Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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clows in the dwelling houses were broken;
across Smallmau street, in Fisher's foundry,
the windows were smashed and the sheet
iron side in many places punctured by fly
ing bricks. The north side of the building
escaped ruin with the exception of its east
ern end, the roof of which had partially
fallen in.
The debris was piled up high and thick,
and the rescue party could progress but
slowly. Owing to the character of the ma
terial, it did not require much skill to
check the fire, which had commenced. Be
fore the bricks had cooled the work of
wspnp hfld heirrin Thp firt fntlr men taken
v. nut were denri. O-nR. Linpelhach. the en
gineer was found near his engine. His
body was frightfully mangled, his legs and
right arm being torn off, the ragged flesh
hanging down in long shreds. His head
and tace were partially blown away. His
body was taken to themorgue. Lingelbach
resided at Ko. 129 Howard street, Alle
gheny. Daniel Clark was taken out dead and re
moved to the undertaking establisment of
McCabeBros. His brother took charge of
remains and sent the body to his late home
near ML Savage, Md.
A complete list of the killed and injured
is here given:
Gus Lctgelbach, engineer," 25 years old, sin
gle, lived at 129 Howard street, Allegheny.
Jacob Bketnheimee, boilenmaker, 23 years
old, married, lived on the Southside.
Chasles Aclexbacheb, toller maker, 45
years old, married, lived at 18 3 South. Six
teenth street
Daniel Clabk, boiler maker, SO years old,
single, boarded on Twenty-sixth street. Be
sides at Cumberland, Md.
Timotht Caetej.-, aged 26 years; married;
lived in Lawrenceville; had a fracture of 'the
base of the skull and was badly burned about
the face and hands.
Fbask Maneskt, 15 years; laborer; resided
on Fourteenth street; had a bad scalp wound
and was severely bnrned on the head.
Maktei Cojtkebs, 24 years old: single; helper;
had a fracture of the leg, bad scalp wound
and otherwise badly bruised.
Habvet Bare, rear 2419 Penn avenue, had a
severe scalp wound, both hands badly burned.
and burned on the back of the head and
J. H. McCoou Ridgo avenue, near Arch, scalp
wound and bruised about the back.
James McKjex, Sharpsburg, badly bruised on
right leg.
Chables Fobeest, corner Kenova and Lytle
streets, badly cut about the head.
A half dozen others were slightlv cut about
the hands, "but their injuries are trifling.
susr EXcrrnfG incidents.
Many narrow escapes occurred. A little
girl named Annie Gillespie, whose parents
live in Mackerell court, had just returned
from school and was in a closet which stood
near the east wall of the building. "When
her mother heard the explosion she ran out
to the spot and after a hard struggle she
seized the child by the arm and dragged her
out of the building, just as it was struck by
some tailing debris and crnshed in like an
egg shell. Mrs. Gillespie was struck by a
brick and had her left arm badly injured.
Annie's side was injured, but not seriously.
Joseph Kreh had started for a short cut
through a window that opened into Mul
berry street, and had just reached the win
dow and placed his hands on the sill,
preparatory to leaping through, when
the crash came. The next thing he knew
he was fired up against a wall, on the oppo
site side of the alley. Strange as it may
seem he was not injured in the slightest.
John Baker, a boiler maker, had his
hand on the boiler turning off a steam valve
when, he says, he felt himself being drawn
upward. He was thrown through a glass
window and landed on the opposite side ot
Mulberry alley. He felt around and caught
hold of the end of a house and lifted himself
to his feet. He was but slightly injured.
An old lady by the name of Mrs. Michael
Cronan had about CO chickens in a coop ad
joining the wall of the building. "When
the wall fell the roof was crushed and a
number of the chickens were killed. The
others escaped and for a waiie the air was
full of flying chickens. Mrs. Cronan be
came so much excite between the loss of
life, and the loss of her chickens, that she
fainted. It was at first reported she was
ft killed, but she recovered from her tainting
t spell and spent the time in bewailing her
f loss.
I Henry Carl, an employe of the works, was
f just coming out of the ofiice when the ex-
plosion occurred. He was thrown up in the
l air, and landed against a buggy, on Twenty-
third street. The latter was thrown over
l and one side of it mashed to pieces.
"William Frouer was working in the cen
f" tral portion of the main building. He was
hurled through the door into Mulberry
I alley, where he was picked up unhurt.
An old iady named .airs. Metzgar was
just sitting down to her dinner with her son
and daughter when the house was struck by
a falling wall. Amass of debris poured
into the room through thedoor and window.
2Jone of them were injured. The house is a
It was feared that the walls would Jail,
and a force of workmen were immediately
placed at work strengthening them and
clearing away the debris.
A Trusted Employe of the Shop Says There
Was Enough Water, nnil Thlnki Too
3Inch Steam Was the Cnnsc.
The boiler was tubular, 5i inches in di
ameter, 5-16 of an inch thick and 10 feet long.
It has been in use for nearly ten years, and
has been tested once a year. The Boiler In
spector's permit shows that the engineer
was allowed to carry 150 pounds of steam.
He usually carried from 90 to 100 pounds.
There are a npmber of causes assigned for
the explosion. About every other man
around the shop last night had a reason of
his own. Each time he would tell it he
would magnify the supposition until many
people believed the stories.
The most probable cause of the explosion
is given by George Kunkle, of Twenty
fourth street, an employe of the shop
who miraculously escaped being killed
In speaking of the matter he said:
About 15 seconds before I heard the whistle
blow I passed the head of , the boiler, and. ac
cording to my common custom, looked at the
water tube. As usual.it showed there was suf
ficient water in the boiler. I remember this
distinctly, as it all came back to my mind after
the explosion. I walked a few feet beyond tho
Fiuge and picked up a hammer 1 wanted. As
picked it up the whistle blew to knock off
for dinner. I accordingly threw down the ham
jnerand started for home. About that time
i. heard something that sounded like a gas
explosion, and the next thing I knew I was
knocked down.
I think the cause of the explosion was too
much steam in the drum of the boiler. We
- have a belt running to the riveting machine
which was run by steam from the boiler. Ithink
the man who ran the machine threw off the
belt without notifying the engineer. At the
same time the engineer shut off and there was
a rush of steam to the drum of the boiler. In
less than three minutes the steam may have
run up to 160 or 170 pounds, or more than the
drum could stand. It consequently gave way.
When the power necessary to run the rivet
ing machine was taken off It made more steam
in the boiler. The man who was running the
machine should have notified the engineer that
ie was gome to do so, and the engineer could
have shut off in accordance with the amount
of steam taken off by the stoppage of the ma
chine. The boiler was a good one and made of
the very best iron. The engineer had been
working there for years and was a perfectly
competent man.
Another man who worked for the firm for
a number of years, but who left sometime
ago, said:
The engineer of the place had entirely too
much to do. In addition to watching the en
gine he had to run two planing machines. On
one occasion in the shop I knew the man who
was running the machine to shut off without
irotifjing the engineer, and if the latter had
not discovered the steam rising on the gauge
there would have been an explosion then. If
thecngineer had been watching his gauge to
day I do not think the explosion would have
A well-known engineer of a dozen years'
experience said last night:
It is the easiest thing in the world for the
steam to rise in a boiler when any power has
been thrown off. Suppose I am running these
boilers and one of the engines meets with an
accident. The engineer hasn't cot time to run
, into the boiler house to tell me. and thinking
that 1 am attending to my business he does not
fo so. If ie takes off an engine of 100 horse
power he makes a perceptible difference on the
boilers. The decreased pressure causes the
4 '-' ' .. t" r - r (iss.'r , ' ,' t! ,? j-s :iiMt.izrmr8Gmr ' - . T35se nr j v , - - icy r iatBimmmmmm
steam to rise and in abonttwo minutes I have
more steam than the boiler can stand. If I do
not have my eye on the gauge there is liable to
be an explosion. .
The pieces of the boiler were scatteredin
every direction. A large piece was carried
across the street and rested in Fisher's
foundry, at least 50 yards away.
Major Kobert Muuroe, the senior member
of the firm, said:
I deeply regret the loss of life. 1 had been at
the boilers about 15 minutes before and had
just walked across the street to Fishers
foundry when the accident occurred. The
boiler is a comparatively new one and the en-
finecr was a trustworthy and competent man.
have no theory to advance as to the cause of
the explosion. We manufacture boilers and
are supposed to know how to take care of them.
"Why this tubular boiler should let go is some
thins I cannot explain.
Bookkeeper Hamilton was in the engine
room just before the explosion occurred. He
says that the boiler appeared to have plenty
of water.
The Restaurant Keepers Fined Heavily and
an Appeal Taken.
The restaurant keepers got their oleomar
gerine cases in shape for appeal yesterday
on trial before Alderman Carlisle. Attorney
Tost represented the prosecution and J. S.
Ferguson, Esq., tbedefendants.andallof them
were fined $100 and costs each. They were
Mrs. M. Dillon, 7 and 8 Pittsburg Market;
Jeremiah Miller, 123 Fifth avenue; John
Kane, 1900 Penn avenue; G. H. Lamert,
408 Wylie; P. A. Fischer, 1304 Carson
street; Henry Heck, Allegheny Market;
Edward Skees, 156 Fifth avenue; Charles,
George and John Goettman, Pittsburg Dia
mond; Matt Weiss, 432 Smithfield street;
E. "W. Baird, 502 Smithfield street; Samuel
Miller, 114 Smithfield street
Mr. Weiss stated that he bought his but
ter from the dairy of County Commissioner
McKee, and Mr. McMurray said he knew
such to be case.
On Februrary 4 two employes of the
Dairymen's Association went to Weiss'
restaurant and they testified that they saw a
firkin labeled "oleomargarine" and took
some of the samples of the butter served
them and had it analyzed. They kept it
in their room until February 22. A chemist
testified that he had analyzed it and found
traces of cotton seed oil in it
Weiss testified that he does not know
ingly use oleo. After the fine was imposed
ihe gave notice that he would appeal.
juts, uerst drew ner wallet at the close ot
proceedings and paid $307 fine and costs in
'three cases.
Some people charged did not appear and
judgment was entered against them.
Presented to the Western Pennsylvania
Historical Society.
At a meeting of the Western Pennsylvania
Historical Society, yesterday afternoon,
Rev. A, A. Lambing read an interesting
paper written by Isaac Craig about the old
est Episcopal church in Allegheny county,
located at Woodville, ou the old Washing
ton pike.
J. C. Porter related soma interesting rem
iniscences of the early United States maij
service, when Pittsburg was a frontier vil
lage. Mr. Porter also presented the society
with a bound volume of clippings taken
from newspapers 75 and 100 years ago. Mr.
Porter also presented two pay-rolls of the
local militia, dated 1800, one of which con
tains the name of William Lewis, the ex
plorer, who in company with Mr. Clark,
explored the Northwest and discovered the
Columbia river.
William Sbirmer presented the society
with two impression plates, dated 1749,
which were sent to this port by Louis XV.,
instructing his officers here as to their duties
and course of action in dealing with the
Indians. The plates are a part of a series of
11 sent at the same time, and one of the
orders upon them was that after they had
been used they were to be buried. These
two were found in making an excavation
some years ago, but none of the others have
ever been unearthed.
Jacob Beese and Attorney Spousler were
elected delegates to the Washington In
augural Centennial Committee.
The Pennsylvania Company Will Build a
Branch From Youngstovrn to Hudson, to
Bring" Cleveland Nearer to PittsbnrK
At present the Lake Erie Railroad, in
connection with the Nypano, enjoys the dis
tinction of being the shortest line to Cleve
land. This has been wormwood to the
Pennsylvania Company for many a day,
and at last, after a great deal of talk, they
have decided to build a connection from
Youngstown to Hndson, on the C. & P.
road. With the A., Y. & P. to Youngs
town, the branch to Hudson and the C. &
P. to Cleveland, the Pennsylvania Com
pany will greatly reduce its mileage to the
Forest City, and their line will be a little
shorter than the Lake Erie and the Nypano.
Mr. Terry, the General Agent of the
Wheeling and Lake Erie road, was in the
city yesterday. He is inclined to believe
that Mr. Carnegie is in the deal to purchase
the Valley line, despite the denials of the
lattex's friends.
The Philadelphia Company Will Soon Lay a
Line to Bellevernon.
From very reliable authority the informa
tion was received yesterday that the Phila
delphia Natural Gas Company will lay a
pipe line from Grapeville to the Bellever
non gas district during the coming sum
mer. Ho particulars as to contract have as yet
been definitely decided upon, but there is
no doubt that the work will be done. While
the company claims to have plenty of gas to
supply all the demands of their consumers,
the business is increasing so that the Grape
ville and Murraysville fields are hardly able
to till all the wants during next winter.
The Philadelphia Company owns a very
large territory in the Bellevernon district,
and a number of wells are being drilled out
Two Agents for n Brewer Arrested Yes
terday Afternoon.
An information was made before Alder
man Gripp yesterday against Gottlieb Gil
yen and Henry Rnpp, charging them with
embezzlement, on oath of Thomas C. Camp
bell. The two men are agents of the Cres
cent Brewery Company, of the State of In
diana, and have an office on the Southside,
where they have been doing business for
some time.
The prosecutor made allegations against
the defendants that they nad embezzled
57,000 of the company's funds, and they
veer Vintll RTrMtiI Anil lnrn1 ?n loil in Aa-
' fault of $3,000 bail each for a hearing next
l juondav.
A Woman Leaped Into Ihe. Allegheny and
Was Nearly Drowned.
Mrs. McBride, of Crescent row, near the
Keystone Bridge Works, in Lawrenceville,
jumped into the Allegheny river yesterday
afternoon, and she was nearly drowned.
Several people who had seen her just
before she went toward the river stated that
she was intoxicated. Some workingmen of'
the bridge works who noticed her jump, ran
immediately to her rescue, and she was
pulled out before she had' swallowed much
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Price, of the White Star 3. 8. Germanic,
says: "I have prescribed it in my practice
among the passengers traveling to and from
Europe, in this steamer, and the result has
satisfied me tbatif taken in time, it will, in a
great many cases, prevent seasickness."
Discussed by U. S. Senator Colquitt
and Col. "W, D. Moore, tlie Lawyer.
The Eloquence of Two Speakers loudly
Applauded by Hearers.
The Constitutional amendment meeting
in Old City Hall, last night, was well at
tended. It was called to order by Mir. J.
D. Weeks, who introduced Dr. William.
Hamilton as President, -The Vice Presi
dents of the" meeting were W. E. Schmertz,
W. B. Negley, J. RReedj, Alex. Bradley,
Otis Shephard, Joseph Walton, A. P.
Burchfield, John G. Stephenson, C. L.
Rose, C. C. Boyle, Captain John A. Wood,
J. R. Johnston, J. D. Bailey, Captain J.
K. Barbour, H. Samson, Rev. T. N. Boyle,
Mrs. F. L. Swift, Mrs. E. M. Watson, W.
T. Dunn, Thomas D. Turner, J. A. McCon
nell. Rev. D. A. McAllister and W. E.
Harrison. The Secretaries were Alderman
A. H. Leslie and T. E. Lewis.
After the Rev. Dr. Reid had offered
prayer, Dr. Hamilton introduced United
States Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, formerly
Governor of that State Senator Colquitt
said that he was not there as a crank, nor as
a fanatic, nor as a specialist or a reformer,
but as a Georgian, an American citizen and
a patriot, and, he trusted, as a Christian.
He said:
Did you ever hear of a liquor dealers' con
vention opening with prayer as this has, or a
meeting in a saloon asking for the grace of
Gtrtl to be with them? Such a prayer to go up
in grog shop would invoke a burse instead of
the divine aid. Therefore we can go ahead
with a good will when we have the divine good
will with us.
Everywhere that it has been tried it has pro
hibited, just as any other law prohibits vice
and crime. The reason it don't prohibit, some
people claim, is because some people will drink
and get drunk anyhow.
Turning to Colonel Moore, he said:
"You've had two or three murders in your
county during the last year, haven't you,
"Yes, sir," replied Colonel Moore, "two
or three dozen."
"Two or three dozen, whew ! Well, why
in the world don't you repeal the law pro
hibiting murder? "it don't prohibit mur
der, repeal it." Continuing, he said:
Let Pennsylvania take off its cap of sovereign
ity and lay it and its scepter at the feet of a
saloon keeper and say we can't carry out our
laws. It don't prohibit. When you say this
by your vote yon had better become a Terri
tory and submit to the doubtful legislation of
As to the argument that to do away with the
manufacture and sale of liquor would break
down commerce and ruin manufacturers, he
had only this to say. The people in Georgia
had a good opinion of tho people of Pennsylva
nia, and admired them for their thrift, indus
try, etc, but to tell them that their prosperity
was not doe to thrift, but to liquor would bo a
revelation. The liquor business did not pay
one-tenth of the burdens that were caused by
the vice of dram drinking. In regard to ljigh
license making the business respectable, I
don't believe in the aristocracy of drunkenness
or a respectable drunk. If a soul was ruined,
what matter if it was in a respectable saloon
or a doggery. Liberty is not license to do what
you please, and the best interest of society is to
protect liberty and thus do away with license
and debauchery.
Touching on the relation of Democracy
and drinking, he said he was a Democrat,
he was born one, raised one and is one now,
and it was not necessary for him to get
drunk to prove his faith in his creed, and
drinking is not a part of Democracy. This
he urged to bring his Democratic brothers
to support prohibition.
Colonel W. D. Moore, the well-known
attorney, was the next speaker. Loud ap
plause greeted him. He said:
In the United States 60,000 people perish every
year from w hisky. This is an undeniable fact
and a matter of record. In Europe and the
United States 3S0.O00 go down to death every
year from the same cause. The
great army tramps steadily on, through
shame and sin and sorrow to death and hell. In
that vast army are some of the most intellectual
and brilliant of men and some of tho most
beautiful and accomplished of women; wives,
sisters and daughters who are encircled in the
vast waves of death. Bereaved widows, help
less children and murdered ones killed by the
hands of those that vowed to protect them can
he added to the multitude. This multitude
marches on and recruits its ranks in Pennsyl
vania every year.
For the first time you and I are asked and we
must answ er on the 18th of next June, shall
this continue? "If the Lord be God, follow
Him. If Baal be God, follow Himj choose ye
this day which ye shall follow."
The Colonel expressed his regret that
"every loafer who has been shaken into the
State from any country," after having been
here but five years, can vote on this ques
tion, while the wives and mothers of
the land cannot In speaking of the
ruining of the business of the men engaged
in it, he said, "5900,000,000, it is calculated,
is invested in it, but we have the right to
ask what this capital is employed for, or
what does it . attain. It makes the vast
multitude mentioned and who has the right
to invest $900,000,000 in that which has
blighted the world. Nine hundred million
dollars are as but dust in the" balance when
compared with one immortal soul.
' This capital, he continued, did not per
ish, but was simply diverted, and, by the
necessity of the case, must be diverted, and
with but little loss. .He- referred to the
abolition of slavery, in which one-half of
the capital of the country, almost, was in
vested, and said that though but a quarter
of a century had passed, no ill results are
felt. He added: "I tell you that God Al
mighty does not suffer right doing to be
followed by wrong results."
Touching on liberty, he said: "It is gov
erned by the public will. You have the
use of your eye, your hand, your foot and
your weapon to take the life of a fellow
man? Try it, and see how soon your neck
will be stretched outside of Allegheny
The last was said after a brief pause, and
when the laughter that followed had sub
sided, the Colonel said, in a deprecatory
way: "I'm sorry, but I've contributed to
that myself."
He said that society must be protected,
and by force if necessary, and the law has
said: "You shall not do this thing which
works ill to others." As for moral suasion,
it has been tried for thousands of years by
thousands of mothers and daughters, who
have prayed and begged on bended knees.
He would not sav that moral suasion was
not right, bnt so long as a fortune was to be
made, no matter howmany lives were ruined
or hearts were broken, the depraved heart
would trample on them to se'eure it, and
nothing but the uplifted sword would stop
In conclusion he asked that it be remem
bered that the contest is for everything that
is near and dear and precious. There are
nobler battle fields than those of Gettysburg,
Waterloo, etc. those of right and'wrong,
and he begged: "Be a savionr, not a de
stroyer; a man, not a coward in this battle,
and kill whisky, or it will kill you."
County Campaign Offlcers Chosen by the
Constitutional Amendment Adherents
Their Lively Meetlnc in the Afternoon.'
There were 116 delegates present yester
day afternoon at the County Convention of
Constitutional amendment supporters in
Curry Hall. Joseph D. Weeks was chosen
County Chairman for the campaign; Alder
man A. H. Leslie, Secretary, and Hudson
Samson, Treasurer.
Before finishing the election, however,
the proceedings became spirited. Mr.
Weeks was in the chair. He said that the
result of the Hew Hampshire vote should
not discourage the workers in this State.
He knew New Hampshire, having walksd
over it from end to end, and he was not sur
prised that it voted against prohibition, f)r
the reason that it required in that State,a
two-thirds vote to carry the measure, bit
that if it had only required a majority, pro
hibition would have won. The speaker
said that he had it on good authority that
when local option was voted forinthis
county that the county was carried for
local option, bnt that under certain meth
ods possible then, but not now, it
was counted out. He urged that
organization was what was wanted,
and Prohibitionists should not be
afraid to use methods that are com
mon in political campaigns; brass bands
were good enough at the wind-up of the
campaign to stir up some enthusiasm, but
at the present time organization was the
thing most needed.
"Broadax" Smith's remarks were in be
half of the colored, voter, and said that it
was a common expression that politics make
strange bedfellows, and if the Prohibition
ists wanted the colored brother in line they
had better begin sleeping with him at once.
Mr. Weeks was then elected Chairman
despite his protestations. A man named
Wood, from the West End, stirred up a
hornet's nest by saying, that after mature
deliberation he thought that Mr. Weeks
would not be the proper man for the reason
that he would not be popular with the
workingmen, as he had once decided against
them when acting as arbitrator in a matter
between miners and operators.
Mr. Weeks, in his own defense, stated
that the gentleman was mistaken, as was
also his informant. He would state that he
had acted as arbitrator in two cases,
and in the first his deoision
was in favor of the workingmen.
His second decision was not in favor of the
operators. When he was decidingthe case
he sent for the Chairman of the Working
men's Association, and after a long talk
with him, and at his suggestion, the award
was made, and it was the operators who ob
jected to it.
On motion of 'Squire Leslie the conven
tion resolved Itself into a County Commit
tee to take charge of the affairs of the cam
paign. The Chairman was given the power
to appoint the Executive Committee and
all other sub-committees.
The Less Oleomaricarine Sold the Cheaper
Faro Batter Will Be.
Butter dealers have not been saying much
about oleomargarine lately, but the subject
has lost none of its interest for them, and
the ball, which they started rolling against
oleo, has plenty of propelling power behind
it still. The butter dealers may be said to
hold the fort, and they are not likely to be
dislodged in a hurry if the popular surmise
is correct.
"They are firing a good deal of ammuni
tion on the other side," said a member of
the Wholesale Grocers and Commission
Merchants' Association, "with the result
only of raising quite an uproar and attract
ing wider notice to their weak defenses.
We have every reason to feel well satisfied
with the work of extermination so far as it
has progressed against oleo, and we are con
fident enough of the ground on which we
stand, firm enough in the righteousness of
our cause, not only to feel able to assure
legitimate traders that the interests shall no
longer suffer from this fraud, but also to
promise consumers, farmers and dairymen
that the existing law, and the only law yet
devised for their protection will remain."
Said another gentleman, whose sympa
thies lead toward the butter of our fathers:
"The statistics which the oleo people are
publishing are of a most laughable charac
ter. For instance, they make the popula
tion of the State 5,400,000, deduct 301,112
farmers on the hypothesis that natnrilly
they don't want oleo (although they are
just through abusing them for selling it for
butter), and assert that the remaining
5,098,888 citizens of the State are crying for
the bogns article. Singular, isn't "it, that
out of this immense number we hear of no
solitary consumer complaining on account
of being himself deprived of oleomargarine.
The tremendous outcry from violators of
the .law is not likely to finis--!
lead anyone into thinking that, con
sumers feel hurt over the " expulsion
of oleo. Providers for private families, in
any station, are not comnlaining. Why
should they? Has genuine butter not
steadily declined in price as the bogus arti
cle disappeared? On December 1, about the
time the crusade against oleo was inaugu
rated, the finest grade of genuine creamery
butter wholesaled at 37 to 38 cents per
pound. Since then oleo has been displaced,
under the lowest estimate of those well in
formed, to the extent of 125,000 pounds per
week. Yet the same grade of butter is offer
ing to-day at 27 to 28 cents a clear decline
of 10 cents per pound, where there should
have been a great advance in value, ac
cording to the logic of the oleo people and
their disciples. An explanation of the course
of the market is easily given. It must be
understand that until recently butter was
without an outlet here; oleomargarine, a
prohibited substitute, monopolized the
market. Makers of butter had, therefore,
learned to avoid this place; and they dis
posed of their product in other quarters.
When the crusade against oleo began to
bear fruit, butter dealers advised their cor
respondents that the blockade was raised
and that they could let their butter come
forward. Supplies were promptly on hand,
sufficient in volume to meet all demand,
and I can promise you that receipts will
continue free enough to insure a low range
of values. The capacity ot the country to
produce butter was never so great as now,
and the facilities for making superior butter
were never so perfect; so that the oleo people
themselves, who never discovered. the many
imperfections of the natural article until
they had an object in displacing it, will be
surprised at its abundance, excellence and
cheapness. Oleomargarine is the product
of less than a score of factories, all located
outside the State; it is demanded by a few
hundred dealers within the State, the ma
jority of whom have boldly ignored all re
strictions thus far devised for regulating its
sale. Butter is an important item in the
product of nearly every farm in the State
and an almost indispensable item in its
domestic economy. It would be a pity, in
deed, to see the widely discminated and
time-honored industry of dairying succumb
to this new product ot Western slaughter
Thb Saloon Keepers Securing Money to Dc
fcat the Amendment.
The saloon keepers and liquor dealers of
the two cities held another meeting at
Grand Army Hall, on Fourth avenue, yes
terday afternoon. As stated last week, the
object of the organization is to raise funds
for the purpose of defeating the Constitu
tional amendment. There was a large at
tendance, but a number of dealers who were
present at the last meeting did not put in
an appearance.
Some of them gave as a reason for non
attendance that if action were taken now,
saloon keepers who did not get a license next
month would not take any interest in the
matter, They believe there will be enough
11111(3 1U1 HWlJk 1LC1 kUO UIWUK VUU11 glVeS
its decisions.
President Matt Weiss said that nothing
special was done at the meeting, and his
statement was corroborated by the Secre
tary, John Sauer. The latter said:
We are merely collecting money for the
printing and circulating of campaign liter
ature, and the result has exceeded the expecta
tions of the members. The amendment -will
undoubtedly be defeated, but it is necessary to
do some work.
la Secret Sessloa.
The sub-committee on Survey, appointed
to investigate the matter of the widening
of Diamond street, between Wood and Lib
erty, met in executive session yesterday
with the City Engineer. The proceedings
were not made public, and will not be until
they report to the Survey committee.
A Month's Luxury for 2 Cents.
For 2 cents Colgate t Ca, 65 John st,N. Y.,
will mall you a sample of Demulcent Shaving
Soap. i
How Montercole Put in a Day at the
Hotel Duquesne in This City.
Which He Desired to Sell in Order to Eaise
In a scrawling, foreign-looking hand the
name "Conte di Montercole" appeared on
the register of the Hotel Duquesne yester
day. It was written there by a small man
with a swarthy complexion and black mus
tache and eyebrows," soon after the early
morning express froin the East got in. This
small man was the Italian personage who
married Miss Virginia Knox here several
months ago, nd who has been held up to
the public In a very unpleasant light ever
since the complicated weddings took place.
He was assigned room 55 by the hotel
cle'rk, and at once secluded himself there,
having first asked for an interpreter, in
which capacity Mr. Scollari, one of the
hotel waiters, was directed to serve. As
soon as he had smoked three cigarettes and
discussed some of his personal affairs with
Mr. Scollari, he directed the latter to tell
The Dispatch that he wanted to make a
statement for publication. It was in answer
to this request that a reporter of The Dis
patch called upon the Conte di Montercole
shortly before noon.
According to Mr. Scollari's statement the
Count had given to him the sole right to
purvey reporters and dispose of his count
ship to them. Accordingly, Mr. Scollari
escorted The Dispatch reporter into the
august presence of the Count.
The Count looked comfortable and fairly
welWed His slightly curly hair was
parted in the middle. Under a stand-up
collar he wore a white bow with red figures
upon it His coat and vest were black, and
there was a reminiscence of hymeneal lilac
in his trousers. Two rings were all his
right hand boasted one ot them a diamond.
He waved his hand incessantly while he
talked. In his mouth was an American
straight-cut cigarette, and this occupied his
hand when he was not pulling his mustache
or caressing his curly forelock.
When a little introductory ceremony in
Italian, French and English had been pain
fully performed the Count observed that he
had written out a little story, which would
not require more than one issue of The
Dispatch to print. The Count thereupon
pulled out a lot of towzled manuscript from
his overcoat, which lay upon the bed. He
handed the roll of paper to the reporter and
bade him look over it. It was written in
Italian, in the same bad, uneven hand that
the signature on the hotel register had
shown. Estimating roughly, the story
might fill three or four columns of The
"In that paper," said the Count, by way
of the interpreter, "is a full history of my
affairs." Then, turning to the reporter di
rectly he continued with great gesticulation,
"Oh, very interesting, very interesting;" by
which it is presumed that he meant to em
phasize the qualities of his historical effort.
its purpose explained.
He wanted to set himself right, he said,
before the American public, and he also
wished to recoup himself by a sale of this
part of his autobiography for the expense to
which the consequences of his American ex
perience had put him. Everything that had
been said about him was untrue, and the
little history he had compiled contained the
truth and the whole truth.
At this point in the interview the reporter
ventured to ask: "Are you a Count at
"Oui, yes," thc'Count replied, and break
ing off into a toirent of Italian, added that
anybody could obtain confirmation of his
.claim to the title by telegraphing to the
from a velvet pocketbook a letter dated
August, 1885, addressed to the Conte de
Montercoli and signed E. B. Heath, Italian
Consul at London, England. Then the
small Italian reverted to his desire to make
money out of the recital of his domestic
difficulties. He had been told, he said, on
the other side that money could be made
out of anything in America. The history
and its attractiveness he extolled as a
peddler would any ordinary wares. It was
for sale. He mnst have money tor
it soon, fot he was going to sail
for Italy on Saturday next. Be
sides the Italian Consul in New York,
whose name he did not know, had urged
him to visit Pittsburg and have his history
published, for pafriotio as well as personal
reasons. Italian Counts had fallen away
below par already, and this history would
have a stimulating influence. He grew al
most pathetic at this stage of the conversa
tion, and repeated his old formula of adver
tisement for his literary production.
But The Dispatch reporter left the his
tory on the table, unopened and unread,
pretty well satisfied that the circumstance
of a person seeking to make money out of a
transaction of this sort .was in itself do
unique and suggestive that the public would
not care to make further acquaintance with
the interesting specimen of Italian nobility
either through his memoirs or otherwise.
At last accounts the Count was taking the
fresh air in the neighborhood of the hotel.
Several well-known characters loitered
about the doorway of the Duquesne all aft
ernoon. They said they were waiting to
punish his Countship if he appeared, but
the Count had been advised to keep his
room, and he never showed his face. For
this reason he gave up an engagement for
dinner. No one visited him. It had been
rumored that a consultation was to be held
by the friends of the parties to the marriage,
but if any such conference did occur the
Count was not present.
Another Superintendent May be Appointed
to Finish the PostofD.ce.
The specifications for the plans and con
tracts for the roof of the new postoffice
building are now going the rounds of the
bidders, aud it is expected that the an
nouncement of the fortunate bidder's name
will be made in the early part of April.
Mr. Patterson stated yesterday afternoon
that owing to the weather he was able to
pdsh the work as rapidly as possible. He
sees no reason if the material for the roof
is not delayed why the postoffice should
not be in working order before this year has
It is generally understood that Mr.
Michael Malone is trying to be reappointed
as Superintendent of the Government build
ing. The friends of Mr. Patterson, both
Republican and Democratic, are anxious
to have him retain the position, because he
has done such efficient work in pushing
the completion of the building, but Mr.
Malone's supporters say to offset this, that
as he was the first Superintendent, and so
well acquainted with all the fundamental
plans ot the building be ought to have the
chance of finishing it. -
What the outcome of the controversy will
be is a thing that is anxiously watched for
by all parties interested.
Police Instructed to Keport Ditches and
Holes on Their Bents.
Instructions were given to the police last
nighttelliug them that in the future they
must report any holes, .ditches, or any other
obstruction, to their respective lieutenants,
for the purpose of notifying the Fire De
partment of these places with a view of
avoiding accidents in case of fire.
The report shall also serve for a preten
tion of unlawfully obstructing the thor
oughfares of the city.
B. & B.
Bargains extra 66 'black Chantilly laces
to-day. . - Boqgs & Buhl,
issa - - v fi&ixigzw - . r. ' j?wmm
Many Matters of Much and Littlo Moment
Tersely Treated.
Men of influence Mesmerists.
A queeb man A counterfeiter.
What news my friend! Warwick. -
Senatob A. HColcjuitt is at the Ander
son. Bather strange that sober Lent should be
called the fast season.
Montehcole struck the town yesterday,
presumably for a loan.
"What caused you to leave your position.
Davie. Tired, ehr "No, retired."
CAXitbesaid the man Injured by a cable
car was seized by the Pittsburg gripT
Hekm an Holmes, passenger agent of the
Louisville and JSashville, is in the city.
ZUG fc Co.'s new mill is shut down for a few
days on account of a break in the squeezers.
C. E. Gregory, the popular ticket agent ot
the Baltimore and Ohio, is quite ill wltn lever.
The poor government building is threatened
with a new architect This ought to finish it.
It is about time the usual 10-year-old girl
skips into an early grave per the jumping rope
Hee name was Kate, and she loved a mill
man, and the horrid boys called her a roller
It seems the Nipslc is all right, and probably
no call will be made for those Allegheny
General James A. Eket, U. S. A.,is at the
Monongahela. He leaves for Washington
Henry Martin fell over the B. & O. retain
ing wall, that didn't retain In his case, and
was badly bruised.
Policemen haye orders to report all street
obstructions, and the two-legged sidewalk im
pediments are in danger.
The case of Brace Brothers against the K. of
L. bobs up with its regular adjournment this
time until next Thursday.
The report that John Evans-wis shot above
McKeesport is only partially true. He was
shot above the left knee, i
Wiggins the unfortunate who must go on
record before, instead of after an event says
it will be fair and warmer.
History was rather reversed yesterday when
James Campbell used a broomstick on Miss
Savena. She has sued him.
Agent O'Brien's new bill has teen ap
proved by the Philadelphia Humane Society,
and they will push it in Harrisburg.
The Committee of Arrangements of the
State Medical Society meet at the Mononga
hela to-night to prepare for the June gathering.
The Thirty-second ward is to have a new
school building, to cost $7,500. It will be located
at the corner of Bertha and Sycamore streets.
George Stevens thinks it is even more
unlucky to get on a ladder than under it He
fell and broke his collar bone in Wightman's
glass house.
It is not true that a lot of respectable young
men wrecked an Italian's stand because he in
sisted upon hanging out an ice cream sign.
They only killed him.
The Germania Brass Band, of the Southside,
surprised Alderman-elect D. J. McGeary by
calling at his house on Sidney street, last
night, and serenading him.
Ground was broken for the new Forbes
street station house yesterday. It is to cost
520,000 and will be ready tor numerous distin
eaished guests next October.
The pickle manufacturers who met in this
city dispersed all over the country yesterday
and probably will not be heard from again un
til they disagree with each other.
A boy, in spinning a top yesterday, made a
slip and put it through Duffy's bakery window,
on Wylie avenue, and the kid not only lost his
top but will be sued for the accident
Frank Fry, a brakeman on the Pennsyl
vania road, had his hand crushed while
coupling cars at Sixteenth street yesterday.
He was taken to the West Penn Hospital.
Those warlike gentlemen who waltzed
around the Duquesne were probably only look
ing for an Italian chestnut that has been so
thoroughly roasted it is ready to be cracked.
Eight sanguine Armstrong county farmers,
on their way to the new Southern California
gold fields, went through the Union denot last
night They will probably return by another
The man McFarland, arrested at the Mont
gomery stable Are yesterday, was charged with
arson by Inspector McAleese. Justice Gripp
got there first, however, and had previously
sent him to theworklouse fis a suspicious
character. The English sparrow doesn't know what a
big country this is and isn't onto, the scheme of
wintering in the South. Having owned the
world all winter he is almost paralyzed into
silence by the warm weather influx of prett.er,
sweeter-voiced natives.
John Kelly went to Harrisburg on the fast
line last night to help boom the labor bill pre
pared by Mrs. Barry. It restricts the hours of
work for women and children, and provides for
all reasonable safety for laborers. Mr. Kelly
claims the bill will become a law. ,
The State Executive Committee of the Pro
hibition amendment party meet at the Locbiel
House. Harrisburg, to-day. General Harry
White. A. H. Leslie and J. N. McConnell, rep
resenting Western Pennsylvania, leave early
this morning to attend the meeting.
Rev. W. B. Watkins will lecture to-night
in the Smithfield M. E. Church. The subject
chosen is "The Home of Longfellow," and is
the first of a series given under the ausnices of
the Church Oxford League. The reverend
gentleman was a former pastor of the church.
"Why Mrs. W ,who i3 that wild-looking
man in the yard beating carpets? I should
think you would be afraid to be here alone. He
was swearing horribly when I camo in." Mrs.
W , sweetly, "It's my husband. He is
taking a day's rest from his ardorous office
Judge Acheson refused to grant the Edi
son Electric Company any additional time yes
terday to collect their testimony in the suit
now pending between them and the Westing
house Electric Company, aud the case will
come up for argument in four weeks from next
The mysterious "spotter" is not yet identi
fied, and is worrying people considerably. He
still clings to the dinner bucket light mustache
and a face guaranteed to inaugurate municipal
reform. At first it was thought he was looking
for Charley Boss, but the presence of a dinner
bucket creates the suspicion he is looking for a
restaurant that doesn't use 'margarine.
For February the report of the Allegheny
Belief Society shows good work accomplished
in a benevolent line. There were 324 families
relieved, besides 90. widows and 381 children.
Over SO tons of coal were distributed, shoes,
dress goods, flour, potatoes, etc Secretary
Anna McCandless extends thanks for dona
tions to the Ladies' Aid Society, brewer fund,
Mrs. Gusky, and, besides others, the receipts
of an entertainment by boys. Miss Tildesley,
of the A. G. Hospital also offers to furnish a
nurse for the sick.
IP the allegations of Frank McSorley are
true, James Gattens is a most methodical man.
McSorley says while he was lying peacef ally
in bed. at his Liberty street boarding house,
Gattens came coolly in, carefully braced a
chair against the door, so the proceedings
would not be interrupted, then drew a deep
breath and a long knife and attacked him.
Naturally enough McSorley yelled for help,
and says the man was finally driven off. Gat
tens will have an opportunity to explain Mon
day, if he is all ready.
More Directotre Gnrments In the Clonk
To-day. Also, the new accordion plaited
suits the latest novelty.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Silk bindings for cloth garments, all
shades, 6 cents, worth 12 cents, at Bosen
baum & Co.'s.
B. fcB.
Unusually handsome new patterns In66
inch black Chantilly laces to-day. Bargains.
52 50 to 58 a yard. Boggs & Buhl.
Mothers. Brine ho Children,
Before it is too late, to the Elite Gallery,
S16 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator.
Cabinets, 51 per doz.
The People's Store.
Grand re-opening Thursday, March 21,
1889. D
Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves!
The greatest bargains ever offered in Amer
ica; 6 aud 7 hook lacing gloves, odd sizes,
44 cents, worth 51.00. Our 51.60 finest
French, real kid, embroidered backs, now
89 cents a pair, fan shades only. Our new
dollar gloves, all shades, at 75 cents; white
4 B dollar gloves at 35 cents, misses fine
kid glove, 4 B, 45o, at Eosenbaum & Co.'s.
The Question of How Benjaraan Moseby
Met His Death.
The initials "B. M." tattooed on the left
arm of the corpse of the colored man found
in Chartiers creek proved to stand for Ben
jamin Moseby. The body was identified at
the Morgue yesterday morning by Mrs.
Moseby. It is said that about two months
ago Moseby was informed that his wife was
in a disreputable house in Mansfield and
he went there to see her. She claimed she
was employed to do sewing and refused to
return home with him at first, bat was
finally persuaded to do so. After Moseby
got her outside the house he proceeded to
beat her, and, as alleged, another colored
man named John Brandt interfered and
gave Moseby a severe beating. Moseby dis
appeared aud Constable Moses Bell arrested
Brandt, charging him with- felonious as
sault and battery. He was tried in the
Criminal Court on Wednesday and found
guilty of assault and is now in jail. About
the time of the finding ot the verdict it was
learned that the body had been found.
Coroner McDowell was seen last night,
and he talked as though there might be mr
ther developments, but declined to state
just what he supposed they might be. He
stated that an investigation was going on at
each end of the line, Constable Bell being
at work on the Washington end, and that a
post mortem investigation might be held
last night if the matter could be arranged.
Dr. McCann subsequently held a post
mortem examination. He said there were
marks upon the corpse that looked suspi
cious. He will give the result of his in
vestigation at the Coroner's inquest this
Coroner McDowell yesterday committed
Brant to jail to await investigation.
The Kind of Spring; Clothing That Is Kept
by A. L. Sailor.
The spring weather yesterday and the day
before had the effect of bringing out a great
number of people resplendent in their new
spring clothing. A couple of fashionable
young men who were promenading up and
down Fifthavenueweretheenvyot theirfel
lows on account of their nobby appearance.
They were arrayed in bran new spring suits
and overcoats to match, and their move
ments made many a maiden's heart flutter.
At the postoffice they met a friend who in
terrogated them as follows:
"Hello ! Charley and Will. Where did
you get the new togs? Why those overcoats
fit as if you had been poured into them.
I'll just step around and leave my order for
a coat it you tell me who made them. I
suppose a coat that fits'like those is worth a
great deal of money, but I'm willing to
stand it."
While Will was displaying his elegant
figure, Charley replied, "Why we got these
clothes down at A. L. Sailor's, at No. 58,
60 and 62 Sixth street They were not made
to order, either, and only cost about one
third what they would if we had them made
for us. You see. Sailor's stock of first-class
ready-made clothing is the finest in the city
and anybody can be fitted at his large place.
If you want to get a coat made to order
he can accommodate you, but I would ad
vise you not to do it. He has from 300 to
400 different styles," of all sizes, on his
counters, and anybody, from a dwarf to a
giant, can be perfectly fitted there. He not
only has a 3UDerfine stock of overcoats, but
his assortment ot spring suits cannot be
equaled in this city. I would advise you,
too, to go 'early, as those spring overcoats
are going off like hot cakes. He does not
keep anything unfashionable in stock, and
you need not be afraid of getting anything
behind the age."
A Word to the Wine.
Merchants and others intending to remove
April 1 should order their office stationery
of Percy F. Smith, printer, Virgin alley,
one door below Smithfield street Call and
see samples and obtain estimates.
Fine French Challls.
500 pieces to select from in light, medium
and dark colorings; certainly nothing 'to
equal this line ever shown here before.
Biwrsu Hugus & Hacks.
New Fancy Striped Cotton Hose 35c
200 dozens to-day best value at the price.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
, Wnsh Goods Department.
We have Just received an extra choice lot
of exclusive patterns in fine French sateens,
the handsomest yet shown.
irwrsu Hugus & Hacke.
Book Worms, Now is Yonr Timr,
At Pratt's closing-out sale. New books,
fine Bibles and albums, etc., at unheard-of
low prices. Wood and Diamond streets.
Bar Tour Infants' Wear This Week.
Beduced prices for Mother Hubbard long
and short cloaks, robes, slips, skirts, mull
and cashmere caps, sacques, etc. Busy Bee
Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
Often is Oh, My Back, or how uncom
fortable these Corsets are, they Nearly
Kill Me.
We can show Corsets, and only ask
you to try them, that we are sure will
give you relief. We give particular at
tention to this line of goods. Prices
60c, 75c, IL $1 25 up to 83.
Our 50c, 75c and SI Kid Gloves can't
be excelled.
... T f t ...
... A X. X. ...
109 Federal Street,
Second door below Park Way. mhlO-stwr
First opening of Millinery styles for
1SS9 this Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Over 100 Paris Patterns on
Bonnets, Toques, Walking Hats.
Bare novelties in Flowers, Feathers
and Ribbons. Latest styles in Chil
dren's Hats in large assortment.
Still another bargain lot tha third
and best of all finest styles, choice
shades, extra good in quality, black
and white, white and black, and me-
dlum and light colored grounds, 27
Inches wide, at 75c a yard.
Also, one lot Printed Bengallnes im
ported to sell at $2-our price 75c Tho
best-wearing Silks made Printed Jer
sey or Tricots, $1 quality at 75c. New
fancy striped Snrah Silks for combi
nation costumes at 75c, SI and SI 25 a
yard. Elegant Paris Brocaded Satins,
finest fabrics woven, just opened
from the Custom House.
Special bargain values In Black
Gros Grain Silks this week at 85c, H
(24-Inch), $125 a yard.
Largest Dress Goods Stock.
Broadcloths in spring shades at SI 25,
SI 50, S2 and S2 50 a yard, finest goods.
60-Inch French Costume Serges, beauti
ful colorings, at Jl 65 a yard. 7-4 wide
Serge Suitings, $2 and S2 50 a-yard. En
glish Tailor Suitings, M and 56-inch, In -
single suit patterns, in the neatest and
most effective styles. Wool Henrietta
Cloths, 46 inches wide, 21 shades, at S0o
a yard perfect in finish. Silk Warp
Henrietta Cloths, beautiful colorings,
SI. SI 25 and SI 50 a yard. New fancy
Jacquard Wool Suitings, only 60c a
yard. Also stylish Plaids and Stripes in
the new colorings.
a 1' Empire and Directoire designs,
dark and light shades, richest and hand
somest effects shown for this season.
Exclusive styles, shown only in this
Dress Goods Department.
French Printed Challies, best quality,
over 100 separata designs, 35c and 50c a
yard, dark, medium and light colorings,
very latest patterns.
Lots of bargains in Ginghams and
Satines, Cotton Challies, Chintzes and
Prints. By all meat.s visit this Wash
Dress Goods Department
shows the very choicest specimens of
Ladies' Spring Wraps, Peasant Cloaks,
Ulsters, Jackets, all prices, black and .
Spring stock of Lace Curtains and ;
new styles in Heavy Curtains now
ready. Largest variety of patterns.
Prices that please close buyers.
' Liiilsn'
" - ' -"1'
-OTA ".-. iH.
J,5E.M1.XWT -,
. r - r