Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 10, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 14, Image 14

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Shirley Dare Tells Tales About Her
Little Sweethearts.
The Secret of Managing and Making
Lovable Children.
THEY have been
many and dear and
true. "With Mary
Stuart I can face ill
fortune, saying that I
have been well-loved.
Sitting alone in the
afternoon of life, their
fresh, delightful faces
rise before me, my
palm thrills to their
soft pressure, and
their clear tunable
voices, always with
a tone ol love or
mirth in them, are
street upon the air. My years turn to gold
in the counting, and like the little colored
boy who shall be immortal, "judging by the
good times I've had, I must be a hundred."
They never suffered me to know dull times,
these loves and lovers of mine.
Comrades, with yon and me together
Was never any but good weather.
When you came the sunshine was lighted,
whatever the time or sdtt ot day, and
whether, between laughs we looked in each
other's eyes 'till the souls in us melted with
tenderness, or it was high jinks and well
timed dafiin, be sure there was no deception,
selfishness nor distrust. The ancients be
lieved one might reach a long life by being
continually breathed upon by young people.
It is certain that the breath of children pre
serves the freshness of the heart.
One of the first conquests I have to think
jf, was a scholar named George unless it
was Frank I quite forget his other name.
He was the big boy of the school, and a
very idle one, teasing the girls or the flies
alternately. Things came to such a pass he
had either to be improved or turned out of
school, so I kept him after hours one bright
summer day to make up his geography les
ion. Doors and windows were open, the
oakwoods flashing their leaves invitingly,
and the sunshiny-fields saying mutely what
audacious boys shouted at the door, "Come
out and have a good time with us." "You
can't go till you have learned that lesson,"
ruled '-he 17-year-old teacher to the 16-year-old
boy not"at all sure she could carry out
her discipline, but ready to be spent in the
"What am I staying here for," says the
big boy, mutinously. "You can't keep me
if I've a mind to go. The boys say I'm a
fool for staying, and want me to cut and
"I know I can't keep you," savs the girl
teacher. "There is the door. You can go
if you please. But if you do, it will be
your loss, not mine," and then she gave him
such a talking-to about spoiling his own
chances, and wasting his time, and the need
of everyone to observe good discipline, man
or boy, as onlv young women can do, when
they have their'first faith in human nature.
I couldn't do it now, for I've lost that naive
faith in my fellow beings, and consequently
the key to their minds. Before the young
school-ma'am got through, the big black
eyed boy was crying. Those two innocents
made up the peace, he set to studying and
was the best scholar any one could have,
from that day. Xext year he went to the
war, and that was all I ever beard of him.
But what are boys made of. that a silk
ribbon will lead them, when all that honor
and duty and self-interest plead, fails to
urge them? Frankly I have a contempt for
a man's virtue of any sort, when the only
motive to it is a young woman's influence.
But it is often the thread which brings the
cord which brings the ropes that draws a
man to safety and to good.
On a dull spring afternoon, bent, as now,
over my work, a chuckle at the window
lilted my head to meet the triumphant re
gards of two Romeos who had scaled the
rainpipe to a corner roof, where they could
look inside my room, and where they paid
me a call of high compliment, if not ofcere-
mnry fonw TY!Ao rll I rrlif till fhinnc n-Aa
said to me in that hour than I shall ever
hear again. Gentlemen of 12 and 13 not be
ing deterred by modesty from any audacious
flattery which comes into their heads. It
seems to me chocolate and licorice drops
were passed through the window to them,
and one ardent invader swung himself on
the windowsill to invite me to climb the
Palisades, fading opposite in the April
mist. It was a dual affection, shared ami
cably among three, to speak Irish. We
risked being swamped in the swell of steam
boats and the rough waves of spring storms;
together we scaled the cliffs for pink and
white azalias, whose spicy, blushing drifts
filled our boat from stem to stern; we hunted
snakes together, and the boys loafed under
the pines while I wrote my newspaper let
ters out of doors. They were the loyalest
souls I ever knew, the stanchest friends
would to heaven I had never known any
Then came the brightest, blithest elf, and
winsomest, humorsome child that ever set
foot on the planet in my time. A poet's
son, with a genius for his mother, inheriting
the rare, freakish fascination of both, he was
a sort of household Ariel, dancing and
singing as he tiptoed round, more sprite
than human, save for his close attachments.
In the corner by the sofa I spied him, the
day of his coming, a slim bright-eyed thing
in a blue thibet frock, shy, yet fearless and
spirited as some creature of the wild.
"Whose mouse are you?" I asked, and
'whose cat are you?" was the rejoinder,
within his arch and penetrating look, which
made us sworn gossips before the hour was
over. He rehearsed his adventures coming
from his summer home, and how he had a
little basket with a little cake, and he ate
that, and a little roll and he ate that, and a
little bottle of wine, and he drank that, and
a little bottle of hair oil "
"Did you drink that?" asked a person of
rather rigid aspect, who did not approve
"Yes." was the answer, quick as a flash,
"and swallowed the brush and comb!" He
was never behind in neatness of repartee or
commonplace in expressing himself, and his
odd phrases linger in my memory. He got
off the compliment to a young lady about
the golden hair and the silver voice, which
was rather charming from a 4-year-old
princeling, and he wanted the ''Mistletoe
Bough" sung from -first to last five times
over one evening in the twilight, pressing
spellbound at the singer's knee, enchanted
with the pensive melody.
One day the boy and I went to Central
Park together, when the lawns were at their
loveliest, and spent enchanted hours. It
seems like a page of Hawthorne that we
came upon a fairylike fountain jet, play
ing in a lonely nook of exquisite green
sward, and the child was so taken by the
beauty of the spot, which would attract
nothing short of a poet by nature, that we
lingered longest there, and he begged to re
turn to it, and sitting by me on the grass,
poured out such a strain of ppre souled
fancies, abont his little brother who was
dead, and how he should like to die and be
buried in just such a spot, throwing himself
down to put his face in the grass, and
caressing the few flowers, and I felt eerie,
carrying him home in the late light.
He had never been up late enough to see
the stars before, and clung with hushed
, breath to ay shoulder, poring over their
brave lights, crying out in a rapture things
hardly lawful to utter in a newspaper arti
cle for everybody's reading. He would
have stayed out with the strange, glorious
sight all night if I had left him, and indeed
it must be hard to imagine a child's first
impression of the stars. Nights now I lean
out of mv town window to get a sight of the
skv, but what was it first of all? I think
Iio'rrie said that God must be beautiful if
He made such stars, and wanted to know
how long it would be before he might die
and go up to look close at them, but he was
not a miraculously good child, though the
Last of all, came'my little Prince Charm
ing, with the soft, misty dark eyes and
almond bloom, the merriest hearted baby,,
that used to sleep on his mother's knees,
with her portfolio resting on his back, while
she scratched away for his bread and milk
and buttons. Life was a huge lark to him,
and his mother had the keys of the world.
First, he wanted the moon, at a year old.
At 2, his mouth opening to chatter as
usual, before his eyes, his morning an
nouncement was, "Mother, I want a whale."
Since then all he wants is to possess the
earth, and free lance and knight errant, for
all intents and purposes it has been his own.
At 2)4, in his white frock he sallied out
on New York streets with a parcel of fresh
papers just received under his arm, crying
"Noos, noos," independently, and fought
desperately to be allowed to begin "making
his fortune at that early age. At 4, he ran
away six times a week, and the police grew
used to seeing a distracted mother rushing
to the station for tidings of a lost boy. The'
family moved out of town to save his
mother's reason from such frights, aud he
seldom wandered off more than four miles
"in a line" after that. Between 7 in the
morning and 8 at night his mother had to
trust in Providence pretty firmly, for the
boy was invisible, and no snake ever disap
peared with finer celeritv. He was a born
rover, and withal the "blithest child that
ever made home glad. He never sulked,
but sudden storms of temper were followed
by long reaches of sunniest affectionate
For years his favorite surprise for his
mother's birthday in August was to bring
her a superb plant of cardinal flower, in
which she delighted, wandering leagues to
seek it, marking the spot weeks before, and
carrying the tall plant, root and all in per
fect condition, miles through the blazing
sun. Few gifts cost more thought and de
votion than that beautiful birthday plant.
Afterward his regular present was a bottle
of her favorite lavender water, enough to
last the whole year, for which his pennies
were hoarded months before. Mother and
child never lived more closely for each other.
One of the sweetest things in memory is the
laughing, fair-haired child saying his first
verse from the Bible. "As one whom his
mother comforteth, so will I comfort you,"
and turning his eye up full of love and elo
quence, saying, "I know the Meaning of
Poorly the pen can sketch the lovable
children I have known, mischievous chil
dren, faulty once, but whom we love spite
of defects, perhaps as Deity loves us. The
secret of managing children and making
them lovable is to love them with intelli
gence and with fervor. Every child is a
human anemone, either dull, inert, shrink
ing from your touch, or a blossom of deli
cate, surprising beauty as you choose to let
it develop itself. Shibley Dabe.
Persons Pretending to Enllghtmcnt IV Ho Are
Still in the Fetish since.
Unquestionably, says the London Stand
ard, the doctrine of portents and luck does
still influence conduct. There are ladies,
not over-conscientious in the discharge of
religious observances, who would sooner
disconcert a hostess and throw a roomful of
guests into confusion, than sit down with 12
others at the dinner table. They would be
greatly affronted If they were told that, so
far, they were as distinctly Pagan as the
Druids of whom they read at school; nor
would it add to their composnre to be in
formed that probably they inherited the
"notion" from a long line of savage ances
tors. Yet, of course, that is so. The idea
which connects the com mission of certain
acts with the incurring of certain conse
quences (not arising by any law of material
cause and effect) is one of the heathen con
ceptions which has survived side by side
with Christian beliefs. In some cases, a
sort of sanction has been found for it in
Christian tradition. The monks con
secrated, so to speak, the devilries they
could not exercise. And we have, in our
age of restless inquiry, which does not
shrink from challenging the basis of all re
ligions hope and comfort, the strange spec
tacle of persons pretending to enlightenment
w ho are still in the fetish stage.
The lover will not give his sweetheart
an opal ring, however pretty the stone may
be: the guest at a table shudders when he
spills the salt, and tries furtively to propi
tiate fate by throwing a few grains over her
shoulder. Penknives and pairs of scissors
are tabooed as presents. Many a man would
choose any day in the week rather than
Friday for starting on a journey, or be
ginning some great enterprise. Many a
woman dislikes (apart from sympathetic
sentiment) to meet a funeral, or encounter a
black cat. It is not so much that anyone
pretends to be sure that harm will accrue
lrom the forbidden actor the unwelcome ex
perience; but, that partly out of deference
to what he judges the feelings of others to
be, partly out of the instinct of prudence,
he wants' to be on the safe side. In many
of these rases, no doubt, a sort of utilitarian
reason can be assigned for the prevailing
prejudice. One can say that the objection
to passing under a ladder is no more whim
sical than is the conviction that to walk
across Regent circus at noon, with closed
eyes, involves risk. Yet, a superstitious
motive is assigned for giving a wide berth
to the falling bricks, while the duty of
keeping one's eyes open in a London
thoroughfare is allowed to rest on the pro
saic basis of experience.
When all is-said, the human mind is an
inscrutable medley of sense and unreason,
of credulity and unbelief; -and, perhaps, on
the whole the objection to sitting down 13
to dinner is as respectable a craze as many
that are honored with much finer names.
Reforming Chicago.
Philadelphia Record.:
Philadelphian I notice that within a
week or so half a dozen Chicago men have
shot their wives and then themselves. It
does seem to me as if some way could be
found to prevent such crimes.
Chicago Man (briskly) YeSj sir; yes,sir;
we are working at that very thing now.
"Glad to hear it, very glad."
"Yes, sir. Our hope is that before long
we can so si mplify our laws as to make
divorces che aper than pistols."
Followed Up.
Count Frasgoletti (jnst alter his pro
posal) Damma zat monk! Alia time
breaka ze rope! Puck,
How it May be Determined Accord
ing to Well-Established Laws.
Peculiar Facts Regarding a Great Sea
Wave. Started by Yolcanic Action.
B. J. P. FINLEY has
recently presented to the
National Geographic
Society of Washington
an interesting, paper
concerning tornadoes.
The portions of this
communication which
particularly concern
the public are in regard to the measures
which persons endangered from such calam
ities may take to preserve their lives. Mr.
Finley notes the signs which precede the
development of tornadoes. In most cases
the atmosphere is very sultry, scarce a
breath disturbing it. When, in such a con
dition of air, in the regions wh,ere tornadoes
are known to occur, rolling clonds appear
in the sonthwest and northwest, the ap
proach of a Tornado maybe expected. These
clouds may resemble smoke from a confla
gration. They are something of a greenish
hue, again intensely black. The movement
of the clouds is a striking and characteristic
feature. They have at first a whirling mo
tion, the several masses appearing to spin
around a common center. Then from this
central part the funnel-like cloud grows
downward toward the earth, and from it
proceeds a roaring sound like continuous
distant thunder, which grows in intensity
as the storm approaches the observer.
If a person near the path of the approach
ing storm is so fortunate as to be in the
open country, he may save himself by
flight, for the rate of movement of the storm
center does not usually exceed 25 miles an
hour. The first thing to determine-is the
direction in which the center is moving. A
brief observation will often ascertain this.
If the storm is going in the northeast di
rection, the'path of safety lies in the north
west; if the path of the tornado be to the
eastward, then the direction of flight should
be to the north. In any case the endangered
person should seek to escape by moving to
the right as he faces the storm.
If such observations are made with due
presence of mind, when the funnel-shaped
cloud is not more than three-fourths of a
mile distant, the chance of escaping from its
path is good. The sa'est position is always
on the northwest or northern side of the ad
vancing meteor, for the reason that on that
side the movement of the wind is least in
tense. Mr. Finley advises a person not to
make his determination as to the direction
of the movement of the tornado when it is
more than three-fourths of a mile distant,
for the reason that it is not easy to deter
mine the path when the cloud is farther
In seeking shelter in buildings, he bids
one remember that frame buildings are
safer than those of masonry, for the walls
are more elastic, and are more likely to
withstand the racking motion of the storm
than more solid walls of brick or stone. In
such a frame building the greatest safety is
in the cellar, while this position is most
dangerous in a masonry edifice. He adds
the general statement that no dwelling what
soever, such as is likely to be constructed in
this country, is safe in such circumstances.
When seeking shelter in any building, a
person should avoid northeast rooms, or in
general the eastern side of the house.
Mr. Finley dwells upon the importance
of underground shelters separated from the
cellars of houses as a place of resort in case
of danger from tornadoes. He gives some
general directions for the construction of
such cellars, but appears to reckon on too
much expenditure. In case the cave is con
nected with the cellar of the house, as it
sometimes is in the present method of con
structing them, there is always danger that
the exit may be blocked by the ruins of the
house itself. The best place seems to be to
have the cavern on the southwest side of the
dwelling house, and distant at least a score
or two of feet from it. Mr. Finley estimates
that a sufficient shelter will cost" from $160
to $350. But with little more cost than the
expense of his personal labor the farmer
may provide himself with an adequate shel
ter for the members of his household.
A trench four feet wide, sloping down
from near the house until it attains the
depth of about eight feet, with a roof of
stout timber and a layer of earth four feet in
thickness upon it, will serve all the needs.
If the soil be wet, it will be necessary to
provide it with drainage. It should be
noted that all that is necessary is to provide
a place in which, by a seldom chance, the
people of the house may quickly crowd
themselves beyond the pitiless beat of the
storm. The shelter will be required for not
more than 10 or 15 minutes at the most;
indeed, the crisis commonly passes in much
less time.
Although storms of the tornado type oc
cur in other countries than our own, our
continent, especially the region in the
northern part of the Mississippi valley, is
subject to peculiar danger from them. As
the population grows denser and the archi
tecture becomes more important, the danger
which they will bring to the interests of
man is sure steadily to increase. Meteoro
logical science has already attained to the
point where it will be possible to predict
the times when and the places where the
disasters are likely to occur. It does not at
present seem possible to do more for the
protection of man than to set forth the gen
eral conditions in the manner above de
scribed by Mr. Finley.
Once more comes the rumor that diamonds
have been produced by artificial processes.
There seems no reason to doubt, even if this
last report be discredited! that diamonds
will not long remain as pnrely natural pro
ducts. Becent observations in South Africa
and elsewhere make it appear that in all
probability wherever a long continued high
temperature affects carbonaceous rocks, dia
monds are likely to be engendered. Many
of the other stones esteemed precious have
been artificially made, either as commercial
products or as the result of scientific experi
ment. It is, therefore, with no surprise that
we hear of what seem to be successes in this
line of manufacture. So far it seems certain
that such diamonds as have been made are
of extremely small size, if not microscopic.
We have at length more details concern
ing the great volcanic sea wave which, on
the 13th of March, 1888, swept a part of the
shore of New Guinea and many neighbor
ing islands. Owing to the fact that this
great distnrbance overwhelmed an explor
ing expedition, under the charge of two
Germans, two other expeditions have been
sent out to determininehe cirenmstances of
their loss, and, if possible, the rescue of
any of the survivors. The last expedition
discovered the place where Yon Below and
Hunstein had landed. A portion of their
camp equipment was found, covered with
sand and stones, showing clearly where
they were overtaken by the inundation.
Tne debris covered the shore to the
heifcht of several feet above high water, a
large extent of country .originally in the
state of forest had been-converted into a
morass, covered with broken timber and
material swept up from the sea. The -wave
appears to have reached the height of abont
40 feet above high water. At the newly
established settlement near Cape Xing
William more than 20 successive waves
were observed, of which the third and
heaviest rose to the height of 35 feet above
the sea. If the shore had been as much
occupied by settlers as is the case of Java,
it is probable that the destruction of life
would been as great as during the volcanio
wave of 1883, when 30,000 people perished
along the shores of that island.
The liability of occurrence of such catas
trophes in the district of New Guinea is a
serious hindrance to the extension of Ger
man colonies in that country. There are
two regions in the world which are pecu
liarly liable to such devastations the west
ern coast of South America and the islands
of the Malayan archipelago. These great
inundations miscalled tidal waves are
within the limits they range far more de
structive than earthquake shocks. Human
beings' in well constructed buildings or in
open ground may in most shocks escape
from damage through the motion of the
earth; but the waves of the sea caused by
volcanic explosions or earthquakes on its
bottom send irresistible floods against the
land. It is the great good fortune of our
own continent, save perhaps in Alaska, that
it is exempt from this class of dangers. The
exemption is probaby of a permanent sort,
for the features of the Atlantic coast at least
show clearly that no such great inundations
have swept that shore since the land at
tained its present relation to the sea.
The European portion of the Old World
seems to be undergoing a succession of slight
earthquakes. Within three months shocks
have been felt on different days in Norway,
at two or three points in Switzerland, in
Scotland and in various parts of the Eastern
Mediterranean district. The one in Smyrna,
which occurred on the 21st or January, ap
pears to have been destructive t6 life and
property, The Scotch earth shock, which
was unimportant save for the fright it gave
to the people, has been made the subject of
discussion by Dr. Archibald Geikie, the
director of the "British Geological survey.
Dr. Geikie once more calls attention to the
fact that earthquakes are more common in
winter season than at other times of the
Some years ago I made an inquiry into
the New England earthquakes, and became
come convinced that this greater prevalence
of shocks is probably to be explained, in
part, at least, by a curious cause. In New
England and in other countries where in
tense irost often occurs, when the ground is
not covered with snow, the earth freezes to
the depth of several feet. If the soil is very
wet, the low temperature causes it to con
tract and a crack to open. At the moment
when the crack is formed a shock is pro
duced which may be sufficiently strong to
attract notice.
It is now pretty well established that
many of the great earthquake shocks are
caused by rents formed in the rocks at the
depths of several miles below the snrface,
rents which are probably filled at the mo
ment of their formation by molten rocks,
snch as appear in the dykes which are so
often found intersecting strata. Thus our
frost cracks present us with illustrations in
a small way of the processes which produce
the greater convulsions of this nature.
An amusing experiment was recently
made in Westphalia to determine the rela
tive speed of flight of bees and pigeons. The
race course through the air was three and a
half miles in length. The bees were marked
by covering them with flour, which doubt
less in a certain measure retarded their
flight, yet the first bee arrived at the win
ning post 25 seconds before the first pigeon,
and three other bees came in before the sec
ond bird arrived. The speed of flight is not
stated, but as it is known that pigeons fly
at the rate of 50 miles or more an hour, this
seems to establish the fact that bees have a
flight as speedy as that of our swifter birds.
Prof. N. S. Shales.
Terr TAke a Fie
New York Evening World.
If it be proverbially unsafe to buy "a pig
in a poke," it seems for the British Tories,
the oppressors of Ireland and the suborners
of political forgery, to have been equally
impolitic to buy a Pigott before he's poked
up in cross-examination.
Almost a Miracle.
Columbus, O., July 2, 1887.
In the fall of 1884, a little sore appeared
on the calf of my left leg. At first I paid but
little attention to it. But the sore grew
worse until it finally became a running sore
and ate its way down to the bone. I suffered
intense pain, but conld get no relief. The
doctors told mi it was an ulcer, and poul
ticed it with slippery elm, etc. But it went
on getting worse. Then they scraped the
bone. But this did no good. Meanwhile
my lungs began to trouble me. Then I
called upon two of the leading physicians
and surgeons of Columbus. They both told
me that I had consumption and that my
case was hopeless. They confessed that
they could do nothing for me. Then fol
lowed one affliction after another. My leg
began to draw up until it formed a right
angle at the knee. My throat became sore
and finally broke out in a terrible manner
on the outside, while inside it was so swollen
that I could not swallow food of any kind.
As the sore on my leg ate deeper and deeper,
and my lungs and throat got worse and
worse, I lost flesh at a frightful rate, my
weight dropping in a short time from 140 to
70 pounds. I was in a condition that was
simply awful and cannot be adequately de
scribed. I myself and our family utterly
despaired of my recovery, and resigned our
selves to my death at any moment.
At this anxious and critical juncture my
brother persuaded me to try La-cu-pi-a, the
gread blood remedy. He had .heard of the
remarkable cures" being effected by this
remedy, and, as the last and only resort, he
was determined that I should try it. The
effect was instantaneous and almost miracu
lous. Within two months the sore was
healed, and, after being confined to my bed
for almost two years, and having long before
been given np to die, I began steadily to
improve and to believe, also, that the medi
cine that was to restore me to health had at
last been found. Dr. Hartman himself, in
whose "Ills of Life" attention had first
been directed to the wonderlnl virtues of
La-cu-pi-a as a blood remedy, was called in.
He advised me to continue the use of La-cu-pi-a,
and to begin at once taking Pe-ru-na,
also, and to keep taking both until
I was in a condition that would better war
rant an orthopedic operation on my leg. I
had scrofula and consumption both, he de
clared, but he assured me. that La-cu-pi-a
would finally cure the scrofula and Pe-ru-na
the consumption permanently. So I
kept on using La-cu-pi-a and began taklnd
Pe-ru-na, and got better every day.
Finally I was able to have my deformeg
leg operated upon. And with that skill
which had made him famous the countrv
over as an orthopedic surgeon Dr. Hartman
set to work to straighten my limb. And
this, wonderful to relate, he accomplished
in a remarkably short space of time, by
means of special brace appliance which he
had made especially for the limb. Gradu
ally the limb was straightened and strength
ened, until finally my foot again rested on
the floor and I was able to walk upon it
without a limp. Thus, by means of La-cu-pi-a,
the great blood remedy, Pe-ru-na, the
great consumption cure, and the unequaled
orthopedic skill of Dr. Hartman, my sores
were healed, my lungs made perfectly well,
my cough stopped, my blood made pure, my
crooked limb straightened, my weight re
stored to 130 pounds, and I became a well
and strong woman. To see me now,
after having' seen me on what I
thought and all our family thought would
be my deathbed, one would hardly
think that I am the same person. No one
would think that at one time I was
at death's door, utterly helpless, hopeless
and Crippled. I can hardly realize it my
self. Pe-ru-na and La-cu-pi-a, I can hon
estly say, have literally snatched me from
the grave and have given me what promises
to be a long and happy and I hope a useful
life. It was indeed "almost a miracle."
' Mattie Jones.
To cap the climax, Miss Jones is now mar
ried, and is a happy and helpful wife. Mrs.
Wilcox is her name and her home is in
Coolville, Athens county, O.
La-cu-pi-a and Pe-ro-na are sold by all
druggists 51 bottle; 6 for $5. Manufac
tured by the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Colum
bus, O. Send to the same company for a
copy of Dr. Hartman's "His of Life." It
will cost you nothing,and contains accounts
of other remarkable cures effected by both
La-cu-pi-a and Pe-ru-na.
A Southern City Winch Escaped the
Devastation Following t
Its Broad, Shaded Avenues and Handsome
Aiken, S.- C, March 5, 1889.
VERY visitor to
Aiken "does" Aut
gnsta. That is one of
the regulation excur
sions, and with a city
of such pretensions it
would never do to
leave it out, Augusta
is the city that is
stated to have escaped
the ravages and de
vastation of the North
ern army in Sher
man's March to the
Sea., through some pathetic sentiment on
his part as to its holding within its cemetery
the remains of a much-loved child, and ow
ing to the fact of his notably warm side for
the Boman Catholic convent, which was the
abode of relatives or dear friends. Whether
this oft-told tale is true or not, the fact re
mains that while Aiken and other places
were shelled and subjected to tribute by
Sherman's soldiers, Augusta escaped and
suffered but little in comparison with At
lanta, Charleston, Savannah and other cities
of the South.
Augusta here is thought to be quite a
considerable city, but as compared with
Pittsburg or Allegheny it is only an ex
aggerated country town. Its population, as
shown by the last census, is not much over
20,000, which is said to be less than it was
before the war, so that as measured by the
250,000 or 300,000 that Pittsburg can count,
it will ba seen that this cotton city must
sing small when our trumpet is sounded.
It has, however, what Pittsburg has not
beautiful wide avenues planted with trees.
Broad street, the main business portion,
looks to be about 200 feet wide. Down the
middle of the avenue is a double row of
lovely shade trees, which, taken with those
that line the sidewalks, form a beautiful
park-like appearance, and with in many
parts interlacing branches must in summer
be refreshing and grateful as shade to man
and beast. No street in Pittsburg will
compare with it in beauty, nor even Broad
street in Philadelphia. The sidewalks are
very wide and give a noble appearance of
space and liberal elbow room.
Most of the hotels look old, and are
rather on the decrepit order, but a new one
the Arlington is a beautiful structure of
modern style, that can hold up its head
with the best and make our old Mononga
hela House look as plain and hopelessly
ugly as a square, old Puritan meeting
house beside the beautiful and costly
Gothic edifices that the descendants of the
straight-backed fathers find only adequate
to their conditions and needs for prayer
and praise and Presbyterianism.
About midway in this handsome street is a
splendid soldiers' monnment dedicated to the
Confederate dead of Augusta and Bichmond
county. This monument is placed upon a
solid base of granite, reached by three or
four broad steps, and commands attention
from every point in the street. Around it
is a neat iron fence with gates wide
open. A careful look showed that
this beautiful monument, in the open
street, has never been defaced or
mutilated by modern Goths or vandals as
has that on Monument Hill in Allegheny.
The Confederacy was conquered in the Civil
War, but the old ideas and principles still
live. If the women of Augusta who raised
this monument had been as wise as they
were patriotic and devoted to Jeff Davisism
they would have let the dead past bury
their mistaken notions and their wrong
But women have made the best martyrs
to "the Lost Cause" as they have exhibited
extremest devotion to what they deemed
right all down the ages of historv. Chris
tianity found its most ardent disciples in its
early days among women, just as they were
the most faithful adherents of the worship
of the Pagan gods. The Puritan mothers
and the Huguenots were no less devoted to
their principles and articles o! belief, and
the women of the South have shown the
same spirit of heroic endurance in their
"cause," as was the crowning virtue of the
early Quakers and Methodists andXuther
ans, when under persecution for their
opinions. Bnt with more intelligence
reason and logic, they would have accepted
the situation philosophically, and would, at
least, have hesitated to place upon enduring
marble the fact that though conquered, they
still cherished and upheld the unwisdom,
maintained the same narrow notions, and
were determined in words, at least, to show
that thev cherished the same sentiments that
led to the dreadful war waged on one side
to maintain slavery, and on the other the
supremacy of the Union. On one front of
this noble monument to the Confederate
dead of Georgia is the inscription:
"Worthy to have lived and known our grati
tude. Worthy to be hallowed and held fn tender re
membrance. Worthy the fadeless fame which Confederate
soldiers won."
On another side is cut into theendnring
marble the following:
"To the Confederate dead, who gave them
selves in life and death for us.
For the honor of Georgia,
For the rights of the States.
For tho liberties of tho people.
For the sentiments of the South.
For the principles of the Union, as they were
handed down to them by the fathers of our
common country."
Northern readers rather smile over this
utterance of devotion to the rights of the
people, when the war was undertaken by
the South to maintain 7,000,000 of its citi
zens in slavery, and overturn the principles
of the Union which they made so desperate
a struggle to destroy.
Another Inscription is to the honor of the
Confederacy in these words:
No nation rose so white and fair,
None fell so pure of crime.
The blindness of bigoted and mistaken
patriotism could scarcely find vent in a
greater "whopper." What nation could be
white and fair that rose up to defend the
barbarism of slavery, and what greater
crime could be committed than to plunge a
country into a wicked and destructive war,
a war that cost millions of precious lives on
both sides, that brought mourning and
suffering and direst -poverty into hundreds
of thousands of homes.
But in the growing together, the increase
of fraternal feelings, the better knowing of
each other that now are being promoted by
closer social relations, the- sentiments and
motives that inspired this monument will
die out and be lost, and it will become lit
tle else than a matter of amused wonder to
the citizens of the future that "their ances
tors could have been so greatly concerned
over what "will, to them, be nothing more.or
be read with as little passing interest as the
glowing tributes on some now obscure
Talking of monuments and tombstones
reminds us that we visited the cemetery at
the end of the town, and a very pretty one
it is, though not diversified by hill and
vale and stream as are those at home. The
avenuesara shaded by magnificent magnolias
which in their glossy green foliage are
beautifnl, to say nothing of their creamy
loveliness when in bloom. The Superinten
dent of the cemetery was in rather a de
pressed mood over its condition and what
' 1889. '
was to come of it. The Savannah river has
no respect for the dead although placards
are put up to that effect for all to observe
and while on a high lately covered the cityof
the dead with three feet of water over its entire
surface. The waters had receded but the
grounds were in deplorable condition in
many places. No interments had been pos
sible for more than a week. Augusta lies
low, and these frequent inundations are be
coming a very serions matter. The citizens
are not willing to be taxed for dykes and
yet, every few months more property is lost
on the whole than would pay for them. All
the, time of oar visit the marks of disaster
were Dlainly visible, and to have the graves
of 19,000 people under water for a weet
would suggest serious doubts as to the
healthfulness of such conditions.
Across the broad street from the cemetery
are the public gardens and park. The sight
of these in their winter beauty brought up
the melancholy fact that here again Augusta
could score a point against Pittsburg even if
thev were under water when the river raged
and" roared.
Camelias white and pink were in bloom,
hyacinths, jonquils and violets made fragrant
the air, and altogether Augusta seemed very
fair and lovely to those accustomed to a
climate where "Winter lingering chills the
lap of May."
But while the city proper is low and sub
ject to floods to such uncomfortable extent,
it has a suburb called the "Sand Hills," on
which it plumes itself greatly. This-is, the
hill upon which the United States Arsenal
is located, reached by a street car line in less
than an hour. It requires four good, stout
mules to take a bobtail car up the hill, but
when the top is reached a magnificent pan
orama of the surrounding cotfntrjr and
the "ity is presented. Here in a
beautiful and picturesque location a fine
hotel is in process of erection that will make
the Sand Hills of Georgia a formidable
rival of the sand hill on which Aikenis
located, and on which the latter so partic
ularly prides itself as the foundation of its
dry air and salubrious climate. There is
strong rivalry between the towns as it is,
and, with this hotel, the advantage of
street cars, and a beautiful location within
cheap shopping distance of Augusta, Aiken
will have to look to its laurels, and wake up
to the modern requirements of winter re
sorts. A New York man said to us he had
been spending his winters at the Sand Hills
of Augusta in Georgia for seventeen years,
and alter a visit there we did not greatly
wonder over his enthusiasm.
The arsenal is evidently a fine one, and it
made one feel at home and on our own
ground to see the beautiful Stars and
Stripes floating proudly over all, where
once the stars and bars of the Confederacy
gave token of a desolating war and a di
vided country, and to see the "boys in
blue" "sogering" round with U. S. on their
belts, instead of the C. S. that gave evidence
of disloyalty to the Union.
On the Sand Hills are many beautiful
homes, in which dwell the magnates of the
city, and others who entertain Northern
guests during the winter, and for a large
and liberal cash consideration keep "mum"
as to the true inwardness of their senti
ments concerning the doctrines of Calhoun
and Jeff Davi and Wigfall and Bosser
and "sich." Such intercourse between North
and South every winter, as is growing more
and more common, will do much to weaken
the old prejudices and kill the old bitter
nesses that have too long been a barrier be
tween the sections of our common country.
Southern hospitality is whole-souled and
Southern courtesy is most noble and notable,
so that as years go on, and the people of the
South learn to know their brethren of the
North better, the barriers will fall away by
mutual consent, and give way to amity ana
brotherly love. If the loud-mouthed dema
gogues, and pernicious politicians, who pro
mote bad feeling for partisan and personal
purposes could be condemned to silence,
such would long ago have been the case.
In one matter we may say the South
should go in for improvement, and that is in
its railroads. To any one accustomed to the
smoothness and solidity of the Pennsylvania
Central, the bnmpity-iump of the local
train between Aiken and Augusta is some
thing dreadful. However, though at times
it was hard to persuade ourselves that we
were not clattering over the ties, we reached
the Edenic conditions of Aiken in safety,
after a delightful experience of the sights
and pleasures of Augusta, which it would
take a volume adequately to portray.
some fun.
The holiday pleasures of this unique town
are lead by a party of prominent New York
ers, ably aided and abetted by Mr. H. P.
Smith, of Pittsburg, and others from North
ern cities, who are here for the win
ter. These are determined to have
all the fun going of a Southern
variety so they "chip in" for the funds to
furnish prizes, and organize cake walks,
fox hunts, paper hunts, athletic sports,
whist parties and concerts. The cake
walk was great fun. Finely orna
mented cakes, in which were imbedded sil
ver dollars, were the prizes contended for by
the colored folks. One prize was for walk--ers
over 60 years of age, and was won by
"Sam," an "old darkey" of the real planta
tion variety, who had recollections back
74 years, but did not know how much older
he was. The second prize was won by the
colored belle of the town, who had the de
meanor of a Duchess, and the regality of a
Queen. She was arrayed in a white" dress,
cnt decollete, and majestically walked with
a colored young waiter, gorgeously attired
in full dress, with a badge on his shoulder
of floating red ribbons. Another prize was
given for waltzing.
An open air entertainment was on the
programme yesterday at which the guests
roared in stunning chorus of cheers of
laughter for over two hours at running
races, sack races, wheelbarrow races, climb
ing a greased pole and catching a pig with
a greased tail, boxing with floured gloves,
and diving with open mouths into a tub of
'flour for "oncealed half-dollars, with tied
hands. The colored folks take genuine
interest and delight in these sports, to
which the prizes give large zest to competi
tion, while the white folks located in the
dancing pavil on as a private box witnessed
them wrth cheers, laughter and applause.
Sitting in the sun in carriages, carts, on
horseback and on the open pfat.orm amid
the odor of pine trees in ideal picnic weather
on the 4th of March was certainly a con
trast with the cold drizzle at Washington,
where the new administration was going
into power under weeping skies and wide
spread discomfort. . Bessie Bramble.
The Young- Idea.
New York Sun. 3
Mrs. Brown (entertaining party of
friends) If you touch me with that cane
again, Johnnie, I'll punish you.
Little Johnnie I didn't hurt you, ma.
Dad hit you twice as hard as that last night.
A Rcmonnblo Assumption.
First Gentlemanly Stranger (on crowded
Pullman car) Is this camp stool yours,
Second G. S. (dubiously) It ought to be,
sir. It cost me 25 cents to get it of the
porter, and he hasn't brought any change
back yet. Yon can sit down on it, though,
while I stand up for a rest. Pucfo.
Works Which Give Us Knowledge and
Works Which Give Us Power.
Classics Which Have Stood the Test of
Time, and Are .
rwarmtN pob tm dispatch.!
N the choice of books, I put
religious reading first.
By this I mean such read
ing as tends directly toward
the uplifting of the soul. All
good bocks are religious,
whether they speak of "re
ligious" themes or not. There
are several books in the Bible
which do not once contain the name of God.
But that does not bar them out ottheBible.
Everything is religious which makes men
better. All books which make us see the
cruelty, the deformity, the sinfulness of sin,
so that we hate it, or which make ns aspire
after purity, honesty, bravery, wisdom,
rignteousness, which make us love God
more or our neighbor more all books which
help ns are religious.
Certain books deserve this good name
"religious" better tban others, because they
are helpful not only to our thinking, but to
our living. They are spiritually helpful.
They minister to that which is best within
ns, the soul. Bead these books.
First, the Bible. The word means "the
book." It is the book. Do not try to read
the whole Bible. Not everything in the
Bible is helpful and good to read. The
Bible is a record of the spiritual growth of
the race, out of ideas of God and of dnty,
which were of necessity, crude and un
worthy and imperfect, into the clearer
knowledge of God, and the clearer
and the truer ideal of right conduct. It is
not necessary that you should study all the
mistakes which men made, nor dwell upon
the experiences of pain through which the
revelation of the Father in heaven, which
we are blessed with, has been won for us.
Study that blessed revelation. Bead
chiefly the gospels for the words
,and deeds by which Christ mani
fested God among men. Bead the
Epistles, especially their latter chapters, for
the formulation of a Christian duty. Bead
many of those old Psalms, which are so divine
ly and eternally true, that they can never
grow old-fashioned, never become obsolete.
Bead the Bible, as much of it as you can,
but these parts first, and most.
And then, next to the Bible, whatever
helps you spiritually, that will depend very
much upon yourself. It will depend upon
your taste, upon your education, upon yonr
temperament. It is not possible for any
one, except the most familiar friend, to
select infallibly a book of 'devotional read
ing for anybody else. Jf you do not get
help from the book which helps your
friend, it is probablv because you and
your friend are different. You, must
find this out for yonrself. For one
the helpful book will be "The Imitation of
Christ," for another, "The Christian Year,"
for another the poems of Faber or Miss
Havergal, for another the sermons of Rob
ertson or Newman, for another the lay
E reaching of Carlyle. The most helpful
ook of selected daily readings which I
know of is "Daily Strength for Daily
Needs." A good many people would like
that. The books are legion. Everybody
ought to have at least one. Everybody who
has a soul, ought to have some book beside
him which deals with what concerns the
two classes of books.
De Quincy divided books into two classes
books which give knowledge, and books
which give power to some books you go for
facts; to others, for inspiration. Those of
which I have jnst spoken are religious books
of power. Their purpose is to uplift, to
help. We have need also of books
of religious knowledge. Such are
histories of the Christian church and ex
planations and defenses of the faith. A
Christian's library ought, first of all, to be a
Christian library. There ought to be some
commentary upon Holy Scripture, some
volume of church history, some treatise
upon the essential traits of Christian doc
trine, some book of saintly biography, in
every Christian family.
I put religious reading first, not only for
its personal helpfulness, not only because it
is the most inspiring and elevating reading
von can do if vou choose the best religious
books but because it is emphatically the
reading for these times. The questions which
are stirring men's minds to-day are either
directly religious or touch religion very
To Cure Agonizing, Humiliating, Itching, Burning, Scaly, and Pimply
Humors of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood.
Psoriasis 8 yeart. Head, arms, and breast a
solid scab. Back covered with sores. Best
doctor and medicines fail. Cured by Cut-
leura Remedies at a cost of $3 75.
I have used the Cuticuka Remedies with
the best results. I used two bottles of the
Cuticuka Resolvent, three boxes of Cuti
cuba, and one cake of Cuticuka Soap, and
am cured of a terrible skin and scalp disease
known as psoriasis. I had it for eight years.
It would get better and worse at times. Some
times my head would be a solid scab, and was
at the time I began the use of the CutIcuba
Remedies. My arms were covered with
scabs from my elbows to shoulders, my breast
was almost one solid scab, and my back cov
ered with sores varying in size from a penny to
a dollar. I had doctored with all the best doc
tors with no relief, and nsed many different
medicines without effect. My case was hered
itary, and I began to think incurable, but it
began to heal from the first application of Cut
Deshler, Ohio.
I am thankful to say that I have used tne
Cuticuka Remedies for abont eight months
with greit success, and consider myself entire
ly cured of salt rheum; from which I have suf
fered for six years. I tried a number of medi
cines and two of the best doctors in the coun
try, but found nothing that wonld effect a cure
until I used your Cuticuka Remedies.
Morette, Mo.
I have been troubled with a S6in and scalp
disease for seventeen years. My head at times
was one running sore, and my body was cov
ered with them as large as a half dollar. I
tried a great many remedies without effect un
til I used the Cuticuka Remedies, and am
thankful to state that after two months of their
use I am entirely cured. I feel It my duty to
you and the public to state the above case.
Jamesburg, N. 3.
Spring is the time to cleanse the skin, scalp
and blood of every impurity and disease. To
accomplish this great wjrk, no agency in med
icine is at once so speedy, economical and
never falling as the CuticubaRemedies.
Cuticuea, the great skin cure, Instantly al
lays the most agonizing itching, burning and
Inflammation, clears the skin and scalp of
crusts and scales, and restores the hair. CUT
ICURA Soap, the greatest of skin beautiflers,
is Indispensable in treating skin diseases and
baby humors. It produces the whitest, clear
est skin and softest hands, free from pimple,
spot or blemish. Cuticuka Resolvent, the
P UPLES, black-heads, chapped, rongh, red
in and oily skin prevented by Cuiicuba
closely. Look over the tables of contents;!
ofthegTeat magazines and reviews! which,!
reflect the thought ot our day, ana you win
find this religious factor in nearly every
number. Think what the problems of the
generation are.
The first is the problem of faith. On all
sides men are questioning the creeds. Un
less yon read books of religions knowledge
you will not be able to give an answer
when these questions draw near to you.'
They are all answerable. The answers are all
weitten in books.
But yon must read the books to learn the
answers. Yon cannot meet the profound
questions of this day offhand. And if yon
cannot answer when your friend or your
neighbor asks, you have lost a chance of
doing just what you ought to be living in
this generation for you have lost a chance
of helping; very likely by your inability to
answer you have yartially unsettled your
selr. The wind is blowing in these'days
and the rain is descending, andl every
Christian man needs to have a stout founda
tion. You must build part of that founda
tion' out of books.
Another problem is the question of church
unity. You can have no intelligent opinion
upon that subject unless you know upon
what grounds your own church stands. If
yon know nothing about church history,
and nothing about ecclesiastical govern
ment, yon have no right to say anything.
You do not know anything about church
unity. Yon can be of no service in solving;
this problem of your generation.
Another problem is that of our social and
("industrial future. That problem can be
soivea oniy oy men wno have not only re
ligious knowledge, but religious power,
men who know what the Sermon on the
Mount means, and who have the courage to
act upon it. It is not only to strengthen
our minds that we should read or even to
uplift our souls, but to gain ability to help
our brother men, to understand our times,
and to play our part therein wisely and
Concerning other reading, in history,
biography, science, fiction, poetrv, there is
this to be remembered, and it is a thought
to make one careful; if yon read this you
cannot read that.
The bookstores are fnll of books, and into
the literary market a tide of new writings is
flowing without ebb or stay, and a tide of
forgotten volumes flowing out. The major
ity of the books in any catalogue are not
worth reading. At least, they are not worth
any one person's reading. Some of them
are good for nothing, and might as well be
made of wood, with a leather label pasted
on the back. Some are helpful in special
studies; a few only are meant for you. And
if you read a foolish or useless book why,
life is short, you can read only so much,
read yon never so busily; and you have
crowded out a wise and inspiring book
which you might have read. You have no
right to read any unhelpful book.
In general, it may be said that books
which have stood the test of time are help
ful books. Happily, too, the copyright has
run out long ago on such books, and they
cost little money. Shakespeare, and
Scott and the classic story-tellers these
books are new and never out of fashion, be
cause they are like the sweet nursery fables,
which little children never tire of hearing,
because they are good. You cannot go far
astray, if you read the "standard" books.
Emerson's rule was "Never read any but
famed books. Never read any book
which is not a year old." That
is a hard rule to 'keep, and perhaps
more strict than is needful. But this, at
least, is a good guide: Never read any
book which you have'never heard of before.
Never read a book which is anonymous, or
by a writer unknown to you, or printed by
some publishing house which ha3 no literary
standing unless some one upon whose
judgment you can rely, advises yon to read
it. Beading and hearing are the same thing,
yon remember. To whom will yon listen?
To this stranger about whom you know
nothing, who comes to you with no intro
duction? or to this great and gifted soul in
whose society all the world delights? Show
me your books, and I shall see what sort of
society yon keep. Geoege Hodgss.
Another Sad Accident.
The Showman We The Beautifnl Cir
now come, ladies an cassian Fire t PoJ
gents, to the only Cir- lice!
cassian woman born
without feet, who,
with her beautitul
head of natural bair,
is the greatest won Texas Siftingu
Bad Sore Leg. Skin entirely gone. Fleih a
mass of disease. Leg diminished one-third
in size. Condition hopeless. Cured by
Cuticura Remedies.
For three years I was almost crippled with
an awful sore leg from my knee down to my
ankle: the skin was entirely gone, and the
flesh was one mass of disease. Some physi.
cians pronounced it incurable. It had dimin
ished aoout one-third the size of the other.and
I was in a hopeless condition. After trying all
kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of
dollars, from which I got no relief whatever.
was persuaded to try your Cuticuka Reme
dies, and the result was as follows: After
three days I noticed a decided change for the
better, and at the end of two months I was
completely cured. My flesh was purified, and
the bone (which had been exposed for over a
year) got sound. The flesh began to grow, and
to-day, and for nearly two years past, my leg
is as well as ever it was. sound in every re
spect, and not a sign of the disease to be seen.
Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga.
''It gives me great pleasure to inform yon that
your Cuticuka Remedies have made a great
change in my child. Igave them a fair trial.
I used about four bottles of Cuticuka Re
solvent, and three boxes Cuticuka. and
four cakes Cuticuka Soap, and she Is now
cured of the disease. Nobody would take her
to be the same child.
4H E. 72d Su New York.
Your Cuticuka Remedies have done great
things for me. ThRT mirpil a. alrln rilP!UA of
mlnv TPAF4 Itanrittiw CTi.v& t.il m,nrAthf
remedies, bnt nathinv ilMma mv (mod until I 'A
0 ..... .Hu ... .j -
commenced nslnc your Cuticuka Remedies. 4
I can recommend thmi tnarii w
MRS. C. W. BRO WN, ' l
Sturtevant Building, Jamaica Plain, Mass. v4-
new blood purifier, cleanses the blood of 1sh
purities and poisonous elements, and thus re;a
moves the cause. Hence the CU'riuUKA.jg;
Remedu cure every species of torturing, j?
humiliating, itching, training, scaly, and p!mpiy3?
diseases ot the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss7
of hair, and all humors, blotches, eruptions,'1'''
sores, scales and crust-swhether simple, scrota-.1
Ions or contagions. t
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuka, 60c.; 1.
Soap. 25c: Resolvest, JL Prepared bytheZ.i
Boston. '
WSend for ."How to Cure Skin Dis-
eases," 64 pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testi
monials. '
RARV'Q SUn and Scalp preserved aid
DMD I O beautified by CuncuBA. Soap,
Absolutely pure. wwvnc u -.
- I