Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 10, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Why tlie League Schedule Has
so Many Faults.
An incident Between Manager Phil-
lips and a Local Judge.
Comment Regarding the Prospects of
the Poolselling Bill.
With the appearance of the schedules
of the American Association and the
National League comes a general and.
lire interest in the National game.
Nobody need infer from this that
there has been no interest, that is public in
terest, taken in baseball during the winter
because the contrary has been re
markably the fact. Those proverbial
"old timers" solemnly assert that at no
time in the world's history has there, in winter
time, been such an amount of jmblic interest
taken in baseball matters as there has been
during the winter just disappearing from us.
But the appearance of 'tlie schedules has
prompted club officials to a greater activity,
players to a greater anxiety abont their con
dition and has set the public guessing as to the
merits and demerits of the teams. Doubtless
everything indicates an extraordinary baseball
season; certainly club officials are expecting it
and planning tor it. However, if the opinion of
several good authorities turn out to be any
thing like true we may expect considerable
dissatisfaction regarding the League schedule.
"Whether it be something like the harbinger of
the championship season or not it has been criti
cised probably m ore than any of its predecessors.
Most assuredly in its construction it is vastly,
inferior to that of last season, ana the objec
tions ot such gentlemen as Messrs. JJImick and
Phillips were not only reasonable but neces
sary. There is every reason to believe that the
committee having in charge the schedule did
not confer with each other much longer than
the Emperor of Russia would give audience to
a rabid Anarchist. It required many weary
days and nights to formulate last year's sched
ule, and when another is arranged in fewer
hours there must be something very strange
about it. For two clubs to play a series of lour
games on one of their grounds and then proceed
direct to the grounds of the other to play other
three or four is a very stupid and unbusiness
like arrangement. It is just as thoughtless as
keeping any club away from its own grounds
six or seven weeks. The League magnates
have now and again much to say about the
mistakes of players, hut they certainly ought to
devote a little time in the investigation of their
own shortcomings.
A Disappointing Meeting:.
It is tome time since the old fable of the
mountain and the mouse was better illustrated
thanitwasby the League meeting during the
week. Everybody expected great things to be
done; that the bull, that is, the kicking players,
would be taken by the horns and dragged into
submission. Nothing of the kind was done,
however, and not even talked of according to
the reports of members of the meeting. The
League magnates are shrewdpeople; they don't
court combat, because in very many respects
their position is insecure. But they have a
diplomacy that baffles and some times
hoodwinks the most powerful and ag
gressive opponent. How beautifully the
case of John Glasscock was arranged
despite all the emphatic declarations of Presi
dent Brush and others to the effect that Glass
cock could not possibly get more than 2,500 for
the season. The player, accompanied by his
lawyer, was at the meeting to demand, accord
ing to contract, the same amount of money for
this season ashe received last year, vit, $3,000.
The sagacious League knew better than to
tackle a question of this sort in open hostility,
and Glasscock was given his $3,000. But we are
told that 500 of this is for Glasscock as captain
of the team; this specious arrangement is to
give a confiding public to understand that the
latest limit of salary, 2,500, has not been tam
pered with. Common sense will certainly tell
ns that Glasscock is receiving S3.000 for his Ser
vices to the Indianapolis club, divide or classi
fy these services as we will. It would
be interesting to know how Jerry Denny's
objections have been disposed of. He was pnt
into class B, which means $2,250, and he most
strenously objected to play for this. Almost
simultaneous with the League meeting he
signed without a kick. What was the sooth
ing balm.
The Association Magnates.
The most important piece of business that
the American Association authorities did on
Tuesday was to keep clear of any graded
salary plan until that adopted by the League
has been tested. This is probably the wisest
step that the Association could have taken.
For once at least the authorities of that or
ganization have displayed a safer legislative
wisdom than the League people. There
is an interesting contrast between
the action of the League and that
of the Association on this matter.
The question at issue is one of the most import
ant that baseball officials could discuss. The
League, however, at the last hourof a meeting,
and the last hour is always a weary one, intro
duced, discussed and adopted a graded salary
plan that in many respects revolutionizes the
status of baseball. The scheme was swallowed
wholesaler The Association, however, has had
the same scheme before it for months; has
heard all objections to it, both legal and moral;
has -heard dozens of amendments suggested,
and still hesitates to adopt it. This is the true,
the wise and the safe way to legislate and the
Association will be the better for it. Sweeping
reforms that are lasting are never made in a
day. At the end of the season I will be sur
prised if the Association does not find many
things to remedy in the scheme the operation
of which they have resolved to watch.
Bnsebnll Morality.
A-few days ago Manager Phillips told me an
interesting and an amusing incident that took
place in the Central Hotel, this city. He and
a well-known local judge were the principals.
The incident occurred at the supper table, and
the judge was sitting close to Mr. Phillips.
Neither man knew each other. Presently the
judge commenced talking warmly to a
friend about baseball and baseball
players. He censured the entire busi
ness as vehemently as if he was
condemning "Jack, the Ripper." Phillips
couldn't stand it, and interrupted the judge
with remarks to the effect that he, the judge,
knew nothing about baseball. Matters were
becoming extremely hot, when an
attorney introduced the disputants to
each other. Then Manager Phillips remarked
"Judge, come to a came and I'll give you a box,
and if you don't find better order there than in
jour court you can have the box for the sea
con." I mention this incident to show that
there is in supposed wise circles a grave misun
derstanding about baseball matters. The game
taken by itself is not assailed, but the people
connected with it are. I confess that there are
peode in the baseball business whose actions
are now and again questionable, but certainly
the same can be said of the legal profession in
ail its branches. We mnst look to the general
rule, and if do this we'll certainly find that the
baseball business is as honorable as any we
know of. But the desire ought to be to keep
its moral status up; not only so, but
to try and make it better. Among
the good features, or at least what
can be made good, if the classification plan is
a reasonable enforcement of the requirements
for good moral conduct from year's end to
years end. A 12-months' contract wonldn't make
things one whit better than they are now: be
side clubs couldn't well dictate to players what
employment they should follow, without bring
ing up the salary question In three or four
phases. Alltnat would seem necessary is to
apply the moral code of the classification plan
to each player during the winter. If any player
is convicted of a crime or in anyway brings
and tends to bring the game into public disre
. pute let him be placed in a lower class.
1 f:r Pool Bill Prospects.
.TbepoolscU'mg bill has advanced another
stage, and a very crucial stage it is. Second
reading is oluuva a dangerous point for any
measure againM v'.-.lch strong prejudice exists
rather than argument, and certainly on a mat
ter of argument and common sense, the sup
porters of the poolselling bill have had all the
betofltfrom the start. lbs bill received
good support, but not as much as I had ex-
Eected, or not even as much as the public have
een led to believe it would receive: There
suit of the voting on it was 91 for and 53 against,
being a majority of 33 in its favor. Doubtless
the majority would have been greater had not
a specious mode of opposition been adopted,
together with the operation of a prejudice that
exists against everything of a sporting kind. I
have long been convinced that no mat
ter what principle of right sporting
patrons demand; no matter what kind
of fair-minded privilege they request there is
a class of people who, regardless of reason or
a sense of fair play, oppose everything because
"it is supporting gambling." It would, indeed,
bo interesting to have the wiseacres of this
class of people to define what they mean by
gambling. If they would give us a definition,
I'm very much afraid that thev would either
include some of the oldest and most popular
religious, social and commercial customs, or
else be compelled to exclude from their defini
tion poolselling on a race track, I have from
time to time contended that law cannot pre
vent betting; it can regulate It, but most as
suredly history gives abundance of evidence to
the effect that law cannot prevent it providing
people have the desire to bet. This being
the case, it would seem that such a harmless
measure as Mr. Lafferty's pool bill should
now go through with a bang. It is, indeed, a
harmless affair, and any so-called gambling
that will be countenanced by it would exist
though it had never been. "There are many
prominent citizens identified with the race
tracks throughout the State, who are anxious
to know absolutely what is to be done with it.
Neither of the Pittsburg tracks, for instance,
can claim any dates until the directors know
definitely about the fate of the bdh Already
there have been numerous inquiries from
horsemen as to what will be done on the local
tracks this year, but until the poolselling
3uestion is entirely settled nothing can be
The Local Cricket Flayers.
There were many interesting features at the
annual meeting of the Pittsburg Cricket Club
on Wednesday evening. Among the most in
teresting was the fact that financially the club
did better last year than it has ever done. This
is exceedingly encouraging, and gives power to
the opinion that the 'historic game" is growing
in popularity here. Undoubtedly there are
more cricket players in and about Pittsburg
now, than there has been at any time previous,
that is, taking young and old into con
sideration; but it is still apparent
that the American public takes very
little interest, indeed, in the game. It would
seem safe to saj that there is as little chance of
cricket becoming a leading game in America
as there is for baseball to Decome the prom
inent outdoor sport in England. However,
there will always be admirers of cricket in
America, if nobody else except Englishmen
and the descendants of Englishmen par
ticipate in it. Probably the visit of
the Irish gentlemen to the city
last season gave the game in this locality
a greater prominence than it has had for some
time. This fact ought to prompt the local club
to try and secure a match with another foreign
team. If this could be done it would go a long
way toward still further popularizing the game.
Butl know such like ventures are now and
again costly aud the players bavje to stand
si onsors for the expenses. This is an element
that redounds with credit on the patrons of
cricket, the expenses of their trips and the en
tertainment of their visitors are all paid by
themselves. This ought surely to convince the
public that the game is entirely carried on tor
the love of it and hot because of monetary
O'Connor and Gnndnnr.
The boat race between William O'Connor
and Jake Gaudaur, at San Francisco last Sun
day, reminded me of an important remark
made to me by Albert Hamm, in this city some
time ago. Hamm was on his way to Union
depot from McKeesport, and was going to St.
Louis to have a conference with J. A. St. John
relative to a race between Gaudaur and O'Con
nor. St. John had requested Hamm to meet
him so as to hear the latter's opinion of O'Con
nor. I asked Hamm what he thought aboutthe
res-pective merits of the two oarsmen and he re
plied: "I certainly think that Gaudaur should
have 15 seconds start m a three-mile race, from
O'Connor." I considered this very significant at
the time and I confess that 1 was surprised to
learn that before Hamm had been long in St.
Louis an offer was made to match Gaudaur
against O'Connor on even terms. I don't repeat
these statements in the way of any undue re
flection on either Hamm or anybody
else. Not at all. I mention " them
to show whv the sporting public
had reason to be surprised about a match be
tweenthe scullers in question: and not only
surprised but somewhat dubious about its
genuineness. It does seem strange that any
sane man would risk $1,000 and expenses on
Gaudaur in a contest against O'Connor, in view
of the convincing proof of the latter's superi
ority. This, taken with the statement
made by Hamm quoted above, makes
the affair 6tranger than ever. There
may and there may not have been
a bona fide shake up, but certainly every
prominent feature of the affair indicates there
was not. Jt was pointed out in this paper last
Monday that Gaudanr's abrupt stopping at the
quarter point was suspicious. Since then this
opinion has been repeated by the New York
Clipper and other leading weeklies. However,
whether there was any money up or not the
best man won, and if the course
was three miles and the time as
reported correct O'Connor made
as good performance as when he defeated
Teemer. The water was rough; in fact so
much so that tlie referee desired to have the
race postponed. The rowers desired to row
(anotuer) suspicious leature), and row they
did. O'Connor, on the rough water, covered
the .alleged three miles in 19:45. This was ex
traordinary time under the circumstances, and
if everything was correct he ought to find
plenty of backing to go to Australia.
Among the Pugilists.
As spring time approaches pugilism seems to
be disappearing. The knights of the fistic art
are doing practically nothing, and even their
talking has subsided to a wonderful extent.
Almost the only two or three prominent feat
ures of the weethave been Kilrain's resolve to
go to England; Sullivan's spree and the match
ing of Murphy and Weir for the third time.
Jacob Kilrain has booked himself for the
land of Charley Mitchell and Jem Smith
and doubtless all three will have a merry and
profitable time of it. Kilrain's latest state
ment is to the effect that he will not go to
England if Sullivan will fight him in six weeks.
This, however, will sound just as effective and
as reasonable as saying six hours. I will not
be surprised if Sullivan is not able to fight in
six years. Every day he is Riving proof
that he has not only lost his physical
ability, but that his firmnesss of mind is
weaker to-day than it ever was, and is still
getting more helpless. Recollections of times
of wealth and gayety, now that he is without a
cent, cannot fall to impel him to deeper ex
cesses, even though he may try to struggle
against it. It would seem absurd for any ma
or men to. risk $3,000 or $10,000 on Sullivan's
efforts in a prize fight foravery long time to
come, at least. It seems that his backers,
if such they are, have this opinion also,
because Sullivan, bis. trainer and one or more
of his backers have, had a high old time of it
in New York Curing the week. These facts
afford Kilrain plenty of reason for his resolve
to go to Europe. Even if Sullivan and his
backers mean to have the fight take place Kil
rain in England can be as well pre
pared to get into condition as Sul
livan in America; besides the latter will
need vastly more training than Kilrain can
possibly require. Taking everything Into con
sideration, there is noth'ng strange about Kil
rain's action. He has his eye on his intended
opponent, and common sense will allow him to
judge as to whether or not the latter means to
fight. At present the indications arc that
Sullivan is not intending to take part in the
battle. It may be that the promoters of the
Weir and-Murphy battle will be somewhat dis
appointed. These two feather weights have been
matched for the third time and the hitch has
always been regarding the receipts. Finally,
however, "Parson" Davies has matters ap
parently satisfactorily arranged and the battle
is to take place within 250 miles of Chicago.
Without doubt that locality has been selected,
because of the financial success of the Mc-Auliffe-Myer
affair. However, the miserable
termination of that contest may spoil the pros
pects of the featherweights. Certainly they
would not go so far West if they did not expect
to realize a big sum in the way of receipts.
However, both Murphy and Weir are fighters
from the word "go," and If they don't make a
mill desperate enough to give satisfaction to
onlookers, we may give np hope of ever seeing
one. Peingle.
Elected Officers.
A meeting of the Directors of the Pittsburg
Natatoriuni Company was held at the office of
F. M. Mgee. Esq., yesterday afternoon, the
directors present being Messrs. C L. Magee, H.
H. Byram, W. G. McCandless and F. T. Tor
rance. Mr. H. H. Byram was elected Presl-
riptit nnrl Mr. W- fZ. Mpf!nrtlpee Tro,hi.a,
and the election at a previous meeting of Mr! !
Other business in connection with the Nata
torium project was attended to, the directors
being highly pleased with the work already
done by the Secretary, who was instructed to
get the remainder of the capital stock sub
scribed for as speedily as possible, so that work
could be commenced and the much to be de
sired baths an established fact.
Hnyen't Time to Try Him.
Speaking of giving yoang players outside the
club a trial in the exhibition games. Manager
Phillips said last evening: "I don't want to be
misunderstood on this matter. It is reported
that I told Mr. Winternitz that I would give
him a trial to catch. I did no snch thing. I
told him that I had no opportunity to do so.
We have no time to try outsiders, as our own
men will need and will want all the chances we
can give them." -
He la Placed on Pittsburg's Reserve List
What Does it Meant
The deal by which "Deacon" White is placed on
Pittsburg's reserve list has been consummated.
This is not much of a surprise, as it has been
known for some time that Pittsburg was
making efforts to have a claim on "White. It is
understood that President Nlmick talked this
matter overwith White when the former visited
Buffalo recently.
This conjecture gives rise to the opinion that
White has intimated his willingness. to play
here this season. It is also claimed that the
local club would never have been at the trouble
to have White transferred here had there not
been good asurance that he would come. Of
course if he comes here the local club will have
to pay Detroit the amount for his release that
Boston agreed to pay. Boston does not want
the "Deacon." As matters stand, neither
White norRowe can play with any club without
the consent of Pittsburg, and if the players ap
peal to law they will have to tackle the local
club. However, if there was any legal battle
looming in the distance it is hardly likely that
Presdent Nimick would absolutely connect
himself aud colleagues with it.
Columbus Is Sore Over the Decision In Favor
of Kansas City.
Columbus, O., March 9. Messrs. Speas and
Kiauthoff, of the Kansas Citys, passed through
here this afternoon on their way home from
Washington, where they have been interview
ing Nick Young concerning the Johnson
Columbus case. They met Johnson, Wikoff
and Manager Buckenberger at .the depot and
notified them that the Johnson case was vir
tually settled, and in favor of Kansas City.
Before going East, and while at the Associa
tion meeting here, the Kansas City delegation
offered to take $500 for Johnson and relinquish
all further claim on him. To-day they said
they would not take $1,000 for him. The
Columbus directors are verv indignant.now
that Messrs. Byrne and Young have de
cided against them, as has been reported, and
that, too, without having called Columbus into
any consultation. It is hinted by the Columbus
directors that the Philadelphia League club
has made overtures to Kansas City for the
player. As matters now exist, Columbus
expects to lose Johnson.
Knstlemyer Defeats Staler in a Contest for
S3 00 a Side.
An interesting pool match, for $500 a side,
took place early yesterday morning in a Fourth
ward billiard room, between John Staley and
Frank Kastlemyer. The contestants are well
known local sporting men and remarkable for
their nerve as speculators. The match was the
result of a controversy regarding the respect
ive abilities of the men as pool players. The
conditions were the best of 15 games of 15-ball
pool. Only about a half-dozen people saw the
Flay was commenced about 10 o'clock A. St.,
and continued until uearlyo o'clock. Kastle
myer won the first two games and Staley the
next three. Staley was then a strong favorite.
His opponent then won a game and tied the
score. Staley again took the lead by winning
the next game, but Kastlemyer won the follow
ing five games, making eight victories out of
the proposed 15 games. This won the match.
Staley was extremely unfortunate throughout
the contest, making no less than 15 scratches
at very critical times. Bettmg on the result
was very lively.
Extensive Arrangements BclnsMade for the
Big Pedestrian Contest.
Manager Davis, of the London Theater, has
made arrangements for tho surveying of the
Central Rink track, on which the big pedestrian
contest will take place next month. He also
intends to have about SO stalls and Cots erected
in the building for the contestants, as it is ex
pected that fully that number will be required.
The intention is to make the track 15 laps to
the mile.
In a letter to Mr. Davis yesterday, George
Noremac stated that he is sure that all the
Eastern pedestrians will enter, and he expects
to hear from the San Francisco man on Mon
day. It is also likely that Panchott, of Minne
sota; fetrokel. of Michigan, and John Hughes,
the ex-champion, will be starters. Thomas
Cox, of Parkersburg, is training carefully for
the race, and good judges think that he will
be among the first three at the finish.
Rlilge and Shay Agree to Fight 20 Rounds
at Wheeling.
After weeks of talk Joe Ridge and Bert Shay
have come to terms by agreeing to fight at
Wheeling on March 23. The match was made
yesterday and the conditions are as follows:
The contestants will fight atll6 pounds, with
two-ounce gloves, London prize ring rules, for
the receipts and a bet of not less than $50 a side.
They agree to fight 20 rounds, and if the referee
at that stage is unable to decide who is the
winner he can order the battle to be continued
until he can do so. Each man has put up a
forfeit of S50, and either contestant failing to
appear on the night of the battle shall forfeit
the 550. The bet is open for $200 a side, and the
battle will take place in Hanlon's rink.
Ridge's friends are arranging a grand benefit
for him. which is to take place at Braddock
next Saturday evening. There will be an ex
cellent programme of songs, dances and ath
letic performances.
John M. Clay's Mnro Skedaddle Passes
Away at the Age of 29.
Lexington, March 9. John M. Clay's es
tate has lost by old agfe the celebrated mare
Skedaddle, 29 years, by Imported Yorkshire,
dam by Imported Glencoe. She won the great
post stakes worth 515,750, mile heats. She was
4, 3, L 1, 1. This was one of the most remark
able races ever run in America, She has also
produced many noted dams, such as Squeeze
'Em, Saucebox, Slyboots and Slashes.
Chestnut stallion Mambrino Wilkes, 7 years,
by Red Wilkes, dam by Mambrino, has been
purchased by W. W. Adams, Lexington, of G.
A Hummel, Louisville, for $5,000.
The Pittsbnrger Defeats Scunner In a
Sprint Race.
Zakesvtllk, O., March 9. The 120 yard
foot race between Edward Nikirk, of Pitts
burg, and David Schaffer, of Wheeling, for
$300 a side, took place at the fair grounds this
afternoon, and was witnessed by a large num
ber of Pittsburg. Wheeling and local sporting
Nikirk won the race by about two feet. Bet
ting was heavy, and Wheeling parties parted
with about So.000. Burt Scbeller, a Western
gymnast and Graeco-Koman wrestler, acted as
Advice to Breeders of Trotters.
Secretary Fasig gives the. following advice to
the owners of broodmares respecting the selec
tion of a stallion:
Don't breed to an unsound horse. Don't
breed to a pedigree alone. Avoid a lunk
headed stallion, no matter what his breeding.
(In such a case the pedigree is the tail and it
wags the horse you want a horse that can wag
his pedigree.) Don't breed to a horse that
can't trot himself, but depends entirely on the
performance of some relation for his reputa
tion. A horse cannot transmit a power he does
not himself possess. There are many stallion
parading under a fashionable pedigree (and a
"number") that can't trot as fast as a pig can
swim. A horse that is bred to trot aud cannot
trot, cannot do what he is bred to do, and is
therefore a fraud and failure.
Breed to a horse that is good himself; that
can trot himself; that is trotting bred through
proved trotting lines; a handsome horse one
from a handsome family a pood-sized, good
colored, good-gaited one. Find the stallion
that combines all these qualities in the greatest
degree then breed to him let your neighbor
breed to theory only you stick to reality and
what your common sense tells you is rigbtjand
when the test comes you will find that your
reality gets tho money from your neighbor's
theory every time.
Use your own judgment; don't be undulyln
fluenced by visionary theorists, whether they
write for the papers or "talk stud horse" on
the street corners, many of whom scarcely
know whether a horse should be fed oats or
broom handles, or whether to put the crupper
of a harness over a trotter's ears or under nis
tail. Sportsman. ,
Dnnlap and Conway Pass Through.
Fred Dunlap and Pete Conway, of the local
club, passed through the city yesterday morn
ing on then: way from Hot Springs to Philadel
phia. Thev were looking extremely well and
full of confidence for next season. They will
teturn to this city shortly and .report for duty.
Washington Spring Meeting.
Washucqton, March 9. The spring meet
ing of the National Jockey Club will begin at
Ivy City April 24. The entries were made pub
lic to day. There are 166 nominations for the
stake races, and it is expected about 100 horses
will be present at'the meeting.
The Past Winter a Season of Unusual
Activity Among Athletes.
Rapidly Coming Into Favor in America, as
a Eiral to Baseball.
IT HAS been
said many
times this
winter that
sports of all
kinds were
enjoying an
u n u's u a 1
boom. Prob
ably no win
ter has ever
which Amer
cans hraS'e
paid more attention to
athletics and various
kinds of games of skill.
It would not be very dif
ficult to .show that the
Sand Ball.
in the sport
widespread interest taken
by people in all parts
of the country has been due in a large
measure to those qualities in the game
of baseball that have made it not only
a popular pastime but a national in
stitution. Everybody took to baseball, and
through it was stimulated a fondness for
athletics and games of other descriptions.
Ladies admiring the active, skillful play of
Beaching With the Foot.
their brothers on the diamond, demanded some
outdoor sports for themselves, and archery
and lawn tennis took on sudden popularity, one
to die out after a brief but vigorous existence,
the other to keep on growing in favor. Cro
quet at one time served as a suitable' vent for
the love of clergymen and professional men
for an ontdoor game, and it is still in vogue in
many parts of the country. , '
Meantime the national game has been
steadily improving, and enthusiasm for sports
is more general than ever before, and is still on
the rise. Nothing has been a more striking
demonstration of this than the cultivation of
two indoor games this winter handball and
bowling. Handball is distinctly an Irish game,
and though it has been played in this country
for many years, interest In it and knowledge of
it has been confined ,to a very, few Irish en
thusiasts. It was not until very recently that it
could pretend to be
because there were no championship series
played. The games that did take place were
between individuals; and seldom did a report
get into the newspapers, or an audience gather
to witness the contest. Up to two years ago
there were only two, or possibly three hand
ball courts for the service of all the great pop
ulation included in New York, Brooklyn and
Jersey City, and they were seldom used. Now
there are several other courts and promise of
more, and public matches are of frequent oc
currence. A conrt is simply a large, verv high room
with a floor of asphalt, or hard earth. At one
end of the room, the bouse wall unbroken by
windows or projections of any kind, rises to a
height of from 35 to 60 feet, according to the
size of the building, or the builder's purse. It is
against this wall that the small ball used in play
is thrown. The sidewalls are also free from pro
jections. At the back there is usually a gallery
for the accommodation of spectators. The
floor is divided into two sections by a line
drawn across the middle parallel to the wall
first described. The players stand on either
side of this line. There may be two or four
nlavers in a match.
The ball is served with the open hand, not'
turown, ana in general cue aesign oi cue game
is to make the ball strike the front wall and
come back within the opponent's section oi the
floor in such way that it cannot be served back
before it has bounded twice. That is, the
ball may be struck with the hand while
it is on the first bound or on the
fly, but if the player fails to reach it be
fore the second bound, he loses a point. The
player who stands within the section of the
court nearest the main wall, serves the ball
American Bonding.
with the design of making it fall in his op
ponent's section, but out of the reach of the op
posing player; the latter in reaching the bali,
tries to send it back against the main wall so
that it shall fall within the first section to the
similar discomfort of the first player.
It may be seen at a glance that this kind of
play involves a great deal of activity and skill,
for a lively, bounding ball is not easy to judge,
and in moving about quickly a player is likely
to strike it altogether too hard for the proper
effect A curious play sometimes occurs when
the ball bounds so low that a man cannot reach
it with his head, in which case be is privileged
Xo try for it with his foot. To prevent a player
from causing the ball to rebound from the
wall in such a way that his opponent would
hare almost no chance to reach it, a line is
drawn along the wall one foot above the floor.
It is not permissible to serve the ball against
the wall below this line.
Bowling began to come into prominence a
few years ago when a national association of
players was formed for the purpose ot playing
championship matches. This winter a woi
derful number of lesser associations have
been organized, some being confined to a city,
some to a county, and others to a number of
towns near' to each other. Beside the associa
tions, however, there are now in existence and
practice more private clubs than can be enu
merated. Some of them are composed entirely
of men, but the majority appear to be ot ladies
and gentlemen together, while there are some
of ladies only. The game, therefore, takes on
a pleasant social character as well as a useful
exercise. Ladies may make, under good in
struction, as good bowlers as men. One of
the mostpopular instructors in this vicinitysald
to the writer:
"Ladies, and men too, have to leant not to
pitch or toss the balL One can never be sure
of securing the right direction when the baU
is thrown. Grasping the ball with the thumb
and a finger in the holes, the .player should
look at the front pin in the triangle at the
alley and trace an Imaginary line from It to his
own feet. It is along that line that he wants
the ball to go, and the best way to attain this
end Is to look at the alley "at an imaginary
point on this line about four or five feet in
front of-the player. After one glance at the
pins, do not look at them again. Let the arm
hang freelyat the side so that it may sway
naturally. Do not crook tho elbow or stiffen
the muscles. Play deliberately, but do not
wait too long after sighting your line. Swing
the ball back and forth once or twice, if you
choose, and then, with your eye on that line,
let it go. Do not release your hold on the ball
jBj y 0 tsffv wv$2s W
A Ten Strike.
until it has struck the floor. The best point, of
course, at which to hit the front pin is just at
one side of the middle. Thatis more likely to
effect a ton strike than if the pin is taken
squarely in the middle."
"Is it advisable to use much force in bowling
the ball?"
"No; many players make the mistake of bowl
ing too hard. A swiftly-bowled ball is more
likely to clean a path through the pins and
leave two or more standing on each side of the
alley. Better use a big ball and roll with just
enough force to insure a good direction; unless
indeed you play more for exercise than to ac
quire skilL'r
Bowling came from Germany, where it was a
general amusement centuries ago. The most
evoted players of the game to-day are Ger
mans, and no German clubhouse is complete
without several alleys of the.besr. make. So
great is their liking for the game that the time
for using the alleys in their clubhouses has to
be divided, and certain hours set apart for
players who have applied in advance for the
privilege. In some German clubs there are as
many as ten different bowling clubs formed
from among the members.
There is a curious outdoor game in Ireland
called "bowling." Our indoor game is known
there as "bowles." Bowling with the Irish
is played by two or four men upon an ordinary
country road. It is not a standard sport, but
there is hardly a country town that does not
boast of its skillful players and local champion,
and where there is not'a special stretch of road
known as the bowling ground. As a rule, a
road is taken that has one or more curves, for
the game requires more skill under such cir
cumstances. The ball used is of iron and is
about the size of a baseball. Each player has
one. Starting at a point in the middle of the
road that they may decide upon, they work for-,
ward to any other point they may agree upon
beforehand, and back again. The first player
takes a short run and pitches bis ball as far
ahead as possible. From the point where it
stops he pitches again, alternating in play with
his opponent. If the ball rolls into the gutter
it must be brought back into the middle of the
road at the place where it rolled off.
This rule makes rounding a curve difficult,
but skillful players may throw the ball so that
it will roll at least part way around the curve.
Irish Bowling.
To assist in this the ball is usually made with a
bole in one side, or a projecting nnb, so that
the weight of the iron Is unevenly distributed,
thus giving better opportunity for exerting
force that shall cause the ball to roll in a
curved line. The object of the game is to bowl
over the curves and hack in as few throws as
possible, and leave the ball at the end as far
beyond the starting line as possible. Bert.
The English Pugilist Intends to Visit This
London, March 9. The hackers of Smith'
and Mitchell say they mean business, and the
indications at present really point to a fight.
Smith is in strict training at Hastings, and is
said to hav3 improved considerably, but the
experts declare that be has got into a very bad
and monotonous style because he rarely spars
with anyone but his own mother.
The lightweight championship fight last
Wednesday, between Wallace and Goode, was
the best thing seen in this country for years.
Goode never had a chance, and his face was
battered out of shape in the first few rounds.
Wallace thinks of running over to America.
His ugly face and prodigious muscular devel
opment are aUke calculated to make a sensa
tion. -
Nikirk and Delehnnlj Agree to Hnve a Prize
J. McCaul and Harry Nikirk met last even
ing to try and arrange a battle between them
selves. Nikirk, however, evidently wanted
nothing to do with McCaul, as every reason
able proposition of the lattet was refused.
After considerable wrangling Nikirk agreed to
fight Tom Delehanty with skin-tight gloves.
London prize ring rules to govern. A forfeit of
$25 each was put up, and the battle is to take
place within four weeks at a place to be
mutually agreed upon. The articles of agree
ment, however, are very lax, and either party
can refuse to fight without cost.
Delehanty has done good work as a boxer in
local contests, having deleated many good men.
Postponed His Trip.
SAN FBAKCISCO, March 9. William O'Con
nor, the, oarsman, did not sail for Australia to
day as he had intended. He says he has post
poned the trip until the next steamer, and will
try to arrange a race with Searle, the Austral
ian champion, by cable.
Sporting Notes.
John Teemee will start in the Boston re
gatta on July 4.
Cabkoi.1. knocked a ball out of the park at
Paris on Friday.
Sailor Brown has mysteriously disap
peared from Frisco.
The wife of J. Faatz, the Cleveland first
baseman, died on Friday.
The Oakland County League club is getting
together a team of promising young players.
Hojikstead CLtmhas 12 men to pick from,
and a selection will not be madefora few days.
" J. H. Clabk. who has an interest In Bell Boy,
says the latter will not trot any races this
John Staley is frank enough to say that
Kastlemyer is a "shade" better pool player
than himself.
Kilrain has proposed to fight Sullivan in
private within eight Weeks, but John L. de
clines the offer.
The Chicagos only got two hits off Crane's
deliverv in the Parisian game and H were
made off Mark Baldwin.
There is one good feature connected with
Cleveland; so far it has not been so loquacious
as previous League babies.
If Ward's domestic affairs demand his
Eresence any more than the Players' Brother
ood, they are very pressing indeed.
Andy Siebebt, of this city, paid his en
trance fee for the local pedestrian contest last
evening. Andy is a rare veteran sport.
Despite all indications to the contrary, the
Buffalo papers maintain that White will re
main there and help Rowe to manage the team.
Captain Sam Bbown has named his 3-year-oldcolt
by King Alfonso-Invercauld, Carter.
He has also named the Alarm-Temptation filly
Justice, and the Alarm-Equity gelding Chief
The York, Pa., ball team ha been made up
as follows: Sweltzer, Ettinger, Nicholas and
McKee, from Yorki'Keffer, of Wilkesbarre;
Hoverter, of Decatur; Gill, of Ft. Wayne;
Rollins and Drawby, of Shamokln, and Stivets,
of AUentown. The reserve men will be made
.up by the local players. The manager ot the
club will be H. L. Myers, of Harrisburg. '
Spalding's Ball Players Have a Eough
Experience on Their
The Prince of Wales Besolves to See To
Morrow's Game.
The latest About the Johnson Troulle at Kansas
The American baseball players have ar
rived in London. Their journey from
Paris to the English capital was extremely
rongh. Arrangement on an extensive
scale have been made for their reception on
Monday. The Prince of "Wales will wit
ness a game and they will travel like
royalty. ,
London, March 9. (Copyright.) The
touring baseball party were a sorry looking
lot when they landed at New Haven at 8
o'clock this morning. After a hard day's
work in Paris they took the evening train
for Dieppe, where they embarked on one of
the wretched little channel steamers that
add to the discomforts oi the journey from
France to England. At midnight the wind
was blowing a gale, and the crazy little boat
danced about the quay in ecstatic anticipa
tion of the misery it had in store for its
victims. A half 'hour later, when
the tourists were well out to
sea, the wind increased to a tornado
and for the remainder of the night the
channel was vexed with the worst storm
that has blown in that qnarter for years.
The ball players were crowded into inade
quate quarters.and, accustomed as they were
after two months' journeying to unruffled
seas, they surrendered in the presence of a
genuine storm, and gave themselves up to
the agonies of a sleepless, intolerable night.
Toward morning a monster wave earned away
the bridge and nearly lifted the hull out of the
water. There was no other mishap, however,
which couldn't be speedily repaired oa land, so
that by the time the party reached London at
10 o'clock this morning they were nearly as
good as new.
The floods which have Inundated the lower
part of England, including the cricket grounds
at Bristol, where we were to have played to
day, made it (necessary for Spalding to cancel
that date. This left the boys free to repair the
loss of last night's sleep or begin sightseeing in
London. For this latter diversion there will
not be overmuch timedn the ensuing week. A
game will be played on Tuesday afternoon on
Kensington Oval before the Prince of
Wales and the clubs will be formally
received by a committee of titled
dignitaries, headed by the Duke of Buccleucb,
whose names I have already cabled to The
Dispatch. The Prince sent word to Mr. Lynch
in Paris yesterday that he would take great
pleasure in attending the game. His presence
and the fact that the London newspapers are
booming the advent of the party with genuine
and quite extra .English ardor, gives color to
the hope that on Tuesday the game will attract
a great crowd.
On Wednesday another game will be played
on Lord's grounds, which have heretofore been
sacred to cricket. Thursday's game will be
played at the Crystal Palace. Friday is open,
but will probably be spent at Bristol. Satur
day is reserved for the Levton grounds, at the
East End, and here, too, an enormous crowd is I
promised. The dates for next week haven't
Say well is good, but do well is better."
The Above Proverb Illustrates to a Nicety the Difference Between'
the Usual Run of Furniture and Carpet Advertisements
'and the Bona Fide Announcements of
JLJl JhIv I,
How silly the statements of many advertisers. Some claim to carry the largest assortment, -when you could put their entire stock
into one corner of Keech's Mammoth Building. Others pretend to name the lowest prices, when Keech undersells them every hour in
the day. Still others claim to do the largest business, when Keech actually sells more goods in a week than they will sell in a month.
Bnt comparisons are useless. Everybody knows that Keech's is the leading House Furnishing Emporium iu "Western Pennsylvania
and, we may add, never outdistanced all competition as completely as right now with its
A -Gigantic New Stock of Carpets
"Will greet your vision on entering Keech's Mammoth Carpet Boom. The entire Carpet world is here represented. Body and Tapestry
Brussels of every kind and description. Moquettes, "Wiltons and Azminsters in all the latest and most artistic effects; Ingrains and
Jap Mattings in an almost endless variety. '
Cj I I'- I 1 A "1 lrrl A marvelous assortment of Chenilles, Turcomans, Brocatelles, Plain and
J 111 I - , 1 Ll f Crushed Plushes, etc., that will harmonize with our new designs of Carpets.
In Lace Curtains we have all the novelties in Irish Point, Brussels Point
Nottinghams, Colberts, Muslin Benaissance, Egyptian, etc. The most complete and cheapest stock in the city,
A Full Assortment of. the Best Makes, and the Prices Away Down.
923 925
Perm Ave.
G-JUST RECEIVEDComplete Stock . of.. LadieV
opnng ripening.
been definitely arranged, hut a game will ' be
played every day after Sunday.
Mr. Parry, the Burlington Railroad European
agent, has been able to consummate an ar
rangement with the Northwestern Railroad,
which will make our provincial tour one of
perfectly dazzling comfort, not to say splendor.
Seven special cars, including two American
sleepers and two diners, have been secured
for a snecial train. They will be drawn by the
famous engine Marion, which broke the record
last August with the flying Scotchman train,
between London and Edinburgh. Thus
equipped the boys will be superior to the un
certainties of the provincial hotels, for they
will live entirely on their special train. No
one but the Queen has ever traveled in England
on such a scale before.
This will leave three or four days for the lib
eration of Ireland, and on March 23 the party
will embark on the Adriatic at Queenstown.
Williamson still suffers greatly from the wound
he received at Pans yesterday. It is doubtful
whether he will be able to play in any game in
England. It is not likely that he is perma
nently injured, but the flesh about hifrknee is
so cruelly lacerated that it would De folly to
expose himself to the perils of another slide
until he Is quite healed.
To be Tendered the Bnll Players on Their
S Retnrn to America.
New Yobk, March 9. The general Commit
tee which has been appointed to complete ar
rangements for receiving the Australian base
ball party, met in room 7 at Delmonico's this
afternoon. There was quite a large attendance.
A. G. Mills, the former President of the Na
tional Baseball League, was elected Chairman
of the committee, and J. W. Curtis, Secretary.
The baseball tourists will leave Liverpool on
March 28. and will arrive in this citv on Anril
8. On that evening the banquet will be held a
The committee adjourned until Wednesday
next at 4 o'clock, when the invitation, recep
tion and banquet committees will be appointed.
Arrangements will be made for taking the
returned travelers on board the committee's
special boat at' Quarantine. Other boats
that go down to meet the players
will do so independent of the committee's ar
rangement. This Means Business.
Jimmy Reed, the Pittsbnrger, has issued the
following challenge in the Turf, Field and
I hereby challenge Charles F. Barker, of Boston,
to play me a match game of checkers for the
championship of America, and for a stake of E50 a
side; that said match to consist of 18 restricted
frames. In the same manner as played In the late
match between Barker and Smith In England In
1883, with this exception, that the play of26..l7 In
the ''single corner." and the 27..20 play in the
"second donble corner" be barred out. If, In
addition to this. Air. Barker wishes to-plav unre
stricted games, 1 am willing to do so, hut not
more than SO games total, to be played. I Tlie
match Is to be played at Chicago, for which con
sideration I will give him 50 for his expenses and
to commence within 60 days after signing the ar
ticles. Mr. Barker will please send you articles of
agreementoo these terms, and when received by
me, I will attach my signature and send you a
lorfcitof SjO, and he will please sign the articles
and send yon the same amount, and you to be the
final stakeholder. Trusting that these terms are
satisfactory to Mr. Barker, I remain yours truly,
f James p. beed.
Sullivan Fighting for Sure.
New Yobk, March 9. It was reported up
town about midnight that John L. Sullivan
was again on the rampage, and that he bad en
, The Most Brilliant Songstress of the Day.
In a Magnificent Programme.
Reserved Seats, 8L Sale Opens Monday Morning at Kleber"s
Mnsio Store.
eeds 1st Win ie Prize!"
"Say well anddo well end with one letter;
A very large assortment of truly gorgeous suits made
niture architecture. Also a big variety of odd
1 styles. ,
Cherry Suits, Walnut Suits and Mahogany Suits in Eenaissance styles,
Early English styles, Colonial styles, etc. Some beautifully carved in- high
1 relief.
Oar assortment of Dining Boom Furniture is complete in every respect' Our stock
' of Sideboards in Antique Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, etc., is certainly the most elegant and
1 extensive ever shown here. The same can be truthfully said of our showing of Ex
tension Tables. .
zn":e.u:r usteidttih: stebet.
- , -v1
gaged in a quarrel with Jerry Dunn in Mike
Kelly's saloon at Thirty-first and Sixth avenue, n
John L. had previously quarreled with another i
man who was going to stab him. They man
aged to separate them and then the row began
between John and Jerry. The latter drew a
revolver and threatened to shoot the Boston
bruiser dead if he bit him.
Results nt Nrnr Orleans.
New Ohleass, March 9. The weather waa
fine to-day, and there was a large attendance at
the races. Tho track was-in good condition.
First race, half a mile-Bootjack won In 5W,
Sonltseron, Deboe third. .,-,,
Second race, fonr furlongs and a hair ermpa
thetlc's Lastwon to 58, Oarsman second., McBc
llng third. .
Third race, AYe-elghlle of a mile Barney Lee.
won In 1:08, Mollle Hardy second.J ImmieB thirl
Fourth race, six furlongs and a half-Hoi d'Or
won In 1 :5s, Probas second, Macaulay third.
Foul tartar is disease and death
Not only to the teeth, but breath:
It taints the month, and to ouxsmile
Gives a most ghastly tinge thef while.
But if we've Sozodont close by.
We may its worst assaults de f y. wrs g
of Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal pur
poses, emDracing full lines of both Foreign
and Domestic, at prices for the age and qual
ity of the goods that is not, and cannot be met,
some of which we quote:
Pure eight-year-old export Guckenhelmer
Whisky, full quarts, $1 00. or $10 per dozen.
Overholt Pare Rye, five years old, full quarts,'
$1 0(1, or $10 per dozen.
Finch's Golden vedding. ten years old, full
quarts, 31 26, or $12 per dozen.
Gin, Pure Holland, our own importation-, full
quarts, $1 25, or $12 per dozen.
Danville's Old Irish Whisky, quart. $1 50, or
$15 per dozen.
Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at
Islay, $1 SO per bottle, full quart.
Wise's Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North
Mall, Cork. $1 50 per bottle, full quart.
Kentucky Bourbon, ten years old, full quarts,
Cork Distilleries Co. Old Irish Whisky, $150
per bottle: $15 00 per dozen.
James Watson & Co.'s Dundee Fine Glenliva
Scotch Whisky. $1 50 per bottle: $15 per dozen.
Pare Jamaica Rum, $1 25 per quart.
Old Tom Gin, $1 00 per quart.
Gold Seal Champagne, pints, 75 cents; quarts.
All of the different varieties of California
Wines you purchase from us are the very best,
and only 50 cts. for full quarts, or $5 00 per doz.
Send for complete Price List, mailed free to
any address.
JOS. FLEMING & SON, Druggists.-
412 Market street, Pittsburg, Pa.,
Corner of the Diamond.
Just opened, an importation of
Superior Flower Seeds,
ONE COLLAR per package, of 100 varieties, at
according to the very latest fashions of Fun
Parlor Chairs in quaint and uniqna
Stoves, Ranges.
9Q3 925 ;
Pen n. Ave;
Spring Wraos anaMn
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