Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 14, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Borne Senatorial Junketing Parties
Waiting for Warm Weather.
Considerable Work Connected With Some
of the Missions.
And In at Least Two Instances Elaborate Reports
Ira Expected,
As soon as the warm weather is fairly on,
several Senatorial tours of investigation
will be begun. Nearly a dozen parties in
all will take the road. About the most im
portant are the Pacific Bailway and Cana
dian relations committees. There are also
a number of Senatorial picnic parties that
will not travel, but will hold their sessions
in "Washington.
Washington-, March 13. Several Sen
atorial junketing trips will start out from
Washington as soon as the warm weather is
fairly established. The Senate at the regu
lar session that closed on Harch 4 didn't
authorize as many of those roving commis
sions as usual, still there is almost a dozen
that have been intrusted with the duty, of
looking into various subjects of more or less
importance. i
The first one that will take the road is the
special committee appointed "to consider
the President's message transmitting the
report of the Pacific Railway Commission."
Senator Frye is chairman of this committee,
and his colleagues upon it are Messrs.
Dawes, Hiscock, Morgan, Butler and
Hearst. On April 6 they will leave Wash
ington for a personal inspection of the lines
of the CentralJ and Union Pacific roads
and all their feeders. The party will visit
Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port
land and every other place where these two
great systems run, and they intend to
actually ride over everymile of track which
the two big corporations operate. It is un
derstood that the committee are to be the
guests of the road on their jaunt, which may
last six weeks.
KOT all a ricjric.
The committee on our relations with
Canada, of which Mr. Hoar is chairman,
and the sub-committee of the Inter-State
Commerce Commission, ordered to examine
the charges of monopoly and discrimination
on the part of the Canadian roads, and of
wnicn aenator umiom is chairman, were
both authorized to travel where and when
they please, to take testimony, send for
persons and papers, etc They haven't
yet decided what course they will pursue,
or mapped out their line of work.
As soon as the present session of the Senate
adjourns they will do this. The Hoar com
mittee are likely to go for a short trip to
Canada, and Senator Cullom will take the
members of his committee all along the
border and hold sessions at all the points
where Canadian roads enter this country,
and make a thorough investigation of the
question of the shipment of goods in bonds
across the United States.
The Committee on Indian Affairs, of
which Mr. Dawes is chairman, will not
forget its usual summer picnic into the wild
western haunts of the red men A sub
committee will be formed, and as soon a
warm weather sets in they will go to the
towns along the northern' border of the
United States, and also to the Indian Terri
tory. There is no pressing subject relating
to the Indians to be investigated at present,
but one will be looked up before the time
arrives for the committee to start.
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, is Chairman
of a special committee appointed to look
iuto the matter of the irrigation and recla
mation of arid lands. One of the regular
appropriation bills of the last Congress con
tained an appropriation for the preliminary
work in this direction. The Western Sena
tors feel confident that the experiments will
prove so successful and popular that the
subject of reclaiming all the waste arid
lands will be soon engaging the attention of
Congress. The committee will personally
visit the desert places, and report next win
ter as to how much water and money is
needed to make them blossom as the rose.
The special committee, with Senator Vest
at its head, that last fall took testimony in
the principal Western cities as to the al
leged combine meat products, will continue
its work during the coming recess, and sub
mit an elaborate report in December.
In addition to these traveling committees
that will take the road in the spring, others
have been authorized to make investiga
tions as follows:
The Committee on Epidemic Diseases,
Senator Harris, Chairman, to examine the
cause of vellnw fprpt-in fMe Mnntw j
discover a method of preventing its intro
duction and spread. The Sub-committee on
Public Buildings and Grounds, Senator
Spooner, Chairman, to continue the investi
gation of the manner of the letting of the
contracts for public building by the Super
vising Architect's office, and the Committee
on Mines and Mining, Senator Stewart,
Chairman, to investigate the matter of filing
ot suits against miners 'in Nevada for cutting
timber on public lands.
These committees do not expect to travel,
and will not work outside of Washington.
They will take testimony from time to time,
and then leave to the respective chairmen
the task of preparing the reports.
Navy Officers Nearly All Ordered Aboard
Their Tends.
That there is considerable activity in the
United States Navy just now cannot be
denied. The way it happens to be noticed
here is the withdrawal of nearly all the navy
officers from inspecting duties in this city.
There used to be as many as 15 of them here
at once putting steel for new cruisers to the
test at the various mills. But two remain
now. The last of the others departed in
pursuance to orders last Monday. An offi
cerot one of the steel companies says he
believes the navy is being put into the best
shape possible for any emergency in the
Samoan affairs.
Stones Heine Hauled and Ground Will be
Broken April 1.
Contractors Booth & Flinn have begun to
haul Belgian blocks for the paving of
Wylie avenue after the conduit of the Cen
tral Traction is laid. Ground will be
broken Monday April 1.
The"intention is to tear up the road bed east
of Pulton street firs and after both tracks
are down, work will be commenced at the
other end.
The Xxposltion Froipeclns.
Manager Johnston, of the Exposition, said
yesterday that the prospectus, or pro
gramme, will be placed in the printer's
hands in a few days. Everything is prog
ressing favorably for the musical festival.
One hundred private boxes will be sold at
Still nt It.
It is claimed the Wabash and Toledo, St.
Louis and Kansas City road are still cutting
the iron rate out of the Mahoning Valley to
St Louis, while Pittsburg pays full rates.
The regular rate is 18 cents, but the maltai
of agricultural implements in Akron,
Cleveland and Toledo are paying a 15-ceut
A City Council Contracts for Gas nt Twice
the Price of Electricity.
LOCKPOET, N. Y., March 13. The Com
mon Council of this city,, in face of the
Mayor's protest and the fact that a bill is
pending in the Legislature providing that
the city can bond itself to the extent of $30,
000 to erect and operate an electric light
plant of its own for lighting the streets, by
unanimous vote entered into a contract with
the gas company for a term of two years to
light the city. The city has been paying
$18,000 a year for lighting its streets, when,
as shown by Mayor Oliver, it could have
been done tor $8,000.
The Mayor has spent over 51,000 person
ally to try and defeat the gas company, and
now charges that the Aldermen have been
tampered with, and talks of bribery and
other hard things. The papers have taken
sides, irrespective of politics.
Ton Are Not Shaken Before Taken
With malarial disease, but with prodigious
violence afterward, if you neglect Immediate
measures of relief. The surest preventive and
remedial form of medication is Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, the potency of which as an
antidote to miasmatic poison has been demon
strated for ovenSO years past. The liver when
disordered and congested, the bowels if con
stipated, and the Kidneys if inactive are
Sromptly aidedby it, andlt is invaluable for
yspepsia, nervous debility and rheumatism.
On Wood Street.
See the window at Bennett & Co.'s hat
store filled with American English and
French traveling and office nats. the finest
in the world.
Special inducements this week.
J. G. Beunktt & Co., Hatters,
Corner.Wood street and Pifth avenue.
Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves!
The greatest bargains ever offered in Amer
ica; S and 7 hook lacing gloves, odd sizes,
44 cents, worth $1.00. Our ?L60 finest
Prench, real kid, embroidered backs, now
89 cents a pair, tan shades only. Our new
dollar gloves, all shades, at 75 cents; white
4 B dollar gloves at 35 cents, misses fine
kid gloves, 4 B, 45o, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
A Bargain S600 Stelnwny Piano, 8200.
A four round-corner $600 rosewood Ste in
way piano,, with elegantly carved legs, in
good condition, for $200. A bargain, at the
music store ot J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537
Smithfield street.
Also an excellent parlor organ for $50.
The celebrated Sohmer pianos and Colby
pianos, unrivalled for tone and durability,
at 537 Smithfield street
The Largest Collection of English Cloth
Snl tings
And Prench broadcloths finest goods
made--by the yard, extra width in dress
goods department
Penn Avenue Stores.
A Big Cab
We have made a big cut this week in
prices in suits for boys 'and children. It
you want boys' clothing at half price come
this week to the Hub; remember everything
must be sold and now is your chance lor big
bargains in clothing for men and boys. Call
at the Boston Clothing House, 439 Smith
field street
Have Yon Seen Onr Millinery Display?
100 pattern bonnets and hats on exhibi
tion in our new show room.
Penn Avenue Stores.
More Paris robes to-day the elegance
and distinctive style of these at out low
prices over 300 for selection.
Boggs & Buhl.
Have Ton Seen Onr millinery Display?
100' pattern bonnets and hats on exhibi
tion in our new show room.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Hotel Pnntnll, Pnnxsntnvrney, Pa.,
Is now open for guests. It contains over
100 sleeping rooms, well lighted and fur
nished, and heated by steam.
Bay Cable Dye East Black Stockings,
And you will get the best to wash and wear.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
mothers. Bring the Children,
Before it is too late, to the Elite Gallery,
516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator.
Cabinets, $1 per doz.
Oar Millinery Opening Continues This
A splendid light show room over 100
patterns Paris and New York styles.
Jos. Hobxe & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Black hand-run Spanish guipure lace
scarfs, new assortment to-day, at $2 00, $2 25,
$2 50 to $10 00 each. Special.
Boogs & Buhl.
Have Ton Seen Onr Millinery Display?
100 pattern bonnets and hats on exhibi
tion in our new store room.
Jos. Hoene & Co's
Penn Avenue Stores.
Wall Paper.
Newest designs and colorings in every
grade of goods at the new store of Crumrine,
Bane & Bassett, 416 Wood street Thomas
Palmer's old stand.
Boy Cable Dye Fast Black Stockings,
And you will get the best to wash and wear.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
mothers, Bring the Children.
Before it is too late, to the Elite Gallery,
516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator.
Cabinets, $1 per doz. s
Bny Cnblo Dye Fast Black Stockings,
And you will get the best to wash and wear.
Jos. Hoexe & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
3,000 doz. regular made plain and striped
imported ladies' hose, 1234c; genuine last
black onyx, 25c a pair, at Bosenbaum &
Co.'s. ihs
Is one ot the most prevalent of diseases'.
Few persons have perfect digestion.
One of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinner,
or a dose at night before retiring, never
fails to give relief in the worst cases,
and wonderfully assists the pr6cess of
nutrition. As a family medicine, Ayer's
Pills are unequaled.
James Quinn, 00 Middle St., Hartford,
Conn., testifies : " I have used Ayer's
Pills for the past thirty years and con
sider them an invaluable family medi
cine. I know of no better remedy for
liver troubles, and have always found
them a prompt cure for dyspepsia."
Lucius Alexander, of Marblehead,
Mass., was long a severe sufferer from
Dyspepsia, complicated with enlarge
ment of the Liver, most of the time
being unable to retain any food in his
stomach. Three boxes of Ayer's Pills
cured him.
Frederic C. Greener, of East Dedham,
Mass., for several months troubled with
Indigestion,' was cured before he used
half a box of these Pills.
Ayer5s Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druggist sad Dealers In Medicine.
- De. Bull's Coujjh Syrup is relied on by
the masses as the specific for cough and cold.
marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Nsme. Kesldence.
Charles A. Bond Hsrrlsburg
LUUe M.BHlea. , FltUburg-
5 Samuel McBurnle rittsburg
J Isabella Wilson Pittsburg
Adam Megg.., Allegheny
IMargaretE. Hoffman , Allegheny
t Maurice Holland..., Pittsburg
.Harriet K. Helly Allegheny
MTJSQRAVE PAINTER At the residence
of her father, 59 Fremont street, Allegheny, on
Wednesday, March IS, 1SS9, by the Rev. D. &
Willson, Florence Maut Musobave to
Joseph Edwaud Painter, of Roggen, Col.
BAILIFF On Tuesday, March 12, 18S9, at 7
o'clock a. m., Bibdie Bkoxah, infant daugh
ter of Addison P. and Sarah Bagaley Bailiff,
aged 9 months.
Fnneral from the resldenoe of her parents,
Montooth, Indiana township,AUegheny county,
Thursday hobnlno at 11 o'clocfc. Interment
DEBACHER On Wednesday, March 13,
18S9, at 6:50 p. M-, Cristina, daughter of
Joseph and the late Apelonla Debacher, aged
27 years 11 months.
Funeral from her father's residence. No. 8
Forest street, Troy Hill, Allegheny, on Satur
day, March IB, at 8.S0 AM. Requiem mass
will be held at the Holy Name of Jesus Church,
Troy Hill, at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family
are respectfully Invited to attend. Carriages
will leave A. Pappert & Son's undertaking
room at 8 a. m. s3
DUNLAP On Wednesday morning at 4
o'clock, at his residence In Pine township,
William Dunlap, in his 69th year.
Funeral on Friday mornino, March 15, at
10 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect
fully Invited to attend.
FORD On Wednesday, March 18, 1889, at 3
P. ST., Mary, daughter of Thomas aDd Bridget
Ford, aged 2 years and 7 months.
Funeral from the parents' residence, Ridge
street, Thirteenth ward, on Friday at 2 P, M.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend.
GODFREY-On Tuesday, March 12, 1889, at
5:30 p. jr., Jaiies T. Godfrey, in his 29th year.
Funeral from his late residence, 49 Hazel
street, city, on Thursday at 2 p. si. Interment
GRAPP On Wednesday, March 13, 18S9, at
6 o'clock, Herbert Hoffman, son of G. F.
and Mary Grapp, aged 3 years 8 months 9 days.
Funeral services will be held at the residence
of his parents. No. 1330 Penn avenue, on Fri
day morning at 9 o'clock. Private interment
HARE On Tuesday, March 12, 1889. at 2 P.
m.. Thomas R. Hare, aged 29 years 3 months
12days. .
Funeral services at his late residence, No.
2217 Sarah street, Southside, Pittsburg, Pa., on
Wednesday evening, March 13, 1889, at 8
o'clock. Funeral on Thursday at 10 A. M. In
terment at Bridgeport Cemetery, Brownsville,
Pa. 2
HARBISON-On Tuesday, March 12, 1889,
William Edward, youneest son of M. L.
and Annie M. Harbison, aged 1 year.
Funeral services at the residence of his
parents, Glensbaw, Pittsburg ana Western
Railroad, on Thursday at 1 o'clock. Inter
ment private.
HOLLAND At the residence of her son, P.
H. Burns, 76 Preble avenue, Allegheny City,
Marietta Holland, in the 77th year of her
Funeral from St Andrew's Church at 9
o'clock, a il, Thursday, March 11 2
K1TTELBERGER On Wednesday, March
13, 18S9, at 6 A. M., LOUIS KrrTELBERGER,
aged 53 years.
Funeral will take place from bis late resi
dence, No. 2 Forbes, on Friday, March 15,
18S9, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend. 2
KLEBER On Wednesday. 13th Inst. Au
gust C. Kxeber, aged 26 years.
Funeral services at the residence of his
mother, No. 207 Sandusky street, Allegheny,
on Friday, loth inst, at 2 p. m. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
Interment private. Please omit flowers.
LIPPERT On Wednesday. March 13, 1889,
at 3 o'clock A. M., A. J. Lippert, aged 31 years.
Funeral from his late residence, 2600 Carson
street, Sonthslde, on Friday, March 15, at
2:30 o'clock P. M. Friends of the family are re
spectfully invited to attend.
MTJLLALLEY On Tuesday. March 12, 1889,
at 8 o'clock p. M., John Mullalley, in his
28th year.
Funeral from his late residence, 72 Magee
street, on Thursday, Match 14, at 230 p. m.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. 4
McKELVY On Tuesday. March 12. 18S9. at
Bewickley, Pa Mrs. Anna B. Pride, wife of
Colonel bamuel McKelvy, In the 70th year of
her age.
Funeral services at Park Place Hotel,
SewiclJey, on Thursday, March 14, at 2 p. m.
Interment private.
SETTZ At the family residence, Sharpsburg,
Pa., on Monday, March H, at 12 o'clock P. M.,
Mary A., daughter of Frederick and the late
Anna B. Seitz.
Funeral from the family residence, on
Thursday, March 14, at 2 o'clock. 2
SIMMONS On Tuesday, March 12, 1889, at
850 p. M., Walter Glenn, son of Addison
and Hannah G. Simmons, in the 18th year of
his age.
Funeral from the parents' residence, near
Banksville, on Thursday, 14th, at 2 p. m.
Carriages will leave T. B. Hersberger's, under
taker, West End, at 1 o'clock p. m. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
TURNBLACER On -.Tuesday, March 12,
18S7. at 10 o'clock p. m., Christ Turnelacer,
in the 71st year of his age.
Funeral from his late residence. Thirty-fifth
ward, on Thursday, March 14, at 2 o'clock p.
M. Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend.
Jobs L. Tbexx,eb. paui. Bauer.
Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale
Stable. No. 878 and 380 Beaver ave. Branch
office, 679 Preble ave., Allegheny City.
Telephone SWL au8-t62-UThSu
U7, 119 and 139 Third avenue, two doors below
Smltbneld st, next door to Central Hotel.
Carnages for funerals, 3. Carriages for operas,
parties, fca, at the lowest rates. All new car
riages. Telephone communication. mjd60-TTS
ASSETS . . J9J071.69633.
Insurance Co. of North America.
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONES, 81 Fourth avenue. ial"0-s2-D
Assets 48,50187
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President.
fe22-26-TT3 WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor
all classes unsuroassed. Tickets sold tn anil
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General agents, 07 Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Full Information can be had of J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street.
LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smithfiefd street
route to London and the Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
Now York to Southampton (London, HavTe),
Ss.Lahn.Mch.l3.2p.H I SsWerra.Mch.23,10A.K.
SS.EIbe.Mh.l6,5.30AS Ss.SaaIe.Mch. 27, 2 p. M.
Ss.AUer.Mch.20.8A.M Ss.Ems.Mch.30, 530a.m.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from 575 upward.
burg. Pa.
OELRICHS fc CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. ja29-71-D
State Line
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passagetS and fM. according to location
or stateroom. .Excursion CS to (90,.
bteerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. eneral.Agents,
63 Broadway, New York.
j. j. Mccormick. Agent, PituburY p.
r wtv
Our new patterns of Bed
room Suites in
Mahogany, Walnut,
Antique Oak, Cherry,
Surpass all former ones in
elegance of style and finish,
and lowness of price. The
constant wonder in furniture
now is how so much good
value can be given for so lit
tle money. A striking illus
tration is our
$20 Suite.
Another carload of this
unequaled (3 piece) suite in
Solid Antique Qak is received
and ready for delivery. We
have thoroughly canvassed
the furniture manufactories,
both East and West, but have
not found its equal; nor have
we heard of "any other deal
er's offer of its equal, at the
price. A large purchase for
cash enabled us to do it.
N. B. The new Parlor
Suites, in their lovely color
ings and beautiful fabrics,
make their salesfloor look like
a flower garden in full bloom.
The advantage of selection
falls to those who buy ear
liest. 0. McCLINTOCK
ac CO.,
March 1& and 15,
Spring Millinery
Latest London and Paris Styles Trim
med Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Ribbons,
Flowers, Velvets, Gauzes, Nets, etc.
Wait for this opening and come in on
these days. Opening in
Trimming Department.
High Novelties in Dress Trimmings.
Look at window display. Opening in
Glove Department.
Spring importation Ladies' and Misses
Glace and Suede Gloves, button and
mousquetaire styles; new stitching, new
shades in tans, modes, French blues,
serpent greens, browns, -slates, mahog
any and black, with self and colored em
broidery. Opening in
Hosiery Department.
Opening New Novelties in
Art Embroidery Department.
To one and all of these Openings your
attention is directed. THURSDAY and
FRIDAY, this week.
JAS. Mm & BRO.,
With an increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our Une cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. fe5-55-TTS
Sonoma dry port, SI 20 per gal.; Cali
lornia Sonoma dry sherry. $1 21) per gal.; Cali
fornia Sonoma Angelica, Jl 20 per gal.; Cali
fornia Sonoma muscatel, SI 20 per gal.; Erie
Island AAA Dry Catawba, J120 pergaL: Erie
Island ADrv Catawba,Sl 00 per gat; Erie Island
Sweet Catawba,Sl 00 per gal.; Sonoma Brandies,
from 12 00 to fi 00 per gal.; Guckenhelmer Rye
Whisky, $2 00 to S8 00 per gal.; BoonekampBit
ter Liquenr.Sl 00 per quart. F.ANDRIESSEN,
40 and 12 Ohio street. Allegheny City.
INS. CO., 417 Wood street, Pittsburg.Pa.
Capital 8250,000 00
Assets January 1, ISM 383,7-15 80
Directors Chas. W. Batchelor, President:
John W. Chalfant, Vice President; A. E. W.
Painter, Robt. Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil
son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, A.M.Byers,
Jas. J. Donnell. Geo. E. Painter, John-Thompson.
Wm. 'X. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, As
sistant Secretary; August Amnion. General
Agent, ja22-46-TTS
Turkish Bath Soap at 5c a cake.
Pure Italian Castile Soap at 7c a cake.
Cream White Honey Soap at 8c a cake.
Cream White Glycerine Soap at 8c a cake.
Peaoh Blow Soap at 8c a cake.
, Hygienic Crystal Carbolic Soap at 8c a cake.
Pure Old Palm Soap at 8c a cake.
Distilled Glycerine Boap at 8c a cake.
Apple Blossom Soap at lOo a cake.
Pot Pourri Soap at 12c a cake.
Honey Soap at 12c a cake.
Sweet Violet 8oap at 12o a cake.
Fhlladermic Soap at 12c a cake.
American Glycerine Soap at 15c a cake.
Magnolia Blossom Soap at 18c a cake.
Camelia Bouquet Soap at 18c a cake.
Florida Water Boaquet Soap at 18c a cake.
Savon d'Eitract Soap at 22c a cake.
Queen Cologne Soap at 25c a cake.
Jockey Club Soap at 25c a cake.
Savon d'Eitract at 85c a cake.
Violet of Parma Perfume at 20c a bottle.
Lavender Flowers Perfume at 20c a bottle.
Orange Flowers Perf nme at 20c a bottle.
White Anemone Perf nme at 20c a bottle.
Triple Extract of Ylang Ylang at 68c a bottle.
Triple Extract of Lilies of the Valley at 68o
a bottle.
Triple Extract Violet at 63c a bottle.
Triple Extract Jasmin at 68c a bottle.
Triple Extract Stephanotes at 68o a bottle.
Triple Extract California Violet at 70c a
bottle. '
Triple Water of Lilies of the Valley at 75c
and $1 25 a bottle.
Triple Water of Jasmin at 75c and $1 25 a
Triple Water of Opoponax at 75c and SI 25 a
Triple Water of New Mown Hay at 75c and
$1 25 a bottle.
White Kose Toilet Water at 45c a bottle.
Lavender FIowerToiletWaterat 45c a bottle.
Violet of Parma Toilet Water at 98c a bottle
Triple Water of White Rose at Jl 25 a bottle.
Triple Water of Violet of Parma at 81 75 a
Fleishman & Go's.
504,506 and 508 Market st,
Wood street and Fourth ave.
Shoes of our superior makes insure
comfort, wear and style; prices are
always right. A trial will convince
that it is cheaper, better and to
your interest to buy good solid
leather Shoes for the Boys and
Misses' Kid and Goat Shoes,
$i 50 to $2.
"Rnvs' "Rnttnn nnrl Tspa CiT-i".--
R , ..w. nuv.,
$1 25 to S3.
Open Saturdays to 11 P. M,
401 Wood St., Cor. Fourth Ave.,
mhS-21-TT 8
PftDDCTC Aftin PIIDTM I JJC... We are prepared to show the largest lines ol Carpets we bave ever exhibited; the stock all fresi, desiens and colorings all new
uAnrtlw AllU UU 11 I ttlliw"""p''oductions of the best mills in the country and prices the lowest for quality; examine our stock ana compare prices oefore pur'
chasing your carpets. Body Brussels and Tapestry Brussels 50c up. Beautiful new patterns in Ingrains, various grades. Carpet Squares and Druggets, Smyrna Rugs and Mats
all prices. Oil Cloths, all widths. Window Shades, plain and dado. Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain .Poles and Trimmings at very low prices. UurLace Curtain stock is re
plete with new designs, many of them confined to ourselves; we have them from 50c up; grand values at 81, SI 25, $1 SO, $2 and up to $10 a pair; we guarantee these cannot be dupli
cated anywhere for the prices. Heavy Curtains and Fprtiers. Bilk and Oriental Curtains. Plain and Figured Scrims. Madras and Curtain Laces by the yard at popular price
UnilOtT LTIIDNIOUIMf nCDADTMCNT.--waJ'sa successful department in our house; Is now full up at low prices. In Table Linens, direct imports- .
Mill hi If". rlJnilliMllllU UCltln I lflC.fi I tions. we show rare bargains; loom linens 20c up. cream and bleached 3114. H and SOe up; special value at 50c '
worth 65c anywhere, full 72-inch double damasks, in beautiful patterns, 75, 87c, $1 and $1 25, are especially good; fringed cloths, ail white and colored borders, with napkins toY-;
match. Grand values in towels, napkins and towelings, pillow casings and sheetings, colored table cloths, raw silk tapestry and plush, covers, all sizes; mattresses, pillows, bolsters
and feathers in bulk at low prices. ' ' ( J
. . . . .. . . .. .. ... . -
Mil I Illl-DV nCQH DTRSL FJT We have no regular opening day; the
mlillrarni rrtlK I lllrll I """Rnnnpts; new rinhnn ne-flmrer nnd
N. B. No charge for trimming hats and
Pll VO lainnD'rPPPnnnP
ciose prices, in black dress laorics we quote as grand values, casnmeres 43. wi ana wc; ao
colored dress eoods and suitings we show a varied line of imported wool fabrics at 50. 75c and
shades and colors French cashmeres, 46-jnclr, at 50, 65, 75 and. 90c. Silk warp cashmeres
nioAAa Qft !nlt Jha hhaJi OK in VI r. in nam AnlnvinnB art rlt1ffns in tfnlnsn n1Ma
f'WbM W1UUU UXCSS UUU4 t IAJ IV " AlCiT U1VA1U4 tuu, Kagua 1U OVWJt- fmu vni.Mno BUU UiiAkUtUc
In "Wash Goods we offer elegant French Satinet 20, 25 '31 and 35c; American Satines, 10, 32 and 15c Dress Ginghams, 10 and ViUc
lies at popular figures. Muslin Underwear, complete in all grades; chemises and drawers 25c up; night dresses, skirts and corset covers In
TiriOiMt rtmata Kaaf alianaa tlnerlaa fflnvoc fincidrv find nniiVMfai fill WP?fTl
Q-3tnrloe nl- nn mniiAct
WUliiUIVfd JV-lt. WU &WUUWkfc.
B. & B.
Because They Are More Than
- Usual Bargains:
New 27-inch India Silks at 65c and 79c
22-inch India Silks, Empire and Direc
toire Silks, at 43c and 50c.
27-inoh India Silks, $1, 51 25, 51 a) and
53. Over 600 different styles Indias at
prices that will save you money. Styles
most elegant imported.
100 pieces 24-inch Plain India (real
China) Silks at 60c; over 56 shades for
blouse ivaists, decoration, etc., 50c, 21
24-inch Black All-Silk Bhadaines, Jl.
24-inch Black Dress Silks, $1.
22-inch Black Dress Silks, 85c, 90c, 51,
51 25, 51 50, 51 75, 52 and 52 50, represent
ing eight different lots of superb goods that
were bought much less than value.
50-inch All-Wool Mixed Tricot Cloths
100 pieces we bought at half original price;
dollar goods you get in these at 50e; large
line of choioe mixtures.
New .importations Dress Goods and Suit
ings, Paris Bobes and Novelties, surpassing
in extent any offering heretofore attempted.
56-inch English Serges. 56-inch English
Stripes. 62-inch iicotch Suitings. 62-inch
Armure Boyale Cords. 62-inch Suitings.
All the above are high class and worth more
than passing notice 51 to 52 per yard.
1,000 pieces new Suitings, Stripes. Plaids
and Mixtures, and all double-width goods,
25c, 30c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 75c.
New Dress Trimmings, and all the ex
treme, rich, new things; the money-saving
prices on these ana the magmncent charac
ter of these will interest all buyers.
Extraordinary large importation and
offerings New flannels and English Flan
nelettes for ladies' and childrea's dresses,
blouse waists, pajamas, etc., from 10c to 63a
a yard. Fashion indicates a remarkable
demand fgr flannels this season. Silk Stripe
Flannels and Novelties that are beauties.
60-inch Black Silk Laces for Dresses the
handsomest goods ever imported, and at
moderate prices.
Lace and Embroidery Departments have
Deen largely extended, ana the nnest goods
and choicest novelties are on sale low
prices that will largely extend this busi
ness' 5c to 55 a vard for embroideries.
1,000 pieces Finest French Satiues, our
own direct importations handsome as In
dia Silks 25o, 30e,3c, etc.
Genuine Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, 20c,
22c, 25c, and 40c, 45c and 50c for extreme
novelties, side bands, etc. This Gingham
offering is remarkable for variety and fine
foods at the right prices to bring you -and
eep you as a customer.
Several hundred pieces American Dress
Ginghams, 6jc; worth 10c.
Fine American Dress Ginghams, 10c
and 12Jc.
115, 117. 119. 121
Federal Street, Allegheny.
P. S. New Spring Wraps, Jackets,Long
Coats, Beaded Capes and the newest con
ceits or ideas in Elegant Paris Wraps.
These large Wrap and Suit Departments,
with the present offerings, will extend their
already great popularity.
bonnets bought of us.
Soft CaehemirofinisbBlaekGros Grains
$1 50 and $1 75; double twilled surahs
TVToil nrrlprc will Vif nrnmnrlw
1IAUU V . ww ft wr.pr w
167 and 169 FEDEEAL-
What a World of Meaning
These Few- Words 1
How full of significance and interest they are to thousands of people oil
this city and the surrounding country! How eagerly will hundreds upouj
hundreds of the stylish and fashionable dressers of this community read!
our announcement! No doubt about it the near approach of spring will
produce, as it always does at our store, a veritable boom la every de
You must be prepared for
greater and better inducements for
shall as of old do business in a way
honesty. We shall eclipse and outdistance all our past efforts to give!
ueuer saiisiaciion 10 our puuuub.
Spring Overcoats for. Men
Boys and
The whole of our enormous and
house and we unhesitatingly pronounce it the handsomest -we have
'ever shown. While the styles are so elegant, it will be found -that
such great and wonderful improvements have been '
made in the cut and make that the goods we offer are
as near perfection as human skill and ingenuity ;
can make them. Wc shall seek patronage on
the score of merit and shall do as we have
always hitherto done, viz.: sell better
goods at a less price than inferior
goods can be bought for
elsewhere. Depend on
this. .. M ,
A collection of stylish and elegant garments, such as will surprise
and delight the most "critical of purchasers. Goods to suit all tastes;
goods to suit all purses; goods to suit all purposes; goods unequaled for
completeness of assortment, unsurpassed for richness of texture, ele
gance of styles and reliability of make. Keep your money in youi v
pocket until you've seen how far you can make it go in a spring suit for
man, boy or child at our store.
Glorious Display
Whatever there is new and novel in
we can and will undersell all the hat
0 0$ flfl
SALS will be received up until March 15.
1SS9. at 3 o'clock P. ic, for the printing and
binding for the several departments ot the
city government for the ensuing year. uv
for bidding and information furnished on ap
plication to the office of the City Controller.
Bonds tn be furnished as required in specifica
tions. The right to accept or reject any or alt
bids reserved. E. S. MORROW, Controller.
Department op Public 'Wobiss.'I
PlTTSBDBO, March. 12, 1KS9. f
proposals will be received at the office of
City Controller until Friday, the 221 day of
March, A. D. 1SS9, at 2 o'clock P. jr., for the
following, viz.:
Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to
Stanton avenue; 15-inch pipe.
Fifth avenue, from west Use of Amberson
avenue to connection with culvert under Fifth
avenue, west of Morehead's Iane;15andlS-inch
Fifth avenue, from crown east of TVilkins
street to Amberson avenue: IS-inch pipe.
.Eiiswortn avenue ana private property, from
leetonia street to Amberson avenue; 15 and 20
inch pipe.
Liberty and Center avenues and Graham
street, from W inebiddle street to Two-Mile Ron
sewer; 18 and 24-inch pipo and three feet brick
ana stone.
Center avenue, from Liberty avenue west
waraly to Two-Mile Run sewer, near Pennsyl
vania Railroad; J5 and 18-inch pipe.
Atwood street, from Bates street to Louisa
street; 15-inch pipe.
Howe street from Ivy street to Aiken ave
nue; 15-inch pipe.
Euclid street, from Penn avenue to Eaum's
northern property line; IS-inch pipe.
Carneie street, from Fifty-eecond street to
-McCandless street.
Sapphire alley, from Isabella street to Lib
erty avenue; grading and paving only.
Plans and specifications can be seen, and
blanks for bidding can be obtained at this
Each, proposal must be accompanied by a
bond probated before the Mayor or City
The Department of Awards reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
Chief of Departm en t of Public Works.
9, 1889.
goods are here now. come right in and see
trimmint-i nf .ill kimU-
SOe up. Soecial values, at 75e, SJUp. SI
75c, 90e and $1. Bbadames, Herreilleaux, Armures and other fancy weaves at equally,-.
- incn Henriettas ou, t3. vo ana 8dc; silK warp Henriettas 91, 51 12J4 ana 51 za. in.
81 a vard in ravs. strines. checks, blocks and fencv styles. Note our immense lines of '
$1, usual price SI 25. Large assortment plaids
MriaMte a1 nvtmA
anrl entvifrillTr ovannt-oA
,v V.Ullf wWVwU fcwU
surprises often, for we intend to offers!
you to patronize us than ever. We J
that will meet with the approval of a
truly beautiful stock is now In oofi
of Spring Hats
the hat world we've secured it, and5j
men in town. Mark our words well.1!
e$ e $
300 to 400 Market street,
Depabtjikst or Pubxjc Sapett, 7
PITT3BUP.O, March 7, 1889.
p CEIVED at the office of the City Control
ler until 2 p. jl on Thursday. March It, 1889.
for furnishing natural gas at garbage fur
nace on Hill street, Sixth ward, for the ensuing
Bonus in double the amount of thd bids wul
be required; said bonds to be probated before
be Mayor or City Clerk.
The Department of Awards reserves the
right to reject any or all bid.
mh8-20 Chief Department PuMic Safety.
grading, paving and curbing of Center
avenue from Soho street to HUand avenue
in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Twentieth
wards of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and
affidavit on file m the office of the Clerk of
Councils that one-third in interest of the
owners ot property fronting and abutting upon
the said street have petitioned the Councils of
said city to enact an ordinance for the grad
ing, caving and carbine- of the same: there.
J fore:
oecaon ino it oraainea ana enactea dv tne
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by tho authority of the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to
advertise in accordance with the acts of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and the ordinances of the said city of Pitts
burg relating thereto and regulating the same
for proposals for the grading, paving and
curbing of Center avenue from Soho street
to HUaud avenue, the contract therefor to
be let in the manner directed by the said
acts of Assembly and ordinance. The cost
and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the nrovisions
of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing
and directing Councils of cities of the second
class to provide for the improvement of
streets, lanes, alleys, and public highways,
sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of
streets, providing for the appointment of a
Board of Viewers of Street Improvements,
Srescrlbing their duties, granting appeals to
ouncilsand Court, providing for tne assess
ment and collection of damages and benefits,
authorizing the use of private property and
providing for filing Uens and regulating pro
ceedings theieon. and prohibiting the use of
public streets without authority of Councils,"
approved tho 14th day of June, A. D. 1887.
the newest gluipesln Spring Htratr nats andi-J
(24-inchl. St 1214. $125;very superior finish.1
and stripes, specially for combinations; 560 iZ
Scotch Zephyrs, EtoiIedaNordand chal- "
great variety of trimmings and at low,
PA. : ' -'