flje 3$pfrj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1S48. Vol. 41, o 31. Entered at Pittsburg Postofflce. 2o ember 14, 1SS7, at second-class matter. Business Office 87 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average circulation of the dally edition of Tbe Dispatch for six months ending March 1. 1SS9, 27,988 Copies per lime Average circulation of tbe Sunday edition f The Dispatch for February, 1SS9, 45,144 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. TOSTAGS TREK IX THE UNITED STATES. DaILVDISPATCII. One Year. t 8 00 Dailt Dispatch, Per Quarter 1 00 Daily Disr-ATCH, One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, Including fcunday, one year 10 00 Dailx Dispatch, Including fcunday, per quarter .( SCO- Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one month 90 Sunday Dispatch, oneyear. 2 50 "Weekly Dispatch, one j car 115 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or Including the Sunday edition, at 20 cents per w eel. Voluntary contributor should keep copies of articles. If compensation t desired the price expected rmist be named. The courtesy of re turning rejected manuscripts uHll be extended when stamps for that purpose are enclosed, but Vie Editor of The Dispatch will underno circumstances be responsible for the care of un solicited manuscripts. PITTSBURG, SUNDAY. MAR. 10, 1SS9. WAR OE MENDACITY? Either we are already embarked in a war with Germany-or some of the most flagrant journalistic lying ever known is going on in this country as well as Germany. It seems almost impossible to believe that American newspapers could wantonly spread the report of an insult and disaster to the nation, without some authority; but it is still more difficult to credit the receipt of such news in the manner in which it is published. The routes by which intelligence from Samoa reaches Europe and America are well known. How is it that Kiel and San Francisco hare exclusive control of news which would be telegraphed to all parts of the world the moment ifr reached Kew Zealand? How is it that Kiel only knew last week that there had been fight ing; that a Berlin newspaper finds out on Friday that a United States vessel was sunk; and the San Francisco papers on Sat urday are able to tell that the Nipsic was sunk and the Alameda captured, all with out a word of explanation as to the method by which this news is obtained? It is easier to believe that sensational and unreliable newspapers are manufacturing and supply ing the details of a wholly fabricated report than that such news would come from Samoa in that way. If the news were true, it would berecognized that war with Germany was an accomplished fact. It would be an ordeal to this country more severe in some respects than the "War of the Rebellion. Our coasts would be open to the descents of the German fleets, "v-hile the only retaliation which we could make at first would be to destroy the German com merce by means of fast cruisers, the benefit of which would largely accrue to theneutral nations. Yet such an ordeal is far prefer able to the idea of tamely submitting to the destruction of our vessels and the slaughter of our sailors by a power which pretends to be in friendly negotiation with us. It appears, however, that instead of being confronted by a war with a superior naval power, we have only to face a number of wanton and unscrupulous newspaper liars. . OK THE DAHUBE. The information that Milan, late of Ser via, is going to start on bis travels while his recently divorced Queen is to return to Servia and take charge of her son, the young king, Alexander, reveals the real cause of the retirement of that disreputable mon arch. The true significance is that Russia has quietly bnt firmly warned Milan off the premises and put his discarded queen in his place. This may not be particularly reas suring as to Russia's intention to keep away from the Danubian provinces; but as it is an ample revenge for the way in which the contemptible Milan ejected his not es pecially virtuous but mnch more presentable wife, it will cause no regret among the dis interested. The activity of Russia in Dan ubian politics is likely to suggest to Ferdi nand of Bulgaria that the juncture will soon arrive for him to make a spoon or spoil a horn, with the odds largely in favor of the latter result THEHTTMOESOFIAW-MAKIKG. Legislatures are useful institutions, bnt they would.command more respect if the members paid some regard to common sense in the bills they introduce. The Dis patch: has already had occasion to show the folly of taxing corporations engaged in manufactures. To the people of a State whose interests arc bound up in the exten sion and prosperity of manufacturing with in her borders, it is plain that sound business judgment suggests the holding out of inducements to that class of industries, rather thaathe imposition of special taxes upon them- It has not served matters any to say that the State officials are desirous of making a good record in redncing the State debt Every one will commend them for Igood intentions, but not for indiscreet pro posals to reach their end. Row that the unwisdom of the manufact uring tax is made so apparent, we trust to the State author! ties, as well as outside their circle another extraordinary bill is offered, proposing a tax of so much per diem on the labor of foreigners who have not yet taken out their naturalization papers. It this is a bid for favor with the native workingmen of the State it will fall very fiat It would be a heroic method indeed of stopping im migration; but, as Dr. Talmage pointed out from his pulpit last Sunday, immigration has, on the whole been a very good thing ior the country; and, in trying to prevent abuses, it is well to remember that it has also had its uses from the time of Columbus down to the present day. No one will be required to seriously discuss th business aspect of a bill which would in Pennsylvania put a tax on a class of labor which would continue to be used without tax by competing employers in the sur rounding States. The average of common sense among legis lators can always be relied on to table such ultra-extravagant proposals; but it is a pity .. .vibat they should be introduced at all. Qneer impressions are apt to get aoroaa oi me possibilities of legislation in a State where such measures can reach even the stage of presentation. It is not merely for their votes, bnt for their proposals also.that Sena tors" and Representatives are responsible. A TpaliTintr Rpncf of this fnnt rantint tnn early dawn upon everybody at Harnsburg, TEE COPPER. TBTJSrS DECLINE. The strenuous efforts of the financial powers that be, to bolster up the waning strength of the French copper syndicate, which were reported inFridays'sdispatches, do not appear to have availed that interna tional corner. Probably the intention was only to hold up the tumbling fortunes of the monopoly long enough to enable insiders to slip out, as the panic in the shares affected indicates that the large holders are unload ing. It appears to be open for tha friends of honest and legitimate trade to hope that the utter ruin of this great conspiracy for extortion by means of artificial scarcity ajid high prices, is close at hand. The present prices of tapper are nearly double the level of those fixed by fair competition, at which the large companies obtained fair profits ; and the excess represents the measure of robbery inflicted upon the people of both worlds by the international combination. It is pleasant to see the prospect that such greed will bring its own punishment. A SATISFACTORY CHANGE. The adoption of meters by the Philadel phia Company, which forms the subject of a special article elsewhere, promises to share the advantages of economy in gas consump tion between the consumers and the corpora tion. There has been abnndance of material for criticism in the natural gas business; bnt the adoption of meters is one of the most satisfactory changes that could be made. Heretofore there has been absolutely no inducement held out to consumers to econo mize the gas. The inevitable result has been that consumers not only left their fires burning when it was not necessary, but burned the gas by methods which did not utilize half the heat Now whatever methods the consumer adopts to economize in the use of the gas he will get the benefit of. This is a great improvement over the old system. On the other hand the company obtains not only the advantage of doing equal jus tice, by getting the most pay from the peo ple who use the most gas, but it has the prospect of being able to supply a larger number of consumers when the present wasteful methods are corrected. Suppose that half the gas is wasted under the old system and this is below the estimate of experts when the new system secures the correction of that waste, the present supply of gas will be adequate, for twice as many consumers. Ihe company can get the ben efit of a largely enhanced revenue from the economy. This leads to another point. The con sumers as a whole, have paid for the waste. The company has not paid 12 per cent dividends on its very liberal capitalization without insuring that the public was pay ing enough to remunerate it, not only for the gas that was utilized, but for the gas wasted. If the reform makes the same sup ply of gas go twice as far, the company is entitled to its share of the advantage; but the public should get a share of the economy in the price as well. It is therefore to be hoped that this change will not only bring the immediate benefits of reducing the bills of economical con sumers and practically enlarging the avail able supply, but that it will, when fully developed, confer the further benefit of a re duction from the 10 cent rate at which it is inaugurated. A NEW GLOOM FOB JURORS. In one of those sagacious and temperately worded opinions which are characteristic of that jurist, Judge Collier yesterday upheld the prohibitory doctrines as to a particular in which all will agree. He set aside the verdict in a criminal prosecution because some of the jurors drank whisky while on duty. Justly, the learned jndge said that it was impossible for him to try to ascertain, and useless to speculate, in how far, if at all, the mental workings of the good men and true were affected by their potations; but that where a man wsb on trial he was entitled to guarantee against this sort of risk. This limitation of refreshments mar not help to make jury service more attractive to the panel, particularly where juries have to stay out several nights in travail as to their findings. If the gray matter of the brain is not to be stimulated and recruited at ac customed intervals by the morning "nip" or the soothing "night-cap," the prospect of being immured for several days and nights on difficult cases will, for not a few citizens, have new horrors; but on the whole the public will recognize the 'ruling as a good one. Even the most strenuous opponents of sumptuary laws must agree that prohibition is a good enough rule for the jury room. THE PROPOSED NEW OUTLET. "When a city experiences such an enor mous growth in population and business re quirements as has been the good fortune of Pittsburg, it is no more than reasonable to expect that some old arrangements must give place to new ones. This f s the problem, one detail of which is now presented in the petition for the widening of Diamond street At present, below Smithfield, it is an alley. The proposal is to make it a forty or fifty ioot thoroughfare. No greater convenience has ever been in troduced here than the cable lines, but it is clear that their occupation of Fifth avenue makes necessary some unobstructed outlet for vehicle travel to the East End. The widening of Diamond street would supply this. All needed, after the widening, would be to connect the widened street with Forbes street, upon which there are no railway tracks. Of course no improvement can be made without compensation to property-owners who may be damaged and contribution by those benefited; but the aggregate actnal damage in this instance would be slight compared with the general public conveni ence. It appears to be still doubtful if the "hump" on Fifth avenue will be cut If it is not, the greater must be the need for a highway of easier crada to the residence quarter of the suburbs. "While giving due heed to questions of cost and to a fair ascer tainment of'benefits and damages that indi viduals sustain, Councils, sooner or later, must take into account the general require ments of business and of public convenience and safety. As long as SO years ago, in 1859, the Legislature and the city authori ties contemplated widening both Diamond and Virgin alleys to tbe street proportions, and an act lor this purpose was passed and has remained unrepealed on the statute books ever since. At' no time can the plan be carried out at so little cost as now. This is the season when the new Secretary of State, Mr. Blaine, will hare his hands full, picking, from tfye vast and varied material which offers itself, proper men to represent the country abroad. Among the numerous changes spoken of, is one which is being strongly urged from Western Pennsylvania and other quarters, of the transfer of Colonel John Stewart, an old and well-known'Pitts-burger, from the consulship at Antwerp to THE the Sandwich Island mission. Mr. Stewart on account of rare efficiency as consul and uniformly cheerful and obliging attention to Americans traveling abroad, was, notwith standing the pronounced Republicanism ot his politics, continued in place under the Demociaticadministration. As Washington telegrams say that he has a most numerous and influential backing, and as the Slate of Allegheny has no other candidate for a mission, it is -not improbable that Colonel Stewart's next post will beat the interesting islands which lie on the road to Samoa. Calculations upon death are very un reliable. The Democratic hope that the narrow Republican majority, in the next House might be extinguished by the death of a few Republican members receives its most striking commentary in the first death, that of Richard W. Townshend, a leading Democratic member of Illinois. In its jubilant dance about the Harrison administration looking for heads to hit, the Louisville Courier-Journql lets its shillelah fly at the new Secretary of War in the fol lowing fashion: "Redfield Proctor is a name sanguine enough for the Secretary of War of a great nation, and is certain to impress the boasttul foreigners who think we cannot fight Mr. Proctor rnay never have fired off a gun, ana he seems never to have taken part in a war, but we feel confident that the new Secretary is a terror." But somehow the esteemed Courier-Journal omitted to make the most of its contrast by recounting the bloody fields on which the Hon. Will iam Endicott won imperishable fame. It is asserted that "there will be a scram ble in New York for the honor of giving Grover Cleveland his first retainer." Not unless the client sees his way clear to get ting his money back. Retainers in the firm to which the President belongs come high and are strictly cash, and honors in such cases are even. The pardon of Pat Delaney who was im plicated in the Phoenix park murders and who since testified in favor of the Times be fore the Parnell commission indicates the platform of the Salisbury Cabinet that it is very wronn to commit political murders, but the offense can be atoned for by swear ing at the orders of the government The difference between the treatment of O'Brien and Delaney characterizes the Tory adminis tration as cultivating the alliance of Irish assassins and informers for the purpose of destroying honorable political antagonists. It is suggested to Sir Julian Pauncefote by the apparently sarcastic Chicago Times that on starting Ho this country he had better "bring his H's with him;" but the experience of his predecessor shows that it is much more important for him to give his attention to his P's and Q's. The addition to the list of outbreaks of col lege lawlessness by the suspension oi thirty-six students of Dartmouth for an at tempt to kidnap a member of the sopho more class raises a doubt in the mind of the New York Tribune whether "college boys should be treated as men." They undoubt edly should be like men who have not learned to respect the laws or to observe good order. After a few college boys had been sent to the workhouse or put to break ing stones on tbe public highway, the amusement of breaking the laws would sud denly lose its attractiveness. The preference of the English capitalists for buying up our breweries instead of in vesting in our railroad stocks, is occasioning some comment. Yet there is nothing strange in it. It is an old and well established En glish taste to prefer beer to water. The esteemed New York Sun is vigor ously engaged in proving that Colonel Fred Grant ought not to be appointed Minister to China because of his incompetence and connection with shady financial transac tions. This may be a convincing argument to a Mugwump, but what has it to do in the editorial columns that have brilliantly set forth the doctrine that the victors are en titled to the spoils and the fatness thereof? The expulsion of discordant Knights of Labor, as aunounced in the last issue of the official organ, expresses the decision oi the administration that the membership of that order is still too large. The French Government has recognized the foolishness of forcing martyrdon on the Due d' Aumale, by revoking the decree for his exile. This is what was indicated in these columns at the time that foolish step was taken. It is of little use to convert in offensive Orleanists into victims when a bogus hero liko Boulangcr can run away with the imaginations of the French people. Inatjgubaiion over and no national politics in eight for four years! Well, noth ing can distract the public attention now, from the great issues of baseball. TnE White Caps who have been using the horsewhip with such liberality in vari ous sections of the country should be given treatment on the homeopathic principles, like cures like, and if these midnight roughs were given a lively turn at the whipping post they would be more chary of according that treatment to other people. GENERAL HOWARD SPEAKS To Veterans nt Hnrrisbure and is Compli mented by the Governor. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Harbisburg, March 9. General O. O. How ard, who arrived bore to-day to address tbe Young Men's Christian Association, of this city, was called on at tbe Executive Mansion to night by Post No. 66, G. A R., to which he made an address. Governor Beaver also made a few remarks, in which be said that be always admired General Howard, because he was an illustration of the fact that a Christian could be a soldier and a soldier a Christian. A YERI T0UNG LOYER. A Youth of 13 Years Smitten by the Charm of a Circus Girl. Albany. Ga., March 9. Cliff Partridge, a 13-year-old boy, the son of aprominent citizen, became enamored of a female bicycle nder connected with a ten-cent circus now traveling in this section. Taklne along a pistol, a silver watch and SI, he ran off with the circus so as to be with the girl. He was caught up with to day in this place, arrested and held .until his father could go for him. Tbo Business or Bond Bnylnc. Washington, March 9. The total amount of bonds purchased to date, under the circular of April 17. is 1124,658,550. of which $5LS37,300 were 4 per cents and 573,221,250 were 4H per cents. The con of these bonds was J145,23l,6S8, of which $65,023,899 was paid for the 4 per cents and $79,805,689 was paid for the 4 per cents. Not Easy to See, From tho Chicago Herald. An eastern paper says that Congress expired as sweetly as a dying swan. It is not easy to discover a relation between a member of Con gress and a bird whose habits are so entirely aquatic as tho swan's. The Clearette Age. from the Philadelphia Tunes. Bojs smoke cigarettes to pass for mon and men smoke cigarettes to pass for "boys." Thus the cigarettes kill the boys and.." tho men kill themselves. PITTSBURG - DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKER. A Horse Pistol Compelled a Hearing; Florida' Boss Snake Story The Ad ventnro of Some Local Politicians. W, J. Arkell, the proprietor of Judge and Prank Leslie Weekly, has occupied a largo place in the public eye of late, and saems des tined to make more of a stir yet He is ambi tious, daring and so situated that he can com mand a great deal of influence both in politics and in finances lust now. As the custom is when a new man comes Into prominence everybody has a story to tell ot Mr. Arkell. ' Newspaper men in New York are con tinually relating curious incidents in Mr. Arkell's recent connection with the Harrison famlly.nut putting these aside there isone tale, which has been given to me as strictly true and which anyhow seems worth relating. V Recently Mr. Arkell was invited to dine with tbe celebrated Clover Club in Philadel phia. He hesitated a little about going, for be kuew of the club's custom of demanding a speech from a guest, and the corollary habit they had of guying a speaker. It is said that Mr, Arkell confided his doubts to the great caricaturist ot Judge, Sir. Gillam, and the latter suggested a plan by which tbo Clover Club's benevolent customs could be kept in check. Mr. Glllam advised Mr. Arkell to go to tho dinner, and to take with a horse-pistol of antique type and tremendous size. Mr. Arkell took in the possibilities in sight, and bought the largest horse pistol he could find in New York. , He couldn't carry the pistol in any of his pocketsMt measured nearly a yard. But he concealed it inside the nether garments of his dress suit, and started for tbe dinner. In due time, after the dispatch of the solids and liquids of the banquet, Mr. Arkell was called upon to speak. He arose quietly and began: "Gentlemen of tho ," then such a clamor arose on all sides that he conldn't hear his own voice. Mr. Arkell simulated surprise at first and then as tho hooting and howling grew louder, anger. He looked indignantly from one gentleman to another, stretched out bis hands to tbe Chairman, but all in vain. . The next thing Mr. Arkell did was to tear off his. dress coat, push his chair back, and with both hands drag from its biding place the immense horse-pistol. With an air of wild anger he pointed the huge weapon at the President's head, and appeared to be taking careful and deliberate aim. The gentlemen of the Clover Club did not see tbe joke in this and rushed upon him, when ho laid the pistol down remarking: "It's not loaded but, gentlemen, I'm going to fire off my speech!" And he was allowed to proceed amid cheers. The Clover Clnb elected Mr. Arkell an honor ary member that very night. A snake story is out of season to-day I know.but this one is fresh from Florida, with affidavits sworn to by a Pittsburger attached. A big rattle snake was caught near Leesburg, Fla., this winter, and a few weeks ago was on exhibition at the Union Hotel in that place. Before it was exposed to public view the rat tler's fangs were extracted. In this presuma bly harmless condition the snake was put in a basket with a wire net over it for the guests of the hotel to admire. A good many people saw the snake, and I guess the rattler was teased a good deal before he bad a chance to get even with his torment ors. One day a Leesburg man who had ab sorbed about enough corn whiskey to enable blm to see snakes without any intervention of nature, came into tbe Union Hotel and fell to making the rattler's life a burden to it He would wave his band over the basket and chal lenge the snake to spring up. The rattlesnake got thoroughly warmed up at last and as tbe Leesburg man left his hand for a moment with in tbe snake's reach, the reptile made a dash and bit it There were fangs beyond a doubt in tbe snake's mouth, and they made an ugly wound. Doctors were called at once, and tbey tried bard to save the bitten man. He died that night In great agony. They killed the snake at once, and examin ing Its mouth found two fangs there. It is certain that two fangs had been drawn from the snake's mouth weeks before the accident, and the question which is interesting every body down in Leesburg is: Where aid tbe sec ond set of fangs come from? PrrrSBirBO politicians who went to Wash ington for the inauguration are laughing a good. ucjuuvm ttu uuvcuburo ouuio ux lueuiuau uiure. It appears that four of the best known Re publican leaders In this city agreed to travel to Washington together. One of them overslept himself the morning the quartet was to have started, and so but three took the cars to gether. Tbe three bad lots of fun, however, though they missed the fourth wheel. Before tbey reached Washington they made several acquaintances among their fellow pas sengersone a prepossessing young woman, who is a well-known newspaper correspondent Bhe was very agreeable, and one of the Pitts burg trio was assigned, as the only single man in the party, to take care of her, the two bene dicts agreeing to assist as far as they could. . Well, the fair correspondent happened to say that she wanted to go to the inauguration ball, and herPittsburc guardian at once-volunteered to take her. When Washington was reached the bachelor was shamefully deserted by bis benedict companions, and he was left to foot all the fair correspondent's bills. When he came to buy her a ticket for the ball he had to pay a big premium, for tickets were scarce, and carnage hire and other incidental expenses took about $35 in all from the Fittsburger's purse. Tbe day after the inauguration he informed his two companions that they would have to pay theifshare of the expense of entertaining the young lady. Tbey demurred, but said they'd pay their friend's hotel bill instead. He agreed to this. Next day be brought up his hotel bill. It was for J150. Of course this struck consternation into tbe hearts of the two Gentlemen who had promised to pay it They gladly compromised the claim by paying tbo first account of $35 but tbe gay bachelor has not done boasting of his victory yet Hepbubn Johns. To Office Seekers. From tbe Cincinnati Commercial Gazette 1 Gentlemen with good, comfortable employ ments are not advised to give them up to go and bang around Washington, awaiting the chances of official appointment Politics as a business is an uncertain, unsatisfactory and disappointing industry. A bird on the plate is worth two on the wing, and a beefsteak in the mouth contains more nutriment than a dozen shadows in tbo brook. ,. Can't Borrow Troable When Its Lent. From the New York World. 1 This ought to be the most cheerful season of the year. No man can borrow trouble when it's Lent DEATHS OF A DAY. Richard W. Townsheni', HI. C. Washington, March 9. Congressman Klchard W. Townshend, of bhawneotown, 111., who had been lying ill with pneumonia for. the past few days, died at 11:90 o'clock to-day. Mr. Townshend was born In I'rlnce George's county, Maryland, April 30. 1640; came to Washington City when 10 years or age, and was there educated at public and private schools: removed to Illinois In ISM; taught school In Fayette county, studied law with 8. 8. Marshall at McLcansboro, and was admitted to the bar In 18G2; was clerk of the Circuit Court of Hamilton connty 1883-'68; was Prosecuting Attor ney for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit 1864-'72; re moved In 1873 from McLeansboro to Shawneetown. where he was an offlcer of the Gallatin National Bank: was a member of the Democratic- State Ceu tral Committee of Illinois ISM, '65, '74 and 75: was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Baltimore In 1S72; was elected to the 1 orty-firth Forty-sixth. Forty-scTcnth, Forty-eighth, Forty nlntli and Fiftieth Congresses, and re-elected to the Fifty-first Congress as a Democrat. Mrs. Ellen Fitzgerald. After an illness of over a year Mrs. Ellen Fitz gerald, one of the oldest and most respected In habitants of this city, breathed her last yesterday morning. Mrs. Fitzgerald wss 60 years old and bad lived In this clty.for nearly 40 years, and was well known as a kind and generous woman and her many acquaintances will hear with regret the announcement of her death. She will bebnrled to-morrow morning from ber late residence In Cbartlers township. Hon. G. K. Barrett. Clearfield, March a lion. G. B. Barrett died at his home In this place this morning at S o'clock, In his 73d year, of paralysis. Uewas ap pointed by Presldenti'lerce In ISM to codify the revenue laws. He served as Judge of-tbe Twenty 11 f th Judicial District continuously for 13 years, m lieu he resigned. The funeral will take place on Tuesd ay. llcv. Jonas Bnrnbnm. FABMISGTON, March 9, Hey. Jonas Burnham, aged 91 years, died this morning. He was a gradu vte-of Kowdoln class of 1E3 and a prominent Con g-regatlonal clergyman. ,StTNDA'Y, lCHr"iO, THE BACKER'S DAUGHTER. A Drama With a Real Count, a Love Story and Other Things., Philadelphia, March 9. Charles Phillips, formerly President of the Columbian Bank, of this city, which failed for several hundred thousand dollars in 1887. and who has been living in France for the last year, fearing to re turn to this city, is on his way to this country to testify in the Ives-Stayner trial! No warrant has ever been sworn out for Mr. Phillips' ar rest, but the failure of tbe Columbian Bank was a bad one, and the books of the concern, showed gross mismanagement Thousands ot poor people lost their alL and while it was gen erally believed that Mr. Phillips did not profit by the failure of the bank, his mismanagement caused the trouble. He had close relations with Ives and Stayner, and was a director in the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Company. He lived in great poverty In Paris for some time, but it is now said that hisfortunes are improved, as his eldest daughter, who was at tending school in Pans, has recently married Count De Borne. t It is further reporrSd that Mr. Phillips is to be married to a protege of the Count, who a few years ago spent some time in this country and was shown a good deal ot attention by Mr. Phillips. At that time he was apparently in very good circumstances and lived in handsome style. After tbe failure he sent his children to Paris in the care of the Count, who bore the expense of their educa tion. Money was telegraphed from this country to Mr. Phillips eight days ago to bring him back to testify In the Ives-Stayner case. It is uncer tain whether he will be arrested when be gets here at tbe instance of the creditors of the de funct bank. SOME SHIFTING ABOUT Caused by the Changes in the membership of the Senate. Washington, March 9. Tho work of ar ranging the Senate committees, or at least the majority membership, was completed this afternoon by the Republican Caucus Commit tee. Their report will be made to a caucus at 12 20 r. M. next Monday. It is understood that in filling the vacant chairmanships precedent has been followed. If this has been done with out variation, which might arise because of the willingness of some Senator to be trans ferred or bis desire to serve on some otber committee, tbe chairmanships will be as fol follows: On agriculture, Algernon 8. Fad dock, of Nebraska; on railroads, John H. Mitchell, of Oregon; on manufactures, Mat thew S. Quay, of Pennsylvania; on engrossed bills, Wilkinson Call, of Florida. The Committee on Enrolled Bills lost both Republican members by the retirement of Senators Bowen and Sabin, and Senator Far well gets tbe Chairmanship, which gives him a most eligible committee room. The Demo crats are given a majority on but two or three committees instead of nine, as at present with one equally divided between tbe two parties. The Democrats are said to be satisfied with the arrangement and division of membership, but tbey evidently find it more difficult to place their men, as they have not yet com pleted tbe work. Tbey will not hold their caucus until after tho Republicans, probably not before Tuesday. SAFE IX UKCTiE SA3TS HANDS. A Sum of Money Kept for 34 Yean Await. Ine Its Rightful Owner. Washington, March 9. In 1855, a man giv ing the name of Squires, deposited 121 ounces of gold (now valued at $2,200), at tbe Philadel phia Mint. He received a receipt for it, but untilJanuary last did not appear to claim his money. He then put in an appearance, and producing a receipt, tho writing upon which had become obliterated by age, explained that the written characters had become defaced for tbe reason that the receipt had been earned for many years in a belt around bis waist. ,Ho explained that he bad not put In his claim be fore becanse he had been engaged in mining pursuits in California and had been in compe tent circumstances. Owing to the fact that a counter claim for the money .had been filed by some New Yorker by the name of Squiers, who contended that tbe gold bad been deposited byan ancestor, the Superintendent of the Philadelphia Mint sub mitted the case to the First Controller of the Treasurer, who, in view of the many proofs of Identity submitted by the California claimant, to-day decided that he was the rightful owner of the property. THE WILD MOUNTAINEER. A Strange Human Being Frightens on En tire Neighborhood In Tennessee. Chattanooga, March 9. Walker county, Georgia, in the vicinity of Chattanooga, and as far south as Fond Springs, is all torn up over the reappearance of the celebrated wild man of Lookout. He was seen a fow days since, and if descriptions are correct, he is a most remarkable being. His hair and beard are described as flowing to tbe waist, his finger and toenails are long, giving the bands and feet the resemblance of claws. He wears trunks of bear skin, with a bear skin robe thrown over his shoulders. He carries an ugly bludceon. and persistently avoids coming in contact with anybody. Tbo timid people of tbe neighborhood are greatly alarmed, and there is little traveling about at night, though ho Is generally believed to be harmless. This strange creature bas been haunting the caves and fastnesses of .Lookout Mountain and elevations in lower East Tennessee foryears, and nothing is known of his Identity. He has never been known to do anybody any barm, and there has been no occasion for bis arrest so be has been allowed to pursue bis strange lunacy unmolested. He is said now to occupy a cave near Pond Spring, Georgia, but hereto fore, when bis place of temporary abode has been discovered, be has disappeared to be seen at other points at considerable distance away. PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIES. At tbe Parnell dinner, at which 2,000 people will be present, Earl Spencer will probably preside. DR. Scott, of Rutgers College, has made an interesting discovery relating to the founding of that institution. In looking over tbe old records of the college, he has found out that the charter of Rutgers was granted in 1766, instead of 1770. The change of four years will mane Rutgers the sixth oldest college in the country. At a Spanish military review in Madrid tbo other day, an artilleryman was thrown down and injured by a gun carriage, whereupon Minister Perry Belmont alighted from his car riage, which was near, had the wounded man put into It and ordered the driver to tbe hospital, some miles away. This act elicited enthusiastic cheers from the crowd and per sonal acknowledgments the of Commander In Chief. Lee Hang, a member of the Chinese Lega tion at Washington, went into Chamberlln's a few days ago and had what might be called an international racket He drank German wine, French champagne and ended up with a hot drink made of Irish whisky sweetened with Cuban sugar and stirred with a Connecticut spoon. He paid his bill out of a Chinese silk purse drawn from a pocket up bis sleeve, found a piece" of ginseng root, which he put into his mouth, and went away happy. Says a close observer: "President Harrison regards humor as having an appropriate place in the affairs of life. He discerns fun and hu mor readily, but is not particularly partial to rony and satire. When anything is very funny1 he laughs out heartily, freely, with a sonorous but not boisterous Ha hal Havinir habitually a pleasant face, smiles find it a ready seat for lodgment and illumine his mild eyes and radiant countenance. But there are those who have discovered a certain coldness in his smile which may be tho outcome ot his experience for the past few months." A window in memory of William E. Forster and Matthew Arnold is to be put in St Mary's Church, Ambleside, It is' related that once, when Mrs. Wordsworth was still alive, sbe went to her accustomed place in the church, and with her tho two illustrious brothers in law. The rector was absent, and a timid young curate got up to preach. Tbo grim and sturdy looking statesman sat with his back against the wall, and never had a preacher a more restless or flgety listener, His nose became animated, as Lord Brougham's used to do, his eyebrows moved up and down, his mouth twitched itself into all shapes, and his body tried every pos ture, and yet he was not easy. The prophet of culture sat in another angle of the pew, and never moved a muscle. His glass was in his eyo, and be seemed, tn be glaring straight at tho unfortunate preacher. Probably he neither looked at him nor listened to him; his thoughts wero far away. But tho Stripling in tho pulpit evidently thought he was being mercilessly anatomized, and stumbled more and more, and grew more and more confused as he fought his way to the end of tbe poor platitudes which he bad prepared as his sermon, little thinking, ap parently, that he would find himself confronted by the "greatest living critic" -w. WOMAN'S WK0NGS. Lucy Stone Dips Her Pen In GallnndDasbes Off a Sermon on Her Favorite Topic Men Will bo Surprised, No Donbl. to Learn What Monsters They Arc. Lucy Stone, the famous advocate of equal rights for both sexes, writes a letter to the ed itor of the JPublio Ledger, of Philadelphia, in which she takes our legislators severely to task. Taking as a text the case of Mrs. White ling, now under sentence of death in this State, she gives utterance to some very bright and orieinal ideas on the much discussed topic of I woman's richU. Mrs. Whiteling's case, she i says, emphasizes anew the unfortunate posi tion of women, The question oi tnis woman s guilt or innocence need not be raised, but at tention ought to be called to the awful fact that the lives, the liberty and tbe property of women may be taken from them, while they are denied any voice-or right or power in the matter. The awful helplessness of the posi tion is realized when a woman, who had no voice-In making the law, is sentenced to be hanged by the neck until she is dead. The question forces itself upon us, why should wo men be allowed no voice In making tbe laws under which they' may suffer the severest pen alties? No other adult class is so imposed upon. v "Women Not Imbeciles. The imbecile, the Insane and criminal among men have no share in making the laws. Bat women are not Imbecile. Witness the millions of well-managed homes, tbe schools with their competent women teachers, the churches whoso members are mostly women; witness also tbe colleges where female students take more than half the prizes. Women are not criminals. Witness the police courts, the jails and prisons, with thousands of men in them and only a few scores of women. The criminal forfeited his rights by makingwarupon society and he is subjugated for tbe safety of society. Tbe imbecile Is subjugated becanse he does not know enough to govern (himself, but these reasons cannot be urged for putting women In the same position with such men. " mm'i The Misfortune of Sex. The sole reason why women are thus sub jugated is that they are women. Doubtless this custom bas its roots in the far pas t when women were denied education and were con sidered mere appendages; bnt to-day, with all other conditions changed for women, their po litical and legal subjugation Is unrelieved. Women-have precisely tbe same stake in the Government that men nave. Their nghts of person, property, children, life, liberty, them selves and all their interests are involved, just as tbe same interests of men are. But the men of this country say to the women of this country: "You shall have no voice nor expression that has power in regard to any one of your interests or of the Commonwealth. We win manage and settle all of them. We will decide about your children and leave them with you or take them from you as we please. We will take your property, as mnch and as often as we please. We will take your sons to be shot in war, and yourselves we will hang if it seems best to us, and all without leave asked of any one of you." "A Monstrous Statement. This is the actual state of the case in regard to the power that men assume over women. Its very statement is monstrous. Such a con dition of things might have been excusable in the darker ages when brute force was tha rule. But to-day it is ono class snbjugating and tyrannizing over another class that is equally intelligent with themselves, for no fault and for no reason that women have power to change. If men were in a similar position there would be no other question for them till this was settled. The President would not be inaugurated, ana nobody would care whether Blaine were in or out of the Cabinet Each man would shoulder his musket to fight for his rights. Ought not the possible ghastly spectacle of a woman hanging, strangled, under a law In tbe making ot which no woman bad a voice, her judge, jury and executioner all men, to compel attention to tbe injustice of the situation? In Pennsylvania, men who stagger out of grog shops and gutters have votes. The great army of men in tbe mines, who can neither read nor speak our language, have votes. But the women, who are accomplished, professors and Graduates of Bryn Mawr and Swathmoro Col leges, and of the Pennsylvania Medical Col lege for Women, and of the public "and high schools, have no votes. Mrs. Gillespie, who organized the Woman's Department of the Centennial, and the women of the New Cen tury Guild, rate politically below the most worthless men in the State. Lucretia Mott, whose name is forever honorably associated historically with the anti-slavery movement, died the political inferior of the men whose only State history is that kept by the jails and prisons. Justice Demanded. Is it not time to reverse this old order and to begin to apply the fundamental principles of the Government itself in all their breadth and beauty? One of these principles affirms as a self-evident truth the "inalienable right to life, lib erty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from tbe consent of tbe governed." Women are governed, but the only form of consent known to our laws is a vote, and tbat is denied to women, so tbat tbey have no power to "secure" their lives, their liberty, nortny of their interests. They may be fined, imprisoned, taxed ard huug, with no power at all in the matter. Just and generous men should unite now to put an end to this cruel and merciless oligarcby of sex. Tbe editor at his desk should write against it. Clergymen should preach against It Statesmen and legislators should enact laws against it Public sentiment, enlightened, would respond, and the close of the nineteenth century would find a Government trnly rep resentative of the whole people, men and women. WEDDED IN THE DEPOT. A Young Indiana Couple Waste no Time in Scaling Their Tows. Indianapolis, jlarch 9. Miss Zelia Moore andJosiah Goodwin, of Monistown, reached the Union Depot to-day, bearing a marriase li cense issued by the Shelby County Court Clerk, and accidentally meeting Rev. Mr. Hall, of Danville, tbe marriage followed, Dr. Boyton, of this city, an old friend, gave the bride away. It was the first wedding ceremony which had ever occurred under the stained-glass windows nf that ornate structure, and many passengers in waiting for trains found themselves wit nesses thereto. It gave opportunity to the depot police to shine in great splendor, and they improved the occasion. After the cere mony the bride and eroom, with good ap petites, dined at the station, and then took the return train borne. The bride is the daughter of John Moore, Esq., while tbe groom is a liveryman in the same place. The Common Herd Provided For. From the Detroit Free Press. How do tho dear 400, who claim for them selves all the social distinction of New York, and who have in charge the arrango ments for tbe Centennial ball, excuse the issuing of 7,000 tickets for tbat affair? Here are at least 6,600 of the common herd provided tor. . CAUGHT ON THE GRIP LINE. Pit the prettiest girl in all the town, Bald one day a modern lass. And when I ask, who told her so. t Bhe said, ' 'My looking glass." Conductob Madam.I can'ttake this nickel, It has a hole in it. Passenger Aren't you required to punch every fare? Conductor Yes. Passenger Well, then, when I give you one al ready punched, you shouldn't complain. A Child's Pbedioament If I lie God will punish me, and If I don't papa will, so what am I to do? Mr. Eatlots (to waiter) George, you seem to bo a well educated man. and I can't understand how you can be contented to remain la this menial position. You are beyond It. George, yea, be yond It. Walter I suppose you are light, Mr. EatloU. Mr. EatloU-lf you think I am right, what in the deuce are yon waiting forr Walter-A tip or course. English. Lobs Here in America I find your best society oomposed mostly of trades, people. American Gentleman Well, yonr's will be as bad In a short time, tbat Is If you continue trading your good-for-nothing titles for American for tunes. May I take your dainty hand in mine? Asked 1 of the maiden fair. And she replied In a coy, sweet way: "Indeed, 1 do not care. But should you hear my papa come. xou must drop It. oh, to quick, Tor Instead of extending hit hand, my dear, 5 lam. afraid he'suable to kick." C..C. THE GERMAN ARM. KatherFormldable Figures for Uncle Sam to Contemplate. From the Buffalo Courier. A lecture in German was given last evening in the Slhslc Hall library room by A. Corvlnus, city editor of the DemokraU The attendance was fair. In view of yesterday's warlike ru mors about further troubles at Samoa, the sub ject of the essay, "The German Army," had a peculiar interest. Inasmuch as Uncle Sam may have to teach a lesson to the successor of "CnserWlihelnV'it is pertinent to leam just how strong Germany is in a chip-knocking way. It must be confessed that the flguies given by our editorial brother are a bit dis couraging for a measuring of strength by Uncle Sam for anything but a strictly righteous cause. In Germany, said Mr. Corvinus. every able bodied male between 18 and 45 years of age is a soldier. When 18 he is compelled to join the uniformed troops for three years. From 21 to 25 he is in tho reservtftorps. Thenheisput into the "landwehr" for U years, and after ward, until he reaches 45, he is kept in the 'landsturm." The latter two grades are much Ike the home guards in this country. On a peace footing, the- Germans support 468,409 privates and 19,000 officers the uni formed troopsT In the time sf war the army strength is 2,960,000 drilled men. consisting of the uniformed and reserve grades, with a total of 6.400,000, counting in tbe "tendwehr" and "landsturm" all experienced soldiers, Ger many is a military nation, and prides herself on the personnel and discipline of her troops. Tbey are well equipped with the accouterments of war. Having in recent years had practice with the French, ber soldiers have an advan tage over those of nations that do not make war a business. " RESULT OF A YISI0N. A Colored Woman Who Fasted Forty Days and Forty Nights. SFBTNGrcLP. III., March 9. On tbe 25th of January Mrs. Pauline King, a colored woman of this city, had a "vision" in which sbe was commanded by the Lord to fast 40 days and 40 nights. Being a religious fanatic, she entered upon what seemed to her a plain duty, with perlect faith that she would pass through the ordeal and tbat the Lord would be glorified. There seems to be little doubt that the order was earned out For tbe first seven days she drank no water even. Then, she says, tbe Lord appeared to her again and commanded her to drink. From that time on sbe took water nntil the 27th of February, but since then she has Qrank nothing until yesterday, when her long fast ended. The event was made the oc casion of a Yeast and merry-making, which attracted a great crowd to tbe Court House, where the feast was held. The negroes brought in food in considerable abundance, and Mrs. King bad a good, square meal of oysters, cold turkey, ham and other substantial:, which she seemed to enjoy greatly. During the progress of tbe feast hymns were sung, speeches made, and two or three negro women went into trances. When Mrs. King entered upon her fast she weighed about 113 pounds. A day or two ago she "tipped the balance" at 89. She is much emaciated, but declares that she did not suffer a particle during ber fast, and had no desire for food. Her strength remained with her. and she did her washing and ironing and per formed her usual household duties without in convenience. She proposes now to become an evangelist and go forth and do the Master's work in such fields as He may direct. Sbe Is 32 years of aze and has a husband and two children. She commenced to have "visions" about three years ago. Bhe is illiterate, but quotes Scripture freely. RETURNING TO FAIR FRANCE. Madame Hading Balls Out of New York Waving aa American Flag. Bpeclal Telegram to The Dispatch. New Yobk, March 9. Mme. Jane Hading is a passenger on La Bourgogne, which sailed for Havro to-day. On Friday night Mr. C. Del monico gave her a farewell dinner, at which only Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Abbey and a fow Intimate friends were present. A number of friends accompanied her to the pier to-day. Among the many flowers sent aboard the steamer for Mme. Hading was a magnificent bouquet of roses, violets and lilies of the val ley, with no name attacbed. Everybody says it was the elft of M. Coquehn. As the ship backed away from the pier the actress, robed in a heavy cashmere mantle, leaned over tbe railing of the upper deck wav ing a small silk American flag, the gift of Sirs. Abbey, and throwing kisses to the people on thedook. Sbe has decided tbat she will re turn to America in two years and probably go on tbe English stage. JIM THE PENMAN. He Does a Little FIno Work In a Political Way. Chicago. March 9. So great is the rush for offlco from Illinois that all sorts of subterfuges are resorted to by candidates who desire to con vince President Harrison of their merits. James Brainerd Clarke keeps a small picture store under tbe First National Bank, and he aspires to represent this country In Brazil. Mr. Clarke's petition to President Harrison bears the name of every man of prominence in Chi cago, but, strange to say, not ono of. the alleged signers remembers either Mr. Clarke or his petition. The origin of these false signatures will be investigated. They Made a Settlement, From the New York World. A woman sued a Sixth avenue pawnbroker for S3,E00 she had loaned him to use in bis busi ness. The case was tried before Judge Truax In the Superior Court, and tbe defense was "usury." the plaintiff having chanted tbe pawnbroker 12 per cent for the money. But when the evidenco showed that the pawn broker had been receiving 36 per cent for its use by others the defense gave way and a set tlement was made. The Lesson oftfce Innagaral Ball. From the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. In the happy start of the new administration the inauguration ball was no exception: and guarantors aro congratulating themselves over the report showing receipts J20,000 in excess or expenses. Promoters of indus trial expositions might get some valuable pointers from the managers of the inaugural ball. The French Government.' From the Washington Post. The fact that the new Premier of France used to be a watchmaker does not neces sarily prove that he can make the wheels of the French Government go 'round. That Government is a sort of Waterbury affair. The"people spend most of tbeir time winding it up. Bad for tho Kenl Estate Boom. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Kansas City is excited over a little poker game that took place there Wednesday even ing, in which (82,500 passed over the table. One of the players quit the table "only $3,000 be hind." The real estate boom is not going to profit by this style of transactions. Secretary Tracy' First Appointment. Washington, March 9, F. B. Brace, of West Virginia, .has been appointed Chief Clerk of tb'c Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting in the Navy Department, vice A. W. Fletcher, resigned. Mr. Brace has been employed in the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, and bis is the first appointment made by Secretary Tracy. FACTS AND FIGURES. All the ice houses on the Hudson river have been filled) a million tons have been housed. It is estimated that 40,000,000 ties are required annually for the railways of tbe world, wbich will take 4,000,000 trees to produce. The four months packing season at Chicago, for the season just ended, wore 1.496,000 hogs, against 1,735,590 for the corresponding time in 1887. Statistics state that 300,000 cases of typhoid fever occnr annually In Italy, and tbat nearly 10 per cent of them prove fatal. One-third of the population who reach the age of 45 it is said have the fever. The .first oil well was bored less than SO years ago; the present annual production in America and Russia is 2,000,000,000 gallons, which goes through 7,000 miles of pipe lines, employs a fleet of 150 tank steamers and has displaced coal on nearly L0O0 locomotives and steamers. It is estimated that the lncreaso of popula tion in the United States is 100,000 per month, exclusive of immigration, which last year was 613,000. Tbe present population is estimated to be 64.000.000. and the next census, to be takes In July, 1890, will probably give 67,000,080. C0RI0US CONDENSATIONS, Jefferson county, Ala., is pestered with rabbits. Sportsmen in Florida complain of a scarcity of alligators. The crown of Charles IL, made in 1660, is tbe oldest existing in England. IUs said or a certain cranky clergyman in Ohio that he always bas either a row or a re vival In his church. Some Japanese chestnut trees at Santa Rosa, Cal yield enormous fruit One dozen nuts weigh a pound. A paper read before the Historical So ciety, of New York, states that there are 5,630 lawyers In New York. Fencing has become so popular among ladies upon the Continent that many convents include ft in their curriculum. Exhibitors' tickets of admission to the Paris Exposition will have their photograph affixed to the pastboard to prevent transferring them. A Kentucky woman laments the loss of a purse, a thief having carried it off, which she laid away 40 years ago to -Insure her a decent The English Admiralty is experiment ing with a system ot electrio signaling be tween commanders' and engine rooms of war vessels. A ghost with the lock step is one of the raretiesof spiritualism, but that iswhasthey say bas been heard near tbe old prison at Al ton, I1L Tuscumbia, Ala., was excited the other day over a negro who could drink whole pafl. f nls of cold water and eat glass with an evi dent relisb. Madame Tnssaud's museum, in London, has jnst been sold to a joint stock company for 9565,000. Four hundred thousand people visited it last year. The Emperor of Germany has sent to tha Emperor of Morocco 15 fine horses in acknowl edgment of presents recently sent from Moroc co to Berlin. Paris women now have a whim for nat ural flowers. Tbey are worn on tbe shoulders, epaulette fashion, where they are in no danger of being crushed. The Baroness Bnrdett-Coutts gave as many stalls in Savoy Theater as there were years to her age at a theater party in honor of her latest birthday. A St Louis man believes that the num ber of his borne should correspond with that of the year, and to carry out that hobby he has moved every year since 1S63. Mr. Smith, of Falls township, O., being of an unusually prudent mind, bas purchased his coffin and tombstone, the goods to be de livered on tbe day of his death. An oyster recently dredged up in Eng lish waters measured seven inches In length, the same in breadth, and 20 inches around tbe outside edge, and weighed S pounds. A whale DO feet long, the first seen there in 20 years, lately went ashore Jn the Co penhagen Sound, and was killed. Its skeleton is to be forwarded to tho Copenhagen museum. A Grand Bapids man, who was arrested for gambling, alleged that he had lost all his money, bad Det his clothes and lost them, and was sleeping in tbe gambling room for shelter when pulled. The borough of Pottsville, Pa., wanted a bridge across tbe Pennsylvania and Reading railroads, which run side by side. It taxed each company 10.000. built tbe bndse for 18,932 03 and was over 31,000 In pocket. Hereafter in Kansas a grand jury can only ba drawn on petition of 100 taxpayers, and not then if the judge of the district shall de clare a month before the beginning of court tbat there Is no necessity for it. G. W. Papot, of Orlando, Savannah, hired a couple of negroes to work on tha streets, but when tbey f ound that their fellow workmen were Italians they refused to work. The line had to be drawn somewhere. At Columbus, S. C, the other day the ten pall bearers at tho funeral of thi Rev. Thomas B. Clarkson, an Episcopal minuter of high standing, were all colored men. fcuch a thing bad never before been seen in the South. A rope a little more than half an inch In diameter, 35 feet in length, and madS of strands of shoe threads, bas been purchased by the Sheriff of Utica, N. Y.. for hanging Tir Cil Jackson, in case' he is called upon to u?r- . 1 form that.toal. ' Princes KilyakaTa, Kabipatanasat, , Provitvatimoon and Cbiraprovat, sons of tbj King of Slam, ranging in age from 13 to n years, are about to come to England to com plete their educations. They already speak English fluently. At the marriage of Lady IndinaNevil to Mr. Brassey, in England, the bndemalds wore cricketing costumes, tbe colors being ' carnation pink, green and white. Their bou- ' a nets were pink carnations and green orchids ed with white ribbons. A silver pipe, inscribed on which was ' the inscription, "Presented by Major General Harrison, U. S. A., on behalf or the United Stites, to tbe Shawanoese tribe of Indians, 1811," has been presented to President Har rison bv a gentleman who secured the relic in ' Indiaa Territory. Theballet pantomime, "The Belle Sofia," now being produced at Cassel, pictures Bulga ria and introduces the Emperors of Austria and Russia, tbe Sultan, the Kings of Greeca and Italy, and Bismarck. In the flualscenetha Emperor of Germany sits on his throne, sur rounded by dancing beauties, with Bismarck by bis side. An Englishman named St. John has been traveling in the West. Ha got so tired explaining to everyone tbat bis name was pro. nounced "Slnjnn" tbat ha finally hired a man to do it for him, and at last accounts the man had got into six figbts with groveling hotel clerks, who tried to persuade him that he didn't know how to pronounce bis employer's name. At the last presentation of "Adrienna Lecouvreur," by Sara Bernha rdt, in Milan, shs was called before the curtain at the end to re ceive a gold medal from the Dramatic Society of Italy. When about to accept It she was seized with an attack of hysterics, and for over an hour was in tbe hands of the doctors. Tbe audience waited in a sCite of great excitement until It was over. An extensive postage stamp show will be held in New York city next week. Nearly all tbe old "Postmaster's stamps" will be on exhibition. Including the only one in existence that was issued in New Haven, Conn. It was not an adhesive stamp, but was joined on tha envelope. From the fact of its beinglthe only one known it is valued at a fabulous sum. No price has ever been fixed on ic It is of a dark red color and was issued in 1845. CLIPPED BITS OF WIT. There is a well-founded impression in Spiritualistic circles that Miss Coffin, who re cently attempted to shoot Kyrle Bellew, Is coo trolled by the spirit of Shakespeare. San Iran ciseo Music and Iframa. Proof Reader Isn't there a mistake in this sentence: "Connecticut manufactured a larger quantity of tobacco than usual last year?' , Shoqldn'tltbe "raised a larger quantity?" Edi torNo; I used the word manufactured advisedly. Boston Transcript. Poor Philosophy Ancient Actor ( regret-fnllyl-Well, Walter, who would think that we should ever come to this? Walter (an old pal) Nothing unnatural, old fellow. We played to poor houses all our lives, so why regret residing for awhlleand finally dying In one I Xevi York Sun. Sunrise Finds Him Awake Fast Stu dentThere Is nothing more lovely In nature than a sunrise. Young Lady Go away! You never see tbe sun rise. At that hour you are fast asleep. Fast asleep at sunrise I Why, my dear miss, when do you suppose I go home?" Ttxae Situ ingt. Not in the Picture Lady Thyra (reading Ing catalogue) Two dogs, after Landseer. Lady Myra Bnt where Is Landseer? I don't see him. lady ThyraWby, surely, you don't suppose he would stay there with those two ferocious looking brutes after him- I know 1 shouldn't If I were la his place. Pick lit Up. , .. Sympathy Miss Maydew It's very disV tresslng to think that while we are enjoying so many luxuries so many poor people are wanting necessaries. . Mr. Cleverclat (who poses as a philosopher Quite so. Bat, yoa know. It must be very con- soling to tbe poor people to know that while they are wanting necessaries so many people are want-, lng luxuries. Fun. r It Might Suit the Purpose (in a booi-store)-Eave yon got the Blue bookr Tha blue bookr We've got 'Burton on Melan choly. Tbat ought to ba bine enough." "No.no. That Isn't It. I mean the book with the list of offices. " "We haven't got it. But If you 'are after an office you bad better take the bookioa rnela boofcjoa. melas choly." unicago aeraia. 'V j.. - -.... . k"! t rfJBjiiaSaflssMis&sss ,i trrRlilittssMiissiTlirffsisllihllliill III IssJsffillTMlllil