sflHSSH iszvii,- ! jysT-iff . - jw - :. a ? ' - irutii ss:- 5ar vrrj z -9i?w- c--. at-. . f wssw .VYH&iFaiaa- ? .iHPv -" t i.. J-.aHf ry:, 3 V It I ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1848. Vol. 44, o. 36. Entered at 1'lttsburg Post office, November 14, 18S7, as second-class matter Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. - News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street Average circulation of iho daily edition of Tbe Dispatch for six months ending March 1, 1SS9, 27,988 Copies per Issue. Average circulation of the Sunday edition of Tbe Dispatch for February, 1SS9. 45,144 Copies per issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FHEE IN THE UNITED STATES. DAILT Dispatch. Onelear 8 00 Dailt Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 DAltT DlSPATcn, One Month 50 Daiia Dispatch, Including Sunday, one jcar ....: WOO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, per quarter. - SO Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one month " SraDA Dispatch, oneyear S 50 "Weekly Dispatch, one year 115 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or including the bunday edition, at 50 cents per v. eet PITTSBURG, FRIDAY. MAR. 15. 18S9. CALL FOB AH ENEBGETIC POLICY. Though the news from Auckland confirms the impression already had that the Samoan story of lat week was a canard, that fact will not lessen public interest in the resolu tions reported yesterday from the Minnesota legislature. These make a bold demand for a vigorous policy of national defense, and for steps to furnish better facilities for commercial communication with foreign countries. "What has passed since the Samoan ques tion arose, not to talk of the ways which were open to trouble with Great Britain about election time last fall, must convince every one that an adequate navy and sea coast defenses are a timely and wise invest ment. They cannot be had in a few weeks, or in a few months, yet circumstances now not foreseen might precipitate a war in less time. As for the proposal for steamship lines to South America and other lands where busi ness can be done by the United States, it is entirely in line with President Harrison's inaugural deliverance and with the best business sense of the country. The Minne sota resolutions will meet with national ap proval. K0T THE PE0PES BEMEDY. Vhen Mr. Blaine stated in a campaign speech that England was ''plastered all over with trusts" his statement was ridiculed by all the free trade journals in the country. It is a little amusing now to note that the same papers, which but a few months ago would hardly admit that such a thing as a trust was in existence outside the United States, are now copying a compilation of statistics from an Austrian journal, which goes far toward f substantiating' the ante election utterance of the present Secretary of State. According to this Austrian statistician Germany leads in the number, extent and influence of its trade combinations; the United States comes next, with England a close competitor. Trusts are found to exist in every European country and in Japan and other parts of Asia. Several are named that are international in their scope, and others are rapidly growing abroad. The argument that our protective tariff is re sponsible for the existence of such organiza tions loses all its force in the face of such an array of facts and figures as are contained in the compilation mentioned, for it is seen that trusts flourish in free trade and low tariff countries as well as under govern ments devoted to the protective system. It looks as if those who are seeking to rid this country ofcts trust afflictions would have to make use of some other prescription than that of Dr. Mills and others who profess to believe that a removal of duties on imports is all that is necessary to effect a cure. TEBBxTOBIAL HOME RULE. Judging from the appointments thus far made President Harrison intends to adhere to his expressed determination to give the territorial offices only to residents of the ter ritories, despite the importunities of the place hunters. This is a policy which will win for him the friendship of a portion of the people who, by force of circumstances, have little opportunity to take part in the affairs of the Government Carpet-baggers are seldom popular, and we don't believe there is any territory so poor in men possess ing the requisite qualifications for office that there is any necessity for giving posi tions to outsiders. As a rale, the population of the territo ries is largely composed of intelligent and enterprising emigrants from the old and populous States, who certainly know, if any one does, what is for the best interests of the sections in which they live. "We believe the experiment of placing such men in ad ministrative positions will prove both suc cessful and popular. would sure fob metaphor. General Greeley's weather probabilities have been the theme of much public criti cism lately. Their optimistic outgi vines for inauguration week are remembered by not a few who still have pains in their bones from the excessive out-of-door fluidity at Washington when, by the prognostication, lie sun should have been shining in all its brilliancy. So, again, a cold wave was pre dicted the current week for these parts; but, instead, the robins are singing on suburban lawns, the sparrow chattering briskly in the eaves and cornices of city houses, and over coats, heavy wraps and such things are rel egated hopefully, for the season, to cedar closets. Spring is come, if the local signs go for anything. We trust that General .Greeley, -whose efficiency as a prophet prior to the present administration coming into power was unquestioned, will soon get his bearings again and have his divining apparatus ad justed to the new order of things in politics. The elements go right on in their old way each, whether wind, water, hail or sun shine, doing business at the old stand re gardless whether Harrison or Cleveland sits in the White House. But if General Greeley's probabilities failed to hit the weather, they were at least admirable as a cast of the political horizon. Inauguration Day, despite the rain, was fair and bright for many aspirants to office, be fore whose mind's eye, the sun of promise was then brilliant, despite the exterior and material clouds and rain; and, alas J who doubts that for some of these a cold wave more chilling even than Greeley predicted ha already arrived, even "while' the whole cuter face of nature is smiling. Mt the farmers, the coal shippers, the builders, and housewives who go out shop ping of mornings don't care for allegory or metaphor. General I After the fashion prev alent all through the busyJworld they prefer plain facts applicable to their own several undertakings. CANADA'S DEMOCRACY. The flummery of the Viceregal court, its millinery and gingerbread imitation of the monarchical mummery practiced at the Court of St, James, seems to be causing disgust to a large number of Canadians. The Toronto Empire voices the discontent in its usually vigorous fashion. Here is a paragraph from our cotemporary's editor ial: "We lire under a monarchical form of government; but at heart the people are democratic. They dislike caste; they abhor titular distinctions; they object to the in troduction of class discriminations, pat terned after the English plan." If Canadians generally have as keen a sense of the ridiculous as tbe Empire, they cannot but feel disgusted at the cheap imi tation of monarchy which they are paying to keep up. It cannot be pleasant to them to feel that the men they hire to conduct the government hold themselves too good to meet their masters on terms of equality. That is just what the office holders under the Canadian Governor are doing,and only a few days ago the select circles of society, made up of Government officers and other idlers, carried their assumption of superior ity so far at the viceregal ball at Ottawa that the common people were roused to hot anger. The progress of the only aristocracy Canada ought to have, which the Empire rightly says, should be "of muscle and brains" alone, toward true Bepnblicanism is well worth watching. It will end in Canada entering the United States. HOW TO SETTLE IT. When it comes to applying the law and imposing penalties on restaurant keepers who serve to their customers oleomargarine, or a mixture of that product with genuine butter, the situation looks ripe for an in telligent compromise between the conflict ing interests and antagonistic opinions. On the one hand the oleomargarine people say their article is preferable to many of the qualities of butter which are sold in the market; that it is not only cheaper in itself, but as an alternative to genuine butter keeps the price of the latter in bounds; and that people should have the right to buy it, or to use it, as they please. On the other hand, the dairy men and dealers in pure but ter maintain that to sell oleomargarine as butter is a manifest fraud, justly punishable. Both parties so far are clearly right; and this gives the key to the true and simple solution of the whole matter. Sell oleo margarine for what it is, in place of for what it is not. Agree upon some device by which it may be told apart, so that ii pur chased it be purchased knowingly, and if served at table those who consume it will know what they are getting. If oleomar garine is such a good thing as its supporters insist, and as the public are willing to be lieve it can be made, it will soon and surely find demand upon its merits; and with the implication of false pretense no longer at taching to it, it should really have a more extensive and profitable sale than when put on the market in disguise. Probably some such arrangement as this will be the ultimate outcome of litigious hostilities now in progress. AWARKHTGTO ENTHUSIASTS. It pays to be patriotic, no doubt. To die for one's country is a brave and glorious act, provided the country requires the sacri fice. But an exnberance of patriotism, wasted in efforts that benefit neither the nation nor the individual, is quite another thing. The enthusiasmthat vents itself in shouts, marching and processions, and pompous display, maybe carried to an ex tent where it ceases to be patriotic and be comes idiotic. These reflections are suggested by an item in a Philadelphia paper giving a list of men killed and injured by participation in the inauguration ceremonies at "Washing ton. True, there were no riots at the capi tal and little disorder of any kind. The disorder came later. Its name was pneu monia, and it was that which carried several prominent Philadelphians to the verge of the grave and'took others quite over the brink into the realm of the unknown. A railway disaster could scarcely have been fraught with more serious consequences to many of the Quaker City patriots. Ac cording to a Philadelphia journal, "nearly everybody out of the thousands who went to Washington from this city is more or less sick," and the deaths of several persons are recorded. Clearly, here is a case where patriotism did not pay. The moral is obvious, and it is to be hoped the lesson will not be for gotten before March 4, 1893. A President's power and influence will be equally great even if -no lives are thrown away in cele brating his installation in office. HEATING CABS FROM THE ENGINE. 1 is not amiss to call the attention of the railroad officers in this vicinity to the re port presented to the Massachusetts Legis lature by the Bailroad Commissioners of that State on the matter of heating cars with steam from the engine. The report is emphatically in favor of locomotive steam heating, and the commissioners are san guine that the system will come into gen eral use without compulsory legislation. This matter has considerable local inter est because the locomotive steam-heating is now being tried on the Pennsylvania Hues, and apparently to the satisfaction of the railroad officers. The public, of course, re joices to see the detestable car stove give way to almost any other warming apparatus. But the report of the Massachusetts Commissioners contains several facts in re gard to the question of heating cars. It is pointed out, for example, that locomo tive steam heating will be more economical because the removal of individual car heat ers will make additional room for passengers. This, however, probably has not been over looked by the railroads. Another thing, however, which the public is directly con cerned in, is stated as the result of practical experiment, namely, that there is little or no. danger to the passengers in the case of accident to the heating apparatus carrying the steam from the locomotive, even if too great pressure should cause .the pipes to burst. The ex-President and several ex-members of the Cabinet are about to visit Cuba. While they are so near, they might as well run over to Hayti and tell Legitime how to conduct properly the affairs of a Bepublic. The Haytian President is evidently much in need of advice. The Massachusetts Legislature has en acted a law imposing a penalty of 25 cents a day on manufacturers and others for each alien employed by them. Her next move, providing the Governor signs this bill, should be to-build a lofty wall around the entire Commonwealth and exclude all but THE the descendants of the Turitans. There's no sense in halfway measures. It is not unusual for the State Legislature to be turned into a circus, but the Assembly men were not prepared to allow an operatic company with a ballet to use their hall last night, as Mr. Corey, of Luzerne, ironically proposed should be done. Some learned chemists of this city al most convinced a legislative committee at Harrisburg yesterday that oleomargarine is away ahead of anything-the cows could give them. But the legislators seemjtobe thinking more of what the owners of cows can, do with their votes, than the comparatiye merits of butter and oleomargarine. So Colonel Shepaed, the great and only religious editor, is not seeking office. He says so himself. But, oh, how graceful ly he Is standing where Mr. Harrison can best take in the lull beauty of bis shape. The Kev. J. M. Caldwell, of Chicago, says that professional detectives are pro fessional criminals. This is a new and strengthened version of the adage that it takes a thief to catch a thief. Mr. Caldwell would have been nearer the truth had he said that a great many criminals masquer ade as detectives. The author of the "Beautiful Snow" has become an, elevated railroad brakeman in New York. It seems to be ordained by fate that this wretched man shall always be in a position to distress his fellow-men: The explosion of a boiler, yesterday, in the West Point Boiler Works, of this city, resulted in five deaths and terrible injuries to a dozen others. It is hard to understand how such a disaster could occur in an estab lishment where boilers are thoroughly understood, without carelessness on some one's part. The Chicago Herald is doing good work. Its reporters are employed iu relieving the starving poor. In Chicago half of the popu lation is usually seeking how it may relieve the other half of its valuables. A gentleman thinks it worth his while to tell the Baltimore Herald that "there is a great difference between a spiritualist me dium and a fortune-teller." Everybody knows that the medium costs more and usu ally tells fewer lies for the money than the fortune-teller pure and simple. The "Samoan scare" was evidently mis named. At any rate, it was not the United States that was scared. Madame O'Delia Ann Diss Debab, the medium, has pronounced spiritualism a humbug and a thorough fraud, and says she is going to be a theosophist henceforth. What the theosophists are going to be is not said, but they are clearly debarred from using their title longer. PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIES. Groyek Cleveland on Monday next cele brates his birthday. He was born on March IS, 1837. Mrs. Humphrey Ward has forwarded to President Harrison a copy of "Robert Els mere." bearing her signature. John B. Fry, of Sidney, N. Y., who was once private secretary to Henry Clay, is look lngfor a consular appointment. Prince Peter Boltikoff, the well-known collector of armor and enamels, some of wboso acquis! tions are in the South Kensington Mu seum (London) and the Louvre, has just died at the age of 85 In Paris, where he had lived for 40 years. The growing intimacy between the German Emperor and his brother, Prince Henry, has attracted comment. The latter is consulted about everything, and his allowance from the Prussian Royal Fund has been largely in creased. Sir Julian Pattncefote, the newly-appointed British Minister to the United States, is said to be much pleased at the prospect be fore him. "The position in question has been tbe ambition of my lite," he said recently. His daughter is described as a most attractive woman and a great favorite in London society. Walt Whitman Is not without a keen sense of the humorous. An ambitious young poet called on him the other day to show him a MS. tragedy entitled "Columbus." "Mr. Whit man," said he, "I should like to read you my drama and get your opinion of its merits." "No, I thank you," said Walt. "I've been par alyzed once." Jeremiah Ruse cannot get used to being called "Mr. Secretary." ' As he was entering the White House a few days ago one of his Wis consin friends canght a sight of him and cried out to him by his new title. Rusk did not turn his bead. Again and again the Wisconsin vis itor called "Mr. Secretary," with no result Finally he yelled "Governor." Rusk turned around atf once. JUSTICE MATTHEWS YERT ILL. He Has Another Relapse nnd His Condi tlon Is Considered to be Serious. Washington, March 11 Justice Matthews is not so well to-day and had another of the re lapses which have marked the progress of his illness. Last night he was restless and had a lever, and to-day he was quite ill. The Justice has a complication of disorders, none of which alone are of a grave character, but which taken together make quite a serious case and one re quiring close care and attention. The primary troubles are rheumatic attacks and impaired digestion. Justice Matthews' system Is very sensitive to changes of all kinds. For eight weeks preceding tbe inauguration he showed a steady improvement in health and his case progressed so favorably as to greatly encourage his family and Dr. Johnston, bis physician. During this time he received as many as six or eight callers daily and conversed with each for quite a little while. The horribly bad weather about the 4th of March, however, seemed to affect him, as It did some others. Notwithstanding great care was taken to protect him from climatic In fluences during this bad weather and was not permitted to go outside of the two warm rooms, the Justice caught cold and this has been fol lowed by several relapses, during which he has been restless and feverish. Justice Matthews displays great fortitude and patience under his afflictions, and those Suallties have proved of great benefit to him uring his illness. It is said that the nature of his disease is such as to necessarily make the changes in bis condition very slow, whetner in the direction of better or of poorer health. NOT ENOUGH TO KEEP THEM BUST. The President Unable to Bfnke Appointments Too Fast for the Senate. Washington, March 14. Tho rate at which nominations are being sent in by the President leads to the belief that the present session.of the Senate will be longer than anticipated. Such being the case, a disposition was mani fested in the caucus to-day to consider the Southern election matters under the Hoar and Chandler resolutions. Some of theSenators thintcMr. Coke's speech sbonld be answered, and it Is stated that the indications now are that this will be done. lllsmnrcklnnn. ("L'Etat-c'est moil") I am tbe country, the country T Madertor the Bismarck dynast L That is the end of German L I am the country. He that tricks Or jests at Bismarck's politics, The splendid German honor pricks. I am tbe country heart and core, If other countries ask "What for!" I give my word. I start a war, I am the I-ron Chancel-lor, London Fun. Ills Marriage Certificate. From the Uetrolt Free Frees.; t A Detroit gentleman, whose hair Is becoming a little sparse, says that bis marriage certificate is beginning to show through. PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKER. Cowardice Sometimes Is Linked Qaeerly to Conrnge In Unman Nature. Courage, physical courage, is Eeldom found in man without a flaw. It was not long ago that I heard of a gallant soldier, who undoubt edly made a splendid name for himself by acts of great bravery In the late war, and who yet was nearly scared to death by the Irruption of a harmless necessary cat from its hiding place under the soldier's bed. He told the story himself, and confessed most candidly that he was frizhtened by the feline intruder. ... A clergyman who had pluck enough to swim across a dangerous river when he was a youth, and since then has shown his brave spirit by ministering to the poor parishioners during tbe cholera epidemic of 1849, 1 think, in London, and In numberless other great ways, is periodically made a perfect coward whenever the not very formidable wasp or yellow jacket flies anywhere near him. This person is remarkably fond of fishing for trout with the artistic fly, and I have known him to put up his rod and desert a pool where the fish were rising on all sides, just greedy for surface food and asking to be caught, because a wasp or two persisted in hovering over his creel. V Allegheny county boasts a brave little woman, possessed of culture, gentleness and all the sweetest of womanly traits, who Is emi nently unlike tbe majority of her sex 'in that she can break glass balls with a rifle at ten yards, and has been known to make things very lively for burglars with a revolver, who yet has the customary feminine dread of tho small est mouse, and who will faint at the sight of a pin scratch. i V I remember how a gbost story was laugha bly Interrupted in its telling, and in a way which bears upon this topic of courage. Three or four newspaper men were matching talcs of horror in a lofty bedroom at tbe Loch iel Hotel in Harrisburg during the session of 1SS5. There were four of us there, I remember now. One of them was a stout sanguine, fellow who would not be suspected of fearing any thing in particular. He told tho last storj, and the most blood curdling of course. It was 2 o'clock in the morning, and an empty bottle stood on the bnreau, as a reminder of what had been. What an awful yarn it was our sanguine leviathan told. Every hair in my head was in revolt, I know, and the silence was teniflc when the tale came to a thrilling wind-up. The next biggest man in the party was the only one brave enough to speak. Said he, huskily, for tho bottle had been empty a long while: "Do you mean to say that you weren't a bit scared, George?" "Not a scare," replied the sanguine George, but ere the words were out of his mouth there came a fearful rapping at the door quite in keeping with "The Raven" and that knocking evermore and that valiant companion and hobnobber with ghosts turned two shades paler than the sheets on his bed. "What's thatT" he involuntarily cried. "It's me with tbe other bottle," said the bell boy, and there was a startling roar of laughter. V One of the most unpleasant scares a friend of mine has ever experienced occurred re-, cently during a railway journey by night. I will let her tell it in her own words. "Just before I fell asleep, weile I was on the brink of dreamland, and when I was still dimly conscious that my husband was snoring melo diously, I saw the curtains of our berth, or rather felt them, move. That waked me a little and I strained my eyes to watch the pale streak of low lamp light which marked the dividing line of the curtains. They slowly parted and I saw a band come in, and then an arm. The hand unbuttoned all the clasps of tho curtains, and then I saw it stretch out toward the netting where some of my hus band's clothes were. Tbe whole thing struck me. then as rather humorous, and proceedings that view I reached for one of my shoes under the bed, but by chance took hold of one of my husband's. I gripped the shoe tightly, and sitting up dealt as savage a blow as I could to the arm in sight The blow didn't fall quite true, but an excla mation of pain and a hurried scuffling of feet down the aisle told me that the owner of the arm didn't want any more boot. He didn't get any booty except from my hand." "Who was the thief? ' I asked. "That's the strange part. Though I waked my husband at once and he Investigated all he could, we ifever found out tbe rascal. I sus pected a colored porter, but I couldn't prove it." BEADING'S IE0N FAILURE. Efforts Being Blade to Resnme .Business at the Old Stand. Philadelphia, March 14. The creditors of tbe Beading Iron Works held a meeting at the office of the company this afternoon. The Committee on Appraisement, from whom a statement was expected, made a verbal report of the result of their work, in which they cave the total liabilities at $l,o75,959 81, instead of $1,927,783 22, as reported last week. The as sets are valued at $2,091,"47 24. The balance of assets over and above liabilities Is given at 215,767 83. The committees on management and re organization were compelled to report their In ability to arrive at any definite conclusion, whereupon Joseph Wharton suggested that the only feasible plan to overcome the existing obstacles and to satisfy everybody was the ap pointment of a receiver. George F. Baer, who is a director of the works, and also of the Reading Railroad Company, recalled the fact that he had submitted a plan at the last meet ing which contemplated the uninterrupted continuance of the business as tbe most ad visable course in the interest of the creditors. Any modification of that plan that would reach the same object would be agreeable, but any otter scheme would not meet with the ap proval of tbe board. After some discusiion it was decided to give Mr. JJaer's plan further consideration and it was directed that tbe plan be printed and a copy sent to each creditor. Each one is ex pected to signify his approval or disapproval of the plan by letter to one of the committee which was appointed: George X)eB. Keim, Comly B. Shoemaker, John H. Craig, Samuel B, Seyf ert and W. C. Frick. It was decided to meet again next Thursday afternoon, when this committee will make a report. , DEATH OF A HISEB. He Lived in Abject sqnnlor, But Was Worth 800,000. St. Louis, March 14. On Friday last George C. Harden, an old man of 75 years, died at a cheap German boarding house on Franklin avenue, where he had lived many years. As he was never known to work, lived in squalid quarters and had no associates, he was sup posed to be very poor. AH his surroundings in dicated this, but the public administrator, in examining Haydcn's trunk, found a note ad dressed to that official and inclosing a safe de posit key. It also contained the name "B. C. Payne, of Winslow, Maine." The admin istrator yesterdiy visited the Safe Deposit Company's vaults, and, on opening Hayden's box, discovered more than 560,000 in cash, stocks and bonds, and to-day filed an inventory of them in the Probato Court. Hayden had no relatives here,but is supposed to bave some in Maine, and an effort will be made to find them. He lived in this city nearly 40 years, and was known to be a miser, but no one knew that he had any property. Died From Jumping the Rope. Indianapolis, March 14, Josephine Dyxx. a schoolgirl, aged IS, daughter of Mrs. Clara Dyxx, yesterday, at recess, "jumped the rope" 285 times consecutively. Last nignt she died from the effects of the physical fatigue to which she had subjected herself. Jlotv to Save Space. From the Norristbwn Herald.') A Washington paper prints a list of names of men who want office. A list of names of the men who dont want office would occupy much less space. DEATHS OP A JAY. Hod. Moses W. Field. Detbott, Mien.. March H. The Hon. Moses W. Field died at 1:30 o'clock this morning, the result of a stroxe or apoplexy. Mr. Field was the orig inal Greenback advocate In Michigan, the man who called the Greenback movement Into polit ical prominence in the United States, and sue gested the convention which nominated Voter ooper for President. Hon. Chnnncey Brodock. KOVK, N. Y., March 14. Hon. Channcey Bro dock, a descendant of one of the earliest settlers of Fort Stanwlx (now Rome) and a member of the New York Assembly in 1884, died here last night, ngcdeoyears. Henri Tnmberlllt. PAMS, March 14.-Henrl Tamberllk, the cele brated Italian tenor sinner, Is dead, Hewsi born In Rome In 1820. !FRIDAYV MAROH 15," WORSHIPING A WOMAN. , Singular Religions Delusion Brought tp Light In Philadelphia A Temple Bet Dp for the Congregation of tbe Daughter of Jehovah. A singular religious delusion is revealed by the evidence taken in the equity proceedings of the "Congregation of the Lord" to recover from the heirs of Anna Meister the property No. 1128 South Eleventh street, says the Phila delphia Record. Seven members of the con gregation purchased the building in 1864 and had tbe deed recorded in the name of "J. FJimar Mira Mitta," which means "the daugh ter of Jehovah," whom the congregation wor shiped. This person was Anna Meister, a Swiss woman, and the fascination Bhe exercised upon the credulity of her followers was remarkable. They paid 85,000 for the house of worship, but found upon the death of "the Daughter of Je hovah" that her heirs would inherit the prop erty unless legal measures were taken. Third Person In the Trinity. The case has been beforo a Master for two years, Lawyer William H, Staake looking after the interests of the Meister heirs, and the mat ter Is now in shape to be presented to court. From tbe evidence submitted it appears that the worship began in 1853. The woman was looked upon as the third person in the Trinity, and in her house a temple of worship was set up. Tbe front part of the second story of her home was fitted up with an altar, pulpit, and all tbe paraphernalia necessary for an Impos ing service. Ceremonies were held every Sun day. Mira Mitta, surmounted with a crown studded with brilliants symbolical of her high estate, encircled with a girdle sparkling with gems, in a loose silken robe, preached to her abject followers, who bowed before her. A costly cloth covered the chair on which she sat, in order to protect her from contact with all that was sinful. Healing by Touch. Lissette Munzert, who was in Mira Mltta'a household, testified before the Master: "I think the Lord formed the congregation. She was brought to us, and it was shown from the Lord that we had to take care of her. I believe she was the third person of the Holy Trinity." Miss Munzert also said that she believed Mira Mitta could do more than any person on earth, and that by merely placing her hands on sickly persons she brought them back to health. A Visit From nn Angel. Mrs. Caroline Lang, another witness, said that au angel appeared at the meeting of the congregation on Ridge avenue In 1856. the an gel bore a scroll on which was written in golden letters tbat Mira Mitta is tbe daughter of Jehovah and a sister of tbe Savior. . Afraid of tbe Water. The "Daughter of the Great Jehovah" was possessed of good, substantial common sense on some points, at least, as one incident illus trates. On one occasion, as she was about rais ing a glass of hydrant water to ber lips, an un seen power dashed it from her hands, and writing appeared upon a table to tho effect tbat henceforth Mira Mitta should not drink hydrant water unless it was first boiled. This astonishing revelation was communicated to the members of the chnrcb, and tbey there upon unanimously resolved never to drink Schuylkill water again without boiling it. UKSULINE ACADEMICIANS Gnvo an Interesting Entertainment at tho Convent Yesterday. A grand entertainment, entitled a "Calts thenic Musicale," was given by the pupils of the Ursuline Academy yesterday, and a great many of the friends of the pupils were present. A very interesting programme of three parts, consisting of some of the choicest selections of music and song, was rendered under the di rection of H. Lottner. After a concert promenade Miss Flora Loeff ler and Miss A. Abel played a piano duet, whereupon a chorus song and wand exercises from "The Little Tycoon" followed in rapid succession. A vocal duet by Miss B. McGin nlss and Miss G. Jolly received very liberal ap plause, and so did the following piano duet, "Hunting Song," by Miss A. Wasson and Miss B. O'Neil. Miss M. Page sang a very dainty little solo, "Waiting at the Brookside." In Chopin's "Eleventh Valse" Miss B. Mona ghan and Miss E. Dailey gave evidences of very unusual skill on their respective Instru ments. The entertainment lasted over two hoars, and it was apparent from the pleased looks of the audience that they had enjoyed the "Calisthenic Musicale" very much. MAEBIED AT TWILIGHT. The Wedding of a Yonng Business Man and a City Belle. In the well-lighted parlors of the comfortable residence of Mr. J. Charles Dicken, tbe at torney on Center avenue, the marriage of Miss Fannie Dicken and J. M. Shields, Esq., a rising business man of this city, was cel ebrated last evening at 5.30 o'clock. Rev. E. P. Cowan, of the Third Presbyterian Church, performed the marrlaire rites. Thn brldn worn an Imported white corded silk dress with a. poim iace vesi ana diamonds, one earned a bouquet of lilies of tbe valley. The bridemaids were Miss Lillie J. Smith, of Chicago, and Miss Clara Dicken. Both were dressed in white and carried bouquets of Mar shal Neil roses. The groomsmen were Mr. Charles E. Pope andMr. Hillary Brunot. The parlors were prettily decorated with tropical giants and flowers. A supper was served by ennody, tbe .caterer. The dining room was made attractive by its floral decorations. Tbe happy couple will make an extended Southern tour, and on their return will make their home in this citv. Only the relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. The presents were many and very costly. J0EDAN-HEEE0N. Two Popular Young Persona Are Joined In Matrimony. The wedding of Miss Jennie Jordan and Mr. Andrew Herron was celebrated last even ing at the residence of the bride's parents in Minersvllle. Rev. Charles Herron, of Curwlnsville, Pa.. per formed the ceremony. There were no at tendants at the ceremony only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting par ties. A wedding supper was served byKuhn. tho caterer. Tho floral decorations were very beautiful. The presents were many and valua ble. Mr. and Mrs. Herron left last night for an extended wedding trip through the South. Mr. Herron is well-known as the cashier of the Fort Pitt National Bank. Miss Jordan is of the Class of '87 of the Central High Bchool of this city. FEAST OF PUBIM. The Grcnt Ceremony Is Celebrated by Dance and Merriment. The Feast of Purlin was celebrated last evening by tbe Young Men's Hebrew Club by a grand masque reception at Turner Hall, on Forbes street The event was one of the most notablej of tbe season in Hebrew circles. The costumes worn by tbe maskers wore both varied and attractive. A largo number wero in attendance, and a most pleas ant evening was passed. The Royal Orchestra furnished the music for dancing. The gentlemen iwho had charge of the affair were Mr. Harry Lazarus, Chairman; Mr. Simon Cohen, Secretary. Mr. Myer Rosenthal, Treas urer; Committee oil. Management. H. Davii, L A. Levy, J. Davis, Leto Sbenktn, Henry HIrsh, N. Arflcld. Ben Wolkowsky,.Lewis Levltsky, A. Goldman, A. CohenVJos. Apple and D. San dusky. A Plensant Oakland Concert. A most successfnl concert was given last night in tho Oakland M. ElChurcb. A large and delighted audience uak present and a round sum will result to bo devoted to tbe In terests of the church. The thorough success of the evening was greatly due tohe untiring ef forts of Mrs. Cora Sellers, the well-known singer and organlst,and through ber everything was perfectly planned and beautifully carried out. Besides Mrs. Sellers suchvavorably kno xn local musicians as Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Millor, Miss Belle Tomer, Miss Andie Van kirk, W. A. McCntcheen and Louis JsKeidel contributed to the pleasure of tbe evening. The Horrors of Clvlllznllon. ' From the St. Louis Globe-dJemocrat. Edison's latest triumph is tbe ltnguacraob. or shouter. It is designed to take the place of me uij.tnituus wuo wi nuiaiica uuw m use ou railroads. The linguagraph-equlpped locomo tive will not whistle "brakes off" or "brakes on," but will give steam shrieks closely re sembling a stentorian utterance of the order desired. Tbe advantages of the invention are not unmixed, even although it should eventu ally call out the names of stations, as pre dicted. The whistle of the locomotive is bad enough, but a eeries of multi-toned shrieks will be far worse. Thirty-Six New Women Doctors. Philadelphia, March 14 The thirty seventh annual Commencement of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania was held at the Academy of Music to-day. There were S3 graduates. 1889. v ODE MAIL JPODCH. An Ex-Teacher's Reasons for Opposing a Compulsory Educntlon Law. To the Editor of The Dispatch: I see that Hon. Alfred Mariand, of Pittsburg, is endeavoring to have introduced In the Penn sylvania Legislature a bill to enforce compul sory education. If I were privileged to do so, and had the power to make my words effective, I would like to appear at Harrisburg and give Mr. Mariand and his legislative associates some reasons why I should oppose his measure as not being based on sound educational and democratic principles. I do not consider it is a good educational measure, for at the present time I think it would work more barm than good. Whether the time will ever come when" compulsory education will be admissible and permissible in these free United States is a question. I think I knowsomething of the evils and the good in our present school system, for as prin cipal of a large public school for several years, I had ample opportunity for Studying the same. With due respect to popular education, as it exists to-day, I do not believe that it is yet so good and perfect a thing as to justify Mr. Mar land and the Pennsylvania Legislature In their attempt to cram It down our throats by legal process. , . Tbe bill he has proposed for that purpose smacks loudly of the arrogance of Ignorance. It provides for a system of espionage that onghttobe opposed by every citizen. I am opposed to any plan that makes the State tne censor of the home. How much study bas Mr. Mariand given to the school system of Penn sylvania, and how much attention has he de voted to examining tbe results of compulsory education in the continental countries of Europe, where forms of government paved the way quite naturally for its adoption. Recent school statistics in European countries are not entirely satisfactory, so low bas run-the per centage of healthful eyes and healthful nerves and bodies. It is beginning to be realized by the most competent educational authorities of the day tbat our public school curriculum needs considerable pruning and the whole system a general overhauling. It has its evils, serious ones, that must be eradicated. It is a very grave question whether our school chil dren are not being forced to the acquisition of some very doubtful accomplishments at the expense of vigor of body and of brain. If com mon school education were more a training than a packing process, I would be more favor ably disposed toward Mr. Marland's measure, although I regard tbe idea of compulsory edu cation as a dangerous one in this country. Nobody more earnestly than myself has the good of popular education at heart. Tbe free school system is not a failure, as was dismally prophesied by its opponents 40 years ago. But it is still in the process of evolution. Its im- ? erf ections must be corrected and the facilities or sound, safe, healthful educational work in creased. Before the point of efficiency is reached much technical rubbish must be thrown away. This is especially true of graded schools In towns and cities, where the best work ought to be done. Every pupil In those schools is en titled to a thorough, practical training In the essentials of an English education, along with all wholesome, social and moral Influences that count for so much in the formation of charac ter. I would rather have my children learn right rules of conduct and of life within their comprehension than to acquire knowledge to whatever extent in any line of study or investi gation. Mr. Marland's bill would put the wise and discerning parent, who recognizes the evils of the hasty and imperfect training in vogue in too many of our public schools, and who, with his child's health and future usefulness at heart, seeks to avoid tbem, upon a level with the parent who never gives tne care and cul ture of his children an anxious thought. Does Mr. Mariand stop to consider that the compul sory law would take children at the tender age of 6 years, when they are hardly past the point of afternoon naps, from their homes and place tbem for six hours daily in scbooU with all kinds of associates and surroundings? Not that the common schools are not doing much for the masses of school children, but the in fluences I have mentioned are invariable. They exist and always will exist. But I claim the right to say whether my boy, at 6 years, shall be exposed to them. And I also claim the right to say at what age it will be safe for my sensitive, nervous lad to undergo the discipline and study of a public school. 1 am earnestly of the opinion that no child under 8 years of age has any business in any school, except the school for tho formation of character, which every home ought to be. And I might except those safe substitutes for home, the Kinder garten, wherever it exists. The school is prison house enough for the home loving boys and girls without the aid of Mr. Marland's cast-iron law. I fear it is almost as nearly impossible to legislate people into culture and refinement as to legislate tbem into morality. I believe in all wholesome incentives to further the work and welfare and improve the attendance In our public schools, for they offer-almost all the available instruction to the great majority of Amerlcan'youtb. But against the plan proposed by Mr. Mariand. in tbe de fense of tbe much-neglected oodles, the over wrought eyes, nerves and brains of the inoffend Ing little ones, I enter my earnest protest. If Mr. Mariand wishes to become a real bene factor of the public schools let him introduce and use every effort to have passed a bill re ducing tbe hours of study and recitation from six to four hours daily, providing at the same time that childish brains shall not bo worried over more than two or three studies at a time (it is no uncommon thing for pupils in tbe intermediate grades of borough and city schools to learn seven or eight studies), and let gymnastics be made, not optional, not subordinate, but a necessity, a prominent daily exercise in all our schools. A service of this sort would entitle him to tbe gratitude of every thoughtful parent in the State. It might be agreed that to a certain class compulsory education would be a benefit, but surely this would not excuse an attempt that may do much harm in order that a little good may follow; surely, It is no justification for the adoption of a system opposed to the spirit of our institutions and repuguant to our tastes as a free people. Ex Teacher, March 14. Umontown. - EEGAEDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES. More Stories nnd Uglier Ones of the Penn sylvania Troops' Misbehaving. Special Telegram to the Dlsnatcn. Washington, March 14. A suburban cor respondent of the Star has the following in that paper this evening: '"The Pennsylvania troops who were quartered at Bcnning for sev eral days, at tbe time of the inauguration,bave left an unsavory reputation behind them amqng the good people of that community, and if half tbe misdeeds ascribed to them be true they acted regardless of consequences. It seems they came without rations, and regard ing self-preservation as the first law. foraged around for chickens, etc., in real guerilla style. Tbe henroost of Mr. John Richardson was the principal sufferer from these expeditions, and it is said to have been severely taxed to supply the demand. One of the villagers, named Marshall, hearing that the crowd waSapretty hungry one, bad a barrel of biscuits and a big pot of coffee prepared, and thus provided, drove to tbo camp, thinking to turn an honest penny by supplying their wants in a modest nay. His wagon was captured at sight, the contents annronriated. and he was ordered to I move on. He moved. "At night the scenes would do enlivened oy bonfires. Several old houses belonging to Mrs. George B. Sheriff, and a cornhouse on the farm of tho late Fielder Magruder. were pushed over by the crowd and set on fire. A lot of old vehicles at tbe blacksmith shop of Jesse Bumbrey were also bnrned. Altogether, tbey seemed to regard the neighborhood as having no rights that a bluccoat isbonnd to respect, and no regret was felt at their depart ure." More Headaches, Too. From the New York Sun. J A Massachusetts Dry .orator makes this epi gramatic contribution to the politico-economic, agricultural side of the prohibition question; There Is more money In eggs than In elder. 1 say to the fanners of this Commonwealth: "Dear friends, nevermind the elder." But tbe farmer may think that there's more fun in elder than eggs. ConsnI-ntion Prizes. From the Mew York World.1 The State Department is getting down toward the Consul-atlon prizes. WAITING. I. Come to me darling, darling; I am waiting here alone. And the roll oftlie coming billows Has a sorrow In Its tone. There are dark lines to the westward The eyebrows of tbe san He has shut his eyes beneath tbem, Light eclipsing, one by one. There's a glint of yonr eyes In the sky, Ana a tone or y oar voice in tne ses. i But I care not for songs tbe waves sweep by Till my darling comes to me. n. ne to me, darling, darling, - i you know tbat alone l wan The Vc The (tars arc searching, one by one, sy know my love is iatc. th of tho wind Iu my hair, Like It lifts touch of your tender band; jrtiy ana lingers mere. There's ollness over tne una And a so; iwful sound at sea; There's loneliness here In my heart Oh I myarllnfr, hasten to me. -Rutn Ramay. in Chicago Tttntt. A GREAT CITY'S 'SMALL TALK. Money In City Real Estate. riCEW TOEK BtTEXAU SPECIALS.! New York, March 14. John Jacob Astor has bought the Herring place and Wilson farm in Westchester county, the two properties comprising 200 acres along the Harlem branch railway between the Boston postroad and West farms road, in Westchester, for 1200,000. Ben jamin Trask, the seller, paid $56,500 for the combined estate 12 years ago. Elbrldge Gerry Says He Did It. Elbndge T. Gerry, is credited with having forced Mr. Bergh to resign the Presidency of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He made a bitter attack on nim at the Monday nignt meeting, charging him with bullying hi3 Inferiors, committing arbitrary and unlawful acts, and also with resorting to underhand means to keep in power. Mr. Bergh retorted warmly, and the intervention of P. T. Bamnm is said to have been necessary to pre vent a personal encounter. Mr. Bergh af Mr ward grew more paciflo and resigned In the in terests of harmony. Will be Received la Style. Mayor Grant will head the Reception Com mittee which will go down the bay on a tug and meet tbe Adriatic, which brings back tbe Chi cago and All-America baseball clubs from their tour around the world. The'rest of the committee is composed of representatives of all tbe baseball and other outdoor organizations in this city and vicinity, and the sporting re porters of the local newspapers. The Invita tion Committee consists of Governor Bulkley, of Connecticut, Chairman; J. W. Curtiss, Sec retary; Mayors Grant and Chapin, Beth Low, Theodore Roosevelt, Jos. J. O'Donohue, Amos J. Cnmmlngs, Herman Oelrlchs, James D. Smith and Walter Stanton. A banquet Is to be given to the disseminators of the national game on April 8, tickets to which will cost $10. Some of the Expected Plnms. Joel B. Erhardt, formerly Police Commis sioner and a Republican of the straight-out sort, is named as the next Collector of the Port. Pearson's successor as postmaster is said to be one of his subordinates, William Plimley, Superintendent of the money order depart ment in tbe postoffice. The latter has been in the postoffice for 25 years, and arose to his present place from a small clerkship. If he should get Pearson's place he will find it diffi cult to give the necessary bonds, $000,000, re quiring sureties who can qualify for double that amount, as he does not number anything approaching to a millionaire among his Inti mate friends. Not so Slow, After All. The City of New York arrived this morning after a passage of but 6 days 14 hours and 6 minutes, which, considering tbe season of the year, is phenomenal. If she does propor tionately better in tbe summer she will break tbe record as it bas never been broken before. As it was but her fifth trip, and her machinery is still far from running smoothly and liable to get out of order as it did on the present passage, causing a delay of six hours ber speed may be increased indefinitely. Indicted for Chopping Up a Man. The grand jury bas indicted the boy Krullsch for murder in the first degree. The evidence that he mnrdered, or at any rate was acces sory to tbe murder, of the drug clerk Wech sung last week, is said to be overwhelming. Expects, to Attain Its Ambition. Although the negotiations are not yet com pleted, the Manhattan Club is in a fair way of realizing its ambition to become possessed of the big marble house of the late A. T. Stewart. A lease for 21 years has been made, and the transfer of tbe building only awaits tbe signa ture of Judge Hilton. The rental hasn't yet been fixed. A Meeting That Won't be Held. No application has yet been made for a per mit to hold the proposed meeting in Union Square on Saturday night to protest against tbe hoisting of the Irish flag on the City Hall on St. Patrick's Day. The meeting for which the anonymous call had been Issued cannot be held without permission of the Park Commis sioners. Fire Men Come to Grief. Five missingmen.who have most undoubtedly come to grief, were Inquired after at the police Central office to-day. One was Thomas A. Pali knonskl, an employe of the Equitable Fire In surance Company, who has not been seen or heard of since he started for Boston on a Sound steamer over a month ago. As his valise was left on the steamer some suppose he became deranged and jumped overboard. James A. Draper, a soapmaker, of Pawtucker, hasn't been beard from since, like Faullknouski, he boarded a Sound steamer. This was two months ago. Andrew VanBuskirk, a Brook lyn grocer, came to this city oil January 22 with money in his pocket, and, as his habits are good, he is supposed to have met with foul play. The other two missing men are New Yorkers, who are supposed to have walked into the river. LEGISLATOES AND THE BALLET. A Resolution to Transform the Chamber Into an Opera Hoase. FBOII A STAFF COBBXSFOXDXXT.2 HaebisbueG, March 14. Mr. Corey, of Lu zerne, brought down the House this morning by offering a resolution to grant tbe use of the hall of tbe House to-night to theBennett Moulton Opera Company for their perform ance. The resolution was voted down on the ground tbat the attendance of members on tbe performances could not be much larger than it is now. i Mr. Corey later explained that his resolution was intended in the nature of a compromise. Some members wanted to be at tbe Opera House to see the ballet, and others wanted to be at their posts of duty. By adopting his res olution the House would accommodate both. BOTH CLAIM THE OFFICE. Harrisburg Has a Republican nnd a Demo cratic Solicitor. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Habbisbubg, March 14. John E. Patterson, Democrat, who was elected Solicitor of this city a few weeks ago by a majority of Councils, took steps to-day to dispossess Thos. S.Hargest of thopffice. Ha'rgest. who is a Republican, has been Solicitor for 14 years, and refuses to re linquish tho position because of the absence of a majority of Select Council at the joint meet ing at which Mr. Patterson was selected Solicit or. The rule served on Hargest to show cause why he will not vacate the office is made re turnable on the 26th Inst. HOLDING UP 0UB END. Gratifying Increase la the Vnlno of Beef, Hog and Dairy Exports. Washington, March 11 The chief of the Bureau of Statistics reports that the total valuo of the exports of beef and hog products from tbe United States during the month of February, 1889, as compared with similar ex ports during the corresponding period of 1883 were: February, 1S89, $7,462,422; February, 1883.16,523.387. The values of dalrv products were: Febru ery, 1889, $584,421; February, 1888, S274.C06. A Wonld-Bo Paul Severe. From the Meadvllle Tribune. An old man who lives east of the city rode to town, to-day, on horseback, and his raw boned steed was flecked with foam when he arrived. The old man had come all tho way from his home to warn Meadvllle people that there was going to be a war between the United States and Germany, and making him a second edition of Paul Revere, of Revolution ary fame. The old fellow was much excitedV but tbe Information he conveyed failed to ere ato undue enthusiasm. Baseball nnd the Britons. From the lew York World. It was demonstrated in London yesterday that baseball as a sport cannot be safely grafted on the British Constitution. The high strikes of the American players were lost in the fog. This explains why cricket is so popu lar in England. It can be played close to the ground. . Au American Trait. From the Indianapolis Journal. 2 To the people who don't want office there is a mild and pleasurable excitement in looking through tbe papers for the Presidental appoint ments these bright March mornings. Ameri can citizens take a perpetual interest in politics whether tbey have a perpetual finger in or not. CUBI0US CONDENSATIONS. , A million-pound bank note is kept si the Bank of England. A head of cabbage grown by Georgo Berry, near Pensacola, Fla., measured 25 inches In diameter. A grocer on Broadway, New York, ad vertiseshls business by stenciling his name and address in red Ink on every egg he sells. ' The presents given by the imperial household of China to the Emperor on the occasion or his marriage comprised 2IX) ounces of gold, 10.000 ounces of silver and one gold tea set, two silver tea sets, one silver basin, 1,000 pieces of cloth and 20 ponies, with saddles and bridles complete. A young woman of Owingsville, Ky;, whose father objected to her marrying the man of her choice, eloped, clad In an old calico dress, and without, any head covering, her father having hidden her clothing. She rode 18 miles on horseback, when friends furnished her with suitable garments, and tbe wedding took place. ' A Dalton family owns a clock which ii SO years old, if a day. It went through the war, lost one of its hands by a spent minis ball, but still keeps accurate time, and has never been repaired: but once or twice. The same family owns a large, oval-shaped dish, quaintly ornamented, tbat was brought to America from tbe old country soon after tha Revolutionary war. Nick Johnson, a farmer of Sumter county, Georgia, says that he picked up a curi ous sbaped rock a few days ago and struck it against something and a large piece dropped out of the center, leaving a cup-shaped rock. He gave it to his children to play with. One of them filled it with water, and as soon as it was emptied the rock went to ringing like a bell. It kept It up some five or ten minutes, and will do so whenever filled with anything and It Is taken or poured out. A workman engaged in removing bodies from an old graveyard In San Francisco found in a coffin containing the remains of a China man one of tbe $50 gold slugs which were coined and put in circulation by the San Fran cisco assay office in 1852. Thinking tbe piece was a Chinese coin, the man tried to sell it to a contractor for $5. The latter refused to pur chase the slug, and, when its true valne was soon after discovered, the finder said he would not sell it for $75. Mrs. Charles Osborne, a dashing young widow of Parkersburg, Md., was put on trial on Monday for attempting tbe life of James Campbell, who is a middle-aged man with a family. While out riding he passed the house of the widow as she stood on the doorstep. He took from his pocket a handkerchief to blow his nose. The young widow imagined he was flirting with her. and. taking a revolver, fired four times at him. Two of the shots took effect in his face. Mrs. Alexander Hanna, of Apollo, Pa., was born on tbe 9th of March. She was mar ried on the 9th of March. Two of her children were born on the 9th of March, and one died on that day of tbe month. A brother of hers died on tbe 9th of March. Last Saturday, the 9th of March, tbe ninth anniversary of ber marriage. Mrs. Alexander started to visit a relative. As she was crossing one railroad track to got to a train on another, she was run over by the East ern express and instantly killed. The oldest of ail the obelisks is the beautiful one of rosy granite which stands alone among the green fields on the banks of,the Nile, not far from Cairo. It is the gravestone of a great ancient city which has vanished and left only this relic behind. The city was tbe Bethshemesh of the Scripture, the famous On. which is memorable to all Bible readers as the residence of the priest of Potipherab. whose daughter, Aiemtb, Joseph married. The Greeks called it Heliopnlis, the city of the sun, because there tbe worship of the sun bad its chief center and its most sacred shrines. Captain O. G. Guriey has shells of the following varieties on exhibition in bis office at Bainbridge. Ga.: Conch, oyster, turtle, clam and sea porcupine. The wonder attaching to tbe above statement is that the shellsare found in the solid rock which is being crashed foruse in tbe missive concrete pier of the Alabama Midland drawbridge over the Flint river. Tbe rock is found elbt miles above here in bluffs 100 feet above tbe river bed and nearly 80 miles from the sea. The shells are. in form, perfectly preserved, and indicate that this corner of Georgia was once a part of the ocean's bed. Two Greensboro, Ga gentlemen have for some time been baiting a fish hole In Town creek. The other day they concluded to go down and examine the hole. They carried) along a few crackers and scattered them on topr of the water. In a few minutes the flsh ap-. Seared In a perfect drove, eagerly gulping; own the food. One of the gentlemen" became, so excited that he conld not restrain himself, and he hit a terrific blow with his walking stick at the bobbing noses. And with good effect, for he succeeded in killing four flsh, which he took home as an illustration of what one man can do with a walking stick. Judging from the following stories there seem to be some exceedingly hungry horses down in Georgia. In Oglethorpe, recent ly, a Mr. Jackson pnt a 50-pound sack of flour in his neighbor's buggy, Mr. Murray, for him to carry home. Murray's horse was feeding out of the buggy, and bad just finished 12 ears of corn and two bundles of fodder. He turned bis attention to tbe flour, and when Murray went to hitch np to go home the horse had eaten all the flour but a handfnL Another gentleman drove a mule to Andersonville the same day, and hitched It to the stockade. The mule was hungry and ate up 75 feet of the two by three-Inch pine palings, and the tops of ten pine trees that were cut down. Recently outlines of trees and shrub bery appeared in a large kettle belonging to Mrs. Goode, of Toccoa, Ga. Two explanations of wbat caused them to appear have, been sug gested. One is that the smooth surface of the kettle, from unknown causes, may have been susceptible to impressions of the rays of light; tbe kettle acting as a camera, and thus tbe trees and shrubbery from some distance away were photographed around the sidrs of the kettle. The other suggestion is that the Inside of tbe kettle may have beeu damp, covered by a thin film of water which froze, and in crys talizing the minute Ice sprangles shot in the peculiar forms seen in the kettle, just as win dow glass covered with many brilliant and beautiful outlines on frosty mornings, in mid winter. PICKINGS FROM FUCK. Answered. Night drug clerk (2 a. M., with glaring eyes) Well? Customer No; sick! Now comes the time when the youth whoi has worn bis fall overcoat all -winter wonders if a) few repairs won't make It pass for a spring one. The phrase, "A Wedding March," ap plies strictly only to the bridegroom's entrance into tbe state of matrimony he goes In like a Hon. and his future lamb-like conduct completes the parallel. It is true, EInathad, that there was a good deal of warmth In the old Greek Imagination. Mercury could stand the temperature of Hades; but tr he had been sent to Dakota he would have to go as a spirit thermometer or freeze. ' Precept. The Rev.Alban Cope Well, my little man, what are you going to give up is a Lenten sacrifice Hobby I don't think I'll give up anything, sir. Fapa told meonce that tt wasn't manly to give " up. y Many a well muffled-up man will recline on an Adirondack piazza in a steamer chair when the mercury Is near zero, and complain bitterly when In New York because the horse cars are not furnished with red-hot stoves and weather strips. In 1907. Young man (nervously) I want to get a marriage license. Official Very well. What Is yonr full name? Yonng man -Benjamin Harrison Smith. Official Can't do anything for you. Yon'renn- j deragel A HOKLOW DEVICE. He suffered from drouth as the curtain west down, Vi But his thirst soon was quenched without caustngf a frown; ' For the cane In his mouth held as mnch as a can And he climbed over no one to "go see a man.v. Getting on the Popular Side. Editorof -the London Times Ito the Msnager)-What shall we do now to make the people forget those horrid tetters? b Manager -Suppose wc attack the coast defenses? I think wc can prove that the guns were forged by a fellow named Armstrong. tji He Had a Frugal Mind. Tom BigbeeXto his Country Cousin j-Well, If you're bound to sea tbe elephant, I suppose we must make a night of It. But where would you like to go next? - Peleg Oatcake, Jr. W a-al, mebbe we'dbetter go over to Brooklyn. Your Judges here In York charge too etarnally high nnes. It Comes High. "Hello, Van Courtland, vou fold me two weeks ago that you were.golng abroad for a year and a half, and here you are again. hat made you change your planst" Well, you see, my wife had heard a great deal about the big Florida hotels, and" she thought she would Uke to go there for a week. As as the cost ofeach trip was about the same, I thought I'd gratify her. We have just returned from Jlor- ids." -a - - AU from Poet.