Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 13, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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l;ije Mi$$
VoL 44, .o. 34. Entered at Pittsburg Postofflce,
'ovcmber 14, 16S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 89 Fifth Avenue.
Rows Rooms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 70 Diamond Street.
Aeracc circulation of the daily edition of
The Dispatch for aix monthi ending March
1. 1SS!,
'Copies per issue
Average circulation of tho Sunday edition
of Tho Dispatch for rebrunry. 1SS9,
Copies per issue.
Daily Dispatch. One Year ? 8 00
Daily DisrATCH, Per Quarter .. I 00
Daily Dii"atch, One ilonth .'. TO
Daily DisrATcn, Including Sunday, one
jear 10 00
Daily' Disi-atcii, including Sunday, per
.quarter S 50
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month. 90
BCXDAY DisrATCH, oncyear 2 50
Weekly Dispatch, one year. IS
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at
Hcents per week, orincludlng the Sunday edition,
at 20 cents per week.
Following upon.the heels of the discovery
of numerous milk dealers in the adultera
tion of that important staple, comes the an
nouncement that all the parties interested
In that business in this city are forming a
combination, professedly to establish uniform
prices but really to prevent competition and
any diminution of the charges -which the
middlemen desire to impose on the con
sumers. An agreement to establish uniformity in
'prices does not necessarily contain anything
obnoxious to the public, although it ignores
the essential fact that different circum
stances naturally produce different prices.
But the provision that farmers shall not
sell to grocers or retailers except at whole
saler's prices, nor to consumers except atre-
toiler's prices is adirect attftnpt to stifleconi
petition and enhance the cost ot a food
staple of prime necessity. It reveals the
fact that all these pretended efforts to
make prices uniform attempt to equalize
them by making them uniformly dear and
never uniformly cheap.
Ot course such an effort if it outlasts its
first attempt, will be to stimulate the estab
lishment of more concerns engaged in sup
plying milk directly to consumers. But
while the natural laws of trade are bring
ing the legitimate penalty the people ought
to be aroused to the necessity of arresting
by law such efforts to increase the cost of
life to them and their children.
The convention of miners and operators
which metnt Columbus, yesterday, is con
fronted by a serious subject of disagreement
as to the basis of w ages, which threatens to
lesult in undoing the very good work that
was done by that organization last year.
The operators claim that a reduction in the
wage rate is necessary for operations during
the coming year; and the miners naturally
put in strenuous objections to such a pro
posal. It will probably appear on full ex
amination that each side has a certain pro
portion of truth in its claim. The operators
of the most important mining districts have
doubtless found the regular rate of wages a
burden in competition with districts paying
less wages; but the remedy needed is not so
much a general reduction as the equaliza
tion of wages. The Pennsylvania and Ohio
fields can pay full rates if their competitors
have to do the same; and the attention of
the convention should be directed to the
latter end rather than to get into a split
over a proposition to reduce wages. The
benefits of united action between the opera
tors and miners for the solution of wage
problems, has been too great during the past
year to permit to be easily abandoned now.
It is rather surprising to find in the
.Washington Star's editorial comments on
the amendments to the inter-State commerce
law the assertion that railway managers
"have paid the light fines hitherto imposed
without hesitation and gone on violating the
law systematically."
It would be an interesting effort to have
the esteemed Star point out the instances in
which railroad managers have paid any
fines, or had any fines levied upon them.
That, as the Star says, they have violated
the law, is shown by the reports of the
Commission; but it is a remarkable fact in
connection with these violations that not a
sincie penalty, either in the shape of dama
ges or fines, has been imposed upon them.
Imprisonment may be a proper penalty
Jor some of the violations of the law; but
before we can hope that they will do much
good, there should have been evident some
where a disposition to impose the penalties
already existing.
A story comes from "Washington, through
the columns of an anti-administration news
paper, which indicates that Postmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker intends to conduct the
postal department on business principles
decidedly the reverse of those preached by
Senator Parwell. The statement is that a
subordinate of the postofficc department
tendered his resignation according to the
partisan precedent. Upon this Mr. Wana
maker sent him back to his desk with the
information that if he was -faithful and ef
ficient he would not be disturbed; and that,
if he was not, he would be removed without
the previous formality of a resignation.
This is true business management; and we
hope that 3Ir. Wanamaker will carry it
out. But it will be gall and wormwood, to
the men who believe in partisan politics as
a business. It will also knock the starch
out of that story of the Democrats that Mr.
Wanamaker was to run the postofficc busi
ness as Senator Quay's machine. It would
be a gratifying surprise if Senator Quay's
nominee should turn but to be a reformer.
ij, The suggestion has been made that the
Tories in England may in their desperation
try to avert their party's defeat by giving
home rule to Ireland. Those who think
that such a tergiversation is a possibility
point to Disraeli's triumphant audacity
when he dished the Liberals with a more
radical reform bill than they themselves
had favored in 1SG7, as an example of what
the Tories have heretofore done. There
would be more reason for believing that the
Tories contemplate a bold stroke such as
this if there were any apparent possibility
of the present Tory Government .retaining
their grip on the, offices by deliberately
stultifying themselves. But the voters who
put the Tories in power are of the class lbr
the most pari' that does not change its opin
ions to suit the political exigencies of its
leaders. They hated home rule from years
ago, with the exception of those whom
Gladstone has converted, they hate home
rule still. It is clear that the Tory Govern
ment cannot contradict all it has said and
offer to undo all it has done, and yet repre
sent any body of voters of respectable pro
portions. As to the "dishing" maneuver of Dis
raeli, it was done in very different circum
stances. The parties were divided upon the
question of extending the franchise in the
matter of degree both wanted some reform.
Disraeli saw which way the cat was about
to jump and cooly appropriated his oppon
ents' bag in which to catch her. Salisbury
is not Disraeli. The courage and discern
ment of the dead statesman are not in the
armory of the sluggish Cecil. Salisbury
does not cast off his Unionist allies, the
Tory fat purses and their -ignorant slaves, to
seek friendship among the men against
whom he has freely used the cruel methods
of Bomba.
Home rule is coming to Ireland; not
through the soiled hands of a Tory tyrant,
but at the command' of Gladstone, the Lib
erator, and the patriot Parnell.
Legislative Commissions to inquire into
this, that and the other thing, as a rule are
productive of mere expectation and bills of
expense. There is, however, one subject,
to-wit, taxation, that could now be most
profitably investigated by a Commission of
competent men. The debates over the
revenue bill merely furnish another proof
of the present conflict of ideas. Money
must be raised for municipal and State
purposes; it is of the utmost consequence
that the taxes fall where they can be borne
with least disadvantage to the industrial
interests; and yet there is the most pro
nounced disagreementas to what should and
what should not be taxed. In the House at
Harrisburg there was a hot debate yester
day as to whether building and loan asso
ciations should be exempted. Previous to
that the fight was over the proposal to ex
empt manufacturing corporations. In this
city there is a movement to repeal the busi
ness tax; and as for an equitable mode of
assessing real estate, everyone knows what
a crop of divergentviewscomesup regularly
with the triennial assessment.
The Dispatch has heretofore urged a
commission to consider and recommend
such forms and subjects of taxation as will
comport with the bests interests of the State
and of the cities and boroughs. The best
business ability should be chosen for it.
If among the legislators there is not enough
experience or confidence let the appoint
ments be from business men.
Such a commission is urgently needed.
That a careful plan of taxation, framed
with specific knowledge of its effects, in
place of the hap-hazard way of levying upon
whatever comes easiest to hand, is pressing
ly desirable for all interests, need not be
argued at this late day.
The report from Payette county of the de
predations of an organized gang of robbers,
who enter houses in the rural sections and
torture the inhabitants until they give up
their money, together with a similar out
rage in Westmoreland county a short time
ago, and the suburban highway robberies
in this city, point out the danger to which
over confidence in the good order of the
country may subject the residents of unpro
tected sections. Reliance on good order and
respect for law has made people careless of
the protection that should be afforded to all
citizens, and placed those who are isolated
at the mercy of the criminal class.
The first suggestion as a measure against
this lawlessness is a mounted patrol. But
when the vast extent of country open to the
depredations of organized robbery is taken
into consideration it will be seen that to
maintain a paid police, so as to thoroughly
protect the whole of it, is practically im
possible. A system which is not likely to
do more than catch an occasional robber
and send him to the penitentiary is not an
adequate protection. What is needed is to
make it certain that whenever any such
crimes are attempted all the participants '
will be run down and captured. Let that
be once demonstrated and the crimes will
be brought to a stop.
The surest way to do that is for the resi
dents of the infested regions to organize
themselves. Let every man have his gun
and horse ready to mount in pursuit of the
thieves. Let' every section have its patrol
if necessary; but above all, let the measures
be such that when any attack is made
on people in their own homes the whole
country will be roused against the outlaws
until they are brought to justice. That is
the way in which such crimes have been
suppressed in past years; and there must be
sufficient vigor in our rural population to
suppress them now.
One thing is clear. Strong measures are
required to make every person in the Com
monwealth safe, whether on the highway or
in his own home, against marauders and
A rather striking example of the way in
which recommendations to office arc made is
presented by a petition recently sent to the
President for the appointment of a Chicago
man to be Minister to Brazil. The petition
is stated to have been a very strong one,
including the Governor of Illinois, the
Mayor of Chicago.most of the State officials,
and members of the Legislature, and a long
list of Chicago's leading business men.
Ytt inquiry proved that the aspirant was
comparatively unknown. The Mayor said
that he never had beard of the man, although
he "may have signed the petition." Finally
a bank officer, whose name was -also on the
petition, was found who knew the man, and
certified that he is "a nice man and keeps
a little stationery store near the bank."
The stationery business is a very legiti
mate and useful one; but it is not supposed
to give any especial training for diplomatic
dnties. The whole story of petitions for
office is told in this case. A "nice man"
picks out a place the salary of which seems
adequate to his taste and sets his petition
in circulation. He is such a nice man that
no one likes to refuse to sign the petition,
and this spirit of complaisance goes so far
that men of standing, whoncver heard of
the applicant before, affix their signatures
and straightway forget all about it. It
would be hard to imagine anything more
remote to such a plan of procedure than any
consideration of qualifications to discharge
the duties of the places asked for.
The President insisted in his inaugural
that "those who volunteer or are in
vited to give advice as to appoint
ments shall exercise consideration and
fidelity." He most certainly has that
right, and one of the most efficient means of
enforcing it, is to make it plain that
the names found on the petition of
men they do not know to be capable and
qualified, "will henceforth have no weight
whatever in determining the action of the
executive on future appointments.
TnE project of widening Diamond street
between the market and Smithfieid meets
with such very general favor that it is
likely to go through. On the part of Dia
mond street above Smithfieid but a few
buildings still project over the line; so
that the prospectof ultimately getting apsetty
fair unobstructed outlet to the East End is
not bad. But the question of cost and dis
tribution of damages and benefits has yet to
come. That is the point where such plans
usually meet their obstacles; whether the
Diamond street move will fare better has
yet to be seen. Thus far, the theory is gen
erally commended as first-class.
The- West Virginia Supreme Court de
cides in favor of hold-over Wilson. Of
ficials who are anxious tor-perpetuate their
terms by preventing the declaration of their
successor's election will be unanimous in
praise of the West Virginia law.
The announcement that sundry restaur
ant keepers say they will go out of business
if they are not allowed to sell oleomargarine,
because there is no money In the business
otherwise, will be likely to provoke the re
sponse from the public that such a step
would leave room for people who would be
able to see the money that can be made by
selling for food articles that are just exactly
what they are represented to be.
The Maxwell land grant scheme is show
ing its head above the surface; out in Kan
sas City. The schemers do not want quite
the.whole earth. For this installment, they
will be satisfied with that share of it laid
down on the maps as New Mexico.
A bill has passed the lower branch of
the Maine Legislature, Imposing fine, im
prisonment and disfranchisement for ten
years on the man who sells his vote. Add
to that, the same penalties for the man who
buys the vote, including the man who
furnishes the money to bny it, and then the
question will be brought down to the cru
cial point of securing its full enforcement.
The tumble in wheat yesterday reached
a panjeky stage; and consumers are eagerly
waiting for the same feeling to strike the
flour market.
Mb. Thomas C. Platt had an inter
view with President Harrison the other day
and says there will be no fight over the
New York offices. This is an indication
that Mr. Platt thinks his chances good for
getting that comfortable slice of them
known as the New York Custom House.
But there is a dim suspicion that Warner
Miller is still to be heard from.
The London rimes is finally reaching
the conclusion that it has got to submit its
case in its present badlv battered condition.
The statement that the Arkansas House ot
Representatives has passed a bill to prohi
bit detectives from other States from coming
into Arkansas in search of fugitives from
justice, indicates that those law-makers are
anxious to promote immigration to. their
State. They propose to do that by making
Arkansas the successor of Canada as an
asylum for levanters.
Yesteedat's list of appointments re
morselessly narrows the field for the diplo
matic aspirations of the editorial corps.
German statistics show that 2,000,000
Germans have come to the United States
since 1871. This is a greater migration
than that of the Tartars under Tamerlane;
and what displeases Bismarck is the fact
that these two million Germans haye been
promptly turned into two million good
American citizens.
TnAT Payette and Westmoreland counties
gang of desperadoes is evidently in urgent
need of the hemp treatment.
The rumor that Ben Butler is to repre
sent the United States at the Samoan con
ference, is doubtless due to his ability to
keep one eye on Bismarck and one on Sa
moa at the-same time. Ben's eyes are not
very pretty but they are very sharp.
Count you Moltke has had a wonderful
career in the army, which he entered 70 years
ago. He was then between 18 and 19 years of
age. He has been in the Prussian army since
Viscount Mandeville, the bankrupt, is a
round-shouldered man, with a slouching. gait
and a general appearance ot physical decline.
His face is mottled and his small eyes are
heavy and dalL
Mr. McKee, the President's son-in-law, left
Washington yesterday afternoon for a three
weeks' visit to Boston on business. Mrs. Mc
Kee and her children will remain at tho White
House for several weeks yet, when they -Trill go
to Deer Park.
A lot of Paris schoolboys sent a case ot
Mandarin oranges to General Boulangcr, by
way of congratulating him on his election. But
the dealer of whom they bought them was a
supporter of M. Jacques, and ha saw to it that
the fruit did not reach "lc brav' general" until
it was far too aged for consumption.
The Grand Duke Peter Nicolaievitch, of
Russia, the younger son of the Grand Duke
Nicholas Nlcolalevitch, who is a first cousin of
the Czar, is reported to be coming to England
shortly, with a view to his becoming a suitor
for one of the daughters of the Prince of Wales.
Prince Peter was born in January, 1864.
A CLEvrn fellow is Captain Wissman, the
German explorer, who is. going to Africa to
look after Stanley and Emin. "He possesses,"
says Sir Charles Wilson, all of Livingstone's
indomitable courage, his constancy of purpose
and his kindly feelings toward the natives; and
he has twice crossed Africa in its widest extent
without once firing a shot in anger."
At her last reception in the White House
Mrs. Cleveland took to counting the number
of Hading veils that passed before her. She
became so interested in the occupation that she
forgot to pay attention to tho introductions
made by Marshal Wilson. As she shook hands
with a pretty yonng woman wearing one of the
striking veils undergoing enumeration the
President's wife exclaimed, "Four hundred
and one." The girl looked up in surprise and
Mrs. Cleveland realized that she had made a
auxpas. She at once abandoned the count.
"Little Phil" Siieiudan inherits his il
lustrious father's pluck. It is told that at
Staunton, on their way to Nonqutt, before the
Oeneral's death, the private railroad car in
which Mrs. Sheridan and family were making
the journey had been placed on a sido track to
await tbe throuch train. In switching, a car
came thundering along the same track. The
family, seeing the danger, retreated in great
haste and confusion to the opposito end of the
car. "Little Phil' took in the situational
once, but was not to be stampeded. Ho braced
himself between tbe seats, and looked defiance
at the approaching car, which was still not re
sponding to the brakes. When it struck with
considerable force "Little Phil" was stllL there,
holding bis own, while his mother and sisters
and Mrs. Kellogg were considerably alarmed.
now to Become a Millionaire.
From the JJoston Herald.-)
, How to become a millionairess told by the
career of the late Isaiah Williamson, tbe Phlla-
.t4tlntil nliflpntlirnntet Tin nlisuva ManL-n.1 1.1a
own shoes, let his clothes grow shiny and J
threadbare, and dickered with tbe woman at
the mncn.counter to get sx 10-cent sandwiches
for 50 cents. I
A Powerful Monogrnm Senator Quay's
Plans Rough on the Mice Lullabies
From Chicago The Tame Hone.
An intimate friend of Senator Quay, who
has just returned from Washington, tells ma
that M.S. Q. make the most influential mono
gram to-day in Washington.
"Yon never aw a man so besieged by office
seekers as Mr. Quay is to-day," said my In
formant. "I don't wonder that he removed the
handle of his doorbell last Sunday. He must
have needed a rest as badly as the door bell.
But under all'the Btraln, constantly devoting
his time and his energies to the thousands of
people who think they have claims upon him,
he looks well enough, and he isn't worried
about his health."
"is there any chance of his being induced to
take office under tho new administration?"
"Not the slightest. He has been offered
three or f onr of tho best places in Mr. Harri
son's gift, but he has refused them all with
thanks. He told me he was satisfied to be
Senator, and that nothing could tempt him to
be anything else. As his plans are at present
ho will stay in Washington till the- Senate
rises, but his family, which is now with him,
will return to Beaver to take possession of
their new home there on April L"
The women in Washington, especially tbe
young women, Republican and Democrats
alike, are still simply crazy about Mrs. Cleve
land," said my friend. "They are never tired
of talking ot her, ot her gentleness and grace,
of her good looks and taste in attire. I thought
the inauguration would have swept Mrs. Cleve
land from the attention of her sisters, but it
hadn t, Mrs. Harrison has "made an excellent
impression, and seemed to be a woman of dig
nity and amiability nicely blended."
"When I was shown over the Michigan Uni
versity at Ann Arbor, a short time ago," said a
Pittsburg woman to me the other day, "I was
rather astonished to find that one of the pro
fessors made a practice of raising white mice
in a room in the tower aboTe the college library.
But I was grieved when he told me that he
raised the pretty little creatures simply to ex?
periment upon them in his studies as a chemist
and pathologist. Fancy devoting hundreds of
white mice to death by consumption, cholera,
and I know not what horrible diseases."
Ivobody in the audience at the opening per
formance of "The Henrietta" attracted more
attention than W. N. or rather Billy Riddle.
He seemed to enjoy the humors of Wall street
demoralized, but he doesn't look as well as he
did a year ago.
Evert mother in tho land ought to be grate
ful to Mr. Eugene Field, the poet of Chicago,
for giving them so many new lullabies, full pf
tenderness and music The Dispatch re
prints one of his sweetest sleep songs to-day.
By the way, Mr. Field's muse has been very
act've of late, and yet the quality of his work
dally mounts higher. There are a great many
besides mothers and their babes who have lost
their hearts to Kngene Field.
The stall officers of the infantry regiments
of the National Guard, who went to Washing
ton, contracted with liverymen at tho Capital
for the horses they would require for tbe pa
rade three months before Inauguration Day.
But, of course, the contract did not contain
any specification of the horses to be furnished,
beyond tbe condition that the horses should
be such as could be ridden.
It was not wonderful that some ot the of
ficers had a merry, merry time with their
charges. One of them told me that when he
got to Washington he went around to the liv
eryman and asked him to be sure and give him
a tame horse not a merely quiet horse bnt a
tame one. The liveryman tooK the officer's
name and said he would provide him with a
suitable animal.
The morning of the inauguration this officer
and a number of others were looking out of
tho window in their temporary headquarters
when tbe "assembly" sounded and the horses
were brought up to the door. A band near by
struck up a lively air at the same moment, and
a white horse incontinently threw his negro
rider about 40 feet over his head, and danced a
Spanish fandango on his hind legs.
When my friend came out he discovered
that his name was written with the words
"tame horse" below it, on a card which hung
from the terpsichorean white horse's bridle.
The next hour was spent in an exciting con-'
test between the officer and his "tamo horse."
Tbe.latter gave in at last; convinced by a sharp
application ot the spur argument.
A nebrew Wedding; Celebrated Last Even
ing With Much Ceremony.
Tbe marriage of Miss Jennie Bierman and
Mr. Samuel Goldstein was pleasantly cele
brated in the Grant Street Synagogue yester
day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Tbe synagogue
was filled with friends of tbe contracting par
ties. Rev. M. A Alter performed tbe pecu
liarly solemn marriage rites of the Hebrew
Tbe bride was attired in white and wore the
customary bridal veil. Miss Rose Green and
Miss Rebecca Bierman, the bridemaids. also
wore white. The ushers were Messrs. Louis
Rtenken. J. Cramer. Moses Goldberg and
Volkawltz. The quartet of singers were
Lewis and Harry Bierman, Isadore Joffee and
William Silverman.
A reception was given by the bride's mother
at Turner Hall last evening. A wedding sup
per was served. Gernert 4 Gnenther's or
chestra furnished the music for danclnc,
which was one of the chief features of amuse
ment. A large nnmber of guests were in at
tendance. The l'nrim Ball.
The Young Men's Hebrew Association, of
this city, will give a grand reception and dance
at Turner Hall on March 12. It is the Feast of
the Purim and tho dance is always attended by
almost tho entire Hebrew population of this
city. The Royals will furnish the music for
Tho Vnlno of Gold Discoveries.
From the New York 'World. 1
The reports of the discovery of valuable gold
deposits in Lower California, about a hundred
mileB from our boundary line, are drawing
thither large numbers of treasure-seekers. The
value of tho find is probably exaggerated, but
supposing that it is not overstated it would be
well for those contemplating a trial ot fortune
in the new El Dorado to remember that, para
doxical as it may seem, n great deal more
money has been lost at gold mining than ever
was made by it. Tne greatest value of our gold
discoveries on the Pacific coast consisted in the
impetus they gave to the development of tbe
country. Tbe precious' metal itself has not
paid in the aggregate for the expense of get
ting it. Where one man was successful twenty
failed. j
William, the Uncertain.
From the New York World. 1
The chances of war between Germany and
France seem to vary in a way which finds what
may be called a gastronomic indicator. When
Emperor William recently issued an edict
against the use of French menus in his house
hold, alarmists at once asserted that war could
not long be delayed. But now William the Un
certain bas publicly expressed his admiration
for French wines. As spring, the season for
hostilities in the field, is at hand tho German
Emperor's open acknowledgment of the virtues
of the French vintage cannot but please the
Universal Peace Society,
Elijah's Protest.
From the Washington Critic
I think the title Colonel
Is something quite inf olonel
And applying it to me is most absurd.
They did not call me Colonel
When I worked upon the Jolonel,
And now well, it makes me want to say a
wicked word!
CInbs Aro Trumps.
From the New York World. 1
The American baseball diamond bas taken all
hearts in Australia and clubs are rapidly com
ing to the front.
The Iceman nnd nis Ice.
From the Chicago News.:
The iceman now puts his congealed merchan
dise in his safe every night along with his dia
Admiral John Leo Davis. '"
Washington. March 12. -Admiral John Lee
I)avls,Unltel states Nary (retired), died in this
city this morning.
Another Han Asserts He Wns the Original
Inventor of the Monitor The Array of
. Proof Presented by Him.
Washington, March 1Z The fact that the
biographical notices which have followed the
death of Captain Ericsson have given almost the
sole credit for the invention of the Monitor, or
revolving turret war vessel, to that notable
person, has led to tho printing and circulation
here of a small pamphlet, attributing that in
vention to Mr. Theodore K. Timby. a native of
New York, and for many years a resident of
The gist of .the evidence is contained in a let
ter of Mr. Timby to Rear Admiral Ammen,
written about a year ago. In this letter Timby
states that the first sight of the circular form
of "Castle William," on Governor's Island,
suggested to him the idea ot the revolving
plan for defensive works, and in April, 1841,
when he was 19 years of age, ne came to tbts
city, and exhibited a model and plan of a re
volving battery, to be mado of iron, to the
then Chief of Engineers and Chief of Ordnance.
Tlmby's Assertions.
"In January, 1841," Mr. Timby continues, "I
made a model of a marine turret, which model
is now in my possession. At this date I made
my first record in the United States Patent
Office, and from January, 1841, to 1861 1 con
tinued to nrge the importance of my plans
upon the properattthorities at Washington and
elsewhere." He adds that he took out patents
in 1862 covering the broad claim "f or.revolvlng
towers for offensive or defensive warfare,
whether placed on land or water."
Extracts are quoted from the Patent Office
recorai showing that a caveat was filed Jan
uary 18, 1843. and a patent was issued Septem
ber 30, lb62. In that year he says that he en
tered into a written agreement with the con
tractors and builders of the original monitor.
John F. Winslow and John A. Griswold, of
Troy, N. Y.. C. 8. Bushnell, ot New Haverr,
and their associates for the use ot bis patents
covering the revolving turret, by which they
agreed to pay him and did pay him 55,000, as a
royalty on each turret-constructed by them.
Ex-Senator S. O. Pomeroy, under date ot
February 27, 1SSS, makes' a sworn statement
that C. 8. Bushnell, of New Haven, told him of
the payment ot the royalty to Mr. Timby as
stated. John F. Winslow, in a letter dated
September 12, 1885, to Mr. Timby, speaks of
"tbe two-gun turret invented and patented by
you and first used on the original monitor,
built in 1862, under the supervision of Captain
John Ericsson, engineer."
All Like nis.
Mr. Timby states that his models of 1841 and
1843, and every succeeding model, drawing or
plan of his, have had the-pllot-honse. or "look
out," placed on top of the turret "I believe,"
continues Mn Timby, "that, with the exception
of the original monitor, every revolving turret
was so constructed. The original, for some in
explicable reason, had her pilot-house placed
upon the deck forward of the turret and in the
way of hor own guns."
Friends of Mr. Timby say that while they do
not wish to deprive Captain Ericsson of the
smallest credit due him. it is only -a matter of
justice that the truth should follow the error
into which the biographers of the press bare
generally fallen. They admit that great credit
is due Ericsson for his skill in designing tbe
general architecture of tbe hull of the vessel
and for tbe energy and ability with which he
executed the wishes of the contractors in push
ing forward her construction and getting her
to sea in time to save the navy from annihila
Funeral Ceremonies of tho Late Congress
man Held at Washington.
Washington, March 12. The funeral of
the late Richard W. Townsbend, member of
tho House of Representatives from Illinois,
was held to-day at St. Matthew's Church. The
funeral cortege was formed at the G street en
trance of the Rlggs House, and was under the
direction of Mr. Leedom, the Sergeant-at-Arms
of tbe House. The pallbearers. Con
gressional delegation, relatives and friends as
sembled in the parlors and took a last look at
the familiar features of the dead.
The remains lay in a casket covered with
black cloth and mounted with silver. Upon
the top and at the sides were floral tributes,
forming beautiful masses of fresh, fragrant
flowers. A large piece was sent by the Illinois
friends of the deceased.
Tbe casket was borne by eight members of
tbe Capitol police force. The honorary pall
bearers were Chief Justice Fuller, Commis
sioner of Pensions Black, ex-Speaker Carlisle,
Inter-State Commerce Commissioner Morrison,
First Assistant Postmaster General .Stevenson,
and ex-Land Commissioner Sparks.
Upon tbe arrival of the cortege at tho churcb.
Dr. Chappelle officiated, ana pronounced a
brief discourse, taking as the theme of bis re
marks the words of Jab: "I know that my Re
deemer ltvetb." The interment was made
temporarily in a vault at Oak Hill Cemetery.
Ho Would Annex Cnbn for tho Benefit of
tho Negroes.
Washington, March 12. As Senators Cul
lom and Hampton met in the elevator to-day
after adjournment, the latter remarked: "Well,
we didn't annex Canada to-day?"
"No," was the response, "but another effort
will fetch it."
"If you'll get me a salmon river there I'll
vote for it," said Hampton.
Ignoring that suggestion, Cnllom continued:
"I have made np my mind to one thing; that is
never to let up on this question until Canada is
a part ot our territory, and you are in favor of
it, too."
"I'll tell you what I am in favor of," said Mr.
Hampton, "I'm for the annexation of Cuba.
We want that island tor the purpose of en
abling us to colonize some of our negroes."
And then, the elevator having reached the
basement floor, the Senators separated.
Hon Presidents Discover Thev Are to be
Such Dlgnltnries.
Washington. March 12. A gentleman of
an inquiring turn of mind having had his
curiosity aroused 'by first attendance upon an
inaugural, sought Senator Edmunds, for infor
mation. "Who notified General Harrison that be had
been elected President of the United States?"
he asked.
"Nobody. 1 he law makes no provision for
such notification. The Presidentelect takes
cognizance of the fact by general report, tbe
same as the Supreme Court Justices, and,"
continued the Vermont Scnator"in IOC years
there bas never been a case of failure on the
part.of tho right man to learn ot bis election
in time to be present on inauguration day."
Going to Extremes.
From tho Chicago News, j
The office-seekers who now throng the White
House and shakePrcsident Harrison's hand by
the hour will begin to do business with his, foot
IN Australia divorces have never been sanc
tioned. Divorces are scarcely ever known to occur
in modern Greece.
IN Hindostan cither party, for a slight cause,
may leave the other and marry.
DrvoBCES are scarcely allowed in Thibet, un
less with tbe consent of both parties. Remar
riage is forbidden.
In Cochin China the parties desiring'divorce
break a pair of chopsticks in the presence of
witnesses, and the thing is done.
Among some tribes of American Indians the
pieces of sticks given the witness of the mar
riage are broken as a sign of divorce.
IF the wifo of a Turkoman asks his permis
sion to go out, and he says "go." without add
ing "come back again," they are divorced.
Two kinds of divorces aro granted in Cir
cassla. By the first tho partiesVcan i'ramedl
ate'ly "marry again. By tho second, not for a
IN Liberia, if a man is dissatisfied with the
most trifling acts of his wife, be tears a cap or
veil from her face, and that constitutes a di
vorce In Slam the first wife may be divorced, but
not sold, as the others may be. She may claim
tbe first child. Tbe others belong to the hus
band. In the Arctic regions a man who wants a di
vorce leaves .home in anger, and does not re
turn for several days. The wife takes the hint,
and departs,
In China tjjvorces aro -allowed in all cases of
criminality mutual dislike, joalousy, incom
patibility fit temperament or too much lo
quacity onlthe part of the wife.
A3IONG She Tartars, it the wife is ill-treated,
she complains to the magistrate, who, attended
by the principal people, accompanies her to the
house anil pronounces a divorce.
Gotham Getting Greedy.
NbwYobk, March 1Z-A bill for the ap
pointment of a commission to Inquire Into the
expediency ot enlarging the area of the city of
New York was introduced to-day in the State
Legislature at Albany. This bill is tbe first
fruits of an agftation that has been going on
here for nearly 20 years. The project, if car
ried out, wfll give New York an area of over
300 square miles and a population of about
3,000,000. It is proposed to include under a
common municipal government not only the
present cities of New York- and Brooklyn, but
the whole of Staten Island, the whole of Kings
county, the owns ot Flushing, Newtown and
Jamaica, Jn Queens, and the town of West
Chester. With all this additional territory
New York would still be very much smaller
than London, which has an area of 690 square
miles and a population of nearly 5,000,000. The
projectors also favor the building of eight or
ten bridges between New York and Brooklyn,
and probably a great bridge across tbe Nar
rows, from Ft. Hamilton to Staten Island,
Anniversary of the Big Blizzard.
To-day was the first anniversary of the big
blizzard. The pilot boats displayed flags at
half mast in memory of those who perished at
sea a year ago. Among the lost boats were the
Enchantress (with 12 men aboard), the Phan
tom, the Cynthia, the Edward Cooper and the
Mary Heitman. Not one of these has since
been heard of. There were several anniversary
dinner parties to-night of people who were
snowbound for days daring the storm.
A Salvation Army Soldier's Trouble.
Miss Hattie W. Record, a soldier in the Sal
vation Army, entered suit to-day against
Jaques Nichols, a German saloon keeper 'on
Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, for $10,000 damages.
Miss Nichols, in her affidavit, declares that she
went into the defendant's saloon to sell some
copies of tbe War Cry that she conducted
herself in a ladylike manner.merely expressing
a hope that God would bless tbe saloon keeper
and his friends, said friends being tbe people
drinking at the bar; that defendant rushed
madly at her. seized her by the neck, and
kicked her bodily Into the street; that she fell
on the sidewalk, and while lying there defend
ant klckod her again, kicking her clean out
over the curb. Miss Record's friends propose
to push the case for all there is in it.
Domlnlck ItlcCnflroT's Reformation.
Dominlck McCaffrey, a prize fighter, says he
has reformed and given up prize fighting for
ever. He has bought a saloon.
The Great Unreconciled,
Murat Halstead, who was in New York to
day, denies positively that he has been offered
tne post of Minister to Germany, England,
France, or anywhere else. He says he has
been promised nothing whatever by President
Harrison, nor even been consulted in the mat
They Hold a Secret Sleeting nnd Resolve
Not to Resign Their Offices.
Boston, March 11. J. Manchester Haynes,
friend of Blaine and Maine's representative in
the Republican National Committee, has been
holding his ear close to the ground since he ar
rived in town last week, and he tells a very in
teresting story about the Democratic office
holders of the Hub. He says that about two
week3 ago a confidential call was issued to all
the Democrats holding executive offices in the
city to meet at a certain place for he purpose
of considering a line of policy to follow con
cerning their positions. The meeting was held.
It was a notable gathering ot party headlights.
When the meoting had been called to order
one conscientious delegate arose and said he
was too much of a Democrat to continue in of
fice under a Republican administration, and
moved a resolution calling upon all present to
send in their resignations at once.
His proposition was received with a silence
that could almost be felt. Before the sense of
the meeting was taken on the resolution an
other delegate made a short, but very pointed,
address in opposition to the resolution. It was
as follows: "I think we would be a set of fools
to pass this resolution." The Chairman there
upon put the motion, supplementing it with
the remark: "Shall we pass this resolution,
and thereby show our disapproval of Mr.
Cleveland's civil service policy, and at tbe
same time stamp ourselves as fools, or defeat
it and bold on to a good thing as long as we
can?" Tbere was but one affirmative vote.
Therefore the present incumbents, will remain
in office until they are asked to step down and
The Cnnndlan Parliament Again Discusses
the Proposal at Length.
Ottawa, March 12. The debate on the
budget was resumed to-day by Dr. Fergusen.
He resides at Niagara Falls, and, though enter
taining the best of feeling toward his American
neighbors, does not favor closer trade relations
with the United States, except on reciprocal
terms. He oaid he believed in the national
policy, and w ould oppose any surrender to the
United States. Unrestricted reciprocity is all
right enough on equal terms. Canada cannot
hope to bnild up abig trade with the American
border cities.
Mr Colter, of HaldinTand, denied that the
Liberals are enemies of tbelr country. He
threw down the gauntlet as champion of unre
stricted reciprocity with the United States. If
the barriers between tho two countries are re
moved the industrious man will enjoy tbe re
ward of his labor instead of seeing tbe advan
tage reaped by monopolists. If Canada makes
overtures, the United States will be glad to go
half way.
Ho Will Leave the Inter Stale Commission
for Another Position.
Chicago. March 12. Aldace F. AValker has
finally accepted the chairmanship of the Inter
State Commerce Railway Association. Mr.
Walker arrived in Chicago from Washington
this morning; Marvin Hogbitt, of tbe Chicago
and Northwestern, presided over the gather
ing and as chairman of the committee ap
pointed to wait up Mr. Walker, reported the
result of a conference held with that gentle
man. It appears from Mr. Hughitt's report
that Mr. Walker was willing to accept the
offer of 25,000 a year as chairman of tbe associ
ation, guaranteed for a term of three years.
Mr. Walker attended the subsequent pro
ceedings of the meeting, which were largely
informal. In an interview afterward he said
he would enter upon tho discharge of his new
duties in about three weeks, meanwhile closing
up bis business in connection with tbe Inter
state Commerce Commission. He will remove
his family to Chicago and make this city his
home for an indefinite period.
Wynken, lllynken, and Nod one night
Sailed off in a wooden shoe
Sailed on a rlTcr of misty light
Into a sea of dew.
"Where are yoa going and what do yon wiih!"
The old moon asked tbe three.
"We have come to fish for the herring-fish
That live in thl beautiful sea:
Itets of sllrer and gold have we, "
bald Wynken,
And Nod.
Tho old moon laughed and sang a song.
As they rocked In the wooded shoe.
And the wind that sped them all night long
Unfiled the waves of dew;
The little stars were the herring-fish
That tired in the beautiful sea
"Now cast your nets whereveryon wish.
Bat never afeard are we"
So cried the stars to the fishermen three.
And Nod.
All night long their nets they threw
For the flsli ra the twinkling foam
Then down rrom the sky came the wooden shoe.
Bringing the fishermen home:
Twas all so pretty a sail, It seemed
As if it coald not be;
And some folk thought 'twas a dream they
Of sailing' that beautiful tea
Bat I shall name you the fishermen three;
. Blynken.
And Nod.
Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,
And Nod Is a little bead.
And the wooden shoo that sailed the skies
Is a wee one's trundle-bed;
So shut your eyes while mother sings
Ot wonderful sights that be.
And yoa shall see the beautiful things
As yon rock on tbe mUty sea
Where the oldshoe rocked tbe fishermen three
And Nod.
Hugtnt iteU in tin CMcago A'twt,
r5 J " '"TTT1
Restrictive Medical LegWaHos.
To the Kdltor of The Dlspatchi
To correct wrong impressions and ejve legis
lators and the publlo a proper understanding
ot the reasons put forth by the eclectics In op
position to the passage of the bill noVbefore
the Legislature, to create a State Board of
Modical Examiners and Licensers, please pub
lish the following and oblige your readers who
desire fair play, that the fittest may survive
and merit be recognized without class distinc
tion or sectarian bigotry." Some time ago, at
the direction of the President of the Eclectic
Medical Association of Pennsylvania, the Sec
retary of that body addressed a letter to each
of the medical colleges in Philadelphia asking
if they would approve of the diplomas of the
eclectic medical colleges in conformity with
the provisions- of the registration act. The
dean of the Jeffersonlan Medical College re
plied: "We cannot indorse the diploma of any
eclectic medical college." Tbe dean of the
University of Pennsylvania stated that the
faculty of that institution had made no pro
vision for the indorsement of the diplo
mas of eclectic and homeopathic
schools, et hoe genu omne, and added:
"While we can go no further than the indorse
ment of the diplomas of what we recognize as
regular medical schools; we regard the law as
an unfortunate one, which requires medical
colleges of one State to indorse the diplomas of
those of other States. We think that the
diploma of a lawful institution of a State
should be a sufficient guarantee for the purpose
of registration in other States."
Tbe fourth section ot the Registration Act
provides that any person desiring to practice
medicine or surgery in this State, having a
diploma issued by any institution in another
State, shall Jay the same before the faculty of
one of the medical colleges or universities ot
this Commonwealth for inspection, and the
faculty, being satisfied as to the qualifications
of the applicant and the genuineness of the
diploma, shall direct the dean ot the faculty to
indorse the same, after which such person shall
be allowed to register.
Now, viewing the ref nsal of the University of
Pennsylvania with all due candor it is certainly
plain that tbe law is evaded if not defied by its
decision. It may be that the University faculty
overlooked the fact of there ibeing a Homeo
pathic college in tbe State, and that under the
act it could approve of diplomas as well as the
University. The Homeopathic College, on
being given a list of the Eclectic schools, re
plied through Its secretary that the faculty
knew of no reason why they should not indorse
tiiouipiomu oi several oi tne schools men
tioned and possibly all. The writer added: "I
shall write again, giving you a list of colleges
tbe diplomas of which we will be willing to in
dorse." The schools afterward designated were the
Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ben
nett Medical College, Chicago; Eclectic Medi
cal College, New York; American Medical Col
ieee, St. Louis, and the Eclectic Medical Col
lege of Georgia, Atlanta. The California
Medical College was left out for the reason, a
afterward learned, that it had supplanted the
homeopaths in securing an appropriation from
State, not for want of merit. The bomeupaths
stood by the eclectics for a time, and indorsed
the diplomas of those schools, upon the pre
sentation of the diploma with the affidavit of
the graduate and a fee of S2. But thej also
proved recreant to liberty, and became as sec
tarian as thier regular compeers. In a recent
letter from the Hahnemann College the dean
stated: "While we have in the past indorsed
diplomas of several eclectic colleee, by recent
action in the matter. It has been desided that
in the future we can indorse for homeopathic
colleges only."
When this college was Indorsing, one eclectic
graduate, desiring to place his position beyond
criticism, presented himself in person. Tbe
faculty gave him a most searching examina
tion and afterward informed his friends that
they never .knew any graduate to pass a better
TeecTeUiT70t the Pittsburg college states
'ha "this college examines for indorsement of
diplomas only such graduates as have received
their degrees in medicine from regular medical
colleges in good standing." The Medicc-Chl-rnrgical
College, of Phlladelohla, although
written to, made no reply.
.T?!i!Ui?lwef?,re tne Legislature provides
that the State Medical societies may each sub
mit a list of 18 names of registered physicians,
rrom whlcb the Governor is to select nine per
sons to constitute the board. As the bill now
reads ho may select all or a majority of the
board from one school, and thus place the
other schools at a disadvantage by sectarian
discrimination, as is now being done under the
registration act. The eclectics only ask for
fair play by amending the bill requiring the
Governor to appoint three from each list of
names presented, and that, should a vacancy
occur, it be filled from the same list or school.
This is certainly fair. '
a is an American principle (not, however,
of late observed) that no law should be en
acted which robs tbe minority of the personal,
political or professional franchises, rights or
emoluments, the majority desiro to enjoy.
Several eclectic graduates, not being able to
secure indorsement of their diplomas, are now
practicing under ban. Should they be amen
able to tbe law? What can they do; Must an
American citizen be deprived of his rights in
following his chosen profession, as his con
science dictates as to methods, creeds or codes
of ethics? Away with such European despot
ism. Where has gone the spirit of American
toleration? Its spirit pervades almost every
department of knowledge except that of med
icine. Does any except tbe regular physician
ask for such a bill? Do tbe people desire to be
deprived of their right to choose their medical
advisers? N o, indeed. As well might we have
a State board to examine preacher'.
John of Venango.
Fkanklin, March 12.
How Olobnmmedans Use Weapons on Them
selves to Get tho Prophet's Approval.
A correspondent sends to the Straits Timet
an unpleasant story, which, if it be true, seems
to demand the attention of the authorities.
Upon the steps of the Mohammedan mosque in
South Bridge road, Singapore, the correspond
ent one day found several priestt with a for
midable array of bluntod instruments, compris
ing swords, knives and daggers. The priests
were summoning true believers to approach
and, by using the weapons upon themselves,
to obtain the approval of the Prophet. In
response to the appeal one fanatic placed a
dagger against his cheek, rested the other side
of his head against a wooden board, and with a
brick hammered the dagger, until it pierced"
ootn cneoKS and board. Another man thrust a
thick wire through his lip; a third hammered a
dagger into the top of bis head, until it was
firmly fixed. Finally, one of the same men,
with a curved knife, punctured his throat "till
a quantity of blood flowed," and repeated tbe
experiment on his abdomen, while another cut
off a small portion of his tongue.
Tbe performers were then congratulated by
the priests, and their wounds were roughly
dressed. The correspondent is of opinion that
tbe Raj, which bas put down Suttee and the
Juggernaut sacrifices in India, ought not to
tolerate such proceedings as he describes; and
In this most people will probably agree with
Jndge Jenks Solid for Awhile.
Washington, March 12. There is no pros
pect of an immediate change in the office of
Solicitor General, Judge Jenks, the present in
cumbent, having been requested by Attorney
General Miller to remain in his position until
tbe end of tbe present term of the United
States Supreme Court, in May next.
A FAINTING representing the Battle of Get
tysburg, by one of the old masters, is to be sold
at a bargain. "
A YOUNG lady desires situation as typewriter
to some weathy business gentleman. Has had
np experience, but possesses great beauty.
Papier, Maciie & Co., manufacturers of
Indian and Egyptian mummies, invite all mu
seum managers, curio collectors, eta, to visit
and examine their large stock.
A YOUNG naval lieutenant, who has resided
for the last five years in Washington, being
tired of a nautical life. Is desirous of obtaining
position in some first-class academy as an as
sistant dancing master.
A professional laboring gentleman having
been ordered by his physician to take a certain
amount of active exercise daily, would like to
purchase a good thoroughbred saddle horse.
Price must not go beyond 51,000.
To remove tbe impression held by a number
of Ignorant persons that a former partner of
mine is the sole proprietor of tbe earth, this is
to state that his interest consists only in one
half ot it, the remainder being owned by .my
self. A toting author, at present unknown to
fame, but engaged in a work which, in the un
biased opinion of his mother and "two sisters,
is destined to be tbe ereat American novel.
'wishes to arrange for its publication when
completed. Big monoy In ic for publisher with
A TOUNG man with an undeveloped talent
for invention, being firmly persuaded of his
ability to Invent a perpetual motion machine,
the motive power of wniph will be steam only,
wishes to meet with some rich capitalist who
will advance tlCO.OOO to enablo him to carry on
experiments. Address, Inventive Genius.
All from Sew York Sun.
English fakirs paint sparrows'yellowv?
and sell them for canaries.
London is to have a Mining Exchanga
separate from the Stock Exchange. ""
A German peasant has been detected in
tapping ft telegraph wire to cure his rheu
matism. A bill "to regulate the sale of horse
flesh for human food" is before the English
Cycling has become the rage In parts of
Spain, and large number of machines are being
shipped to Barcelona.
Two Virginia youths tecently fought a
duel and fired 12 shots at each other without
either being wounded.
In proportion to the population, there
are more Massachusetts people in the State oi
Iowa than In Massachusetts.
George Cook, an inmate of the Craw
fordsville, Ind., poor house, was found to have
J6.258 in a box under his head.
English army authorities are consider
ing a project for enlisting young boys and let
tins them grow up into soldiers.
The Bishop of Gibraltar is considering,
whether be shall sanction the establishment of
an English Church at Monte Carlo.
Women are being granted permission to
practice medicine in Russia, with the re-
strictlon that they shall attend only women and.
A seagull mistook the shining bald'
head of Alfred Hollister, at Sea Bright, N. J
for a stone the other day and dropped a mussel
on It, cutting his scalp severely.
J. Zi. Davis, of Haywood Valley, Ga,,
and his 10-year-old son, made and pennea 4,509
boards in four days last week; cutting down
the tree, sawing the blocks, and riving the '
The Lehigh Valley road has 13 trains
equipped with telegraphic instruments for
transmitting messages along the road while the
train Is in motion. The system bas been used,
with particular success by the wrecking trains
on the road.
The number of paupers in London (ex
clusive of lunatics in asylums and vagrants) on
the last day of the second week of February
was 107,050. as compared with 110,220 on the
corresponding day of last year, 104,360 in 1SS7,
anu jm,vou in iseo.
A colored nurse of JIcEae, Ga,, play
fully put a baby in a bureau drawer to amuse
The child, of course, screamed, and everybody
became so excited that the baby nearly smoth
ered before anybody could regain sufficient;
presence of mind to open the drawer.
One day last week Green Davis, an old
negro shoemaker of Amerfcus, Ga who is also
a cripple, was suffering with rheumatism in one
of his knees. The pain was so severe at the
time that he took bis shoeknif e and cut the
knee-cap from his leg and threw it In the fire.
Gainesville, Ga., had its first -snow in
two years the other night. There was a breath,
of air stirring, and in tbe morning two Inches
of beautyovered everything. Tbe whole town
turned out to snowball and eujoy the rare sight
with a degTee of pleasure quite unknown to
the citizens of the snow-clad North.
According to a report from Sunderland,
Mass., tbere is a certain farmer down there in
very hard luck. A flock of partridge has taken
possession of his orchard and its apple buds.
They are so tame that he can't drive them
away with a club, and, as tbe law won't permit
him to kill them, he is at the mercy of the
They are talking of having omnibuses
In London, especially for those who want to
smoke when they ride. Apparently there is a
Yankee in the scheme, for it is said the vehi
cles will be fitted up with racks of newspapers.,
and also with drop-a-nickle-ln-the-slot ma
chines that will deliver cigars, cigarettes, to
bacco and matches.
A remarkable scene was enacted in the
court at Columbus. O., daring the trial of a suit
for damages the outcome of a little disagree
ment that lead to blows. One of the principals
took tho stand, and. while telling of the injuries
ho received, remarked: "Why, I can pull out
many of my teeth, but some of them come out
harder than others," and reaching far back in
his mouth he Droduced a large double masti
cator and held it up at arm's length. With con
siderable deliberation be set tbe tooth back in
the socket and said: "I can't chew on my back
teeth on that side any more."
In a Justice's court at Bristol, Conn.,
the other day, a dwarf, four feet in height, was
tried for an assault on a six-footer, weighing
200 pounds. It appeared in evidence that the
little fellow loaned the big fellow some fish
lines, which were kept a year, and then. In re- .
sponse to a suggestion for their return, cotton (
twine, with bent pin hooks, was sent in their
place. Tbe next time they met the little fel- '
low gave tbe big fellow what the neighbors
called a "llckin'," and tbe fish lines came back.
The defense was "provocation," and the Justice
dismissed tbe case. The admiring spectators
promptly paid the little fellow's expenses.
W. C. Stokes, of Grass Valley. Cal., a
member ot the society of California Pioneers,
keeps a snug saloon where the old settlers con
gregate. The other evening a San Francisco
newspaperman was toasting his toes at the
stove, an old-fashioned cooking affair, when
Stokes called his attention to one of the lids,
saying: "Look at that. Yon are an old-timer
what do you seer' It was a picture of David
C. Broderick. "You are right," Stokes went
on. "That is a plcturo of Broderick, and it is a
better likeness ot him than are tbe engravings
often seen, l'he picture has been there for
years. I do not now recollect when I first
noticed it: but one day I spuled some water on
that lid when it was hot, the water slzzedand
there was the picture of Broderick. I instantly
recognized it, and so have ail who knew him
and who have seen the picture. Rubbing and
scrubbing that stovelid does not diminish tbe
plainness and distinctiveness of the likeness."
The old-timers who frequent Stokes' place have
been discussing whether the pictures made on
these stovelids are of spiritual origin or caused
by accidental stains on tbe iron. All admire
the likeness of Broderick.
Many men meet with a fall when waiting
for a "rise."
The worst form of writer's cramp is being
cramped for fnnds.
The motto, "Live and let live," is very
good in its way, but it does not do for the battle
field. When a young man is over head and ears
In lore with a pretty girl, he never asks. Is mar
riage a failure!"
"The good die young," the proverb says,
'TIs easy to arrive
At this conclusion in these days,
There are so few alive.
"Blue-birds are plentiful," they say,
No doubt the statement's true;
The weather is to cold to-day
That every bird loots bine.
The Difference. If you put a sign upon a
door with the word "Faint" printed upon It, half
of the passers-by will question the veracity of the
statement and pat ont an Investigating finger.
Wnen there is ice npon the sidewalk, the ease Is
entirely different. People tumble to that atone
without bavlog their attention called to It at all.
Where snow drifts lay is seen the grass,
The Boreal breeze no longer blows,
The mercury's rising In the glass.
And men are wearing thinner hose,
The heavy ulster's put aside,
Light overcoats are taken out.
The gentle maiden in the pride
or new spring garments goes about,
The early robin blithely sings
So would the poet slug to-day
ir 'twere not for tbe fact that things,
Alasl are all the other wayl
They lingered at her father's door,
The moon was shining bright,
And to the maiden o'er and o'er
The youth had said, "Oood night."
But still, reluctant to depart.
Her tlnr hand he pressed
While all tbe lovo that filled bis heart, -
11 Ij ardent looks confessed.
At length she closer to him crept.
Her eTcs nnon him bent.
And softly asked. "How bare you kept
Thus far, the fast or i-enc "
He Smiled, and, as a manly arm
Around her waist he threw.
He said, "I'vo done no neighbor harm
Pray, tell me, how nave youi"
"Oh! better far, I'm sure," she said,
rrk..h. n-ln. lit tlnrir.
Trelorrd (she blushed and bent her head)h
My neighbor as myscii."
"Who Is your neighbor!" questioned haj
The geutle maid, and blushing she f2$
With one wora answerea "yon.'-aj"11
dUnm the JJetttm Courier.
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