Euiaia w 37 TKT m ?XBne& fWP "JTtfl Hi 1M ,T - TEOUBLE IN GERMANY - A "Widespread Outbreat of the So cialist Classes is Feared. KEW LAWS AGAINST AGITATION The IoungJ"mperor is Eager to Strengthen the Naval Force. BIG EMIGRATION TO UNITED STATES. King Milan's Abdication Was Kipected and Caused no Excitement. The Socialistic agitation is causing much trouble in Germany, and a crisis is looked for with great uneasiness. The Imperial policy is decidedly in favor of building up the navy. Two millions of Germans have left for America since 1S71. The anniver sary of Emperor William's death was ap propriately observed. King Milan's abdi cation caused no surprise. COTOUGIITED, 1SS9, BT THK NEW YORK ASSOCI ATED rKESs.3 Berlin, March 9. The German Parlia ment reassembles on "Wednesday next. Among the first subjects of discussion will be the question of prolonging the minor state of siege in Berlin, Stettin, Frankfort. Ham burg and Leipsic. A Government bill to modify the penal code so as to include the Socialists in its provisions, and thus enable the Government to abolish the special so cialist laws, will be introduced. A strictly repressive policy having totally failed to arrest the socialist propaganda, it would seem that milder treatment is to be tried. "The threatened crisis in the relations between workingraen and their employers causes intense uneasiness in the manufac turing districts. A group of Breslau manu facturers, in the hope of averting the crisis, have already promised an increase of 16 per cent in the wages of their workmen. SO POLITICS ALLOWED. The authorities will maintain a neutral attitude in the struggle between capital and labor, provided it does not not assume a political character. The strings, however, are all pulled by Socialist leaders, who are striving to bring about a general strike throughout the Empire on the same day. The return to the dual administration of the navy under Admiral Goltz, who holds the position pending the appointment of Prince Henry and Admiral Hensner, which is a practical reversion to the system in force prior to 1870, is exciting much dis cussion. A section of the pnblic is inclined to dis trust the Emperor's love of innovation on the question 6f the defenses of the Empire, but seeing the importance attached to naval affairs by England and other powers, un ttinted approval is accorded his evident desire that Germany shall not be outpaced. PEACTICIXG THE NAEIXES. The local press of Kiel records with satis faction trie excellent results of an unex pected order received from the Emperor on .Tuesday that the marines occupy, without warning, the men-of-war of the Baltic re serve. The order was executed without a hitch. French Ambassador Herbette's dinner to the Emperor, the first function of the kind since 1883. was a great success. The menus for the royal party, ornamented in water colors by the celebrated artist Skarbina, represented the Emperor aud Empress sleighing in the Place de Paris. The Em peror was in excellent humor. He con versed at length with M. Herbette, saying be was happy to be able to give a mark of sympathy both to France and to M. Her bette personally. He further complimented the host on the fineness of his French wines. Among the 40 guests present were the Duke of Schles-wig-Holstein, Prince and Princess Frederic of Hohenzollern, Count Herbert Bismarck and many Generals. The dining cere monies created a good impression both in France and Germany, besides strengthening the position of 31. Herbette. MILAN'S ABDICATION EXPECTED. The abdication of King Milan, of Servia, though not expected so soon, was received here very calmly, having been long con sidered inevitable. In loreign official cir cles no fears are entertained that the event will disturb the existing peace, Prince Bis marck having taken precautionary measures to restrain Austria from any precipitate action, aud liussia having all to gain by maintaining a waiting attitude. The news that Servia had decided to re duce her army further restores confidence. ,that no adventurer s policy will be pursued. The Vossisch Zeitung sees therein proof of the intention to follow neither the Austrian nor the Russian policy but that of Servia. Telegrams from St Petersburg record the rejoicing over, the abdication ofKing Milan, ot the Slav party, a committee of which celebrated the event by a banquet at which the Servian Minister and his staff were present. ton moltee's anniveesabt. Among the gifts received by Count "Von Moltke on the anniversary of his entry into the army, were a costly ebony cabinet, with a photograph, irom the officers ot his staff, and the decoration of the Trene Order set in brilliants, from the Grand Duke of Baden. Emperor Francis Joseph sent a congratula tory telegram. The newspapers all con tained eulogistic references to Count von Moltke. To-day was generally observed as a day of prayer in memory of the death of Emperor William I. The Eoyal theaters and the schools were closed. The Eoyal family at tended a memorial service in the palace. If o especial public arrangements were made, the Kaiser desiring that the observance of the day should be spontaneous. Many signs of mourning were seen throughout the city. Two magnificent silver laurel wreaths were sent by the Ger man colonies at Constantinople and the Cape of Good Hopo, to be laid upon "William's sarcophagus. TWO MILLION HEBE. Emigration statistics published here show thnt 2,500,000 emigrants have left Germany since 1871, of which 2,000,000 have gone to America. The ecclesiastical authorities have refused to give permission to Dr. von Stoecker to preach a series of sermons in Vienna. Empress Frederick, after a short stay in Berlin, will go to San Remo for a two months' sojourn. The Emperor's sons will spend the summer with Dnke Ernest, of Saxe-Coburg and Gothe, at Oberhof. The leading authors, including Spiel Ha- fan, Freytag Franzel and "Wildenbruch, aye signed a vigorous protest against the action of the league formed for the purpose of inducing the Government to assent to a measure for expunging from the German language all words of loreign origin. A DELUSION AND A SNARE. The Ensllu Government' Scheme of Kb UoDnt Defense Denounced. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCn.1 iONDON, March 9. The political event of the week has been the announcement of the Government's scheme of national de fense, submitted to the House of Comuons by Lord George Hamilton, in a speech so singularly bad and so unworthy of the oc casion as to soil his reputation beyond the hope of recovery. The scheme itself has created no enthusiasm in the Honse of Commons or in the country. Lord Randolph Churchill has already attacked it, and Lord Charles Beresford, another Independent Conserva tive, says it is a delusion and a snare. Fi nancially, it is open to all manner of objec tions, which the Grand Old Man, as soon as , ifce has recovered from, a slight cold from which he is suffering, will prove to the nation. If the matter were fought on its merits, the Government would certainly be defeated, but the Unionists, who have everything to lose by a. dissolution of Parliament, will support the Ministry with greater ardor than the Tories themselves. GLADSTONE NOT TET OLD. Michael DaTltt Think Him In the Prime of . Ill Life. raT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London. March 9. Michael Davitt, in the course of a talk which I had with him this morning, said: "It's absurd to say that Mr. Gladstone is growing old. He's not to be reckoned by years, for they have no effect on him. I never saw anything more remarkable in my lite than his speech in the House. He loosened his collar, pushed up his sleeves, buttoned his coat around his waist, and went at his work with the air of a con queror. He spoke in a better voice than he did five years ago, and gesticulated with his arms, legs and head in a fashion that indi cated a reservoir of intense physical energy. He's too young a man yet for any talk of old age." Cablegrams Condensed. A PARTY of 107 American pilgrims has ar rived at Genoa from Marseilles. The Piet Antoine Clesse, who has been stylfd the Beranger of Belgium, is dead. The Salvation Army has been prohibited by the authorities from carrying on its work in Berlin. The Cologne Gazette asserts that the Czar is delighted with the abdication of King Milan, of Servia. The Rxforma, of Borne, announces that King Menelek. of Shoa, has formally declared war against King John, of Abyssinia. The Nihilist committee, of St. Petersburg, has issned a secret 'circular announcing that the apparent inactivity of the Nihilist leaaers is merely a blind, intended to lull the authori ties into a false sense of security. THE STILL HUNT POLICY Adopted br the K. of L. Legislative Com mittee With Good Results. tFROM A STATT COKKESPOXDENT. 3 Haeeisbueg, March 9. The K. of L. Committee of the present session is not hunting with a brass band. Having adopted the conservative policy of saying little out loud, it is pursuing that course consistently, but its work is none the less effective. Indeed, its work is thereby rendered more elective, and it has succeeded in gaining the respect and confidence of Senators and Representatives. By adopting the wise policy of concentrating its efforts on a por tion of the labor legislation now before the House, it has already gained assurances that the measures it especially champions will pass. These measures are the anti-pluck-me-store bill, the dockage bill, the iactory in spection and child labor bill, and the amendments to the semi-monthly pay bill, and to the mine laws governing anthracite and bituminous mines. MR, CLATP00L HAS RESIGNED, And in a Few Day the Vacancy Thai Made Will Be Filled. "Washington, March 9. "When it be came apparent that the Senate would not confirm the nomination of 'Solomon Claypool to be District At torney for Indiana, Justice Harlan appointed Mr. Claypool temporarily to fill the vacancy. During the winter the grand jury at Indianapolis found a number of indictments based on alleged violations of the election laws. These in dictments, Mr. Claypool announced a few days ago, he would not prosecute, and to-day Justice Harlan informed At torney-General Miller that he had received n.1 Pin wvaaI rt 9timn A 1 APisvn A $ A "Within a few days the "vacancy will bet niled, as the business ot the court has been accumulating at a rapid rate, the criminal docket being a very large one. DRUNK INSTEAD OF DEAD. A Dejected Young Woman Become Intoxi cated and Forget to Snlclde. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l KewYoek, March 9. Mrs. Cora "Wil son, a well-known young woman, was sent to Raymond street jail tor ten days, to-day, by Justice "Walsh, in Brooklyn, for being drunk. She said she was 23 years old, that her home was in Hartford, and that her hus band had deserted her, leaving her without money and without friends there. She had a loaded revolver, which she said she had bought for the purpose of killing herself. "I came to Brooklyn," she said, "to hnd some old friends, but they had moved and I couldn't find them. Then I lost heart, and spent nearly all my remaining money for the pistol and cartridges. I drank whisky to give me the necessary courage to use the pistol. I suppose I took more than I could stand." . THE TRADES COUNCIL MEETS And Decides to Oppose Editor Reid's Ap pointment to the Conrt of St. James. At the meeting of the Trades Council of "Western Pennsylvania list evening a letter to President Harrison was approved, op posing the appointment of "Whitelaw Reid to represent thts Government at the Court of St. James. Bills, now pending before the Legisla ture, which relate to mat making, the em ployment of women and children, the aboli tion of company stores, and regulating the liability of employers at coal mines and colleries were indorsed. CONVALESCENT CONGRESSMEN. Three Member Qnlte 111 Bat in a Fair War to Recover. "Washington, March 9. Representative Buchanan, of New Jersey, and Lee, ot Virginia, who are ill from pneumonia, are reported better to-night. Mr. Buchanan is a victim of inauguration weather. He stood on the platform in front of the Capi tol for several hours without cover from the rain. Representative Spinola, of New York, is reported to be improving in health rapidly, and the present expectation is that he will be able to get abont in a few days. A PART OF NEW ORLEANS Seized to Satisfy a Judgment Obtained Against the City. Netv Orleans, March 9. The United States Marshal to-day seized a tract of land in the rear of the city. That tract is bounded by Milne avenue, Bayou St John, Brook street and Lake Poncharrtain, and contains 528 squares. The seizure is to satisfy a judgment against the city obtained in the United States Circuit Court by C. H. Stewart, the land, seized being owned by the city. TOWDERLTS LITTLE REFUSAL. fie Declines to Make Speeches for the Prohibitionists. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! "Wilkesb abbe, March 9. Master "Work man Powderly has declined an offer from the Prohibitionists to 'deliver 60 lectures in various cities of the State. State Chair man Palmer offered Powderly 55,000, or 5100 a lecture. Two Labor Meetings. Master "Workman Ross, of D. A. 3, K. of L., John Costello, of the General Executive Board; Joseph Mayer and others, addressed a joint meeting of local assemblies 1170 and 10234 at Tarentum last evening. They spoke of the benefits of organization. The same men will address a mass meeting at McKees port this afternoon. -THE WEIGHT IS BEATEN. The Joint Legislative and Grand Army Commiltees Meet and DECIDE AGAINST THE SYNDICATE. A New System to be Adopted by Which the Soldiers' Orphans WILL BE CARED FOR BT A COMMISSION, Which Will ProTiJe for Them in Church Schools and Private Families. The "Wright syndicate, which has been running the Soldiers' Orphan Schools, has met with a reverse. The Joint Legislative and Grand Army Committees have decided to try another plan. A bill is to be pre pared which will place the whole matter in charge of a commission. The orphans will be cared for in private families and schools. ISrECIAL TELEOHAM TO THE DISPATCDT.l Philadelphia, March 9. The joint committee of the Legislature appointed to confer with the Grand Army Committee as to the future of the soldiers orphans' schools met at 9 o'clock this morning at the Grand Armv headquarters and adopted the business-like recommendation to form a com mission consisting of the Governor of the State, the Superintendent of Public In struction, the Department Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, one State Senator, two Representatives, and three representatives of the Grand Array. This, moreover, was agreed upon by the G. A. R. Committeee at an all day session. The plan involves the taking of the schools outftif the hands of the "Wright syndicate and placing them under the control of the Commission. The Joint Legislative Com mittee consisted of Senator Gabin, of Leb anon, and Sloan, Indiana, and Representa tives Stewart, Philadelphia; Bean, Mont gomery; Billingsley, "Washington; Evans, Chester, and Skinner, Pulton. A DELEGATION OF GRADUATES. The G. A. R. committee was Post De partment Commander "Wagner, of "Wright ville; A. C. Reinoehl, Lancaster; Major Moses Veale, Post 2, Philadelphia; Thomas G. Sample, Post 128, Alleghenv, and C. C. Shirk, Post 67, Erie. A delegation of graduates of the orphans' homes was re ceived and through Mr. Taylor they pre sented a request urging the committee to recommend the re-opening of the homes and schools, as they stated there are, to their knowledge, many soldiers' orphans now in a destitute condition. They advocated, however, a reorganiza tion of the institutions upon a basis differ ent from that upon which they are now es tablished. The G. A. -R. Committee then presented their proposition, after which they Tetired. The subject was given careful consideration and then adopted and a sub committee of three was appointed, whose duty it will be to frame a bill by which a commission will be formed, as stated above. This commission will -be expected to con solidate the present Soldiers U rphans homes and schools, place some of the children in church or other homes, aud as far as practicable from time to time to secure private homes where the orphans will have a careful training, and to gener ally provide for them as circumstances shall buggest or permit. TO PKEPABE A BILL. The committee to frame this bill consists of Senators Gobin and Sloan, and Represen tative 3ean. Thev will meet at the call of the chairman in Harrisburg, and when the "Bill is reaay for presentation will submit it to tne general committee, wnen, it approved, it will be introduced into the Legislature for its action. This proposed plan of disposing of the children was approved by the department encampment, and is believed by some who have examined into the matter to be the most feasible of any yet proposed, and will rid the State of the syndicate homes and schools, and will permit the family plan of taking care of the orphans to be adopted if the commission shall find it to be practica ble. This commission will continue in ex istence as long as the necessity for the care of the waifs now looked after by the State shall exist. he,findso"eault. Inspector Greer Thinks the McAlliiterville School in Good Orderin All Depart ments The Death Rate Not Above the Aveinge. I FROM A 6TAFF COKBESP ONDEJT. Habrisbtjbg, March 9. Inspector Greer's report on the Soldiers Orphans' School at McAllisterville has been received here and gives the following, in addition to the portion ot the report that appeared in The Dispatch this morning : I must repeat that the institution from top to bottom is as clean as it is possible forany build ing to be. Also that the three dormitories in this large building, in which the girls sleep, are large and in excellent order. The dining room tables were covered with the cleanest of table cloths, and the dishes are good and all that are necessary. I found nothing wrong with the sanitary condition. I examined the, boys carefully, and find each has a good new puit and a second best suit The girls are excellently kept, and all the children are clean and well clad. I have every reason to believe that the children are properly fed. I made special inquiry as to this from many of the promi nent people of McAllisterville, and they speak in the highest praise of tho institution. I compared their meat supply with that of private families and find the supply about the same, and I think their share equally as large as that used by my son. In my last visit the meals were: For breakfast, gravy, oatmeal, bread and butter, fruit, coffee, syrup: for supper, roasted pota toes, bread and butter, tea, fruit and syrup, and for dinner, boiled beef, soup, dumplings stewed and bread. By examining the death rate in the report of the .Superintendent of Soldiers Orphans' Schools it -mil be observed that the death rate in this school is less than eight to the thou sandless than ordinary death rate and thro is less sickness than in any like number out side the school. If this school must fall by reason of bad management and by improper care and treat ment of the children, then no other soldiers orphans' school in the State can justly stand. To disband this school on account of the man agement would be unfairly discriminating against it. Inspector Greer's report is rendered par ticularly interesting from the confessed de termination of the Joint Committee of the Legislature on Soldiers Orphans' Schools to abolish this particular institution and all the schools ot the syndicate. The commit tee will undoubtedly, however, make a thorough investigation before doing this, and its investigation will extend backward over a sufficient time to develop anydelects that may have existed before recent events directed the light of publicity toward the institution. Jump at This Chance. New spring goods have been arriving daily and we find ourselves' badly crowded and'with barely room on which to show our enormous spring stock. In order to dispose of a big lot of goods at once, we have marked about 500 men's suits (worth from 522 to 525) at 510. ten dollars, 510, a price that will sell them at sight. Scotch chev iots, English corkscrews and French worsteds on Monday sell for 510. All new, fresh goods and of the finest make. Call at our store, if only to get a peep at them. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Special Pa rents should inspect our line of boy's con firmation suits in blue, granite, tricot and .corkscrew. Fine French Challl. 500 pieces to select from in light, medium and dark 'colorings; certainly nothing to equal this line ever shown here before. Mwrsu. Hugus & Hacks. PITTSBURG DISPATCH, v THEY DOUBTED IT. Many Pltubnrgera and Allegbenlans, How ever, Were Heady for All Sorts of War, If That Canard Had Been True Troops About Beady Over on the 'North Side. "With all their fervor of patriotism, Pitts burgers are not easily excited under such deceptive circumstances as led to the bulletining of a Samoan crisis last night. But it was comparatively easy to find plenty of men ready to say: "If I believed there was a grain of truth in that report, my voice would be for war, and for enough war to teach Bismarck his place." A bulletin was placed on the window of the 'Fifth avenue business office ot The Dispatch, as at the other newspaper offices, stating the startling advices in the case of the Samoan trouble. A reporter took a position at a point where he could hear the remarks of readers. The news at tracted bnt little attention.- Men would stop in their hurried walk along the street, read the bulletin, and, in the majority of the cases, move off without passing any opinion. Occasionally a group would stop, read the news and then pass some joking remarks as to going out to fight the "Dutch," as they were most commonly called. None seemed to take the matter very seriously. A few at once pronounced the matter a "fake;" others said they would wait for moreauthentic news before believing it, and a very few said the affair was very serious. "When the theaters were being dismissed, a large crowd collected in front of the bulle tin and read its contents. Jokes were again freely passed. The tendency of the readers of the bulletin was to pass the entire affair off as some laughable, practicable joke. tVAB BEADY-MADE. A report that war had actually been de clared, and that President Harrison had issued a call for 150,000 volunteers, caused a great deal of excitement in Allegheny last evening. Most of the persons spoken to did not credit the report but said if it wa3 true they were ready to go and resent the insult. If there had been reliable information to the effect that war had been declared, a good regiment conld have been formed before midnight It would have been composed of many old soldiers who expressed themselves as ready to fight again, but the majority of them would have been members of the American Mechanics. Several prominent citizens began the for mation of a regiment as soon as the report reached Allegheny, and several old soldiers were named as officers. Mr. James McFarland, a prominent grain dealer on the Northside, said that if the report was correct a person could make a fortune by buying wheat and grain as soon as the market opens on Monday morn ing. DEAD SILENCE BEIGNED. At the Academy of Music yesterday the exciting episode of the night before was not repeated when the flag scene was presented, and there were a number of reasons for it. It was plain to be seen that the audience was not in sympathy with this part of the act, and the German flag was received with an ominous silence. All the other flags were greeted with a measure of applause, even for the emblem of old England there were a few stray cheers. Harry "Williams had given notice that no outbreak would be permitted, and he was prepared to oust the man thai nmfpstpnl. the audience respected his wishes, though the people and actresses were very nervous. Everybody expected there would be some excitement, but he looked for the other fel low to start it. As the time approached for the scene to be enacted, the pretty German girl twitched nervously to whom had been assigned the task of singing her Teutonic lay and flourishing thet flag of her native land in the faces of an ex cited American audience. The people sympathized with- her, ana this was one reason why they curbed their tempers. Humanity 'is weak; and it is hard to resist the charms of a beautiful woman. Then the end man said: "Banner of that empire where swiftly flows the Rhine And with brilliant brightness Germania's sun does shine; Forget Samoa, it was a Bismarck dream, Which quickly made our Yankee eagle scream. Then send to us thy sons; we'll grasp them by the hand. And honor the flag of the German fatherland." NOT A SIGN OF APPBOVAL. This bit of sentiment was not received with a spurk of enthusiasm. A death-like silence fell on the crowd, and the girl hummed through her song like a scared canary. Everybody was glad when the thing was over, since Manager "Williams insisted it should be performed. The people breathed freer, and when Erin's pride and the Stars and Stripes were waved aloft there was a wild burst of delight from Americans. There were a number of German born citizens in the audience, but they' either did not applaud, because they were afraid, or else they had no sympathy for the scene. At any rate they remained quiet, and no disturbance occurred at the two perform ances. BLOWN DOWN By March Winds Prices at the New York Grocery. 14 cans Standard Tomatoes 51 00 14 cans Sugar Corn 1 00 20 cans Blackberries (for pies) 1 00 14 cans cherries (for pies) 1 00 13 cans Choice Peas 1 00 14 cans String Beans 1 00 25 lbs Turkev Prunes 1 00 20 lbs FrenchPrunes 1 00 20 lbs Evaporated Peaches 1 00 10 lbs California Prunes 1 00 16 lbs Evaporated Apples 1 00 14 lbs Large Raisins 1 00 18 lbs Currants 1 00 16 bottles Home Made Catsup .1 00 25 lbs Dried Shaker Corn 1 00 4 lbs Pipe Cut a"d Dry Tobacco 1 00 5 lbs Navv Chewing Tobacco 1 00 20 lbs Boneless Cidfish 1 00 1 keg Holland Herring (imported).. 80 1 keg Bussian Sardines 60 1 gallon Pure Maple Syrup 80 1 gallon New Orleans Molasses 45 20-lb Pails Leaf Lard 1 60 Goods delivered to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the city will pre pay freight on orders of $10, 515, 520 and upward. Send for catalogue. M. B. Thompson, 301 Market st , opp. Gusky. Onr New Children's Department. Orrr new children's department (50x100 feet) presents a beautiful appearance with its new and elegant stock ot children's suits. Just now we are selling children's cassimere suits at g2 00 worth $! 75. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.. opp. the new Conrt house. Wash Goods. ' An immense assortment of American sateens, Etoile du Nords, English percales, Drap deVenice, etc., etc. Your choice at the uniform price of 12Jc per yard, jfrwrsu Htjgtjs & Hacke. Jns. McKee, Jeweler, 13 Fifth Ave. ,W111 Reinova April 1st to 420 Smithfield st., one door from Diamond st . Beductlon of 20 per ct on all goods until then. Jas. Jeweler, 13 Fifth Aventie, Be moval Sale. Diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, secret society emblems in great variety. Save 20 per ct until removal April 1 to 420 Smith field St., one door from, Diampnd st. DIED. SUIiZER Died 11:30, Oixja, infant daughter of G.Ed w. and Annie. Sulzer, aged 1 years, 3 months and 6 days. --..,. . ,. f, Notice of funeral hereafter. SUNDAY, MARCH 10 AROUND THE WOELD. The Eomance of a Pittsburg Boy's Career as a Sailor, ABOARD A U. S. MAN-OF-WAR. Albert Weasel's Eeturn After a Yojage of 31 Months. HE WAS 0KCB G1YEN UP FOE DEAD A sailor's cap of navy-blue now hangs upon the hat-rack of Ernest "Wessel's resi dence, No. 428 Fifth avenue. The ribbon band around it bears in gilt letters the in scription, "Juniata, TJ. S. N." "When turned upside down this jaunty cap will tumble out a bundle of stories which form a real romance of adventure. The rap only found a place on the peg a few days ago. Before this week is ended it will be in New York, and perhars a fort night later on the high seas. In the meantime-there is a wonderfully happy family surrounding the simple article of nautical apparel and its plucky owner. Mr. "Wessell keeps a grocery store. He is well known in the vicinity of Pride street, and is one of the most successful business men on the hill. In July, 1886, his son Albert, then only 19 years of age, left home for a pleasure excursion to Cape May aud Atlantic City, promising his parents to visit his grandfather's home in New York City before returning. HIS SUDDEN DISAPPEABANCE. Albert was at that time a student under a well-known Pittsburg artist. He was pronounced a painter of considerable prom ise. "When, by the end of July, he had not returned home and his letters had suddenly ceased, Mr. and Mrs. "Wessel became very uneasy. Communication with the grand father showed that he had not visited him. The boy had never been wild, and the parents laughed at the theory that he had lan away. They feared foul play. Detectives were put to work in New York, and as a last re sort search was made for any trace of a drowned person along the Jersey coast, as it was known Albert was an expert swim mer and very fond of the water. But not the slightest clew to the Pitts burg boy's fate could be found. August, September, October and November passed away. In winter he was given up for dead by most of his relatives. Mrs. "Wessel took the strange disappearance very keenly. All efforts to solve the mystery had been abandoned, and no news was received in either December or January. But in February there came a letter from Albert mailed in Brazil. He told them that just after his arrival in New York he saw an advertisement in the Eerald for sailors to ship on the United States man of war "Juniatta" for a cruise aronnd the world. It was to leave that night There were but three hours to spare, and he, acting upon an impulse to see the world, engaged himself as an ordinary sea man aboard the vessel and was out of New York harbor before he had time to telegraph or write his folks. ABOUND THE TVOBLD. The first opportunity he had to notify Pittsburg of his whereabouts was in Brazil. Since then he wrote letters regularly every month, arriving home himselt last week at the age of 22 years; having just landed in New York after a voyage of 31 months; now ' wearing the regulation nhiform of a sailor, looking bronzed from exposure in many climes, and chuck full of yarns and relics of all nations. It was a sounding expedition. The Juniatta steamed from New York to the coast of Africa, thence to South America, through the straits to Mexico, and at last a four months' rest among the Sandwich Islands. Honolulu was the nearest they got to Samoa. On to China, next to Japan, touching at all ports there under the guidance of the United States Minister; now to the Indian ocean, the Suez Canal, Mediterannean Ssea, the Bed ea, and visits to points in the Holy Land; spending Christmas last at Gibralter and New Year's Day on the Medeira Islands; France next, the West Indies last, and home in New York last week. Arriving in the United States Albert "Wessel found a furlough awaiting him. It had been secured by his father through the generosity of Secretary "Whitney, who be came interested when he learned that a brother of the seaman's is lying dangerously ill in Pittsburg. This furlough expires on Friday next. IN A TYPHOON. The Juniata is one of the old war vessels, having 10 guns, 25 officers, crew of 205 men and a displacement of 1,900 tons. To The DISPATCH reporter last night young Mr. Wessel gave a very graphic account of the terrific pounding the ship got last Septem ber iu a typhoon. It was a miraculous escape from destruction. They had just left Hong Kong, and on September 27 were but 300 miles out when tha typhoon struck them. The gale lasted nearly two days, and dur ing that time the Juniata lost four of her boats, blew away her new stormsails, dam aged the steering gear and shipped so much water that the ports had to be broken open to relieve the ship. The mastcovers, tightly laced around the spars, were blown off as if they were made of paper, and the men working on deck threw away their oilskin and superfluous clothing to avoid being blown overboard. The boats lost were torn off by the wind from the davits and blown away like matchwood. On the second day of the gale Commander Wise was thrown heavily to the deck by' a sea and sustained injuries to the face besides breaking his nose. Most of the clothing of the officers has been spoiled through water of which there was at one time three feet in the ship. A bag containing oil was towed irom the weather bow and decreased the violence of the sea3 to a marked degree. All hatches were battened down. Little water went be low the spar deck,but at one point so much water had been shipped that had the engine stepped but three minutes all would have gone down. So badlydamagedwas the-boat that when she reached New York she was condemned, and now goes to Annapolis for use of the cadets. Mr. Wessel has been transferred to the receiving ship for duty. BABE GIFTS FROM HIM. He brought home a trnnkful of curiosities for his parents. These the writer had the pleasure of inspecting last night. In one bundle are tu canes from as many different nations and of all the .fine woods. Then there are most beautiful works of carving in ivory, pearl, silver and wood from Japan, Ceylon, Africa and China; hand-wrought shawls for Mrs. Wesselfrom Persia,Indiaand South America; all sorts of curiosities of idol worship, footwear and numismatics in China; inlaid toilet boxes, ostrich eggs from Africa, ingenious writing desks and finally a whole bunch of "roses of Jericho." This celebrated flower blooms in any clime after it is cut from its parent stem as long as it is kept in water. Wessel got the flowers in the Holy Land, and now in Pitts burg they bloom every atteruoon at 4 o'clock. One has been presented to Bev. Mr. Belfour, pastor of the church the Wes sels attend. The marine was last night rather pleased by the early news from Samoa. He re marked there was nothing he -would like better than a real brush ot war. Oar New Children's Department. Our new Children's department (50x100 feet) presents a beautiful appearance with its new and elegant stock of children's suits. Just now we are selling children's cassimere suits at $2 00 worth S3 75. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,. opp. ue new court jiouse. 1889. A BIG BREWERY SOLD. The Bartbolomay Establishment Passes Into the Hands of Englishmen. rSFXCIAI. TELIGKAM TO TUX PISrATCB.1 Bochestee, xT. Y., March 9. The efforts of the English capitalists to secure control of the brewing Interests in this city are at last successful. To-day two-thirds of the stock of the Bartholomay Brewing Com pany was transferred to them for a consid eration as yet unknown. It is learned from semi-official sources that the consideration is five times the par value of the capital stock. The Bartholomay is one of the old est and largest breweries in the country; and its product amounts to over 125,000 barrels annually. The negotiations have been conducted by Luke Bishop and William Monroe for the Englishmen. They have been here over a week, and several conferences have been held, at which representatives of the Bar tholomay, Bochester and Genessee Com panies were present. It was at first agreed that the three breweries should be sold atonce, but owing to differences of opinion in the Bochester Company the scheme fell through. The two smaller ones will doubtless be sold in a day or two, as the majority of the stock holders favor selling at once. The English people have had agents working for their purpose in this city for over three months. BLIND irGERS ON THE BUN. Many Unlicensed Liqaor Dealers Forced to Emicrnlo From Indiana. rSFECIAL TELIOKAM TO THE DISPATCB.l EvansviMjE, Ind., March 9. Several Kentucky counties contiguous to this city have been having considerable trouble with violators of the liquor law, who have per sisted iu running what is known as "blind tigers" in districts where the liquor traffic is prohibited. This has finally aroused the citizens of Caldwell county to vigorous ac tion, and during the past week, aided by the officers, they descended upon a large number of these dens, arrested the proprie tors and brought them before the grand jury. The result was about 50 indictments against the "tigers," who began to cry for quarter. Yesterday at Princeton they succeeded in securing a compromise, by paying nominal fines and at once leaving the county. To day there is caid to have been a regular hegira of the "Tigers" from different sec tions, while the officers were busied in de molishing their dens and pouring out the mean whisky they were compelled to leave behind. There is general gratulation at the riddance of this dangerous and lawless class. CLERGYMEN CALLED DOWN. They Are Accused br HIeh Authorities of Violating; Church Canons. ISFXCIAI. TELZOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New Yobk, March 9. The movement re cently set on foot to evangelize the masses by house-to-house visitations, has brought the Episcopal clergymen who have taken part in it, notably Archdeacon Mackey-Smith, under the censure of their ecclesiastical brethren. It is claimed that the clergymen complained of were ont of their own parishes in search of lost sheep, in violation ot the canon prohibiting a clergymen from preaching? on the preserves of another. Memorials and counter-memorials have been drawn up by different Episcopal clergymen and sent to Bishop Potter. Some criticise and some sustain the Archdeacon's action, but the Bishop has not reached any decision. HILL IS TO HARM. New York's Bachelor Governor Abont to Wed Miss Hotchklss. SFICIAI. TELEQBAU TO THE DISPATCH.l Tbot, March 9. According to a report here Governor Hill is about to become a benedict. The bride-elect is said to be a Miss Hotchkiss, the daughter of a United States Government official at Ottawa. The information comes from that city in a letter to a member of- one of the first families of this city. The Dispatch was the first paper to announce the engagement of Miss Folsom to Mr. Cleveland, and its correspondent here sent it on learning of a letter received by Mrs. George B. Wellington, of this city, from friends in Buffalo, who had been corresponding with Miss Folsom. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of n Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading;. Temperance meetings will he held In the Bntler Street M. E. Church this afternoon and evening. Mb. and Mbs. William McCuLi,orQH, of Fayette street, Allegheny) left Friday evening for New Yorfc. Tira'stableboy employed by Dr. Clark, of Butler street, had his both legs broken yester day by a horse falling on him. The Pennsylvania officials are crowing like game cocks, because no commissions are pa'd to passenger agents on their lines. Tate, a young man, fell in a fit on North avenne, Allegheny, last evening! and was removed to the General Hospital in the patrol wagon. The alarm from station 93 at 5-01 yesterday afternoon was occasioned by a chimney fire at No. 38 Langblln's row, Second avenue. No damage resulted. THE Chicago Marquette Clnb was In Pitts burg yesterday, returning home from Wash ington. They told President Harrison they were not after offices. The regular inspection of the police force was held at Imperial Hall, Grant street, yester day morning. Two hundred and twenty men were at the inspection. The hearing in the case of Bryce Bros, vs the Manufacturers Natural Gas' Company was adjourned until March 18, and the injunction coiitinued until that time. William McMillen, an employe in the planing mill of Murphy Diebold, of the West End, had his hand crushed yesterday by having it canght in some machinery. Thomas Byrne, a brakeman on the Pan handle Railroad, had his right band badly crushed while coupling cars near Sheridan sta tion. He was attended by Dr. Hiett. Gtjstav Goeetnek, of Hanover, Germany, was in the city yesterday morning. He said he does not believe the reports concerning the trouble at Samoa, and that he does not want war. . The champion lazy man has been found at the St. Charles. He is from Cincinnati, and he registers "Felix ." This shows it takes two men from Forkopolls to make one Pitts burger. Telegraph operators say they are receiv-' ing loads of messages from "busted" citizens who can't get out of Washington lor lack of the wherewithal. Some of the telegrams are very funny. Richard Clark, of West End avenne, Alle gheny, had. a hearing before Mayor Pearson yesterday on a charge of abusing his daughter. The charge was not proven, but the magistrate reserved his decision. TO-DAI'S WEATHER For Western Penn sylvania, West Virginia and Ohio, snow; on the lakes and in the in terior, light snow; warmer northwesterly winds. ' Pittsbubo. March 8. 1S39. The United States Signal Service officer in this city furnishes the following. Time. Ther. xiier. 7.-0UA. If 29 Mean temp , Maximum temo.. loan a. ii.,... no 1.-0OF. M .....33 SKr. K... ...... ..... j.-oop. S.-flOP. M.....,, 29 33 27 .01 Minimum temp.., Kanes Precipitation. .... KlTerstBp.u., S.S fwt, a fill of 1,5 fee t in flit last 24 hoorf. - iH3 THE MUSIC WORLD. JFormal Installation of Emmanuel Church's Surpliced Singers. THE PEIESTH00D OP THE CH0IE. Bishop Whitehead's Advice to Congregation and Choir. THE 8DPEEI0EITI OP TEHALE T0ICES For one who has long and loudly lament ed the. too common failure on the part of the churches to realize the rightful place, of music in public worship, it was exceedingly gratifying to witness the manner in which the new surpliced choir of Emmanuel Epis copal Church, Allegheny, was formally in stalled last Tuesday evening. The service was held solely for the induction of the choir according to rubrics seldom, if ever before, carried Into practice hereabouts. The choir marched in silently to the front pews j after the opening prayers. Bishop White head made an appropriate address, at the close of which the choristers advanced to the altar and the Bishop, assisted by Mr. Byllesby, the rector, placed a prayer-book and hymnal In the hands of each, repeating a formula of induction similar to those of baptism and con firmation. Thus authorized, the choir entered the stalls and sounded their first note of praise, a Gregorian chant, after which the service closed with the nsual prayers and recessional hymn. What little the 32 boys and men sang reflected credit upon the training of Mr. Von Weller, the new organist and choir master, who has had very brief time for preparatory worlc After the large congregation was dismissed, the clergy, choir and organist were photo graphed in various positions and feasted with various viands.. The entire occasion was calculated to em phasize the importance of the musical element in the church service. Bishop Whitehead dwelt upon the place of music as an integral part of public worship, laying stress upon .what he termed the priesthood of the choir as the official leaders of the people's praises, jnst as the clergy are of the people's prayers. Snch doctrines by the way, are to be commended to the, good folk who think a choir all rizht if the congregation sing along; but who mistrust every note sung by the choir alone as savoring of the secnlar concert room: they do not feel thns while the single voice of the min ister is offering the prayers of the congrega tion. The white surplices the Bishop regarded as fitly symbolizing this priestly character, while keepingnnbroken the line of the church's praises from the snowy-clad singers of Solo mon's temple to the white-robed chorus of the redeemed. He also gave some excellent prac tical advice to both choir and congregation upon their several and reciprocal duties in this connection. There was only one trouble about tho oc casion just described, including the Bishop's otherwise so admirable address. Everything was applied exclusively to surpliced choirs, and surpliced choirs are usually composed ex clusively of boys and men. Was not Miriam inspired tq,sing tho song of deliverance for her people? Are there to be no white-robed women in the heavenly chorus: Did not the women help to lead the praises of the early cbnrcb, until mediaeval monastlcism decreed that they wer¬ fit to marry clergy man, much less take part in divine worship? See .the depths to which this abhorrent idea led the old Romish Church iu the method of making np the deficiency in the supply of natural male altos a continuing de ficiency that two or three years ago caused Pope Leo, it is credibly stated, to restore woman to her place in the Papal choir. Bnt there are reasons other than historical, and more clearly within the scope of this de partment, for objecting to the boy choirs that have become so fashionable in the Episcopal churches of this city. The female voice is universally recognized as producing the most beautiful of all musical tones; the variety of quality and the ' greater expressiveness of female voices is indispensable to the proper rendition of the vast majority of choral music, sacred as well as secnlar. For solo singing it is a most extraordinary boy's voice that can be compared to voices that are by no means uncommon among women. Furthermore, the formation and training of a boy-choir really capable of singing the nobler specimens of the very limited department of composition at all proper for it requires an amount of money, skill, experience and labor that our churches are very far from devoting to that purpose. Even if they did, they could not in a city like ours develop the needed material properly to stirt and maintain snch a choir without work ing and waiting some years. The best boy choir has but a limited field for its own: such boy choirs as we have in Pitts burg have indeed a straight and narrow path to walk In. One Snnday after another come the same old plain chants, the same old simple hymns; anthems of the easiest de scription, if any at all, are but few and far between, often imperfectly sung and repeated ad nause am. Commonly the entire service, posBlbly excepting the hymns, is sung in nnison nothing sung but the air or melody. If four-part harmony be attempted, the altos are almost invariably overpowered, and the harmony is only tripartite, after all. If the boy choir were not. above all, fashion able: if it were not sanctioned by Anglican traditions, sweetened by the presence of little ones, clad in vestments and made Imposing by theatric marching and counter-marching if, in short, it depended merely upon its ability to sing sacred music, no cultured congregation in Pittsburg would tolerate its present hoy choir longer than a single quarter. On the other hand: If the former quartet or chorus choir had been given, above all. extraordinary sympathy and encouragement from clergy and congregation; if as much money bad been spent on it, as much skill, labor and experience brought into its existence, as much toleration and forbearance manifested toward it if, in short, the quartet or chorus bad been treated as the boy-choir now is, the result would have been vastly better music, larger congregations and a much greater amount of satisfaction all around. Crotchets and Qnaven. Mb. Emanuel Schmaitk. of Kittanning, played another most excellent programme at his piano recital of last Thursday evening. It Is gratifying to note snch work in the smaller towns of the vicinity. Miss Belle Tomkb, of Pittsburg, in her recent concerts at Norfolk, Va." largely strengthened her already well-established pop ularity in that town, judging from the lavish encomiums of the local press. AT a pleasant musicals given at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Reed, of Allegheny, last Tuesday evening, the chief feature was the perform ance of a very amusing Klnder-Symphonie by marvelously constituted "orchestra," under Miss Belle Reed's baton. Mb. Charles Davis Carter, with that delicate appreciation of harmony which cannot "tolerate discord without a natural, easy and Bausiaciory "resolution,-- nas resigned nis po sition as organist and choirmaster of -Trinity Lutueran Church, to take effect April L Mbs. J. Shabp McDonald, Mrs. C. M. Hinckley, Mrs. W.H. Hunter, Messrs. W. H. Stephens, S. S. Amberson, A. H. Brockett, W. W.WhitesellandF. A. Albrecht gave a con cert in the Sewickley Opera House last Thurs day evening for the' benefit of the Baptist Church of that favored valley. Mietzke's patriotic cantata, "Columbia," was given by a chorus, led by Mr. Jas. W. Col lins and accompanied by Miss Linnle McKee, at the Fourth U. P. Church, of Allegheny, last Friday evening. In the miscellaneous pro gramme that preceded the cantata Miss Ella M. Crocker, Miss Mamie Renck, Mrs. BosweU, Messrs. Ramsey, Donaldson, Fuller and Boggs took part. Mbs. Feed W. Keiteb, who is the musical leader of the Yeung People's Bible Class of Tiinlty Lutheran Church. Allegheny, to which Mr. Kiefer administers spiritual pabulum, was made the delighted victim of a surprise party last Friday evening. The members of the dais bronght along a good supper and a hand some piano lamp, the latter of which they did not eat up. Mbs. Coba Sellers (better known as Miss Cora Brown), the organist ot the Oakland M. E. Church, has arranged for a concert to be given at that church next Thursday evening. Mrs. Sellers will appear chiefly as A singer, Mr. Charles C. Mellor taking his customary promi nence at the organ. The other performers will be 11 rs. Mellor, Miss Belle Tomer, Miss Annie VanKirk. Mr. W. A. McCntcheon and Mr. Louis J. KeideL LAST Tuesday saw two musical weddings that of Miss Emma Bingler. the widely-known soprano, to Mr. William B. Wolfe, at Christ M. E. Church; and that of Miss Kittle Barker, the esteemed piano teacher, of the East End. to Mr. J. L Buchanan, at Calvary Episcopal Church. The former occasion was brightened by the singing of as many of Miss Bingier's Mozart Clnb associates as could be crowded into the choir gallery: Mr. J. P. McCollum con ducting and Mr. Ed. J. Lloyd piaylng the organ. Bigkor Itaxo CAMPAirnn; the yet famous tenor, and his "Operatic Concert Company," will appear at Old City Hall next Tuesday even ing, the 12th Inst. Slgnorina Clementina De Vere is the soprano of the troupe a very cos mopolitan young woman of 28 years, who was r. born in France of English parent,, was educated in Italy and has been, ing-J ing in America since November. onlRwith thisy troupe. The others are Miss Annie Russell, of New York, contralto; Sig. Bolngna, who was here-the last time, bass, and Sig. Ferari, ac companist. As the stage lacks scenery tho. troupe cannot nere lre ine scene irom "Faust," which has elsewhere supported tha operatic part of the troupe's title; but never theless lovers of it bel canto will no donbt bet afforded an enjoyable hearing of favorite operatic selections. Oboanist Linabs C. Webster and Ma efficient cbolr at St. Andrews' Episcopal Church, Ninth street, have long been prepar ing for a series of special musical services oa the Sunday evenings throughout Lent, Com-, mencing with this evening successive portions-. of Stainers "Crucifixion' will be snug until that work has been given entire; following tnat will come the best parts ot Spohr's "Calvary," omitting little but the recitatives. It is true that a quartette choir cannot give such works with,, the same effect that a f nil chorus might; bur' the ability and the extraordinary diligence of this quartette (they have long been in tha habit of holding an extra rehearsal for general musical study and practice) guarantee the utmost excellence ot performance possible in such a case. The Lenten and Advent ser vices with special music given in the past seasons have invariably attracted large con gregations to St. Andrews. An amateur orchestra clnb, as yet nnnamed, was organized on Friday evening at Wilkins burg. The members mostly belonged, to- the Wilkinsburg Musical Society, and will prob-. ably, after attaining greater proficiency under a separate organization, reunite their career with that of the chorus. The roll already in cludes 15 players of tried capability 5 vio 11ns, viola, 'cello, contra-bass, 2 flutes, Z clan, nets and 2 cornets and new members of the same grade are expected to be added, but only after examination and two weeks' probation. The following officers were elected: Dr. W. R. Stephens, President; Mr. John Walton, Vice President: Mr. J. L. Crawford, Secretary and Treasurer, and Mr. G. R. Broadberry, Con ductor. Music of the lighter kind will be studied at first, with an eye to more solid food in the future. The club is to be self-supporting, exists primarily for the good of its own members, and, for the present at least, has no. designs on the public Such enterprises can- not be too warmly encouraged. The May Festival chorus is said, by those who have attended the Thursday evening re-, hearsals, to be rapidly mastering the big pile of. music laid out for the great event. By the way, there is no reason why many people shpnld not enjoy a free informal concert each week. The rehearsals are held in the First M.P., Church. Fifth avenne (known as "The Old Home"), and Jlr. Retter says visitors aro wel come to fill the ample galleries every Thursday evening. With to-morrow the committee, composed of Messrs. Joseph T. Sneer, Percy F. Smith and John F. Wilcox, will begin the actual campaign for box subscription. A score or more subscribers have already been obtained without really try-, ing. These boxes, it will be remembered.are to encircle the parnnetand will be at once the best and the most fashionable seats; they hold six persons, and are offered for the seven con ceits (making 42 tickets) for $100. Subscribers wilLno donbt be allowed to decorate their own boxes, an opportunity that has been eagerly seized upon by "sassiety" on similar occasions elsewhere. The $10,000 looked for from the' box subscription at this time will serve as the best sort of a guarantee fund for what clearly promises to be the greatest musical event in local annals. In this light subscribers will really serve the public in helping themselves. Four members of the Grand Opera House Orchestra bad been fined by the MM. P. U. for playing with non-union men elsewhere They refused to pay the fines and wanted to stay out of the union, with, which they had long been disgusted. Manager Wilt, who had. signed the trades-union scale with his stage hands and thereby got himself into the power of the trades assembly, to which the M. M. P. TJ. unaccountably belongs, felt obliged to have his players keep within tho union lines. So he got the players to let him pay their fines and have them reinstated. While for business reasons, these players, are willing to retain nominal connec tion with the nnion and its stranze bed-fellows of the Trades Assembly, tbey are heartily sicK of the M. II. P. U.. and only await the end of the theatrical season to break loose irrero cably. This feeling Is shared by the members of the Bijou. Academy and other theatrical, orchestras, and of the Great Western and other leading bands in fact, by every one of ; the really capable players that still keep the slightest appearance of being union men. Most of the good players are already entirely out of the union, when practically all the players in the city who are worth admitting to a genuine musicians' nnion are openly hostile to the alleged M. M. P. TJ., how can it accom plish any useful purpose for either the profes sion or the public? OrgnnUt and Choir Master. Mr. Chas. Davis Carter has resigned from Trinity Lutheran Church, and open to engagement after April 1. Address P. O. Box 387, or 426 Penn ave. Jump at This Chance. New spring goods have been arriving daily and we find ourselves badly crowded and'with barely room on which to show our enormous spring stock. In order to dispose of a big lot of goods at once, we nave marked about 00 men's suits (worth: front: $22 to $25) at $10, ten dollars, $10-, a-'price-thatwill sell them at sight. Scotch chev iots, English corkscrews and French, worsteds on Monday sell for $10. All new, fresh goods and ot the finest make. Call at our store, ir only to get a peep at them. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Special Pa rents should inspect our line of boy's con firmation suits in blue, granite, tricot and,' corkscrew. A Fall Stock. Lace curtains should be carefully selected from a full, large stock in order to get the best patterns. At Groetzinger's, 627 and. 629 Penn ave., yon can see the largest stock of lace curtains in the West. The stock is particularly strong in curtains at from $2 to $8 a pair. When I Was a Small Boy My mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but since I got to be a great big; man, Dickson, the well-known tailor,. 63 Fifth avenue, corner "Wood street, second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. Telephone 1S58. Removal. Special notice to the patrons of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 113. Federal-street We respectfully inform patrons and friends that we will remove to 126 Fed eral street, four doors above, on or about Saturday, March 23, where will be found an entire new stock of teas, coffees, baking, powder, sugars, etc., that are unsurpassed tor qnaiity and cheapness. To save trouble), of moving and avoid breakage, we have re-' duced the prices on all our large stock of presents for the next fifteen days. Lookr out for our new panel, "Dressed for the Hop." Special inducements with Thea Nectar and A. & P. baking powder at alt our stores. Bnslneu Change. "Walter Anderson has opened ont at his. new place, 700 Smithfield street, with a flue stock of woolens for gentlemen's garments RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE ROYAL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class: steam heat, sun galleries, etc lez-ou w. a. uoxjxvLiiKi. TnOTHKRGILLHOTjSE. ATLANTIC CITY JC N. J. Located near beach. Perfect san-i-i itation. Steam heat. ELIZABETH HART-, LEY, Prop. ie25-12-TTSSa ON THE BEACH. Atlantic Crrr, N. J., HADDON HALL EDWIN LIPPINCQTT. felS-54 THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Ou the beach, sea end of Virginia, avenneC, , UlCAUl llCAb, DiCbUlVl UGUA l.M. VU IBUtr arvw, issy. fal3-72.MWrsn BUCK & McCLELLAN OLD POINT COMFORT, TIRGINIA. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMonroe:openalltheyear,tj accommDnau:a j,uuu kucsis, aumixauiB location; delightful climate; thrilling historic snrronnd Incr. Turkish. Russian. Roman. ElRCrtn sTid HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial ". in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas.- 1 Average tmpealureowIneri'. ADSomreiy iree irom mauana. ah mines considered. in most comforatable and delightful resort atU wnicn to spena tne winter raon tns la the u nKea j Biases, cend lor uescTiptivepasiBiueE. no27-ylO-xul3a' F. N. PIKE. XanaeK. .nSfeii MMMdiSLM? ..$$.. f. jt&!&&Jf. .X V. - X, f":v Likjm&XAi,.:-,