Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 10, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    r--Eas'j? ,g
MAHCHriO,; '1880
A Township of Venango County
Afflicted With an Epidemic
Minerva Went Dry, lut the Liquor Dealers
Will Make an Appeal.
FEASKMifi J ?& Piphthcria has
become epidemic in Cranberry township,
Venango county. If ine children have died
within the last fonr days, and a number of
others are down with the disease, which has
'spread rapidly in the lower end of the
county. So violent has the disease become
'in St Petersburg, that the schools have been
closed, and the Council has passed an
ordinance prohibiting the holding of any
public meetings.
A number of fatal cases have oc
curred there and many new cases
!are reported. Two little daugh
ters of 3Ir. Ellis Lipley died las. Thurs
day night, nd three other children in the
same house are very low. In several families
there are three and tour of the members down
at one time.
In nearly every case where the disease has
been allowed to cet a start it has resulted
fatally to the victim. Prompt and vigorous
tieatment is required at the first symptoms of
the disease, or there is but little hope of the
sufferer getting well. At present the disease is
confined almost entirely to children between
the ages of 5 and IS years.
Ills Brethren Believe Him Guilty of Crosi
PAnKEKSBUEG, "W. Xjl., March 9. At the
third day's session of the Washington Confer
ence of the A. M. E. Church the greater por
tion of the morning was devoted to the exami
nation of the character of the ministers. The
character of every member of the conference
received a favorable report until the Secretary
called the name of Bev. M. A Dyer, when not
less than a dozen members sprang to their feet
and in broad and unmistakable language
charged the gentleman with gross miscon
duct. It appears that Rev. Dyer left the Washing
ton Conference about two years ago under a
cloud. Dyer's name was then unanimously
declared withdrawn under charges, an equiva
lent to expulsion. Nearly the entire forenoon
was devoted to this branch of the business.
James O'DonclI Secures DnmtiKe. Against
the Baltimore Bad Ohio.
Newaek, March' 9. The case of James
, O'Donnell. at Shawnee, O., versus the Baltimore
iand Ohio Express Company, was decided in the
Circuit Court today. During the strike of the
miners in 1SS5, when an outbreak wasimminent
O'Donnell bought GO repeating rifles in Pitts
fcurg, and shipped thero to Shawnee by express.
He was arrested for shipping firearms, after
i the guns bad been transferred to the Baltimore
and Ohio Company, at Newark.
The company sent them to Baltimore and
O'Donnell brought suit, in the lower court he
obtained a verdict of SI. 400, and the defendant
appealed. To-day tho Circuit Court gave him
900 and interest
He Will be a Democratic Candidate for
Stale Treamirer.
FEASfKLni, March 9. The Democratic
friends of Colonel Harry Plummer, naval offi
cer at Philadelphia, anticipating his removal
Dy the present administration, and his early
return to his home in this city, have started a
boom for him for the Democratic nomination
Ifor State Treasurer. He is William L. Scott's
fright bower, and it is stated on good authority
.that that gentleman is the author of Mr. Plum
On the Second Attempt a Invading Farmer
Succeeds In Dying.
Canton, March 9. Martin Metigar, a promi
nent fanner living near Louisville, committed
suicide hy jumping iuto a well containing 15
I feet of water. He was found standing erect on
:his feet when the water was pumped off.
j Metzgar has been laboring under temporary
I fits of insanity for several months past and a
few days ago attempted suicide by hanging,
but was discovered and cut down.
Because of a Tcchnlcaliiy.nnd the Drys Won
at Miner va.
MnfEEVA, O., March 9. The local option
rote here to-day went dry by 200 to 20. The
wets Will appeal from the result on the ground
that tickets were cot furnished them by the
Council as required; and for this reason most
of the wets refused to vote.
Sequel to a Socletr Wedding.
Newark, March 9. The brilliant marriage
of Mr. Frank B. Dodson and Miss Jeannette
Maholm, daughter of W. C Mabolm, May 1,
1S83, had its sequel to-day in a sensatfonal'di
vorce suit brought fcy the wife. She alleges
cross neglect failure to provide necessaries of
life, clothing, food or shelter, desertion and
finally adultery. The application for a divorce
has created great surprise. G. C. Wilson, of
Cincinnati, is her attorney.
A Prisoner Attempted Suicide.
WABeen, O., March a James E. Webster,
fan Ashtabula county, farmer, almost success
fully suicided with morphine in the jail here
last night while en route to the Columbus
Penitentiary to serve a sentence for swindling
l Ashtabula county by means of false claimsTor
(sheep killed by dogs. He took a big dose and
may yet die from it.
Trl-Smie Brevities.
. The blast furnace strike at Hazelton has
been declared off.
' The City Solicitor of McKeesport will apply
por a new trial in the damage suit of Magnus
Pflaum against McKeesport in which the jury
.'awarded PSaum a verdict of 54,200.
, Farmers coming to market from the north
ern part of Lancaster county report another
earthquake shock about S o'clock Saturday
jmorning. They say it was not as violent as
'that of the evening before.
i Ox the Sunbnry and Lewiston division of
'the Pennsylvania Railroad, early this morning,
a freight train broke in two near Benfer Sta-
tion, and the rear portion was run into by a
freight train following. The latter was a
"double-header." and both locomotives and a
number of cars were badly damaged. George
.Williams, fireman, was killed, and Alfred
IRarick and John Hopple, engineers, were
seriously injured.
Onr New Children's Department.
Our new children's department (50x100
feet) presents a beautiful appearance with
its new arid elegant stock of children's suits.
Just now we are selling children's cassimere
suits at 52 00 worth 53 75.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.
opp. the new Court House.
Purify Your Blood
When spring approaches, it is very important
that the blood should be purified, as at this sea
son Impurities which have been accumulating
for months ore (en years, are liable to mani
f est themselves anderionsly affect the health.
Hood's Sarsaparilia is undoubtedly the best
blood purifier. It expels every taint, drives
out scrofulous humors, and gives to the bl.od
the quality and tone essential to good healtU
"My daughter suffered terribly with sre
eyes, caused by scrofula humor. We were
obliged to keep her out of school for two yen.
We bad medical attendance, but she failed to
gain relief. At last knowing that Hocd's
'Sarsparilla had cured my mother of rheuma
tism, and believing it must be good for the
blood, I concluded ,f have my daughter try it
and it has entirely cured her." CoRJflSmjs
Yeager, 412 East Main street Marshalltovn,
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa
rilia do not be induced to buy any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilia
. "only by C. I HOOD & CO., Lowell. Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
An Alleged Fnlse Return of Election of Jus
tice of the Pence It Is Met by a Prompt
Salt Other Taw Paints.
A contest in the election of J. S. Powers
as a Justice of the Peace in Patton town
ship was commenced yesterday. A petition
was filed, in which the petitioners claim
that the returns were false and thai J. S.
Powers was not elected. The three candidates
were William N. Haymaker, J. 8. Powers and
James a McCllntock.
The returns were as follows: Powers, 151;
Haymaker, 152; McCllntock, 155. There were
two to elect. The petitioners say that in the
First district the vote of George Barckley was
taken, and that he is not a resident of the
township; also, that there were a number of
votes cast by persons who were not qualified
voters, and whose votes were cast for Powers,
and for said reasons they want Powers' elec
tion set 'aside and Haymaker declared elected.
The Court fixed Saturday, March 23, for a
hearing, and directed Powers to answer the
petition on that date. .
Judge Slagle yesterday handed down an
opinion refusing a charter to the Supreme
Castle Ancient Order of the Knights of the
Mystic Chain. The reasons His Honor gives
for refusing the charter are that although the
law of 1S71 does not require that the proposed
charter be filed in the Prothonotary's office be
fore the publication of notice of the applica
tion, it has been the practice to do so, and the
Court holds it to be a perquisite of the grant
ing of such charter.
In this case the charter was filed on Febru
ary?, only three weeks before the date of pre
sentation. The court states that the applica
tion also contained material alteration by
erasure and interlineation. The court could
not certify such to be in proper form and says:
"An Instrument of such importance should
Tjot be mutilated. To permit it would open the
noor of great abuse, as material alteration
might be made after acknowledgment and even
after approval of court and before recording
which there would be no means of detectine.-'
Opinions of the Supreme Court are quoted
showing that a charter should be written on
one sheet of paper and without interlineations.
The Convicted Murderer's Jury Drnnk
Whisky, So He Profited by It.
Joseph Dimmey, who was convicted of mur
der in the first degree for the killing of Special
Officer Miller, of Allegheny, has been granted
a new trial. Judge Collier yesterday handed
down an opinion granting the new trial, and
commenting on the testimony taken on the
motion before the Commissioner. The only
reason for a new trial filed in the case worthy
of consideration, he said, was the one charging
misconduct on the part of the jury. The act
of the juror sending out a card that he would
not be home.that night was irregular, but not
sufficient to grant a new trial on.
As to the statement concerning the remark
made by Juror Niemann about "niggers,"
which Mr. Niemann denied, the Court did not
feel justified in saying that Mr. Niemann was
guilty of wilful falsification.
The fact was clearly established, he contin
ued, that at least six of the jurors obtained
and drank whisky. It was claimed that none
of the jurors were affected by the drinks but
to determine what effect whisky would have on
each juror would be a hopeless task, and it was
held that the unauthorized use of intoxicating
liquors by the jury is such misconduct as will
vitiate their verdict, and this on the ground of
public policy.
The discharge of George Hoerr, one of the
officers in charge of the jury, was recom
mended for procuring jurors whisky. Judge
Slagle concurred in the opinion.
A Voluntary Non-Suit, Once Entered, Mnst
Hold ns Binding,
Judge Slagle yesterday handed down an
opinion refusing to take off the voluntary non
suit in the case of the Riverside Glassworks
against the Kittanning Insurance Company.
Continuing, Jndge Slagle said:
"A compulsory non-suit is a judgment of the
Court and for a reasonable time within its
control; but a voluntary non-suit is the action
of the plaintiff himself, by which he takes him
self out of court, and the defendant with him.
The Court would have no power to compel the
defendant to return without his consent or
new process. The motion of the plaintiff must
therefore be refused."
This decision settles a much disputed point
as to whether a voluntary non-suit could be
stricken off and a case taken up again.
Monday's Trial Lists.
Common Fleas No. I Reidenbach vs
Graitz et al; Hays vs McDwaine; Marks vs
Carson et al; Gloekner vs Nanz et al; Scbaf er
vs same; Parks et al vs Allegheny Cemetery;
Hughes vs Hughes; Owens vs Wilt; Simpson
vs Hoefler; Ada msvsBeitler; Jung vsRorrison;
Clark et al vs McCntchcn fc Bro.; Haien vs
Galob; Banner vs Anderson et al; Howard vs
Dugan; Warren, Administrator vs Ulrich.
Common Pleas No. 2 Carson vs Carson et al.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Walter
Bossel et al, Fred Hood et al, Charles Graham,
Charles Necklas et al. Edward O'Connor et al,
Richard Murtha et al, Charles McWinnimen,
William Miller, Moses Daniel et al, James
Woods, Charles Schriner, Anthony Eggert,
John Maugham, William Vanard et al, John
Brent, Alexander Ryan, William McFarland.
Lines From Legal Quarters.
A motion was made for a new trial yester
day by the plaintiff In the case of J. J.Stoer.
Jr., vs Robert Edie, the teller of the defunct
Fenn Bank.
A MOTION was made for a new trial by the
defendant in the suit of the Birmingham Coal
Company vs the Pittsburg; Virginia and
Charleston Railway Company yesterday.
A petition was filed yesterday by Mary
Hawkins, asking leave to appeal from the de
cision of Alderman Carlisle, who fined her $50
and costs on a charge of selling liquor on Sun
day, made by A. Wishart She claims that she
was not guilty and would have to pay mere
than is due. The request was granted.
In the Criminal Court yesterday, Thomas
McConncll and John Metz, who had been con
victed of larceny, were each fined 10 and costs;
John Brice and James Brice, who had pleaded
'guilty to burglary, were sent to the Hunting
don Reformatory; Herman Gridinsky was sent
six months to the workhouse for larceny.
A rtji,e was granted' on the Dollar Savings
Bank in Quarter Sessions Court on tha petition
of the Directors of the Poor of Allegheny City,
directing the bank to pay the directors $201 91
with interest This money has been in the
bank belonging to Maggie Graham, who has
been an inmate of the Allegheny Home since
September, 1SSS.
J. H. Sorg, H. J. Berg and L. S. Cunning
bam, assignees of the Farmers and Mechanics'
Bank, of Birmingham, yesterday made a return
to court of the sale of pi operty belonging to the
bank. From the property sold, so far, $38,000
has been realized. The rest of the property
ordered to be sold, no purchasers have yet been
found for it. The report will be confirmed ab
solutely, if no exceptions are filed within ten
A xtraiBEB. otcommissioners were appointed
in divorce cases yesterday. A I Pearson, Esq.,
was appointed commissioner in the case of B.
C. J. Whalen vs Andrew Whalen; J. M. Swear
inger, Esq., commissioner in the case of Eliza
beth Bi Mason vs John Mason; R. Duncan. Esq.,
commissioner In the case of Joseph B. Moore
vs Cella Ncelan Moore; George R. Cochran,
Esq., commissioner In the case of Emma Mess
ner vs William P. Messner.
Alt appeal from the city assessment was filed
yesterday by the heirs of Thomas Williams.
They own 15 acres in the Twenty-third ward,
on which the city assessors placed a valuation
of $7,500 an acre. They claim that the land is
not worth more than $4,000 an acre, and that
theasscssmentis unjust. Charles Reitz, Jacob
Bucscber and George B. and Robert L. Arm
strong, owners of lots on the south side of
Center avenue, near Roberts street also filed
appeals from the city assessments. Their lots
were valued at 125 per foot front.
Another Moot Court was held yesterday
afternoon by the Law Students' Association In
the Orphans' Court room. The case on. trial
was a will case. George FJphinstone, Esq.,
presided as Judge. The contestants of the
will were represented by Messrs. Challinor.
Silver and Lewis. The supporters ef the will
were Messrs. Goss, Dunn and McKirdy. Tho
will was one wherein the property was left to
the wife and child of tbe deceased, but a later
will is presented, unsigned and undated, leav
ing tbe estate to an only son. The cross ex
amination and the addresses by counsel were
able and well made. At the conclusion Judge
Elphinstone reserved his decision.
Kjima Pekrt yesterday entered suit against.
the Northside Bridge Company, owning the
bridge crossing the Allegheny river at Seventh
street, for $50,000 damages. The damages, she
claims, was caused to her property by the
building of the bridge. She owns the houses on
Duquesne way between Eighth street and Mad
dock's alley, and the grade of the street was
raised so high, to build an approach to tbe
bridge, that it has rendered her property al
most inaccessible. To .remedy the matter she
would have to raise tbe buildings up to grade,
which would cost almost as much as they are
worth, or else the buildings -would have to be
torn down and rebuilt
Josiah Barrett yesterday filed a bill In
equity against the Duff Manufacturing Com
pany, Limited, asking for a "decree dissolving
the company ' and the appointment of a re
ceiver. Barrett Is a partner in the association,
which was formed for the manufacture of
jack-screws, foiling mill housings, etc. He
claims that Peter J. Urllng, James B.
Young and William W. Young have not paid
tbe full amount of their subscriptions on the
stock held by them, but are each indebted in
the sum of $2,000. Beside its alleged fraudu
lent notes, he claims that the company is in
solvent and is unable to pay its debts; that it is
mismanaged, proper books are not kept and
no inventory of stock has been taken since he
went into the company.
Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
TCame. Residence.
tHnRhClegg Bel tzhoover borough
J Luetta liarth Beltzhoovcr borough
1 Nathlas Mlinllk McKeesport
I Elizabeth Uallonlcj... McKeesport
J l'cter Kriedling l'lttsbnrg
) Louisa J. Thyer l'ittsburg
( Oscar Larson K!t,5!)nrR
j Dora Jr. Anderson Pittsburg
.AGNEW On Saturday morning, March 9,
1SS9, Mabt A Chambees, wife of John
Agnew, aged 69 years.
Funeral services at the residence of her hus
band, Hulton station, on Monday at 11 a. m.
Interment private. 2
ATKINSON On Friday, March 8, 1889, at 10
A. m., Thomas Atkinson, in his 83d year.
Funeral from the residence of W. T. Brad
berry. 106 James street Allegheny, at 2:30 r. si.
Sundav, March 10. Friends of tbe family are
respectfully invited to attend. 2
BLAIR At 12 St.. Saturday, March 9,
Chaki.es Gage Blajk, Infant son of J. G.
and Mary Blair.
Funeral services atrcsidence of parents, 23
Grantham street Allegheny, at 9 A. Ji.. Mon
day. Interment private at a later hour.
BTJENTE On Saturday, March 9, 1SS9, at 4
r. si., William Buente, aged 62 years 1
month 10 days.
Funeral from his late residence. Spring Hill,
Twelfth ward, Allegheny, on Monday, at 3 P.
it Friends rf tbe family are respectfully in
vited to attend. 2
BARNETT-On Friday. March 8, 1889, at 2:30
A. M., John K., son Of Eliza and the late John
Barnctt in tbe 21st year of his age.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend the funeral services at the residence
of his mother. No. 6 Overhill street city, on
Monday, March U, at a o'clock p.m. Inter
ment private. x
ESPICH On Friday, March 8, 1889, at 1:15 A.
jl, Charles C. ESPICH, in his 67th year.
Funeral services at his late residence. No. 5
Montour way, on Sunday, March 10, at 1:30 P.
K. Interment private.
Cincinnati papers please cony.
FITZGERALD On Saturday, March 9, at
2 o'clock A. M., Ellen, wife of Patrick Fitz
gerald, in the 80th year of her age.
Funeral from her late residence, Chartlers
Township on Monday, :March 11, at 8 o'clock
A. M. High Mass at 9 o'clock A. ST. at St
James Church, Thirty-sixth Ward. Inter
ment at St Mary's Cemetery. 2
FEINACGLE On Saturday, March 9, 18S9,
Helena, wife of Lorentz Feinaugle, in the
56th yearof her age.
Funeral services, with mass, at 9 o'clock
Monday, March 11, at Holy Trinity Church,
comer Center avenue and Crawford street
Friends ot the family are respectfully invited
to attend.
GREIN On Thursday. March 7, 1889, at
Homestead, Jennie, wife of Fred Grein, in the
24th year of her age.
Funeral from tbe residence of her brother-in-law.
Captain Thomas J. Ackard, Second ave
nue. Homestead, on SUNDAY, March 10, at 12
o'clock. Interment at Dravosburg, Pa. 2
GOLD March 8, 18S9. at 5 A. 3L. ANNIE
Lily, daughter of Charles and Mary Gold,
aged 2 years and 6 months.
Funeral services at tbe residence of her
parents, No. 26 Goodwich street Allegheny,
Sunday, March 10, at 2 p. h. Friends of the
family respectfully invited to attend. 2
HOLUNGER On Saturday. March 9, 18S9,
at 130 p. si., Ida May Lanqe, infant daughter
of Gottfreid and Lena Hollinger, nee WosseL
Sleep, Ida sleep.
Not in tbn cradle deeD.
Kot in thvilxrllntr m&mma'ft arm.
Nor on thy papa's breast
But with the quiet dead.
Funeral from the residence of parents. 435
Pearl street. Sixteenth ward, Pittshnrg on
Monday, March 11, '89, at 2 P. x. Friends and
acquaintances respectfully invited to attend.
HOHMEYER On Saturday, March 9. 1SS9,
at Leechburg, Pa Habky R.Hohmkyeb,
aged 29 years, 2months and 9 days.
Funeral services on Sunday aitebnoon at
230 at his late residence in Leechburg. Funeral
services at the residence of his father-in-law,
J. H. Pollitt Brownsville avenue, Thirty-first
ward, city, on Monday evening at730. In
terment on Tuesday at 1030 a. m. Friends of
tbe family are invited to attend. 2
HOLLERMANN On Saturday, March 9,
1889, at 3 o'clock A. St., JOHN Hollebjiann,
aged 35 years.
Funeral from his late residence, 331 Pearl '
street Sixteenth ward, on Monday, March U,
at 2 P. si. Friends of the family are respectful
ly Invited to attend.
Zelienople papers please copy. 2
PATTERSON On March 9, Mrs. Eliza
beth Pattebson, aged 59 years.
Funeral Monday at 10 A. sl, from 35 First
PETTICORD On Saturday, March 9, 18S9,
at 930 A. si., at Pittsburg, Pa., Maby A., wife
of John Petticord, in the 58th year of her age.
Fnneral from the residence of her brother,
Goodman Y. C Chess, Greentree borough, on
Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2
RODGERS On Thursday, March 7, 1889, at
11 o'clock p. si.. Susan M. Rodgebs, in the
42d year of her age.
The funeral will take place from her late
residence. No. 411 East street Allegheny, on
Sunday afternoon, at 230 o'clock. Friends
of thefamily are respectfully invited to attend.
SMITH On Friday morning at 1230 o'clock,
Mary A, wife of A W. Smith, aged 41 years 8
Funeral services at the residence of her hus
band, at Oakmont station, on Sunday at 230
p. si. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend.
STOPPEL On Saturday, March 9, at 8:55
A. sl, John Stoppel, in the 30th year of his
Funeral will take place from his mother's
residence, 2916 Sraallraan street, on Monday
Afternoon at 2;3D o'clock. Friends of the
family and Jr. O. U. A M. are respectfully In
vited to attend. 2
TRIPLET! On Wednesday March 6. 1889,
at 10:30 P. M., William H. Tbiplett, in the
58th year of his age.
Funeral from his late residence, 526 McDon
ald street East End, Sunday afternoon at
230 o'clock. Friends of tbe family are respect
fully Invited to attend, 2
No. 6 Seventh Stbeet.
Telephone 1153.
John L. Tbexleb. Paul bauee.
Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale
Stable. No. 378 and 380 Beaver ave. Branch
office, 679 Preble ave Allegheny City.
Telephone 3416. auS-t62-MTb.su
Undertakers and Embalmers and Livery Stables,
At the old stand fine carriages for shopping or
parties or opera at the most reasonable prices.
Telephone 22. oc31-d3-wsa
Tutt's Pills
To cure costlveness the medicine must be more
than a purgative. To be permanent it must
contain ''
Tonic, Alterative and
Cathartic Properties.
Tutt's Pills possess these qualities in an emi
nent degree, and
Speedily Eestore
the bowels their natural peristatic motionto
so essential to regularity.
Sold EverywJiere.
J. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents,
131 Fifth avenne.above Smithfleld,next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
MARIE LANDERS, the Hair Artiste, always
leads the trade. She also keeps a fine assort
ment of ladles' "gray front pieces." Don't fail
to call at 25 Fifth ave:, Hugus it Hacke building;
upstairs. Take Sperber"s elevator. mhS-wsn
glg - -g
' ' ' - i" "vf" ' '
I W I ft 43
j&Ai $29.
Finished Any Color "on Orden
,We are headquarters. Write for prices and
P. C. Schoeneck,
Tlie Stanflard Spring Heel
Has been steadily growing in
popular favor. The merits of
this Shoe are manifold: Light
in weight. Tough for wear.
Handsome in appearance and
most perfect in Fit. Our
Prices, too, are based on the
Lowest Plane 75 CENTS.
Sizes, 3-6. All widths, AA to
430-436 MARKET ST.
Braddock House, 916 Main St.
Still Continued. Many New and Beautiful
goods just in for
Special values in Gowns, Chemises, Drawers,
Corset Covers, Skirts, Bridal Sets, Etc We
guarantee tbe work, flnisn and stvle to be the
quality always considered.
OUR GREAT ADVANTAGE over all other
houses is that we not only carry the most com
plete and varied line, bnt also
Anything and everything in the above line,
many ot our STOCK GOODS being our own
manufacture. Examine them, and see the
superiority of them over either Eastern or
Western factory made goods in finish, style
and shape, especially in INFANTS AND
of our specialties.
FINEST, but positively no sLoddy goods. A
visit to our several departments will certainly
pay you.
A, G,
Bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts.
Those' who contemplate buying
Furniture -would do well to call on
us to examine our new spring
goods, arriving every day. The
finest goods .that we ever have
N. B. Odd pieces and Fancy
Chairs, left from the holidays, sold
at liberal discounts.
630 Smithfield Street,
Near Wheeling, W. Va
A school of more than national reputation,
offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed
ucation of young ladies in all departments. Li
brary, of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical,
chemical and astronomical apparatus.
Musical department specially noted. Corps
of piano teachers trained by a leadingprofessor
from Conservatory of Stutgart. Vocal culture
according to the method of the old Italian mas
ters. Location unsurpassed for beauty and health.
Ten acres ot pleasure grounds. Board excel
lent. V
For catalogues and references to patrons In
all the principal cities, address
Spring -;- Opening
Sprinc Opening of Men's and Youths'
Suits and Overcoats.
Spring Opening of Boys' and Children's
Spring Opening of
Spring Opening of
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods.
Adding another Store Room has demand
ed the increase of our assortments In every
deportment, and we are now showing the
best lines of stylish, standard goods in the
two cities, and at prices which do not admit
of underselling. Our motto of the past
''Tie Best Quality forthe Least Money."
Will govern our dealings of the future.
We request the favor of a call.
Tailors, (Holers ai Hatters,
161, 163 Federal St., Allegheny.
Owing to the property that
we occupy now having to be
sold, we are forced to dispose
of all our goods before April
next. Now is your time to
buy. All goods marked in
plain figures. No old styles.
No shoddy goods. One visit
will repay you.
17 Federal 'St.,AWy,Boyle Block.
Skirtings in
from 25c to
Hundreds of patterns, direct from Nottingham. They
range from 75c a pair to 10. They are the cheapest
goods that have ever been shown.
lite his
m i i
I nmmmgs.
Sioo styles of the popular Hading Veilings, also Chenille
Spotted and Pearl Veilings, at exceedingly low prices.
;iujm ivu
Our spring importations now open. Beautiful drab and tan
Mosquetaires and 4-button Suede Gloves, $1, $1 25, $1 38
and $1 50. Extra fine 4-button new embroidered Gloves
' at 75c; selling everywhere at $1.
gPriiOT A T. 160 dozen Real French Extra Fine KID
GLOVES, tans only, worth fully $1 50; our price
89 CexL-bs.;
Misses' and Children's Kid Gloves, 50c up.
510,512,514 MARKET
" Old .
The Chewers of OLD HONESTY
TOBACCO win soon find that it
lasts longer, tastes sweeter than
other tobaccos, and will please you.
4 Ask your dealer for it and insist
on getting it. '
Genuine has a red H tin tag on
every plug.
$ --xfr8$"0
406 and 408 Wood St
Look at This Week's
Prices That Speat for Tnenselyes.
20 doz. brooms, worth 25 cts., only 15cts. each.
20 doz. brooms, worth 38 cts., only 20 cts. each.
IS doz. brooms, worth 42 cts., only 25 cts. each.
12 doz. brooms, worth 60 cts., only 80 cts. each.
6 doz. 7-in. galr. iron tea kettles, only 60 cts.
4 doz. 8-in. galr. iron tea kettles, only 69 cts.
Stone China slop Jars, SI, 1 60 and SI 75 each.
Baby Carriages. Baby Carriages.
60 different styles, at prices never before sold
in Pittsburg.
A beautiful rattan baby carriage, parasol top,
worth 18 60. only $5.
15 different patterns, 12-plece toilet set, with
jar. only S3.
66-piece decorated tea set, only S3 60.
Railroad dinner kettles, 8 different styles,
60 cts. to 89 cts.
Clothes hampers, only 60 cts.
50 doz. steak dishes, worth 25 cts., only 10 cts.
60 doz. sheet Iron roasting pans, 10 cts. to 13
Ladies' sewing tables, only SL
Ladies' folding Iapboard, only 75 cts.
Cbony 5-ft. easel, onlylll.
Oas 5-ft. easel, only SI 60.
3-arm towel racks, only 6 cts.
10-pln hatracks, only 10 cts.
Boys' iron velocipedes, S3 25 to S6 60.
Boys' painted wheelbarrows, 25 cts to 95 cts.
Boys' 2-wheel carts, 10 cts. to 60 cts.
Boys' 4-wheel wagons, 39 cts. to 12 60.
New goods arriving every day. Greatest
bargains ever seen in Pittsburg on our 5 ct. and
10 ct, counters. Call and examine. No trouble
to show goods.
W. mhlO-WSu
A fine, large crayon portrait $3 60; see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and
(2 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
of pieces of neat Hamburgs, our own
from 3c 'to 25c Flouncings and
immense variety; beautiful designs
$2 50 per yard.
Full lines of plain and check Nainsooks, India
Linens, Swisses, Tucks, etc., from 10c to 50c per
yard. A finer and cheaper assortment than we
' have ever shown.
All the latest novelties in Persian Bands, Tinseled
Gimps and Braids.
Beautiful new Chemisettes, Directoire Ruchings.
Black Lace Scarfs from 75cto 12 each. Children's
Lace Collars.
Black, cream, light blue and cardinal, in new
est patterns.
When on the 8th of September, six months ago, we opened our new
stores we resolved that whenever an article remained on our shelves six
months unsold, it should be dubbed "a chestnut," and the price cut and
cut until sold. This is the only way we know to avoid accumulating old
stock, and have always new, fresh and desirable goods to show to our
customers. On the 8th of March the six months were up and word was
passed around to all the heads of departments of salesmen and sales
women: "Bring forth the lambs for sajcrifice." No not the lambs, but the
old sheep. Here are the sheep t be slaughtered:
Excelsior Diaries for 1889.
r' .. .
Reduced from $i 81 to i 15. -
Reduced from $1 19 to 75c. .
Reduced from 57c to35c.
Reduced from 39c to 25c.
Book Chestnuts.
Mrs. Southworth's Works, in cloth, at 90c a volume, reduced frora
ti 50.
Geo. McDonald's complete works, in cloth, at 75c a vqlume, reduced
from $1 25.
All the poets,, cabinet edition, at 55c each, reduced from $1.
Morley's Universal Library at 23c a volume, reduced from 50c. f
The Zigzag Journeys a. 88c a volume, reduced from $1 25.
Household edition of the poets at 95c each, reduced from $1 50;
"Chestnuts for Ladies.
Ladies' all-wool Scarlet Underwear at 35c, reduced from 65c.
Ladies' genuine Camel's Hair Underwear, plain and fancy, at 98c, re
duced from $1 50. '
Ladies' White Saxony Wool Underwear at 75c, reduced from $1 25.
Ladies' fancy Cotton Hose at 19c, reduced from 25c.
Ladies' Chemisettes, in fancy 'dotted lace, V shaped, at $1 88, reduced
from S3.
Ladies' Chemisettes, in fancy silk, V shaped, at $1 88, reduced from
$2 50.
Ladies' fine Silk and Lace Fichus at S3 75, reduced from $4 75. " -
Ladies leather Pocketbooks at 25c each, reduced from 50c.
Ladies' Cashmere Gloves at 19c a pair, reduced from 38c.
Ladies' Two Tone Kid Gloves at $1 50 a pair, reduced from $2.
Ladies' Wire Bustles at 5c, reduced from 15c.
Ladies' Pongee Initial Silk Handkerchiefs at 39c, reduced from 50c.
Ladies' all-linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at i2c, reduced from i8e
Chestnut Laces.
Cream Spanish Laces from i2jc up to 40c a yard.
Venetian Laces from 5c up to 93c a yard.
Fine point Laces from 35c up to 65c a yard. '
Black Spanish Guipure Laces from 89c up to $3 38 a yard. -3
25 pieces of Children's Swiss Skirting, 22 inches wide, at 35c a yard.
Ribbon Chestnuts.
All-silk satin Ribbons, Nos. 4 and 5, fancy colors, at 5c a yard..
All-silk satin Ribbons, No. 9, at 8c a yard.
All-silk block Ribbons, peco edge, fancy colors, Nos. 7, 9, 12, at 15c,
18c and 22c a yard.
Dress Trimming Chestnuts.
Beaded Lace Trimming at 10c
Braided Sets, in colors, at $1 69, reduced from $2.
Beaver and Moss Fur Trimmings reduced from 60c, 75c, 85c, 88c, 90c
and Si 12, all to 50c a yard. - -
Fine Beaver Fur Trimmings that were $1 20, Si 6$ and $2 25, .all re
duced to Si a yard.
Handsome dyed Fur Trimmings that were S3 88, reduced to $2 a yard."
Silver Coney Fur Trimmings that were 50c and 75c, reduced to 25c a yard
Chestnuts in Our Cloak Department.
Ladies' and Misses' -Cloth Newmarkets at $3, reduced from $6.
Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Newmarkets at $$ 75, reduced from $12 $0.
Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Newmarkets, in blue, garnet, and black, at
S8 50, reduced from Si 7
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets at Si 50, reduced from S3.
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, better quality, at S2 25, reduced from S4 S9
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, finer still, at $3, reduced from $6.
Chestnuts in Men's Furnishiug Goods.
Men's Cloth Gloves at 35c a pair, reduced from 50c.
Men's Puff Scarfs at 50c each, reduced from $1.
Rufus Waterhouse's Puff Scarfs at 50c each, reduced from Si S
Men's colored border Handkerchiefs at i2c, reduced from 18c.
Chestnuts for Boys.
Boys' Pant Suits reduced from $3 50 to S2 45.
Boys' Pant Suits reduced from $5 to $3 15.
Boys' Pant Suits reduced from $6 to S4.
Boys' Overcoats reduced from $5 to $3 25.
Boys' Overcoats reduced from $6 to S4.
Boys' Overcoats reduced from $6 50 to S4 50.
Chestnuts for Children.
Children's Woolen Caps at 25c, reduced from 50c
Children's Eider Down Cap's at 50c, reduced from $1.
Children's Plush Caps at 75c, reduced from Si 50.
Children's fine Plush Caps at Si, reduced from $2.
New Department Stores,
504-506-50B Market
Our illustrated Catalogue and
Our illustrated Catalogue and
and 25c a yard, reduced from 19c and
4' -a-1
:' " la
Street, Pittsburg, Pa
Price List of Books.
Price List of Corset,