3sr?ri ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY "Who has a good article to sell, and who adver tises vigorously and liberally. Advertising Is truly the life of trade. All enterprising and judicious advertisers succeed. "WAJJTS Of any kind can test ha satisfied by advertising la the columns of The Dis patch. SPLENDID MEDIUM. "JlA . - 1 . -r.TMW i mm FORTY-POTJUTH' YEAR A Has at Last Been Discovered by the Critics, and It is Said to Consist of ELKINS, PLATT AND CO. The True Reason Why Glarkson Goes to Work for Wanqmaker, HAERISON LED INTO A QDEEE BLUNDER. The Kame of a Candidate lor a Western MarshaUhiB bent to tbe Senate Shortly After Another Man llnd Been Confirmed for the Same Place Why Eageno Schuy ler's Confirmation Hants Fire The Ken York Senators Don't Know Buascy or Want Him Credited to Their State How a Territorial Candidate Knlned His Chances by Pnbtishlng Bis Autobi c granny. The ease with which Hon. Stephen B. Elkins obtains access to the President, and the frequent and lengthy interviews granted him have given rise to rumors of a kitchen Cabinet having been formed, composed of Elkins, Piatt and Clarkson. President Harrison was led into an awkward blunder, yesterday. He sent the name of a candidate for a Western Marshalship to the Senate, when another candidate fer the place had just been confirmed. A couple of appoint ments are having a pretty hard time to be confirmed, but the odds are in their favor. rsrrXUi TILEGBASt TO THE DISPATCn.1 Washixgtoj,-, March 14. Bepublican Senators are asking with some asperity whether Steve Elkins is of more conse quents than they are. They have to talk to the President in groups, and pretty fast at that Three minutes for a JJepresentative and five minutes for a Senator is about the maximum, but Elkins marches into the President's office while statesmen are wait ing in the anteroom, and he sees the Presi dent half an hour at a time, all by himself. Senators are making daily calls at the White House, soliciting offices and getting none, but Mr. Elkins' friends get in from day to day. Stephen is at the head of a kitchen cabinet, which he is collecting around himself, and which promises to be stronger than the drawing-room cabinet. A little before the election Mr. Elkins re marked that he had been six weeks getting the Cabinet fixed up, and now, having got Blaine, Windom and Tracy into the Cabi net, he is working with equal success on the bureau offices. Known by Ills Fruits. It is due primarily to Elkins that J. S. Clarkscn was induced to swallow his pride' and take the place of First Assistant Post master General. In spite of the most strenuous fight the Illinois Senators, with considerable outside help, could make for Matthews, it seems jpretty certain to-night that Elkins' man, Mason, of West Virginia, is to be Commis sioner of Internal Be venue. Like the First Assistant Postmaster Generalship, the in ternal revenue office has a large amount of patronage, admirably adapted for political uses, so that Mr. Elkins is getting a two handed grip upon the dispensatories of places. Mr. Eltins is the friend of Mr. Piatt, and the latter's son has been admitted to the law firm of Mr. Elkins' other friend, Secretary Tracy, while Emmons Blaine has just resigned his place with the Achfson road, and taken a place with a road that his father and Elkins are interested in. A Walking Benevolent Society. Altogether, Elkins is persuasive.and peo ple are asking whether he is a perambulat ing benevolent society.seeking only to make other people happy, or whether his finan cial schemes are to be promoted through his political combinations, or whether there is something he wants for himself. Now that the Cabinet is made up, there seems to be no place large enough for him. If General Noble would resign, of course, Mr. Elkins might find congenial occupation in the In terior. Clarkson's acceptance of the place now held by Stevenson is a great point made by the administration, for Clarkson and Quay were the whole active and effective portion, of the national committee. It is a conde scension on the part of Clarkson, who had to be fairly dragged into the office that Carr and Whitfield were hungry and thirsty for. Clarkson is no chicken, and nobody sup poses that he yielded without getting very favorable terms. What Hud the Most Weight. While there is of course no bargain in volving Mr. Wanamaker's withdrawal, the strong probability that he would go into the Senate and Clarkson would succeed him was presented to the Iowa man in its most glaring light, and had its weight with him. - Clarkson is a strong friend of PaulVan dervoort, and the administration wanted Clarkson so mnch that it cannot now refuse any reasonable demand he may make, and Clarkson's appointment is held to argue favorably for Vandervoort's appointment as Superintendent of the Eailway Mail Service. There have been some intimations that, as Mr. Wanamaker was a business man and not a politician, he would only make changes in the public service for the public good. Mr. Clarkson would never have taken the First Assistant Postmaster Gen eralship without a power of attorney from the administration to settle the estates of Democratic fourth-class postmasters, and his appointment means a clean sweep in at least one branch of the public service, exe cuted with neatness and dispatch. Elkins, Clarkson and Piatt are the lead ing members in a secondary cabinet that is likely to wield more political power than the primary cabinet, though the relations of CElkins and Blaine promise harmony be tween the two cabinets. AH In I lie President's Hands. Colencl John C. New, of Indiana, ar rived in town to-night and spent the even ing at the Biggs House. The Colonel will see the President to-morrow and talk about jthe appointment to a foreign post that has eea offered to him. He can' have his K1TGHEN T choice, it is understood, between the Austrian mission and the Consul General ship -to London. Be is inclined to go to Vienna, where the work is light and life is pleasant. The Colonel isn't quite satisfied with the way the administration has been conducted during the past ten days, but there has been no such straining of relations between him and General Harrison as has been reported. The Colonel is also perfectly willing to take a few easy lessons in diplomacy from Secretary Blaine before fie sans, ais ap pointment, however, will come straight from the hands of the President himself. That is not an especial honor bestowed upon the Colonel, for all the appointments to the foreign service, up to the present time, it is understood, have been made by General Harrison without consulting the State de partment. HABD TO FOBGET. Two Important Appointments That Are Hang Up Sschnylcr Deprecated Wash barne and Extolled Cleveland Bossey an Unknown. tSPECIAl. TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH.! Washington, March 14. There is likely to be a fight in the Senate over GeneralBus sey's confirmation for Secretary of the In terior. This afternoon Senator Edmunds sent the following to Secretary Noble: Senate, Washington, March 14. To John 'W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior: Please give me all the information in your possession covering Mr. Cyrus Bussey's nomi nation for Assistant Secretary of the Interior. He is described in the nomination as being from New York. Neither of the New York Senators think that he is a resident of that State. Please answer as soon as practicable. Geokqe F. Edmunds. v "fThe New Tork Senators are very sensi tive abont their prerogatives in this matter, and insist strenuously that they should have been consulted about a nomination charged up to their State. It is understood that they are holding condolence meetings with the Senators from Illinois, who were very much surprised when they learned that Mr. Tichener, the new Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, was credited to their State, although he hasn't lived there for 20 years. It is probable that General Bnssey will be confirmed, but the Senators have thrown out a hint that their dignity is hurt, and the President will have to smooth them down or there will be trouble. Eugene Schuyler isn't going to get through the Senate without some trouble, either. The attention of the Committee on Foreign Affairs has been called to the fact that in his book entitle! "American Diplo macy" he makes the following allusion to the late E. B. Washburne: Probably the worst Secretary we have ever had was tbe one who remained the shortest time in office, but in the course of six days re moved a greater number of consular and diplo matic officers, filled their places with new and inexperienced men, appointed solely for par tisan political servicos, and did harm that took his successor nearly eight years to remedy. In making an appeal for a permanent consular and diplomatic corps, Mr. Schuyler says: "The only proper way of regarding our diplomatic posts is that so tersely ex pressed by President Cleveland: 'Public office is a public trust.' " Some complaints have also been made about Mr. Schuyler's conduct at St, Peters burg. He was selected for Assistant Secre tary by Mr. Blaine, and the three first Re publicans on the Foreign Affairs Committee are Sherman, Edmunds and Frye. CLAEKSON'S CAREER. A Printer Boy Who Has Ascended the Ladder Eoond by Konnd. Washington, March 14. James S. -Clarkson,who was to-day appointed and confirmed-First Assistant Postmaster' Gen eral, was born at Brookville, Ind., in 1845. The son and grandson of editors, he learned the. printer's trade when a bov.and removed with his family to Iowa when he was 12 years old. He lived on a frontier farm for eight or ten years, and began work as a printer on the Des Moines Register in 1866, became city editor in 1867, and editor of the paper in 1868, and in that year led in the movement to enfranchise the negro. The question was submitted to the people and was carried at the polls, making Iowa the first State in the Union to give the black man the ballot. Inl870heand his brother became the proprietors of the Begitter, and are still its owners. In 1869, 1870 and 1871 he was Chairman of the Iowa State Bepublican Committee. He was offered the Swiss Mission by General Grant, in 1871, and de clined it. in lHVJ he was appointed post master at Des Moines and held the position until 1877, when he resigned because his paper was not in accord with the views of the administration. He has long been a close friend of Mr. Blaine, and headed the Iowa delegation for him to the national conventions in 1876, 1880 and 1884. Mr. Clarkson has long refused to accept any office, and has, it is said by Mr. Wana maker, accepted the present tender only out of regard to his duty to his party. REWARDING THE FAITHFUL. Clarkson to Assist Wanamaker, and the Samoan-Berlin Delegates Named. WASHINGTON. March 14. The President sent the following nominations to the Senate to-day: James S. Clarkson, of Iowa, to be First Assist ant Postmaster General, vice A E. Stevenson, resigned. The Senate confirmed this appoint ment to-day. John A Kasson, of Iowa; William Walter Phelps, of New Jersey, and George H. Bates, of Delaware, to be Commissioners to representthe United States at the conference to he held in Berlin concerning affairs in the Samoan Islands. Elbert D. Weed, of Montana, to be United States Attorney for the Territory of Montana. Lewis Wolfley, of Tucson, Ariz., to be Gov ernor of Arizona. Bathbone Gardner, of Bhode Island, to be United States Attorney for tho District of IUodc Island. William L. Dnnlap, of Indiana, to be United States Marshal for the District of Indiana. Postmasters Robert 8. Bowman, at Ber wick, Pa.: Samuel C. Moore, at Flndlay, O.; Joseph C. Bartlett, at Lake City, Minn.: James V. Campbell, at Ada, Minn.; Wm. Wallace, at Indianapolis, Ind.; James M. Kellogg, at Wickes, Mont; John J. Cutler, at Parker, Dak.; Wm. a Chase, at Sturgis, Dak.; Jittlel O. Walders, at Mlnot, Dak. Jeremiah Sullivan, of Montana, to be Col lector of Customs for the District of Montana and Idaho. Captain Julius H. Patzkl, Assistant Surgeon, to ho Sureeon with the rank of Major. First Lieutenant Gilbert P. Cotton, First Artillerv, to bs Captain, Second Lieutenant Charles H. Hunter, First Artillery, to be First Lieutenant. Lieutenant Colonel Adelbert R, Bnfflngton, to be Colonel, Major JosephP. Farley, to be Lieu tenant Colonel. Captain Othb E. MIchaells, to be Major. THE DIPLOMATS PRESENTED. President Harrison Receives All of the Foreign Lcsntlon. Washington, March 14. At noon to day the President formally received the members of the diplomatic corps. The members 6f the corps assembled at the De partment of State, where they were pre sented to Secretary Blaine by Assistant Secretary Adee. Proceeding to the White House the diplomats, who were attired in their resplendent court dresses, were intro duced to the President by the Secretary of State. All of the legation were repre sented. The President was assisted by Mrs. Har rison, Mrs. Blaine, Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Harrison, Mrs. McKee and Mr. Halford. The reception took place in the Blue parlor and lasted half an hour, no formal speeches being made. A PALPABLE-BLTJNDEB. The President Nominate! a Marshal Before the Ink Was Dry on tho Commission of Another Man Confirmed lor the Same Office. rSFECTAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. J Washington, March 14. Attorney General Miller came very near placing President Harrison In an embarrassing fix to-day, owing to a blunder for which either he or some of the officials in the Depart ment of Justice is responsible. When As sistent Secretary Pruden rode up to the Capitol this afternoon he had in his official bag the nomination of Mr. Weed to be United States Marshal for the Territory of Montana. He hadn'fTbeen in the Senate chamber five minutes before he found out that the President had already sent in the name of Irwin for the same office, and, what made the situation all the more awk ward, Irwin had been confirmed. Pruden rushed for the wire and telegraphed to the White House the following: Senate, March 14. E. TV. Halford, Executive Mansion: Tbe nomination received from the Depart ment of Justice this morning of Weed for Marshal of Montana is a duplicate, except as to name of nominee, of one sent In previously. The lint name (Irwin) has been confirmed, 'and the latter will have to be withdrawn. The Chairman of tbe Judiciary Committee has been informed of the error, and the press associa tions have been requested not to send it off. O. L. Pbuden. Mr. Pruden subsequently explained the situation of affairs to Mr. Edmunds, and that icy Senator at once became excited over the blunder. Ten minutes later he tele graphed the following: Senate, March 11, 12.50 P. M. To the President: Two or three days ago you nominated, and yesterday the Senate confirmed, Mr. Irwin for Marshal of Montana. We now have a nomina tion of Weed for same office. Please state what It means. Oeokue F, EdudndS. Pruden's dispatch still remains unan swered, but when Edmunds' telegram reached the White House the wheels of the executive machine creaked, and finally squeaked a reply as follows:. Executive Mansion, March 115 To Senator Edmunds: The name of Weed, sent in to-day. was a cler ical error of the Department of Justice, and was intended for District Attorney. Please re turn to Executive Mansion and correction will be made. E. W. Halfobd, Private Secretary. Somebody over in the Department of Jus tice will be held responsible for this blun der, for President Harrison is in anything but an amiable mood over the situation. THE SAMOAN DELEGATES. Three Gentlemen Eminently Fitted for a Very Delicate Mission. "Washington, March 14. George H. Bates, who was to-day nominated to be one of the commissioners to negotiate with Ger many respecting Samoa? is about 40 years of age, a Democrat, and a warm friend of ex Secretary Bayard. He is a son of the ex Chancellor of Delaware, and a lawyer of high standing in that State, being a member of the firm of Bates & Harrington, of Wil mington. Mr. Bates was appointed by Secretary Bayard as special commissioner to investigate our Samoan relations, and made a long and exhaustive report to the departmentTon December 10, 1886. William Walter Phelps and John A. Kasson, who were also nominated to- be commissioners, have had long and distin guished Congressional careers, and have ae S aired an intimate knowledge of diplomacy trough service as United States Ministers in Europe, Mr. Phelps having been Min ister to Austria in 1881. and Mr. Kasson Minister to Austria it. 1877 and to Germany In 1884.- xs -- - GATE UP ins LIFE FOE NOTHING, An Applicant for Offlco Blasts His Hopes by His Own Hand. rSFECTAI. TELEGRAM TO THE SISPATCH.1 Washington, March 14. In regard to one of the nominations of to-day a rather good story is told. It runs that a certain gentleman who is now nameless was booked for the high office of Governor of Arizona, but that after he had been selected he called upon tbe President and astonished His Ex cellency to the point of speechless amaze ment by presenting him a morocco-bound copy of his (the applicant's) biography, a large, elegantly printed volume. Evidently Mr. Harrison concluded that a man who gave so much attention to himself wouldn't devote enough time to Arizona, so the name of Lewis Wolfley, another aspi rant, was sent to the Senate to-day. The plain moral is that persons who come here to get appointments must leave their lives behind them. . THE NIPSI0 ALL BIGHT. Advices From Samoa Say That Everything Is Very Peaceful Tbe Germans Have Withdrawn Most of Their Aggresslvo Demands. Auckland, March 14. Efforts have been made to ascertain the situation at Samoa, and advices just received from Samoa show that there was- no basis for the sensational rumor of an engagement be tween the United States man-of-war Nipsic and the German corvette Olga. Far from this, the German officials in the island have entirely given up their aggressive policy. The proclamation of martial law has been publicly withdrawn, and the Germans have abandoned all claim to the right of search ing incoming vessels for contraband of war. Both these steps have met with the hearty approval of all foreign residents at Apia, and have had a quieting effect. Unusual tranquillity pre vails throughout the Island. Mataafa, however, has a force of troops, estimated to be 6,000 strong. Tamasese's army consists of about 700 men. The men-of-war, Ger man, American and English, still remain at Apia ready for any emergency that may arise. At Washington, Assistant Secretary of State Walker Blaine stated that he had re ceived information that the steamship Nip sis, now at Samoa, instead of being sunk, is all right His information was not official, but he considered it trustworthy in view of its source. AN ALABAMA FEUD Results From the Capture of no Illicit Whisky Distillery. 1SFZCTAI. TXXEOKAII TO THE DISP ATCB.1 Bibmingham, Ala., March 14. The capture by revenue officers of an illicit dis tillery in Cleburne county has resulted in a bloody feud between two of the most promi nent families in that county. Green and William Coffield, well-to-do farmers and merchants, were supposed to own ah illicit still. The still was captured and destroyed by revenue officers, and it was rumored that George Brown, a neighbor of the Coffields, had led the officers on the raid. A few nights later Brown's barn and out house, with all their contents, were burned. He publicly accused the Coffields of the crime, and they started to hunt him up. They met Brown in the road near his home, and after talking the matter over a few min utes the fight began. It is said that the Coffields first opened fire on Brown. He re turned the fire, killing William Coffield and badly wounding Green Coffield. The Coffields are very popular, and heir friends' nave sworn vengeance against Srown. and a bloody local warfare is expecttd. None ui ra psrucs nave neen arrested. PITTSBURG, :ratIDi.Y, BAN AGAINST. A SNAG. Chairman Andrews' Adjournment BesolutionTassestlie House STICKING AWHILE IN THE SENATE. Senator Quay Taking No Chances of Loss on Anything to Magee., A BIT OF A BKEEZE' IN THE HOUSE. The Ccmmlttee oa Health Senises Jo Bejeal tbe Oleomargarine taw State Chairman Andrews saw his adjourn ment safely through the House, yesterday, but it ran into a snag in the Senate and was referred to a committee. A big lot of hills were either passed or reported favora bly." The oleomargarine law will not be re pealed, if the committee' recommendation can save it. Few demands on the Treasury are to be paid in full. rFBOM A STAT COBKSSPOXSXXT.l Habeisbubg, March 14. Another step" toward final adjournment was taken by the House to-day, when it adopted the recom mendation reported by Dr. "Walk, from the Commltteee on Bules, providing for the holding of afternoon sessions after (March 22. No bills shall be read in place after that date without unanimous consent, and no member shall speak more than five min utes on any subject, without the consent of the House. The resolution also fixed a spe cial order for the consideration of appropri ation bills, and a special calendar to be ar ranged for the more important legislation. This having been disposed of with prac tical unanimity, Mr. Andrews called up his resolution for adjournment, and it was passed without a dissenting vote. The big Bepublican State Chairman leaned forward in his seat in an attitude of anxious atten tion as the Speaker put the motion, and re mained in that position for a moment after the robnst chorus of ayes had died away. Then A SMILE LIKE A BENEDICTION spread itself over his countenance, as not a single nay intruded itself upon his ears, and he assumed a comfortable 'attitude in his chair to listen to the reading of peti tions and other bright things that illumine tbe tedium of the legislative mill. Qver in the Senate, to which the adjourn ment resolution was rushed instanter, a snag was met. Mr. Beybnrn moved the refer ence of the resolution to the Appropria tions Committee, for the reasons stated by him in this morning's Dispatch. Sena tors Cooper and Delamater led the other side, and had an able supporter in Senator Newmyer, of Pittsburg. Senator Gobin talked in the same strain as Senator Bey burn, and the debate waxed quite warm, a number of other Senators participating and talking vigorously. Senators Cooper and Delamater took the ground that there was no necessary legisla tion that couldn't be passed in time for ad journment on April 25, and Senator Dela mater said if the contrary was discovered later the date could be changed. A DOUBTJBTJI, COMPLIMENT. President pro tern Grady reflected se verely on the work of the last session in a. 2KS?gnSJt!,KV 0T ENTIEELI FEIENDLESS. on tne ctouDtmi merit or having at least done nothing thus far to be condemned, if there was nothing much to its credit Senator Newmyer urged the adjournment on the ground of economy. It was true that the Senators and members received a fixed salary, but the other necessary ex penses amounted to as much per day. Senator Beyburn said it would be a phys ical impossibility to even dispose ei the appropriation bills in-the time named. When the vote was taken it stood 20 in favor of sending the resolution to the Ap propriations Committee and 18 against. Senator Lines changed his vote, making it 19 to 19, and after hesitating a moment Lieutenant Goyernor Davies cast the decid ing vote in favor of sending the resolution to the Appropriations Committee. The result was a surprise to the friends of adjournment, but they think they are only temporarily beaten, that their resolution will be pressed again, and they think it will go through, or that adjournment will be fixed for the first of May. The Democrats voted to send the bill to the committee, with the exception of Senators Green and Metz ger. Senator Butan was absent, but the other Allegheny. Senators voted against committal. QUAY TAKES NO CHANCES. There is some politics in the fact that to night the City Passenger Bailways Com mittee negatived all the bills before it. This, it is said with some emphasis, has been done at the direct bidding of Senator Quay, who is represented as laboring under the im pression -that some such legislation would be verv acceptable to Mr. Magee. Quay, it is said, is running no chances on having Mr. Magee claim even the slightest winning in the present Legislature. On an order from the same quarter there will be no Senatorial apportionment at the present session. Simpson. WELL ENOUGH PLEASED. Tho Factory Inspection and Child labor Bill Make Them Happy. rFBOM A STAFI1 COHBESrOJJDINT.l Habeisbubg, March 14. Senator Hines and the Knights of Labor Legislative Com mittee are greatly pleased by the passage of the factory inspection and child labor bill through the Senate. Senator Hines antici pates little difficulty in getting the bill through the House, and hopes it will not be amended in its passage. A great deal of time and labor have been spent in perfecting the bill, and any necessity for sending it to a conference committee in the closing days of the session might prove fatal to it. Tbe Senate also passed the mining hills to-day. Senator Hines, however, is tired waiting for the Judiciary General Commit tee of the Senate to report the employers' liability bill providing for compensation to injured workmen; and intends on Tuesday to ask for the discharge of the committee from its further consideration. A LITTLE TOO MUCH G. A. B, Their Representation on a Committee Likely to be Cat Down. rrnoji a staff connESPONiiEJtT.i Habeisbubg, March 14. The joint com mittee of the Legislature on the Soldiers Orphans' Schools met this morning in the office of Secretary Stewart, of the Depart ment of Internal Affairs, who is Depart-' ment Commander of the G. A. B., also. The committee decided to offer an amend ment to the new. soldiers orphans' bill to give the State preponderance on the com mission. The proposition is to increase the representation of Senators from one to two, and of Bepreseutatives from two to three. Senator Alexander, of the Senate Educa tion, Committee, which has the bill in charge, says the commltteee will probably favor the preponderance of the State on tbe committee, but will accomplish it by decreasing the G. A. E. representation. While the commission is unsalaried he says, its expenses must be paid, and the larger, thsxommiseion the'greater the expense-, , MARCH IB, ,1889. ' A BIT OF A BBEEZB. Mistakes of tho Clerks How They Some , times Occur An Interesting Question Raised Too, Much Conver sation for Easiness. FIUW A STAJT COEBISrOItpXST.l Habbisbubo, March 14. Just after the calling of the yeas and nays had been com pleted this morning, on Mr. Lytle's biU authorizing appeals from assessments of taxes to the Courts of Common Pleas, Mr, "Wherry, of Cumberland, raised a breeze. The bill had been lost yesterday, for. look of a constitutional majority, and Captain Brown, of BeaYfer, heaped coals of fire on the head of the gentleman from Huntingdon by making the motion for re consideration. Mr. Xytle had been a strong opponent of Brown's bill, and the Captain seiied the opportunity to get even in this way. Before the vote was announced Mr. "Wherry declared that members who had not voted and were not in the House were recorded as voting, and that a gentleman whb was not a member of the Honse had been going around from member to member, lobbying. Mr. Zeicler snrmorted hia colleacme. Mr. "Wherry, but Mr. Brooks, the only person they mentioned as not voting in his place, proved by Captain Billingsley and ex Speaker Graham that he hadvoted from his seat. Captain Skinner1 explained that he had been talking to a gentleman near Mr. Shiras' seat, and did not notice the calling of his own name until Mr. Shiras' name was called, when he answered for himself. It was found that Mr. Shiras was recorded asvoting; though he had not been in the House. The record was changed, and this was the only mistake pointed out. The Speaker stated in behalf of the clerks that it was frequently almost impossible to distinguish responses on a vote, owing to the hum of conversation in the House. The Speaker insisted that better order must be maintained, and on later votes he several times called members up with a short turn. Mr. Wherry intends to moye an investiga tion in the morning. A DIFFERENCE IN FIGURES. Soke of the Demands on the Treasury, and How They Are Met. FBOM A STAFF COEBESPONDENT.l Habeisbubg, Marchl4 Captain Brown, of Beaver, has been working hard to get an appropriation of 815,000 for the Beaver County General Hospital, and had the pleasure to-day of knowing himself success ful. Bepresentative Brown, of Lawrence county, succeeded in obtaining an appro priation of the same amount for the New Castle Hospital. The appropriation of $40, 000 asked for the purchase of Jots adjoining the "Western Penitentiary was negatived. The Edinboro State .Normal .School and the Slippery Bock Normal School each asked $30,000 and will get half' the sum. The Clarion Normal School got $25,000 two years ago and wanted the same now, but to equalize matters the committee will give it only $5,000. The Children's Aid Society of Westmoreland county will get $5,000, and the Altoona Hospital will get $15,000 each wanted $1,000 more. The Hamel Hospital at Erie will get $6,000. T The education committee asked $4,000,000 for the public schools for two years. The Appropriations Committee will make the sum $3,000,000. The Maternity Hospital, of Philadelphia, asked $15,000 and will receive $5,0D0. The Veterinary Hospital, of Phila delphia, asked $100,000, and $50,000 will be recommended for it. An appropriation of $25,000 was asked for a commission to in vestigate the waste of coal in mines, but will no) be granted. Tho Cbnnty Commissioners' Bevenne BUI Secures Almost Totes Encash. rFBOU A STAFF COEEESPOXDENT.1 ' Habbisbubo, March 14. When the County Commissioners' revenue bill, en titled "An Act to Equalize Taxation," came np this morning, an attempt by Mr. Drdvo to have it postponed was defeated by a vote of 86"yeas to 73 nays. The first sec tion passed by nearly the same vote, when the House took it into its head to adjourn for the day. The bill seemed to have more friends in the House than had been sup posed, but will probably have some difficul ty in obtaining the 103 votes necessary to pass it, while, should it pass the House, its show in the Senate is slight. Mr. JHickinger, ot Erie, who called it up and conducted the fight in its favor, says there are 60,000 names on petitions before the House for its passage, and little or no effort has been made to secure them. Mr. Burdick, of McKean, is an active supporter of the measure, and points out that one very meritorious feature of it is the fact that it will materially decrease the State revenues and compel the State to draw on the county treasuries to meet the deficit. This, he says, will bring State taxation right home to the people, and cause them to more carefully consider State expenditures. The bill provides for the protection of all property, real, personal and corporate, for local purposes. Mr. Elickinger presented one petition of Erie manufacturers in favor of the bill, and points out that no manufac turers have petitioned for the general reve nue bill. ; INCREASE OF SALARIES. The Allegheny Delegation Favor a Higher Scale, bat Nothing; Extra vasantj FBOU A STAFF COEHESPOJTDEJTTO Habeisbubg, March 14. The Alle gheny delegation met to-day and considered Bepresentative White's bill increasing the salaries of Allegheny county officers. The increase of County Commissioners' salaries from $2,500 to $4,600 was opposed, but the majority agreed to make the sum $3,500 per annum. It was also agreed by the majority to amend thf bill to make the county en gineer's salary $3,000 instead of $2,500. The action does not bind the delegation, and not all of the members will support the measure. The proposition to amend Captain Skin ner's border raid bill to permit Allegheny county to sue the State for the damage done during the railroad riots has only been in formally discussed, 'The decision has been arrived at, however, that the difficulties in the way are too great to be surmounted. FIGHTING FOR PROTECTION; Insnranco Men Object to tho Repeal of a Prohibitory Law. rmOJI A STAFF CpKItESPONDEXT.: Habbisbubo, March 14. The House Insurance Committee has been laboring nearly all day on a measure to repeal the law providing fine and imprisonment for any manufacturer who insures in factory in surance companies organized under the laws of other States, and not permitted to do bus iness in this State. The insurance men are fighting the repeal of the law. and Insurance Commissioner h Poster is preparing a compromise measure, wnicn win pe considered to-morrow. HAZZARD HURT, BUT HOPEFUL. Ho Cannot Afford to Reply to tho Attacks on His Record Jast Now. rrnOII A STAFF COBBF.SFOXDZOT.1 Habeisbubg, March 14. Colonel Chill "W. Hazzard, of Monongahela City, was here to-day, circulating among the members and officials. Colonel Hazzard felt very much hurt in the attack made on his army record about a month ago, but feels that he cannot afford to ?eply.to anything of that nature in Continued on Sixth Tagef A BIfl STEEL TRUST. Chicago Mills Endeavoring to Effect a Combination With a CAPITAL OP TWENTY MILLIONS. Negotiations-to That End Have Been In Progress Some Time. 80ME OF THE STOCKHOLDERS SICE And There Is a PcsriWUty That the Deal Cannot he Consummated. The three great steel companies, the North Chicago, the Union and the Jollet, are endeavoring to effect a consolidation. The managers claim that no trust is intend ed, but say that the proposed deal would give tons to the market. Some of the stock holders are not in favor of the arrangement. It may yet fall through. rSrSCIAT. nUEOSAKTOTHXStSFATCS.J Chicago, March 14. If negotiations now pending don't fail the three great steel com panies of Chicago, the North Chicago, the Union and the Joliet, will be merged into a single corporation, whioh will have a work ing capital of at least $20,000,000. There has been a movement on foot among the officers and large stockholders of all three companies to effect the combination, and many of the preliminary details have been agreed upon, but as yet the final deal that will make the three one has to be success fully planned. Nearly all the large shareholders and officers favor the formation of the trust. So do the three Boards of Directors. The latter have held frequent meetings during the past month to discuss apportionments and other matters connected with the proposed deal. ONE THING NEEDFUL. Their action has been of such a character that it only remains for the stockholders to affix the seal of their approval to close one pf the greatest metal combinations in the country. The managers of the companies say that their combination will not in any sense resemble a trust, cither in the form of its organization or in its workings. They claim that it will not attempt to re strict production or shut off competition. All the other companies have headquarters in Chicago. Their principal mills are here, so this is their chief distributing point. Their interests are identical and they claim that by combining them they will add tone to the iron and steel markets of the West and assure "a good profit on their products. As matters stand now there is a chancelto defeat the consolidation, and that is why the negotiations have been kept a secret from everybody but those who are directly concerned. It is understood .that while a majority of the larger shareholders are in favor ot the scheme there is a respectable minority 'which looks upon it with distrust. some kickers. It is doubtful, however, if the disgruntled ones will be called upon for counsel until the Board of Directors are ready to submit their plans for general notification. Presi dent 6. W. Potter, of the North Chicago Company, was asked to-night about the combination, and he positively denied that it had been effected. So did H. H. Porter, .who is one oT the largest shareholders in the Union Steel Company. but both admitted that negotiations looking to the formation ot such an.amalgamation were pending. Mr. Potter" Said;. "There is nothing I can say to the public on the subject at this time. It would be unwise for me to do so, because there is a possibility of all our plans being defeated. In that case it would be a calamity to have discussed them. If the consolidation is effected we will cheer fully give the details to the public" A. GREAT CONCERN. Another dispatch says the news was kept very quiet, and , only leaked out through trade circles. The name of the new com pany has not yet been decided upon, but it will be an entirely new one. The capital will be $20,000,000,of which between" $5,000, 000 and $6,000,000 will be issued for the cash now in the treasuries of the repective companies, and the balance will represent this valuation of the three plants. Stock in the new company will he dis tributed to the shareholders in the old ones upon the basis agreed upon in their consolidation. The combined works will form the largest steel plant in this country, and will probably rank second only to the establishment of Krupp in Germany. Steel rails are the principal product of the mills, and in rail making the new company will have no com petitor in the "West worth speaking of, WHITE CAPS IN EARNEST. Regulators Hard at WorkTrylng to Reform Ansonla. r SPECIAL TELIOKAJt TO THE DISPATCH. Ansonia, Conx, March 14. The White Caps have appeared here. Michael Griffin, a workman in Wallace & Son's mill, is too fond of the eup, and the White Caps deter mined to break him of it. Monday night, as he was on his way home, they took him out into a grove and made him kneel down and swear to stop drinking and attend to his work. On Wednesday morning he went to work and pnt in 14 hours' time. On Wednesday night the Regulators met William Nibon, a strong man, who is in clined to be lazy, and asked him why he didn't. work. He replied that it was nono of their business. Then they seized him and ducked him four times in the waters of the canal, and only desisted after he prom ised to seek work the next morning. Before letting him go they warned him that unless he got work in four days they would ride him out of town on a rail. In Birmingham, Michael Cotter had just gone to bed and his wife was preparing to retire last night when his house was assailed by a gang of White Caps. Bricks and stones were thrown through the doors and windows, and the gang were preparing for a rush to get Cotter out, when an alarm was given and they all ran away. TELEGRAPHING TO HARRISON. The Oklahoma Boomers Are Getting Very Impatient or Delay. Pubcell, Ind. T., March 14. Oklahoma Hill and the party, after spending to-day at the boomers' camp near that place, sent a telegraphic message to President Harrison to the effect that the situation in Oklahoma is critical, and that it is a national necessity to have action taken at once. The telegram concludes: If tho thousand? of actual honest settlers clamoring for admittance are compelled to de pend upon the right to settlement, until too lato to make a crop, actual starvation will fol low. SIX MINERS ENTOMBED. Immense Excitement In tbe Nelshborbood of the Black Diamond Colliery. Mt. Cabmel, Marchl4. Intense excite ment prevails at the Black Diamond Col liery, where, by a running of the pillars, six miners have been closed in. Workmen are drivini; a heading for therjurnose of lib erating their imprisoned companions, but several hours must elapse Delore'lt can be ascertained whether they are alive. WAEM AT PAKIS. A Red-Hot Debate In the Senate and Cham ber of Deputies Bouloneer's Friends Defy tlia Government Several' Duels In Prospect. Pabis, March 14, In the Senate to-day M. Naquet said that he would not defend himself from the charges that had been brought against him in connection with the Patriotic League. First, because he knew that the Chamber 'had condemned him be forehand, and second, because the party to which he belonged never appealed except to universal suffrage. In the. Chamber ot Deputies M. Laguerre averred that his party intended to prosecute its campaign pacifically and legally. He would not appeal tojbe Chamber, whose verdict was immaterial, but to the country, which supported the Patriotic League. He denied that the league was a secret society. The real conspirators were those who rebelled against universal suffrage. Jn the course of his speech, M. Laguerre was colled to order on account of his violent language, and the fact was inscribed on the official record. General Boulanger rose, and, crossing his arms, defiantly regarded the majority. An uproar ensued, daring which M. Thiesse was censored for apostrophizing the Presi dent. Paul PeCassagnao defied the Cham ber to prosecute General Bonlaoger. As p. result of the hsated debate duels are immi nent between MM. Arena and Provost De Launay; MM. Burdeau and DeCassagnac, and MM. Pichon and Laguerre. SUICIDE BI STARTATION. A Forger Abstains From Food for 26 Days and Dies Like a Martyr. ISrZCIAL TSUCGBAX TO TBI DISPATCH.1 Macon, Ga., March 14. Jonathan L. Adams slept well last night. He slept as he had long wanted to sleep, so sound that he would wake no more after life's fitful fever. On Friday nijjht at 11 o'clock, Feb ruary 15, Adams was placed in jail here. He immediately resolved to die slowly by starvation, that he might in part expiate his crime and sins. He never gave way to the cravings of hunger but once, and then it was only for a momenr, to eat two oranges and a piece of cake. This food his stomach couldn't retain, and so it cannot be said that the fast for starvation was broken during the 26 days of suffering. The twenty-sixth day passed at 11 o'clock last night, and he entered the twenty-seventh in a deep and peaceful slumber at his ' home. Suddenly, about 11. -05, his friends and family who watched over him saw the emaciated fornt quiver, but the face did not lota its peaceful look, and then the faint breath ceased alto gether. There seems to have been .nothing of the EUIN3 "VIETVED hardened criminal in Adams' nature. When his crime found him out he confessed everything, and when the jail or the mine was all of life that was lelt to him shame broke his heart. He determined upon a slow death of torture and excruciating agony and died as bravely as if he had been a martyr at the stake. He was altogether a wonderful man. Adams was under arrest for forging, notes. His creditors will fight over the S18.000 insurance policy which he said he had transferred to the Capitol bank, with the agreement that it would not prose cute him. AN OLD DODGE WORKS AGAIN. Money Advanced on a Worthless Draft by a Young- Greenhorn. rsrsciAz. tsucosax to the disfatch.i New-Yobk, March 14. Edmund Trow bridge, fine-looking and well-dressed, who said he lived at 195 Harrison street, Brook lyn, and was 38 years old, was arraigned be fore Justice O'Beilly, at the Jefferson Mar ket Police Court, to-day, on the charge of obtaining money from Bolla Thomas, of the spice firm of Shaw & Thomas, of 74 Warren street, by inducing him to advance 5200 on a worthless draft for that amount. The detectives say that Trowbridge went to Europe last May, and got acquainted on the voyage there with Edward N. Fresh man, of the Marston Bemedy Company of 19 Park Place, and a lawyer of this city, whose name the detectives won't give. Trowbridge, they say, was accompanied by a card sharp named Winters, and therparty had several games of draw poker, in the course of which the lawyer lost $900. Af terward, the detectives declare, Freshman and Trowbridge traveled together, and Trowbridge borrowed $3,500 from Fresh man. Another story is that after his return from Europe, Trowbridge went to Saratoga, where he sometimes masqueraded as Mr. Nichols, of the firm of Austin Nichols, & Co. Here he became acquainted with Mr. Jones, of the firm, of Douglass & Jones Bros., of New street, and beat him out of $200 on the. strength of the name. Trow bridge is said to be highly connected. He refused to make a statement to-day. A BITTEE MONTANA FEUD. One Murder Is Avenged by Another Eanally as Atrocloas. Fiat Cbeek, Mont., March 14. T. C. Milroy, a ranchman, fatally shot Pat Dooley, a large cattle owner, with a 45-cali-ber rifle, tbe ball having entered his left side above the region of the heart, passing through the body and coming out under the arm. Some time ago Dooley's son shot the Milroys with bird shot, wounding them, while in a quarrel over a fence put in on disputed gronnd. Pat Dooley's brother was then killed in the melee. Bad blood was then engendered, which culminated yesterday in the killing of Pat Dooley. Milroy gave himself up to the authorities and was lodged in jail at Deer Tongue. MES. GEAXT TO TOE EESCUE. She Makes a Donation to the New Con federate Soldiers' Home. New Xobk, March 14. Secretary Oliver Downing, of the New Tork Citizens' Com mittee to aid the National Confederate Soldiers' Home at Austin, Tex., has re ceived a letter from General Alfred Pleason ton containing money. Another letter, from Mrs. General Grant, incloses a check for $25. The letter is as follows: Oliver Downing, Secretary: Deab Sib General Grant's "kindly feeling toward tbe Southern people, thnuifu they were once his enemies, is Mrs. Grant's reason for sending the Inclosed check. Bhe wishes yon success in your efforts. Fbkd D. Gbant, For Mrs. Grant THREE CENTS AA- ?K JH'SDREADCALL YfA fSSi. s? s wtro . The Vkto Comes at Hfgh Noon Tiriout Warning T and Four Men Obey. ; A -TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. Eobert Mnnroe fc Son's Boiler Shop, on Smallman Street, in. fining. - TOO MUCH STEAM SAID TO US CAUSB The Engine Rooms and Adjaeeat Badly Wrecked Tho RnIa-Pea.Hsr BB slles Fly In Many Directions Balldbifs Crushed by Falling Walls Employes aod Others Havs Narrow Escapes Ib eldentsof the. Wreck TAuvaf. tho Dead and Wounded toss About 836,008. A terrible boiler explosion atB. Monroe & Son's "West Point boiler works, corner of Twenty-third and Smallman street shortly after noon yesterday resulted in the loss at 4 lives and the maiming of 13 other per sons. Several theories are advanced as to the cause of the disaster. The loss is estimated at 30,000. Many narrow escapes occurred, A deep-toned, sullen roar, as though an angry monster had been disturbed in his. nap, followed by a rumbling noise; then a moment of silenee,only to be interrupted by terrible cries of people wounded and dying; the excited shouts of survivors with the hiss of escaping steam as an awful accompani ment; a scene of wreck and ruin broken beams and twisted iron, crumbling walls and falling buildings, blood bespattered woodwork and huge parts of machinery ! Thns did death suddenly appear in the FROM THE at.t.ttv. heart of a busy city once more in his most gruesome form. He claimed four workmen, and his somber garments brushed so close to 13 others that they fell maimed and bruised.. It was almost high noon yesterday when a boiler in B. Monroe & Son's West Point Boiler Works, at the corner of Twenty-third and Smallman streets, exploded with tre mendous force, wrecking the building and resulting in the heavy loss of life. Just a few moments before that the whistle had blown at the shop, announcing to the 65 men and boys employed there that the time for dinner had arrived. A GHASTLY TASK. Hurriedly dropping their tools, the em ployes were dispersing, the engineer was standing at throttle of the engine turning off the steam, two men who were afterward found dead were walking toward the boiler,' a third was standing beside it, when, with out a bit of warning, it burst- Those who were in the various shops made a mad rrish for safety. An alarm of fire was sounded from box G3, police and ambulance calls followed in rapid succession. The streets became, thronged with frightened and ex cited people. When the rescuers arrived on the scene they found they had a ghastly task on hand. The shops are one-storied brick structures. They are bounded on the south by Mulberry alley and on the east by a row of tenement houses known as Mackerell's court. The various departments of the works formed ,a hollow square. The main boiler room was -built in the form of an "L" and it was in the smaller arm of this building that the boiler and engine stood. The eastern end of this shop was completely ruined. Ad joining the engine room, but separated from, 1 it by a brick wall, was the flange room, directly opposite it was the oil room. The . engine room proper was divided from the main boiler shop by a brick wall, leav ing a narrow entrance. THE HAVOC 'WBOUGHT. When the explosion occurred a piece of the boiler struck the oil room wrecking it, another part flew off at an obtuse angle and The Fatal Room. passed through the main boiler shop, carry ing away the main supports of the roof, which immediately fell in, carrying down with it the shafting' and cranes, and buryirfg the machinery. The south wall of the building fell outward into Mulberry alley, striking a small brick dwelling house opposite, owned by David McCargo, of the Allegheny Valley Baili road, almost crushing in its front and break ing in all the doors- and windows. Part of the east wall of the building fell outward,' and crushed in a number of outbuildings in Mackerell's court. The roof of a house occu- Eied by a Mrs. Carney was broken in. One uilding will have to be torn down. The walls between the engine room and tbe flange shop fell and carried the roof with it What had been a large building but a moment before was now a mass of ruins. In Mackerell's court almost all the wia ? mr' Shu " 'fe; IPAWi 1 m ,i.-SiiuAi.ttJ''-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers