LIVE STOCK REVIEW. Pull Returns of Transactions at Lib erty Stock Yards. BOTTOM OUT OF 'CATTLE MARKETS. Light Supply and Lower Prices for Steep, Lambs and Hogs. . WOBSr MAEKET FOE 11AKT IEAES Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, J Thuesdat. March 14, 1SS9. S "With returns for the week all in it ap pears that through cattle receipts are 1,960 head more than last 'week, and local re ceipts 80 head more. By looking over the records of the past six months It is discovered that through receipts of cattle this week are the largest. It seems as though bottom is clear out of cattle markets. An old-time stockman said to-day: "I hate not known cattle sell as low since lb61 as they hare sold this week. We thought last week we were certainly down to hatd nan, but we find there is still a lower depth, and if wo hare another tumble next week trade will go to the dogs." In response to the query, "how low did cat tle go in 1861," it was answered: "In that year I bought prime 1,400-pound cattle from an Ohio farmer for 2J cents per pound, and a nice bunch of stackers, weighing 800 to 900 pounds, at $10 a head. From that day to this I have neTer known cattle sell as low as they did this week at the Liberty yards." Fancy War Prices. A retired cattle dealer tells that a year or two after 1661. when the Republic was deep in the business of putting down a first-class re bellion, he paid HOO for three steers to a farmer near Burcettstown, the total weight of which was less than 5,000 pounds. The farmer was very particular to have his pay in legal tender, and by no means anxious to sell. Another large dealer remembers sales of cattleby the car load at Hesr's Island at 11 cents and quick sales at this price, much quicker than this week's sales at 3K to 4 cents. In those good old days of yore hides brought 11 cents, against 4& to 6 cents now, and tallow 7K. against 2 cents at Even as late as 1SS4. TKc was paid for 1,200 to 1,300 pound cattleby DiamondMarket butchers. A receipted bill of that date was shown to the commercial reporter, for two steers weighing 2.610 pounds, amount $194 70. The price of ten derloins ana roasts manage to hold up to old rates, notwithstanding the drop in cattle. A leading dealer gives as the reason why butch ers are obliged to keep up prices of meat that rough stuff, which comprises the greater part of the beef, can hardly be given away. Against the high prices of choice parts stands the rough meat, which sells these times as low as 2c, and hides and tallow, which do not bring half what they did a few years ago. Said this dealer: American people want the best of ever thing, and butchers cannot well reduce prices of porter bouse steaks when they ire forced to sell boiling pieces for almost noth ing." Sheep and Lambs. The supply for the week past is a slight de cline from the previous week. Butthedemand has not been eaual to the supply, and prices are off fully 15c from rates of last cek. Common and light lambs are far beond wants of trade, and cannot be sold except at big sacrihce. The range of markets for this class is 3K4c Holders are tiniply at the mercy of bujers, and shippers are advised to hold back this grade of stock until there is an improvement in the mat Lets. Those who brought stock to the front this week wish they hadn't. Hoc. "With supplies nearly 5,000 head below last week, markets have been weak and drooping. The range of prices to-dav Is $5 to $5 10, a fig ure fully 20c below Monday's prices. A leading pork packer reports that be has been abie to du better in Chicago than at Liberty all this season. At Buffalo and Pitt burg it is claiired that prices have been rela tively above prices both West and East. This week has brought prices here down to their true level. Following is report of week's transactions at Libert stockyaids: , CATTLE. (HOfiS SHEEP 'Thro'. I Local. I nmrsday 1,VX M I,S1 E Fridav... 1,32) 2.SE5 J, 320 Mturday. S 20 1,0 l,r0 etmdiiy .. t U0X 5.400 4,840 Monday TOO 10 S.SS 4,840 Tuesday 5M .0 l,snq J.S70 Wednesday "60 JO 3,000 1,650 total 6,100 1.540 21.K5 16,300 Last week 4,140 1,400 KJ,2ool 17.3J0 Thnrsday IS 917 Fridav 96 .... haturday 17 122 .... Monday 1,100 4.M 3,301 Tuesday 277 1,036 4,039 Wednesday .... 99 L.4G0 M0 Total 1,505 9.207 7.9S0 Last week ZT 1,459 12,904 7,301 By Telecraoh. New Yokk Beeves Receipts, 7 carloads of sale cattle, 79 carloads for exportation, and 55 carloads for city slaughterers direct; no trading in beeves; quiet and unchanged for dressed beef sides at 56c; exports to-day 900 beeves and b60 quarters of beef. Private cable advices from London and Liverpool to-day quote American cattle dull at llgl2c per pound for the estimated dressed weight, and American refrigerator beef Je per pound low er at scant 8c per pound. Sheep Receipts, 6,400 head, with 1.200 bead carried over yester day; dull and lower; extremes for sheep at 4 5Kc per pound: for yearling lambs. 5i7Jc; for spring lambs $2 to $6 each. Hogs Re ceipts, 2,270 head, all for slaughterers direct; no sales on the live weight; nominal value,$o 00 65 5a Kansas Citt The tre Slock Indicator re ports: Cattle Receipts. 1,836 head: shipments, none; good of all classes strong; best dressed beef and shipping steers lull ICc higher; medium steers steady to strong; cows, 510c higher; stockers and feeding steers steady; good to choice cornfed, $3 S54 10: common to medium. $2 803 50: stockers and feeding steers, $1 60 83 20; cows, 1 2o2 75. Hogs Receipts, 8,674 head; shipments, 56S head; opened active and steady, closing weak; good to choice. $4 50 4 5o; common to medium, $4 254 45. Sheep Receipts. 11,361 head: shipments, 241 head; ac tive and firm; good to choice muttons, H 25 4 50: common to medium. $2 503 SO. Chicago The Drotert' Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 8.500 head: shipments, 4,000 head; market strong and 10c higher; choice to extra beeves, $4 20S4 60: steers, $3 004 00; stockers and feeders, $2 253 35; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 652 90. Hogs Receipts. 19,0(X) head; shipments, 7,000 head; market active and 5c lower; mixed. $4 604 80; heavy. S4 60 4 85: light, $4 604 95; skips, $3 604 4a Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; shipments, 2,000 head; market weak; natives, $3 505 10; western comfed. $4 501 7 Texans, H 00 425: lambs, $4 755 75. Buffalo Cattle Receipts. 800 head through. 40 head sale; market steady: feed ers'. $2 753 25. Sheep and lambs Receipt?. 400 bead through, 1.400 bead sale; market weak and tendency a shade lower: very little done up to noon; mostly held over. Hogs Receipts, 3,420 bead through, 3,130 head sale; market act ive; mediums, 5 10c higher mediums, $510: jorkcrs weak, 5c off, at 5 15o 20. St. Locis Cattle Receipts, none: shipments, none; market stronger; choice heavy," S3 90 4 35; fair to good do. S3 0034 00; stockers and feeders, ?2 00(33 10: rangers, cornred. 52 S0S3 50; grassfed. $1 90Q2 85. Hogs Receipts, none; shipments, none; market weak; choice heavy, $1 04 80; packing, Jl 604 75; light grades. $4 5561 70. Sheep Receipts, none; shipments, none: market stead ; fair to choice, S3 04 75. CnrcucfATl Hoes in light demand and lower: common and light. H 004 75: packing and butchers'. $4 604 85. Receipts, 2,045 head; shipments. L300 bead. INDIANAPOLIS Hoes active at S4 704 85. Cattle steady at S3 0004 25. Sheep steady at H 004 85; lambs, $4 005 75. Dryjrooda Market. Xew York. March 14. Business in drygoods continued active with jobbers, though without .. . m. m ! ai.nw- nf now rlnVBO Tia any excitement. iu uio.j "- -.. -roand was conservative as heretofore, with agents there was little change. Representa tives on the. road were turning In some good orders for staple cottons, prints, etc., but spot ,- demand was light. The Fall River strike has not been felt in this market materially. Prints sell little better at second bands and flat gold cambrics are firmer with agents being mostly at value. Mining Stock. New York. March 14. Mining quotations closed: Amador. 100: Bodie, ISO; Caledonia B H, 295; Consolidated California and Irgtnti, 812; Ueadwood T. 115; Eureka Consolidated. 200; EI Cnsto, 120; Gould & Curry. 200: Hale & v JS'orcross. 880; Homcstake, LO0O; Horn bilver. 105: Iron Silver. 325: Mexican, 50; North Belle Isle. 240; Ophlr, 687; Quicksilver, 600: Savage. 580; Sierra Nevada, 300: Standard. 125: Silver f Cord. 110; Bnlllvan, 140; Union Consolidated. 360 Wool Market. , ST. Lotus 'Wool quiet and easy; prices on Changed; offerings light. ' Jf MAEKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Still Tumbling on Bearish Reports From Over tho Sea Corn and Oats Lower Hoc Products Show a Declining Tendency. Chicago There was less doing in wheat to diy, and the market ruled quiet during most of the session. There were occasional spurts, but on the whole there was less disposition to trade. The feeling developed was weaker most of the session, but closed rather steadier. May opened a trifle stronger, but under free offerings by a large local trader declined, with slight fluctua tions, c, advanced subsequently He, and closed iic lower than yesterday. July opened steady, declined Hc, recovered some and closed about Jc lower. The early decline was attributed to reported further financial troubles in Pans, beside which there was a batch of news telegraphed from New York about New Zealand having 5, 000.000 bushels of wheat available for export, and that India will w ithin six weeks have some of her crop on the European market. At the decline better buying checked farther depre ciation, and a rally followed, influenced some bv rumors of export buying at the seaboard. Corn exhibitsdmodcrate activity, and though trading was mainlv local the olume reached a fair hggregate. The feeling was easier and lower prices were established. The market opened at about the closing prices of yester day, was steady for a time, then sold off J&, reacted a, declined slightly and closed c lower than esterday. Oats were active, but unsettled, and prices considerably lower. Offerings were large, sev eral heavy traders selling with increased free dom. Prices declined cand for a time considerable excitement prevailed. At inside figures buyers took hold freely, and a reaction of ic followed on May, and the market closed easy at e below yesterday's last sales. Trading in mess pork was quite brisk early in the day. and the feeling was weak. Prices de clined lO12Kc At the decline some buying orders were received, and prices rallied 15 17Jc, but near the close settled back again 5 "iyic, closing steady. Lard and short ribs sym pathized with pork. Tne leaaing iniures rancea as ioiiows: ISMBUlSUxa Jnlv. 36B36c Oats No. 2 Mav, 25425Vc; June, 25 tZVzWSy&GaSfai Inly. 25&c Mess Pork, per bbL May, $12 3012 35 12 17M12 25; June, $12 2512 30; Julj", $12 S7 12 4o12 3012 S7K. LARS, per 100 Irs. May, $7 007 056 97K 7 00; June, $7 07K7 05: Jul v. 7 07K6I7 12k 7 07K7 10; August. $7 12K7 lo7 12H 7 12K. hnoBTRrss, per 100 Bs. May. $6 32K6 32K 66 25S6 25; June, S6 35K6 30; July. $6 40 6 42K66 32X6 37. m Cash quotanous were as follows: Flour dull but steady and unchanged:No. 2 spring wheat, 9495c; No. 3 spring wheat. 80c: No. 2 Ted, SlJi95c No. 2 corn, 34c: No. 2 oats. 24c No. 2 rye. 43a No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 561 60. Prime timothy seed. $1 361 37. Mess pork, per barrel, S12 2012 25. Lard, per 100 lbs. $6 95. Short ribs sides (loose). $6 2006 25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). So 37K5 50. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 626 IS. Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged; granulated, unchanged; standard A. unchanged. Receipts Flour, 11,000 bar rels; wheat, 21,000 bushels: corn. 106,000 bushels: oais.'62,000 bushels: rye, 3,000 bushels; barley, 50,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 6,000 bar rels: wheat. 22,000 bushels; corn, 80,000 bushels: aats, 69,000 bushels; rye. 7,000; barley, 21,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weak but not quotably lower. Eggs firm at 13X14c New York Flour heavy and dull. "Wheat Spot more active and lower; options fairly active and firm. Barley dull. Barley malt S met. Corn Spot dull and JicKc lower; op ons dull and J4KC lower. Oats Spot mod erately active and !4KC lower: options Jic low er. Hay firm and in fair demand; shipping, 05c. Hops firm and quiet. Coffee Options opened Darety steaayanu iua-ju points aown; closed steady and 1520 points below yester day; unfavorable cables; quiet: sales, 36,750 bags, including Jlarcli. 17.1WS1..10C: April, 17.0017.10c; May, 17.0517.15: June, 17.20c; Julv, I7.2017.30c; August, 17.3517.40c: Sep tember, 17.45317.50c; spot Rio easv: fair car goes, 19c Sugar Raw strong; fair refining, 5c; centrifugals. 90 test, 5Jc; refined is with out prices for the day; the trust held a meeting, and decided not to offer stock to-day and arrange prices to-inorrow morning, lo lasses Foreign firm; 50 test, 23c: New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil firm; crude, 42c; yellow, 48c Tallow cas:city, 4 7-lOc Rosin steadv and quiet. Turpentine quiet and steady at 52Jc Eggsqniet; West ern, 14c; receipts, 6,309 packages. Pork firm; old mess. $12 75: new mess, $13 50; extra prime, S12 75. Beer dull; extra mess, $6 7o7 00; plate, S3 25S 50. Cut meats fairly active: sales, pickled bellies, 12 fis, 7c: pickled should ers, 5Xc; pickled hams, 9JJ10c Middles firm; short clear, $6 85. Lird easier and quiet; West ern steam. $7 32K, closing at $7 35; citv, $6 85; March. $7 33; April, $7 33; Mav.S7317 S3, clos ing at S7 34 bid; June. $7 35g7 36, closing at S7 36; July. $7 33 bid: August. $7 377 38, closing at $7 40 bid; September. $7 40, closing at 7 42, Butter in moderate demand and weak; West ern dairy, 15821c; do creamery, 18g27c; Elgin, 2SQ2S)c. Cheese in better demand and steady; "Western, 95llKc- St. Louis riour qniet and unchanged. "Wheat lower; all early influences were depress ing: outside markets were declining, cables dull and lower, weather line and no signs of the cold w e; there was plenty of May forsale ad it declined o eric, while July lot only jc,as it was In demand; from the first decline there was a Kc reaction in May, but the close was c be low vesterdav: No. 2 red, cash. 93t9VAc; Mav, 92e93Kc closingat 93X69: bid; June. 90c closing at90?c asked; JuTy,SlJ82e, closing at 81?iSlKc asked; August, 80J(c; year, 79ib0c closing atTOJJc. Corn Trading was confined to Mav, which weakened off a frac t!on,but closed flrmat31cjNo.2mixed,cash,29Jic; May, 30X31c, clo.ei 31c Oats !n demand and firm: No.2nasb,25?fc:Ma,26V26c Ryelower and dull: No. 2,4JXc Uarley No buyers can be found. Provisions quiet and easier. Cincinnati Flour steady. Wheat firm: No. 2 red.9597c: receipts, 1,500 bushels; shipments.50U bushel-. Corn in moderate demand;JSo. 2 mixed. S4S34KC Oats quiet; No. 2 mixed, 26 26Jc. Rye dulf; No. 2,48c Pork quiet at $12 62X. Lard barely steady at $6 85. Bulkmeats and bacon quiet and unchanged. Butter easv. Sugar strong and higher; hard refined, V ffXc; New Orleans, 6J66c Eggs quiet at 11 llc Cheese firm. Philadelphia Flour dull and weak. Wheat dull, weak and lower. Corn Spot steady, but ?uiet; nothing doing in futures. Oats Demand or car lots fairly active, and prices ruled steady. Butter dull and weak; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 272Sc: Pennsylvania prints extra, 2930c Eggs dull; Pennsylvania firsts, 13Xc Milwaukee Flour dull. Wheat easy: cash, 869c; Mav, SSc: July, 87Jic Corn steady: No. 3, 31J:32a Oats steady; No. 2 white, 2728c Rve quiet; No. L 4341c Barley firm; No. 2,57Xc Provisions unchanged. Pork, $12 17. Lard at $6 90. Cheese quiet; Cheddars. ll12c Baltimore Provisions firm and unchanged. Butter High grades easy and quiet: western racked, 1823c; roll, 1519c; creamery, 262Sc Eggs easy at 13c Coffee quiet; Rio, fair. 19c Toledo Cloverseed firm and higher; cash, March, $5 00; April, 54 90; shipments, 395 bags. PITTSBDEG IE0N. A Better Demand nnd Firmer Prices Steel Rails Higher. The market is in better shape than it was a Week ago, the demand being more urgent and prices firmer. Steel rails are higher, offers of $28 having been refused. Quotations on pig and muck bar have been advanced. The out look is very encouraging. Pig Ibon Neutral Gray forge, $14 75, cash; wtite and mottled, $14 0014 50. cash; all ore mill. $15 7516 00, cash; No. 1 foundry, $17 25(17 ou, casu; J o. a lounary, no w, casn; No. 2 charcoal foundry. . $21 0021 50, cash: cold blast charcoal, $25 0028 00, cash; Bessemer iron. $16 7517 00, cash. Ferro-Manganese Eighty per cent, $55 00 56 (Xh speigel-eisen, $28 0028 50 f o20per cent cash. Manufactured Iron Bars, $1 751 80, 60 days, 2 per cent off; skeip, grooved, $1 801 85; sheared. SI 95g2 00. Muck Bar $27 75 is the extreme Billets Bessemer steel, $28 50 cash; nail slabs, $27 752S 00; domestic bloom and rail ends, $19 0019 50. Nails Carlots 12d to 400, $190, 60 days; 2 per cent off ior cash. Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam, gas and water pipe; Mack. to 1-inch, 55 per cent, IX t 12 inches, 65; galvanized, X to lX-inch, 47X per cent; IX to 12 inches, 6a per cent: oil well casing, 60 per cent: 5-inch cas ing, 37Xper net foot; 2-inch tubing, 13c: boiler tubes, 62X and oil well casing, 60 per cent off large lots. Merchant Steel Took 8Xc; crucible spring, 4Xc; crucible machinery, 5c; open hearth machinery, 2c Rail Fasteninos Spikes, 2.20c per pound, SO days; splice bars. L80t85c per pound; square nut track bolts. 2.752.85c, and hexagon nut.2.90 95c f. o. b. Pittsburg. Old Rails American tees, $24 0024 50; steel do, $18 50 for "hort, $19 50 for long. Steel Rails Heavy sections, $2829 cash, at works Scrap Iron No.1 wrought, $2121 25 peruet ton; cast scrap, $15 5016: wrought turnings. $13 14. net: cast borings, $1213, gross: car axles, $25 0025 50, net; old car wheels, $19 0019 50, gross; rail ends, $19 5020 00; bloom do, 19 60, cash. , Sexlf Iron Grooved sizes. (1 65, cash; sheered, $1 9a WUskr Market. There is an active demand for finished goods at $103. wheat lo. z May, 7jie5e.wic: June. 93K93K92Jg93c; Jn'y. 876NJi6K S7Vc; year. g0Ke818OMSlc . Cokn No. 2Mav. 3M?36!35?3oJSc; June, Wfzr y THE A LONG FELT WANT. Apartment Houses Recommended as a Public Necessity and A BEMUKERATIYE INVESTMENT. Operations of a Syndicate That is Buying Property Eight and Left. ELECTBIC STOCK SELLS ABOTE PAE "Pittsburg has a large number of elegant public and private buildings," remarked a well-known builder yesterday. "Rich peo ple are well provided for in the matter of houses to live in and also for business pur poses: but this cannot be s.iid of the ma jority of the population They have to take what they can get, in many cases paying high rents for inferior accommodations. What the city needs to overcome this draw back and attract strangers are flats, or apartment houses, such as they have in nearly every other city oi importance in the country. In New York and Philadelphia they are very numerous and give equal satisfaction to landlords and tenants affording the latter all the conveniences for living comfortably and yielding to the former a good return for their investments. I think they would be popular here if once introduced, as they may be this year, for I understand sev eral capitalists have the matter under serious consideration. The erection of flats would go a long way toward removing the pressure for small houses. There is a fortune in it for the man who will introduce the system in Pitts burg. "The really important movements of the real estate market are carefully concealed from the public," remarked a Fourth avenue agent yes terday afternoon. "Both the Dame of the pur chaser and the price paid are as zealously guarded as if they were state secrets. But in spite of this precaution against publicity facts frequently leak out which afford a clue to what is going on. A number of large deals have been made in various parts of the city within the past few months, of which nothing definite could be learned. AVho the purchasers were was a mystery. I am now prepared to throw some light on this matter. "A year ago, more or less, some half a dozen of the principal capitalists of the city, includ ing a prominent politician and two or three iron manufacturers, formed a syndicate, with a large capital, to buy up all the available busi ness property in the city and large tracts of un improved land in the suburbs. Their agents have been buj ing right and left ever since. They have secured several fine properties on Penn avenue, one or two on "Wood street, and a number on Diamond alley and Fifth avenue above the CourtHousc The Cherry alley prop erty sold a few weeks ago for $120,000 was.accord ing to my information, purchased by an agent of this syndicate The rumor that Andrew Carnegie had bought It and would erect a fine business office on the ground seems to be with out foundation. The syndicate has agents in the suburbs grabbing everything they can get. One of them has been dickering for a 250-acre tract for two or three months, and will proba bly get it. The Intention is to lay it off in acre lots. "Now I have no objection to this. It is just what we want. Capitalists have held aloof from real estate so long that doubts were ex pressed in some quarters of the stability of values. The fact that they are putting large sums of money in it will give others confidence and lead to further investments. A building revolution is needed in Pittsburg, and this will help bring it about; More and better business bouses are needed. A great many that are in use aro antiquated and inconvenient. Tbey must be replaced by others adapted to the times. This is in the line of the syndicate's work. It is the beginning of a new era in Pitts burg. I am glad'these men have taken hold with so much vim. While they will make money for themselves they will also benefit the city. I hope their example will become con tagious." A Pittsburg furniture dealer said yesterday that the manufacturers of Grand Rapids, Micb., have been successful in breaking up the pool in German plate mirror glass that was or ganized by New York men about two years ago. The combination had succeeded in bull ing the market 10 or 15 per cent, and practically controlled the output, but prices are now re stored to the old figures. The German glass is used mostly in cheap furniture sets, and its manufacture is largely confined to the small towns of Bavaria. The first practical step toward the proposed consolidation into one great municipality of New York City, a slice of Westchester county, all of Staten Island, all of Kings county, and a part of Queens county, was taken on "Wednes day, when a bill was introduced in the State Legislature at Albany with that object in view. If the project should be carried out as seems probable the area of New York would be S20 square miles, containing a population of about 3,000,000, or about the same as Fans. Consolidation seems to be popular everywhere except in this neck of the woods. There is talk of uniting St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago has just gobbled several outlying dis tricts; so has Cincinnati. These facts should have a local bearing. Pittsburg and Allegheny City consolidated would have a population of nearly 400.000, placing it in the front rank of cities, and giving it a prominence and force commensurate with its large and varied indus tries and social and moral influences. CROSSES THE LINE. A Boom in Westlnghouse Electric Which Sends It Above Par. The feature of the stock market yesterday was a boom in "Westinghouse Electric, which sent the price away above par, and It was scarce at that. There were bids of 50 at the close, with none offered. A broker who handles a great deal of the stock said he expected it would reach 75 before the middle of the sum mer. Favorable legal decisions affecting in candescent lighting, and a large increase in orders are said to be the causes for the rapid advance. Philadelphia Gas sold at 36X, ex-divi-dend. This is a slight decline from Wednesday. The best bid for Switch and Signal was 20. It was offered at 2L Central Traction advanced to 24 with light offerings. Citizen's Traction was offered at 70, with no takers. Bids and offers: UOBNING. AFTERNOON. STOCKS. Ila- Asked. Bid. AsLed. Pitts. 1'ct.S.AM. EX 540, 5o0 Fld.Title&lrust Co 120 .... CTh&rtlers Valley (las.. .... .... ..- oO rhnadellilaCo!. 6 SB" ST, S6K Central Traction 22 23 23J4 24 aniens' Traction. 70 .... ,0 ijiSoraMlnlngCo 1 bilverton Mining Co... .... 1 .... .... Westinghouse Electric. W 51 54 MX U. bwltcliiblgnalCo. 20 21 20 21 Pitts. Cyclorama Co 7JS The morning sales were 100 shares Philadel phia Gas at 36X. 1 at 36X; 20 Electric at 4 and 200 at 50. In the afternoon 50 shares of Electric sold at 51. 155 at SIX- 5 at 51X. 10 at 51, 25 at 52X,- 100 at52X, 10 at 52: 2o Philadelphia Gas at 36J, and 50 at 36X- The total sales of stocks at New York yes terdav were 231,413 shares,inrlnding: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 22,000; lakS Shore, 10.000; Louisville and Nashville. 6.600; Mis souri Pacific 2.600: Northwestern. 6,400; Read ing, 54.600; St. Panl, 47.100; Texas Pacific, 3,200: Union Pacific, 7,000. MONEY BEGINS TO MOTE. Local Bankers Report an Improvement in tuoTJorrowIng Demnud. The money market was slightly firmer yester day, owing to a better bon owing demand. There was no change In rates, however, which were steady at 56 the former being a con cession made in special cases. Counter busi ness was somewhat better than the average for the month. The Clearing House report was the best since Monday, the exchanges being $2. 141.842 83 and the balances $284,069 95. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 23 per cent; last loan, 2X per cent; closed offered at 2X per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4X Sterling exchange dull but steadyatM8oifor60-day bills and $4 8SJ for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U.S. 4s. reg U. B. 4., coups io8 raios .........108 iosm !&-- PITTSBURG-, .DISPATCH; Y U.S. 4s. rcc U. 8. 4s, 1007. coups , Currency, Spcrcent. 1895 ree Currency, Bpercent. 1895 rec Currency, 6percent, 1897 rcg , Currency, Bpercent, HOSreg...., Currency, 6 per cent, l&KJreir , Bales of 8,000 coupon 4s at IfflH. 128HOU9 -m ,.iio .'.'... .ia 126 129, UlJ Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,002,743; bal ances. $275,596. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $10,755,845; balances, $1,584,400. New York Bank clearings, (121,491,117; balances, $5,365,310. Boston Bank clearings, $12,985,939; balances, S1,707,6S1. Money 22X per cent. St. Louis Clearings, $2,985,397; balances, $567,705. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $10,610,000. EXCITED AND UNSETTLED. Fears of a Scarcity of Oil Sustain the Market. The oil market was excited and unsettled yesterday, but less panicky than the day before It opened at 89, sold off to 89, and then rallied to SgVith a f ew sales. It then became slug gish, and remained in that condition until the afternoon, when it broke and sold at 83X TM was followed by a rally to 89X. where it hung until near the close, when it became strongor, selling up to 90. It closed, amid a great deal of noise and confusion, at 90X hid. Fear of a scarcity of the commodity doubtless induced considerable buying in the last few minutes, thus causing a littlo boom, but everybody got all the oil wanted without difficulty at flat for carrying. It is admitted there is a heavy short interest. Trading was light at all of the ex changes. A B. McGrew;quotes puts 88Xto89; calls, 91X. lhe following table, corrected oy l)e "Witt Bll worth, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask. Opened 89H S'" 12:43 P. M.... 8H 89H 10:15a, M.... &i mi 1:00 P. M... 89X 89H 10 JO A. V.. S9H S9H 1:15 P. M.... 89H 89H 10:45 A. II.... 69M K 1:30 P. II.... 83 83 11:00a, X.... S9K &9H 1:45 P. .... 88 89 U:15A. M.... 89! SOW LOOP. X.... 88 89 11:WA. M.... SSH WH 2:15 P. X.... 89 S3H 11:45a. X.... 89M 89 1:80 P. X.... 89 89 12.00 M 89 89K 2:45 P. X.... 89 89. 12:15 P. x.. 89 89 Closed 90 .... 12.50 P. X.... mil 89 Opened. 89c: highest. 90Kc: lowett. 88e; closed, 90c Barrels. l)Uy runs 47.918 Average runs 43,303 Dally shipments .- 11,088 Average shipments 73,035 Uallv charters - 47,61 Average charters 50,105 Clearances ,,..,.4,724,000 New York closed at 80c Oil City closed at 90c Bradrora closed at 90& Hew Yon. refined, 7. London, refined, 5 11-160. Antwerp, refined. 1CSC Other OH Markets. On, Citt. March 14. National transit cer tificates opened, at S9X,c; highest, 90Xc; lowest, SSXc; closed. 90c Bradford, March 14. National transit cer tificates opened atS9c; closed at 9QXc; highest, 90Jc; lowest, 8SJc TrrusYTLLE. March 14. National transit cer tificates opened at SSJic: highest, 90c; lowest, 88Xc: closed, 90c New York. March 14. Petroleum opened firm at 89Xc, but became weak and declined to ShJc Heavy buying orders from the West then caused an advance, on which the market closed strong at 90Xc Sales, 1,869,000 barrels. IN GOOD DEMAND. Buyers and Renfcrs Continue to Hnnnt tho Real Estate Offices. There was a good demand for real estate yes terday, while renters were out in full force. Business, it is expected, will be very lively the rest of the month. Ewing & Byers, No. 167 Federal street, placed a mortgage of $1,600 for three years at 6 per cent, on llnrd ward property. W. A. Herron & Sons sold anotber Coltart square house, Oakland, being No. 202, a nine roomed brick house with lot 35x90. They also sold lot No. S3, Ruch plan, 22x100, for $300, easy pavmeuts. John F. Baxter sold lot No.112, Bank of Com merce addition, Brushton station, situate on the northeast corner of Bennett and Park streets; size 40x140 to a 20-foot alley, to E. btrickler for $750. . A POWEKFUL POOL Makes Itself Felt in Wall Street It Booms St. Panl nnd Slakes tho Bears Fighting Mad Railroad Bonds Qniet. New York, March 14. The stock market was dull and weak to-day, and outside tho leading shares the re was nothing of interest in the transactions. The market turned entirely upon the course of St. Paul, and the unusual strength shown in that stock rallied the list when the bears seemed to have everything in tbeir own hands. The street knows now, if it did not before, that there is a powerful pool behind St. Paul, and the sensation of an other wise featureless day was made by the simul taneous calling in of loaned stock, and the rates for uso of St. Paul ran up as high as per cent per day. with J asked. The opera tion was extremely exasperating to the bears, and threats of boycotting the stock were heard on all hands, which, however, may be taken for what they are worth. At the opening this morning the feeling was very bearish among the traders, and some sell ing by London encouraged further drives against the list, with tbe grangers and coal stocks as the special objective points. In St. Paul and Reading the aggregate transactions ran up to large figures, but in neither was the impression made equal to the efforts put forth, and shortly before noon the squeeze was begun which resulted soon in rallying the entire list, although the covering was believed to be en tirely from the smaller shorts. The pressure, however, was sufficient to advance St Paul IX per cent and others in proportion, when the bears thought that they detected inside selling, and when tbe pressure was lifted somewhat prices went back again. Among the Coalers Lackawanna showed most weakness, but its fluctuations were only fractional. The Vanderbilt stocks were the weak feature In the afternoon, and Lake Shore steadily sagged off and at the close was mate rially lower than last evening. Louisville and Nashville on the foreign selling was also speci ally weak. There was less movement among the specialties than usual of late, but Pullman and Perry Coal were lower and Denver, Texas and Fort Worth and Denver and Rio Grande were higher. Chicago Gas also made a spurt, but was unable to hold the advance. Tbe news of tho day was entirely of a negative character, and bad little influence one way or the other. The close was quiet and heavy. Among the final changes Chattanooga rose 1 per cent, but the others are, with but few ex ceptions, fractionally lower, while Lake Shore yielded IX and Louisville and Nashville 1 per cent. The railroad bond market is still quiet to dull, and the total sales of all issues to-day reached onlv $1,196,000, with a very even distri bution of business. There was no special fea ture to the trading, and while a generally firm tone prevailed throughout the day important changes in quotations are few in number. The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dallj for The Dispatch by Whit ney fc Stephenson, members of New York S310CK XiXCUaiJo, ui cuuiwsicuue: Open- High- Low Clos ing. 56 50 48V 52 ii'i 34 16; V9 63 98 94 H ISK 31 91 106 137 70 31V 24 133- 130 16 44 9 68 21 110 64V 101 69 85 10 12V 27 67 To 40 41 16 15 49 ing. Am. Cotton Oil SB Atch.. Top. 18. F.... 60 Canadian Pacific 49 Oinadn Southern 52 Central of New Jersey. 93 CentraiPacllic -34 Chesapeake & Ohio ... 16 C, Bur. & QuIncy..,..W0K C. Mil. St. Paul.... 62 C, iiU.& bt. P.. pr.... 99 (J.! KoctL&P 4M C, St. L. Al'Itts C, bt. L. & Pitts, pt. 38 C. bt. P..M.&O 31V C.! bt. P..M. & O., pr. 9lg e. & Northwestern.. ..lPOJi est. 505J BOX 49 49 S1H 52 - 93M 93k 34 34 16 1C 100 99 63M 62M 99 931? MS piH 3& ZIH 91 91 106 105 70 TO" 32 32 25 24' 138 . 137M n" is 4t) 43 22 2" 110 110)4 55 ' 44V 102 101 60 53 C.JC Northwestern, pi O. C. C. &1 "0 Col. Coal & Iron 32 Col. & Hocktug Val ., 24 Dei., L. &V I3S Del. Hudson Denver Mod 16 Denver &KloU pf... 13 E.T., Va. AG..... E.T.,Va, &Ga lstpf .. . E. T., Va. Ga. 2d pf. 2: Illinois Central 110M Lake Erie A Western Lake Erie & West. pr.. 54 Lake Shore M. S 102 Louisville Nashville. 60 Michigan Central Mobile Ohio Texas UH .. Y.. L. E. W iiH N. Y., L. E. W.pref .... N. Y., C. Abt.L N. Y.. U. bt. L. pf. 28 23 1 N.Y., C. &St.L.2dpf .. . K, IJtK. 4s H. Y., O. & W 16 o'rfolk A Western Norfolk A Western, pf 49 Northern Pacific 26 Northern Pacific prcf, a( Ohio A Mississippi Oregon Improvement. 52 Oregon Transcon KH Pacific Mall 3UU Peo. Dec. A Evans 24 Phlladel, & Keadlug.. 44 Pullman Palace Car. ..194 Klchmond W. P. T.. 2554" lilchmond W.P.T.Pf 79 22 62 (2 30 24 41 192V 32 45 44K 16 16)4 49 " 28 26 eon 9 63 " 52 32V X2 Z6V X6M 24 24 44 43 194 192 2SV 15 7S 7 i- )AT, MAHOH ' 15, St. Paul A Duluth 38 t,VaulA Dulothpr. St. p., Minn. Man T bt. L. ASan Fran at. 1.. A San Fran pr.. 60 61 bt. L. San F.lst pr. Texas Pacific 19 19 Union l'aclUc 64 64 Wabash Wabash preferred 28 2 Weitern Union 85V 85 Wheeling A L. K 64 61 60ft ii" 63V 25 BOSTON STOCKS. The Market Wealt, In Sympathy With Wall Street Copper Irregular. Boston. March 14. The general loan market was a trifle firmer to-day; call loans, 34 per cent; time paper, 40. Government bonds quiet at 107K108X lor 4Xs. and 128129X tot 4s, with 6s ranging from 120130X. The copper stocks were somewhat irregular this morning, with tbe rest of the market generally weak, in sympathy with Walt street In the afternoon the market was dull and about steady, with no special feature. Closing prices: , Atch. Top. B, E... 50K I Wis. Central, com... 15 Boston Albany.. .215 AIlouezM'gCo.(new) i ..215 ..148 Koston A Maine, Calumet A Hecla....230 Cataloa 17 U..B.4U. ...100 Clnn. San, A Cleve. 24iFranEUn, UH Eastern R, K 83 Eastern K. It. es 115 Flint Pent M. nfri. 97 Osceola 12)j Pcwablc (new) 5 Uulncy 65 Hell 'telephone 224V UostonLand 7 Water Power 7 Tamarack 128 Mexican Cen. com.. 13 M. c, IstMort. bds. 69 . Y. AAewKng... X. Y.AMewEng 78.127 OldOolonr 172 Butland preferred.. 37 San Diego 26. Philadelphia Stock. Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Mew York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad 54 54 Heading Railroad 22 1-16 22 Kuflalo, Pittsburg and Western 12 Lehigh Valley..." 51 54K Lehigh Navigation 52 52 Allegheny Valley bonds 113" y. Co.'s Hew Jersey 229 Northern Pacific 25V 25 Northern Pacific preferred 59 60 DIetnl Market. New York Pig iron firm. Copper nominal. Lake, Marcb, $15 75. Lead fairly active and steady; domestic, $3 75. Tin quiet and steady. Straits, $21 30. LATE NEWS IN BKIEP. Heavy snow storms prevailed all over the Northwest yesterday. At Neche, Grand Forks and Pembina the mercury dropped to 10 below zero, Charles L. Dougherty has been appointed storekeeper and ganger at Kansas City, Mo., and Garland B. Hale storekeeper at Lexington, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas F. Barr has re ported to the "War Department and assumed the duties of Military Secretory to the Sec retary of War. The jury of inquest in the Dawson murder case, at Charleston, found a verdict to-day that Dr. McDow was guilty of felonious killing, and that his colored butler was an accessory. Secretary Windom yesterday appointed Charles G. Johnson, of New" Orleans, to be Superintendent of repairs of public buildings in the State of Louisiana, vice Mr. Bradley, re moved. The funeral of Rear Admiral John Lee Davis took place from the Ebbltt House, Washington, at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, and was largely attended by many department officials, officers and friends. The officers of the Buffalo Athletic Club yesterday morning received a brief letter from ex-rresident Cleveland, in wnira he states that the signature to his supposed application for membership was a blnndering forgery. Mr. Eugene Schuyler, the nominee for As sistant Secretary of State, is at present in Italy, and is not expected to arrive in Washington for at least a month. Meanwhile Mr. Walker Blaine, whose nomination as Solicitor of State Department was confirmed yesterday, is occu pying the Assistant Secretary's desk vacated by Mr. Rives. A large delegation from Georgia waited on Secretary Windom, at tbe Treasury Depart ment yesterday, and urged the appointment of Colonel James Atkins, of that State, as Solici tor of the Treasury. The Secretary promised to consider tbe matter. The office is under the Department of Justice, and is now held by Judge Carey, of New York. Virgil Jackson was hanged at 9 J8 o'clock yesterday morning at Utica, N. Y. He was perfectly calm, and the execution passed off smootniy. l no crime iorwnicn jacKSonwas hanged was the murder of Norton Metcalf, in Augusta Center. The crime was committed Sunday afternoon, January 29, 1883, and grew out of tbe relations betn cen Jackson and the wife of his victim. Reports from Newfoundland say that the issue of licenses to American vessels for tbe purchase of bait and other necessary outfit will be refused this season, and that the Govern ment will coincide with the Dominion Govern ment In its policy. The reason alleged is that American vessels last season violated the licenses given them, the bait purchased in New foundland was sold to the French at 8u Pierre. The verdict in the Coroner s inquest on the recent Park Central Hotel disaster, in Hart ford, Conn., in which 23 persons were killed, was to the effect that the explosion was caused by the willful negligence of Alexander Thuer and Amos Rtsley, and that said Thuer and Rlsley did, on the 18th day of February, 1889, thereby willfully and negligently cause ithe death spoken of. Thuer and Risley are now nnder bonds of 51,500 each for trial. The colored people of Springfield, 111., held a meeting last night and decided upon the erec tion of a monument in this city to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips. John Brown and soldiers of the late war. The pro posed cost of the monument is about $200,000, and the fnnds will be raised by donations from all the colored lodges and churches thronghont the United States. The association will secure articles of incorporation. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively eared by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surelydo not gripe, and their effect Is lasting; the fact is they have no equal. Small dose: Pig results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c. at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary. Five bottles $L The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped. rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 50c jugn, rea i nol-awF WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, FLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, . SATEENS, SEERSUOKEB, x GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D ARMOUR & CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest ?uality, at very moderate prices, received dally rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago. "WHOLESALE ONLY. delS-58-MWK THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . . 8200,000 00, DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMES P. SPEER, Vice Prest. sel-k35-D -JOHN S. STEEL, Cashier. . "tESBl '- ' 1889. v DOMESTIC MARKETS. Potatoes Moye Slowly, Eggs Drifting to a Lower Levelt K0 SIGN OP REVIVAL IN PRODUCE. Oats and Hay Steady, Shell Corn Scarce and Firm. FL0UK QUIET ENOUGH TO TUMBLE Office of the Pittsbijko Dispatch, I Thursday, March l. . Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Commission merchants report that produce trade gives few signs of being alive. The mild weather of the past few days has brought ergs' to a lower level, but movement is active. At Chicago an advance of c perdozen is reported to-day, with firmer markets. All vegetables move very slowly. Carload lots of potatoes have been shoved on to markets within a few days at 25c per bushel, according to well authenticated reports. As tbe time for the new crop of vegetables approaches, old stock grows more and more sluggish. It Is now but six weeks until the old passes out of market, and as there has been" too much stuff for de mauds all winter, what is left over is almost given away. It is only a question now with farmers how much can be saved out of the sur plus. Bdttee Creamery.Elgin, 3031Kc; Ohio do, 2G28c; fresh dairy packed, 202 country rolls, 2023c; Chanters Creamery Co. butter, 3l32c. Beans Choice medium, 12 002 10: choice peas, 2 052 15. Beeswax 2325e $1 & forchoice; low grade, 6lSc. Cider Sand refined, 0 607 50; common, $3 504 00; crab cider. $S 00S 60 $ barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c tt gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 12K13c: Limburger, HKc; domestic Sweitzer cheese, UK12Kc Dried Peas SI 451 50 1) bushel; split do, 2?l3Kc f a. Eoas 15c dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $1 502 00 ft barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c ft; cranberries, $3 00 f? barrel; $2 402 60 per bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do.. 40613c; mixed lots, 3035c $ Si. Hominy 82 652 75 W barrel. Hohey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, S510c jS bushel; 2 60 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c pair; dressed chickens, 1315c fl pound; turkeys, 13 15c, dressed, bound; ducks, live, 8085c $1 pair; dressed, ligllo $1 pound; geese, 1015c per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 tts to bushel. 50 ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, 6 25; clover, Alsike, S3 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice. 45 lbs, SI Sox blue grass, extra clean, 11 Bis, Jl 00: bine grass, fancy, 14 fis, $1 20: orchard grass, 14 lbs, $2 00: red top, 14 fis, $1 00: millet, 50 fis, SI 25; German m'llet, 60 fis, J2 00; Hungarian grass, 48 fis, 2 00: lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per &. Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 55c Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00 3 50 ft box; common lemons, S2 75 ft box; Mes sina oranges, $2 50fS3 50 1 box; Florida orauces. S3 504 60 ft box; Valencia oranges, fancv, S6 50 7 50 case: Malaga grapes, $9 0010 00 it per keg; bananas, $2 00 firsts: SI 50, good seconds. $ bunch: cocoannts, S4 004 50 ft hundred: new figs, 1214c ft pound; dates, 5 CKc ft pound. vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches: cabbages, S3 004 00 ft 100; onions, 50c ft bushel; Spanish onions, 7590c ft crate; turnips, 30 40c ft busheL Groceries. Green coffee keeps fluctuating from day to day, but never fails to settle at a higher point. The drift of markets is upward. The same i3 true of sugar. Other groceries are unchanged. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18Kr9c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 2223c; Mocha. 30K31Kc; Santos.U922Kc: Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c: old Government Java, bulk, 3233c; Maracaibo,27K28Kc; Santos, 2324c; peaDerry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c. Petroleum (jobbers' prices! 110 test, 7c: Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, K0, 8Kc: water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; camadine, llc; royaline, 14c Syeuts Com syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strict ly vrime, 3335e; new maple syrup, $11 10. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48c; me dium. 45c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bl-carbin kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb In s, 5JJc: bi-carb. assorted packages, 56c: sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine, per set, 8c; parafSne, 11012c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6 7c; prime, 6Ji5Vc; Louisiana, ttg6Kc. Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 6c7c; gloss starch. 5ic. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don lavcrs, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels; SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7V7Kc; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 4?5c; Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes, 813c: Salonlca prunes, In 2ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, SS 00; almonds, Lan., per fi, 20c; dd Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12JJ lbc; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per fi. 2122c; lemon peel, per fi, SI314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per fi, 6c; anoles. evanorated. 6m(26kc: apricots. Califor nia, evaporated. 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c: cherries, nnoitted. 5S6c: rasDberries. evanor ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1U12C Sugars Cubes, 7c: powdered. TJjc; granu lated, 77c; confectioners' A, 7Vc; standard A,6mc: solt whites, i6?i6Kc: yellow, choice, 65jjoXc; yellow, good, 6Ji6c; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, oJc Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), J4 75; me diums, half bbls (600), S2 85. Salt No. 1 ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 05; dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, f? bbl, SI 20; Higgles Eureka, 4 bu sacks, S2 80; Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 fi pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30 1 90;2ds. $1 301 35: extra peaches, SI 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. 31 001 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c$I 00; lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string dodo, 75 85c: marrowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, 31 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, 32 50; do greengages, t2 00: do egg plums. S2 00: extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2&s, 90c; raspberries, SI 151 40; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, 31 201 30; tomatoes. 8292c; salmon, 1-fi, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-B cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2Bs, 31 251 50; corn beef, 2-fi cans, 31 75; 14-fi cans, S13 59: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 fi, 31 751 80; mackerel, 1-fi cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestic, K. S4 154 50; sardines, domestic Hs, S3 258 60: sardines, imported, M, 311 5012 50; sardines. Imported, K. 318 00; sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, 31 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 336 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 340; extra No.1 mackerel, shore, 332; extruNo.ldo. messed, 336; No. 2 shore mackerel, 524. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Kc f! fi.; do medlnm George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6Kc Herring Round shore. 35 00 ft bbl.; split, 37 00: lake S2 50 ft 100-fi. half bbl. White flsb, 87 ft 100-fi. half bbl. Lake trout, S3 50 ft half bbl. Finnan badders, 10c ft ft. Icelanrt halibut. 13c ft fi. Buckwheat Flour 1V&W?A f OATMEAL-3C 306 GO 9 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5S60c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grnln, Flonr nnd Feed. t Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 3D cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 5 cars of hay, 3 of flour, 1 of bran, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of corn, 4 of oats, 9 of bay, 2 of barley. 1 of malt. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3 cars of bay, 4 of flour, 1 of rye. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. Sales on call: Three cars upland prairie bay, $10, month; 1 car sample oats, 30c, spot; 1 car sample oats, 29c Oats and hay are steady. Shelled corn is scarce and firm. There is general complaint among re tailers of the quality of oats coming to market this season. On the other hand the grade of hay is above the average. Holders of flour are on the anxious scat. Tbey may as well submit to the Inevitable and face the fact that a loner level of prices has come to stay. For several days there has been a cutting of prices by wholes-ile dealers, and tbe consumer may bank on Dispatch quotations as the outside of mar kets. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 3 red, SI 03 104;No.3red,9195c Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,4OK041c; high mixed ear, S0Kte; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3s39c; No. 2 jellow, shelled, S73Sc; blgh mixed, shelled, S637c: mixed, shelled, 3o3oc. OATS No. 2 white, 32K33c; extra. No, 8, 31 31jc;No.3 white, S0igM4c: No. 2 mixed, 23 29c Rye-No. 1 Western, 7075c; No. 2, 6o56c Barley No. 1 Canada, 9598c: .No. 2 Cana da, 8588c; No. 8 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore, 7880c Flour Jobbing prices, winter, patents, 38 25 66 50; spring patents,86506 75: fancy straight, winter and spring. 35 505 75; clear winter. 35 005 25: straight XXXX bakers', $4 755 00, Rye flour. 34 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 318 00 20 00 ft ton: brown middlings, tli 60lo 00; winter wheat bran, $14 751S 25; chop feed, $15 0018 00. , HAY-Baled timothy, choice, 315 000)15 25; No, 1 do,$14 2S14 50:No.2 do. $12 0013 00; loose from wagon. 318 002O 00; No. 1 upland prairie. 510 00(210 25; No. 2, S3 OftgS.50; packing do. $6 507 00. Straw Oats. 38 008 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007.25. ProvUIona. Sugar-cured bams, large, 10Jc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured bams, small, lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c:sugar-cnred dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear side. 8Kc; bacon clear bellies. 8Kc: dry salt shoulders, 6r; dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess Eork, heavy, 314 00: mess pork, family, $14 50. ard Refined In tierces, 7c: half barrels, 7Jc; CO-fi tubs,7?c: 20 fi pails, 7c: 60-fi tin cans, 7c:3-fi tin pails, 7SJc; 5-fitin palls, lc: 10-fi tin pails, 7Kc Smoked sausage, long, oc;large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 75; quarter barrel. $1 75. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed .meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fis, 6c; 650 to 650 fis, 6c: 650 to 750 fis, 6Kc Sheep, 7c ft B. Lambs, 8c ft fi. Hogs, 6c The best liniment in tbe market can be bought to-day for 25 cents. Salvation Oil. Ladles' Ribbed Cotton Hose 25 Cents a Pair. Colors and black extra good value. Jos. Hokne& Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. mhll.h65-irWT.iSIT Alt ONEY TO LOAN- On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of SLOOO and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-34-ri No. 124 Fourth avenue. BROKERS FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN iFETiROLiE-cniyi: Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsu YHlTiEI & STEPHENSON 57 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an2S-x78 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. AN ORDINANCE VACATING FORT street. In Philip Winebiddle's plan of lots, in the Nineteenth ward. Pittsburg. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That Fort street, a street laid out in Philip Wine biddle's plan of lots, in the Nineteenth ward, Pittsburg, recorded in the Recorder's office of Allegheny county, in Plan Book voL 4, page 2(8, be and the same is hereby vacated from Penn avenue, formerly tbe Pittsburg and Grcensburg Turnpike road, to Winebiddlc street, in said plan, and said Philip Winebid dle's plan, so far as it relates to said Fort street, be and the same is hereby declared null and void. AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHIN G THE width of Leonard street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That Leonard street, between Barton street and the land of Willis L. King, be and is hereby estab lished at the width of SO feet, instead of 50 feet, its present width, and to that end 20 feet of the present width thereof on the south side thereof is hereby vacated. AN ORDINANCE-RELOCATING HER RON avenue, from Iowa street to Center avenne. j Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the center line of Herron avenue, from Iowa street to Center avenne, be and the same is hereby relocated as follows, to-wit: Tbe center line shall begin at a dis tance of 25 feet southerly from a stone monument situate at tbe intersection of the center lines of Herron avenue and Iowa street at a point on the south building lines of Iowa street; thence deflecting to the right 56 58' for a distance of 467.01 feet to a pin on the north building line of Alleqnlppa street; thence de flecting to the right 3SP 14' for a distance of 432.86 feet to a pin on theline of Center avenue, intersecting tho said line at an angle of 23 27' 40", and at a distance of 1.089.72 west from a stone monument at the first angle west from Craig street, and the said street shall be of a width of forty (40) feet. AN ORDINANCE LOCATING RUT LEDGE street, from Flngal street to Or lena alley. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted bv tbe authority ot tho same. That tbe north 5-foot line of Rntledge street be, and the same shall be located as follows, to wit: Beginning at the center line of Fingal street at a distance of 620.06 feet from the south b-footllneof Greenleaf street, thence deflect ing to the right8954'foradistance of 469.92feet to the west 5-foot line of Republic street, thence deflecting to tbe left about 67 alontr said 5-foot line of Republic street for a distance of 76 leet more or less to a point, ineuce de flecting to the right 89 54' for a distance of about 1,000 feet to tbe west line of Orlena alley, and said street shall be a width of 40 feet, or in accordance 'with A. & C. Shaler's Plan, of Lots recorded in Original Flan Book. voL 5, page 271, and vol. 6, pages 134 and 135, on file in the office of the Department of Public Works. AN ORDINANCE VACATING AN UN NAMED alley parallel with Penn avenue, in Philip Winebiddle's plan of lots in tbe Nine teenth ward, Pittsbnrg, between Winebiddle and Fayette streets, on said plan. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That an unnamed alley laid out in Philip Winebiddle's plnn of lots in the Nineteenth ward, Pittsburg, recorded in the Recorder's office of Allegheny county in Plan Book, vol. 4. page 268, parallel with the Greeusburg and Pittsburg turnpike road, now Penn avenue, and between Wine biddle and Fayette streets, on said plan, be and' tbe same is hereby vacated from Linden street, in said plan, now Conrad street, to the western line of said plan, except so much thereof as is included within the lines of Conrad, Eveline, Fitch and Mathilda streets and Winebiddle avenue, as laid out and located by the city of Pittsburg, and Philip Winebiddle's plan, so far as it relates to said unnamed alley, be and tho same is hereby declared null aud void. Department of Public Works, 1 PITTSBURG, March 12. 1889. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the ofilce of City Controller until Friday, March 22. A. D. 1889, at 2 o'clock p. si., for furnishing and delivering f. o. b. cars, Pittsburg. Weight Tons. Class. Size. Water pipe, perlength. 25Q B. 4-Inch water pipe. 247 lbs. 60 C. 4-inch water pipe. 264 lbs. 750 B. 6-inch water pipe. 413 lbs. 370 C. 6-Inch water pipe. 471 lbs. 100 C. 8-inch water pipe. 6S51bs. 130 B. 12-Inch water pipe. LOOSlbs. 2j0 B. 16-inch water pipe. L5501M. 2.100 B. 30-inch water pipe. 4,280 lbs. 4,010 tons. Also 300 tons special castings. Bidders must fix a date limiting the time of delivery ana completion of contract. The Chief of Department of Public Works reserves the right to increase or decrease the above quantity twenty (2C) per cent. All pipes to be cast vertically, and to be made of soft gray iron, and to be tested to a pressure of three hundred (300) pounds to the sqnare inch, under the supervision of some person desig nated by the Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. All pipes must be 12 feet long in the clear, not including bowl. A bond of thirty thousand (30.000) dollars must accompany each bid for pipe, and a five thousand ($5,000) dollar bond for special cast ings. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by bonds In the above amounts probated be fore the Mayor, or City Clerk, and the bonds men must be property holders residing in Alle gheny County. For specifications, blanks on which bids must De made, and all otherinformation, apply at the cilice of Superintendent of Water Sup ply and Distribution. All bids must be indorsed on the back of the envelope with name of bidder and article bid on. Envelopes for inclosing bids will be fur nished at tbe office of Superintendent of Water Supnly-and Distribution, fourth floor Munlci pafHall. The Department of Awards reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids. KM. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. mhmi --!"- x3 7 , ' NEW ADVEKTISEMEN'Se. BUTTER, :: BUTTER, BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURS Chartiers Creamery Co Warehouse and General Offices); 708 SHITKF1ELD STREET Telephone 1123. Bissell Block. V- PITTSBURG, PA. Factories throughout Westers Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. Will remove to No. 616 Liberty street, on or about March 15.' mh4-MWT MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PENN AVKNUE. PITTSBUKU. PA, As old residents know ana back files ot Pits, burg papers prove. Is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From CORED m rth UN,,L ML"DnllO and mental diseases, physical V LnVUUo decay, nervous debility, laclc of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,ba3hf nlness; dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak, ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business-society and mar. riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN SST5W blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular wiiuna worouern finlklin kidney and bladder deranrn. Unllliri 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and rel cures. Dr. WhitUer's life-long, extensive experlenca Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours 8 A. n. to 8 p. x. Sunday, 10A7x.tolP.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, Kg Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ieSDsuw KHOW THYSELF, m-i i.i SCrESICB OS XE3T'3B A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Trutlss oa the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical ueouuiy, impunueo oi ue 11100a, Resulting rrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victunr for Work, Business, the If arr'ed or Social Relation Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this gTesS work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo- Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $L0O by mall, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Bins, tratlve Prospectus Free, If you apply now. Th distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D- re ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL, from tho National Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and FHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, eonfl. dentlally, by mail or in person, at the office of THE PEABODT MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bulftnch St., Boston. Mas.., lo whom ad. orders for books or letters for advice should bo directed as above. Jal5-Tursuwk A CORE GUARANTEED HEALTH.ES ERGY and strength secured by using Am. oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rell able safe remedy for tbe permanent cure of im potency, no matter how long B perma torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for SI; six boxes 13 the complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give a written guarantee to refund the money if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma. nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. 84 Market street, Pitts, burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k55-irwrsa CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH HNYRGYAL FILL 233 c:c:3 sugars zsixa. Orf$tmaI,1)et,aIjrral'Maal reliable pill foriale. Aerer FaiL i Aak tar Chichesttr'm XnalUhC Diamond Brand, 1b red ulLIw boxes, leaied with Mae rib bon. At Dninrlitib AcfCDt na nthtr Ail flilli In s&ste tov& boxes, pink Tnpperi, u dancer on counterfeit. Send 4e. (lump ) for v rmletuin ui "Kellerror inns" " letter, bj return mall. 10,000 tcftl. "N r" tetter. bT WoiiliPto"lltHfSwftbaT meA them. KuMFapirh Chichester Chemical CoabdisonftfePhlUP. dc23-21-wrsu-wk Gray's Specific Medicine TRADE MARK Tm Great TRADE MARC ILXULlhll 1UUI- IDT. An unfail ing cure for bemln&l Weak ness. Sperma torrhea, lm po tency, and all diseases that follow as a se quence of Self- 4 Abuse; as loss BEFORE TAKIHS-Unlversal Las! AFT TARI0. sltude. Pain In the Back. Dimness of Vision. Pre mature Old Ajce and many other dlseaes that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. , .03-r'ull particulars In our pamphlet, which wa desire to send free by mall to every one. J3The Specific Medicine is sold by all drulsts at l per gackaee, or. six packages for S5, or will be sent frea rmall on the receipt of the money, by addressing: THEGKAf S1EDIC1NECO., BuSalO, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted tha Tellow Wrapoer: the ouly genuine. Sold In Pittsburg by 8. S. HOLLAND, corner Smithfield and Liberty streets.. mhlJ-kC . D0CT0RSUKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 908PEXSAVE. PITTSBURGH. PA All forma of Delicate and Com- Tilicated Diseases reauirim: Cast TtDEsriM. and Scientific llctfir cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake Is a, member -of the Boyal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and 13 the oldest and most experienced SfcX 1ST in the citv, Special attention given to Self. ous Debility "from excesslvet mtal exertion, 13- . discretions of youth, Ac, causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc. ; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatlsr. and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin ary Organs, Ac Consultation free and strictly confidential. Ofllcchours9to4and7to8p.m. Eundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call at office or ailraeij KLAKE.M.D..M.B .C.P.&. or EJT.Lake,M.lJ.' tel-i31-xwTwk , , I WEAK! Jroffert&efroratiiG recta oi youtnnu er- rom. mtIt deesr. lout JlTSrf.rfc IwlflieriTkTaluabfo treatise (sealed) StaUUni roll parUcuJan for Home cure, tree of. tpSSr FfcTFOWLER. MoodlM, Con. A-UWOUUH " WirAjMllMiaB&a FE S sMm. "rs!$ tii uiV S V1 i i i A a - ?; A x jkiJSuS,, &&& . ......SAriUs jwsL... ,&&, . &Ljtk&&lc.i.- it ..v,j.i:c!.' .un .-'.-..- - -- ihifflMi WSSSB