PITTSBMG DISPATCH. SECOND PART. - . 1 J L '-'"' I" H6ES 9 TO I6," f .' I CHINA'S YMDERBILT. He Might be as Well Fixed Finan cially as Our Own Jay Gould, BUT FOK HEAVY ASSESSMENTS. An Interesting Description of His Grand Canton Establishment. , SOJIE CHINESE TABLE DELICACIES rCOSKISrOSUCfCE OP THE OISPXTCH.1 CANTON, China, January 3L I visit- cd this afternoon the Yanderbiltof China. He is a relative of the Chinese Minister at Washington, and his grandfather died less than a generation ago, leaving an estate worth fifty million hard gold dollars. His name is How Qua, and he has acres of houses in the busi est part of Canton, His own residence oc- Yum Yum. cupics the site of a food sized farm, and tie has diamonds and pearls by the cupful. Oue of his diamonds, a ring which cost S 0,000, was sent to En gland to be sold not long aso, and it is probably now in the jewel casket of one of the monarch? of Europe. He has planta tions of rice fields and many acres of the choicest tea gardens. His money is well invested, and he would approach the wealth of Jay Gould were it cot thit the officials every now and then come down upon him IP fit $51 St. - Lr '111 rliCH chinaman at home. for a gift of from 510,000 to 100,000, and he dare not refuse. This rich man is now 40 years old, though he does not look over 35. He is a typical Chinaman of the literary class, has a broad, high forehead, thin, yellow cheeks,and eyes that shine as brightly as his choicest dia monds. His hair is like jet and his cue reaches to his ankles. He w as dressed in silks and furs when he received me and he had a tight, round, black, silk skull cap on the top of his head. He shook his own bands before his breast in Chinese saluta tion when our American Consul, Mr. Sey mour, introduced me to him, and then he reached out his long-nailed finders and grasped my hands a-la-Americsl Through n Wilderness of Buildings. It was in his grand residence on the banks of the Peail river, in the heart of Canton. "We walked through a wilderness of build ings devoted to the servants and relatives of the family before we came to the reception room. How Qua supports about 400 of his Blind Beggars of Canlcn. poorer relatives and when a man makes a fortune in China his clan settles down upon him. In the various courts ell kinds of work seems to be .going on. Here servants wcie cleaning the fish for the family. There rice was being ground into flour and dried in great baskets, and just next the reception, room we heard the buzzing of babel. It was How Qua'i children be ing taught by their tutor, and like all Chinese-children, they studied out loud.siug ing their lessons out at the tops of their voices. Now and then the sharp clapper of the ruler could be -heard when one ot the boys made a mistake, and the lather told me he in tended to have his boys educated at the Hong Kong foreign college and to finish them off in America and England. He talked English himself and he is among the progressive of the Chinese. Ab wc sat and chatted the choicest of For mosa tea was brought in,the leaves of which were. Ijudge, worth about $20 a pound, and we seated ourselves in black ebony chairs, which in couples were ranged on the siner of small tables and sipped the tea from cov ered China cups without saucers. There arc no easy chairs in the Cninese gentleman's house, aud this palace iu China had uucar peted floors of stone, and its walls between the rooms were of colored glass framed in ebony. Some of the curious shaped panels had pictures painted on them by Chinese artists, and the effect of the whole was the finish of a fancv store room yet unoccupied rather than 'that of a comfortable home. Some of the finest rooms looked out upon a little lake ot lotus plants ot perhaps an asre in extent, and there were glass-covered corridors which ran around this The ohait. tat- against the wall and fbeir unbending tacks were straight ap and down. There were no cozy nooks such as you find in our American homes and the oft tints ofonrfsmilv life mr T-nt'fonn.1 in the picture. Nearly every room con taint 3 I an American clock and some were hung with glass chandeliers, I went into his mother s bedroom, the best in the house, I doubt not, and where How Qua pointed, as he said, there my mamma sleeps was a platform between four posts which was covered with straw matting.and upon which was a piece of porcelain of about the shape and sire of a 5-cent loaf of bread, and this was the pillow of this rich Chinese lady. Children Ever Dntlful. In no country in the world have mothers more power than in China, and in no place is filial affection more shown. How Qua, though 19 years old, obeys his mother as well as when he was 10, and he would not think of going out at night without asking her permission. Not long ago he was in vited to our consulate for dinner. He re plied: "I would like to come, but I cannot tell till I ask my mamma." Still, How Qua is nearly SO and his mother 69. The Chinese mother selects the bride for her son, and How Qua during this visit seemed much prouder of his mother than his wife. He introduced us to the old lady, who was sitting in a chair wrapped up in furs and powdered and painted. Her seat looked out upon her flower garden, and she had two maids beside her. Upon her cloth cap was a great button of diamonds as large as the biggest full-blown rose and of about the same shape. It wasnade of nu merous stones, and the central one wa- as large as the egg of a robin. Pearls hung in her ears and what t inter ested us most were the "golden lilies," which shone out beneath her embroidered petticoat. '"Golden lilies" is the Chinese expression for the smallest of ladies' feet, and Madam How Qna had shoes not more more than two inches in diameter. Their soles were round rather than oblong and their tops were embroidered in silver and silk. They were so small that she could not walk alone and this old lady who has for years, controlled a fortune greater than that possessed by Miss Mary Garrett, or Mrs. Mark Hopkins, cannot move from one room to another without the assistance of her maids. Chinese Gastronomicnl Delicacies. Canton is of about the size of Paris or If ew York, and it is one of the best of places to study Chinese gastronomy. The res taurants here have birds' nest soup at ?5 a plate, and I bought a rat which was salted, pressed and dried yesterday for 5 cents. I doubt not the price was five times too high, for the rat was the smallest on the string which hung in the butcher shop. It lies before me as I write. It measures a foot from nose to tail, and it looks a little bit like a piece of dried pork. It has been skinned even to the tail. Its legs are cut off and the liver and heart are pressed in side of it It smells like salt meat, and it looks as though it would make the center of a good sandwich. I propose to send it to the Gridiron or Clover Club as a sample of Chinese gastronomy. In this same shop I saw cooked cats, and I visited yesterday a cat and dog meat restaurant. Carcasses of small dogs, which looked not unlike clean suckling pigs, hung from hooks abont a low, dark room, and these, in most in stances, had a tuft of hair left on the tip of the tail. This hair was black, for black dog's meat is worth more than that of the yellow dog and blacE qat's flesh costs here 10 cents a plate. Just below these dogs, and next to the street, were two clay bowls filled with burn ing charcoal and upon these wa9 stewing the flesh of dogs and cats. In little cages on the floor were a number of live cats ready to be killed and cooked to order, and I saw this afternoon a peddler showing a- cat to a woman in one of the narrow streets of Can ton. The woman was examining the cat's teeth in order to know its age. and she felt of its body as though it were a rabbit. There were about a dozen Chinamen dining in this dog aud cat restaurant, -and a good dinner costs on an average 15 cents. Fish Cleaned Before Killing. The Chinese, however, have as good mar kets as yon will find anywhere in the world. I have never seen a greater variety of fruits "and vegetables anywhere than in Peking, Shanghai aud Canton. The mutton of the North is finer than that of England, and the game is of the choicest. Pish are always told alive, and you sec tubs of living fish at every Cantonese market staud. The market man takes the squirming fish from the water and cleans it while it gasps. He holds its wiggling tail and cuts slices of quivering flesh from its sides to sell, and he is cruel here as everywhere. All kinds of dried fish are sold, and among the common articles of food are dried ducks, pressed and salted. These hang up everywhere, and I see smoked sheep's heads, "dried oysters 6trung on strings, and dried clams. The Chinese frnits are especially fine, and they have oranges, bananas, plums, pears and persimmons which would make your mouth water. Canton sends thousands of dollars of sweetmeats to America yearly,and their preserved ginger is sought by the gas tronomes of the world. The Chinese them selves are great caters. Cookshops for the rich and poor are found everywheit, and a big Chinese dinner sometimes has 100 courses. Mi. Denby, the American Minis ter at Peking, when received by the Viceroy at Canton, was given a dinner of 65 courses, and he smacks his lips when he discourses upon the delicacy of shark's fins and bird's nest soup. The Blind Be-cnrs of Canton. There are thousands ot blind beggars here in Canton, 'arAMn going through the city to-day I saw at least 300 of all ages and sexes. They went in groups of six and eight in single file, and the leader could see just enough to get along. " The others held on to one another's clothes and all, from decrepit old women to little blind boy&j held out little flat round baskets, and, turning up their sightless eyes, asked for alms in piteous tones. These blind beggars come from the blind asylum of Canton. They go out daily to beg through the city and they stand in front of the shop until its owner pays them to go away. They barely get more than the tenlh of a cent from a single man, and inasmuch as the asylum furnishes them but little food they are pale, thin and pitifully ragged. The sackcloth in which the beggar of China is usually clad is of the coarsest coffee sacking. He is dirty and loathsome to an extreme, and I would as soon think of touching a smallpox patient or a leper as one of these beggars. Three Interesting Events. The foreign colonies n Asia are now dis cussing the three American weddings of this winter. Pretty American girls are as much in demand here as in London, and Mr. Seymour's daughter is to be married in about a month to the manager of the big house of Jardine. Mathieson & Co., Mr. MacHaffin, a young Scotchman, who has lived some years in China. Jardine.Mathie son & Co. is the wealthiest of the foreign firms in China, and Jardine .has buildings at Shanghai which rent for 52,000 a year. The company have large establishments for both residence and business, and Miss Sey mour will preside over a big establishment at Canton. Colonel Denby's daughter, who was very popular among the foreign lega tions at Peking, is to be married in March to the grandson of Admiral Wilkes. The wedding is to take place in America, and Miss Denby is now in the United States. The other wedding was that of the daugh ter of the Consul at Ningpo. It was cele brated the last of November and the wed ding was a large one. Frank G. Cabpenteb. SPONGING A TIGEfi. A Wonderful Tale of an Ignorant Cossack's Narrow Escape. London Tlmes.l "When Pezon, the lion tamer, was at Mos cow with his menagerie, he had occasion to employ a moujik, a fine specimen of a Cos sack, to clean out the cages of the wild beasts. The Cossack did not understand -a word of French, and the terms of the contract were settled in dumb show. By way of in structing him in his new duties Pezon went through a sort of pantomime with the broom, sponge and water bucket. The moujik watched him closely and appeared fully to understand the details of the lesson given. Next morning, armed with a broom, a bucket and a sponge, he opened the first cage he came to and quietly stepped in, as he had seen his master step on the previous day into two cages of harmless brutes, but this one happened to be tenanted by a splendid but untamed tiger, that lay stretched on the floot fast asleep. At the noise made by opening and closing the door the creatnre raised its head and turned its green eyes full on the man, who, all uncon scious of his danger.stood in the corner dip ping his big sponge into the bucket. At that moment Pezon came out of his caravan and was struck dumb bv the terri ble sight that met his gaze. What could he do to warn the man of his danger? A sound, a movement on his part might en rage the great beast and hasten its attack on the defenseless Cossack. So Pezon stood awaiting developments, ready to rush to the scene when the crisis came. The mou jik, sponge in hand coolly approached the tiger and made ready to rub him downwith the stolidity of a military bootblack polish ing his captain's boots. The sudden appli cation of cold water to its hide evidently produced a very agreeable effect on the tiger, for it began to purr, stretched out its paws, rolled over on its back, and com placently offered every part of its body to the vigorous treatment of the moujik, who went on scrubbing with might and main. All the while Pezon stood there with his eyes wide open and as if nailed to the spot. When he had finished his job, the Cossack left the cage as quietly as he had entered it, and it required the most energetic and ex pressive gestures on the part of the lion tamer to prevent his repeating the experi ment on a second wild beast. GE0S-GBAIN AND GROG. The Story of Admiral Ternan and His Fnmons Gros-Grain Coat. American Notes and QuerleM The word gros-grain, as applied to heavy silks, is a well-known word in commercial circles, but it is not generally understood that there is a direct connection between this word and "grog," which is the sailor's name for a mixture of rum and water. The facts are as follows: Edward Vernon, of the old Staffordshire house of that name, was put by his father, who was Secretary of State to William and Mary, into the British Navy, and after distinguishing himself under Sir George ilooke and Sir Charles Wager, both in the West Indies and the Mediterranean, and rising to the rank of Bear Admiral, he was suddenly appointed Vice Admiral of the Blue, while a member of Parliament from Penryn, near Fal mouth, and selected to command the great expedition which was sent out in 1739 to break up the power of Spain in the Carib bean and the Gulf of Mexico. He attacked Porto Bello on November 20 in that year, and after a furious engagement, which lasted two days, took, the place with all its treasures and munitions of war and two Spanish line-of-battle ships. A num ber Of American colonial troops served under him, and the great victory made him as popular in American colonies as in Europe. The seat on the Potomac,afterward owned and occupied by Washincton, was named Mount Vernon lnhonor of him. He after ward quarreled with the Government and was struck from the list of the navy, as wns alleged, for his too great severity toward his men, though really because of his too small respect for the Lords of the Admi ralty. In the British Navy he was adored as the chief who first ordered rum and water to be regularly served out to the crew of his squadron. He began this practice on board of his own ship, the Bedford, his flagship at the capture of Porto Bello, and as he had acquired the nickname of "Old Grog" from this habit of walking the quarter-deck in the "grogram" cloak, this endearing epithet was bestowed by Jack Tar on the new beverage. "Grogram" was the English corruption of "gros-grain," the name given in Prance to a heavy stuff of silk and wool with a rough knotted sur face, the. same name that now is given to heavy silk. A Demoralizing Accident. Park I?oliceman Git back hero! What's the trouble ? Small Athlete Please, sir, that Nor- wi regian trickskatcr's got his foot in his coat pod joefcet, an' tor can't git it ont. ruck. 3 t y PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, NYE'S TENDER HEAET Is fiudely Shocked by the Alertness With Which Phil Armonr MANUFACTURES BOVINE WIDOWS. The Wanton Extravagance of Western Agriculturists Alone PREVENTS TAKING EUROPEAN T0UES rWBITTKf FOB THE DISPATCH. HICAGO, March 7, 1889. Coming here as I did, from New York, I was agreeably surprised to note the cultiva tion and refinement, one sees here at the most unexpected" moments. I came to Chicago (from the East) fearing that I would be shocked and pained almost constantly by the rudeness and igno rance of the masses. And I hate to be shocked. I have been reared so carefully that a few shocks would be fatal to me. Our people were extremely refined and high strung. Several of my ancestors drove their own teams and hauled freishtfrom the depot. We are a haughty race, and when irritated would fight for our honor or anything else that presented itself. The Nyes extend back into the past for hundreds of years. They have occupied every position of trust all over the pages of the grocery history of their country. We will not brook an ufjront, aud the man who looks askance at us, may be fouud on the following day carefully looking over his vitals, removing sand from them, and trying to replace them in their former position on the programme. And so I was pleased as a child when I entered this rough Western town, so far re moved from the great thought emporiums and brain works of the thinkful and tidy East, and found so much real merit, so much that we are lond of in the East, yet hardly expect to find so far west, where everything is, ohl so crude, and oh! so coarse. HIS STAFF OF LIFE. Among other things I brought my pa jamas with me and a finger bowl. I did not think I would find any finger bowls out here, and I must have 'my finger bowl or I sicken and fade away. There are some real good stores here, and Eastern people who may be hesitating about coming here be cause there is no good place .to trade, need not hesitate any longer. Kyt's Pleasure at Seeing a Finger Bowl. Societv here, too, is good. It is so good that, so far, I have not been pressed to enter it much, and so I can see that it is not so mixed as I have been told it was at home. Michigan avenue is a beautiful street Max O'Kell says it reminds him of the Bois de Boulogne. That is just what it re minds me of, but I never could think what it was till he spoke of it. At first I thought it was the Champs Elysees that it reminded me of. It is a much more desirable street for walkine purposes than the Kue de Boil er or the Bois de Westside. A PECULIAR BIVEB. The Chicago river is one of the most des olate and arid streams I have evePobserved. It has the same soiled and troubled bosom that one sometimes sees in the lower walks of life, and it moves very, oh, so very delib erately, like a man going to the train to meet his wife's mother, knowing that she does not approve ot him. Two million three hundred and eighty two thousand cows were made widows here last year. Five thousand pigs per day also bite the dust, after having emitted a piercing shriek. One sees the pis gay, frolicsome, and with lite before him. Anon we find' him cold in death. His chest has a large hole in it, and a big, big chip gives his mouth a hard, set look. It is awful. And yet to see Mr. Armour there with his.sleeves tucked up above his dimpled elbows and 'the tips ot his red flannels just showing roguishly beneath, you would find it heard to say in your heart, "Here is a cold, cruel man." He flits here and there among the workmen, looking now nt the breastbone of a Quincy shote to see if we will have an open winter, and then going on to where he is trying to keep up a cob fire under a hogs head in which he is smoking some of his justy celebrated hams. "And are you fond of your work, Mr. Armour?" I asked, as he began to pull out the chin whiskers ot an adult hog. "Indeed How a Sholc Gets HU Whiskers Singed. 1 am," he replied. "It seems almost like play to me now. At first it made me very tired, and I yearned for something more re munerative, but it pays real well now. And though I feel very weary at night as I get home and put on my other "clothes, I am sustained and soothed by the blessed assur ance that at the end of the year I find that I have made 53,000,000, and that is worth making a sacrifice for. AN IMPORTANT POINT. "Of. course" it is pleasanter to write thoughts for the paper and wear your good clothes every day and call yourself literary, than it is to assassinate hogs all day and go homo smelling like a lard rendering recital, but literature is not so remunerative. I am therefore content. My lot may not be so fragrant as yours, but it is not after all an undesirable one." He then buried his gleaming blade in the watch pocket of a large ecru nog, and as he began to unravel the digestive economy of the poor brute I turned aside and hid my face on the shoulder of a young'lady that stood near by. I am brave ffcn in a great 'emergency, but when my houatr is not at stake, my heart is just as tende as it can be." I speak of Mr. Armour's works because it is customary to do so. People who come to Chicago from the East at once repair to the lWi CiOmtS f3 MARCH 10, 1889. pork centers, and, having seen them, they write a letter about the matter and go home. NOT QUITE LIKE HOME. Coming out of the establishment I met a typical Yankee who had just been looking over the modus operandi. He was carefully concealing his surprise, and like a true Yankee from "wav down East," he wouldn't allow anybody to know that he hadn't been used to seeing 3,000 hogs per day in the act of going down to 5,000 untimely graves. I asked hid what he thought of it, and he said: "It was evidently a pooty busy day there." Ho said they did things different in Chicago lrom what they did in New England. "Now, for instance here they don't study economy as they do in our section. Take farmers in the Northwest, too. They throw away what would keep a Connecticut farmer all year, i went up into Minnesota the other day and saw in a day's ride 25, 000 worth ot reapers and mowers and wag ons and tools standing out in the field all winter, rusting and warping out bt shape, so that they won't be worth anything, and yet they wail about hard times. Why, we have to learn economy where I live or starve to death. For instance, I've got a neighbor that lives iust back of Newport. His farm 'hasn't paid him for five years, but he naa a streaK ot good men tnree-years ago. The fox hunt wanted a chance to get drunk and gallop across his farm. Ho said it would ruin his crops and knock the paint off the stone walls which he had erected to keepliis boys on the farm." "Well," says the fox tamers and anise seed bag assassins, "what will it damage you ? How much will you charge to let us chase the pack in full cry across your grounds?" A STBEAK OF LUCE. He allowed that $75 would be fair enough for the privileges of the season, and so they said that would be satisfactory. With this sum he lived comfortably that year and the next he raised them $10. He also charged them with an old and arid cow whom they scared into a drunkard's grave by means of their wild, hoarse cries and general English funny business costumes. Last year he made the damage to the crops $95, though he hasn't raised that much from the farm in gross for six years. He also managed to sell the fox hunters a balky horse which had his neck broken indirectly" by the hark, the meet, the whoop and the squawk of the imi tation Englishmen who chased the fleeting form of an old coon skin overcoat with anise seed in the pockets, across his es tates. Added to these amounts he received $7 50 for allowing an artist to paint the remark ''Slinks Handrake Pills" all over thehouse and barn. With this he has gone to Europe and is now visiting the continent. People who have seen him over there say he is having a great deal better time than Europe is." BATHEB THBIFTT. "Her, is what we call in our conntrr a. thrifty man, yet withal a joyous and happy hearted man. He has a laugh like a bird. Like the jackass bird of Australia, I mean. Hcexperiniented for two years on the mat ter of greasing boots as a means of promoting economy. For two years he greased one boot every morning and heated it into the leather, but did not grease the other one at all." "Well, how did it come out?" I asked grammatically; "which lasted the longer of the two?" ''Well, the one that was greased out lasted the other one about 15 minutes, I be lieved. He said he doubted whether it paid him for the trouble or not." An old Chicago business man who has $1,253,850 27 more than I have, as I write these lines, said to me: "You see, with about 1,000,000 of people here, you must re member that the larger number are by birth Eastern, so we claim, Mr. Nye, to know as much as the Eastern people and what we have learned since we came West, beside." "That may be true." I said in a tone of gentle cast irony, "but when you come West you loose that cool, cultivated look of rehned vacnity which we ot the East con stantly dote on. We do not like that in you. It is real coarse. A LESSON IN COYNESS. "You say !Hullo!' and treat strangers politely without knowing who they are. That is where. tou fool yourselves in the West We Eastern people reseut your easy way of getting acquainted with people on trains and in public places and treating them hospitably. You shouldn't do that. You ought to be more coy until people identify themselves. Don't you know that a man with the slightest tinge of intellect can get along first rate socially if he will preserve an air of hautpur and reserve in stead of your off-hand bonhominy, as we say in dear old .France?" It is easy for the observer to readily trace the evolution of culture without going out of the cars. Leaving San Francisco .yon are on good terms with everybody, lrom the engineer to the rear brakeman, within 24 hours. The California Senator divides bis lunch and cigars with the homeward bound Bostonian, and the San Francisco millionaire plays whist with the sad-eyed humorist Crossing thellissonri river the air oT curiosity manifests itself, followed cast of Chicago by a falling off in the rap port and persiflage business, .until between New York and Boston the stranger feels the same air of cordiality that Mr. Enoch Ar den did when he got home, late at night, looked in the window and went away. 3ill Nye. Winding Clocks for a Living. 3(eiTl'orkSun.j There are half a dozen men in New York who make a living by winding and regu lating clocks. There are many flocks that cost not only hundreds, but thousands of dollars each. It would not be common sense to let Tom, Dick and Harry fool with them. There are many places where it is necessary to have absolutely correct time, and this re quires experts. And thus there has grown up a bnsiness of winding and' regulating clocks. ' - . A Little Revenge. Toledo Blade.: Laundry Clerk What kind of a finish do you desire on your linen, sir? .Sir Well, you needen't mind pushing the contest to a finish you punish my clothes bad enough in two rounds. I guess that's about all they can stand. Degenerncy ot the Times. Toledo Blade. 1 Lithographer In your posters, this sea son, sir, to which star do yoa'desire to give the prominent place? Theatrical Manager Darn the stars! Give it to myself as manager make the letters a foot high, too. Fine Distinction. Toledo Blade. Western Tourist Got much stock ,on hand? . , .-' ' .? Banohman Nope, got a aright smart bunch on loot though, . , A Money-Making Farmer. " TIE OCEAN WATE. The Voyage of the Baseball Players From Australia to Egypt, A EEAL DISCOVERY AT COLOMBO. A Series of Very Pleasant Moonlight Excursions. THE LONG OCEAN VOYAGE ENDED I WJU1TXN JOB THE SISFATCR.1 SUEZ, February 7. The weather gods are certainly favoring the ball players in their trip around the world. Fair winds and bright skies have courted them at ev ery step and they ar rived amid " the spicy breezes of Cey lon's Isle" as ignor a n t of the ocean's tempestuous moods -r- as when they left the shores of their own country. In the 17 days of the voyage from Australian shores they encountered nothing more unfavorable than a fine-minute rain squall and two days of choppy sea that would scarcely excite the notice of an ordinary baseball mariner. But this was followed by such a long stretch of glorious'weather that the voyage was truly a season of continuous delight It had all the characteristics of a charming private ex cursion, free from all the. discomforts that mark a temporary life at sea. The rough weather began about the sec ond day after leaving Adelaide and contin ued for two days. It was not, in-any sense, extremely severe, but it caused direful havoc among the players while it lasted. PLEASANT WEATHEE. From this out the travelers enjoyed the most delightful weather and the calmest of seas. The dreadful stories they heard of the terrible tropical heat were not substan tiated. Occasionally the morning and noou hours would be hot, but delicious cool even ing breezes would speedily cause the tem porary discomfort to be forgotten. But the great charm of the trip was in the glory of the nights. Whatever skies the travelers may sail under hereatter.they will certainly estimate their beauty from the impressive gorgeousness of the moonlight on the Indian Ocean. The mood of the ocean was in harmony with the celestial elements. As the vessel plowed onward through the calm waters, there was scarce roll enough to remind the passengers that they were on the great ocean. As they lounged about in careless attitudes, and chatted gaily with each other, every feature of the groups suggested the characteristics of a quiet moonlight ex cursion on some smooth lake or river at home. The monotony of the voyage was occa sionally relieved by the sight of a sailing vessel or steamer. The last occasion of this kind occurred on the 22d inst., as we were nearing the equator. The Salier passed quite near to a lull-rigged ship that was be calmed. With the aid of field glasses the vessel was found to be the Sam Skofield, from Brunswick, Me. She ran up an American flag as the steamer neared. The unexpected sight of the familiar colors was greeted with enthusiastic cheers by- the Iiarty on board the Salier and made big umps stahd for a moment in their throats as their thoughts carried them homeward. AX COLOMBO. In a drive about Colombo, on the morn ing after our arrival, the carriage passed along a stretch of road bordering the sea for some distance. The beach was wide, aud was covered with a multitude of coal boats. In a large space between two ot the dingy-looking .vessels were three little natives, the eldest not over 8 years old, en gaged in a gameof "soak," just as it used to be played an the United States many years ago before our schoolboys made the study of "curves" and "inshoots," an especial course from which to derive later a princely income and popular homage. The little plaverj stood iu the respective positions of pitcher, batter and catcher. The ball was a small bundle of cord and the bat an ordinary piece of wood. When the batter hit the ball he made a run for one of the boats as the base while the pitcher picked it up and with a Burns-like throw "soaked" or hit the runner with it in the middle of the back, whereupon they ex changed places. Tt was the game exactly as it used to be played when Irving, Snyder and Father Chaawick were boys. There was only one essential difference the style of uniform. Though it was winter the Cingalese juveniles were unencumbered with any clothing beyond a small cord about the wajst. AN ANCIENT GAME. Bealizing the possibility that the game might have been developed through a furore created by the coming of the American ball players your correspondent inquired of an old man whether he had ever played the game that the dark skinned lads were en gaged in and as he replied, "Me play same long, long time ago when boy," I was forced to the painful conclusion that the Buddhists had apparently the best of the baseball argument in the measure of anti quity. The long ocean voyage of the baseball tourists ended at Suez and they are thoroughly glad of it The passage from Colombo was even more delightful as re gards wind and weather, than the earlier stage of their trip, but the SO days' sail had grown to be wofully monotonous and their lusty athletic natures yearned for more space to move about in and a change of diet. . Goodfbiend. Bard to Blotch .Him. Baltimore American. They are still trying to get a jury to try a boodle alderman in New York. The indi cations are that the alderman will die of old age before 12 of his peers can bo. found. Csnnllr the Cnse. Norristown Herald.j A sponge can always be found hanging near the slate behind the bar. And several "sponges" can usually be found hanging around the bar. A Lucky Find. rr"Hem'ly, come here, quick, afore the Coroner comes; here's a haccident frozen dead with the loveliest pair o' skates on yer eivt " .yvt - " TILILYZROCHON A Legend of WRITTEN XT'OR 3IAUBICE Synopsis of Preceding Chapters. CrrAPTEES 1 and 2. The story opens early in the present century, on a bright morning in March. Wendell Orton, artist and dreamer, is landed from a little schooner in the Bay St. Louis, by the Creole owner of the vessel, Victor, who is to return for him April 10. Orton's host is Edouard Garcin, whose family consists of himself, wife and pretty daughter, Lalie. A mystery surrounds a lovely villa in the neighborhood, whose owner is Mo'sleu Bochon,andwhohas a lovely dauzhter known as the "Lily or Bochon," of whom Wendeil Orton dreams during his first night at the little inn. CHAPTER III. PIBATES AND THEIB DAUGHTERS. Orton slept lightly, with very sweet dreams, as we have said, hovering in his consciousness. The sound of a rather loud rapping on the outside door of the house awoke him in the small hours, and he heard Garciu's voice presently in conversation with someone who seemed to be in a great hurry. "She's aground close ashore," the strange voice said. . "What's her cargo?" Garcin inquired in an undertone. Orton was not quite sure, but he thought that "coffee" was the answer. "Don't speak so loudly," he heard Gar cin say, "there's a strange gentleman sleep ing in that house. How near is she to Bochon's place?" "A mile below, off the cedars." "We can't do anvthing, then." "Why?" 'The old man will haye the best claim, and beside, Lazare, there's going to be danger." "How?" "The stranger in there is a Government I Mi VtsS.m "lm OBTON MEETS THE man; he's here to look after old Bochon." "Diable! but what will you do? He'll want you too, Mo'sieu Garcin, don't you think?" "Dieu! I cannot say, but Captain Victor, of the Zozo, brought him here, and he told me that I am not suspected." "Victor did?" "Yes, and admonished me that I must treat this stranger like a prince." At this point in the hasty conversation, Garcin thrust his Visitor out of the door, and thereafter Orton could hear only a murmur coming in from the verandah, where they continued the interview for a long while. To an imaginative young man in search of romance aud adventure, this interlude between dreams was well cast to add a singular and strange emphasis to the im pression already made in his, mind by his new and almost fantastic surroundings. It was evident that this nocturnal visitor of Garcin's, as well as Garcin himself, was an outlaw of some sort, a smuggler or wrecker, probably both in oue. Orton could not sleep after that, save in the most frag mentary naps, so interested did he become in building romantic fabrics of imagination out of the suggestions that had come to him within the space of a few hours; He was a genuine American, brave, self-reliant and inquisitive, full of enterprise, and daring to boldness in whatever he undertook. More over he was rich and without ties to bind him to any snot. Therefore it can be well understood how keenly he enjoyed the situation in uhich he now found himself. Nothing indeed was further from his mind than any thought of interfering with the lawful or unlawful practices of this orange-scented and mockingbird-haunted little wilderness; but it was rather satisfying than otherwise to feel that he was both respected and feared by men, fearless as a rule and desperate at need, who had neither law of their own nor law of oth ers to trouble them much. Then how the desultory night songs of the mockingbirds fed his mood and added richness to his imaginings! The sough of the Gulf breeze as it washed through the giant liveoak was fnll of wildness, and the tender and contin uous swash of the bayou filled his ears and gave him a sense of being immensely remote and isolated from ordinary life. Early in the morning be heard Lalie get out of bed, and soon she was going lightly over the honse, apparently putting the rooms to rights. Garcin was not at breakfast and Orton was told that he had gone down the bayou to look alter some domestic matter. When the meal was over the young man took his gun and went into the neighboring woods, intending but a short ramble for ex ercise and observation rather than wuh a view to shooting. As he passed through the little garden behind the house he met Lalie in the walls; she held a great bouquet of roses, pink, white and yellow in one hand, while in the other and lying along her forearm rested a tawny cat whose fur was like silk, and whose greenish eyes glared savagely. The girl was dressed in a red petticoat of rich, large-flowered stuff and a blue jacket with loose sleeves and richly embroidered front ,On her head was the hat he had seen on the spinet. Bizarre she was, almost barbaric, dark, flashing, warm, with just a suspicion of the savageness of her cat in her ambr-brown eyes. Orton felt her singular beauty and panther-like grace thrill him; he lifted his hat as she ap proached him smiling radiantly and hold ing forth her roses. "Everything is so lovely this morning," she said, with-a half-childish lisp in her voice and au uuderglow showing in her dusky cheeks. "I thought that as soon as I saw you," responded Oiton, with the gallantry of the time, and bowing again. "I wish I were lovely," she said, with perfect sincerity of voice, though her cheeks grew still warmer, ''It must be delicious to be .beautiful, like.' these or this." she added, indicating the flowers and the cat ' J Bay St. Louis. THE DISPATCH -BT- TJECOHJCPSOTT. Something compelled Orton to forbear at this point;'it was as if an unpleasant anticl- Eation or a vague warning had flitted across is mind. "Your cat certainly is a fine one,"he.re marked, ''and the roses are the most beauti fnLthatl have ever seen.". But when ha put out his hand to stroke the cat's head tho animal spit viciouslv and struck at him with its unsheathed claws. "That is a bad sign," exclaimed Lalie in stantly, her face growing grave. "It for tells tnat there is to be trouble between yoa and me." "Trouble!" he responded, laughing. "Oh, no, not between us. Such a thing is quita impossible. Come, Tabby, we must make friends of ourselves." The caLstruck him this time, cutting s drop of blood from one of his fingers, sim ultaneously giving vent to its unreasonable anger in a mingled growl and howl, its eyes flashing. The girl now showed almost consternation in her face and she involuntarily took astep backward as if recoiling from Orton. "The old fortune teller told me how bad a sign that is," she exclaimed, trying to re cover herself and smile. "But maybe it is nothing, I hope it doesn't mean anything very bad." "Pah! Nothing at all," said Orton, re assuringly, "don't think of it. How can you and I ever have any trouble, Ma'm'zells Garcin?" She blushed again until her rich Mar tinique skin glowed like the face of a dark velvet rose, but she made no answer to his inquiry. It was delicious to hear him call her Ma'm'zelle Garcin with the perfect Cre ole accent. His bearing was so noble, too like that of a knight in the romance aha had been reading lately, and he spoke with such a ring of sincerity and cordial strength. She looked at him (not boldly, but admiringly) from head to foot, with a sense of his stalwart beauty creeping very sweetly into her mind along with some dia- LILY OF BOCHON. tant and undefined impression of sadness. All around the mockingbirds were sing ing in the vines and trees, sweet odors were on the air that blew gently from the not distant gulf, and overhead the sky hung like a vast dream, deep blue, but tender as a violet's petals. "What are you going to shoot?" Lalie asked presently, recovering her lightness of voice and manner, gently brushing the finely carved stock of his gun with her roses. "Nothing, I suppose," he responded, "I thought merely of a turn in the woods to make their acquaintance and get some ex ercise." "There's plenty of came." she remarked. "I can kill some whenever I like." Orton lifted his brows in astonishment. "You kill game, Ma'm'zelle Garcin? Do you know how to use a eun?" he inquired, with bnt little credulity in bis voice, and looking down at her with eyes that showed both admiration and wonder. "To be sure I do, and why not?" was" tha quick answer. "Give me your gun." She flung down her flowers and put aside her cat; then taking the heavy weapon from Orton's hand she poised it gracefully and said: "Do yon see the rosette of lichen- on the fence-post yonder?" indicating a silver white spot about forty yards distant from where they stood. "Yes, I see," he answered. A single moment for aiming, and then the flint-stroke, the flash of the primingand the sharp report of the gun. A fine white dust puffed out from the center of the lichen where" the bullet had entered. The girl smiled complacently as she returned the weapon to Orton, who lor a space found it difficult to utter his admiring amazement It was a perfect shot, and the art of deliver ing it had shown sucn grace, ease and swift ness as he had never before seen. "Wonderful, charming!" be exclaimed, as one just getting back his lost breath. "That was superb. Ma'm'zelle. superb!" "Indeed, that is nothing," she said rather proudly. "I could do much better than that." Then stooping, she retook her roses and her cat. "I wish yon fine sport, Mo'sieu," she ,added, and then left him; casting back, as she. passed through the vine-arched gateway a brilliant smile, half haughtily, half play ful, that hid in it an Instantaneous fascina tion. V Orton went on through the garden and into the woods conscious ot some new ele ment, like a rich, nameless color, engen. dered within him. The dumpish, musty fragance of the woods, at he entered the shade under the wide-armed, moss-mantled oaks, was mingled with the ever-sweet breath of jas mine flowers and the keen resinous odor of the pines. Something in the circumambi ent stillness seemed to act as a fixitive on the picture in his mind, and moreover, all this shadowy sweetness and cool freshness was filled with the romance his imagination had suddenly conjured up. He strode along, the girl's face lingering with him and her voice ecboibg sweetly in his meraory.and as the changing phases of the forest caught his attention and slowly drew him back to his' -old habit of observation, he noted how bril liant were the lichens and mosses, how lux uriant the vines and flaunting air-plants, and'how gorgeous the flower masses here and there. The exercise of the walk was exhilar ating, and the freshness and strange sense of solitude were to Orton as fascinating as their associations were picturesque ana ro mantic Here was the one remote and poetry-burdened region which, of all the earth, could, for a time at least, satisfy hi. longing for the undiscovered and the uade scribed. There were beautiful gra-sr openings fa the wood, and here and there Orton casae upon miniature lakes, shallow and studded' with blooming plants and wss r.n water grasses. In one of these he saw a tails white heron wadlnc. and thinHsnTf.t,.. ,1. tjt: ,. ."-& ... uuowucuuujjim, - nea. &e tune " 1 i M .s-. a... , . v.. (tf-Li'Sj&hi; ?i '-H'r.-tH- Tr I 4 ?' -liti-til EBESH ? 4-