Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 10, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The fiumored Kaval Action of the
Americans and Germans at Samoai
A Pittsburg Classmate of the Kipsic, Tren
ton and Tandalia's Masters.
A well-known newspaper man of this city
who is peculiar, among other things, in that
he has a disposition that shrinks worse than
an Americus Club silk-lined inauguration
overcoat, from having his name appear in
print in any connection whatsoever, was a
classmate of Commander Mullan, of the
"United States man-of-war Nipsic, which
has cut to prominent a figure latterly in
Samoan waters, and which was lately re
ported to have been sent to the bottom of
the South Sea by Bismarck's boat, the
corvette Olga. In the course ora conversa
tion with The DisrATCH on this red-hot
theme, the gentleman said:
"There is barely the ghoit of a possibility
that there has been an engagement between
the American and the German. There was
Eome probability of their clearing for action
, -when the island was the scene of overt acts
Vipon the part of the Germans a couple of
months ago, hut all later information leads
to the inference that an exchange of shots
was not likely to occur.
"Now, my estimate of the telegrams that
have been published In this connection is
simply this: Telegram So. 1 came a week
or nrore ago with the rumor of a naval
action; it came the day after Bismarck had
cemi-emcially begun the operation of
smoothing over the Samoan condition;
henre the inference that the Socialists of
Germany 'cooked' the rumor for the express
purpose of counteracting the mollifying
effects on Americans of the Chancellor's
. "It is to the interest of the German radi
cals to maintain ill feeling between the two
nations and to have them at war. I may
say also that it is to the interests of some
rther European nations that Germany
'should have America on its hands, and
there may be some European diplomacy
back of the Somoan rumors. Telegram If o.
2 came when it became necessary to keep up
(the pressure of indignation that telegram
No. 1 was intended to create. After an in
terval of several days, had there been noth
ing further on the subject, public interest
would have died out and even our most
-sanguinary-minded citizens, would have put
telegram No. 1 down as a canard.
"As to the commander of the Nipsic,I can
say that he is not the sort of man to develop
iot-headedness. I knew him at the Naval
Academy, and he was naturally of an
analytical turn of mind. "Whatever the
subject of conversation among a crowd of
"lellows, Mullan could be always counted
upon going into the logic of the matter, re
gardless how trifling the subject might have
'been. If a youngster would remark that'
oneof the professors was or wasnotahum
'bue, Mullan would discuss the subject in
all its bearings beiore agreeing or disagree
ing with the proposition. He was certainly
the opposite of a hot-head. Now, you must
take into the consideration that in
.ternational law is a leading study
at the Naval Academy, and that
judging from Commander Mullan's disposi
tion he would likely be thoroughly ground
ed in that science. German officers, too, are
educated men. So that you may reasonably
deduce that while the German and Ameri
can commanders may talk each other's head
effitisnot probable they have adopted a
violent means to that end."
'twodld be yictoky oe death.
"Suppose there has been a battle?"
"Oh, well, in that case the heavier metal,
or the accidents of the engagement, would
"have the decision. Seamanship is not
involved to any great extent, now that steam
las crowded out sails. However, you can
depend on American naval officers gaining
(the victory or sinking. They are taught
.this as part of their professional religion at
the academy. An illustration of the prin
'ciple was the engagement of the Hatteras
and Alabama in 1861. The Hatteras was a
merchantman quickly changed into the sem
blance of a man-of-war. Lieutenant Blake
was ordered to take her on a cruise and
catch the Alabama. He and all naval
officers knew that a craft so weak
couldn't stand a broadside from the Ala
bama; but he sailed, all the same, came up
with the rebel cruiser, promptly went into
action, and within a few minutes afterward
ie and the greater part of his crew were
rescued from the water by the Alabama's
"boats. He knew that would be the outcome
of it, but that did not prevent him hunting
'the enemy with the same avidity as would
have been the case had he commanded the
best ship in the navy. The fat wits of the
newspaper offices have for 20 years been
'firing off weak sarcasms at the" navy, but
after all the 'Don't give up the ship' precept
is as strong among naval officers as it was in
the War of 1812."
"Is there a probability that theTrenton or
"Vandalia had arrived at Samoa and opened
its batteries?"
-"They are both due there about the same
time, but could not have made the voyage
jatthe time of the rumored action. The Olga
would have no show with either. The fact
,is that with the Trenton, "Vandalia and Nip
sic our force would be superior to the Ger
snan force in those waters.
"Do you know anything of their com
manders?" "The Trenton is in the command of Cap
tain Tarquhar, who was appointed to the
academy in 1855. I knew him there quite
intimately, as he was first captain of the
crew to which I was attached, and I made
a cruise with them. He was a very bright
man, and a thorough officer, what you
might describe as the beau ideal of the na
val officer. Mullan was. a Maryland ap
pointee of the class of 1857, and rather
the opposite of Farquhar in what
you may describe as style. He was
a brother of 'Captain Mullan, of the
army, who was 'distinguished in the
decade of the '50's for the exploring and
survey expeditions he led through the
wilderness of the northwest. Farquhar,
too, had a brother in the army at that time,
who, in the war for the Union, won, dis
tinguished rank by brilliant work in the
field. Captain Schoonmaker, of the
Vandalia, graduated in the same class with
Tarquhar. He was a New York appoint
ment and a devilish good fellow; very un
ostentatious, but one of "your game bantams
that stays until the end of the difficulty.
The last personal incident I remember of
'Schooney' was my division of a bottle of
wine with him that I smuggled off at Cher
bourg." "Is there any officer of that date from this
"No. except it be Pickings, of the Somer
set region. X haven't seen a navy list far
some years and cannot say positively
whether he is living. He was the last from
this end of the State a few years ago, Mc
Farlaud, of Meadville, having died of a
bsain a flection, and Stewart, son gf 'Tariff
Andr,' of Fayette, having been drowned in
the China seas."
A Coroner's Jury Decides That Carter Fired
With Felonious Intent.
The inquest in the case of Isaac Gross,
who was shot by John Carter in Clark &
on's Solar Iron Works on last Monday,
.was concluded yesterday morning. The
!jary returned the verdict that the shooting
was done by Carter with felonious intent.
The testimony given by the witnesses
yesterday was of but minor importance.
Railroad Report SUovrTliat 250,000 Peo
ple Went to Washington Some Rail
roading Extraordinary.
The reports of the railroads show that at
least 250,000 people visited Washington dur
ing the inauguration, and of this number
Pittsburg furnished its quota, while the
Baltimore and Ohio road carried the bulk of
passengers. If the reckoning of the roads is
correct, this is the largest number of people
that ever attended an inauguration; in fact,
the crowd becomes larger as the years go
by and successive Presidents are elected.
It is not often that general managers and
superintendents of railroads put on big
boots, wade around in deep mud, and per
sonally attend to the running of trains, but
this is what General Manager Clements and
Superintendents Patton and Fitzgerald.of
the Baltimore and Ohio, did during the in
auguration. Mr. Clements has the reputa
tion of being brusque and business-like in
his methods, and hasoften been talked of as
a good Vice President for the roaa. Air.
Patton is a thorough-going railroad man
and has put the Putsburg division of the
road in excellent condition.
Mr. Clements made elaborate arrange
ments to side track the cars in Washington.
He placed board walks all through Scbutz
lin Park, and the Americus Club members
particularly were pleased with the enter
prise displayed. The general manager
placed his car in the yards, and had the
telegraph wires run in. Here he sat all
day long, 'and personally superintended
the running of trains. As a result ot his
hard work the enormous sections made
schedule time, there were so accidents and
everybody was pleased.
Mr. Patton was an ablo assistant. When
he saw how it continued to rain he sent out
ahead of the trains Chief Engineer Manning
with two carloads of men supplied with
shovels and tools to clear up small land
slides and prevent delays. As a result of
such care the Baltimore and Ohio made an
excellent showing in carrying people to
The famous corn palace train that passed
through Pittsburg at night will arrive here
this morning. It will lay over until 3:30 in
the afternoon to give the Sioux Citv Club on
board a chance to see Pittsburg. The train
is well worth seeing. The members claim
that it cost 515,000 to decorate the cars.
The following named theatrical com
panies will go over the B. & O. to-day:
Lillie Clay to TJniontown, the "Fugitive"
company to Philadelphia, and the Cattle
King" people will come from Baltimore.
That Railroad la Fnvored as to TYncki
Over Spring Alley, After Some Objec
tions Wbnt It Slay Do.
The Councilmanic Committee on Corpora
tions met yesterday afternoon. An or
dinance "granting to the Pittsburg Junc
tion Eailroad Company the right to con
struct, tracks and buildings over Spring
alley, and to secure from said company its
release of claims from damages by reason of
opening said alley," which had been sub
mitted to a sub-committee for investigation,
which committee moved a negative to Coun
cils, gave rise to a breezy discussion.
Mr. Brophy wanted to amend the motion
by inserting the word "affirmative" where
"negative" was used.
Mr. Magee said he was opposed to such
action. The Junction Bailway Company
had secured more valuable rights by grant
from the city of Pittsburg than any other
corporation, and all without once giving
anything in return.
Mr. Ferguson said there was something
wrong. Only two of the sub-committee had
gone out to see the ground, and he could cot
understand why they opposed the grant
when they did not know anything about the
condition of Spring alley, and now it would
be improved by the company.
Mr. McClusky, a citizen owning property
on Spring alley, was permitted to sneaky
and he said that Spring alley was not in a
condition for traffic, -and he thought the
ordinance ought to be passed.
The motion to return the ordinance to
Councils with a negative was defeated, and
amotion to return affirmatively was passed.
A supplement to an ordinance granting
certain rights to the Pittsburg Passenger
Bailway Company, changing route and ex
tending time for completion of the Bame,
was returned with an affirmative. This is
the Wylie avenue line.
Mr. MacGonnegle, of the sub-committee
appointed to investigate the condition of
Manor street, reported that the committee
bad referred the question to the Citv Attor
ney, with a request for a report by Wednes
day next. The committee then adjourned.
A Young; Man Arrested for Alleged Forcerr
and Fnlse Pretenses.
Charles W. Waggoner, a son of J. G
Waggoner, of the Southside, was arrested
on Smithfield street yesterday afternoon by
Special Officer McTighe, and locked "ap in
the Central station on a charge of forgery.
The charge is made before Magistrate Mc
EZenna by Dain & Dashbach, the Smith
field street furniture dealers.
His alleged mode of operation is not a
new one. One day last week, it is said, he
went into Dain & Dashbach's store and se
lecteda writing desk, the price of which was
$30. It was after banking hours and he
presented a check for $100, signing his fa
ther's name and receiving $70 in change. He
had the desk sent to his father's, house on
the Southside. When his father learned in
what manner the desk had been bought he
reported the matter to the police.
Superintendent of Police O'Mara started
out to investigate the case. He learned that
on Monday afternoon young Waggoner had
gone into Biber & Easton's store and
bought a bill of dry-goods, amounting to
17, and given a check on the First Nation
al Bank, again signing his father's name.
He received 583 in return. During the
week he bought a chair from Oliver Mc
Clintock for $20 and $50 worth of liquors
from W. H. Holmes & Son, alwavs pre
senting a check for $100 and receiving the
change in cash.
When Superintendent O'Mara had se
cured this information he induced Dain &
Dashback to prosecute Waggoner, and the
information was made before Magistrate
McKenna yesterday morning. Waggoner
is 20 years of age,.and has always moved in
good circles.
An Unknown Who Expired Suddenly on
Fenn Avenno Yesterday.
An unknown man, supposed to be a car
penter, fell on the sidewalk in front of No.
929 Penn avenue yesterday afternoon.
When the passers-by went to lift him up it
was found he was dead. He was about 65
years of age, 5 feet 6 inches in height and
weiched about 160 pounds. He was dressed
in dark clothes and wore a felt hat.
The Eighteenth Regiment Reeeired a BUI
for 818 for It.
Yesterday afternoon Colonel Norman N.
Smith, commanding the Eighteenth In
fantry, N. G. P., received a bill for $18 for
the lence burned by the regiment while
laying in the swamp near Washington, D.
C, Tuesday last The owners were told
before the fence was burned to send a bill.
The latter was ordered to be paid last night,
A Citizen of Newport, O., Tried to Make a
Rope of One.
W. M. Davis, who claimed to be a resi
dent of Newport, O., was arrested at the
South Twenty-second Street Incline Plane.
He was trying to fasten the gate of the
freight car with a $1 bill. It is thought he
is crazy.
Dr. B. M..HASNA. Eye, ear, nose and
throatdiseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa, b&su
How Natural Gas Came to be
Measurable,- After Years.
That Set Ordinary Meters Crazy, but Was
Conquered by Invention.
SINCE the natural
gas companies have
sent put circulars to
their customers, in
which they assert that
they are able to furnish
anybody with' a nat
ural gas meter, assur
ing a perfectly equit-
A Penny-a-incri)talable arrangement in
the use and the cost of the supply, a great
deal of conjecture has been indnlged by a
number of the people as to what kind ot a
meter that would be; whether it would keep
on registering, gas or no gas, etc
The Philadelphia Company) which has
introduced the Westinghouse natural gas
meter, claims that this appliance is, after a
long and tough series of testing experiments,
not only perfectly safe, but also exactly ac
curate. It was said that the invention of the
meter had been obstructed with apparently
insurmountable difficulties, because any
meter existing and applicable for the use of
measuring artificial gas had proved to be a
dead failure when tried with the natural
fuel, owing to the different chemical proper
ties of the latter, its tendency to corrosion,
For the purpose of getting at the novel
history and the interesting details of per-
fecting this new meter, a Dispatch re
porter called upon Mr. Lemuel Bannister
the General Manager of the Fuel Gas and
Electric Engineering Company, where the
meters are made for the Philadelphia Com
pany. That gentleman gave the following
interesting details:
"Ever since Mr. Westinghouse has been
engaged in the natural gas business he has
been convinced that supplying consumers
and charging them so much per year for a
stove or a grate was not the right way, and
would not last long. He realized then the
iniquity of the arrangement and he con
cluded that, sooner or later, either the gas
companies would complain, because they
imagined they were supplying the fuel too
cheap, or else the consumers would com
plain, because they felt that they were pay
ing too much.
"This knowledge led him to determine
that a system of equity must be adopted,
and his first idea, of course, was to intro
duce a meter. He started at once to put an
artificial gas meter to do the work, but
found that, of all the seven meters already
invented, there was not one that would sat
isfactorily do the work.
"This was three years ago last July. He
then continued to make experiments, nearly
all of them futile save for what they sug
gested. One of the chief obstacles in the
way for the inventor to remove was to pro
duce a machine that would not only meas
ure the gas that passed through the meter,
but measure it accurately. The old En
glish water meter has long been known as a
complete failure. The water in the bottom
of the meter is liable to freeze, and several
other things may happen, so as to keep the
meter always unreliable.
"Another fluid had to be substituted for
water. After a long and tiresome time of
trying Mr. Westinghouse
The 2ew Meter, Complete.
which we calling the sealing fluid, th.t
does the work perfectly. It remains the
same at all times, whether the atmosphere
is below or above zero.
"From that moment the work was com
paratively easy. The modes of construction
were imparted to one of our engineers; the
patents for the invention, which are all
fundamental, were applied for, and the
work began. Since then we have con
stantly been occupied in the perfection and
manufacture of this meter. We nave now
over 100 men at work on the thing, and are
able to turn out over 25 meters a
day. But, as I hear, the Philadelphia
Company has a great demand for some
such thing, and they received orders for 41
meters only yesterday. To give you a
proper idea of what the meter is like, how
ever, I think you ought to sep it in all its
stages of manufacture, and, if you likewe
will go to the shops."
The invitation being accepted, Mr. Bar
rister and the reporter jumped on' a Penn
avenue car and went out to the shops on
Twenty-fifth street. The three-story build
ing, which comprise the works, was all
filled with parts of the new gas meter.
On the top floor the main manufacture
was conducted. There were innumerable
benches and all kinds of machinery inci
dental to the work.
"Now let me show you a meter," said
Mr. Bannhter, continuing his -conversation
commenced in his office in the Penn build
ing. "Here is one To look at it, you see
nothing but a spherical cast iron case,
bolted together in sections with a dial
at the top. Yon would never Bup-
V 4 $
pose that, with this Insignificant
looking affair, we are able to measure
anv fluid, regardless either of the quantity
to be delivered or the pressure at which it
is supplied. The dial reads just like the
one on au ordinary gas meter; but it regis
ters a much larger volume of gas. For in
stance, the number 8, which is used for
private houses, reads 10,000,000 cubic feet.
To give you an idea of their delicacy, it is
only necessary to say that a pressure of
1.1000 of a pound is required per square
inch to cause the meter to measure the
smallest quantity of gas. And again, it
can bear a pressure of 1,000 pounds without
damaging it in the least.
"As you will also observe, every part of
the meter is moveable and separate. In
this place you see the different parts of the
meter are made. In the room below you
may observe how they are
according to the law which governs illumin
ating gas meters, by State Inspector Bankin.
All meters must bear his stamp and seal."
"It has often been said that people do not
like gas meters to be iu their houses, be
cause they are afraid they will jjet charged
for more than they burn. How is that, Mr.
"Well, a man should learn how the meter
measures and indicates the gas used. In
this meter anybody can be taught the secret
in about one minute.
"Now, here is another thing of interest.
This meter can also be used as a detector of
a leak in the gas pipes. Many accidents
may be prevented, if people know of it. As
soon as a suspicion of a leak arises, the gas
should be turned off from the house Then
a look should be taken at the uppermost
dial, and, if it moves atall, you may depend
upon it that there is a leak somewhere; and
an inspector should be called into the'housc
at once."
"Now, how much gas should an ordinary
grate consume with a meter like this?"
"That is a hard question to answer, be
cause it depends entirely upon what kind of
a grate is used. But I think I know what
you want to get at To heat an ordinary
sized room it takes 15 cubic feet of gas an
hour. But the most of the .prates that peo
ple use now burn 75 cubic feet an hour.
That is no fault of the meter, but is the
bad grate From experiments that I have
here, I have found that only 10 per cent of
the gas consumed in our ordinary grates
gives heat to the room, while the balance
goes up into the chimney, or else heats the
floor. If people want to be economical in
the use of their gas, they must see that they
have a grate that does not waste too much.
"Now, let us get back to town or, rather,
you just hold on a minute; I want to show
you something else. These No. 8 meters
register 8,000 cubic ieet of gas an hour.
But we have larger ones. You see this one,
as big as a wash boiler? Well that will be
used in a manufactory and it can measure
45,000 cubic feet of gas every houft. We
are about to make another that will even
register 100,000 feet an hour. Those very
large ones are used at central stations of
natural gas companies."
It la Rnmored the Connteaa Montercole Will
Go on the Stage.
John B. Schlosserreturned from Germany
on the same steamer with the Count de
Montercole. Mr. Schlosser said he con
ducted himself in a gentlemanly manner,
and they had frequent talks together, but
he refused to divulge what passed between
The latest rumor about the Countess is
that she is studving to go on the stage.
Some of her friends here are inclined to be
lieve the story, while others ridicule it as
preposterous. Even now it is said she is
studying under masters in Paris.
Mr. Bausman left Gordoenville early last
Wednesday morning for New York with the
ostensible object of meeting the Count.
The gentleman is mad, and if the pair
should meet a lively time is anticipated.
Mrs. Knox was expected to arrive here
yesterday, but she was too ill to make the
The Seml-Annunl Gathering; of the Total
Aballnenco Societies.
The semi-annual convention of the Cath
olic Total Abstinence Union, of the Diocese
of Pittsburg and Allegheny, will be held in
Lafayette Hall, on Tuesday, March 12, at 2
P. M. Delegates from all societies in the
diocese will be present and elect delegates
to the national convention, which vwill be
held in Cleveland in August.
In the evening Bev. Father Garrigan,
vice rector of the new Catholic University,
at Washington, will lecture on "Higher
Education." Kev. Father Canevin, Presi
dent of the Diocesan Union, will deliver an
address on "Father Mathew." This will be
followed by a musical entertainment.
The proceeds of the lecture and entertain
ment will go toward the epdowmentof the
Father Mathew Chair in the new university.
A Well-Known Physician of the Enat End
Sued lor. Assnnlt and Battery.
Dr. William Mabneke, a well-known
physician of the East End, waived a hear
ing and gave bail for court last night on the
charge of assault and battery preferred by
Wm. Sunderman. During the progress of
a trial held recently in Alderman Leslie's
office, the defendant is alleged to have
shaken his fist under the plaintiff's nose.
Christine Hornberser Now Under the In
fluence of a $500 Bond.
Christina Hornberger, the Southside
woman who claims to have been magne
tized or mesmerized by other people, had a
hearing before Magistrate Gripp yesterday
afternoon on a charge of surety of the peace
preferred by Peter Keitz. The defendant
gave bail in the sum of $500 for trial at
L. & Q. Henrlnga.
William Newman, of 2704 Penn avenue,
was fined $50 and costs by Alderman Car
lisle yesterday for selling liquor on Sunday
and without a license. Testimony was
heard in the case of Mrs. J. Berry. The de
cision in the case was reserved. " Seventeen
oleomargarine cases will be heard next Sat
urday. Warrants have been issued for over
100 leading restaurant and hotel keepers for
selling it. '
Must Charge Fallen tea.
Judge Cooley wat in the city yesterday.
He says some of the railroads are receiving
less than their proportion of export rates.
He proposes to compel the roads fo charge
the full seaboard rates-
1 ' I '
The Troy Hill Cemetery "Will Soon
be Marketable fieal Estate.
Bemlnlscenses About 4,000 Interments in
Three Acres of Ground.
The work of removing bodies from the
Troy Hill Catholic Cemetery to the new
burial grounds out the Perrysville road has
commenced. The obliteration ot a land
mark is thus begun. But the condition of
the graveyard, and the advance of the liv
ing population, seem to demand the use of
the ground for other purposes.
The plot is scarcely three acres in area,
yet between 3,000 and 4,000 persons have
been buried there. It is an instance of the
almost shameful crowding of corpses. When
the property was first laid out as a cemetery
an attempt "was made to bury all the chil
dren in one corner and the grown people in
another. This custom was observed tor a
number of years. But soon all the ground
was taken in. Then adults were interred
between the children, and in this manner
some sections of the cemetery have been
gone over three times. Now the wooden,
metal or stone crosses, serving as tomb
stones, all stand so close together that they
look like a confused mass from the gate.
As the population of Allegheny in
creased, and Troy Hill began to build up,
the institution was regarded by many as
dangerous to the living from a sanitary
point of view. Now it is completely sur
rounded by dwellings, stores and manu
facturing establishments. In warm weather a
stench,almost unbearable, was complained of,
byjmany in the neighborhood. The grounds,
rather insufficiently fenced in, because
of their isolation became a resort for
bad characters. Worse than that,
the welli and springs of .residenters on the
lower terraces of Troy Hill were pregnated
more or less with the putrifaction which a
graveyard imparts to Mother Earth. That
was decidedly unhealthy. Added to ail
these objections was the fact that the signs
of neglect had begun to tell on the old vil
lage of the dead.
"The cemetery was first opened about 45
years ago," said Mrs. Joseph Lofink to The
Dispatch reporter yesterday afternoon, as
she stood at her window and watched the
laborers exhuming another skeleton. This
lady is 65 years old and with her
hnsband, 'Squire Lofink, was one of
the early residents of the
hill. Continuing, she said: "We moved
up here 43 years ago, and have been living
on this same spot across the street from
the cemetery"! ever since. At that time
there were quite a number of bodies buried,
and I understand that before the ground
was consecrated a few graves were already
Mrs. Lofink pointed to one corner of the
"crowded cemetery and said: "I remember
well when those long rows of headboards
were erected. It was during the terrible
scourge of cholera in Pittsburg and Alle
gheny, over 30 years ago. People were
dying by the score. So heavy was
the mortality and so largely were
the number of funerals increased
that in this cemetery five grave
diggers were employed. They worked night
and day burying thedead. Single graves
were not dug. They" simply dug a long
trench or gutter, and into this at regular in
tervals were laid the coffins. I suppose
nearly 150 coffins were thus interred. The
headboards were put up later.
"When we moved un here there were only
two other houses on Troy Hill. The whole
district was laid of! in small farms, while
that end of the hill where the reservoir now
stands was a forest. A brickyard lay to the
right of the cemetery. The road which
led up to the cemetery from the
city passed through this -forest and past
the brickyard. The ground was full of
clay, as it is yet, and in bad weather the
horses hauling hearses stuck on the road
below the brick works. Then the whole fu
neral would be stopped. Invariably the
hearse had to be left there and thecoffin
carried the rest of the way, while the mourn
ers walked behind."
Several priests are buried inthecemetery.
Not a few soldiers of the War of the Ee
bellion also rest there. .In all likelihood
the tombs of people whose relatives do not
claim them will be left in unmarked graves
when ax last the ground is sold for other
The New Electric Railway Company Holda
a Meeting Contingent Flnna of Con
atrnctlon To Work at Once.
A meeting of the friends and stockholders
of the Squirrel Hill Bajlroad was held in
the office of James Hoele, tobacconist, on
Smithfield street, yesterday afternoon. Its
object was to transact such business as would
be of general interest for the road. The
'holders of subscription, books made reports.
It was learned from the Secretary of the
meeting that about $25,000 had already been
subscribed, 55,000 of which was reported
yesterday afternoon. He reports that the
indications for a speedy construction of the
road are very favorable". An engineer was
emnloved. and will immediately- eo. over
.the road and obtain the plans and profiles,
wmcu win ue in accordance wiiu me ordi
nance giving them the right of construction.
A meeting of the directors of the road was
held at the conclusion, of the stockholders'
meeting. It is said that nothing of impor
tance was transacted at the latter. Infor
mation was obtained from directors present
that it was decided, if the Squirrel Hill
Bailroad Company cannot obtain sufficient
funds to construct the road within three
months, its charter wjth all its accompany
ing rights, shall be transferred to the Pitts
burg Motor Company. If this company
cannot complete the road within three
months, the charter and rights shall revert
to the Squirrel Bill company.
President Morris; of the Board of Di
rectors, in an interview, said that work will
be commenced on the road immediately, and
the line will be pushed to completion.
Grav'a Iron I!no of Steamers Are no Longer
on the market.
It was reported yesterday that Gray's Iron
line had been sold to Mr. James Park, of
Park Bros. & Co.
The Secretary denied that the boats had
been purchased, and he said further that
they were jio longer for sale. The present
firm will keep them. Mr. Park never
entered into negotiations for the boats.
Most of the steamers are down the river
with tows of coal.
Dlollie nndjllnry in Trouble.
Mollie Hanlon made an information
yesterday before Alderman Doughty, charg
ing Mary Kane with surety of vthe peace.
She alleges that the defendant threatened to
shoot her. The same defendant was sued
by James Means for disorderly conduct, in
using bad language and calling vile names.
She will be given a hearing to-morrow.
Slipped on the lee.
Mrs. Mary Burk, an old lady living on
Webster avenue, near Roberts street, slipped
pn some ice on the pavement in front of her
house yesterday afternoon, fracturing her
right arm, and injuring her pack.
Secretary Martin of the Amalgamated Ai
ooclntlon Indorsed Trnden Unions and
Manufacturer for Him.
Pittsburg, the industrial center of the
United States, will undoubtedly secure one
of the Important offices to be distributed by
President Harrison. Last evening Will
iam Martin, Secretary of the
Amalgamated- Association, produced
his indorsements for the position
of National Labor Commissioner. These
indorsements come from almost every labor
organization in the country, but there is
none from the Amalgamated Association, of
which he is secretary, for the reason, he
says, he has nof asked for any. The fact
that he has served his association for 11
years is considered a sufficient indorsement.
Mr. Martin returned from Washington
yesterday, and while, there had a talk with
Carroll D. Wright, the present Labor Com
missioner. In speaking of the interview he
said last evening that he would not oppose
Mr. Wright for the position if he was a
candidate, but he believes that there is
something better for Mr. Wright, and Mr.
Martin is therefore a candidate.
President Weihe, of the Amalgamated
Association, issued a circular to all trades
unions several weeks ago. The substance
of it is that the position of Labor Commis
sioner will be declared vacant and recom
mends Mr. Martin for the position.
From the time this circular was issued
indorsements have been coming in, and last
night there was a big stack ot them, as fol
lows: All the labor organizations in Penn
sylvania, including a number of the
Knights of Labor; Vermont, Tennessee,
Texas, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, West
Virginia, District of Columbia, Wyoming
Territory, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ne
braska, New Hampshire, New York, Massa
chusetts, Minnesota, Maine, Maryland,
Missouri, Mississippi, Michigan, Oregon,
Ohio. Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Georgia,
Florida, Delaware, California, Connecticut,
Arkansas, Alabama, Colorado, and the
Locomotive Engineers and Iron Molders'
Union of Canada.
In addition to the trades nnions of
America he has a number of personal let
ters from manufacturers and petitions
signed bv merchants, brokers and ofiicials
of the city and State, and one petition is
signed by Governor Beaver, Lieutenant
Governor Davies, State Treasurer Hart,
Secretary of the Commonwealth Stone, Sec
retary of Internal Affairs Stewart and the
entire Legislature of the State except the
Democratic members.
He has letters from Mayor McCallin,
Controller Morrow, City Treasurer Dennis
ton, Clerk of Courts McGonuegle, Mayor
Pearson, of Allegheny; several county
officials, Superintendent of Schools Luckey,
Mayor Oppenheimer, of Steubenville; tne
Americus'Club officials, and many others.
The following letters from two of Pitts
burg's leading -manufacturers are given
General Benjamin Harrison, Indiana:
Sin Mr. William Martin, Secretary of the
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel
Workers of the United States, informs me that
he is an applicant for tile position of Commis
sioner of Labor, and asEs for a letter to you.
From my personal knowledge I can state that
Mr. Martin is one ot the ablest of all tbe offi
cials connected with labor organizations. It
would be impossible to obtain a more efficient
officer than he, and I know that bis appoint
ment would be most satisfactory to the mass of
workers. Much of tbe success of tbe Amal
gamated Association is dne to bim.
Mr. Benjamin Harrison:
Dear Sir Mr. William Martin, of this city,
Informs me that be will be a candidate for
Commissioner of Labor. Mr. Martin bas been,
for several years, Secretary of the Amalga
mated Association. His experience and train
ing would greatly aid him in performing tbe
duties of tbe office. His appointment would
gratify a large number of the working men of
the country, and, I believe. would be jndicious.
Yours truly.
B. F. Joses.
Mr. Martin also has a strong letter in
dorsing him from Senator J. S. Butan, who
is called "Quay's right bower."
President Campbell's Chances.
Eccles Bobinson went to Washington last
night to put in a good word for James
Campbell. The latter would like to be
Commissioner of Labor, and Mr. Bobinson
believes his chances are as eood as any.
He has the solid support of the window
glass workers, and he undoubtedly did some
effective work during the "campaign for
President Harrison.
The Lively Lltlln Borough Proposes to Go
Ahead and be Somebody.
The people of Coraopolis have decided
that their waste places must be covered with
houses, in order that they shall be able to
levy taxes necessary to make their streets
what they should be, light them with nat
ural gas, etc., and have taken a step in that
direction. They held a meeting last night
and called for stock subscriptions. The re
sult, they say, was better than they antici
pated, and the promoters think they will
eventually get about all the people in the
town into the scheme.
They are not asking any help from the
patented scheme; but propose to do business
on the mutual plan.
A Conatitntlonal Amendment Mass Meeting
Willi a Governor.
A grand mass meeting of the friends of
the prohibitory Constitutional amendment
will be held in Old City Hall on Thursday
next, commencing at 750 P. M. The meet
ing will be addressed by old Governor Col
quitt, of Georgia, and by Colonel William
D. Moore, of Pittsburg.'who has the spunk
to espouse the cause.
Admission will be free and everybody
will be welcome.
An Inquest Unnecessary.
Thomas D unphey, a laborer at Zug & Co.'s
mill, died suddenly at his boarding house
on Pike street, at 1:15 yesterday morning.
Coroner McDowell was notified of the case,
and after viewing the body deemed an in
quest unnecessary, as death had evidently
resulted from pneumonia and exhaustion.
Duuphey was about 45 years of age and
boarded with Mrs. Boan, having separated
from his wife some time ago.
All the Coal Gone.
There was little life on the river yester
day. A good stage of water still remains.
The water at Pittsburg measured 9 feet at
noon, but was slowly subsiding. The
Alarm started in the morning with ten
barges of coal for the Browns. This is the
last tow that will go out on this rise.
Ula Injnries Were Fatal.
James Lascolnett, a brakeman of the
-Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailroad, died last
night at the West Penn Hospital from in
juries received by being struck at Coraoplis
station Friday night by a freight train.
Lascolnett was" a single man 21 years of age.
New Officers Chosen.
The Life "Underwriters' Association met
yesterday and elected officers as follows for
the ensuing year: President, W. C. Lyne;
Secretary, "Mr. Lavely; First Vice Presi
dent, Mr. Woolridge; Executive Commit
tee, Lightfoot, Lang, Knapp and Ayres.
A Black Diamond Robbery.
Detective S. A. Scheffler, of the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad, arrested William Madden
and John Brown yesterday for the larceny
ot some $50 worth of coal from cars on that
road. Alderman Doughty gave them a
hearing and held them for court.
Wero Tbey Bogus Agentsf
Daniel McKeflrey and Charles Juke were
arrested last night charged with false pre
tense. They alleged they were agents for
Bennett's liquor house, and were taking
orders when they had no authority to do so.
Another Great Union Gospel Temperance
Meeting Scheduled. ,
.The second union gospel temperance
meeting will'be held in the Grand Onera
House, this eveninz, commencing at 750
o'clock. Captain J. K. Barbour, President
of Gospel Temperance "Onion No. 1; A. M.
Brown, President of the Murphy Associa
tion, and J. B. Hunter, Vice President; A.
H. Leslie, Chief Templar of Pennsylvania
and Chief Associate Sons of Temperance;
Dr. Harry Bullen, J. W. Moreland, W. T.
Powell, J. D. Bailey, Joseph Wettenberg,
Charles Bobinson, Jacob Beese and J. B.
Johnston, Esqs.,will be on the platform. W.
C. Cooke, Esq., will conduct the meeting.
Ber. J B. Koehne, of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church; W. L. McCnllogh,
District Chief Templar,-and William
Houston, Deputy Grand Patriarch, Sons of
Temperance, will also be among the speak
ers, and there will be a choir of 100 voices,
in charge of John Shook, Esq., and Mrs.
William .Strickrath. Admission will be
Shipments to Pittsburg Direct.
The opinion of experts is still divided as
to whether California or Florida produces
the finest- fruit, but a fair comparison made
lately in Pittsburg (the oranges chosen be
ing fresh from the grower in either case)
showed that while Florida led in sweetness,
California's product was more juicy and had
finer flavor.
This comparison can easily be verified
now by any one who cares to do so. The
first carload of oranges ever sent direct to
Pittsburg from California reached here yes
terday. It was consigned to Head, Carson
& Co. by Thos. Bakewell & Sons, of Biver
side (well known here in former years),
who are now extensive growers and shipners
to Western markets, where the demand tor
the liner grades ot fruit is already
large. Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and
other Northwestern cities use California
oranges in large quantities, why should not
Pittsburg also enjoy the luscious citrus
fruit in perfection? The consignors hope
that the sales from this car will justify their
shipping regularly to Western Pennsylva
nia, now accessible owing to late reductions
in overland freights.
Win Stave Too Money.
$500 rewardl The authorities that be. in a
spasm of virtuous economy, abolished the of
fice of Sealer of Weights and Measures. This
throws the public entirely on the mercy of
the storekeeper. Under the circumstances,
the best thine to do is for each family to
have a pair of scales, and weigh their pur-
cnases tnemseives.
In an'establisbment the size of mine, em
ploying 28 clerks, and having many scales
in use, nothing can be more important than
the proper adjustment of the scales. I
guarantee my weights, measures and prices.
Every scale in my stores is examined every
morning, and accurately balanced. I will
give f500 reward to anyone who can bring
forward evidence ot any fraud employed in
weighing goods sold in my stores.
Grocers are as honest as any other class of
men, but as we have meat inspectors and
milk inspectors, etc., the best thing the
public at large cau do is to try and ham
mer a little sense into the authorities, and
have some one appointed to look after the
Bargains for Lent: Whole codfish, 4c
per tt.; boneless strip cod, 5c per tt.; bone
less cod in 2-Ib. bricks, 2 Bs.; 25c; good
cheese, 4 lbs., 25c. A large line of can
goods, choice evaporated fruits and all sorts
of Lenten goods at bargain prices.
Serfd for weekly price list and order by
mail. Orders amounting to 10, without
counting sugar, packed and shipped hee of
charge to any point within 200 miles.
Give me a trial. I will save you money.
79 and St Ohio street, cor. Sandusky, Alle
Want to Get Rid of Them.
A choice lot of Checkering pianos, both
new and second-hand, for sale at H. Kleber
& Bros., 506 Wood street. The new ones
have all the latest improvements, of that
make, such as they are, and they will be
sold at actual wholesale cost. The second
hand ones have been put in good condition,
and are as good as the new ones. They will
be offered at a ruinously low figure. This
is a rare chance, aud purchasers must call
soon to avail themselves of the offer.
P. S. Chickering's own full warranty
for five years, signed by themselves and
guaranteeing satisfaction and quality, will
accompany each Chickering piano sold
by us.
Jump at This Chance.
"New spring goods have been arriving
daily and we find ourselves badly crowded
aud with barely room on which to show our
enormous spring stock. In order to dispose
of a big lot of goods at once, we have
marked about 500 men's suits (worth from
$22 to $25) at S10, "ten dollars, 510, a price
that will sell them at sight. Scotch cheviots,
English corkscrews and French worsteds on
Monday sell for $10. All new, fresh goods
and of the finest make. Call at our
store, if only to get a peep at them. P. C.
C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp.
the new Court House. Special Parents
should inspect our line of boys' confirma
tion suits in blue, granite, tricot and cork
643 and 644 Liberty Avenne, Cor. Sixth
A venae.
We are now prepared to show carpet buy
ers a most superb stock of carpeting in our
new carpet annex. Our stock is composed
of the cream in every line of this spring's
patterns from the best and most reliable
carpet mills in the country, which we guar
antee to sell from 10 to 20 percent below ex
clusive carpet houses. The department i3
in charge of Mr. W. M. Hice, who has been
manager of the oldest carpet bouse in our
city during the past ten years, and has a
thorough knowledge of the wants and tastes
of our people in the carpet line.
Henrt Beegee,
Liberty ave., cor. Sixth ave.
Beat these"prices if yon can. $3 infants'
cloaks for $1 25; $7 ladies' newmarketa for
$2 98; $4 ladies' short jackets for $1; $1
ladies' breton jerseys for 50c; $1 kid jjloves,
stitched back, 50c; 75c unlaundried shirts for
48c; $5 girls' Gretchen coats, $2; girls win
ter dresses, 25c to $d; ladies' calico wrappers,
50c to $1; chemise, 17c; ruffled skirts, 25c;
Hamburg skirts, 49c; long Hubbard gowns,
39e; Hamburg ruffled drawers, 25c; large
rambric nurse aprons, 10c; girls' tucked
drawers, 10c; child's scarlet wool underwear,
12Jc; boys' calico and percale waists, 15c
to 49c; flannel waists, 35c up; 200 yards
spool cotton, lc; Clark's O. N. T. cotton, 4c;
Jane Hading veilintr, 25c a yard; infants',
15c up; infants' caps, 25c; bootees, 10c;
sacques, 25c; blankets, 50c up; comforts. 39c
to $1. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Lib-
Jns. McKee, Jeweler. Will Remove April 1
To No. 420 Smithfield st. Save 20 per ct on
diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, etc.,
until then.
Gold Dollars for Silver Dimes.
Such an offer would seem almost incred
ulous, but you can attain almost the same
results by "having your old clothes made
look like new at Dickson the Tailor's, "C5
Fifth ave., cor. Wood St., second floor.
Telephone 1558.
The Finest Photographs
Are made at the Elite Gallery, 516 Market
street, Pittsburg, where you can get cabinets
for $1 per doz. until May 1, 1889. Come
soon. Bring the little ones. Use elevator.
For the Dear Girls.
Marvin's new cocoanut caramel macaroons
are food fit for the gods. Try them it yoa
wans lomeuung reauy aeucious. xacsa
What the Nobby Young Mas Will Wear TMa.
"How are tHe styles going to run in men'
hats this spring?" asked a yonng man ef
Buben, the hatter on Smithfield street, yes
terday. The information he received is of so
much interest to young men generally that
The Dispatch will print it about as Mr.
Buben said it: .
"To be in style this spring yon want to
wear a crown somewhat lowerrim narrower
and rolling higher than the oneyou have on.
There is a decided change in silt hats, too.
The bell crown of last year gives way to the
tapering crown. Its sugar-loaf shape may
look odd at first, but the young men will
submit, I guess. In soft hats the standard
styles will run. The 'Fedora,' or tourist's
hat, will be changed considerably as to its
trimmings. Band and binding are wider.
The Buben 'Zozo' is a decided noveltv that '
promises to be the favorite soft hat. It runs
in sage, steel, russet, cedar, maple, almond
and mahogany. But the Windsor caps of
course you have seen hundreds of them on
the street. We can scarcely get them in
fast enough. They run in plaids, checks,
stripes, broken plaids and corduroy.
"Light colors will be worn extensively.
There was never such a varietv of shade
offered. Some of them have original names.
I recall golden brown, hazel, chocolate,
pineburr, French drab, Jersey mud, side
nutria, cinnamon, snuff, coffee, tan, walnut,
maple, calf, pearl, tobacco, olive, blue,
vicuna, gingerbread, London smoke, blue
pearl, russet and potato peek We have'
them all."
Perfect Fitting Patterns Cot to Order.
Of tbe many different systems now being;
taught, "Newton's" is "the simplest, least
complicated and easiest to learn. A waist
cut with the tailor shoulder, bias under
arm dart and curved bust not only gives a
perfect fit, but grace and beajqty to the form.
Pupils can begin at any time. Test waists
cut for those desirous ot learning. I draft
directly upon the cloth. Terms reasonable.
Patterns'cut to measure either on paper
or lining guaranteed to fit in every par
ticular, as we take 15 different measure
ments and make the darts and curvatures to
suit the figure. Full instructions in basting
given with each pattern. Call and secure a
pattern. System taught and patterns cut by
E. 31. Newton, at White Sewing Machine
Booms, 12 Sixth st.
Jump at This Chance.
New spring goods have been arriving
daily and we find ourselves badly crowded
and with barely room on which to show our
enormous spring stock. In order to dispose
of a big lot of goods at once, we have
marked about 500 men's suits (worth from
$22 to $25) at $10, ten dollars. $10, a price
that will sell them at sight. Scotch chev
iots, English corkscrews and French
worsteds on Monday sell for $10. All new,
fresh goods and of the finest make. Call at
our store, if only to get a peep at them.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House. Special Pa
rents should inspect odr line ot boy's con
firmation suits in blue, granite, tncot and
New fresh styles now open. A finer dis
play of carpets has nowhere been seen west
of New York than that now atGroetzinger's,
627 and 629 Penn ave. All the latest de
signs by foreign and home manufacturers
are seen here. Those who desire to buy ele
gant carpets at low prices should call while
the stock is full.
India Silks.
250 pieces 27-inch width India silks at 75c
per yard; actual $1 25 goods; new styles,
new colorings; an unequaled bargain.
irwrsu Hugtts & Hacks.
Oar New Children's Department. .
Our new children's department (50x100
feet) presents a beautiful appearance with
its new and elecant stock of children's suits.
Just now -we are selling children's cassimere
suitsst $2,00 worth $3 75
P."C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts.-,
opp. the new Court House.
Wash Gooda Department.
We have just received an extra choice lot
of exclusive patterns in fine French sateens,
the handsomest yet shown.
arwFSu Huous & Hacks.
Ladies never have any dyspepsia'after a
wine glass of Angostura Bitters. Sold
French Novelty Robes. Very stylish, com
plete without other trimming. Take an early
choice, 810, $12 SO, S15, S18, $20 and $23 a pattern.
Spring Wool Fabrics. Special attention in
vited to our 50c range of wide all-wool goods.
Diversity of styles in rays, stripes, checks,
blocks and solid colors.
Spring Cashmeres In all the lata shades.
Quality 1, 36-inch. 37Xc. Quality 2, 86-fnch,
50c Quality 3, 38-lncb. 63c
Silk stock complete with the best attainable
values. March prices will save you money.
Never such qualities in Cashmere finish Gros
Grain Silks as are now offering.
Gros Grain at $L $1 23. SI 50 and $2.
Armure SIIks at SI, Si 23. $1 SO and $2.
Satin Luxors, $1 23, 31 50, SI 75 and $2.
Double Twill Sarahs, 75c, 00c and $L
Drap de Sole, Brocade and other fancy
weaves on the same close scale of prices.
Cotton Dress Goods will meet your wants la
a large line of novelty and staple materials in
Ginghams. Satlnes and Etolle du Nords,
Chambrugs and Cretonnes. "
Now open in Suit Room.
505 AND 507 MARKET ST.
We have yet a few of those beautiful home.,
as follows: "
First A very beautiful 5-room house, with,
natural gas, water, etc, for S20u cash and: '
$19 3 per month. 4,
Second A lovely 4-rootn cottage, $200 cash
and $16 33 per montb.
Third A beautiful 3-room cottage. $200 cash;
$15 33 per montb.
Fourth We have also a number of other
handsome properties on equally reasonable
terms. .
O-Take Southside cars to Twelfth street;
and Mt. Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth Meet,
and the Electric Railway.
."tti iif Wj: :iiii ,.