ISMi r-! BEADS MOVEMENTS. t, Jobbers of Millinery Beport a Satis factory Opening. .eL EAKSAS CUSTOMERS TO THE FRONT Eitnatlon and Outlook of Trade Good in Lines of Apparel, 5 BUT POOE IX ALL EATABLE LINES OFFICE OF FITTSBUBQ DISPATCH,! TUESDAY. Jlirch 12, ISSa. J The spring opening of the wholesale mil liner? trade last week, was the' most en couraging sign of the times, that the com mercial reporter or The Dispatch has discovered this season. It is pleasant, alter bearing daily complaints of tbe deadness of trade to find a department where the sunny view is taken. Come what will, the millinery jobbers of Pittsburg never fail to have their spring opening the first week of March, Then the season's styles are shown to retail dealers, who come from all surrounding towns to equip themselves for the coming campaign, receive pointers as to fashions, and how to use mate rials for new styles of head gear. Reports of last week's opening are most encouraging. Fo'lowing is the statement of one of our job bing millinery firms: "We have never had as satisfactory an opening or a better outlook for for trade. Sales were not so very large last week and wc did not expect this. Tbe aim of onr March Opening. is to get our customers here, show them goods, make the impression which will bring in orders from now on till June. On the three opening days we were thronged every day, and all bands were as busy as bees showing goods and styles. Our customers came from as far East as Altoona and West as Crestline. Already we begin to see results of the opening in tbe orders coming in, and you may put it down for our branch of trade that there will be no falling off this season, but a gain. Tbe situation and out look for onr business was never better at this time of the year. A member of another jobbine firm spoke in the same strain, ana stated, amocc other things, that a new customer from Kansas5 was present at the opening and left a comfortable order for goods. It was pleasant to hear that a retail millinery establishment beyond the Mississippi should be furnished by onr city of heavy weight industries in preference to Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. To send glass, rails, locomotives and such like to the far west was glory enough, but thanks to the enterprise of our jobbers we begin to send feathers, laces and other paraphernalia that jto to crown the ladies of the land. Dry Goods. Tbe season is scarcely far enough on to fur nish satisfactory pointers of tbe prospects in wholesale drygoods lines. Trade so far shows no falling from last season. In fact, the vol ume of business has been better than a year ago at this time, and that season was an im provement on tbe previous one. The time is here when the spring trade should be under f nil headway. Bough weather the past week has checked the movement of trade, but a more hopeful feeling begins to spring up as the skies begin to brighten. A few days of bright weather and a settling of country roads, into a passable condition is expected to bring the activity to trade which has not failed from year to year. It is in the line of materials for the inner man that dealers complain most of this spring. Tbe earth was too bountiful last season for the producer, or produce dealer. But in the line of goods for the comfort and adornment of tbe body, the feeling among jobbers generally is that trade is fair and outlook good. This fact has been developed by freqnent interviews with jobbers in woolens, clothing, gents' furnishing goods. The closeness of margins is generally com plained of in these lines of trade, but volnme shows an increase on last year or f ormeryears, and unless jobbers are far astray in calcula tions, a good year for trade is before us. LIVE STOCK MAKKETS. Condition of the Market at the East liberty Mock Yards, Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. ? Tuesday. March 12, 1SS9. J CATTLE Receipts, 100 head: shipments, ISO head. Market dull and a shade lower than yesterday's prices. No cattle shipped to New Yort to-day. Hogs Receipts. 1,900 bead: shipments, 1,100 bead; market firm; medium Phtladelpbias, 15 J6S5 20; heavy hogs, Sa 10: pigs and Yorkers, S3 163 20. Four carloads shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 5,000 bead: shipments, 2,800 head. Market fair and prices unchanged. By Telegraph. . New Youk Beeves Receiots, 83 carloads for exportation alive and dead; and 9 carloads for city slaughterers direct; no market for beeves; market dull and weak for dressed beef at 56c for sides, with a little choice selling at OJJc; exports to-day 3S0 beeves and 4300 quarters of beef. To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American refrigerator beef dull and lower at fejfc per pound. Sheep Receipts, 200 bead; nearly nominal trade for lack of offer ings, but a firm feeling, witha carload of choice sheep sold at 6c per pound, and a carload of prime yearling lambs at 7c. Hogs Receipts, 2.800 bead, all for slaughterers direct; none offered alive; nominal value. S5 105 40. Kansas Crrr The Live Slock Indicator reports: Cattle Receipts. 4.006 head: ship ments, 6S9 head. Market slow; best dressed beef and shipping steers steady, medium hard to sell; cons steady to weak; stockers and feed ing steers steady; good to choice cornfed, $3 75 4 00: common to medinm. $2 703 50: stock ers and feeding steers, tl 603 20; cows. 51 30 2 70. Hogs Receipts, 13,957 head; shipments, 201 head. Market weak and fully 5c lower; good to choice. S4 404 45; common to medium. W 204 35. Sheep Receipts, 716 head; ship" ments, none.. Market steady; good to choice muttons, 4 251 53: common to medium. 2 50 63 85. . Chicago Tbe Drovers' Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 7.000 head: shipments, 3,500 bead: market slow and steady; choice beeves, $4 004 35; steers, 2 903 90; stockers and feeders, J2 103 15; cows, bulls and mixed, tl 60 2 90. Hogs Heceipts. 23,000 bead; shipments. ,000 head; market active and 6c lower: mixed and heavy. S4 404 80: light, S4 604 85; skips, ?3 50140. Sheep Receipts, 6,500 head; ship ments, 2,590 head: market stead ; natives, S3 00 5 00; western cornfed, S4 20470; lambs, S4 50 60 00. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,200 bead: ship ments, 100 head: market strong; choice heavy native steers. S3 754 30; fair to good do, S3 00 3 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 00 8 10: rangers, cornfed. $2 80E3 50; grass-fed. 52 00 2 90. Hogs Receipts. 5.100 head; shipments. 400 bead: market easier; choice heavy, S4 00 75: packing, $4 50: 65: light grades. S4 50 4 70. Sheen Receipts. 400 head; shipments. 900 bead: market steady; fair to choice, S3 004 9a Buffalo Nearly all the stock sold out yes cterday. Cattle, sheep and lambs closed weak at unchanged prices. Hogs show a shade de tclme with loner prices to-morrow. CrsciNNATi Hogs in fair demand and 'Steady: common and light. S4 004 SO;, packin" 'and butclers', S4 C54 9a Receipts, 2,130 head; shipments, LOGO bead. Wool Market. . Phii.adei.phia Vooi quiet and prices un changed. - New York Wool quiet and barely steady; domestic fleece, 3263Sc; pulled, 2339c; Texas. 15017c. St. Louis Wool quiet and easy; unwashed bright mertmm,lS25c; fine light, 1622c: fine heavy, KffilSc: tub washed, 31637c Boston. There is not much change to note in wool market. Fine washed fleeces are in fair request but the snpply is light and transactions are confined to small lots. On these grades holders are firm because they feel confident that all will lie wanted before the new clip is available. Other grades of do mestic are clearing up pretty well with the tendencyinore or less in buyers, favor as the dealers are pi eparing for early southern clip. Manufacturers are not heavilv stocked and are forced to come with the market every week but operate very cautiously and are not dis posed to give any encouragement to specula tlon. There is nothing in goods-market to ' warrant manufacturers paying extreme prices for any kind of wool and if farmers entertain high notions in regard to tbe future they HiU not from present appearances receive any support from consumers in this quarter. Quotations range as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania X and XX E 3335Kc: .No. 1 Ohio, 373Sc; Mich X. 3032; Kentucky and Indiana unwashed combing, 2931c. Various grades of Territory are quoted in the range 1624c , Mctnl Dlnrket. fc New York Pig iron firm. Copper sluggish and irregular; LaTte, March, S15 75. Lead dull 9 and firm; domestic. S3 72. Tin quiet and -jk steady, Straits, til 4a Fine French Clinlll". COO pieces to select from in light, medium and dark colorings; certainly nothing to equal this line ever shown here before. ?. '. arwysu Huocs & Hacke. MARKETS BY "WIRE. A Tumble In Wheat Caused fay Heavy Damp ing br Large Boll Traders Pork Products Irregular, bat Prices Rale Fractionally Higher. Chicago. Trading in wheat to-day was active and the feeling again unsettled and nervous. Local Influences governed the market and the general impression was that some of the large bull traders were selling out their May wheat. Interest centered principally in May, which opened a shade weaker, and alter numerous fluctuations declined to a point 4c below yesterday's closing and closed 3Kc lower. The offerings were very heavy most of the day and a great deal of long wheat was unloaded, though on the break considerable buying was done on the part of shorts, who had sold at the higher prices. This buying caused occasional rallies, but the feeling was very weak. July, on the other hand, ruled comparatively steady and soldc and over and lie under yesterday's closing fig ure, and closed lie below. There was good buying for this delivery, and at the same time not a great quantity offered.Tbe fact that there is no support for tbe May future accounts for the drop in prices. A moderate business was transacted in com and the feeling was comparatively firm, con sidering the weak tone of wheat. The activity of the other markets withdrew interest from the pit and trading was local and fluctuations were confined within KJsc range. There was less activity in oats, but a ralr business transpired within a narrower range of prices. There was an absence of the heavy realizing by the longs th-t characterized the trading yesterday. Shorts were free buyers and a steadier feelingprevalled. Considerable interest centered in mess pork and trading was quite active. Prices ruled irregular though somewhat higher. An ad vance of 3035c as gained about the middle of the session and moderately supported. Ex treme figures, however, mere not fnlly main tained. Lard and short ribs sympathized closely with pork. The leading futures rangea as follows: Wheat No. 2 March, 93Jc; May. P8K 9SK91?95Jc: June. 93K68691&9c; Jufy. 87S7k686KS6Jic Corn No. 2 May, 35iS3c: June. 3 e3'35V35Jc; July. 3Wi63G3&Xc. Oats No. 2 Mav, 2Hi25Jic;June,2oK26 e2o-X625c: July, 22tc. Mess Pore, per tbl. Mav, Sll 97K12 & 11 9512 40; June. J12 05&12 4512 05Q12 45; July, S12 17KS12 5012 1K12 50. Laud, per 100 lbs. May, SO 907 056 90 7 05; June, S6 957 07K6 So&J OiX; July 5700 7 12K67 007 12. SnoRTRlBS, per 100 fis. May. S6 22K6 37K 6 225426 37M: June. $8 30 0 42X; July, S6 35 6 52J46 356 5a Casn quotations were as follows: Flour quiet and 1020c lower for patents at S66 25: No. 2 spring wheat, 8393Xc: No. 3 spring wheat nominal: No. 2 red. 9393J6c. No. 2 corn. S4Kc; No.2oats,24lc No. 2 rye. 43c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 53. Prime timothy seed, fl Si Mess pork, per barrel, S12 35 012 4a Lard, per 100 lbs. t$ 956 97K- Short ribs sides (loose). SO 35. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 255 ?7C. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 62K6 75. Sugars-Cut loaf, 7 8c: granulated. TJc; standard A, 7Jc. Re ceiptsFlour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, 35,000 bushels: corn. 107,000 bushels: oats. 90,000 bush els: rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, 39,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. laOOO barrels: wheat. 82,000 bushels; corn. 200,000 bushels: oats, 111,000 bushels; rye, 4,000; barley, 50.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was steady and unchanged. Eggs firm at 1214c. New York Flour quiet, lower and weak. Wheat Spot dull and Jilc lower; options active, irregular and lower. Rye dull. Barley dull. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot steady and moderately active; options firmer and dull. Oats Spot lower and dull; options firm and quiet. Hay firmer and in fair demand. Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 15 points down; closedstcady and unchanged to 5 points up; sales, 50,000 bags, including March, 17.2017.30: April, 17.30c; May, 17.20i 17.35c; June. 17.2517.45c; Julv. t7.4O017.65c; August. 17.5017.60c; September, 17.6017.75c; spot Rio firm: fair cargoes. 19&C. Sugar Raw strong; fairl refining. 5c; centrifugals, 96 test, 5:: refined firm and fairlv active. Molasses Foreign firm; 50 test, 22c; New Orleans, quiet. Rice quiet and steady. Cotton seed oil steady; crude, 42c; j ellow, 4Sc. Tallow firm. Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine steady and quiet at 52c Eggs quiet and easy; Western, Ufic; receipts, 8,914 packages. Pork firm; old mess, 12 50: new mess. $13 0013 25; extra prime, 12 5a Cut meats firmer: pickled bellies 12 2s average, 7c: pickled shonl dcrs,5K5Kc; pickled hams, S10c. Middles quiet. Lard freer; bnving strong; sales of Western steam at S7 27K37 30, closing at J7 35; citv, S8 85; March. 87 23. closing at 57 30; April, S7 30: May, S72i7 28: June. S7 277 23, closing at $7 38 asked; Julv. 17 277 32, closing at S7 38 asked; August, S7 40 asked. Butter "in fair demand and steady, except for extras; Western dairv, 15ffl21c; do creamery, 1827Ke; Elgin, 28K29c. Cheese quiet; Western, 9j HJic St. Lours Flour easy with a small business. Wheat Cndcr unfavorable advices from all sources and good weather, prices went off to day. Selling was very free, but ,as shorts bought heavily there was no demonstration. May closed J4c below yesterday, but other months were only a shade off: No. 2 red, 93Vi 93Kc May sold at 93KWc, closing at (& 9SKc; June. 90c: July, 8181c, closingat 65c bid. Corn firm and a shade better, but very quiet; No. 2 cash, 2SJc; March. 29c: April. 29Kc; May. 30Ji30c: August, 33K& Oats firm but slow: No. 2 cash, 25c: May 2652 27c Rye dull; 42Jc asked. Barley Noth ing done. Flaxseed quiet at 81 45. Bagging active and strong at S10c. Iron cotton ties, $1 la Provisions firm but only a small trade. Cincinnati Flour dulL Wheat In light de mand; No. 2 red. 95c; receipts, 1,000 busbels; shipments. 500 busheK Corn in fair demand, steady: No. 2 mixeO.S4f c. Oats steady with a fair demand: No. 2 mixed, 2626e. Rve dull and lower; No. 2. 49c. Pork stronger at S12 50. Lard strong and higher at S70a Bulkmeats stronger: short ribs. S6 5a Bacon firm and tending up ward: short clear, S7 75. Butter easier. Sugar active and firm. Eggs steady. Cheese firm. t Philadelphia Flour Demand sluggish and prices weak and irregular. Wheat Op tions opened lc higher, but with lower re ports from other grain centers the market lost the early improvement and left off weak at about yesterday's closing rates. Corn Spot steady; futures quiet but steady. Oats De mand lor car lots moderate and prices'ruled steady. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat weak: ca3b. 61Hc; May,87Jgc; July.87c Corn firm: No. a S232c bid. Oats steady; No. 2 white, 27 27c Rye more active: No. L 43c Barley .firm: No. Z 57c Provisions firm. Pork at S12 2a Lard at S6 90. Cheese quiet; Cheddars at 11&H20. Baltimore Provisions firm and unchanged; Butter, firmer; western packed. 1822c: best roll.l418c; creamery, 2728c Eggs, 13K14c. Coffee, strong; Rio, fair, 19c Toledo Cloverseed active and lower; cash, March, $4 75; receipts, 25 bags; shipments, 1,299 nags. The Belgian Iron Trade. It appears that GSL,G63. tons of refining and foundry pig iron were produced in Belgium during the year 18S8, of which 9,800 tons were exported. The remainder, however, did not suffice to cover tbe consumption of the coun try, and 212,813 tons of pig Iron and 25,211 tons of old rails had to be imported by the Belgian Iron Wrorks. The bar and sheet mills pro duced 548,055 tons, as against 532,103 tons in 18S7. The Belgian Iron Works continue to compete successfully In distant markets, and it is said that tbe Cockerlll Company recently secured a contract for 50,000 tons of rails in the Argentine Republic On of the steel works has obtained an order for 700 tons of rails for China, but it is supposed that this contract has been sub-let by a iintlsh firm. The Glenmore. Onr Own Exclusive Style. Wc have just placed on sale a lot of men's fine tailor-made suits in Scotch cheviots, English cassimeres, fancy worsteds and diagonals, all well trimmed and handsomely made. We call them trie Glenmore, and each and every suit, considering the quality of the goods, the way it is trimmed and made, is worth not less than $22. .Our price for the Glenmore will be 510 ten dollars 510. No such sujts were ever seen forthe price. They are the finest of the fine, and now is your chance to buy one. "We also show in our children's depart ment a line of school suits at $2, which we guarantee cannot be bought for $4 outside of our store. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Hello, Billie, where did you have that beautiful finished photo made that I saw yon showing to your friends the other day? Why, at Pearson's, the leading Fifth avenue photographer; he is the best in the two cities. Nobody ever gets a poor picture at his place, and I teU you he is a master at his work. Go to him; you will never regret it. Say, don't forget the number, 96. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla. mhll-hSJ-MwrdSTJ p-mPftiy TTS. - ANOTHER ,m DEAL A Fine Allegheny Besidence Changes Hands at a Good RonndSum. STATUS OP THE COUNTY BRIDGES. Brokers Take Strong Ground Against the Pending Special Tax Bill. DIAM0XD ALLEY PEOPERTrir? DEMAND The most important real estate transac tion that has taken place in Allegheny City for some time was consummated yesterday. The fine residence property the building of modern construction, and large lot of Mr. Eobert Marshall, on "Western avenue, was bought by Mr. JohnWalker for 555,000. He will move into it in a short time. Con sidering the eligible location of the prop erty on one of tbe finest avenues of the city, the price is considered very reasonable. It is understood the agents in the transaction were Messrs. James W. Drape t Co, County Engineer Davis has finished his an nual report to the Commissioners and Con troller, and it is now in the bands of the print er. Concerning the bridges of the county, of which there are rearly 200, he says they are the best in the State and generally in good condi tion. He recommends for renewals, new work and repairs about $100,000, of which sum the Commissioners have allowed 65,000. Of this amount $16,000 will be expended on the Neville Island bridge. The rest of the money will bo mainly expended in repairing and painting old ones. There is a necessity for a number of new bridges, but they will not be built this year on account of lack of funds. While Engineer Davis speaks highly of the bridges, he says tbe roads are the worst in the State, falling far below tbe requirements of the business of the county, and while the present law exists he ex pects no material improvement. He favors a new law that will place the roads under tbe control of a responsible head, and making It obligatory on him to keep them in good condi tion. The New zork Graphic is considerably worked up over the meat question. As this is a subject of great interest to Pittsburg, what the paper says is herewith reproduced: "Be tween the dressed beef bills, the woeful cries of cattle ranchmen, the coming inter-State convention of cattle producers and the forma tion of a new meat combination, the public is slowly waking up to the fact that tbe prices paid for beef in retail markets is sufficient to yield big commission profits to a dozen middle men. Tbe cost of beef on the hoof on the range is scarce one-seventh what it is sold for on the block. An $18 or $20 range steer brings from $125 to $135. There are feeding, slaughter ing, freight and other expenses to be consid ered, but even when all are taken into account the meat sells at a ratio to cost of three or four to one. There is little wonder that new com binations are formed to handle meat when such profits are going. Members of the petroleum. Stock and Metal Exchange, after the close of business yester day afternoon, had a meeting to take action to defeat the tax bill pending at Harrisburg. President Arter called the meeting to order, and Henry M. Long, Chairman of tbe Commit tee on Resolutions, presented a report to the effect that if the State is in need of revenue, a license of $50 on all brokers in lieu of all otber taxes on the business would be acceptable to them: or, say, a tax of 5 mills on net receipts instead of on gross earnings, as proposed. The report was adopted. W. S. Arter, W. I. Mus tin and Henry Sproul were appointed a com mittee to go to Harrisburg and argue the case before the Committee on Ways and Means. "Do you know there is a big demand for prop erty on Diamond alley I" remarked a real es tate dealer yesterday afternoon. "At least $100,000 worth ot property on that thoroughfare between Smlthfieid and Market has changed hands within tbe past two months, and I know of several dickers that have not been brought to a head. I am not at 'liberty to give names, bnt wbat I have told you is straight. I look for Diamond alley to becomo one of the best streets of the city." . , " Grape-growing is an important industry in Allegheny county. Tbe following description of the largest vineyard in California, and possi bly the world, that of Senator Leland Stanford, will be of interest to those engaged in the busi ness: Tho estate is in Tehama county, and comprises 40,000 acres, of which 3,500 acres are planted in choice vines. The original vineyard of 75 acres was planted in Mission vines, soon after the first discovery of gold, by an old Frenchman named Gerke. Tbe vines to-day, although 35 years old, are still vigorous. The trunks are as thick as a man's leg. The yield of grapes last year was nine tons to tbe acre. The chief foreign varieties planted at Vina are the Berger, White Chasselas, Reisling and the Napoleon for white wines, and the Zinfandel and Trousseau for clarets. The vinevard is di vided into fields of 500 acres each. Every mod ern appliance for the manufacture of wine is provided by the Senator, but the product is far from choice. The cellars at Vina are large.and tbe nlant is capable of handling 400 tons of grapes per day, an equivalent of 12,000 tons, or 24,000,000 pounds, for the season. SWITCH ON TOP. Stocks Dnll nnd Easy With No Mntcrlal Chances In Prices. Tbe stock market yesterday was dull and featureless, tbe total sales amounting to only 4S4 shares, of which 181 were Philadelphia Gas, 110 Central Traction and 140 Switch and Signal. The latter was stronger on favorable reports at tbe company's meeting, the proceedings of which are given elsewhere. Electric fell off a trifle, in the absence of outside demand. Tractions and the passers were about steady. Bids and offers were: jiorsixo. afterxoou. STOCKS. -Hid. Asled. Bid. Asked. Philadelphia Co..". 36 X 36U S7 Central Traction :.. 22 M3 22? .... Citizens Traction 70J Pittsburgh Traction... 49 49!. LaJloraMInlcsr Co.... H 1 Westlngbonee Electric. 46 47j 47)4 47M U. Switch i Signal Co. 23M ail 23X 23J In tbe morning 184 shares of Philadelphia Gas sold at S&A, 5U Electric at 47, 10 Central Traction at 2 100 at 22K, and 100 Switch and Signal at 23U. At tbe afternoon call 40 shares Switch and Signal sold at 23Ji. Henry W. Long sold 200 share Electric at 47, and 100 Central Traction at 225 The total sales of stocks at N.ew York yester day were 152,365 shares, including Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 14,900: Erie, 4,300; Lake Shore, 4.300; Lonisville and Nashville, 0.300; Northwestern, 300; Reading. 34,000; St. Paul, 27,400: Union Pacific, 3,400; Western Union, 28,000. UP TO THE AYERAGE. Local DfoiiCT Matters Continue to Move 'Along Smoothly nnd Quietly. The money market was very quiet yesterday so far as applications for loans were concerned, but checking and depositing were up to the average of tho past two months or more. There was no chance in rates, which were quoted at 56. A steady Imnrovement is expected from this time on. The Clearing House report Indi cated a large volume of trade, the exchanges being $1,7751193 68 and the balances $205,755 19. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2&03 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closed offered at 2J per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4KK- . Sterling exchange dull but steady at $4 85Ji for 60-day bills and $4 88J for demand. Government Bond. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of ..... .. .11 i.f.. an eigmn on ciua. . U.S. 44s. reg- V. S. 4Ss. coups.... U.S. 4s, rep '. U.S. 43,1907. coops ,...iB7Virsx ... .10754(3)103 ....IMMKIffiV ,...1129S .Bid ....120 ....123 ....126 ....129)4 Currency, epercent. 1895 res. Currency, 6 per cent. 1898 reir., wurreuc7, pui-w, wiqi. Currency, epercent, loss reg..... iuiicuvj, 1. " " -- ,............... ..IdZ Bales to-uay oi o.wu registered 4s at 108, LOOO coupon 4s at 129J and 2,000 registered is at 12 New Yobk Clearings $144,353,011; balances $7,583,026. Boston Clearings, $15,140,975; balances, $1,975,185. Money2 per cent. PHttADKUHTA Clearings, $12,775,689: bal ances, $1,387,308. BALTraoRSClearlngs,' $?,080,SSl;fr balances, ' Chicago Money unchanged- Bank -clearings, $9,532,000. ON THE DOWN GRADE. Oil Seeks a Lower Level In Spite of Balllsa 'Statistics. The oil market yesterday was the dullest of the year. Trading was very light all round and the range of prices very narrowscarcely sufficient to give dealers a chance to turn an honest penny. The first price was 8 the highest of the day. From this f point the mar ket sold down to 90. tbefiowest. Toward the close the feeling was a little stronger and tbe auotatlon was advanced to D1J. Tbe fintl gures were 91H. A radical change is looked for during the month, but whether it will be for better or worse is an unsoluable problem. Tbe situation was never more bullish. A. RMcGrew quotes puts at 90e to 90Jic; calls. 91c The following taolMsorreciea oyUe"Wltt Ull worth. broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Kliln avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc t Tuno. liild.Ak. Time. I Did. I Alt. Opened 10il5A. M.... 10:30a. m.... 10:45a, m.... 11:00.1. It.... 11:15a. X.... ll:30A. II..., 1H4SA. U.... 15:00 X 12:15 F. X.... 12:30 r. is.... 91M DIM 8' 12:43 P. x.... 1:00 P. X... 1:15 r. X.... 1:30 P. x.... 1:45 P. x.... z.-oor. x.... MSP. X.... 1:30 P. X.... 2:45 P. X.... V0H 90K 90 t Kh XX 90ft 91 tt tM 91)2 91M 914 91 H 91M 91 MX 91H 91 81 91 VI 91 91H SI 91 90V 90"? 90H Closed Opened. 91Jc: algnct, Sle: lowest. 90Sc: closed, 91H- Barrels. Dally runs M.759 Average rnns 42.518 Dally sainments 86,002 Average shipment 06,517 Dallv earners - 12,693 Average cnarters ,,. 4'.68 Oleaxanees ,..,.....1,133,000 Mew York closed at Si;c Oil City closea at914c. brodrora closed at 01t-- titw York, renned. 1. 10c London. reUned. STgit. Antwerp, reflneu, rXf. Other OJI Markets. OHi Crrr. March 12. National transit cer tificates opened. 91Vic; highest, 91c; lowest, 91c; closed. 91Jic Bradford. March 12. National transit cer tificates opened at OlJc; closed at 91c; highest, 91c; lowest, 91c. TmjsvnxE, March 12. National transit cer tificates opened at 9l)c: highest, 91c: lowest, 90c: closed, OlJc. New York. March 12. Petroleum to-day was dull, trading very light and fluctuations confined within a,narrow range. Tbe market opened firm at 91c, and after sagging off to 9dc rallied on small buying orders and closed nrmat91c Sales, 325,000 barrels. EEAL ESTATE. A Good BnyinBT and Renting Demand for City and finbnrbnn Property. There was a repetition of the usual occur rences at the real estate offices yesterday, there being a good buying as well as renting demand. Sales reported are noted below: Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold f or W. H. Handlon to A. M. Neeper a house and lot on the corner of Howe and Bellefont streets, East End, being a two-story frame dwelling of seven rooms, with lot 59x100 feet, for $2,500. They also placed a mortgage of $800 for three vears at 6 per cent on a farm of 60 acres in Westmoreland county. W. A. Herron & Sons sold another new brick bouse of nine rooms, No. 216 Coltart square, lot 35x00. These bouses are near the cable line and within 15 minutes' ride of City HalL Mellon Bros, sold to Margaret A. Holwell lot No. 65, In Mellon's plan of McCllntock place, for $500. i Ewlng & Byers, No. 107 Federal street, sold for Algeo Brothers to Mrs. Elizabeth Graham. a two-story brick house of seven rooms and hall, with all modern conveniences; being No. 54 Boyle street, corner Hemlock street, Third ward, Allegheny, for $5,500.1 John F. Baxter sold lot No., 133, Bank of Commerce addltlon,Brushton station, frontage of 40 feet on Frankstown avenue, bv 140 to a 20 foot alley, to M. M. Boswnrtb, for $700. Baltenspergcr fc Williams, 154 Fourth ave nue, sold for Milton L. Crowe to Miss E. L Berkwith. a two-stnry frame dwelling of six rooms, being No. 2 Rolla street, Second ward, Allegheny City, for $2,000 cash. Mellon Bros, sold to J. L. Moore a lot 25x100 on Negley avenue, between Stanton and Jack son, for 500. Mr. Moore will build a residence for himself on this property in the spring. A COLD WAVE Strikes Wall Street and Depresses Stocks The Market WitbontSpecIalFeatnre, bnt Everything SIIghtlrLowcr Railroad BondsQaiet. , - New York, March 12. The stock market to-day was dull and stupid throughout, with very little movement in prices, and after the first hour a general Bagging tendency, which' bad the effect of leaving most shares to-night slightly lower than last evening. The copper sensation has ceased to have any effect upon the stock market, and this morning, notwith standing that the advices from tbe other side in that matter were very favorable, there was no response to the good news. The covering of shorts, which was so marked a feature yester day afternoon, was lacking to-day, and In the absence of any disposition to buy. tbere was nothing to hold quotations outside of the usual small demand, and while there was on the other band no inclination to hammer prices. the market sank into intense dullness, and prices after the first spurt sagged off slowly and be came stagnant. The waiting disposition seems to have again taken bold of the local operators, and after the price of coal has been settled and the meetings of tbe Illinois Central and the St. Paul direct ors are over and we have heard of the final in tention of Commissioner Walker there may be a more decided character to the speculation. There was considerable Irregularity to the movements within tbe narrow limits, and while St. Paul was stubbornly held there was some weakness In tbe afternoon In New England, and during the earlier hours Lackawanna and Manhattan lost a point. Pullman also retired 2 per cent on an insignificant business. Read ing, St. Paul and Lackawanna were the only stocks showing any animation in tbe regular list, but Cotton Oil was again very active, and after a drop of 1 per cent remained in the neighborhood of its lowest figure for tbe re mainder of the day. The movements in the others were entirely insignificant. The opening prices were generally from 14 to per cent above their figures of last evening, and this advantage was further improved in tbe early trading by small fractional advances, which, however, in no tase exceeded J per cent. St. Paul was tbe only really active stock, thoueh Reading, Lackawanna and New Entrland afterward camo to tho front. Tbe strong tone disappeared after tbe first demand was satisneo, ana me list was quicKiy orougm down to below the opening figures, after which the most intense dullness marked the trading and stagnation became the leading characteris tic of tbe market. Lonisville and Nashville showed some strength and New England de clined somewhat in the afternoon, but no otber feature was shown and the close was dull and steady, generally at slight fractions under the opening figures. The final changes are irregu lar, but declines are In a majority, though, ex cept in the case of Pullman, which lost 2 per cent, the changes are for fractional amounts only. Railroad bonds were quiet, and. like tbe stock market, were irregular with but slight changes in quotations and no marked features of any kind. There was some animation in the Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western converti bles and the Louisville. New Albany and Chi cago seconds, but while tbe total sales reached $1,207,000, there was no special activity in either. Tbe advances In the list include Har lem firsts, $ to 134. Tbe following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth a venne: Open- High- .Low- Clos ing, esu est. lng. Am. Cotton Oil 57 56 Atch.. Top. i 8. F.. 5154 Sl 60 50J5 Canadian Pacific 49)4 49& 49M H (Janada Southern 5314 53 Si !j 53 Central of Heir Jersey. 9Vi 94JJ 94$ HH CectraU'acinc. an Chesapeake Ohio ... KM U 16V 16)4 C. Bur. 4 Qulncy.... .mix 101! iOOH !004 C, Mil. St. Paul... 63X 63 S 63 63K C, illl.&St. P.. pr.... 99J 99- 99X 99)4 C, Koct 1. A 1". io'A SiH 95 95 C, St. L. Pitts 17 C, it. L. tl'ltts. pf. 39 C St. P.. M. & 0 4 SSX 32 32 lli C, St. P..M. &.O.. pr. 92)4 .& Northwestern.. ..leiiif '0M .106)4 106H C.iorthwcsteru, ptrnji 137M 137( 13i)t O.C. C. Al 70J 70)4 70 091, Col. Coal & Iron 32 Col. & Hoctlng Val 25 Uel., L. W 139)4 139 13S 138K Del. & Hudson I32H Ul 131H 11I Denver JtBloCJ 15 Denver JblUoU., pr. ,. 42 E.T., Va.4Ua... 9J E. T.,Va. 4 Oa.. 1st pf 69 K. T Va. Ga. 2d pf. 22 Illinois Central .... 110 Lake Erie .tWeitern.. 17H 17)4 11 H 17)4 Lake Erie & West. pr. ' 15M Lake Shore & M. S 102H 10294' 102 102 Louisville & Nashville. SOU 6034 60 60)4 Mobile Ohio 11 11 11 10 llo.. K. ATexai , K MlHonrl Pacific 72 72 71)4 7JH New York Central. .'. ..'. 10!4 . Y.. L. E. V ..23V IS 2S54 2th N. X., L. E. 4 W.prel S3V( 6SW 63 67K n. v., c. &st l , jsy nx m lsjj N. X., U 4 St. L. pf .. , 72 N.Y., C. 4Bt.L.2dpf "41 N.Y4N. E ,.u46H 46K ,45)4 45K N.Y..O. &AY ,16ft lft ug J3X .--arTjSavW Norfolk 4 Western1... ,V i. i" SjSW -'iir Worrell 4 Western, pr OH Northern Pacific. ..'... .... Northern Pacific pref. 60tf MX Oblo&HIuUwIppl..... SB'S 2S Oregon Improvement. W4 MX Oregon Traascon saw H Pacific Mall..'. Zlii 37X Peo. Dee. 4 Kvans. Phlladel. 4 Beading.. U7i 45 Pullman Palace Car. ..197 197 Richmond 4 W. P. Tr.. 2X MX Richmond 4 St. Paul Allaluth Mt. Panl 4 Dalnth pf. St. P., Minn. 4 Man St. L. 4 Ban Fran 24X 243 St. L. 4 San Fran pf.. 62 63)4 St. L. 4 San P.lit pf. Texas Pacific 20 SIX Union Pacific 65 65)4 Wabash Wabah preferred 26J4 20)4 Weitern Union........ S3! J 80)4 Wheeling 4 L. E 64)4 6K BOSTON STOCKS. m- cox 2IK XH M)J M) S3 37 37 24)4 4X 44)4 195 193 ft 28., 2X 62)4 io" 64X ) 85 64ft A Strong Opening, Followed by u'Rnn, Cop per Lending. Boston, March 12. The opening of to-day's market was fairly strong, but tbe tone changed immediately to weakness, and San Diego land shared with the coppers the honor of leading the decline. Atch. 4Top. R.B... 51 Boston 4 Albany.. .214 Boiton 4 Maine 168 C U. 40. 100H Clnn. San. 4 Cleve. 24)4 Eastern B. B 83)4 Eastern R. It. 6s 123 flint 4 Pen M. nfd. 97 Mexican Cen. com.. 13V Al. C, IstMort. bds. 70 N. X. 4Newng... 4554 N. Y.4Newng 7s.l28ft Old Colony 171 Rutland preferred.. 37 Wis. Central, com... 15)4 AlloneiM'gCo.(new) 114 Calumet 4 Hecla....235 Franklin. 12)4 Huron 2)4 Osceola liH Solncr 60 ell Telephone 225 Boston Land 7 Water Power 7H Tamarack '....ISO San Diego 26X " Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney 4 Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad -544 54)4 Reading Railroad 22 6-15 22 7-17 BuSalo, Pittsburg and Western 1214 12 Lehigh Valley ......' HH 64ft Lehigh Navigation 52 .... Allegheny Valley bonds 113U U. Co.'s New Jersey iZiH .... Northern Pacific 26ft K'4 Northern Pacific preferred 61 61ft Mining Stocks. New Yoke. March 12. Mining stocks closed: Caledonia 295; Consolidated California and Virginia, 762; Commonwealth, 00; Dead wood T, 160; El Cristo, 220; Gould and Curry, 250; Hale and Norcross, 380: Homestake. 1,000; Horn Silver, 100: Mexican, 340; Ophlr,525; Sav age. 280; Sierra Nevada, 290: Silver Corn. 100; Sullivan. 110; Union Consolidated, 350; Yellow Jacket, S90. Drygoods Dlnrket. New Yobk, March 12. Buyers are cautious, because of the large quantity of ginghams that are thrown upon the market at slaughter prices. A drive in five fine diess ginghams of thelOKc grade was made to-Uay by, TeflXWel ler & Co. at TJic, at which price tbe goods were rapidly absorbed. Business with agents con tinues moderate, but prices are unchanged, and for tbe most part firm. There is no Indlca. tlon of agents yielding. The tone is slightly firmer in some directions. FOR SEASICKNESS Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. Price, of tbe White Star S. S. Germanic, says: "I bave prescribed it in my practice among the passengers traveling to and from Europe, in this steamer, and tbe result has satisfied me that if taken in time, it will, in a great many cases, prevent seasickness." THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively eared by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favoriie Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no equal. Small dose: Dig results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Sena for 'testimonials. 25c, at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary, Five bottles $L The HOP PILL CO., New London, CI. Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped rough, redskin soft and clear. 25 and 50c. WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week In SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. WHOLES ALEIXCLUSI VELY . fe22-r83-D THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . - . $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prcst JAMES P. SPEEB, Vice Frest sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. 04444-o-44o4x4444 KEECH'S POPULARITY is a straw that shows -which -way the wind blows. Although the spring sea son can hardly be said to have yet bom mencedKeech's large store presents a scene of unusual activity. Early buyers from all parts of the city and country are pouring in to make their selections of FURNITURE -AND- CARPETS, 4 and in each case they can rely on receiv ing better value for their money than at any other store in the city. If you in tend to move on April 1, or refurnish your house, you will act judiciously by making your purchases, now, and, there by avoid the big rush that -will surely fol low within a few weeks. Goods Sold for Cash or on Easy Installments. KEECH'S, 923 and 925 Penn Ave., Near Ninth Stbeet. Open Saturdays till 10 r. M. mhl-arvvr fr0"-X0X Special Sale -or- Bronzes and Clocks FOR THIS WEF.K. -- THE J. P. SMITH, LampiGIass & China Co, 935 Penh Avenue. '""TTI mhlO-WFSU D1T GOODS Ml UK .rwgriwgr-a'p3gg3 rr5! domestic vmm An Active Mbyement in Butter and Eggsi-Hew Maple Syrnp PDTS IN ITS FIRST APPEARANCE. Whitewash at Grain Iicliange, Markets Drifting Lower. LAED AND MESS P0KK TEND IIPWAED Office ok tub Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 Tuesday, March 12. 1839. S Country Frodnce Jobbing Prices. Tbere continues to be an active movement in eggs and butter, but prices are unchanged. In fact, creamery butter is a shade easier than last week. Tbe retirement of butterlne has largely Increased the volume of butter sales. But it appears that there is enough and to spare In tbe land of the old-fashioned product of tbe churn. Full cream cbeese is active and firm. Low grades, together with Sweitzer and Limburger, are slow. Goshen cheese brings almost as good prices as the best domestic Sweitzer. The new crop of maple syrup begins to show up in good, shape. A. Liberty street commission merchant received yesterday a large consignment from Trumbull county, Ohio, which did not wait long for cus tomers. Erlces are SI and 81 10 per gallon. Butter Creamery, Elgin, Sl32c; Ohio do, 2628c: fresh dairy packed, 2U23c: country rolls 2023c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 316232c. Beaks Choice medium, 82 002 10: choice peas,S3 052.15. Beeswax 2323c ?) & for choice; low grade, 6lSc UiDEK-M3and refined, $8 607 50; cotnmon, S3 504 00; crab elder. S3 008 SO ?) barrel; elder vinegar, 10 12c 1 gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c: New York, fall make, 1213c: Limburger, HKc; domestic Sweitzer cheese, HK12Kc - Dries Peas $1 431 SO S1 bushel; split do, 2K3J4c f Jk. Egos 15016c dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, tl 502 00 ?! barrel; evap orated raspberries. 24c 1 ft; cranberries, 8S 00 ? barrel; $2 402 SO per bushel. Feathers Extra live geese. 5060c; No. 1 do.. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c 1 Si. Hominy 82 652 75 9? barrel. Honey New crop, l&17c; buckwheat, 13 Potatoes Potatoes, S540e ?) bnshel; ?2 50 2 75-for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer- S6V SW6CtS Poultry Live thickens, 6575c $ pair; dressed chickens, 1315c 9 pound; turkeys, 13 15c, dressed, flpound; ducks, lire, 80S5c fl pair; dressed, l14c f) 'pound; geese, 1015o per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel. S6S bushel; clover, large English. 62 tts, S6 25; clover, Alslke, 83 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fis, $1 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fis, 1 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fis, SI 20: orchard grass. 14 fis, $2 00: red top, 14 fis, SI 00: millet, 50 fis, $1 25: German millet, 50 fis, 12 00; Hungarian grass. 48 fis, 82 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per fi. Tallow Country, 4k5c; city rendered, 55Ho. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00 3 50 'jft box; common lemons, 2 75 fl box; Mes sina oranges, $2 603 50 box; Florida oranges. S3 504 50 box; Valencia oranges, f ancv, 50 7 50 f? case: Malaga grapes, to 507 00 $ per keg; bananas, 82 00 firsts: SI 60, good seconds, ft bunch: cocoanuts, S4 001 50 fl hundred: new figs, 1214c fl pound; dates, 5K 6c fl pound. Vegetables Celery. 4050c doz. bunches: cabbages, S3 0004 00 fl 100: onions, 50c fl bushel; Spanish onions. 7590c fl crate; turnips,- 80 40c H bushel. - " j Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice Eio, 2021c; prime Hio, 20c; fair Rip, 18K19e; old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 22023c; Mocha. 30K3IKc; Santos.U922c: Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 20K22c: La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, S2K33Kcj Maracaibo, 2728Kc; Santos, 2324c; peaberry. 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Vc; ordinary, 21Hc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 8c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c; Ohio, 120, 8jc; headlight, 150, 8Kc: water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, llc; royallncUc Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 8033c; strict ly prime, 3335c;-new maple syrup, S11 10. - N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48c; me dinm. 4oc; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 8X4c; bl-carb in $. 6?fc: bi-carb. assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, l?c;lo granulated, 2c. CANDLES-Stari full weight, 10K stearlne, per set, 8Kct parafflne, ll12c Rice Head,' Carolina, 77Vc: choice, 6J 7c: prime, 5JJ6Jic; Louisiana, 66Kc ' Starch Pearl 3c: cornstarch, 5k7c; gloss starch. 5Ji7c.M Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers. S3 10; JTalifornia London layers, $2 50; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels; SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7V7Kc; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 4Jf ?5Kc; Turkey prunes, new, 4J5c; French prunes, 813c: Salonlca prunes. In 2 fi packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, SO 00: almonds, Lan., per fi, 20c; do Ivlca, 19cj do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12Ji15c; Sicily Alberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12K ltfc; new dates. 6K6c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per fi. 2122c; lemon peel, per fi, S1314c; orange peel; 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per fi, 6c; apples, evaporated. 664;c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lSc; peaches, evaporated, pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Kc; blacKberries, 78c; huckle berries, lu12c Sugars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7c; granu lated, 77c; confectioners' A, TJc; standard A.6jKc: solt whites, 6Kc: yellow, choice, 6XbKc; yellow, good, t$i6c; yellow, fair, 6u; yellow, dark, oc Pickles Medinm, bbls. (L200), 84 75; me diums, half bbls (GOO). S2 85. SALT-No. 1 ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 05; dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20; Higgles Eureka, i bu sacks, 82 80; Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 fi pockets, 83 00. Canned Goods Standard pearnes. SI 30 1 90; 2ds, 81 301 3-5: extra peaches, SI 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, 81 001 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c: marrowfat peas, SI 10I 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, 82 75; damson plums, 05c: greengages, 81 25; egg plums, 82 00; California pears. 82 50: do greengages, S2 00: .do egg plums. 82 00: extra white cherries, 82 90: red cherries, 2fis, 90c; raspberries, 81 156)1 40; strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, 81 2001 30; tomatoes. 8292c; salmon. 1-fi, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; uc cotash, 2-fi cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fis, 81 251 50; corn beef, 2-fi cans, 81 75; 14-fi cans, 813 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 fi, 81 751 80; mackerel, 1-fi cans, broiled, ,81 50; sardines, domestic, 5i. 84 154 50; sardines, domestic y&, S3 253 50: sardines, imported, Jis. Sll 50lS 50; sardines, imported, K. 818 00; sardines, mustard, 84 00; sardines, spiced. S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 836 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 810: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do. messed, 836; No. 2 shore mackerel, S21. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft.; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's codJn blocks, 67a Herrine Round shore, 85 00 ft bbl.; split, $7 00; lake S2 50 ft 100-a. half bbl. White fish, S7 ft 100-fi. half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 ft half bbl. Finnan hadders. 10c ft fi. Icelanu halibut. 13c ft fi. Buckwheat Flour 22Jfl fi. Oatmeal IC 306 60 ft nbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5S60c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Gmin, Flonr nnd Feed. Total receipts, bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 43 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars of flour, 2 of middlings. 9 of hay, 2 of malt, 1 of bran, 1 of barley. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of bran, 6 of hay, 3 of corn, fi of barley, 2 ot oats, 1 of flonr, 1 of feed. By .Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of hay. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of hay. There were were no sales on call. Both at tbe Ex change and on curbstones buyers are inclined to hold'off on present drooping markets.. Tbe whole drift of cereals is toward a lower level of prices, and the band to mouth policy is pur sued; and will be by retail dealers until trade is more settled. May wheat went down to95c to-day in Chicago. Flour jobbers are by 110 means happy over tbe situation. The best patent spring wheat flour could be bought in Pittsburg to-day at S6 30 in carload lots. Wholesale grocers report no reduction in prices, but, unless a bull movement comes soon, flour Is bound to bave a fall. IIWHEAT-Jobbine prices No. 2 red, $103 104:No.3red.9195c. Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,4041c: high mixed ear,39X40c; No- 1 yellow, shelled, 33039c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K03SC; hlzb mixed, shelled. 36037c: mixed, shelled, 35036c, Oats No. 2 white, 3232Kc; extra, No, 8.31 S31Kc;No.3 white, 3030c: No. 2 mixed, 25 29c RYE-No. 1 Western, 60 61c; No. 2, o55Gc BARLEY No. 1 Canada. 959bc: No. 2 Cana da. 858c; No. 8 Canada, 70072c; Lake Shore, 78080a Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, SS 50 06 75rspring patents,S6757 00: fancy straight, winter and spring. So 756 00; clear winter, S5 2505 50; straight XXXXbakers,-J5 0005 25. Rye flour, fl 00, . MrLLFBEB-SCMdliBgg, ,flaelwbe,-!S 88 . 20 m W toai-Mown -mraiWBHjs,- ii ww w; winter wheat bran, 11 76015 26; chop feed, 815 00018 00. HAY-Baled timothy, choice, S15 06015 26: No. 1 do, Sll 25014 50: No. a do. 812 00013 00; looie from wagon, 818 00020 00: No. X upland prairie. 89 75010 00; No. 2, 86 0008 60: packing do. 86 6007 00. t STRAW-Oats. 88 0008 25; wheat and rye straw, 7 0007 25. ' Provision. A firmer tone to all hoc nroducts is reported. Lard and mess pork, have already been ad vanced in Chicago. A rise will be due nere at the weekly meeting Saturday. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured bams, small. lie: sugar-cured breakfast-bacon, 10c; sugar- cured shoulders, S.c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c:sugar-cnred dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies. 8c: dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides. 7c Mesa pork, heavy, Sll 00; mess pork, family, Sll 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c: half barrels, TJc; 60-fi tnbs, 7c: 20 fi pails, 7c; 50-fi tin can 7Hc;3-fi tin palls, TMc; 5-fitln paili, 7c; 10-fi tin pails, 7Kc Smoked sausage, long, 5c;large, 5c Fresh pork links. Sc. Pigs feet, naif barrel, 83 75; quarter barrel. SI 75. Dressed Menr. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fis, 6c; 650 to 650 fis, 6c: 650 to 750 fis, 6Kc Sheep, 7c ft fi. Lambs. 8Kc ft fi- Hogs. 6c TJEUISTEE'S NOTICE. Wotice'1i9 hereby given that the following ac connts of executors, administrators, gnardlans and trustees have been duly examined and passed in the Register's office, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation and allowance on Monday. April 1, 1889 Uo. 1. Final account of Caroline Schwab, ad ministratrix or the estate of Peter Schwab, de ceased. Filed February 2, 1889. Nn. 2. tfliuil fLprnnnt nt th Hafh Denoslt Com pany of Pltubnrfr. administrator of tbe estate of saranj. uoiaiuorp, aeceasea. jiueu jcdiuu 1S89. No. a. Final seeonnt of the Bafa Denoslt Com pany of PltUbnrr, administrator of the estate of samueixi. trotumorp, ueceaseu. xueu xcuiuw; No. 4. Final account of Jacob B. Hnbley. ex ecutor of will of Mary A. Hubley, deceased. Filed February i. 1889. Nn. !L Final aermlnt of Andrew Brethawer. gnardlan of William M. Hoggs. Filed February Nn. A. Final arrnnntnf M. K. Alexander, ad' mlnlstratrlx of the estate of Ella A. Irwin, de ceased. Filed Februarys. 1880. No. 7. Final account of John Westbead, ex ecutor or the will or Albert juaitoy, aeeeaiea. Filed February 4, 1889. Ho. 8. Final account of Loalsa Simpson, ad ministratrix of estate of Sarah Simpson, deceased. Filed February 4, 1839. Nn. 0. Hrnnrt nartlal aeronnt of Otto KrebS and John N. Heeb, executors of the will of John Voevtlr. Kr.. dereaxed. Filed Febrnarv 4. 1889. Ho. 10. Final account or John U. Meyer, guar dian of Amelia uelsner. Filed February 5. 189. No. 11. Final account of John Moody, adminis trator ortne estate or Airrea jr. inrner. aeceueu. Filed FehrnarrK. 1889. No. 12. Account of John Murphy, guardian of nary lionise Lrougiass, now xiervej. x ucu icj ruarys, 1889. . . No. 13. Final account or W.J. Canning and Ad dison Canning, executors ofthewlllor Rebecca K. ('innlm- deceased. Filed Febrnarv 6. 1889. No. 14. Account ofK. H. Lafferty. administrator or me estate or wiuiam ianeny, aeceisea. js ueu Februarys, 1889. No. IS. Account orwilllaro Slater, administrator of tbe estate of Dorothea Miller, deeased. Filed j euruary li, lasu. No. 16. Final account of Mary A. Hunter, ad ministratrix of the estate of Mary A. Snmmerwell, rtereacprt- Filed Fehrnarr 1L 1A39. No. 17. Final account of T. McK. Cook, admin istrator of the estate or Ueorge A.UooE, deceased. Filed February 11, 1889. No. 18. Final account of James U. Davis, ad mlnlstratorortheestateor Joseph K. Hughes, de ceased. Filed February 7, 1889. No. 19. .Final account or David H. Chambers, administrator ofthe estate of John Chambers, de ceased. Filed Februarys. 1889. No. 'Si. Partial account of William Alderson and Matthew Thrower, executors or the will or Thomas Alderson, deceased. 1 ilea eoruary 7. 1889. No. 21. Final account or Kobert McMUlIn and J. F. Diffenbacher, executors or the will or James McMUlIn. deceased. Filed Febrnarv 7. 1839. No. 22. Final account or Barbara UocharC ad ministratrix ortne estate or atartin uocnart, ae ceased. Filed Febrnarv 9. 1889. No. 23. Final account or Joseph J. Bender, ex ecutor or tne win oi .aiaryju. wmison, aeceasea. Filed February 11, 1889. No. 24. Final account or J. H. Sorr. guardian or Elizabeth Becker. Filed February E, 1889. No. 23. Final account or J. M. Parkinson, guar dian or Charles C, Frank F. and Nellie A. Under wood. Filed February 12. 1889. No. 26. Final account or John Payton. executor or the will or Mary Welsh, deceased. Filed Feb ruary li 1889. No. 27. Final account or J. P. Mc Williams, gnardian or Nancy Hough. Filed February 13, 1889. ' No. 28. Final account or John Breltenbaeh, ex ecutor or the will or Frederick Reltzel, deceased. Filed February 13, 1389. No. 29. Partial account or Francis Allen and Jane Beatty. executors or the will or John Beatty, deceased. Filed Febnary 13, 1889. No. 30. Final account ot William Hartman. guardian or Andrew McB. Campbell. Filed Feb ruary 14, 1389. No. 31. Partial account or William J. Kothrum, guardian of William C Albert K. and John C Bothrum. Filed February W. 1889. No. 32. Flnar account or Charles F. Schwarz, guardian of Willie Wlnterhalter. Filed February 15,1859. No. 33. Account or Joseph C. Dlttmar. admin istrator d. b. n. c. t. a. orxhomas D. Powell, de ceased. Filed February 16. 1889. No. 34. Final account or Annie W. Henderson, administratrix e. t. a. of Jlarla B. Henderson, de ceased. Filed February 16, 1889. N o. 35. Final account of William Yung, execu tororthewlll or Elizabeth Yung, deceased. Filed FebrnaryM, 1889. No. 36. Account or John It. McCune, deceased, late guardian or Flnley Hall Lloyd, stated by Mary H. McCune, administratrix or his estate. Filed February 20, 1389. No. 37. Account or John K. McCune, deceased, late guardian of Davison Lloyd, stated by Mary H. McCune, administratrix of his estate. Filed Feb ruary 2C, 1889. No. 38. Account of John B. McCune. deceased, administrator of estate of Martha Hanna, de ceased, stated by Mary II. McCune, administra trix of hlb estate. Filed February SO, 1839. No. 39. Account of John O. Bryant, adminis trator d. b. n. of estate of Martha Hanna, de ceased. Filed February 2a 1889. No. 40. Final account ofGeorge Lang, executor of the will of Dorothea Fisher, deceased. Filed February 20, 1889. No. 41. Final account or Albert P. McKenery, administrator of the estate or John Warensrord, deceased. Filed February 20, 1SS9. No. 42. Final account ofFred Colwer, guardian or David Koester. Filed February 2a 1889. No. 43. Final account or James P. Qulnn, guar dian or George B. Ede Filed February 21, 1389. No. 44. Final account or Thomas M. MeCor mlck and James E. Wilson, administrators or estate or James E. McCormlck, deceased. Filed February 21, 1839. No. 43. Final account or Tbomas A. Noble, executor or the will or John Barns, deceased. Filed February 23, 1389. No. 46. Final account or George Schwan. ex ecutor or the will or Henry Schwan, deceased. Filed February23, 1889. No. 47. First account or Anna Mary Auday and Nancy Metzgar, executrixes or the win or Louisa C. Auday, deceased. Filed February 23, 1889. No. 48. Final account or Charles a. Crawford, administrator of tbe estate of John B. E. Blchard son, deceased. Filed February 23, 1SS9. No. 49. Final account or Frank Wllbert, ex ecutor or the will or Jacob Wllbert. deceased. Filed February 25, 1339. No. 60. Final account or Joseph Ford, guar dian or Henry A. Daewerltz. Filed February 25," 1839. No. 51. Final account or Clara Fromme, admin istratrix or the estate of Bernbard Fromme, de ceased. Filed February 25, 1339. No. 52. Final account of George Esbman. trus tee In partition of estate of Mary Nino, deceased. Filed Febrnary 25, 1889. No. 53. Final account or Charles G. MUner, ad ministrator or the estate of 1). C Holmes, de ceased. Filed February 25, 1889. No. M. Account or Anna Kels. administratrix or the estate of Jonn Kels, deceased. Filed Feb ruary 25, 1889. No. 5.5. Account of George Hotmelster, guardian of Anna E. llofmelster. Filed February 27, 1889. No. 56. Eggers and John H. Mueller, executors of the will of John C. Flelner. deceased. Filed February 23. 1889. No. 57. Partial account of James Godfrey, co executor of the will of J. P. Smith, deceased. Filed February 23, 1389. No. 53. Final account of Ida McGeary, adminis tratrix of estate or Marshall H. McGeary, de ceased. Filed February 2S.1889. No. 59. Second account of B. F. Jones, guardian of Thomas C Jones. Filed -March 1, 1839. No. GO. Final account or IS. F. Jones, guardian ofGeorge W. Jones, minor, now deceased. Filed March 1, 1889. Mo. 61. Final account of James A. Johnston, administrator of estate of Strlckler Demuth, de ceased. Filed March 1. 18S9. No. 62. Account of B. C Slocum, administrator or estate or George E. blocuu, deceased. Filed March 1, 18S9. No. 63. Final account or Mary Ann Abbott, ad ministratrix or estate or John Abbott, deceased. Filed March 1. 1889. ' No. 64. iecond account or James C Pierce, ex ecutor or the will of Mary V. Power, deceased. Filed March 1, ISS9. No. 65. Final account orS.E. Stewart,trustee In partition of tbe estate of Sarah Klrby, deceased. Filed March L 1889. No. 68. Final account of J. C Deer, guardian of Charles Gallasher. Filed March 1, 18S9. No. 67. Account orK. M. Holland, administra tor or estate or Eliza V. Diller, deceased. Filed March 1. 1889. S. P. CONNER. Pittsburg, March 1. 1889. Beglster. OFFICE OF THE CLEKK OF ORPHANS' COURT. Notice Is hereby given that the following ac counts of trustees have been duly examined and passed In tbe Clerk's office and will be presented to tbe Orphans' Court for confirmation and allow ance on MONDAY. April 1. 1889. No. 63. Account of George W. Lyon, trustee under the will or John Lyon, deceased. Filed Februarys. 1839. .No. 69. Sixth account or James Dickson, sur viving executor and trustee under will or James Flnlay, deceased. Filed Febrnary 9. 1889. No. 70. Seventh account of II. and J. P. Hanna, trustees under will or Thomas Hanna, deceased. Filed February 21, 1889. No. 71. Eighth account or J: P.Qneen. trustee or the estate or Benjamin Trimble, deceased. Filed February 21. 1889. No. 72. Final account of H. Sellers McKee, trus tee under tbe will or Frederick Mcee, deceased. Filed March 1, 1839. Pittsbdbo, March 1, 1839. 3AMUFX P. CONNER. Clerk or Orphans' Court. IN THE ORPHANS' COUBT. AUDIT NOTICE. Creditors, heirs and all other persons Interested are hereby notified that an audit list will be made op of above mentioned accounts (except guai- Tdlans) which shall show balances for. dlstributlna) and all accounts to which exception snail oe niraE andtbat suehaudlt list will he taken up on How a day,' April 13. 1889, and continue thereafter factf? dv (Saturday and Sunday excented) until tha wbole list shall have been disposed of. -J3 . P. CONNER. "5 Beglster and Ex-Offlcio Clerk of Orphans Court. mh6-G3-w BUTTER, :: BUTTER, BUTTER. ' tr U EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURX - Ghartiers Creamery Con Warehouse and General Offices, 708 SMITHFIELD' STREET, Telephone 1436. Elssell Block. PITTSBURG, PA. Factories throughout WestenJ Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations,' . v.. Wholesale exclusively. Will remove to No. 616 Liberty fjtreet, on or about March 15. ARMOUR &. CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Porkj Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest quality, at very moderate prices, received daily from their immense cooling rooms at Chicago, WHOLESALE ONLY. del&58-3TWP - -j ONEY TO LOAN ' On mortgaces on improved real estate in sum' of $1,000 and upward. AppW at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-34-p No. 124 Fourth avenue. JUOKEKy FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN IFIETTffcOLTiiTJM Oil bought and sold on margin. deZT-21-Dsa' . WHITNEY & STEPHESSOiY, ' 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS CREDITS THBOUOH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN fc CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an2S-x78 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 030 VESS AVENUE. PlTTSBUKU. PA, As old residents know and back Hies of Pitta, burg papers prove, ia the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From rpngg persona NQ pE yi MCDAllQnd mental diseases, physical, IMtnVUUo decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem err, disordered sight, self-distnut,bashrulness; dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, la poverlshed blood, failing powers, organic weak." ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business-society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. bCood and skin .nm&out blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandnlac swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. II DIM A RV kidney and bladder derange. Unllinn I i ments, weak back. grayeL ca tarrhal discharges,- inflammation and othee painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and reiJ cures. Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experlenca Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours 9A.nto8p.?c Sunday, 10A.lC.tolr.lf. only. DR. WHITTIER, Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, feS-tf-Dsny - CURE GUARANTEED HEALTH.E.V ERGY and strength secured by using AroT oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only relt able safe remedy for the permanent cure of Ira potency, no matter how long standing,seperma torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital lorcesr-75c per box or six boxes for 4 six boxes is tbe complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we wlL gve a written guarantee to refund the money tha wafers do not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by, the BOSTON' MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. Si Market street, Pitt burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 aplO-kSS-uwrsu DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 808 PENN AVJi PITTSBURGH. PA. All forms of Delicate and Cos, plicated Diseases requiring COX. HDENTiAI.and SrTEXTTrrnMefHf cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Late Is a membec ofthe Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is tha oldest and most experienced SpeCL. ;sr in the city. Special attention given to Net T ous Debility from excessive P mtal exertion, la discretions of youth, &c, causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc. also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatisra, and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin ary Organs, &c Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to Sp.m.) Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call nt office or addxeei K.LAKE.JLD..M.R .C.P.S.. or EJ.Lake.M.D; sel-131-inrTwfc CHICHESTER'S fc.MGl.ISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SSJ C3.53 EUXOT ZZIXJ. OHcluL kctt, nfrmili taid rcllablapiu tottlc HrrrrlL,j AK WT WKiilMfl JAtjUtAS. - 0? WltluUw bOAvs.semled with bine rl&. SI S fti'lon' At Dmntiti. Aeeept no oiner. ju duu ib nute- boarl boxes, pink wnpfwrs, in ft dAncer onscvttnterrelt. Sewt 4w (itimp) top ptftlonUrs ud SeIlef fr Lrflcmwi it(t. hv wtiinia maii in nttn ifroaLl&IESvoAUTsaMdUieBu Kuufipfr. CUdtester Chemical Co.,Mdl50ii Sq.jPMiA-Pi Gray's Specific Medicine. TRADE MARKTra OBIATTRADEMARB XDT.Anunfall lng care for Seminal Weak ness, Sperma torrhea, impo teney, and alt diseases that follow as a se quence of Self-. Abuse: as Ion &IF0BE T&IllB.TTrniirr.7 nrrin, taciib sltade. Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Pre mature Old Are and many othar dlseaes that lead. to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. W-Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we! desire to send free by mall to every one. i-Ttaa Specific Medicine Is sold by all drujrsrlrts at 1 per package, or fix pactaues for S3, or wlQ be tent frea by mall on the receipt of the money, by ad dress In r THEORAV MElJlClNlSCO.. Huililo, MVY. tmaeemintofcouhtrfelt,wehave adopted tM bellow Wrapper: the only genuine. ' s?.li,,R. "W.i'Tf. D'' 8- HOLLASH. corner Smlthfleld and Liberty streets, mhO-k- Iraff erhwr from efci" feeta nr TrntM.) .n. I roraMly rtmv. 1a. -. tnajiliood,etc I win aunda. yalnkbla treatise (eakd tontalnlmc fall particulars for home cure. fra ae h.nrA. Addresa. ' . PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, m. l-noSkssavk , dfflMk 5r 'li ST.B ttoaEfij sssssssKisssssW. ',. -j.. . . V - '. r" ;4j4J'-;' KSl fCi'. ;fe.k-.f. ' ' T-&. . f-t a j A?'--,iC iVH :u. .-. KJZ J& if&i As"3.. L?AS2iV iWr ,irf- -CA1- 7,j2.iS!Kit