r c The author of "Don't," in answer to a number of queries,' gives some advice to those in the social swim to enable them to avoid the numerous shoals and rocks with which society abounds. A iriendof mine Is to be 'married in a few weeks. The wedding is to take place at the home of the bride at 9 A. x. Immediately after the wedding breakfast the bride and groom leave on a short tour. None but the relatives of bride and groom will be present First How should the groom be attired? Second Would a bracelet be a proper present for the groom to make the bride? Third Before leaving. Is It the correct thing for tbe groom to kiss the female guests fare well? Fourth What style of ring should the groom give the bride, the ring ceremony not being in cluded in the service? First A Trince Albert coat, light colored trousers, no gloves. Second Yes. Third It might be an agreeable thing, but neither a necessary thing nor a correct thing. i-ourtu li a ring is useu m tue ceremony it should be of plain gold; if not, then tho groom may rrcent the bride with any kind of ring be thinks proper, just as he may present her with any other piece of jeweirv. LADIES' BOXJJETS. Is it customary for ladies to takeoff their bonnets at a formal luncheon ? H. R. K. Yes. TO HEB JIOTHEE. First If a gentleman calls on a young lady and is asked to call again, and is not able to call for quite a long time, is it correct to write her a note apologizing for not calling ? Second Also, is it correct to offer a young lad money for the collection plate if you take her to church? You Ksovr. First No. It is not correct to address a note to a young lady on any subject If for any reason an apology is to be sent it should be ad dressed to the young ladj's mother or guar dian. Second No; decidedly not A S O'CLOCK TEA. "What is the proper attire for a gentleman to wear to a 5 to 7 tea. A Reader. Morning or promenade snit CAHDS ASD CORKERS. Will j ou please inform the writer if the fad of turning down corners on visiting cards has gone out of fashion? Aktiitjk Awkejs. The custom is altogether out of fashion. AXOTZIEB ABGCilEXT SETTLED. .To settle an argument will you please answer the following: First After what hour should a man be in full dress? .Second At an afternoon tea (where there there are many guests), after greeting the host and hostess and partaking of refreshments, is it improper to leave the house without bidding Third. Should j ou leave cards at an evening reception and at an afternoon tea? Fourth fell ou Id husband and wife leave one card (Mr. and Mrs.) or leave individual cards? W. E. H. Firt After 6 r. jr. Second There is no host atan afternoon tea. The entertainment is given by the wife or fe male head of the household, 'tne masculine members having no part in it The guest should bid the hostess good evening on leav ing. Third Yes. Fourth No. They each should leave a card. TJJ EATER PARTIES. I want to give a theater party for a friend; in tend to give a supper before, about 6 r. SI. Will you kiudly tell me which side of the hostess the honored guest should sit? Ought the cha pel one sit at the foot of the table or should the tuncc of the hostess sit at the foot or beside her? I do not want to send engraved invita tions or formal invitations to those whom I am inviting. Will on kindly give me a sugges tion how I should wr.te them? And should we all meet at the place appointed for the supper, and if so, should the hostess make it a point to be the first to receive her guests. A Daily Reader. First The reception before a theater partv should be a dinner and not a supper. Suppers are entertainments for late in the evening, and may follow hut-not precede the theater. Second On the right Third She mav sit anvwhere. Fourth Sot by the lady's side anywhere else. Fifth Send the usual invitation for dinner, with the words at the foot: "Theater 8 o'clock." Sixth Yes, yes. TWO CARDS. First When invited to an afternoon recep tion given by two friends, should I leave cards for With? Second If I cannot go. should I send a card to each, and should they be sent in envelopes? A Reader. First Leave two cards. Second Send two cards in envelopes, by messenger or by post STAG PARTY AMUSEMENTS. What amusements other than music would be appropriate at a stag party where smoking and card playing are not allowed? Inquirer. A stag party where neither smoking nor caids are allowed must be a dreary affair, and tlie best thing for everyone todo is to gohonie. Wjth no cards and no tobacco, conversation and story telling are all that is left but con versation and story telling are not likely to flourish without the stimulants of good wine and good cigars. THE BITE IN THE BREAD. Will you kindly exDlain why it is incorrect to let yonr spoon remain in your cup while drink ing your tea or to butter a w hole slice of bread and take bites of it at table? South Jersey. If your spoon remains in your cup jou are continually in danger of capsizing your tea or coffe. by an accidental motion of the band. This is one reason. Another is that it is ex tremely awkward to drink with the spoon in the cup, and all awkward things are to be avoided. Battering a whole slice of bread and biting it is a reminiscence of the nursery, and in the nursery it should remain. The habitis clumsy, - awkward, distasteful, inelegant childish and opposed to tboe canons of neat and unobtru sive eating which should characterize civilized man at table. It would be just as proper to thrust a handful of food in the mouth as to thrust therein a vast slice of buttered bread. no "miss" on her cards." lam the only daughter at home, and I would like to know when f should have "Miss" on my visiting cards. Daisy. When you have come out the bride. First Vho is to select the minister, the bride or groom? Second Who is to pay for the cards of invi tation? constant Reader. First The selection of the clergyman falls upon the bride or her family. It is usual for the marriage to take place at the church of the bride's father or at his home, the ceremony being performed by his clergyman. Second The cards are sent by the bride's -parents or guardians. The groom has nothing to do with them, but his friends are naturally included in the list of people invited. THESE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. (1). Will you please tell us what is the correct thing in the matter of the groom wearing gloves at a noon wedding? (2). If the rooms should be lighted should a Prince Albert coat be worn by the groom and ushers? (S). Should the bride furnish them the ushers with gloves and neckties, or do they arrange that lor themselves? Fit st He should not wear gloves. Second At anoon wedding the groom and the ushers should wear what is called a Prince Albert coat Third No. The bride,underno circumstances, can have anything to do with the apparel of the ushers. TAKB YOUB CHOICE. First In sending regrets to a tea, should the card bo sent by mail or messenger? 2. If by the latter, should it be sent between the hours oi toe tear a. should it be directed to tho host and hostess, or all those receiving? 4. What else should be put on the envelope? Camden. First Either. Second Before the entertainment Third direct to the hostess. There is no host at a tea. Fourth The name and address of the host ess. BEFORE THE DANCE. First When, in a dance. Is the proper time to present programmes for fillipg out the dances? Second Who should write the name of the lady? Third Should I bow to a lady, whom I met at a dance, the next time I meet heron the street, or is it proper to have another introduc tion? Foui th What is the proper way to bow when introduced to a person? Fifth What step is used in the waltz the mot? First Before the dance Second The gentleman. Third Not unless she recognizes ybu flrst ' Fourth Bend your back and head forward lightly. Fifth The gavotte a step that is part mln uct and part waltz. WRITE TO HEB MOTHER. I am in receipt of an invitation, which reads: "Miss Grace C . At home, Thursday, Febru ary 21. Dancing." Accompanying it is her mother's card, also, both of which are printed. Who should the letter of acceptance be ad dressed to. Miss or Mrs., and what would be good form? A Reader. The letter of acceptance should be addressed to the mother. Say simply: Mr. accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mrs. for (and give day and date.) Third If a lady goes to party with a gentle man should the lady take it for granted that her escort will take her out to supper? Second Or might she accept the invitation of another gentleman? Third After dancing should the lady thank the gentleman, or vice versa, or is it out of place for either to do so? Firsi Yes. Second No. Third Thanks are not necessary. CALL AFTER THE TEA. First Is it considered "the thing" to call after a tea, having attended that entertainment? Second If a lady invites agentlcman she has known some time to her house to a small com pany, but has never asked him to call before, should he pay a call after the company without being asked? Maggie Mat. First Yes. Second Yes. The obligation of a call after a party or reception is not governed by any previous circumstances. DATE IT, OP COURSE. First Will you kindly inform a constant reader if it is proper to date an acceptance to a reception? Second Is it not proper to date all letters, notes, acceptances, regrets, etc., under all circumstances? First Yes. Second Yes. DO AS YOU PLEASE. If a lady goes to church with a gentleman on his invitation, is she .expected to con tribute at the collection, or should he do so for both? AUST Dinah. Each person should contribute to the plate or not as be or she pleases, without regard to the other. AT AX EYESING TEA. First Do you dress in evening dress for an. evening tea, from 8 to 10? , Second Do yon leave your card? Third Do you have to call arter the tea? Country Girl. First You can go in evening dress to a late tea if you choose to do so, but it is not improper to go in a bonnet Second Leave your card on a cardrecelveras you depart Third Yes. TRADE LASS. Please inform me the meaning of the words "trade lass" as used In societv. and oblige. F. P. Phillips. "Trade lass" is a term we never heard in so ciety or anywhere else, and hope we never shall. The meaning is probably nearly equiva lent to the abomination "saleslady," and means saleswoman. The Author or Dox'r. Soclnl Events. The Imperial Club gave a reception at their hall, corner of Seventh avenue and New Grant street Thursday. Miss Hallie McKown entertained the J. F. F. Club. Friday evening. David J. Marshall was elected President and Wallace W. Ford, Secre tary. Mrs. It Irwin presided at the piano. Miss Katio House, daughter of Mr. John House, of Butler street has returned home. She was greeted on Friday eveniug with a grand reception, given by her numerous friends. The affair was most enjoyable. Misses B. and E. McKibbin, of Hazelwood. entertained their friends on Friday evening. Among the invited guests were Misses A. and E. Jutte, Miss Rinehart Miss EmmonsMessrs. Emmons, Bowmann, Hart Flechter, McKib bou and others. An enjoyable progressive euchre party was held at the residence of Captain Holmes Har ger, of Fifth avenue, Oakland, Tuesday even iug. Captain Harger had the honor of cap turing one of the prizes, and Mrs. Irvin, of Bluff street the other. Mr. and Mrs. William Pollock, of Twenty first street, celebrated the twenty-fifth anni versary of their marriage, Friday ovening. It was strictly a family affair, none but relatives being present Quite a number of handsome presents were received. One of the pleasant events of the past week was a surprise party given in honor of Maggie Yortman, at her residence, Kirkpatrick ave nue," Allegheny, Thursday evening. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Duncam, Mr. and Mrs. Briar, Misses Sadie Patteron. Mamie Marquis. Mary Nichol, Maggie Bcrgerman, Annie Dipner, Lizzie M. Dawson, Mary Mc Masters, Annie A. James, Lizzie M. Ellis. Cora E. James: Messrs. Rosa K. Sefton. Karrv j Eisenberb. J.C.Porter, Herman Bergerman, o. .cms, vnaries nam, otepnen 1'orter, Tom Pratt and others. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Carothers. of Sedgwick street celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. The guests pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, of Char tiers, Mrs. and Mrs. J. Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Alton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morganthelar, Mr. and Mrs. A. Aleak. Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaff nit Mr. and Mrs. James aicuiurg. Jirs. Ji uarothers, of .Ravenna, O., Mrs. L. Klrkwood, Mrs. J. S. Baker, Misses A. Cochran, M. Frazier, Ada, Hattie and Minnie Kirkwood, Tennie Craig, of Clinton, Pa., C. Starz, M. Mathcns, L. Gner, Messrs. w. Sped del, J. Frazier and4E. Hahn. On Thursday evening tho Progressive Euchre Club of Hazelwood held a very enjoyable meet ing at the residence of Henry Hornbcrger, Hazelwood, progressive euchro affording the main amusement Among those present were the Misses Berry, Thomas,-Jamison, Bray, Mc Kinley, Baird, Booth, Jenkins. Hivcly, McCon nelLKretzschenar, Mrs. Bray, and Miss Clark ;the latter carrying off the honors), and Messrs. Bieler, Patterson, Blainey, Dawson, Hall. Kir bey, Sbrinkle, Edwards, Bray, Watkins, Berry, Clark, Giberson and others. The club will hold a reception after the next meeting, which will be the last of the season. A nnmber of friends surprised Miss Ida Mills at the residence of her uncle, John L. Mills. Charlotte street Fifteenth ward, last Monday evening. After a delightful luncheon dancing was indulged in. The following persons were present: Misses Amanda McKee, Ella and Annie Waters, Campbell, Lydla Hennick, Bell Cochran, Laura and Maud Mills, Ida Wain right Maria Moore, Josie Faulkner, Jennie Johnston; Messrs. Edward Morris, Joseph Mc Kee, Joseph O'Brien, James Mackey. John Shannon. Will McEldowney, Geurge Morrow, George and AVIlliam Fairfield, Andrew ,Brice land, James McKcuna, and others. The William Thaw Literary and Reading Cir cle, under the auspices of the First M. P. Church, of Castle Shannon, was organized Tuesday evening last and elected the fol lowing officers: 'R. L. Smith, President; Rev. W. S. Fleming, Vice-President; Ella Smith. Secretary; Mary E. Douglas, Treasurer; Margie C. McKee, Librarian; Robert Douglas. Yssistant Librarian; James L. McKee and Frank Smith, Critics: James McCormick, Seargeant-at-Arms. The society starts with flattering prospects, having over 100 choice books in Its horary and well-matured plans for Increasing the number as needed. The society is composed of some of the best young people in the neighborhood. A pleasant surprise was tendered to Miss Flora Richardson, at her residence, Ashto'n avenue, Tuesday evening. Among those pres ent were Misses MaryValker, Emma Breit-. weiser, Jennie Beatty, Lizzie Beatty, Laura Schaffer, Annie Blenlng, Minnie Durning, Tillie Wickerson. Amelia Becker, Mary Whitehead, xjr.materiing, warrio aingier, Jjora loung, Annie wickerson. Mrs. Geo. Barns; Messrs. James Buyan, H. H. Reid, B. Breitweiscr, Wm. Walker, Chas. Metz, Jonn Raker, Ed. Wehling, J. Whitehead, Geo. Richardson, Ed. Walker, Robert Morrow, Less McCollough, Jas. Ilea, Wm. Cunningham, Ed. Barns and Geo. Barns. A very pleasant reception was given by Miss Gertrude Hiland, of Arch street, Allegheny, Wednesday evening. Among the many present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. White, Misses Laura Scott Crawford, Winneberg, Sadie Wall, Fisher, Kolbecker, Laura Connor. Durr.Ida Owens. McGraw. Haven, Ida Hiland, Kate Gourley, McClelland, Lizzie and Florence Hiland: Messrs. Jos. White, Gold, Scott W. H. Till. J. Foster. Benedict, Sample, Carson. A. G. Hoffman, Lyons. Young. Foss, Frank Shook, Steward Borland. Kimberling, Jas. White, Will Hiland, Lyons, Humphreys and S. Harbi son. Miss Tillie Walker, of Sedgwick street cave a progressive enchre party Tuesday evening. Miss Jennie MoVicker and Mr. Georgo Becker took first honors. The following were present: Mrs. William C. Moreland, Misses Nan Caw ley. Sadie Cawlev, Annie M. Bailey, Jennie McVicker, Birdie McVIcker, Nannio Stright, Fredie Uraebing, Myrtle Matthews, Annie Brown, Maggie O. Neil, Lily Courtney, llotta Courtney, Mollie Fisher, Idella Walker. Tillie Walker: Messrs. S. Ji Dunlap, James F, Bailey, George W. Cpnner, Sol w. Conner, Joseph Walker, James Walker. Will. Walker. E.D. Cawley, George Becker, Lawrence Warner, John Trotter, Ed f rwin, Thomas Netheny, Ben Murphy. William C. Moreland, John Graebing and Charles O. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Alward, of 151 Webster street Allegheny, gave a delightful progressive cucier Thursday evening. Miss Rctta Courtney and Mr. Frank Kummer car ried off the first prizes. Miss Delia Boyle and Mr. W. D. Sweigard were rewarded with the booby prizes. The following ladles and gentle men were -present: Miss Frank Blair, Mollie Irons.- Nellie Elliott Retta Courtney. Lily Courtney. Etta Dillmuth, Lou Beatty, Minnie Ned, Birdie Hanlon, Bessie Hawthorne, Delia Boyle Mrs. Dr Shannon, Mrs. Harry Pollock, Mrs. A, Smith, Mrs. W. D. Sweigard, Mrs. W. B. Alward, Messrs. 8. L. Dunlap, Jas. F. Bai ley, W. H. Deer, Wilton Boyce, T. B. McKen zie, Robt Anderson. Albert Harwell, Jas. Irons, Frank Kummer, William Koenlg, W. D. Sweigard. Cnas. -Dillmuth, VH.TI11. W. A. Swartz. Burt Hawthorne, Mr. Schaeifer and "WB. Alward. The Concordia Club gives a muslcale this month. In which first-class local talent will participate. Tho members of Colonel E. Jay Allen Camp No. 60, Sons of Veterans, of Wilklnsburg, will celebrato the first anniversary of their organi zation by holding a musical and literary enter tainment in the school ball atothat place on Friday, March 29. The admission, which is free, is to be by Invitation. Mr. Lloyd, of the West End, gave a delight ful birthday party on Thursday, in honor of his wife. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Pedder, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Mc Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Keen, Mrs. Bnnn, tho Misses Hannah Grey. Croft Moore, McKeuzie, r-eauer, nowe, duskiow. rreewait, uioss, Messrs. D. T. Moore, McKcnzie, George and Harry Lloyd. One of the many pleasant events of the past week was a surprise party given in honor of Mr. Charles B. Porter, of Aroh street AUe gheny. Among those present were Misses Mary and Nellie McDowell, Anna Craig, Clara Martin, Maud McLaren and Messrs. C. R. Porter. George Porter, Ben Dangerfield, J. Curtis Sloane, Tom and Will Martin, James Donahue and Edward A-Craig. Mr. E. J. Atwood, of Homestead, celebrated the 6Stii anniversary of his birth on Thursday last The occasion was pleasantly observed by his manv friends and he was the recipient of numerous presents and hearty congratulations. Mr. John F. Schmidt gave him a gold-headed cane and Mr. Lawrence Oeffner presented a golden key-stone, beautifully inscribed. The first annual Purim masque ball of tho B. E. Arons Social will be held on Monday, March 18, at now Turner Hall, this being the celebration of the Jewish feast of Purim. Tho hall will bo illuminated with calcium lights. The affair promises to be ono of the finest of the season in Hebrew social circles. Tho Committee of Arrangements are Joe Frankfurter, Louis Plato and Louis Amschcl. A very pleasant evening was spent at the res idence of Mrs. W. L. Trimble, Jr.", on .Locust street, Allegheny, last Monday, March 4, the occasion being the birthday ot Mrs. Trimble. New interest was added to the gathering by it being announced that it was also the birthday of Mr. W. H. McDowell, who was there with his family. Those present were entertained by sbme very choice vocal and instrumental selec tions, after which all were Invited to partake of supper. Then dancing was indulged in to a late hour. It should ba stated that Miss Mandia McDowell rendered some very choice vocal and piano selections. Miss Nettie Robertson, of Cbartiers street Allegheny, gavo a delightful progressive euchre Friday evening, March 8. Mrs. M. Mo Candless and Mr. James F. Bailey succeeded in carrying off the head prizes. The following ladies and gentlemen were present: Misses Anna Robertson, Ida Hunter, Allio Hunter, Viola Hunter. Edith Hunter, Ella Albaugh, Katie Busang, Jennie McVicker, Birdie Mc Vicker, Ella Pease, Rachael Richards, Mollie Richards, Mrs. M. McCandless, Messrs. James F. Bailey, Harry Beaver. Dave Killinger, Mort McCandless, Will Thomas, Jasper Hunter, Will Busang, Thomas Robertson and Ad Pratt One of the enjoyable events of the week was an entertainment given by Miss Annie Butz at her home on Ohio street Allegheny. Quito an animated contest took place in progressive euchre, which resulted in Miss Mary Fass se curing the head ladies' prize and Mr. J. Daub thcgentlemen's head prize. Mr. John Butz and Mrs. Charles Naser captured the booby prize. Among the guests present were Mr. and" Mrs. Charles P. Naser, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rlppey, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Butz, the Misses Callie, Mollie and Maggie Naser, Kate Nelton, Mary Fass. Messrs. James Cook, J. Daub, Murray, Livingston, John A. Butz, Henry Fass and Gus Fetzer. Ono of the most enjoyable society events of the season in Johnstown took place on Thursday, February 28, at the home of Hon. John Hannan. The spacious parlors were lavishly decorated with an unusual variety of flowers and plants, amid which the orchestra rendered many choice selections from best composers. Among those present were noticed Mr. and Mrs. Normicutt Mrs. Dr. Logan. Miss Lizzio Maloney and Joseph Fuhrer, Jr., of Pittsburg; Miss Ella Gallagher, Miss Sbowalter, Will and Harry Showalter, Dr. Shreckengost. Joseph Head and Joseph Don nelly, of Latrobe; Mr. and Mrs. William DibertMr. and Mrs. J. Slick. Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oxnard. the Misses Rose, Nettie and Ella McLaughlin, Bessie Logan, Balsinger, Griffith. Murphy; Messrs. Endsley, Reese, Adair, Cox, Parker, all of Johnstown. A happy crowd of littlo folks gathered Wednesday, afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Shaw, Webster street Allegheny, to celebrate the eighth birthday of her grand daughter, Florence K. Wells. The children en joyed themselves with children's games, music and singing, and at 4 o'clock refreshments were served, after which the little folks went home much pleased with the afternoon's nlav. Among those present were: Masters Frank Dean, Fred Dean, Harvey Arthur, John Tappan, Willie McMahon, Elmer Henderson, Walter Mitchell. Willie Shaw, Willie Higgins, Nevin Malcom. Misses Carrie Wells, Hattie Wells, Pearl Good win, Maud Goodwin, Sadie Wiggins. Nettie Shaw, Maggie Wells, Annie Wells, Gertrude Isherwood. May Isherwood, Annie Kuhue, Edna Dean, Nellie Potts, Lilly Alrd, Maggie Ami, Ella Arthur. Nellie Turner, Hannah Gordon, Jessie Hill, Helen Rowe, Florence Wells. A charming gathering of some 50 boys and girls were present at the surprise party organ ized on Friday night to celebrate the thirteenth birthday of Miss Maggie Wilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wilbert of Mt Washing ton. The party gathered at the residence of Miss Ella Myers, whence they proceeded to Chris Wilbert's hotel and took possession of the building. The evening was spent In games, music, vocal and Instrumental, some of the young people being expert performers on the piano, and dancing. Among those present were: Bessie Moore, Zella Gray, Marie Engel, AI bertand Mary Baker.Maggie Wilbert daughter of Mrs. Rcglna Wilbert; Tillie and Jaquis Datz. Fritz and William Proger. Minnie Engel, Katie Wilbert Dollie and. Carrie Discher, Maggie and Emma Omert, Clara and Heleue Montreville, Sarah and Dora Sims, Albert Dischpr, Birdie Deckenbaugh, Aggie Myers. John Bergls, Will Schauwicker anoVNellio and Minnie Meartis. It was ono of the pleasantest children's parties given on Mt Washington, and tho little lady in whoso honor it was given was the recipient of many bandsomo presents as well as the-good wishes of those present Wedding Belli. A quiet wedding took place on Tuesday even ing at St Mary's Church, Lawrcnceville. Rev. Father Brennen officiating. The groom was Mr. - James B. Ridge, and the bride was Miss Mary A. Smith, both of this city. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's mother, followed by a sumptuous wed ding supper, where toasts and congratulatory speeches furnished a most enjoyable sequel to so pleasant an event Personal Gonslp. Mrs. J. J. Houston, of Belle Center, Ohio, is visiting friends in Allegheny. ' Mr. H. Allen 'Machesney, of Allegheny, has return eu irom v asumgiou, .u. v. Miss Hannah Pentz, of Ohio, is visiting Miss Kitty Pentz, of Bryant avenue. East End. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter Jud:on and son. of Washington, Pa., are visiting friends in Alle gheny. Miss Belle Floerhelra, Miss Mamie and Mr. Oscar Wcrtheimer, returned this morning from the East Miss Annie M. Baird, the accomplished guitarist of Brownsville, is visiting friends on the Southside. Miss Ecda B. Elliott of Allegheny, has re turned, home after a three-months' visit to Clarksburg, Pa. Mr, Frank C. Lewis, of Beaver Falls, was presented last week with an elegant gold watch and chain by his men. Misses Shields and Prebble have returned from Philadelphia, where they were visiting Miss Mamio Palmer. " Mr. George P. Goettman leaves to-morrow for New Orleans, Arkansas and San Francisco, Mrs. George V. Marshall with her daughters. Misses May and Bessie, of Allegheny City, are visiting friends in Cincinnati and Louisville. Messrs. Charles Beckler and Charles Faber, of Dayton, O., were the guests of Mrs. Charles Comp, ot Mt Washington, on Thursday even ing. The Hon. J. C. Kolsem, Mayor of Terre Haute, Ind., was in the city a few days during tho week visiting his mother and Sister in the West End. Miss Porter, of Webster avenue. Allegheny., bas returned home after visiting friends in Washington City and attending the inaugural ceremonies. Tho following are registered at the Hotel Royal. Atlantic City: Martin J. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazelhurst Miss Hazel hurst of Allegheny: Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Cloathler, of Mansfield, O.; F, P. Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. William Fuller, Joseph K. Bainbursr, William Constable, Jr., A. K. Stokes, Miss Marer,Mrs.M.EMaver,Col onel E. B. Tarrant J. K. Barnes, Miss Stokes, of Pittsburg; J. K. Tiffany, W. F. Deafcyne, of Groeusburg, i Bijou Thiater... Tho Twelve Temptations Harris' Theater. The Cattle Klnfc Grand Opera Housb . The Henrietta Academy or musio. Harry Williams' Co. CiSISO MlTRTtTnir Curiosities," etc. The abovo are the theatrical attractions for this week. .. The contention between the spectacular and, comedy of a high order will bo the remarkable' feature in the theatrical events of this week. Theio's a ballet, said to contain young women who can dance, and a host of matters to delight the eye in "The Twelve Temptations' to which tho Bijou exposes the public, and Messrs. Rob son and Crane, with a play which has been praised more than any other from an American author, and scenery said to be perfect in every way, ask Pittsburgcrs to see them at the Grand Opera House. The best way open to tho average theater goer is to visit both theaters. Nay, he might this week make a round of all four places of amusement for Wallick brings his trained uuises io Harris- i neater ana iarry Williams' Own Company one of the best variety organi zations on the road occupies the Academy stage. The latest theatrical paper in tho field, Xe Chat Jfoir, which Is published in New York, is so radically different from all its cotempora ries and predecessors in the same sphere, and so pleasantly different that every one who likes honest criticism and good-natured gossip . about the stage ought to read it C. M. 8. Mc Clellan, tho editor, has hit upon the happy mean: he neither toadies to managers or actors, nor follows tho trade of a blackmailer in the common guise of a journalistic free lance. The Black Cat has claws, but she scratches with judgment She is prettiest when she purrs. - When a circus manager or a minstrel im presarlogoes into tho fray of advertising hfe makes the fur fly. Mr. Hi Henry, tho pro prietor of Hi Henry's Minstrels, is going to give Estelle Clayton, a not very popular actress, tho advantage "of his personal responsibility, attention and management next season." So this week in The Dramatie Mirror he spreads the eagle triumphantly. In the largest type procurable he announces that Estelle Clayton, with 'Jwardrobe of the most elaborate concep tion, without limit in cost, and the Largest Costliest Solitaire Diamouds on tho American Stage, will travel In her own Private Boudoir Car. Hoopla, Ht I In fact It is to be hoped that we may at no distant day be permitted to gloat upon tho histrionic abilities of the Private Boudoir Car, the Soli taire Diamonds, the wardrobe, the lar"e and small bills, the Enchanting Stage Effects, and Miss Estelle Clayton. Emma Abbott who will be with us next week, will give 'The Yeomen of the Guard" as a grand opera rather than acomle opera. This is what might have been expected, for it will be recollected that "The Mikado" was prev scntea with infinite seriousness by tho Abbott Company. It seems that Pittsburg may con sider herself lucky to ceo Gilbert and Sulli van's latest work at all. When New York critics and New York managers make up their enormous minds that a play or an opera is not good enough for them, the provincial man agers courageously say they will have nothing to do with it All the same it is tho belief of a lot of level headed people that they would rather pay 51 to see a good company In one of Gilbert and Sullivan's operas, that has not been sung to death, than pay a dime to gaze upon the inani ty of such a thing I can't name It as Nadjy." Manager Wilt says that the patrons- of his theater would have seen "Little Lord Fauntle roy" this season if ho had not been determined to get the original company from the Broad way Theater. He says he has engaged the original company for next season. It is extraordinary, as somebody remarks abont every other day, that some manager rich in resources of all kinds, such as J. M. Hill, for instance, has not taken up Miss Minnie Maddern and given her a chance to'mako the mark she ought to make. She will reaoh her proper place some day, no doubt, and sho has the good luck to bo only 27 or 28 yet ie Chat Noir puts the truth happily when it says: "Minnie Maddern, who is a quivering bundle of electric dramaticism, and the best emotional actress we've got, is whizzing round a provin cial circuit, as usual. There are things we never account for, and ono is why Minuie Maddern has not yet asserted her superiority and made people acknowledge the fine power she commands. Given the chanco that Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Langtry have had, what a figure sho would have made!" The Bijou management wish it understood that prices will not be raised this week. The public seems to expect higher prices when a spectacular show coma's here. The Bijou's .popular prices will prevail. " Miss Agnes Cody showed a great deal of un. common force and deftness in her presentation of Carrots in "49" and Billy Biper in "The Danites." Sho hardly deserves comparison with the delightful creator of these parts Mrs McKee Rankin, however. Mr. O. L. McElroy is a better actor than such a company usually boasts. Hepburn Johns. A Week of Grand English Opera. Emma Abbott is coming for a week of grand English opera, produced as only the Abbott company produces it The week opens at the Bijou Theater on Monday, March 18, and the salo of reserved seats on Thursday next, March 14. Eight performances will be given, six nights and two matinees, the Wednesday mati nee at special popular prices. An attractive repertoire is put on, and in it are novelties never beforo presented here, as ''ThoYoemen of the Guard." tho season's Gilbert and Sulli van sensation in New York and London. An other opera new here is "Roso ot Castile," a magnificent production, the concluding acts of which disclose all the splendors of the Spanish Court, with Emma Abbott as Queen of Castile "Norma," too, is put on, if not for the first time altogether,, for many years at least, with splendid yocal and scenic effects. "The Yoe menof the Guard" is cast for Monday night and Saturday Abbott matinee, Abbott as Elsie Maguardt "Rose of Castile," Tuesday "Chimes of Normandy," Wednesday matinee two prima donna; and fnll company; "Lucia' Bridoof Lammormoor," Wednesdav eveninir' "Trovatorc," lhnrsday;" "Norma," Friday.and "Bohemian Girl," Saturday night, Abbott as airline. The principals of the casts are Annan dale, ertini, Mirclla, Fricfce, Monte-riffo MIchelena. Pruette, Brodenck, Allen' Karl, Torpe, and Carl Martens, director of or chestra. The chorus and orchestra are said to be the strongest and best balanced of any En glish opera organisation in existence. Of Miss Abbott's work this season It may be said that it is incomparably the most artistic and heroic the little diva has ever done. Everywhere theaters aro thronged to the doors, and many times the crowds cannot get into the theater It was so in Washington and Baltimore, in Charleston, Memphis, Atlanta, Montgomery Los Angeles and even in great Chicago. The reason is that not only Emma Abbott herself but her company are all doing good work! Principals, chorus and orchestra, and tho operas presented are-the best Thl Week's Attractions. William J. Gilmore's new and highly praised legendary spectacle, entitled "The Twelve Temptations -will be introduced at the Bijou Theater Monday evening, with i imposing cast brilliant costumes, gorgeous stage settings and all the accessories which go to make'up "a show" of this description. The management announce 26 tons of scenery, and other properties, a small army of people, and everything necessary for a grand spectacular display, the material of which is said to have involved an expense of $35,000. The play ol "The Twelve Temptations" vas produced in New York about IS years ago ly the late James G. Fisk, Jr. Ho was then proprietor and man ager of the Grand Opera House in that city, and be lavished a fortune on Its production. Some old-time theater-goers -who saw the play, say they never saw anything on such a magnlfl-' cent scale. It excelled "The Black Crook" and other famous and dazzling spectacles of that time. It was produced Febrnary 7, 1870, and was an instantaneous success. It ran for 30 consecutive weeks. A dispute between the author and manager caused its withdrawal and it has been buried ever since. The action is laid in the fifteenth century. Hubert, of Wurldburg, a supposed principality in Norway, has inherited the entailed estates ot bis forefathers, .and his acres of land are fast going to ruin for means to keep them up. Hubert knew that buried at the North Pole were untold riches, which eleven of his ancestors had perished in futile efforts to gain possession of. He determined to become the twelfth of his race, thus form ing the title of "The Twelve Temptations" to brave a voyage to the land of ice, snow and al most certain death, fie meets with shipwreck, countless perils and miraculous escapes, and finally finds the treasure. He repairs his .damaged 'Estates, marries the girl of bis choico and everything ends happily. Though not featured, the ballet forms con siderable prominence, and is led by famous premiers. Seventy people compose the com- pauy. Moving panoramas and pantomine specialties are introduced in rapid profusion. "The Twelve Temptations" contains all the elements of success,and is a proper performance for both sexes. Nearly 150 people will be used in its produc tion here. The name of James H. Wallick is enough to charm a very large section of the juvenile pop ulation of Pittsburg, and no small part of their elders also. This week he comes io Harris' Theater with his two favorite thrilling dramas, "The Cattlo King" and "The Bandit King." But this announcement would not be complete if itwcronot added that Mr. Wallick is ac companied by his trained equine marvels, Charger, Bay Raider, Jim and Texas. These wonderful horses are as clever actors as ever, it usaiu. j. no iaitie 4.ing" on -Monday, 'lues day and Wednesday, and during the rest of the week "The Bandit King" will be given. Mr. Wallick is a forcible actor, investing his portrayals with great interest His abilities as a horseman are manifested throughout each drama. His splendid and intelligent horses are equine marvels and tread the boards with the grace of professional actors, entering into tho spirit of the plays and investing them with a naturalness and realism that is most effective. Robson and Crane, in "The Henrietta," Is one of the best bookings so far seen at the Grand Opera House so far this season. There can be no doubt that Plttsburgers are anxious to see the play, and the two comedians who are to shine in it for the last time together this season. As to tho production of "The Henri etta" bere It may be as well to quote what the Baltimore American said of it in that city last week: Of "The Henrietta" nothing can be added to what has already been said of it viz: That it was written to amuse, and in doing so carries with it a moral In its ringing protest against the greed for money; in its satire of the extremities to which men go in the pursuit of wealth. It is one of Bronson Howard's best efforts. Tho -company supporting Messrs. Robson and Crane, as well as the stage setting, was all that could be desired. AT the Academy of Muslo thisk week Harry Williams' Own Specialty Company will appear. That it is composed of the best material goes without saying, for Mr. Williams -can be relied upon to secure the best talent that is going. Bobby Gaylor, Frank Bush, Sherman and Morrissey, FrankH. White, all are stars of the brightest luster. Lillian White, Isabel Ward and Maggie Coleman are first favorites with the Pittsburg public and there are graceful dancers, wonderful athletes, wits and capital vocalists in this company of Mr. Williams'. At the Casino Museum a bright and entirely new set of attractions will keep op the reputa tion the little house has made tor giving a good deal for a dime. Echoes of the Stago. Richard Mansfield will produce "Rich- ard 111." in London on March 10. A bulletin from Boston says ttint Mrs. Potter is getting herself ready to play Camllle. Lillian Russell lines her tights with lamb's wool and her manager's face with care. Hoyt's new play, "A Midnight Bell." was ad. vertisedlnNewYorkbya bronze boll," which chimed prettily outsido the Bijou Opera House at intervals, attracting a great deal of atten tion. Nellie Farren, of the London Gaiety Company, does not sing contralto, as many people suppose. Her voice Is a soprano of a somewhat low register, with the register closed. Pauline Hall rides a tricycle. When she visits a town the bicycle cluDs adopt her. While she rides round the city the bicyclists ride round her. And all bands arrive home healthily fatigued. One of the pieces which William H. Crane will produco for his starring tour next season, will be the comedy of "The Balloon," which 13 now running at the Strand Theater, London. The American rights of this comedy are owned by T. Henry French, Clsment Scott, the dramatic critic of tho Daily Telegraph, has just been left the life in terest in $100,000 in the will of a Miss Drew, who admired his criticisms, but had no knowl edge of him personally. There are lots of critics would accept similar bequests without a murmur. The Emma Abbott Opera Company opened at Harris' Academy of Music, Baltimore, on last Monday night to standing room only, the counter attractions being Little Lord Fauntle roy and Robson and Crane. Fully a thousand people are said to have been turned away, the receipts being over S1,S00. Maggie Mitchell has sold her real estate investment in Harlem, which consisted of seven lots on the corner of Seventh avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-fourth streer, for $120,000. The purchaser makes no announcement of building a theater on the ground, but intends erecting a large block there, most probably for fiats. The Buffalo Courier recently said of Miss Julia Marlowe: "Who she really is, what her name, what her training, where sho came from, who is guarding the brilliant future which i3 evidently before her these are things which the public have not yet been permitted to know." Upon which Le Chat Noir comments: But we have been permitted to know all this. She Is Miss Fanny Brougb, of Cincinnati, the daughter of a shoemaker (he must have made good shoes, that Mr. Brough), and she has al ways been under the surveillance of R. E. J. Milos, a manager of wide repute. She was tho Josephine ot a juvenile "Pinafore" company when she was about 10 years old. Le Chat IToir, of New York, says: Two plays produced in New York this week differed widely in their interest and general worth. One was by a pair of recognized litterateurs, pets of the magazines and' high-fl ing gentle men. The other was by a young man who Is responsible for the razzle-dazzle vulgarity on our stage, and who is scolded most royally by our violet-scented editors. But the funny thing about this is that the depraved young man brought forward a comedy worth four or five of tho one produced by the firm of strictly elegant authors. It is cruel to say that Mr. Charles Hoyr, author of "A Parlor Match," gave us a much better play than Mr. Brander Matthews. Bat it is true. THEjatest craze in Gotham at present is for everything Russian, and many pretty actresses promenade Broadway in Russian pelisses trimmed with Russian furs, wear Russian leather bags, and it is said, dally with tiny cigarettes, when at home, made of Russian to bacco. Miss Grace Henderson last week gave a tea party in which that distinctly Russian tea kettle, the Samover, was used, and with it the salvers, the open sugar baskets and lemon fork which makes the outfit for a Russian "tea," Amelia Summervllle, who, bv tho way, is now called "the Lady of Westchester," gave one of these teas with caviar sandwiches, and hired a bearded Cossack to chant Russian melo dies to keep up the delusion. Herrmann, the magician, has sent to St Petersburg for a droshky, having already bought two pretty Russian ponies, and Lotta is next .summer to appear in the park in Russian fashion, three ponies harnessed abreast with trappings orna mented with tinkling silver bells. The JJondou correspondent of tho Dramatic Mirror writes: Those gorgeous, big ballet theaters the Empire and tha Alhatnbra con tinue to do the big business, and their neigh bor, the London Pavilion, still prospers on its old lines. All four of these undertakings are run by limited liability companies, and the ex perience of their shareholders is (up to now) of a most encouraging character. The latest dividend of the Alhambra was equivalent to 28 per cent per annum, and the Loudon Pavil ion last week declared a dividend at the rate of 12 per cent per annum. But the Empire re turns on capital Invested knock theo figures into the proverbial cocked hat Whattbcy really are is not quite clear, owing to the con fusing nature of the reports published, but that they must be nretty steep Is shown by the fact that at an auction of theater and music ball shares yesterday 300 1 Empire shares (15s. paid) fetched from 2 176 to 3 per share. This, considering that the rentof the Empire is close upon 7,000 a year, and that the entertainment there provided is of the most costly descrip tion, is what Dominie Sampson might well call pro-diglous. Nym Crinkle says In the Dramatic Mirror: Mr. N. C. Goodwin's exploit In "A Gold Mine" brought to view a curious mixture of good -and bad elements In a new play. Messrs. Brander Matthews and George H. Jcsiop have shown a clear constructive skill and some creative power in their work, following as it does in its main idea the Asa Trencnard style of business, and there are two situations in it which a thoroughly and conscientious actor I would hate lifted to artistic success. But I do not think that Mr. N. C. Goodwin Is that actor He is constitutionally incapable of taking a serious view of anytMng, and on Monday night he trifled, as is his habitual cus tom, with tho dead earnestness of these situa tions and smirked at his friends in the audience and gagged repeatedly This is such an old and welf known failing of this actor that his attempts to play a worthy comedy role were not provocative of great expectations in those who know what the requirements of comedy are. The announcement that Mr. Goodwin has given up burlesque and is now settled down in comedy must have produced a smllon the faces of those who saw him Monday night Mr. Goodwin i essentially a mimic in everything he does. He Is a versatile farceur, who has less regard for his author or forhis art than any actor I ever saw. His whole purpose for years has been to make people laugh, and he wag never scrupulous in his attempts. B. P. O. E. Notes. Paducah, Ky., wants a lodge of Elks. Akron, O., will soon have a lodge of Elks. We expect to meat in our new hall the flrst Wednesday hi April. 1 Cesctnnatl No. 6. gavo a very successful social session February 15. The Norfolk, Va., Labor Advocate has es tablished an "Elks" Corner. Brothers Lemon and Piatt returned on Thursday from the inauguration. Brother James Orb, of Lima (O.) Lodge No. 64, was in the city last Monday. It is now Brother Miller, as ho was made a devout elder at ths-iast communication. Brother DunnaVant, of New Castle Lodge No. 69, visited ns at the last communica tion. Brother J. 3. Tindale, Jr., of New York Lodge No. 1, visited US at the last com munication. JudcjeE.G. Bowers, P. E. R., of Dallas, No. 71, has been appointed District Deputy for the State of Texas. Ha. SntoN E. Quinlan, D. D, at Large, of Chicago, No. 4, Is an avowed candidate for Ex alted Ruler (Grand). Brother T. C. Hamilton, ot Newark, and Biother Drew, of New York, wero bo'th in the city last week with the Murphy show. Brother Joseph Nickham, of Grand Rapids Lodge No. 48, was buried from the lodge room of Springfield Lodgo No. 51 on last Sunday. The Executive Committee should meet this week and fix their dates for the reunion, so that the Printing Committee can go on with their work. Norfolk Elks have a project afloat to put up a' building to cost $50,000. About 115,000 of the stock at $100 per share bas already been subscribed. Hamilton, O., huld its first annual benefit February 22, and besides giving a good show to a crowded house, put several hundred dollars into the lodge treasury. Prof. Charles Liebman was presented with an elegant Elks badge by Yohrigstdwn Lodge No. 55. A presentation speech was made by Brother Lamar Jackson. A letter from Jackson, Mich., says that about 40 Elks came down from Grand Rapids on the 20th, to assist in the installation of a lodge there. A banquet was given in honor of , ms visitors, xnatcner, .rrimrose ana wests minstrels attending in a body. Music, speeches and feasting continued until an early hour. Elks aro already looking forward to the next meeting of the Grand Lodge, and 09'out of every 100. rejoice that the Exalted Grand Ruler has determined to call the Grand Lodge to meet at Pittsburg at the grand reunion. For the first time in the history of the order, it will give the rank and file a chance to look in upon their lawmakers, and see how and why they legislate. A brother writes as follows from the East: "I am watching very1 closely the storm which seemed to be brewing for the next Grand Lodge meeting, and if the West ern members have any special plan in view that they are willing to make known to a friend, it is more than likely that I can help them. I expect to be at the Grand Lodge, and am always anxious to aid any movement to benefit our order." IT MUST BE MEMORABLE. The Final Quarterly Session of the Teach ers' Institute Promises Well Division Institute and School Notes. The final quarterly session of the Pitts burg Teachers' Institute will likely occur on the last Friday evening in March. It being the last session of the series, efforts are making to have an unusually brilliant gather ing. Short lectures will be given by General John" Eaton, ex-United States Commissioner of Edu cation; Hon. John Hancock, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Ohio; Dr. W. E. Shel don, editor of the A'eto England BchoolJournal, and John W. Dickinson, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Massachusetts. A division institute will be given the following morning for the teachers of Step 3. Class drill by Miss Martin, of the Knox school. Superintendent Luckey received a letter yesterday from the authorities in charge of the United States school exhibit for the Paris Ex position, seeking information as to what the Pittsburg educators were doing toward the realization of the exhibit ot the primary work assigned to Pittsburg, and that they could not give later than March 20 to complete the work. When Mr. Luckey first received word of the honor accorded to Pittsburg.' the instructions about what was needed were so indefinite that he asked for further information. Mr. Luckey, no answer having been received to this request could do nothing without further information. However, in order to have a proper showing of Pittsburg's schools primary work, Mr. Luckey has called a meeting of the principals next Tuesday av4 'o'clock at the Central Board rooms to arrange a plan of action. Educational Echoes. The Liberty and St Clair schools will both bold a reception day toward the latter part of this month. The pupils of the Birmingham school are preparing for a school exhibition. The enter tainment will be given some time in April, and will continue three nights. Superintendent Luckey, Professor S. A. Andrews and Professor Jackman have returned from Washington. The meetingof theNation al Teachers' Association held there was said to be the largest ever held. The next meeting will be in July at Nashville, Tenn. Superintendent Luckey declines to inti mate what bis chances are for his appointment as United States Commissioner of Education, though his friends say his prospects are of the most roseate hue. The term ot the present commissioner does not expire until November. 'I'he city teachers will have four holidays during April. The 1st and 2d of the month will be the regular April vacation. Good Fri day is theirs by right of legality, and on the 30th of April, the 100th anniversary of Wash ington's inauguration, the schools will be closed. The Phi Kappa Pi Literary Society of the High School will give one of their well-known entertainments next Friday night The con tributors to the evening's enjoyment will be Robert Little. Nettle Bunting, Ida Hanlon, Stella Evans. Ben Jarret J. W. Boyce. W. G. JJegley, Edward Buvinger, Joseph Mcciure, Daisy Lemmon, Mande McCnckart. Bert Mllligan will be master of ceremonies. Music will be furnished by members of the society. The organization of the new Central Board committees are now in order. Yesterday afternoon tho Finance, Industrial and .. the Teachers and Salaries Committees met for organization at the Central Board rooms. Mr. McMillan will be the future chairman for the Committeo on Teachers and Salaries, Mr. Keller for tho Finance, and Mr. Torrence for tha Industrial. Tho first mentioned committee approved of the granting of the new teacher to the Bedford school. The following are the names of the pupils who stand first in the highest rooms of the vari ous ward schools: Ralston, John Lndebuehl; Mlnersvllle, Estelle Marshal; Bedford. Louis Davis: Morse, Amanda Cready; Thad Stevens, Nina Cobnn; Duquesne, Arthur Aland; Mt Washington, Lulu Rea; Homewood, Albert Renton: Liberty, Graco Connlck; Grant Myer Hilvcrberg; Monongahela, William Graeb ing; Howard (No. 1), Birdie Bryce, , (No. 2) Alberta Mildrum; North, Ella Hamilton; Peebles, Louise Bless ing; Birmingham, Eddie DlthridgciMt Albion, Nellie Gallagher; Hancock, Anna Ryan: Hum boldt Lizzie Nelson and Alma Sorg; Wicker sham, Rachel Williams; Knox, EvaNeely: Lawrence, Harry Kober; Hiland, Mary Walker; Washington, Alice Sklllen: St Clair, Musetta Greaves; Luckey (No. 1), William C. Gray, (No.2k Charles Michael; Forbes, Willie Grogan; Moorhead, Lydia Patterson: Allen, Ida Martin; O'Hara, Bertie Green; Lincoln, Katy Reed; South, Maggie Raup; Franklin, Emma Shoemaker. Dress Goods And elegant assortment of novelties in plaids, checks and stripes new spring colors, at 50c per yard. MWTSU HuOtJS & HACKE. Dress Salts. For a good fitting dress suit or overcoat go to Pitcaira's, 434 Wood street. wsu ' - --11? Fraternal visits u. posts. One of the healthiest signs of growth and prosperity in the Grand Army of the lie public is the frequent visitation of posts to other posts. In the East this custom has been in vogue for some time with the best results, and in many cases posts situated near State lines have crossed the border and visited posts' in other departments with equally good results. Im promptu campflres are gsneraUy kindled and an enthusiasm is created which is far reaching in its influence for the posts jointly. The in terchange of opinions are also wholesome In character, and the presence of visiting com rades stimulates the post officers to acquit themselves creditably. The individual ac quaintance produced by these visits are frequently of decided advantage to the comrades. This custom is now being in troduced here.in Pittsburg and Allegheny. It is true posts have always visited each other oc casionally, but only on special occasions; and hot as now solely on the ground of fraternity. There has probably been more visitations of ?osts by posts In the two cities within the past wo months than within the two years previous. Tbe custom undoubtedly is as essential to tbe well-being of the posts as the visitation of friends and families is to tbe well-being of society. Posts that visit the most will undoubtedly be the strongest at the end of the year, not onlv in numbers, but in the excellence of its Grand Army work. What good is seen in posts visited will soon be adopt ed by the visiting post and improved upon. Let the custom of post visitations be more gener ally and frequently observed. G. A. R. Post 200, (Colored.) 1 If there is one post more than another that deserves encouragement and should be assisted when opportunity offers, it is Colonel R. G. Shaw, Post No. 206. Pitsburg, the only colored post in the two cities. An opportunity will be presented next Wednesday and Thursday even ings, March 13 and 14, to replenish its relief fund which has been entirely exhausted. The members of the post, assisted by the Women's Relief Corps, No. 7, will give an entertainment on the above dates at the Fifth Avenue Muslo Hall (Market House), which will consist of vocal and instrumental music, readings, declamations, essays and dialogues, all of high character and especially entertain ing. The following participants are listed: L. Pulnress Quartet, Miss M. Robinson. Miss Clara Steele. Miss L. D. Bailes, Miss Emma Hideout Miss Mamie Sands, Miss Artelia MurpbyMiss Carrie Jones, Miss Violet Cox, Miss P. Dorsey, Miss Josio Lucas, Miss lrtne Thompson, Miss C. Roy. Miss Iona Johnson, Miss M. Baynes, Miss J. Chambers, Miss Mamie Miner, Miss Ella Corner, Miss R. A. Harris, Mrs. A. Murphy, Mrs. W. H. Hanger, Mrs. Irene Thompson, Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Mrs. W. Wallace, Master J. Lucas, Messrs. H. Johnson. M. Washington. C. W. Dorsey, J. Chambers, M. ET Lee, Jonas Johnson, Joseph Vincent George Gross. Jr., John Johnson, William Johnson, W. Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Prof. L, C. Dorsey, Master W. Lucas. Master O. Lucas, Twin City Quartet, Brown's Chapel Choir. .Glee Club, Geneva Quartet and the Winding troupe, composed of eight girls. Miss Lizzie Fnlpress will preside at the piano. The programme will be changed each evening. Commander J. H. Adiey and Adjutant W. H.Lucas are directing affairs with the promise of much success and they should not be disappointed. Important From tlendqunrters. The following information, given publicity for the first time through the colnmns of The Dispatch this morning.will attract the closest attention of Grand Army men all over the country: Headquarters Uabnd army of ) the republic-. KANSAS CITTV Mo., March 1, 1839. ) Circular Letter Ho. 3. Comrades: The attention of these headquarters has been called to the fact that some Grand Army posts, as such, by resolution or other official action, have recommended persons for appointive offices poli tical In character. Such action Is in violation of the spirit and letter of article SI of oar ltules and Herniations, which reads as follows: 'o officer or comrade of the Grand Army of the Itepnbllo shall in any manner nse this organ ization for partisan purposes, and no discussion of partisan questions shall be permitted at any of Its meetings, nor shall any nomination for politi cal office be made." certain it is that this practice is liable to Dreed dissension in our ranks, and one that In tbe opin ion of the Commander in Cnief should be discon tinued for the good of the order. Recommenda tions or this or that person for political office, whether elective or appointive, shall be made by comrades solely as cl'lzens. Yours In fraternltv, charity and loyalty. Wm. Warner, Commander In Chief. EUGENE F. WEIGEL, Adjutant General. Relief Food Post No. 162. Commander A. P. Burchfield, of Post 162. Allegheny, ably assisted by his associate officers and members of the post, are actively at work to give thepost averyhighposition in the Penn sylvania department at the closo of the current year. With characteristic energy they have arranged for the production of Tnlly's mag nificently illustrated campaigns and battles of tne great Rebellion, at Old City Hall, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday evenings. March 2L 22 and 23. for tbe benefit of their relief and general funds. The following are some of tbe battles which will be represented In a most at tractive, grandand enchanting manner: Sum ter, Bull Run.JDonelson. Antietam, Monitor Merrimac.Sbiiob, Stone river, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Wilderness, Vicksbnrg, Chickamauga an d many others. The object ot the entertainment is to teach old and young lessons of patriotism, and give them a just and appropriate appreciation of the services and sacrifices of the Union soldiers who saved tho Government Beyond a doubt it will be the grandest and best Grand Army entertainment ever held ba Pittsburg. Already over SS00 has been expended In preparations. It will be the G. A. R. event of the season. Grand Army Whisperings. Reception of Post 3 at Turner Hall, Forbes street Thursday evening, March 21. TmJ fair of Post 128 is still successfully in progress at the Coliseum, Allegheny. The annual encampment of the Iowa Department will be held at Burlington, April 8. Post 230, J. V. Brooks, Commander, is in good condition. Recruits are coming in steadily and' the spirit of fraternity is rising higher. National Headquarters desire the new Department rosters and a copy of the journal of the Department Encampments when printed. The permanent organization of the Depart ment ot Georgia is announced. Comrade J. R. Lewis, of Atlanta, Is the Department Com mander. Post 151, of the Southside, will visit in body next Tuesday evening the fair of Post 36, in progress at Salisbury Hall, Southside Market House. The Provisional Department of Alabama will meet at Birmingham In that State, next Tuesday for the purpose of effecting a perma nent organization. Union Post No. 50, of Fcabody, Mass., has petitioned the town authorities for an appro priation of 50 for Memorial Day observances. It will be granted. Commander George H. Ladley, of Post U7, East End, will direct the muster Of four re cruits next Tuesday evening. The post Is in a healthy condition. General Lander Post No. 5, of Lynn .Mass., has a membership of LOIS comrades and post property valued at 63,761 31. It expended $6,585 for charity last year. It looked very much like old times in Wash ington, D. C, last Sunday, with tbonsands of young men in blue uniforms wandering around through tbe drenching rain. One of tbe last graceful acts of President Cleveland was to sign the bill pensioning Mrs. General Sheridan and placing General Rose Crans on tile retired army list James Comerford Post No. 63, G. A. R., ocated at Chippewa Falls,. Wis., has just lost by fire its handsomely fitted up post room and tho many relics and souvenirs of army days which it contained. 'The comrades everywhere are touching elbows, and the bright fires of fraternity and chanty are burning with a warmer glow than ever upon the altar of true comradeship." Commander-in-Chief William Watner. General W.T.Sherman has appointed a committee to make arrangements for the New York celebration of General Grant's birtbdnr Apiil 27. by a banquet at Delmonlco's. Ex Governor Long, ot Massachusetts, will' proba bly be the orator. ' . . The tenth annual encampment of the De partment of Indiana wilt be held in Toallasoa Hill, Indianapolis, commencing next Wednes day, March 13, at 9 A. K. Strong resolutions will be adopted inviting the Grand Army of the Republic to meet at Indianapolis next year. John Robinson, said to be the oldest vet eran soldier in the country, died in the Sol diers' Home at Bath, N. Y., on Wednesday. He belonged to Company A. of tbe Twenty seventh New York Infantry, and was 66 years old when he enlisted, and died at the age of to years. The surviving members of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania volunteers will hold a meeting next Saturday eyenlng. Match 18, In Municipal Hall, to arrange for the dedication of the regi mental monument at Gettysburg. No member of the regiment should fail to be present at this Important meeting. Colonel W. H. Moody circle. No. 52, Ladies of the G. A. R., returns thanks to the participants in the recent very successful en tertainment The circle will visit the fair of Post 236 in a body next Tuesday night Tbe ladles will meet at the Monongahela Inclms at 7P.K. Comrade William H. Young, the- present Junior Vice Commander of thaDepartment of Kansas, IS a popular candidate for the Coin mandershtp of that Department Judging from the many expressioos of approval heard from that State, his election will bo almost unanimous! THEfairofPost238ofAllantown,is still ia progress at Banlsbury Hall, over tbe South side market house, and is well patronized, as it deserves to be. A very cordial invitation Is ex tended to the various G. A. R. Posts and camps of the Sons of Veterans to matrn a fraternal Visit before tbe closing night, March 23. Post No. 2, of Philadelphia, has had th honor for severaLyears of being the banner post of the Department of Pennsylvania. Last month its membership reached 648. A formida ble rival bas appeared in Post 58, of Harris burg, with a membership of 625. The latter post expects to take flrst place by July 1 nexC The McClellan Monument Committee has given out the contract for the memorial to bs placed in the Riverside Cemetery, Trenton, N. J., to the memory of General George B. Mc Clellan. It will cost $6,000. Tho amount was raised by subscription. The monument will ba unveiled on the approaching Decoration Day. Ex-Commander Jones, of Po3t 128, Alle gheny, is the proud possessor of an elegant gold badge souvenir, presented to him for efficient services by the post It Is a beautiful combi nation badge, Sixth Corps and G. A.R., and bears the inscription, "Presented by Post 128 to David G. Jones, Company F One Hundred and Second Regiment services 1861-1865. THE veterans of the late war are well repra sentcd in an official capacity ih the Chamber of Commerce In this city. At the election held Tuesday, 6th inst, the men who helped fight the battles of the Rebellion were honored as follows: Lieutenant Reuben Miller was elected as one of the vice presidents; among the direc tors chosen are Major S. L. Henry, Colonels. M. Wickersham, Major R. Munroe, Captain William McClelland and Captain W. P. Her bert. General Harrison's allusion to the pon- slon question was brief, but it was strictly to the point He said: "Our pension laws should give more adequate and discriminating relief to tho Union soldiers and sailors, and to their widows and orphans. Such occasions as this should remind us that we owe everything to their valor and sacrifices." This coming irora Comrade Benjamin Harrison, who always means to the fullest extent what he says, is enough. Commander-in-Chief Major William. Warner has honored the following named local posts with representation on his staff. The comrades complimented are E. H. Brady, of Post 3, Pittsburg: John W. Moreland, of Post 151, Southside; F. R. Deihl, of Post 162, Allegheny; Max Klein, of Post 123, Allegheny. The order justat hand says: "Upon notifying these heauquarters of their intention to go actively to work, these comrades will receivo their commissions. As far as is now known, Frank Ellsworth, ot Lake George, N. Y.. Is tho youngest of the vet erans of the late war. He enlisted on October 16, 1861, tour days bef or his thirteenth birthday and went to the front as a member of Company H, Ninety-third New York Infantry. After the battle of Antietam be was tiansf erred to tbe Second United States Cavalry, and served Until June lSd Others may have enlisted as young as was Ellsworth, but as far as there was any record, all of them went out as drum mers, while Frank shouldered a musket at tha outset and was in active service up to the time of bis discharge. In Aces Vet to Come. The plans for the roof of tbe new Gov ernment building have been completed and are now in the city. It will he the duiy of a reporter yet unborn to publish the fact that the root has been completed accord ing to the plans drawn in this century be fore. Well Deserved Fortune. From "The Office." Thomas it. "Willej-, who took one of the prizes in the Chicago Daily News advertise ment competition, is tbe advertising man for ilrs. Harriet Hubbard Aver (Kecamier Jlfg. Company), 52 and 54 Park Place, New York. He is a graduate of. West Point, an ex-officer of the regular army, and resigned his position as business manager of a Hart ford, Conn., paper to accept his present position. The advertising that he has con ducted for Mrs. Ayerhas been among the boldest and mast striking that the news paper pres3 has seen in many years. Not withstanding jiis duties in "th'is direction, which are exacting in the extreme, Mr. Willey finds time to write advertisements for other people. KE WTOJi'S SYSTEM OF DRE3S CUTTING. Perfect Fitting Patterns Cut to Order. Of the many different systems n6w being taught, "Newton's" is the simplest, least complicated and easiest to learn. A waist cut with the tailor shoulder, bias under arm dart and curved bust not only gives a perfect fit, but grace and beauty to the form. Pupils can begin at any lime. Test waists cut for those desirous of learning. I draft directly upon the cloth. Terms reasonable. Patterns cut to measure either on paper or lining guaranteed to fit in eery par ticular, as we take IS different measure ments and make the darts and curvatures to suit the figure. Full instructions in basting given with each pattern. Call and secure a pattern. System taught and patterns cut by E. 31. Newton, at "White Sewing Machine Rooms, 12 Sixth st. Loco Department. Our new department.we open on 3Ionday, the 11th inst., with all the choice and new patterns In Chantilly and Spanish guipure flouncings, Russian and fish drapery nets, and a special line of 48-inch drapery nets in stripes and polka spots. MtvTsn Htjgtjs & Hacke. LATIMER'S SPRING DRESS GOODS Stock is filling np rapidly, and it will pay yon to see this line of black goods. THIS -"WEEK'S SAME OP Winter Wraps and Jackets Has been unprecedented. Such bargains are rare. I M, LATIMER'S, ' QO FEDERAL STREET, Q5 3d ALLEGHENY, PA 30' fe21-su HONEY DEW! FOE CHAPPED HANDS. LTP8 AND FACET - Dries quickly; is not sticky nor greasysmakes rough skin soft, smooth and velvety, and does not smart the skin., N. K. HONEY DEW makes face powder adbere to the skin and Tenders it in visible. Pold by- all druggists. Bef use all substitute.. Trade Mark. OC27-C10-M U&bL. v :i i.J-