Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 15, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Meets With a Bather Sudden Eclipse
in the Shape of an Arrest.
Warrants Issued for Suspected Masked
Midnight Burglars.
Fbanklik, March 14. Elmer Wilson,
of Meadville, was arrested in this city to
day by Policeman Hasson, on receipt of a
telegram from that city. The charge
against "Wilson is obtaining money on false
pretense. "Wilson fell in love with pretty
ellie Kobison, of Harmonsburg. Craw
ford county, bnt owing to the scarcity of
money oa Ills part, the course of their true
love didn't run very smooth.
Finally, so it is claimed, Wilson hit upon the
happy idea of going to a friend of his father's,
.and induced him to indorse a note for 50, tell
icp; him that his (Wilson's) father wanted to
raise some money to tray a mortgage. IVilson
secured the money on the note and induced
Miss Robison to elope with him.
They were married at Meadville, and had
reached Franklin on their way to Clearfield
county when they were arrested. Wilsons as
taken back to Meadville, but bis bride is still
'at a hotel here, heartbroken over the sudden
and disgraceful end of their honeymoon.
The Musklncnra la to Hare n New liock
and Other Desirabilities.
ZAsrESYXXAE, March 14. The plans and
specifications for a new lock to be constructed
on the Muskingum river at Taylorsrille, about
ten miles below this city, have been returned
from the "War Department approved, and work
will be begun on it as soon as the season opens.
The lock gate tenders along the river have ex
perienced considerable difficulty in working the
gates on account of the mud which accumu
lates and clogs them up. A novel plan has been
conceived by Lieutenant L. H. Beach and
Colonel Merrill, of Cincinnati, to obviate this
difficulty. The water, instead of being admitted
to the lock chamber through the valves in the
gates as usual, enters the canals on the outer
sides of the locks, passes down through
cylindrical valves to a channel which passes
under the mitre sill on which the gates rest and
rises in the lock chamber.
In emptying the chamber the water passes
through the holes cut in the walls of the locks
just in front of the lower gates. The force of
the current will be such as to wash away any
sediment that may be deposited in front of the
The lock will be 180 feet long and 10 wide, and
will lock a boat through ICO ieet in length. It
is estimated that it will cost 590,000. The work
is to be done by contract, which has not been
let yet. The estimates for the year for work
on the Muskingum, amount to 160,000 in addi
tion to the above.
And Warrant Sworn Oat for Four of the
Suspected Robbers.
Uxiontowu, March 11 John a Weltner
was discharged from custody this evening, after
a hearing on a charge of being concerned in the
McClellandtown robberies. He was at once re
arrested on a similar charge by other victims,
and warrants haTe been issued for John Ram
sey, Jack Sullivan, Charles Lewis and Henry
Sullivan, who are truspected of being the other
four members of the gang. So far the consta
ble has not succeeded in raising a posse of
strength enough to undertake their arrest, all
four beinz desperate men, three having served
long terms in the penitentiary, and the arrest
ing party will take their lives in their hands
w hen they attempt an arrest The County Com
missioners have offered a reward of saw for the
arrest of any of the gang or the one that robbed
Farmer Core on Saturday night
John Ramsey, who is reported to have been
shot through the body by joung Grove on the
night of the AlcCIellandtown raid, was said to
be at Brownfleld, a town near here. A posse
of officers went after him this evening; but
learned that he had been removed early this
morning and no cine could be found to -his
whereabouts. The want of a systematic search
and the absence of a stimulating reward has
lost much time, and it Is feared the outlaws
have gotten beyond reach. -The excitement
throughout the country is Intense and unabat
lng, and it was due to the creat demand from
the rural sections for something to be done
that the Commissioners offered the above re
Philadelphia Capitalists Looking Vp a
Field In West Vlrclnia.
Moegajctowit, March 11 A number of
Philadelphia capitalists are prospecting
through through the southern part of this
county with the view of buying a large area of
coal lands and engaging in the mannfacture of
coke upon an extensive scale. Dr. Jackson, of
Philadelphia, is now going through the coal
field in the interests of his associates, and has
sent a considerable number of samples of coal
F48 I2S?alysis' The company will probably
buy 10,000 acres of land in the vicinity of
Lowsville, and will in that event erect a
bridge across the Monongahela river for con
venience of shipping. Several hundred coke
ovens will be erected the coming summer
should the purchases of land be made.
To Perform Its Expected Duty and Canses
Considerable Loss.
Leechbuko, March It The Leechburg
Foundry and Machine Company met with a se
vere loss last night They had erected a large
cupola or blast furnace for making heavy cast
i?.a,n In making their first heat vesterdav
It chilled in the furnace. Between 'eight and
ton tons of metal is in the bottom of the fur
pace, and it cannot be gotten out without tear
ing down the furnace.
. ie JSV" J aD0DtS5.- The furnace
was built for the purpose-of making rolls for
rollingmills, and the failure of the first attempt
Is quite a disappointment to the firm.
A Unlontown Prisoner Who Was Determined
to Commit Suicide.
Uxioxtoto, March 14. While suffering
from delirium tremens last night William T.
Moore attempted snicide In the jail. He was
discovered by a prisoner trying to cut his throat
with a penkmle. The prisoner went for assist
ance, and when they returned Moore was sus
pended from the grating of the cell door by a
Handkerchief, which he had placed around his
neck and then tied to the door.
He was cut down and is still living, but his
condition is critical. He was placed in jail for
assaulting his wile while intoxicated.
He Has Relatives In PIttsbnrc.
Lima, March 14. The body of John Crishem,
ho lost his life at the explosion of the Stand
ard refinery, was found this morning in the
reservoir of refuse oil, where he had been
thro-ira by tne force of the explosion. The
body presented a horrible sight, eyes being
burned ont, hair all off his head and the arms
and face burned to a crisp. Cnshem has rela
tives In New York and Pittsburg, but his par
ents are in the old country. He was 23 years
of age and unmarried.
Killed br the Cars.
WOOSTXE, O., March 11. Tho horribly
mangled remains of James Devere, aged 65
years, and a fairly well-to-do resident of Mays
ville. this county, were found at a railroad
bridge here early this morning. Both legs
were torn off, and the body frightfully cut up.
It is supposed that -while intoxicated he at
tempted to walk across the bridge and was
struck by a freight train and killed.
Two Fires In Three Dors.
Bellefonte, March 14. A house belonging
to Dorsey Green, near this place, was burned
to the ground early this morning. The house
was a large stone building and was one of the
oldest in this vicinity. The ori,in of the Are is
a mystery. This is the second fire in three days,
some outbuildings to the value of 8500 having
burned for him. The loss on the house is over
J8.000; no insurance.
Prohibitionists at Work.
GnEEKYnxE. March 14. A prohibition mass
meeting will be held here on Saturday evening,
, when addresses will be made and six delegates
elected from each district to attend a county
J, convention at Mercer next Tuesday.
Carpentera on a. Strike.
-, Paekebsbueo, W. Va March 14. All the
members of the Carpenters' Union working on
'theArgyle and several other large contracts
' jWStrUCk tO-daY I or an hpnsia of as rent iter
Another Salt Brought Against thoLakcErie,
Alllnnce and Southern.
Cleveland, March 11 James L. Dawes, of
Inglewood,N. JM has brought a suit in the
United States Circuit Court against the Alli
ance and Lake Erie Railroad Company and
others to secure the foreclosure of a mortgage
on the road. Mr. Dawes claims that the Alli
ance and Lake Erie Railroad on October L
1880, executed a mortgage on Its line to Hon.
Henry B. Payne, as trustee for the purpose of
securing the payment of 150 bonds of 11,000
Senator Payne resigned as trustee on Decem
ber 29, 1SS8. and Mr. Dawes succeeded bun. It
is claimed that the interest on the bonds has
not been paid, and the Court is asked to fore
close the mortgages and place the property in
the hands of a receiver.
Did Not Want to be Arrested.
Martin's Feeby, O., March 14. Last even
ing Sheriff Burns, of Jefferson county, arrested
John Thomas, a bad negro, with much diffi
culty. Burns had two of his fingers bitten
nearly off, and shot at the negro three times
before he stopped running. One of the shots
took effect in the hand. Thomas was wanted
for assault and battery.
A New Railroad far West Virginia.
Parkeksburo, W. Va., March 14. A new
railroad, to be called the West Virginia and
Pennsylvania Railroad, has been incorporated.
The new road Is to commence at Rawlesburg,
Preston county, and follow the east bank of the
Cheat river by the most practicable route to
the Fennslvania State line. The privilege
was granted to Increase its capital stock to
Sharon Cold Wntcr Folks In Line.
Siiabon, March 14. At a largely attended
meeting held in this place to-night by the
friends of the prohibition Constitutional amend
ment, delegates were selected to attend the
county convention to be held at Mercer next
Tuesday evening. Some of tliemost prominent
lawyers in the county are preparing to take the
stump on the temperance question.
TrI-Statc Brevities.
Sharon carpenters think their work is
worth 10 per cent more than they are now get
ting. Vincent Vanmeter, of West Liberty, is
mourning a 81,000 residence which went sky
ward in smoke.
Several Buckeye towns are in astatoof
chronic excitement over the local elections,
which occur April 1.
Greenville Methodists have purchased a
lot near the rolling mill and will erect a chapel
for missionary work. .
John Fear's brick house at Brownsville
took fire and fell on top of Oliver Baldwin's
grocery. Loss about 4,000.
Scott Dinsmore, of New Castle, has leffhls
family and a note of explanation, and gone
West to grow up with the country.
At Tiffin, 7-year-old Frankie Warner tried to
find out what a cartridge was made of. His
funeral is among the future probabilities.
Iron firms throughout the Lebanon valley
have come to the conclusion that their em
ployes are getting rich too fast, and are there
tore reducing wages.
Barney Hayes, an old employe of the
Pennsylvania company at Warren, did not seo
the locomotive and is now dead. He leaves a
a wife and several children.
Alliance is greatly annoyed by the bad
boys who persist In "hanging on" the new
electric street cars in such numbers as almost
to force a suspension of operations.
Nine young men were yesterday invited by
Judge McMlchael, of New Castle, to take tem
porary lodgings in the Westsrn Penitentiary.
They were convicted of larceny in various
The residence of John Workman, of Bel
laire, was burned with the contents. The loss
is 3,000, insurance small. James Fallen, a fire
man, was struck by a falling porch roof, se
verely injured internally and ono of his legs
broken below the knee. It is thought his in
juries will prove fatal.
A short time ago a man named David Mc
Minn obtained about 8300 worth of ready-made
clothing from A. L. Black, a merchant tailor
of Johnstown, and went to Scottdale to dispose
of it After selling most of the goods, it is
charged, he pocketed the moncy,pacKed up the
remainder of the goods and left without pay
ing for what he sold. Mr. Black swore out a
warrant for his arrest, charging him with em
bezzlement and the larceny of a trunk.
A Missouri Farmer's Boy Works, Plays and
Smokes While In n Trance.
St. Joseph, Mo.,March 11 One of the most
singular cases known to medical science has
come under the notice of the St Joe physi
cians, who say in all their study they have
heard of but one or two similar ones. The dis
ease is neurosis, and tho victim is the 12-year-old
son of B. F. Robertson, a well-to-do farmer,
living four miles below tho city. Three months
ago the peculiar symptoms were first noted,
when the boy fell asleep one day while
playing. Afterward it was an every
day occurrence for him to go to
sleep while standing np or lying
down. Members of the family say that when
ever he would fall asleep in this way they
would attempt to awake him, bnt it would be
of no avail, as he would generally sleep three
or four hours and wake np on his own accord. He
seems while sleeping to be in a mesmeric state
or condition, knowing evervthing that is
taking placo around and about him. When
the boy goes to bed at night, ho no sooner lies
down than he is to all appearances sound
asleep, but in a few moments afterward he will
arise from the bed and commence perambula
ting through the bonse. He does not confine
his sleep-walking to the honse. but has been
found at the barn, 300 yards away, feeding the
horses, although apparently in a sound sleep,
out of which he cannot be awakened. He is
watched, bnt allowed to awake at his own will.
The father says the boy is frequently found
fast asleep while standing on his feet During
his sleep he can go to any part of the farm and
find his playthings as be left them scattered
around while awake. One day last week he sat
down in a chair and immediately fell asleep.
In this condition he went to a enpboard, got
out a cigar which he had seen there when
awake, got a match, came back to the chair
and lit it sitting there asleep, smoking until be
had consumed the entire cigar. It did not
make him sick, although he bad never before
had a cigar in his month. The boy is in every
other way healthy as any child.
Germany Requires Proof of a Man's Birth
and Daptlsm Before He Weds.
Philadelphia, March 11 Howard Atwood
Kelly, lately of Camden, but now living in
Germany, is finding his road to the marriage
altar full of stumbling-blocks. The wedding
day was set,and when the marriage license was
applied for Mr. Kelly learned to his surprise
that he had actually to provo that he had been
born. His parents settled that fact, and then
Mr. Kelly had to show that he had been bap
tized. He wrote back to Camden and got a
certificate of that fact from Rev. Joseph F.
Garrison, formerly rector of St Paul's P. E.
Church, Camden, who mailed it to the young
The baptismal certificate was yestorday re
ceived by County Clerk Bnrroogh, In Camden,
with the request for an official certificate from
him. Tho German authorities had refnsed to
recognize the ecclesiastical record and de
manded a transcript from the official records.
Clerk Burrongh filed the baptismal certificate
and sent to Germany a transcript of the record
with his big seal and autograph.
A Countryman Breathes a Lot of Gas, Bnt
Sines as Well ns Ever.
Toledo, March 11 At 8 o'clock this morn
ing a bell boy at a Toledo hotel tooknasal notice
of gas coming from a rdom occupied by Levi
Randall and wife, of Lansing, Mich. The peo
ple were f onnd -nearly suffocated, but a doctor
rescned their breath, and in two "hours Levi,
who is 71 years of age, was singing "Nearer, My
God, to Thee," just the same as if he hadn't
blown out the gas.
On Wood Street.
Seethe window at Bennett & Co.'s hat
store filled with American( English and
French traveling and office cats, the finest
in the world.
Special inducements this week.
J. G. Bennett & Co., Hatters,
Corner "Wood street and Fifth avenue.
Spring Styles In Black and White Hosiery.
All are latest novelties in patterns and
are "Cable dye;" won't discolor the feet
50c, 60c and 75 cents a pair.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
The People's Store.
Grand re-opening Thursday, March 21,
1889. ' d
Discussing the Importance of Keep
ing on Friendly Terms With
Mr. Gibson Sketches American Interests
in Onr Sister Republic and
"Washington, March 14. While the
Senate was sitting with closed doors Mr.
Gibson's resolution was taken up for the np
pointment of a select committee of seven
Senators on the relations of the United
States with Mexico and Central America,
and Mr. Gibson spoke in support of it
inhere were any just grounds, he said,
for the formation of a like committee on re
lations with Canada, the gronnds were
surely as strong and as imperative in regard
to Mexico. Mexico was a republic, the
nearest neighbor to the "United States, and
should be made the firm friend of this coun
try. That was the primary object of his
resolution. He desired the Mexican people
to feel that the people of the United States
desired their cordial and fraternal friend
ship. It was of the utmost importance
that the people of Mexico should cease
to cherish jealousy of the people ot the
United States or those resentments natural
to them that grew out of the war by which
the United States had come into possession
of more than half of their territory. The
friendship of Mexico was needed in order to
uphold and maintain across the Isthmus of
Panama and in respect to Central America
the Monroe doctrine, and it was quite as
important to the autonomy and freedom of
Mexico that that doctrine should be main
tained by the United States in the face of
the hostile aggression of Germany, Prance
or Great Britain.
But irrespective of that, it was important
to cultivate friendly relations with the peo
ple of Mexico in order to develop America's
trade with that people. Mexico contained
an area of 742,118 square miles; extended
for several thousand miles along the south
ern border of the United States, and had a
population of nearly 10,500.000. The
value of its agricultural products
was about 150,000,000 a year,
and it was directly connected by
railroad with the United States. It seemed
to him that it was the duty of the Senate to
appoint a committee to ascertain what the
hindrances were to the develoDment of trade
between the United States and Mexico.
Why was it that France sent into Mexico
double the.value of goods that the United
States sent there? If there were
good reasons for developing trade relations
with Canada, where there was
a population of only 4,000,000, there was a
still stronger reason for developing them
with Mexico, where there was a population
of over 10,000,000. Another reason for the
appointment of the proposed committee was
the existenco of the "Free Zone," between
Mexico and the United States, in which
lone there were constant irregularities.
revenue frauds, disturbances of the public
peace, disorders and tumult
Mr. Morrill, in a satirical tone, expressed
the hope that if such committee were ap-
Eointed the chair would not forget him, as
e would like to make a trip to Mexico in a
palace car with a buffet But seriously, if
the matter were to be considered by any
committee, it should be either by the Com
mittee on Commerce or the Committee on
Finance. He hoped, therefore, that the
resolution would be referred to one of these
Mr. Piatt recognized fully the importance
of cultivating friendly relations of a com
mercial character with Mexico and the
South American States. He congratulated
the Senate and the country that an admin
istration was now being entered on which
would establish relations of positive friend
liness with all the countries in the western
hemisphere. He favored, however, the
reference of all such resolutions to an appro
priate committee, and thought it bad policy
to depart from that rule in any case. He
moved the reference of the resolution to the
committee on commerce.
Mr. Began advocated the adoption of the
resolution. The "Free Zone," he said was
a territory about ten miles wide, running
from the mouth of the Bio Grande to El
Paso, a distance of 600 or 700 miles. It had
operated to embarrass commerce in various
ways, and it was necessary to have some
steps taken to prevent smuggling into both
countries. The forays, robberies and mur
ders that were so common in that zone a few
years ago no longer existed to the same ex
tent, but commercial demoralization, grow
ing of that "Free Zone," increased with the
growth of the country. He fully agreed
with the Senator from Louisiana as to the
great importance of cultivating the most
friendly relations with Mexico.
Mr. Hoar, referring to Mr. Gibson's re
mark as to Mexico's loss oi territory as the
result of the war with the United States,
expressed the idea that the Mexican people
knew that war had not been approved by a
verv large portion of the American people;
and also that they were not forgetful of the
fact that the European invasion,
which had resulted in the establish
ment of the empire under Maximilian,
had been ended by a word from the
State Department at "Washington at the
close of the American Civil War. He did
not think that any modern nation had con
ferred on any other nation an obligation
equal to that conferred by the United States
on Mexico when the empire under Maxi
milian disappeared.
Mr. Call favored the adoption of the reso
lution and opposed the motion of reference.
He also advocated, indirectly, his own reso
lution, proposing a like select committee for
Cuba and the West India Islands. The
question of the annexation or acquisition of
the island of Cuba was, he said, present to
the mind of a large portion of the people of
the United States. He had recently
had various letters on that subject, showing
that pnblic attention was being directed to
it Ii it was important to asoertain the
commercial relations present or prospective,
between Canada and the United States, it
certainly was equally important to ascertain
them in regard to Cuba and Mexico.
Mr. Hale objected to the further consider
ation of the subject, the Senate being in ex
ecutive session; and the Senate at 12:50 took
a recess till 3 P. "M. and at 3:20 adjourned
until Monday.
Sterling silver thimbles in plush boxes
25 cents, at Bosenbaom & Co.'s.
Health and Strength
Soon replace weakness and languor, if that re-,
liable medicine. Hood's Sarsapariila, is fairly
and faithfully tried. It is the best medicine to
keep the blood pure and to expel the germs of
scrofula, salt rhenm, and other poisons which
cause "o much suffering, and sooner or later un
dermine the general health. By its peculiar
curative power, Hood's Sarsapariila strength
ens the sj f.tcm while it eradicates disease. It
is the people's favorite sprinz medicine.
"I know that Hood's Sarsaoarilla has restored il
my health, and prolonged my days. I was feel
ing badly for a long time, my trouble beinga
general nervous prostration accompanied with
chills and fever. After taking five bottles.' of
Hood's Sarsapariila I felt so well as to beable
to do my housework. lam aswellnowjdsany
one of my ace, 82 years." Mas. M. E. Xhoep,
St Albans, Vt , J
"I think Hood's Sarsapariila just tbfe medi
cine for women or anyone who has bald blood."
Jenme E. Smith, East Broad TopPa.
Hood's Sarsapariila
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $3 Prepared only
DJUl. O.UULI suu,, ijoweu, Mi
100 Doses One Dollar
It Slakes All the Difference.
A question with a precedent
Has data to decide it;
A thine looks very different
If other folks have tried It
Whenever you wonder if patriotism pays,
consider "Washington. When Drs. StarkeyJt
Palen's Compound Oxygen Treatment bad
effected cures enough to establish the fact that
here was, in truth, a remedial agent on which
an invalid miRht rely, then their principal
trouble was ended. Take the matter home to
your own needs. You are ill and feel like try
ing the Compound Oxygen Treatment
Well, yon need nothing more than encourage
ment at this juncture, and what can satisfy
you half so well as the following list of well
known men and women who have been cured
by Drs. Starkey & Palen's Compound Oxygen
Hon. Wit. D. Kkllsy, Member of Congress,
Philadelphia. '
Rbv. Victor L. Conrad, Editor Lutheran
Obierver. Philadelphia.
Rev. ukakles W. Cushixg, D.D., Rochester,
N. Y.
Hon. Wk, PesnNixon, Editor Inter-Oeean,
Chicago, 111.
W. H. WORTHiNaTON, Editor JTetc South,
Birmingham. Ala.
Judge H. P. Vrooman, Quenemo, Kan.
Mrs. Hart A. Ltveiuioue, Melrose, Massa
chusetts. Judge R. B. "Voorhbbs, New York City.
Mr. E. C. Knight, Philadelphia.
Hon. "W. W. Schuyler, Easton, Pa.
Mil Frank Siddall, Merchant Philadel
phia. Edward L. Wilson, 834 Broadway, N. Y.,
Editor Philadelphia Photographer.
Fidelia M. Lyon. Walmea, Hawaii, Sand
wich Islands.
Alexander Ritchie, Inverness, Scotland.
Mrs. Manuel V. Ortega, Fresnillo, Zaca-
tecas, Mexico.
Mrs. Emma Cooper, Utilla, Spanish Hondu
ras, Central America.
J. CORE, Casablanca, Morocco.
M. V. Asiibkook, Red Bluff, Cal.
Jacob Ward, Bowral, New South Wales.
And thousands of others In every part of the
Send for their brochure of 200 pages, or their
quarterly review, Health and Life, containing
the results of Compound Oxygen Treatment in
cases of consumption, bronchitis, asthma,
catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, rheu
matism, neural cla and all other complaints of
a chronic nature. All their publications will
be forwarded, free of charge, to anyone ad
dressing Drs. Starkey & Palen, No. 1523
Arch street,Philadelphia. Fa.
40 Gouge Fine Cotton Hosiery,
White and colored stripes; new colorings.
A special bargain; only 35 cents a pair.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Dress Goods.
See our line of black and white effects at
50c per yard H inches wide; rothing to
equal these in this city.
Bead and Laco Mnntlcs In tho Cloak Room.
All prices. Latest styles now in stock.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
ninrrinse Licensee Grunted Yesterday,
Name. Residence.
C John Knight Reynoldton
(Julia A. Wilson McKeesport
(Gedley Kmerlck..i Economy
I Mary E. McPherson Marshall township
(Henry Jack Elizabeth township
(Mary Miller....... t...Ellzahethtotrnsblp
( George "W. Edwards Fayette county
( Agnes O. Uair Fayette county
I William Nicholls PUtsbur
1 Mollle Thomas Pittsburg
( Franz Leppert Allegheny
J Louisa Bearsner. Allegheny
(William Poke Pittsburg
Mtnnle JSrookman Pittsburg
f Levi Cunningham Pittsburg
( Emma Drcfert Butler
j William H. Tcskey , Pittsburg
Utachael T. Madden Pittsburg
J John W. Powell Allegheny
1 Mary K. Snowden lSelierue
(Dennis W. Frazee Pittsburg
(Snowbella Nevergold Pittsburg
(Andrew W. Herron Pittsburg
Jennie N, Jardon Pittsburg
ATTLENBACHER Suddenly, on Thursday,
March 14, 18S9, at 11:55 A. M., CUARLES ATTLEN
BACHER, aged 45 years 1 month 20 days.
Funeral on Saturday, March 18, at 2 p. m.,
from his late residence, No. 182 Sixteenth
street Sontbside, Pittsburg. Friends of the
family and members of Peter Fritz Lodge, No.
4S0, 1. O. O. F.. and Ottawa Tribe, No. 6J," L O.
of R. M. and Odd Fellows' Liedertafel are in
vited to attend. 2
DEBACHER On "Wednesday, March 18,
1889, at 60 P. M.. Cristina, daughter of
Joseph and the late Apelonia Debacher, aged
27 years 11 months.
Funeral from "her lather's residence. No. 8
Forest street, Troy Hill, Allegheny, on Satur
day, March 16, at 830 A. M. Requiem mass
will be held at the Holy Name of Jesus Church,
Troy Hill, at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family
are respectfully invited to attend. Carriages
will leave A. Pappert & Son's undertaking
room at 8 a.m. 8
GLASSBURNER-On March 14, 1BS9, at 4:20
a. jr., William Glassburneb, in his 67th
Funeral from his late residence, East Belle
rue, on Saturday, March 16, at 2 p. it. Friends
of the family are respectfully invited to at
tend. . 2
HOFFMANN-On Thursday. March 14, 1889,
at 12:15 o'clock a. m., Chari.es Hoffmann,
In the 28th year ot his age.
Funeral will take place from the residence of
his father, 4734 Laurel avenue. Sixteenth ward,
Bloomfield, on Saturday, March 16, at 8:30
A. jr. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend. 2
K1TTELBERGER On Wednesday, March
13, 1889. at 6 A. M., Louis Kittelbeboer,
aged 53 years.
Funeral will take place from his late resi
dence, No. 2 Forbes, on Friday, March 15,
1889, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend. 2
KLEBER On "Wednesday, 13th Inst. Au
gust C. Klebeb, aged 26 years.
Funeral services at tho residence of his
mother, No. 207 Sandusky street Allegheny,
on Friday, loth inst, at 2 p. M. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
Interment private. Please omit flowers.
MCCLELLAND Wednesday, March 13,1889,
at 1030 a. M- Tillie McCLELLAND.in the 20th
year of her age.
Funeral services this (Friday) afternoon,
atl o'clock, at tho home of her mother, Mrs.
Mary A. McClelland, Lily avenne, Braddock.
Private interment in Bellevue Cemetery on ar
rival of 3 o'clock train P. R. B.
MCCAFFERY. On Thursday morning
March 14, at 330 A. M Ann, wife of the late
Terence McCaffery, in the 70th year of her age.
Fuiieral will take place from her late resi
dence! No. 9 Wilson street on Saturday
morning at 830. Funeral mass at St Paul's
Cathedral at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family
are respectfully invited to attend.
T Wheeling papers please copy.
ZSCHOEGNER In Detroit Mich., Emma,
daughter of Johanna and the late J. Q.
Zschoegner, in tne 21st year of her age.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
AVEI SS On Wednesday, March 13, 1889, at
the residence, 59 Tagcart street, Allegheny, at
820. Anna Mary Weiss, mother of Theodor
AVelssAaged 69 ears 8 months.
Funelral from the residence of her son, 200
Larimar avenue. East End, on Friday, March
15, at 2fp. si. Friends of the family are respect-
luny lnvueu to attend. -
(Sue lessors to-Meyer, Arnold & Co., LlmO
Offic e and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tel.
ephon 3 connection. k mylO-h53-MWF
jo. o bevxktu street.
Telephone 1153. ocl8-wvsa
C1U Telephone 429. de6-f4-M-wr
Get our illustrated 66-page sprinc catalogue
of Seeds, Trees, Plants, Flowers and Garden
Telephone 239. COS Smithfiels St.
ASSETS . . 19J071,696S3.
Insurance Co. of North America.
Lnues adjusted and paid by "WILLIAM It
JONES, 84 Fourth avenne. 1aa-6iD
-tXZj l LN i Hartford, Conn.
Assets, January 1, 1SST. 9,568,839 50
OQ Fourth avenne Pittsburg,
1alfr69.K "
We will occupy the entire building, and will
carry as nice a stock of goods as can be found
anywhere. Don't f oriret our new number,
Formerly occupied by Kornblum, the Optician.
Still Continued. Many New and Beautiful
goods just in for
Special values in Gowns, Chemises, Drawers,
Corset Covers, Skirts, Bridal Sets Etc We
guarantee the work, finish and style to be the
quality always considered.
OUR GREAT ADVANTAGE over all other
houses is that we not only carry the most com
plete and varied line, bnt also
Anything and everything in the above line,
many ot our STOCK GOODS being our own
manufacture. Examine them, and see the
superiority of them over either .Eastern
Western factory mado goods in finish, st
and Shane, esnectallv In INFANTS AND
of our specialties.
FINEST, but positively no shoddy goods. A
Visit to our several departments will certainly
pay you.
Bet Seventh and Eighth Sts.
Spring Millinery
Yesterday. It will be continued to-day,
"Friday," and to-morrow, Saturday.
The ladles all say our display eclipses
any and all of our former efforts in this
dhection, and the universal verdict is,
that our
fatten, feopts ajid flats
are the handsomest they have ever seen,
Ii you have not been in, be sure and come
to-day or to-morrow. Our window dis
DRESS TRIMMINGS attracted thous
ands of eyes yesterday, and if for nothing
else, it will pay you to come to the ave
nue to see our beautiful display we are
Special Sale
Bronzes and Clocks
, LampyG!ass & China Co,y
935 Penn Avenue.
Entire stock must be closed out by
Regardless ot cost.
Library, hall, vase, piano and banquet lamps.
Dinner, tea, toilet sets.
Vases, bric-a-brac, rich cut and pressed glass
ware. D. TAYLOR & CO.,
Opposite Smithfleld street,
mhU-wrsu W7 Liberty street
wm. empwe,
PBDDCTC AMR PIDTAUO...esKPreParedtoshowthelargestlinesotCarpetswe have ever exhibited; the stock all fresh, designs and colorings all new
yAnr ll I w flRU UUnlMlllw productions ofthe best mills in the country and prices the lowest for quality; examine our stock and compare prices before pur
chasing your carpets. Body Brussels and Tapestry Brussels 50c np. Beautiful new patterns in Ingrains, various grades. Carpet Squares and Druggets, Smyrna Bugs and Mats
all prices. Oil Cloths, all widths. Window Shades, plain and dado. Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain Poles and Trimmings at very low prices. Our Lace Curtain stock is re
plete with new designs, many of them confined to ourselves; we have them from 50c up; grand values at $1, $1 25, $1 50, $2 and np to $10 a pair; we guarantee- these cannot be dupli
cated anywhere for the prices. Heavy Curtains and Portiers. Silk and Oriental Curtains. Plain and Figured Scrims. Madras and Curtain Laces by the yard at popular prices
UHIICC CIIDUICUIMP nCDADTMirMT---waT8a successful department in our house; is now full np at low prices. In Table Linens, direct imports-
nUUwlL r UnrHwrllllU UuiRni lllt.HI tions, we show rare bargains; loom linens 20c up, cream and bleached 37, 44 and 50cnp; special value at 50c,
worth 65c anywhere, full 72-inch double damasks, in beautiful patterns, 75, 87c, $1 and $1 25, are especially good; fringed cloths, all white and colored borders, with napkins to
match. Grand valnes in towels, napkins and towelings, pillow casings and sheetings, colored table cloths, raw silk tapestry and plush covers, all sixes; mattresses, pillows, bolsters
and feathprs in bulk at low prices.
Mil I IMCDV nCDADTMCNT-.-WeaTe norcSu'ar opening day; the goods are here now. Come right in and see the newest shapes in Spring Straw Hats sad
III! LI I1UII 1 Ulml Mil I III U
K. B.-
-JNo charge lor trimming nats ana
CM IfC ARin nDETCCPfinnC SoftCachemirefinJ,,,Blac,"GrosGrains 50 nP" Snecial values at 75c, 87Kc, l(24-'neh), S112K, $1 25; very .superior finish
OlLlW MltU UllLOO UUUUO $1 50 and 81 75; double twilled surahs 75c, 90c and 51. Ebadames, Mervellleaux, Armures and other fancy weaves at equally
close prices. In black dress fabrics we quote as grand values, cashmeres 45,50 and 60c; 46-inch Henriettas 50, 65, 75 and 85c; silk warp Henriettas SI, $1 12J and $1 25. la
colored dress goods and snitings we show a varied line of imported wool fabrics at 50, 75c and ?1 a. yard in rays, stripes, checks, blocks and fancy styles. Note our immense lines of.!
shades and colors French cashmeres, 46-inch, at 50, 65, 75 and 00c. Silk warn cashmeres SI, usual price $1 25. Large assortment plaids and stripes, specially for combinations; 060
pieces 36-inch dress goods 25 to 37c, in new colorings and designs in stripes, plaids, checks and mixtures. '
In Wash Goods we offer eleirant French
lifts flfc twt1o- fiirnw, llfnalln TTndarwftftr
prices. Corsets, best shapes. Bustles, gloves, hosiery and underwear, all weights.
Samples sent on request. Mail orders will be promptly
1 . , 165, 167 and 169- FEDERAL
TVe have deoided to make Friday our
book day. That is, we mean to advertise
our book department on each Friday and
give a list of new books received dnring the
week. People who want good Sunday read
ing know just what to ask for then. "We
notice they mostly come on Friday to buy,
hence the decision. Just received this week:
A Bow of Oranze RIbDon. by Amelia Barr. in
paper, at 20c
An Original Belle, by E. P. Roe. in paper, at
20c; also Found, Yet Lost, by E. P. Roe.
Under Two Flags, by Ooida, in paper, at 16c.
A Mere Child, by WallordJ.in paper, at 20c
Papa's Own Girl, by Marie Howland, in pa
per, at 20c
The Painter of Parma, by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr.,
in paper, at 3Sc
A Latin Quarter Courtship, by Sidney Luska,
in paper, at 38c
Thou Shalt Not, a novel, in paper, at 38c
Favorite Works of Carey and the Duchess;
the Marble Edition at 33c a copy.
The Burgomaster's Wife, by Georg Eber, in
cloth, at 60c
The Wandering Jew, by Eugene Sue, in
cloth, at 93c
Alger's Works, In cloth, at 60c a copy.
Alice's Advenrares in Wonderland, by Car
roll, in cloth, at 75c
Louisa Alcott's Works, in clotb, at tl a vol
ume. Emlle Gaborian's Works, in clotb, heavy
paper, excellent print, at 33c a volume.
Popular Works of Josiah Allen's Wife, In
cloth, at il 30 and 31 38 a volume.
The Poetical Works ot Longfellow and
Tennyson, handsomely bound in cloth, at Jl 48
John Ward, Preacher, by Margaret Deland,
in clotb, at SI 15.
Goethe, in English, illustrated, handsomely
bound in cloth. In five volumes, at $5 75.
Fleishman & Go's.
504,506 and 508 Markets!,
The spring styles of these extra quality,
durable and beautiful Silk and Stiff Hats (for
which we are the sole agents) are now ready.
The fact that we sell the BEST HATS pro
duced Is no reason why we can't sell a GOOD
To illustrate we draw attention to our now
well-known brand, 'The Tycoon" Stiff Hat at
S2, identical in style with our S3 and H Hats.
The remarkable increase in the sales of this
Hat proves that it is being appreciated by the
public All the spring shapes ready.
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
II I .Bonnets; new riDDons, new nowers ana
Donnets oougnt oi us.
Satines. 20. 25. 31 and 35c: American Satines.
rnrnnlfttn In fill Trades! fllipml.M nnd firntrftrs 2.fo
Spring -;- Opening
Spring Opening of Men's and Youths'
Suits and Overcoats.
Spring Opening of Boys' and Children's
Spring Opening of
Spring Opening of
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods.
Adding another Store Boom has demand
ed tbe increase of our assortments in every
department, and we are now showing the
best lines of stylish, standard goods in the
two cities, and at prices which do not admit
of underselling. Our motto of the past
"'"The Best Qualify for the Least Money."
Will govern our dealings of the future.
We request the favor of a call.
Tailors, ClotMers and Hatters,
161, 163 Federal St,, Allegheny.
In Basement Just Inside Our
Fifth Avenue Entrance,
Our closing out sale in February
disposed of a large quantity of last
season's patterns.
Many remain, however,
which have been crowded out by
the unusually large number of new
patterns, and are now placed in our
Bargain Annex.
A few samples of
the remarkable bargains to be found
there may be seen in our window
display on Fifth avenue. For in
stance :
Cotton Ingrains - - 18 to 20c
Heavy Cotton Ingrains - 25 to 35c
Extra Snner Unions - - 40 to 50c
Extra Snner. Best - - 55 to 65c
Tapestry Brussels - - - 45c
Bofly Brussels - - - 85c
Velvets - - - - 85c
CninaHattinis,&oi$4 50perEollnp.
& CO.,
9, 1889.
trimmings o: an Kinds.
10. 12 and 15c Dress Gi no-hams. 10 and 12Wc.
lln: nleflit f)reft BVfpt, anil mMat mtTn In
and carefully executed.
100 pieces Figured and Plain China
Silks, worth 75c, at 39c.
CO pieces Changeable Morie Silks, worth
75c, at 39c.
50 pieces Shanghai or India Bilks, worth
$1 00, at 59c.
50 pieces Blact Gros Grain Silks, -worth
85c, at 49c.
3,000 yards Elegant Freneh Sateens, ex
clusive styles, worth 25c, at 19c.
2,000 yards Naid Ginghams, worth 20c, at
2,000 yards Lawns, new Spring styles,
worth 10c, at 6c.
3,000 yards Challies,' elegant designs,
worth 12c. at 7c.
2,500 yards Elegant Sateens, new designs,
just received, worth 18c, at 10c
2,500 yards 30-inch Percale, worth 12)fc,
50 pieces All-Wool Henrietta, new shades,
worth 65c, at 44c.
100 pieces Cheviots Stripes, JILxed and
Plaids, worth 30c, at 19c
40-inch Uuck Towels, worth 18c, at 10c.
40-inch Damask Scrim Towels, worth 30c.
at 19c.
10-4 Crochet Quilt (extra), worth fl 00,
10-4 Crochet Quilt, worth 81 50, at99c.
Extra Heavy Marseilles Quilt, worth.
$2 00. at $1 49.
Cloth Walking Jackets just received.
Coat-back, Tailor-made, worth f5 00, at
?3 29.
Cheviot Walking Jacket, inserted Waist
coat all new Spring shades worth $6 50,
at $4 99.
Silk-beaded Wrap, Netted Jet Shoulders,
silk-lined through, worth $3 50, at 53 98.
Complete line Jerseys, new Spring color
ings, from 99c up.
Elegant fast Black Hose, worth 35c, at
1,000 doz.36-gage fast Black Hose, worth,
45e, at 25c
Buttons in all the latest colorings at 25o
Large and small buttons to match "Le
See our Pearl Buttons, in all sizes, at 23c
per. gross.
CO different styles Ladies' Lawn Aprons,
worth 50c, at 24c ,
The most perfect fitting and reliable Kid
Gloves in either citv at 99c per pair.
350 dor. Gent's Finest Quality Silk
Scarfs, made to retail at one dollar, for this
week only 49c.
20,000 yards best Standard Prints at 5c
per yard, worth 8c 4
Five thousand people visited our House
Furnishing Department the first day of oar
opening. Don't fail to step in casement
when you're in.
Dining and Bedroom Furniture,
Carpets and Curtains, and the
Exceedingly Low Prices
Named for these goods continue to
attract the undivided attention,
praise and patronage of people In
tending to refurnish or improve
their houses this spring. If you
would consult your interest Join
the bargain rush at once. Row's
the best time to make your selec
tions. KEECH'S,
923 and 925 Penn Ave.,
Near Nam Btkeet.
Open Saturdays till 10 P. K. mhl5-tfWT
04fr$ O'03$3fr$$$
Men's Furnishing Goods. 1
3 HALlimiUEld ST., "ITT8BUEQ.
We make all our own shirts, and our Custom
Shirt Department Is the best equipped In the
State. We carry a full line of FnU Dress, all
over embroidered P. Ks., and Embroidered
Linens, and. guarantee a fit. If you cannot get
a fit elsewhere give-us a trial.
Cleaning and Dyeing Offices at above loca
tions. Lace Curtains laundried equal to nei
Full Dress Shirts launarted, Hand Finish.
Scotch Zenhvrs. EtoileduNordsand aial- 1 -
ffrf v..tv nt trimming And t Iav a
PA. . ,,: