Mr. Custis, of Arlington, mado a speech at a celebration- of Washington's Birthday, at Fredericksburg, Va., he banded the christening robe to the crowd for inspec tion. Before tbe robe was returned to Mr. Custis. someone nipped out a bit of the crim son lining. The place was never mended, and is still a piece of mute evidence against the man it could hardly have been a woman whose patriotism was greater than bis honesty. All the articles purchased in the Lewis col lection bad been in the possession of that fam ily continuously since General Washington's death. They were received-by Mrs. Lewis, who was Washlneton's adopted daughter, and the wife of Major Lawrence Washington, and they were owned by her until 1852, when tbey cama into the possession of the family who sold them to the Government. Some-of these relics are of especial interest The half length por trait of General Washington, life-size, Is ex cellently preserved, and it was a matter of tra dition in Mrs. Lewis' family that it was tbe best likeness of Washington ever painted. The record ot Washington's private business trans actions, covering a period of more than 21 years, is exceedingly minute, and the largest part of it is in his own handwriting. Every item of receipts and expenditures, includinx even his losses and gains at cards, is set down with the most scmpnlons exactness. LATIMER'S SPRING DRESS GOODS? Stock is filling up rapidly, and it will pay4 you to see this line of black goods.-", -m THIS "WEEK'S SALE OF Winter Wraps: and JacrCegl. Hag been unprecedented. Snch bargain are rare. Vi 't I l UIlMEI?Sy:H QJ FEDERAL STREET, QO 0 0 ALLEGHENY, y JJ Q fe2-8u Vfc-V ?,v, ;.fe . - -.t -.. - . .i - . . 'utj'i JR: t- ' - ..ai-...r Sv