191 mT53i HCKRC E2 LWf3 s? lifXCijm f I js gt-a -5 The Teams as They're Harnessed for - the Work of the Kew Session. KEW MEMBEBS FARE YERY WELL. A Warm Debate Over Our Eelationa With Our Northern neighbor. HARRISON'S NOMINATIONS GO THEOUGH Whereupon a Big Batch of Sew Ones ti Taken Under Consideration. The Senate committees have all been agreed unon and the resolution containing their selection adopted by the Senate. The new members, it will be seen, fare ex cellently. President Harrison's first four appointments were confirmed. Another long list is the hands of the Senate. Onr relations with Canada was the subject of an interesting discussion in the Senate yester day. "Washiugtox, March 12. In the con tinned absence of the Vice President Mr. Ingalls acted to-day, as yesterday, presid ing officer pro tern of the Senate. The message of President, transmitting the pa pers in the case of Louis Riel, was pre sented and laid on the table. After a wait of several minutes, Mr. Edmunds broke the stillness by a statemant that he had been re quested by Mr. Piatt to say that the gentle men representing both sides of the chamber who had in charge recommendations for the committees of the Senate would be ready to call attention to the subject in a very short time, and to ask the Senate to remain in session or to take a short recess. No motion for a recess was made and the Senate continued in session without any attempt to transact business until 12 Jo o'clock, when Mr. Piatt asked and ob tained unanimous consent to have sus pended so much of the rules as require the standing committees to be elected by ballot and as require the election of a Committee on Expenditures of Public Moneys, that committee to be represented by one for the "organization, conduct and expenditures of the executive departments." Mr. Piatt then offered a resolution, which was agreed to, for the election ot standing committees as follows: THE SEW STASDIXO COMMITTEES. Agriculture and Forestry Paddock. Blair, Plumb, Higgins, JIpMillan, George, Gibson, Jones, of Arkansas, and Bate. Appropriations Allison, Dawes, Plntnb, Hale, Tarwell, Beck, Cockrell, Gall and Gor man. Contingent ExpensesJones, of Nevada; Pad iock and Vance. Census Hale, SlorrilL Wilson, of Iowa; Stockbridge, Cans. Barry, Blackburn, Blodgett and Turpie. Civil bervice and Retrenchment Chace, Danes, Manderson, Stanford, Washburn, Walthall. Wilson, of Maryland: Barry and Brown. Claims Spooner. Hoar, Mitchell, Higgins, Wolcott. Jones, or Arkansas; Wilson, of Mary land; Pasco and Faulkner. Coast Defences Dolph, Cameron, Hawley, Hiscock, McPherson, Hampton and Reagan. Commerce Frye, Jones, of Nevada: Dolph, Cameron, Sawyer. Cullom. Washburn, Ran som, Coke, Vest, Gorman, Kenna and Gibson. District of Columbia Ingalls. bpooner. Far well. McMillan, Higgins, Harris, Vance, , Daniel and Faulkner. "Education and Labor Blair, Wilson, of Iowa: .Stanford, Stewart, Washburn, George, Pugb, Payne and Barbour. Engrossed Bills Farwell, Quay and Col qnitt. Epidemic Diseases Harris, Hampton, Eus tis, Berry, Hale, Stockbridge and Marston. To Examine the Several Branches of the Civil Service Higgins, Aldrich, Allison, Hampton and Quay Organization, Conduct and Expenditures of the Executive Department Hiscock, Plumb, fchcrman, Frje, Spooner, Cockrell, Kenna, Gibson and Barbour. Finance Morrill. Sherman. Jones, of Ne vada; Allison, AJilricb. Hiscock, Voorhees, Beck, McPherson, Harrison ana Vance. Fisheries Stockbridge, Dawes, Stanford, Hampton and Blodgett. ONE OP THE IMPORTANT OSES. Foreign Relations Sherman, Edmunds, Frye. Evarts, Dolph, Morgan, Browne, Payne and Eustis. Improvement of the Mississippi River Wasbburne, Farwell, Hawley, Marston, Eustis, Walthall and Bate. Indian Aflairs Dawes, Piatt, Stockbridge. Manderon, Wolcott, Morgan, Jones, of Ar kausas; Hearst and Daniek Inter-State Commerce Cullom, Piatt, Blair, Wilson, of Iowa; Hiscock, Harris, Gorman, Reagan and Barbour. Judiciary Edmunds, Ingalls Hoar, Wilson, of Iowa: Evarts, Pngb, Coke, Vest and George. Library Evarts, Heir and Voorhees. Manufactures McMillan, Quay, Piatt, Col quitt and Blodgett. Military Affairs Hawley, Cameron, Mander son, Stewart, Davis. Cockrell, Hampton; Wal thall and Bate. Mines and Mining Stewart, Jones, of Ne vada; Mitchell, Teller, Bate, Faulkner and Hearst. Naval Affaire Cameron, Hale, Stanford, Stockbridge, Marston, McPherson, Butler, Blackburn and Gray. Patents Teller, Chace, Piatt, Hiscock, Gray, Kenna and Reagan. Pensions Davis, Blair, -Sawyer, Paddock, Marston, Turpie,.Blodgett, Faulkner and Bar bour. Postofflres and Poetroads Sawyer, Chace. Mitchell, Qnav, McMillan, Colquitt, Wilson, of Maryland: Reagan and Blodgett. Printing Manderson, Han ley and Gorman. -Private Land Claims Ransom, Colquitt, Pasco, Edmunds, Stewart, Ingalls and wol cott. Privileges and Elections Hoar, Frye, Teller, Evarts, Spooner, Vance, Pugh, Quayj and Tur pie. Public Buildings and Grounds Stanford Morrill, Spooner, Quay, Vest, Daniel and Pasco. Public Lands Plumb, Blair, Dolph, Teller, Paddock, Morgan, WalthalL Berrv and Pasco. Railroads Sawyer. Haw lev, Stockbridge, Wolcott, Marston, Brown, Kenna, Blackburn and Berry. ReviMon of Laws Wilson, of Iowa; Stanford, Teller, Wilson, of Maryland; Daniel. Revolutionary Claims Coke, Pugh, Hearst. Chace and Morrilk Rules Aldricb, Sherman, Ingalls, Harris, Blackburn. Territories Piatt, Cullom, Manderson, Stewart, Davis. Butler, Payne, Jones, of Ar kansas, and Blackburn. Transportation Routes to Seaboard Quay, Mitchell, Cullom. Daw es,Aldrich, Gibson, Vest George and Turpie. THE SELECT COMMITTEES. The resolution was adopted, and Mr. Piatt offered a resolution appointing the follow ing select committees: To Investigate the Condition of the Potomac River Front of Washington McPherson, Ran som, Barbour, Manderson, Spooner and Ed munds. To Inquire Into Claims of Citizens of the United States Against Nicaragua Morgan, Wilson, of Mar land; Hearst, Hoar and Cam eron. On Woman Suffrage Vance, Brown, Beck, Blair. Chace, Farwell and Wolcott. Additional Accommodations for the Library of Congress Voorhees, Butler, Morrill, Evarts and Marston. On the Centennial of the Constitution and Discovery of America Hiscock, Sherman, Hoar-Hawley. Voorhees, Enstis and Colquitt. On Five Civilized Tribes of Indians Butler, Morgan, Dawes, Cameron and Teller. On the President's Message Transmitting the Report of the Pacific Railway Commission Frye. Dawes, HiscocK, Davis, Morgan, Butler, and Hearst. Relations With Canada Hoar, Allison, Hale, Dolph, Pugh. Butler and Voorhees. On the Transportation and bale of Meat Products Vest, Plumb, Manderson, Cullom and Coke. Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands Stewart, Allison. Plumb, Hiscock, Gorman Reagan and Jones, of Arkansas. AN nfTEBESTEf O DISCUSSION. A long and interesting discussion took place on a motion made by Mr. Jfayne to strike from the list of select committees the one "On Relations with Canada." He re garded such an investigation by a commit tee of the Senate ns usurpalorr of the func tions of the Executive. He also looked ;upon the oppointment of a select committee on uie suDjcct ns an interference wiin the duties of the Committee on .Foreign Rela tion". !Mr, Hoar explained that on account of SMITE '" COMMITTEES. the lateness of the long session, and of the political campaign which followed it. the special committee appointed at the first session of the last Congress, on his motion, had not been able to discharge its duties, and therefore it was decided to renew the appointment It was useless, he said, to be blind to the fact and no discretion required silence as to it that there was a large and growing body of men in Canada that de sired annexation to the United States, but nobody proposed to accomplish it without a free and intelligent and instructed will of the people of both countries. CAN'T INVESTIGATE TOO MUCH. Mr. Cullom did not think there conld be too much investigation into the relations existing and to exist between the United States and Canada. Mr. Sherman favored the appointment of the select committee. He did not believe that, with the long-stretching border be tween them, the two countries could long in peace. There would be a great nation springing up to the north of the United States, and that fact would necessitate a standing army on each side which would endanger the republican form of govern ment. , After further debate in the same general line, Mr. Payne withdrew his motion, and all the select committees were agreed to, and the Senate went into executive session and confirmed these nominations: Thomas W. Palmer, of Michigan, to be En voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten Uary to Spain. . t. John F. Swift, of California, to be Envoy Ex traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan. John D. Washburn, of Massachusetts, to bo Minister Resident and Consul General to Switzerland. George C. Tichenor, of Illinois, to be Assist ant secretary oi me XTeasury, vico iimb u. Maynard, resigned. The following nominations, sent to-day, were referred to the appropriate committees, after which the Senate then adjourned, A BIG BATCH FOE ONE DAT. Arthur C. Milletts, of Watertown. Dak., to be Governor of Dakota. Luther B. Richardson, of Grand Forks, Dak., to be Secretary of Dakota. Cornelics H. Hanford, of Washington Terri tory, to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Washington. George W. Irwin, of Montana, to be Marshal of tbe United States for the Territory of Mon tana. Smiley U. Chambers, of Indiana, to be United States Attorney for the District of Indiana. George S. Batchellor, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of tbe Treasury, vice Hugh S. Thompson, resigned. Albert G. Porter, of Indiana, to be Minister to Italy. John A. Enanaer, of Illinois, Minister to Denmark. George W. Dunn, Postmaster at Bingham ton. N. Y. Richard Root, Postmaster at Keokuk, Iowa. James G. Perry, of North Carolina, to be an assistant surgeon in the marine hosmtal service. Alexander C. Smith, of New York, to be an assistant surgeon in the marine hospital service. Postmasters: Maine C. A. Rolfe, Prince ton; A C. Perry, Pretguo Isle; New York Lensie L. Sayle. Malone; Ira Dorance, Middle town; L R. Muzzy, Pulaski; W. L. Beers, Rbinelander. WHO AND WHAT THEI AEB. Short Sketches of Some of iho Latest PresU dental Appointees. "Washington, March 12 Following are brief sketches of the principal ap pointees of President Harrison, whose names were sent to the Senate to-day: John A. Enander, of Illinois, nominated to be Minister resident and Consul General at Copenhagen, Denmark, Is about CO years of age, and was born in Sweden. He is the editor of the Hemlanel, a Scandinavian paper pub lished in Chicago and circulating extensively in tbe Northwest. He has always been a con sistent Republican in politics, has never held a public office, and although not an orator, has worked hard for party success through the columns of his paper. His nomination w as in dorsed by both of the Illinois Senators, as a fitting recognition of tbe strong Republican element among the Scandinavians settled throughout the Northwest. George S. Bachellor, appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, is a grandnephew of Roger Sherman. He was graduated at Harvard in 1867, and was elected to the New York Legislature the following year. Ho served during the war as Major aDd Lieutenant Colonel of the One Hundred land Fifteenth New York Volunteers, and subsequently was Inspector General of the New York Militia. In 1S75 be was appointed Judge of the Inter national Tribunal at Cairo. Egypt. He has been repeatedly elected, to the New York Legislature, serving as Chairman of tbe Com mittee on WaysandMeansandon the Judiciary. He is a resident of Saratoga Springs, and is one of the richest men In the State. He will take the place now occupied by Governor Thompson, and will have immediate supervis ion ot all appointments under tbe Treasury Department. His appointment was urged by by ex-Senators Miller and Piatt. Messrs. Bachellor and Tichenor, the newly-appointed Assistant Secretaries, have arranged to relieve Messrs. Thompson and Maynard, tbe in cumbents, on the 1st proximo, the latter two having consented to remain until that date. Cornelius H. Hanford, nominated to be Chief Justice of Washington Territory, is a resident of Walla Walla, w here he has prac ticed law for several years. He has been close ly identified in Territorial enterprises. KGeorge W. Irwin, nominated to be United States Marshal for Montana, is an old resi dent of Butte, and is engaged in mining. He was at one time Sheriff of Deer Lodge county. Smiley N. Chambers, nominated to be United States Attorney for tbe district of Indiana, is a member of the law firm of De Wolff fc Cham bers, of Vinccnnes, Ind. He has served in the State Legislature, was a delegate to the Chic ago convention, and is a personal friend of President Harrison. Baekt'sTbicopheeous beautifies and invigorates the hair, imparting gloss and silken softness. w Children's Fast BInck Ribbed Cotton Stocking Now in stock extra qualities, yet not ex travagant in price the largest hosierv de partment. JOS. HOBNE & CO. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. Dress Goods. See our line of black and white effects at 50c per yard 44 inches wide; nothing to equal these in tms city. mwfsu "Hugus & Hackee. Take the baby to Pearson for cabinet photos of it- Ton will find be will outdo all others in pleasing it, and making an elegant likeness ot it. 96 Fifth avenue aud 43 Fed eral street, Allegheny. Wall Pnper. Newest designs and colorings in every grade of goods at the new store of Crumrine, Bane & Bassett, 416 W6od street, Thomas Palmer's old stand. 83, 86 and 8S Pants Made to order at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street wsu The People's Store. Grand re-opening Thursdav, March 21, 1889. D Coughs and colds are dangerous intrud ers. Expel with Parker's Ginger Tonic. Parker sHairBalsam aids thehair growth. March April May Are the best months in which to purify your blood, for at no other season does the system so much need the aid of a reliable medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilia, as now. During tbe long, cold win.ter. the blood becomes thin and Impure, the body becomes weak and tired, tbe appetite may be lost. Hood's Sarsaparilia ii peculiarly adapted to purify and enrich the blood, to create a good appetite and to over come that tired feeling. It increases in popu larity every year, for it is the ideal spring medicine. "Every spring for years I have made it a practice to -take from three to five bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilia, because I know it purifies tbe blood and thoroughly cleanses the sj stem of all impurities. That languid feeling, some times called "spring fever, will never visit tbe system that has been properly cared for by this ncver-failing remedy." W. H. Lawhexce, Editor Agricultural Epitomise, Indianapolis, Ind. N. B. Bo cure to get Hood's Sarsaparilia Sold by all druggists. SI: six for 13. Prepared only by C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar is . Physician, Care Thyself. The talk that pleases men of brains Is not the talk that most explains; But that which grapples fleeting sense With books of clinching evidence. See how Drs. Starkey &. Palen fit this meas ure: Twenty years ago Dr. Geo, It. Starkey intro duced bis Compound Oxygen Treatment into general use. He was ill himself; overtaxed by the demands of an exacting practice. One day tbe phrase "Physician, cure thy self" piqued him into tbe master effort of his life. His needs were his guides; he studied his own afflictions; brought all his experience and skill to bear upon them, and the results were the Compound Oxygen 'Treatment and something more vital his complete restoration to health. Then Dr. Palen, a physician of skill and ex perience, discovered its value by personal, positive contact with its remedial power. At once he took hold with the enthusiasm that follows genuine conviction, and together these two physicians devoted all their time, their entire fortunes and the combined ef fectiveness ot their medical experience to tho development and introduction of this Treat ment. And they worked to some purpose, for dur ing the past twenty years their Compound Oxy gen Treatment has cured thousands of desper ate diseases. Drs. Starkev & Palen's office records show over 45,000 different cases in which their Compound Oxygen Treatment has been used by physicians in their practice and by invalids Independently. These records are always open to inspection. They are filled with indorsements of the strongest character from many well-known men and women. A list of these, together with their brochure of 200 pages, will be for warded, free of charge, to any address. This publication contains tbe record of the Compound Oxygen Treatment in cases of Con sumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Head ache, Hay Fever. Debility, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia and all chronic diseases. It yon will take the trouble to read these lit tle bulletins of tbe Compound Oxygen Treat ment, yon will see that each one hereafter will contain "the names of people who have been cured by this Treatment, and in no instance will a name be duplicated, since we have a goodly host of indorsements from which to choose, or if you will write, you can have tbe lot in a bunch and judge for yourself. For tbe tree brochure, or any information re- fardlng the Compound Oxygen Treatment, ad ress Dbs. Stakkey & Palen, No. 1529 Arch St: Philadelphia, Pa. A Big Cnt. We have made a big cut this week in prices in suits for boys and children. It you want boys' clothing at half price come this week to the Hub; remember everything must be sold and now is your chance lor hig bargains in clothing for men and boys. Call at the Boston Clothing House, 439 Smith field street. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday, Nsrae. iteildence. Sam n el Gold'teln Pittsburg Jennie Berman Pittsburg W. Fleming GUllland Gettysburg Ada .Patterson Elizabeth township John H. Aupeser Chartlcrs township Catharine Lutz McDonald Paul Duessel Allegheny Elsie Magic Allegheny George Burkl Plttsbnrg Erna Westerhaus Allegheny Samuel C Dickson Pittsburg Lena Uennlnger Pittsburg Joseph Jay .Pittsburg Maggie Valley Plttsbnrg Nicholas S. Wolcott.. ...TJ. Ohio township Emma Cooper Chartlcrs David A. Venson Pittsburg Maggie Snaps Leesdale Joshua W. Kitchen MUlvale borough Katie Eckert Allegheny John Steinroeti Pittsburg Mary Bingham . Pittsburg DIED. BAILIFF On Tuesday. March 12, 1889, at 7 o'clock A. M Bibdie BkulaH. infant daugh ter of Addison P. and Sarah Bagaley Bailiff, aged 9 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Montooth, Indiana township, Allegheny county, Thursday mousing at 11 o'clock. Interment private. 2 CRAIG On Monday, 11th Inst, atU20A. 1L, Mabgaiiet Cbaio, aged 82 years. Funeral from the residence of her son in law. B. McQuiston, Emerson street. East End, W edkesdat, 13th inst, at 2f.il Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 DASCHBACH At tbe residence of her parents. 2329 Carson street S. 8., on Sunday. March 10, 18S9, at 8 P.M.. Edjta B, beloved daughter of Joseph and Rose Daschbach, aged 3 years and 6 months. Funeral on Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. 2 HARE On Tuesday, March 12, 18S9, at 2 P. h.. Thomas R. Hark, aged 29 years 3 months 12 days. Funeral services at his late residence. No. 2217 Sarah street, Southside, .Pittsburg. Pa., on Wednesday evening, March 13, 1889, at 8 o'clock. Funeral on Thursday at 10 a. m. In terment at Bridgeport Cemetery, Brownsville, Pa. 2 HOLLAND At the residence of her son, P. H. Burns, 76 Preble avenue, Allegheny Citv, Marietta Hoiaaxd, in the 77th year of her age. Funeral from St Andrew's Church at 9 o'clock, a. m Thursday, March It 2 LEIBLING At Latrobe, Pa., on Monday, March 11. 1889, at 1 o'clock, p. M., Mrs. Clara Leibllno, aged 47 years. Funeral on Thursday, March 14, at 10-00 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. McKELVT On Tuesday. March 12, 1889, at Sewickley, Pa.. Mrs. Akna B. Pride, wife of Colonel Samuel McKelvy, In the 70th year of her age. Funeral services at Park Place Hotel, Sewickley, on Thursday, March 14. at 2 p.m. Interment private OVER On Monday, March 11, 1889, at 1 o'clock A. M., Mrs. Sarah Over, wife of John Over, in her 73d jear. Funeral from the Bethel Presbyterian Church. Pleasant Valley, on Wednesday, March 13, at 8.30 A.M. Interment private. 2 PATTON At San Francisco. March 5, 1889, Samuel W. Patton. lato of Pittsburg. Funeral from family residence, Newark, N.J. SIMMONS-On Tuesday, March 12, 1889, at 8.30 p. M., Walter Glei.n, Bon of Addison and Hannah G. Simmons, in the 18th year of bis age. Funeral from tbe parents' residence, near Banksville, on Thursday, 14th, at 2 p.m. Carriages will leave T. B. Hersbcrger's, under taker, West End, at 10 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. SEITZ At the family residence, Sharpsbnrg, Pa., on Monday, March 11, at 12 o'clock p. m Mary A., daughter of Frederick and the late Anna B. Seltz. ., Funeral from the family residence, on Thursday, March 14, at 2 o'clock. 2 SCHMITZ At tbe family residence. No. Ill Julius street, Twenty-first ward, on Sunday, March 10, 1889, at 9.50 P. M., CHARLES A. SCHMITZ, aged 52 years. Funeral services on Wednesday, March 13, at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend. 2 ANTHONY. METER, (Successors to Meyer, Arnold t Co., llm,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, U31 Penn avenue. Tel. ephone connection. mylO-h53-MVF JAMES M. FULLERTON. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. oclS-wrsu w II. DhVOKE &SOK, lindertakcrs and Embalincrs and Livery Stables, So. 512 Grant street, near Flflli avenue. At tho old stand fine carriages for shopping or parties or opera at the most reasonable prices. 'Jelephone 23. oc31-d8-WSu FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. T. B. MURDOCH, C-1 n SMITHFIELD ST. OlU Telephone 429. de6-f4-MWT SEEDSISEEDSISEEDS! Get our illustrated CO-page spring catalogue of Seeds, Trees, Plants, Flowers and Garden requisites. JOHN B. & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 239. 60S SMITHFIELD St. fel9-MWP EPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN 1SCI asset, - . seoe. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES, 84 Fourth avenue. ta20-s2-D pEMOVAL SALE Entire stock must bo closed out by APRIL 1, Regardless of cost Library, hall, vase, piano and banquet lamps. Dinner, tea, toilet sets. Vases, bric-a-brac rich cut and pressed glass ware. D. TAYLOR fc CO.. Opposite bmithfield street, mbU-wrsu W7 Liberty street. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE HAVE REMOVED. W ATTLES & SHEAFER, THE JEWELERS, HAVE : REMOVED : TO 37 FIFTH AVENUE. We will occupy the entire building, and will carry as nice a stock pf goods as can be found anywhere. Don't forget onr new number, 37 FIFTH AVENUE. Formerly occupied by Kornblum, the Optician. fel8-MTVP BRASS BEDSTEADS .A.13 $29. IRON BEDSTEADS, Finished Any Color on Order. We are particulai xters. Write for prices and P. C. Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. OPP. WOOD. mhio-wsu THIS IS THURSDAY and FRIDAY, March 14: and 15,' Spring Millinery Opening. Latest London and Paris Styles Trim med Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Velvets, Gauzes, Nets, etc. Wait for this opening and come in on these days. Opening in Trimming Department. High Novelties in Dress Trimmings. Look at window display. Opening in Glove Department. Spring importation Ladies' and Misses' Glace and Suede Giores, button and mousquetaire styles; new stitching, new shades in tans, modes, French blues, serpent greens, browns, slates, mahog any and black, with self and colored em broidery. Opening in Hosiery Department. Opening New Novelties in Art Embroidery Department. To one and ail o these Openings your attention is directed. " THURSDAY and FRIDAY, this week. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH A TENT7E. mhl2-s BOSTON NOVELTY STBJIE, 406 and 408 Wood St Look at This Week's BARGAINS. Prices That Spi for TIiemselTes. 20 doz. brooms, worth 25 cts., only 15 cts. each. 20 doz. brooms, worth S3 cts., only 20 cts. each. 15 doz. brooms, worth 42 cts., only 25 cts. each. 12 doz. brooms, worth 60 cts., only 30 cts. each. 6 doz. 7-in. galv. iron tea kettles, only 60 cts. each. 4 doz. 8-in. galv. iron tea kettles, only 69 cts. each. Stone China slop jars, SI, SI SO and SI 75 each. Baby Carriages. Baby Carriages. GO different styles, at prices never before sold in Pittsbure. A beautiful rattan baby carnage, parasol top, worth 48 50. only S5. 15 different patterns, 12-piece toilet set, with jar. only $5. 68-plece decorated tea set, only S3 60. Railroad dinner kettles, S different styles, GO cts. to 9 cts. Clothes hampers, only GO cts. GO doz. steak dishes, worth 25 cts., only 10 cts. each. 00 doz. sheet iron roasting pans, 10 cts. to 43 cts. Ladies' sewing tables, only SI. Ladies' folding lapboard, only 75 cts, .Ebony G-ft. easel, only SU OaK 5-f t. easel, only SI GO. 3-arm towel racks, only 5 cts. 10-pin hatracks, only lb cts. Bojs' iron velocipedes; S3 25 to $0 50. Boys' painted wheelbarrows, 25 cts to 95 cts. Hoys' 2-wheel carts, 10 cts. to SO cts. Boys' 4-wheel wagons. S9 cts. to S2 GO. New goods arrivine every day. Greatest bargains ever seen in Pittsburg on our 5 ct. and 10 ct, counters. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. . H. C. HAYDEN & CO. - mhlO-wsu CHAS. PFEIFER, Men's Furnishing Goods. 413 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBDHG. 100 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, SECttTS TO OBDEH! Wo make all our own shirts, and our Custom Shirt Denartment is the best en jlpped in tbe Bute, wo carrj a full line of Full Dress,.all over embroidered P. Ks., and Embroidered Linens, aud guarantee a lit. If you cannot'got a fit elsewhere give us a trial. ! Cleaning and Dyeing Offices at above loca tions. Laco Curtains laundried equal to riew. Full Dress Shirts laundried, Hand Finish., rnhB-Jiwr' 'Tl. . !' - r kkw advertisement. ! Spring -;--Opening OP IMPORTED OVERCOATINGS SUMMS AND PMALOOfflGS, SPEING OPENING OF OUB NEW DEPARTMENT OF HATS AND CAPS. Spring Opening of Hen's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats. Spring Opening oi Boys' and Children's KILT andPANTS SUITS Spring Opening of STAR SHIRT WAISTS. Spring Opening of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Adding another Store Koom has demand ed the increase of our assortments in every department, and we are now showing the best lines of stylish, standard goods in tbe two cities, and at prices which do not admit of underselling. Our motto of the past ''Mm Best Quality for the Least Money." "Will govern our dealings of the iuture. We request the favor of a call. -- & Tailors, Clotniers and Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St., Allegheny. jJHfrfrfrHfrfrfr mhlO-WFSu BEAUTIFUL CARPETS. Ses Window Display of 0. McCLIHTOCK Our Opening of March 4 was a magnificent display of Carpets in new styles and new effects of colors. Some of the most elegant of these are to be seen in our window on Fifth ave. The Wiltons there shown exhibit the very latest artistic effects of design and color, notably beautiful are the "Morris" designs. mose wno win need new J carpets in April and May should select now, when the assortment is full. 0. McCLINTOCK & CO., 33 FIFTH AYENUE33 mh6-3tWF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COSIPANY, Philadelphia. Total Assets, January 1, 1SS7 S2.30I.ffi8 68 FDWABDS &KBNNET, Ag'ts, QO FOURTH AVE., Pittsburg, Fa. a Telephone 76a jalSCO-w i ' : ,' IMPRESSIVE SPRING OFFERINGS. pinnrTQ AMH PIDTMIMC--earePrePareosnOTe'arBest''ncso'arpetew Llflnr L I o MIlU uUnlMInO productions ofthc best mills in the country and prices the lowest for quality; examine cnasing your carpets, aoay urusseis ana xapesiry urnsseis uvc up. ueaumui new patterns in xncraius, various graueg. varpct oquares ana jjrnggeis, omyrna .nags ana Jaats all prices. Oil Cloths, all widths. "Window Shades, plain and dado. Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain Poles and Trimmings at very low prices. Oar Lace Curtain stock is re pleta with new designs, niiny of them conhncd to ourselves; we have them from 50c up; grand values at $1, 81 25, 81 50, 82 and up to 810 a pair; we guarantee these cannot be dupli cated any where for the prices. Heavy Curtains and Portiers. Silk and Oriental Curtains. Plain and Figured Scrims. Madras and Curtain Laces by the yard at popular prices UnilOET ETIlDbllOUIUP nnnj!DT MP JUT, ..Always a successful department in our house; Is now full up at low prices. In Table Linens, direct importa- llUUoH rUnniunillU UHrHnllfltLlll tions, we show rare bargains; loom linens20o up, cream and bleached 37 44 and 60c up; special value at 50c, worth 65c anywhere, tull 72-mch double damasks, in beautiful patterns, 75, 87c, 81 and 81 25, are especially good; fringed cloths, all white and colored borders, with napkins to match. Grand values in towels, napkins and towelings, pillow casings and sheetings, colored table cloths, raw silk tapestry and plush covers, all sizes; mattresses, pillows, bolsters and feathers in bulk at low prices. 'Mil I IUCDV nCDHDTMCHT "We have no regular opening day; the ' nlLLIilC.nl Utr All I Tlllil I "Bonnets; new ribbons, new flowers and ' N. B. Ko charge foe, trimming hats and J CIl l0 A Wn nDCCCPnnnC.-srtCne,lemirefinisli:BlactGrosGrains 50s "P- Sneclal values at 75c, STc, SI (24-inch), tlWA, 51 25; very superior finish ' OlLnO AliU UniloOuUUUw 51 50 and SI 75; double twilled surahs 75c, 90c and ?L Bbadaines, Merveilleaux, Armures and other fancy weaves at equally'' close prices. In black dress fabrics we quote as grand values, cashmeres 45, 50 and 60c; 46-inch Henriettas 00, 65, 75 and 85c; silk warp Henriettas 81, $1 12J and 1 23. la colored dress goods and suitings we show a varied line of imported wool fabrics at 60, 75c and $1 a yard in rays, stripes, checks; blocks and fancy styles. Kote our immense lues of shades and colors French cashmeres, 46-inch, at 50, 65, 75 and 90c Silk warp cashmeres 81, usual price 81 25. Large assortment plaids and stripes, specially for combinations; 560 pieces 36-inch dress goods 25 to 37c, in new colorings and designs in stripes, plaids, checks and mixtures. In Wash Goods we offer elegant French Satines, 20, .25, 31 and 35c; American Satlnes, 10, 12 and 15c Dress Ginghams, 10 and 12c Scotch Zephyrs, Etoiledu Nords and tal lies at popular figures. Muslin Underwear, complete in all grades; chemises and drawers 25o up; night dresses, skirts and corset covers in great variety of trimmings and at -low-prices. Corsets, best shapes. Bustles, gloves, hosiery and underwear, all weights. , t Samples sent on request. '" 165,. VlPTkRTIgKatEKT&r.X Jut Thing ftr Bp. THebestmAQL Boys' Star Shirt Waists, pleated, in colored percales, at 50c. Boys' Star Shirt Waists, pleated, fancy colored percales, at 63c. Boys' Star Shirt Waists, pleated, fancy colored percales, at 75c. Boys' Star Shirt Waists, pleated, fancy colored percales, standing and laydown collars, at 95c and $1 25. Boys' White Star Shirt Waists, pleated back and front, standing collars, at 95c Boys' Linen .Star Shirt Waists, pleated back and front, laydown and standing collars, at $1 25. Fleishman &Co's. SEW DEPARTMENT STORES 504,506 and 508 Market st, .PITTSBURG, PA. mhl5-D KNOX, PAULSON, NEW YORK. PITTSBURG. The spring styles of these extra quality, durable and beautiful Silk and Stiff Hats (for which we arc the sole agents) arc now ready. Tho fact that wo sell the BEST HATS pro duced is no reason why we can't sell a GOOD HAT at a MODERATE PRICE. To illustrate we draw attention to onr now well-known brand, "The Tycoon" Stiff Hat at $2, identical in style with onr S3 and 51 Hats. The remarkable increase in the sales of this Hat proves that it is being appreciated by the public. All the spring shapes ready. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. mhl3-Mwr MISS "MARIE LANDERS. THE ENTER PRISING Artiste in Hair Goods,continues to lead. Bangs cnt in all the latest styles.. Also a large assortment of WIcr. Switchesetc etc Don't fail to call at 23 Fifth are., Hngus & Hacke building, upstairs. Take Sperber's ele vator, mmo-wsu MARCH bonnets bought of us. Mail orders will be promptly 167 and 169 FEDERAL is .JsVN.- ,33, WEW ADYERTISSMENTB. m 10O pieces Figured and Plain China Silks, -worth 75c, at 39c 50 pieces Changeable Morie Silks, worth 75c, at 39c. SO pieces Shanghai or India Silks, worth $100, atC9c. 50 pieces Black Gros Grain Silks, worth 85c, at 49c. 3,000 yards plejrant French Sateens, ex clusive styles, worth 25c, at 19c. 2,000 yards Said. Ginghams, worth 20c, at 10c 2,000 yards Lawns, new Spring styles, worth 10c, at Gc. 3,000 yards ChaHies, elegant designs, worth 12c. at 7c 2,500 yards Elegant Sateens, new designs, just received, worth 18c, at 10c 2,500 yards 36-inch Fercale, worth 12c, at8Jfc 50 pieces All-WooltHenrietta, new shades, worth 65c, at 44c , 100 pieces Cheviots Stripes, Mixed and Plaids, worth 30c, at 19c 40-inch Hack Towels, worth 18c, at 10c 40-inch Damask Scrim-Towels, worth 30c, at 19c 10-4 Crochet Quilt (extra), worth (1 00, at 69c 10-4 Crochet Quilt, worth $1 50, at 99c Extra Heavy Marseilles Quilt, worth 82 00. at 5149. Cloth "Walking Jackets jnst received, Coat-hack, Tailor-made, worth 5 00, at 53 29. Cheviot "Walking Jacket, inserted "Waist-. coat all new Spring shades worth $6 50, at 54 99. Silk-beaded "Wrap, Netted Jet Shoulders, silk-lined through, worth 55 50, at 53 98. Complete line Jerseys, new Spring color ings, from 99c up. Elegant fast Black Hose, worth 35c, at 19c 1,000 doz. 36-gage fast Black Hose, worth 45c, at 25c Buttons in all the latest colorings at 25c per doz. ' Large and small buttons to match "Le Directoire." See our Pearl Buttons, in all sizes, at 25c per gross. 50 different styles Ladies' Lawn Aprons, worth 50c, at 24c The most perfect fitting and reliable Kid Gloves in either city at 99c per pair. 350 doz. Gent's Finest Quality Silk Scarfs, made to retail at one dollar, for this week only 49c SPECIAL 20,000 yards best Standard Prints at 5c per yard, worth 8c Fire thousand people visited our House Furnishing Department the first day of our opening. Don't fail to step in basement when you're in. SUCCESSORS TO MORRIS H. DANZIGER. mhl3-S-3rwTSU OFF1CIAL-PITTSBUKG. iNo.239. AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING THE grade of Center avenue from Soho street to Hiland avenne. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Plttsbnrg. In Selectand Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That the grade of thenorth curb of Center avenue, from Soho street to Hiland avenue, be and the same shall bo established as follows, to-wit: Begin ning on tneeast curb of Sohustreet at an eleva tion ot 268.10 feet, thence falling atthe rate of 2.50 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 4G9.18 feet to an angle at an elevation of 256.37 feet; thence rising at the rate of 1.50 feet per 100 feet tor a distance of 486.68 feet to an angle at an eleva of 26X67 feet; thence rising at tbe rate of 2.40 feet per 160 feet for a distance of M27J2S feet to tbe east curb of Morgan street at an elevation of 297.92; thence risingatthe rate ot 3.57 feetper 100 feet for a distance of 653.51 feet to an angle about the center of Herron avenue at an ele vation of 32L25 feet; thence risingatthe rate ot 7.397 feet per 100 feet for a distance of ICi 46 feet to a P. Cat an elevation of 414.73 feet; thence by a parabola for a distance of 613.76 feet to a V. T. and an angle at an elevation of 413.83 feet; thence falling at tbe rate of &33 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 1,977.33 feet to a P. C. at an elevation of 248.13 feet; thence by a parabola for a distance of 41104 feet to a P. T. at an elevation of 221.98 feet: thence falling at the rate of 4.23 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 447.85 1 eet to the wet curb of Neville street at an elevation of 202.95 feet; thence crossing the said street level for a distance of 38.01 feet to the east curb; thence rising at the rate of one (1) foot per 100 feet for a distance of 961.65 feet to a point opposite tbe west enrb line of Bid well street at an elevation of 212.57 feet; thence falling at the rate of 2.401 feet per 100 feet tor a distance of 910 97 feet to a point at an elevation of 190. 68 feet; thence rising at the rate of .83 of a foot per 100 feet for a distance of 60 feet to the west end of thoirldgo over the Penn sylvania Railroad atau elevttlon of 19LIS feet: thence crossing the said. bridge level for a dis tance of 117 feet to the east end: thence falling at the rate of .83 of a foot per 100 feet for a dis tance of 60 feet to a point at an elevation of 190 OS feet; thence rising at tbe rate of 2.77 feet per ICO feet for a distance of 088.93 feet to a point at an elevation of 209.71 feet; thence fall ing at tbe rate of Z50 feet per 100 feet for a dis tance of 1,123.99 feet to a point opposite the center of Graham street at an elevation of 18L49 feet; thence rising at the rate of L177 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 697.97 feet to the west curb of Roup street, at an elevation of 189.71 feet; thence crossing the said street level for a distance of 36.0a feet to tbe east curb: thence falling at tbe rate of one (1) footfper 100 feet for a distance of 200 feet to a point at an elevation of 187.11 feet; thence rising at the rate of one (1) foot per 103 feet for a distance of 734.53 feet to a point at an elevation of 194.46 feet: thence falling at the rate of one (1) foot per 100 feet for a distance of 490 feet to tbe west enrb of Enclid street, at an- elevation of 189.50 feet; thence cronslng the said street level for a dis tance of 36 feet to the cast curb; thence rising at the rate of 1 662 feet per 100 feet for a. dis tance of 1,139 25 feet to tbe west enrb of Hiland avenne at an elevation of 206.43 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance 9, 1889. goods are here now. Come right in and see trimmings of all kinds. and carefully executed. STREET, ATtT.TOHENT, m I I m m I m M iiUUfYli D1EZI6H k mam this 25tadayof February. A. D. 1889. ij H. P. FORD. President of Select C6ub ell. Attest: GEO. 8HEPPABD, Clerk of S. lect Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. February 27. Iffl9. AppTovedr "WM. McCAIJJN, Mayor. Attest: W. H, McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book,TOl. . JMS 588.7th day of March. A.D.lSg. mh&2X No. 250.1 AN ORDrNANCE-LocATrNG KTNCAID street, from Fan-mount street toRebecc street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by th. city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Conn cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same That Klncaid street, from Falrmount street to Re becca street, be and the same shall bo located s follows, to-wit: The north Moot line of Kidcald street shall beginat a stone monument situated at the intersection of the north 5-f oec line of Kincaid street at tbe east 5-foot line of i Falrmount street and at a distance southerly, from a stone monumentsituated atthe intersee tion ot the north 5-foot line of Rosetta street and the east 6-foot line of Falrmount street thence deflecting to the right 87 17' f or a dis tance of 1,158.49 feet to a stono monnment situ ated at the intersection of the north 5-foot lint of Kincaid street and at the west 5-foot line of Rebecca street, and at a distance southerly o-l 30&34 feet from a stone monnment situated at the intersection of tbe north 5-foot line of Ro setta street, and the west 5-foot line of Rebecca street, and intersecting said line at an angle of 71 31', and said Kincaid street shall be of width of 40 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as tbe same affects this ordi nance. A Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th dav of February, A- D. 1SB9. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO.L.HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of CommontTouncil. Mayor's Office, February 27, 1859. Approved? WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEART, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 6, page 596, 8th day of March. A. D. 18X9. mhll JNo. 2iiJ A N ORDINANCE-ESTABUSHING THE J grade of Irwin avenue, from Dallas street, to Shady avenue. Section L Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coancils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade of the east curb of Irwin avenue, from Shady avenue to Dallas street, be and the same shall be established as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the center of Shady avenue at an. elevation of 429.55 feet: thence falling at the rate of 1.432 feet per-100 feet for a distance- of 6E0.47feetto a point at an elevation of 419.80 feet; thence rising at the rate of 2.167 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 382.88 feet toaP.U. at an elevation of 427.67 feet; thence by apar abole for a distance of 400 feet to a P. T. at an elevation of 42200 feet; thence falling at the rate of .500 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 510.00 feet to the sonth curb of Dallas street at an elevation of 39450 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi-t nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 25th dav of February. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. . ' Mayor's Office, February 27, 1889. Approved: "WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H.' McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol 6, pace 593, 7th day of March, A. D. 1889. mh8-21 No. 247J 1 AN ORDINANCE LOCATING BROAtf street, from Negley avenue to Rebecca street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe autborlty ot the same. That Broad street, from Negley avenue to Rebecca street, be and tbe same shall be located as follows, to-wit: The north 5-foot line of Bicad street shall bezin at a point situated at tho intersection of the north 5-foot line of .Broad street and the west 12-foot line of Negley ave-. nue, and at a distance northerly of 374.709 feet fr om a stone monnment situated at the inter se ;tion of tbe north 5 foot line of Penn avenue an d tbe net 12-foot line of Negley avenue; thence deflecting to the left 90 for a distance of 4V3L53feet to a stone monnment: thence de flecting to the left 17 21' for a distance ot 1,13.1.70 feet to a pin situated at the intersection of the north 5-foot line of Broad street and the west 5-foot line of Rebecca street, and at a distance southerly of 2.44 feet from a stone mnmtmentsltnated at the Intersection of tbo north 5-foot line of Dauphin street and the west .5-foot line of Rebecca street, and Inter sectlngsaid west 5-foot line of Rebecca street at an single of 72 43 20". and said Broad street shall b e of a width of 45 feet. ' Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time be and the1 same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects tills ordinance. Ordain ed and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th day of February, A. D. 18E9. H. P. .FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOUJDAY. President ot Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's OSlceFebmary 27, 1889. Approved: W3I. McfJALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. ' Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 594. 8th day of Anarch, A. D. 1SS9. mhll Department op Public Satett1 Pittsburg, March 7, 1889. J OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O CEIVED' at the office of the City Control ler .until 2 P. M. on Thursday, March 14, 1889, for furnishing; natural gas at garbage fur nace-on Hill street, Sixth ward, for the ensuing year. Bonds In double tbe amount of tbe bids wm be required; sa-d bends to be probated before the Mayor or CI ty Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, mhS-20 Chief Department Public Safety. Cmr lBEASUKEIt'S Omen, Municipal Hall, Smithfleld street. NOTICE ISHKREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) ef drays, carts, wagons, carriages, bnggies. etc, must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not pa'. I on or before 8 rs: Monday in March, 1S8S, will be placed in the h.inds of police offlcers for collection, subject to a collection fee ot 59 cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday In May, 1889, will bo snb- Ject to a penalty doubfe the amount of the Icense, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said citj . The old metal plate of last year must be returned at tbe time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Kates 6f license: Each one-horse vehicle. S6 00: each two-horse vehicle, $10 00: each f onr-horse vrnicle, $12 CO; each f our. horse hack, $15 00; omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, S10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for eacb additional horse used in abovo specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, fel4-70-D City Treasurer. WM, SEMPl-EU new " our stock and compare prices before pur M the newest shapes in Spring Straw Hats aad ;PA. 7 "I .1 A i j ).