3wKssiii r.":":. "z" IPfHflEiiDiD KSshMku tCSs vigorously and liberally. Advertising is truly the life of trade. All enterprising 'and judicious advertisers succeed. fiiarirfed' bvlad Tertistnsr. ffli L --t-j - mtuiUffl: w.aiu "m -C fc n PATCH. if mm ar FORTYtPOUBTH year THEAND IS PLAYING And There's Lively Music in the Air Over the- General Revenue Bill. LONG, EARNEST DEBATE, Ending in the Adoption of Several . Important Provisions. HENRI HALL AS THE MODERN SHILOCK. TheConstitatlonallty of Some of the Amend Virata In Question The Advantages of Manufactories BeRTer Falls nnd Its Prosperity Some Immense Profits In Corporations Tho Dangerous Competi tion of the feionlb No Disposition to Favor Natural Gas Compnnio Fear of , a 3-3II1I Tix Keeping: Oor, if Not Drtiing Ont, Manufacturers The Agony Not Yet Over. A long session of the House yesterday failed to completejne second reading of, the general revenue bilL The twenty-second session was .completed and a rote taken on the last amendment to that section. There was a general disposition not to squeeze cor porations too severely, although Henry Hall, of Mercer, was dubbed a Shylocb for his persistent attempt to get his pound of their flesh. FROX A STAFF CORRESrOXDEVT.l Haebisbubg, March 12. The hands on the dial of the clock of the House of Repre sentatives described a straight line, indicat ing C o'clock r. M., just as the vote was taken on the amendment to the last proviso of the twenty-first section ot the general revenue bill. The amendment was the joint work of several minds, but in its final form was the product of the brain of Mr. Patter son, of Philadelphia, a genial gentleman who, daring the course of the debate, re ferred jokingly to Hon. Henry Hall, of Mercer, as the Shylock who was after the pound of flesh of the manufacturing cor porations. Mr. Hall laughed at this, and maintained a good-humored though determined front dur ing the trying three hours of the afternoon session, ably aided in meeting the objections of the opposition by Hon. Samuel M. "Wherry, of Cumberland, and materially as sisted by Corporation Clerk Glenn, of the Auditor General's office, who sat by both morning and afternoon, fairly round-shoul-'dered with information for the benefit of the inquiring minds. Tlie Ball Started Rollins The Revenue bill was the special order for 11 A. M., and from that time until 1:15 o'clock in the afternoon held the floor, with the exception of "the very few minutes at 12 o'clock required to pass finally the Theater JExit bill and send it to the Senate for con currence Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, started the ball rolling with a failure to change the reading of the clause subjecting to taxation "all mortgages, all moneys owing by solvent debtors, bond or judg ment." He said promissory notes were made only for a short time, not in excess of 90 days, and thns much of this form of in debtedness wonld escape taxation, the only promissory notes likely to be returned being those in existence when the assessor was on his rounds. Mr. Hall thought it a good idea to catch it even then. Tacked on After a Fight. Dr. Neff, of Fayette, succeeded, after a bard fight, in having a proviso tacked to the first section of the bill, to the effect that in making assessments a man who is both a lender and borrower be taxed only on his net loan. For instance, if he lends 510,000 and borrows S7,000 he shall be taxed on but $3,000. Mr. Hall thought this "opened a wide door for fraud, but the House wasn't afraid of it. "Work on the first section was con cluded with the attempt of Mr. Losey, of Tioga, to kill the proviso exempting building and loan associations from taxa tion. He was ably seconded by Mr. Lyt tle, of Huntingdon, but the House was against them by a large majority, though the gentlemen strenuously asserted that the exemption was unconstitutional. Mr. Hall was with the opposition on this point, and voted wiih it, though, as the champion of the measure, he felt compelled to say that the sum that would be secured by levying a tax on these associations was to insignificant as to make the matter not worth considering. One of the Able 'Speeches. Mr. Jones, of Allegheny, made an able speech on the side of the constitutionality of the exemption, aided by Mr. Eose, of Cam bria, and several others. Mr. Jones took the ground that they might be exempt as benevolent institutions, and that at all events it was perfectly proper for the Legis lature to divide corporations into classes and exempt from taxation such as it saw fit. Dr. Neff 's amendment and a verbal one offered by Mr. MacDonald, of Lackawanna, were the only ones adopted during the con sideration of this section, though a number were offered. . There was little or nothing to mar the harmony of the proceedings from this point until section 17 was reached. On section 16 Mr. Fow objected to the proviso that in consideration of the return of one-third of the State tax to the counties "no claims shall be made upon or allowed by the Common wealth for abatements, tax collectors' com missions, extraordinary expenses, uncollect able taxe, or for keeping a record of judg ments and morteages." Recompense Sufficient. Mr. Hall soon convinced the House that no county was likely to lose more than 10 per cent of the tax at any time, and would therefore be btodIv recompensed. jft, Mr. Burdick, of McKean, came to the, iniai wiin amenumenis tu bccwuu j.i ana was still fighting for them when the House Iff took a recess until 3 o'clock, by which time a compromise had been made. The section provides that counties must pay over all . taxes imposed on personal property to the j. State Treasurer on or before the second . Monday of Ao;u'tI with a 10 per cent V penalty for taxes remaining unpaid the second Monday of September. -Mr. Bur- S-L. d.5clc arsned that in some counties tax dupli- ,fti .; mui reauy until me xsv ui ju.v, and as collections couldn't be lawfully en forced until six months after the collector's notice, injustice would be worked to coun ties in many cases. His view was consid ered so reasonable that the section was so amended thus: ITott It Renits Now. Counties shall pay to the State Treasurer such sums as are collected by the seoond Monday of September, and complete pay ment shall be made by the second Monday in November. No penalties shall be at tached until after the second Monday in the succeeding January. When section 21 was reached the band began to play in earnest This is the sec tion that imposes a 3 mill tax on the capital stock of corporations, companies, joint stock associations and limited partnerships. As it left the hands of the Auditor General it provided for no exemptions whatever. In the "Ways and Means Committee a proviso was added exempting from this tax such corporations, joint associations and limited partnerships as are chartered for the manu facture of iron and steel,- cotton or woolen goods, and engaged exclusively in such manufacture. As soon as the section was read Mr. Dravo, of Beaver, got the floor and offered an amendment making the exemption apply to all corporations, etc"., etc., organ ized exclusively tor manufacturing, ex cept brewing companies, gas companies, electric light companies, steam heating companies, fuel companies, oil companies and companies for the jarring or preserving of fruit. Advnntaccs of Manufactories. In support of his amendment Mr. Dravo pictured the advantages of manufacturing institutions to localities iu which they are located, and directed the granger attention to them as makers nnd estabf ishers of home markets. He also pictured the benefits of co-operation, and explained to the House that the co-operative efforts of workingmen would be seriously hampered by the impo sition of a 3-milI tax, which individual manufacturers would escape. Because of this he characterized this section of the bill as a measure in favor of capitalists like the Vanderbilts, and would vote against the bill, if unamended as he desired it, on the ground that it was an unjust and unholy discrimination against workingmen. Mr. Dravo also talked about the prosper ity of Beaver Falls, due entirely to manu factories, and told Mr. Hall the invest ments there probably amounted to $500,000. A Change of Base, Mr. Hall offered a substitute for Mr. Dravo's amendment, striking out the whole exemption provision. In supporting it he directed attention to the fact that the unholy provision to which Mr. Dravo objected had no stronger advocate in 1887 than the gentle man from Beaver. He read a letter written then by Mr. Dravo and his constituents, strongly justifying his action and using the Constitution to prove himself right. Mr. Hall made the point of unconstitutionality against exemption, and directed the atten tion to the Supreme Court's decision on Fox's appeal to support his position. He further declared the exemption an unjust discrimination, even if constitutional. On the half million investment at Beaver Falls the tax would be but 51,500 a year. On the $150,000,000 invested in manufacturing corporations in the State it would be 5450, 000 and he didn't think such a tax would hurl them down to ruin. It didn't in 1S85, when the revenue from this source was 5420,000. Profits Oat of Proportion. A manufacturing company, Mr. Hall said, within a few miles -of Harrisburg, paid 100 per cent per annum. Another in the city paid 70 per cent. One mining cor poration in Clearfield county paid 240 per cent and another mining concern could be named that pajd GOO per cent A 3-mill tax was not likely to ruin these. Manu facturers had been here pleading for co operations because of the opportunities they offered workingmen to become proprie tors, but they could not answer how many bad taken advantage of the co-operation law. They could not even say that 5 per cent had done so, bnt promised if manu facturing corporations were exempt the path of the workingmen would be strewn with roses. But, said Mr. Hall, we don't want to know about the future; we want to know about the past The gentleman then gave some facts about State taxes in other States: New York taxes the real estate of manufacturing corpora tions two and . nine-tenth mills; Illinois levies a tax of 30 cents on the 5100 of both real and personal property; California 56 cents on the same; Indiana taxes capital stock in the hands of individuals for all State and local purposes; "West "Virginia taxes real and personal property 35 cents on every 8100; Ohio assesses a tax of two and nine-tenths mills on real estate. Yet gen tlemen try to frighten us into believing our manufacturers will emigrate to these States to escape taxation. Reprcsentinz Only tho Stnte. ""We are here," declared Mr. Hall, "to represent the Commonwealtb,and not special interests, and we represent people who can not send men here to lobby." In conclnding, Mr. Hall asked why capi talists formed corporations, and answered by declaring it was to obtain special privi leges, such as the limiting of their liabili ties, and that their institutions might have pernetual legal existence. Because they enjoyed such special privileges, the tax on them was just The arguments of Mr. Dravo and Mr. Hall fairly represent the sentiments of each side to the controversy. Some of the gen tlemen on the side of the exemption tried to argue that in the intention of the Constitu tion individual manufacturers and corpora tions were subjects of the same class. "When, however, Mr. Lytie, of Huntingdon, called attention to the fact that there are 50 law yers in the House, and invited any one of them to declare exemption Constitutional, there was no response. 'William Black stone, of Pennsylvania, stand up," said Mr. Lytle, hut William didn't stand. Competition of the Sooth. Mr. Kauffmann talked about the competi tion of Alabama, which can deliver pig iron in Philadelphia at 513 a ton and make a profit of 81 -50 on it, while it cannot be made in Pennsylvania for less than 814 a ton. Youngstown also can ship to Phila delphia, owing to the low railroad rates, cheaper than Philadelphia can manufacture. He declared the revenues were in good shape, but the expenditures were too large, because some one wanted to pay off the State debt too fast. Must our industries, he afked, be taxed out of existence because of this? There would have been no war, he declared, had every one in this country owned a Government bond. Dr. "Walk twitted Mr. Hall because he hadn't made his revelations concerning the enormous profits of manufacturers while talking tariff on the stump last fall. Had he done. so, said Mr. Walk, Cleveland would hate been elected. Mr. Bliss, of Delaware, agreed with Mr. Hall that the 3-mill tax would not drive ont manufacturers, but asserted it would keep them out .He didn't think tha State's natural resources a sufficient offset Pointed Oat With Pride. Mr, Rose, of Cambria, and Mr. Brown, of Lawrence, pointed with pride to what man ufacturers had done for v their sections, and stood with them because of it. An amusing feature of the debate oc curred when Mr. Bliss usked the privilege or interrogating Mr. Lytle. "Go ahead," replied that gentleman. "It's an easy way to get information, but it isn't the way I get mine." Later, Mr. Xytle, referring to a statemenVthat a Kentucky firm had been induced to go toDhioJjy ttnoffer of 820,000, said there were people and corporations in Kentucky and elsewhere who would go to the devil for 820,000. In a concluding speech, Mr. Hall said, in reply to "Mr. Jones, of Allegheny, that it was conceded the State had the power to classify corporations for purposes ot taxa tion, but not for exemption. "Do you want," he inquired, "to vote for a law that you know to be unconstitutional?" Dravo to the Front Agnln. Mr. Dravo then came to the 'front, and in a pleasant speech justified his change of opinions in two years by comparing himself to the Supreme Court and other '-rise people. When Mr. Hall's substitute for Mr. Dravo's amendment came toa vote, he and Mr. Taggart demanded the yeas and nays. The vote was 92 for exemption and 73 against Several exemption amendments were offered after this in the form of amendments to Mr. Dravo's amendment or as substitutes. Mr. Hickman, of Chester, wanted the value of a manufacturing corporation's real estate subtracted from the value of its capital stock and the remainder taxed. Mr. Jones, of Allegheny, wanted to exempt mining corporations. Dr. Walk was willing to ex empt distilleries and breweries, because he thought tbe would be wiped out anyhow in June. Finally, after Mr. .Patterson had called Mr. Hall a shylock and talked of New Jersey's liberality his amendment was adopted, and the House adjourned, after continuing the special order on second read ing to-morrow. Simpson. SOME APPROPRIATIONS. Large Sums for Charitable and Eilnca tlonal Institutions. fFBOK A STATF CORBESPONnXT.J Haebisbubg, March 12. The House Appropriations Committee adjourned at midnight, having been in session four hours. The time was consumed considering Phila delphia bills. Appropriations amounting to 5155,000 were recommended for Phila delphia charities, and 575,000 for the Lock Haven Normal School for new buildings. A sub-committee favorably recommended to the general committee, an appropriation of 815,000 for a hospital at New Castle. Representative Brown, of Lawrence, has worked hard for this, and his labors are on the point of being crowned with success. One hnndred and eight thousand dollars is the sum appropriated fur the Pepnsvlyania State College, instead of the 5103,000' asked for improvements, etc. WANT TO GET THEIR MONET. Retail Merchants FnyingAttentlon to a BUN Collecting 8cbrm. IFK03T A STAFF COBItESFOXDEjrr.J Haebisbubg, March 12. Representa tives of the State Merchants' Betail Asso ciation appeared from Philadelphia, Pitts burg, Allegheny, Scranton and other cities of Pennsylvania before the House Judiciary Committee this evening, in favor of the bill providing for the collection of debts in curred in the purchase of the necessary sup plies. The bill provides for the attachment of wages, 5 per cent of any claim against a debtor a week, providing the amount doesn't exceed 10 per cent of the 'wages earned. The committee has taken no action on. the bill. ' -r- .- TO HAKTHE FINES ALIKE. A BUI Introduced Making All Sabbath Breakers Equal. SPECIAL TELEQEAM TO THE DISPATCIT.l , Haebisbubg, March 12. In the House bills were introduced to-day as fallows: Jones, of Allegheny Fixing salaries of court interpreters In counties between 500,000 and 800.000 inhabitants at $1,600 a year. Chaliant, of Allegheny Making appropria tion of $20,000 to St Franciscus' Hospital, of Pittsburg. Shiras, of Allegheny To make uniform the fine for violation of the Sunday laws. A sec tion in the act of 18i5 imposes a line of $25 in the county of Alleeheny for violation of the Sunday laws and but S5 in the other counties of the State. Fow, of Philadelphia To authorize the transfer of liquor licenses. PASSED BY THE SENATE. Boys Under 10 Mustn't Use Tobacco A Public Morgne Bill. rSFZCIAT. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 Haebisbubg, March 12 The Senate to day passed bills prohibiting the sale of to bacco to boys under 16 years of age, and for the establishment of public morgues. On Senator Newmyer's motion the vote was reconsidered by which the bill to vali date assessments and reassessments to pay costs for local improvements was passed third reading, after wbich the Senator from Allegheny offered an amendment which was adopted exempting second class cities from the provisions ot the act All Litqnor Bills Under the Ban. FBOM A STAFF COItKESFOVDEKT.: Haebisbubg, March 12. It is understood- the sub-committee of Ways and Means will recommend to the general com mittee adverse consideration of all the liquor bills. These include bills providing for a board of excise commissioners, and fixing alL liquor licenses in cities of the third class at 8300. MIGHTS OF THE MAQE. Indianapolis Now Has a Doable Set of Police Officers The New Force Is Demo cratic and the Other Republican An Appeal to the Courts. Indianapolis, March 12. Indianapolis now has a double police force, two police headquarters, and nobody can tell how they will secure pay. The board organized under the bill passed by the Legislature met this morning and organized a police force. This force was selected last night, and includes a number of the officers of the old force. A part of the men reported and were sworn in and assigned to duty. All the men sworn in are Democrats, the Republicans of the old force declining to accept appointments under the new board. The patrolmen of the new board were in structed to avoid a clash with the old force, and were told to take their prisoners before a peace justice in case the custodians of the station houses declined to receive them. During the day a conference was held bv the attorneys of the old board and the Mayor and his counsel, at which it was dt -J-J.l .1 1.1 V J -1 13 , ciueu wim mc uiu uuuiu 6uuuiu me an an swer, alleging the hill Unconstitutional. It will take about three weeks to decide the question. It is probable that similar action will be taken to test the constitu tionaltity in the courts of the bill which places the streets, alleys, lighting, -water supply, etc., of Indianapolis in charge of aboard selected by the Legislature and which was Commissioned in the same manner as the Fire Police Board. Chief Webster, 'elected by the new Fire and Police Board, says that he will make no belligerent movement but will waif the action of the authorities. He to-day made a demand for possession which was refused. PITTSBURG. WEBNESDAT, MAROH 13. 1889. THE OFFICE MARKET. Little Movement in Penpsylvania, Stock, )Ynicli is Stationary. ; NAW WESTERN STATES LIVELY. The President Cleaning House in a Rapid hnt Thorough Manner, TO HATE IT IN SHAPE FOR ELECTION. He Also Makes aa Opportunity for Railway MU s Sertlce Eemoials, In the office exchange at Washington," yesterday, Pennsylvania stock' was quoted stationary, with little . movement The; Territories just' made States were 'way' above par. The. pressure brought to. bear on the President sent the latter stock up flying. Tho President has also extended: the time it which the railway mail service' goes under tho provisions of the civil service' law to May 1, in-order to give a few weeks for removals of Democrats. rSrXCIAL TELEOBAM TO TBS D1SPATCS.1 Washington. March 12. There was little movement in Pennsylvania bffice seekers, to-day, stocks remaining about static nary. However, ex-Congressman Brumm decided to advance a point or two, and instead of the position of Third Audi tor of the Treasury, strike for no less -an office than Second Assistant Postmaster General. A large party from the northeastern part of the State came in this evening to urge tbe appointment of Hon. William H. Beynolds, of Tunkhannock, for some office, not of the State, but more pretentious, but what it is they refused to divulge to-day, as theywant to sound the powers that be before showing' their hand to the public. Their mvsteriousr actions created a deal of amusement among the correspondents, and the chances are that their course will result in their cause being laughed out of court Mr. Beynolds is a handsome young fellow, about 33 years old, and the most popular hotelkeeper of the northeast counties. AN ENEBQETIC -WOBKEK. He was the first BeDnblican member of! the State Legislature from his county, and ! 1 I A i1 ! A 1 At.. was maiuiy instrumental in turning iuc, county over from the, Democrats to the Be-j publicans. His companions claim that he has j the backing of everybody In the North east j for his mysterious office, and the signatures' of all the high State officials and members, of the Legislature. The most notable of those who accompany him are ex-Congressman Jedwin, of Wayne county, Congressman-elect Wright, of the same district, State Senator Newell, of Bradford, Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs Brown, Lewis B. Hall, of Towanda, law partner of Lieu tenant Governor Davies, and quite a num ber of untitled individuals. The importantnt features of the nomina tions sent to the Senate by President Har rison to-day is their clear indication that the Democratic officials are at once to be cleared out of the Territories of Washing ton, Montana and the two Dakotas, to the last man, that the elections and the -other preliminaries of the erection of Territories into States may be under the management of the Republicans. All of the men appointed to-day have been here for a week, and have met Presi dent Harrison freouentlv. and nleasantlv. and the Importance of a speedy change was so forcible on theresident as toleaS him' Jaend in their nominations ahead of others which are usually the first to be attended to 'following a change of administration. . "WHAT HUBBIED HAEBISON. Much of the credit of hastening -the move ments of the President is due to the elo quence of General Harrison Allen, formerly Secretary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylva nia! who will doubtless be one of the first United States Senators from North Dakota after the organization of that State. At least, the correspondent of The Dispatch was this evening positively assured he would he, by no less a person than the Hon. L. B. Richardson, who was to-day nomi nated for Secretary of State for North Da kota. This afternoon Secretary Noble sent telegrams to Governor Church and Secre tary of State McCormick, of Dakota, ac cepting the resignation of the former and notifying the latter of his removal. McCormick is a young lawyer from Queens county. New York, who got the friendship of Cleveland and the office he now holds. He neglected to send in his resigna tion, and this evening it therefore carrying in his pocket the following curt telegram, which was shown to the correspondent of The Dispatch as an illustration of the vigor with which the administration is pro ceeding in Territorial matters: "Washington, D. C. March 12, 1889. Michael L. McCormick, Secretary, Bismarck, Dak. You have been removed by the President from tbe office of Secretary of Dakota, to take effect on the appointment and qualification of your successor. John W. Noble. BOOM FOE EEMOVALS. The Railway Mall service Won't bo Tied Up Before May 1. Washington, March 12. The Pres ident to-day signed an order extending the time from March 15, 1889, to May 1, 1889, within which the railway mail service shall be brought under the operation of the civil service law and rules. This extension is made upon the repre sentation of Civil Service Commissioner Lyman that'the organization of the service could not be accomplished earlier than May 1. i Somo of tho Smaller Loaves. Washington, March 12. The President has appointed Jeremiah Sullivan to be Col lector of Customs at Fort Benton, Mont, vice Thomas A, Cummings, whose term has expired; and Attorney General Miller has appointed John Gockrum, of Booneville, Ind., to be Assistant United States Attor ney for the district of Indiana. NOT DEAD, BUT GONE. A aliasing Clergyman Thought to bo in California, rfrECIAL TKLKOIIAM TO THIS DISrATOB.l Boston, March 12. There is now good cause to believe that Rev. Charles H.Smith, whose disappearance was telegraphed all over the country,has not committed suicide. It has been learned that he drew $1,200 from the bank on the Saturday that he left home. Out of this sum he paid a bill of $900. Last week he expressed a great desire to go to California, and some of his friends think there is strong possibility that he started for the West during a moment of mental ab eration. That is the only excuse that can be found (or his act of taking such a, sum of money from the bank. . The way in which Mr. Smith's hat was placed on the bankof the river indicates that it was put there with the intention ot being discovered, and that the card was placed conspicuously in the lining for the purpose of promptly calling attention to tho iden tity of the owner. Whether it was placed there by Mr. Smith or by some other person is not definitely known, and if by Mr. Smith there is fome doubt as to the motives which influenced him, although it is evi dent that the hat was. placed near the Chwrles for the purpose of giving the im pression that .Mr. Smith's life has been lost in the river. , NEW HAMPSHIRE WET. 'The Granite State Defeats Prohibition by a Large majority Party Lines Broken. Bat tbo Third Party Worked Faithfully An Airfal Defeat. rSFZCIAL TEIEOEAM TO TUX DIBFATCH.t Concobd, N1. H., March 12. From the returns received at this city to-night there js no question that the anti-Prohibitionists have obtained a sweeping victory through out tbe State, and the cold water men are dry and gloomy in consequence. It is im possible to give an absolute statement of the result, but everybody admits that New Hampshire people will not follow the ex ample of their Maine neighbors. It is an awful blow to the Prohibitionists. Theywprked hard and were confident of victory. In many of the towns and cities prayermee tings were held from the hour of opening to the close of the polls, but while the temperance people were praying the anti-Prohibitionists were roping in the voters everywhere. The vote was smaller than was expected, but those In favor of the legislation pro viding for prohibition deserted therranks on all sides, and the Prohibitionists suffered an inglorious defeat It wouldn't be strange if there was a two-thirds vote against, rather than for the amendment The result showed that party lines were badly broken. Republican strongholds re turned majorities against the proposed amendment, and in Democratic cities gains were made by the Prohibitionists that were in advance ot their expectations. So far as the cause of prohibition is considered, the result can hardly, be regarded, as anything but damaging, for the forcing of an expres sion of popular sentiment failed to yield even the benefit of a moral effect that would have been realized by a majority vote. The question of license is now an open one, if the actual results hold up the indications' presented to-night, a stirring canvass in "their behali may be anticipated. . The only honest element, it is fair to say, that have been at work iu this fight for pro hibition are the third party Prohibitionists and the women. The support given the movement by the Bepublicans as a party was dictated solely by the hope and expecta tion of gaining party advantage. The vote of to-day will, it is to be presumed, con vince the third party that to accomplish any great results it must avoid any entan gling alliances. GOFE IS BEATEN. Wilson Will Be Governor of West Vlrelnla IndcQnlfcly The Federal Authorities the Only Chance Carr's Case Next. (SPECIAL TXLEOHAU TO TUB DISPATCH.! Chableston, W. Va., March 12. Gov ernor Wilson will continue to wield the .gubernatorial power in West Virginia for an indefinite time to come, so far as General Goff is concerned, unless the Republican -claimant shall take his case to the Federal authorities at Washington. In the Supreme Court this morning, before a full bench, an opinion was handed down denying the peti tion of General Goff and refusing the writ of ,mandamus asked for by him against Gover nor Wilson. The announcement was made at au early hour that the opinion was ready, and when conrt was formally opened the portion of the anartment set apart for spectators was crowded, to the limits.. Governor Wilson and his subordinates, counsel for General Goff and that gentleman himself were pres ent The opinion of the Conrt covers about 5,000 words, and is an ingenious argument in favftrnf tnft nnnfifltntlnnnlifv ni 4Via -rn- ltl'tition taken iy Governor Wilson,- pro vin 2. of the Constitution, and that Governor Wilson is therefore entitled to hold over until such time as the Legislature, the Jaw fully constituted authority, shall determine the matter. The opinion was delivered by Judge Sny der, President of the Court, and was read with great deliberation. It was in no sense a surprise to anybody, both Republi cans and Democrats anticipating the action of the court An interesting phase of the situation, and one which is much com mented upon this evening, is'that Governor Wilson has the situation under his own control at present, except so far as he may be bothered by the legal proceedings insti tuted by President Carr, which is thought will not amount to much. By failing to call the Legislature together Mr. Wilson will remain at the helm indefinitely, or un til the action of 11 new Legislature; and he is thus enabled to thoroughly protect the claims of Judge Fleming against General Goff. In other words, unless General Goff has a case, Governor Wilson, by refusing to call the Legislature, can keep him out for 2 years-to come, unless the Federal authori ties interfere. The Carr proceedings wili be taken up at once bv the court, but when an opinion will be had is very uncertain. ILLINOIS WILL KICK Against the Unloading of Juvenile New York Panpcrs Ont There. Chicago, March 12. A boy named Harry Loth, whose case is a type of many others, it would appear, was picked up on the street by a police officer and taken be fore Justice Woodman this morning. The boy is' but 10 years old and lived in New York until recently. "This is only one of the numerous in stances in which the New York Aid Society and the New York Juvenile Society have sent children to this city and abandoned them," said Officer Little, of the Hnmane Society. "A law now stands on the Illinois statute books, allowing the two New York societies to send us all the dependent chil dren they pick up. The law was passed in 18G1, when we did ot have as many poor children of our own as we could care for. A bill has been sent to Springfield restrict ing old rules regarding dependent and pauper children, but it has not been intro duced." The boy was committed to the county jail there to await advices from New York.' HELP F0K FOREIGN HI3SI0NARIE8. Proceedings of the Aitnnnl Sleeting of the Woman's Society at Chicago. Chicago, March 12. The annual meet ing of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society opened this morning in the Centen nial Baptist Church with a large attend ance of delegates. The morning was de voted to the (consideration of reports from churches, bands and temple builders. This afternoon the solemn services incidental to the designation as a missionary of Miss Nora Gordon, of Atlanta, were formally opened. Miss Gordon is n colored girl who has .been appointed to work in Africa. The following were elected officers for the ensuing year: Presidenf, Mrs. R. J. Run dell; Vice President, Mrs. R. J. Barber; Secretary, F K. Tracy; Treasurer, Miss M. Banney, A SECOND BEIGHAH I0UNG, Ten Women Claim to be the Wives of a Colored Murderer. Kansas City, March 12. Hiram M. Adams, a colored deputy constable, shot and fatally wounded Samuel Patterson, a colored barber, in a quarrel oyer a 50-ccnt dice game this' morning. Patterson died this alternoon. Several hundred negroes visited Adams in his cell during the day, among them ten women, each of whom claimed to be his wiie. A HOT TIME AHEAD. Trouble Expected at the Miners' Inter-State Convention Which MAY EESDLT IN A GREAT STRIKE. Indiana Operators Demand Jhat the Price of Mining Se EEDUCED TWENTY CENTS PEE TON. PenasylTanla Operators Beady an! Willing to Fay , the Old Scale. The indications in the Miners' Conven tion at Columbus are very stormy. The Indiana operators demand a reduction in the scale of 20 cents per ton. This the miners will resist, and will be sustained by the Pennsylvania operators. Unless a com promise is effected a strike will probably result rSFICTAI. TEI.EOKAU TO TBX DISPATCH.! Columbus, March 12. There is no dis position among the miners and operators for a fight. Both desire a peaceful settlement of their differencesthough there are contin gencies which threaten to precipitate serious troubles. These will probably develop in the joint convention to-morrow, if they come to the surface at all. There was some con fusion in the convention at 5 r. M. )QsH The Pennsylvania operators did not ar rive until 3 o'clock, and it was later when the Indiana delegation put in an appear ance. The delay of the latter caused the announcement that there would be no meet ing, and this impression prevailed until 5 o'clock, when the operators assembled at the Board of Trade room, and notice was sent to ihe miners that there would be a short session. Alexander Dempster, of Pittsburg, Chairman, called the meeting to order. Patrick McBryde, secretary of the convention, apologized for not having his minutes of the Indianapolis meeting with him. A recess was then taken to 9 o'clock to-morrow morning to give the scale com mittee an opportunity to meet and if possi ble prepare a report. the scale committee. The Scale Committee consists of H. D. Turney and H. L. Chapman, operators, and John McBride and W. T. Lewis, miners, of Ohio; M. E. Johnson and David Ingle, operators, and P. H. Penna and James Xlc Governs, miners, of Indiana; John Blythe and John D. Conway and Patrick Mc Bryde, miners, of Pennsylvania. The miners held a short session at Druid Hall, South Fourth street, this morning, these beinjj some SO delegates from the Union of Miners and Mine Laborers,the only organization recognized, present T. W. Davis, National Vice President, presided. No action was taken, the time being occu pied in the discussion of matters which will come up in the convention to-morrow. The Indiana opSrators, who were in the meeting at Indianapolis Monday and broke it up with their demands, are here, and promise to be the disturbers. At that meet ing they decided that they must have a re duetion for mining of 20 cents per ton aud the proceedings of that meeting are to be laid before the convention to-morrow. A committee was appointed at Indianapolis for that purpose. A FIGHI EXPECTED. ' The indications 'are they will make a des perate struggle for their demands as they are' unanimous iothejr action. . The Ohio and Pennsylvania operators look upon the demanoV.as simply outrageous and will favor do such reduction. If a strike results, as a failure of tbe present convention to accomplish anything, it will be on account of the stand taken by the Indiana operators, which is looked upon as unreasonable by the delegates from all other points. The Indi ana and Pennsylvania operators are the most determined in their stand, and the Ohio operators W4nt a reduction in price if they can get it 'peaceably, but will not go so far as to fail-'to do anything on that ac count It is understood the miners of Indi ana will accept no reduction. The operators had a consultation this evening and endeavored to come to some agreement, but were unable to do so. INSIST UPON A BEDUCTION. The Indiana men offered a resolution, ask ing that, in case the demands which they made were not accepted by the miners, that the inter-State agreement between the op erators be dissolved. This was opposed by all the other opeiators, and the Indiana men threatened to go out of the convention to-morrow, and the probabilities are that it will result in a strike in the Indianapolis fields. The Scale Committee, learning of the differences between the operators, ad journed without accomplishing .anything. P. H. Penna, District President of the National Progressive Union for Indiana, who way at the Indianapolis meeting, is charged with dnplicity by a member or the Legislature of the State, who was also at the meeting. Penna to-night made it lively about the hotel corridors, and' in sisted that the operators were two-laced in their dealings, so far as that State is con cerned, and he is succeeding in exciting considerable feeling against the operators of Indiana. NOT VEET MUCH PE0GEESS. The Meeting of theDressed Beef Convention nt fet. Loo is. St. Louis, March 12. At the meeting of the dressed beef convention a permanent or ganization was effected and a number of resolutions introduced. Some of these were the subject of warm debate, but no action was taken. After receiving the report of the Committee on Rules, the convention ad journed to 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. It was rumored to-night that the Legisla tive Committee had reached the conclusion that it did not know what the con vention wanted. Iormation was re ceived as to the existence of a beef and pork combine or legislation to check the growth of dressed beet trusts, the existence of which the delegates were al ready aware of. It is also claimed that dilatory tactics will be resorted to. and that t little, if anvthincr. will be accomrilished to morrow. COLORED HETH0DI8TS. A List of the Clerical Appointments for This Vicinity. ISPECTAI, TELEGRAM TO TOT DISPATCH. PABkebsbubg, March 12. The twenty fixth annual session of the Washington Conference, M. E. Church, Colored, has ad journed. Among the appointments read by Bishop Merrili were the following: Pittsburg, J.H. Watson; Allegheny City.G.W. Jenkins; wheeliDg, It A. Reed; Cumberland, J. It. Evans: Parkersburg, R, H. Robinson: Eellalrc, A D. Valentine. THE STRIKE STILL ON. No Chnngo in the Situation of the Great Weaving Contost. Fall Riveb, March 12. The strike in .which fully 9,000 weavers are taking part is unchanged, Tbe manufacturers will make yarn for a while, and then if the situ ation does not improve the mill gates will be looked. This morning there were 1,000 looms in operation. . 1IASKED BUBGLABS TA Tfial. HT-nf-tt-... .!- .... !....-... Ga. AM.IU lUVblVIIUUHIUlTII HUM UJ AUK.MI V wVaf Bidden Hoards ofSIoney One 9fan9 m Feet Blotvlv TCnnntnd Great Excitement la the Vicinity. ISFXCIAI. TEI-IOnAJI TO IDE DISPATCH.! Uniontown, March 12. Five daring robberies occurred last night in tbe vicinity of McClellandtown, nine miles from here. The first victim was J. Lilley, an enfeebled man, aged G3. He was seized at his house and tortured until he revealed the hiding place of his money, about $28. His feet were roasted, and he was subjected to other horrible tortures. He had refused to get ouot bed, and the fiends poured carbon oil on it and.set it on fire. The house of Mrs. Kener, aged 60, who was alone with her grandchild, was next visited. The most diabolical work was perpetrated at the house of Joseph Ander son, who lives alone with his wife. He had $35 in the house and-refused to surrender it until after the thieves had presented revol vers at the head of Mrs. Anderson, and threatened to blow her brains out, and saturated his clothes with oil preparatory to setting a match to it. Hp then told where the money was. They secured it and departed for the house of "Harvey Grove, into which they failed to gain entrance. Thus foiled they riddled the window with bullets. Mr. Grove's grandson re turned the fire and, it is" believed, wounded one of them. They then retreated to the farm of Benjamin King, about four miles from here. There they secured a young bay mare. About 1 o'clock, shortly after the thieves had left, Mr. King's sons started on the trail of them. They were joined by a number of excited farmers from McClel landtown, who had followed, the party from Grove's house. By occasional clots of blood in the road'vay the party arrived here and was joined by Constable Chick and Officer Pegg, who proceeded together in search of the outlaws. . It is understood that the County Commis sioners will offer a reward for the capture of the outlaws. The country districts are ter ribly excited over the outrages. A. number of parties are suspected, among them being a relative ot two of the victims. The rob bers were traced to Cool Springs, a place at the foot of the mountains. One of the sus pected parties came into town to-day and bought a hat. A hat was found last "night at the scene of the depredations which had a mask of brqwn paper muslin sewed in the lining. Detectives are at work on the case. AN EDITOR KILLED. Captain F. W. Dawson, of the Charleston News and Coarier. Assassinated Aa Excited City and Threats of Lynching the Mur derer. Chableston, S. C, March 12. Captain F. W. Dawson, editor of the Newt and Courier and agent of the Associated Press of this city, was murdered this afternoon about 3:30 o'clock by T. B. McDow, a physician of this city. It seems that Mc Dow, who is a married man and the father of a family, had been too intimate with a Swiss maid in Captain : Dawson's family, and that Captain Dawson had visited Mc Dow at his office to remonstrate with him. Words and blows followed, and tbe en counter ended in McDow's shooting Cap tain Dawson through the heart. The mur derer then locked up his office, and went ont Three hours later he surrendered him self to the police authorities, and the body of the murdered man was fonnd lying in McDow's office. The murder caused intense excitement and there is talk of lynching. McDow is said to be the only doctor in this city vho is not a member of the State Medical Society and has an unsavory repu tation. He married, some years ago, the daughter of C: J. Ahren, a rich retired grocer, and it is known that the police have been asked to shadow him several times. The city is in a terrible state of excitement AN0TDEE NEGRO EXODDS. North Carolina U Being lleserted for the Wl'ds of Arkansas. Raleigh, N. C, March 12. Southern agents moving negro families to Arkansas are quietly but successfully at work. Their operations are confined thus far to a few counties on the Raleigh lines near Golds boro. The counties are systematically can vassed. Several thousand persons have already gone. Indications point to an ex tensive movement. Many large plantations are almost deserted. Negro drummers ore paid 53 for each family secured. The en tire expense of transportation to Little Rock is paid by the agents. The negroes say they are promised 40 acres of land, a brick house, a co wand $1 50 a day for labor, and are told that corn sells for 19 cents a barre and meat at one-quarter of a cent a pound.. They know nothing of their destination. The removal is by families. Planters in the counties affected are greatly embarrassed at the loss of farm hands at the beginning of the planting sea son. A seven iiixurir SESSI0X. The Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Company Very Brief. Philadelphia, March 12. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company was held to-day and goes on record as the shortest known in the history of the company. In exactly seven minutes from the time -the Chairman announced the meeting open for business he announced, it had adjourned. There was no speech and no question was asked and only tho customary resolutions offered.' The attendance was small. William E. Lockwood, who speaks for the English stockholders, and who gener ally breaks the monotony ot the annual meetings by a long series of questions and many speeches, was silent to-day. A com mittee of seven stockholders, after consulta tion with the President; will nominate a board of directors to be elected two weeks hence. THE IAWTEES TVIF. Tho Grand Jury Ignores the Indictments Against Them. SFZCIAI. TELEGEAlt TO THE D IS PATCH. 1 New Yobk, March 12. The grand jury heard further testimony yesterday on the charges by the Manhattan Elevated Rail-, road Company that litigation is unlawfully pushed by lawyers in damage suits against the railroad. After a short session the test case which had been laid before the grand jury for consideration by an Assistant Dis trict Attorney was dismissed, and it is be lieved that with this case the prosecution of others will be dropped. There have been about 45 names of law yers presented by the elevated railroad's counsel, but tbe case presented to tbe grand jury yesterday was said, on good authority, to be that of ex-Civil Justice Leo C. Dessar. A PROMINENT S0UTHEENES DIES. Hon. John A. Campbell, Confederate As sistant Secretary of War. Baltimore, March 12. Hon-. John A. Campbell, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Assistant Con federate Secretary of War died at his home in this city, this aiternoon. aged nearly 78. He was born near Washington, Wilkes county, Ga., and graduated from the uni versity of the State at the age of 15 with first honors, and afterward went to West Point" THREE OENTS PARNELL'S TURN 1W. . Times Will Finish Its Case To- pay and Sir Charles Russell rfePEN WITH A GREAT SPEECH. Only jfegitnesses Testified Yesterday Ad One of Them ' 'i r -A WAS AErtfiSTED BY 0EDEE OF HANNEX? Stextason's Samoan Letter Causes a Delate In the . HonaeofConmois. Attorney General Webster has announced that the Timet case will probably be ended, to-day. One witness testified yesterday that he had made false statements, and had been paid 115. This caused a sensation. An accountant gave the figures of the League's receipts and expenditures. The libel suits against the Timet have been commenced! London, March 12. Before the Parnell Commission to-day Attorney General Webster said that owing to to the illness of a witness he was unable to present neces sary evidence with reference to the O'Kelly letters. He hoped that to-morrow he would be able to produce this witness and conclude the case for the Times. An accountant testified that he had exam ined the books of the Hibernian Bank, but was unable to trace the persons to whom the money on checks was paid or whence the checks came. Between November, 1879, and September, 1882, the League received 261,269 and paid out 261,276. The bank refused to allow witness to examine its lodgement slips. The League paid to the Ladies' League 12,306,and to the relief fund 2,025, and disbursed 10,000 in the defense of prisoners. LEAGUE PI CURES. The witness further testified that he had examined the League's books: The total receipts in 1883 amounted to 11,069, of which America sent 1,000 and Australia and New Zealand 8.000. In 1884 the re-, ceipts were 11,508; in 1885, 18.000, and in 1880, 17,015. The National League's total receipts amounted to 100,613. Sir Henry James, counsel lor the Times, applied for an order for the examination of air. Parnell's private account with tha national bank. Mr. Parnell gave his assent to such an examination. Mr. Coffee, a reporter from Cork, testified! that he had made a statement to a police man, who promised him that he should be paid beyond bis greatest expectations. Wit ness declared that statement was absolutely false. This evidence created a sensation in the courtroom. Coffee fnrther testified that he purposely made the statement which he gave to the1 policeman sensational because he knew it would take. He received 115 from the Times. Presiding Justice Hannen re peatedly rebuked the witness sharply for contempt, and finally ordered him to be taken into custody. The commission then adjourned. BUSSELL IS BEADY. When the Times case is finished Sir Charles "Russell will immediately begin with his speech for the defendants. He has been long preparing this, and it is confi dently expected that it will be tbe most im portant' address delivered this generation on the Irish question. His friends say it will consume at least a week. There is- still the greatest difference of opinion as to what amount of evidence should be produced in rebuttal of the Times' witnesses. In fact, this will-not ba settled until neat week. -"" Mr. Henry Campbell, M". P., the private secretary of Mr. Parnell, has brought suit for libel against the London Timet. The case has been set for a hearing, and the trial will probably take place in May. The suit is founded partly on the opening speech made by Attorney General Webster in the case of O'Donnell versus Walter,' and partly on a leading editorial published' by the Times on July 7 last Tnis suit is the first ot a series of suits to be brought against the Times. STEVENSON ON SAMOA. Ills Recent Letter Causes a Debate In tho House of Commons. London, March 12. In the House of Commons to-night the Government was questioned with reference to the statements made by the novelist, Robert L. Stevenson, writing from Hawaii, regarding the ob jectionable conduct of the German Consul, Knappe, in Samoa. Sir James Fergussea, Under Foreign Secretary, in reply, admitted that Mr. Stevenson's statements were correct, but he pointed out that Germany has since recalled the offending Consul. The Under Secretary promised that papers covering the subject would be laid before Parliament SATALIE CAUSES A DUEL. Two Members of Ihe Government WlQ Fight O vrr Tier Return. Belgbade, March 12. The Regents are opposed to the return of Natalie, while tha Cabinet are disposed to favor her return. After a heated discussion on the subject to day between M. Belimarkovics. one of the Regents, and M. Mihokovics, Chief of Staff, the latter challenged the former to a duel. 31. Vassilevics ha3 been sent to Yalta to induce Natalie to consent to an interview witb her son at the frontier. Forty-Two Persons Browned. Madbid, March 12. The Government has received dispatches announcing the loss of the steamer Remus, which had a Spanish military expedition on board. The vessel was wrecked off the Phillipine Islands. Forty-two persons were drowned and 127 were saved. Germany's Representative Chosen. " Berlin, March 12, Count Von Berchem, Under Secretary of State, will represent Germany at the coming conference here con cerning "Samoa. v CMNA3IEN LEAVE TOWN. Many Celestials Leave Town and Matters Are Now Peaceful. Milwaukee, March 12. The trial oi the Chinamen charged with enticing little girls t5 their dens was concluded this morn ing alter five children, whose ages ranged from 8 to 13 years.had been examined. Tbe J charges were borne out by the story of each witness, and the two heathens were held in . ;o,uw Dau eacn lor trial at the next term of conrt. Thpy were escorted back to jail under guard of a large detail of police, and fol lowed bv a crowd of several hundred per sons who yelled and jeered at them, but no 1 V1U1C1JUB was UfclCliJJJbeU. AUG uuui SUlASll- ing the windo-rs of a- dozen laundries last night, and noisy threatening gatherings In the streets there has been nothing approach ing violence. There are not more than 95 Chinamen in the city, and many of them have left town. There was no demonstra tion to-night, and no more trouble is ex pected. Klein's Coming East. Sait Fbancisco, March 12. John C Klein, the Samoan correspondent, Ieit'fof ; tne .&ast to-mgnt. a .-,- "- -A .0- . .V as r -. t- i .ra,i v .&&? cCji KvttCjini SuSfiS if sa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers