Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 17, 1889, Image 1

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'DOUBLE SOMBER. ; ,-'E (pu
h Is Gladstone in the Eyes of
f . the Average British
J- Votefv Since
Cheers Instead of Jeers Everywhere
Greet the Mention of His Name.
Queen Victoria Showing Unmistakable
Signs of AppronchlngAAe ARIowDealt
at Bad Lords Servia's Qneea Wonts to
Go Back, bht the Regents Won't Have It
So An American Actor Shows tbe Brlt
Uh Bow to Pot on Shakespearean Plars
Snlta for Daapes Already Being Pre
pared by Irishmen Agnlnst tbe liondon
Times Chnrchlll and Chamberlain Never
Speak as They Pass By.
A wonderful change has come over the
spirit of the average British voter's dream.
The collapse of the Times' charges, followed
by the surprising result of the election in
Kennington, caused it. Gladstone is now
as big a man as grows on the other side of
the ocean. Cheers greet every mention of
his name, where the loyal Briton was wont
to hiss and groan. Churchill and Chamber
lain don't speak as they pass by. Their
American wives caused the coldness. Things
are at sizes and sevens in Servia. Richard
Mansfield, the American actor, scored a
wonderful triumph last evening, in London,
appearing as Richard IIL
London, March 16. Copyright I
called early this morning on Mr. Gladstone,
- in James street, to ask him about the
notable and signal success of the Liberals in
the Kennington election. The health of the
great Liberal leader is fully restored, not &
vestige of his recent cold remains, and he
has the spirits of a schoolboy. He wrote
the following opinion for publication for
-It is impossible to weigh precisely the
separate effect of tbe Kennington election, bnt
it is one of a series which are doing and will
effectually and speedily do their work.
' I sent a telegram to Mr. Laboucherc, a
short time after this, and received the
following characteristic answer:
The victory at Kennington will confirm the
Tories in putting off a general election, and
the Liberal Unionists will stand by them closer
than ever. Possibly they will next year try a
mild local Government bill, bat we must make
, itriarjiiattMtic no settlement.
Gladstone Honrly Growing Store Popalar.
The name of Gladstone grows more popu
lar hourly. Nowhere is the change more
obviously shown than in the theaters and
music halls. The mention of the great Lib
eral leader's name but a short time ago
elicited an outburst of hoots, hisses and
jeers, but so strong has been the effect of the
Parncll vindication and the consequent in
creasing tide of Liberal sympathy that
cheers follow the name of Gladstone now as
the day follows the night.
The change in sentiment is very great,
and it must be grateful to the Grand Old
Man. Formerly his daily walks were re
plete with unpleasant incidents. An elderly
and gentlemanly looking man stepped np to
him once, and, after touching his hat, grew
very red and whispered something in Mr.
Gladstone's ear. Mr. Gladstone pursued
the even tenor of his way with placid
Merely a Matter of Opinion.
The stranger stood staring atter him with
his i&ce still flushed. He was asked what
he had said. "I told him," said the man,
''that I took great satisfaction in.remarking
that he was a
old scoundrel."
These things may not have been entertain
ing and amusing to Mr. Gladstone, but if
they annoyed him much he has the satisfac
tion of knowing that the reward has come.
His daily walk through St. James' Park
partakes now of the nature of an ovation,
and it grows more and more noisy and ex
ultant .
The Kennington election is the most seri
ous reverse sustained by the Tory-Unionist
Government since it came into power, over
two years ago, and its moral and material
effects upon the constituencies cannot be
' overrated.
Tbe Extent of the Victory.
One of the outposts of Toryism's greatest
and almost impregnable stronghold has been
carried by storm, and the victors set no
bounds to the triumphs which shall follow.
Tbe Government and theirUies were abso
lutely stupefied when the great news reached
the House of Commons, late last night. The
Tory members fled in deep and silent dis
gust to their clubs anywhere, in fact, be
yond the sound of the jubilating Liberals,
and the Ministers rushed to their private
rooms, there to hide their mortification from
the gloating Gladstonians, and to take
counsel with each other in their sore dis
tress. At tbe National Liberal Club, long
since happily pursed of its Unionist dress,
there were high jinks far into the morning,
and there is credible evidence in support of
the rumor that the English and Irish mem
bers drank deeply, danced merrily and
wound up with singing"God Save Ireland,"
a 'patriotic ditty that was once penal in
the green Isle, and still unlawful, according
to the rnling of some of Balfour's sapient
removable magistrates.
Ireland's Friends Brace Up.
The victory has nerved the friends of Ire
land to harder work, and has aroused a feel
ing of enthusiastic confidence in an arly
and complete triumph tlnequaled by any
previous success. A few of the Tory
Unionist organs nave been making the most
comical efforts to explain away the victory,
but, for the majority of them, its complete
ness has been overpowering, and nothing
has been left for them save to admit thai the
cause of the Union has suffered a very seri
. ous blow.
A conscientious calculator who has sat in
the reporters' gallery of the House of Com-
sons for 25 years, and has closely watched
the political career of Lord Randolph
Churchill since its commencement, has ar-
t.t " v-Wf flfcaissswawaHHIHHI j&jsBIWsHPrw
v. . . l a 6."; r-'yg'K.JMtM . ? , . v,sMsk2yV,'w-'- - r. .
rived at the conclusion that, bis verratic
lordship, has 'just three followers in the
House, to wit: Mr. Curron, Mr. Jennings,
formerly of New York, and MrTHanbury,
and ,t hat the noble Lord has reached a point
at which he can avoid political extinction
only-byjoining the Liberal .party.
A Bad Effect en tbe Hair.
Lord Eandolph has been nagging the
Government this week with much lithesome
industry, but with little effect. The Tories
have taken lolanirhing at his .criticisms in-
i stead of receiving them seriously, and his
lordship, in consequence, is growing restive.
A jump one way or the other seems an im
minent probability. Like ex-King Milan,
the trouble has affected his hair. His head
has lost its old-time trimness, and his locks
are beginning to thin. His long mustache
is becoming quite stubby byconstant biting,
and has lost a hair for every adjective slung
at its owner from the Ministerial benches.
Whenever Eandolph is angry or per
turbed he always rugs at his mustache, and
of late the consequences of this curious
habit have been so disastrous to his appear
ance as a manand a husband as to occasion,
according to current report in, society, avast
amount of domestic discussion.
Never Expected to Pass.
John O'Connor's bill providing for more
lenient treatment of political prisoners was
regarded almost as hopeless from the be
ginning. It was brought forward partly to
give Parliamentary expression to the great
national protest against the ill-treatment of
the Irish members, and partly to show to
what lengths the Liberal-Unionists would
go in their support of the Government. The
results were highly satisfactory. The Gov
ernment majority, which two years ago aver
aged HO.iras reduced to 66,the smallest in a
critical division that has been obtained in
this Parliament.
More significant than this, however, is,
the fact that only 39 Liberal-Unionists
plucked up sufficient courage to vote with
the Government. Among them was Joseph
Chamberlain, who only "a fortnight ago
publicly declared himself in favor of the
very reforms proposed in the present bill.
Not All Lost to Shame.
It is pleasant to note that two Liberal
Unionists, unlike their leaders, were not
lost to all sense of shame. Mr. Kenrick
voted straight against the Government, and
Mr. Powell Williams paired in favor of
the bUl. Still more satisfactory were the
signs of weakening shown by the Govern
ment. Balfour, who, through all this fierce
fighting and endless bickerings over the
prison ill-treatment of the Irish leaders, has
resolutely declined to admit that his present
system was otherwise than perfect, agreed
to appoint a committee to inquire whether
that perfection could not be improved.
Nothing may result from the investigations
of this committee, but its appointment clear
ly proves that if he is impervious to argu
ment, Balfour is in some slight degree
amenable to public opinion.
An American Actor Shows tbe English
How to Play Richard III.
London, March 16. Bichard Mans
field's production of "Eiehard IIL" to
night, at the Globe Theater, drew a distin
guished audience. BaronessBurdett-Coutts,
Lady Freake, Miss Walpole, Mrs. Horton,
Lady Monckton, Lady Hardy,Bd and
Ya(es and'many other notable people-were
present A great deal of -money and
months of preparation haveserved to make
the production of "Bichard IIL" a remark
able one, even in a city where great specta
cles and elaborate Shakespearean revivals
are common. Every detail has been the
subject of careful and minute study, and
the scenery and costumes are superb. It
ranks with the productions of Mr. Irving.
Mr. Mansfield has marred his personal
popularity in London as he did in New
York, by a number , of quarrels, and the
success he won was entirely .on his merits.
Some of the original Mansfield company
are in the cast, including D. H. Harkins,
Joseph Eranko and Miss Beatrice Cameron.
The element of surprise in the perform
ance was unquestionably Mansfield himself.
It would not be fair to sav that his Richard
has been influenced by his Baron Chevral,
but it is plain that he has pursued the same
line of character1 building in this last as in
the former conception. He has made it a
distinct character creation. His Bichard
has a set, saturnine and crafty face, with the
fixed pallor, red-lidded eyes, and dyspeptic
mouth of a confirmed invalid, and he has
invested the character with certain manner
isms as strongly marked as those of Booth's
Bichdieu, Irvine's Louis XL, or the late
John McCullough's Yirginius.
Mansfield did much more than was ex
pected of him, and his force in the more
violent-and tragic scenes was effective to a
remarkable degree. His voice has gained
in power, his reading was intelligent though
by no means conventional, and be deserved
in the fullest measure the applause and
cheers that he received after every act
The Queen Wants to Get Back, bnt the
Regents Won't Have It.
London, March 16. The attempt to
raise a scare in Eastern Europe may be
very largely discounted. The Standard
correspondent who sends the news is a very
old offender in this 'respect Austria may
possibly be moving troops toward the
Servian frontier, bnt in all probability it is
only to protect her own territory. Austria
can' hardly desire? to provoke a war with
Eussia at this juncture, and Bismarck
would assuredly use the whole of his great
influence to prevent it, but a force of
Austria-Hungarian troops on the Servian
frontier may act as a restralng in
fluence upon those within, whose delight
it would be to. "raise en outbreak in
the so-called kingdom. 'Everything, in
deed, in Servia, points to this'
little place becoming a hotbed, of
intrigue, and remaining so for
a lone time to come. 'The Queen wants
to get back and the young King wants his
mother, but the regents are not 'disposed to
put up with this charming lady, who,
whatever her social qualifications may be,
has a certain love of intrigue and a pervad
ing predilection or turmoil whioh might
bring trouble upon the country.
Things in Servia are going to be at sixes
and sevens. Tbe poor pesantry are spirit
less, but tbe agitators are at work upon
them, and a little flare-up may be expected
any day. But a spit-fire blaze in Servia
does not mean a great European conflagra
tion, by any means.
Be Acts Ufee a Prisoner Who lias Jast
Been Released.
London, March 16. They say in Bel
grade that King Milan acts like a prisoner
who has been released from a long term be
hind the iron bars. Apparently the agony
that he felt over the loss of his halr.has
abated, or else the hair has grown more
tenacious, for tbe King is larky and gay.
He has thrown, all responsibility to the tour
winds of heaven, and leaves his juvenile
successor and bis amiable wife to solve the
European problem and combat the opposing
influences of Austria and Bussitt.
Tbe Grand Old Man Profits by a Falling Oat.
of Chamberlain and Chnrchlll Two
American Wires Cause a. Cool- . '
ness Between Friends.
LONDON, March 16. The winter carni
val which, by the way, was not a carnival,
and did not in any way suggest winter,
aside from the allegorical representation of
Niagara flowing up hill at an angle of
about 90 degrees has revealed the great and
stirring international fact that, the Ameri
can wives of two famous British; statesmen
are taciturn and dumb when they pass by.
A few days ago it was observed that cool
ness had sprung up between Lord Eandolph
Churchill and Mr. Joseph Chamberlain in
the House. Chamberlain was passing down
an aisle of the House, when he suddenly
came face to face with Churchill. Cham
berlain turned a large, friendly and butterv
smile upon the man whom he supposed was
his friend, but his cordiality was checked by
a fierce, direct and insular British stare.
Affronts of this kind have, not always ar?
fected Chamberlain's exterior, as hard ex
perience has inured him to them, but for
some reason or other he returned the stare
with one several degrees harder, and for
several hours the small talk of the House
hinged upon the exciting event Since that
time their relations have constantly grown
more strained. N
It has transpired at last that the trouble
is due to the jealousy of the wives of the
two statesmen. Both of them were asked to
lend their aid to the winter carnival, and,
both acquiesced eagerly, with the solitary
proviso that the other one should be shut
out As women of all sorts and conditions
were trooping in, it was obviously difficult
for the managers to draw the line at either
Mrs. Chamberlain or Lady Eandolph
Churchill, and the point was passed over
with some awkwardness. The great fact of
the quarrel, however, was not suppressed.
The dazzling and effulgent smile of Cham
berlain, which had received such a sudden
and brutal check from Churchill, went gun
ning for an object, so to speak, for some
time without success, and then lighted on
Mr. Gladstone. It would probably take
an event of even more stirring consequence
than that of Chamberlain's smile to dis
turb Mr. Gladstone. At all events, the
effect hasn't yet been observed, but Cham
berlain is smiling on the Liberal leader,
shaking hands with him, and wagging at
him in a fashion that has set all the gossips
It Is Intimated That They Shouldn't be Al
lowed to Tote for Coercion.
London, March 16. Lord Carnarvan's
bill, which has just been introduced into
the House of Lords, aims to prevent disre
putable peers from sitting in the House of
Lords. The Lords are beginning to reor
ganize, and it is the general Impression that
they will have a fertile field for work. The
new bill is aimed at such disreputable 'speci
mens of mankind and the British peerage as
Lord Ailesbury, who by his untiring efforts
has managed to reach a point where he can
be warned off any race course in England as
a blackleg and sharper, but is still empow
ered to vote for coercion. in Iteland.
Ailesbury, himself; by the way, with his
music hall wife, Dolly Tester, is imparting
a lurid light to a constantly Increasing por
tion of the continent -The efforts of this
distinguished pair are meeting with more
than national success. They begin a new
cycle daily, and wind up at sunrise help
lessly drunk and proud of the fact. ,
Viscount Mandeville, the heir to the
Duke of Manchester, who is in the bank
ruptcy court this week for obtaining money
by false pretenses, would not be disquali
fied. The fa'ct was brought out this week
that Mandeville, when his father dies, will
be the owner "of 12,000 acres in Armagh,
14,000 acres in Huntingtonshire, and 1,000
in Cambridgeshire, but he has already in
curred liabilities to the amount of 5600,000,
of which the bankruptcy court can't rid
him. His unsecured creditors will be
lucky if they get sixpence on the pound.
Age Causing Her Britannic Majesty to Act
in a Peevish Mnnner.
London, March 16. Queens grow old
as well as commoners.. There is no other
reason but .advancing age for the dissatis
faction which Queen Victoria has shown at
her quarters at Biarritz. Everything was
done to make her stay comfortable and
pleasant, but Her Majesty has already de
clined to stay out the full time. She means
to make a hurried visit to Queen Christina,
at San Sebastian, and editorially the hearts
of the two great nations have already started
to beat as one.
Owing to the difference of the railroad
gauges, Victoria will hve to change car
riages at Iron, the frontier 'depot, and a
special report announces from Biarritz, with
deep and heartfelt emotion, that the change
will compel Her Britannic Majesty to walk
a distance of 30 yards. Such a stupendous
effort seems to loyal Britons to be too great
a price .to pay for a two hours' stay in San
Sebastian, bnt it is all that the programme
will allow. .
Meanwhile, the Prince of Wales has as
sumed the cares of state, including a recep
tion to the baseball team and the customary
drive from Marlboro House to St. James'
Palace in the big gilded coach which is the
object of such maligpaht envy to the Lard
"Mayor's footman. Prince Albert Victor sat'
beside his distinguished father when they
drove to the palace yesterday. He looked
as though he had somehow slipped out of
one of the dude's chairs at Delmonlco's and
got into uniform under false pretense. I
The Ontlook In the European Financial
World Anything bnt Good.
London, March 16. The outlook in the
financial world at the present moment, is
anything but good. All eyes are turned on
Paris, and at present it 'is difficult to say
how and where the situation will end. At
"any rate, we shall not see the full effects of
the downfall of the copper shares and the
crisis in the Comptoir d'Escompte until the
monthly liquidation in Paris is well over.
The latest news is to the effect that the Bus
sian loan, which was to have been floated
next week, has been indefinitely postponed.
This shows at once how ugly the financial
position really is, as full arrangements had
been -made to bring out the loan.
London stocks seem to be more demoral
ized than for a long time past, and it is gen
erally believed that the market is being
manipulated to suit the New York bear
party. The short interest is enormous, and
any attempt to cover would send prices up
rapidly. ,
Taking Time by tfae Forelock. )
London, March 16. Without waiting
for the Judges' report on the Parnell
charges, Mr. George Lewis is preparing
cases for some of the Irish members against
tbe Times for libel. It is said that John
Dillon's-trill be one of. the first .cases
hmntrhfc. "V - -V
The 'German, Official?. Have. Suddenly
Become Peaceful, Bnt the
Mataafa. is Strongly Entrenched, While
the Tamaseso Army-Has
Complete ma Authentic News by Steamer Freni tab
Island, Group.
The steamer jiealandla has arrived at San ,
Francisco from Samoa with full information'
or the situation there up to March 2. At'
that date there had been no further warlike,
demonstrations. The German Consul has
apparently received specific instructions
from Bismarck. Both Americans and En-?
glish, however, are on the watch for
ble trouble. The natives are still in
Afia, Samja, Peb Steamship Zea
landiA, at San Peancisco, March 16.
During the past month the German author
ities, both consular and naval, have main
tained a state of inactivity. This condition
of affairs dates back to the arrival of the
steamer Wainui, with dispatches for the
German Consul, on January 23, and is no
doubt the result of the orders then re-.
The declaration of a state of war in the
Samoan Islands seems to have become a
dead letter, while the military occupation,
oi Apia, whioh the declaration of martial
law would seem to have implied, hasvno ex
istence save the maintenance of a strong
guard at the German Consulate.
A guard is still kept at the American and
English consulates, in view of the facts
that there has been no official retraction of
these declarations, and of numerous pro
clamations with which the town was flooded;
and consequently no settlement of the mat
ter at issue. The German Consul has made
repeated overtures to Mataafa looking to-!
ward the adjustment of the quarrel and the
conclusion of terms of peace, but the terms
proposed always embodied a strong German
interest in. the future administration of af
fairs which Mataafa declares he will,
under no circumstances, consent to.
Negotiations have therefore been of no
avail, and German officials occupy the un
enviable position of men who have deeply
compromised themselves without seeing
their way clear to retreat consistent with
the preservation of their dignity. Mataafa,
in the midst of his warriors, retss secure In
his entrenched camp and awaits the arrival
of Admiral Kimberly, having full faith in
the support of the United States.. His
picket lines extend down the coast for a dis-s
tance of five miles, close espionage being
I maintained on the road leading from Apia
to amy ana.ijutumnl. .
Tsmasese, with his forces now reduceoVby
deserters to abontfleo warriors, still occupier
the. large fort at Lutumui. A-great number
of his former." aAereaU have, joined the
standard of llataafa) or, grown weary of
war, have returned, to their own districts.
There has been no collision between the op
posing forces for a long time.
On February 8 a small detached party of
Malietoa men, which was reconnoitering in
the vicinity of the fort, fell in with a forag
ing party of the "enemy, and succeeded in
killing one of Tamasese's greatest leaders
and stanchest supporters, one Solo Futi,
ruler iroin Matauta, in Savay.
On February 2, H, M. S. "Calliope,"
Cstptain'HL J. Kane, arrived from New
Zealand to relieve the Eoyal, the latter
sailed for Auckland on the 4th inst This
change has been a source of untold satis
faction to the English residents in Samoa,
as well as to their consular representative.
The censure showered upon Captain Hand,
of the Eoyal, by the colonial press simply
voiced the indignant feeling, of his country
men in Samoa,, whose interests he looked
after in a dilatory and lukewarm manner,
and whose property he announced himself
without authority to protect
. There can be no doubt that the cordial
feelings and unity of purpose which charac
terized the relations between his predeces
sor, Commander Pell, of the Wizard, and
Her Majesty's Consul, had no existence in
the case of Captain Hand.
Early in the month Captain Fritze made
known the fact that the consular courts
the American and English were consid
ered "by him as open for the hearing of
causes, despite his proclamation of martial
law, reserving to himself, however, the ad
ministration of the police under the regula
tions of January 18, 1888. Thus acknowledg
ing the ability of these courts to perform
their civil functions, undisturbed virtually
abrogates the necessity for the establish
ment, of martial law and gives rather a
farcial aspect to that arbitrary act on the
part of the German commander.
Another fact proving that Germany
recognizes their original stand to be untena
ble is found in the reissue of the Samoan
Times, the English newspaper which was
suspended by the German Consul as a
dangerous organ. The editor felt the pulse
of the press censor on February 4, by ihe
publication of a single sheet ''extra, and
on the 9th the regular sheet again appeared.
The revival of the suppressed paper has
called for no comment from Dr. Knappe,
the German Consul, which evinced a far
calmer frame of mind than that displayed
in his dictatoral actions ot three weeks ago.
On February 5 the steamer Lebeck left
this port tor Sydney, carrjing with her
Herr Brandis, the ex-German artillery
officer and Premier of Tamasese, who has
for so long a time been the bone of conten
tion in Samba and who has done much to
precipitate the present crisis. It is rumored
he has been ordered home to explain his
conduct in the Samoan affairs to the Gov
ernment at Berlin.
On February 12 the German man-of-war
Eber, which had been sent to Auckland, os
tensibly to communicate with Berlin, re
turned to this port. Her arrival and dis
patches which she undoubtedly brought
(the tenor of which is unknown), have in
no wise changed the condition of affairs.
' 81X1,1, BOUBTPTn,.
Whether -the German Government will
endeavor to maintain the position taken "by
its officials here or whether it has issued in
structions to concur in such ultimate set
tlement as Admiral Kimberly may propose,
is'a-mere matter of conjecture. It is known
that early in the present month that the
United States ships Trenton and Vandalia
had been ordered to Samoa,, and had sailed
in obedience to their instructions.
The Vandalia arrived on the evening of
'February-SB.' The arrival of the flagship
Trenton was anxiously awaited, as it was
hoped that Admiral, Kimberly's instruc
tions will empower him to speedily termi
nate tbev uncertainty as to the outcome of
the present struggle. Mataafa is firm in his
belief of ultimately receiving the support of
the' United States Governmentand'haS -reit
MA&OH 17, ,1889..
erated h determination 'to do nothing upti),
the Admiralta arrival.. annreciatini? the; fact
that'fn treating with Germany'he musf be
seconded by. the patron' -whose ' rmwetj'cAit
justice. r ' , .
Tamasese's forces, weakened Mr desertion,,
sink "into' a-secoridary factor and jndeedvhas
almost entirely.disappeared from thV scene;
On thfc fnrmnnn n Keb'rnarv lS-'dnflnif a.
' lieavy n'orth'westly gale the American"barfc-
anil.. l-tA,!..,t. fla....!.. TA,n 'T 0ir
ley, dragged her anchors and struck on the
western edge of the inner reef in Apia har
bor. At, ,the first blow the. rudder was
driven into her cable and her stern .crushed,
in so th'at'she began to fill immediately, and.
soon turned, 'ever on her beam ends; and sunk
besidovthe reef. . . ,
A. boats.had been dispatched, front the
United States man-of-war Nipslo in response,
to a signalf. distress, and it succeeded ,in
landing the crew in safety. Shewas owned,
by Nicholas Bichard, OfSan 'Francisco, and
was freighted with' a general' cargo' for
Apia.. She,wts built in Philadelphia and'
was originally avsteamr, being rehnilt in'
SanJFrancisco in 1873. Jhe wre.ck and
contents were'puiQiased at, auction by H..
K. Moore of Apia.
The schooners Mataula, owned- pyJBuge &
Co., and '.Tamasese were also' wrecked, the
former haying been driven well. 'upon the
western reef and the latter upon the -beach.
Eeports from other' points on the island
bring information of similar disasters - to
small craft The Captain and crew of the
Constitution were; brought to. San .Francisco
The American and Englishmen, still ac,
case the, German officials of intercepting,
their matlmatter and, reading the coptenta
for the information of their Government
The schooner .which met the steamship Ala
meda 'at Tutuila and took'on' board, the'
mails Tor Apia,' was Wet by the German!
corvette Olga when midway betweed Tutuila
and Apia, and took all the official and
prjyatp mail matter, directing the schooner1
to 'return to Tutuila. and met , the Zealandla
with mail Intended for the United States.
AH'the mail matter taken by. the Alame
da., for Apia, therefore,, was first taken on
wjifdthe'German man-of-war before being
ttefied over, to the postoffice in Apia. As
tH'American'mdil steamers do not touch
at Apia, American, mall matter must pass
throughGerman hands before Teaching the
Samoan capital. It is thought that, here
after ona American man-of-war" will meet
the mail steamer 'at Tutuila.
One Yankee Skipper Who' Threatened to
-2 Fire on the Germans.
San Fbancisco; March 16. The Chron
iiU has thiB account of- the, arrival of' the
American barkenting Constitution at Apia
ouf February '2; which was after
ward wrecked in Apia Harbor:
The Constitution took "her cargo to
Apia. 'and on her 'arrival at that port a
searching pa'rtyifrdm the German corvette
Olga; under charge of a Lieutenant, rowed
to the Constitution and demanded her
pipers, and announced their intention of
searching the vessel for the contraband
material, announcing that martial law had
been declared by Germany.
t'On the date of this occurrence the Ameri
can man-of-war Nlpsic had gone to Tnlnila
and there was no American-Vessel at Apia.
Captain Calley only had eight men dn
board, but informed the Germans that the
Cpnstitution- 'was an American ship, and
that if they attempted to board his vessel
they would- he fired upon. The Germans
after a little further parleying withdrew.'
When the .Constitution drifted on the reef
MMnofl.hvthjw AffV-kWa .,( 4TiA.T4n. AtWA
."s!tv5ieh.roMi .one -iks-ay-atil.-
tiatf. The crew of the Olga, which was
close Dy, tendered no assistance.
Germany Confident That It Will Result In a
Peaceful Settlement.
Beelin, March 16. The Samoan confer
ence is not expected to present formidable
difficulties. Slight doubts are expressed as
to the attitude ot America, but the German
Government will do its utmost to prevent
friction, at the same time maintaining Ger
many's full right to deal with the Samoan
rebels. Confidence is felt here that the
peaceful disposition of aU'three powers will
render an agreement easy. Prince Bis
marck is in jio wav inclined, in the present
-state of European affairs, to be drawn into
colonial disputes, xne. rotsische zettung
It is to be regretted that the irritation beyond
tbe ocean has reached its present extent and
bitterness, and that it is in a large degree
owing to the fault of German officials- But it
lies beyond reasonable expectation that the
conference will lead to any other conviction
than that there has been a great deal of un
necessary heat imported into tbe dispute.
A Eerions Cave-In of a Coat Mine nt
., Kcrnnton.
Scbanton, March 16. Eight chambers
in two of the thickest veins in the Central
mine of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Eailroad Company, in the, western
part of the city, collapsed this rAorning,
and the crush of roof and "workine" of
.pillars are still going on.
The convulsion is under Washburn street
and Hyde Park avenue, and buildings on
those thoroughfares are being badly dam
aged. The Washburn Street Presbyterian
Church has thus far suffered the greatest
injury of any buildings in the neighbor
hood. The' north wall of the church
has been badly shaken, and the
frescoing of the edifice has been
greatly damaged. The Eev. W. I. Steam's
house, adjoining, has also suffered much.
The cement floor in the cellar is cracked
and none'of the doors can be closed, owing
to the building having been thrown out of
plumb. It is hoped that the settling of the
mine will soon cease, otherwise much
greater damage is feared.
Too Much Lerfslntlon IHIubt bo Hurtful to
Certain Interests.
Habbisbubo, March 16. There is a
well authenticated report that the calling
ot a joint Eepublican caucus, to put the
Andrews resolution to adjourn on the 22th
of April through the Senate is contem
plated, and that the soldiers' orphan school
syndicate is quietly .working in that direc
tion for the purpose of preventing, if possi
ble, the passage of legislation hurtful to its
financial interests. Tbe action of the latter
may cause the programme to be changed, as
Senator Delamater is understood to be op
posed to allowing the syndicate any further
opportunities to add to its profits.
Katie Jones Did Not Cause the Sqnibb
Factory Explosion.
WrxKESBABBE, March 16. George S.
Eees, the foreman ot the squib factory at
Plymouth, which exploded recently, killing
a number of girls, made a confession before
dying that it was he, not Eatie Jones, who
caused the explosion.
He was smoking a pipe in the basement
when a spark flew into the powder keg.
TheCoroner's jury returned a verdict that
Katie Jones caused the accident by throw
log a squib in the stove.
' " - . .--. .1 J- .
r ;
' i ' V
Prince 'Bismarck and ,florrie '6f His
Associates. Bellflyed to' lie On
I 1 ' i r ' ' Z
Wiridthorst dbje'cts.to the Large and In
" . .creaalnff Expenditure
I&iperrcW'niaA'Declares'Be Is Heartily, la FjT0i;ef
Dissension is Tife between Chancellor Bis
marck and a portion of his ministerial col
leagues. The financial policy ii the main
point of -difference. The Socialistic party
continues to-prosecute. its .agitation and op
position to. the Government Emperor
William says he is In favor of peace. No
official d'eclaratiod conoeraihg'the Servian
troubles has' been made. ,
Beblin, March'16. In .a'ddltion' 'to the
new income tax,' vhich Is said to be the' sub
ject of .dissension between Prince. Bismarck
and bis colleagues,. Minister Von Gesslen
disagrees with the". Chancellor bh theojies
tiop of. the Stategranting financial support
to the clergy. The -subject of discord be
tween Minister Von Scholeze and Prince
Bismarck is the currency question.
The former advocates a geld currency,
while the latter favors bimetalism. An in
cident which occurred .at the' last meeting of
the Provincial Council of Danzio auld in
dicate a slieht difference between the Chan
cellor and Minister Von Euttkamer. Mem
bers of the Council reproached the brother
of the latter for the wholesale expulsion of
Poles which he had ordered.
Minister Von Puttkamer, in defending
his brother, said that He deplored the con
sequences of the expulsion on' economic
grounds, but that 'be was overruled by
Prince Bismarck, who considered political
ihterests'of greater importance; The Tags
blatte remarks, that in view of the incident
peoplewillnot.be disposed to place much
confidence in ministerial declarations.
The Eeichstag has been occupied . with
the disoussion, of the annual Government
report on the. application 'of the Socialist
laws. -The debate has been confined to pro
tests from the. Social Democrats. Herr
Schrader, a Progressist, expressed surprise
that the Government made no reply and an
nounced that his party would continue to
oppose exceptional laws. -Herr Meyer said
that the National Liberals had entered into
no formal engagement a3 to. future Socialist
legislation. -
At Friday's sitting Dr. Windthorst com
plained of the continual demands for money
for military purposes. The estimates were
finally referred to"a "committee of 21, not
withstanding Herr Eichter's emphatic dec
laration that the House ought first to deter
mine, thersums to be granted. This deolsion
was brought about.by-BarOn Von.Maltzahnj
Secretary i,6tata.fes the Imperial Treai
committecThe estimates are certain -to be
In receiving the Central Committee of
the United grades Guilds to-day Emperor
William declared that the sole object of his
European tour had been to maintain peace,
the only means by which trade could pros
per. He believed he had insured this re
sult for years to come.
The official newspapers carefully abstain
from comment' on Servian- affairs. It is re
ported that the Governme'nt intends to re
call'Count von Bray from Belgrade, his in
timacy with'Hilan making him unwelcome
to the present Radical Government of Ser
via. Austria will also be obliged to recall
Dr. Hengelmuller for the same reason.
Advices from St. Petersburg are that the
Czar has advised ex-Queen Natalie not to
return to Servia; but to arrange for period
ical visits from her son at Odessa. , The
Cologne Gazette comments upon the marked
friendliness of the reception accorded to
Prince Nicholar of Hassan in royal circles
during his visit to Berlin as a favorable
sign of the good relations between the house
of Nassau and the Berlin court
Emperor William has accepted an invita
tion to dine with Sir Edward Malet, who re
turned to-day, at the English Embassy at
the end of next week. The Prince of Wales
is expected in Berlin at Easter. He will pass
a day at Darmstadt en route.
The Paris crisis and Servian affairs had a
depressing effect upon the Berlin bourse
throughout the week. Only an abundance
of cheap money prevented a stampede. The
few investors having an interest in copper
affairs appear to have withdrawn in good
time, but the heavy sales by Paris specula
tors depressed prices, except in the case of
Bussian securities.
A Sample of the Scenes That Amnse the
French Lawmakers.
Pabis, March'16. There was an exciting
scene in the Chamber of Deputies to-day.
M. Laguerre, one of the Patriotic League,
made a speech attacking M. Constans, the
Minister of the Interior, whom he accused
of having engaged in doubtful transactions
while actine as President of a financial con
cern in Lyons, in 1882. and ended by calling
him a fraudulent Minister.
Tbe speech created a tumult in the
Chamber, and the Speaker formally cen
sured M. Laguerre for his utterances. M.
Constans made an indignant denial, of the
charges, and retorted upon M. Laguerre by
saying that nobody quite knew where that
gentleman's fortune came from. The mat
ter was then dropped.
A Battle Near Barn.
Caibo, March 16. A messenger who has
arrived at Wady Haifa reports that a battle
between the followers of Senoussiandthe
Mahdlsts has taken place at Sinan, to the
southwest of Bara.and that the former were
victorious. Both sides suffered heavy losses.
Among the killed were two Mahdist chiefs.
BonIang-ers Boodle Must be Stopped.
Pabis, March 16. The Socier asserts
that tbe Government has warned certain
wealthy foreigners residing in France, who
are known to have assisted General Bonlan
ger in a financial way, that they will be ex
pelled the country unless they stop supply
Ing him with funds.
Horrible Fate- of a Mother and Her Utile
Kansas City, March 16. At 3 o'clock
this afternoon Clara Hunter, aged 6. was
playlnjr In an empty wagon on Pendleton
Heights, when in some manner the wagon
was started and went oyer the bluff. Her
mother heard the child scream and went to
her assistance, but her dress caught in the
wheel and the wagon rolled down the preci
pice 35 feet, dragging, the mother and child.
The girl was Instantly killed, and the
mother was so badly Injured that she la not
expected to live through the night
" r"" .-- t- -r;
To.Wh.ns th Asp!la,0c'pto
9, cC
Tunis Their Eyes-nlje. WJ!I.t'T:
i- !da.tlr:ne.a r-tr i th:
, i Ne Mss4sitray.
Hon. .
(SPXCUJ. a.0AJ?0 Tax ; p A7CB.1
WAaHXNGTONvMareh 16V-Ei si jAwkt
iat Postmaster General Jades 8. Cktk'on,
had more callers.' to-day, than ;Prsi4efit;
Harrison :er. . Postmaster' General Waaa
makex.haiL. This was due is a measure to,
the :faet .that.the President refused to, ae
any visitors :and Mr.'Wanamalter went, to
Philadelphisr to prepatehis.osnal Sunday;
talkito his Bible class. 3ut had neither of.
these gentlemen, been away, their;reeeptioni
conld.not iave been "larger than Mr. Claxk-
on.Vfor his office; was literally crowded to
the doors.
Nearly all of the people who shook the
new-HirstAssistant's'hand were Bleu tnveC
the wild arid woolly West, who, 'while tfcey
extended their congratulations, whlapereeV
something about the. application's whils her
wouia una on nie. in connrmauon .ot too,
report that Mr. plarkson is to. have lull oc
troi of all matters in' his denartment.iad-
rpehdeht df the Postmaster Generalitia
saiu mat aa oruer nas t aireaay aeeu. jiuui
mally made transferring- the'authority oyer
all appointments in. the railway mailserv
ice from the office of the Second Assistant.
Postmaster General to the First Assistant,
It is really a nominal authority, but it has
been something of' a bone of contention for
yeaW- , , "
The First Assistant' Postmaster General
is the real appointing' power of the Post-'
office Department and countersigns'all com
missions. During the incumbency of Post
master General Vilas the duty of counter
signing appointments in the railway mail
service, as given'to 'the. Second Assistant
Postmaster 'General, of. whose office' the'mall'
service is a subordinate branch. No power
ia giveh'the Second Assistant to ake ap
pointments, and his -.signature is merely a
routine duty. Still it has .been thought,
best fo give such power as may exist ui the
matter to the new Pint Assistant
Enthusiastic Prospectors Disgusted With
tho Southern California. Gold fields.!.
San Fbancisco, March'16. The excite
inent in Southern California over' the gold
fields is cooling off rapidlyT Only'peopli
attracted from other parts of the State.ha,ve
rushed to the scene. This ruth has been
mainly from the southern part of the State
and Arizona.- Hundreds of those 'who
started offheadlong, expecting to be able to lie
on the grounds and let $50 nuggets walk
into their pockets, are now-coming "back,
and their woful stories and disgusted faces
have caused many who were ready to start
for the mines to sell off their outfits for any
thing they could get. Many of those re
turning did n6t 'even get .as far' as the dig
gings, and turned back when within a few
miles of the camp, discouraged by the re
ports of those already on their wayback.
Advices from San Diego indicate that,
notwithstanding tbe backward rush that has
begun, there is still a steady but quiet
movement toward the mines. An old Com
stocker, who has 'been to the diggings, re
turned to Los Angeles with this story. 'He
prospected for ten- days- and found nothing
to justify a longer stay. He says the re
ports about spurious finds are true.
They' Are CorT&jhii? Alleieii"SvIU Wkh
on Unsparing- Hand.
Be cVEDtBE, N." Si, March 16, White
Caps ill Upper Warren county recently
visited a prominent local politician named
Young, at Allamuchy, and made him
promise to make amends for not leading a
life in conformity to the golden rule. At
Tranquility they called on H. C, Lemons,
a well-known resident, and leading him to
tbashop of Mr. Bunyon, they stripped him
and with brush, soap and hot water gave
bim a thorough washing, not being at all
particular about breaking the skin.
The victim shrieked, and groaned under
their treatment, but to -no purpose. When
through they dressed him in a new suit of
clothes and Sent him home, warning him to
keep clean, under penalty of a second scrub
bing. Afarmerwhowasalleged to have been
caught in the aot of watering his milk, was
visited and cautioned against repeating the
He Is Charged With Obtaining Goods on
False Pretenses.
Patebson, N. J.f March 16. Charles
T. Woodward, Republic member of As
sembly from Passaic county, was arrested
to-day on a capias charged with obtaining
goods under false pretenses. The complain
ants are. E. C. Williams & Co., wholesale
grocers of Hew York, whose claim amounts
1o ?85i 10 for groceries furnished Wood
ward for his store in Paterson. -
It is alleged that Woodward gave a check
In payment, alleging that he had. a balance
in the Second National Bank, bufnhe check
was protested; then Woodward gave a bill
of sale to his brother, Samuel Woodward,
so that Williams & Co. could not levy on
Mr. Woodward gave security to appear
in answer to the allegation. He denies that
he made any false representations, and
claims that, it was an ordinary business
credit, which he is unable to pay in con
sequence of non-collections.
Secretary Btnine Cnbles toRussIaon Behalf
of KempInskL
Bbidoepobt, March 16. Attorney J. B.
Klein, of this city, had an interview with
Secretary of State Blaine to-day and pre
sented the case of Hermann Kempinski,
the Bridgeport citizen who has been
cast into prison at Eowen, Eussia, while on
a visit to nis native place. Kempinski, al
though armed with passports and creden
tials of citizenship, has been banished to
Siberia, and unless liberated by the de
mands of Secretary Blaine will be trans
ported on May 1.
Senator Piatt and-a number of lawyers at
Washington tell Klein that he has the
strongest document to prove Kempinslci's
case, and they could not offer any further
suggestions. Mr. Blaine cabled to-day to
the authorities at Eowen demanding the
prisoner's release, and a reply is expected
within 24 hours.
The Colored People Emigrating En Masse
From North Carolina.
Ealbioh, March 16. The negro' exodus
from this State is resolving itself into an or
ganized movement, and now has the appear
ance of developing into, regular systematic
colonization. All the colored preachers
here are moving in. the matter, ana are ad
vising the negroes to colonize la Arkansas.
Mass meetings are held nightly, at 'which
negro orators urge negroes to leave the
State, and preachers are preaching it from
the pulpits.
A circular was issued here to-day signed
by ten negro preachers of this place of all
denominations, calling a meeting of negroes
to organize the "North Carolina Emigration
Association," with the ultimate colonization
of all negroes In the State of Arkansas as its
5 miWM PAGES, :.:: -?.
it . ytVi ....
- j -wtoA ' y i -'ETFEl -'GENTS
Yesj-le-fitV- Family1 Ttspf
the fiHtire Wmte louse;
' "'
AusehoMofNiae Peofle "ska Just 1I.
BotTaW-iio'uioV '.
ARTHUR'S BOO'J: BEC0M$ 'A Jtof&lft
' ' ' '
- . . , it .
while Mrs. Clerelsad's Boudoir Has BeeaJCafe- a Bt,
. t"eyMrMcBa,. .- -. - .
To accomodate six grown' people 'and three'
babies in a house with only five bedrooms)
Is the puzzle which 'Mrs. Houskeeper..Haj.'
rkenjiad first to solve 1a her "pTyte, House?,
life. .It was done, ingeniously. ThafEiesi-i
deat'l house" lsnot exactly- only the :Prei
dent'a Eonse; a-nd' during -the JHirisonf
regime the many, friends of the; bectipant.
will find the latchstring. always .ready to
L their, bands. . . t
Washington, tarch 16, Jliss. ' Eoset'
Elizabeth Cleveland' was wonttokjoX
the "President's, house.? So say we. all..:
filar it never be any other man's, pbuser
But, in fact, a very small part 6f the. White.
House is the President's house,ioriome of",
his family, whether it be a large or small
family. The living roomsjf. heWnito
jlouse are five bedrooms, and a hallj into,
which they open on the secoqd floor,' anion,
the first floor a dining, room, a hall,, into!
which it opens, and a private stairway. j
The Bed, Blue and Grten, rooms, though,,
included in the private part of tha'raaijiionv
are state" parlors or drawing rooms, and'
they are .always .open .and used at both
Sublic.and private receptions. Hore tijan
lis, they are almost dally shown to' small
parties of.strangers'who', aV visitors, 'havo ,
uu uwicr ujfjuj tuuifrjr u. otciu nm uuu-
somestrooms in tie "President's house."
The Bed room only ha3 been "and is som&-'
thing' of a, private p'arlof for-Preildeats
families. But it niust be 'always'Iil Mate
array, and cannot ie numbered with' the
living rooms, nor even regarded as a family1
sitting room. . ' ' "
The very small part of the White House!
that can really be used by lhe family ofthej
President is ' now very much occupied.
President Harrison's family is at present
one of six grown persons and three babies.
It wouldn't be rated a large household out
of the "President's house," though "it iis
larger than the families of many of his'pre
decessors. The President and his wife 'have'
settled in the bedrooms on the north side,'
sunny, bright rooms in winter, and by far
the coolest iu summer, as all Washington,
rooms having the southern exposure area
They were the President's rooms for many
years, but later became the spare rooms,
when President Arthur transferred the
President's rooms across the hall to the
north side of the mansion. Now, -while ths
south rooms have simply resumed their old
honors, a tremendous change has come over
the late President's rooms.
President Arthur's beautiful room that
he fitted up for his own in blue and garnet
shades of plush, is ''
It is full of stir and life, the very lively
life of the McKee babies, who have turned
it into a nursery, and, with two nurses, are)
in undisputed possession. Benny Harrison
McKee, 2 years old yesterday, and his baby
sister, 6 months old, are very nfuch at horns
in the room that was. during two adminis
trations, the President's room. 'Mrs.-Cleve-land's
boudoir, a smaller room, and com
municating, is Mrs. McKee's bedroom.
Mr. and Mrs. Eussell Harrison occupy
Alan Arthur's room, and their baby, ljf
years old, with the nurse, occupies Nellie.
Arthur's room. They are communicating
rooms, and complete the suit on the north
side of the White House. '
There are a couple of dressing rooms hav
ing bedroom possibilities on a pinch, but
the spare bedroom at present is a pleasant
fiction rather than a veritable guest cham
ber. It does not follow, however, that there
are to be no White House guests during the
next four years. The Harrison hospitality
is large if the President's house is not.
Mrs. Harrison is an accomplished house
wife, and a woman not to be cramped by her
surroundings. She will always have ths
latchstring on the outside of the door, and her
friends are sure of seeing a good deal of her
and the White House while she is its mis
tress. Mrs. Berland, wife of Captain Berland, of
the army, and Miss Lina McKee, of Indiana
apolis, are this week's guests of the Presi
dent's family,receiving with Mrs, Harrison at
the3to4aftcrnoonhour.No formal receptions'
have been given. The 3 to 4 o'clock hours
nearly every day have given visitors tha
pleasure oi meeting the new ladies of the:
White House informally, and making their
acquaintance as it would not be possible to
do at regular receptions.
Etiquette exacts but little in the way of
social entertainments immediately follow
ing the inauguration. The. mistress of the;
White House may, if she chooses, give oneN
Saturday reception to the public, and then
have quite her own life with her friends un
til the season opens with the new year
The President is expected to give one
evening official reception and one public
reception and a dinner to his Cabinet within
a month or so after his inauguration. After
that he may do as much or little ashe de-t
sires until the new year opens for him also..
It is beginning to dawn upon official cir
cles that there are two very pretty young
women established in the White House, ths
President's daughter and his son's wife.
Mrs. McKee is attractive and a clever
talker. She possesses to a marked degree
the charm of naturalness, a charm that,
above all other charms, Mrs; Cleveland also
possessed. Mrs. Eussell Harrison is already
remarked as tbe one upon whom MrsCIeve-'
land's mantle of youthful gracv and beauty,
has fallen.
Mrs. Fred Grant was regarded as ths
most beautiful daughter-in-law of a Presi
dent when she went to the White House, a
bride, in General Grant's second term. Mrs.
Grant and-young Mrs. Harrison are totally
opposite types of beauty in coloring.. Mrs.
Grant is the purest type of brunette, and
young Mrs. Harrison is tbe purest type ot
blonde, but they are alike in the slender,
wellrounded figure and the beautiful poll
of the head.
Said to Have Bees Chosen fer ComstssAsaey
ef Internal Kevenue.
Wheeling, March 16. W. J. "Vf",
Cowden, Chairman of the Eepublican Stats
Executive Committee, arrived home from
Washington to-day. He said the nomina
tion of John W. Mason, of Graf ton to. b
Commission ot Internal Bevena. vies
Joseph P.Hiller, xefgwd, wJU, be eVta
the Berate to-day. - - .
V S "'-A.
s 1