Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 17, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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-Henry Haynie Tells Americans How
to Live Comfortably in Paris
The Sights of the Gay Capital and How
Tisitors May Enjoy Them
Paris, March 7.
EOM England there
are three routes to
Paris the Dover
Calais and the Folke
stone Line, either of
'which lands you in
Gare dn Kord, and
the Xewhaven and
Dieppe, which puts
you down in the
Gare St. Lazare.
There isalso a fourth
route Tia Southamp
ton to HaTre hy boat and thence by rail to
Paris, which you may tafce and which also
lands you in the Gare St. Lazare station.
These routes may be divided into as many
categories that is to say the quickest, the
best and the cheapest. If you voyage by
the Eed Star Line they have two or three
steamers which are excellent and all the
captains are staunch Americans, although
the vessels sail under the Belgian flag
you land at Antwerp, whence you come
through Brussels by rail into the Gare du
iNbrd; and if you come by the French line
direct, then you land at Havre and arrive
here in the Gare St. Larare already men
tioned. "Whether vou had better travel
first s-nnd nr third class I shall not pre-
,.., ;, .;;- nAv ; the nnptinn
of railway traveling greatly depends on j
one's Docketbook. bnt I must admit that,
for comfort and convenience, first-class is
preferable to any sort.
Speaking of railway carriages, the lines
in England are more comfortable than those
of France, yet traveling in both countries is
dearer than it is in the United States. As
to the system of dividing cars into compart
ments, whether it is preferable to ours or
cot is a matter of personal opinion. Should
you secure a compartment to yourself you
will find it very agreeable, but when you
are forced into one with strangers and ba
bies, it is not at all desirable. In Enrope
you have to pay a lot of money for extra
baggage. All luggage is weighed and you
are allowed only 60 pounds, but you may
take as many parcels s you like into your
compartment. By doing this you save
money, but you impose seriously upon your
fellow travelers.
From Southamton a special train leaves
at once for London, as soon as your baggage
has been examined and rest assured that
it will be rearched in hopes, I suppose, of
discovering dynamite, silverware, reprinted
English books on spirits, all of finch are
contraband to British inspectors. They go
to the bottom of everything, and are tar
more strict than the Custom House officers
in the docks of New York or Boston. The
better way is to let them do just as they
please, answer their questions, open your
boxes ana smile while they rummage. They
will do it thoroughly, and no amount of
grumbling on your part will prevent them
trotn doing it. Mind yoa dp not attempt to
bribe them; for, while the British Custom
House officer is no saint, nor better even
than the rest of his countrymen in England,
he will not permit himself to be bribed or
tipped for doing his duty. Later on the same,
man, if he does you a service out of the line
of his business, will be willing to'take a
small piece of money, and I have seen them
grab it quickly.
If you arrive in London from Southamp
ton your terminus station in Loudon will
be the Charing Cross or the Victoria depots,
and these, with Cannon street station and
"Waterloo, are the ones whence yiju depart
for the continent. Your stay in the metropo
lis at an end, start for Paris by one of the
rentes alreadv designated
It is a lovefy ride through Kent if you go
by way of Folkestone, a quiet town with
steep gabled houses of red or gray sand
stone and shining slated roofs, and there
Jyou will find splendid boats to carry you
across the terrible channel. The 'cliff's
banks are of chalk and stretch away sorth
jward to Dover, where high up sits the
'famous old castle whose earliest loundation
is ascribed to Julius Csesar. The channel
is wider between Folkestone and Boulogne
than it is between Dover and Calais, the
distance by the former route being about
80 minutes more than by the latter, but the
boats are much better and the cost is about
The Newhaven and Dieppe route is much
'Searching investigations by thousands of interested people have demonstrated the fact that our efforts to please an appreciative public have been successful. Genuine bargains have been found in
every department of our vast establishment. Everything has been found as advertised qualities, quantities and prices. Not one word of complaint ."was heard from the thousands who visited our Grand
Opening of the past week. Our efforts to give fair value for all purchases have been successful. Our new departments,
Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics and Hous.efurnishing's,
came nobly to the front secured a firm hold on the purchasing public and will hereafter rank as the leading departm9ntst in this GIGANTIC TEMPLE OP FASHION. To our patrons and the-public in
general we tender our heartfelt thanks for their attendance on opening days, showing by their presence, their appreciation of our efforts in their behalf.
Owing to our largely increased
trade we have been compelled for
want of room to move our Millin
ery department to our second floor,
where we have increased facilities
for the display of these goods.
Have an eye for those Easter novel
ties in Bonnets and round Hats.
Not a bit too early to get a look
at our new Ribbons. The latest
styles are in full array, and a gor
geous lot they are. We are show
ing nearly 100 different combina
tions of Ribbons. Elegant and
exquisite brocades in the Directoire
Ribbons. Delicately tinted grounds,
with wheat heads, leaves, grasses
and different forms of flowers by
the dozen.
r?f -,4
cheaper still, thouglfyoa will have to pass
five or six hoars on the channel.-This route
lands vou at Dieppe, and thence ou can
ride through Normandy a much more
picturesque, country than you would como
through it yoa entered Paris by the north
ern lines. If you travel on the French
steamships, you will land.at Havre, and if
you tike the Hamburg' boats, you are
dropped off at Cherbourg. I will suppose
that you have landed at last on French soil
by either one of these routes. Usually
your baggage is examined as soon ns you
jet into this country, but this, however, is
not the case for large baggage brought in
the holds of French steamers. In New York
you check it through to Pans, and it is not
opened until you reach the capital. At Havre
all small parcels are looked into, but the
operation is a sortot perfunctory act, and
by no means bothersome. Coming into
France from England, a similar slight ex
amination is usually made at Calais or at
Boulogne, while if vou come in from Bel
gium this examination takes place on the
French frontier. French inspectors of cus
toms are seldom disagreeable; let them have
their own wav and they will make it as easy
as possible. "This is also true when you
reach Paris, where your baggage has again
to pass another examination on account of
the octroi. This city pats on taxes for
everything, and you are questioned as to
whether j ou have in yoar trunks articles
that ought to pay town duty. However, this
is an examination that seldom takes more
than a few minutes, and is nrververy thor
ough. Nearly always these officials at the
French railway stations are agreeable men
and it is apt to be your own fault if things
do not go well with you when you first get
into Paris.
Now you have entered into a beautiful
city and at the same time what may be made
a world of worry, of vexation and of much
personal distress if you are not careful. So
please do not, becanse everybody speaks
French and you cannot, commence fretting
yourself and wishing yourself back in
America. There are no railway omnibuses
in London, but there are in Paris, small
affairs that will hold four or five persons,
with a gallery on top to carryall the trunks.
If you do not require so large a vehicle,
take an open cab and get favorable first im-
pressions. You will see a multitude of
splendid sights and scenes in the beautiful
"r capital, even in so short
a dis
There will be carriages with servants in
splendid liveries; queer looking hacks with
knockneed plugs in the shafts, and great
carts drawn by powerful Normandy stall
ions, all along in single .file, with large
shaggy collars that give them, at a distance,
the look of buffaloes. You will see soldiers,
not so tidy looking as they might be, but
having a good swing on the march, and as
fit food for gunpowder, I think, as any other
class of men on the continent. You will
see tidily-dressed females wearing aprons
and servants' bonnets, some even with
out hats, rosv-cheeked flower girls, all
sorts of persous, in fact, of both sexes,
quite diflerent from those you have ever
seen before. These are styles and types pe
culiar to the continental capital. Almost
every object will wear a lively charm, and
the longer you stay in Paris the more agree
able everything will appear, that h, unless
you are a grumbler or a person determined
to change everything now in existence to
suit your own personal wishes. But do not
imagine you can come over here and com
pel these people to change their ways and
manners, nor can you make them believe
that your ways are better than theirs, not
even if yon live here for many years. Take
matters :ws they are, pay jour way, and en
joy yourself as becomes an intelligent be
ing. You will find that with very lew ex
ceptions the streets are well paved and
drained; that there is a refined look in the
architectural arrangements of the houses;
that you will have much to admire in every
walk, and that you can easily forget any
faults which your oversensitiveness may
There is much less of godliness and not
so much richness in this city as you might
wish for, but there is a ceatness'in the ex
ternal aspect of things beyond your antici
pation. You will see a developed taste,and
J. couia write you a long letter on tne at
tractions of the shopwindows, on the
artistic talent shown in the arrangements of
mirrors, about the gilding in the leading
restaurants or of the elegant furnishings in
private houses, of everything, in brief, that
so skilfully brings into play the taste and
devices of this remarkable people. Love of
beauty pervades the whole population. It
is not always visible in their dress, for
they do not attire themselves for
the streets as do American ladies for Broad
way or other promenades. But, if you
could see them indoors, you would find them
tastefnllv attired, and von wnnld lip Tilpntpd
with their graces and fascinating manners.
Paris is a city of nublic gardens, of
museums and palaces wherein you will see
perfect forms embodied in paint and stat
uary, and the- combined charms of nature
and art and an enlightened spirit. Paris is
also expensive, and you mnst not imagine
for -one moment that you can live more
cheaply here than you could at home. This
much you will discover as you go on, and
no matter which place you visit on the Con
tinent: You will be bothered about the ex
pense and be troubled by a great many
annoyances that ought not to prevail. But
all the kicking and grumbling possible for
you to indulge in will not change it one
single bit, so don't attempt it
The leading hotels in Paris are the
Then we 3iave' ottoman effects,
failles and satin cords. Mories
plain, gros grain and satin and gros
40 pieces the popular silk bands,
all-wool, 40-inch wide, at 77c, worth
$1; all new colorings.
40 pieces 54-inch Ladies' Cloth,
for spring costumes, all the new
popular shades, at 67c, worth 98c.
40. pieces all-wool black Hen
rietta at 67c, worth $1 25.
Cream Table Damask, 56-inch
wide, worth 48c, at 35c.
Bleached Table .Damask, 64-inch
wide, worth'ooc, at 69c .
Linen Damask Towels worth 30c,
at 19c
K,u S
Grand, Continental, Bristol, Meuriee, Chat
ham, Windsor, Athence, Binda, Ehin, Bade,
Normaudie, St Petersbdrg, Louvre ana
Liverpool. As for boarding places or pen
sions, they stretch ont all over the capital,
and very few of them are bad places. The
Paris boarding house is a peculiar institu
tion, in which you live a sort of table d'hote
existence not easily described, -and which
must be passed through to be appreciated.
Some of tbem are thoroughly aristocratic and
all are -respectable, but the prices vary
greatly. 1 do not know of a' single board
ing house where you can live for less than
51 a day, and l would not undertake to find
you such u place at that price.
The cheapest I have yet discovered is
about 6 francs per day, and no one ought to
enter a cheaper one. The average price is
from 8 to 10 lrancs per day each person.
This includes room, bread and butter and
coffee in the morning, a warm lunch atnoon
and dinner. In some houses it also includes
wine, but not often. It very seldom in
cludes lights, and never fires'. You must
buy jour own candles and pay extra for a
lamp. There is but very little gas burnt jn
Parisian houses. Candles are not expen
sive, especially when yon can get them
yourself, and this you are permitted to do
by most of the pension keepers.
If you are going to stay here some time,
or it there are a good many in your family,
it is much cheaper to live in a pension than
in a hotel, besides which, you get the ad
vantage of the gossip. There is very little
show lor gossipers in hotels, because there
the crowd represents too nianv nationalties.
t Famished apartments can be secured and
so aiso can unlurmsued ones, but you will
have to pay a good round price for both
kinds. Mind though, when vou take an
apartment, that you do so witb-the advice
and assistance of some one who lives here
and knows the condition of this sort
of local operations; for if yon do not you
will pay dearly for your experience and
give yourself a great deal of suffering later
Oil. Don't think yourself capable of self
protection against these natives. They can
and will beat you as .sure as you live, if
you refuse the helping advice of local
friends or of some agent who attends to
things for a money, consideration. It is
very easy to get into an apartment furnished
or unfurnished, but it is very difficult to
get out of them again, and when you wish to
leave it, you will find all sorts of imposi
tions put on vou in the shape of payment
for imaginary injuries to the furniture, etc.,
etc.' Verbal promises count for nothing,
but a written guarantee will be faithfully
If you take au apartment or lodgings in
some hotel or private boarding house yoa
will generally be at liberty to eat where you
like, and in this way you can try all the
cuisines of the many lamous restaurants
that have existed at the capital from time
immemorial. This question of where to
eat in Paris is, however, so important and
can be made so interesting, that I must ask
permission to put it off for a luture letter.
Permit me to repeat, in conclusion, what
I have already said, do not attempt for the
moment to change the manners" and custom
of these people. Take things as you find
them and yoa will get along much more
easily thaii yon would otherwise. Don't be
afraid to give a waiter or a person who does
something for you, a word of thanks
and a little money now and then. These
sort of tips will make him or her your de
voted servant always. In business'matters,
do not believe in verbal promises. Have
everything put down in writing; be careful
what you sign, and be carelul what you
purchase. Do not patronize strange or
cheap dressmakers. As a rule, avoid shops
that have the sign "English Spoken"
painted on their windows. Be careful about
crossing the streets, and if you are a lady,
do not imagine that because aTrenellman
looks at you with admiring eyes
he means to insult you. I "am
sure there are fewer sorts of
these kinds of insults offered in the streets
of Paris to voune women and girls than
there are in the streets of London, New York
or Boston. The Frenchmen admire beauty
as they see it in thefresh rosy face of Ameri
can girls; it is but natural for them to ex
press theic admiration with a look, and it is
very seldom that they ever go beyond that.
Should a voung lady loiter along the boule
vards, and stare in the shop windows, as she
would do at home, her position would be
apt to be mistaken and she might be spoken
to, but not otherwise. I have lived here
many years and I bonestly believe that there
are fewer insults to women in the streets of
Paris than are in the large cities of America.
Heney Haynie.
His Peraonnl Expcrlrnce.
L. T. Harrington. ex-Sheriff of Chautauqua
county. New York, writes:
"I am glad to ray, from a long personal ex
perience with Allcock's Porous Plastees,
tliatl am able to indorse all tlie good things
that bave ever been said about tbem, and sup
plement these by saying that I frankly believe
their value cannot be estimated. Their breadth
ot usefulness is unlimited, and for prompt and
sure relief to almost every echo ano pain that
flesh is heir to. no other remedy, in my opinion,
cither external or Internal, equals them m cer
tainty and rapidity. I have used them at one
time for rheumatism, another for backache,
again for bronchitis always with the same re
sulta Bpeedy cure." su
Peakson invites all to his galleries, 96
Fifth avenue or 43 Federal street, Alle
gheny. The best place for fine work.
Fine watch repairing, lowest prices, at
Hauch's, No. 295 Filth ave. -wfsu
Nottingham Lace Curtains at 69c,
74c, 99c, Si 24, S149 and $1 99.
Nottingham Lace Curtains worth
S3 at $2 24.
400 yards striped Moire Silks at
37Jc, worth 65c.
500 yards Chink Silks, all colors,
at 37jc.
10 pieces Bonnet black Silk,
worth $i 25, at 74c
10 pieces black Satin Marveil
laux worth $1 5o,at 98c
10 pieces black Moire worth
$x 5o,at 9SC. I
Is the Earnest Advice and Counsel of
Eer. George Bodges, but
The Description of Novel Which Should, ha
Most Popular.
VEP.Y Christian citi
zen ought to read the
Bible and the newspa
per every day. I spoke
last Sunday about the
reading of the Bible.
The Bible and the
dailypaper way seem
strange neighbors; nevertheless I put them
side by side, affirming that the man who
neglects either One of these important read
ings neglects au emphatic help toward the
best manhood.
No intelligent citizen of this country
ought to let a day go by without reading the
last edition ot the history of the world.
This is'even a religions duty if we believe
that the Lord of hosts is still the-God of na
tions. Godwhohasputusin this nineteenth
century, and who in these years, past and
present, is working perhaps more visibly
and wonderfully than in any time since
those recorded in the Bible, wants us to
know what is going on about us. "We can
know that best from the newspapers.
If there is ever a great inter-planetary
fair, and ambassadors from Mars and Nep
tune, and the others meet upon the planet
Saturn to display the achievements of their
several spheres, what more characteristic
contribution can the ambassador from the
planet Earth present than a copy of one of
our great daily newspapers? What one
product of our time shows more strikingly
what sort of an age and world this is?
Not all newsriauers are helnful. and n ot
all people are helped by reading newspa
pers. Not all men know how to read the
newspaper. If you read it all, you have no
discrimination. If you spend too much
time over it, you are idle. If you read it in
the Athenian lashion, looking alter some
new thing, forgetting one sensation in the
excitement ot another, and at the end re
membering nothing, yoa are foolish, super
ficial, thoughtless; and you are not strength
ening your mind, but weakening it When
Dr. Benjamin Bush died he left a large sum
of money to a library in Philadelphia upon
condition that none of it should be spent for
newspapers, which he called "teachers of
disjointed thinking." So they are, if you do
not know how to read them.
And they teach something worse than
that. The trouble with the ordinary news
paper is that it takes up more space telling
what the devil has been doing than what
God has been doing. If you spend the'
most time over the devil's part of the paper,
which is a record of one day's villainy, and
uncleannes;, and crime, yoa harm both
your mind and your soul.. And you help,
too, to harm somebody else's mind and soul.
Because you help on that sort of thing, you
encourage that kind of newspaper. Every
man who buys a copy of such a sheet is in
just that measure responsible for it He
cries "encore."
He is not so responsible as the proprietor
and the editor who pay reporters for a cer
tain sort of work and who value items, like
imported cheese, by the strength of their
odor; but he is responsible, nevertheless. I
suppose that the newspaper business did
not amount to much when Dante wrote the
"Inlerno." Dante would add another
canto, if he could revise that remarkable
vision to-day.
- Study your morning newspaper as a pict-
fellowmen are thinking about, and are" do
ing; what ihey are suffering, too, and what
is being done to help them. Bead it to
find what manner of time this is, to keep
yourself in the glorious swing and surge of
it to make yourself more the kind of man
which God wants you to he this year; and
then you will know not only what it is to
read your paper for the increasing of your
knowledge, the broadening of your sym
pathies, und the bettering of your mind, but
even for the glory of God.
I turn from the newspaper to the novel.
It is notorions that of all varieties of books
the kind whose covers wear out first is the
novel. Almost everybody who reads any
thing reads novels. We understand why,
when we listen to the general tone of con
versation. Few people talk very thought
fully, and altogether about things and
themes most people talk about other peo
ple. The largest part of common talk is
Eersonal, biographical. We tell what we
ave seen and heard and attempted and en
dured; and we like to hear what others are
saying and doing, or failing to do. Matthew
Arnold said that conduct is three-fourths of
life; comment upon condnct is evidently
three-fourths of conversation. Now, this is
a revelation of our common taste.
As we like to hear about other people, so
5,oco yards Ginghams at 5c
Challis at 5c
Satines at 9jc
Striped Chambray, 9c
Double width gray Berge at 10c
Cashmeres, all colors, double
width, at i2jc.
. KID gloves:
Ladies' fouf-button black and
colors, at 99c
Ladies' Lacing Gloves at 99
The above gloves are guaranteed
not to rip ' or" tear, if they do' we
replace them with another pair.
we like to read about them. Some may re
gret that metaphysics, dr even theology, is
not sopopular us fiction, but it is a" useless
regret! Jt is a fact which, is founded upon
humap nature. Scott' novels will always
be more read than Scott's commentaries, in
the nature of things. So long as the in
stincti, of our human race remain un
changed the majority of u'a will be more in
terested in hearing or reading how other
people live than in learning what they
It is foolish, then, to say "dp not read
novels." But this fact makes it all the
more necessary to apply to novel's, the
Master's caution "take need." In no de
partment of literature have we more reason
to write up over the door, "take heed what
ye read." The proverb, "Evil communica
tions corrupt good manners." applies ns
much to the choice of a novel as to the
choice ot a friend. You choose a whole
circle of friends when you choose a novel.
They may not be very lasting friends, but
they are very real, and potent in influence
over you for better or worse, while they do
No one can measure the effect upon us of
our surroundings; but a novel changes our
surroundings You no longer live here in
snch a house, with such and such pictures
upon the walls, with such and such com
panions at the table. You live where the
people of your novel live. For the moment
that is your house; these are your friends;
you are a member of that kind of society.
It matters not a little, then, whether or not
you choose snch novels as shall surround
you with elevating influences and helpful
friends. Live, even in fiction, with gentle,
well-mannered, refined, cultured, thought
ful people, and you will grow more refined
and more thoughtful. Live with coarse,
smart, vulgar, loud-voiced and loud-mannered
persons, and you know what will hap-Pen-
If your hero is frivolous and your
heroine a flirt; if your people have no
brains and apparently no souls, alas for you,
if yoa can read that sort of thingandlikeit
Choose,especiallyyyour children's stories,
as you choose their companions. Bead them
first yourself. If you would be willing to
let your child go away from you for a week
into the company of such people as you find
in the book, and join in their talk, and be
one of tbem, and belike them that is a
good book, and the mote the child reads of
such books, the better. But it is amazing
what society parents wjll permit to their
cnuoren in DooKsl
Fortunately we live in the day of good
novels. There is no need to-day that any
body who wants to be interested, and for a
time takeiraway trom his weariness, or his
trouble, should seek the society of either
frivolous or low people. Eobert Burton,
who wrote the "Anatomy of Melancholy,"
used to seek diversion, when he was griev
ously depressed, by going down to the
wharves to listen to the elaborate profanitv
of the sailors. We have no need to Imitate
him. A novel is a gift from heaven when
it takes you among such people and into
such an atmosphere and within hearing of
such good and refined and helpful talking
as you will find between ,the covers of the
books which bear the name of George Mac
donald. I do not know any better company
"1 am delighted," wrote Charles Kings
ley, in answer to a letter, "to hear that my
books have pleased, and still more, that
they have comforted yoa. They have all
been written from mv heart in the hope of
doing good." It is significant that in these
days all the great questions which engage
the thought of men may be found illus
trated, pictured out and made plain, and
accessible and popular in novels. Many
earnest souls, we may believe, are trying
Kingsley's plan, and writing novels as the
best way of approaching, teaching and help
ing peopie. oucn novels are pretty sure to
be worth reading.
I have spoken at this length about novels,
because they are, as I said, of all books, the
most" frequently and eagerly read. In other
reading you will not go far astray, but among
all books, concerning novels most have we
especial need to rememberthe caution, "take
heed what ye read."
The best guide in reading, better than all
the lists of a hundred books, better than all
the siftings ot the critics, is simply a reali
zation of your Christian responsi
bility. Bpmeniber that you are
responsible to God for the way you
use your time, and vou will not tail to be
stow your time fruitfully. Bemember who
has given you eyes and amiud, and yoa
will then more readily use them aright.
You are here to make the most of life. It is
your Christian duty to read tboso books,
and those alone, which will make your life
widest, richest, and most worthy.
Whatever puts higher thoughts into your
mind, sets nobler ideals'before you, makes
you wiser, broader-minded, more full of
charity, of reverence, and of the spirit of
service; whatever makes you see more of
God's great world, and brings yon nearer to
your fellow men, and brings you closer to
God read that George Hodges.
Ton Are Not Shaken Before Taken
"With malarial disease, bat with prodigious
violence afterward, if you neglect immediate
measures of relief. The s a rest preventive and
remedial form of medication is Hostetters
Stomach Hitters, the potency of which as an
antidote to miasmatic poison has been demon
strated for over 30 years past. The liver when
disordered and congested, the bowels if con
stipated, and the kidneys If inactive are
Sromptly aided by it, and it Is invaluable for
yspepsia, nervous debility and rheumatism.
Ladies' Muslin and Lawn Aprons,
over 40 different styles to select
frbin, at 39c each, worth 60c.
An elegant quality of Victoria
Lawn Aprons, in tucks, embroidery
and insertions, at 49c, worth 75c.
In MusLn and Cambric, with tucks
and embroidery, high and low neck,
at 25c, worth 40c
An elegant quality of Cambric,
trimmed with handsome embroi
dery, at 39c, worth 50c.
'89.t t
Origin nnd Work of the McAH Mission
Religions Resume
The McAll Mission held its first annual
meeting this week in the chapel of the
Young Men's Christian Association rooms.
This work has not been without its devotees In
missionary work in this city for several years,
bnt it did not become a distinct department- of
work until last March. The object of the, mis
sion is to help with the carrying n of the work
in France. The stations for this 'work In our
own country are at, Philadelphia and New
York. These cities and some others bave their
mission stations in France. During the year
some eight or nine churches of the city have
taken up this line of mission work. If is hoped
that in the near future we will bo able to sup
port our own mission in France. The follow
ing churches are represented: First Presby
terian, Third Presbyterian, Sbadyside Presby
terian. Belleaeld Presbyterian. Christ Metho
dist Episcopalian and Trinity, of (his city; the
North Presbyterian and First United Presby
terian, of Allegheny, ana the Presbyterian
Chdrch of Sewicklejr. The officers
are Mrs. Prot Jeffers, President;
Mrs. Felix R. Brunnt, Mrs. S. It. Robinson,
Mrs. William VanUirk, Vlco President: Mrs.
Henrv Laughlfn, Treasurer, and Miss Blanche
Oudray, Secretary. The Board of Managers
include three ladies from each -of the churches
The history of the McAll Mission, as given
bv Dr. A. F. Beard, Corresponding Secretary
of the American Missionary Association, dn
fers a iittlo from that of other missions in
general. An English, Congregational pastor
and his wife bad crossed the channel for the
first time for a brief holiday. The time passed
rapidly, and bnt four days remained to them of
their vacation, and that time was to be spent
in Paris. Desiring to bear some- testimony for
the cause of Christ, e're they left the city, tlny
took their stand under the windows of a great
wine shop, which joins (he anzle'of the Rue de
Belleville, and of the outer boulevards of
North Pans. This part of the city is occupied
by mechanics and artisans and people in the
lower walKS of life. Mrs. McAll, to attract
the attention of the passing crowd, and to
best Introduce her work, offered a tract
to one of the waiters of this corner wine shop.
An invitation was at once given her to enter
the shop and distribute the tracts to the wait
ing customers within. The invitation was ac
cepted, and the tracts were- taken with the
courtesy and grace characteristic of the
As the lady was about to take her departure,
a French workinirman thus addressed her in
singularly sooa English: "Yoar husband is a
Ctntian minister?"
"Thfi I have something of importance to
say Xi yon. This district Is inhabited by
thousands and tens ot thousands of working-
yien. You are at this moment standing in the
what of a religion that is without superstition
or oppression. 11 anvone would come to teach
us a religion of freedom and sincerity we would
be glad and ready to listen."
Air. McAll was so Impressed with the manner
and words of this man that after his retnrn to
England he could not forget the dhectness of
the appeal made by the French workingman.
The voice followed bim: "IX anyone would
come to teach ns a religion of another kind
many are ready to listen." So the pastoral re
lation that had been perfect in its unity and
sympathy was dissolved, and this man knowing
bnt two sentences in the French language
'God loves you, and 'I love you' left bis
chnrcb and country, and began bis mission with
no human help, and no promises of support
save those of God.
He went at once to Paris, and began work in
a part known as Belleville. Ho hired a little
room on the ground floor (a former restaurant),
put in some common chairs, a tew motto texts,
and began in a faubourg of 100.0CO desperate
Communists, and all he could tell them was:
"God loves von. and I love von."
After a time assistants were fonnd, and in
terpreters as well, and soon the little hall grew
into two. Attention was soon attracted to the
work, and money came for its support from
many nnsnspected channels. Other nails were
opened, and now that one has become 100 in
which last year 16,805 religious meetings were
held, the total attendance of which aggregated
over 1,100,000 souls.
Local Religions Notes.
A consecration service is to he held to
morrow at Bethany Home. Center avenue, at
4230, under the auspices of the King's Daugh
ters. All bands of King's Daughters and others
interested are invited.
A benefit concert was given this week at
the Oakland Methodist Episcopal Church for
the benefit of the chnrcb. The performers
were Mr. arfd Mrs. C. C. Mellor, Mrs. Cnra Sell
ers, Miss Belle Tomer, Miss Annie Vanklrk,
Mr. William A. McCutcheoa and Mr. Louis J.
The Association of King's Sons and Daugh
ters held a social in the Fourth Presbyterian
Church, Friday evening of this week. The
exercises consisted of anaddress bv the pastor;
Rev. W. P. Shrom, D.D.. on the "formation of
Christian Character," after which there. were
some recitations by the members of the order.
Af a special meeting held this week by the
members of the Baptist Church of the Messiah,
in Lawrenceville, to consider the proposition of
the Christian Chnrcb relative to uniting of
their forces, the Baptists were not'willing to
forsake their principles. It was decided to
have supply pastors and worship in the hall
until such a time as a conncil ot the Baptist
churches should be called, and the chnrcb be
properly constituted and a permanent pastor
Use Horsford'a Acid Pbospbate.
Dr. Price, or the White Star 3. S. Germanic,
says: "I have prescribed it in my practice
among the passengers traveling to and from
Europe, in this steamer, and the resnlt has
satisfied me that if taken in time, it will, in a
great many cases, prevent seasickness."
FrNE watches a specialty; low prices a
certainty, at Hauch's, No. 293 Fifth ave,
ITOB fine photographs go to Pearson. He
is the leader of them all. 96 Fifth avenne
and 43 Federal street, Allegheny.
Eogees' table ware, large stock, lowest
prices, at Steinmann's, 107 Federal st, Al
. A large and elegant assortment of
Beaded Fringes and Ornaments for
Wraps, Persian Bands in all the
new combinations and colorings,
from 25c to $4 50 per yard. Also
girdles and sash ends in an endless
Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests at
16c and 24c, in pink, light blue and
ecru. Better grades at 33c and
50c t
Children's Swiss Ribbed Vests
at nc, 15c and 24c.
Children's Gauze Vests at 6c, 8fc,
ioc and 25 c.
Also full and, complete lines in
Gauze, Lisle 'Thread, Balbriggan
and Silk.
-- s-a
Some Interesting Details of the Life
of Kev. George M. Scott,
Carrying Gnus to Defend the Congregation
From Indians.
HE. Kev. George M,
Scott, the grandfather of
Mrs. President Harrison,
was born . in Bucks
county, Pennsylvania,
about 20 miles from
Philadelphia, November
14, I7o9. When yet a
lad, his father removed
to Northampton county,
where he labored on a
farm until the time came for him to be sent
to school. In 1793 he grad uated at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, of
which Eev. Dr. Ewing was then the Presi
dent There being no theological" seminaries
in existence in this country at that time
Mr. Scott pursued his studies privately un
der the direction of Eev. Samuel Stanhope
Smith, B. D., and was licensed by the
Presbytery of New Brunswick, of the Pres
byterian Church, irr the city of Neir Bruns
wick, N. J.
His health having been impaired by close
application to his studies, his physician ad
vised him to travel and preach as a licen
tiate, having obtained the consent of the
Presbytery he went from place to place as
opportunity to preach offered.
During the summerof 1798 Eev. Mr. Sqott
came West and preached in the church of
Mill Creek, located in the south end of
Beaver county. The church was then under
the care of the Presbytery of Ohio. He re
turned East in the autumn, and in Novem
ber of that year he was ordained to the
gospel ministry, "Sine titulo," by the Pres
bytery of New Brunswick. The following
winter he spent missionating in the State of
New York.
In the spring of 1799 a call to the pastorate
was sent to him by the congregations of Mill
Creek and the Flats. 'The last named is
now Fan-view, "W. Va., and was until re
cently the county seat of Hancock county.
To this call he gave an affirmative answer,
came on the field in the following Jnly and
was duly installed pastor of both charges on
the second Saturday of September. '
Father Scott, as be was called by his peo
ple, was one of the first preachers to locate
in the wilds of Western Pennsylvania. The
Indians had been driven out of that part of
the country, but made frequent raids across
the river, blundering and murdering and
recrossing before a company of whites could
be formed to attack them. Until recently
the block house to which the settlers would
flee when the alarm was given, stood about
a milp from the chnrcb, and its walls of
heavy timbers, cross-notched to receive the
guns, many times gave shelter to this pastor
and bis people.
The first chnrch edifice at Mill Creek was
buiit of unhewed logs, Chunked, bnt not
daubed; the floor was made of puncheons
(boards split out of logs), and clapboards
formed the roof. It was without window or
door, so that it might answer the purpose of
a ion in an emergency, ana tne worsbipeis
crept in under the sill on the lower side.
The men took their guns with them to the
meeting, loaded and ready for use, and they
were stacked in one corner where they could
be conveniently seized.
One day daring the sermon some mis
chievous person managed to explode one of
the guns daring the delivery of the sermon;
instantly the women with their children
dropped flat on the floor, and the men
snatching their arms, Sprang to the port
holes. Although the true state of the case
was soon learned, the devotional spirit was
spoiled for that day..
The building was without fire, and in the
cold weather the more delicate of the women
brought heated blocks of wood with them
from their homes.
Father Scott and his two churches wit
nessed the great revivals of religion in
Western Pennsylvania that commenced
with the opening of the present century,
and continued for many years. These re
markable awakenings occurred in 1802,
1816 and in 1822, the latter continuing with
unabated interest for five years.
April 18, 1826, Father Scott resigned his
charge of the Flats Church, and continued
pastor of the other branch until December
26,1837. His request to the Presbytery for
a dissolution of his relation to Mill Creek,
gave advancing age and increasing infirmi
ties as his reasons for seeking a release.
He remained among the people to whom
he had given the most of his life service,
preaching and doing pastoral work as occa
sion offered. On the Sabbath preceding his
Beaded Silk Wrap, netted "jet
shoulders, silk lined all through, at
$3 98- I "
Splendid quality all-silk Wrap,
beautifully trimmed and jetted, at
$7 98.
Ladies' Cloth Walking Jackets, in
new spring shades, all-wool, tailor
made, with plaited or plain seams,
excellent fit, for $3 29.
Superfine West' of England
Ladies' Surtout Walking Jacket,
with -waistcoat bound,silk faced and
finished in best form. - A rich and
stylish garment, in colors and
black, at $9 98.
'death he preached 'a very effective senaoa,
using for a text Mathew v., 6: "Blessed an
they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness, for they shall be filled."
During the early part of the followingweek
he conducted two funeral services, and
walked a mile on Friday to visit a sick per
son. On his return his fatigue-occasioned a
sickness that ended his life on the next Sab
bath, August 15, 1847.
His remains sleep in the graveyard at
tached to tne church, and the congregatloa
have placed a monument at the grave that
worthily speaks of the high honor in which
he was held.
The Bible he used in the pulpit is still la
the possession of a family in that congrega
tion, and the chair on which he sat when ho
wrote his sermons is in tbe possession of
Eev. Dr. J. L. Fulton, in Allegheny. It is
made of hickory, with round rungs, painted
black, and appears to be as strong as it was
when Father Scott prayed over and pon
dered on the Scriptures as the sacred 7olumn
lay on its high, broad leaf, under his right
arm. It was- placed in the care of the doctor
when be was pastor of that church by Judga
Lawrence, late of Beaver, Pa., who had
been a member of Mill Creek in bis boy
hood. The son of Father Scott and the father of
Mrs. Harrison, Eev. John W. Scott, D.D.,
is an employe of tUe Pension Office, Wash
ington, D. C. A large p3rt of his life was
spent as an instructor in a female seminary
at Oxford, O.
A Boon for Suffering Woman.
If there are times in life that try men's
souls, there are also times that try women's
souls. As woman's organization in general
is more delicate than man's, so she has spe
cial functions o( a far more delicate charac
ter, which render her much more liable to
derangement and disease, and which requira
much 'more skillful and careful treatment
No class of diseases tests a physician's skill
or a medicine's efficacy more severely than
female diseases. No medicine has ever
proved itself more successful in the cure of
such diseases than Pe-rn-na. In that most
trying of periods, which 'every middle-aged
woman must pass through, Pe-rn-na has
proved a true boon to the sex. "I had been
a great sufferer for three years," writes Mrs.
S. Smith, of Hillsville, Pa. "I had given
up all hope, when I commenced taking Pe-rn-na
ana Man-a-lin. Now I am as well as
ever in my life." Begulate the bowels with
Man-a-lin, For sale by all druggists.
Furniture nnd Carpet floase.XJbertr Street)
Corner Sixth Avenne.
We would kindly, inform buyers of re
liable furniture and carpets, in the medium
and fine grades, that we have positively de
termined to undersell any and all competi
tion fully 20 per cent during this spring's
trade no matter" if their advertisements
cover one-half the space in this paper or
they" should .offer chamber suits for J5,
parlor suits for $10, or wardrobes for S3.
We will stake our reputation of 25 years
standing in the furniture business in this
connty on our assertions. In carpets, we
assure the readers of this paper that we ara
even better prepared to get under the
market in price and quality than in furni
ture, and simply ask Layers to verify our
claims before making their purchases else
where. Heset Bkegze,
642 and 644 Liberty st, cor. Sixth ave.
Why Do People Hnvo " ,
Two sets of teeth.
They don't shed arms and legs to get new
ones. Teeth are indispensable, and tho
Creator gives two chances. When one uses
SOZODONT, even anions; babies. It preserves
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the permanent wish
Catarrh Cured'.
A clergyman, after years of suffering from
that loathsome disease, catarrh, vainly trying
every known remedy, at last fonnd a recipo
whloh completely cured and saved hhn from,
death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease
sanding self-addressed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. Lawrence, 88 Warren st, NewYorS
City, will receive the recipe free of charge
Basinets Change.
Walter Anderson has opened out at his
new place, 700 Smlthfield street, with a firia
stock of woolens for gentlemen's garments.
The Finest Train In the World!
Via Union and Central Pacific roads. Sixty,
four hours from Conncil Bluffs or Omaha to
San Francisco. A Pullman vestibuled
train; steam heat.lectric light, bath rooms,
barber shop, library and dining car a pal
ace hotel on wheels is The Golden Gaxb
Special, every Wednesday. - so.
Bio bargains in carpets, lace curtains
poles, linoleum, etc.
Thssa 136 Federal street, Allegheny.
Fixe parlor clocks and mantel orna
ments; large stock; lowest prices, at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Established
1853. TVTTSU
PEABSOjf's large photographs cannot ba
equaled in the two cities. Try him and sea
for yourself.
Great reduction at Steinmann's, 107 Ted
eral st 1
Ladies' black wool, all sizes, 99c.
Ladies' all-wool, all colors and
black, $1 48.
Ladies' new colors, braided and
trimmed, 52 49.
Ladies blouses, new shades,
li 49.
New Tinted Striped Blouses,
French flannel, fast colors, .very .
stylish and prettily finished at
$2 24.
Children's Blouses, Jersey Clothi
braided, $1 73. '
A beautiful line of Children's .',
Reefer Jackets, all-wool, cloth, ntiff
color, to fit from 4 years to i2, at
$1 99.
srxnrjB: street
-X3CD- .
ZFEisnsr jftuVEisrtrE.
iFEnsnsr .AVEnsruE.
Jjj V .,-- V