Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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The Week's Transactions in Live
Stock at Herr's Island.
A "Light Ban of Sheep. Iambs and Hogs,
and Supply
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,!
Monday. Mrcn 11, issa. i
Beceipts of cattle at Herr's Island were 31
loads. The demands of trade seem to re
quire about this number every week. Air
the receipts this week were from Chicago.
Fifteen car loads were consigned to Zeigler
& Gersoni The other 16 loads were con
signed, L, Rotchild, Lisensteln & Ackerman,
Andy Frohm and Eli Katz. The grade of.
cattle this week fell below the average in
quality. "There were more scrubby steers than
usual in the supplies, and very few prime stock.
The large majority of those received were un
der 1,400 pounds in weight A number of loads
v ere troruBOO to 1,000 pounds and not very in-.
iting. VZ. IA
The tendency has been stronc for some weeks
past both at East Liberty and Herrls I
jaiuo vw jiuau iuh iuuu silt, wn uj ....,.
Stockmen attribute this tendency to the sharp
competition.bronght by the dressed beef trade.
Butchers claimthat there is no money in cattle
for which they nave to pay much above 4c per
Prices of tattle Tary little from those which
ruled a -u eek ago. If anything, markets to-day
are slower; than last Monday. The best cattle
on the market-weighing 1.-500 to l.OOOpounds.
were sold at M 50. The lowest prices were S3 So
for scrubbv steers, weighing 900 to 1,000 pounds.
Calves are 'in better supply than they have been
for a month or tn o past. From now on there
will be no lack of Veal on butcher stalls.
Sheep and Lambs.
The run was very light, the total number re
ceived being 475 head. Receipts in February
were as high as 1,000 head in the week. Last
Monday receipts were 800 head. The ran this
week was the lightest of the season. The re
sult has been that everything has been cleaned
up. A leading dealer reports that he could
have easily sold a couple hundred moro
head if be had had them. Last week some 50
head were lelt over. This w cek the situation
was entirely fevereu. The range of prices for
sheep was 4J to5Kc, the latter figure being
paid for a few bunches of extra fine wethers.
The ranee for lambs was 6 to G?.Je. Soma
dealers report sales of a few extras at 7c
The run was very light. The total was little
above 500 head, against double that number for
several weeks before. Prices were 15 to 20 cents
better than last week. The range of prices was
H 90 to to 25. As with sheep and lambs, de
mand for hogs was much above supply. Every
hog was sola early in the day, ana many more
could have been sold.
Markets at Chicago and East Liberty have
been as at Herr's Island for the week past. Tho
situation all around the circle has been in favor
of sellers.
The condition of country roads through the
West is such that farmers find great difficulty
getting their hogs to market, hence the short
age. The remedy will come soon, and the
comingneekis likely to bring full supplies. An
overdose of cattle is also likely to come at an
early day, judging from a dispatch received by
one of our leading pork packers to-day from
Chicago. The message states that cattle re
ceipts there were 12,000 head yesterday. Tho
overflow from this large supply will show up
here in a few days, and markets are likely to
weaken under the load.
Condition of the Market at the East. Liberty
Stock Tnrds.
Monday. March U. 1SS9. J
Cattle Receipts, 2,M0 head: shipments,
LSO0 bead. Market dull and 1015clower than
'last week. Twelve cars shipped to New York
Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head: shipments. 5,100
head: market active; medium Philadelphias,
S5 I05 15: heavy hogs, 5 055 10; pigs and
Yorkers, S3 005 15. .Nineteen cars shipped to
yew York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 7,000 head: shipments,
tSOOhead. Market slower and 1015c lower
than last week.
Br TelcsTRDh.
" New York Beeves Receipts, 3.800 head,
making 8,700 head for the week; arrivals in
cluded 95 carloads for city slaughterers direct,
78 carloads for exportation, and 53 carloads to
be sold; market firm; common to strictly prime
steers sold at S3 G04 00 per 100 pounds; a few
tops at H 654 75; bulls and dry cows at 2 25
S 25. Sheep Receipts. 8,500 bead, making
21,800 head for the week; firm for good and
prime stock; dull and weak for common; ex
tremes for sheep, S4 256 00 per 100 pounds,
with a bunch of fancy wethers sold at S8 50;
lambs. S5 50Q77i Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head,
making 26.b00 head for the week; nominally
steady for live hogs at S5 005 30 per 100
pounds; none for sale alive.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 2.000 head:
shipments, none; slow and steady, except for
stockers and feeding steers, which were weak;
good to choice cornfed, $3 801 10: common to
medium. $2 703 60: stockers and feeding
steers, Jl C03 20; cows, SI .2562 70. Hogs
Receipts, 7,3;3 bead; shipments, none; mar
ket steady to 2Jc lower, closing active and
strong: good to choice. S4 404 50; common to
medium! $1 204 Si Sheep Receipts, 1.128
head: shipments, none: -slow and weak; good
to choice muttons, SI 251 50: common to
medium, 2 503 8a t
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 12.000 head: ship
ments, 4,500 bead; market slow and weaker:
choice beeves, 4 004 25: steers, 2 903 90;
stockers anil feeders, 2 103 35; cows, bulls
and mixed, 1 703 00. Hogs Receipts. 24,000
head: shipments, 8.000 head; market weaker:
mixed and heavy. H G04 So; light, $4 65g4 90;
skips, 3 504 4a Sheep Receipts, 8,500 head;
shipments, 2,000 head; market stead ; natives,
S3 2535 00; western cornfed, $4 65; lambs, 4 75
St. Lons Cattle Receipts. 900 head; ship
ments, 100 head: market firm; choice heavy
native steers. 3 7o4 35; fair to good do, S3 00
S 90; stockers and feeders. 2 003 10: rangers,
comfed. $2 70S3 50: grass-fed. $1902!0. Hogs
Receipts. G.90O bead: shipments, 1,000 bead;
market steady; choice heavy and butchers,
4 70ft4 SO: packing, St G04 75; light (Trades,
ordinary to best, 4 5024 65. Sheep Receipts,
SCO hea'd; shipments, none; market steady;
fair to choice, 3 005 25.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, L2Q0 head
through: 2.4O0 head sale: firm, active; good
Bteers S3 504 00; do, 2 753 40; mixed butch
ers', &! 503 25. Sheep and lambs Receipts,
none through; 15.000 head sale; steady: good
sheep, S4 75g5 15: good lambs, S5 256 15.
Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head through; 9,000 head
sale: activp and 1015c higher; mediums.
So 105 15: Yorkers, S5 305 32$.
Cincinnati Hoes Demand firm: common
and light. 4 O04 to; packing and butchers',
4 (o4 9a Receipts, 3,400 head; shipments,
6S bead.
A Prediction.
Henry Clews 4 Cou, New York, says in their
weekly circular: The money market is more
active and firmer, the tendency being toward
still higher rates. At this season there usually
is a better demand for" mercantile purpose.
and with the approach of April 1 and the set-
tUU BCl"
tlements incidental to that period, there always
A3AUV.O v. ...o vjijiui.uui.j ui IU0UIIIU4IIUU.
This, of course, acts unfavorably upon stocks;
considering wmcn, ana ine unsatistactory m
fluences noted above, as well as the growing
boldness of the bears, there is a strong prob
ability of lower prices. A feverish stock mar
ket may also be looked for during the next two
weeks, at least, so that speculative operations
should be Conducted with a view ot making
quick turns rather than expecting a pro
nounced upward movement.
Drygoodi Market.
NEW York. March U. There was a fair
Monday in dryeoods with jobbers, with increas
ing activity expected through the week. There
is no change in the features ot trade. Buyers
continue conservative and ginghams are still
slaughtered. A few agents report considera
ble Improvement in demand for staple cottons
and fancy prints. Agents reduced the prices
of Warwick dress gingham from 3fc to 6ks to
jobatOKe, and advanced the price of orfc
denims c a yard.
Grain In Sight.
Chicago, March 1L Following is a state
ment of the visible supply of grain afloat and
in store on Saturday, March 9, as compiled at
the Produce Exchange: Wheat, 31.730,157
bushels; decrease, 219,902 bushels. Corn. 16,
911,625 bushels; lncrease.L091.511 bushels. Oats,
7,741,338 bushels; decrease, 177,025 bushels. Rye,
l,641,019bu'shels;.decTease, 28,577 bushels. Bar
ley. L712.138 bushels; decrease. 120,424 bushels.
Metal Market.
Nrt York Pig iron quiet; American. 15 00
17 a Copper irregular by the position
abroad. There is disinclination, however, to
fell. Late. March, 15 60. Lead dull and firm;
domestic, 3 75. Tin quiet and barely steady;
titralts, 21 30.
Wheat Active, Excited nnd Unsettled Corn
and Oata Lower Hog Product Un
dergo n Slight Decide 'on TJn
nsnally Heavy Receipts.
ChicagoA large business was transacted
in wheat to-day, and the feeling was nervous
and unsettled, with prices lower. The open
ing was weak, influenced by lower cables and
fine weather here and abroad. Financial
affairs in Pans are still unsettled, and hid a
tendency to create weakness. Tbo first sales
for May were at J5c declinefrom Saturday's
closing, and quickly declined it more, hut
good buying, chiefly from the "shorts," started
the market up. and prices were advanced lc,
bnt again became weaker, declining lo under
a renewed pressure to sell, a prominent local
trader being credited with Selling freely.
About this time reports ttere received of ex
port buying in New York, and a rumored sale
of flour in Minneapolis lor export. This
started shorts to covering, and prices advanced
ljc, fluctuated some and closed about c
lower tban'SUurday July ruled comparatively
firm, opening about c lower than Saturday'-s
closing; advanced lc receded lc, ruled strong
and closed c higher than Saturday. There
was good buying for July most of the day.
A. verv fair business was reported in corn,
and slightly lowcrprices were established. The
feeling developed was somewhat easier, though
fluctuations were narrow, within a c range.
Oats were active. The feeling was weak and
the range of prices lower. The best buying
came from the shorts, but had no effect on
values until prices had declined Jc, when a
rally of lie followed. June received more at-
&Sg&?J1l nC04 Is stlady.
The market for Mav closed 6teady at ywA&
Onlv a moderate trade was reported in hog
products dnd the fluctuations in prices were
confined within a narrower range than for sev
eral days past. The receipts of hogs were
larger than generally expected, with prices
favoring buyers, and this had a weakening in
fluence and caused a slight decline in prices
for the leading articles.
Tho leading rutures raneea as follows:
WrrEAT NoS March, 9GXSGV:; May.98
CORN No. 2 March. S434KS4K34c;
May, 355i035Kc, June. 35U3oc
OATS No. 2. March, 24?c; May, 252625
aojic; June, ij?i6p;BBo44s-6c.
Mess Pork, per
UM. May,
lay, $12 0012 07i(
11 90U U7K; June, 812 00ffll2 12KS11
12 05: July. S12 17UCS12 17US;12 05&12 UM.
LiABD. per 1UU bs. March, in &u; May, so &is
. .-- . . . , ., -. .
icr 100 a
6 906 b50 90; June, 693g6 95.
Short Ribs, per 100 fti May. S6 206)6 27K
6 2026 25; June, 6 25g6 306 25 6 3tt
Cash quotations were as roUows: Floursteadv
and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 96
QSSic; No. 3 spring wheat nominal; No.
2 red, 9696Vc No. 2 corn, 31S4Kc;
I 0.2 oats, 24Vi& No. 2 rye, 42a No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 52. Prime timothy
seed. SI 35. Mess pork, per barrel, 11 95
012 00. Lard, per 100 lbs. S S56 87H. Short
ribs sides (loose). 6 2a Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), 5 255 37. Short clear sides
(boxed), 6 506 62. Receipts Flour. 12,000
barrels; wheat, 24.000 bushels: corn. 86,000 bush
els: oats. 62,000 bushels: rye, 2,000 bushels; bar
ley, 39,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 9,000
barrels: wheat, 36.000 bushels; corn, 116,000
bnsbels: oats, 76,000 bushels; rye, 4,000; barley,
27.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
firmer at 1213e.
New York Flour weaker, with a moderate
business. Cornmcal heavy and dull. Wheat
Spot moderately active and easier; options ir
regular and lower. Rye quiet. Barley and
barley malt quiet. Corn Spot lower and
quiet; options dull and K?c lower. Oats
Spot dull and weaken options easier and dull.
Hay fairly active and firm; shipping at 65c;
good to choice, 95c Hops quiet and firm,
offee Options opened firm and 2530 points
up, closed easy ana 2025 points above Satur
day's; sales, 4&250 baes, including March and
April, 17.30c: Mav, 17.20)17.35c: June, 17.35
17.45c; July, 17.45 17.60c; August, 17.55g17.70c;
September, 17.7017.90c: October, 17.S017.90c;
November, 17.8517.90c; December, 17.S517.95c;
January and February, 18.00c; spot Rio
stronger; fair cargoes, 19Jc Sugar Raw
firmer; fair refining, 5 l-165Jc; centrifugals,
96 test, 513-165c; sales, 2,000 tons do
mestic molasses sugar at 4c; refined
in active demand. Molasses Foreign
strong; 50 test, 22Jc; New Orleans,
dull; open kettle, good to fancy, 2S42c- Rice
firm and quiet. Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow
steady; sales of city at 4413-16c Rosin
steady: strained, common to good, $1 151 20.
Turpentine steady atol52c Eggs quiet and
steady; Western, 14Kloc; receipts, 4,592 pack
ages. Pork firm; old mess, 12 50: new mess,
13 0013 25; extra prime, 12 5a Cut meats
steadier; sales of pickled bellies at 7c: do
shoulders, 6c; do hams, 9iHc Middles
auiet; short clear, 6 60. Lard easier and dull;
sales of estern steam at 7 22; citv, 6 80;
March. 7 22: Annl. S7 22; May, $7 22: Jane. 7 23
67 2L closing at 7 25; July, 7 24, closing at
7 26: August, S7 28; September. 7 297 SO,
closmgat7 3a Butter fairly active and steady:
Western dairy, 1521c; do creamerv, 1828c;
Elgiu, 29c Cheese quiet; Western, 9$llc
St. Loots Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Various depressing influences put
prices down to-day, but the buying being ac
tive, this was reaction from lowest figures,
still close was I4c below Saturday: No. 2
red, cash. 8iic; Slay, 93)i94c closing at
944c: June, 9131c, closing at 91Jc: July,
SlkS81Jc, closing at 81Slja Corn lower,
with free selling for Mav: No. 2 cash, 28Kc;
Annl. 29Uc: Mav. 3031a closine at 30Kc:
jnne. 3i(g.sia
24c bi
dull; 43c asked. Barley Nothing done. Flax
seed steady at 1 45. Bagrfng excited and
higher, with large sales, SfiJIOc Iron cotton
ties, 1 10. Provisions dull, with only a job
CINCINNATI Flour dull; family, 4004 15;
fancy, 4 604 75. Wheat dull; iJo. 2 red, 95c;
receipts, 50ubnsheU; shipments, none Corn
easj; No. 2 mixed, S4a Oats easier; No. 2
mixed, 2G26Kc Rye dull and lower; No. 2. 50c
Fork firm at 12 25. Lard in light demand at
S6 756 87J. Bulkmeats firmer; vhort ribs,
6 37j Bacon steady; short clear. 7 62" "a.
Butter quiet; fancy Elgin, 30631c: choice
dairy, 1718c Linseed oil firm at 5557c
Sugar steady: hard refined, 7K?ic; New Or
leans, 5a Eggs HKc Cheese firm.
Milwaukee Flour lower. Wheat easy:
cash, 87!4c; May,SSc; July,87c Corn steady;
No. 3, 3132c Oats easier, No. 2 white, 27
27Kc Rye dull; No. L 43c Barley very dull:
No. 2, 58c Provisions steady. Pork at $11 8a
Lard at 6 SO. Cheese firm but quiet; Cheddars
at 11612c
Philadelphia Flour dull and weak.
Wheat weaK and lower. Corn steady with a
fair demand for local consumption, but little
or nothing doing for export; speculation was
tame. Oats steady.
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady,
Butter, medium in demand; western packea.
I622c: best roll, 14g20c; creamery, 272Sc:
Eggs in good demand at 1314. Coffee firmer;
Rio, fair, 19c
Toledo Cloverseed dull and steady; cash,
March, 4 80; receipts, 437 bags; shipments, 4S4
British Breadstuff.
LoNDON.March U. The Jf ark Lane Express,
in its weekly review of the British grain trade,
says: The values of English wheat advanced
slowly during the first part of last week. Then
milder weather caused a halt, and on most of
the exchanges prices'are inclined to recede.
The condition of samples at London has im
proved. The average p rice for the week ended
on Tuesday was 32s Sd on sales amounting to
2,917 quarters, an increase of 2s Id over the pre
ceding week, with larger sales. It is probable
that the next report will show a 'reaction. Che
sales of English wheat during the past week
were 02,377 quarters at 30s Id, against 64,198
quarters at 30s 6d during the corresponding
week last year.
Tho supply of flour made from 1887 wheat is
becoming limited, and prices have advanced M.
, t ,,l, n,.1 ima.inan Anna nalA fnm 1BD0
I wheat were firm until Wednesday, since which
day tbey have been quieter. At today's mar
ket English wheat was firmer. Foreign was
steady, with an increased demand for Austra-
lan. r lour was steauy.
Brazilian Coffee Market.
Rio Dk Janeiro. March iL Coffee
Regular first, 6,350 reis per 10 kilos; good sec
ond. 5,850 reis; receipts during the week,
69,000 bags; purchases for the United States,
41.000 bags; clearances fcr do, 30,000 bags; sVck,
390,000 bags.
Santos, March 11. Coffee Good aver
age, 6,000 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the
week, 51,600 bags; purchases for the United
States, 10.000 bags; clearances for do, 4,000
bags; stock, 252,000 bags.
I am satisfied that Cancer is hereditary in my
family: My father died of it, a sister of my
mother died of ft, and my own sister died of it.
My feelings may be imagined, then, when the
horrible aisaase made its appearance on my
side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating ir
wardly in such a way that it could not be cut
out. Numerous remedies were used for it, but
the Cancer grew steadily worse, until itseemed
that I was doomed to follow the others of the
family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from
the first day, forced out the poison and con
tinued its use until I had taken several bottles,
when I found myself well. 1 know that S. S. S.
cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol.
Winston, N. C Nov. 20, '88.
Send for Book-on Cancer and Blood-Diseases.
The SWIFT Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Ga. fel-7-TTS
-THE : -
The Scheme for Widening Diamond
"Alley Agitated 50 Tears Ago.
Taxation Said to be Dealing a Death Blow
at the Farming Business.
"The project for widening Diamond alley
is not a new one," remarked a prominent
Fourth street gentleman yesterday after
noon. "It was agitated when I was a
schoolboy, 40 or B0 years ago; but there it is
yet, and there it will likely remain for the
next generation to wrangle over. If you
will tell me when the hump will be cut down I
will tell you when the alley will be widened.
They are both conundrums."
Tree planting, it is stated, will be on a large
scale this season, particularly in the suburbs.
Apropos of this a veteran nurseryman furnishes
some valuable information. Be says: Many
of those who contemplate planting trees select
the largest and oldest they can get from the
nurseryman, expecting earlier and better re
sults. This, however, is a mistake. The opera
tion of lifting such trees necessarily gives a
shock to their vitality and interferes with their
vital functions, and the tree will be the longer
in recovering from the injuries after trans
planting than younger trees, which sustain less
Injury, and which usually have more and finer
rootlets than trees of greaterage. The smaller
trees adapt themselves better to the change,
make new roots quicker, and sooner become
fitted to their new locations and conditions.
Those impatient for early fruitage will find
only disappointment in selecting the most
mature specimens they can find.
The Lonerbaugh property, on Wood street,
Wilkinsburtr. has been sold. The old buildings
will be removed and a fine brick business block
erected in their stead. The price paid is
known only to the principals, but it would re
quire five figures to express It. Ten years ago
AVood street was a mud road running through
a howling wilderness. Now it is lined with
handsome houses on both sides, from the rail
road station to Penn avenue, and is the princi
pal thoroughfare of the newly-fledged borongh.
Does farming pay in Pennsylvania? is a
question that is being discussed in many of
the country newspapers. Some show that the
business is as good as it was a generation ago,
while others take the opposite view. A writer
in a Hollidaysburg paper says:
Standing lately at Bradley's station, 1 looked
over a section of country! comprising 25 farms,
with all of which I have been Intimately ac
quainted, during the last half century. Forty
years ago there were upon each of these farms 2
able-bodied men with from 3 to S boys. Each farm
had upon It 3 or 4 horses, an average of 20 head oE.
cattle and as many beau or sheep. To-aaysor
these farn9 are vacant. Five of them are in the
hands of tenants a class unknown in former
times and the others, with one or two exceptions,
arc feebly operated by an old man and a boy.
Farmers are belnjr taxed out of existence. as"the
following will show: Upon a farm of
ISO acres with which I am acquainted,
the taxes last year, exclusive of
national taxes (which average 3 per
head) were J7S. This takes eight tons of bay, or
ISO bushels of oats or corn, or 75 bushels of wheat,
and the cost of marketing is frequently to be
added. We are taxed in scores of other ways
which do not appear so plainly. We are under
the necessity of buying wire for fencing. This
article, which Is made at a fair profit for (25 per
ton. Is sold to the farmers for ?123. Suppose It costs
S50 a ton to make it? Can any occupation bear
such a tai? 1 repeat, 4hat farming is threatened
with destruction by excessive taxation.
Tho Philadelphia Secord says building lots
for weekly installments of 40 cents are adver
tised in Pittsburg. This is misleading. While
such lots are advertised in Pittsburg, they are
not Pittsburg lots, as the advertisement clearly
states, but are located at Portland, Jay county,
Indiana. Forty cents wouldn't buy ' enough of
Pittsburg ground for a chemical analysis. The
Record ought to be better posted,
m i? ty i
The Westingboase Stocks Still the Lenders
of the Local Market.
The stock market yesterday was generally
strong and active. Westinghouse Electric sold
up to 4 Switch and Signal to 23Ji, and Phila
delphia Gas to 36 on full offerings. The rest
of the gassers were about steady. There was
nothing doing in Tractions, which were weak.
Bids and offers were:
mornino. afternoon.
STOCKS. Bid. Aaked. Bid. Asked.
Philadelphia Co..'. M 36 MS MK
AVheelinjr Gas Co .. 28i .... 281 23
Central Traction 22S 23 22 Sfc
Citizens' Traction 70 70X
nttsburgh Traction... 49 49,
N.Y.4CG. C. CO... 38 .... 3$ 40
La Nora Mining Co.... 1 n;
bllverton Mining Co... 11! 1 IK
Vestinghon6cEIectrlc 47 46- 47
U. Switch Signal Co... 23, SJf S3if 233f
Alll&UUrEtlUUCUUO, OS.. .... .... 119 ....
Sales at the morning call were 250 shares of
Switch and Signal at 21.25 at 22K, 75 at 22U.
25 at 2ftr. 255 Electric at 471. 15 at 461 and 75
New York and Cleveland Gas Coal a$ 36. Be
lore can iou irnuaueipma u&s&oiaat oofi.
In the afternoon there were sales of 100 Elec
tric at 47K, and 200 at 47.
The total Bales of stocks at New York yester
day were 318,663 shares, including Atchison.
14,790; Canada Southern, 7.540; Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western. 25,400; Erie, 9,610;
Lake Shore, 9,267; Louisville and Nashville,
12,460; Missouri Pacific 6,530: Northwestern,'
7,650: Norfolk and Western, preferred, 4,400;
Northern Pacific, preferred, 5,961; Oregon
Transcontinental, 7.400: Reading, 73,220; Rich
mond and West Point, 6,600; St. Paul, 32,875;
Union Pacific, 16,870; Western Union, 6,995.
Clearing House Figures Indicate a Good
Volume of Business.
The Clearing House report yesterday indi
cated a fair volume of general trade, the ex
changes amounting to 82,063,030 13 and the bal
ances to 317,155 49. Depositing was the feat
ure, as is usually the case on Monday. A few
loans were made at 6 per cent, but 6 was gen
erally exacted.
Money on call at New York yesterday rnled
easy at 23 per cent; last loan 2 per cent;
closed offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, 4K6K. Sterling exchange dull but
steady at S4 85 f or 6May bills and 4 8SJ for
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U.S. 4!is. reg ! 107V10S'
U. S. 4HS. coups 1071,(31103
U.S. 46. reg 128)i(3r28V
U. S. 48,1907, coups....". 129k129.!?
, Bid.
Currency, epercent. 1895 reg..... i;o
rnrrency. Goer cent. 189flrcfe. .13
Currency, epercent, 1897 reg i...126
Currency, epercent, IWSreg I29"i
Currency, per cent, 1899 reg is:
NEW York Clearings to-day, $72,678,965;
balances. 4,890,288. '
Boston Clearings to-dav, 13,116,047; bal
ances, 1,304,032. Money 12 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings to-day. 8.791.
941; balances, 1,158,391. " '
Baltimore Clearings to-day, 1,996,039; bal
ances. 263,082.
Chicago Money unchanged.. Bank clear
ings. $11,591,000.
gT- kaFSr016"'11 tHiay. 53,275,679; bal
ances, 638,393.
The Chances for Better or Worse Thought
tobe About Even.
The oil market yesterday exhibited the same
general characteristics with which the public
are so familiar. It was firm and weak by
turns, the latter being the predominating
feature. It bad no outside support, and the
trading, which was small, was confined to the
The opening figures were 90Kc Buying at
Oil City soon sent the quotation ut to 90Kc,
from which it broke to 90Kc The market then
gradually sold up during the day and reached
91J6c which was the top price. There was a
break in the last hour to 91c, from which there
was a slight rally to 91c, at which the mar
ket closed.
"It's .a very uncertain market," said an
operator. "The chances for better or worse
are about even. I think still lower values will
be reached before there will be a material re
action. The situation justifies higher prices,
but that is no sign that we will have them.
The Standard has the veto power."
A. B. McGrew quotes, puts, 90JjC; calls, $1
The following table, corrected by Do Witt DU-
'&!: .
- V ..
J . c
, '..'- V
worth, broker tn petroleum', etc. corner Fifth
aveqne and Wood street, l'lusburf;. snows tile
order of nnctnatlons. tc. i
TlrflO. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. At,
Opened 0OM Sa'ii 12:p. .... 80 91
10:15A. It 90 90K .ltOOP. V... 91 91k
10:30 A. K.... KH 90H 1:15 P. H.... v91 91U
10:45A, II.... BOH S0M l:30r. It.... 9IH 91 ?
11:00a. X.... 90)j BOH 1:45 P. K.... 91 912
11 :IS A, M.... 90S 00 2.-00 F. X.... 91K 911?
11180 A. M.... 90H 90V M5F. X.... ilii 91 J
11 lis A. X.. KH KU 2:30 F. X.... il'A 91,
12:00t 90S COM 2:45 P. X.... 91 91Ji
12:25 P. X...i 90V 90H Closed 91 ....
12:80 P. M.... 90X 90
Opened. 90)c; highest, SiKo; lowest, Kei
closed, 91Hc.
i Barrels,
DaQy ram 62.180
Average runs 48,303
Dally shipments .. 84,899
Average shipments 72,299
UaUr cnartera 92,o32
Average onartera ; 51,995
Clearances ....,.... 1,422, 000
Mew York dosed at 91Kc
Oil City closed at 91 c.
Bradrora closed at 91)4 e.
Mew TorK. refined. 7.103.
London, refined, 6l.
Antwerp, renned. 17H&
Pipe Line Reports.
The statements from all the pipe lines for
February show that the shipments foVthe
month were 2,286,812 barrels, an average daily
of 81,672 barrels. The amoiint received from
the wells was 1,318,805 barrels. The shipments
exceed the runs by nearly 1,000,000 barrels.
The total stocks in all the lines were 16,836,963
barrels. For January they were 17.823,274 bar
rels, showing a reduction dnrlng, the month
from all the lines of 986,811 barrels. The total
amount of oil reported by National Transit
certificates and other vouchers Is 12,658,057 bar
rels. -ks
Other Oil Market:
On, Cirr, March 11. National transit cer
tificates opened. 90c; highest, 91Kc; lowest,
90J4c; closed, 91c.
Bradford, March 11. National transit cer
tificates opened at90?c; closed at 91Kc; highest,
91c; lowest. 90c.
TrrusviLLB. March 1L National transit cer
tificates opened at 905c; highest, 91?c; lowest,
90c: closed, 91c
New York. March 1L Petroleum opened
firm at 90Kc but after the first sales became
heavy and sagged off to 90Jo. A rally then fol
lowed, on which the market moved up to 91Kc.
The close was firm at 91Vic Sales, 629,000 bar
Prospects of n Busy Week for the Real
Estate Dealers.
There was a good demand for property at the
real estate offices yesterday, and a number of
sales were effected, some of which are noted
below. Renters were out In full force, snatch
ing up almost everything that came in their
I W. A. nerron & Sons sold a "Coltart square"
house to Mr. D. Knox Miller, the architect.
The lot is 32x90 feet, with a complete modern
house finished both in papering and gas fix
tures. This is certainly a recommendation for
these properties, as there is probably no class
of buyers so exacting and hard to suit as arch
Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold
for G. W. Hammer to Phillip A Lange, lot
48x96, on No. 359 Main Btreet, and new brick
dwelling of nine rooms, for $7,854; for Simon
Wald to Mr. Kalchalter. lot 24x100, with a brick
and frame dwelling, for S4V350; for W. F.
Unverzagt, to Allain W. J. Knapp, lot 20x97
feet on Penn avenue, near Main street, for
$1,200; for the Fleming heirs to John Brown,
lot in Seventeenth ward, for 500; placed a
mortgage at 6. per cent for three years on
Fifteenth wara property for JL900, and one for
500 at 6 per cent for three years on property in
Shaler township.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Charles E. Orr two lots on Summerlea street,
near Roup station, being Nos. 66 and 68 In the
Maxwell plan of McFarland Place, each 44x100
feet to anialley, for 3,200. Tbey also placed a
mortgage for 10,000 for five years at4K per
cent, free of State tax, on a property on Penn
A. J. Pentecost sold 14 acres of land for the
Alderson estate. Twenty-second ward, for 867
per acre. "He also sold lots Nos. 66, 67, 63 and
69, J. P. Fleming's plan, Coraopolls, for $500
each; also four lots, Alderson's plan, Twenty
second ward, for 475 each. He also sold frame
dwelling, city, with lot, for $1,800, and three
lots in Versailles township, adjoining McKees
port, for $700 each. '
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold for 6,600, for Mellon Bros., a modern style
two-story, ten-room frame dwelling, with lot
55x120, on the northeast corner of Negley ave
nue and Broad street. Nineteenth ward.
D. P. Thomas & Co.; 408 3 rant street, sold to
Charles T. Vick a lot on Adelaide street, be
tween Camp and Iowa streets, Thirteenth ward,
for $1,000; also to George Wensel a piece of
ground on Clarrissa street, between Camp and
Iowa streets. Thirteenth ward, for S2,m They
report quite a demand for Herron Hill prop
erty. E. D. Wingenroth, 100 Fourth avenue, sold
lot No. 13. in the Weinman plan, Wilkinsburg,
50x139 feet, on Spring street and the township
road, to Bertha Henneman, for 250 cash.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue,sold for
E. F. Daume a new Queen Anne frame dwell
ing on the corner of Baum and Cypress streets,
Shadyside, for 5,350. Sold to a prominent bank
official of this city.' They also placed ainortgagft
of 2,000, for five years, at 6 per cent.,on a prop
erty on the Soutnside.
A Big Day In the Stock Market Bears
Make a Raid, but Get a Black Eye
Nearly Everything Higher.
New York, March 1L This was the most
active day of the year in the stock market, and
after the first break the market continued
strong until the close, and the stocks of the
active list tonight are almost invariably higher.
The early advices from the other side were not
reassuring, and tbo bears with the aid of Lon
don, Chicago, Boston and. Philadelphia were
enabled to drive prices down in the early deal
ings, but the cable soon brought better news
from Europe and the scare' was repqrted to be
over there, both In Paris and London with a
much calmer leeling. The buylng.f or tho long
account then began, and "the sellers of the
earlv hour turned buyers, which spon induced
a free covering of shorts and upward move
ment which was Inaugurated and lasted- until
the final close of business.
Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and London
were large purchasers and all the prominent
stocks felt the stimulus, rising over a point
from the lowest figures before noon. Reading
and St. Paul were conspicuous for the pressure
brought against them Irv the first drive and
there were several large lots of the former sold
which were believed to be for the insiders, but
it was among the first to recover when the re
action canto. The announcement that the
roads west of the Mississippi river had per
fected an agreement to maintain rates which
stated as so stronc that no road could long re
main out, was a marked factorin the late trad
ing and the roads in that section of the
country became prominent for strength at the
close. Ihe news of the day other than that
from the other side was not of special import
ance, and there was a marsed absence of the
usual pessimistic advices from Chicago.
The market opened very active and decidedly
weak, most stocks being from Ji to Ji per cent
lower thin on Saturday evening. The Coal
stocks. Grangers and Union Pacific showed
most weakness in the early dealings, but in
none of these were' the first decline supple
mented for more than a fraction. Michigan
Central, however, dropped over a point. The
losses In the rest of the list were confined to
the smallest fractions, and by the end of the
first half hour the decline was checked and
prices rapidly recovered, most stocks sliowinga
gain over first prices by the end of the hour,,
Thnrinp. tioweyer. continued without check
I until nearly ndon, with Lackawanna and
Chicago uas most conspicuous in tuo rise.
Comparative dullness then overspread the list,
but prices slowly advanced without any special
feature until the close, which was active and
strong at the best prices. Pullman scored a net
loss ot 1 per cent, but the rest of the active list
is almost Invariably higher. Burlington and
Quincy rose i, Manhattah IK and Atchison 1
per cent.
Railroad bonds were veryquiet, all the ani
mation imparted to the dealings being from tbe
activity in the Readingissues, and the second
incomes furnished 206,000 to the day's total of
$L351,O0a The market, sympathized with the
weakness in the share' list at first, and while
there was a better tone later in the day, most of
the improved changes this evening are in the
direction of lower figures.
The following table Bnows the prices of active
stocks' on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for The J)ispatch by Whit
ney 4 etephenson, members of New York
DtOCK JAUUttiiKC, ut cuuiuti vmiue;
lug. Am. Cotton Oil 56
Atch.. Top. ft S. F.... 50
Canadian Pacific..... 49!$
Canada Southern S2H
High- Lew- Clos
est, est. lng.
S1K CO 61M
49& 1'4 49S
63 524 H'i
94V 94 94)
16 18 16h
101 992 JOl.'-i
63 61H 623i
99X 97tt 981
Q3H 94X 95H
, 17
- S8X
32M 31 K
92 92 92
low row ma
7K 65 705
33 31V 82
25! 24 25
1395, 133H 139H
1 1 131.4 1IH
... .. 1 15M
43 42 42
M- ) 9
Central otnew jersey, v
Chesapeake unio,
f 1 . Knr. ft Oulney. .
C Mil. ft HtPaul..,
IT" Mll.ftHt. P.. Of.... B8
V., Kockl. ft P.....-:... 94M
U., St. L. ft Pitts....... ...
v., st. l. ft Pitts, pr.
C, St. P.. 51. ft 0 81X
C, 8t.P.,M. ftO.. pf. 93
C. ft Northwestern. ...10!X
Cft .Northwestern, pf ...
U. U. C ft.1 70
Col. Coal arlron .21)4
Col. ft Hocking Val .. 25
Dei., L. AW 138X
Del. ft Hudson.. ..,..,.131)4
Denver HloU -.. .. .
Denver ft Riot., pf... 4
K.T., va. ui.......... va
E. T.'Va, ftGa., litpf ....
E. T Va, & On. Id pf. ....
lllluaUCentriL lmf
Lake Erie & Western.. 1H
Lake Erie & West. pr.. 55
Lake Shore & M. 8 ItlK
Louisville A Nashville. Wj
Mrchlgan Central 87
Mobile Ohio ... 11
Mo., H. ATexas IS
Missouri Paclflo Tl
M. X.. Li. K. & W 2S
M.Tf., L.15.W.prer 673i
X. Y., C. &bt.L
N. x C. St. L. pf.
M.Y., O. &8t.L.Mpf .. .
N.YAM. K 45
M. Y., O. & W 16
Morfolk ft Western.... 15V
Norfolk ft Western, cf 4S)
Northern Pacific 251
Northern'PacIflc pref. 6tf
Oregon Improvement. 53
Oregon Transcon XX
Pacific Stall , 37
Veo. Dec. ft Kvans 25
Phlladel. ft Beading.. Ui
Pullman Palace Car.. .197V
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 25K
Richmond A W.P.T.pf 79
St. Paul ft Bnluth.....
at. Paul ft Duluth nf.. .. .
101 a
St. p., Minn. Jt Man.. .100
ai.xj. a can fran
St. L. ft San Fran pf.
St. L. ft San F.m pf.
Union Pacific.,
jcx&s jracinc.
Wabash preferred 2S'
Western Union........ 85
Wheeling ft L. E H'A
Philadelphia fttocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nlthed by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex-
Pennsylvania Railroad S4J4
54 j
Reading Railroad. 22 8-18
uufialo, Pittsburg and Western 12
Lehigh Valley,. ..y , S4H
Lehigh .Navigation , 52
Allegheny Valley bonds 113Ji
u.uo.'sxtew jersey "J
Northern Pacific 7. 26
iionaern racinc preierrea ei ....
1 '
Ulinine Stocks. ,
New Yoke, March 11. Mining stocks
closed: Amador. 100: Caledonia B. H., 295;
Consolidated California and Virginia, 750;
Colchis, 200: Commonwealth, 500; Deadwood T,
160; El Cristo, 12): Homestake, 1050; Horn
Silver, 100: Iron Silver, 325; Mutual, 140; Sierra
Nevada, 280; Standard, 100; Sullivan, 145.
The Central Labor Union of Buffalo, at the
regular meeting yesterday adopted resolutions
indorsing Congressman Earquhar for the posi
tion of Public Printeri and urging his appoint
ment. A cable from Aquaimina. west coast of
Africa, states that Captain Holmes, of the
whaling bark Sea Fox, an officer and servant
were killed, and five of the crew fatally burned
by the explosion of a whaling bomb gun.
At Watford, Ont, Albert Wilson shot and
killed Miss Sarah Marshall, Snnday night, be
causeBhe refused to allow him to walk home
with her from church. He then set fire to a
straw stack to draw attention from his move
ments. He is still at liberty.
D. W. Shook, grain dealer, money loaner.
Justice of the Peace and farmer, who recently
absconded from Stephens, Minn., with $16,000
of other people's money, has been heard from
at Vancouvers Island, British Columbia, His
family left Plymouth to loin him.
While Mr. Creagh, a landlord in County
Clare, Ireland, and his sister, were driving to
church yesterday, they were fired upon by
some unknown persons. Mr. Creagh and his
sister were hit by bullets, the latter's nose be
ing shot off. Both are in a critical condition.
Recorder Smythe. of New York, yesterday,
in the Court of General Sessions, fixed bail in
the cases of the Electrio Sugar swindlers at
$7,000 on each indictment. There are three in
dictments against each of the accused, and this
makes 21,000 bail tq be given for each prisoner.
Miss Jnlia O'Coniell Brown, a consin of
Daniel O'Connell, the great Insh patriot, has
become a member in full standing ot Dr.
Wilds' Presbyterian Church, in Toronto. She
is 90 years of age and up to a month ago was
a devout member of the Roman Catholic
S. B. Cunningham, Disbursing Clerk of the
House of Representatives, yesterday, in his
office at the Capitol, shot at but missed T. R.
HackmaUja page. The shooting was caused
by young Hackman attacking Mr. Cunningham
for an assault committed on him a few days
ago. Mr. Cunningham received a cut on the
face and immediately fired at young Hackman.
Cunningham 13 a large man, while Hackman is
small. '
The Fall River, Mass.. weavers' strike for
an advance in wages, which occurred yesterday
morning, is one of the most general in the his
tory of labor troubles at that place. The weav
ing departments of 50 mills are practically shut
down, and 6,000 weavers- are idle. Those who
refused to strike do not number moro than half
enough to keep one mill going. The extent of
the strike is quite a surprise to the managers,
who expected that only a few mills would be in
volved. Considerable comment was excited at Lon
don by the sensational reports cabled fromCal
f ornia sources of tho destruction of the U. 8. S.
Nlpsic by a German vessel. The reports found
few believers, however, and the opinion most
generally expressed is that they were circulated
with the object of arousing American public
sentiment against Germany. Nobody believes
that the Samoan difficulty wl'l not be amicably
settled by the parties to the Berlin conference,
and in official and diplomatic circles the circu
lation of alarmist rumors concerning the affair
is strongly deprecated.
The bobbin combination, or trust, an organi
zation formed in 1886 under, the name of the
American Spqpl and Bobbin Association, has
gone to pieces, after strenuous exertions made
during the past week or two to reorganize It
upon a more substantial basis and one that
would hold the members to a stricter account
ability. This combination was formed to regu
late the price of bobbins, spools and similar
articles so largely used in cotton and woolen
manufactures, and it included practically all
the bobbin manufacturers of any consequence
in the East, and represented in the aggregate
millions of dollars.
Clifton Hall, one of the largest hotels at
Lakewood, N. Y., was burned to the ground
?'esterday morning. There were over 60 guests
n the honse at the time, who all escaped in
their night garments with tbe exception of Dr.
E. Wlllano. of Philadelohla. who lumned from
a second story window and broke his leg, but
was otherwise uninjured. The fire spread to
the Presbyterian Church and. six adjoining
house, but was quickly extinguished hv the
firemen. The total loss is estimated at $35,000,
only partly insured. The guests lost all their
personal property, and were housed in the
other local hotels. ,
The now Evident Intention of the Parnell
Commission to refrain from making an interim
report on tbe Parnell letters has awakened the
wrath of thellome Rulers, and It Is likely that
an attack will be made upon tbe Government
by the opposition leaders, with a view to elicit
ing an explanation of the Government's con
nection with the case of the Times. This at
tack will very probably be led by Mr. Glad
stone, who has already signified his purpose of
arraigning tbe Ministry for its partisan course
in a matter which should have been conducted
with the utmost impartiality, and the squirm
ing of some of the Ministers trader his lash
will be interesting to witness.
The funeral of the late John Ericsson, tbe
famous engineer and inventor, took place yes
terday from Trinity Church, New York City.
The body was followed from his house on
Beech street to tbe church by a long string of.
carriages and mourners. The sidewalks in
front of the church were packed with people
who were anxious to catch a glimpse of tbe
caket containing tbe body. A force of police
were present to keep the people from pressing
into the already overcrowded church. The or
gan pealed forth music while the body was be
ing carried into tho church. Tbe navy yard
was well represented, there being in attendance
two officers from each ship and one officer from
each department.
Henry George says he is going to make a
three months' campaign of it through England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wale-. He will open,
the campaign in London at the Camberwell
Green Chapel, on March 13. Large meetings
are alreadv definitely arranged at Bermondsey
and Woolwich for the middle of the month,
but he Is due at Bristol on the 25th; and will
then speak In several towns of South Wales.
Westminster Chapel Vlalms him for
April 1, and other meetings follow at Lam
beth, Wadsworth and Stratford. On April 12
he is off to Carlisle and will rouse Durham and
Tyneside in a series of demonstrations extend
ing up to April 20., At Newcastle he will be
the guest of Dr. Spence Watson, of the Na
tional Liberal Association. A week will be de
voted to the Birmingham district.
The Supreme Court of. tho Unite'd States
yesterday rendered an opinion reversing the
judgment of the Supreme Court of Utah, in
the case of Afidrew Colton versus the people of
the Territory of Utah. Colton, in a drunken
scuffle, killed a companion who was returning
home from Salt Lake City with him in a wagon.
He then drove back to the city, gave himself
up and was convicted and sentenced to death.
He appealed the case to the Supreme Court of
the Territory on tbe ground that tbe Judge at
his trial had not instructed the jury that it
might, in case of murder in the first degree,
recommend that the prisoner be sentenced to
imprisonment for life. The Territorial Court
deciding against Colton, the case was brought
to the Supreme Court, which to-day reversed
tbe judgment of the Territorial Court and re
manded the case with instructions to grant
Colton a new trial. Opinion by Justice Har
lan. "The popular verdict," the best thing
for the care of coughs, etc., is Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup.
Latest Styles Children's Hnts
At oar millinery opening to-day.-,
Jos. HOEkE,& Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
r- -
A Blue Monday in Produce Trade
Markets Continue Blow
May Wheat Passes Below the Dollar Bine,
and Flour Easy.
Monday, March 11, law.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Nothing of interest has been developed in
produce lines. This tveek starts out more
auietlv than last A feeline of uncertainty
prevails in-trade circles;, and rumors ,bf stop
page of glass and iron works aggravates me
feeling. While it is too early in the week to
furnish any reliable facts as to trade in conn
try produce lines, the indications are of a som
ber cast The time has come when tbe spring
trade should begin to open np. So far 'it does
not open worth a cent, tn the memory ft the
oldest commission merchants there has been
no time when potatoes, onions, cabbage and.
turnips were" as low and dull at this time of the
yean In March, 188S, potatoes were retailed at
$1 25 per bushel. Last week they were sold in
carload lots at 27o per bushel. The difference
in prices of onions is almost as great. Verily
this is one of tbe worst-seasons on record for
producers and produce dealer?.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 31032c; Ohio do,
2628c; fresh dairy packed, 2023c: country
rolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter,
Beaks Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice
peas, 2 052 15.
Beeswax 2325o p ft for choice; low grade,
Cideb Sand refined, 6 507 50; common,
S3 504 00; crab elder, $8 003 50 barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c f) gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 1213c: Llmburger,
like; domestic Sweitzer cheese, HK12Kc.
Dries Peas $1 451 50 ?) bushel; split do,
2K3J4c 31 ft.
Eoos I516c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fbtjtts Apples, $1 502 -00 f4 barrel; evap
orated raspberries. 25c 5) ft; cranberries, 8 00
$ barrel; $2 402 50 per bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
dq, 4045c; mixed 1 ots, 3035c $ ft. ,
Hominy $2 652 75 ft barrel.
Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 3540cf) bushel; S2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; 3 2o3 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
Potjitry Live chickens; 6575o fj pair:
dressed chickens, 1315c 3? pound; turkeys, 13
15c, dressed, 3 Jpound; ducks, live, 80S5c )
pair; dressed, 13Hc f pound; geese, 10153
per pound.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. $6 fl
bushel; Clover, large English. 62 fts, $6 25;
clover, Alslke, 8 60; clover, white, 9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 fts, $1 00: blue 'grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 20:
orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 00:
millet, 50 fts, $1 25; German m'llet, 50 fts, $2 00;
Hungarian grass. 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00
3 50 f) box; common lemons, 2 75 fl box; Mes
sina oranges, 2 503 50 box; Florida oranges,
3 5004 50 1 box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $6 50
7 50 ? case: Malaga grapes, 5 507 00 ft
per keg; bananas, 2 00 firsts: $1 50, good
seconds. $1 bunch: cocoanuts, $4 004 50 1
hundred: new figs, 1214c t1 pound; dates, 6K
6Xc fj pound.
Vegetables Celery. 4050c doz. bunches:
cabbages, 3 004 00 ft 100; onions, 60c ft bushel;
Spanish onions, 7590c " crate; turnips, 30
40c 9 bushel.
The firmness in sugars for the past week has
culminated in an advance. Markets are very
strong at the advance. Coffee is firm enough
to go higher before the week is out.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c; choice
Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 13K19c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 30K31c; Santos,Ue22c; Caracas
coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c: La.
gnayra, 2122c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades, 2S23c: old Government Java,
bulk, 32K33c; Maracaibo, Z7H28Jc; Santos,
2324c; "peaberry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c;
Choice E19. 25c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22c; ordinary, 21c.
Spices (whole! Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 70S0c
Petroleuk (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c: water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llKc; royaline, 14c
oybofs uorn syrup v aaac; cnoice sugar
.linn, An. ...(va.) ftffllO,
Soda Bi-carb In" kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in JJs,
5c: bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c; sal
soda In kegs, c; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, lOKc; stearine,
per set, 8Jc; parafflne, U12c.
RICE Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6
7c; prime5Ji6Kc; Louisiana, 66Kc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5k7c; gloss
starch. 5J$7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, 3 10; California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels;
1 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7U7Kc; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 43485Kc;
Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes,
8Ji13c: Salonlca prunes, in 'Aft packages, 8c;
cocoanuts, per 100, 6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12KQ15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12
loc; new dates, 66c; Brazil nuts. 10c;
pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon
peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12a
T1dt-ot, VtoTTTtO AnnlH bISiaI a 1h fin.
r apples, evaporated, 466J?c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporateo, iodise; peacnes, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c:
cherries, unpitted, o6c: raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Jc; blacKbehies, 7KSc; huckle
berries, 1012c
SUGARS Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7Jc; granu
lated, 77c; confectioners' A, 7ic; standard
A, epic: sott wanes, oiiEO4c; yeiiow, cnoice,
6bKc; yellow, good.
tfJi63c; yellow, fair,
Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), $4 75; me
diums, half bbls (600), $2 85.
Salt No. -1 ft bbl, 95c:No. 1 ex, flbbl, $1 05:
dairy, fl bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20;
Higgln's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 80; Higgin's
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peacnes, $1 30
1 90; 2ds, $1 3001 S5: extra peaches, $1 50I 90;
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, $1 001 50; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima
beans, 1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do. 75
85c: marrowfat peas, $1 1001 15: soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do,
2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages, 1 25;
egg plums, $2 00; California pears, 2 50; do
greengages, 2 00: do egg plums. 2 00: extra
white cherries, 2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c;
raspberries, 1 151 40; strawberries, $1 10;
gooseberries, 1 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c;
salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c;-suc-cotaib,
2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2ft?,
SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75; 14-ft cans,
13 51': baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft,
$1 75 1 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 60;
sardines, domestic, Vtf, 4 154 50; sardines,
domestic Y-s, 8 258 0: sardines, imported,
Ks. $11 50l2 50; sardines, imported, Ks, $18 00;
.sardines, mustard, 4 00; sardines, spiced. S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 36 fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. Ida messed, $36;
No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish-r-Whole
pollock, 4Kc fl ft.; do medium George's cod,
6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring
Round shore. So 00 t bbl.; split, $7 00; lake 2 50
ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, $7 f 100-ft. half
bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 ft half bbl. Finnan
hadders. 10c fl ft. Iceland halibnt, J3c fl ft.
Buckwheat Flour 22 fl ft.
Oatmeal C 306 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil-i-No. 1 winter strained, S800c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c. '
Grain, Flonr nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 23 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 1 car of feed, 2 of hay, 1 of oats. 4 of
flour, 1 of barley, 1 of bran, 1 of middlings, 1 of
flour and bran. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and
St. Louis, 1 car of bran, 4 of com, 2 of hay, 2 of
oats. 1 of feed, 1 of corn and oats, 1 of barley.
By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of barley, 2 of
hay, 1 of rye. Sales on call: One caz2-y. e.
corn, 39c, 5 days; 1 car 2 prairie hay, $7 23, 5
days, P. & W.: 1 car low grade flour, $18 50,
March, regular. No signs of improvement in
cereal markets have put in an appearance as
yet. May wheat passed below the dollar line
at Chicago to-day, the lowest point being 98c
A leading flonr jobber said to-day: "There is
nothing else for flour but a decline if things
continue as they are. All last week we
had to concede a 'little on prices. The way
matters look this week prices must drift to a
lower level. Our customers are generally low
in stock, but seem unwilling to take bold on
present uncertainties of markets, Speculators
will, in my opinion, get hold of most ef the
stock before the new crop comes in. Prices of
wheat and flour depend entirely on the amount
of wheat still left in thehands of farmers, nnd
the amount of this no mortal can telL For the
past week farmers of the Northwest have been
bringing more wheat to markets than was
counted on, and this ha& helped td depress
wheat and flour.
WHEAT-Jobbing prices.-'-Nov 2 red, 1 053
Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,4041c: high mixed
ear, 3940c; No. X yellow, shelled, 3930c;
No. 2 yellow, shelled, 373Sc; hlzh mixed,
shelled. 3837c: mixed, shelled, 3536cv
O ATS N a 2 white. KZ2Hc; extra,s312 , .
6314c;No.3white,80J0JSc:No. 2556c No.
&29c . mixed
Rye-No. 1 Western, 6061c; No. 2x53
Bahlky No. 1 Canada, 95693c: No. 2 Cana
da, 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shpre,
t lour Jobbing prices, winter patents, 6 50
66 75; spring patlnts,J6757 00; fancy straight,
winter and spring, $" 756 00; clear winter,
S5 255 50; straight XXXX bakers', 5 005 25.
Rye flour, $4 00. .
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $18 00
20 00 $ ton; brown middlings, $14 5015 00;
winter Wheat bran, $14 7515 25; chop feed,
?15 0018 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, S15 00CT15 25:
No. L do, $14 25314 50; No. 2 do, $12 0013 00;
loose, from wagon, $18 0020 00; No. 1 upland
prairie. $9 75lf 00; No. 2, $8 008 50; packing
So, 8 607 00.
Straw Oats. 8 0OQ8 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 0007 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small,
lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, SJc: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sngar-enred dried beef flats, 8c: sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9ft sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear
sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies. 8c; dry Bait
shoulders, (c; dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess
Eork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 50.
ard Refined In tierces, 7c: half barrels, 7Jc;
60-ft tubs,7c: 20 ft pails, 7c: 50-ft tin cans,
7Kc;3-B tin palls, TKc; 5-BUn pails, 7c; 10-ft
5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel,
$3 75; Quarter barrel. $1 75.
. -
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts,
6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c: 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep,
7c fl ft. Lambs, 8Kc fl ft. 'Hogs. &c
No. 249. 1
VIEW street, from Black street to Stan
ton avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same, That
Clearview street, from Black street to Stanton
avenue, be and the same shall be located as
follows to wit: The center line shall begin at
a pin on the center line of Black street, at a
distance of 777.33 feet west from the west 12
foot line of Negley avenue; thence deflecting
to the right 57 09' for a distance of 1,350.20 feet
to tbe north 5-foot line of Stanton avenue in
tersecting the said line at an angle of 54 So
20" and at a distance of 1,235.66 feet westwardly
from a nin at tbe first angle in Stanton avenue
westJif "Negley avenue and the said Clearview
street shall be of a width of 60 feet.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance bo and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 25th day of February, A. D. 1839.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, February 27, 1889. Approved:.
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: WiH. Mc
CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 595,
8th day of March, A. D. 1889. mhll
INo. 251.1
street from Station street to Broad
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same. That
River street, from Station street to Broad
street, be and the same shall be located as fol
lows, to-wlt; The center line shall begin at a
point on the north 5-foot line of Station street,
distance 13.71 feet east from the center line of
Klver street, asnow located; thence deflecting
to the right 89 49 20" for a distance of 515.14
.feet to the south 5-foot line of Broad street, in
tersecting the said line at an angle of 89 36'
and tbe said RWer street shall.be of a width of
forty (40). feet.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 28th day of January. A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, Presidents Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, February 27, 18S9. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 6, page 597,
8th day of March. A. D. 1889. mhll
A. No. 244.1
grade of Corday alley, Ifom Pearl street to
Cedar street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
City of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That tbe
grade of the south curb of Corday alley, from
Pearl street to Cedar street, be and the same
shall be established as follows, to wit: Beginning
at tbe east curb of Pearl street at an elevation
of 228.78 feet: thence rising at the rate of 0.75
feet per 100 feet for a distance ot 206.17 feet to a
point at an. elevation of 230.33 feet; thence-f ail
ing at tbe rate of 0.75 feet per 100 feet for a dis
tance of 98.17 feet to tbe west curb of Cedar
street at an elevation of 229.50 feet.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is -hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils
this 25th day of February, A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: - GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council. '
Mayor's Office, February 27, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 6, page 592,
7th day of March, A. D. 1839. mh8-21
JNo. 247.)
street, from Negley avenue to Rebecca
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority ot the same. That
Broad street, from Negley avenue to Rebecca
street, be and the same shall be located as
follows, to-wit: The north 5-foot line of Broad
street shall begin at a point situated at the
intersection of the north 5-foot line of Broad
street and tbe west 12-foot line of Neglev ave
nue, and at a distance northerly of 374.709 feet
from a stone monument situated at the inter
section of tbe north 5 foot line of Penn avenue
and tbe west 12-foot line of Negley avenue;
thence deflecting to the left 90 for a distance
of 553.53 feet to a stone monument; thence de
flecting to the left 17 21' for a distance of
1,131.70 feet to a pin situated at the intersection
of the north 6-foot line of Broad street and the
west 5-foot line of Rebecca street, and at a
distance southerly of 2.44 feet from a stone
monument situated at the intersection of the
north 5-foot line of Dauphin street and the
west 6-fopt line of Rebecca street, and inter
secting said west 6-foot line of Rebecca street
at an angle of 72 43' 20", and said Broad street
shall be of a width of 45 feet.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the passage of this
ordinance at the present time be and the
same is hereby repealed so far as the same
affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 25th dav of February. A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Cbuncil.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council.. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. 'Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Oflice,Februarv 27, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALliN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's CJerk. "a'"e"' "" xu
Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 6, page 59L
8th dav of March. A. P. 1889. mhll
EcEemn.v Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
l&e simple vpplk&tion ef "fiwAYirsa QrtXT" without
may launul medicine, will eve u? eJ of Tetter, Salt
Bbeum, Elnsmrm.riKi.Iuii, Sora. PWfcUfcBrTHjKlu. 11
no muter bow obstinate or loos lundls;. tioklbj druggists,
or sent br null for 60 ets. 3 Bun tl.ti. Address. D.
Bvath 4 8o, rbUadslnklo, Fl. is. or drujjiit tor B.
Lrrrxi Falls, N. Y.
I was troubled with Headache, Constipation.
Loss of Spirits and Weak Htomach, but since
commencing the use of your BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS I feel better than I have
for years. Haye recommended it to many
friends with the most excellent results.
Cor. Wood and Liberty. Sta,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices c
and see U3. '
No. 410 Smithfiold S
CAPITAL. . - -- $200,089 08.
discounts Daily. -
EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. .,'
sel-k33-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
On mortfazea on ImnrnTed
On mortgages on improved real estate In Sumt'i
of SL000 and onward. Annlv at
Appiv at
No. 124 Fourth avenue.
With an increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work:
in onr line cheaper and better than by the old
method. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
lev Railroad. fej-55-TTS
II GOODS li mm
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Irekmd, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, fee.
General agents, 207 Walnnt st Philadelphia
Full Information can be had of J. J. McCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street
LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smithfleld street
route to London and the Continent
Express Steamer Service twice a week from Cw
New York to Southampton (Loudon, Havre),
83.Lahn.Mch.13-2 p.K I Ss.Werra.Mch.23.10A.ir.
S3.Elbe.Mb.l6,5:30AM Si.Saale.Mcb. 27, 2 P. jr. 9
t33.Aiier.--ncn.zii.SAJf ss.t,ms.Jicn.3y.oauA.M,
First Cabin, Winter rates, from S75 upward.
MAXSCHAMBERG & CO.. Agents, Pitts- 1
Durg. ra. .
OELRICHS 4 CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. 123-71.D
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool. i
Cabin passage JT, and S-'jO. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion $65 to yx).
Steerage to and from .Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & Ca. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, New Yor;..
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa.
Oil bought and sold on margin. deZ7-2I-Dsu
As old residents know and back flies of Pita,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronio diseases. From
cOred" no fe until
MCDWflllC and mental diseases, physical
NLnVUUO decay, nervous deblUty, lade
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight self-distrustbashfulnes3,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-
ntung we persun xur uusurwaauuiety ana mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
riage, permanently, safely an
uiaeases m au.
stages, eruptions.
blotches, lauing nair, oona
pains, gianauuur
.in, tnroa
and blood
kidnev and bladder demnt.
menta. weak back. ctivpI. m.
tarrbal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive experience
Insures sdentiho and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It
here. Office hours 9 a. K. to 8 p. 3t Sunday.
10 A. jttal7.lt. only. DR. WHITTIER, 934
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. feS-e-DsuW
sun in armnvcxi OS
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline,! ervoua
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. R contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt Price, only LCO by
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Dlni
tratlve Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Ths
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, If. D., re.
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
FHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps)
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, conn,
dentially, by mall or in .person, at the efflce of
No. 4. Bnlflnch St. Boston. Mass.. to whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should ba
directed as above.
For men! Checks the worst cases in three
udja, djiii uuin in uvu uays. irrice si vul &
ja5-29-TTS3u 412 Market street: Tl
a. pnsrrnrfcT rnuv
Pof 1.fl4T At ir.ttin..
jiAimwu nerrou
Body A Mind, Lack of Strenrth. Vigor aud De
velopment caused by Errors, Xxcesses, &e. Book.
Mode of SELT-TRXATiiEST. and Proofs mailed
ibcsicu; use. Aaaress .Easim Jl&LMUAI CO.,
Bofialo, M. Y.
,N Z ttVigorsndMHinoodBertorwL Prt.
''ijlOE' 51toIl1n"dFiivtloiisldnor.
de-13 -gTTSWfc
fuSertewfrom tfes f.
tects of youthful er- ,
H, ror, early decay, 1
valoabls treatlM (seal
lor boas cars, Irasi
feaahood , eta . I win Kiula, tj
Xtinimt roll particulars tor
FROF. F. C. FOWLEK. Wefltfw,'
1TJT9. AWmS,
t. .
vM3MJ .jl
.2 feisk
rl&J!&1'. -i'a,.,t:-,Jrf'iA
3- JtsiiaL