taw'i-n n TSCrstf HHr'- trra -i it SUNDAY, A-TDntT , -in . ioofl' f d 97' tt 1J. M" THE PITTSBURG dispatch; iyi n lAiVJ-L k J-v, O.OUJ7. 1 1N THE SUGAE LANDS. A Bomanlic Ride on the Bosom of Beautiful Lake Tobopkeliga. - THE ST. CLOBD SUGAR REFINERY. Ten Thousand Sqnare Jliles of Eeclaimed Morass. THE EGYPT OP THE UNITED STATES fCOIIKKrOMENCE Or THE DISrATCH.1 OUTH FLOBIDA, March 5. The last con vulsive sigh of a Dakota blizzard had just been wafted to Florida. North ern telegrams told of snow blockades, frozen rivers and rasing winds. In striking contrast the Flower State appears, in summer sunshine, soft and balmy breezes and genial atmosphere. A party of pleasure seekers have just ar- lived at Kissimmee, one of the brightest and best located towns in the Peninsula. Enjoying delicious comfort in bamboo rock ers on the broad hotel verandah, onr tourists lazily wonder how to spend the day. From the hotel the lateen sails of the boats on the lake look like sea culls' wings, and soon a ride upon the blue waters of Tohop keliga is decided upon. Kissimmee City describes a 'semi-circle on the shores of this lake, a distance of 200 miles south of Jacksonville. Since the A FLOEIDA m mm. "SL"::iSaaS work of the Okeechobee Drainage Company has been completed it stands at the head of water communication with the Gulf. By means of these canals the surrounding coun try has been drained perfectly, until now no finer lands can be founoVin the land. OS LAKE TOHOPKELIGA. Taking the brightly painted yacht moored at the hotel dock, we are soon launched for a ride down the lake and through the canals. Only five years ago the primeval "forest stood on the site of Kissimmee! To day it is the headquarters, supply depot and shipyard of the Okeechobee Company. Tak ing a backward glance as we steam away from the little city, handsome homes, pretty churches and fine hotels peep from among the magnolias and oaks. Kissimmee is the entrepot to the sugar region of Florida, and to these lands we directour course. Approaching a picturesque island the captain drops anchor. There we met for the first time with a florid a native3 monstrous alligator. Horror of horrors! how the ladies shrieked, and how the disciples of "Mr. Barnes, of New York," thought to emblazon their names in glory, but the screams of the gentler members of the party seemed to be more effective than the rifle shots, and the hideous monster, awakened from his lazy sleep on the bank, crawled from his com fortable quarters and disappeared under the water. After noting the tropical beauties of the island, seeing the orange, banana and pine apple crowing in luxuriance, we lift anchor and soon the steamer is hauling down stream. The canal is reached and we are in the region of the "unreclaimed lands." Large herds of cattle are feeding on the banks, but scamper away at sight of the little yacht. Vast plains of inexhaustible fertility meet the eye on every side. These are the sugar lands of Florida the magnet that is drawing such forces of Northern capital to the State. Hundreds of acres are in cultivation, and in the midst of this area stands the famous St. Clond sugar refinery, tne pioneer mill of the State, capable of handling the cane from 1,500 acres. SUGAE IS KING. The experimental run has proved its suc cess, and that Sugar is destined to be King in this region is a question not disputed. The owners of this enterprise are Northern capitalists, amply able to make a success out of this new Florida industry. The drainage of this immense territory has been a herculean task and is the most colossal known in the history of the world, but the result of the scheme has made the Kissim mee valley the "Egvpt of the United States." This, tne largest single tract of Southern lands, is owned by the Disston syndicate, of Philadelphia, and is said to comprise 5,000 square miles of reclaimed, overflowed ureas. This companv undertook to reclaim about 12,000 square miles of lands under water, for which the State ceded it one-half for all reclamations. These regions are now used for fanning and crazing. As sugar lands, these rich bottoms possess an advantage over the Louisiana plantations, inasmuch as ther are more fertile, the milder climate allowing the cane to more fully mature before frosts. The experimental run of the mill has shown this season a net profit of 5125 per acre, against $50 in Louisiana. From the roof ot the mill we get a bird's-eye view of the hundreds of acres of waving cane. From these plantations it is hauled to the mill by ox teams. Here it is crushed by immense rolls until it comes out as dry as powder, the bagasse, or refuse, being used as fuel the juice flowing into tanks and vats. From one vat to another it goes through its various processeSj being constantly tested by an ex pert, until it comes out the pnrestglistening granulated. Charmed with the art of sugar-making, we take our boat again, still riding down the canaL Passing a beautiful Southern home, surrounded by orange trees, luxur- iant bananas, flowers and trailing vines, we are reminded that only three years before boats were moored in this tropical yard, and paradoxical as it seems, only proves the gi gantic power of American capital and American enterprise. Having pasted through the canal, we enter East Tohopke liga. On the shores of this lake are im mense cypress forests. A HTTXTEB'S PAEADISE. "White caps play upon the waters, and ,, dashing waves lap the glittering, sandy beach. "Wild duck, crane and quail are nu- merous; the alligator basks in the melting h rays of the noonday sun unmolested. Little sign of habitation is seen around the lake, bnt the Southern sky, the bird notes and dreamy atmosphere await the comingsettler. From this point south 360 miles a navigable t channel has been formed by the dredging system, which has already been traversed by large steamers. Along the whole course the scenery is wild and weird. The daring sportsman can find all the pleasures of a .hunt, and embellish his name in glory over captured alligators, bear and deer. Evening with entrancing moonlight, finds . ns once again lounging on the hotel piazzas, iy-k and as the zephyr breezes fan our cheeks, vote that "How is the winter of our.diseon tent made glorious summer," and agreeing that Kissimmee is most emphatically the Mt Helicon, wfiere dwell the muses of song and dance, lhe Italian organ grinder turns the crank, and the strainsvof "Home, Sweet Home" are wafted from across the waters of Tohopkeliga; two dusky Arabs, who during the day sold Jerusalem .ware made in New York)j beat their bagpipes in happv cadence to the jingling coin in their pockets; the melodies ot the cowboy resound from a distance, while the weird songs of xhe negro come from their ' temple of worship." With true Yankee curiosity we follow the strains of "Koll, Jordan, Roll," and for' the first time stand before the doorvfty of a typical negro church. The night is warm, the moon hangs like a great electric light overhead, the little shanty is crowded with somber-tinted worshipers religious fervor is running high, and we find it pleasanter outside. CATCHIKG THE YANKEE. Standing at the window we listened to the gray-haired patriarch exhort, to the wailing hymns and sobs and groans of the penitent; then the collection is taken, which seems to be the most important part of the pro gramme, for it is repeated often in order to catch the changing Yankee audience that stands outside. All is life "and pleasure in this landof bowers. Orange picking, moon light sailing and fishing parties are in happy fashion. The witchery of the air and the enchanting beauty of nature are each vear weaving such a tangled web of loveliness that pleasure seekers, health seekers and prospective settlers are easy Like half the settlements in Florida, the origin of Kissimmee is Indian, wrongly pronounced by Northerners, with the ac cent on the second syllable, but by natives Kiss(i)mee, which recalls an incident lrequcntly related among Kissimmeans. A crowd of travelers waited at a little station for the northbound train. A Southern maiden, in conversation with a staid old Yankee deacon, suddenly, in a pretty, be witching accent, asked: "Are you going to Kiss(i)mee?" The poor old gentleman was STJGAB MIIL. very much embarrassed. A second time the question was repeated, only to see a fright ened, bewildered iook snaaow nis lace. .Be lieving onr Puritan slightly deaf, stepping toward him and in still fonder tones the pretty girl asked the innocent question once more: "Are you going to Kiss-i-mee?" In wildest desperation onr good old Yankee clutched his "carpet-bag," and in reckless, but despairing tones, cried ont, "My dear young miss, indeed I would like to, but you see I am a married man, with a wife and 13 dear children at home." Since that day, deacons from Yankeedom look askance as a pretty girl approaches, and Kissimmee maidens, "so the folks say," are very coy about pronouncing the word correctly. M. M. AN ECCENTEIC MILLIONAIRE. lie At" at Free Lonch Counters and Always Had Ills Niece Cat His Hair. Philadelphia Times. 1 For years and years he was shaved in Blank's barber shop, on Elbow Lane. Bar ber Blank, in speaking of Isaiah "William son, his millionaire customer; said: "He was generally the last customer of the day to come in," said he, "and no mat ter how hot the day might be he would in sist upon having all the doors and windows shut tight. I believe he would have even stopped up the keyhole, so great was his dislike and fear of a draft Entering the shop he would nod, and then slowly divest himself of his coat and vest, collar and necktie, and hang them up on a peg. He required no assistance in this. He was ex ceedingly neglectful of his personal appear ance. He wore. an old-fashioned stock until it became greasy and tattered. I believe he would cling to a necktie for a year. His collar I would be ashamed to wear. "While being shaved Mr. "Williamson never talked nor did he encourage it in his barber. He was never guilty, during the eight years that he patronized my shop, of a hair cut. His niece, he told me, always cut his hair. I was always sure of my 10 cents for my shave, but no more. And he never re membered me at Christmas, but I suppose he never thought of it. One evening about 7 o'clock he came into the shop, and was more feeble than usual. I had to hang his coat and vest up for him. As I placed the vest on the peg I saw a flat wad of green backs sticking out of the upper pocket, and there staring me in the face was a $1,000 bill. He mnst have had a very large sum of money on him that day. "When he left and went into Elbow Lane it was pitch dark, and I thought how easy it would have been for even a boy to have robbed him then." About noon it was Mr. "Williamson's custom to go to a saloon and call for a glass of beer. He would get near the free lunch and eat a good many crackers and some cheese. He never drank up the beer, and it was the supposition that he frequented the saloon for the lunch he got. Alter bis cracker and cheese dinner he would fre quently go back to his office and fill out a check for some charity. When he became so feeble that he was obliged to set up a carriage he ceased drinking beer and took to spirits, always sending his coachman into the saloon for a punch about noon. An Infant Hercules. Harper's Bazar. J "Ts the baby strong?" "Well rather. You know what a tre mendous voice he has?" "Yes." "Well, he lifts that five or six times an hour." The Vital Point. NewTjork Sun.: ' The Kev. Primrose To succeed in this world, my young friend, you must trust yourself more. Spendthritt Not at all. To get along you must make other people trust you. Not Entirely Cleaned Ont. Boston Father This can't be my son! His Son (from the Nebraska sheep ranch) Yes it can, dad; and he's got something left, too. Most of the fellows lost every thing they hoi. Judge. "m!' CLARA BELLE'S- CHAT, A Swell Circus at a Fashionable Country Residence. REAL HORSES AKD REAL RIDERS. Something About the Costumes of the Fresidental Ladies. MRS. CLETELAND AND HER POETRY rWBlTTIlf ron TITS DISPATCH. 1 New York, March 10, 1889. CTIVITY sometimes breaks in upon the fash ionable quietude of Lent. It is true that we have stopped dancing, and ceased some other forms of frivolity, but we have not sat down in sackcloth and ashes. "What do you think, for instance, of a circus as a Lenten diver sion? And a circus where the swells not only go to see a performance," but where they perform Such an institution ac tually exists. The "Waterburys are a wealthy and pretentious family. One of their residences is a fine place atPIeasance, just out of town. They have roofed over their stable yard, made a regu lation sawdust ring, and put in some of the paraphernalia of a professional circus. I was a favored witness of this week's show at the "Waterbury place. There were only 60 spectators. "We did not sit on hard boards, with no supports for our backs, and with our feet dangling, after the old-fashioned manner of the tent show, but each had a comfortable camp chair, placed on a plat form, overlooking the arena. SWELL CIRCUS EIDERS. Nine athletes were amateurs from the ranks of swelldom. They performed feats on the trapeze, the horizontal bar and on the spring board. Intermixed with them in the entertainment were ten professionals hired from Barnum's company, which was being formed for the forthcoming season. After an hour of various feats, the charm of femininity was imparted to the entertain ment, and by the distinguished means of six equestrian belles, who rode their horses into the ring, and went through with some delicate evolutions. The ladies were in sidesaddles, and wore ordinary equestrian habits. And there was no clown to ask: ""What will the lady have next?" But it was a real and true circus, all the same, and it showed how thoroughly our rich pleasure seekers do an amusing thing when they un dertake it. .. AT THE PATRIARCHS' BALL. "While the inauguration ball was going on in "Washington, our nobs were doing their last waltzing at the Patriarchs' ball. All the Astors, Yanderbilts and their sort of folks were present, except the several members ot the two named families now in Europe, and it seemed as though these ex elusive and pretentious people were glad to emphasize the fact that they disdained to make the trip to "Washington for participa tion in a mixed public assemblage, how ever consequential it might be. By the way, the daughter-in-law of James G. Blaine was at the same time exhibiting herself in the proscenium box of a theater. Mindful of her forthcoming debut as an ac tress, she loses no opportunity to advertise herself tor the theatrical public. She is a tall, willowy and rather good looking young lady, but more stylish than beautiful when you come to examine her critically. I sup pose I have seen her at the theater 20 times within half that number of weeks. She in variably gets into a lower box next the stage, and sits in a front corner facing the audience, so that she is about as much within the dramatic view as any of the per formers behind the footlights. So literally was she included in the stage limits on this occasion that the footlights shone glaringly on her face. The boldness of the display is modified by her aspect of demure propriety. Evidently she has the requisite self-possession for a good actress, whether or not she possesses the other needed qualities. YOUKG MBS. BLAINE. "What a vast difference the physique of a wsman makes in regard to the impression of character that the sight of her conveys to an observer. There was young Mrs. Blaine doing a really audacious thing, and yet she looked ingenuous, modest and unas suming. But on the stage, at the same time, was an actress undertaking to portray exactly that sort of a maiden, bnt failing utterly because she happened to be of large stature, plump figure, and altogether a physically bold type. In the play she im personated a particularly unsophisticated and guileless girl, who positively didn't know enough to look out for herself, and who had to be protected against the perils of beauty by the hero of the drama. An actress of slight figure, pensive face and a suggestion of weakness should have been chosen for this role, but the performer was a robust beauty, and her really clever imi tation of demureness was regarded bv the audience as something comical. She hung her head modestly, gave shy glances, and made all the other denotements of bashful ness correctly, but it wasn't Of any use, and that was why she failed within a few feet from where Mrs. Blaine was succeeding. PEESIDENTAL DRESSES. Some sewing girl let the cat out of the bag, and.the real ground for Mrs. Caroline Scott Harrison's aversion to the decollete bodice was not moral, but flannel. While in no way a delicate lady, she is too fond of her health to take any risk of losing it, and positively refused to 'adopt the low-necked and short-sleeved gown prescribed by the modiste. "The flannel must remain," she is reported to have said, "so cut the corsage any way you please." And the flannel did remain. By special request an order was sent to a manufacturing bouse and the lady's vests were woven to measure with "V, square and -heart-shaped necks and sleeves reaching to the shonlders. Mrs. Levi P. Morton, on the contrary, ordered her ball dress cut court fashion,lhat is with a low, round corsage and short sleeves. She is one of the few women of her age in New York society who could wear the- style, which shows the neck and shoulders, tapers from the hips, is laced up the back and fitted without a bustle. It is the very dress for the wife of the Vice Pres ident, as her shoulders are beautiful, dim pled and milk white, her throat and arms are exquisitely modeled, and her skin is as perfect as a piece of bridal satin. Together with being a beautiful woman, Mrs. Morton is a most accomplished one, and her children are not more systematic in. study hours than she is. MBS. CLEVELAND AS A POETESS. Now they are saying and denying that Mrs. Grover Cleveland has had erotic fever, and under its inflammatory fiareup com posed a lot of what she modestly terms "rhymes." It is a positive fact that she read them to a few friends, who praised them to the brow of Miss Liberty, and under this encouragement they were tried on Grover, Nobody knows what the criti cism was, but it made the authoress cry. Mrs. Folsom told the impatient ladies that Mrs. Cleveland would not do any more writing till she went to New York, and that is how the announcement came to be made that the pretty wife of the big ex-President was going to write. No contract has been made with any publisher, and, is not likely to be either, for Miss Cleveland is decidedly more able in wielding a pen than her brother's wife, and he never enthused over her work of the past four years. Her opinions of one administration might be mm van a! brought out in as dignified an organ as the North American Review, and in Mary An derson fashion. Claba Belle. HE LOST THE WAGER. Because His Name Wns Not Worth as Mnch as a Good Story. Book Barer. There is an old story which relates that in the early days of Mr. T.B. Aldrich's editing of the Atlantic, his publisher, Mr. Houghton, who had or pretended to have some vague literary aspirations, remarked to his new editor, with an air half serious and half jesting: "I am going to send you a story I have wiitten, but I shall send it under a fictitious name." "Then," was Mr. Aldrich's remark, "I advise you to send it to a fictitious editor." I have never inquired whether the story is true, but it came back to my mind the other day when I heard the story of a wager which had just been decided. A literary man, whose name is pretty well known was arguingwith a brother author the obviously foolish proposition that acceptance goes by lavor, and being of a disposition which, he will pardon my saying, since I do not name him, is at least unusually firm, his support of his view of the case became the more de termined as he proceeded. "I'll tell you what I'll do," he said at length. I've two short stories done, and one is to end better than the other. They are written on the typewriter, and I'll send the worst one over my own name to a magazine and the other over an assumed name; and I'll bet you $5 that my name carries the poor one while the better one will come back. The wager was accepted, the MS. sent off, and the event waited. By all considera tions of poetic justice the young author should have won bis wager; but as a matter of fact, he did not. The story with "Jris name on its hack, "declined with thanks" to how many a luckless wretch, writhing under disappointment, has that printed phrase seemed the very essence ot cruel irony! while the other was accepted and the editor wrote the author a kind note ad dressed to his nom de guerre, evidently be lieving that it was his good fortune to have discovered a new writer. "Whether the edi tor was amiable or not when the matter was explained to him I do not know, but the moral is obvious. BIGGER SHOES IN SPRING. Corns and Wet Weather Brine Cnitom to the Merchants. New York Tribune. "I like this warm spring weather," said the proprietor of a fashionable shoestore yesterday. "It's good for trade. Have you noticed how many of those shoppers are limping slightly this afternoon? Their shoes are pinching them, as their feet swell a little with exercise in this warm sun. "Women that can squeeze their cold feet into 2 shoes and endure the torture in winter are forced to wear 3s in spring, if they walk much. I sell more 3s than any other size in women's fine shoes;3Jsand 4s come next in general demand in this city, and almost the same proportions rule all over the country among well-to-do people. A good deal of wit has been poked at the Chicago women on the alleged large size of their feet, but the wholesale houses will tell you that the average size there is no larger than anywhere else. "Women wear out more shoes than men, in proportion to the walking they do, because they take manv more steps to the mile than a man. I had a Canadian lady come in here yesterday and ask for buttoned boots. I did not know what she meant nt first, but discovered that she wanted high buttoned shoes. "When I suggested shoes she thought I meant low-cut Oxford ties. It appears that in Canada what we term high shoes they call low boots, and what we call boots they call high boots. Onr low shoes are the only things they call shoes. Queer people up in the backwoods there very much be hind the rest of the world, I should say, sir. Goodby, sir." WHY HE GATED. A Conductor's Kindness Thwarts a Granger's Well-Laid Flans. Detroit Free Press. A train over the Bay City. Boad, bound into Detroit, picked up an old man at a flag station, and when the conductor took up his fare het asked: "How fur could a person without money travel on this train?" "About half a mile." "And then you'd put 'em off?" "Yes." "Would you put a woman off?" "I'd have to." "Thanks. That settles it. My old woman didn't want me to go to town, and she said she'd foller me to the end of the earth. She'll try it, hut she ain't got a cent to travel on, and when the conductor drops her along about here J can imagine the look " "Oh. in that case, I should let her ride," interrupted the official. "You would?" "Yes." "Then, if you'll kinder slack up when you cross at "Skinner's, I'll kinder drop off and hoof it back. I reckon she's got the bulge on me and I might as well cave." Familiar Names Shortened. New York Tribune. It is stated that as "Pa." is used as an abbreviation of Pennsylvania, "Ma." might be ued as an abbreviation for Montana. ' A good abbreviation for the State. of "Washington if it retains that name-will be hard to find, for the obvious "Wash." is too suggestive of a laundry to be considered for a moment. This tact alone ought to rule out that namo for the new State. It Worked Successfully. The Inventor It's so simple it's got to succeed. There's nothing but the wings and this strong spiral spring, which I wind in this way, and then (As the spring breaks) Up we gol Judge. ffJtwrZ&jbsiSL SUNDAY THOUGHTS phjtL$ 0 mP BY A CLEBGYMAN. HRISTIANlTY'S progress in Japan is a romance of Provi dence. It was but yesterday that the Empire was" locked and barred against the Nazarene. His faith was tabooed, as "foreign." His fol lowers were discred ited as "Foreigners." Even " in Ameiica, which 'is a Mosaic of races and peculiarly cosmopolitan, we know the force of race prejudice. To-day this prejudice is overcome. The exclusive doors of the Mikado's domain are flung wide open. The ears and hearts of the people are hospita ble to Christian truth. Tens of thousands of church members hundreds of native castors and helpers, schools by tho score, theological seminaries, colleges for the higher ed ucation, positions of influence under the Gov ernment filled by Christians, the whole Empire inquiring and expectant. Such are the results of tho victorious campaign of the Prince of Peace. The Japanese are the Americans of the Orient. They are quick-witted, nimble-footed and have brains in their fingers. Ttey know a good thing when they see It. Bnt the crown ing glory of the situation in Japan is tho oblit eration of sectarianism. The "Presbyterian. Reformed, and Congregational bodies are combined in one church. This union was forced by the Japanese themselves, who perceived at a glance this serious defect In European and American Christianity. They could not understand why a religion of love should be split np into warring fragments, each swearing prayers at all the rest. Against the prejudices of the missionaries, and against the immemor ial custom of -the foreign boards which sent them ont, the keen natives took the good and rejected the bad of Christianity. They would not allow the propagation of sects in Japan. Hence the three great denominations above named came together, and by mutual conces sions, which did not touch central Christianity, they formed the "United Church" of Japan. what a beautiful return for the Gospel it would be if Japan should teach Europe and America how to solve the problem of the unity of all believers, and thus remove religion's most serious reproach. An Absurdity. There is no greater absurdity in church methods than candidating. A pulnlt is vacant. A clergyman is invited to occupy it for a Sun day. He comes. He preaches a show sermon. The congregation sits In criticism upon his gestures, inflections, literary style. What should be a divine service Is transformed into a performance. The inevitable self-consciousness on Doth sides is fatal to worship. Nor can a minister be judged in this way. The very self-consciousness would be an om barassment to any sensitive and refined nature. He would be his worst, not his best self. On the other hand, a man of brass might make a great impression and get a call. Why not send out a judicious committee (as wise churches do), to hear such preachers as may be available in their own pnlpKs I Thus a home view could be gotten. The average ex cellence of the preacher could be tested. The sermon would be drafted from the field of work. Imagine Paul, Luther or Wesley, under Are as a candidate. Church Evolution. It is a historic fact that Christianity got on, and thrived, for over 200 years, without syna gogues or temples. It was not until the end of the third century that Christians reared edifices set apart for public worship. Our Lord prayed and preached in private houses, in the open air, by the wayside, from the deck of a chance flshing-smack anywhere, everywhere- So did the apostles. So did their successors. There is no sanctity In brick and mortar. Nothing makes a place sacred but God's realized pres ence; and that makes any spot holy ground, from the aisle of the forest to the aisle of the cathedral. " As churches grew in number and wealth, it was found necessary to provide them with special houses. The private houses of dis ciples were not large enough. The open air was too much exirased to wind and weather. Hence the meeting house came into being. Its father was necessity, and its mother was suit ableness. And since nothing is too good for God, the Christian world does well to build splendid structures for public worship. It would be a shame to house divine service meanly when the home i magnificent with fresco and sculpture and bric-a-brac and luxury, and when trade lives in a palace. Our churches should be a little finer than onr homes and our palaces of business. But they ought not to be roofed and colled and floored with debt Is it really quite right to dedicate a church to God which is really owned by yonder insurance companv on the corner? Is there not a point in the late Dr. Holland's suggested formula of dedication: "We dedicate this chnrch to Thee, O God sub ject to a mortgage of $50,000?" Are not onr Roman Catholic brethren justified In their re fusal to dedicate a church until it is free from debt? Is it honest to give to God what we do not own? Churches which are plastered with mort gages are your unrivalled pastor-killers, and the devil owns the patent. On many a minis ter's tombstone this epitaph might justly be inscribed: "Murdered by the church debt." Kellslons Tramps. This city swarms with religious tramps. They aro "artful dodgers" of duty. They have con science enough to go to church somewhere, but not enough conscience to go steadily anywhere. They are sensation hunters. Every Sunday morning they ask at the breakfast table, "Where shall we go to church to-day f" And they answer it py going one Sunday to hear the Rev. Mr. Skyrocket and by visiting on the next Sunday a revival meeting to hear a famons evangelist,and by starting early on the follow ing Lord's Day to feast their ears with the su perD music at St. Cecilia's. Like the ancient Greets, they have itching ears. They seek not spiritual profit, bnt worldly entertainment. They go to church as they go to the theater and the opera for amusement. Only they pay for their secular pleasure They sponge their religion. If these people were poor no one would grudge them crumbs from the Lord's table. But they are not poor. They dress well, live well, pay well, through the week. It is only on Sunday that thev force us to pray on their behalf "The Lord have mercy on your stingy soul!" 'The average church Is characteristically hospitable. Strangers are welcomed with both hands outstretched. But it costs something to keep a chnrch open. Somebody has to meet this expense. The whole body of worshipers should meet it. That which is a burden to the few would be easy for the many. But religious tramps, like their kindred on the sidewalks, abuse hospitality. Every self respecting church-goer is under obligation to have a church home needs one as much as he does a domestic roof tree. Every such person should feel it to be less a duty than privilege to bear a fair share of the burden incidental to spiritual housekeeping. It is just as dishonest to swindle a church as It is to cheat the butcher and the baker. Bo not ecclesiastical Arabs come within the s'atute which forbids the pro curing of goods under false pretenses? If not, w,hy not? Look Up. Our enemies are many. The world storms upon us. The flesh tempts us. Satan is in quisitive and ubiquitous Sorrow sits an un bidden, unwelcome- guest at the hearthstone. Death, with hour glass and scythe, strides across the threshold. Feeble, affrighted, dazed, where shall we look? Look up! Cry out! Keep looking up! Keep crying out! It Is only a question of time. God will surely appear to vindicate our faith and deliver our soul. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee," saith He. Work for the Harvest. We are still in the seed time in America. Bnt within the next SO years the country will take Its final form. The land (the best of it) will be pre-empted. The population will settle down into fixed ways. Foreigners will no longer be tanght as their first lesson in En glish the words "Hurry up!" The influences which are now most active and aggressive will then dominate. Let us "push things." Or ganize churches, multiply schools, circulate good newspapers, be "living epistles" the Gospel in human shape. If Christianity pro poses toJiold America, it must be up and do ing to-day. To-morrow it will be too late. The Ship That Never Returned. Four gentlemen engaged in commerce In an Eastern seaport city were heated unbelievers in the common superstition regarding Friday as an unlucky day. They determined to show their contempt for and explode the silly notion. So they began to build a ship on Friday, fin ished her on Friday, launched her on Friday, named her Friday, hired a captain on Friday, and started her off tq sea on Friday. The ship was never heard from. An English View of America. Prof. Bryce, of Oxford, has just published a notable book, viz: "The American Common wealth." It is elaborate and exhaustive, not exhausting. The critic is competent. Mr. Frederic Harrison, In the Nineteenth Century Magazine, thus characterizes him: "He has drawn the portrait of a nation, by virtue of his being at once an accomplished jurist, an experienced politician, a learned historian, an acute man of the world, and an indefatigable traveler." What such an Admirable Crichton should say who wonld not read? Of course, Pror. Bryce's deliberate portrait ure suggests the earlier but wonderful work by Tocqueville. written 60 years' ago and a hand book still. But while Tocaneville is a prophet, Bryce is an historian. The Frenchman gives the foresight, the Englishman the hindsight, and each with national characteristicness. The entire absence of a State religion and a church establishment impresses Bryce, as it does all European observers. "He finds, how ever, the social and economlo position of the clergy in the United States above that of the priesthood, taken as a whole, in the Roman Catnolic'conntries, and of all denominations, Anglican and non-conformist i J England. The dependence of the minister for support on his congregation does not impair to anv great extent the spiritual and intellectual independence. Intolerance is rare, benevo lence widespread: the influence of religion on all classes a notable fact. No passage, bow ever, in his volumes, nnless It be the closing pages, is more eloquent than that in which he emphasizes the special need of the American people for religious culture, and their special dependence on that moral and religious life which must be the foundation of any govern ment which rests, not on armed force, but on the will of the people." The accomplished critic above referred to observes, but does not understand why our, best men do not go into politics. To Americans, the reasons areobviousand adequate. Theyare summed up by a current reviewer in the fol lowing comprehensive statement: "Politics are relatively less interesting in America than in Europe, and lead to less, while other careers are more interesting and lead to more." Great Thoashts of Great Blinds. Growth will make a man out of a boy, bnt growth will never make a good man out of bad one. Martyn. I would not give you aS-cent nickel for all the comfort of all the religions that were ever batched out of the human skull, or came up as malaria from the pit. I want a religion that can sail not only on a smooth fiver at noon, when all the paddle wheels drop opals, and emeralds, and sapphires, but all the sails are white as seagulls, but a religion that can calmly ride a midnight freshet Paul's religion of the dnngeon, John's religion of tempest lashed Patmos, Daniel's religion of lock-jawed lions. Talmage. Christ is the best of paymasters. He bor rowed Peter's Doat to preach from, and at the close of the sermon gave him such a draft of fishes as be had never had before. George C. Needham. Heart work must be God's work. Only the reat heart maker can be the great heart reaker. Baxter. If you are filled with prejudice,though Christ himself should walk at your side, you would not see him. The larger your faith and hope and desire, the more you are determined to see goodness, the more you will see; for it is there, in all things and in everybody; and it only needs the seeing eye and the open heart to behold it. George Dawson. . There is something better than a revival, and that is a Christian lifethat does not need to be revived. Moody. Beneficence is a running stream. If cash flows out of a good man's pocket, it will almost miraculously flow in again. Just as water rushes into a channel whose waters have to gush out. Many a good man's purse is like a syphon, the very emptying of which insures its refilling. Arthur Edwards. It is worth a thousand pounds a year to have the habit of looking on the - bright side of things. Dr. Johnson. The boy doing the Father's business at 12,dld the Father's loftier business at 30, because He did the Father's lowlier business at 1Z Way land Hoyt. As in the sun's eclipse we behold the great stars shining in the heavens, so in this life's eclipse do good men behold the lights of the great eternity burning solemnly forever. Longfellow. Some men, remarks Seneca, are like some pictures fitter f at a corner than for a full light. T A shrewd observer of morals and manners dips his pen in the ink of foreknowledge, and writes: "He that laughs at me to-dav-will have some one to laugh at him to-morrow." "They can conquer," sings "Virgil, "who be lieve they can." Success in war, trade, relig ion,, is in close alliance with confidence. In any good word or work, never let "I oare not," wait upon "I would." "Trust in God and do the right." RELIGIOUS SUMJ1ARI. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church has 151.829 communicants, an increase for the year of 6,783. News has been received of the death of Isaac G. Bliss, D. D of the Bible House, Con stantinople. It occurred at Asiut, Egypt, Feb ruary 16. 4 It is estimated that there are in London 314, 000 persons wholly dependent on casual labor, and nearly 1,000.000 -who never go Inside a church. the Pacific. There is nothing higher in the world, there is nothing happier in life than humbly to do our duty in the name of God. and to accept whatever he sends us for Christ's sake. Such a life can never be a failure in God's sight, whatever it may be in man's. In such a life God is always seen, and there is no such thing as chance! Christian World Pulpit, London. He who would go heavenward, or go Christ ward, cannot go with the croWd; for the crowd is not going in that direction. And this is one of the sorest trials of the Christian life. It separates the Christian disclplo from many a companionship which would otherwise be de lightful to him. But the choice mnst be made between conformity to the world and consecra tion to Christ. Sunday School Times. There probably never was a time when more work was being planned. In ways without num ber, for promoting Christian enterprises than now. All this means more sacrifice and devo tion, unless there is neglect. It means more labor. It is possible that very much more is being outlined than can be performed. There are a great many irons in the fire. There are organized and individual enterprises multi plying faster than the increase in the working forces. The Watchman. The divine love of the Savior Is shown quite as much in the way he receives gifts from ns as the way he bestows them upon us. He never refused the humblest offering. The thanks of the leper, the loaves and fishes of the little lad, even the sponge soaked in posca held up to him or. the .cross, were all accepted. Whatever men had to give be stood ready to take and use, verv often to multiply and enlarge, until, like the loaves in the wilderness, they feed a great throng. Here is thought for the dis couraged Christians. The Golden Rule. In one sense a church is the house of God; in another It is on the same footing as a club house. People invest money in the fabric, the furnishing, and tho salaries of those -who serve, and those who do not so invest have really no right to partake of privileges thev don't or won't pay for. People who pay pew rents can obtain pews, and thoso who habit ually attend free churches can generally be sure of a seat. Tramps and hearers with itch ing ears who beat about about from one church to another, who have no "quietness," but a great deal of "confidence," must, not be as tonished if sometimes they meet with less at tention in a church aisle than habitual wor shipers and steady, consistent supporters. The Churchman. Patriotic. Eirst Tramp Aristocracy! They don't know what aristocracy is in dis Country. "Who ever heard of a 'ristocrat workin' in England ? Second Tramp That's so, Bill, and that's why I'm opposed ter workin. I don't want them doods, like de Prince of "Wales and da Booshnn King, a-sneerin' at dis country, and a-sayin' we ain't got no real, simon pure gentlemen. No, sir; not while I live! PALETTE AND EASEL. A Gradual, but Marked Return to Oil ' Fainted Portraits. Previous to the invention of photography It was considered essential to the proper main tenance of the family dignity to have its leading members sit for portraits in oil, with which to adorn the chief room of the dwelling. But photography came and, like Othello's, the por trait painter's occupation was gone, and the family album upon the table quickly took the place of the family portrait gallery upon the walls. This was a step in the direction of good taste, even though made with an altogether different object in view. As a means of pre serving a true likeness of persons the work of the camera is superior to that of many of the artists whom it has supplanted, and its com parative cheapness admits of numerous pictures being taken at different times and nnder vari ons conditions, while true art is the gainer by the absence of the portraits from the walls, even though no other decoration had been found to take their place. Of late years, however, there has been evi dence of a very marked desire to return to the old custom of having portraits painted in oil, and photography has been pressed into service to aid and simplify' the work of the artist. There is. however, an essential difference be tween the portraits of to-day and those of for mer times; we may be in danger of encounter ing an avalanche of commonplace work, but nothing so abominably bad as at one time found sale is likely to De imposed noon us, for people accustomed to photographs will not long rest content with such execrable paint ings. A really good likeness in oil possesses many valuable features which cannot be at tained in any other method of portraiture, but they have also one serious drawback, and that is their expensiveness. When a high price has been paid for a picture it is not regarded as be ing complete until it is supplied with a corre spondingly elaborate frame, and by that time it has become such a costly article of furniture that It must be given the post of honor and shown off npon every possible occasion. There is noticeable of late years, however, a marked improvement In public taste in mat ters of this kind, and it is altogether probable that those who cannot easily afford paintings will, for the most parr, content themselves with tho less expensive stvle of portraits, and that those who do buy the former will have the sense to not make tbem too prominent a feature of home adornment, nor yet to over power them with frames, the costliness and beauty of which renders tbem of far greater interest than the pictures they inclose. The increase in knowl edge and appreciation of art works will also go far toward precluding the possi bility of a return to the old-time daubs, and it is reasonable to assume that the number of portraits not having some positive merit, which find their way into onr homes, will bo exceed ingly small. The class of so-called artists who painted portraits in much the same spirit as modern sign writers execute an order, has also passed away, and their place has been taken by men who havo a reputation to sustain, and who think more of producing a work satisfactory to themselves than of the praiso they are to re ceive for it. With better artists to do the work and better taste on the part of those ordering it, portraits in oil are likely to be infinitely superior to what the majority of them were at one time, and in place of being eyesores will be something to admire and value. Art matters In General. The decorations on a very handsome vase shown at Eichbaurn's are the work of Miss B. Doerflinger. -One side shows a classically draped female figure, while the reverse is adorned with a floral design In colors outlined with gold. Mb. George Hetzex, Is busily engaged painting woodland scenes, having quite a num ber under way that are said to be most pleasing. There are few artists, either here or elsewhere, who paint this class of subjects with greater fidelity to nature than Mr. Hetzel. The Erwin Davis collection, a splendid lot of paintings, is to be soldjn New York on the 19th and 20th of the present month. Works by the most famous artists in the world are included in this collection, among others Corot, Rous seau, Millet, Bastien-Lepage and Courbet. Is the death of Alexander Cabanel France has lost one of her best painters and teachers. Like most others who have become famous in art, Cabanel was horn poor, and the eminence which he eventually attained was due to native talent, energy and bard work. His style was distinctive and original, so much so that there is probably no other painter who can com pletely fill the place left vacant by his death. Another pleasant little picture, bearing tbe signature, "E. A. Poole," has been shown In Boyd's window. The subject ts a scene on Cumberland Island, off the coast of Georgia, and snows a sloping beach, partially covered with herbage, and a gllmpso of the sea beyond. This picture is of a rather quiet, subdued tone of color, is fairly well bandied, and being un pretentious, is pleasing and effective. Mr. A. S. WAUi can paint a strong picture when he wants to, and occasionally be does want to and goes to work and does it. His latest production in this line is a landscape, showing an effect in late autumn, and it Is a very striking and original work. Mr. "Wall has not placed this pictnre upon exhibition, but it occupies a retired nook in the Gillespie gallery, where those interested may obtain a glimpse of A PlCTUBE, which Mr. C. Sersch Is engaged upon, bids fair to prove one of the most notable works ever turned out by a Pittsburg artist, lhe subject is the interior of a jury room, as it might appear when 11 of the men have already reached a conclusion and are endeavoring to Induce the remaining one to agree with them. The 12 men are all different types of character and of various nationalities, and their attitudes are characteristic of their individual natures and tbe conditions under which they are seen. Mr. Bersch is executing this work In mono chrome as he intends to have photogravures of it published, which indicates that he is an artist of a progressive temperament, and one who will do his part in giving to the fina arts their due importance even among tbe more. prosaic and material interests wnicn so nearly concern the residents ot this locality. Mr. C. Bersch is at present engaged upon a rather extensive and, elaborate painting, and one that will no doubt add greatly to the al ready favorable reputation which he enjoys. As it is his intention to have photogravures of this work published it will assuredly largely increase the extent of territory over which his name is known, tendingto give him something of a national reputation. This picture shows the interior of a juryroom, with tbe 12 jurors, each in characteristic attitude. It Is evident that 11 of them have reached a conclu sion and are endeavoring to bring the remain ing one round to their way of thinking. The twelfth juror, a square-jawed, low-browed In dividual, in whom tbe brute instinct of bull dog pertinacity is plainly seen to prevail, is seated by a table looking upward at a tall, slendor and rather nervous-looking man who is earnestly expostulating with him. Two of the men are carrying on a somewhat animated conversation between themselves, while the rest are loung ing about m various attitudes more or less ex pressive of idleness and weariness. One of tbem has fallen asleep at the table, another is seen lazily watching tbe rings of smoke he has just puffed from bis cigar; a rather powerfully built man stands by the stove with his gaze directed toward the stubborn juror. Each per son in the composition Is of a distinctive char acter, and fits well into his proper place in the pictnre. Altogether this is a work which re flects credit on its author, and is an addition to the list of notable pictures which have lately been turned out in this city. It requires money to form a collection of fine pictures, and when a fine collection is offered for salo it usually realizes quite a handsome sum, as is evidenced by the recent auction of those be longing to Mr. James H. Stebbins, at Chicker ing Hall. New York. The collection is not re garded as a particularly fine one, bnt the SO pictures of which it consisted were disposed of for tne sum of S182.550. Some of the most valuable works brought high figures; a few of tbe more important mav be noted as follows: "The Game Lost," sizel3KxlOK,byMelssonier, $26,300; and "The Stirrnn Cup,'' a work by the same artist 3x4f, $7,100. "Moliero Break fasting with Louis XIV. at Versailles," a canvas. 16Kx29). by Gerome, brought $12500. Another Gerome entitled "L'Eminence Grise," 29xS9. sold for 513.70a A work bv Bibert, 27x38. entitled, "Scene at a Spanish Diligence Sta- sold for 13.050. Works by Fortnnv. Alma-Ta dema and Bonguercau brought, respectively, J8.500. J8J0O and SJ.600. "The Captain of the Guard," a little 7x10 water color.by Melssonier. found a purchaser at 83.-100. Tbe balance of the pictures were sold at various prices below $5,000, with the exception of a littlfi landscape by Daubigny, which brought $5,100. The above are not regarded as high-priced pictures in sneb an art center as New York.but the values placed upon them will furnish a subject for re flection tor those-persons who are acenstomed to otim their eves at tho mention of tSQO fur i painting, and also lor those who imagine a costly picture must necessarily oe a large one. The Joys of a Flat Life. Munsey's Weekly. "How do you like living in apartments, Ethel?" "Oh, it's simply elegant. Being on the eighth floor I don't have to lock my win dows nntil I go to bed, and there's a man in the flat above with a heavenly voice who sings'Wait Till tbe Clouds Boll By,' while the little girl on the floor below plays tbe black boy polka, and do yon know, it'i just like listening to a German Opera." THE LENTEN )U Dr. Hammond Tells How to Keep Strong During the Devotions. DANGERS OP SLOW STAR-YATI05S. A Good Breakfast Scheduled for ThosatWhft Observe Chnrch Bales. 7 MISTAKES H0TI0NS ABOUT PISHTIET A Eimrrai tob the nrsr-ATcnn HE season of Lent if come and many of the devout, of at least two important denomina tions of Christians will, during its con tinuance, rest riot themselves bothia the quality and quan tity of food they ara taking into their system. They appear to be imbued with the idea that the greater the extent to which they carry starvation the more they are living in accordance-jrith the doctrines of Christianity, and the more they are rendering themselves acceptable to the Deity. Into this question, important though it may be, it is not my province to 'inquire, however much I may question the correctness of their views, but I am moved to say a few words in regard to the sanitary and physiological aspects of the question. A year never passes that I do not have under my care several persons, generally yonng women, who have starved themselves into disease, and have laid the foundation for still more serious disorders in the years to come. Deficiency of food is even more than ex cess productive of disorder. In starvation the tissues ot the body are consumed for the production of heat, and, their place not being supplied, rapid loss of weight is the- consequence. Theyarious other vital pro-.T cesses all Involve decomposition of the sub stance of organs and add to the loss which the body undergoes. Chossat ascertained that the depreciation of weight in starva tion is greatest dnring the two or three days which immediately precede death. DEVOTIONAL DAUGEBS. Human beings subjected to starvation generally become delirious from the great debility induced by the want of food. They rarely survive the complete deprivation of food longer than eight or ten days, though instances are on record of life continuing during an abstinence of several weeks. Such cases are always open to suspicion of deceit. From insufficient food, if the condition continues for a few weeks, disease is almost invariably induced. Typhus and typhoid fever, scurvy and ansmia are the legitimate results. In early childhood the whole de-. velopment of the individual maybe arrested or particular organs may fail to attain to a full growth. It is not often the case that devotional fasting is followed by immediate death, for the authority ot parents or guardians or the physician is'brought to bear before such & result can be reached, bnt extreme debility, derangement of the digestive organs, feeble ness of tbe heart's action, neuralgia in various parts of the body and nervous prostration, are common consequences of de privation of food during Lent. I call to mind the instance of a young lady, who had by no means attained her full growth, who, after 40 days of restriction to an exceedingly meager diet, came out of her religious exercise with or loss of 25 pounds in weight and an irritable spine lrom which she has not yet entirely recov ered, althongh two years have elapse'd. Be- ' fore she began her fasting she was a healthy young woman, weighing about ISO pounds, and acenstomed to take a good deal of exer cise in tbe open air by walking and horse back riding. From being in the habit- of eating three hearty meals a day she re stricted herself to a little tea and toast, taken at about 11 o'clock, repeated as to quantity and quality just before going; to bed. AS EXXBEXE CASE. On Sundays, which according to the rules of her Church are feast days, even though occurring in Lent, she ate a small piece of some sort of meat and a little, potato for her dinner. During the whole . period her sleep was more or less disturbed and sbe had almost constantheadache. She was unable to walk more than a few steps without being seized with palpitation of the heart. Her teeth, which were without a flaw, began to ache, and her spine became pain ful throughout nearly Its whole extent. Although her friends conld not fail to perceive that she was becomipg pale, weak and emaciated, she had sufficient strength nf mind, born of her religious fervor, to conceal her more painful symptoms of disorder until her period of abstinence bad ended, whena sudden fainting spell rendered concealment no longer possible. i To be sure this is an extreme case, but there are many others doubtless occurring in the practice of other physicians which, though not so bad as this, are serious enough to require medical treatment. I have known several persons who. thinking to serve God and themselves at the same time, have eaten during tbe 40 days of Lent no-other animal food than fish, their idea being that Hsti was particularly nutritious to the brain, while in abstaining from flesh food they obeyed the rules of their church. Now it ts altogether a mistake to suppose that fish any more con duces to building np the brain than does any other animal food. To be sure, fish contains a t larger proportion of phosphorus than does beef, for instance, bnt it is by no means proven that the brain or other parts of the nervous system require any more phosphorus than they can get oat of any other animal material, or even out of oatmeal. Besides, even if flsb, on account of its phosphorus, were particularly nutritious to tbe brain, it would only be neces sary for a person to eat a little more beef when he thought bis brain was especially weak in order to obtain tho required pabulum. THE MEAT ET SEASOS". I believe that the prohibition against meat during Lent does not extend to the flesh of any animal that comes ont Of tbe water; thus oysters, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, terrapin, frogs, may be indulged in according to tbe bent of the abstainer or faster, and yet tbe obliga tions of religion be complied with. I knew one orthodox member of tbe chnrch who, being something of a gourmand as well asadevons believer. Insisted upon it that canvass-back ducks were sea food, and who therefore did not hesitate to make two or three dinners off tbem every week dnring Lent. Perhaps this was really carrying the matteralittle too far, bnt the other edibles mentioned are fully capable of nourishing the body as perfectly as would beef, mutton or auy other beast of the field or tbe air. If the yonng ladles who think it proper to abstain from the flesh food that is usually found npon their tables and eat freely of the food that comes out ot the sea, I am quite sure that at the end of the 40 days'nf Lent they would weigh fully as much as wnen the season began. I be lieve that eggs and milk.tbough animal foods, are allowable during Lent. It would scarcely be possible to devise a more nutritious break fast than one composed ol a glass of milk, two eggs and a slice of bread and butter, and yet I have known people who took such a breakfast every morning during Lent supposing that they were mortifying the flesh. It does not make much matter what people eat in these days of markets filled to repletion with the good things of this life, provided they eat enongb and that the things are good of their kind. It is when tbev restrict themselves In qaantity that they suffer from slow starvation -and bring themselves to something like the con dition of the young lady whose case I hare'V cited. wmjAir A. HAimOND, K Charity Away From Home. cnicazo Trioune.: '-'A3 "You poor little boy! On the street' in'. fl Tflsi snr.h a. dav as this! Have von? m a home?" - - ,"Yes'm. I live in that house on the others! - B.I.W .MW ... VV-. "J1 "Yon have no mother, have yon, '-seo-ri child?" t- T-?-! "Yes'm. She and 40 other woua-i are in"! there now, makin' embroidered nightgowaatV. ior tne iuius. j ! " "" "" """" '-MfA Tjr confidence: The best physician ia'itiaS .n14 4m i,Ka Tit. Drill !.. 7- ?l 1 ' ( Ah A?L& ' 4 J .&&? JSte: :.A l&LMUi "joL. .-".-'. rWT"""""""""" mmMM -