Rfc V RE. , rre.w ' - , 1 J" i-Y . iM . j THE' HTTSBTIRG DISPATCH,. THURSDAY,- MAKOH '.14 " '18893 sss! WAffl)EEINGLETTERS. Writers Generally to Blame for the ; Loss ot Them Nowadays. AN EXCESS OF PITTSBURG CITIES. Ion Hast Kot Talk and Direct Letters at the Same Time. I CUBIOSITIES IN THE KIXIE BOXES Anyone can run a postoffice in his mind and most anybody -with an English education might worry through the mazes 01 a villace postoffice, though he would probably find the trouble of making out his quarterly report worth more than his sal ary, if time were an element in the calcula tion. But in a large city, the first thing he would find necessary would he a study of geography, even though he be fresh from school. The next thing would be the study of phonographic, or sound waves, angles, curves, shades of letters, or, as billiard (players would say, the effect of putting the English thereon, many addresses iurnish ing curious studies in chirography. In a talk with Mr. T. M. TJlam, of the Pitts burg office, some of the preplexities of man agement were conceived, of which tbe readers shall be told as plainly as the writer can make it out without active experience. For instance, some of the most trouble some things encountered are stray letters, sort of wandering epistolary stars, that get out of their orbit and swing through space until the authorities exert as much trouble for a cent, in getting them located, as would in many avocations suffice to early the daily bread of a family. Of these 20 to 40 come to the Pittsburg postoffice daily, and they do not eqnal in number the packages and papers that also go wrong for want of proper direction. If all efforts fail for two weeks to find the persons addressed, letters, postal cards and foreign papers are sent to the dead letter office. LOTS OF TROUBLE ABOUT IT. "When a letter, postal card, paper or package is received and is not addressed to street or number, and has run the gauntlet of the general delivery, and the name cannot be found in the city directory, the 100 carriers or more are required to inspect, and if they cannot locate the owner, it is thrown into the "nixie" boxes, and at the expiration of the fixed time, if not called lor after advertising, sent to the dead letter office at Washington, unless the card of the sender is on the letter or package. In that case an elaborate card is sent to him and he is asked for particulars. Prom this may be ren the. advantage to be derived even by private individuals from having their ad dress printed on cards and envelopes. Only about one-third of these misdirected missives are really sent to this city, as there are not only a considerable nnmber of Pitts burgs in the United States, but almost any thing directed to a town the first syllable of which is the same is liable in the hurry of making up mails to be sent to this place. But writers are so absent-minded that they are liable if wishing to direct to Skowhegan to write it Pittsburg or almost anything else they may have in their minds at the time. But few people can write and carry on a conversation at the same time, and that is evidently what many people attempt to do in business. They are very apt, if anyone speaks of a town when they are writing, to write the name of that town. The carriers inspect the "nixie" boxes daily and directories of the chief cities are kept on hand and frequently' the man's name, where his business is given, can be located in some of those cities. Not withstanding all research and the utmost vigilance, about 550 letters go each week from this city to the Dead Letter Office. SMABT JUST'S EREOES. Another feature that controverts the idea that trained business men are not liable to make mistakes, is that the great bulk of these mistakes are make by business men, andiy the supposed sharpest of all business men those of New Tork City. Buckle sars statistics prove that a certain propor tion of people put letters into the mail with out direction each year, and that the proportion never varies materially. It might be that if the statistician would assort his.workhe would find the bulk of the "nixies" to come from business men. A countryman who only writes once or twice a quarter may occasion a smile by bis direc tions, but h'e is almost certain to get them all on in some shape or other. Por instance, the writer once saw & letter directed "State of Pennsylvania, Cambria county, Johns town City, United States of 2forth America, Mary Sickenbarger." Mary got her letter on time. It is quite frequently the case that when a letter tails to reach its destination the office is blamed, but inspection shows that in a large majority of instances tbe sender is to blame. An mstitntion that has been in existence since established by the Bo mans for state use and has flourished more or less in Europe for more than six centuries since the Hanseatic League put it in mo tion, marvels in the matter of redncing cost of transmission from 25 cents to 1 cent, but has reached a high state of perfection and is the one Socialists never fail to cite when arguing for communism. riTTSBUEG'S LITTLE DOUBLES. It is barely possible that Pittsburg sui Jens more from misdirection in this respect than any other city in the country, as there are 13 postoffices of that name in the United States,, and in looking over the list by inquiry or trace cards, it would seem that Coraopolis is about the only place in the United States that hasn't been absent-mindedly substituted at. some time or other for this city. That name ' doesn't seem to have gotten into the way yet. There are Pittsburgs in Darke county, Ohio: Hendricks county, Iowa; one in Mississippi, one in North Carolina, in Gunnison county, Col orado; Peninah, Dakota; Carroll" county, Indiana; Van Buren county.Iowa; Crawford county, .Kansas; Laurel county, Ky.; one in Michigan, one in Missouri, one in Nevada, one in Coos county. New Hamp shire, Pittsburg Courthouse in Texas, and Pittsburg Landing in Tennessee. Then there are two Pitts, Pitts-Cross-roads, nine Pittsfields, three Pittsfords, four Pitte towns, and so on almost ad infinitum. Among the large accumulation of misdi rects on hand it was found that the National C. & M. Co. of New Tork was hunting the Plumb Hardware Company of Pittsburg, and when told it wasn't here recollected that it was in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Geis & Co.-thought the Newton Coal Com pany was in Pittsburg, but finally found it in Pittston, Pa. Sheppard. Knapp & Co., of New York, want C. A Perry, but he can't be found here, and the firm says if he isn't here it doesn't know where to look for him. STBAYED OE STOLES', SUBELT. John A. McClusky and "Wesley S. Allen seem to be lost also, even the fa mous seven cities of Greece relusing to claim them. The Kankakee Paper Com pany wants to talk to the Fitch Paper Com pany, and is hunting for it in Pittsburg in stead of Chicago, where it is. Instead of looking for Charles Leonard in Petersburg, Va., and C. Davis at the Gibson House, Cincinnati, they were sought bv mail in Pittsburg, hough the writers confessed, on second thought, they knew the men ad dressed lived in those .places. Ida Grove was probably thinking of something else when she addressed a letter to John C. Tal bot, Pittsburg, Pa! He would have gotten it much sooner had it been addressed to Vooster, O. The list might be extended indefinitely. It will be seen that the more or less popu lar impression that postal clerks in a large office have a snap and have little else to do than read love missives on postal cards, must go along with man v other comforting delusions of the past. This may be a pleas ant pastime for the lass who presides over a village postoffice, but the clerks in a citv office haven't time to knock a fly out and the bald-headed ones wear skull caps in fly time. THE GODFREY INQUEST. The Coroner' Hearing In the Harder Case Was Becnn Yesterdny. At the Coroner's hearing yesterday in the case of James Godfrey, who died at the Mercy Hospital Tuesday night, the first witness called as to the homicide was Mrs. Annie King, who was supposed to be the indirect cause of Godfrey's death. She tes tified that Connellv. who did the cutting, came to her house the night of the quarrel about 730 o'clock. Godfrey came in about 1130 and got into a dispute about religion. The discussion became very animated, and the men began to scuffle. About 15 minutes afterward Godfrey said to her: "Annie, I believe I am cut." She saw blood on his shirt and ran to the window, screaming for She found the door had been locKed, evi dently bv Connelly, who had made his es cape by "a window to the roof. Both men were under the influence of liquor, and in the hospital Godfrey told her that Connelly stabbed him. The inquest will be continued this morning. A Boon for Suffering; Woman. If there are times in life that ttry men's souls, there are also times that try women's souls. As woman's organization in general is more delicate than man's, so she has spe cial functions of a far more delicate charac ter, which render her much more liableto derangement and disease) and which require much more skillful and careful treatment. No class of diseases tests a physician's skill or a medicine's efficacy more severely than female diseases. No medicine has ever proved itself more successtul in the cure of such diseases than Pe-ru-na. Inthat most trying of periods, which every middle-aged woman must pass through, Pe-ru-na has proved a true boon fo the sex. "I had been a great sufferer for three vears," writes Mrs. S. Smith, of Hillsville, Pa. "I had given up all hope, when I commenced taking Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. Now I am as well as ever in my life." Begulate the bowels with Man-a-lin. For sale by all druggists. TTSUWk Etolle de Bonlanger tho New Black Silk Also new black surah silks new striped and brocade royale black silks new black India silks; new cantra crepes and an im mense collection of fine black gros grain silks 51 to S4 a yard. JOS. HOBJsE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. An Eye Opener Before breakfast is an excellent appetizer. Enables you to pursue your daily avocation with more energy, yet less fatigue, and to overcome obstacles otherwise insurmounta ble. To obtain the desired results, however, it is all-important that you use only the old reliable Klein's Silver Age. Nothing equal to it for absolute purity. As a medicinal adjunct it stands without a rival. Indorsed by physicians, used in leading hospitals and increasing in popularity every day. Has achieved a national reputation and can be had in first-class hotels, restaurants and drug stores. Generally sells at $1 50 stand ard quart. Headquarters, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, Max Klein, sole proprietor. Have Ton Seen Oar millinery Display? 100 pattern bonnets and hats on exhibi tion in our new showroom. JOS. HOBXE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Teeth Extracted. The Bonell freezing process for benumbing the gums previous to extracting teeth is ab solutely safe. The danger of ether and other anaesthetics is so well known that the Bonell process must at once command the support of all intelligent people. The only apparatus of the kind in the city is at Dr. F. H. Smith's Dental Offices, 504 Penn ave. Office hours, 9 a. is. to 5 p. m. Silk Blouse Waist From Pari. Some very new styles just "received in the cloak room to-day upstairs. Jos. Hokke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Carpet. Iraco Cnrtnlns. New styles and colors in moquette, wilton, velvet, body brussels, tapestry, ingrain and low-priced carpets. The Chelsea carpet at 12c per yard, sold usually at 20c; but a few pieces left. Our lace curtains at fl a pair are worth examining, as they will com pare with 1 50 quality sold elsewhere. Geokge "W. Snamav, Thssu 136 Federal street, Allegheny. A Fact The Largest Assortment of India Silks, Is right here. Come andsee whether we have 200 or 500 pieces to show you, or more perhaps. The largest stock we ever had, 45c to 54 a yard. " Jos. Hobite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Everybody goes to the Elite Gallery, 516 Market street. Finest photographs and lowest prices. Bring the little ones. Wall Paper. Newest designs and colorings in everv grade of goods at the new store of Crumrine, Bane & Bassett, 416 Wood street. Thomas Palmer's old stand. B. &B. Complete assortment Brooks' Celebrated Spool Cotton on sale to-day. Boggs & Buhl. Bar Cable Dye Fast Black Stocking, And you will get the best to wash and wear. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Everybody goes to the Elite Gallery, 516 Market street. Finest photographs and lowest prices. Bring the little ones. PrsrK, bine and ecru ribbed vests, 20 and 25c, worth-double, at Bosenbanm & Co.'s. Ths B. &B. Novelties in high-class silks, direct from Paris the latest. Boggs & Buhl. Everybody goes to the Elite Gallery, 516 Market street. Finest photographs and lowestprices. Bring the little ones. The People's Store. Grand re-opening Thursday, March 21, 1889. d PINK, blue and ecru ribbed vests, 20 and 25c, worth double, at Bosenbanm & Co.'s. Ths ELECTIONS. PlTTSBUBG, ClNCINKATI AKD ST. LOUTS I Railway Co.. Pittsburg, March 5.1S89. ELECTION THE ANNUAL- MEETING of the stockholders of the Pittsburg. Cin cinnati and St. Louis Railway Company will be beld at tbe principal office of tbe company, in the city of Columbus, O., on TUESDAY, March 19, 18S9, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the pur pose of receiving tbe annual report for 18S8. the election of 13 directors to serve for the ensuing vear and tbe transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The transfer books will be closed on Saturday. March 9, and reopened on Friday, March 22, 1SS9. S. B. LIGGETT, Secretary. mh5-S3-D Oakland Square. 'For Sale (99)-ttf,500-,,Oaldand Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, balance $500 per annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, batb, laundry, inside shut ters, stationary tubs, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear porches, eta, large lot facing a beautiful pub lic sqnare, around which a street has been laid out, sewered, and is being paved with asphal tum; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl3-4S-D O-lHjjJIay advertisements one dollar per (guars for one insertion. Classified, advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, lor Bale, To Let, etc., ten cents per Hue for each inser tion, and none taken for leu than fifty cent. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tub Uls-r-ATCU. rrrrsBUKG. THOMAS McCAFKKKY, S5o9 Butler street. EMIL ti. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. bTUCKEY&CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST BSD. J. W. WALLACE, 61H Penn avenne. OAKLAND. McALLlSTEK ASHEU$LER,Sthav. iAtwoodst. EOCTIIBIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. I Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street.' ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 9 Federal street. H. J. McBRIUE. Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS&SON, Ohl , and Chestnut st. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aTes. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Stole IIcId. -TTJANTEO-A GOOD, RELIABLE YOUNG W man for porter. RED LION HOTEL. mhl4-57 WANTEI1-A GOOD TAILOR. APPLY TO rJAMES MOLINALR, No. 7 Tunnel St. mhl2-38 TTTANTErj COMPETENT DRUG CLERK: V German preferred. Address OPIUM, Dis patch office. mhU-3 TJANTED CABINET-MAKERS APPLY W at once to FRANK J. GUSKERT. Nos. S and 70 Seventh ave., city. mhl3-37 -TTTANTED-A BOY ABOUT15YEARS OF AGE VV to learn the wholesale millinery business. Address OCTO, Dispatch office. In own hand writing. mbl4-M WANTED-ACOLLECTORFOR A COUNTRY route; plre, age; cash security required; permanent situation. Address R. W. P., Dis patch office. m hi 4-71 -TT7-ANTKD-MEN OF GOOD CHARACTER. TO YV sell our new household necessities and novelties on weekly payments. G ATELY & CO., 10 and i: fclith st. rahl2-69 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 17 OR 18 years of age for general work in a grocery; German preferred. Call at HENRY DAUB'S, 710 SmlthSeld st. inbl4-51 WANTED-ATONCE-2 OR 3 LIVE MEN AT Si to S10 per day: i new patented article that sells like wildfire. Call on R. TYLER, JR., office or Gately & Co., 10 and '12 Sixth, between 8 and 9 A. II. mhl3-62 VTTA-NTED-A MAN OF TEMPERATE HAB V ITS located outside of Pittsburg, to repre sent an old house in his section: salary to begin, 70 ner month: references. GEN. MANAGER, Lock box 1610, N. Y. oc7-43-Th TTANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING YV powder and pure sptces: gifts with goods'; coke workers, miners or mlllmen can makemonev in their spare time. YAMASH1RO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja2S-S8-TTS TTANTED-t(99)-REAL ESTATE SALESMAN; YV must be experienced, capable and reliable; none but written applications received. Address, giving reference, experience, etc, SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl4-45 T7ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN Y V to sell baking powder and grocery special ties on commission, Pittsburg and vicinity; good opportunity lor an expenencea man. jvaaress. riviog expeneuce auu rciercace, iiuijit snj. oso, Cli .ncinnau, u. muiu-io-TTbu WAN TED-AGENTS ACTIVE CANVASS ERS to sell on commission, in Pittsburg and surrounding towns, La-Va-Tor, a laundry ar ticle readily sold, with good jiroflts: wagon fur nished for delivery. H. HOLTZMAN & hONS. 35 Sixth St.. Pittsburg. mhl4-33 WAN TED-AGENTS ON SALARY: S75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salarr nald nromntlv and exner s In ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean tut what we say. Address STANDARD SILVf X.Ht. VARECO., Boston. Mass. fels-3-D Female Hcln. -TTTANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL YY housework: to one who suits good wages. Call at No. 197 FOURTH AVE., Pittsburg, . mhl3-30 WANTED-OIRL; GOOD AT FREE-HAND drawinpwno also understands painting on silk. H. HOLTZMAN Si SONS, 111 Market St., city. mhl4-73 WANTED-LADY AGENTS. TWO NEW Inventions for ladles' spring, summer wear. Outsell everything. Pav 100 monthly. These, with our hustle-skirts, rubber goods, hose supporters, etc.. make best business known. Ad dress with stamp. E. H. CAMPBELL A CO.. 4S4 Randolph St.. Chicago. mhlO-112-TTSu WA.NTED-AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER for High School class: nonebut experienced teachers in this department need apply: personal applications required: board will meet on the 18th to consider applications, the elected teacher to take charge of room April 1. Leave papers with SAMUEL HARPER, M Wabash avenue. Thirty sixth ward, becretary, Tbaddeus Stevens School Board. mhl4-52 Ololo and Female Heln. WA.N TED-IMMEDIATELY 8 FARM hands, restaurant cook and dishwasher, chambermaid and waitress lor private family, SO cooks. 200 house girls, 30 for hotels, 3 col. girls. MELHAN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 545 Grant st. mh!4-D Situations. -TTTANTED A DRAUGHTSSIAN WISHES YV work on drawings, tracings, etc., me chanical or architectural. Address DEL, Dis patch office. mhl4-93 TTJANTED-BITUATION BY EXPERIENCED T T sicnograpuer auu typewriter, excellent reference; understands Dooakeeping. -Y. I. z mhl4-23 Dispatch office. WANTED-SITUATION AS GARDENER OR florist; understands greenhouseandnursery; best relerences. Address G. E., 3a0)j Madison aTe., Allegheny. mhl3-35 -rVTANTED-POSrriON ON PRIVATE PLACE Y V by married gardener, without children: has 16 yearn experience and Is thoroughly capable in all branches of gardening. Address for two days orcallat40I3BUlLERbT., rear of A. Kurr. mhU-59-TT Partners. -rrjANTED-PARTNER TO ENGAGE WITH YV me In the manufacture and sale ot an ex cellent article of house adornment: patent ap plied for: article has been In buccessful use lor one year: reasonable capital reqnlred; commu nicate at once; no agents. Address INVEST MENT, Dispatch office. mhl3-29 ANTED -A GOOD RELIABLE MAN TO IN- VESTS10,0001nasare and profitable manu facturing bnslness In Minneapolis; business es tablished: machinery, etc., all new; the party in cstlng to have charge of the office and financial part of the business; the money desired Is to In crease the business. Address K. C, Dispatch office. mh9-81-TTS Boarders and Lodgers WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR PARLORS and bedroom In best location, facing park. 23.MONTGOMERY AVE., Allegheny. m.I.,4 El mh!4-64 WANTED-BOARDERS IN THE EAST END Plcasant rooms with large grounds; plenty of shade: ten minutes' walk from station. Ad dress E. N. D., Dispatch office. mhl4-12 WAN1.ED-BOABDEKS-CRAF.rON, P., C. & ST. L. E. It., with private family, two gen tlemen for nicely furnished room; boarding, with Brlvilege of bath. Please address PAN HANDLE, dspatch offlce! mhl3-C0 Booms, Bouses, Etc. -VTTANTED-MODERN HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS VV in East End, convenient to steam or cable 'cars. Address, stating rent and description of property, to TENANT. Dispatch office. mhl3-3S -TTTANTED TWO NICELY FURNISHED YV connecting rooms and board for two adults and three children: private family preferred; state location and terms. Address IMMEDIATE, Dispatch office. mh 14-54 TJITANTED-TO KENT BY APRIL OR MAY I, Y V by a good tenant, a furnlsbed house 8 to 10 rooms, with lale improvements either In East End or Allegheny. Apply to W. A. HERRON & bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhlZ-98-TTS WANTED-HOUSE 4TO6R00MS: MUST BE in good order: rent not to exceed (30; not over ten minutes' walk from .postoffice; anytime on or before May 1, 1839. Address J. E. 1).. Dis patch office. mhl4-24 Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN t200,000 ON MORT GAGES; S100 and upward at 6 per cent; ?5O0,O00at 4)4 per cent on residences or business property: also in adjoining counties. , S. H. FREN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc3l-e84-D WANTED MOKTGAGES-Sl, 000, C00TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned oat of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-fu -TTTANTED-MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST VY1 mortgage on flrst-class city property in the thriving city of East Liverpool, O.: 6 and 7 ner cent interest; no tax: reference city banks. Ad dress REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY, East Liverpool, O. mhl2-73-TTS WANTED-TO MAKE LOANS ON REAL estate: a private capitalist is prepared to loan (100,000 on city or county property. 11,000 to 110, 000 amounts; attorneys and examiners' charges moderate: money ready; replies must be accom panied with description and value of property to .secure attention; names will be kept private. Ad OressB. B., box 126, Pittsburg, Pa. mh.4-65 J Financial. "tTTANTED-MOBTG AGES-MONEY TO LOAN VV In snmi to suit. EW1NG & BYERS, 107 Federal street. mhl2-l3-12. 14.16, 17, 20 -VTTANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- W LY settlement with Itemized statement, BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K, G and 6 per cent. GRAEUING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apS-ePD TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED FROMPT- YV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-8l WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over S4.000; 4i per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 2 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -TTT ANTED MORTGAGES IN ANY Y V amounts: 4M to 6 per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 fourin avenue. jau-M-jiiuD WJ ANTED-TO LOAN (500,000. IN AMOUNTS vv ot d,iAiauu upwara, on city ana Buuurui.ii property, on 4)percent. freeof tax: also smaller amounts at Sand 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-dJi-D, Miscellaneous. WANTED - COUNTER AND BHELVING suitable for a cigar store. CIGARS. Dls patcVpfflce. mhl4-H WANTED-A BIG SECOND-HAND BASS violin; leave prices. Address C. O., Dis patch office. mhl4-9 WANTED-A MAGIC LANTERN: LATEST Improvements; cheap. Address S. F., Dis patch ofllce. mh!4-25 -TTJANTE1,-snGAR BINS AND COUNTERS YV suitable for a grocery, and drawers. Ad dress A. M. D,, Dispatch office. mhl4-10 WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT. LARGE OR small, in both cities: great pains taken to secure good tenants. Established 1863. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue, mhl-40-rrs WANTED AUCTION SALES OF REAL estate, merchandise at stores and house hold' goods at residences, by-SMITHSON MOORE, General Auctioneers, ofllce, room 53, Eisner building, corner Fifth avenue and Wood, street. mhlo-155 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at f 1 50 per doie'n; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. ' mhl3-Q3 WANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S PRACTICAL BUS1NKSS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE; a good handwriting taught In a few easy lessons; private Instructions for both sexes: college open dally from 9 A. M, to 9 P.M., 13 Sixth street, Pittsburg. mhl2-30-TTSSu WANTED-HOUSE3 AND LOTS TO SELL. Having an extensive icquaintance in the two cities and suburbs, and having large Inquiries for properties ranging in prices from Jl, 000 to fi 500 especially, if you will place your property in my hands I will make special efforts to place It for you as promptly as possible, and at the best obtalnab'e prices. JOHN H. McCREERY, 95 Firth avenue. . . mh9-43-TT8 FOR. SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. F IOR SALE A NUMBER OF DWELLING houses from 4 to o rooms, in tbe unDer part or the city. C BERIN GER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mhl4-43-ThS FOR SALE-TWO BRICK HOUSES OF 5 AND 1 rooms on Colwell street, with lot 36x100 ft., for HOOO: very cheap. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh9-67-TTS FOR SALE-A HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. WIDE hall, and two lots, on Devllller st., at S3, 300; will pay 9 per cent Interest on the Investment. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh9-67-TTS FOR SALE-A NICE DWELLING HOUSE OF 10 rooms with all modern improvements and Sood lot: No. 411 Wylle ave.: price. Si, 000. c ERIN GER & bON, 103 Fourth ave. mh9-7-TTS FOR SALE BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL LEGE, new brick house 8 -rooms, ball, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house, all late improvements; lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. mhlo-K-rrssu FOR SALE-(991-MA1N ST., THIRTY-SIXTH ward: 2-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms an(l fin ished attic, large double parlors, porches, fine lot 120x124, covered with fruit and shrubbery; a de lightful home: terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl2-62-TTS FOR SALE-H.750 FOR A GOOD PRESSED brick dwelling of 7 rooms: finished attic bath, range, slate mantels, papered and grained through out; furnace, slate roof, etc. Ibis desirable city home is on one of the best streets in the Eleventh ward, and will be sold on easy terms. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mhl2-8 East End Itestoences. FOR SALE 81,600 -PAYMENTS SAME AS rent: news-room frame dwelling In Oak land. BALTENSPEHGER & WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. mhI2-S4 FOR SALE-TWO DWELLING HOUSES OF 9 and 6 rooms each on Bond St.. East End: all conveniences; good sized lot. C. BERINGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh9-67-TTS FOR SALE-FOR 17,000, ON EASY PAY MENTS II desired; complete East End dwelling lust finished, 9 rooms: thoroughly convenienced; lot 40x121 feet; location first-class; near Roup sta tion and Fifth avenue cable line. Full particulars, from W. A.HERROIT& SONS, 80 Fourth avenue.. mhl3-78-WIhS' FOR SALE-J6T500-SMALL CASH PAYMENT down, balance like rent, on paved and sew ered avenue, new two-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 large rooms, hall, bath, inside shutters andV. c, range, nat. gas, etc. slate mantels, tile hearths, front and rear porehes, shade trees, etc.; near two cable lines and P. R. R. ; a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl4-S5 FOR SALE-QUEEN ANNE FRAME DWELL ING, close to P. R. R on asnhalt paved street: 10 rooms, reception hall, bay window in dining room, hard-wood staircase, stained glass windows, china closet, range, bath, inside w. c , laundry with stationary tubs, slate mantels, fur nace, natural gas, complete sewerage, flagstone sidewalks, large lot SOxlOO feet: terms, 11,000 cash: balance to suit buyer. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. mh7-51-D Allegheny Residences. P IOR SALE GOOD INVESTMENT: 2 NEW 8 room frame houses in Allegheny, that rent for S334 per year: price onlv S3, 000. BALTEN SPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourthavenne. mhl2-S5-TTS FOBSALE-tJ, 500 BUYS NEW 5-ROOM FRAME house in Second ward, Allegheny; hall, vesti bule, side entrance, gas, water, etc. : lot 20x150; possession April 1. BALTENSPERGER & WILL IAMS, 154 Fourth avenue. mhl2-85-TTs TTIOR SALE TWO OF THE MOST ATTRACT P 1VE properties in Allegheny; houses perfect In every detail: locality only second to tbe Parks: terms easy: it Is rarelv such homes are attaina ble atreasonable prices. JOHN H. MCCREERY,' to f mn avenue. mni-M-TTB FORSALE-1N ALLEGHENY 8 HOUSES, 2 to 3 rooms. In good localities and near street cars; a small cash payment and balance monthly or quarterly; why pay half your Income for rents when you can about as easily own your house; the follv of this Is becoming apparent to everybody. JOHN H. MCCREERY, 9o Fifth avenue. mh9-43-TTS FOR SALE THAT EXCELLENT BRICK dwelling, with good lot. No. 105 Liberty street, Allegheny; 9 rooms In dwelling, with bath, w. c, natural gas..eic, etc. : to be sold at public sale on Thursday afternoon. March 14. at 2 o'clock, on the premises the owner is a non-resident and will sell at a sacrifice: terms made known at sale: title per fect. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourthavenne, Pittsburg. mh8-97-MWTbFS Suburban Residences. F OR SALE A LARGE RESIDENCE OF 14 rooms and fine grounds, at Emsworth. havlngef an modern improvements, ana one or ine very best locations for an elegant home. C. BER IN GUR & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mhl4-43-ThS FOR SALE-A SPLENDID HOUSE IN WIL K1NSBURG of 10 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, natural gas. two halls; this Is a corner property In good location only 3 minutes' walk iroin station; price 4,000. BLACK-& BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mhl2-7 FOR SALE-5500 CASH AND BALANCE SAME as lent, at West Bellcvue, Pa.; possession at once; new frame house, 6 rooms, haiL front and side verandas, both gases and water: lot 37jxl00; big bargain to quick purchaser.- EW1NG & RY ERS, 107 Federal st. mhl2-ll-TTS FOR SALE-OR TO LET AT WEST BELLE VUE, Pa., new frame house of 7 rooms, hall and attic, both gases and water, grained and var nished throughout, slate roof, slate mantels, etc.: front and rear porches; lot 36x120; terms to suit; possession AprU 1. EWING&BYERS, 107 Fed eral St. mW2-10-TT FIR SALE OR TO LET ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny county: the house is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. al0-9 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lois FOR SALE BLUFF BT., NEAR COLLEGE, lot 23 ft. 9 in. by 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff st. mblO-28-TTSSU Enat End Lots. FOR SALE-THREE FINE LOTS ON WARD St.. Oakland, also several on Filth ave. at very 1 ow prices. C. BERINGER & bON,103 Fourth ave. mh9-67-TTS WRSALE-3 MINUTES FROM CABLE CARS on Oakland avenue (wmcti is paved), oak- land: choice location: lots 50x150 leet. w. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue-. mh7-40-TTS FOR SALE-THE BEST LOTS AT THE MONEY in Oakland fronting Forbes st, and Fifth ave.. opposite the school bouse, only 1100 per foot front. VT. A. HERRON A SONS, so Fourth ave nue. mb7-40-TTS FOR SALE THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near HUand; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees; price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. Jal9-12-TTS TTIOB SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS BTA Jj TION. P. R. B.. convenient, to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from (409 to (600. Inquire ofD. c. NEGLEY, 6lOS Penn ave., East End. no28-y78 WASTED. FOR SALE LOTS. Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE-TWO GOOD LOTS AT PLEASANT VALLF.Y, Allegheny, near car stables: very cheap. C. BERIN GER & SON, 103 Fourth aye. ' mh9-67-TTB FOR SALE-LOTS OV MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in tho Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPHMCN AUG HER, 43 L Diamond st. mh7-98-D FOR SALE A FEW OF THOSE FINE BUILD ING lots; cheap If -sold at once: located 'on Nunnery Hill: very easily reached from the center or Allegheny by Federal st. Incline: price as low as $400: easy terms. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue, mh7-43-7,9, 12,14, 16. 20, 22,27 29 Suburban Lots. FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP VACANT LOT. 25x120 feet, at Chartlers. C BERINGER & SON. 1C3 Fourth ave. mli9-67-TT8 Farms. FOBSALE-OREXCHANGE-FORIMFROVED property: Kansas land: well watered and de sirably located. Call on or address W. A. HER RON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-H-Ths FOR 8ALE-43 ACRES LAND WITH GOOD house and barn and other Improvements, one mile from Fair Oaks, on Ft. MayneR. R., 15 miles from Pittsburg. Inquire of GEORGE W. CREESE, No.283Lacockst., Allegheny. mhl4-28 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-RESIDENCES-IN PITTSBURG, Allegheny and suburbs; send tor printed list. 1. M. PENNOCK & SONS, 105 Fourth ave. mh9-69-TTS TTIOR SALE LOTS PITTSBURG. ALLE 1? GHENY and suburbs: send for printed Hit. 1. M. PENNOCK 4 SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. mh9-69-TTS FOR SALE-80 ACRES JOINING CITY LIMITS, Toot or Boggs and Southern ave.. Thirty second ward: here is a chance; finest investment in the city: look after this at once: coal underly ing; lloggsave. pavedncarly to land. OftAEBING & LYON. 135 Fourth ave. mhl2-76-rrrsu FOR SALE WEST VIRGINIA COAL AND timber land. (1.) One tract (13,000 seres), one boundary, situate 0,000 acres In Logan co.and 7, 000 acres In McDowell co , heavily timbered and wellwatered. (2.) One tract (5,o00acres).sltuate In McDowell co., near Pcerysvllle, heavily tim bered and crossed by Little state creek; recent coal openings adjoining make this tract valuable; tills entire tract is offered at a bargain. For par ticulars address M. CROOKSTON, Agent. Ir win, Westmoreland CO., Pa. mhl2-31-TTS FOR SALE-AT 58,300, ON VERY REASON ABLE terms. ' At Oakland, on Coltart square, which is one block from Fifth ave.; street improvements made, sidewalks curbed and paved, with complete sewer age. New brick house, late style, 9 rooms, well fin ished, hard wood cabinet mantels, tastefully papered besides: laundry, bath, large closets, with all the most approved conveniences. For full In formation see W. A. HERRON & SON S, 80 Fourth ave. mhl2-9S-TT8 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-CASH GROCERY STORE: FINEST location in Lawrencevllle: sales $35,000 to S40.000 yearly: good reasons for selling. Ad dress H. M., Dispatch office. mbl4-10 FOR SALE-A BARGAIN: ONE OF THE best restaurants in town; S. 31. SHANER'S, 42 Diamond Market, l'lttshurg; doing big busi ness and good reasons for wanting to sell. mbl4-53 TTIOR SALE OLD-ESTABLISHED SALOON A! business, with bar fixtures and stock: doing good trade. For particulars address HARRY HANCOCK, 143 Washington St., East Liverpool, uuio. inni?-w FOR SALE-DRYGOODS AND NOTION store In good business location: stock will run about STOO; dwelling of 6 rooms connected: rent low. BALTENSPERGER & W1LLIAWS, 154 Fourth ave. mhl2r84 FOB SALE-DRYGOODS AND NOTION store: great bargain to good party who will buy Immediately, or will take real estate In ex change; send for farm and exchange list. N.F. HURST, Rochester, Pa. mhV40-TTS FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-A TWO-STORY store and dwelling, 9 rooms, good cellar, out buildings and lot. in Youngstowu, Westmoreland county.Pa.. at BOO, in payments. DR.MERSHON, jow renD ave., niisourg. mhl2-5S-OD FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND RES TAURANT, also large poolroom attached. In Baltimore citv; fine business: good reason given for selling. Apply to S. BARTH & CO., No. 212 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. mbll-16-D FOR SALE-EOO-UNUSUAL BUSINESS OP PORTUNITY: right party with over 8200 can make&OOO to (5.000 annually managing branch office; call. Investigate: full particulars 12c postage. DUNLAP ELECTRICCO., Knoxvllle. Iowa. mhl2-28TTS FOR SALE-THE PLANT KNOWN AS 1HE Bucyrus Journal, in Its 37th year: connected with the office is the Dally Telegraph, tbe only dally In Crawford county, and both offices doing a fine bnslness; price, 8,000; terms easy. JOHN HOPLEY, Bucyrus, Ohio. v mhlO-110-TTSSn F OR SALE-NEAT CIGAR STORE: GOOD paving small drvgoods andnotlon store. either would suit ladv: stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding houses, hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works.etc.tl00 bnslness chances. SHEPARD CO.. 84 Fifth ave. mh8 FOR SALE AN EXTENSIVE RETAIL DRY GOODS business on tbe best thoroughfare in Allegheny; stock all new and well-selected from the best markets: this Is a very fine opening. Particulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl4-30 Bnslness Stands. FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY BUSINESS PROP EltTV; see auction sale column. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mhl24-MTuWTh FOR SALE-A THREE-STORY BRICK BUILD ING, stable, etc., on Southslde; occupied the last 25 years as a grocery, doing a.good grocery business: good reasons for selling. G. J. BLEICH NER, 2203 Carson st. mbl4-l FOR SALE-WE HAVE IN OUR HANDS FUR sale that elegant business location on Sixth avenue, between the Duquesne Club and Steven son Building, haying a front on Sixth avenue of 80 feet and extending back to Strawberry alley 240 feet; wo ask an examination of this property, when It will be fonnd for location and great space of ground rar ahead of any other business prop erty for sale in Plttsourg. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. 92 Fourth avenue. mh!4-48 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, fcc FOR SALE FINE YOUNG MARE. 5 YEARS old, soundand shows considerable speed: can be purchased cheap; owner has no use lor horse; can be seen at stable of W. H. WOOD, 3603 Fifth avenue. mhl2-29 FOR SALE-ROAD OR TRACK HORSE THAT ' can trot In 2:40 or better: fine large stylish brown horse, 16 bands high. 5 years old. sound and gentle; fine gait and good action; will work any place. Address BOX 342, Washington, Pa. mhl2-72 machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine, 1 smill dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE& MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thlrt) -seconds!. JClb-JDJ-TUB T7I0R SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND C machinery; engines from 4-horse powerup, boilers, pumps, etc.: call or write for prices. FAHEY A PFAELEB, Faber and Washington sts near Union depot. ap24-v35Jj-rrs miscellaneous. FOR SALE-TWO NEW CARPETS, BODY Brussels, 40 yards carpets, 26 yards border; will be sold at a discount ot 20 per cent: neither carpet has ever been used. Inquire 197 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. mh!3-2ll FOR SALE-WHY NOT BE YOUR OWN landlord? Commence now by buying a 40 foot lot on a 60-foot street: Bank of Commerce addition plan; BruBhton station: no city taxes; now is the time to buy: secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 812 Smlthfieia st. mhlo-61-MTh FOR SALE-STEELTON, MD., BARE OP PORTUNITY for good Investment; tbe beau tiful steamer Olive, now plying between Baltimore and steelton, or Sparrow's Point, under an agreement for three (3) years, for passengers and freight, and doing finely; she carries 500 to 800 passengers. Being anxious to change my busi ness I will sell one-half Interest In the same If ad dressed at once, OLIVE, care the L. Jeff. MU buurne Advertising Agency, Baltimore, Md. mhlO-108 TO LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-188 BEDFORD AVENUE, 6 ROOMS and attic bath and range; $27 permo. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenne. mni2-97 TO LET-SUITABLE FOR 2 FAMILIES-VERY desirable new house. 8 rooms, late improve ments. No. 143 Bedford avenue. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. mhl2-97 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, HALL and bathroom: both gases: Webster avenue, y3 minutes' walk from proposed new Wylle ave. cable line. GEO. W. HACKETT, 334 Webster ave. or 1009 LIBERTY bT. . ' mhl4-2 TO LET A GOOD BRICK DWELLING with mansard roof, having 11 rooms, water on 3 floors, bathroom, laundry, etc.. with good lot and nice lawn In front, with fine shade trees, etc.; rent low; No. 411 Wylle ave. C. BERIN GER SON. 103 Fourth ave. mhl4-43-ihs East End Residence. TO LET-GOOD 6 AND 8 ROOM HOUSES, water, gas. etc in East End., I. M. PEN NOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. mh9-69-TTS TO LET-AT $30 PER MONTH-NEAT NEW house, 6 rooms and attic late Improvements; Aiken ave., near steam and cable cars. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mh!4-46 TO LET-NEW AND DESIRABLE HOUSE; beautifully located on Ellsworth avenue, near Roup st.. East End; 8 rooms; late Improvements. W. A. HERRON & SONd, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl2-97 TO LET-NORTH HILAND AVENUE, EAST END. elegant brick dwelling, 9 rooms and large attic- modern improvements, laundry; stable and Urge lot. W. D. KING.64 Fourth ave nue. , mhl4-2I TO LET OR FOR SALE A RESIDENCE OP 10 rooms, stabling, etc., and IH acres: abundance of fruit and shade; one of tbe most dellghtrul locations In E. E. M. P. HOWLEY, 6326 Station St., E. E., or 127 Fourth aye. mhl4-9 Unzelwood Residences. TO LET-AT HAZELWOOD-HOU8E3 OF 6 to9rooms, at 22 to ill 67 per mo.: location flrstTClass, near the station. TV. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhu-78-wrhs TO LET. Allegheny Residences. TOLET-NO. 193FULTONST.. ALLEGHENY, nlcc6-ronm brick house, water, gas, etc. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, No. 108 Fourth ave. . mh9-69-TTS TO LET-NEW BRICK HOUSE ON JACKSON St., Allegheny: has 8 rooms; all modern Im provements; rent M50. A. D. WILSON. 55 Fed- 1 -a " kit 4 lia erai m. w iuumviho TOLET-ON JACKSON STREET, NEWBRICK house 8 rooms, batb, range, hot and cold water, etc., etc.: rent S130. A. D. WILSON, to Federal st., Allegheny. mbl2-57-TT TO LET-IN FIRST-CLASS ORDER, TO ,A good tenant. No. 214 Lacock street, Alle gheny: 3 rooms: late Improvements. W. A. HER RON 3c SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. mhlS-78-WThS TO LET-HOUSE NO. 29 ESPLANADE ST.; 9 rooms; slate mantels; stationary wash stands: bath and laundry; both kinds of gas, etc. Apply WM. SWINDELL, 27 Esplanade st , Alle gheny. ' mhl3-23-WTFTU mo LET-IN ALLEGHENY-NEW BRICK I houses. Just completed, 9 rooms, latest im provements, on Locust St.; location flrst-class: rent only SI5 per mo. W.A.HEBRON &SONS, 80 Fourthavenne. mhl3-78-WThS TO LET-fXO FOR GOOD HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, Second ward, Allegheny; owner will board and room with tenant If desired and make allow ance on rent for same, bee W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth aye. mh!4-46 TO LET-GOOD BRICK DWELLING OF 8 rooms, wide hall, bathroom, w. c, etc.; natural and artificial gas: house sets back with nice lawn and shade tree: rentlow; No. 34Shef fleld St., Allegheny. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mbl4-43-Ths .Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT WILKINSBtJRG, ON BIDDLE St.; good location; a very desirable new house: 8 rooms; rent low. W.A. IlLRBON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl2-07 TO LET-AT BELLEVUE-A GOOD HOUSE ore rooms, ball, etc., with fine large lot: a pleasant location and rent low. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mhH-43-ThS TO LET-AT EMSWORTH, FT. W. B. R.-7-room house at20U, 9 rooms at f450, 1 4 rooms at S720: at Glenfleld. 5-room house at 8180. 6 rooms atfclG; all pleasant locations, and others along said R. K. C. BERIN GER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. mhl4-43-ThS TO LET-MY HOUSE, TH1BTEEN BOOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-DON'T RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy a new frame dwelling. 7 noms. large attic corner fireplaces with slate mantels and tile hearths; lot 40x137 feet; Grazier street, Brnshton station. Bank of Commerce addition; immediate possession. See JNO. F. BAXTER. Ag't.. 51Z Smlthfleld street. mhlO-a-TTSn Forms. TO LET-A FARM 10 MILES FROM ALLE GHENY City, one-halrmlle from R. R. sta tion. Inquire of SAMUEL WALLACE, 129 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. mhl4-28 ADnrtmenls. TO LET-A SUIT OF SECOND-STORY FRONT offices. No. 114 Fourth avenue opposite Oil Exchange W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl3-78-WThS TO LET ONE FLOOR OF FOUR NICE rooms: sultableforllghthousekeeplng: water. eras and hath. Apply to j. u. aiottitun. snoe store, 289 Ohio st., Allegheny. mhl4-49 TO LET I ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR. WITH natural gas and water, for dwelling or offices, 3 minutes' walk from the postoffice. Inquire ot W. H. DEVORE, S12 Grant st. mhl3-55 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS,' some four-room flats, two six and eight-room dwelling houses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mbl2-80 Offices, Desk Room, ifcc TO LET-A LARGE FRONT OFFICE OB desk room; best of light. PENN BUILDING. Sec Janitor. mhl4-20 TO LET-OFFICES IN THE STEVENSON Building, facing Sixth avenne. Inquire of GEO. K. STEVENSON St. CO., Sixth avenue. mhl3-20 TO LET-SIXTH AVE., NEAR SMITHF1ELD st., 3 large rooms, second floor, both gases andw. c, suitable ror offices or light housekeep ing. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St.- mhl3-69 TO LET-FRONT OFFICES AT S200PER YR., with elevator, heat and Janitor service, in the "Dallmeyer block." 96 Fourth avenue. W. A. HERRON St. SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. mhl-39-2.5,7,9,12.14.16,21.23 t TOLLT-CHEAP-OFFICES WELL LIGHTED and desirable. In that fine new building cor. of Federal and Isabella sts Allegheny. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mh7-40-TTS TO LET- IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld. I-lhertv and Seventh avenne. 'well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger ana mercnanuise eleva tors. Ja8-32-D T IO LET NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. Ihe Germania Savings Bank. 423 Wood St.. having changed the interior of Its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a flno location should apply at once at the BANK. . de21-7S-D Business Stands. T IO LET-STORE IN A GOOD LOCATION ON Smlthfleld St. U. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave- mh!4-39 TO LET-BUSINESS STAND; BEST LOCA TION In the city. Inquire at 619 SMITH HELD ST. rahl3-32 TO LET-TH REE-STORY BRICK STORE AND dwelling, 1329 Penn ave. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. mh9-69-TT8 rilO LET-FIRST FLOOR SHOPS ON FOURTH X. avenue, near Grant St.: rent low. W. A. HERRON Ss SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhI3-7S-WThS TO LET-MANUFACTURING SITE 130x168. with railroad siding, brick stable and frame house. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. mhl2- TO LET-STORE AND DWELLING: WILL rent the storeroom separate If desired: situ ate 1703 Penn ave. W. A. HERRON Sc SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mbl4-46 TO LET-WAREHOUSE. WOOD ST.-LARGE 4-story warehouse cor. First ave. and Wood st.; 30 -foot front; telephone 335. H. T. MORRIS, 106 Fourth ave. mh2-18-TTS TO LET-ATTARENTUM, PA.. FROM APRIL 1, fine brick store with cellar 22x75 feet. Ap ply to M. OPPENHEIMER, Nos. 713 Liberty St., and 712 Penn ave mh 12-46 TO LET-A STOREROOM WITH 3 LIVING rooms, in tbe heart of East Liberty, 3 doors from Penn. on Collins avenue: rent. 25 per month. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 fetation st., E. E. mhl3-88-ThS TO LET-ELEGANT STOREROOM WITH plate-glass front: fine opening for bakery and confectionery, China and glass or Jewelry busi ness: flrst-class retail location. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth a cnue. mh5-35-D TO LET-AT EAST LIVERPOOL, O , THE large and elegant double storeroom now oc cupied (until April 1) by A. W. Hutchlnronasa drygoods store two fronts: large plate-glass show windows; steam heat and the finest location In the city: splendid opening for a first-class dry- foods business. Call on or address W. L. HOMPSON, East Liverpool, O. mhl4-58 mo LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED JL rooms for general business purposes, with or without power, to rent in the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms' and for offices: light the best to be had in the city: electric lighting free: passen ger and rrelght elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Rents $300. gyx) and 81,000 per annum; situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all tbe public buildings and or the leading bnslness squares. Apply between 11 A. 3f. and 4 p. M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street. Special. TO LET-SMALL "HOUSES IN ALL PARTS or both cities. Call or send ror list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mll7-U-7,8,9,liI4,llt TO LET-EAST END HOUSES: QUITE A number: call or send for printed list free .W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 1 onrth avenue. mh7-41-7,8,9, 12,14, 16 TO LET-EAST END DWELLINGS. LARGE and small. Call or send tor printed list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-43-TTS TO LET HOUSES TO LET IN ALL PARTS ofAllegheny: call and see bulletin. EWING Si BYERS. 107 Feaersl street, mh 12-13-12, 14, 16, 17, 20 rpo LET-OUB "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO I FORE issued from our office Is now pub lished every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) In Ine Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhS-58-MTTP PERSONAL. PERSONA L-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one hook worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean lug your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON', tho Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St.. 6econd floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed; suits madeto order; spring stvleanow ready, 'telephone 1558. inns LOST. LOST-A SMALL LOCKET WITH PICTURE of lady and gentleman In it. The finder will r be rewarded by leaving It with J. 3. DENL1N GER, BHuaqnesnewui, uitjr. - rann-u j stoves and ranges while usine the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by nslng the Jiureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON", 3 Bast Diamond street, Je5-n57.TT3 Allegheny, Pa. A E. LINKENHEIMEB, ARCHITECT, 515 Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa, FreihelU Freond Building, second floor. te3Wl-D NOTICES. NOTICE TO BOSS BAKEBS,OF PITTS-. BURG, Allegheny and surrounding towns, that tha employment bureau of the National Bakers' Union No. 27,haa removed from Jeffer son Hall, Allegheny, to comer of Fifth avenue) and Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg. Entrance on Fifth aveuuo, opposite Kauf- manns'. fe25-MTh3 COMMITTEE. County CommisSionebs' office, j Pittsbubg. March 1L 1889. J. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: MONDAY, MAECH 25, Twenty-fifth ward, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners. B. E. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWlLLIAMa P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. mhl2-15 -VfOTICE Irj HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN XX application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on THURSDAY, March 21, J889, by Allen Marthens, Frank Wilcox, Edwin E. Little. Walter D. Uptegraff and Charles C. Wolfe, under tbe general corporation act of 1871, and its supplements, for tbe charter ot an intended corporation, to be called the Turtle Creek Valley "Electric Light Company, the purpose of which is to supply light, heat and power by means of electricity to tbe public at ana within tbe townships of North Ver sailles, Patton. Braddock and Wilkins, in tbe county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylva nia, and for these purposes to have, possess and enioy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said corporation art and its supplements. DALZELL, SCOTT & GORDON. fe2S-86Vrh Solicitors. AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HO USE EXTRA! Commencing Monday, March 18. Fare well joint appearance of MtC AND MRS, FLD R E NCE. MgSMDl?DTBl BBflfi HOLLAR. TUESDAY ) First time of their great snecess, AJND SAT. MAT. J WEDNESDAY! AND J HEART OF HEARTS. DOMBET HON. SAT. EVEGS,i Florence as Cap'n Cuttle. FRIDAY. ONLY TIME, j QDR GOVERNOR. Seats now on sale. Regular prices. mhH-72 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every Evening. Matinee Saturday Only. STUART ROBSON WM. H. CRANE And their Company, in Bronson Howard's THE HENRIETTA. Week March 18 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence. mhlO-11 -IASINO MUSEUM WEEK 'OF MARCH J 11 Heath & Derossett, champion drill artists: Smith & Carrot, sketch: T. J. Hefron, Ford Brothers, Kennedy & Mack, Ed McDon ald, George Calaban, Rosa, the bearded lady; Fiji Jim and Annie. Coming, March 18, Paul Boyton. mhS 61 BIJOU THEATER TO-DAY W. J. GILMOBE'S ' Twelve temptams." Next week Emma Abbott Opera Co. mhll H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and aaturuay. Harry Williams' Own Specialty Company. mhlO-12 "One of the Best." 1 RAND SKATING RACE AT UNION RINK, Corner Allegheny avenue and Beech street, Allegheny. THURSDAY. MARCH 14. mbl4-22 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF M. F. LUDWIG, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of M. F. Ludwig, deceased, late of tbe Seventh ward. City of Al legheny, have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. J. W. LUDWIG, 11 Federal street, Allegheny. feli-lOO-Th J. B. SWEITZER, 93 Diamond street. TESTATE OF J. B. SWE1TZER, DE Jtii CEASED Executrix's Notice Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of J. B. Sweitzer, late of Allegheny City, county of Allegheny, and State of Penn sylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay to MARY H. 8WEITZER, Execu trix. 81 Beech street. Allegheny. fe7-83-Th DIVIDENDS. Office of the Philadelphia Co., 1 No. 820 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, MSrch 13, 1889. -T-rVIDEND-FORTY-FIRST DIVIDEND U 1 he Board of Directors of this company has this day declared a dividend of ONE PER CENT out of the earnings, payable on tbe 15th inst., to tho stockholders of record. Transfer books will be closed from tha 15th to tbe 25th inst, both inclusive. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. JOHN CALDWELL, mhl4-31 Treasurer. EESORTS. Atlantic City. TDOTHERGILLHOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, P N. J. Located near beach. Perfect san itation. Steam heat. ELIZABETH HART LEY, Prop. fe25-12-TTSSu THE ROYAL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class: steam heat, sun galleries, etc. fe22-30 W. H. REYNOLDS. ON THE BEACH. Atlantic Cttt. N. J., HADDON HALL EDWIN LIPPINCOTT. fel&& ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages,lots and bath houses to let or tor sale by L G. ADAMS & CO., Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. f ell-6-D THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the houe. Elevator. felS65-D E. ROBERTS & SONa HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL First-class in every particular. Steamheat, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate fer the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools. Finest in America. Medicinal qualities tha same as Hot Springs, Arkansas. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House. N. Y.) Manager. leltSO-D TnORSALE LAEGE BUiUMG SITES, LINDEN AVE. NEAR PENN, EAST END. No lots sold less than 100 feet. Finest elevation and view in the East End yet convenient to P. R. R. and Fifth ave. and cable cars. ' ONLY $30 PER FRONT FOOT. First buyers will get choice of lots. BLACK& BAIRD, 95 FOURTH AVENUE. Call at office for plan. - mb3-H24-8-12-l9-22-25-27-29 DIAMOND STREET. EOR SALE (99) DIAMOND 8TREET, near Wood street, lot 17x80 feet; location suitable for retail store or broker's office; when the street is widened it will double the value of this lot; low price if sold this week. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. mhl4-4i EAST END. FOR 8ALE-(99)-S250. INPAYMENTS like rent, for a new two-story frame dwell ing, 6 large rooms and finished attic hall, laun dry, batb, range, hot and cold water, both gases, slate mantets, tile hearths, art grates, etc.: street Is sewered; excellent ueighborDood; large lot: five minutes walk from two cable lines or East Liberty station, P. R.R. SAM UEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. mhU-31 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE - T J" HORSES AND MULE3 H. W. LAWSSALE STABLES, Corner Liberty avenue andThixtieth street, FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1889, At 10 o'clock A. if. Tbe above sale will consist of tbe following articles: One hay carriage) team, IS hands high, with good manes and tails, fearless of nothing; 3 very fine saddle horses. 4 speedy trotting horses, one with a record of 226: 60 head of good driving and draught horses, a - jarge lot ot nrst-ciass pit muies;ust iromtna mines; 3 top buggies, 2 buck wagons, 3 seta double harness, 2 sets single harness. 1 road cart. All above articles will be sold to the high est bidder. Anybody in need of a cood road or draught horse shonld attend sale. No post- M ponement on account oi tae weainer. J. A. McKELVY, mbl0-S7-'WThFSU Auctioneer. UCTION SALE FINE UPRIGHT"" J piano, hall, room and stair carpets. lam :i piano, nail, room ana stair carpets, lam requms and curtains, fine furniture, bedding brequins and curtains, fine furniture, bedding, etc, FRIDAY MORNING, March 15, at B o'clock. No. 311 Market St. Elegant mirror-door wardrobe, fine walnut, nubogany, oak and cherry chamber suits, with pollshed wood and marble tops, fine cabinets, mirrors, cheval glasses, chiffoniers, llressers. wasbstand, bedsteads, wood and patent seas chairs and rockers, upright piano, fancy rock ers, center tables, ornaments, fine curtains for windows and doors, elegant parlor suits, dining; chairs in leather, sideboards, ball racks, cup boards, bookcases, clocks, dishes, pictures, rug;, brussels and ingrain carpets, stoves, etc. Goods now at N. 311 Market st. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM, mhU-47 Auctioneers. UCTION SALE Furniture, carpets, curtains, rugs, bedding; stoves, pianos, dry. goods, millinery goods, groceries, one spring wagon, one buggy and harness, etc, etc Sale on Friday, 15tb, at 10 A. sr. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 3 Third ave. mbU-70 AUCTION SALE-BUILDING LOTS ON Arch street, Allegheny, Thursday, March. 14. at 2 o'clock P. it. Two lots, 20x60 feet each, on the east side of Arch st. between Ohio st., and Park way. con venient to markets and street cars. Terms cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. Secured by tight bond and mortgage on the premises. GEORGE D. RIDDLE. Executor, 118 Diamond street. ALEXANDER & LEE. Auctioneers, 'mh9-48-Th3 r 313 Wood street. AUCTION SALE ALLEGHENY BUSI NESS property and dwellings. Nos. 257 and 259 Ohio street, TUESDAY. March 19, 18S9. at 3 o'clock P. M., on the premises, two three story bricks, with store and dwelling rooms; lot 28x90 feet to allev: a good invest ment. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mbl2-5-MTn-WTh OFFICIAL PITTSBlTUG. - Department op Public Works, ( PrrTSBUBG. Pa.. March 4. 18S9. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE aiosmant frtF tVifl rrriAtnr n4vhii and L curbing of Rippey street, from HUand avenua to n egiey avenne, is now ready tor examina tion and correction, and will remain in thhl office for fen (10) days, after which it will b returned to the City Treasurer for collection. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. roh4-29 ITY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the duplicates for March and September installments of City. Special and Sub-District School Taxes for tho year 1889 have been placed in my hands for collection by' the Board of Assessors" authorized to assess tha same. First installment of City Taxes payable in March or April, second installment payable in April or September. Five per cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with first: installment in mouth of March, but no discount is allowed on first installment. Business Tax and Water Rents payable in month of June. Five per cent added on alh delinquent taxes on May 1, on July 1 for Busi ness Tax and Water Rents, and October 1 for second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you intend paying your taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in. March and April, until S o'clock P. K. J. F. DENNISTON, mhU-lOO-s City Treasurer. Crrr Treasurer's Office, i Municipal Hall. Smlthfleld street. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents ot tbe city of Pittsburg) of diays. carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc, must pay their, license at this office forthwith. All license noc paid on or before first Monday in March. 1SSS, will be placed in the bands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee or 50 cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1889, will bo sub ject to a penalty double the amount of tha license, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said city. Tbe old metal plate ot last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be cnargea on tne license, nates or license: iacn, one-horse vehicle, 16 00: each two-horse vehicle, $10 00: each four-horse vehicle, S12 CO: each four horse hack, S15 00: omnibns and timber wheels drawn by two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON. fell-70-D City Treasurer. . Department of Public Works, t Pittsburg, March 12. 1839. ( SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tbe nfflce of City Controller nntil Friday, March 22. A. D. 18S9, at 2 o'clock: P.M., for furnishing and delivering f. ah. cars, Pittsburg. Weigbc Tons. Class. Size. Water pipe, per length, 250 B. 4-inch water pipe. 247 lbs. 60 C. 4-inch water pipe. 264 lbs.' 750 B. 6-inch water pipe. 413 lbs. 370 C. 6-inch water pipe. 471 lbs. 100 C. 8-inch water pipe. 685 lbs. 130 B. 12-inch water pipe. 1,003 lbs. 2o0 B. 16-inch water pipe. 1.550 lbs, 2.100 B. 30-inch water pipe. 4280 lbs. 4,010 tons. Also 300 tons special castings. , . Bidders must fix a date limiting tha time of delivery ana completion of contract. The Chief of Department of PublicrWorks reserves the right to increase or decrease the " above auantitv twenty (201 per cent. All nines to be cast vertically, and to be made of soft: gray iron, and to be tested to a pressure of three hundred (300) pounds to the square inch, under the supervision of some person desig nated by the Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. All pipes must be 12 feet long in the clear, not including bowl. A bond of thirty thousand (S30.000) dollars must accompany each bid for pipe, and a five thousand (So,000) dollar bond for special cast, lugs. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by bonds in the above amounts probated be fore the Mayor, or City Clerk, and the bonds men must be property holders residing in Alle gheny County. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made, and all other information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Sup ply and Distribution. All bids must be indorsed on tbe back of tha envelope with name of bidder and article bid on. Envelopes for inclosing bids will be fur nished at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution, fourth floor Munici pal Hall. The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. mh!2-61 Continued on Fifth Pane. TLLMDVE Jr INTO MY OM HOME" IN KNOXVILLE. We have yet a few of those beautiful homes as follows: First Avery beautiful 5-room house, wife, natural gas, water, etc, for 20u cash and $19 33 per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, $200 cash! and $16 33 per month. Third A beautiful 3-room cottage, $200 cash; VJU M UC 1UUULU. - --? Fourth We have also a number of other 'a handsome properties on equally reasonable; - terms. -3-Take Southsida cars to Twelfth street, and Mt. Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. M0XYILLELMDDIPR0VE1HTC0;1 OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, mh3-TTBSa KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. 7S eo. h. barbouk. "7 JC CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof. Bridges Rodfs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Building, del3-k66-p 64 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg., 0. A.BALFH, ' ;- BUILDING CONTRACTOR, , C J ocvoata avenue, , , ' . . .. PlttshurtTa. Teitpnoae UH. e5-B-Ta . ,Kk jk .v 'jisA&kv. MCTBwaa
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