Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 10, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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The Curragb. of Ireland is Celebrated
in Both Song and Story,
Is Eelated Concerning the Achievements
of Bold Cruisers.
Aeeas Islands, Ibel ax d, Feb. 25.
HEB.E is an old
quatrain among the
Irish peasantry, the
origin of which, for
the spirit ot insistire
prophecy it contains,
might fairly be attrib
uted to the provident
genius of one of the
characters to which it
While Ireland is onld Ireland
You'll have forevermore
The bocourh and too oorrag
Beside your cabin door.
The bocough was the wandering minstrel
and story teller of Ireland. He had a keen
scent for every spot where geniality and
generosity flourished; but poverty, oppres
sion and .sorrow have long ago withdrawn
the scant cheer that once gave him place.
The bocough is gone. But the other one,
the corrag, who requires no raiment, food or
housinc, remains within the shadow of-the
Irish cabin door.
Throughout Connemaraand particularly
in mv tramp down from the Pallindoon dis
trictto Cloghmore and the sea, I saw one of
these silent, dried-up old fellows trembling
in the wind by the door of every hut or
icbin I passed. To my fancy each one took
ion a separate individuality and seeming.
This one stood there defiant, as if repellant
of your approach. That one had a saucy
air as if to intimate that a fine "right
blackthorne was concealed about his person.
Another seemed decrepit and weary from
silent vicil out there in the bitter mountain
wind. Another was bent and leaning as
though it could stand no longer. Another
teemed to beckon the passer to enter, or to
hint with weary gesture that you keep upon
your way.
ibeland's ctjbse.
And many, very many, stood bowed and
sadly attentive as if listening in reverent
solemnity to endless tales of want and woe
that come in hopeless tones from the half
starved souls within. The corrag is but a
tall bundle of limbs or oisers, set before the
door to break the hurt of the savage
mountain blasts, "the ould man of the
branches," the peasants call it; but one
sometimes feels that this insensate typified
jprotector of the Irish cabin was the only ob
ject in guise of human that ever got thus
near the man-ueglected, God-Iorsaken
peasantry of this cruelly-wronged land.
A night was passed at old Cloghmore.
During the evening I engaged a boatman
for the journey across the northern sea-arm
of Gal way Bay to the Islands of Arran. The
distance is from 10 to 15 miles, according to
the conscience of the boatman. This one's
was fairly honest, and the distance was but
12 miles.. The fare was to be but 2 shillings
to Killaney Bay, the principal harbor of
great Arran, and but 3 shillings in the
event ot his returning with me. As the
round trip could not -he made in less than
ioo pieces Novelty Dress Goods in Stripes, Checks and Mixed Effects,
double width, 17c per yard, worth 40c
100 pieces, All-Wool, Silk Finish, Henriettas, new street shades, 40 inches
wide at 44c yard, worth 60c
So pieces, All-Wool double width, French Cheviots, Illuminated Effects,
at 39c per yard, worth 75c
We are also showing, among our spring exhibits, the choicest weaves of
the European Continent, and the most perfect collection of new ideas
ever shown.
Bordered Dress Fabrics in Rich Stripes and Broche Effects. Mohair
and Sicilienne Brilliantines. Striped Fantaisse, with plain, to match Silk
and Wool Henriettas, and the newest and most elegant designs in com
bination suitings ever shown.
5,000 yards Elegant Chambrays at 5jc, worth i2jc
3,000 yards, 36-inch, Percale at 8c, worth i2c
2,500 yards Genuine Indigo Blue Prints at 52c, worth 12c
5,000 yards Sateens, French designs, at 10c, worth 15c
Unlaundried Shirts at 79c, worth $1.
An elegant assortment of Gents' Scarfs,
one day in fair weather, this was humble
compensation indeed. He awakened me
before dawn, as the tide would shortly be
going out, and after a hasty breakfast of
"bannocK-cake,'K eggg and' milk-posset, I
came to the waterside to find my man wait
ing for me in an affair that could hardly be
described as a diminutive wagon hay-rack,
but certainly had no right to the appella
tion of a boat.
"Are we going in this?" I inquired pro
testingly. "Arrahan" we are that, me sundown."
"But, by all the saints, we'll drown."
"Its by thim same" and here he crossed
himself reverently "we'll not Faith an'
'twas the brave currash that carried safe
ivery wan o their blissed selves, God give
them power!"
The curragh as it is, and was, resembles
in form a diminutive square-end scow, with
perpendicular sides, and long angles from
its ends to the square bottom. Some are
made with square sterns and raised square
prows. Others again are similar in shape
to the pecan nut shell, cut in halves length
wise. But they are all made with light
oiseror bent wood frames, covered with
tarred canvas. "While their carrying ca
pacity is usually from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds,
they are still so light that any western
coast boatman will readily pick one up,
with all of its belongings, and carry it away
upon his head.
The ancient curragh,,or coracle was pre
cisely the countepart of the curragh of these
waters to-day, save that it was covered with
rawhides. All coastwise testimony has it
that wonderful feats of seamenship and dar
ing are performed in these curraghs; that
the most savage seas are braved in them,
and that the little craft skim the most dan
gerous serfs like birds ot the air; but I
know nothing of this of my own experience,
for our passage was as calm as upon a land
locked lake in June.
The faint outlines of the Arran Islands
soon came in view. The sunlight from the
east playing upon their misty clouds formed
a strange mirage above. This continued
along the sea's horizon to the north, with
diminishing but magical distinctness. The
splendid scene drew from me an expression
of enthusiastic surprise; and this led to
some interesting revelations of belief which
I find is shared in varying degree and form,
by all the waterside folk of the Irish west
ern coast.
"Yet may well sav there's more nor three
islands (the actual number of the Arran
group). More's like they be 300 1"
"Three hundied? And where are they?"
"Where ?" This with lofty disdain.
""Where! Beyant, there" with a com
prehensive gesture towards the western hori
zon "to be sure." Then, as if to give op
portunity for penitential introspection upon
iny surprising American ienorance, he re
lapsed into a stern and wrinkly-faced
silence. Finally he continued.
"Sure aany one knows thim islands."
""What are they called?" I ventured tim
orously. "Called, is it? An' for phat an' for
"Have they no names? how do you speak
of them among yourselves?"
"Anything's aisy among oursel's."
"But their names? "Now you've a name."
"I have that, bliss God! Conn Leahy,
sor. Sorra a man would be, lackin' that
"But, come now, how would you speak of
these islands, Conn?"
"Wid respect, sor!"
"Thank you, Conn."
I put my notebook away gently, and
gazed at the wondrous mirage, where lay
these isles of Irish superstition. Then there
came a long wrancle, in Celtic, between the
boatman andhis shock-headed lad assistant,
in which I heard the words I wanted. Then
a long silence; and finally a little rest in
Conn's rowing.
all colors, Spring styles, at 19c J
""Wor it their namin' yez wor axin'?" he
innocently inquired.
"Yes, Conn?'
"Well, now, railly! Faith, an' why
didn't yez be axin that to wonct!"
"Have you the names now, Conn?"
"Xow, is it? now? Arrah, an'theshamer
ye are. Wor'nt me touge blistherin' for
ans'ering yez. Thim islands, sor, 'a 'High
Brazzle' (Hy Brassil) an Tir-na-n'oge.
'High Brazzle' 'a bigger nor ould Ireland.
'Twor a floatin' hevin, sor. Ho rint-day
there, an' faith, no landlord an' cousthabu
lary, bad luck to the 'black-mouths!'
Mountains an strames, praties in piles,
poteen an' possets, an' no thanks to aanv
man. Worn't 'Jack the hake there?
Worn't Jeemy, the bocoueh, there? Worn't
ould Mullaly av Black Head there? By the
five crasses (crosses), it's no lie I'm tellin'
yez. But," and this as if somewhat apolo
getically, "I'm thinkin' it's mostly shin
gauns (of, or related to, the fairies) as sets
eyes on 'High Brazzle'!" ,
"And Tir-na-n'oge, Conn?"
"Faith, an' that's the great island en
tirely. Did I see it, though? Heugh!
Many an' many a time over wd my own
two eyes from Slyne Head yon. Te'U
make out slatherin's of castles an' the like,
an' gratrls an' girshas (children and girls)
caperin. an' gostberin (gossiping) innocent
as as Mike; there, the young divil! For,
dy'e mind, the Tir-na-n'oge's the charmed
land sheery (eternally). Sorra the day ould
Ireland, God save her! 's not in it."
"Do all West of Ireland people believi; in
these things. Conn?"
"Divil doubt it They're thrue, sor."
"And of course many of you people have
been to these wonderful islands?"
"I'll go bail to that same."
"How do they get back, Conn?"
"Git back? Git back, is it?" For a mo
ment the man seemed dazed a little. But
we were nearing the bleak pier at Killaney.
More than a hundred God-forsaken Arran
Islanders stood listlessly watching our ap
proach. Conn was in the presence-of an au
dience and a deleinma. Who ever knew an
Irishman's powers forsake him then? Giv
ing the old curragh a few leaps in the water
that took us swiftly alongside the pier, Conn
closed the journey and the argument with:
"Ef ye'll show me aany man, Irish born,
widout sinse to find ould Ireland from aanv
place, bar'in' purghatory, I'll set yez dry
tutted from me curragh on American sile.
Ans'er me that, me sundown!"
Benntlful Engraving Free.
"Will -They Consent?" is a magnifi
cent engraving, 19x24 inches. It is an
exact copy of an original painting by Kwall,
which was sold for $5,000.
This elegant engraving represents a young
lady standing in a beautiful room, sur
rounded by all that is luxurious, near a
half-open door, while the young man, her
lover, is seen in an adjoining room asking
the consent of her parents for their daughter
in marriage. It must be seen to be appre
ciated. This costly engraving will be given awav
free, to every person purchasing a small
box of Wax Starch.
This &tarch is something entirely new.and
is without a doubt the greatest -starch in
vention of the nineteenth century (at least
everybody says so that has used it). It
supersedes everything heretofore used or
known to science in the laundry art Un
like any other starch, as it is made with
pure white wax. It is the first and only
starch in the world that makes ironing
easy and restores old summer dresses and
skirts to their natural whiteness, and im
parts to linen a beautiful and lasting finish
as when new.
Try it and be convinced of the whole
Ask for Wax Starch and obtain this
engraving free.
The Wax Starch Co.,
Keokuk, Iowa.
Tuesday and Wednesday, March
Our mammoth new additions are now complete. The alterations and changes attendafil thereto are now consummated
and we have designated Tuesday and Wednesday, March 12 and 13, as the days for our
Residents and visitors to our city will find the doors of this great establishment wide open to receive them,, and the pro
prietors and their army of ' e?7iployes ready to greet them with a
the many aisles of this vast establishment, display to their wondering eyes- the largest, best bought, best selected and best as
sorted stocks they ever beheld. Drygoods, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Ladies'
Muslin Underwear, Mais Furnishings, Notions, Housekeeping and House Furnishing Goods, Glass, Silverware, Crockery,
in fact everything for use or wear is here collected, forming the Grand Distributing Depot for this city.
And no matter what inducements you see offered examine our stock and prices before you make any purchases.
If in the rusk you become thirsty step in the basement and get sample of our delicious coffee, giv erf gratuitously, and
made in the celebrated "Good Morning" Coffee Pot, of granite iron and pearl agate decorated.
The prices named will be for Monday and Tuesday and for those days only. ,
iV. B. Our Stores will be open Tuesday and Wednesday evenings only (Opening Days) ttntil p P. M.
Breen Eegrets the Decadence of
Republican Simplicity at
Eiddlefcerger's Successor a Great Orator
and Story Teller.
K the palace of the Luxem
bourg, in Paris, may be seen
a painting of such greatness
of conception and execution
and so startling and sug
gestive a moral as to make
it a matter of regret that the
whole civilized world could
not at one time or another be
brought to gaze upon and consider it. The
picture is called "The Decadence of Borne."
It represents a Boman carnival a "feast
and flow," participated in by the noble
class of Boman and men and woman under
the Caesars. Thecentralandabsorbingfigure,
more terrible in her youth and wondrous
beauty than any monstrous human copy
could be, is a woman about whom there is
nothing womanly, the soul oi .whom is
burned out by passion, who reels and
sways as she raises the spilled wine to her
If there was not about her other men and
women debased as she by long indulgence
in sensous pleasures, she alone wonld ex
press the decadence of a people and of a
period that could be responsible for such an
orgie. At the right of the picture two ot
the revelers, a man and woman are press
ing wine to the lips of a marble Casar, who
looks down upon them with a gaze of a
stern, condemning Stoic. .
The painting is suggestive in that it is
faithful to the written history of Boman de
cadence, and thatit pictures to themind asno
written history could possibly do, the con
dition of the society of a State or nation
given up almost wholly to the worship of
money of shoddy and sham and
who have lost the Bepublican simplicity
of the elder day, I am not
drawing on .my imagination, but writing
with parsimonious moderation of what "the
eve hath seen," and what is known to'
thousands, when I say that certain features
of the inauguration ball on Monday night,
if reproduced in one of the panels of the
Capitol, would not only indicate a startling de
parture from the republican simplicity ot the
"Old Oaken Bucket" period of our history,
but would viyidly recall sundry "Belshaz
zar" features that prevailed in the gorgeous
money-worshining days in Borne tnat pre
ceded the "Decline and Fall." The ball
was the "sassiety" event of the inaugura
tion, and the big dull red Pension building
was filled to suffocation.
"There was a sound .of revelry by nijht,"
and the sounds were prolonged far into the
auroral hours. The Presidental and Vice
Presidental parties, and Cabinet, and Con
gressmen, and political "what not," were
there to add splendor to a scene that most
people do not witness once in a life
time. It is very doubtful whether such a
modest, unassuming gentleman as President
Harrison, who has never yet worn a frock-
coat, wonld much enjoy such a swallow
tailed gathering, and even the stately Levi,
leader of society, millionaire and "all that,"
j r"v f
STTN"X AY, MAR0H" -4lp
seemed to look on the mixed and moving
throng in a disdainful sort of way.
As a splendid spectacular display of dia
monds and bullion, of fashion and frivolity,
of titles and gold lace, and high life a'nd
flotsam," it was, of course, a bewildering
success, which the chroniclers of th day
have not failed, to itemize ad nauseam
errors and omissions," as the bookkeepers
jay, "excepted." There was certain to be
'all sorts in a gathering where a $5-ticket
entitled the holder to all privileges except
lunch, There was a swaying sea of painted
and powdered faces of pinchback and of
nickle-platepeople inseparable perhaps from
such a throng, budding maidens in gorgpous
array, big, fat old "dowagers," stoop-should-,ered
with diamonds, who seemed to say with
all the emphasis of a certified check: "We
have the stuff."
These features might be found in a less
degree even at "Lanigan's Ball." But it is
to yet other and blush-raising features
of this gorgeous gathering of beauty and
fashion at an inauguration ball on the
threshold of the second Centennial of a Re
public founded by such staid, old-fashioned
sticklers for the proprieties, social and other
wise, that 1 might more particularly re
fer, if the details of the topic were Buch as
cannot profitably be discussed in a circum
spect paper.
One of the most notable "inaugurations"
during the inauguration period was that of
ucuitiurxiarDour, oi Virginia, xn auimy ana
experience he stands in marked contrast
with his unfortunate predecessor, Biddle
berger, and during the Confederate days
he was a glowing light in the coterie that
stood by Jeff Davis in the darkest of the
dark and bloody davs of the Rebellion. He
is now thoroughly Reconstructed, and will
undoubtedly make his mark in the Senate.
'His colleague, Senator Daniels, who is a
wit as well as a great orator, tells an
amusing story of Barbour's campaigning in
the ante-bellum days. It appears that after
enjoying the highest honors in his State
and deciding to retire to private life,
he was prevailed upon to, be a can
didate for a petty local office. The opposi
tion trotted out against him an illiterate,
rough-and-tumble politician named Billy
Maples. In accordance with the rnles of
conducting a political campaign in those
days, Barbour had to take the stump with
Maples, but Maples could always Tanauish
him in abusive harangue. The final speech
of the campaign by Maples was abusive be
yond all precedent. Barbour was not a little
nettled, and determined to squelch his oppo
nent, which he did in these words:
Fellow Citizens: When I was a young
man, now nearly 40 years ago, your grandfath
ers sent me as their representative for four
terms to the House of Delegates, and I was
chosen Speaker of that body. At a subsequent
period I was elected twice Governor of Vir
ginia. Afterward 1 represented this renowned
Commonwealth in the United States Senate,
where I was the confidant and perhaps 1 may
say the peer of King, GuiUaid, Pinkney and
Van Buren. John Qnincy Adams conferred
on me a place in his Cabinet, and
for three years 1 shared his counsels
with Clay, West and McLean. I was
then appointed Envoy Extraordinary to the
Court of St. James, when it became my duty to
conduct negotiations with the conqueror of
Napoleon. Judge, then, fellow citizens, oi the
ineffable disgust I feel after such a career and
in my declining years at finding myself to-"
aay engaged in a low, pituui, county contest
with such ad disagreeable little cuss as
Billy Maples.
It is hardly necessary to say that Maples
got left Barbour is to-day lithe as an In
dian, gray and grizzled after the combats of
a half century, not mourning for the "Lost
Cause," but he still speaks of Virginia as
"my State" as emphatically as he did when
the Confederate cannon boomed on Sum
On Sunday night before the inauguration
I sat in the House and Senate galleries for a
cordial and hearty welcome
- ?
few hours, as the flickering lights of, the
Fiftieth Congress were burning low. The
rush of bills and the "confusion of tongues"
were simply awful, and no one could 1ail to
realize that there is altogether too much
"talkee, talkee" in both Houses, and as the
rush and chatter gathered volume towarg)
the close, I almost wished that there were
more silent Senators like Cameron and
more silent, patient workers like Errett.
The members seem to think with Senator
Sumner that the whole business'of life is to
talk. In this world there is nothing great
but speech- They look on government as a
debating clubf and on life as a long argu
ment. The greatest thine? the English Par
liament has given the world is the system of
parliamentary law that guarantees "peren
nial talk. No wonder the-public is tired of
the Congressional Jiecord. Ho wonaer
Congressional oratory acts as an opiate on
the galleries, save on a grand occasion
when people come to see and be seen.
The simple measured words of Edmunds
as he, with hands clasped, rises to present
a motion, are in strange contrast with the
elaborate "gab"; in the lower House, which
in linked dullness long drawn out recalls
Thomas Bailey Aldrich's portrait of the
The spare professor, grave and bald.
Began his paper. It was called, '
I think, "A Brief Historic Glance
At Russia, Germany and Frarice."
A glance, but to my best belief
"I'm as almost anything but brief.
A wiJp survey in which the earth
Was seen before mankind had birth.
Strange monsters basked there in the sun
Behemoth, armored, glyplodon.
And in the dawn's impractical ray
The transient dado winged its way;
Then by degrees through slit and slough
We reached Berlin 1 don't know how.
And so it is. The country demands gab,
and ye Bepresentatives respond to the de
Any sketch of the inauguration scenes
would now be a week "after the fair," but
at least one of the big signs on Pennsylvania
avenue during the big parade made more
than a ripple on the surface, and cansed no
end ot comment among the spectators and
marchers, but I have failed to see any refer
ence to it in print. It is not news to say
that Blaine is a prime favorite in Washing
ton, but one of the most significant among,
the many moist inscriptions along the ave
nue was this, from Perry Corson's House:
This slop-over would satisfy even such a
snarling old hero worshiperas Carlyle; but,
on the other hand, it may not be fair to hold
Blaine responsible for all his fool friends.
The President's inaugural pleased or
seemed to please most people, except the
professional fault-finders. What he might
say abont the tariff, civil service and for
eign relations could have been anticipated
from the tenor of his Senatorial record, but I
was amused and surprised to find a modest
plea for temperance in such a document; and
while it is in perfect harmony with Har
rison's 'practice and profession, it seemed
queer enough as a public utterance when it is
remembered that the National Convention
which nominated Harrison drank 500 car
loads of nose-paint from Milwaukee every
day the convention sat.
James W. Breen.
Boss Township, March 9, 1889.
Ethel said "Mv new beau 'tis
Sent this perfume that I wear
Atkinson's sweet Stepbahotis,
Of all scents most pure and rare."
Dabbs' portraits n pastel and crayon are
not excelled anywhere.
12 and 13.
and in guiding him through
Her Representation of Fedora it Nice De
scribed in the Herald's For
eign News. .
The following appeared in the New York
Herald of February 23:
"Nice, February 22. 18S9. Sarah Bernhardt
has opened a series of performances to-night at
the Nice Municipal Casino. She is play
ing "Fedora" to crowded houses, every
seat being taken, notwithstanding the fact that
the ordinary prices bave been quadrupled. The
audience is highly fashionable. Just in front
of me in the orchestra stalls was the aged fath
er of Victorien Sardou, following adoringly
every, detail of his son's grand work.
"Sarah's magnificent dresses were the admi
ration of everybody. Her powerful represen
tation of Fedora and her display of tragic feel
ing were fully acknowledged by the audience.
She was well supDorted by Pierre Berton as
Loris Ipanoff, and a very strong cast."
Madame Bernhardt has set the fashion on
more articles than any other one woman of her
day. She introduced the, following articles,
which have all been immenselv popular: The
32-button glove, the empire dress, directoire
sash, and the revival of the lone boa, dear to
the hearts of our grandmothers. She has set the
fashion for Theodora hairpins and Tosca bats,
and has, in fact, wielded an influence over the
world of dress beyond that exercised by any
other woman since the days of the Empress
Eugenie, and while she did not introduce those
mentioned in the following letter, yet she has
used them constantly and expresses her opin
ion of them in forcible terms:
'he Hoffman House, April 27, 18S7.
Dear Madam The Recaniier Preparations
are the perfection of toilet articles. Please
send roe withont fail to-moirow tw.o dozen as
sorted for immediate use.
Sarah Bernhardt.
Among the thousands of letters which Mrs.
Ayer has received from ladies who are using
tho Recamier Preparations, perhaps the most
exquisitely dainty one is from Madame Bern
hardt. Mrs. Ayer will be pleased to show it to
an v lady calling at her office, 52 Park place.
French women above all others are said to be
more dainty about their persons, and take
greater care of the charms that nature gives
them than any other women. That the divine
Sarah should have ued the Recamier Prepara
tions proves her good judgment, and shonfd re
mind all women that the most charming leature
is the complexion, that beautiful faces and
hands are above price and can only be secured or
maintained by the use of Harriet HuDbard
AVer's Recamier Preparations; that the woman
whose face is covered with pimples, red spots,
moth patches, blackheads, etc., is a repulsive
object to men as well as to ber fellow women.
These can all be removed and the complexion
preserved in yonthful beauty to old age by
using Recamier Cream according to directions.
Recamier Powder can be used in connection
with it. It is the finest powder made and will
not make the face shine and will not
mb off. Of the 'Recamier Soap, Madame
Fatti wrote Mrs. Ayer: "Recamier Soap Is
perfect. I thought other soaps good, but I had
never tried the Recamier. I shall never use
any other. It far surpasses alt toilet soaps."
If your druggist or drygoods dealer does not
have the Recamier Preparations and Vita
Nuova refuse substitutes and have him order i
Si liisriiiBL
5,000 yards Handsomely Figured,
Real India Silks at 39c, worth 75c.
5,000 yards All-Silk Surahs, new
spring shades, 21 inches wide, 69c,
worth $1 15.
3,000 yards Real Shanghai Silk, 28
inches wide, at 59c, worth $1.
3,000 yards Black French Gros
Grain at 40c, worth 75c.
2,500 yards Changeable Moire
Silks, beautiful shadings, 21 inches
wide, at 39c, worth 75c.
250 pieces Plush, new spring color
ing, also Black at 39c.
1,000 yards Velvettas, in black and
colors, at 24c.
50 Pongee Dress Patterns, elegant
fabrics, 20 yards each, for $4 78.
Anton Guinet Silks.
Bonnet and Regattas,
Faille Francaise, etc
Our Fanpy Silks are the hand
somest ever brought to this market
and include all the latest Paris and
Berlin novelties.
Beaded, -all our Silk. Grenadine
Wraps, Lace Sleeves, at $2 74.
Jerseys, Black only, at 99c.
An. elegant line of Blouses in Blue,
Cream', etc., at $1 79.
French Woven Bone Corsets for
56c, worth 75c
50 different styles' Ladies' lawn
Aprons to select from at 24c.
Children's Cross Bar Gretchen
Aprons, handsomely trimmed at
39c each.
Persian Bands, all colors at 21c,
worth 35c
themforyou. If hewiUnotdothistirderthea
yonrseir, and 11 yoo mention this paper-they
will be sent to you free or express charges.
Always address the Recamier Mfg. Co 62 and
51 Park place. New York City. Prices: Reca
mier Cream. Balm and Freckle Lotion. SI 50
each: Powder, large boxes. JljJialf boxes, 60
cents: Recamier Soap, scented. 60 cents: un
' scented, 25 cents; Recamier Sarsaparilla, O;
Vita N nova Tonic. II: Vita Nnova Confections.
SO cents; VitaNuova LiverPilK 25 cents. Send,
monev by postal order or registered letter.
Send for a froo sample of the Eecamler ToileS
Powder, . L
The Work ot Some of New York's Cbarlta
ble Institutions.
Sr. George's Chapel.
OruRrn of the Reformation,
130 Stanton street, .New xorK.
lira. Harriet H, Ayer:
Dear Madame For some months I have)
been using your "Vita Nuova" among Our poor
and sick with excellent results, but buying at
retail makes It rather expensive for charity'
work, although we never buvless than one-balC
dozen bottles at a time. Will you snpply this
Mission Chapel direct from your manufactory
at wholesale rates for such small purchases as
a dozen bottles at an orderT Yours truly,
C. SCADDING, Minister in Charge.
December 11, 1&J8.
New York. August 18. 1SS8.
Dear MR3. Ayer Having tried your Vita
Nuova with perfect satisfaction, we cheerfully
recommend its use to all person suffering from,
the ills mentioned in yonr Danger Signals.
Wishing you God's blessings,
Yonrs ever gratefully.
Little Sisters or the Poor.
St. George's Memorial House.
207 East Sixteenth Street,
New York. December ZL 1S83L
Mrs. Harriet Hnbbard Aver:
Dear Madame The Rev. Dr. Rainsfora
has desired me to write and ask you a favor.
Last year you most generously donated a large
quantity of Vita Nuova fortneparish poor. It
has been carefully dispensed and has proved
most beneficial to many.
The last bottle was given a few days ago,
and the favor I am desired to ask is: Would,
you again kindly remember the sick poor by
contributing for their use some more of your
excellent tonic?
With sincere thanks for the benefit you haVa
conferred by your gift, Iremiin. dearmadarae,
yonrs truly, J. E. FORNERET.
Vita Nuova is the best remedy for dyspepsia,
nervousness, sleeplessness and overwork. It
will assist the weak stomach, it will resttha
weary brain, it will "brace up" the shattered
nerves. As it is made from the prescription of
a famous physician, you are not taking a quack
medicine. As it is made by an honest manu
facturer, yon are sure of pure ingredients. As
it is used and indorsed by men and women you,
all know and respect, you are not using an un
known or untried remedy: only be careful to
get the genuine; ref use substitutes.
A Reliable Sarsaparilla What the Hon.
Daniel E. Dowling, President of New
York Hoard of Aldermen of 1SSS, Says.
Goodhealthcanoniy.be obtained through
pure blood; pure blood through healthy liver '
and kidneys. We all take somo kind of Sarsa
parilla, and so far there is none to equal tha
famous Recamier Sarsaparilla. made by Har
riet Hubbard Ayer. The Hon. Daniel E.
Dowling, President ot the Board of Aldermen,
New York, gives his opinion of it in the follow,
lng letter:
New York, January 7, 1889.
Mrs. Harriet Hnbbard Ayer:
Dear Madam Having tried yonr Recamier
Sarsaparilla as a remedy for an annoying dis
order of the liver with eminently satisfactory
and immediate results, I take great pleasure in
recommending it as a perfect family medi
cine. I also fonnd it to be a wonderful tonio
and appetizer. Every household should keep
a bottle of it on hand. I have not felt so well
in years as I dn now, after taking only one bot
tie of it. Yours, verv repectf nil v,
President Board of Aldermen, 18S8.
If yourdrnggist does not have Recamier
Sarsaparilla refnse all other kinds, and send
one dollar to The Recamier MTg Co., 5a
Pafk place. New York, and a bottle will
be sent yon free of express charges. TJn
Iike other Sarsapanllas, it will not force out
an ernption on the skin, it will not deplete tha
blood, but enriches it while it purifies it.
The largest, best selected and
cheapest House Furnishing Depart
ment in the State. Every house
keeper, hotel keeper and restaura
teur should visit us at once. We
append a few of the many bargains:
500 Handsomely Decorated China
Cuspidors at 26c.
Lemomade set complete, Pitcher,
Six Tumblers and Tray, for 59c
300 Egg Beaters at 10c, worth 18c.
Polished Tin Dishpan, 14 quart, for
23c, worth 35'c.
Child's Embossed Mug at 5c, worth
Round Silverine Tea Trays 6c,
worth ioc.
Silverine Crumb Pans and Brush
for 19c, worth 30c.
Tea Set, 56 pieces, handsomely dec-
orated, Barnsley pattern, at 3 99,
worth double.
Full size, well made, Cocoa Brush
Mat at 69c, worth $1 25.
Clothes Pins, best quality, 8c per
hundred, worth 12c.
China Cup and Saucer ioc, assorted
Solid back Scrub Brush, first qual
ity, -8c
Agate and Granite Ware,
Don't miss the demonstrations of
the "Good Morning" Coffee Pot
(coffee made in one minute) and of
the Crown Meat Chopper, both in
full operation in House Furnishing
Children's Embroidered Caps, with
bow, at 29c, worth 50c
fc, Etc;
Misses' 4-Button Kid Gloves, all,
new snaaes, ac 49c, worm 75c. : " -
Electric Fast Black Hose, the best' '
in the world, for this time only,
25c per pair. fe
Ladies Swiss Ribbed Vess at 14c iH
each. itS
trrso tri r tri r- j
vJVJt3, ?-3V, CJ-3T2i
EiTisr jvjiruEk .1 ;,
.' t j
3STOS. 42, 44, 46, 48, 50,