fr V1 NEEDN'T 60 IT BLIND. Eyes for All Animals, Though Some Differ Widely From Others. A COLLEGE OP ANATOMY LECTURE In lYhich Orbs of Sight, From Man's Down to the Snail's, Are Treated. THE CHEMISTRY OF MEDICINE TOUCHED Before the Pittsburg College of Anatomy yesterday, Prof. B. C. Jillson gave an in teresting lecture on "How Animals See and Hear," and S. H. Stevens, IT. D., Professor ot Chemistry at the School of Pharmacy, entertained the audience with a delightful talk on "Chemistry of Medicines." Dur ing the course of his lecture Prof. Jillson said: The difference between men, the higher ani mals, is in their mental deportment; their brain power, to see, hear, realize and understand things they see and hear. The body, legs,anns, etc, are only the servants of the mind, and are made use of by the mind to do its work. None ot us has any connection or contact with the outside world, except through the servants of the mind, viz: hearing, feeing, feeling, tasting and smelling. The waves ot sound strike the eve but make no impression. One member cannot perfect the work of the other. The deep socket in which the eyeball is, is surrounded by a cushion of fat, n Inch makes a good rest for the balL The professor then explained how the light seeks and is reflected by the eye, just the same as it is reflected from an object to the lenses o" a photographer's camera. He said the eye was composed of three coats. The outside coat has six muscles, which move the eye to whateverobjectitseeks. AVhen one of the muscles is pulled tight it be comes diseased by the contraction. The eye is also pullei in the same direction, and the re sult ls-what is commonly known as being cross eyed. He compared the outside coat on the eye to a watch crystal on account of its simi larity. Continuing he said: .... The middle coat is black, and it absorbs the light ir we paint the walls and ceiling of a room white, the light coming through the win dows wonld be reflected, and would make the room very light. If the walls are painted black, the effect is exactly the reverse, the light being absorbed, and the room becomes dark. The inner coat of the eye is composed of little fine threads, which form the optic nerve. The light which is reflected on the eye is taken up bv these cords and carried to the brain. The mind then takes cognizance of it. If anything tonches an eye it gives us pain. Nature has given us what is known as the eye lid, for its protection. Snakes' eyes are ex posed. They have no eyelids, and this gives them the glassy, repulsive look. The fishes have no eyelids, either. The eel has a little glass plate or membrane imbeded in the skin, and really pves the fish the appearance of wearing-spectacles. Some animals seek food at mght.on account of the formation of their eyes liemg better able to retain the light when it is dark than during the daytime. The few rays of light collect in the second or metallic mem brane, and they can see almost as well as other animals m a stronger light. The upper and outer part of eye pours out secretions, or tears. The eyes of animals hav ing no backbone, are of quite a differenct formation or shape. Some of them have eyes like ours. The snail has eyes on the top of what are called bis horns. The sense of smell is also located in the same place. The eves of the cuttle fish are globular in shape, and all parts are similar to our own. On the edge of the jelly fish are soft little black spots. You can see these also on the starfish. So. you see, our Creator intended very f ev living things in this world to go blind. The speaker's reference to the ear was also entertaining, but that on the eye was the best In his talk on "Chemistry of Medicines," Prof. Stevens prefaced his remarks by say ing that 100 years ago physicians poured medicines, of which they knew little, into patients oi whom they knew nothing, for diseases of which they knew less. Now this had been changed as science had progressed and fhemistry became better known. His address was a preliminary talk on a practi cal fectnre. to be delivered in a few weeks, and was listened to very attentively. RWF& rpAKIftc? KOWPEI .lvX Lemon Jelly Cake. To the yolks of six eggs, well beaten, add three-quarters pound white sugar, juice of one lemon, one-half pound of flour having in it one measure "-Bajtsxr" Baking Pow der; then add the whites of six eggs, beaten stiff; bake in jelly cake pans. Foe the Jellt. Take the yolks of three eggs, beaten," and one-half pound of white sugar, juice of one and grated rind of two lemons, and whites of three eggs, beaten very stiff; put in a vessel and place the ves sel In boiling water; boil until it thickens; when it is cold spread -over each layer of the cakes except the top one. The "Banner Becipe Book" is replete with valuable household information for baking tea biscuit, rolls, muffins and all kinds of fancy cakes; instructions for roast ing meats, fish and fowl; for preparing French and mayonnaise dressings, and making all kinds of desserts. Every lady should have one of the books Orders pound can with the Banner Becipe Book from your grocer. If he cannot supply the book, send your address to B. B. Powder Co., P. O. Box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mail it free. Everybody Likes Them. Boyal fruit biscuit are the finest things of the kind ever turned out in a Pittsburg bakery. Your grocer keeps them. TUFSU S. S MAEVKf & CO. 81 Positively Only SI. TJntil May 1, 1889, will the Eiite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg, make cabinets for 51 per dozen; so come soon. Bring'the little ones. MEETIG!b. SPECIAL NOTICE THERE WILD BE A meeting of the Hotel and restaurant men of Pittsburg and Allegheny City, held at Old Citv Hall. MONDAY, March 1L at 2:30 P. M. A f uli attendance is rcauested, as busic-jss of im portance will be transacted. mhl0-40 AMEETIXG Of THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Squirrel Hill Railway Company will be held at the Chamber of Commerce building. SATURDAY, March 23, 1S89, at 2 P.Jt, for the election of a Board of Directors. nihlO-46-WSBn R L. WHITTEN, Sec. OT1CE MEMBERS OF SONS OF JOSHUA LODGE No. IL A. P. A are re quested to attend a special meeting SUNDAY, the 10th, at 2 o'clock to make arrancements for the funeral ot Brother John Hollerman. dec. By order of W. M. mhlO-18 NOTICE MEMBERS OF GENERAL-PUTNAM Council No. 125. Jr. O. U.A.M., will meet at thelrhaU,-cor.Twentv-secondstreet and Penn ave., on Monday at 130 P. Jt sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, John StoppeL Members of sister councils respect fully invited to attend. By order of W. B. BOWMAN, Councilor. W. S. COE. Rec Sec. mhlO-l BUSINESS CHANGES. "RJ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLl .partnership heretofore existing between W. & Bowler and William Kyle, under the firm name of W. S. Bowler 4 Co.. is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. William Kyle retiring W.'S. Bowler continuing the business st same place. No. 960 Liberty bu. Pittsburg, Pa. All claims doe said firm and owed by said firm to be presented to and settled for by W. & Bowler. WM. KYLE. MABcm,lSS9. W. 8. BOWLER. mh9-17 lT5'T3"raiP p a p WWWWWQ VllW zmmZB 01 "Display advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents' per line for each inser Hon, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offloes have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The D1S rjLTCH. rrrrsBUKO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35u9 Bntler street. EMU. G. STUCKET. Mth street and renn ave. E. G. STUCKEY &CO.,Wylle ave. and Fultoast. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST EXD. 3. "W. "WALLACE, 613 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER 4; SHElBLEK,5thav. AAtwoodst. sotrrnsiDK. JACOB sroHN, Mo. I Carson street. CHAS. SCHTYAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. IL EGGEltS & fcOJf. Ohio and Chestnut sts. 3. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Inrinaves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. GtiElM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Male Hcln. -TTTANTED EXPF.RIENCED TRAVELING W salesman in 'obblng Jewelry house. M.C., Dispatch office. TnhlO-3 WAN TED-FA PER HANGERS INQUIRE at E. D. STRICKLER'S Paper House. K06 Penn arc, E. E. mhlO-49 WASTED-DRAUGHTSMAN FOR STRUCT URAL Iron work: position at once. Call at 116 WASHINGTON STREET, Allegheny. mhlO-74 -TTTANTED-AGENTS IRIDESCENT SIGNS V and advertising novelties: big profits: out fit free. BOBT. SIMS &CO.. Washington, D. C. mhlO-lU WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS TRIMMER, ONE thoroughlv experienced. Address, with reference, to J. H.SHAW, 83 Euclid ave., Cleve land, Ohio. mblO-80 -VTTANTED-GUlDE ROLLER-ONE ACCUS W TOMED to small rounds: none but first class man need apply. OLIVER BROS. 4 PHIL LIPS, Tenth st. mills. mh9-66 -TTTANTEU-BOOKKEEPER- THOROUGHLY W competent man to take charge of hooks; Iron and steel business. Address MANUFACT URER, Dispatch office. mhlO-oO WANTED A FIRST-CLASS PANTALOON maker: best wages and steady work: man preferred. Apply at once to S. L. GOLDMAN, Act., McKecsport. Pa. mhlO-57 WANTED PHOTO-COfYlNG AGENTS IN every town to handle our celebrated Elec tric Photos. Write for catalogue. GEO. LIES. 10 and 12 Sixth St., Pittsburg. mhlO-91 -TTTAN TED-SALESMAN FOR PRODUCE V commission house; city trade: one ex perienced and well acquainted: permanent position for the right man. PRODUCE, Dispatch oince. mblO-130 T1TANTED-A CATHOLIC GENTLEMAN OF V systematic business habits and refinement; an intelligent man will receive good pay and steady position. Apply J. V. SHEEHAN. Mc Cance block, room 3. mhlO-54 WANTED REGISTERED PHARMACIST muse sneak German and furnish recom mendations as to ability, character and temperate habits. Address, for one week, MOUSELL. care 39 Ohio St., Allegheny. mh9-I3 VTTANTED-AN A NO.ITRAVELING SALES- V MAN by a table glassware manufacturer: must be well acquainted with the JoDbing trade: no other need apply. Address, giving salary and references, to GLASS, Dispatch office. mhlO-53 -ITTA-NT-A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN W one who understands lnrnlture and car pets: must be sober and Industrious and bring reference; wages ?18 per m eek. Apply at PICK ERING'S, cor. Tenth St. and Penn ave. mhlO-144 -TTTANTED -AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN IV to sell baking po der and grocery special ties on commission, Plttsbnrg and vicinity: good opportunity for an experienced man. Address, gh Ing experience and reference, LOCK BOX 6o3, Cincinnati, O. mhlO-75-TTSu "TTTAN'TED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S V PRACTICAL BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE, 13 Sixth St., Pittsburg (near bridge): terms moderate; best instruction guaran teed: college re-opens March 11, 1SS9: dayand evening sessions. mh7-30-TTSSu TTTrANTED-ALL HONEST PERSONS SEEK l ING employment, having llrst-class refer ences from former employers, and all persons de siring such help, call or address TVS IN CITY EM PLOYMENT BUREAU, 67 Fifth ave. (second floor), Pittsburg. nihlO-52 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MAN TO travel and appoint agents in fennslvania. Liberal salary to the right man. Also local agents wanted In every county. Write for particulars. W.M. HIMKOI). Gen. Agt, Lake Shore Masonic Relief Ass'n, Erie, Pa. feM-112-su -VTJANTED-A FEW ENERGETIC MEN IN V Pittsburg, Allegheny and surrounding towns to handle a novelty that sells on sight every where; an lndespensable household article: im mense sales wherever Introduced. Apply berore 10 a. it. and after S P. M. at 1137 Liberty St.. W. F. CROSBY, AGT. mhlO-139 TTANTED-BOOKKEEPER-DO YOU WANT 1 a position, promotion or Increased salary? Farnswortu's new secret process, lightning cal culating, win enable you to get more money for yonr work or.glve yon a position: highest Indorse ments. For particulars Inclose stamps to S. T. FARNSWOR1H&CO., 17 Glenn Dl'drg, Cincin nati, O. mhlO-109 Female Help. WANTED COOK-APl'LY TO MRS. C. &. MCLEAN. Wlnebiddle St.. E. E. mblO-56 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED GERMAN female cook at once. 1 FOURTH AVE. mhl0-21 WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY AGENTS for two new articles that sell to all business men. Call or address 119 SANDUSKY ST., Alle gheny City. mhlO-79 -TTJANTED-A MILLINER TOTAKECHARGE V of the millinery department In a drygoods store at Sharon. Pa.; must be an experienced trimmer and saleslady. Applf at THORNTON BROS., 1S Federal St., Allegheny. mhlO-152 WANTED-LADY AGENTS. TWO NEW Inventions for ladies' spring, summer wear. OuUell everything. Fay $100 monthly. These, with our bustle-skirts, rubber goods, hose supporters, etc.. make best business known. Ad dress with sump. E. 11. CAMPBELL & CO., 4S4 Randolph St.. Chicago. mhlO-112-TTSU - Male and I'cmale flelD. "TTJ ANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN wishing to adopt the stage as a profession to address A. B. C Dispatch office. inhIO-124 TTANTED-GOOD LEADING MAN. LEAD y IN G lady and other good responsible peo ple tn call Immediately-at the PITTSBURG DRA MATIC AGENCY, 96 Fourth ave., room 30. mhlO-ia TTTANTED-A PIANO PLAYER THAT UN V DERSTANDS variety business: also first part ladles. Answer quick for opening March 18, PRANK C MORRIS, Olympic Theater, Marietta, Ohio. mh3-18 WANTED AGENTS. MEN OR WOMEN, TO sell Missouri Steam Washer to families; ar guments in Its favor numerous and convincing: sales made without difficulty; nroflts large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be refurne at my expense if not satisfactory: write r Illustrated circular and terms. J. W ORTH, 54 Beekman, N, Y. no25-w80-su WANTED PAUTXERS. Wanted;-partner special part ner, with a cash capital ot (6,030 to put Into an old established house: profits are good; custom of the very best: the Increase In business is wliv more capital Is required. For full particu lars address P. O. BOXS14, Pittsburg, Pa. mhlO-116 WANTED BOARDING. -yttanted-two ROOMS EITHER fur- T WISHED or unrurnlsued with board In Al legheny, by a young couple. Address P. O; B., 348, Pittsburg. mhl0-16 I T-rr AN TED-ROOM AND BOARD GOOll 1.(1. V CALITY, East End or Allegheny, by thor I onghly reliable couple: state terms. A. B. M., uupAWU uuiec muiu-14 WANTED BOARDING BY A. YOUNG married couple, second story front room; location near the parks, Allegheny. Address R, B.. Dispatch office. mhlO-130 WANTED BOARDERS AND LODGERS. -YTTANTEIJ-BOAEDERS. PLEASANT AC VV COMMODATIONS can be had i miles from the city. Address S., Dispatch Office. mhlO-20 -VTTANTED-FROM APRIL 1. A FEW PEO- Y PLE to board In handsome bouseon Shady avenue. East End; a limited number only taken. Address A. B. C, Dispatch office, mh9-36 WANTED BOARDERS - SHADYSIDE room wfth board suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. Apply on premises, AMBERSON AVE., third door from cbnrch. mhlO-5i-Tusu -TTITANTED-OCCCPANT FOR LARGE SEO V ON D story front room with small adjoining room, furnished or unfurnished: suitable for office or sleeping rooms. Apply at 008 PENN AVE. Tnhl0-133 TTTANTED BOARDERS-GENTLEMEN CAN V obtain first-class boarding. In private famllv; also nice furnished room, in central part of Allegheny, not fire minutes from Allegheny P.O. Address J, E., Dispatch office. mhlO-a WANTED-OCCUPANTS' FOR PART OP house, consisting of four rooms, both gases, large hall and vestibule; excellent location; one square from cable cars. Fifth ave.; rent reasonable. Address CAREFUL, Dispatch office. mhuMU) THE WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED-BY A MAN OF 15 YEARS EX PERIENCE,asituatlonasbaker. Address, a A. N ELSON, Boxll, Brookston, Forest Co., Pa. mhlO-140 WANTED ROOMS. HOUSES. TTTA N T E D - FURNISHED HOUSE FOR. VV family of four persons; East End preferred. HOUSE, Dispatch office. mhlO-86 TTTANTED-BY TWO GENTLEMEN, AFUR VV NISHED room with natural gas fire and use of bath, situated in Sixth ward, Allegheny. Address R. T., Dispatch office. mhlO-123 WANTED-FURNISHED HOUSE IN ALLE GHENY or bewickley by couple without cnlldrenand best references: would rent for a year. Address J. H.. Dispatch office. mhIO-78 WA TED FINANCIAL. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 4K, 5 AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. Ja20-2-su TTTANTED RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY LY; property managed with satisfaction ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. laW-81 WANTED-MORTGAGES-tl, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and snburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 TTTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WEI HAVE V V over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4)i per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette, Washington and West moreland conntles; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. e3-a9-Su WANTED 3IISCELLASEOUS. ANTED-TO BUY ONE HORSE, CLOSED carriage In good order. H. S., Dispatch Office. rnhlO-19 WANTED-A CATHOLIC HOME FOR A good, bright girl aged 13. with a view to adoption possibly. Address GUARDIAN, Dis patch office. mh-23 TTTANTED-GOOD HOME FOR GIRL ELEVEN V years old where she would be brought up as one or the family: good parentage. Address, LESLIE, Dispatch office. mhlO-93 TTTANTE D STEREOPTICON OR MAGIC V lantern; must be good, with latest Im provements, and cheap: Etate make and price. Address STEREOPTICON, Box.164, Pittsburg. mhlO-ta WANTED SECOND-HAND REMINGTON type-writing machine In good running order; state price, kind and when same can be seen. Address LADY, room 14, Stevenson build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. mb.10-55 WANTED-PUBLIC TO KNOW THE ELITE GALLERY, M6 Market street, Pittsburg, will make cabinets for tl 00 per doz.. and show proofs, until May 1; so come early; bring the little ones; use elevator. le28-9 w ANTED BUYERS FOR GOLD AND silver -watches, chains, clocks, diamonds. silverware, etc.. at fl per week; Rogers' knives and forks fl 75 per set for cash. JOH-N MEfSCH, ISO Federal st., Allegheny. fel7-18-MWFSu WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheydcn has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest: remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, &30 bmlthfield St. noll-irwFsu WANTED AUCTION SALES OF REAL estate, merchandise at stores and house hold goods at residences, by SM1THSON & MOORE, General Auctioneers, office, room S3, Eisner building, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. mhlO-155 WANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nrocesa. mhl3-k27 WANTED-PEOPLE WHO ARE LEAVING the city or breaking up housekeeping to know we will store yonr goods at our warcrooms, or sell them at your residence; lowest rates: furni ture moving and packing attended to. PITTS BURG AUCTION CO.. 9?Thlrd ave. mh7-57 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. TTOR SALE-CONGRESS ST., BRICK DWELL JD ING or 4 rooms; both gases, etc.; lot 10x90 ft.: price p. 600. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. TeL 167. mhl0-9 FOR SALE-CONGRESS ST., BRICK DWELL ING 8 rooms: bath, vestibule, hall, both gases, etc.: a bargain. ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave, Tel. 167. mhl0-9 FOR SALE NO. 69 STEUBEN ST.. THIRTY SIXTH ward, large frame dwelling, 9 rooms: lot, 20x64 feet: price only 2,400. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. mhl0-10 FOR SALE MT. WASHINGTON, GRAND VIEW ave.. S1.050; frame honse, 2 rooms; lot, 15x157? terms, 50 cash, balance to suit. J R. COOPER & CO.. 107 Fourth ave. mhlO-148 FOR SALE-CENTER AVE. AND CRAWFORD St., brick dwelling, 6 rooms, hall, cellar, etc.: lot 21x80 feet; price reasonable. ALLES, & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue. Telephone 167. mhl0-9 FOR SALE-ON MAGEE STREET-BRICK house, 6 rooms, finished attic, natural gas, city water, good cellar, etc.; wlllbeoldatabar ain. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. mhlO-143 FORSALE-83.800-NEW BRICK OF 7ROOMS; has all conveniences: side entrance: lot24x 10 to paved alley: Penn ave., near Fortieth st.: terms easy. W. C'STEWAET, 114 Fourth ave. mnlO-24 FOR SALE-p.oOOSUBSTANTIAL BRICK of 8 rooms; nicely papered; tn good repair; has all conveniences; finest neighborhood on Cen ter ave.; terms easy. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhIO-24 FOR SALE-NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST., NEW double frame dwelling or 6 rooms In each; lot 26x85 ft.: rents for (343: only (2,850: 800cash: bal ance to suit: positive bargain. Til OS. MCCAF FREY. 3509 Butler st. fe24-97-WSSu FOR SALE-DAVIS ST.. NEW BRICK HOUSE of 6 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, marble mantels, good cellar, nat. and art. gas; lot. 20x94: cheap and terms easy. J. K. COOPER Co., 107 Fourth ave mblO-143 FOR SALE-S1.500-SUBSTANT1AL FRAME house, containing 5 rooms and Improvements, nicely papered; lot 39x100 feet, located In a good ne!glioorbood,near Center ave.: worth (1,800. W. C, STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 rORSALE-?I0,000-MODERN BRICK DWELL ING ofnlne rooms, with lot 50x110 feet, with good stable in rear: situated on Main St.: terms to suit purchaser. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mhl0-92 FOR SALE-GOOD BRICK HOUSE-8 ROOMS and hall, good cellars, side entrance: also, two brick houses of 4 rooms, each fronting on Mulberry St.: lot 24TI20 ft.; rents for S672; price. 6,250. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107JFourth ave. mhlO-143 FOR SALE BLUFF STREET. NEAR COL LEGE, new brick houses rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c., finished basement: a complete house, all late Improvements; lot 23 feet 9 inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. nihlu-2S-TTssu TTIOR SALE AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN JD Mt. Washington, fine river view, two squares lrom incline, very neat frame, mansard roof dwelling. 7 rooms, ball, water and gas, recently papered and painted: lot 35x2U3: only fJ.400; easy terms. J . R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. innlO-143 FOR SALE-8,000, BK1CK HOUSE AND LOT, 2919 Penn ave.: H00O, new frame. 7 rooms and hall, 8915 Howlcy ave.; 900, brick house, 2 rooms, on Arch St.: $2,000, new 4-room house on Cedar St., lot 20x130 feet: S1.100, good lot on Car negie ave., Eghteenth ward. D. BEHEN', 4112 Penn ave., Real Estate and Insurance Agent. mhl0-29 East End Residences. F ORSALE-8,000-ON YOUR OWN TERMS, new and substantial brick, containing 9 rooms and all conveniences: desirably located In Oakland. I. W. c. Bi'iiWAKT, 114 Fourth ave. inhlO-24 FOR SALE-ON GOOD STREET IN EAST END. fourmlnutes from Fifth avenue cable cars, and about six minutes from Roup Station, frame house; 8 rooms; hath room : basement laun dry; lavatory under front stairs: slate mantels; natural gas: elegant front and side porches: ele gant neighborhood; lot 4ixl30, very desirable In cverv respect: only P.600. THOMAS LlGGETi', No. 114 Fourth avenue. mh3-137-ITFSSu TTIOR SA1.E-S1O.O0O-TERJIS TO SUIT PUR JL: CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and hath on second and 3 attic rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has line irasfixtures: good stable on nremises: l&rcn lot; located on a paved avenue. In a well-lm-i S roved ana aesirauie nciguDornooa. w. c. TEWAR1. 114 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 TJiOK SALE ON GOOD STREET IN THE JD East End, three minutes' walk from Fifth avenue cable cars; elegant neighborhood; large corner lot G0xl50; new brick house, reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor, 4 bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, 4 good rooms in attic natural gas, electric bells and all latest improvements; only SULuOU. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avenue. IUh3-13S-TTFSSU FOR SALE-ON SOUTH HILAND AVENUE, lot 37.SX140 to 20-foot alley: selected brick ofa rooms, bath room, basement laundry, good dry cellar, hot and cold water, natural gas all through the honse. large front porch, elegant shade trees, tile hearths, slldlngdoirs between parlor and dln ingroom; everything In perfect order: stable on rear of lot: elegant neighborhood: convenient tu both steam and cable cars: reason for selling owner leaving the city. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. mhS-lSf-rrrssu FOR SALE-A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE, beautiful corner lot on two prominent paved streets In East End, 46x179: elegant new brick house; parlor, dining-room, reception ball, li brary, kitchen and large pantry-room on first floor; 5 bed-rooms, bath and inside w,c. onsecond floor: large finished attic with servant's room, cedar closet and trunk-room: sliding doors; speaking tubes, electric bells, perfect in every re spect, and elegant neighborhood. THOMAS LIG GETf, No. 114 Fourth avenue. mh3-137-lTrssa FOR SALE-EAST END RESIDENCE. NEG LKY are., near Penn, elegant new brick resi dence, 11 rooms, bath room, spacious and well lighted laundry, large closets, closets with draw ers and shelves, slate mantels, tiled hearths and vestibule speaking tubes, electric bellsand lights, flagstone pavements;, a very desirable and con venient house; grading, paving and sewering of Negley avenue paid without extra cost: key can b found at residence of H. P. Sloterbeck, corner Penn and Negley aves. TBI'S. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mhio-ss-Tnssu PITTSBURG - DISPATCH," FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Eaat End Residence. T7)K SALE-A NEW HOUSE, 153 CARVER J street, with six large rooms, pantry and 2 porches, with stable In rear: lot 25x108: price only fc.300. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., e. mh9-20 TJiOR SALE-83.500-A NEW AND BUBSTAN X? TIAL frame dwelling, containing 8 rooms, bath and all conveniences; outside laundry with rooms for help: located In East Liberty. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 FOR SALE-ON COLLEGE AVE., LOT 50X170 to 20-foot alley, one-story frame cottage of 5 rooms: stone foundation under whole house: con venient to both steam and cable cars: (3.000. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth are. mh3-137-Tirssu OR SALE-ON PENN AVE.. BETWEEN X Negley ana ot. viair st.; lot zaxi-io w ai wood St., frame honse of 4 rooms, front and back porches, sewer connections, etc ; only (3,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave, , mhS-135-MWFSSU FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF HOUSES LO CATED In all parts or the East End. rang ing In prices from (2.000 to (90,000. Parties who in tend purchasing will find It to their Interest to see W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave.. berore buy ing. mhlO-24 F OR SALE-NEW FRAME QUEEN ANNE dwelling, near North Hlland ave.. E. E.: 9 rooms, reception hall, bath, w. c. laundry, slate mantels, art fireplaces, both gases; price low If sold before April 1. Inquire at 6100 BOND ST., E. E. mhlO-25-TuSu FOR SALE-(7,500-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK residence, containing? rooms, bath and all conveniences; lot 0x360, with outsido laundry with rooms for help: terms, (1,500 casb, balance same as rent: located at Edgewood. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 FOR SALE DOY'OU WANT TO BUY A FINE large resldenco of 7 rooms, hall, porches, with stable In rear; lot 48x100, Grazier street. 2 minutes' walk from Homewood station; price. $4,000, If sold at once MELLON BttOS.. 6349 station street, E. E. mb9-20 FOK SALE-A BARGAIN-CASH. $3,750 mortgagc (3,000, 5 years, 5 per cent: Inside and outside one of the most artistic and best ar ranged houses In Pittsburg; new, 10 rooms; Fifth ave, opposite Ursullne Park: lot 25x127 to20-ft. aucy. iiLiAua. kdaimij. tot ourtn ave, mhl0-68 1JWB SALE-I8.0C0-TEEMS TO SUIT PUR ! CHASER, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second, 3 attic rooms and all conveniences: well finished throughout; desirably located In Oakland. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 TTIOR SALE-(7,500-TERM3 (1.000 CASH, BAL JD AN CE 825 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain ing 9 rooms, bath and all conveniences: is ele gantly finished and located In one of the most de sirable neighborhoods In the East End. W. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 FOR SALE-WITHIN 3 MINUTES' WALK OF Roup station, elegant neighborhood; lot 50x165; brick house of 8 rooms, bath room, laun dry, large closets, furnace plate glass windows, hardwood finish, marble and carved wood man tels, elegantly papered, plumbing and everything or the very best; only (10,000. THUS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. mh3-135-MWFSSu TTIOR SALE-TWO GOOD BRlCK DWELL ED INGS, one six rooms and one eight rooms, at Bellefield; on good streets and near the cable line: good, large lots, well planted with fruit; shade trees, etc ; these properties are very delrable and the prices are low; If applied for soon can have possession April 1 next. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. mh9-68 FOR SALE COR. LOT ON ELLSWORTH ave., 55x138, frame house of 8 rooms, bath room, basement laundry, natural gas all through the house; good drainage; wide hall In center ot honse; electric bells and all modern improve ments; within 3 minutes' walk of Roup station; good neighborhood: only (8,000. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mh3-135-MWFSbU FOR SALE-NO. SKS HOWLEY AVE., LOT 20 xlOO; new frame dwelling: hall, vestibule, 8 rooms, bath, cemented laundry. Inside w. c , folding parlor doors, slate mantels. Inside shut ters, etc : nat. and art. gas, newly painted and paoercd, 2-story frame stable In rear; will be sold at a big sacrifice; possession April 1; (1,500 cash; balance to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY. ay But ler St. fe24-97-W6SU FOR SALE-ON PAVED STREET IN EAST END. within four minutes' walk of either line of cable cars or East Liberty station; lot 47x 120, to a 20-loot alley: new selected brick of 6 rooms, bath and 2 rooms In finished attic, good wide hall and vestibule electric bells, electric light, speaking tubes, etc: (8.200, or will sell house: lot 24x120 for (6, 600. THOS. LIGGETT.No. 114 Fourth avenue. mh3-136-TTFSSu Hazelwood Residences. F1 OR SALE-AT A GREAT BARGAIN-A 5-room honse and lot. 60x1:0. on Hazelwood avenue, near Hazelwood station; price f 1,600; (GOO cash, balance on easy payments, C. H. LO VE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh9-63 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE TO A QUICK buyer. 2 nice houses on California ave., Alle gheny. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. mhlo-10 FOR SALE-85.000-BRICK DWELLING OF seven rooms, lot 25x110 feet, west side of Monterey St., second ward, Allegheny. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mhlO-02 FOR SALE-(12,000-MRS. COOPER'S RESI DENCE, on Jjew'Brlghton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny; lot 90x260 with comfortable brick double dwelllnx house, 14 rooms. A. LEG GATE St, SON, 31 Federal st., Allegheny. mh9-l5 FOR SALE-SEDGWICK ST., ALLEGHENY., brick residence 8 rooms, hall.-bato, w. c, range. Inside shutters marble mantels, both gases, and In best of repair: lot 24 ft. front; cor ner property. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. mhlO-143 FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF DWELLINGS located on Ridge ave, Lincoln ave., North ave., and othergood streets in Allegheny. Parties desiring topnrchase will find It to their Interest to see W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave., befoic buying. , mhlO-24 FOR SALE-85.500 AND H600-MODEBN pressed brick dwellings of eight rooms, with all recent conveniences; situated on Elrkpatrlck avenue Second ward, Allegheny, one square from streetcars. STRAUB MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue Pittsburg. mhlO-92 FOR SALE OHIO ST.. ALLEGHENY, AT A bargain, good 3-story brick house of 6 rooms and storeroom, hall; side entrance; large lot with stable and wagon shed in rear: store occupied as frrocery and doing a first-class business: easy eras. J. R. COOPER & CO.; 107 Fourth ave. inhlO-148 FOR SALE -(8,000-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never ocenpied). containing 9 rooms, bath, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all lm- Srovenients, located on Acklev st.. head of lonterey st. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fonrth ave. mhl0-24 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT CRAFION. COMFORTABLE new frame house of Grooms: dry cellar, splen did well: lot 90 feet front by 2j6 deep. Apply to J. R. MURPHY. Dealer" in Real Estate; office opposite It. R. station, Crafton, Pa. mhlO-3 OR SALE ON WALLACE ST., WILKINS BURG, 2-story brick house of 8 rooms, front and back porches: both gases, good water; lot 52x149, set with fruit and shade trees; very desira ble location: terms to suit; price (3.800. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh3-138-lTWFSU FOR SALE-DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AT Ingram, Crafton and Idle wood, at prices ranging from (2,500 to (14,000: persons desiring homes in these neighborhoods please give us a call. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave., Plttsbnrg. mhlo-92 TTIOR SALE-(3,200-VERY PRETTY HOME AT J? West Bellerne three minutes walk from Btatlon; house contains six rooms, natural gas, etc.: stable on lot: fine river view and everything In good order. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave, Plttsbnrg. mhlO-92 IT-OR SALE-(3.t3 WILL PURCHASE A 1 pleasant home at West Bellevue: lot 63x146; house well finished; two porches; high ceilings; natural gas: stable on premises: plenty of fruit; convenlcnttostation. STRAUB& MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue Pittsburg. mhlO-92 FOR SALE-ON WATER ST., W1LKINS BURG, corner lot, 83X165, good frame house of 5 rooms, good well of water; lot well set with cranes, nc&ches. nears. etc.: nrice onlv 82.6C0: small dash payment, balancehi monthly pay ments. aiiUD. iiiljvjr.1 J, , 114 Fourth avenue mh3-l3S-MWFSn FOR SALE-AT SHERIDAN STATION, P.. C. 4 !jT. 1 K. R., 11 acres of land, house of 4 rooms and kitchen; stable orchard, etc; 2 natural gas mains rnn through the place: suitable for manufacturing or building sites: capitalists tale notice; a hlg bargain it sold at once LASHELL & RAN KIN , 67 Fourth ave. mhl0-10 FOR SALE ATWILKINSBURG, ONE MIN UTE'S walk from station, new Queen Anne house of 7 rooms, hall, bathroom, laundry, Un titled attic slate roof, slate mantels, front and back porches now being finished; painting to suit the buyer: price S3, WO: (500 to tl.Ofo cash, balance to suit. Inquire of THOS. A. COLEMAN, oppo site station. mhIO-30 FOR SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard station. P. V. and C. railroad, with fine house containing seven rooms, water In kitchen, spring-house grapery, fruit trees, etc. This beautiful place is located In what is common ly called Forestvllle and only about five miles lrom the city, and cost only ordinary car fare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice If sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, Soutn bide fel9-61 I7IO R SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST " beautiful suburban places In Allegheny countv: the house is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It is completely fitted up with bath' rooms, water closets and "natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue Knoxville borough. ja!9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. ' att iiot T7I0B BALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE. X? lot 23 ft- 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 28 Bluff St. mhl0-28-TTB8a FOR SALE-THREE LOTS 20x110, FOETY F1FTH street near Butler street; cheap, on easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL BRO., 162 Fourth avenue. mh2-21-24,6,8l10 East End Lota. TTIOR SALE A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST t lota In the East End -will nav von to see ns before buying. W. U STEW ART, 114 Fourth mblv-24 SUNDAY, MARCH 10; FOR. SALE LOrs. Enst End Lota. FOR BALE-ONE LOT, 24X100 NICELY LO CATED, 2 minutes walk from Homewood station: only (500. MELLON BROS., 6319 station street, E. JE. - mh9-20 TTIOR SALE (SOO-LOT 25X124 FEET, NEAR A? corner Ward -and WJlmot streets, Oakland. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mhlo-9-i FOR HALE-2 -ACRE LOTS ON FAIRMOUNT avenue Nineteenth ward: only 5 minutes' walk from cable line: price only (750 If sold this week. MELLON BROS.. 6319 Station St., E. E. mh9-19 FOR BALE-(5,500-LOT 82x175 FEET. LOCAT ED In one of the finest avenues In Shadyslde, southern exposure; adjoining-property is held at 1100 a front foot: this Is certainly a bargain, w. !. STEWART. 114 Fonrth ave. mhlO-24 F OR SALE (3,250-LOT 50x150 FEET, ON Center nvpnne near Ronn street: terms 1750 cash, balance can remain five years If desired, or part or all paid anytime; choicest lot on the ave nue, w. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. UJM1V-.I-, FOR HALE-S3.000-ON YOUR OWN TEEMS; lot 50x115 feet, located on one of the finest ave nues in the East End: neighborhood strictly first class; within five minutes' walk of station or cable cars. W. C. BTEWART, 114 Fourth avenue mhlO-24 FOR 8 ALE-(5,200-LOT 68X222 FEET, BOULE VARD place E. E., corner Linden avenue and Thomas St.: we also have other desirable building sites for sale In various localities. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue Plttsbnrg. mhlO-93 17IOR SALE-LOTS! LOT3I-3 CHOICE LOTS on Frankstown ave., Brushton station: Bank of Commerce addition plan: each 40x140 feet to 24 toot alley; terms, (59 down and (10 a month: cheapest lots In the market. Secure plan from JOHN'F BAXTER, Agent, 512Smllh(leld St. mhlO-60-Tussu EOK SALE-LOTS, LOTS. LOTS, ON.SOCTH Hlland ave.. Center ave, Penn ave., Fifth ave. Barton St., AValllngford St.. Walnut St.. Edwin st, O'Hara St.. Roup St., Conrad St.. and all the principal sts. and aves. In the East End at lowest market prices. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mh3-l35-MWFSSu TTHJIt SALE ONE OK THE FINEST BUILD JD ING sites In the East End, 198 ft. fronton prominent st., by 300 ft. deep; within 3 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars and 7 minutes of R. R. station; magnificent view and elegant neigh borhood: will sell all or half: only 860 per foot; cheap. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mh7-20 JjTOR SALE-ONLY (S5 A FHONT FOOT; LOTS . 39x173 or 59x173 feet, located In Shadyslde on cbecca st., adjoining handsome residence of Mr. Samuel Hamilton; well elevated eastern exposure, convenientto cable t-ars and station: this neigh borhood will undoubtedly be strictly first class and this property Is bound to be worth. In a short time, double the money. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave mhlO-24 Rubnrbnn Lots. FOR SALE-SI. 100 ONH OF THE FINEST lots at Sheridan. 100x150 feet; situated near the station: STRAUB Jt MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave, Pittsburg. mhlo-92 FOR BALE-SEVERAL FINE LCI'S AT Clifton station. P., Ft. W. C. R. R. : also 2K acres at Neville station, with house of 6 rooms: abundant fruit, etc. LASHELL & RANKIN. 67 Fourth ave. mbl0-10 FOR SALE-AT CORAOPOLIS. ONLY 18 minutes ride on P. &L. E. H. R.: all trains stop: place Improving fast: now Is the ffine to purchase while prices are low; we luvye some extra bargains In residence properties, and a large amount of lots ranging In size from 25 feet front to 30 acres. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave mhlO-10 Farms. FOR SALE-AT A SACRIFICE, TWO FARMS In Crawford county. Pa., onlytOO mbesfrom Plttsbnrg and near R. It. station. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. mhlO-10 FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOR CITY property In Allegheny county. Pa., a good farm or 240 acres on B. & O. R.R.ln Wood county, W. Va. For particulars address J AS. F. HAYS, Carrick, Allegheny co.. Pa. mhlO-34-wsn FOR SALE -200.000 ACRES - SELECTED tracts Southern pine, ash, cypress, oak, wal nut and poplar timber and mineral lands, (1 50 to S3 per acre; indisputable fee simple titles. E. II. BUTERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa. mh9-31 F ORSALE-M,000-PRODUCTTVE FARM 1)F 80 acres, sloping south and east; no waste land; bouse barns, fences, etc. .all in good order; situated 3 miles from Warren, Ohio: will exchange for desirable city property. STRAUB & MOR RIS, corner Wood st. and. Third ave., Pittsburg. mhlO-92 FOR SALE-174 ACRES SMOOTH, VERY convenient larm. facing E. and S. : well watered; 25 acres timber, 120 acres pasture and meadow: 6 acres choice bearing frnits; large frame buildings, new tenant bouse etc.; good title; only (30 per acre. E. H. BUTERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa. mh8-74 FOR SALE-80 ACRES JOININGCITY LIMITS: foot of Boggs and Southern ave.. Thirty second ward: here is a chance to get one of the finest Investments In the city; don't fall to look after this deal at once; coal underlying it: re member this will be sold cheap: Boggs ave paved nearly to land. P. A. GIBSON, 13o Fourth ave. mhl0-31 SOB 8ALE-200 ACRES AT AKDARA STA TION, Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from tsburg (as a whole or to suit purchaser), has a large sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bank and aoout 100 acres of level laud suitable for man ufacturing purposes; adjoins Carnegie Bros. & Co.. and only flvemlles from the new Westing house Works at Wllmerding. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. mhlO-24 miscellaneous. TTIOR SALE-BARGAINS IN HEAL ESTATE. r S. J. Fleming, 147 Fourth ave. Clark st., brick bouse of 6 rooms, price (2,200; Roberts St., corner property, pressed brick dwelling of 9 rooms, modern Improvements, large lot, price (4,500; Arch St., Allegheny, frame house 6 rooms, Jirlce (3, 800; E. Jefferson St., Allegheny, frame ustnew, 5 rooms, price (3,000; Allegheny ave. 2 storyand mansard dwelling of 8 rooms; all mod ern Improvements, large lot. price (3.S00: Pier st.. uasiana, 3 new iramenouses oi a rooms eacu,yrun large lot, property rents for (470 per year, price S3,uuu; spienaiu investment; terms very easy; Broad St.. E. Liberty, frame of 6 rooms, lot25x!4o. price (2.200; Fulton st., 3-story brick of 6 rooms, lot 16x100 to an alley, price (2.300; terms easy; Meyran ave, near Forbes st,, elegant pressed brick dwelling of 9 rooms, all latest Improvements, large lot. 2 minutes from cable cars, price (8,500. Call or send for our. large illustrated price list. Just issued. S. J. FLEMING, 147 Fourth ave. mhlO-83 TTIOR BALE-BY THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 A? Bntler street, the followingproperty: (1,850 No. 4053 Howley ave., lot 20x100 feet, a new frame-house of .four (4) rooms, hall and fin ished attic; possession April 1; easy payments. (1,850 At Uber station on the line of narrow ?angc railroad. Just out of Mlllvale borough, new rame dwelling of five (5) rooms, and one and one half (1M) acres or ground: on easy payments. (7,000 No. 3502 Penn ave., new pressed brick front dwelling house; halls, vestibules, 6 rooms, finished attic both gases, bath, hot and cold water, stationary range, slate mantels, inside shutters. Inside w. c, folding parlor doors; (4,500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Thirty-nine lots on Klncald and Rosetta at., near Penn ave. cable line: sizes 22x100 and 110 ft. each: from (250 to (40o each: (10 down on each lot, monthly payments for the balance. (10, 0C0 No. 53 Colwell street, lot 24x70 1-3x73 l-3x 92 1-3 and a good brick dwelling, with all modern convenlences,uf ten (10) rooms, wide hall and fin ished attics; both gases: terms to snlt purchaser. (12.5C0 No. 5190 Liberty avenue grand newbrlck Queen Ann residence of hall, eleven (11) roms, bath, w. c, electric bells all over the house art tile facing, fine cabinets on all mantels, plate glass mirrors, newly papered throughout, art glass windows, cemented cellar, lanndry, etc. (10,000 Nos. 415417, 419 Larlmarave, lot 75x102 feet, frame house of 8 rooms, bath, natural and ar tificial gas, wash house also donble frame house of 3 stories. now occupied as drugstore and drygoods store, 9 rooms In dry- goods store building and 6 rooms in drugstore utldlng: the whole rents for (1,350, at terms to suit purchaser. Will divide the property. (1,800-No. HI Forty-fourth street, lot 24x100 ft., good frame dwelling of five rooms, (350 cash: monthly payments for the balance. (3,800 OnLlberty ave, nearThlrty-nlnth street, John V. Hughes, new brick dwelling of hall, 6 rooms and finished attic (3,500 No. 250 Thirty-seventh St., new frame house of 7 rooms aud hall; both gases; inside shutters, etc; also one rear frame house of 4 rooms; the whole rents for (35 a month; terms to suit purchaser. (2,050 No. 363 Main St., lot 24)x97 feet, frame house of six rooms; terms to suit purchaser. (1,900 On Inwood ave.. near Frankstown ave. lot 23x136. new frame house of four rooms and finished attic: stable etc.; terms to snlt. (2,000 No. 48 Nineteenth street, good sized lot, frame house of 5 rooms In first-class repair; terms to snlt purchaser. (2,500 No. 309 Forty-fourth street, lot 22M0O feet, brick dwelling offlverooms;7$ cash, bal. to salt purchaser. 81,200 On Omaha street, near Merrlmac street, lot 25x80, brick dwelling of 5 rooms, (300 cash, balance tcj suit purchaser: possession April 1st., 1839. (1.900 On Stanton ave.. Nineteenth ward, lot 40x120 ft., good frame house of 6 rooms, large cistern, fruit, grapes and shade trees, cash, bal ance to suit. 1 (4,200 On Center ave., near Roup station, P. R. It., lot 33x152, new frame dwelling house or (6) six rooms, large hall, hot and cold water, bath, both gases, front and rear porches; X casb, bal ance to suit. (4, CC0-Seven acres good land between Franks town and Hazelwood; will divide up into lots; rare chance for speculation; very easy payments; also hundreds or houses and lots for cash and easv payments. Call on THOMAS MCCAFFREY, the leading real estate agent, 3509 Bntler st. Of flce open evenings. Telephone 1641-2. inblO-151 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cbnnces. FOR SALE-HOTEL, WITH 20 ROOMS, ALSO offire barroom and poolroom; centrally lo cated; furnished complete; a good trade; also ood lease on bouse. For further particulars ad ressST. CHARLES HOTEL, Bteubenville, O. mhlO-137 F IOR BALE-JOB PRINTING OFFICE IN ltv Af IfVI fWl In flHIi-i rlnln rr m nliiii linolnAsn V1SJ wa VUVV SU UIU UUillf, CB lllk UUSIUUB, reasons for selling, death of Dronrletor: liberal terms to responsible parties. Address J. K. C, care Allan C. Kerr & Co., 96 and 98 Third avenue, Plttsbnrg. Pa. mhlO-27 FOR SALE-THE PLANT KNOWN AS THE Bucyrus JournaLiln Its 37th year: connected with the office is the Daily Telegraph, the only dally in Crawford county, and both offices doing a fine business; price (6,000; terms easy. JOHN HOl'LEY. Bncyrus, Ohio. mhlO-110-TTSSU FOR SALE-NEAT CIGAR STORE: GOOD paying small drygoods and notion store, either would salt lady; stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding houses, hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works, etc; 100 business chances. 8HEPARD C0..'.Mjriftnave. mh8 '.1889:, FOR SALE BC8INESS. Huslnes Chances. FK SALE-DRUG STOKE IN TOWN OF 1,200: no opposition: will Invoice f 1,800; excellent chance lor pnysician. Address nuuuuui, Federal St., Allegheny City. inh3-51 TTIOR SALE-AN INTEREST IN GOODPAYING JrJ dairy in thriving town in New Mexico: fcOO required: would suit some one in search ot health. Address DAIRY, Dispatch office mhlO-114 TTOR BALE-GROCEBY STORE ON CARSON J; street. Southsiile, doing a nice trade: good 6-room dwelllngattached; will invoice abopt 8600. J. C. REILL Y, 7 Diamond street. mh9-49 FOB SALE-ONE OF THE BEST RESTAUR ANTS in the town. 8. M. SHAN ER'S, 42 Diamond Market House Pittsburg, doing a big business and good reasons for selling. mhlO-118 FOR 8ALE-(350 WILL BUY A WELL-ESTABLISHED and largely-advertised business (not half its value), butmust be sold; extra chance for active man. D. II., Dispatch office. mhl0-33 F IOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST GROCERY stores on Second avennet-wlll be sold CCeap as the owner Is going to quit business. Inquire at DUAL011!,U3, unu. ffi W., 0l Lilueny bucci mhlO-M OR SALE-THREE PATENTS: LACKING capital: monopoly; no expense to commence manufacturing sell cheap: terms reasonable or trade for real estate; article a necessity COM PULSION. Dispatch office. mhlO-96 Business Stands. . F' lOB SALE-CENTER AVE. BUSINESS nrnnertv! hrlrtrdweliinir A rooms and store room, slate root both Rases, etc.: lot 22"ix96fU ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. lei. 187. mbl0-9 . FOR SALE-(30,000-SUBSTANTIAL PIECE OF property located corner of an alley on one of the best business streets In Pittsburg: will rent for (2,250; lot 24x160 feet: particulars to principals only W. C. STEWART, 114 Fonrth ave. mhlO-24 F IOR SALE-OR TO LET -BL ACKSM1TH AND wnrrnn shnn In the F.lrhteenth ward, with large trade: owner going into other business; shop fully equipped and Inline working order. Address L. A. B.. EastEnder office, Fortieth and Butler streets, city. mhlO-63 FOR SALE-(10n,000-THE LARGEST AND best located piece of property suitable for retail trade In Pittsburg; owner has been holding for (140, 000, but will take the above price if sold at once; particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 111 Fourth ave. mhlO-24 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth ave.: also a number of pieces on Penn ave, Smlthfleld st. and other good streetstwill take pleasure In giving fnll par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fonrth ave. mn 10-24 FOR SALE-OR R-ENT-A THREE-STORY frame hotel, containing 22 rooms, 2 porches fnll length of building, near depot at Falls City; would make a fine summer resort; also storeroom 21x50 ft., with three warehouses attached. Ad dress JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Ohio Pyle Fayette CO., Pa. fe23-95-Su FOR SALE-A PROPERTY ON FIFTH AVE., near the Court House with 2 stores and dwellings on it; now rented fur SCO; will rent readily lor (720, and a property that will surely Increase in value: price (7,500; (4,000 cash and bal ance on long time If desired. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave. mh9-6S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Financial. FOR SALE-MORTGAGES I MORTGAGES from (500, (1,000, (1,500 aud upward, bearing 6 per cent Interest approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anvbody. Apply to O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, south Side. iel9-61 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE lot of No. 1 second-hand engines and boilers, all sizes, from 2 h.-p. np. taken in exohange for new; we got them cheap and they will go cheap: also new engines and hollers, every size and styleat rock bottom prices. HARME'SSIA CHINE DEPO T, 97 First ave fe3-y776n Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, die F IOR SALE-A FINE MASTIFF DOG. ONE vearold: canbesecnat592WYLIEAVENUE. mhIO-117 FOR SALE-TWO FRESH COWS-BY E. ARM STRONG, Mornlngslde station, A. V. R. R., Eighteenth ward. mh9-50 FOR BALE-LARGE GOAT, WELL TRAINED, 2 sets of harness and a two-seated wagon. Address C. F. E., Dispatch office. mhl0-67 FOR SALE-A HIGHLY-BRED JERSEY COW, 3 vears old. Inquire or SPENCER & GLOS SEK. Real Estate Agents, 419 Smlthfleld St. mhlO-132 FOR SALE-DARK BROWN BAROUCHE horse 6 years old; 16K hands; weight, 1.300: sonnd and snlendid style with good mane and tall, at 3806 W.H.WOOD. mhlO-32 FOR SALE-FINE THOROUGHBRED KEN TUCKY trotting mare 5 years old. 15K hands high: pedigree given on application: owner has no time for driving. Inquire at 112 SECOND AVE., city. rahlO-S9 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-TWO POOL AND THREE BIL LIARD tables, with complete outfit for room. Apply at MONONGAHELA HOUSE BILLIARD ROOM. - mhlO-129 FOR SALE-FURNITURE AT 103 ARCH ST.. Allegheny. TUESDAY. March 12 at 2 o'clock at auction; there are carpets, sofa, chairs, tables, blankets, mirror, wardrobe hatrack, bureaus, bedsteads, sewing machine dishes, utensils, etc. A. LEG GATE & SON., Auctioneers. mh9-I5 TO LET. Citv Residences. T 10 LET A VERY DESIRABLE BRICK dwelling houe ot 10 rooms. No. 411 Wvlle ave., near Erin St.; rent (400 per annum; no water rent. C. BERRINGEK & SON, 103 Fonrth ave. mhlO-84 TO LET LARGE 10-ROOM HOUSE -LOCATED at No. 30 Townsend St.; 10 minutes from postofflce: hot and cold water; both kinds of gas: bath. w. c. andc: rent 833 per month; no water rent Address P. O. BOX 766, Pittsburg, Pa. mhlO-66 TO LET-NO. 257 LOCUST ST ADJACENT TO Eighth U. P. Church, near Van Braam st House of six rooms, bath room, large finished attic laundry, hot and cold water, vault In cellar, natural gas for heating and lighting, city gas, newly painted and grained, inside w. c.'s. shade trees, porch snrroundlng kitchen, electric bell, inside shutters, speaking tube, etc; rent (30 a month. Inquire at 28 TUSTIN ST. (formerly Honest.), lurearof bouse orofDR. J. B. SUL LIVAN, 115 Arch st, Allegheny. mblO-143 East End Residences. TO LET-RESIDENCE OF TEN ROOMS, stabling, etc., an acre or ground: one ot the most delightful locations on line of North Hlland ave.. East End. M. P. HOWLEY, No. 127 Fonrth avenue. mh9-l00 O LET-DON'T BENT WHEN YOU CAN buy a new frame dwelling, 7 rooms, large attic corner fireplaces with slate mantels and tile hearths; lot 40x137 feet; Grazier street, Brushton station. Bank of Commerce addition; Immediate Sossesslon. See JNO. F. BAXTER, Ag't. 612 mlthfleld street mhlO-rrsu TO LET-ON REBECCA ST.. TWENTIETH ward, one square from Penn ave. cable line bouse or 10 rooms, with bath and fann. dry: furnace In cellar: large lot with fruit trees, grapes In abundance: beautiful location; also small cottage with garden and grape aibor:rent cheap. Inquire at2909PENN AVE. mh7-93 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE. TWO-STORY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; 3 acres of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, stables, etc. : wJU he rented low to good party; shadyave. opposite Wilklns ave. Inquire of N. S. SNYDER. M. Nicholas Hotel, orj.ll, HYND J1AN, 6212 Penn ave. East End, mh5-3-TWSSU TOLET-HOCSEOF14ROOMS. BOTH GASES, bath and w. c, outside wash-house, spring house, greenhouse, stable for 4 horses, carriage house cow stable chicken honse, with about 10 acres of land; situated on Negley avenue 3 min utes' walk from Penn avenne cable cars. Inqnlre of HENRY ROBERTS, at Oliver Roberts Wire Co., Fourth and Bingham sts., S. S. inbS-59 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-HOUSE NO. 29 ESPLANADE ST.. 9 rooms, slate mantels, stationary washstands, hath and laundry, both kinds of pas. Apply. WM. SWINDELL, 27 Esplanade St, Allegheny. mhlO-33 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT HARMERVILLE. SIX-ROOMED house with large storeroom attached: good Srocery stand. Address MRS. MARY McCRUM, ox 13, Hoboken, Pa. mh4-43 TO LET-MY HOUSE. THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, alt mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage honse, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mb3-63 TO LETiA NICE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE at Emsworth, containing 7 rooms, halls, clothes rooms, 2 attic rooms and large attic slate mantels, lnsldeshudders and double bay windows: lot ',i acre. Inclosed with palling fence: situated on Beaver road and approach to Clirton Station, only 3 minutes walk to Clifton and 10 to Emsworth Station, P., Ft. W. &C.R.R.:natural gas and good spring water, with other advantages. Inquire at residence of Mr. J. SHANNON, Grocer, or ad dress owner. THOS. BARRE1T, No. 293 Forty fifth St., Plttsbnrg.4 mhl0-59 Business fitnnils. TO LET-FIVE STOREROOMS ON LIBERTY and Fourth, corner Penn and Third, on Ferry and Fourth: rooms and dwelling houses. Inquire of 8. MDSGRAVE, 44 Fourth street. mhS-66-FSu TO LET-ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND 173 Flflli ave, opp Court House, running through to Wylle ave.; newplato glass fronts on both streets. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond st mhlO-34 TO LET-GOOD BRICK STORE AND DWELL ING In Mansfield, on the main St.: a good opening for drygoods, trimmings, notions, etc., or an A N o. 1 location for tinstore. C. H. LO VE, 93 Fourth avenue inb9-68 TO LfET-QUARRY-ELEGANT BUILDING stone online B. &0 R. R., near Washing ton. Pa. : fifteen hundred feet frontage on rail road: siding can be put in at slight expense. Ad dress J. I. BEOWNbON, Washington, Pa. mhWfl Miscellaneous. TO LET-BRICK STABLE ON BHINGISS ST., Second ward, Pittsburg; either 4 or 8 stalls. Inquire DAVID BTEEN, Fourth ave. and Try sW. ( - - - ' - mbS-8 , NEW ADVXRTISEMENTS. 01 MM STOCK What a World of Meaning -IN- These Few Words I TT ....11 t 1. .. A ;nfAfaef this city and the surrounding country! How eagerly will hundreds upon hundreds of the stylish and fashionable dressers of this community read" our announcement! No. doubt about it the near approach oT spring will' produce, as it always doe3 at our store, a veritable boom in every de partment . ; OUR SPRING STOCK READY-; You must be prepared for surprises often, for we intend to offer j greater and better inducements for you to patronize us than ever. We shall as of old do business in a way that will meet with the approvalof -honesty, We shall eclipse and outdistance all our past efforts to give better satisfaction to our patrons. 1 Spring Overcoats, for Men, Boys and Children. The whole of' our enormous and truly beautiful stock is now in our1 house and we unhesitatingly pronounce it the handsomest we have ever shown. While the styles are so elegant, it will be found a.--that such great and wonderful improvements have been made in the cut and make that the goods, we offer are , - -as near perfection as human skill and ingenuity a- can make them. We shall seek patronage on the score of merit and shall do as we have - J always hitherto done, viz.: sell better goods at a less price than inferior goods can be bought for elsewhere. Depend on this. NEW SPRING STYLES V i MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS'"- A collection of stylish and elegant garments, such as will surprise and delight the most critical of purchasers. Goods to suit all tastes; goods to suit all purses; goods to suit all purposes; goods unequaled for completeness of assortment, unsurpassed for richness of texture, ele- gance of styles and reliability of make. Keep your money in your' pocket until you've seen how far you can make it go in a spring suit for man, boy or child at our store. Glorious Display Whatever there is new and novel in we can and will undersell all the hat' -06 0 GUSKY'S i TO EET. Offices, Dek Boom, ifce. TO LET-DESK K001I IN ONE OF THE finest offices In the city; nse of vault; every thing complete. Address OFFICES, Dispatch office. mhlO-53 rriO LET-THREE UPPER FLOORS OF 631 1 Smlthfleld street, suitable for doctor's or dentist's officas, and light housekeeping: prefer to rent as a whole, but if desired will rent separately. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. mhlO-92 Arartmenln. TO LET NETLY FURNISHED ROOMS, front or rear, centrally located, from April 1. Inquire alter 6 p. M., 63 ARCH ST. , Allegheny. kin nt mbio-91 TO LET-F URNISHED ROOMS WITH KITCH EN, tableware, sewing machine, etc. nat ural gas; everything a. 1. 41 LOGAN ST.. Pitts burg. mhlO-85 TO LET ELEGANT NEW FURNISHED rooms for gents only, in the large new build ing on the corner of Boyd and Watson sts.; refer ences required; Inquire on the premises. 1'. HEKMES. mh6-57 TO LET-TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS in private family: situated 2 minutes from parks and 1 minute from street cars. Allegheny; reference required. Address MANSION. Dis patch office. mhlO-37 TO LET-ROOMS. EITHER FURNISHED OR unfurnished, with or without board, in all Farts of both cities; full Information abont rooms rce: references given and required. TWIN CITY ROOM RENTING AGENCY, S7 Fifth ave.(second floor). Plttsbnrg. mhlO-Si PERSONAL. PERSONAL-J. THOMPSON HARE-RELATIVES and friends of J. Thompson Hare will please address F. C. VALENTINE, 347 Pro duce Exchange, New lorfc. .mhS-87-su PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one boot worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us know: we will bay one as qnlckly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. Seventh Ave. Hotel building. tea) LOST. LOST-ABOUT2WEEKSAGO-A9 MONTHS' note for K87 89 drawn byL. MAKKWITZ. Finder will please leave at DISPATCH OFFICE. mhlO-4 LOST-ON FRIDAY, BETWEEN MARKET street and Sixteenth street, S. H., lady's pocketboQk, containing snm of money and Tistt Ing cards. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at ADAMS iCO.'S GLASSWORKS, S. 3., oratLOUGHKEY'S. 438 Wood st. mh 10-45 FOUND. FOUND-VTHETRUTH! WE SUFFERED UN lOLD agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon ren edlcs enred us when all other means had failed. Mrs. Rev.LotLake. Mrs. Win. G. Cover, Youngs town, O. : Mrs. Hannah John. 663 Forbes street, JohnS. Fahev, Tallapoosa, Ga.; Thomas Brown, S. .: Michael Hlncs, 121 Wylle ave.. and thou sands of others. We invite the worst rases from whatever cause, bee testimonials at GRIFFrrH'3 PHARMACY, Third and GranU Pittsburg. Pa. mhlO-13S FOR SALE. SOME OP THE MOST DESIRABLE DWELLINGS, BUSINEBB HL1UBE5, MHDFAG1HI& AUD BtMN& SITES IN THE CUT. INQUIRE OF J. R. COOPER k CO., mhlO-147 107 FOURTH AVE. Trunks. ' Harness. "Aches." ' Special sale of Fine Harness, Trunks and Traveling Bags. Dnrinsrtbe entire winter we have kept our large force of workmen em ployed, and now find ourselves overstocked with Roods. In order to reduce the same we have concluded to give to casb buyers A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT On our entire line of absolutely first-lass (toods. None reserved. Go to "ACHES'" for bargains this Week, comer Wood and Diamond streeU, Pittsburg, Pa. tnol&gi READY' ttlATT flff tn fh ni 1 C 3 Tl ti 5 nf r.inr.Tt n of Spring Hats. the hat world we've secured it, and men in town. Mark our words welt fr$ $ fr GRAND BARGAIN STORED 300 to 400 Market street, . mhlO-TTSSu AUCTION SALES. GLASS FACTORY FOR8ALE. The undersigned, assignees of the Farmers and Mechanical Bank, will offer for sale as public auction on WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M., the glasshouse with 8 pot furnace, known as the Independent Glass' Company's plant, at the head of South Four-, - , teentb street. Twenty-eighth ward. Pittsburg, , together with the warehouse, cutting; shop, in- eluding engine, boiler, shafting, etc.; also ona frame dwelling house and frame office,stabling; eta, and other buildings pertaining tberetov and the parcels of ground fronting on Four teenth and Fifteenth streets and Union alley, comprising 12 buildimr. lots in Maria Denny's plan. See Sheriff's deed book, voL , page w Terms of sale Ten per cent of the purchase) money in cash on day of sale: one-third of tha purchase money on delivery of the deed, and the other twonhirds in two equal annual pay ments. with interest from delivery of the deetL" Def erred payments to be secured by bond and " tight mortgage containingtheusual scire facias clause on the premises sold. The above will ba. offered as a whole first and subsequently inlota, J. H. SORG, H. J. BERG. JB Lu S. CUNNINGHAM; Assignees Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, - mh6-tO-6L10,17,2I,3I,ap7 A UCTION SALE HORSESAND MULES AT H. W. LAWS SALE BTABLES. Corner Liberty avenue and Thirtieth straet, - FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 18S9, At 10 o'clock a. x. The above sale will consist of the following articles: One bay carriaga team, 16 bands high, with good manes and talis, fearless of nothing; 3 very fine saddle horses, speedy trotting horses, one with a record of 2SBt 60 head of good driving and draught horses. ' large lot of first-class pit mules, just from tha -mines; 3 top buggies, 2 buck wagons, 3 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, 1 road cart. All above articles will be sold to the high est bidder. Anybody in need of a good road oc draught horse should attend sale. No post ponement on account of the weather. J. A. McKELVT, xnblO-S7-WThFSa Auctioneer. a UCTION SALE 1,000 pairs chenille curtains and portiere? carpets, oilcloths, linoleum shades, rugs, parloc and bedroom suits; mirror door wardrobes, sideboards, bookcases, desks, bed lounges, tables, rockers, mattresses, springs, mirrors, .". engravings, hanging lamps, millinery goods, notions, etc. Also a lot of second-hand carpets, f ornltura; stoves, etc. Sale on TUESDAY, March 12, at 10 A. it. ' PITTSBURG AUCTION AND 8T0RAGB .' COMPANY, .. . mblO-153 93 Third ave." FURNITURE, CARPETS, MIRRORS, pianos and household goods, at auction. . TUESDAY' MORNING. March 12, at 10 o'clock. No. 311 Market street. Both new and second-hand parlor suites of every description, -handsome chamber furniture, bureaus, bed steads, wardrobes, washstands, superior dining; room siaeuoarus, ejueusiuu iuie au caun,,, -; lounges, couches, easy chairs and rockers, ' . ' aeir, cmna, glass, silverware, ciocks. maniei ornaments, pictures, mirrors, upright and s uare pianos, carpets, brussels and ingrain, oil cloth, linoleums, kitchen utensils, offlcr . furniture, etc.. etc Goods on view until sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., LBL. . mblO-122 311 Market street tr TO LET. '.i AIM ALlbl." V UUUJl iUl KSUCI.U UUiUTTOO J purposes, with or without power, is noisy ' torrent in me new iisrAmu uuumsgt ., on Diamond street, aDove onuiuneia. It Is 85 feet in 'ength by 20 feet wide infroni and 30 feet at rear. SPLENDIDLY LIGHTED FROM ALL FOUR SIDES, Arranged admirably for offices and workroom. Rent with power, electric light, steaa beating, passenger and freight elevates, service, very moderate. Situation most central in rinaourg. . t .,, ATmWhtwflnll A-3t-and4p. . til NEW DISPATCH BUILDING,-. 73, 77 and 79 Diamond stree&f i.JS i ,( $ &&:.&.., K9MKKifilSKI u 3.i