JTKfc. TWVMr.f Wrt ONE MORE BIG DEAL. The Wells-Fargo Company Turchases the P. fc W. Express Business. THE TEEMS ARE CONFIDENTIAL. A TalnaWe Acquisition to the Former Com pany's System. THE BUSINESS WOBTH 90,0,00 A IEAE Another great express deal has been con Ftttumated in this city. Yesterday the "Wells, Fargo Express Company purchased all the property, rights and franchises of the Pittsburg and AVestern Express Com pany and will in future operate the busi ness on all the lines of that railroad. The negotiations for the purchase of the property hare been going on for months, ffhey were ended yesterday by the arrival in the city of Mr. Thomas M. De "Witt, Superintendent of the 'Wells-Fargo Com pany at Cleveland. He consulted with President Callery and General Passenger and Ticket Agent Bassett, and last evening the papers were signed. The terms agreed upon and the price paid would not be given ont for publication. The business for the past year has aver aged about $8,000 per month, and the ac quisition of Pittsburg and Western traffic will greatly add to the 'Wells-Fargo system. The company will look about them for a central locatidb. for a first-class office in this city and will establish branch offices in Allegheny and the Southside. OF "WHAT IT CONSISTS. The mileage of the Pittsburg and Western Company was as follows: Allegheny to Mount Jewett, O., 165 miles; Allegheny to Orrville, 160 miles; Younstown to Painesville. O., 60 miles. Total, 3S5 miles. The Wells Fargo Company have had a through service on the Western road, but were desirious togetthelocal business. Another company was also after it, but the Wells, Fargo people succeeded in get ting the property. They will assume control on the 15th inst. A circular was prepared last night, and will be sent to all the agents on the Pittsburg and Western road, by President Callery, notifying them of the sale. In speaking of the deal, last night, Superin. tendent De Witt said: "The negotiations for the transfer of the Pittsburg and AVestern business have been going on for months among several of the larger companies: but we finally got the drop' and purchased the property. This leaves only lour companies, he Wells Fargo. the Adams, the American and the United States. By the addition of the Pitts burg and Western lines our total mileage has been increased to 45,780 miles. Our system is divided as follows: 27,(560 miles of railroads, 8,159 miles of stage routes, 525 miles of inland steamers and 14,130 miles of ocean steamers. We are the only company operating a con tinuous line from the Atlantic to the Pacific NOTHING SLOW ABOUT IT. "As soon as we can secure a place we will open the finest office in this city, and will be prepared to give Pittsburg people a first-class express service. We do not intend at present to make many changes in the Pittsburg and Western equipment, except to strengthen it at all points." General Passenger and Ticket Agent Bas sett, of the Pittsburg and Western, said: "Our company intends to put on increased train fa cilities, and will make the Wells-Fargo Com pany the strongest in the city. I cannot say what the terms of the sale were, as that is confi dential. This business, though, amounts to about $90,000 per year. The express company was organized about the time our road was opened and is a good paying property. Our road is branching out. and we determined to get rid of the express business if we got a good bid. As the Wells-Fargo Company made a good offer we decided to sell." Superintendent De Witt, who conducted the negotiations, will have supervision over this territory. Ho is well known to Pittsburg mer chants, having been the agent of the United States Company in this city for over three years. ,, The Wells-Fargo Company was organized in San Francisco in 1852. They do most of their business in the West. They have a contract with the Government to carry all the United States bullion. I've Got It. "What? "Why the best thing yet, "Belle" Jane Hading Veiling by the yard from G5c up, sold by all drygoods stores. W The Glenmore, Oar Own Exclusive Style. We have just placed on sale a lot of men's ne tailor-made suits in Scotch cheviots, English cassimeres, fancy worsteds and di agonals, all well trimmed and handsomely made. We call them the Glenmore, and each and every suit, considering the quality of the goods, the way it is trimmed and made, is worth not less than $22 00. Our price for the Glenmore jtvill be $10 ten dol lars 510. . No such suits were ever seen for the price. Ihey are the finest of the fine, and now is your chance to buy one. " -"We also show in our children's depart ment a line of school suits at $2 00, which twe guarantee cannot be bought tor 54 00 'outside of our store. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant gnd Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. All the Moat Fashionable New York Milliner Bcpresented by their latest styles at our eillinery opening to-day and to-morrow. ver 100 patterns. JOS. HOBITE & CO. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. Cloak Department. Novelty styles in imported long wraps, lace circulars, embroidered fichus, mantles, etc. All the newest spring shapes of ladies' overgarments. Hugus & Hacke. MWFSU Ladles Can Get Dr. Jnegcn'g Sanitary woolen underwear in all grades at our store. Highly recommended by emi nent physicians. Same as New York prices At Home & "Ward's, 41 Filth ave. Spring Styles Infants and Children' De partment. Bobes, coats, jackets, dresses to-day. Jos. Horse & Co.'S Penn Avenue Stores. 85, SB and SS Pant Made to order at Pitcairn's, 434 "Wood street. wsu . 'Compare Oar India Silk, at 75 Cents, And you will buy these width and quality. colors wiu uicfc auu wuiiv. xnif is tue 4T.!n1 lnt JOS. HonVT Xr. Cn third lot. Penn Avenue Stores. Wall Paper. Newest designs and colorings in every grade of goods at the new store of Crumrine, Bane & Bassett, 416 Wood street. Thomas Palmer's old stand. The New Spring Wraps To-Day in Cloak Itoom. Verr latest styles just received: Look at them when jou come in to see the Paris hats and bonnets. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The People's Store. Grand re-opening Thursday, March 21, 1889. . D Ludlea Fancy Striped Cotton Hosiery, Full regular 15c, 25c and 35c a pair extra bargains, new styles. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. HT- The Glenmore, Our Own Exclusive Style. ' We have just placed on sale a lot of men's fine tailor-made suits -in Scotch cheviots, English cassimeres, fancy worsteds and diagonals, all well trimmed and handsome ly made. We call them the Glenmore, and each and every suit, considering the quality of the goods, the way it is trimmed and made, is worth not lesstban 522. Ourprice for the Glenmore will be 510 ten dollars 510. No such suits were ever seen for the price. They are the finest of the fine, and noiy is your chance to buy one. We also show in our children's depart ment a line'of school suits at '52, which we guarantee cannot be bought for 54 outside of our store. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Printed Bengnflncs, S2 Quality at 75 Cents To-Day. Beautiful goods for tea gowns and sum mer dresses the most fashionable fabric, and only 76c. Jos. Horn e & Co.'s ' Penn Avenue Stores. Wash Goods. An immense assortment of American sateens, Etoile du Nords, English percales, Drap deVenice, etc., etc Tour choice at the uniform price of 12c per yard. mwfsu Huous & Hacke. Ladies Can Get Dr. Jnegen's Sanitary woolen underwear in all grades at our store- Highly recommended by emi nent physicians. Same as New York prices at Home & Ward's, 41 Fifth ave. The Good and Cheap and Plain Muslin Un derwear Drawers, chemise and corset covers at 253 each made' neatly and of real nice muslin on bargain table. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Pearson, the leading photographer, in vites everybody to his galleries, where you can get the finest cabinet photos made in the two cities, and for less money. Remember the numbers, 96 Fifth avenue and 43 Fed eral street, Allegheny. $35 to SS5 Paris Pattern Robes, More new ones to-day the choicest yet shown in our dress goods department. JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn avenue Stores. BESINESS CHANGES. Brownsville, Pa March 9, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, partners in the coal business under the name and style of the Climax Coal Company, in the Fourth Pool of the Mononga hela river, in Fayette county, Penna., was this day dissolved by the purchase by Thomas Neel of the entire interest of J. S. Ncel in the same. All debts of the said partnership will be paid bv Thomas Neel, who has authority to collect all outstanding indebtedness dne and to be come due to the Climax Coal Company. Thomas Neel and Sons will continue the coal business at the same place J. & NEEL, mhl3.WF THOMAS NEEL. NOTICES. Cotott Commissioners' office, i Pittsburg, March U, 1SS9. t THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wlt: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, Twentv-sixth ward. Pittsburg, MONDAY, MARCH 25, Twentv-flfth ward, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL MCWILLIAM8. P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. mbl2-15 ELECTIONS. Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis i Rail wat Co.. Pittsburg. March 5.1SS9. ( ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Pittsburg. Cin cinnati and St. Louis Railway Company will be held at the principal office of the company, in the city of Columbus, O., on TUESDAY, March 19, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. Jr.. for the pur pose of receiving the annnal report for 1SSS, the election of 13 directors to serve for the ensmng year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting The transfer books will be closed on Saturday, March 9, and reopened on Friday, March 22, 1889. S. B. LIGGETT, Secretary, v -. mh5-53-D OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Department of Public Works, ? Pittsburg. Pa.. March 4, 18S9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessment for the grading, paving and curbing of Rippey street, from Hiland avenue to Necley avenue, is now ready for examina tion and correction, and will remain in this office for ten (10) days, after which it will be returned to the City Treasurer for collection. E M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. mh4-29 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Penn and Braddock avennes, from Linden street to Sus quehanna street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the Acts of Assembly of the iommonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the ordinances of said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer on Penn and Braddock avennes. commencing on Penn ave nue at Linden street; thence easterly to Dallas street. 15 inches in diameter; thence to Murt land street, IS inches in diameter: thence to Lex ington street, 15 inches in diameter, and thence to Braddock street, 20 inches in diameter, and thence alone Braddock street to Susauchanna 'street, 24 Inches in diameter, with connections or outlets at Linden, Murtland, Lang and Sus quehanna streets, the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and Ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the pro visions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth cf Pennsylvania, enti tled. "An act anthonzing and di recting Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement ot streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the apointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and Court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, au thorizing the use of private property, and pro viding for filing liens and regulating proceed ings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils." ap proved the 14th day of June, A D. 1887. TNo. 240 AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING THE grade of Frankstoivn avenue, from Fifth avenue to the east city line. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade of the south curb of Frankstown avenue, from Fifth avenue to the east city line, be and the same shall be established as follows, to wit: Beginning at the cast curb line of Fifth avenue at an elevation of 200.54 feet; thence rising at the rate of 1 foot per 100 feet for a distance of 52S.96 feet to the west curb line of Linden street at an elevation of 20183; thence level for a distance ot 3G.13 feet to the east curb line of Linden street at an elevation of 203.83 feet; thence falling at the rate of L902 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 753.12 at an elevation of 19L39 feet; thence rising at the rate of 3.4S2feet ner 100 feet for a distance of 645.8 feet to thn west curb line of Murtland street at an clcva- ,' tion of 213 SS feet; thence risiug at the rate of L455 feet per 100 feet for a dis tance of 1398.5 feet to the west curb line ot Horaewoodavenueatau elevation of 23120 feet; thence level for a distance of SO feet to the east enrb line of Homewood avenue at an ele vation of 23120 feet; thence fallinc at the rate of LC3 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 6819 feet to the east curb line of Sterritt street at an elevation of '223.04 feet: thence rising at the rate of 0.73 feet per 100 feet for a distance of falling at the rate of 0.75 feet per 100 feet for a distance ot isiu ieet to tne west curb line of Collier street at an elevation of 223.04 feet: thence rising at the rate of 2.2 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 223.42 feet to the east city line at an elevation of 227.05 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as thesame affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 23th dav of February, A. D. 1S89. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. a...., ntrn kttt?T)Tat?ti ria.-i- .. ci-. Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President ot Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. February 27, 18S9. Approved: WM. MCCALLIN. Mavor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayore.Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 6, page 5S9, 7th day of March, A. J). 1889. jnh8-21 Continued on Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Pages. tSF". k,! r-i, "v - jh - m mfi -uias. tfir square -for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, Ibr Sate, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at thte following places, where 'Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements arc to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE D1S rATCH. prrrsBUKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35u9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylle ave, and Fulton st. N. STOKELY. FWh Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE. 6m Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SIIEIBLER5th av. & Alwood St. SOUTHSIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CUAS. SCHWABM, 1707Carson.street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIOE, Federal and Ohio streets. FKED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS SON, Ohio and Chcstnnt sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arcli and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Bearer aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Helo- ' -rTJANTED-JOUKNEYMAN PAINTERS W. W K.STOUGHTON, 45 Fourth ave. mMS-SS WANTED-A GOOD TAILOR. APPLY TO JAMES MOLINALR. No. 7 Tunnel St. mhl2-36 WANTEDA GOOD BAKBEB. APPLY TO J. A. LAUX, No. 140 Beaver avenue, Alle gheny. mhl3-85 "TITTANTED CAB1NET-MAKEKS. APPLY W at once to FRANK. J. GU3KERT, No. 63 and 70 Seventh ave., city. mhl3-37 VTTANTED-ONE GOOD WOOD TURNER. V Apply to W.B. MCLEAN. Thirty-third St., near Webster ave., Pittsburg, Pa. mb.13-52 -TTTANTED-A FEW GOOD AGENTSTO SELL VV tobookkeepersandbuslnessmen; nobooks. Address 110UU11 & CO., Pittsburg. mhl3-31 WANTED-A BOY ABOUT 16 OB 18 YEARS of age to learn the watchmaking trade. Inquire of R. T. McGEAGH, 132 Fifth avenue. mhlj-71 -TtTANTKIJ-MEN OF GOOD CHARACTER TO v sell our new household necessities and novelties on weekly payments. G ATELY & CO., 10 and 12 Sixth tt. mhl2-69 WANTED-PORTER IN CARPET STORE one having experience preferred; state wages wanted and experience. Address CARPET PORf EK, Dispatch office. mhIS-59 -TT7-ANTED-AN ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER: V must be accurate In figures and good pen man. Address C. II. O., Dlsnatch office, giving references and salary expected. iuhl3-22 WANTED-LOCAL MANAGER. S1.000 A vear: permanent position; no soliciting or Seddling. Apply by letter to J. STEPHENS, en'lif'g'r. 227 Main St., Cincinnati, O. mh3-95-Mwr -TTTANTED-AT ONCE 2 OR 3 LIVE MEN AT ' T V 5 to S10 per day: a new patented article that sells like wildfire. Call on R. TYLER. JR., office of (lately Si Co., 10 and 12 Sixth, between 8 and 9 A. il. mhl3-C2 WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL A FULL LINE of household goods; also, a man to goon a wagon: good Inducements to right parties. K. M. S1PES, 635Smlthneld street, second floor front, city. mbl3-34-WF WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMAN BY A wholesale flour house; mnst be experienced, capable and reliable and have an established trade; bona required. Address FLOUR, Dispatch office. mhl2-l3 WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; 75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and liTe at borne; salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; fall particulars and sample case tree, we mean Just what we say. Address SrANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. felg-3-D Female HclD. WANTED-G1RLS FOR PL AIN SEWING AT H. UOLTZMAN & SONS, UI Market St. mhl3-84 WANTED A -GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; to one who salts good wages. Call at No. 197 FOURTH AVE., PittsSurg. mhl3-30 WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES AND assUtln cooking: one with experience; none other need apply. Nos. 121 and 123 FIFTH AVE. mbl3-7S WANTED GOOD GIRL FOB GENERAL housework In family of four: reference re quired; German Protestant preferred; call from t A. M. to U M. MRS. J, H. CROSKEY, 212 Bedford ave. mbl3-39J TT-ANTEU-I'ADY OF GOOD ADDRESS AND TT education, with some money, to take sal aried position in Minneapolis, Minn.: state quali fication and amount. Address G. A. P., Dispatch office. mhl3-47 Male and Female Help. TTTANTED-AT ONCE A BOY 16 YEARS VV old: 4 farm hands, hotel cook, house girls and chambermaids, young girls. MEEHAN'S, Hi Grant st. mhll-D Situations. WANTED-A SITUATION-AS CUTTER, BY a man of experience and reference. Ad dress CUTTER B, Dispatch office. mhl3-44 -T7-ANTEI-BYAYOUNG LADY, POSITION V In office or as bill clerk; good reference given. Address ELLA, Dispatch office. inhl3-45 YTTANTED-SITUATtON AS GARDENER OR V florist; understandsgreenhouseandnursery; best references. Address G. E., 330f Madison ave., Allegheny. nihl3-25 -TTTANTED-srraATI0N IN DRUG STORE; V V registered clerk: best of reference given. Address, one week. J. W. FAWCETT, McKees port. Pa., Box 312. mil 13-73 ANTED-A GENTLEMAN OP EDUCA TION and good address, speaking French and English, would like an engagement with some Arm represented at Paris Exposition. Ad dress PARIS. Dispatch office. mM3-!S Partners. -TSTANTED PARTNER SPECIAL PART W NER, with a cash capital of S6.O0O to put Into an old established bouse; profits are good; custom of the very best; the Increase In business Is whv more capital Is required. For full particu lars address P. O. COX 511, Pittsburg, Pa. mhlI-65 XTTANTED-PARTNER TO ENGAGE WITH T V me In the manufacture and sale of an ex cellent article of house adornment: patent ap plied for: article has been In successful use for one year; reasonable capital required; commu nicate at once; no agents. Address INVEST MENT, Dlspatcn office. mli.3-29 Business Opportunities. TTANTED-COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN V could obtain prominent officer's position (salary p, 400) in large corporation having scores of offices and stores doing extensive, safe, cash business: must take $5,001 dividend-paying stock at cost (par) from present officer, who has pur chased extensive European railroad interests re quiring his attentions. Address APPLETON, Station D, New York. mhl2-35 Boarders and Lodgers. WANTED-BOARDERS-CRAFTON, P.. C. & ST. L. R. R.. with private family, two gen tlemen for nicely rurnished room; boarding, with rlvIleteofhath. Please address PANHANDLE, ilspatch office. mhl3-C0 Rooms, Houses, Etc. WANTED -MODERN HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS In East End, convenient to steam or cable cars. Address, stating rent and description of property, toTENAAT, Dispatch office. mhl3-3S Finnncinl. fTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH W LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over $4,000; 4" Per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-INSUMS OF S5U0 to S20. 000 and upward on Pittsburg, Alle gheny or suburban Improved real estate, at lowest rates; ALEXANDER Jfc LEE, 313 W ood St. mb9-47-srws TTTANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY V amount: lowest rates or Interest and com mission. PITTSBURG CO.. LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth aTcnue, Pittsburg, Pa. fe7-7-WS -tTTANTED-TO LOAN (500,000, IN AMOUNTS T V of i,O00 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4 per cent, free ortax; also smaller amounts at S and 6 per cent. BLACK BAIRD, S3 Fourth avenue. se2l-d2S-D -tttantkh-to loan tsoaooo on unitr. VV GAGESttlOO and upward at 6 per cent; 500,000 at 4M per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining counties. S. U. ies. n. 11, oc31-e4-D FRENCH, Ki Fonrtn avenue. oca WANTEO-TO LOAN MONEY' ON MORT GAGES on improved real estate In sums of 8500 and onward at4K, Sand 6 per cent: no delay; charges reasonable. L. O. FRAZIER, Real Estate Broker. Forty-fifth and Butler streets. mh9-4S-siws -YTTANTED HOUSES TO RENT AND BENTS YY to collect: we give special attention to man agement of properties: ltemtzed accounts, month ly settlements. PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM.; Real Estate and Insurance. 133 Fifth ave. -fe7-87-ws VITA NTED MORTG AGES-SI, 000, OOOTO LOAN TV on city and suburban properties at 4, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms lu Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per rent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f4l 3-IHipl'ay aavcrtUcment one-cfoilar ojr1 n 1 -" STn WANTED.-' Financial. WANTED-MOBTG AGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K, S and per cent. GRAEBING 4 LYON, 1 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D -TTTANTED RENTS COLLECTED FEOMFT YY LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel.467. lal-81 WANTED MORI GAGES-SUMS FROM $600 to foOO. 000 to loan at IK, Sand 6 per cent. J AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 lourth avenue, Pitts bnrg. mb8-9C-srwFS w ANTED MORTGAGES, LARGE OR small, at AM to 6 per cent, according to kind and size of mortgage. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 60 Fourth ave. mhl-38-1, 4, 8, 8, 11, IS, 15, 18, 20, 22,2S.27L29 Miscellaneous. WANTED BUYERS FOR GOLD AND silver watches, chains, clocks, diamonds, silverware, etc.. at fl per week; Rogers' knives and forks II 75 per set for cash. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny. fe!7-18-MWFSn WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 430 Bmltnfleld st. noll-MWTSU WANTED AUCTION SALES OF REAL estate, merchandise at stores and house hold goods at residences, by SM1THSON & MOORE, General Auctioneers, office, room S3, Eisner building, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. mhlO-155 WANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 90 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at ?1 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; Instan taneous nrocess. mhl3-63 WASTF.B-TO LEASETHE WARM SPRINGS HOTEL and grounds: established in 1775; the oldest, most historic and romantic summer resort In the Mate or Pennsylanla; located five miles from Huntingdon station, on tho mlln line or the Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to M. MCNEIL & CO.. Huntingdon. Pa. teM-118-MW FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE-A POSITIVE BARGAIN GOOD 7 room brick dwelling on Webster ave.. Eleventh ward: mnst be sold this week. BALTEN SPERGER& WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. mbl2-86-TuWF FORSALE-$10,000-SECOND AVENUE PROP ERTY, brick building: 12 rooms, etc : lot20xS3 ieet; rents for fl .OOOpcr vear; an 8 per cent net In vestment. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifthand But ler streets. mh-4S-MWS FOKSALE NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST.. NEW double frame dwelling ot 6 rooms In each: lot 26xS5ft.;rentsror$343;onlyf2,850: fsoocash: bal ance to suit: positive bargain. THOS. MCCAF FREY. 3509 Butlerst. fe2l-97-wssu I7IOR SALE-CORNER WYX.IE AVENUE AND 3 Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of i rooms and finished attic; lotaixgu ieet: low pneeana easy terms, in- (intra at UXUIAUUXIA BAVliUa I5AJN&, U Wood street. de6-19S-WS FOR SALE-$i,750 FOR, A GOOD PRESSED brick dwelling of 7 rooms: finished attic bath, range, slatemantels, papered and grained through out; furnace, slate roof, etc. Ihls (desirable city home Is on one of the best streets In the Eleventh ward, and will lie sold on easy terms. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mhl2-8 FOR SALE--K800-COMFORTABLE BRICK dwelling or six rooms, situated within five minutes' walk of postofflce; bouse In excellent order; as a home very desirable and convenient; as an Investment will pay over 6 per cent Interest to rent. STRAUB Jb. MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. mhl3-43 FOR SALE-NO. 392S HOWLEY AVE., LOT 20 xlOO; newframe dwelling: hall, vestibule, 8 rooms, bath, cemented laundry, inside w. c, folding parlor doors, slate, mantels. Inside shut ters, etc. : nat. and art. gas, newly painted and paoercd, 2-story frame 6table In rear; will be sold at a big sacrifice; possession April 1; $1,500 cash; balance to suit. THUS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 But lerst. fe24-97-WSSU East End Resiaences. FOR SALE-?1,600-PAYMENTS SAME AS rent: news-room frame dwelling in Oak land. BALTENSFEKEEK & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. mhl2-84 FOR SALE NEAR DALLAS STATION A large 7-room residence and stable, with lot 48x100; Grazier St.. Twenty-first ward. Price, $4,000. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st., E. E. mhl3-86-wr FORSALE-ONLY $7,500 IF SOLDTHIS WEEK! in the midst or Oakland, fronting Fifth ave.; good brick house, lot 22x127 ft, to a paved alley; this Is cheap. W. A. HERRON & SONS.80 Fourth avenue. mhl3-78-WThs FOR SALE ROUP STREET, DWELLING OF 8 rooms, eastern exposure; bath, w. c, laundry and late Improvements, porches on front, side and back, large lot; good stable; near steam and cable cars. VV. A. HEBRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mhIO-93-srwF FOR SALE-$4,00O-$50O HASH, BALANCE IN rent, wlU buy a 2-story frame, slate-roof dwell ing, etc.. In East End, near station; city water and f;as, bath and all conveniences: tile hearth in par or; natural gas. Inquire MORRIS A FLEMING, 166 Fourth avenue. . mh6-:o-MWT FOR SALE-FOR $7,000, ON EASY PAY MENTS It desired ; complete East End dwelling lust finished, 9 rooms: thoroughly convenlenced; lot 40x121 Yeet; location first-class; near Roup sta tion and Fifth avenue cable line. Full particulars from W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl3-78-WThs I FOR 3ALE-$i,900-DEAEBOKN ST., NEAR Herman ave.. Nineteenth ward, one square from cable line, close to 6tores and schools: new framedwelllng, e rooms, cellar, front porch, etc.; lot 25xS7 feet to alley; a bargain, as owner Is leav ing city. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler 6ts. mh9-43-jiws FOB SALE-NEGLEY AVE., NEAR PENN. A model new Queen Anne pressed-brlck res idence of 15 elegant large rooms, reception hall, all handsomely papered, slate mantels and tile hearths, beautiful combination chandeliers, wired for Incandescent lights, electric bells, speaking tubes, bstlvlnslde w. c, good sewerage, all the latest Improvements and conveniences, large lot, etc.; call at office. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mh7-52-7,8,ll,13,15 FOR SALE-$5,000-NEW MODERN SLATE ROOF selected brick dwelling: 6 rooms, 2 fin ished attic rooms, hall vestibule, bath. Inside w. c., hot and cold water, pantries, slate mantels. In side shutters, stained glass window, natural gas, side porch, side entrance, hardwood finish throughout, finely papered all through; lot 22x108 feet to alley; complete sewerage; location first class; one square from cable line. L.O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler streets. mk9-48-MWS FOR SALE-QUEEN ANNE FRAME DWELL ING, close to P. R. R., on asnhalt paved street: 10 rooms, reception hall, bay window In dining room, bard-wood staircase, stained glass windows, china closet, range, bath. Inside w. c, laundry with stationary tubs, slate mantels, fur nace, natural gas, complete sewerage, flagstone sidewalks, large lot soxloofeet; terms, J 1,0(0 cash: balance to snit buyer. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. mh7-5l-D FOR 3ALE-$5,5QO-NEW QUEEN ANNE frame dwelling on Eveline ave., 20th ward, close to Ben Venue station, P-R.R.I Srooms, re ception hall, bath. Inside w. c., hot and cold water, laundry, stationary washstand, pantries, slate mantels, double bay window, front and rear porches, stalned-glasswlndows, inside shutters, natural gss, slate roor or very pretty design, Iilumblng first-class and sewerage complete; nice ot 37x133 feet to alley: possession April 1. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-filth and Butler sts. mh9-43-MWS Allegheny Residences. -7K)R SALE-THAT EXCELLENT BRICK Jj dwelling, with good lot. No. 105Llberty street, Allegheny; 9 rooms in dwelling, with bath, w. c, natural gas. etc., etc. : to be sold at public sale on Thursday afternoon, March 14. at 2 o'clock, on the premises; the owner is a non-resident and will sell at a sacrifice; terms made known at sale: title per fect. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and .Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh8-97-MWThFS Suburban Residences. FOB SALE-A SPLENDID HOUSE IN WIL KINSBURG of 10 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, natural gas. two halls; this is a corner property In good location onlv.t minutes' walk lrom station; price $4,000. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth arc - mbl2-7 FOR SALE-HOLLAND ST., WILKINSBURG. New frame dwelling, C rooms, reception hall, bath, natural gas, city water, slate mantels, etc.; large lot, with fruit and shade trees and well sewered; only 4 minutes' walk from station. BLACK Jb BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mh4-14-3IWP FOR SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND fine large lot, 125x200 feet; 9 rooms In resi dence; natural gas; beautiful chandeliers; rooms elegantly papered and decorated throughout, and e erytbtng fn nice order; fruit trees, grapevines and shrubbery In abundance: copious flow or pure crystal water; property only 10 minutes' wait from railroad station: price 85.500: n rare bargain. . .. .. - ...-... ;..,.. .- .... lmmcaiaie possession, oao- w DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mn'j-M-Mws FOR SALE-OR TO LET ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny countv; the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and Labial gas; there Is a good stable and handsomcfjwlhouse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, v, itU from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLETjAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. )a!9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. AHeshcnv Lots. FOR SALE-$300 FOB A LOT ON REBECCA street, one square from cable line. Nineteenth ward: size, 31x150, MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station st., E. E. mbl3-87-ws FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McN AUGHEB, 43 N. Diamond St. m.h7-9S-D " FOR SALE-A 12-ACRE PIECE OF LAND, head of Federal street. Allegheny, near to electric cars; would suit well for laying out in bulldlnglots. which can all be sold readily; there is a fine speculation lu this for a company. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mn9-84-MWS Farms. F IOR BALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOB CITY property in Allegheny county. Pa., a good jarm oi aw acres on u. & kj. it.it.in wooucouniy, W. Va. For particulars address JAS. F. HAYS, Carrlck, Allegheny co., Pa, jnhlQ-34-vfsu a: W oikSWW City liot FOKSALE NO IN CREASE OF PRICE OVEB a year ago. If sold quick, although the price or property has steadily advanced in the same time all over the city, cheap and desirable build ing lots in the Kuch plan. Thirteenth ward, con tiguous to two lines of cable cars; call or send for plans. W. A. HEBRON &SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. mh7-T2-8.il, 13.15,18, 20, 22, 25, 27 Enst End Lots. T710BSALE-2 CHOICE 'BUILDING LOTS ON JD Wood street, each 80x550, yifla Place plan, Brushton station. Secure plan from JOHN F. '..'wkxx.li, AKCUI, .uouiiiuucmai. jiiu.v-uv-- FOR 8ALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NAT'L Bank of Commerce has a very few lots left at Wllklnsburg, all well situated and very desirable: also at Edgewood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau- tlful view of the whole valley: they will be sold irecoriaxei the RANK. free or taxes for 1889 on very easy terms. Apply at IW(-"TD TTOR'SALE ONE OF THE FINEBT BUILD A7 IN G sites in the East End, 199 ft. fronton prominent st., by 300 ft. deep; within 3 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars and 7 minutes or R. R. station; magnificent view and elegant neigh borhood: win sell all or hair; only $60 per root; cheap. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mh7-20 Miscellaneous. FOR 8ALE-TO MANUFACTURERS, SPECU LATORS or any who may want for 60 days at $000 per acre, from 16 to 20 acres of .land lying In the borough or Parnassus, fronting both tho Alle gheny Valley Railroad and the river; also from 10 to nacres fronting the river ror $400 per acre; gas main within 30 feet or this property. Inquire of or address bTEPHEN YOUNG, Parnassus post offlce! fe!3-ll-w. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business CThances. FOR 8 ALE A BARBER SHOP IN THE CEN TER of the city doing a first-class business. Address Y., Dispatch office. mh!3-74 FOR BALE A BARGAIN IF BOLD BEFORE April 1. S. M. SHANER'S RESTAURANT, 42 Diamond Market, Pittsburg. doing big business and good reasons for wanting to sell. mhl3-72 FOR SALE-A GOOD CHANCE CONFEC TIONERY and tobacconist; good weekly pa Jicr trade: 12 years stand; 4-roomed house; rent 1250. 44 ROBINSON ST., Allegheny. mh-5l FOR 8ALE-DRYGOOD3 AND NOTION store In good business location: stock will run about S8C0; dwelling of 6 rooms connected: rent low. BALTENSPERGER4 WU.LIAUS, 154 .fourth ave. mhl2-84 TTIOR SALE-HOTEL, WITH 20 ROOMS, ALSO A1 office, barroom and poolroom; centrally lo cated; furnished complete; a good trade; also food lease on houso. For further particulars ad res s ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Steuhenvllle, O. mhl0-137 F 'OR SALE NEAT CIGAR STORE; GOOD navlne small drvzoods andnotlon store. either would suit ladv; stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding houses, hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works, etc. ; 100 business chances. SHEPARD 4 CO.. 54 Fifth ave. mh8 FOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST PAYING little grocery stores In the city; stock will run about S3O0; a rare chance to secure an estab lished business, living rooms attached; also a first-class bakery and confectionary, centrally lo cated, that will be sold cheap to a quick buyer. BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. mhI2-86-TuwF : Business Stands. FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY BUSINESS PROP ERTY; see auction-sale column. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mhl2-4-MTuwTh FOR SALE THE CHAUTAU' UA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and entire furafshment, head of Lake Chautauqua, Mayville, N. Y., at railroad station; 65 bedrooms, parlors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen, cloak rooms, barbershop, office and barroom: also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms adjoining hotel. Icehouse and cooling room; large barn for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings; over 4 acres or ground tasterully laid ont with ornamental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc.. etc. : everything In perfect order and in condition to continue the business In Us usual prosperous state; the most profitable hotel stand on the lake; a rare chance for the right man: can be bought at an Immense bargain; satisfactory reasons for selling. Fuller particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. mh9-86-MWS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hones. Vehicles, Live Stock. fcc FOE SALE-VERY GOOD FAMILY HORSE, doctor's buggy and harness, almost new, or would exchange for small pony and cart. Ad dress HORSE, Dispatch office. mh 13-40 FOR SALE FINE YOUNG MARE, 5 YEARS old. sound and shows considerable speed; can be purchased cheap; owner bas no use tor horse; can be seen at stable of W. H. WOOD, 3S08 Fifth avenue. mhl2-29 F OR SALE-ROAD OR TRACK HORSE THAT can trot in 2:40 or better: fine large stylish brown horse, 16 hands high. 5 years old, sound and gentle; fine gait and good action; will work anyplace. Address BOX 342, Washington, Pa. mhl2-72 Machinery and Metals. FOE SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. WS Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. r Ja3-92-MWl! , FOR SALE-2SX4S CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. ISO First ave. aul-p32-uwF FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; one 7xl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or double friction drums ; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc.; two 26x4S-Inch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CAKLIN '3 SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-HWF Miscellaneous. T7I0R SALE-VERY CHEAP MEDIUM SIZE X: safe: good condition; doctor buggy, leather finished In good order: tubular boiler and small en gine; iron stack. Address BOX 284, Plttsbnrg. mh 13-33 FOR SALE TWO NEW CARPETS, BODY Brussels, 40 yards carpets, 25 yards border: will be sold at a discount of 20 per cent: neither carpet bas ever been used. Inquire 197 FOURTH AVENUE, Plttsbnrg. mh 13-23 OR SALE-STEELTON, MD BARE OP PORTUN1TY for good investment; the beau tiful steamer OHve,now plying between Baltimore and Steelton, or Sparrow's Point, under an agreement for three (3) years, for passengers and freight, and doing finely; she carries 500 to 800 passengers. Being anxious to change my busi ness I will sell one-half Interest In the same If ad dressed at once, OLIVE, care the L. Jen. Mil-, bourne Advertising Agency, Baltimore, Md. mhlO-108 TO LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-188 BEDFORD AVENUE, 6 ROOMS and attic bath and vange; $27 per mo. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. ninl2-97 TO LET-NO. 960 PENN AVENUE (PARLORS reserved), 7 rooms, bath, range, etc.; $500 per year. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl2-96-Tuwr TO LET-SUITABLE FOR 2 FAMILIES-VERY desirable new house, 8 rooms, late Improve ments, No. 141 Bedford avenue. W. A. HEREON Jt SON S, 80 Fourth avenue. mh!2-97 East End Residences. TO LET-A, NEW 5-KOOM HOUSE. WITH bath, pantry and all modern conveniences; Bond street. Nfneteenth ward; $20 per month. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station St., E. E. mhl3-86-WT TO LET NEW AND DESIRABLE HOUSE; beautifully located on Ellsworth avenue, near Roup st.. East End: 8 rooms; late improvements. W. A. HERRON 4S0NS, 80 Fourth avenue.- mhl2-97 TO LET-HOWE STREET, SHADYS1DE, NEAR steam and cable cars, new house, 8 rooms, wash house, bath: late Improvements: $33 per month. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. mhl2-8-Tuwr TO LET-ON REBECCA ST.. TWENTIETH ward, one sqnare from Penn ave. cable line, house or 10 rooms, with bath and laun dry; furnace In cellar; large lot with fruit trees, grapes In abundance: beautiful location; also small cottage with earden and grapo aibor;rent cheap. Inquire at 2909 PENN AVE. mh7-93 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE. TWO-STORY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic, cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; 3 acres or ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, stables, etc. : will be rented low to good party; Shady ave., opposite WUklns ave. Inquire of N. 8. 8NYDER.it. Nicholas Hotel, orJ.lt. HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave.. East End. mh5-3-TWSSu Hazclwood Residences. TO LET-AT HAZELWOOD-HOUSES OF 6 to 9 rooms, at $22 to $41 67 per mo.: location first-class, near the station. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl3-78-WThs Allechcny Residences. TO LET-IN FIRST-CLASS ORDER, TO A good tenant. Ho. 214 Lacock street, Alle gheny: Srooms: late Improvements. W. A. HER RON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl3-7S-WThs TO LET A GOOD BRICK DWELLING (AL MOST new), on Arch street, Allegheny, 8 rooms, bath, lavatory, laundry, etc. JAS. W, DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhl3-57 TO LET-HOUSE NO. 29 ESPLANADE ST.; 9 rooms; slate' mantels; stationary wash stands; bath and laundry; both kinds or gas, etc. Apply WM. SWINDELL, 27 Esplanade St., Alle gheny. mhI3-23-WTFTU rnO LET-IN ALLEGHENY-NEW 1IRICK JL houses, Jnst completed, 9 'rooms, latest Im provements, on Locust St.; location first-class: rent only $45 per mo. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ; mhl3-78-WThS TO LET-REBECCA STREET, NEAR ALLE GHENY ayenue, Allegheny. 2-story brick dwelling, 6 rooms, nat. gas; fine large yard, very convenient and good location: terras reasonable; SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl2-63 TO LET-RENT ONLY $40 A MONTH. CLIF TON place. Second ward, Allegheny, near new electric railway, containing 10 elegant rooms, salon, parlors, wide hall, natural and artificial gas, stable and carriage house; aU necessary con veniences: 7 acres of ground covered with fruit and shrubbery surround this beautiful home, thus making It one or the most desirable. BLACK 4 BA1BD, 95 Fourth ave, mh7-60-D Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT WILKINSBURG, ON BIDDLE St.; good location: a verr desirable new house; Srooms; rent low. W. A. HERRON 4 PONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl2-97 TO LET-BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE, EDGE WOOD Station, P. B, K,, 2 minutes' walk from station, of 7 rooms, reception ball, natural gas, well water, etc.: large grounds; $25amonth. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mh7-S0-P mc IO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN BOOMS, t . Mil Wfa.tn. U W.m. n.l .11 1TlfWt ern ilnprovements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire onprem lses. or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM.T. DUNN. mh9-63 Forms. TO LET-THEBEST GARDEN FARM ATMC KEE'S Rocks. Inquirer No. 638 LIBERTY ST., Pittsburg. mhr-84-EOD TO LET OR FOR SALE-ISO-ACRE FARM, t minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. K. K., Westmoreland co.: 15acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuUdlngs, orchard, etc. CUAS. L. MCCUTCHEON. 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-KWT Apartments. TO LET-A SUIT OF SECOND-STORY FRONT offices. No. 114 Fourth avenue, opposite Oil Exchange. W. A. HEREON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue mhl3-73-WThs TO LET -i ONE FLOOR OF TOUB NICE rooms: sultableforllghthousekeeplng: water, gas and batb: Apply to J. G. MORROW, shoe store, 239 Ohio St., Allegheny. mh!3-41 TO LET-4 ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR. WITH natural gas and water, for dwelling or offices. S minutes' walk from the postoffice. Inquire ot W. H. DEVOKE, 512 Grant St. nibl3-55 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room flats, two six and eight-room dwelling bouses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mhl2-80 TO LET-UNFURNISHED, THREE BOOMS and hall bedroom, for housekeeping: natural gas and water; small family without children. In quire, with reference, 210 REBECCA STREET, Allegheny. mhl3-33 O LET FOR GENTLEMEN-ONE OR TWO nicely furnished rooms, with bath, w. c., etc., etc., on the business part of Liberty street, city, at low figures; possession at once. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenae, Plttsbnrg. mhl3-56-WTS Offices. Desk Room, t&c. TO LET-OFFICES IN THE STEVENSON Bnlldlng. facing Sixth avenue. Inquire of GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., Sixth avenue. mhl3-20 TO LET-SIXTH AVE., NEAR SMITHFlELD St., 3 large rooms, second floor, both gases and w. c., suitable for offices or light housekeep ing. J. (3. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. mhl3-C9 TO LET-OFFICES IN THE NEW BLAIR building, cor. Federal and Isabella sts., Allegheny: the offices are very desirable and rent low. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhi-42-1, 4, 8, 8, 1 1, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22 TO LET IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld. Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. jaS-32-D TO LET-STOBEROOil WITH DWELLING attached, an excellent location for store and tinware business, on prominent street in. Alle gheny: rent very low. THOS. WELSH & CO.. 157 Lack St., Allegheny. mhl3-70 TO LET LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and third floors ol Mellon's build ing, opposite City Hall, smlthfleld street: good light: reasonable rent. Inquire at T. 31ELLON 4 SON 's BANK, 512 and 514 Smlthfleld street. mhlO-et-MWi" TO LET NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank, 423 Wood st, having changed the luteriorof its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-r Business Stands. TO LET-BUSINESS STAND; BEST LOCA TION In the city. Inquire at 619 SMITH FIELD ST. mhl3-32 TO LET-FIRST FLOOR SHOPS ON FOURTH avenue, near Grant St.; rent low. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl3-78-WThs TO LET-MANUFACTURING SITE 120x168. with railroad siding, brick stable and frame house. BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. mhl2-6 TO LET-STOREROOM. NO. U CARSON street, together with small room over same. H. S. KIEHL, room No. 2, 77 Fourth avenue. mhlO-3S-MW TO LET ATTABENTUM, PA., FROM APRIL 1, line brick store, with cellar 22l73 feet. Ap ply to M.OPPENHEIMER, Nos. 713 Liberty St., and 712 Penn ave. mhl2-46 TO LET THE LARGE AND DESIRABLE warehouse. No. 103a Penn atenne: at present occupied by Wm. Charles 4 Co. Apply to THOS. B. KERR, Room 4, 1036 Penn ave. mhl3-77-vT TO LET-NO. 93 WATER ST., 160 FEET DEEP to First ave.; 3 stories: elevator; in first class condition; wilt divide and rent in two parts. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhlO-94-JIWF TO LET-SECOND AVENUE, NEAR WOOD St., large 3-story warehouse, private office, etc.: now occupied as commission bouse: only $1,000 per year. 1ILACK 4 BAUtD.95 Fourth ave. mh7-50-D , TO LET-ELEGANT STOREROOM WITH plate-glass front; fine opening for bakery and confectionery, China and glass orlewelry busi ness: first-class retail location. Apply to J. U. AIKEN, 100 Fifth avenue. mb5-3S-D TO LET-FOUR LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8, 000 square reet). lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue, Allegheny." Inquire on thd"premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager or the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-jrwS Special. , TO LET-DWELLING 3 LARGE AND SMALL, In both cities and suburbs; call or send for printed list free. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mhl-38-MWF TO LET-BY BLACK 4 BAIRD, 05 FOURTH avenue, dwellings, stores and offices In Pltts bnrg, Allegheny; Oakland, East End, Southside and in all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are issued every Wednesday and Saturday ot each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon any of the following named: C. F. Nourse, JJo. 190 Center ave. J. M. Blackburn, No. 333 Fl'th ave. J. P. Urbcn, Franklin and Fulton sts. Emll G. Stocky 4 Co., Wylle ave. and Ful ton st. A. H. Wilson, Penn and Frankstown are. George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont St. Jacob Spohn, No. 2 Carson St. M. Blackburn, No. 3313 Penn ave. Peter Walter, Jr., No. 64 Chestnut st. Charles Schwann,' No. 1707 Carson St. E. Holden 4 Co.. 63 Federal st. J. F. Caldwell, Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. Vogel, Webster ave. cor. Roberts st. Ja26-64-ws PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth $1,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other- LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building.- fe20 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done ror a trifle by DICKSON, tho Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits made to order: spring styles now ready, 'telephone 1558. mh8 STRAYED. STRAYED-YORKSHIRE DOG-ON SATUR DAY, March 9, from residence ot under signed. South Hiland avenue, a silver-blue York shire dog, long hair, tall cropped, answers name of "Punch." This dog Is registered. A reward will be paid for his return to PAUL ZIMMER MAN, 235 South Hiland ave. mhl3-24 FOUND. FOUND-DAILY AT GRIFFITH'S PHAR MACY, Third and Grant St., Pittsburg, crowds ot people after Ta-va-zonl their fav orite blood purifier; stomach, liver and kidney cure: read "Key to Health." mh 13-83 MEETINGS. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the. Squirrel Hill Railway Company will be held at the Chamber of Commerce building, SATURDAY, March 23, lS89,at2P.M., for tbe election of a Board of Directors. mblO-16-wssu R. L. WHITTEN, Sec. LEGAL NOTICES. -VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AS S my son. Edward Cobbet, has run away, I will not be responsible for any debts he may contract after this date. GEO. COBBET. Mabch 9, 18&9. ' mbl0-17 TESTATE OF JOHN P. BEECH, DE J2i CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of John P. Beech, deceased, lato of the citv of Pittsbnrg, Pa., bavo been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tbe same will make them known without delav. ELIZABETH BEECH, Lowry street. Twenty-third ward, DANIEL P. BERG. fe27-20-w 1113 Carson St., Pittsburg, Pa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN apulication will be made to the Governor of Pennslvania, on TUESDAY. March 26, 1889. by Parker L. Walter, James F. Burke, H. H. Byram, John McFadyen, H-McFarland and E. Y. Brcck under the act of assembly, en titled "An act to provide for tbe formation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto for tbe charter of an intended corporation.to be called the Phonogram Printing and Copying Company; the character and object of which is to carry on the printing, publishing and copy ing bnsiness, and for tbese purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and tbe sup plements thereto. H. McFARLAND, Solicitor. ' Pittsbubo, Pa., March 5, 1889. mIi6-63-w YTT-1 AUCTION SALB8. ORPHANS' COURT SALE-rESTATE OF Elizabeth Roup, deceased By virtue 'of an order ot the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, there will be exposed to public sale, on thepremises. No, 5871 Ellsworth avenue, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28. 18S9, at 2 o'clock p.m., all that certain lot or parcel of landsituate in tbe Twentieth wardof the city of Pittsbnrg. in tbe county ol Allegheny and State of Penn sylvania, being all of lot number seven and part of lot number eight in the plan of Joseph Graham and William S. McKee, and bounded and described as follows: Containing in front on tbe-northwesterly side of Ellsworth avenue, forty-six (46) feet, and extending back between lots nnmber six and the other part ot lot number eight in said plan, preservine the same width one bnndred (100) feet to an alley .twelve (12) feet wide. Being part of the same property conveyed to Joseph Graham by John It. Banm, attorney In fact for Kitty Roup, by deed dated December 9. 1870. as recorded in tbe Recorder's office of Allegheny county, in deed book; voL 293, page 18, and afterward laid ont in lots as per plan recorded in plan book. vol. 5, page 262, whereon Is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, nearly new. Terms, cash on delivery of deed. W. W. FULLERTON, Executor of Elizabeth Roup, deceased, 966 Liberty avenue, Pittsburg. JAB. G. HAYS, Attorney, 110 Diamond street, Pittsburg. mh6-27-wr A UCTION SALE HORSESAND MULES AT H. W. LAWS SALE STABLES, Corner Liberty avenne and Thirtieth street, FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1889, At 10 o'clock ah. The above sale will consist of tbe following articles: One bay carriage team, 16 hands high, with good manes and tails, fearless of nothing; 3 very fine saddle horses, 4 speedy trotting horses, one with a record of 22S; CO bead of good driving and draught horses, a large lot of first-class pit mules, jnst from the mines; 3 top buggies, 2 buck wagons, 3 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, 1 road cart. All above articles will be sold to tbe high est bidder. Anybody in need of a good road or draught horse should attend sale. No post ponement on account of the weather. J. A. McKELVY, mhlO-87-WThFSU Auctioneer. A UCTION SALE OF DRUG STORE TO A Quit Business. TO DRUGGISTS! Tbe undersigned will offer for sale at public auction his Drug Store, situate No. 1707 Carson street. Sontbside,on SATURDAY, March 16, at 2 P. Jr. This is the best known and oldest dreg store on the Southside, and in fumishment and com pleteness of detail will compare with any in the city. Fixtures, counters, prescription case, drawers, etc. solid walnut. Six show cases, two finest prescription scales, one marbled connter scale, one Fairbanks counter scald, safe, etc., etc The stock is com plete in every detail, and an inspection of the premises Is cordially extended to intending purchasers. This is a rare chance and one that does not often present itself. Sale absolute to highest bidder. Terms cash. CHARLES SUHWARM, 1707 Carson street, Pittsburg, S. S., Pa. L. BLATTNER, Auctioneer. mh5-5,7,9.11,13,15 AUCTION SALE ALLEGHENY BUSI NESS property and dwellings. Nos. 257 and 259 Ohio street, TUESDAY. March 19, 18S9, at 3 o'clock p. jr., on the. premises, two three story bricks, with store and dwelling rooms; lot 28x90 feet to allev: a good invest ment. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth' ave. mhl2-5-MTn'WTh AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every Evening. Matinee Saturday Only. STUART ROBSON WM. H. CRANE And their Company, in Bronson Howard's THE HENRIETTA. Week March 18 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence. mhlO-14 "USINO MUSEUM-WEEK OF MARCH J 11 Heath & Derossett, champion drill artists: Smith & Carrot, sketch; T. J. Hefron, Ford Brothers, Kennedy & Mack, Ed McDon ald, George Calahan, Rosa, the bearded lady: Fiji Jim and Annie. Coming, March 18, Paul Boyton. mhS 61 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Harrv Williams' Own Specialty Company. mbl0-12 "One of th e Best.'' H; ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening "THE CATTLE KING." Thursday, Fridav and Saturday "THE BANDIT KING." B LTOU THEATER TO-DAY- MATINEE AT 2 P. M., GILMORE'S ;TWELVE TEMPTATIONS." Next week Emma Abbott Opera Co. mhl3 RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE OCEAN HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Now open tinder old management. f e2t31-3TWF J. A. RETD. THE ROYAL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class: steam heat, sun galleries, etc fe2330 W. H. REYNOLDS. ON THE BEACH. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J HADDON HALL EDWIN LIPPINCOTT. fcl6-54 THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On tbe bcacb, sea end of Virginia avenue Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9,1889. jal3-72-MWF8a BUCK & McCLELLAN. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or tor sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., Real Estato Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. f eU-6-D THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the houe. Elevator. fel5oD E. ROBERTS &. SONS. HOT SPRINGS, 1ST. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Steam best. Open Fires, Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate far the debilitated. Baths In Marble Pools. Finest in America. Medicinal qualities the same as Hot Springs, Arkansas. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House. N. Y.) Manner. feKWO-D TO LET. AN ELEGANT ROOM for general bnsiness Purposes, with or without power, is now or rent in tbe new Dispatch building on Diamond street, above Smlthfleld. It is 85 feet in length by 20 feet wide In front and 30 feet at rear. SPLENDIDLY LIGHTED FROM ALL FOUR SIDES. Arranged admirably for offices and workroom. Rent with power, electric light, steam heating, passenger and freight elevator service, very moderate. Situation most central In Pittsbnrg. Apcly between 11 a. sr. and i p. if. at NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 73, 77 and 79 Diamond street. Oakland Square. "For Sale (99) tts,500 "Oakland Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, balance SoOOpcr annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms hall, bath, lanndry, inside shut ters, stationary tnbs. slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear porches, etc, large lot facing a bcantiful pub lic square, around which a street-has been laid onf, sewered, and is being paved with asphal tnm; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minntes from Fifth ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mbl3-48-D SEWICKLEY and other P., Ft. W. fc C.R. R. dwellings and lots for sale ann rent: low prices: send lor list. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., Established 1878. 99 Fourth avenue i fel4-15-stWF A E. LINKENHEIMER, ARCHITECT, B45 Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa. Frelhelts Freund Building, second floor- fe20-81-D & EO. H. BARBOUR, CIVIL ENGINES Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof e jonages Jtoois ana mil' suuaingSj Room 62 Eisner Bnildinz, del2-k66-D U FIFTH AYENUE, Pittalmr& TmWS?f !' -i-V-W- J""V; " -t r i mwnonsvammmat . - sm , ifKaXT . rw.j5-wjjyq .' f ; ,". n y J (99) k TO LET. i. This "Rent List" is published only In the "Pittsburg Dispatch" Wednesday and ; Saturday, -without expense to landlords SAMUEL. W. BLACK & CO., - 99 Fourth Avenue, - Real Estate Agents. Established 187S, Renting and Collecting a Specialty. -TV STOKE BOOMS; KTC. 7 Liberty St., 947, 3-sty. brick warehouse. ?i500yr. Third Ave, 148, opp. U. S. P. O. store B. 20x1, plate glass windows, cellar. SoC mo. Fonrth Ave, US, 3 sty, 10 It., $1,400 jr. Water St., 89, first noor and cellar, tTOOyr. SlithSt, 1A. elegant large store room, on 2d floor. sky light in center. Urge windows front and rear, giving abundance or light, handsome stairway from the front: ssoo yr. Liberty ave., near 8th, 2nd floor, 20x110, elevator, l,000yr. Grant St, 113. 2 sty, store, CO. 'West Carson St.. a. S.. 710. store, 3 K., $3S mo. Lowry and Clark. A.C. store. 20x40. 7 K.. $384 yr, Lowry St., A. C store, 20x40. 7K., S3S0yr. Western Ave, 237 rear, 2K.. 18x20 ea,, SloOyr. Eagle and Cooper sts, store, 4 it., cellar. 2 mo. 'Second ave., near Sobo, 3 acres; K. K. siamg; river front: sheds, offices, etc tl.200 yr. Wood St.. 204 and 206, 2d floor wareroom. 30x90, with 2 offices and elevator, moderate rent t good tenant. OFFICES. Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor front, 2 elegant large of. flees, modern front windows, both gases, mar- ble mantels, folding doors; excellent place for Insurance office. f600 yr Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water, nat. and art. gas, Inside w. c. SXO per year. ISO Fourth ave.. Desk Boom, 1st floor office, nicely carpeted, ssoyr. Fourth ave.. 101, 2d floor front, two large eon nectlng offles, nat. gas, 30 mo. Fifth ave. & ft ood St.; offices, single and In suite In the new 6 story "Eisner Building;" Firta ave. entrance; Crane elevator, steam heat. Janitor services, etc; floor plans can be seen at this office. Rent free to April 1. "Penn Building," Penn ave., near Seventh St.. offices, single or In suite In the elegant news story building, 2 Crane elevators, beat and, Janitor services; rents exceptionally low. Floor plans can be seen at this office. Fourth ave., 152. 3 sty. 10 K. 1. 100 yr. Penn ave, &C6; 1st floor, 2 K. SXO yr. Fourth ave.. 152; 2 K. 1st floor. &5oq yr. Wood St., 204-20H at floor, IK. Moderate rent ta good tenant. Water St., 142, front office. 2d floor. 13x20. (175 yr. Water St., 143, front office, 2d floor, 15 ft. sq. SlSJyr. Fifth ave., 163, opp. Court House, 2 offices on 2d, floor, nat. gas and water, sanyr. P1TTSBUKQ DWELLINGS. Fifth ave., 633, str, 9 B., mod. Imp., bath range, etc, etc. stomo. Bluff St., 23, 2-sty, 10 R., mod. Imp,, SoOmo. Forbes st., 84,2-sty.7.'K., mod. Imp.. f400yr. Ward st.. near llaltet. 14th ward. 2-sty, 8 R., oc-. cupledbyMr. Copeland, mod. imp.. S300yr. 621 Fifth ave., cor. Wyandotte st., 2-sty. S R., hall in center, front balcony and bay window, mod. con.. (43 mo. 'Fifth ave 3U06, 10 It. line residence, mod. imp., finely finished, large yard, STOOyr. Center ave.. 95, 2-sty, 7 B. and stable, side yard, mod. con., fJOO yr. Forbes, 393, 2-sty, 8 K.. mod. imp.. 140 mo. Townsend.30, 2-sty.. IOR., near cable, all modern: Imp. nlceyard, (480 yr. Center ave 219, 2-sty 8 B., (2S 33 mo., mod.lmp. front and rear yards. Fourth ave., 152, 3-sty. 8 R. modern Imp.. (720 yr. Wylle Ave., 123, 1st floor, 5 large B., bath, w. c, h. and c. w., (35 per mo. Wylle Ave., 123, 2d floor, 5 large rooms, wash, house and two attics. (25 per mo. Thirty-third st. near Webster ave., 2-sty, 5B-, nat. gas and water, (15 mo. Ann bet. Jnmonvllle 3c Seneca, 2 new 2-sty, 4R. each., mod. imp., (15 mo. 'Liberty ave. 4743. 2-sty, 8 R., mod. imp., (20 mo. Libertyave., 4747, 2-sty,8K., mod.lmp., KOmo. Liberty ave., 4745. 3-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., (20 mo. 'Libertyave., 4741, (2-sty. 8 R.. mod. imp., (20 mo, Decatur St., 1st floor, 4 R., nat. gas and w. free, (25 mo. 'Decatur st., 1st floor, 2R., nat- gas and w. freey (15 mo. Illdge st. near 33d, 7IL, (18 mo. 'Ridge st. near 33d. 6 R.. (14 mo. Lawn st. near Forbes. 2-sty, 5 R., (15 mo. '4742 Corday St.. ISloomflelii. 4 R., (U mo. !745 Corday St.. Bloomfleld, 4 K., (II mo. Foward ave ZM wd, 2-sty., 3 1;.. (8 mo. Cassett St.. Murphy's court, 2d house, 2-sty, 2 IL, (7 50 mo. Cassett St., Murphy's court, 3d house, 2-sty, 2 B., (7 50 mo. Grant St.. 113. 2 sty, 6 if., (30 mo. Gist St.. 13, 2-sty. 4 R., cellar, 813 mo. Herronave., rear OS. 2-sty. 4R., cellar. (12 mo. Thirty-third, near WyUe, 2-sty, 4 K., basement, (3 mo. Eagle and Cooper sts., 2-stv, store and4R.,(22mo . ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. - Taylor ave., 99, 2-sty, 8 B. and attic halt, both gases, bath, and b. and e. water will be put in, good location. (37 50 mo. Rebecca st., 131, 2-sty mansard, 8 K., large yard with stable, mod. imp.. (34 33 mo. Rebecca St., 203, 2-sty, S R., good yard, (300 yr. Liberty St., 112, 2-sty and man., S It, mod. imp (530 yr. Irwin ave., 89, 3-sty.. 9K., (35 mo. , Gallagher, 59, 2-sty, 6 It., mod. Imp.. (15 mo. Gallagher st., 61. 2-sty, S It., hall, both gases, water and w. c. (15. 'Gallagher, 55, 2-sty. , 6 K., mod. imp., (15 mo. Gallagner. 57, 2-sty.. 6 R., mod. Imp., (15 mo. 'Veto st., 8, 3 R., (12 mo. Lowry and Clark., store K., cellar, 7 K., S!S4 yr. Lowry, Troy Bill, store, 7 R., (360 yr. 'Spring Hill. 10 acres vineyard and 4 R.. (600 yr, Superiorsta., 1 acre ground. 10R. house, $J25 yr .Madison ave., 20V, second floor. 2 R., $9 mo. Gerst alley. 102. 2K. first floor. (7 mo. Ellsworth St., 11. 3 R., 2d floor. (12 mo. Madison ave.. 243, 2 IE. first floor, (9 mo. Gerst alley, 100, 2 B. 2d floor, (7 mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. North Hiland Ave., near Bond, 2-sty, IOR., stable In rear. mod. Imp.. (500 yr. 'Fifth ave.. 3608. 10 It., mod. Imp., line residence, large yard, (700 yr. ton cable line. Fifth ave., cor. Emerson, 2-sty., 10 K., mod. Imp., delightful home (750 yr.; on cable line. Frankstown ave., 413. 2-sty.' 8 R., (400 yr. Neville St., 1st from Fifth ave, a R., large lot. fruit and shade trees. (309 yr. 'Grazier St.. 7006, near Dallas sta., 5 R., (20 mo. 'Race st. Edgewood. near station, S ., (13 mo. 5633 Mignonette 2-sty, 4 R . (13 mo. Ellsworth ave. 5724 near Roup sta.. 2-sty, 8 R-, (4B mo., mod. Imp. St. Andrews St., i E., Geo. Hardin, ten., (6 50 mo SOUTHSIDE DWELLINGS. Wharton St., 1315, 2-sty, 5 B. and attic cellar, (20 mo. Carson st.. 2521, 2-sty. store and 3 R.. attic (25 ma 'McLean ave.. Jit. Oliver Inclluenew,6K-, (is mo. 'West Carson St., 716. store R.and 5 B., (35mo. Beltzhoover boro.. Washington ave, 2-sty.'l R, and finished attic (12 mo. A. Holtz, tenant, B. & O. B. B. DWELLINGS. Hazelwood. near Brown sta. Saline ave, near Hazelwood are.. 22d ward, 2-sty. IK, stable' on lot, and 3 acres of ground, with fruit trees, etc.. mod. Imp., (3CU yr. HazelwootI, Lytle St., near Tecnmseb, 23d ward. 2-sty Queen Anne 7 K.. (300yr. Hazelwood. near sta., 2-sty, 7 B.. hall, cellar, mod. Imp., (3C0 yr. . Hazelwood. near sta., 2-sty, 7 B,, cellar, mod. Imp.. (360 yr. Glenwood, 2ndav., 2-storr mansion 15 B., 4 acres of ground, city water, etc., (1.000. Glenwood, Benova St., 2-sty., 6 B.. 821. Glenwood, Blair St.. 2-sty., 51C. (16. Forward av., 22 wd., 2-sty., 3 R., (8 mo. P.. FT. W. Jt C. R. B. DWELLINGS. Sewickley, cor. Thorn and Little sts.. 2-sty, S B., occupied by W. B. Treadwell, (20 mo. Sewickley, Centennial, near Nevlu. 2-sty, 8 K., H acre lot, 240 yr. Superior St.. 10 R., fruit, etc, (325 yr. Sewickley, Thorn st 8 B., formerly occupied by A. Baldwin. (35 mo. Same with carpets, blinds now in honse (45. Sewickley, Pa., Broad St., 1 square from station, completely furnished. 10-room brick house. bath, w. c, etc., 850 per mo. FARM. Baldwin twp.. opp. Southside Cemetery, on Brownsville road, 10 roomed house 2 green houses, orchard, vineyard, etc., 66 acres, (500 and road tax. STABLES. Rear Penn are.. 410, stable 5 stalls, (20 mo. South Diamond, near Union are, A. C, stable. 4 stalls, (240 yr. Immediate possession. LAHDLORDS!- In order to secure the benefits of this method of reaching tenants, without ex. pense to you, please have a memoran dum of your houses at our office by 4 P. M. each Tuesday ana t riaay. ' SAMUEL W. BLACK J DP 99 -FOURTH AVENUE. Established 1878. -l OB13-WS?' 1 m I &1- f v Jftites; SM v W.- Ji,t -.&ii lAilo -'TV